My Writing Corner
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Just a place where I can share my writing. Mostly Sailor Moon stuff. Main blog is (but don't follow I don't post there)
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mycoolwritingcorner · 11 months ago
Favorite Inner/Inner Pairing
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 10: Promise
It had been an average day at the Game Center. Motoki stood at the counter, dying of boredom. Normally he tried to move around and help people who were stuck on some of the games, but he had been presented with very few opportunities to do that. So the most he could rely on to break up the monotony was waiting for some kid to redeem their tickets at the prize counter. 
That is, until he saw Mamoru enter through the doors. With any luck, maybe he could keep him company for a bit to help the time go by faster. It wasn’t until his friend got closer that he realized something was wrong. His fallen facial features were a dead give away. 
“Hey, Mamoru, what’s up? Everything okay?” Motoki asked his friend.
“Uh… no.” Mamoru said honestly, “Look, I need you to close the arcade early today.”
“Um… I could probably go on break a bit early if you need me for something, but I can’t exactly-”
“No, it’s not you, it’s… the building. I need it.”
“What on Earth are you talking about?” Motoki questioned.
“Look, I just need you to trust me, okay?” Mamoru pleaded.
“No, that’s not okay!” Motoki responded, “I put up with a lot of crap and secrets from you, but you can’t just walk in here and tell me to do something that could get me in trouble and expect me to just go with it.”
Mamoru paused for a moment, looking anxiously toward the entrance, “Alright, fine, you want the truth?” He asked, to which Motoki simply nodded in response, “Alright, here goes. I’m Tuxedo Mask.” Mamoru said in a hushed tone, “Usagi is Sailor Moon, her friends are the Sailor Guardians, and they have a supercomputer hidden in the Sailor V arcade game that they need to use to track down one of their friends. And you have about a minute and a half to get everyone out of here before Mako comes in and forces them all out.”
Motoki stood in stunned silence for a good while before he was able to finally speak again “You… you’re not joking…” He finally choked out.
“No. I’m not.” 
“It all makes sense now. You randomly disappearing for days on end and showing up with bruises and-”
“Listen, buddy, I promise I will explain everything later. But for right now…”
“Right! Right!” Motoki said, “Um, attention everyone!” He announced to the patrons of the Game Center, “I’m sorry, but we’re closing early due to an emergency! You will all have to come back tomorrow!”
Some customers were more respectful than others, but ultimately Motoki was able to get them all to clear out, before switching the sign to ‘closed’ on the front of the center.
“Alright, you’re good everyone.” Mamoru said into his communicator, and mere moments later, Usagi, Rei, Minako and Makoto along with their cats came walking through the front entrance.
“Uh… hey, everyone.” Motoki said awkwardly.
“Out of my way, Furuhata.” Makoto said darkly, pushing past Motoki and heading straight for the Sailor V arcade machine.
“Um… is she…?” Motoki began to ask Mamoru.
“Ami was taken by the enemy.” Mamoru explained, gloomily.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Motoki asked, “Is there anything I can do to-?”
“You’ve done plenty already. Just go get some rest.” Mamoru said to his friend.
“How do you make this damn thing work!?” Makoto cried in frustration, pushing every button on the Sailor V arcade cabinet.
“Luna’s the only one of us other than Ami who can work that thing, Mako.” Rei explained calmly, “Just leave it to her.”
Makoto backed up and allowed Luna to jump onto the machine. The feline instantly got to work.
“With any luck, I’ll be able to triangulate her position from her computer.” Luna explained, “Only issue is that it needs to be activated for that to work.”
“Is there any other way you can track her?” Makoto asked, desperately.
“Maybe. Trust me, Mako, I’ll do everything I can to find her.”
“Alright, thank you.” The Guardian of Thunder said sincerely, before turning to her friends, “In the meantime, we need to talk about what we’re up against.” 
“What do you mean?” Artemis asked.
“We can’t go easy on them again. The next time we run into them we take them down, hard and fast. And Sailor Chaos? She’s mine.” Makoto said, definitively.
“You mean Naru?” Usagi said meekly.
“What?” Makoto asked indignantly.
“Her name is Naru.” 
“Well, to be honest with you, Usagi, I don’t really care what her name is right now.” Makoto shot back, “All I care about is stopping her from doing any more harm.”
“She needs our help!” 
“She doesn’t want our help!” Makoto rebutted, “You weren’t there. She was toying with us, enjoying herself.”
“That’s not really her! It’s not any of them! It’s-!”
“I don’t care! We treated them with kid gloves, and look where it got us!” Makoto shouted, “Ami could be dead for all we know!”
“She’s not. They wouldn’t go through the trouble of capturing her just to kill her.” Rei interjected.
“Until they get what they want from her!” Makoto replied angrily.
“Mako, we can’t just-” Usagi began, before being cut off.
“You’re in no position to tell me what I can and can’t do! You weren’t there!” Makoto all but screamed, pointing directly at Usagi.
“I told you! I tried! But Haruka and the others, they-”
“They stopped you? Let me ask you something, Usagi. Can you honestly tell me you did everything you could to get through them and get to us?” Makoto asked, “Or did you hold back? Because you would rather let us keep getting hurt than do what has to be done!?”
“I… I…” Usagi stuttered, her eyes welling up with tears.
“Alright, Mako, that’s enough!” Rei said, approaching the auburn-haired guardian.
Suddenly, Makoto felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see it belonged to Minako, who was looking at her with pleading eyes.
“Can you join me outside?” The Guardian of Beauty asked, “Please?”
Ami didn’t know where she was. She felt like she had been wandering forever. But when she looked around, all she could see was darkness.
“Hello?” She asked, timidly.
“Can you believe her?” Ami heard from a distance, in a voice she could’ve sworn belonged to Usagi. She began to make her way towards the source. As she got closer she was able to make out what appeared to be the visages of her friends, shrouded in darkness.
“Guys? Guys! I’m here! I’m-!”
“How stuck up can you be?”
Ami stopped dead in her tracks.
“‘Oh, poor me, I got a ninety-one because I finally took my nose out of a book for once’, gimme a break.”
“She thinks she’s so much better than us, just because she gets good grades.”
“No… no I don’t, I-”
“Yeah, even though that’s literally the only thing she’s good at.”
“Oh I know! I mean, how many times have we had to bail her out during a fight? Talk about a weak link!”
“Honestly Mako, I don’t know why you decided to date her.”
“Yeah, well, I honestly just felt sorry for her.”
“I mean, she’s just so pathetic, how could I not? But I’ve gotta be honest, I’m really reaching the end of my rope with her.”
“Mako… no… I…” Ami choked out, grasping at her chest and collapsing onto her knees as tears began to fall from her eyes, an icy cold feeling filling her entire being.
“That’s right. You are alone. You will always be alone.” She heard Reign’s voice say from the aether.
“No… no… it’s not…” 
“You know it’s true. They could never understand you.”
“They could never…”
“No one could ever love you.”
“... ever… love me…”
“However… that doesn’t have to be so.” Reign said, appearing in front of Ami and kneeling down to her eye-level, “Join with us… help us rewrite this world… show those who shunned you the error of their ways.”
“Yes… yes…” Ami said, looking up towards Reign. Wispy shadows began to protrude from the ground and wrap themselves around her. As they did so Ami’s thoughts would continue to twist and bend. The pain that came from years of isolation all coming to the surface at once. No friends to call her own, her mother constantly gone, even her own father wanted nothing to do with her. How could she have let herself believe Usagi and the others would be any different? How could she have been so stupid?
“And it all starts with the Golden Crystal.”
“The Golden… Crystal…”
“I need the code, Ami.”
“The code… right… the code is…”
“This is Ami, she’s the really smart one.” Usagi’s voice would chime from the darkness.
“What?” Reign asked, confused.
Suddenly, the black void around the two of them morphed into the Crown Game Center, visages of Ami’s friends appearing as well, replaying a scene from years ago. 
“And the cat with the crescent bald spot is Luna!” 
“Aw, how cute!” 
“That… that’s right.” Ami said, slowly standing back up as the icy feeling in her chest would fade, “They do love me… they accept me for who I am…”
The blue-haired girl pulled out her Crystal Change Rod, “You can’t trick me Reign! I’ll stop- ah!” Ami screamed as she was electrocuted by black lightning from Reign’s hand.
“Yes, yes, that’s very cute. But let’s not forget who’s in control here.” Reign began to inspect the memory, “You recalled this upon being asked the code, so something here must be important.”
“No…” Ami cried as Reign analyzed her precious memory like they were watching a TV show, her still being stuck in place by the dark energy.
“Hmm… ah, I see.” Reign said, looking at a calendar behind the front desk, “The day when you first met her… that’s the code, isn’t it?”
“Stop it…” Ami pleaded.
“How sweet. I must thank you for your help, Miss Mizuno. Maybe when you wake up you’ll be more cooperative.” Reign remarked before blasting Ami with energy, rendering her unconscious.
