#Halloween with Halsin
astarioffsimpmain · 5 months
Halloween with Halsin
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Halsin x F!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy (not accidental)
Synopsis: You and Halsin oversee the now adopted children from Baldur's Gate as they carve gourd lanterns in preparation for Liar's Night
Author's Note: Happy Half-o-ween part 2! 🎃
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Little faces lit up with joy and recognition as you and Halsin wheeled the cart of gourds up to the clearing. "We're celebrating Liar's Night!" A young tiefling boy cried out, jumping up and down in his place. 
"We are!" You replied, and laughed as a myriad of cheers and whoops broke out in response. "Daddy Halsin and I thought you all might want to carve your own gourd lanterns this year, but remember to save those gooey insides and put them in your bucket. We're baking pumpkin bread with it in a few days." Your smile only grew, watching the children gather around to pick out their pumpkins, sharing and swapping much more graciously than many adults you knew.  You sighed and allowed your eyes to fall closed in contentment when you felt your lover's arms encircle you in his warmth. 
"You do so well with them, my heart." He murmured, his lips tickling the crown of your head.
"They make that easy." You replied, then twisted in his arms to allow your own lips access to his cheek, his neck, and his shoulder. You dropped chaste but tender kisses on his sweat-dampened skin before tucking your nose into the crook of his neck. "You make it even easier." He chuckled in your ear and tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you as close as possible. 
"As do you, sweet one. As do you." 
"Daddy Halsin, this one has an ouchie." A young human girl toddled over with a small pumpkin that sported a heavy bruising on one side. The Druid released you with a smile and a wink and bent down to the little girl, taking the gourd and inspecting the aforementioned injury. 
"It seems that it does, little one. Everything in nature will be marked up over time, but that does not mean it is worthless. Let's carve the face right here across this bruise and make it unique and beautiful. Yes?" The little girl nodded, a small smile on her lips, and reached up to drag her little fingers over the scars on Halsin's face before running back to join the other children. 
"She would make a remarkable druid." You noted with a twinkle in your eye as Halsin returned to you. 
"She would. And should she choose to walk that path, I would be honored to guide her." He replied, his eyes soft and warm, trained on the children of every race that you and he had chosen to raise. You gazed around the former Shadow-cursed land with an insurmountable pride in your chest. When you and your lover had departed Baldur's Gate, you had taken with you not only the many orphaned children left from the dearth and tyranny, but the homeless adults as well. You had traveled back to the place Thaniel and Oliver called home, and made a place there for them all. 
And because of Halsin, along with the great help of Jaheira and her Harpers, they had flourished into a thriving and beautiful community. Adults had adopted and taken in children, and no one lived without food or a place to sleep when the rain inevitably fell. This extended to you and Halsin, who lived in a small cottage overlooking the field of vegetables and fruits Halsin grew and, with your help, harvested and used in dishes for anyone who wanted them. Your house was a popular destination for all, adults and children alike, and you had grown used to hosting people from the village many a night each week. 
You had been brimming with excitement for this moment for months. You were the one who had convinced Halsin to celebrate Liar's Night. It was one of the fondest memories you carried from living in Baldur's Gate, and these children having been from there, you knew would recognize it. It was when you reasoned that the children most likely had never been able to participate due to their inability to purchase the supplies for a protective gourd lantern - let alone have a home to protect - that Halsin had relented. "I truly find myself unable to say no to you, my heart." He had raked a hand down his face, but you knew he would enjoy the experience once the time came. 
You were pleased to see how right you were as the large Druid began a self-imposed patrol through the sea of children and their carving work, pausing to help any child that requested it. You chuckled and did the same for the other half, working together until each child held an empty pumpkin with a face carved into the side. "Remember to have your parents or older siblings light the candles!" You called as little legs carried each one of them back to the warmth of their homes. Once you and Halsin had gathered all the buckets containing pumpkin seeds and fillings and pooled them into a sealed container to save for later, the Druid took your small hand in his much larger one and led you back home. 
