irl crush posted a me? gongaga meme as soon as i changed my status on another app to online... he said he's never played a f.inal f.antasy... but when i talked to him, i told him to play c.risis c.ore..
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aem-delnar-asca · 5 months
the moment Pomni invited Gummygoo to the circus, I got the feeling that it would go wrong, unfortunately I was right.
but also Im sure he'll come back, though to add salt to the wound, I HIGHLY believe that... since he's AI, Caine could easily reset his memory since he's just a code, especially if Caine wanted them to do a repeat of that game scenario.
You know... Like when you do a "new game" or whatever.
Just imagine Pomni seeing him again and she's all excited, apologizing and everything, but then he's all like...
"Who are you?"
finishing this episode made me realize that every NPC Caine creates are VERY powerless.
Pomni and the others too, but... Caine can't really do much about that and he also sees them as more valuable since they have a human consciousness, more special and complex (for example, trying to keep them sane by sending them off to play games)
Meanwhile NPCs to him are replaceable and reusable. I don't think that Caine is malicious for that since he's also just an AI (though one who's in a ringleader role), though the only value they have in his eyes is to play their part of the game as NPCs for the humans to play with.
Jax also sees the NPCs like that, not caring when he supposed sentenced the whole kingdom into getting eaten. He knows it wouldn't matter, Ragatha mentioned Caine likes to reause NPCs in future games. Jax knows he'll see them again, alive and well.
The existential horror in this one is really real and fucked up...
Anyways, can't wait to see more!
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s0lairee · 6 months
cw for scars, fantasy body horror/gore (in art and text).
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blake body horror has been on my mind for an embarrassingly long time...
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what-even-is-sleep · 4 months
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First facial shots of the main three!
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corbinnian · 4 months
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Marty sketches, more under cut
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Suddenly have the desire to draw Future Trunks 🤔 I don't have any ideas currently tho
Anyways wanna pitch some 👁👄👁 No guarantees I'll do it but might get the gears turning (ideally if the ideas include Gohan so it's easier for me to be motivated to draw him XD)
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alphnsemambo · 5 months
how i look staring at sickfic requests
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vampcubus · 7 months
mammon is freaking HUGE, like he towers fizz and any normal sized imp. cuddles with this made would be pure heaven 😩
HE IS AND I LOVE IT! just climbing on top of him and using him as a mattress 😩 and he’s got all those arms to cuddle u with >:)
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
The Fern-Flower
[квітку папороті нащо ти шукаєш в думках-хащах? її зерна, наче спадщину, посадив у серці пращур. прийде звір, відкриє пащу - квітку не давай нізащо; бережи її і знай що зів'яне в руках пропащих.]
There is a saying among our kin, Morwen said, her voice quiet and soft. Turin closed his eyes, his chin resting on his mom's shoulder.
There is a saying among our kin, as old as the dark forests, as cursed as the secrets they ward; a saying of a breathtaking flower, as perfect as the finest diamond, as bright as the youngest star, as sharp as an edge of a silver blade; a saying of the powers it grants, a tale of the forces that guard it - of forces that want to take a hold of its blessings.
It blooms under the moonlight, once a year - once a decade - once a lifetime; it will avoid your hands if your feet are weary and your hair is grey - it will call for you if your eyes still shine and your face isn't yet touched by our Doom. But don't seek it, Turin; for the Dark will try to decieve you, and the flower will want to test you.
Hard will be its tests, but shall you pass them, and shall the first ray of sun touch you, it will become yours, and no power could take it from you. Hide it under your little finger, cut your flesh and slip it inside - and pray, Turin, to whomever might hear you, that your blessing doesn't become your greatest regret.
Turin didn't mean to find the flower - it found him.
It was by accident, he later remembered. He was wandering through the forest, straying far from the usual hunting trails. He wasn't worried when the sun started to depart and when the shadows begun to grow - Turin wasn't afraid of the dark; Turin has seen too much in his life to be scared by a mere absence of light. He found a place for a camp and started a fire.
The forest was quiet around him. The wind was whispering to the trees, leaves rustling and and falling to the ground; the sounds of songbirds were replaced by occasional owl hoots; the air smelled of wet leaves and hidden mushrooms. Turin closed his eyes, his hand still resting on his sword.
He fell asleep, and something called to him.
(He dreamed of shadows and of whispers and of gleaming eyes stalking him from the deep of the forest.)
It was quiet at first, nothing but an unease at the edge of his mind. He hadn't even grasped that he woke up.
(The forest was dark, cold and silent.)
He stirred. "Who's there?"
(An owl hooted. The shadows whispered and giggled, staring at the boy with invisible eyes.)
"Hello? Who's there?"
Come to me, Turin. I'm here. I'm close.
Maybe it was a thrall, Turin remembered later; but for now, he was a scared little boy, and it called to him (and the shadows howled and laughed and bared their teeth, bathing in the moonlight). And so, Turin followed.
Turin, it called. Turin, come to me. Come here, boy; I'm close, child; Turin, Turin, come.