“What do you want?” Makoto asked, having stepped out of the Crown Game Center with Minako.
“Seemed like you needed some air.” Minako replied.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re freaking out.”
“Of course I’m freaking out!” Makoto shouted.
“I get it. I do.” Minako said, “But you need to calm down before you do something you regret.”
“Oh, please, don’t you dare get on my case. We both know if this were Rei you would be the exact same way.”
Minako was stunned, “How… how do you…?”
“Does it matter?” Makoto asked, “You know I’m right.”
Minako pondered her friend's words for a moment. She was still confused as to how Makoto had come to learn about her feelings for Rei, but that was something she could deal with at another time.
“Y’know what? You’re right, Mako.” Mina said, “I would be a total wreck if something like that happened to Rei. Or any of you really. I would probably lash out the same way you are.” Mina stepped forward and locked eyes with Mako, “And I would trust you to be the one to stop me from doing something stupid.”
“You… you don’t understand… none of you could.” Makoto said, leaning back against the wall.
“Well… then help me understand.” Mina said, sincerely.
“I… I was supposed to protect her.” The taller girl began, her eyes welling up with tears, “I promised her I would protect her!”
“Mako, this is not your fault.” Mina said, reassuringly, “Risk comes with the job, Ami knows that, she-”
“She came to me last night, sobbing, because she was so scared of doing this again.” Makoto said bluntly, “And I told her that I wouldn’t let anything happen to her and I… I failed. I failed her.”
“She must be so scared…” Mako said, tears rolling down her face, “... if she’s even…”
Suddenly, the green-eyed girl would find herself pulled into a hug by her friend, “Mako, listen to me. Ami’s strong… a lot stronger than I think even she realizes. She’s okay, I know she is. And I don’t think she’s scared at all. You wanna know why?”
“Because she knows you would never break your promise. She knows you’re gonna save her.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
Mina would simply stand there, holding the taller girl, giving her a moment to recollect herself, before suddenly they heard the Game Center door open, and broke their hug to look at Rei, who had stepped out of the building.
“Guys, Luna’s got something!”
The three girls dashed back into the building and up to the arcade machine, “Did you find her?” Makoto asked, desperately.
“I think so.” Luna said, “I’m getting a signal from her computer, I’m triangulating the position now!” The computer pinged, indicating the final result had been delivered, “Got her! She’s… oh no…”
“Where?! Where is… oh my god.” Makoto said in shock. The group all looked at the location on the screen in stunned silence, with only some light gasps being thrown into the mix, until Usagi finally managed to choke out the name of the cursed location in question.
I can only apologize for long waits between chapters so many times but... sorry. I really wanted to get to a point where I was uploading at least once a month, but I've really been in a slump since the beginning of the year. And obviously this story is really important to me, it's basically the culmination of everything I've written thus far and I really want it to be good. Which has kind of paralyzed me in a lot of ways when it comes to writing/editing it.
Not to mention it feels like the weeks just fly by (it really does not feel like it's been three months since the last update). Regardless, I know I'm making excuses, but all this is to say I really do appreciate everyone who has stuck with this story despite the long waits between chapters. And I really will try to start updating at least once a month. I know I've said that before. And if we're being real here, I'll probably say it again, but I promise to try.
Anyway, onto our normal chapter notes stuff.
Why has Reign set up shop in the Dark Kingdom's old hideout? And how will the Sailor Guardians brave the site of their own demise to save their comrade?
Come back next time for Chapter 11 to find out. But until then, thank you once again to everyone who has kept reading this story.
And please please please let me know what you think of the story thus far, Comments, reblogs, etc are very much appreciated. And until next time, take care everyone (:
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Next Chapter: TBA
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
For anyone needing a quick bit of Christmas Cheer this fine Christmas Eve, here’s a story I wrote for Sailor Moon LGBTQIA+ week that should do the trick!
Enjoy! And if you liked this please consider checking out my ongoing story Sailor Moon: Reignstorm! All currently published chapters are on my page, and a new chapter should be out next month (I hope)!
But until then, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who read anything I wrote this year, and I hope you all have a happy holidays!
Merry Christmas Hotaru
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 1: Morning.
The Outer Guardians celebrate their first Christmas morning together as a family.
Keep reading
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 9: Face to Face
“Everyone, please, stop!” Sailor Moon pleaded as she dodged a kick from Haruka, “You don’t want to do this!”
“Oh, but we do.” Haruka said, summoning her sword.
Suddenly, Setsuna put her Garnet Rod over Sailor Moon’s throat and pulled her in close from behind, choking the smaller girl.
“Do you have any idea what it was like?” She whispered in her ear, “Spending millennia in solitude? Having that responsibility thrust upon me by your family as a little girl? Do you have any idea?” She said, pulling Sailor Moon in tighter, “It was Hell.”
“Setsuna… please… I can’t…”
Suddenly, a rose scraped across Setsuna’s face, causing her to release her grip, allowing Usagi to roll out.
“All of you, please, come to your senses!” Tuxedo Mask pleaded.
“Oh, quiet, weak link.” Haruka said, backhanding Tuxedo Mask into a wall.
“MAMO!” Sailor Moon cried.
“You should be more worried about yourself!” Hotaru said as she slashed at Sailor Moon with her Silence Glaive, which the Guardian managed to just barely avoid.
Suddenly, Usagi heard Naru’s voice come from Haruka’s communicator, “I got the package, pull back for now.”
“Alright. Everyone! You heard the lady!”
And just as quickly as they arrived, they were gone.
“Package? What did she-” Usagi began to ask, before hearing a chime from her communicator. She flipped it open to see Venus, with dirt and several scrapes on her face, “Venus, what happened?!” Usagi asked, panicked.
“Naru, she… she took Ami…” The Guardian of Beauty said, defeated.
Usagi felt her stomach drop, “No… no no no no no. She… she’s…”
“Usagi, I know it’s a lot to take in, but we don’t have time to waste. Meet us at the arcade. Venus out.” 
With that, her friend’s image disappeared from the screen. Usagi turned back to normal and collapsed onto her knees, “She’s gone…”
Ami awoke slowly. Her entire body ached, her head was pounding. When she finally managed to open her eyes, her blurred vision kept her from fully processing everything around her. If she didn’t know any better it looked like she was in a… cave? As her vision cleared up, she was even more confused to find a small table with a cup of tea sitting in front of her.
“What the…?” She began before looking down at herself. She had been set down in a chair made of stone, which she probably would have noticed sooner if not for her already persistent body aches. What was more concerning, however, was that she was no longer transformed. She frantically began feeling around her pockets for her Crystal Change Rod, but quickly realized that it was no longer in her possession.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Ami heard from behind her, before seeing Reign walk into her field of vision, “Sorry, I wasn’t sure how you liked your tea.”
With a wave of their hand, Reign conjured a second stone chair and sat across from Ami.
“What did you do to it? Is it poisoned?”
“Miss Mizuno,” Reign began cordially, “why would I go through all the trouble to bring you here just to poison you? Oh, and also…” Reign continued, reaching into their cloak and pulling out Ami’s Crystal Change Rod, “I believe you dropped this on your way in.” They finished, placing the Change Rod onto the table.
Ami picked it up, and turned it over in her hands, inspecting it. Originally she suspected it to be a fake, or that it had been tampered with in some way. However, upon examining it, this did not appear to be the case.
“Why are you giving this to me?” Ami asked, confused.
“Call it a show of good faith. Because, Miss Mizuno, I have a proposition for you.”
“Yes, you see… I have a few components I need, and only a few short days to gather them.” Reign explained, “However, one of those components, arguably the most important one, is hidden beyond my reach.”
“And that would be…?”
“The Golden Crystal. Located in Elysion, the capital of the fallen Earth Kingdom.”
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but I have no idea how to get there.” The blue-haired girl said, crossing her arms.
“Oh, I know.” Reign said, reaching into their cloak and pulling out a familiar object: Ami’s handheld supercomputer, “But this does.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Every drop of information possessed by the Moon Kingdom resides within this computer.” Reign explained, gesturing towards the device, “Some information is buried deeper than others, but it’s all right here. However, there’s one problem. The computer cannot be accessed without your password.”
“So you want me to unlock it for you?”
“If you could be so kind.” The masked figure said in their icy cold voice.
“Release your control over my friends, then we’ll talk.” Ami bluffed.
Reign let out a maniacal laugh in response, “Oh, but that’s the best part. I’m not controlling them. I couldn’t even if I tried.”
Ami was stunned, she couldn’t believe what she had just heard, “W-what are you talking about? Ail and An-”
“The space elves were easy. Their connection to the tree made invading their minds child’s play. You Sailor Guardians, on the other hand, are much more unwieldy. So rather than attempt to control them, I instead opted to free them. I can influence them to an extent, but ultimately? Everything they’re doing and saying is courtesy of the darkest corners of their own minds.” Reign clarified with a sadistic glee in their voice.
“What about Naru?” Ami asked, still processing what she had just heard.