"You beautiful, wonderful woman." He was muttering lowly in your ear the moment the cottage door closed behind you. His hands found purchase on your hips and he nuzzled into you, breathing in your scent as he explored your form with his palms. 
"I told you that you would enjoy it." You giggled as he glided the tips of his fingers up your spine, causing you to arch up into him. 
"That you did, my heart, and you were right, as you so often are. I love you so deeply that Silvanus himself must feel it beat through my aching heart. He must know by now that half of my prayers are to him and half of them are to you. I have never felt an ardor so great in my 365 years of life." 
"Halsin, I hope you know by now that I feel much the same way, and while I cannot possibly contend with your declarations of poetry, I can give you this." You said softly, taking his hand into your own once again and pressing it to your abdomen. 
His eyes lit up in hopeful recognition, disbelief coloring his handsome features. "My heart, do you mean-?" He paused, as if he was too afraid to voice it aloud. 
"You're to be a father, Halsin." You smiled, your eyes misting over with tears full of adoration for the man that had become your life partner. And you laughed; a beautiful, breathless thing, as you watched tears cloud his eyes to mirror your own. 
"By Silvanus's blessing, I could have asked for no better news!" He boomed, lifting you into his arms to swing you around. Your joined laughter and elation filled the little cottage as the two of you rediscovered one another again and again, falling in love as though it were the first time. 
A blessed Leaffall, indeed. 
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Tagging Darlings: @knightofmight01
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mostwantedpotato404 · 11 months
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Something cozy and comforting for Halloween, they're almost ready. Are you? :3
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brewstersbru · 11 months
More halstarion cuz ive been playing my lil origin run; also happy halloween folks !
Pain. Sharp, dragging, unbearable agony against his back. Astarion huffs a small noise of pitiful discontent before clenching his mouth shut. Quiet. Can’t let him hear you. His fangs tear a little into his gums, but there isn’t enough blood in him for any to really trickle out of the wounds. 
A voice- disembodied, but cold and lilting as ever- sounds from behind. “My dear, how prettily you bleed. Even lovelier now, with the poetry I am bestowing upon you. Truly, a gift. And what do we say to gifts, Astarion?” 
Astarion moans miserably into the ground- or is it a steel surgical table? He can’t remember, he can’t focus. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. There’s a feeling of hands in his hair, grasping, tearing- the flash of a derisive, fanged grin- “What do we say, Astarion?”
His name sounds like rot coming from his lips, similar to the way one would utter the word “disgusting” or “vile”. Astarion hiccups with the force of his suffering- it’s simply too much, never before has Cazador been so persistent, never before has he carved so deep, for so long. Astarion’s weak, starving body cannot maintain itself against his tides of cruelty.
There is quiet as Cazador waits for his answer, he knows Astarion will do his very best to give it. Years and years of this torment had to have culminated into something- into an exceedingly loyal dog, he’d hoped. It’s why he tries not to command anything; not only because it takes the fun out of things, but also because it encourages a kind of devotion to the task that a simple order could never elicit. Pain can be such a useful tool, and he’s spent years honing his skill with it. 
Astarion gasps, chokes on a putrid mix of saliva and droplets of rat blood as they clog in his throat. “T-Thank you.” He coughs. Cazador hums and pushes his head back down. He runs a sharp nail down the middle of the warm, wet mess on Astarion’s back. It stings like a million tiny needles.
“Thank you, what?”
He digs the nail into one of the runes he’d just finished carving, ever so slightly, and Astarion writhes in agony. His breath comes choppy and ragged, and tears track endlessly down his nose. A moment, two, as Astarion brings a heaving breath in and steels himself against the revulsion he is about to feel.
“Thank you, Master.” The hum this elicits is decidedly pleased and Astarion hates himself all the more for earning it. If only he was stronger, if only he were able to hold out just a bit longer. If only he’d been able to make himself wait; Cazador would have grown tired, would have ordered him, eventually. 
Now, he is little more than a lapdog, bereft of even his pride, and the pain will only continue. How he despises the man he’s become, the man Cazador has moulded him into. 
