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aur-consultant09 · 2 months ago
In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, one of the most crucial aspects of talent management is retaining top talent. With Millennials and Gen Z now constituting a significant portion of the workforce, traditional retention strategies are becoming less effective. These generations bring with them distinct life goals, aspirations, and values that necessitate a fresh approach to talent retention.
Understanding Millennials and Gen Z
Millennials and Gen Z are often characterized as risk-takers, adventurers, and digital natives. They seek meaningful work, value flexibility, and are driven by a desire for continuous learning and personal growth. Unlike previous generations, a mere salary increase or a Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) is insufficient to secure their long-term commitment to an organization.
Shifting the Paradigm: Beyond Traditional Incentives
To effectively retain Millennials and Gen Z employees, businesses must pivot from conventional retention strategies to more innovative and engaging approaches. Here are several strategies that align with the aspirations and values of these dynamic generations:
Purpose-Driven Work:
Mission and Values Alignment: Ensure that the company’s mission and values resonate with those of the employees. Millennials and Gen Z want to feel that their work contributes to a greater good.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Actively involve employees in CSR initiatives. This not only enhances their sense of purpose but also strengthens their emotional connection to the company.
Career Development and Learning Opportunities:
Continuous Learning: Offer opportunities for skill development and continuous learning. This could include online courses, workshops, and access to industry conferences.
Mentorship Programs: Implement mentorship programs that pair younger employees with experienced professionals to provide guidance and career advice.
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exelahrsolutions · 1 year ago
Effortless HR Management: Exela's Expertise in HRBP, Grievance, and Leave Management
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Discover the power of #HRBusinessPartnerServices with #ExelaHRSolutions. Our expertise aligns employee strategy with business goals, fostering improved company culture, empowered leaders, diverse talent, and lasting value. Explore grievance management, leave policies, engagement activities, and more.
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scribblesoul-20 · 1 year ago
HRBP - TikTok LIVE - Dubai
Job title: HRBP – TikTok LIVE – Dubai Company: Job description: TikTok is the leading destination for short-form mobile video. Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. TikTok has global offices including Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul and Tokyo. Why Join Us Creation is the core of TikTok’s purpose. Our platform is built to help…
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mv-altios · 2 years ago
The Untold Story of 3-key employees of Maier Vidorno Altios
#EmployeeAppreciation Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world - Harriet Tubman Today is a very special Day as we celebrate the Birthdays of Sultan, who has been associated with Maier Vidorno Altios for over one and half decades, and Klaus Maier - Chairman of Maier Vidorno Altios. Ajit, Sultan and Kumar each share a story of making the most of opportunities when they come about. They showed up, were resilient; grateful; and most importantly diligent in their work. We at Maier Vidorno Altios are proud to work with them. Klaus Maier says “they are always there when you need them, they are part of the MVA family and we are glad they are with us for so long.” Have a look at our latest story "The Untold Story of 3 key employees of Maier Vidorno Altios" https://lnkd.in/eqnQNyah #india #opportunities #teambuilding #jobs #career #hr #hrbp #joinourteam #jointhepack #jointhefamily #hiringtalent #corporate #careerdevelopment #employeeappreciation #management #humanresources #employeeengagement #workplace #employers #employer #accounting #accountingservices
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unair-executive-education · 2 years ago
Manfaat Pelatihan HRBP bagi Individu Karyawan dan Perusahaan
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HRBP adalah singkatan dari Human Resources Business Partner, yang dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat diterjemahkan sebagai Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia. Pelatihan HRBP merujuk pada proses pengembangan kompetensi, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan bagi seorang HRBP untuk menghadapi tuntutan pekerjaan sebagai mitra bisnis yang efektif dalam bidang sumber daya manusia. 