“Ah, the Osaka girl, she’s an interesting one. So much potential, I thought it was a shame that it was all wasted on a mere mortal. So, I opted to correct that.”
“You’re not making any sense.” Ami replied, frustrated.
“It doesn’t matter.” Reign said, dismissively, “The point is, I cannot undo something I’m not doing in the first place.”
“Then I guess I can’t unlock that computer.” Ami said, obstinate.
Reign let out a large sigh, before rising out of their chair and causing the table between them to disappear with a wave of their hand, “I just want you to know, Miss Mizuno,” They said as they placed their hand atop Ami’s head, “I truly didn’t want to do this.”
“Don’t- what’re you- stop! I- gaah!” Ami cried in pain as her body became flooded with dark energy. In an instant, everything went black.
Yadda yadda, I'm not great with combat, you know the drill.
Apologies again for the long wait between updates, I am hoping to be better about that in the new year.
But what are Reign's plans for Ami? And what do they want with the Golden Crystal?
You all know by now, to find that out you'll have to keep reading (:
Come back next time for Chapter 10, and until then let me know what you all think! Comments, reblogs, etc. are very much appreciated!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
Reignstorm Update!
Hey all! I know things have been a little quiet around here for *checks notes* TWO MONTHS?? I mean, I guess I still wasn't technically lying when I said the wait for the next chapter wouldn't be as long as the wait for chapter 8 was...
*ahem* anyway
I just wanted to post to let you all know that Chapter 9 will be out next week! I'm shooting for Monday but I am me so a Tuesday release definitely isn't out of the question.
Fair warning, this chapter will be a bit short, especially compared to Chapter 8, but fear not! Things in the story are really about to ramp up.
Speaking of Chapter 8, for any of you who missed it, it can be found here!
I cannot thank everyone who has stuck with this story enough. I hope you all enjoy what I've got cooking up for you. See you Monday (or again maybe Tuesday but definitely no later than that I promise)!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 8: Naru: Sailor Chaos
“Naru… what have they done to you?” Usagi asked, horrified at what she was seeing.
“You like her? I’m personally quite proud, myself.” Reign said, making their way towards Usagi, with Sailor Chaos standing in place behind them, “Originally I was torn between Chaos and Nemesis, considering that’s the tenth planet after all. Or, more accurately, was. But something about Sailor Chaos just felt… right.”
“You think this is funny?!” Usagi shouted, grabbing Reign by the collar and reeling back to strike them.
“A little bit. Sailor Chaos?” Reign said, and with a snap of their fingers, Chaos dashed toward Usagi and grabbed her by the throat, pinning her against a wall.
“Naru, please…” Usagi pleaded, trying to claw the girl’s hand off of her throat, “... don’t do this.”
“That’s not my name anymore.” She said, her voice full of malice.
Usagi conjured her wings out of her back and flew upward, finally escaping Chaos’s grip, “Don’t worry Naru, I’ll make this right!” She said, conjuring the Moon Stick into her hand, “MOON HEALING ESCALATION!” She cried as energy from the Silver Crystal washed over Naru.
“Hnngh… NO!” Naru shouted as crimson lightning exploded from her body, dissipating the energy around her.
“What? But it should’ve-” Was all Usagi had time to say before being struck by a flying kick from Naru, which sent her tumbling onto the front lawn.
“Ah ah ah.” Reign said, descending down next to Chaos, “You should know by now it’s never that easy.”
Sailor Chaos launched toward Sailor Moon with a flurry of blows, most of which she was able to dodge until one finally connected to her gut, forcing her back and knocking the wind out of her. It wasn’t until she looked up that she realized she had been forced into a cluster with her friends, with their assailants closing in from all ends.
“This is bad.” Mars said breathlessly.
“But we can’t… hurt them…” Usagi choked out.
Sailor Chaos was the first to charge, her eyes dead set on Sailor Moon. That is until she was distracted and stopped dead in her tracks by an object which had been thrown from above and was sticking out of the ground in front of her: a rose.
Wasting no time, Tuxedo Mask did a midair somersault over Naru’s head and landed next to Sailor Moon.
“You.” Reign sneered with their voice full of contempt.
“Tuxedo Mask…” Usagi said weakly.
“Save the pleasantries for later! We’re getting out of here!” Tuxedo Mask shouted, throwing down a smoke bomb. When it cleared, the heroes were nowhere in sight.
“Dammit.” Sailor Chaos muttered.
“Don’t worry.” Reign said, placing their hand on Naru’s shoulder, “You’ll have plenty more opportunities.”
The Inners regrouped at the Hikawa Shrine, gathered in Rei’s room, the heroes each mulled over the events of the last battle in their minds.
“I can’t believe this…” Usagi said, with Mamoru attempting to comfort her.
“Alright, well, let’s go over what happened.” Minako said, standing up while holding an ice pack on her head.
“We got our asses kicked, that’s what happened.” Makoto said as Ami applied a bandage to her arm, “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, turning to her blue-haired girlfriend.
“Sweetie, I’m fine.” Ami said with a reassuring, but tired smile, “Well, as fine as any of us can be, I suppose.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.” Rei said, leaning forward while sitting on the edge of her bed, “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t stopped practicing maybe I would’ve-”
“Hey, no. Absolutely not.” Minako said, sitting next to Rei and placing her hand on her shoulder, “This is not your fault.” The Guardian of Beauty turned to her friends, all of whom wore similar faces to Rei, “It’s not any of your faults, okay?” She asked, earning some nods and grumbles from her friends.
“Alright, good. Now let’s get down to business.” The leader of the Inner Guardians continued, “We’re dealing with an enemy who knows our identities and isn’t afraid to invade our personal spaces. So from now on we’re using the buddy system. No one, at any point, is to be without another team member with them. Is that clear?” 
Once again, Minako received noises and gestures of affirmation from the others in the room. 
“Mako, you can stay at my place.” Ami said to her green-eyed lover.
“Alright.” Makoto replied affirmatively.
“Usako… do you-?”
“I’ll just tell my mom I’m staying over at Ami’s to study. She’ll be so happy to hear that she won’t pry too much.” Usagi answered before her boyfriend could even finish the question.
“And I guess… you can stay here…” Rei said softly to Minako, prompting a light blush from the leader of the Inner Guardians.
“Uh… yeah… sounds good.”  
“Well, if we’re gonna do that I need to run home and grab some things.” Makoto said, standing up.
“Yeah, I guess that makes three of us.” Minako said, “But remember to have your communicators ready in case something happens.”
“Are you sure your mom will even be okay with me staying over?” Makoto asked as she and Ami made their way up the stairs of Makoto’s apartment building.
“She’s working nights through next week, so we’re good.” Ami responded, “Although even if she wasn’t, it’s not like she has to worry about you getting me pregnant or anything.” Ami said with a smirk.
“Ami!” Makoto exclaimed, shocked, “I never thought I’d hear something so crass out of you!”
“What can I say, you all have been rubbing off on me.” Ami said as she watched Makoto unlock her door.
“Sure, but-” Was the last thing the Guardian of Thunder said before she opened her apartment door and turned white as a ghost.
“Mako?” Ami asked, walking over to see what was the matter. She then looked into Mako’s apartment and realized what had invoked this reaction in her other half.
Naru Osaka was sitting on Mako’s couch. She was in her civilian form, wearing simply a tank top and shorts, but she was twirling a dark crimson object in her hand which was unmistakably a transformation pen.
“Well, it’s about time you two showed up.” Naru said, standing up from the couch and facing the couple, who finally stepped in from the hallway and closed the door behind them, both making sure not to take their eyes off of the red-haired girl.
“Oh, I heard you two finally got together, congratulations. Not sure how it didn’t happen sooner, with how obvious Ami’s crush was.”
“Get to the point.” Mako said, positioning herself in front of Ami, “Why are you here?”
“Ah, you see, that’s the thing.” Naru said, holding up her transformation pen, “I’ve kinda gotta bring you both in.”
“Yeah right.” Makoto said, pulling out her Crystal Change Rod, with Ami doing the same.
“Y’know, I would say I hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but…” Naru said, raising her pen over her head with a smirk, “... I’d be lying. Chaos Power!”
“Jupiter Crystal Power!”
“Mercury Crystal Power!”
While Ami and Makoto were surrounded by water and electricity respectively during their transformations, Naru became enveloped with inky black shadows and crimson lightning, before the three finally emerged, transformed into their sailor forms. 
Makoto acted fast, dashing towards Naru and tackling her, sending them both crashing through the adjacent window and onto the street.
“Ooh, feisty, I like that!” Chaos said as the two impacted the pavement, sending civilians scattering in fear of their own safety. Meanwhile, Ami pulled up her communicator to call her friends to aid them in battle.
“Did you really need to bring that much?” Rei asked, looking at the full bag that Minako had slung over her shoulder.
“I like to be prepared, okay?” 
“Tell me that the next time you bring home one of your tests.” Artemis said as he walked beside them.