The agony in his back resumes, even sharper and more unbearable than before. Astarion muffles a scream behind clenched teeth and wrenches his eyes open to reveal a circling of trees. A cool gust of air swipes across his sweat-soaked skin and he shivers, slightly. 
Astarion takes a moment to orient himself. He’d been trancing, curled into himself and facing away from the fire- Gods know why, he could use all the heat he can get with the way his undead body refuses to hold onto it on its own; some lingering self-flagellation, perhaps. 
He’s no longer bound to Cazador- for the time being at least- he’s fine. The ‘dream’ or whatever that had been was only a memory. Nothing more. He’s fine. 
Sitting up, he swats at the tear tracks on his cheeks and comes face-to-face with a wide-eyed Halsin, who had been whittling, it seems, judging by the knife in one hand and the partially carved wooden-something in the other. Astarion ducks and covers his face with a slender hand.  
“What in the hells are you doing, you oaf!?”
“… Whittling?” Halsin’s voice cracks a bit as he stumbles over the word. Astarion tries not to notice how endearing that is. He huffs.
“I gathered. Could you just- turn around? Please?” 
Halsin tilts his head to the side, just slightly, and stares at him with furrowed brows, mouth set in a firm line. He speaks carefully, but directly, unable to tiptoe around a subject when they’re both aware of the gravity of it.
“Are you alright, my friend? I don’t mean to pry, it’s just I noticed-“
“Not now.” Astarion’s voice comes out rough, grating, and he cannot bring himself to look Halsin in the eye as he speaks. 
“… Alright” There’s a shuffling as- assumedly- Halsin picks himself up and heads back to his tent. Astarion only allows himself a breath of relief when the other man’s footsteps retreat outside of his range of hearing. 
On one hand, Astarion is astoundingly, exceedingly grateful to have his wishes honored. On the other, it is so, very quiet, and he can still feel the ghosts of fingers petting, clawing and grasping at his skin. He feels dirty, a vile little thing ought to be left in the dirt. 
His back aches- phantom pains, he knows- and even years after their conception his scars throb. It’s not the first time this has happened, but it is the first time he’s been able to focus on it, the first time no other, greater pain can distract him from the dull shock of remembrance. Maybe he’d never healed correctly, maybe it’s his mind playing its usual tricks. 
Suddenly unable to stand the scratch of cloth against the raised skin on his back, Astarion wrestles his shirt off of himself. Sharp nails dragging uncaringly against the skin as if trying to sate an itch. He wants the ‘poetry’ off of himself, he wants to be clean.
His scratching becomes more fervent, less careful as his thoughts spiral. A sob works its way up, only to die in his throat, he chokes a little on it. Off. Off. Off. He needs it off. He wishes he could claw the taint away. His skin crawls under his fingernails, even as they scratch past skin. Blood flows, sluggish, down the bony curve of his spine. It is not an unfamiliar feeling. 
A sharp gasp sounds, quiet, but cutting in the previous silence that had pervaded the space around the campfire. Astarion does not dare look up from the ground. Great. Another interruption to him losing his fucking mind. 
Thankfully- which, who could guess he’d ever think the word in relation to the druid- it’s just Halsin again. Arms now laden with jars and cloth, rather than the sharp woodworking tools he’d left the fire with. The jars are labeled, but his scrawl is too small for Astarion to parse the words. 
“Astarion, my friend, please cease this needless self-mutilation!” He rushes to Astarion’s side, carefully placing the jars on the side of his bedroll and gently, loosely grasping at Astarion’s wrists- assumedly to encourage the vampire to pry his claws from his skin. He doesn’t push, simply holds him there.
The warmth is welcome, grounding in the swirl of pain and cold and despair that had previously been clouding Astarion’s mind. He lets out an unnecessary, but comforting breath and allows his hands to be pried away. 
“Good. That’s good, my friend, thank you.” 
Astarion grouses a discontented sound, to which Halsin huffs a small chuckle. 