Definisi pelatihan HRBP dapat bervariasi tergantung pada konteks organisasi atau perusahaan tertentu, namun secara umum, pelatihan HRBP bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan seorang HRBP dalam memahami dan mengelola hubungan antara sumber daya manusia dan tujuan bisnis organisasi. Pelatihan HRBP biasanya mencakup pengembangan keterampilan dalam analisis data, manajemen kinerja, manajemen talenta, manajemen konflik, komunikasi efektif, kepemimpinan, negosiasi, serta pemahaman tentang hukum ketenagakerjaan dan kebijakan sumber daya manusia. 
Selain itu, pelatihan HRBP juga dapat melibatkan pengembangan kemampuan strategis, pemahaman bisnis, dan kemampuan dalam mengambil keputusan yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan organisasi. Pelatihan HRBP dapat diselenggarakan melalui berbagai metode, seperti pelatihan formal, kelas, seminar, mentoring, atau pengalaman kerja langsung, yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kompetensi seorang HRBP dalam menjalankan peran mereka sebagai mitra bisnis yang berorientasi pada hasil dalam lingkungan kerja yang terus berkembang
Manfaat Pelatihan HRBP bagi Individu
Pelatihan HRBP dapat memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi individu karyawan dalam beberapa cara berikut: 
Pengembangan Kompetensi: Pelatihan HRBP membantu karyawan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi dan keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam peran HRBP. Ini termasuk pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip manajemen sumber daya manusia, analisis data, manajemen kinerja, manajemen talenta, komunikasi efektif, kepemimpinan, dan kemampuan untuk beroperasi dalam lingkungan kerja yang kompleks dan dinamis. Dengan mengembangkan kompetensi ini, karyawan dapat menjadi lebih efektif dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab mereka sebagai HRBP. 
Peningkatan Karir: Pelatihan HRBP dapat membantu karyawan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mereka sebagai HRBP, yang dapat menjadi batu loncatan untuk pengembangan karir yang lebih lanjut di bidang sumber daya manusia atau dalam peran manajerial yang lebih tinggi. Dengan menguasai keterampilan dan pengetahuan HRBP, karyawan dapat mengambil peran yang lebih kompleks dan berkembang dalam organisasi mereka, meningkatkan potensi mereka untuk promosi dan kenaikan pangkat. 
Peningkatan Nilai bagi Organisasi: Karyawan yang menjalani pelatihan HRBP yang baik dapat menjadi aset berharga bagi organisasi mereka. Mereka dapat membantu organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan sumber daya manusia, memahami kebutuhan bisnis, dan menghadirkan solusi strategis yang sesuai. Dengan menjadi mitra bisnis yang efektif, karyawan HRBP dapat membantu organisasi mencapai tujuan bisnis mereka, memperkuat hubungan antara sumber daya manusia dan manajemen bisnis, serta meningkatkan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. 
Pengembangan Soft Skills: Selain keterampilan teknis, pelatihan HRBP juga sering kali melibatkan pengembangan soft skills, seperti komunikasi, kepemimpinan, dan manajemen waktu. Karyawan yang menguasai soft skills ini dapat menjadi lebih efektif dalam berinteraksi dengan rekan kerja, tim, dan pihak terkait lainnya, serta dalam memahami dan mengelola dinamika manusia dalam organisasi. 
Peningkatan Diri: Pelatihan HRBP juga dapat memberikan manfaat pribadi bagi karyawan, seperti peningkatan rasa percaya diri, motivasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka dalam peran HRBP, karyawan dapat merasa lebih berdaya dan terampil dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas mereka, yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pribadi dan profesional mereka. 
Dengan demikian, pelatihan HRBP dapat memberikan manfaat yang beragam bagi individu karyawan, baik dalam pengembangan karir mereka, peningkatan nilai bagi organisasi, pengembangan soft skills, maupun peningkatan diri secara pribadi dan profesional. 
Manfaat Pelatihan HRBP bagi Organisasi dan Perusahaan
Pelatihan HRBP dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi perusahaan, antara lain: 
Penyelarasan Strategi Bisnis dan HR: Pelatihan HRBP membantu memastikan bahwa fungsi HR berkontribusi secara efektif dalam pencapaian tujuan bisnis perusahaan. HRBP yang terlatih dapat mengenali hubungan antara strategi bisnis perusahaan dengan kebijakan dan praktik sumber daya manusia, serta menghadirkan solusi HR yang relevan untuk memastikan penyelarasan strategis. 
