#Harry James Potter x wolfstar!daughter
myjealouseyes · 2 months
Request from 🦄 anon: Harry and Wolfstar!daughter share a tender moment together after the Battle of Hogwarts is finally over
A/N — from Harry’s pov because that seems fitting. No dialogue. Just vibes.
Send request here.
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Harry doesn’t waste any time whisking you away after everything’s calmed down. Your childhood treehouse is perfect spot, he figures. Far enough away for privacy and close enough to home so your parents don’t worry. Though if he’s honest, he can’t find it in himself to worry what anyone else feels or thinks right now. All that matters is that you’re close to him. That he can see you, hear you, and feel you. You, you, you.
His finger traces from the top of your brown to the plump of your bottom lip. All the sweat, tears, and bloodstains of the day have been washed from you with one long, hot shower he wishes he could have kept you company for. Despite how clean and calm you seem, he knows the dust hasn’t quite settled for you yet. It hasn’t for him either.
You scoot closer to him, and he welcomes you closer to his body as the wrestling of the wind moves the tree branches, letting them graze along the wood of the treehouse. He can’t bring himself to look away from you for even a second, afraid you might disappear if he does. You thumb caresses his cheek as you place a small kiss to his lips. But after the day, week, life you’ve had? It’s never a single kiss anymore. Your hands tangle in his hair and his find your waist. Words will have to come later. Discussing next steps within the wizarding world would have to come later. Right now he only wanted you close. Skin-on-skin until he felt like everything was fine again.
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moonbread123-wattpad · 3 months
Y/n: I'm a badass feminist who doesn't need a man. Y/n: *steals Harry's hoodies* Y/n: *needs help opening bottles* Y/n: *needs constant attention*
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Harry: I survived Voldemort as a baby, I'm the definition of independent. Harry: *needs cuddles to sleep* Harry: *constantly jealous of Y/n's plushies* Harry: *needs to be reminded that Y/n will not leave her for that really hot dickhead down the street*
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imthesilentwriter · 16 days
Of Crushes and Comfort
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Harry Potter x Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader
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Summary: You talk to Lily about something very, very personal – your feelings. More specifically, the feelings that you may or may not have towards her son.
Warnings: none, just fluff and comfort. (Let me know if there is more that I have forgotten)
Authors Note: To be honest, this isn’t very good. I suck at dialogue, and I didn’t really know what to write. However, this idea just got stuck in my head, and it’s kind of inspired by this drabble written by @myjealouseyes. In saying this, I hope you enjoy this little oneshot.
Word Count: 1147
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“Can I ask you something?”
Those were the first words that tumbled out of your mouth this morning. It was early, the sun barely risen, casting long shadows across the kitchen. But here you were, sitting at the kitchen table while Lily gently sat across from you, her attention fully on you. The room was quiet, except for the faint chirping of birds outside and the sound of water boiling for tea.
Your fingers rhythmically tapped against the teacup you were holding — your leg bouncing up and down anxiously. Lily could tell, she always could, when something was worrying you. At first, she might have chalked it up to the fact that it was just after a full moon. You always worry about your father, Remus, during the nights you spend at the Potters', and of course, the morning after. But she could see it wasn’t that.
“Of course, dear,” her kind, yet tired eyes oozed love, “what seems to be troubling you?”
That’s the thing, though. You didn’t know whether or not you could tell her what was troubling you. You shifted slightly in your seat, looking anywhere other than her green eyes, which unfortunately reminded you of what was troubling you.
Your gaze drifted outside towards the trees. Somewhere within them was the old treehouse you and Harry had begged for when you were around four. James and Sirius, of course, couldn't deny such a request. Lily had once teased them that you and Harry had them wrapped around your little fingers. Naturally, they denied it, but everyone knew it was true.
“You know,” Lily softly said, her voice grazing your ears, drawing your attention back to her. “You don’t have to tell me anything,” she said gently, “but you and I both know what it’s about.”
You blushed slightly at her words. A gentle smile graced her lips as she brought her tea to her mouth, her eyes conveying everything. She knew. But how could she know?
Your expression must have given you away, because she chuckled sincerely. That was another thing that reminded you of… him. He had inherited her chuckle — that warm, comforting sound, with just a hint of teasing.
“I see the way you look at him,” she continued, setting her tea down. “I can see it in your eyes.” Her smile widened as she studied you, her gaze both soft and knowing.
The fidgeting that had overtaken you ceased, but your cheeks heated up more violently. It felt like you had just been caught stealing from the cookie jar, sitting there under her non-judgmental gaze. Despite yourself, you relaxed slightly at the thought.
A weak breath escaped your lips, and the tension in your shoulders dropped. You turned your eyes back to Lily. “How did you know?” The question slipped out before you could stop it.
She let out a breathless chuckle at the question — not judging, just amused. “A mother’s intuition, I suppose.”
You nodded cautiously, the two of you falling back into silence. Your gaze returned outside, to stare at the trees. After a while, you broke the quiet with another question. “Do you think my fathers' know?”
Now, that really got a laugh out of her. She met your eyes with a playful look. “What do you think?” she teased, and soon you were both laughing, the sound lightening the air between you.
But as the laughter faded, the anxiety crawled back up your spine, making you shift in your chair again. Lily seemed to notice and shifted her own seat closer. “Boys can be oblivious,” she started, “but you don’t have anything to worry about. I highly doubt your fathers would figure out what I figured out.”
You nodded at her words. It was true; you doubted your fathers would figure anything out — especially your father, Sirius, who could be painfully oblivious. Then again, could he be that oblivious?
“Do you think…” you began, stopping momentarily to choose your words carefully, “do you think that… that maybe…”
“…that maybe Harry has figured out you like him?” she finished for you. You froze, taken aback. You hadn’t expected her to say that. Stunned, you just nodded.
Lily sighed briefly before regaining herself. She shook her head, “No, not yet, but…” she trailed off, giving you a knowing look. You looked away after that, a wave of heat rushing to your cheeks. Silence embraced you both, as you sat lost in your own thoughts.
“I just don’t know if what I’m feeling is how you’re meant to feel, you know?” you confessed, catching her off guard for a moment before she composed herself again. “What do you mean?” she questioned in return.
You sighed heavily, gathering your thoughts. “It’s just… I don’t understand how you can tell if you like someone,” you admitted. Then, a thought struck you. “How did you know you had feelings for James?”
She pondered for a moment, her eyes growing distant with memory. “Well, I remember feeling this weird fluttering sensation in my stomach whenever I looked at him.” She paused, smiling. “At first, I honestly thought I was starting to get sick,” she added with a laugh, and you giggled in response. "And then there was the nervous feeling I’d get when he was around."
You nodded, understanding that feeling all too well. "And I thought to myself, ‘Why are you nervous, Lily? He's the biggest jerk you've ever met.’” You laughed harder at that, and her smile deepened. "And every time our hands slightly brushed, it felt like my heart was going to explode or try to run out of my chest."
She paused again, looking at you with warmth. “And that’s when I realized, I had feelings for him.”
You breathed in, nodding, trying to absorb her words. Smiling, you realized you felt those same things about Harry. Whenever he talked to you, hugged you, or made you laugh — those nervous feelings always came rushing in.
Lily noticed your thoughtful expression and reached across the table, placing her hand over yours. Her touch was gentle, comforting. "Listen," she said softly, "why don't we take a walk later? Clear our heads a bit? It's beautiful outside, and I think some fresh air would do us both some good."
You blinked, surprised but grateful for the offer. "I'd like that," you admitted, feeling a little lighter already at the thought.
She smiled, standing up to pour more tea into her cup. "And remember," she added over her shoulder, "whatever happens, you have people who love you — no matter what."
A small smile tugged at your lips. “Thanks, Lily,” you said quietly.
Lily nodded, returning to her seat. “Anytime, dear. Anytime.”
Your gaze drifted once more to the trees outside. Even if you hadn’t talked about everything, you felt a weight lift off your chest. For now, there was calm. Until next time.
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ecstarry · 28 days
something got into me i think i will post the first chapter of dear sirius today so here's a small snippet for you:
James looked significantly more put-together than Regulus, which was uncommon. But Regulus had finally had a good night's sleep, and it was evident in his "I just woke up" appearance.
"Hi." James’ voice carried a constant undercurrent of worry. Regulus found himself missing the warmth it used to have. He knew that every time James looked at him, all he saw was Sirius. James never said it, but Regulus recognized that look too well. Throughout his life, few people looked at him and saw anything more than Sirius’ little brother. He could never fault James for seeing the same.
Lyra ran to hug James, barely tall enough to wrap her arms around his waist.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Regulus said. 
“My parents missed her terribly,” James said, pausing to lift Lyra up and carry her on his hip. “You don’t want any help today?” He said with caring eyes. Regulus thought back to the first time he had seen James. Even back then, Regulus had instantly understood why Sirius was so drawn to James. There was something about the way James looked at you, like you were something worth seeing, someone worthy of being known.
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folklvrsworld · 9 months
a christmas reunion ♤
pairing: ex!harry james potter x wolfstar daughter!reader warnings: mentions of alcohol, slight cursing, weirdo cormac summary: reader gets invited to a christmas party reunion of hogwarts students by pansy parkinson, she didn't expect to find and rekindle with an old flame song: a nonsense christmas - sabrina carpenter
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Storage, check. Keys, check. Personal belongings, check. The only thing left was turning off the lights and then the bookshop would be officially closed for the holiday. I took a quick scan around the place to make sure I didn't forget anything, then my eyes landed on the letter on top of the register counter.