“Alright- you’re alright. You were looking rather pale- moreso than usual at least- and I had hoped some of my oils or salves could soothe any injuries you’d overlooked, or old aches.” He pauses for a moment and rifles through the pile of goods he’d brought over, “As elves, our ‘nightmares’ are more memories, than anything. I’m more than familiar with a long-forgotten wound making itself known after a particularly jarring remembrance. I am sorry yours were so visceral.”
He’s babbling, Astarion notices, low voice rather quick compared to its usual steady thrum, but he can appreciate the effort in attempting to keep him grounded. His body doesn’t want to move, though, and he simply slumps into himself, gaze steadily forward, hollow, almost in its vacancy. 
“Here let me-“ A warmth hovers over the mess of Astarion’s back. Well, this is rather familiar. But it pauses,hesitates. Still, Astarion can feel himself tensing. A short, ragged sound punches out of him, unwitting. Halsin hums. 
“Apologies, my friend, it seems my manners have escaped me in my nerves. May I touch you? I wish only to soothe the hurt, I have a balm that should do the trick well and once I’ve applied it, my hands will not touch your skin again should you wish it.”
Astarion takes a moment, another unnecessary breath, then nods. It’s curt, almost imperceptible really, but Halsin had been paying very close attention to his body’s reactions. He thanks him- what for, Astarion cannot even begin to fathom. 
It’s quiet as Halsin’s deft fingers tenderly pass a wet towelette down his spine to clean the blood from it. It soothes, cool and stinging against new cuts and Astarion can only hope that at least he’d left new scars. Something to disrupt the carving of pure malice that had lain there, undisturbed, for so long. 
“Thank you.” It takes a while, and his voice is fairly destroyed by what he can only assume had been long minutes of screaming and sobbing in his sleep, coupled with the panic attack after waking. Halsin’s fingers continue their deft work. 
“Please. No need. If I may I- I hate to see you struggle so. Is there anything that caused it? Anything we can avoid?” His sincerity is sweet, but useless. Astarion shakes his head.
“Comes and goes, really. Used to be able to ignore it with other things. Can’t focus on memories when the present is fucked too, right?” Astarion chuckles, but Halsin does not join in. 
It’s quiet for a bit, Halsin’s hands feel almost hesitant against his skin, “I am not a man easily drawn to violence but- well- your old master deserves nothing but the slowest, most painful death possible. I know it means little but I am sorry. You did not deserve his torment. No one could deserve that.”
“I was no angel in life, druid. For a long time, it seemed like a penance.” The words are almost hissed, but the sincerity in them is unmistakable.
“Even penance ends, eventually, Astarion. Forgiveness usually follows. Two hundred years is more than enough time. Especially when you had not even truly lived before being thrust into undeath- I mean thirty-nine? You still bear your child name.” Halsin sounds almost pained, although his hands remain steady, now pressing fingerfuls of balm to each cut, and even the undamaged rune-scars too. Something in Astarion howls, surges forward into an incessant rage at the tenderness.  
“And perhaps I was a truly devilish child, druid! Perhaps I deserved it!” Halsin sighs. 
“No one deserves that, Astarion. You have to know that.”
“If I allow myself to believe that, then I have to accept victimhood. I have to accept that loss of control. I have to accept that it’s not that I deserved it, it’s that no one cared enough to try to save me. Tell me, druid, which would you rather believe.” With a final, gentle pass of his thumb Halsin retreats. Shamefully, Astarion misses the warmth of his touch. The druid rounds his bedroll, settling criss-crossed in front of him and busying himself with organizing his bottles into a neat pile.
“Well, first, I’d like it if you used my name and not my title. It feels rather impersonal talking to you when you won’t even call me ‘Halsin’. Second, I truly don’t know, but I have always favored the truth over anything else.”
Astarion hisses, “I will call you what I like, not what you tell me to call you.” Halsin simply nods, and something inside him deflates. Backs down from its haunches. 