Pengelolaan Risiko dan Kepatuhan: Pelatihan HRBP membekali HRBP dengan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang hukum ketenagakerjaan, kebijakan internal perusahaan, serta praktik HR terbaik. Hal ini membantu perusahaan dalam mengelola risiko dan memastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. 
Pengembangan Karyawan: Pelatihan HRBP dapat membantu dalam pengembangan karyawan perusahaan. HRBP yang terlatih dapat memahami kebutuhan pengembangan karir karyawan, mengidentifikasi peluang pengembangan, serta merancang program pengembangan yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan karyawan. 
Manajemen Kinerja dan Produktivitas: HRBP yang terlatih dapat membantu dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan program manajemen kinerja yang efektif, termasuk pengaturan target, evaluasi kinerja, umpan balik, dan pengembangan karyawan. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan dan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. 
Pengelolaan Hubungan Industrial yang Harmonis: Pelatihan HRBP dapat membekali HRBP dengan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan hubungan industrial yang harmonis antara perusahaan dan serikat pekerja atau karyawan. Dengan hubungan industrial yang baik, perusahaan dapat menghindari konflik buruh, meningkatkan kepuasan dan keterlibatan karyawan, serta menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang positif. 
Penyusunan Kebijakan dan Prosedur HR yang Efektif: HRBP yang terlatih dapat membantu dalam merancang, mengimplementasikan, dan mengelola kebijakan dan prosedur HR yang efektif. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas operasional dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia. 
Penyusunan Rencana Suksesi dan Pengelolaan Talent: HRBP yang terlatih dapat membantu dalam merencanakan suksesi dalam organisasi, mengidentifikasi bakat internal, mengelola pengembangan karir, serta meningkatkan retensi dan pengelolaan talenta di perusahaan. 
Meningkatkan Citra dan Reputasi Perusahaan: Dengan memiliki HRBP yang terlatih, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan citra dan reputasinya sebagai perusahaan yang profesional, ramah karyawan, dan mengedepankan prinsip-prinsip manajemen sumber daya manusia yang baik. Hal ini dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi calon karyawan dan meningkatkan loyalitas karyawan yang ada. 
Referensi: https://www.aeec.unair.ac.id/human-resources-for-non-human-resources/
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tushar-skillsconnect · 2 years ago
SkillsConnect is a digital campus hiring platform that connects Institutions, Students, and Businesses to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of talent acquisition and hiring. SkillsConnect connecting Freshers to Companies and provides Employers to Individuals and Campuses across 1,000+ places and 10,000+ universities in India. It speeds up procedures like integrating college TPOs, creating job descriptions and CVs, sorting applications according to the nature of the open positions, sending emails to schedule and recall interviews, and automating the efficient recruiting and selection process. If you are a student, you can register your college and instantly receive offers from businesses all around India. SkillsConnect gives recruiters access to all institutions and top universities. To experience a hassle-free digital campus hiring process, register with SkillsConnect now!
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maryhilton07 · 7 months ago
GSDC’s HR Business Partner certification is a globally recognized certification program that validates and certifies HR professionals' skills and expertise in strategic HR practices. 
This certification demonstrates that the holder has the knowledge and capabilities to act as a strategic partner to the organization's senior leadership, helping to align HR strategies with organizational goals and objectives.
The certification focuses on various areas such as business acumen, HR analytics, HR metrics, organizational design, talent management, change management, and employee engagement.It is suitable for HR professionals who are already functioning in HR Business Partner roles or those who aspire to take on such roles.
The HR Business Partner certification enables professionals to stay updated with the latest industry trends and practices, ensuring that they can contribute to the organization's success effectively. The certification is offered by leading HR professional associations, and it is recognized by organizations worldwide. Once certified, HR professionals can use the credential to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in strategic HR practices, and it may lead to career advancement opportunities, higher salaries, and increased recognition within the organization.