Ah, right. The invitation.
I sighed and walked towards the counter to grab the letter. I looked at the neat and all too familiar handwriting addressing the letter to my bookshop. Opening it again for the second time that day, I was met with the same message.
Dear, Y/N.
Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas time,  if you're not too busy tomorrow, I'm hosting a Christmas party down at the club.
It's reserved for Hogwarts students era '91 only, with some exceptions.
Would be happy if you could join, party starts at eight, ends whenever it ends.
Hoping to see you there!!
PS. the dresscode is everything and anything Christmas
From, Pansy Parkinson.
I knew that I wasn't going to go. After graduating from Hogwarts and opening my own bookshop, I haven't really spoken to any of my Hogwarts friends. With the exception of Pansy and Hermione (who sometimes come in to my bookshop). I have even lost contact with him.
Shoving the letter to my bag, I turned off the lights and walked out of the shop, before locking the door with the shop key. Snow immediately fell down and rested itself onto my hair, I walked to my car and drove home to my apartment in London.
I intended to relax and enjoy this Christmas eve by having some hot chocolate and watching classic Christmas movies in bed. Mid way through my movie and hot cocoa, my phone rang. When I saw the caller ID, I picked it up.
"Hey, Y/N! Happy Christmas eve!" a familiar cheery voice from the other line called out, "Did you get my invitation?"
I chuckled, "Yes, Pansy. I got your invitation personally delivered by an owl coming into my shop this morning."
"Great, you're coming, right?"
"Uhmmm...." I paused the movie while waiting for her reaction.
"Oh, come on! Don't be such a Grinch."
I scoffed, "Excuse me? I am not anywhere near a Grinch, Pansy Parkinson. I am a very festive person."
"Then come to my party tomorrow! Wouldn't it be fun to have a little Hogwarts Christmas reunion?"
I sighed, "I don't know, Pans. It's been such a long time since we all saw each other. I'm 23 damn years old now, it's been quite some time."
"Woman! That's exactly why I'm hosting this reunion party—Merlin's beard, you never changed." she gave a chuckle.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I laughed.
She sighed, "Look, just give it some thought. Okay? You don't have to socialize if you don't want to, you can hangout with me."
"Mhm..." I say unconvinced, "Fine, I'll think about it. But I made no promises, alright?"
I can practically hear her smiling through the phone, "Okay, great! I'm counting on it. Anyway, have a great Christmas eve, bye!"
"You too, Pans." I hang up the phone and continued my movie without having any second thought about the party.
But as I tried to sleep that night, thoughts about the party went over my head. Should I go or should I not? Will I regret it after if I didn't go? I decided to sleep it off and make up my mind on Christmas morning.
The next day, I got up earlier to get into the Christmas spirit. I put on some music while I make myself some special breakfast, and when the doorbell rang, I open it to find a delivery man handing me a wrapped present. It was from my dads. The famously known Lupin-Black couple.
I quickly read the christmas card, tearing up at what my papa wrote and silently laughing at what my dad wrote. I really miss them, but I am coming back home for the new years. I put the card aside and opened the box to reveal a pair of beautiful snowflake dangly earrings.
They were absolutely beautiful, I love how they always know what to pick for me. I store them inside my jewelry box and made a mental note to thank them later. After I finished my breakfast and did all of my morning routine, a notification came from the online daily prophet.
Have a very Merry Christmas to all witches
and wizards everywhere!!
To make this day even more festive and fun, all
Hogwarts alumni from '91 are invited to
a Christmas party down at Amortentia.
Get ready to dress up, get drunk, and have a
blast from the past for a reunion!
I click on the notification to find more details about the party. Damn, Pansy really went all out for this. My mind hasn't made up on whether I should go or not, although deep down I knew it wouldn't be so bad to go.
Driven by temptation, I walk over to my closet and look through my very minimum collection of dresses. None of the dresses were Christmassy enough, till I caught my eye on an unopened dress.
It was a red fluffy dress with sparkles all over the fabric, it had a bow around the waist, with a puffy short sleeve to complete the look. I had never worn it before, but it did scream Christmas.
Standing in front of the mirror, I held up the dress to my body and looked at myself up and down. I would look good in it. After some considerable thought I decided that I'm going to that Christmas party. It's not like I'm going just to see if a certain someone is going to be there...
Around seven, I took a shower and got ready. I put on the dress and did my makeup. I wore those snowflake earrings my dads bought for me, did a little crown braid over my hair, and put on a pair of shoes.
Looking at myself once more, I grabbed my purse and wand, put on my big warm coat, then headed out the door. I wasn't going to spend any money on an uber car when I have my own, though I hated driving in the snow.
When I got there, I could already hear party music coming out from the building. A big LED sign that says "Amortentia", Pansy's own personal bar. After locking my car and taking off my coat, I walk towards the door which had a sign that says "Closed for private party."
As I open the door to enter, the bouncer stopped me and asked me for my invitation. Luckily, I had it with me in my purse. He made sure it was the right invitation and he let me in. Christmas party music immediately blasted in my ear as I stepped into the place.
The place was decorated for Christmas, for obvious reasons. I've personally never had been in Pansy's bar since she opened it, I would be lying if I say I wasn't impressed. The place had a huge dance floor and a big bar. A wave of magic energy flew through me, it feels good to be surrounded by wizards again.
"Merlin's beard, Y/N/N! So glad you decided to come!" I heard Pansy yell through the noisy crowd as she walks towards me with a glass of presumably firewhiskey in her hand.
"Hey, Pans. The place looks great! It's way bigger than I imagined." I smiled, "You look very pretty, by the way."
"Awe, thanks babe. Don't even get me started on how you look." she looked at me up and down, "Damn. Anyway, come with me."
Before I could even say anything, she was already dragging me while sipping on her drink. Not a second later, I was by the bar and saw Pansy's slytherin friends. Don't get me wrong, they're my friends as well, but it's been a long time since we ever said a word to each other.
"Look who I brought!" Pansy said in a sing-song voice to her friends, all of their eyes immediately went on me.
"Lupin-Black! Long time no see!" Theodore Nott greeted me with a smile, which I returned back.
Blaise Zabini gave me a fist bump and Draco Malfoy, didn't seem to change, just gave me a nod to indicate that he senses my presence. My anxious self slowly began to calm as I started to talk with them, casually looking around as well and seeing a bunch of familiar faces.
I couldn't help but feel the desperate need to catch a sight of a specific face, a face I knew I would recognize from far away. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't seem to find him. Pansy seemed to notice me glancing over my shoulder a few times, so she asked.
"Looking for someone?"
I was brought back to my senses and looked at her, "Hm? No, no one."
"Oh come on, really? You're giving me bullshit for my Christmas present?"
"Ha. Ha. Very funny, but seriously—I'm not looking for anyone." I defended myself.
She sipped her glass, "Alright, if you say so. But just for your information, I did send an invitation to him. So there might be a chance he's here."
I raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, "Stop pretending, Y/N/N. I know who you're looking for and you don't have to be ashamed to say that you're looking for Potter."
My eyes widened as I attempt to shut her up, "Shh! Are you mad?! Don't say that out loud or people might hear and think I'm obsessed with him or something."
"Aren't you...?" she asked lowly, I fought the urge to smack her across the face.
"Pansy. Please. I'm over him, besides he's with Ginny, isn't he?"
She shrugged, "I wouldn't be so sure of that."
The rest of the night surprisingly went very well. I eventually got brave enough to talk to some old friends and had fun on the dance floor with them, it felt good to reminisce on the feeling of having secret booze parties at Hogwarts. It also felt good to drink firewhiskey again.
When I was sitting at one of the couches in the corner, resting my feet from dancing and walking around, I felt an uncomfortable presence beside me. I had a guess on who it might be before even looking at the person.
"Merry Christmas! It's Y/N, right? Hufflepuff? It's been a while, you look hot now." the person said.
I mentally rolled my eyes, "Uhm...yeah."
"You remember me, right? Cormac Mclaggen." he introduced himself, I simply nodded my head.
He scooched himself a bit closer to him, swinging his hand behind so he could touch my shoulder. I avoided his gaze as much as I could. Dear Merlin, get me out of this place.
"Say, what are you doing tonight? Want to maybe come by my place?" he said with a very forced seductive voice.
I held in a breath, "Uhm....I'm good, Cormac."
"I could maybe buy you a drink?" this man would never give up until I agree on something to do with him, would he. 
To my surprise, a voice called out from behind me. A familiar voice, "Sorry, she's here with me."
Cormac seemed to be taken aback, he inched away from me before then walking away like nothing happened. I sighed and stood up to face the person who saved me, "Thanks for that.."
He smiled and nodded his head, "No problem. Can't believe Parkinson invited him to the party, but I guess she invited everyone with no exceptions."
I couldn't help but take a good look at him. He had grown a few inches taller since I last saw him, his brown fluffy hair stayed the same, his body had gotten more fit too. But the thing that mesmerized me the most were his eyes. Those green beautiful eyes. Same as ever.
