#Hand massage
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downfalldestiny · 7 months ago
Are you sure 🖤 ?!.
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chippersweetbaby · 2 years ago
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God damn this place is harsh.
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annaofthenorthernlights · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff (Disney) Characters: Anna (Disney), Kristoff (Disney) Additional Tags: Anna´s POV, phone talk, Implied Sexual Content, Innuendo, Fade to Black, Flirting, offering a massage, Married Couple, Fluff and Humor, fluff and (smut innuendo), can´t say this is NSFW, Prompt Fill, slumberpartybingo discord server, selfcare sunday drabble Series: Part 16 of My prompt fills for Flufftober Summary:
Kristoff is away for a few days, due to business and calls his wife in the evening. Their chat turns into more than a casual inquiry of the day… (from Anna´s POV)
Word count 447
@flufftober 2023 - day 28 - “soothing touch”
@slumberpartybingo (sunday-self-care drabble) “self soothe by giving yourself (or allowing someone else to give you) a hand massage.”
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thealleydog · 2 years ago
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A helping hand
Word count: 1.1k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Fluff
A/N: This is another idea that suddenly came to me. I had a little thought and wondered if Stephen had ever silently cried because the pain in his hands was unbearable. So here's a little fic about it.
Summary: You are awoken by the soft sound of someone crying, and you realise Stephen is in pain.
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You had been sleeping peacefully, wrapped up in Stephen’s arms, your head resting on his chest. But you were soon disrupted from your sleep when you were certain you heard the soft sound of someone crying. You opened your eyes, adjusting to the darkness around you as you lay there still, trying to listen for the noise again.
But there was nothing but silence, and you just thought to yourself that you were hearing things. You closed your eyes, ready to go back to sleep, but that’s when you heard the noise again. This time it was much clearer and you knew someone had to be crying, and if it wasn’t you, there was only one other person in the room who it could possibly be. 
Was Stephen crying? You hoped he wasn’t seriously hurt.
Desperate to find out if Stephen was okay, you moved, shifting so you could look up at him. 
“Stephen?” you whispered. “Are you okay?”
You heard Stephen sniffle before he moved his arm to wipe at his nose. “I’m okay,” Stephen told you in a soft voice, and you knew he wasn’t okay just by hearing his voice. 
You moved, leaning over Stephen to turn on the bedside light, your eyes squinting as the light hit your face. You quickly turned your attention back to Stephen, looking at him with sad eyes as soon as you saw his face. His cheeks were stained with tears, and his eyes were swollen, evidence he had been crying. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” you asked in a sad voice. You hated to see Stephen cry, the sight breaking your heart. 
“I don’t want to bother you with my problems, Y/N.” 
You took Stephen’s face in your hands, staring at him sweetly before you gave his lips a soft kiss. “You can never bother me, Stephen. I’m always here for you. Please tell me.” 
But Stephen kept his lips pressed tightly together as more silent tears fell from his eyes. You sent him a sad smile before using your thumb to wipe away his tears. 
“Did something happen at Kamar Taj?” you wondered, but Stephen shook his head at you, leaving you to guess what could be bothering him. “Is it your hands? Are they hurting?” You knew Stephen’s hands did hurt most of the time, the pain being so severe sometimes that he wouldn't be able to pick anything up. 
This time Stephen nodded at you, and you sent him a sweet smile. “Do you want me to massage your hands?” you suggested. 
“Are you sure? It’s late and I know you have to be up in the morning for work,” Stephen said, worried his problems would make you late. 
You sent Stephen another smile. “You’re more important to me than my job. So yes, I’m sure.” 
Your heart soared when Stephen sent you a teary smile. “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You then moved, pulling back the covers and getting out of bed. Once Stephen was up on his feet, you grabbed one of his scarred hands gently, noticing the tremble in his hand as you led him over to the bathroom. You turned on the light before quickly moving over to the sink. 
You grabbed the plug and placed it in the sink before filling it up with warm water. Once the sink was full, you grabbed Stephen’s hands, placing them into the warm water softly. You heard Stephen groan when his hands made contact with the water, the sound deep and loud. 
You then placed one of your own hands in the water to grab at Stephen’s. You worked on one hand at a time, gently massaging them and tracing each and every scar, being oh so careful not to hurt him. This wasn’t the first time you had given him a massage to help with the pain in his hands, but you made sure to work on his hands gently and carefully every time, watching his face for any signs of pain. 
After leaving his hands to soak for a good five minutes, you gently removed them and dried them off with a towel. You then grabbed the almost empty bottle of massage oil and poured the remainder onto your hand. You then rubbed your hands together before grabbing one of Stephen’s hands again. 
You worked on each hand gingerly, and you noticed how the tremble you had felt earlier had settled a little. You hoped the pain had too. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked Stephen as you continued working on his hands. 
“So much better. The pain isn’t as severe anymore,” Stephen confessed, and that made you smile. 
“I’m glad to hear that.”
You were just finishing up on Stephen’s left hand, gently massaging at his fingers, and that’s when Stephen spoke up again. 
“Thank you for always doing this, Y/N. For always putting up with me and my hands.” 
You looked up at him and smiled. “You don’t need to thank me, Stephen. You know how much I love you and how much I love taking care of you and your hands.”
Your words seemed to get to Stephen because you watched as his face changed, tears filling his eyes again. This time not because he was in pain, but because he never thought he could get this lucky. 