Come, Turin, it said, and Turin froze.
See me bloom.
See me bloom, bright and holy, in the midst of the dark. See me glow like the thousands of stars, coming together to give me life. See me whisper and grow (my roots devouring blood) (my petals as red as the sun during sunset), see me shining like the thousands of diamonds, like the truest of rubies. Take me, Turin, feel me, hold my power; take me, feel my warmth and my pulse.
I'm yours, Turin.
Take me.
And Turin did.
"Hey, you! Kid, what are you doing in a forest this late?"
Everything came crashing down, the thrall disappearing in the blink of an eye. The forest snapped, returning to its whispers, the wind huffed and flew away; Turin turned around, breath hitched in his throat, fingers burning with a feeling of the fern-flower beneath them. There, frowning, stood a man. His hand was resting on a hilt of a sword; his hair was white, his other hand was missing. Turin sobbed.
"Now, now, don't cry," the man crooned, as if hushing a startled animal. His eyes pierced through Turin, filling him with unreasonable fear. "You lost? Poor thing. Don't fear me, Turin. I can show you the way. Your friends worry about you."
Turin looked at the man.
He smiled.
Turin took a step forward.
(The shadows smiled wider.)
"Come on, boy, lets take you home."
Turin breathed, stepping again.
(The man didn't move.)
(There was a line by his feet.)
"It's alright, kiddo."
"You know my name," Turin breathed, and his eyes went wide. He stumbled away. "You- you know-"
"Child, it's not a time for this," the man sighed. "Come on. Don't make it difficult."
"You- you're not-"
"I am," the not-Beren grinned, "but, you know who else is?"
He disappeared.
"Turin," came behind him, and the boy turned around.
He screamed. Eyes dull and tired, posture slumped, hands chained and scarred-
There, right behind the circle, stood Turin's father.
"No- you're- you're not-"
I'm not, Turin wanted to cry, I'm not your- you're not- you're supposed-
"Fa- father-"
He's not, his mind screamed, he's not yours, he's not real, not real, not re-
"Come here. Come with me, Turin."
"No, no, no no n-"
"I miss you," Hurin rasped. "I miss you, Turin, please-"
"Dad- dad-"
Not yours, not yours, and his mind screamed, and his hands burned, and the flower giggled beneath his fingers, and the shadows swarmed and roared and there was-
"Turin, please, listen to me-"
"Turin, I'm hu- it hurts, Turin, I miss you, I miss you, please-"
"Come, boy," Sador whispers, and his eyes are true and honest and also wrong, wrong, wrong-
"The flower!"
"-the flower-"
"... of the powers it grants, of the forces that guard it-"
Turin screamed, gripping his head with his hands, nails drawing blood.
"-but shall you pass them, and shall the first ray of sun touch you-"
"Shut up!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face, "shut up, shut up, you're not-"
"-lease, please, Turin, listen to me-"
"-miss you, miss you, miss you-"
"Not- not real, not- you're not! You're not real, not real, not-"
"SHUT UP!" he yelled, trying to hide from the noise, from the painful knot in his throat, from the forest and the dark and-
"-we need you, miss you, Turin, Turin-"
"-real, not real, go away, go away go awa-"
He fell to the ground, curling and sobbing, hands spasming around his ears in an useless attempt to push out the noise, the illusions, the shadows and the moonlight.
(He was screaming.)
(The forest laughed.)
(-his father chained and broken and his mother pale and thin and his sister dead, dead, dead and Sador-)
"Shut up, shut up," he whispered in between the sobs. The shadows bared their teeth.
Give in. Give it to us. It's up to no good, don't you see?
The flower caressed his hand. Turin was crying.
The noise died out, only leaving the shadows swarming around the magical circle.
His father stared at him with dull, dead, wrong eyes. Turin sobbed.
"I love you," Hurin whispered, and smiled. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
The stars shimmered in the sky.
Turin was shaking.
"You did good."
The forest whispered and hushed. An owl hutted, having caught its breakfast. Turin closed his eyes.
"I'm proud of you," Hurin sobbed, and the first songbird awoke. The ray of morning sun touched the leaves of the trees.
Turin was alone.
He curled up and cried, the fern-flower melting into a cut on his hand.
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paradimeart · 1 year
im gonna open my inbox again but no requests atm pls ^_^ but if you wanna talk n stuff
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t4tails · 1 year
dark knight is better but rises gets boring again
man the dark knight better be good its fucking 2 and a half hours long. and i just checked and rises is 2 hours and 44 minutes?!? they just kept getting cockier
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heartsiintune · 2 years
i cantexplain how much i love the song 88 shooting stars its such a beautiful song HNNGFHH
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futureflipflop · 13 hours
i cannot breathe and my lungs are as though they carry their weight in blood. why must god strike me down in the midst of my efforts? have i only begun his trials with no will to speak of?
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guess it’s getting emotional over your friends hour again
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beargirl2 · 6 months
happy fucking spring i guess
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lotus-pear · 6 months
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hngghh domestic......
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