"How are you, Harry?"
"I've been doing well. I mean—yeah, being head auror isn't an easy job, I almost get zero hours of sleep everyday. But hey, it's the holidays, and I'm surviving" he laughed.
God, I miss him. A lot.
"What about you? I heard that your bookshop's the best in London. I wouldn't be surprised about that, truthfully."
I chuckled, "That might be a little overreacting. But I'm doing really good as well. But I feel the most happy tonight, it's been a while since I'm surrounded by my kind of people."
"I'm surrounded by them everyday. But it's been a while since I saw you." he looked at me and I swear my heart plummeted down to my feet.
Harry and I had a thing back then, it went from third year until the fifth. He was my best friend first, I got along with him and Ron and Hermione really well. He was my first kiss and my first time, but we never addressed our relationship. In other words, our relationship was messy.
It was never clear what we were supposed to be, more like a 'friends with benefits' type of thing, that's why it just kind of fell apart at sixth year. He had a thing for Ginny and started dating her, leaving me heartbroken, but not really surprised.
But seeing him now, looking as good as ever, made me rethink about what we were back then. Making me feel like I wanted him again. But I pushed that thought aside.
He's with someone. You can't do this, it's Christmas.
"I was watching you all night, you here with anyone?" he asked. He was watching me all night?
"No, no one. I even didn't want to go in the first place, but Pansy convinced me. I'm not with anyone, or seeing anyone, for that matter. Just—by myself is all."
Why does it feel like I'm trying to make it super extra fucking clear  that I'm not in a relationship or even as close to seeing anyone? He wouldn't care for that...would he?
"Oh...I see." he said, I could somehow see his body relaxing a bit after hearing my answer.
"What about you? Last time I heard you and Ginny are engaged?" I took an unnoticed gulp.
He chuckled at that, "Oh no, you're way behind on the news. We broke it off a long time ago. It wasn't working. We kept arguing and bringing the worst out of each other."
Oh. He's single.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I was really happy when I heard about the engagement. I thought you two would've already been married by now.."
He shrugged, "Thinking back now I think I was a little rushed, I'm not ready to be married just yet. Not when I've not gotten the right one." he looked straight at me with a warm smile that managed to make my heart go 'badump'.
"Anyway, what are we both doing here when we could dance while drinking firewhiskey." he broke off the tension, "Dance with me?"
He stretched out his hand and bowed down a bit, smirking up at me and waiting for me to take his hand. What a dork. I laughed and took his hand then he lead me to the dance floor. While we were dancing, he got us both a glass that floated itself to our hands.
I ended up spending the rest of the party with him. Dancing, drinking, laughing, telling stories, everything. It felt like we were both fifteen year olds again, too nervous to label our relationship, but knowing how we felt towards each other deep down.
"How are Sirius and Remus, by the way? Haven't seen them in a very long time." he asked while the party slowly started to die down.
"They're very well. I plan to go home for the new years, you could join me if you'd like." I widened my eyes a few seconds after realizing what I had said, I think the drunkness is slowly getting to me.
"I mean not like....you know. I mean you said you haven't seen them in a long time, so I thought maybe if you would...I don't know—"
He bursts out laughing at how I panicked, "Hey, relax! I wasn't thinking anything like that. I would love to join you, message me about the date and stuff. It'll be fun."
He conjured a piece of paper and a pen then wrote something on it then giving it to me, "Here's my number."
I took it and stared at it, realizing that I indeed did not have his number ever since I got a phone. I smiled and nodded at him, putting the paper in my purse. After another hour, we decided that it was enough partying. So we walked around to try and find Pansy to inform her that we were heading out.
"Y/N/N, there you are! I was looking all over for—oh...I see." Pansy said once we found her, smirking at the both of us, "Had fun?"
"Yeah, the party was a lot of fun. Thanks, Pans. We're going to head out now, I can't have any more drinks or I can't go home." I chuckled.
She continued smirking at us, "Uh huh. Stay safe you two, drive home safely."
After that, we both head on out and was met with the quiet cold air instead of the loud party music once again. I was freezing cold, I shouldn't have put my coat in the car. Harry seemed to notice as he started to take off his own coat.
"Here, wear this." he wrapped his coat around my body and stood there as if he's not freezing to death.
"What about you? I have my own coat, it's just in my car." I said but he just shook his head.
"It's alright, just bring it back to me when we go to your dads for the new years. I'm not that cold anyways."
I chuckled and held onto the coat tighter, "Thank you, Harry. Really. Thank you for hanging out with me at the party as well."
He smiled, "No worries. Truthfully, I wanted to talk to you ever since you stepped in. I saw when you just arrived, but I didn't say anything."
He paused for a few seconds and gulped before continuing, "I just wanted to say that you look extremely pretty tonight. You've always looked pretty, honestly. And uhm...I'm really glad I got to see you again tonight."
I tried so hard not to blush, but it probably wouldn't even show because my cheek and nose were already red from the cold, "I'm really glad I got to see you too, Harry."
We then said goodbye to each other and started to walk our separate ways to our own cars, but then he took my hand and turned me around before giving me a light kiss on the cheek.
"Sorry, couldn't let you leave without doing that." he said quietly.
I stood there, shocked. Smiling shyly and didn't do anything but nod my head slowly, "Alright, bye for now...Get home safe." he said as he walked away and waved.
I kept staring at him until I saw him apparate. I touched my cheek and couldn't help but smile widely. I don't know what in Merlins name just happened but whatever it is, I'm glad I came to this Christmas reunion party.
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khattichinni · 3 months
The Moons Star
“ l have a granddaughter? ”
" Sirius why can't you understand we can't take care of her in this condition? " Remus said as he packed his daughter's clothes in a bag as fast as he can while his husband cradeled their daughter in his arms trying to get her to stop crying.
"so, what should we do we can't just leave her like this whatever is going on with us shouldn't effect her she is just a child Remus" Sirius said as he swayed his daughter in his arms.
" I am not saying to leave her but for the time being while we are dealing with our divorce instead of troubling her with all this we can leave her with someone trust worthy " Remus said.
" And who is that Remus all of our friends are too young and with the war going on we can't just leave her with anyone" Sirius said.
" Well there is one person can leave her with" Remus said.
"Who?" sirius said.
" Your mother " Remus said and Sirius's eyes widened at that.
"Are you mad we can't just leave her with my mother you don't know how that women can be Remus" Sirius said.
"Sirius she is our only option we can't take care of her like this it can effect her" Remus said and Sirius signed he looked at his daughter he knew what Remus was saying is right they can't take care of her like this he looked at Remus and noded.
"Alright" Sirius said. Remus signed in relief as he closed the zip of the bag he finished packing.
" Great I'll send a letter to walburga explaining her of our situation" Remus said and picked up a parchment and quill to write a letter to walburga. Sirus sat in a chair as he thought of the mistakes he made that caused all of this to happen.
“ Oh my god Sirius I can't believe you" Remus said as he rushed outside of the room of the apartment they shared.
" It's not what it looks like" Sirius said he walked Behind Remus tying his robe.
" Oh! Really then what is it like don't tell me she was just seeing how the bed feels with you lying on top of her " Remus said as he picked up his daughter and went out of the house. July snape saw what happened from the room and came out of the room and hugged Sirius.
" Here I wrote the letter please give it to the owl to deliver it." Remus gave the letter to Sirius he noded and went to give the letter to owl. Remus signed and looked down at his daughter.
" I am sorry love. "
Heyy! Guys so this was the first chapter of moon's star. in this story I have taken characters from my story on wattpad ultraviolence. So that's it bbye!!
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siriuslynettey · 5 days
[The Lost Pater]
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We Have To Be More Careful Nowadays
[Chapter 1]
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September 12th, 1982
“Sirius, Remus,” came the soft, urgent voice, pulling the two weary men from their brooding thoughts. Their faces, lined with exhaustion from sleepless nights, turned toward the person calling them. It was Albus Dumbledore, his eyes filled with a sadness that matched the gravity of the moment. He moved swiftly, closing the door to his office with a muted click that seemed to echo in the heavy silence.
“It’s time.”
Sirius and Remus exchanged a look of profound sorrow, words failing them in the face of their grim task. Remus’s gaze fell to the tiny bundle nestled against Sirius’s shoulder, the baby, still so very young, barely a year old. Gently, Remus’s hand rested on the infant’s head, feeling the warmth and softness of the child’s uniquely coloured, short hair one last time.
Sirius, with an expression of barely contained grief, leaned closer to the baby’s ear, his breath warm and trembling. “It will be okay,” he promised, his voice steady despite the emotion threatening to overwhelm him. “I won’t let this be the last time we see each other.”
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September 1st, 1993
“Phie, c’mon, we must get going, quickly!” Remus Lupin yelled from the kitchen in his tiny home.
Ophelia, the eleven year old girl in the next room, scrunched her face, waking up from her fathers yelling. Today marked her first day as a student at Hogwarts, and her father's inaugural day as a teacher.
“Ophelia, I’m not going to ask again.” Remus began knocking on the girl's door.
“mm…It’s too early.” She replied from behind the door, beginning to stretch herself. After knocking enough times, Remus opened the door in a last effort to awake his daughter.