“I love you so much. How did I get this lucky finding you?” he smiled, his eyes glossy with tears. 
You felt your own eyes well up with tears. You let go of Stephen’s hand and stood on your tiptoes, kissing him softly and sweetly. 
“I love you, too. So much,” you told him after pulling away from his lips. “I think I’m the lucky one.” 
Stephen let out a laugh, the sound echoing throughout the tiny bathroom before he kissed you. You stood there kissing for a good five minutes before Stephen pulled away, letting out a yawn. 
“I think we should get back to bed,” Stephen smiled and you nodded at the idea. 
You emptied the sink and turned off the bathroom light before returning to your bed. You let Stephen get comfortable first before you jumped back into bed. You reached over and turned off the bedside light. You then moved, cuddling up to Stephen as you felt one of his strong arms wrapping around you. 
“Goodnight, Stephen,” you whispered, shutting your eyes, ready to let sleep take over. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Stephen replied, placing a gentle kiss on your hair. 
Stephen fell asleep first, the soft sound of his snores filling the bedroom. You smiled, happy that Stephen had managed to fall asleep again so quickly after he had been in pain earlier. You hoped the pain wouldn’t come back again anytime soon. 
You then found yourself falling asleep in Stephen’s arms soon after, glad you had managed to help him feel better.
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Tag list: @butchers-girl @azu21 @polytheatrix @lucimorningst4r @evelyn-kingsley @withalittlehoney @mirikusashes @bobateadaydreams @strangelockd @thealleydog @cemak @stewardofningishzida @lady-harvey @smokeywhalee @floatingfireflies @marym7 @iamsherlocked1479 @asherloki @icytrickster17 @ssinimbrn-catsr0pia @aphroditesdilemma @strangesthirdeye @scxrleth3r @ironstrange1991
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temeyes · 1 year ago
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hand massage
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ohmycuckoo · 2 months ago
Light of my Life
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Please consider sending me a Ko-Fi 🩶 your support means a lot to me!
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heavenrainbowthaimassage · 2 years ago
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viktors-sternomastoid · 2 months ago
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Viktor’s tired hands - 16/many
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chippersweetbaby · 2 years ago
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shut up Aerith. don't act like you don't have this same flower art on your wall at your house. you dirty girl.
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jadewritesficshere · 9 months ago
Thinking about Eddie Munson who was complaining to the rest of the band about his shoulders and neck hurting post show. One of them convinces him to go for a massage.
Eddie shows up day of and is told to strip to level of comfort and get under the sheets laying on his back, his masseuse will knock before coming in. Eddie has not an ounce of care or shame, strips completely naked. Scars and tattoos on full display. He climbs between the sheets and waits. After knocking and hearing a "come in", his masseuse enters and-
The most handsome man he's ever seen walks in. A bit of stubble on his defined jaw, soft pale lips Eddie wants to kiss, big brown eyes Eddie wants to get lost in, slutty little waist and an ass Eddie could-
He introduces himself as Steve. Verifies where Eddie had said his tension was on the form he hastily filled out. Then it starts.
And maybe, maybe, Eddie is a bit touch starved. He could have anyone he wants, but they don't want him just his fame. Pushes them all away. Only gets close to his band, but they all are busy and have their own people outside of work.
And Steve is just touching him. Rubbing smooth circles into his temple, down his cheekbones towards his jaw. Pressing on parts of Eddie's face he didn't even realize were tense. It's relaxing.
And Eddie regrets not leaving at least his boxers on to help hide that he's becoming hard. Kind of embarrassing, which makes his dick harder- which, that's a lot to unpack right now-
"Hey, relax man," Steve says, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. Eddie can see Steve's eyes dart towards the obvious situation," It's natural. Happens to the best of us." "Does it happen to you?" Eddie blurts out. Eddie wants to shove his face in one of these soft plush pillows and scream, but Steve just snorts a laugh and shakes his head at him. Doesn't even respond as he continues the massage.
Eddie tries to hold back his groans as Steve turns his head to the side and rubs his neck into his shoulders. He can feel the tension leave his body slowly. Feel the knots in his muscles release.
Eddie can't, however, hold back the noise he makes when Steve grabs a hold of his hair and tugs it. Eddie's eyes pop open and he stares into Steve's face, who has started blushing. Steve just clears his throat and let's Eddie's hair go before continuing the massage.
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hajihiko · 1 year ago
Any chance you have more doodles of casual intimacy between the surivors? me and my homies Love that Good Platonic Intimacy rep, never be afraid to kiss/cuddle the homies <3
doodles? No. Hajime being Good With His Hands? I do now!
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slavicdolls4mangione · 2 months ago
lu is definitely the type of boyfriend who’d be obsessed with laying his head on your chest anytime he has the chance to / flop on top of you after a long day of work/uni and nuzzle his face into your boobs while poutily mumbling how soft and warm they are
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ilovemesomevincentprice · 5 months ago
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Raise your hand if you would like a massage from Vincent Price.... ✋🏼
Vincent Price and Rhonda Fleming -
While The City Sleeps (1956)
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irkinsblog · 9 months ago
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theexorcistiii · 2 years ago
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Cant believe I never posted my guitar! I covered it in cutouts from my moms big old anatomy book :)
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vaingod · 19 days ago
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my kitty got her coochie installed!! @wyndryga
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