“Oh, alright, you big baby. Halsin. Maybe the truth is that I was- however implausibly- the kind of person to deserve my penance.”
Halsin seems to light up at the sound of his name from Astarion’s lips. Astarion tries to find it dorky and uncool and not hopelessly endearing. Then, “I find that incredibly hard to believe. Had you even chosen an adult name? Had anything in mind?”
Astarion falls quiet at this. “I had an idea, a few, maybe. I remember being excited about them, I thought I was so clever with the word choice… But I cannot remember them. Cazador only called me by this name, when he deigned to adress me, and I did not exactly have the time or energy to care about choosing another.”
Something within Halsin cracks at the admission. To have that rite stolen from him was abhorrent. Heartbreaking. 
“Truly you remember nothing?”
Astarion shrugs, “Hard to find that kind of thing important when there are other, more pressing matters. It’s not like the names would fit me anymore, either, two hundred years have taken their toll, after all.” He smiles, a crooked, self-depreciating thing and gestures to himself, the scars on his back. “Thank you, by the way. I wouldn’t have treated them on my own.” The thanks doesn’t even need to be forced from his lips. Halsin smiles at the ease with which it is offered. 
“No need. And I know.”
It’s quiet for a while longer. The two of them take the time to simply look at each other. Astarion wonders, for perhaps the millionth time, what Halsin is seeing as he gazes at him with such open fondness and admiration. Surely it cannot be him. Godssakes he hasn’t even seen himself in two hundred years, who knows what kind of effect it’s had on his wrinkles. He tries not to dwell. 
“I’m going to read.” Astarion says, when he can no longer stand the thought of just how many lines have been carved in his face, without the help of Cazador’s many painful instruments. Halsin simply nods, but continues searching his face. Astarion is unsure what he’s looking for, but is fairly certain, whatever it is, has long since left him. Nowadays he’s mostly bared teeth and vengeance more than anything.  
“Please, go right ahead. If you would not protest, I would very much like to join you. I’ll whittle, stay quiet so you can focus. Would that be alright?” He tilts his head to the side, and, with the way he’s fiddling with a jar, seems so incredibly bear-like in the moment that Astarion has to clamp down on a giggle.
“�� Alright. But you had better keep that promise to stay quiet.” Halsin grins, a warm, blinding thing. 
“As a mouse. And we druids are rather good at mimicking animals, you know.”
A laugh punches itself from Astarion’s throat as he heads back to his tent and settles on some pillows, his most recent thick tome open in his lap. 
It’s not long before Halsin is quietly announcing his presence, shuffling around to settle a few feet away, legs tucked up under him as he situates himself against the nearest surface- a stolen chest from one of the many towers they’d rummaged through. 
It’s easy to forget he’s there- or, no, it’s easy to simply exist in a space with him. Astarion doesn’t feel the need to perform or prove anything to him- after all, he’s basically seen him at his worst- and the silence is warm. Interrupted, every so often, by the methodical scrape of metal against wood, or the crisp flipping of a page. 
Before he can stop himself, Astarion’s fallen into another trance. This time blissfully devoid of any visions or memories. 
He wakes to an empty tent, but his book is neatly bookmarked and stowed beside his bedroll. He, himself had been carefully tucked under a pelt of some sort- a piece he knew was not from his own tent- and next to the book lay a small, intricately carved wooden star. On the back, a careful engraving:
little star, how you shine
It feels like a declaration. 
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fey-wanderer · 11 months
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by Drakonoart ( Twitter/X )
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queenoftriforce · 3 days
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Halloween Stickers WIP!
These bad boys will be up on October in my Redbubble store 🎃
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ryewritesstuff · 10 months
Holiday AU!
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Let's celebrate Trolltide in Baldur's Gate!
On this day commemorating Waterdeep’s victory in the Second Trollwar, children run through the city acting like trolls, banging on doors and growling, from highsun till dusk. Home and shop owners are expected to give the children candy, fruits, or small items. Those who give no treat can expect to become the target of a trick at sundown. This mischief typically takes the form of “troll scratchings” at doors and windows. Those with more malicious intent sing screechingly in the wee hours, and hurl raw eggs at windows, signs, and the heads of those who try to stop them. Have some candy on hand or some sweet rolls, and all will be calm where you live.