“Oh, shut it you.” Minako said, before both her and Rei’s communicators went off. Opening it quickly, Minako was met with the sight of Ami’s worried face, “Ami, what’s wrong?”
“It’s Naru! She’s here! She ambushed us in Mako’s apartment!”
“Alright, don’t worry, we’ll be right there!” Rei said as the two dashed towards Makoto’s apartment building.
“Venus Crystal Power!”
“Mars Crystal Power!”
“Oh, Usagi! It’s been a while!” Naru’s mother, Mayumi said as she opened the door to Usagi and Mamoru.
“Mrs. Osaka! I was wondering if you’ve seen Naru?” Usagi asked.
“Maybe if I can find her when she’s not… that, I can help her.” Usagi thought to herself.
“No! I’ve been so worried; she hasn’t come home in days!” Mayumi cried.
“Days?” Usagi said, feeling ice running through her core.
“How long has she…?”
“Do you know where she is?” Mayumi asked, looking at Usagi with pleading eyes.
“I… I…” Usagi began, unable to figure out what to say.
“No ma’am.” Mamoru stepped in, “She was just going to meet with her at Crown, but Naru never showed up.”
“Oh, I see…” Mayumi said, disappointed.
“Have you asked Umino? Maybe he-” Usagi began, before being cut off.
“Umino?” Mrs. Osaka said incredulously, “Can’t see why she’d be with him, considering he broke up with her just a few weeks ago.”
“He… what?” Usagi asked, stunned.
“You didn’t know?”
“No, I… I haven’t really…”
“We’ll keep on the lookout for her, and let you know if we find her.” Mamoru once again interjected.
“Alright… please do…”
Before long the couple had left the premises and were making their way toward Usagi’s home.
“Usako, are you alright?” Mamoru asked, noticing Usagi’s fallen facial features.
“Yeah… I guess I just-”
Suddenly, Usagi’s communicator went off. She flipped it open to reveal Ami’s panicked face.
“Ami, what’s-?”
“It’s Naru! She’s at Mako’s apartment building!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be right there!” Usagi said, closing her communicator.
Usagi and Mamoru ran down the street, before attempting to cut through a nearby alleyway. As they reached the halfway point of the alley, however, a flash of dark energy knocked them onto their backs.
Looking up, Usagi was met by none other than the Four Queens of Heaven.
“Sorry princess,” Haruka said with a smirk, “we can’t let you interfere.”
Mercury and Jupiter each held one of Chaos’s arms, attempting to restrain her while causing the smallest amount of harm possible.
“Please, Naru, stop! We don’t want to hurt you!” Mercury pleaded.
“Oh, of course you don’t. After all…” Chaos said, forcing her arms together causing Mercury and Jupiter to slam into one another, “You’re far too good for that, aren’t you?”
Chaos looked down at her opponents, who were currently crumpled on the ground after having the wind knocked out of them. 
“Venus Love Me Chain!” The dark guardian heard, before being wrapped in a chain made of energy and forced onto her knees.
Venus and Mars landed next to their friends, the former still holding one end of the chain restraining Chaos.
“You guys okay?” Mars asked, helping both her friends to their feet.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Jupiter said, not letting down her guard.
“Good.” Venus said, before turning her attention back to their adversary, “As for you,” she continued, tugging lightly on the chain, “you’re not going anywhere.”
Chaos giggled in response, “Aww, you think you’re in control here.” She said, as her body began to emanate crimson electricity, “That’s adorable.” 
“Everybody get down!” Mars cried as the Sailor Guardians scattered in various different directions.
“Chaos Dark Extermination!” Chaos shouted, sending hundreds of crimson bolts from her body and toward the Sailor Guardians, who were able to just barely avoid them by dodging and ducking behind objects like cars and lampposts.
“Alright, I’ve had enough of this!” Jupiter said, “Supreme-”
“No, Jupiter, we can’t!” Venus said, getting between her and Chaos, “She’s not right! She’s- gah!” Venus cried as she received a blow to the head from Chaos.
“Not right? Quite the contrary…” Chaos said, weaving between the different Guardians’ various attempts to restrain her, “I’ve never been better! Chaos Solar Winds!”
The Guardians quickly found themselves swept away by a hurricane’s worth of wind coming from Chaos’s body. While it flung them back, the wind itself felt like glass shards across their skin.
“You always looked down on me. Thought you were better than me. Well guess what?” Chaos said with a deranged smile, looking down at her foes who were still picking themselves up from her last attack, “Now I’m the one with the power!”
“Naru… that’s not true.” Mercury said, holding her injured arm, “We-”
Chaos dashed forward and was immediately face to face with Mercury.
“That’s. Not. My. Name.” She said, blasting Mercury back into an adjacent building.
“Mercury!” Jupiter cried, before turning back to Chaos, enraged, “That’s it!” She shouted before charging at Chaos, “No more playing around!”
“Jupiter!” Venus and Mars cried simultaneously, running after their friend.
Chaos sprouted a small smirk, “Suckers.” She said, as her body once again erupted with crimson lightning, “Chaos Dark Extermination!”
The trio were each assaulted by the attack, and knocked onto the ground, all three sorely injured.
Chaos warped over to where Mercury lay, and picked her up, slinging her over her shoulder.
“Well, this was fun, but I’ve got what I need.” Chaos said, turning to the injured guardians.
“N-no!” Jupiter said, forcing herself to her feet, “Put her down!” She demanded, before charging at Chaos.
“See ya.” Chaos said, and in a flash both she and Ami were gone.
“NO!” Jupiter cried, collapsing onto her knees in the spot where Chaos had just stolen the love of her life, “AMI!”
Venus and Mars approached Jupiter solemnly, both trying to figure out how best to support their friend, before she started repeatedly slamming her fist into the ground below her, creating several large cracks in the road.
“NO! NO! NO!”
“Jupiter! Mako! Stop!” Venus said, dropping to her friend's level and grabbing her arm. It wasn’t until Jupiter stopped struggling against her that Venus released her grip.
“We’ll get her back… okay?” Venus said weakly.
After a long silence, Jupiter rose to her feet, “I know we will… and when we do…” She said, clenching her fists in anger, “... Sailor Chaos is mine.”
Alright so, I know it's been a minute since the last chapter and... I can explain. Long story short, over the summer I started a new job, which made it difficult to make time to keep this story updated. Not helped by the fact that, even though this chapter was pretty much finished before I posted the last one, every week that went by where I didn't edit and post it the task just felt more and more daunting, especially since this chapter is pretty important in the grand scheme of the story. I'll try to get back to bi-weekly updates after this, but I obviously don't want to make any promises that I might not be able to keep. So, for now I'll just say the gap between this chapter and the next almost certainly won't be as long between the last one and this one.
TLDR: Sorry that this took so long I was adulting.
ANYWAY. Naru has turned on her friends, but what do she and Reign want with Ami? And how could the Inners hope to get her back? Well, guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.
Also, just a quick fun fact, Sailor Chaos's attack "Chaos Dark Extermination" is largely inspired by the song "Exterminate Time" by Tetra-Fang. I was listening to the song a lot at the time when I was conceptualizing her character, and I'd go so far as to say it's basically her unofficial theme song, so go give it a listen if you haven't!
That's it for this chapter, but please come back next time for Chapter 9! Please remember to leave a comment, re-blog, et cetera! I always love seeing what people think of the story! And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 7: The Four Queens of Heaven
Ami awoke to the sound of her communicator going off. She reached over to the side of the bed where she had set it the night prior and flipped it open to answer the call.
“Hmzwha?” The bluenette answered groggily.
“Ami? Ami are you there?” Minako asked over the communicator.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here.” Ami said, rubbing her eyes.
“Hmmm… What is it?” Makoto asked, waking up next to Ami.
“Wait a second… Are you in bed with Mako?!” Minako asked, surprised, causing both girls to turn bright red, “Ami, you sly dog.”
“Wait, no! I mean, I am, but it’s not… ANYWAY WHY ARE YOU CALLING?” Ami asked, clearly flustered.
“Oh, right, right, well I can’t get a hold of any of the Outers so we’re all gonna head over to their place to see what’s up. Think you lovebirds can get yourselves out of bed and meet us at their front gate in an hour?”
“Uh, yeah, we’ll be there soon.” Ami said, still blushing profusely.
“Awesome. Venus out.” The blonde-haired girl said before Ami closed her communicator and laid her head back down on the pillow.
“We’re gonna be hearing about this for a while, aren’t we?” Ami asked.
“Oh, definitely.”
Before long, the five had gathered by the front gate of the house which the Outers shared. Usagi couldn’t help but be amazed by just how big and nice it was, despite having seen it many times in the past. As they approached the front door, Usagi couldn’t help but feel a pit form in her stomach. It was already suspicious that the Outer Guardians hadn’t made an effort to contact them after the scene in the city yesterday had been widely reported on, but now they weren’t answering their communicators?