“You’re not even out of bed?” Her platinum white hair, which contrasted sharply with the dark blue of her bedding layed messily across her face. He brushed her platinum locks out of her face and gently grabbed her arms to lift her up. “You’re not going to have time to pack Ophelia.”
“Packed last night.” She replied, pointing to her suitcase, a clear sign she was indeed her father's daughter.
“Alright well, you still need to eat breakfast and pack your things in the car, so let’s hurry.”
Ophelia finally opened her eyes, not without harshly rubbing them so she could see properly.
“Are you excited for your first day? Remus asked. His voice was always very soft in the morning, knowing his daughter wasn’t fond of mornings.
“I guess…just nervous,” she shrugged. “And what about you? Professor Lupin.” She teased her father, making both of them chuckle.
“I’m a bit nervous too. Remember, we’re both having our first day, it’ll be okay.” She nodded, leaning in for a hug, taking comfort in his words. The stubborn part of her hated that he was usually right. “But, right now it’s time to get ready, we have about an hour, so we have to hurry—no going back to sleep.”
Ophelia stood up as Remus left and stretched her body again. With her bags packed and her carefully picked outfit hanging on the wardrobe, she began to get ready.
Her black cat, Salem, layed on her bed, watching his owner mindlessly walk in circles as she brushed her teeth, trying to wake up. She had just adopted him from the Magical Menagerie a month prior. Remus had promised he would get her a cat for her first year, after declining to give her a sibling.
Meanwhile, Remus was in the kitchen throwing away another egg he had burned after turning his head for what he would call “one second”. Ophelia had just walked out of her room, walking in on Remus pushing his hair back in frustration.
“Toast is fine, dad.” She told him, trying to reassure him in his efforts. Remus gave a breathy chuckle at his daughter.
“I wanted to make you a big breakfast for your big day.” He replied, throwing his tea towel over his shoulder.
“Thank you, but it’s okay. Maybe it’s for the best anyways…I'm so nervous that I don't have a big appetite today, and I’ve been craving some marmalade toast.” She gave him her classy big smile that showed off the gap in her two upper teeth. Over the past couple years, the gap had started to close and Remus noticed it every time, it was a reminder each time she smiled that she was growing up.
“Marmalade toast it is.”
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So they both sat and ate their toast. Remus began reviewing their schedule once more. He explained what to expect at King’s Cross Station, how to enter Platform 9¾, and what would happen during the sorting ceremony, trying to recall the details of his own first day. He made a big emphasis on listening to the teacher and not wandering off alone. Though this was his 5th time he’d gone over it this week, Ophelia listened attentively.
“It is always very important that you are always in sight of a Hogwarts staff member, no matter what, you have to promise me that you won’t wander off,” he urged, watching her nod, though he could tell she was growing tired of the repetition.
“I mean it, Phie, it’s not safe to be alone, not this year”
“What’s different about this year?” Ophelia asked, shoving her last piece of toast in her mouth.
“It’s just..the crime rate has been going up…since the seventies…it’s a much different world since I was in school. We have to be more careful nowadays” He stammered over his words. “You promise me you’ll listen? No pushing boundaries, please?”
“Of course I will, dad.” Remus stood, collected their empty plates, and pulled her into a quick hug before placing them in the sink. He usually avoided magic for chores, but with time running short, he used the Scourgify spell to clean up quickly.
“Oh, one more thing I don’t want you outside alone either, so wait for me before you pack your suitcase in the car.” Ophelia gave him a confused look, he was definitely a strict dad, always worrying about where she was, who she was around, but today, she felt he was strangely on edge. “Just a precaution.” He replied in response to her confused look.
Ophelia accepted her father’s strange demand, and went to her room to grab her suitcase.
“Alright Salem, time to go bud.” She grabbed the black cat and started to place him in his travel carrier. Remus had warned her that she would have to get the cat used to the carrier, before her first school day, but everytime she tried, she couldn’t bear to watch the cat meow in the carrier. Today, however, it felt like a real struggle. “Please, Salem, it’s only for today, please.”
Finally, after zipping up the cat carrier, she dragged her bags to the entryway, opening the door to put them on the veranda, while she waited for Remus.
Salem’s fighting began to increase, his little paws hitting the sides of the carrier.
“Okay, okay, you can come out until dad is ready, but then you have to go back in.” The young girl started to unzip the carrier, and before it was even a quarter of a way open, Salem leaped out and ran out the open front door. “Wait! Salem, no!!” Ophelia yelled at the cat who was now taking a leisurely stroll down the drive. Ophelia calmed down as she saw the cat come to a stop next to their car.
“I was trying to be nice Salem, now you’re going back in your crate for being naughty.” Salem started to loudly hiss across the street as she picked him up, which he had never done before. “Well, you shouldn’t have run away.” She replied to the cat.
Salem continued to hiss, still staring off into the distance. Ophelia followed the cat's line of vision to the bushes on the other side of the road. The bushes began to ruffle, despite the stillness of the air.
Suddenly, a large black dog emerged from the bushes. Salem’s hissing began to become more rampant and he began to squirm in Ophelia’s arms. The dog kept intense eye contact with Ophelia, slightly creeping forward, as Ophelia walked backwards. The dog disappeared back into the bushes before it could do anything else.
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“Ophelia!” Remus shouted and walked out the front door. She jumped and whipped her head towards her dad
“What?” She yelled out, her fathers calling of her name coming out of nowhere and scaring her.
“I thought I told you to wait for me before you packed your bags.” He stepped closer to his daughter, seeing that her body was frozen in fear. “What happened? Are you okay? Did you see someone?” Panic crept into his voice as he scanned the surroundings.
“I-no-Salem got out and–I didn’t hear you coming–I’m sorry.” Remus softened at his daughter's explanation, feeling bad for scaring her.
“That’s alright, let’s go put Salem in his crate and put our suitcases in the car, then we’ll be on our way.”
They placed Salem in his carrier (much to his dismay) and Remus began putting their suitcases in the boot of the car. Ophelia opened the passenger door with Salem’s carrier in hand. ust then, a brown owl swooped down, landing on the roof of the car with a letter clutched in its beak. Both of them jumped, surprised by the sudden arrival.
“Another welcome letter?” Remus chuckled, not remembering as many greetings before his first year.
“Maybe,” Ophelia carefully grabbed the envelope from the bird's mouth and watched it fly away. “This one doesn't say Hogwarts though.” She said out loud, looking at both sides of the envelope, Remus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
Hogwarts is a place like no other. Dive in headfirst—learn everything you can, but remember to enjoy yourself too. This is a time for discovering not just spells and potions, but also for making friends who will stick with you for life. Cherish these friendships; they’re one of the most precious things you’ll gain from your time at Hogwarts.
Though, you must choose your friends wisely. Not everyone will have your best interests at heart, so trust your instincts and stick with those who are good and true. Protect the ones who are good.
Stay safe.
And a final note—listen to your dad. He has a lot of experience under his belt. His guidance will be invaluable, so take his advice to heart, even if you don’t always want to agree.
Best of luck.
“What does it say, Phie?” Remus asked, but Ophelia was still engrossed in the letter. “Ophelia, what does it say?” He began to grow impatient and walked over to his daughter, though he wanted to, he used his manners and didn’t grab the letter from the girl's hands.
“I think it’s just another welcoming letter, they must have just forgotten to add their seal.” She handed the piece of parchment to her dad.
As he read, Remus felt his chest tighten, folding the paper back into its envelope with urgency.
“Alright, time to go.” He hurried Ophelia into their car and shut the door behind her. Glancing at the surrounding houses, he quickly made his way to the driver’s seat.
“Is everything okay?” Ophelia asked her dad, observing his more frantic behaviour.
“Yes, all good.” He locked the door and clicked in his seatbelt. “Just excited for our first day, are you ready?” Ophelia accepted his explanation, as he had already seemed very worried for his first day of teaching.
“I guess.” Ophelia shrugged. Remus chuckled and ruffled his daughter's bright white hair affectionately.
“We’re going to have a great year.”
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See Next Chapter Here!
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shiftingfanatic · 2 months
guys help im trying to shift again but idk if i want harry, george, or theo 🥴
ive always been a george girly but harry is so me and sassyyyyyyyyyyy
i lowk need to read some harry fics and george fics but there isn't much of either 😞😞😞
and ik i wanna be friends w like literally everyone
im besties w blaise and good friends w the slytherin boys and harry n george literally HATEEEE slytherins 😒
plus im a ravenclaw and wolfstar daughter
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imafivestarkpopstan · 2 years
Halloween festival!
Since it's October, I'll be doing Halloween reauests
"I'll never leave you, you know that?" "I just worry sometimes."
"My knight in shining armour." "I'm not blushing, I'm not!"
Baby, I'm here!"
Friends to lovers
Childhood friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Exes to lovers
Forced break up to lovers
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
Fantastic beast [newt scamander]
harry potter [wolfstar][remus lupin][regulus black][james potter]
the black phone [vance hooper]
enola holmes [sherlock holmes]
the walking dead [glenn rhee]
outa [peter pan][felix]
maze runnner [newt][gally]
dune [duke leto atreides]
rise of the guardians [jack frost][bunnymund]
big hero 6 [tadashi hamada][hiro hamada]
newt scamander
@moonlit-imagines - your husband coming home to find a baby niffler hanging from your neck
@spideyharrington - one and the same
@wolfstardaughter-jj - like fathers,like daughter
@masivechaos - you remind me of him
remus lupin
@ddejavvu - grumpy remus x sunshine reader
- ___
- y/n loving when remus ramble
- sleepy cuddles with remus
regulus black
@ddejavvu - the reader intentionally mistook sirius as snape
james potter
@reysdriver - lucky charm
vance hopper
@angelofthenight - are we about to kiss?