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Rainbow dragon once again brings this Autumn/Halloween ask game. The rules stay the same. Send me asks with one of the prompts written bellow, ideally one that contains all three types, and I'll bake you an ooky-spooky ficlet with any character from Baldur’s Gate!
"what do you mean you've never gone tricks-or-treating?!"
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
“You’ve got leaves in your hair.”
“What are you reading?”
"Here, take my sweater/jacket/coat."
"Your hands are cold."
"Are you scared?"
"You look cold, do you want a hug?"
"I bet you can't catch a leaf."
"You're soaked through!"
"Pumpkin spiced latte, please."
"You think anyone's ever died here?"
"It's sweater season!"
carving pumpkins together
baking halloween sweets
going to questionable lengths to decorate their house/apartment
throwing a halloween party
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
putting an inordinate amount of effort into planning their costume
going to a pumpkin patch
exploring a graveyard
blackberry picking
apple picking
Local bakery
Black cat
Coffee date
Fall-mark AU
Cabin retreat
Crunching leaves
Halloween party
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hallowcos · 30 days
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Baldur's Gate 3 Halsin Cosplay Costume
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whathebeep · 11 months
Halloween at Camp
(basically just drabbles of how I think the camp/companions would celebrate). Tav/Astarion/Halsin centric romance wise
Halsin? Oh Halsin would make a grand feast for everyone. A lot of seasonal foods, kind of like a Thanksgiving meal but a little less focus on having very specific items and using things he spent the day (or past few) collecting/hunting. I imagine it's a tradition often celebrated in the grove so he was more than eager to celebrate it at camp. He would also, ofc, make sure to give the safe bones to Scratch and the OBC, perhaps even going out as a bear and getting more than a few salmon for OBC. He's more than eager for everyone to feast and eat their share when dinner time comes around. When everyone gathers for scary stories at the campfire, I imagine if Tav and/or Astarion get scared or creeped out they would scoot a little closer to him, perhaps hold his hand tight, or find great comfort overall if he puts his arms around them to keep them close.
Karlach would /love/ Halloween. She would dress up using whatever was laying around or she could get for dirt cheap in the city- I imagine she'd be fond of bedsheet ghosts and would have holes for her horns to stick out. She'd collect up some pumpkins or turnips for everyone to carve- and between her, Wyll, Gale, Shadowheart and Tav, they have more than a few pumpkins to put up around camp. I imagine Halsin also collects all the pumpkin seeds for roasting for a snack for later.
Wyll never really seemed like he got to dress up as a kid- son of nobility, Halloween was probably more a poor man's holiday when it came to dressing up. Through encouragement Karlach probably helps him dress up, even if it Is just some silly clown makeup or something small along those lines. He, however, along with Gale and Shadowheart, probably also read a lot, and knows more than his fair share of spooky stories for them to tell around the campfire late at night.
Lae'zel? Like a lot of things on the material plane she would be a little confused at this holiday tradition. Why would you waste time on indulging in scary things when the group faces more than enough scary things on the daily basis? Then again, I think Lae'zel sees the appeal of carving pumpkins, and would join in on that. She'd probably also enjoy the scary stories, even if she didn't initially join everyone around the fire at first.
Shadowheart is very fond of Halloween. I think she'd be the one who'd have a tarot deck and would have fun doing spreads for everyone. She probably doesn't dress up but she is all too eager to join everyone at the fire for stories. Has quite a good few monster stories that leave more than a few folks with chills.
Gale is the type to delight in reading spooky books during Halloween. He'd be the type to brew a good cup of tea, snuggle up in his tent for a majority of the day to read something like Frankenstein's Monster (the DBD equivalent obvi). Later in the day he would probably emerge to help Halsin cook, or even focus on making Halloween themed treats- hell he'd probably be the one to focus on making a nice pumpkin centric treat, like pumpkin bread or pie. He'd also have a good few creature feature stories to tell.