“They’re probably just busy, that’s all.” Usagi tried to convince herself as she went to ring the doorbell, “Yeah… yeah, I’m sure everything’s-”
“Usagi look out!” She heard Rei cry from behind her before ripping her away from the door.
A mere split second afterward, the front of the house exploded, flinging the five guardians back onto the front lawn.
“What… What was that?” Mina asked between coughing fits, no doubt caused by all the smoke. 
From that smoke, the girls saw four figures walking towards them. They were unable to make out any features at first, but as the figures moved closer they could see more and more.
The first detail which the Guardians could see was that the figures were wearing uniforms nearly identical to those worn by the Four Kings of Heaven. Enemies the Sailor Guardians had defeated years prior.
Above them, they saw Reign suddenly appear in a flash of dark energy, their cloak billowing in the newly created wind, “Why hello there, Sailor Guardians. Sorry I’m a bit late to the party, but I believe you’re all already acquainted?” They said, gesturing towards the figures. As they did so the last of the smoke cleared, and the girls could finally make out their faces, horrified by what they were seeing.
It was their friends. 
“Allow me to introduce… my FOUR QUEENS OF HEAVEN!”
“What have you done to them?!” Usagi asked angrily, pulling out her compact.
“How about you come up here and find out?” Reign taunted.
“Don’t do it Usagi, they’re baiting-” Mina advised her friend, to no avail.
“Moon Spectrum Power! MAKE UP!” Usagi shouted, transforming and launching herself at Reign and tackling them through the air.
“Dammit, alright everyone, transform!”
“Mercury Crystal Power!”
“Mars Crystal Power!
“Jupiter Crystal Power!”
“Venus Crystal Power!”
The Inners ran towards their friends, hoping to be able to reason with them, but the Queens of Heaven split off and each focused on one of the Inners. Haruka began to attack Jupiter at close range, Michiru launched her water attacks towards Mercury, Setsuna swatted at Mars with her rod and Hotaru launched energy attacks towards Venus. 
“Haruka, stop, don’t do this!” Jupiter pleaded while dodging the older girl’s attacks.
“Heh, that’s just like you.” Haruka said, “The little weakling is afraid to fight back! World Shaking!” She cried out, launching her attack at Jupiter which sent her flying across the battlefield.
“Jupiter!” Mercury cried, taking her attention away from Michiru, leaving her open to being struck by a beam from Michiru’s mirror, “Gah!”
“That was always your problem, wasn’t it? So scatterbrained. Never able to focus on what needed to be done!” Michiru said, conjuring a ball of water and energy in her hands, “Deep Submerge!”
Mercury was struck by several tons of water, which knocked her back onto the lawn.
“Setsuna, please, this isn’t you!” Mars shouted as she attempted to dodge the Guardian of Time’s attacks.
“Oh please, don’t act like you know the first thing about me.” Setsuna replied bitterly, “Dead Scream.” She said, launching her attack towards Mars, knocking her into a tree in the front yard.
“Hotaru, please! Don’t make me hurt you!” Venus cried, standing off against the younger girl.
“Hurt me?” Hotaru said before slamming down the butt of her Silence Glaive with a smirk, “That’s cute. Silence Wall!” She shouted, sending a large wall of energy hurtling toward Venus and knocking her all the way back to the gate on the outskirts of the premises. 
“Venus!” Mars cried, while still struggling against Setsuna.
Sailor Moon finally managed to force Reign to the ground, as the two tumbled into the ruins of what used to be the Outers’ home.
“You…” Usagi said, standing up and beginning to make her way toward her cloaked adversary, who was still kneeled down onto the ground.
“I don’t know what sick spell you have my friends under, but you’d better let them go right now before I-” Was all the Guardian could manage to say before she saw a gray and crimson figure dash towards her out of the corner of her eye and blast her into one of the still standing walls of the house.
“Oh, that’s right.” Reign said, standing up and dusting themselves off, “There was one more I forgot to introduce. Sailor Moon, meet… SAILOR CHAOS!”
They wore an outfit similar to the first iteration of Usagi’s own. However rather than white, the majority of the outfit was an ashy gray, with dark crimson on the skirt and boots. The outfit, however, was the least of Usagi’s concerns. A wave of horror washed over her as she looked up at the face of her new assailant.
At long last, we have returned to our regularly scheduled programming, with a chapter full of twists and turns.
Again, I’m still not the best when it comes to writing combat, but hopefully it was alright.
But what’s going on? Why have the Outers aligned themselves with the new enemy? And how is Naru a Sailor Guardian?!
Well, to find out all that and more, I suppose you’ll just have to come back for Chapter 8: Naru: Sailor Chaos.
But until then, let me know what you all think! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Hi ! I was reading a Fic with Mina-rei stuff but then lost track of it, did you finish it and if so what is the name so I can continue reading it?
My first fic to include Rei/Mina stuff was The Calm Before the Storm, which is all finished.
If you’re referring to my current fic, Sailor Moon: Reignstorm, however, that story is still ongoing. It does have a new chapter coming next week though!
Hope that answers your question!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
“Future Doctor”
Written for Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 7: Sleepover.
“You know you don’t have to sleep down here with me, you have a bed.” Ami said, looking over at Mina who was laying on a futon on her bedroom floor, as was Ami herself.
“Well, I’m not gonna sleep in my bed while my guest is left on the floor! What kind of host do you take me for?” Minako asked with fake incredulity. Ami had stayed late to help her blonde friend with some homework, and Minako had insisted the bluenette simply spend the night instead of risking the trek home. 
Ami laid back and looked up at the ceiling, as Minako got up from her futon to go turn off the light.
“Normally I would stay up a bit later, but I know our future doctor needs her rest.” Minako said with a smile as she flipped off the light, but not before noticing something peculiar. When Minako said ‘future doctor’ Ami’s face looked as if she had been stabbed in the heart. She was suspicious but assumed she must be seeing things, so she simply went back over to her futon and laid back down, “Goodnight, Ami.”
“Goodnight Mina.” Ami said, rolling over and facing the wall away from Minako. The Guardian of Beauty lay there for a bit, feeling uneasy. Not quite able to shake her concerns for her blue-haired friend. Had she just been seeing things? Or was something going on? Either way, she supposed it would have to wait until the morning.
“Mina?” Ami said timidly, rolling onto her back.
Or not.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Minako asked, rolling over to look at Ami.
“If I tell you something… do you promise not to tell anyone else?”
“Of course, Ami. You know you can tell me anything.” Mina said, sitting up.
“Okay, well… here goes…” Ami said, sitting up as well, clutching onto her blanket, “... I don’t think I want to be a doctor anymore.” She said in a voice barely above a whisper.
Minako was taken aback, unsure how to respond, “Oh wow, that’s… big. May I ask why?” She said, making sure she was being cautious with how she spoke, not wanting to take Ami confiding in her lightly.
“Well, it’s just… I’ve seen what it does to my mother. It’s all-consuming, takes you away from family, friends… life. And that’s why it’s not something you can go into half-heartedly. You have to want it and I… I don’t. Not anymore.” Ami explained, quietly.
“I see… I mean, that definitely makes sense.” Minako said, moving a bit closer to her friend, “... so am I the first person you’ve told this to, then?”
“Yes.” Ami said, not quite able to look Minako in the eyes, “My mother… you guys… everyone I know has been so supportive, they’ve always pushed me to do my best… how could I ever face them and tell them I’m giving up?”
“Ami, you’re seventeen. Changing your mind on what you want to do for the rest of your life isn’t ‘giving up’ anything.” Mina said, having moved right next to Ami.
“But my whole life it was always what I planned on doing… it’s what everyone is expecting from me, it-”
“So?” The blonde asked calmly, “They’ll understand. I’m sure your mom will be a bit surprised, but it’s not like she’ll disown you or anything, and you know we all have your back no matter what.” Mina said with a smile.
“I just… I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore.” Ami said, fidgeting with her blanket a bit, “I just always assumed one day I would become a doctor, so if I’m not… then who am I?” She asked before Mina put her hand on her shoulder, smiling at the blunette.
“You're Ami Mizuno. Sailor Mercury, the brains behind the Sailor Guardians, one of my best friends, and so, so much more. Whatever you choose to do… I know you’ll do great.” Mina said, giving her friend’s shoulder a supportive squeeze.
Ami finally cracked a smile, looking over at Minako, “I suppose you’re right… thanks Mina.”
“Don’t mention it. I’m just glad you felt like you could talk to me about this.”
“Yeah… guess I should tell the others too, huh?”
“Whenever you’re ready. Until then, your secret is safe with me.” Mina said, moving back to her own futon.
“Thank you, Mina. For everything. This felt… good to get off my chest. I think I’m gonna try to sleep now, though.” Ami said, laying back down.
“Same. Goodnight Ami.”
“Goodnight Mina.”
Aaaand that brings us to the end of my final entry for Sailor Moon Platonic Week!
It’s been a blast participating in these event weeks, but now it’s time to get back to working on Reignstorm.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Written For Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 6: Tea.
“I am not going down for this, Usagi!” Makoto shouted at her bun-headed friend.