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phanmemnhansuamishrm · 1 year ago
HRBP là gì? Tìm hiểu vai trò và công việc thường ngày của HBRP
Mô hình nhân sự HRBP là một trong những xu hướng mới trong việc khai thác chức năng của Bộ phận nhân sự, nơi nhân sự giữ một vị trí quan trọng trong việc tạo ra giá trị cho tổ chức. Bài viết sau đây sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về HRBP là gì? Vai trò và công việc của HRBP trong doanh nghiệp.
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ask-philgraves · 3 days ago
Commander Graves, Sir, um. Just letting you know the HRBP board refused your request to put… ‘Paid lady friends’ on your company card.
I hate my job.
Also if you need lady friends I’m literally right here but whatever. (That last part is a joke, I swear).
- @cod-hr-admin 💻
That's hilarious considering I have only given my card to two people recently and haven't used it myself yet...
Anyone want to fess up before Dr. Pepper privileges get revoked?
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sweetswesf · 11 months ago
Hey, hey fam.
These past few weeks I have been onboarding. I let my insecurities get the best of me and didn’t want to take on an assignment early. I was dealing with some imposter syndrome and feeling the weight of being the new person. I felt like all eyes were on this little Black girl and wondering what she was going to do. I wanted to get better acclimated with my new environment and such, but also I was fearful. I’m glad I did take my time though. I extended my onboarding as much as I could and finally got started on my project last week. At first it all felt impossible, especially since my manager set an extremely aggressive timeline for it all (1-2 weeks). My teammates who I consulted about the project all told me it would take AT LEAST 3 weeks. I chatted with my mentor who I’ve mentioned to y’all who has never left my side about my fear and he suggested I ask exactly what I need to do. That encouraged me. It reminded me that I’m not even EXPECTED to know every step. Although I didn’t reach out to ask this, God heard me and a few people reached out directly with resources and help. They knew I was assigned this project and they reached out to part some wisdom and offer their continued support going forward. There was a moment when I couldn’t procrastinate anymore and I had to dive into things (a new language, a new code base, a weird interface, tangled code). I prayed to God to get me through and I felt him saying: one thing at a time. And I’m glad I did…I took one step at a time and soon things started to make sense. After a lot of time invested, I gained some confidence back and started to understand things. I made some code changes and made more progress than I thought. It’s all because I tried to face fear head on. I reminded myself that if God put me in this role, he wasn’t going to rip it away from me. He is with me at every point. If you aren’t convinced He exists, I hope you consider it, because if not for trusting Him, I wouldn’t have this praise report. I’ve written all my coding steps out in my tech spect. My team loves it! So much so, that my manager called my colleague and I his favorites on a call with the rest of the team! That was not appropriate, and made me feel like a target is now on my back from my team, but I was absolutely flattered. Some even DM’d me sharing their praise.
I felt so good I even took a work break and didn’t work after work for the first time in such a long time. I REALLY want to do well. I prayed to excel on the team quickly and I pray that is in God’s plan. I’m so used to struggling on my team no matter how agonizing it was. What was holding me back, no matter my prayers, was my fear and my inability to try as hard as I could. I want to try really hard, and I believe I can shock even myself, and that things will all turn out to be better than I expect, as long as I believe in God, pray for it, fight fear, imagine the best outcome, stop worrying, and trust HIM.
I thank God that He’s disciplined me. I want to also find balance. I haven’t worked out in a while just putting all my focus into delivering early, but I will pray for God’s help to make it a priority.
I pray yall are encouraged to fight fear and work for your wildest dreams as well.