@mirrorballshiningjustforyou - vance with a opposite reader
- vance x cheerleader reader
————ENOLA HOLMES———���
sherlock holmes
@marvelousmando - the game is afoot indeed
@love-strawberry - we'll be alright
@st-juliet - pulse point ♡
glenn rhee
@the-daily-multi-fandom-post - gleens lover girl
@refiwrites - tepidity
@captain-tch - trinkets
@thepiratequeenofneverland - A Poly introduction
peter pan
@heliads - dating peter pan would include
@evangeline-perry - peter pan relationship
@bad268 - peter pan fluff alphabet
@justpan - Kindness and Cruelty 
@mysadcorner - peter with a quiet!reader
@goldenxshine - dating felix and wearing glasses would include
————MAZE RUNNER—————
@toxicbubblegum212 - snow in the glade
@virginia-peters - ___
@givemearock - tmr boys if you gave them a rock
@heliads - men and tea
@witchthewriter - jealous newt with a medjack girlfriend would include
@cantstoptheimagines - rbf
@writingandimagines - gally teaching you how to defend yourself
@5sospenguinqueen - dating gally would include
@gladerscake - territorial
@witchthewriter - being gally's s/o would include
duke leto atreides
@nonpoppin - beard
@dailyreverie - you are what’s important right now
- your touch
- hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other’s shoulder
@starryeyedstories - like real people do
@catlordewrites - in the water
- a little less lonely
@lightsinthedistancee - how it feel to be free
@geo-winchester - like we used to be
@supernovafeather - new home ♡
@letstalkaboutshtufff - opposites attract
@pumpkin-stars - stalwart
@ophelialoveshandsomemen - you're handsome with snowflakes in your beard
jack frost
@imagines-dreams - ___ (cupid!reader)
@razzlerdazzler - bunnymund with a halloween spirit s/o who likes spring and easter
@daydreaming-away-reality - the sweetest thank you (mother nature!reader)
—————BIG HERO 6—————
tadashi hamada
@multi-fandom-imagine - pop rock kiss
- ___
@subtly-a-selkie - tadashi is here pt1
hiro hamada
@thequeenrains - a night to a decade
@bigherosix2 - quarantining with hiro
@maycat-19-142 - ___ (poison!reader)
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myjealouseyes · 3 months
Request from 🦄 anon: Wolfstar!daughter asks Lily about when she realized she had feelings for James because Wolfstar!daughter is starting to have feelings for Harry
A/N: I genuinely feel so bad for making you wait so long for these requests 😭 I hope you enjoy! (there’s not really an ending because I got stuck kind of. Might come back and fix it later.)
Send requests here.
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Lily had always been a staple in your life. The first woman you’d ever looked up to, the one who talked you through the initial embarassment about your menstrual cycle, and the one who taught you how to efficiently get rid of a pimple so it wouldn’t scar. She was a like a really cool aunt and mother figure wrapped into one. Despite all of this it’s still a little embarassing to ask her for dating advice. Especially since the one you could-possibly-maybe be perusing is her son you’ve been best fiends with since forever. Maybe if you left that part out it would make it less flustering.
“So there’s this boy and I think I might like him, but I can’t be sure. S-So I was just wondering…how did you know for sure you lov—liked James?” The words tumble out of your mouth as you tap your teacup and subtly dart your eyes at the window, from which you can clearly hear James and Harry playing backyard quidditch. Man, you hope they stay out there for a while longer.
Lily thinks for a while before giving you a knowing Look. That’s how you know your attempt at hiding had gone right down the drain. She follows it with her typical kindly smile. It says “you don’t have to say it out loud now, but we both know who this is about.” That was so her. Always knowing everything all the time. “Well…as unhelpful as it sounds, you just know.” She takes a thoughtful sip of her tea before continuing. “It took me a while with James. But once it clicked, everything changed in an instant. He walked in, everything would slow down except my heart rate.”
That feeling was definitely familiar to you. Nowadays, all Harry had to do was smile your way and had to fight the urge to fall out on the floor like the lovestruck teenage girl you were positive you were now. You nod her slowly was your brain muses over the idea of being with Harry like your parents and his. It’s…tempting to say the least. To have life with him. Marriage, a family, kids even. You can’t stop a small smile from forming on your lips at the thought.
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moonbread123-wattpad · 4 months
3 AM Things
TW: none, beginning of the story is a texting conversation
Type: fluff
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!fem!reader
Summary: Reader has been having trouble catching sleep, so Harry decides to help her out.
Feel free to leave comments, I love reading them
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'Arry Pottah!<3
If god sends me to hell
I will simply not go
what will he do?
send me to hell?
I'm already not going
'Arry Pottah<3
It's 3 am for god's sake
Actually you do have a point-
Im coming over
'Arry Pottah<3
please dont
not seen
Y/n stepped carefully off of her bed. The room was dark. The only light was coming from outside the window. It was a clear night and a gentle breeze blew in. Y/n walked out of the dorm gingerly, jumping at the softest of noises. She flew down the stairs and across the common room.
She held the door of the common room, but didn't open it just yet. Instead, she grabbed a few cookies from the cookie jar (refilled daily by the house elves) and rushed out of the common room.
The corridor was cold. The night air stung her face and neck, but she reminded herself that she'll have Harry for warmth in a moment. She went straight, rounded a corner, checked for Filch's cat, and rushed down the steps. She hopped over the last two and went straight along the corridor. A few more steps, and she reached the Fat Lady's portrait. She was snoozing in the frame, and the canvas was slightly ajar.
Y/n looked in and, sure enough, Harry was sitting in the longer sofa by the fire. It was him who had opened the portrait to let her through. He turned around and smiled at her. She smiled back as she stepped in and closed the portrait behind her.  She tiptoed across the carpeted floor and sat next to Harry.
'Cookies?' She offered.
'Thanks', Harry mumbled as he took a cookie. 'I know why you're here', he said with a teasing smile.
'Shut', Y/n reprimanded. 'It's not my fault I'm scared of the dark'.
'You traversed a quarter of the castle alone, in the dark, to get here. Surely your roommates are enough to keep you company at night?'
'Well, they don't have fucked up sleep schedules. And I can't cuddle with them, can I?'
Harry just smiled and opened up an arm. Y/n took the invitation and leaned into it, nuzzling her head around his shoulder.
'I should be studying for my O.W.L.s, but here I am, consoling a child who's scared of the dark' Harry teased.
'I'm not a child', Y/n said.
'Do you think we'll have to got to war against You-Know-Who?'
The question caught Harry off guard. He didn't mean to talk about this, especially not when he's supposed to be acting sweet and sappy. 'Don't think about it now, love', he said as he kissed the top of her head. 'Whatever happens will happen'.
'That's a surprisingly casual way of thinking about a war'.
Harry said nothing. Y/n shifted her head onto his chest. Harry put his hand in her hair, gently stroking it, and Y/n drifted off into a delicious slumber listening to the beating of his heart.
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imthesilentwriter · 7 days
Where We Belong
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Harry Potter x Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader
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Summary: You and Harry are about to begin your first year at Hogwarts, but anxiety over which house you’ll be sorted into stirs mixed emotions, as you both feel the weight of other’s expectations.
Warnings: fluff, mild anxiety and self-doubt, brief mention of pressure to live up to parental expectations.
Authors Note: Thank you for all the support on my first post! I’m glad you all enjoyed it! Sorry, this took a while to post, I was going to post this oneshot a couple of days ago, but school got ahead of me. I’ve just hit my finals period, so my posts will be stretched out over a couple of days. I will try to pre-write some oneshots during the weeks that are the most hectic. So, with that being said, I really do hope you enjoy this oneshot! For the record, this is my personal preference of what house Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader would be in. So, enjoy this oneshot 😊
Word Count: 4152
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The late afternoon sun streams through the windows of the Potters' living room, casting warm, golden patches on the wooden floor. You sit cross-legged on the rug, close enough to Harry that your knees brush whenever one of you shifts. He’s been unusually quiet today, his green eyes darting between his parents and yours as they chat animatedly about their time at Hogwarts. The excitement in the room is infectious, but you can't help feeling a swirl of nervousness in your stomach. Tomorrow, you and Harry will be off to Hogwarts for the very first time.
“Do you remember the time we tried to sneak into the Forbidden Forest in our third year?” James grins, his brown eyes sparkling with mischief. “Sirius here thought he’d found a secret path to the Whomping Willow’s roots.”
Sirius, lounging on the couch with one arm draped over the back, laughs. “Hey, it wasn’t my fault that the map was wrong. And besides, that was your idea, Prongs.”
Remus snorts softly from where he sits beside your dad. “The map wasn’t wrong. You were just reading it upside down, Pads.”