“Well, neither am I! You wanted to see it too, after all!”
“Yeah, but which one of us dropped it?”
“You should’ve known better than to hand it to me!” Usagi defended, as she and Mako both looked down at Michiru’s antique tea set, which lay shattered on the floor in front of them. The two girls had offered to house-sit for the Outers while they were away and had done a fairly good job so far… that is until the tea set caught their eyes and they just had to get a closer look at it.
“Alright, look, it doesn’t matter whose fault it is. We just need to figure out what to do from here.” The green-eyed girl said, unable to wrench her eyes away from the remains of the once beautiful tea set.
“Okay, okay, we can figure this out. Let’s just think this through.” Usagi said, scratching her head in contemplation, “What would Ami do in this situation?”
“Ami wouldn’t be in this situation!” Makoto shot back, “Well, first things first, we need to get this cleaned up.” She said, grabbing a broom and dustpan and sweeping up the shattered pieces.
“Maybe we can just buy a new tea set and they won’t notice?” Usagi said sheepishly.
“Are you kidding me? This thing must’ve been super expensive!”
“Then we just buy a less expensive one and hope they don’t notice!”
“How could they not notice?!”
“Well, I don’t hear you coming up with any ideas!”
“Look, we just have to come clean and tell them what happened.” Mako said, slowly pouring the shattered remains of the tea set into a plastic bag, “We’ve fought side by side with them to save the universe, what’s one tea set compared to that?”
“Well yeah but… it’s a really pretty tea set…”
“It sure was.”
“WE’RE SO SORRY!” Usagi exclaimed in tears as she clung onto a very confused Haruka and Michiru, who had literally just walked in the door with Hotaru and Setsuna seconds prior.
“Uh… what?” Haruka asked, very confused at what was happening, before Makoto held up the bag containing the busted-up tea set.
“We uh… wanted to dust your collection for you and… we broke it…” Mako said, looking down at the floor, “We’re sorry…”
“Oh… that’s it?” Michiru asked, tilting her head a bit.
“That’s… what do you mean, ‘that’s it’?” Usagi asked, confused at the subdued reaction.
“Are you not mad?” Makoto asked, confused as well.
“No, of course not. These things happen.” Michiru said with a smile, “And I assume it taught you a lesson about rummaging through other people’s things?”
“Oh, absolutely! No more rummaging for me! I’m rummaged out!” Usagi said, kind of overselling it.
“Well, that’s good. But anyway, since we’re all here… who wants tea?”
And that does it for Day Six. Come back tomorrow for Day 7: Sleepover.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
A Tense Situation
Written For Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 5: Body Swap.
Minako sighed as she rubbed her temple in frustration, “So, what did we learn about listening to your leader when she says, ‘Wait for backup’?” she said looking at Ami and Rei, whose bodies had been swapped in a confrontation with a monster, sitting on Rei’s bed.
The Inner Guardians fell back to the Hikawa Shrine after the monster had retreated to discuss what to do from here.
“I said the same thing!” Ami in Rei’s body said, “Rei was the one who charged in.”
“Hey, don’t go throwing me under the bus! It could’ve hurt someone!” Rei in Ami’s body argued.
“We were the only ones around!” Ami refuted.
“Man, it’s no fair that this happened to you two!” Usagi said.
“Thanks, Usagi, I-” Ami began to say, before being cut off.
“I mean, do you have any idea what I would give to trade brains with Ami?” Usagi said, crossing her arms in a huff, “Rei already has good grades anyway!”
Makoto smacked Usagi in the back of the head in frustration, “Not the point, Usagi!”
“Regardless, Ami, you said the readings you took said that this should be undone when the monster is destroyed, right?” Minako asked.
“I’m Rei, Mina, that’s Ami.” The now blue-haired Rei said, pointing at Ami.
“Oh, right, right.”
“That’s correct. So I guess we’ll just have to wait it out.” Ami said, looking a bit anxious.
“Well, if that’s the case, how about you all head home. Ami can stay here tonight so we can make sure we’re both prepared if we end up having to go to school for one another.” Rei said, standing up from her bed.
“Alright. We’ll let you guys know if anything comes up.” Mina said, before she, Usagi, and Mako took their leave.
Almost immediately after they left the now raven-haired Ami began rummaging through her bookbag, “Well, I guess first I should get you acquainted with my class schedule. Thankfully I keep a copy of it on me at all times, just in case. Also, we should-”
“Yeah yeah, before we get into that, I wanted to talk to you about something else.” Rei said, rubbing her left shoulder with her right arm.
“Oh? What is it?” Ami asked, tilting her head.
“Well, I didn’t wanna bring this up in front of the others but… your body, it’s so… tense.” Rei said, opening and closing her fists.
“Oh, I guess it is. I suppose I had just gotten used to it, but I will say there was a noticeable difference when I got sent into your body.” Ami said, touching her finger to her chin.
“Wait! Are you telling me this is how you feel… all the time?” Rei asked, concerned.
“Well, I wouldn’t say all of the time, just… y’know… most of the time.” Ami said sheepishly.
“That’s really not good, Ami.” Rei said, approaching the girl.
“It’s fine, really.” Ami said, looking down at the floor, “It helps me stay on top of things.”
“I think our doctor in training should know that that’s a terrible way to look at it.” Rei said, looking at Ami, who was still avoiding eye contact, “Alright, c’mon.” Rei said, grabbing Ami’s wrist and dragging her to the center of the room.
“What? What are you doing?” Ami asked.
“I’m going to teach you some techniques for this, you clearly need them.” Rei explained, sitting down on the floor and crossing her legs.
“What? No, we don’t have time for-”
“That type of thinking is exactly why your body is wound so tight it feels like it could snap if I move it wrong. C’mon, if nothing else you owe it to me so you don’t do this to my body too. Now sit down.” She instructed, pointing down at the floor in front of her.
Ami reluctantly complied, sitting down and crossing her legs, “Okay, great, now what?”
“This is a technique my grandpa taught me. I want you to close your eyes, and clear your mind.” Rei said, before closing her eyes, “It’s alright if you can’t get it completely cleared, that’s perfectly normal, especially for a beginner.”
“Mmhm, got it.” Ami said, closing her eyes, clearly just wanting to get this over with.
“Ami, this isn’t going to help you if you don’t actually try.” Rei said, calmly.
“Alright, alright.”
“Good. I’ve found a way that helps is to imagine a clear blue sky, and whenever you have a thought pop into your head to distract you, just imagine it as a cloud floating by. Now, I want you to try to identify the place where the tension is stemming from. Oftentimes it’s in your gut, but (as you well know) it can spread out across the body.” Rei informed, trying to do this herself, although it was difficult while leading another person.
“Okay…” Ami said, seeming to be going along with the exercise.
“Alright, now take some deep breaths, in…” Rei said, inhaling slowly, “... and out…” She said as she exhaled, repeating this a few times, “And as you’re doing this, I want you to envision the tension leaving your body, like dark energy leaving your body after we defeat a monster.”
Ami giggled at the comparison, but did as she was instructed, “Alright.” She said, inhaling and exhaling a few more times.
Rei walked her through some more breathing techniques and mental tricks before she decided Ami was well equipped, at least for now, to deal with this on her own.
“Alright, you did really good, Ami.” Rei said, looking at Ami with a smile (although she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel a bit weird about congratulating herself).
“Thank you, Rei. I’m sorry for being so resistant to this, it’s just… with so much going on, school, Sailor stuff… this,” She said, gesturing at herself and Rei, “It’s just… it’s a lot.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Everyone needs a reminder to slow down from time to time.” Rei said nonchalantly, “But make sure you do these exercises at least semi-frequently. We’d be in a real pinch if the brain of our group was out of commission because she worked herself into a frenzy.” She said with a smile.
“Okay, okay, I’ll remember. And… thanks again, Rei. Or should I say, Ami?” Ami said with a smirk.
“Yeah, no, absolutely not. We’re not doing that.”
Anyway then they beat the monster and went back to normal the end.
And that does it for Day Five. Come back tomorrow for Day 6: Tea. 
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Visiting Auntie Mako
Written for Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 4: Future.
This could kiiiiind of be seen as a follow up to the piece I wrote for Sailor Moon LGBTQ week, but really the only carryovers are that Mako and Mina both have babies. Anyway, enjoy!
“Are you excited to see your aunties?” Mina asked as she made her way up the stairs of Ami and Mako’s apartment building, holding her red-haired baby in her arms.
The little one simply giggled and clapped in response. Mina and Rei had adopted little Noriko about six months ago, and the baby was approaching a year of age.
Mina knocked when she reached the door to her friends’ apartment. She heard some shuffling from inside before finally, Mako opened the door to greet them, looking half dead.
“Oh… hey Mina… what’s up?” Mako asked groggily.
“Uh… not much… I just wanted to stop by and see how you and the family were doing. You okay?” Mina asked, concerned for her friend’s well-being.