On TOP of that, I work closely with a guy I think is kinda cute! Funny thing: my HRBP referred me to him, I reached out, he was kind, turns out were from the same city, he shared what he was working on, offered to meet with me 1:1 regularly going forward, we got paired in the same working group on our department’s offsite the next week, and then I ended up getting assigned to the project that works closely with what he is building! He doesn’t work in my office but is visiting soon and asked if I wanted to do lunch and whiteboard. I’m looking forward to it! I forget how to eat like a human when I eat in front of someone I like, so I’m going to try hard not to look like a weirdo! He has a girlfriend AND I am not going to entertain relationships nor romance with a colleague. I’ve learned from my past. I’m not even sure if I really like him or if I’m just THIRSTY. Ya girl has been deprived of male courtship for a while lol.
Anywho, I’m super grateful to God and things are going well. I have to stop bracing for impact and just continue to always expect for things to go well and know that if they don’t, it’s for a reason and God has a master plan. God bless yall.
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letteredlettered · 8 months ago
Can I ask why you left?
I’m also HRBP and I feel like a fraud. I’m supposed to advise the business and I feel like I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. Working with human problems is fucking hard.
I'm really sorry you feel like a fraud. I think that a lot of the answers to HR problems are very murky, or when they are clear, a lot of times you can't actually make the best solution happen because of the structure of the company.
I left because I hated it and felt that it was impossible for me to help people or do good, morally, in such a job.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year ago
I know I haven’t updated you about Smugface in a while but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t keep doing stupid shit.
Most recently he wrote a contract in a totally nonsensical way and then forgot what he wrote and then blamed things on the client that were totally related to his shit contract and I want a new job in 2024.
Good news is HRBP from hell from my previous job was just ✨fired✨ so I think it’s an omen and the universe is with me on this one
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exelahrsolutions · 1 year ago
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The business world is highly competitive.
One wrong move can undo years of hard work.
So, making sure your team's efforts match your company's goals is crucial.
That's where HR business partners come in.
They are the architects who help everyone in your workforce move in sync with what the company aims to achieve.
Finding top-notch HR partners is key—they're the ones who can turn big business goals into real, practical plans for your team.
Guide your team to success. Speak with an expert today.
Need help aligning your workforce with your business goals?
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aur-07 · 2 months ago
In the rapidly evolving business landscape, one of the most crucial aspects of talent management is retaining top talent. With Millennials and Gen Z now constituting a significant portion of the workforce, traditional retention strategies are becoming less effective. These generations bring distinct life goals, aspirations, and values that necessitate a fresh approach to talent retention.
Understanding Millennials and Gen Z
Millennials and Gen Z are often characterized as risk-takers, adventurers, and digital natives. They seek meaningful work, value flexibility, and are driven by a desire for continuous learning and personal growth. Unlike previous generations, a salary increase or a Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) is insufficient to secure their long-term commitment to an organization.
Shifting the Paradigm: Beyond Traditional Incentives
To effectively retain Millennials and Gen Z employees, businesses must pivot from conventional retention strategies to more innovative and engaging approaches. Here are several strategies that align with the aspirations and values of these dynamic generations:
Purpose-Driven Work:
Mission and Values Alignment: Ensure that the company’s mission and values resonate with those of the employees. Millennials and Gen Z want to feel that their work contributes to the greater good.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Actively involve employees in CSR initiatives. This not only enhances their sense of purpose but also strengthens their emotional connection to the company.
Career Development and Learning Opportunities:
Continuous Learning: Offer opportunities for skill development and continuous learning. This could include online courses, workshops, and access to industry conferences.
Mentorship Programs: Implement mentorship programs that pair younger employees with experienced professionals to provide guidance and career advice.
Read More- https://bit.ly/4fJR8sH
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aitoolswhitehattoolbox · 1 day ago
HRBP - Employee life cycle management / HR Ops - 3+ Years - Gurgaon
player, excellent communication, self-organized, and ability to multitask. Educational Qualification: Master’s degree (MBA… Apply Now
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mymetric360 · 23 days ago
What Are Effective Solutions for Persistent Washroom Issues in Canada? #WashroomIssues #WorkplaceHygiene #HRChallenges Hey everyone! 🙋‍... Link: https://mymetric360.com/question/what-are-effective-solutions-for-persistent-washroom-issues-in-canada/?feed_id=335422&_unique_id=67603803a285f
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