Everyone chuckles at that, and even Harry cracks a smile. You nudge him with your elbow, and he nudges you back, his grin wider now.
Lily leans forward in her chair, her red hair catching the sunlight. “Honestly, the two of you were troublemakers from day one. I swear, I spent half my time at Hogwarts trying to keep you out of trouble.”
“But you loved us anyway,” James says with a playful wink, making her roll her eyes.
Sirius gives a mock-offended gasp. “Loved us? Potter, you adored us.”
“Absolutely adored,” Lily replies with a smile, before turning to look at you and Harry. “But enough about our mischief. What about these two? Tomorrow’s the big day.”
James leans in, his grin broadening. “So, which house do you think you’ll end up in?”
You glance at Harry, who looks just as uncertain as you feel. "I don’t know," you admit softly. “I mean… Gryffindor would be nice, right?”
“Nice?” Sirius bursts out. “Nice? It’d be perfect!” He sits up, eyes gleaming with pride and excitement. “You, my little star, are made for Gryffindor! Brave, daring – just like your old man.”
Harry laughs a little, and James joins in. “Same goes for you, Harry. You’re a Potter. Gryffindor through and through.”
But before either of you can respond, Remus shakes his head, his expression thoughtful but gentle. “It’s not about what house they end up in, though,” he says. “It’s about what kind of people they choose to be.”
Lily nods in agreement, her smile warm. “Exactly. It doesn’t matter if you’re in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. What matters is that your kind, compassionate, and treat everyone with respect. That’s what counts.”
You feel a flutter in your chest at their words. You hadn’t realized how much you needed to hear that until now. You glance at Harry, who seems to be taking in his mum’s words, his brow furrowed slightly.
Sirius leans back again, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “Yeah, yeah, that too,” he mumbles, but there's a softness in his voice that you rarely hear.
Remus rolls his eyes fondly. “What Sirius is trying to say is that no matter where you end up, we’ll still be proud of you,” he adds, looking between you and Harry. “You’re going to do great things, both of you.”
Lily nods in agreement. “And you’ll always have us, no matter what.”
James reaches over and ruffles Harry’s already messy hair. “Hear that, son? No pressure.”
Harry grins, his nervousness seeming to fade a little. “No pressure,” he echoes, giving you a sidelong glance. “So… you think we’ll both be in Gryffindor?”
You shrug, a smile tugging at your lips. “Maybe. But… it’s okay if we’re not, right?”
“Of course,” your dad says quickly, his voice gentle. “As long as you’re happy, nothing else matters.”
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The train whistles loudly as it begins to move, and you and Harry instinctively lean toward the window. Your parents are still waving frantically from the platform, their figures becoming smaller and smaller with each second. You spot your dad, Sirius, jumping up and down with exaggerated enthusiasm, waving both hands above his head, while Remus stands beside him with a more subdued smile, his arm raised in a steady wave. Behind them, you see Harry’s mum, Lily, holding James back by the arm, who’s now doing an absurd dance just to make you both laugh.
You and Harry press your palms to the glass, waving back with all your might, your faces practically glued to the window as the train pulls farther and farther away. The platform begins to blur, colours blending into one another until all you see is a distant speck of red hair and a mop of dark curls before they disappear entirely.
You both slump back into your seats, the train now moving smoothly along the tracks. The compartment around you is small but cozy, with two plush benches facing each other, covered in faded maroon upholstery that has clearly seen better days. The window beside you is slightly fogged, but you can still make out the shapes of trees rushing by, their green leaves turning into smudges of colour against the bright blue sky. Patches of sunlight filter through the window, casting warm golden spots on the floor and over your legs.
The world outside becomes a blur of countryside – rolling hills, scattered cottages, grazing sheep, and fields that stretch endlessly. Occasionally, you catch glimpses of a river winding its way alongside the tracks, sparkling like a trail of diamonds under the sun. The rhythmic sound of the wheels clattering against the tracks creates a soothing, almost hypnotic beat that fills the small space.
For a moment, the scenery mesmerizes you, and the excitement of the journey makes your heart flutter with a mix of anticipation and nerves. But soon, the silence in the compartment grows heavier, filled with the weight of all the thoughts and worries you’ve been holding in.
The train rocks gently beneath you as you and Harry settle back into your seats. Your hands remain clasped, both of you holding on as if the simple connection might anchor you in the face of the unknown. For a few moments, the silence is comfortable, the kind of silence that comes from years of friendship, of knowing each other so well that words aren’t always necessary.
But your mind is racing, and you can’t quite keep it all bottled up anymore. You turn slightly to face Harry, your voice a little tentative. “Harry… do you think it’s weird to feel so scared about all of this?”
Harry’s brows furrow, and he gives you a sideways glance. “No,” he says softly. “Not weird at all. I feel the same way.”
You chew on your lower lip, your fingers tightening around his. “I mean… I’ve been dreaming about going to Hogwarts forever, but now that it’s actually happening, I don’t know. What if… what if I’m not good enough? What if I don’t make any friends, or I can’t keep up in class, or… or…”
You trail off, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You don’t want Harry to think you’re silly for being so nervous, but he surprises you by nodding, a deep frown creasing his forehead. “I get it,” he murmurs. “I feel that way too. Especially about my parents…”
You tilt your head, surprised. “Your parents? But they’re so proud of you already. I mean, they’ve been talking about how great you’re going to do for weeks.”
Harry sighs, and his shoulders slump a little. “Yeah, but… what if they’re wrong? What if I’m not what they think I am? What if I’m not brave like my dad, or clever like my mum? What if… what if I don’t get into Gryffindor?”
Your heart tugs at his words, and you shift closer, leaning in. “Hey, Harry, look at me,” you say, and he reluctantly meets your gaze, his green eyes filled with uncertainty. “It doesn’t matter what house you get sorted into. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin… your parents love you, no matter what. You heard what your mum and my dad said.”
Harry’s lips twitch into a small smile, but he still seems unconvinced. “I know… but it’s hard not to think about it. Gryffindor feels like… like where I’m supposed to be. It’s where they were, and where all their stories come from. But what if I don’t fit?”
You squeeze his hand a little tighter. “I get it, Harry. I really do. I’ve been thinking about that too… and I’m scared of letting my dad’s down. Everyone expects us to be these brave, daring Gryffindors, right? But… what if that’s not who we are?”
He nods slowly, and you can see the wheels turning in his head. “Yeah… what if?”
You take a deep breath, your grip on his hand steady. “But… I think we have to remember what your mum said. It’s not about the house we end up in; it’s about the choices we make, the people we choose to be. You’re already kind, and funny, and so, so good, Harry. That’s what matters. And besides,” you add with a small smile, “I’ll be with you, no matter what.”
His expression softens, and he squeezes your hand back. “Thanks,” he says quietly. “That… that makes me feel a lot better. And just so you know… I’m here for you too. Always.”
Your heart feels lighter at his words, and you smile. “Always,” you repeat, the promise settling between you like a warm blanket.
Just as you're about to say more, the compartment door slides open with a clatter, and you both turn your heads to see the boy with fiery red hair standing there, looking hesitant. He shuffles his feet, glancing between you and Harry, and then blurts out, “Uh, hi… do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full.”
You and Harry share a quick look, a silent conversation passing between you before you both nod. “Yeah, of course,” you say, smiling. “Come on in.”
The boy’s face brightens with relief, and he steps inside, dropping onto the seat across from you. “Thanks,” he mutters, slightly out of breath. “I’m Ron. Ron Weasley.”
“Nice to meet you, Ron,” you reply. “I’m Y/N, and this is Harry.”
“It’s, uh, nice to meet you both,” Ron stammers, still looking a bit overwhelmed. “So… are you nervous about starting at Hogwarts too?”
You and Harry exchange another look, and this time, the smile you share is a little more relaxed, a little more hopeful. Maybe this journey isn’t so scary after all.
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The entry hall feels stifling, the thick stone walls pressing in around you, their cold, unyielding surfaces amplifying every hushed whisper and nervous cough. The other first-years crowd around you, and you’re acutely aware of how close they all are. You can feel the tension in the air – like a tightly wound string ready to snap – and it only makes your own nerves worse. You shuffle your feet on the polished floor, your shoes squeaking softly against the stone, and you resist the urge to reach up and tug at the collar of your robes. Your mouth is dry, and your heart is hammering so loudly that you’re sure the others must be able to hear it.
Professor McGonagall stands before you, tall and imposing, her eyes sharp behind her square spectacles. She surveys the group with a kind of quiet authority, and when she begins to speak, her voice carries through the hall, clear and steady.
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” she announces, her tone both commanding and warm. “In just a moment, you will step through these doors and join the rest of the school in the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. The house you are sorted into will be your family here at Hogwarts – a place where you will live, study, and grow. Each house has a proud history and has produced remarkable witches and wizards, and each values different traits in its members.”
As she continues, you glance around, feeling the collective apprehension of the students around you. Some are shifting nervously on their feet; others stare wide-eyed at the towering wooden doors that lead into the Great Hall. You catch a glimpse of Harry beside you, his hand brushing against his pocket where he’s tucked his wand, his eyes flicking up toward the ceiling as if searching for reassurance. You wonder if he’s as scared as you are.