“Oh, yeah. I mean you can come in, it’s just me though.” Mako said, rubbing her eyes as she welcomed her blonde friend in, “Ami and Yuu are at her mom’s… I think. I wasn’t conscious when she left.”
“Uh huh… and you’re sure you’re okay?” Mina questioned again, sitting down on the couch with her baby.
“Oh, yeah. Yuu just… had some trouble sleeping last night… which meant we all had some trouble sleeping last night.” Mako said, sitting down on the couch with them.
“Oh yeah, we’ve had some nights like that with this little one. Yes we have, yes we have!” Mina said playfully, bouncing her baby up and down gently, “Yeah those… Mako?”
The blonde looked over to see her friend already nodding off to sleep, jostling her lightly.
“I’m up! I’m up!” The brunette exclaimed, jolting back upright.
“We can come back later, it seems like you need to rest.” 
“No, no, it’s fine. With the kids and work we hardly ever see each other anymore. It’s actually really nice to see you.” Mako said with a weak smile.
“Heh, yeah I feel ya. Things were a lot simpler when we were kids, weren’t they?” Mina said, sitting Noriko up on her knee.
“If you ignore the monster fights then yeah, sure.”
“Hey, I know for a fact that both of us have changed some diapers that were way worse than half of the monsters we ever fought.” The blonde shot back, digging into her baby bag for a rattle for Noriko.
“Boy if that ain’t the truth. Not to mention the monsters usually had the common courtesy to not attack in the middle of the night.” Mako said, pulling out one of Yuu’s spare rattles and rattling it in Noriko’s face, prompting her to snatch it away with her little hands.
“Thanks. But yeah… adulthood’s pretty wild. Who would’ve thought?”
“Yeah. It’s funny though… even after a night like last night…”
“You wouldn’t trade it for anything, would you?” Mina finished for her friend.
“Nope.” Makoto affirmed with a smile.
“I get what you mean. Although if her teenage years are anything like mine… woof, that will not be fun. But at least… Mako?”
The auburn-haired woman had once again nodded off to sleep. Her head rested on one of the couch’s armrests.
“I think we should probably see ourselves out… Auntie Mako needs her rest.”
Aaand that does it for Day Four! A bit short, I know, but I felt like I said all I needed to. And also... I wanted to let the poor girl sleep.
Come back tomorrow for Day 5: Body Swap! I’ve got a fun story for Ami and Rei cooked up for it.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Goodbye Grandpa Hino
Written for Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 3: Loss. 
It had only been a few days since the passing of Grandpa Hino. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise. With his heart condition, it was somewhat miraculous that he’d lived as long as he had, although he attributed it to a good diet and exercise. No, it should not have come as a surprise… but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Rei sat in the central area of the now very quiet Hikawa Shrine. In the days since his passing her friends had tried to offer words of comfort, but Rei had closed herself off. She hadn’t returned any of their calls, and whenever they came to visit she just told them that she was doing fine, but that she needed them to leave so she could deal with funeral preparations. She didn’t need them there. 
She was fine.
She saw the silhouette of someone approaching the front door and went to open it before they even had a chance to knock. She opened the door to reveal Makoto standing there, holding a basket and an umbrella to protect herself from the rain.
“Hey. Can I come in?” She asked.
“Sure. You can’t stay too long, though, I’ve got stuff to do.”
She didn’t.
Mako stepped inside, closing her umbrella and hanging it up.
“What are you doing here?” Rei asked as they made their way to Rei’s room.
“I just wanted to come check up on you. See how you were doing.” Mako said, sitting down on Rei’s bed.
“Oh great, she’s sitting.” Rei thought to herself, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible, “I’m fine. What is it you have there?” She asked, gesturing toward the basket.
“Just some food. When was the last time you ate?” The green-eyed girl asked, setting the basket down and looking up at the raven-haired girl.
“... not too long ago.” Rei muttered, not meeting her friend’s gaze.
Makoto opened her mouth to question her, but that was rendered unnecessary when Rei’s stomach growled, betraying her lie.
“... look, I just haven’t been hungry, okay?” Rei defended, getting more and more tense.
“I get that.” Makoto said, standing up as it seemed her friend had no intention of sitting down next to her, “But you still need to eat. You can’t just-”
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do!” Rei snapped, “I appreciate the food, but I need you to leave. I have-”
“Things to do? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.” Makoto said, holding her composure, “Look, I understand you’re upset but-”
“Upset? Upset?! Don’t talk to me like you know how I feel! None of you do! None of you could… possibly…” Rei petered off, realizing just who she was talking to.
“I do. That’s why I’m here. Thought it might help to talk to someone who knows what you’re going through.” Mako said, making her way closer to Rei.
“I appreciate it Mako, but I’m-” Rei began, trying her best to repress her emotions.
“You’re really gonna try and tell me you’re fine after that?”
“I… I…” Rei began, tears beginning to well up in her eyes as all the feelings she repressed began to come to the surface.
Makoto wrapped her arms around Rei, pulling her into a hug. As much as she had tried to fight against it, the raven-haired girl finally broke down into tears.
“It’s okay… it’s okay… just let it out.” Mako said, holding her close.
“I just… he… I…” Was all Rei could muster between sobs.
“I know… I know…” Mako cooed.
“Does it ever… does it…?” Rei tried to ask, but her green eyed friend got the gist of it.
“It does. Not completely. A part of you will always miss them… you’ll see, or hear, or even smell something that reminds you of them and… but each time that happens it gets a little easier.”
“I’m s-sorry for-”
“I know… we know… it’s okay. We’re here for you.” Mako said, looking down at Rei.
The shrine maiden cried for a bit longer before finally collecting herself, and leaving Makoto’s embrace, “Thank you Mako… for coming here… and for the food.” She said, rubbing her belly a bit, “I don’t know if I could live off granola bars for much longer.” She said with a weak smile.
“Of course, I can heat it up for you if-” Mako said, going for the basket, but Rei beat her to it and picked it up.
“No need. But… if you wanted to stay and help me eat it, I wouldn’t mind that.”
A small smile appeared on Mako’s face. It had been many years since she lost her parents, but she remembered the most important lesson she learned from that was to embrace life. To enjoy it to the fullest extent with the people around her. And she hoped she could help her friend learn the same lesson from this.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
Real quick, I’m aware Rei also lost her mother, but (and correct me if I’m wrong) I had always gathered that Mako had gotten to spend a bit more time with her parents than Rei.
And that does it for Day three. Come back tomorrow for Day 4: Future. I’ve got a fun one cooked up, so hopefully you’ll check it out.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Written for Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 2: Comfort.
Minako had been looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening at home. Her parents were gone out of town, Artemis was off… somewhere, and the girls’ usual study session had been canceled due to Ami being sick. Mina and her friends all reasoned that without Ami there not much actual studying would get done anyway. So Mina’s evening would consist of video games, a nice bubble bath, and then finally curling up with a good manga before bed.
That is until Usagi showed up on the doorstep of the Aino household, asking if she and Minako could talk. Immediately the Guardian of Beauty could tell something was off. Her bun-headed friend lacked her usual energy. Minako ushered her in and made them both tea before the two blondes finally settled themselves at Mina’s dining room table. 
“Thank you.” Usagi said quietly, taking the tea from her friend.
“Sure thing.” Minako replied, blowing on her own tea to cool it down, “So what’s up?”
“Well…” Usagi fidgeted with her hands nervously, struggling to find the right words, “I guess I was just wondering… how did you do it?”
“Do what?” Mina asked, confused.
“The whole superhero thing.” Usagi clarified, “I mean, you’ve been doing this way longer than me, and for most of it you were flying solo.”
“I dunno. I just did, I guess?”
Usagi looked down at her cup, disappointed, “Yeah… I guess you would say that.”
“Usagi? Is everything okay?” Minako questioned, concerned for her friend. 
“It’s just… it’s so hard, Mina.” Usagi looked up at her friend with tears in her eyes, “It was already hard enough for me just to get my homework done and now I have to save the world every week and… and I’m not like you. I’m not built for superheroing like you are.”
Minako was shocked. She had seen Usagi upset before, the girl had been a wreck after Mamoru had been taken by the Dark Kingdom, but this was different. She supposed it shouldn’t have been too surprising. After all, it had only been a few weeks since the girls had all gotten their memories back and returned to their Sailor Guardian duties. Thus, it was only natural for there to be some concerns during this transition period. For Usagi, however, it seemed to go beyond ‘concerns’. The girl was beginning to doubt if she was cut out for this at all. So, of course, she had come to Mina.
While Minako had grown closer with Usagi during her time on the team, it was clear that her princess still put her on a pedestal. The Guardian of Beauty remembered how Usagi would fangirl over her during their earliest days working together. “I can’t believe I get to work with my hero.” was a phrase that had been uttered on multiple occasions. And now, here she was, asking her hero to share some kind of magic secret that would turn her into the perfect crime fighter. A secret that Mina simply didn’t have.