Astarion? Halloween has probably changed a lot since he was young, and I imagine Cazador would only let him and the other spawn out to focus on the plenty of drunkards out partying back to the residence. So Astarion doesn't seem too keen to join in on the festivities. Be probably spends a lot of time drinking wine, maybe with Gale, and reading a good book. Perhaps he joins Gale in reading a spooky book (or the same one, sitting close and comfy). I imagine Halsin has also collected a good variety of animal blood for Astarion to dine on come dinner time, but he, along with Tav, offer up their necks for him to comfortably dine on. He's a little hesitant to join everyone at the campfire for stories or having his tarot read, but after hearing the first story he reluctantly strolls over to join everyone, taking a seat between Halsin and Minsc.
Minsc? Oh Minsc's home probably has a similar tradition as Halsin, and he is more than eager to help in hunting. Though he spends the past few days hunting a specific boar and bringing it back to camp. He prepares it by hand, preparing a ton of meat to be dried as pemmican or jerky to last then for weeks to come. Jaheira more than likely lends a hand in this too, making sure to collect goodberries and other edible berries for the pemmican preparation. Jaheira probably keeps the tusks to make something out of at another date.
Jaheira more than likely just helps out around camp, though she also joins in on pumpkin carving. I imagine amongst her family back home she usually does so. Out of everyone she probably has the best, most practiced carving, and more than likely does a cat face, or perhaps takes inspiration from Scratch or OBC and carves them instead.
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teal-is-mentally-ill · 11 months
trick or tweeaatt :>?
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Why treat of course <3
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catella-ars · 11 months
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Day 24 - Music (I will never not be sad about this)
Day 25 - Healthy Meal : One egg, one whole lemon, an entire pumpkin, and two different wines
Day 26 - Party Banter (I have yet to recruit Minthara so I haven't gotten this bit myself but these two are hilarious)
Day 27 - Fourth Wall Break : Dragonbard accidentally got their party of One-Digit Strength Bois stuck in a loop (luckily, some finagling got us far enough away for the girls to rescue us)
Day 28 - Control
Day 29 - The ability to turn into animals is the best Power tbh
Day 30 - Violent Transformation
Day 31 - The immaculate Haley Whipjack made a video that, among other things, assigned the characters what class they would play were they playing DnD. So I drew (some of) it.
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socalled-art · 11 months
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🎃Just a early Halloween treat 🦇
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teetune44 · 10 months
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ORDER : https://bit.ly/3Q17Ppm
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aerynwrites · 1 year
Baldur’s Gate 3 Masterlist
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Longing || part 2 - NSFW. Reader has been pining after Halsin for a while now but has hesitated to make a move due to her inexperience, little does she know - a certain Druid might just feel the same and is more than willing to show her.
Remember - A drunken night leads to confessions and Halsin still being a gentleman.
Not alone - Reader is feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being the defacto leader. Halsin tries to show them they don’t have to bear the weight alone. (Requested)
Scars - Reader hates the scars they bare, but Halsin shows them that there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Lover’s Embrace - NSFW. An alchemical mishap puts reader in a situation she’s not expecting, and as usual, Halsin is there to help. aka - reader accidentally creates an aphrodisiac potion and Halsin helps her through the after effects.
Dance The Night Away - Tav/reader gets a chance to finally show off a dress she acquired some time ago, something Halsin greatly appreciates as they dance.
Cherished - NSFW! A/B/O fic with omega!fem!reader. Reader has been on supressants for years only to be faced with the ordeal of an unexpected and intense heat when she loses her supply. Halsin is there to help.
Loss - reader mourns the loss of a beloved pet. Halsin is there to comfort them. (Based on a request)
Losing You - You get injured in battle and Halsin finally feels a fear he hasn’t felt in quite some time, a confession he makes to you as he nurses you back to health.
Reciprocation - NSFW! Reader notices that Halsin is usually the one to give during intimacy, this time, reader decides to return the favor.