McGonagall’s voice is calm, but you can feel the weight of her words pressing down on you. She talks about house points, the House Cup, and the importance of upholding the values of whichever house you are sorted into. You try to focus, but your mind keeps wandering, your thoughts spinning like the gears of a clock wound too tight. What if you don’t fit in? What if you end up somewhere you don’t belong?
A faint chime sounds, and Professor McGonagall nods. “Follow me,” she says, and the wooden doors swing open with a deep, resonating creak.
You step forward with the rest of the group, your heart thrumming in your chest, and then you’re inside the Great Hall. The space is enormous, more magnificent than you ever imagined, with four long tables stretching out before you. Hundreds of faces turn to watch as you enter, their expressions curious and expectant. The enchanted ceiling above mirrors the night sky outside, glittering with stars that seem to hang just out of reach. The flickering light of the floating candles bathes the hall in a soft, golden glow, casting dancing shadows on the ancient stone walls.
Your eyes dart to the staff table at the far end, where the professors are seated. Their faces are a mix of welcoming smiles and appraising looks. You spot Professor Dumbledore, his silver beard gleaming in the candlelight, his eyes twinkling with some hidden amusement. The sight of him should be comforting, but instead, it only makes you more nervous.
Professor McGonagall leads you to the front of the hall, where a single stool sits, a ragged, old hat perched on top. The Sorting Hat. It looks worn and frayed, its brim drooping slightly, but you know it holds a kind of ancient magic – a magic that will decide your future in just a few moments. Your stomach twists, your palms are clammy, and you can feel a bead of sweat sliding down the back of your neck. You steal a quick glance at Harry, who’s standing next to you, his face pale and his jaw set. He’s trying to look brave, but you can tell he’s just as nervous as you are.
The hat’s brim twitches, and it suddenly bursts into song, its voice echoing through the hall. It sings of the virtues of each house, the qualities they prize most – courage, loyalty, intelligence, ambition. As it sings, you can’t help but feel like it’s speaking directly to you, asking you to choose, to decide who you are, and where you belong. The hall falls into a hush as the song ends, the tension in the room growing thick and heavy.
Professor McGonagall unrolls a scroll, and you hold your breath, waiting, every muscle in your body tight with anticipation. “When I call your name, you will come forward, put on the Sorting Hat, and be sorted into your house.”
The names begin, and you watch each student make their way to the stool, some with trembling hands, others with forced smiles. The hat barely touches some heads before shouting out a house, while for others, it seems to ponder a while, drawing out the suspense. Your nerves tighten with every cheer, every new addition to each house. Your hands feel cold despite the warmth of the hall, your heart racing faster and faster with each name.
Then you hear it: “Lupin-Black, Y/N.”
Your heart stops for a second. Everything around you feels like it’s frozen. Your feet feel rooted to the spot, but somehow, you manage to step forward, the sound of your shoes on the stone floor echoing in your ears. You can feel everyone’s eyes on you – your heart pounding so loudly you’re sure they can all hear it too. You force your legs to move, one step after another, as if you’re walking through thick, heavy fog.
The stool feels hard and uncomfortable beneath you as you sit down, and when Professor McGonagall places the Sorting Hat on your head, the world around you plunges into darkness. You gasp, feeling like you’ve been submerged underwater. For a moment, there’s nothing but an endless black void stretching out around you. Your hands grip the edge of the stool, your knuckles turning white.
“Hmm… intriguing,” a voice whispers in your ear, close and raspy, sending a shiver down your spine. “I see a lot in you, yes… courage, certainly… but there’s more, isn’t there? A deep sense of loyalty, of compassion… and yet, a sharp wit, a mind always questioning… and an ambition too, a drive to prove yourself, to make your own way…”
The voice – its tone curious, almost playful – swirls around you, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. You feel exposed, like the hat is peeling back all the layers of who you are, examining everything you’ve ever thought or felt.
“I see bits of Gryffindor… bravery, yes, but also a fierce sense of justice… a touch of Hufflepuff’s kindness, too, always wanting to help… but what’s this? A Ravenclaw thirst for knowledge, always eager to learn… and a hint of Slytherin’s ambition, a desire to carve your own path, to stand out…”
Your pulse quickens, and you feel the tension coil tighter in your chest. You don’t know what the hat will choose, what it sees in you that you don’t. You’re scared, excited, and something else – something you can’t quite name.
“What to do with you…” the Sorting Hat muses, almost to itself. “Yes, I see it now… but which house to choose?”
The void begins to brighten, slowly, like dawn breaking after a long night. The hall comes back into focus around you, the noise flooding in all at once, and you realize the hat is making its decision. The pause seems to stretch for an eternity, every heartbeat an agonizing thud in your chest.
And then, the hat takes a breath and calls out-
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The Great Hall buzzes with the morning chatter of students as you sit at the table, staring down at your plate of toast and eggs. You pick at the food absentmindedly, still adjusting to the strange rhythm of your first few days at Hogwarts. The sky above the enchanted ceiling is a soft, clear blue, and the sunlight streaming through the windows bathes the hall in warmth.
Harry sits next to you, quietly munching on a piece of toast. He nudges you with his elbow, a small smile on his face. "You ready for classes today?" he asks, his voice full of excitement.
You try to smile back, though your stomach feels too jittery to manage more than a half-hearted grin. "I guess," you reply. "Still feels weird, you know? Like, we’re really here.”
Harry nods, his green eyes glinting with shared nervousness. "Yeah, but it’s kind of amazing, right?" He glances around the hall, the grandeur of it all not lost on him, either.
Just as you're about to respond, the fluttering of wings fills the air. You look up to see the usual morning rush of owls swooping into the Great Hall, delivering letters and packages to students. You’ve been waiting for a letter from your dads, and a part of you hopes today will be the day.
And then you see it – a scarlet envelope with your name on it, clutched in the talons of a sleek black owl. Your heart sinks.
A Howler.
"Oh no," you mutter, sinking a little lower in your seat.
Harry looks over at you, eyes wide. "Is that…?"
"Yeah," you groan. "It’s a Howler."
The owl drops the red envelope in front of you, and you stare at it like it’s a ticking bomb, the seal already beginning to smoulder at the edges. The entire table seems to fall silent around you, students craning their necks to see who the poor victim of the Howler is.
"Better open it," Harry whispers, though the smirk on his face shows he’s more curious than concerned.
With a resigned sigh, you pick up the Howler and tear it open. Instantly, a deafening voice explodes from the letter, and you wince as your father’s voice booms through the Great Hall.
“Y/N, MY DARLING GIRL, YOU DID IT!! YOU’RE IN GRYFFINDOR! I KNEW IT – YES! I BLOODY KNEW IT! OH, MERLIN, I’M SO PROUD I COULD BURST!” Sirius’s voice is so loud, it rattles the plates on the table, and you can practically hear him bouncing around wherever he is.
“PADFOOT, CALM DOWN-" Remus’s more level voice breaks through, trying to reign in Sirius’s enthusiasm, but it’s no use.
You sink lower in your seat, your face burning with embarrassment as the whole hall bursts into giggles and whispers. Some students at the other tables are craning their necks to catch a glimpse of you, while others grin knowingly.
“SERIOUSLY, SIRIUS-" Remus’s voice again, more exasperated this time.
“DON’T YOU SERIOUSLY ME, MOONY! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!” Sirius bellows. You can almost picture him grinning like a madman, his hands in his hair, running around the house in pure excitement. “Y/N, WE’RE THROWING A PARTY WHEN YOU COME HOME! GRYFFINDOR FOREVER!”
There’s a slight rustling sound as Remus takes over, his voice coming through more calmly now. “Y/N, congratulations, sweetheart. We’re both incredibly proud of you, not just for the house you’re in, but for who you are. Remember, it doesn’t matter what house you’re in as long as you stay true to yourself. Now, Sirius, for the last time-”
“GRYFFINDOR!” Sirius screams again, completely ignoring Remus. “WELL, DONE, Y/N!”
Just as the laughter from the Howler starts to die down, you hear another familiar voice booming across the Great Hall, louder than ever. Your heart sinks for Harry’s sake, realizing what’s about to happen.
It’s Sirius again, his voice back in full force, and now everyone is looking between you and Harry. You shoot him an apologetic glance, but Harry’s grinning despite himself.
Before Sirius’s voice even fades, another loud cheer erupts, this time unmistakably from James Potter. "HARRY! MY BOY! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU I COULD SCREAM – OH WAIT, I AM! GRYFFINDOR PRIDE, BABY! AND Y/N, YOU TOO! THIS IS BLOODY BRILLIANT! GRYFFINDORS FOR LIFE! JUST LIKE US, MATE!" James’s voice is so loud, it feels like the walls are shaking, his excitement palpable through the enchanted letter.
You glance at Harry, who’s now red-faced but laughing at his dad’s over-the-top excitement. "It’s like they’re competing to see who can be louder," Harry mutters, but there’s a fondness in his voice.
Lily’s voice follows immediately after James’s, much calmer but still with a hint of exasperation. "Oh, dear Merlin, please help me,” she sighs, clearly trying to keep the boys in check. "Congratulations, Harry, darling. We’re so proud of you. And you too, Y/N! Now, James, would you please calm down before you give everyone a heart attack?"
"CALM DOWN? NEVER!" James’s voice booms again, undeterred by his wife’s plea. "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!"
Sirius’s voice joins in again, as if the two of them are having their own conversation through the enchanted letters. "JAMES, I TOLD YOU OUR KIDS WOULD BE IN GRYFFINDOR! WE’VE DONE IT! RAISED THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEGENDS!"
Lily lets out another resigned sigh. "I don’t know why I even try…"
The Howler finally crackles and burns away, leaving behind nothing but a smattering of ash and more laughter from the Gryffindor table. You and Harry exchange wide-eyed looks, both of you shaking your heads as the noise of the hall starts to return to normal.
Harry leans closer, still grinning but obviously overwhelmed. “We’re never going to hear the end of this, are we?”
You laugh softly, nudging him with your shoulder. “Not in a million years.”
But as the last echoes of your parents’ voices fade away, the warmth in your chest lingers. Embarrassing or not, they’re proud of both of you – and that thought makes everything feel a little more manageable.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
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here's the 1st part of a recs list of my favourite fics! (had to split in two because tumblr was being a nightmare) have it mind that they can either be on tumblr or ao3.
the (+) means it has a smut masterlists: [0.1] [0.2]
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↬flight risk by @brywrites (s.reid x reader) (series)
I didn't know I could feel so safe reading about a pilot and a profiler, given their jobs, but I did and this fic is so magical. I loved the analogies the angst everything plz read it.
↬the sleep chronicles by @stickseasn (s.reid x reader)
↬a moment of weakness by @writer-in-theory (s.reid x reader) (series)
↬lepus the hare by @↑ (s.reid x reader)
↬(in)visible by @foxy-eva (s.reid x reader)
I felt like the words were being said to me *crying*
↬sundays by @definitelynotkatesblog (s.reid x reader)
↬ if you'll have me by @reidscanehand (s.reid x reader)
↬mister spencer by @imagining-in-the-margins (s.reid x singlemom!reader)
↬fall apart by @spencersimp (s.reid x reader)
↬bluebell by stillmarauding (ao3)
this one is really good, 90 chapters so far and still updating.
↬lost at sea by @five-bi-five-mind (j.jareau x reader)
literally everything written by this account is amazing.
↬breakfast by @↑ (j.jareau x reader)
↬ spontaneous phenomena by @luveline (a.hotchner x reader)
1. [marauders era]
↬interrupted by @cosmal (rubgy!james x f!reader)
↬chocolate orange by @↑ (r.lupin x reader)
↬crooked ties by @cupids-crystals (j.potter x reader)
↬mary macdonald by @↑ (r.lupin x sister!reader)
↬first class let down by @starstruckwillows (adhd!j.potter x reader)
↬oh bloody hell by @gtgbabie0 (j.potter x reader)
↬championship cups by @perpetuallydaydreaming (j.potter x reader)
↬bun in the oven by @letterstotheflre (r.lupin x f!reader)
↬never be another by @cryonme (r.lupin x reader)
↬he loves you by @↑ (r.black x reader)
↬cursed by @pregnant-piggy (s.black x reader) (series)
all of their fics are great.
↬off days by @messers-moony (s.black × daughter!reader)
I love everything they write + wolfstar dads&lt;;33
↬she's a fighter by @stylesparker (r.black x reader)
↬little king by @acosmis-t (r.black x reader)
↬cocoa by @earlgreydream (r.black x reader)
from time to time I come back to reread it. it's a comfort blurb &lt;3
↬ours by @janesociety (l.evans x f!reader)
why are there barely any lily evans fics??? let's change that.
↬loving is easy by rxgulus (jegulus; background wolfstar)
I've gushed about this fic on here. I love everything about it, remus being a tease, james being a simp, sirius being a drama queen and regulus being regulus. there's also baby harry at some point. it is my favourite one for a reason go read it.
↬step into the daylight and let it go by serendipitysirius (jegulus; background wolfstar) (currently being updated)
I have at least five quotes from this fic glued on my bedroom walls. it is that special to me.
↬drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro (jegulus; background wolfstar; rosekiller) (currently being updated)
one of the best piece of work I've ever read, worth every tear.
↬absent mindedly making me want you by calamitoustide (jegulus; background wolfstar) (completed)
my FAVORITE fic of all time, I love the way james and reg are portrayed in this, it's so raw and innocent and special.
↬papa mia! by chasingthestar (jegulus; background wolfstar & marylily) (currently being updated)
the angst kills me but the fluff is worth it.
↬a doorstep of affection by @marauders-venting (wolfstar)
↬unlovable by @masivechaos (dads!wolfstar x reader)
↬panic by @sp1rit-realm (platonic/poly! marauders x reader)
all of their fics are amazing.
↬boyfriend swap by @v1oletvenus (s.black x reader; platonic!j.potter x reader)
↬mouth of september by @luveline (platonic!marauders x reader)
one of my favourites.
1. [golden trio era]
↬ just the medicine by @vanillann (d.malfoy x reader)
↬evergreen by @starlitsilvereyes (drarry)
↬say the words then stay around by teatrolley (drarry)
it's an orphan account but it's still available and it's so so good.
↬ all wounds heal by @willowbleedsonpaper (t. nott x reader; d.malfoy x reader)
funfact: theo nott fics was what got me into the marauders wormhole plus this is a work of art.
↬ twinkle by @sapphicwhxre (h.granger x reader)
↬not like any other by @hadesrise (h.potter x slytherin!male!reader)
↬harry calls you after a breakdown by @igncrantbliss (h.potter x reader)
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Master list:
As I publish stuff, I will update this. - Underlined, have links, non-underlined are not linked yet
FandomMas: 2023
Ace Attorney + Next Gens
TGAA: Sherlock x Reader: Flowers of Love
DD/SOJ: Trans! Apollo x Reader: Love is Unconditional
DD: Simon x Phoenix's Sister! Reader: All for One and One for All
DD/SOJ: Apollo x Divorced! Reader: Doors Closed? Well, Windows are Always an Option
Addison x Edgeworth's Daughter! Reader: Untitled
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock x Reader: A Christmas Surprise
Lestrade x Reader: Classroom Shippers
Sherlock x Reader: 'Secret' Identity
John x Reader: Deductions or Doctor?
Sherlock x Daughter! Reader: The Girl that I Wanna Be
Black Butler
Ciel x Reader: A Birthday Surprise
Grell x Reader: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!
Sebastian x Reader: Cats
Ciel x Reader: Secrets
Mey-Rin x Reader: Taking the Blame
Alois x Reader: Will He Allow It?
Ben x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Carlos x Reader: Dog Lovers
Bruno x Reader: You Can Always Find Help in Friends and Family
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter
Newt x Reader: Bowtruckles Know Love
Newt x Reader: The Memory of a Muggle
Newt x Reader: Trust is Important
Newt x Reader: Bookstore Lovers
Sirius x Reader: Protection and Pranks
Sirius x Reader: Some Facts Are Good to Know
James x Reader: Seven Minutes with Black
Remus x Reader: Visiting Hours
Sirius x Reader: The True Gift of Gifting (Christmas oneshot)
Remus x Reader: Frozen Heart
Wolfstar x Reader: Extreme Truth or Dare
Sirius x Reader: Its the Inside That Counts
WolfStar x Reader: Flirting Gets You Nowhere Part 1 Part 2
Wolfstar Raise Harry: Part 1 (Not x Reader)
Fireman Sam (Plz don't judge meh)
Sam x Reader: Some Secrets Can Be Shared
Sam x Daughter! Reader: How Far I'll Go (Songfic)
Genshin Impact
Kurt x Reader: Similarities
Blaine x Trans ftm! Reader: Love Story
Sebastian x Blaine's Sister! Trans ftm! Reader: You Are the Reason
John x Reader: Strangers to Lovers
Jefferson x Washington's Daughter! Reader: (Y/n)'s Candy Store
Lee x Laurens! Reader: "Get Away From My Sister!"
John x Laf's Sister! Reader: Laf the Matchmaker
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor x Reader x Lucifer: A Tale of Two Dads
Oneshots: Series:
Coloratura x Reader: Remembering
Rainbow Dash x Reader: Tone it Down
Human! Sunset x Reader: Forgiveness, Can you Imagine?
Hikaru x Reader: Always There for You
Tamaki x Reader: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Hikaru x Reader: Jealousy
Tamaki x Reader: Mistakes of the Past
Tamaki x Reader: Never Give Up Hope
Kaoru x Reader: Safety Sacrifice
Tamaki x Reader: Wait...
Paw Patrol
Marshall x Reader: Battle of the Klutzes
Ryder x Reader: Behind the Scenes - I can't find on my Wattpad....
Chase x Reader: Guard Dog.... Literally
Ryder x Reader: You'll Always Belong
Cress x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Cress x Reader: Why Didn’t You Just Tell Me?
Chili x Reader: You Caused This?
Cilan x Reader: An Utter Surprise
Cress x Reader: Smarts of Reader-Chan
Cilan x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Professor Sycamore x Reader: Thank You?
Sofia the First
Cedric x Reader: Sofia and James; Ace Shippers!
Yuri on Ice
Viktor x Reader: A Helping Hand
IF you would like me to post any of the ones that aren't links, lmk and I will do!
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khattichinni · 3 months
The Moon's Star masterlist
I have a granddaughter?
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