Mistaken Identity - the reader meets a bear in the woods, unbeknownst to her this bear is the same Druid she has a crush on.
Desire - based on a request for breeding kink with Halsin
Whittle Mistakes - Reader injures themself while Halsin teaches them to Whittle.
Peaceful Moments - Reader and Halsin spend a quiet moment together.
It's About The Chase - NSFW! In a ritual to bring them closer, Halsin chases reader through the woods. I think we can all guess what happens when he catches her.
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Send Me an Angel (Halsin x Fem!angle!Reader)
After witnessing an angel fall from the sky, Halsin takes it upon himself to nurse her back to health. But as the days go by, the shadow curse still prevails, and he starts to find out there’s more than meets the eye with his new Angel companion.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Gale Dekarios
Late Nights - Gale has slipped away from you in the middle of the night - again - so, it’s your duty to bring him back to your side.
Unexpected, but Not Unwelcome - Reader announces she’s pregnant to Gale, he reacts in the best way possible.
Perks of The City - NSFW! Gale and Reader take part in all the city has to offer. Aka: they fuck in a bathhouse
Make it Right - Durge!Reader is struggling with finding out their past and their part in the absolute plot, their companions turning away from them. They decide to do go after Orin to make it right.
Masquerade of Liars - Gale and Reader take their son out to celebrate a traditional Waterdeep holiday (aka the forgotten realms version of Halloween!)
Worthy - reader/tav feels like they aren’t worthy of Gale. He’s quick to tell them otherwise.
Lost for Words - reader tried on the Wavemother Robe and shows off the new item to Gale who, well…he’s lost for words.
Dreams Become Reality - NSFW! reader has a rather…debauched dream and wakes Gale up. Good thing he’s curious and willing to satiate your fantasies.
Astarion x Halsin
Worries and Doubts - On a quiet afternoon in the forest, Astarion starts to have doubts about the future. Halsin is there to comfort him.
Love Lost - Halsin was unable to sway Astarion from ascending and now…Now he’s left to try and reconcile his love for the man he knew and the vampire lord before him now.
Emeralds - You’ve been pinning after Dammon for quite some time now, little do you know the blacksmith feels the same way.
Fear of Losing You - (part 2 of emeralds) Reader stumbles upon the tiefling massacre in the shadow cursed lands and assumes the worst.
Bound by The Heart (and other things) - you stumble upon one of Dammon’s more…lewd books, and find out something he’s wanted to try. You eagerly volunteer.
Freckles - you spend the morning admiring Rolan as he sleeps.
Halsin and Gale with Reader who tries pheromone perfume
Love languages with Gale and Dammon (SFW and NSFW)
Physical Touch and Gift Giving w/ Gale, Halsin and Dammon
Halsin as a New Dad
Dammon with a plus size S/O
Halsin and Reader Post Game
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Its that Spooky Scary Month again and Baldurs Gate 3 has been living in my head rent free!
How about Team Worm and Tav investigate a truly haunted house. The setting? Tav has managed to drag them into another misadventure and then slightly romantic and marginally embarrassing shenanigans ensue. I.E. romantic partner of choice either hides behind Tav or jumps into their arms in true Scooby doo fashion.
Happy Early Halloween!
You got it nonnie
Even though Halloween has passed, this is too funny to pass up
Ok, so Astarion, Lae’zel, Shadowheart and Wyll are completely jumping into your arms whenever they’re scared
Gale and Karlach are jumping A LOT but still insist they’re not afraid
Halsin flinches a few times and is holding on TIGHTLY to your hand
Bonus: Rolan thinks this is trivial that Cal and Lia roped him into this display, but does let out some undignified screams as he’s holding onto you and hiding behind you
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tatterings · 1 year
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I'm still experimenting with Procreate and the filters are pretty fun ngl. I had this image in my head of Halsin and Astarion being cute for Halloween. Plus Astarion's "rawr" + giggle line would not get the fuck out of my head ;;
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