“I guess that’s obvious, though. I mean, if I was, you guys wouldn’t have had to give up your normal lives to help me.” Usagi wiped away her tears with the end of her sleeve, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was even expecting you to be able to tell me. I just… I don’t know if I can do this and… and…” she petered out before burying her face in her hands, “I’m sorry.”
Mina acted almost on instinct, moving from her chair over to where the other blonde sat and wrapping her arms around her. Usagi let out a surprised noise but accepted her friend’s embrace without resistance.
“Usagi, you don’t have anything to be sorry about, you’re doing fine.” Minako cooed reassuringly, “You’ve done so much. You’ve helped so many people. You saved the whole world for crying out loud.”
“Not on my own. Not without you guys.” Usagi whimpered.
“So what?” Mina asked, pulling away and looking into Usagi’s eyes, “That’s what we’re here for. We look after each other.”
“I guess…” Usagi muttered, clearly not convinced. So Minako decided it was time to bring out the big guns.
“Hey… do you really wanna know how I did it? How I fought as Sailor V for so long?” Usagi’s eyes shot open and she looked directly into Minako’s, nodding aggressively, “Alright, well, my secret is… that I just made it up as I went.”
“... what?”
“You heard me. I had no idea what I was doing, just ask Artemis. I bumbled my way through all my adventures, and pissed off a lot of cops in the process.” Minako took Usagi’s hands in her own and looked her in the eyes, “You and I really aren’t any different, Usagi. You just only saw the stuff they put in the manga (which I never saw a yen from, by the way) which well… what can I say, they got my good side.” She finished with a smirk.
“Wow, I… I had no idea.” Usagi said, clearly shocked by what she had just heard.
“It’s okay if you’re not a perfect hero. It’s okay if you need help. You can rely on us.” Minako said, placing a hand on Usagi’s shoulder, “And even though we give you a lot of crap, we all know we can rely on you too, okay?” 
“Okay.” Usagi said with a faint smile, “And… thanks, Mina.”
“Don’t mention it.” The taller blonde shot back, “But speaking of my unapproved merchandise, I was planning on playing that new Sailor V game tonight, but I could really use a player two. You want in?”
Immediately Usagi’s eyes lit up and she sprang from her seat, “Wait, you have the new one?! That’s awesome! I wanna be Sailor V!”
“What? But I literally am Sailor V!”
Aaaaand that’s it for day two! Come back tomorrow for Day 3: Loss.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Ami The Pokémon Trainer
Written for Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 1: Video Games.
“Good work today, Usagi.” Ami said, packing up her books after her one-on-one study session with Usagi, “Keep this up and you’ll pass your English test with flying colors.”
“Do you really mean it, Ami?” Usagi asked, with tears welling up in her eyes, to which Ami simply nodded in response, “Oh thank you thank you thank you!” Usagi said, wrapping her arms around Ami and pulling her into a hug, “Here, let me get your bag.”
With that, Usagi stood up and made her way to the other side of her bedroom where her blue-haired friend had set her bookbag. She picked up the bag and began to make her way back toward Ami, when she slipped on a loose piece of clothing which had been left out, “WHAA!” The blonde exclaimed as she slipped and fell onto the floor face-first, spilling the contents of the bag onto the floor.
“Usagi! Are you okay?” Ami asked as she rushed over to her friend to help her up.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Usagi said, sitting up and rubbing her head, “Sorry for-” She began to say, before observing the objects which had fallen out of Ami’s bag. Most of them were fairly standard, a pencil case, some books, a few loose homework assignments, but there was one object that caught Usagi’s eye: A Game Boy with what appeared to be a copy of Pokémon Blue inserted into it.
“What? What are- AHH!” Ami cried, quickly refilling her bag with its spilled contents, “Uh… I can explain.” The bluenette said, sheepishly.
“You like Pokémon?” Usagi asked, surprised at this revelation.
“What?! I mean, I… I don’t…” Ami sputtered, before letting out a large sigh, “Yeah…”
“I thought you didn’t like video games because they were too easy for you?” Usagi questioned as she moved closer and settled down closer on the floor to Ami.
“Most of them are! But this one is different because it isn’t just simple pattern recognition! You have to formulate a strategy with your battles, match the different types accordingly, there’s a random element involved with things like critical hits and also… well…” Ami said, looking away embarrassed, “... the little creatures are just really cute.”
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!?” Usagi exclaimed, grabbing Ami by the shoulders and shaking her, “We could’ve been playing together this whole time! I even have the Red version so we could’ve traded each other the exclusive Pokémon! I mean, Shingo has Blue, but he’s a jerk about it! I had to all but beg him to trade me a Vulpix!”
“Well… it’s because… I was embarrassed.” The blunette said, her cheeks tinted red.
“Huh? Why’s that?” Usagi asked, tilting her head in confusion.
“Because everyone sees me as the responsible one! Imagine what they would think if they found out I was indulging in something so childish. Oh, sorry, no offense.”
“None taken.” Usagi said, waving her hand nonchalantly, “But Ami, there’s nothing wrong with liking the things you like. No one’s gonna think you’re any less responsible just because you like a video game with cute little creatures. And if they do, I’ll punish them!” The blonde finished, doing a mock version of her famous pose.
Ami simply chuckled in response, “I guess you’re right.” She said, looking down at the floor.
“Good, now that that’s out of the way…” Usagi said before pulling her own Game Boy and link cable out of… somewhere, “I challenge you to a duel, Mizuno.”
Ami chuckled as she pulled her own Game Boy back out, “Alright, alright.”
“So, who’s your favorite Pokémon?” Usagi asked as they set up the duel, “Mine’s Eevee.”
“Oh, because of the different variety of evolutions it can undergo?”
“What? No, of course not! I would never evolve my Eevee! She’s perfect just the way she is!” Usagi exclaimed in a huff.
“I see…” Ami said, not wanting to tell her friend that that was a horrible strategy, “Mine’s Raichu.”
Usagi was somewhat surprised. She had assumed Ami’s favorite would be a water type, not an electric… type…
“Actually, yeah, that makes complete sense.” Usagi thought with a smirk, “Alright, let’s go! I’m gonna kick your butt!”
One Pokémon Battle Later…
“I can’t believe I didn’t beat a single one of your Pokémon!” Usagi cried.
“No offense Usagi, but your team wasn’t very well balanced. There were several redundancies. You know it’s probably not a good idea to have both a Ninetales and a Growlith, right? It makes your team doubly weak to water, rock, ground-”
“But they’re both so cute though! I mean, Ninetales was cuter as a Vulpix, but I love her just the same! I can’t abandon them!”
“Alright, alright, I understand.” Ami said with a smile, “Although, could you not tell the others about this? I know you said I shouldn’t be embarrassed, and you’re probably right, but-”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Although, I do have one condition.” 
“Oh? What’s that?”
“I want a Sandshrew!”
I swear I didn’t make Ami’s favorite Pokémon Raichu just because they’re my favorite Pokémon. That’s definitely a coincidence. I swear.
Anyway, that’s day one! Come back for Day 2: Comfort. Really happy with the story I cooked up for that one.
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 6: Pet Names.
Ami is confused by what Makoto has been calling her.
“Hey Ames, you want anything while I’m in here?” Makoto called to Ami from her kitchen, having stepped away from their study session briefly to check on a pie she had in the oven.
Ami blushed lightly, before shouting back, “No, Mako, I’m fine.” Trying to focus back on her studies.
‘Ames’. It was what Mako had taken to calling her since they started dating. This had perplexed the blunette, was it meant to be a shortening of her name? It seemed to be, but… her name didn’t have a hard ‘A’ sound the way ‘Ames’ did.
Mako returned to the room, pie in her oven-mitted hands, “Alright, move the books over, we’re taking a pie break.” She said with a smile.
“Of course we are.” Ami said, moving the books off of Mako’s coffee table so she could set the pie down.
“Hey! C’mon now, I’ve been doing good! Don’t I deserve a bit of pie?” Mako said, looking at Ami with big puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, fine, fine! We can take a pie break.” Ami said with a smile.
Mako threw her arms around the smaller girl and planted a kiss on her cheek, “I knew you couldn’t resist me, Ames.” She said with a smile, before going back to the kitchen to grab plates, a knife and silverware for the pie, leaving Ami alone on the couch, blushing.
When Mako returned with what she needed, Ami finally asked the question which had been on her mind, “Why do you call me that?”
“Hm? What, ‘Ames’?” The brunette asked, looking up at her from cutting the pie.
“Uh… because it’s cute? Why? Do you not like me calling you that?” The green-eyed girl asked, looking a little sad.
“No no no! Nothing like that! I was just curious where it came from.” Ami quickly explained, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
“Oh, well, remember that time when that foreign exchange student mispronounced your name as ‘Amy’ and we all gave you crap for it for, like, a week?”
“Yes, of course, how could I ever forget how funny you all found a basic error in pronunciation?” Ami said, clearly unamused.
“Well, after we started dating, I remembered that and… I dunno, one thing led to another, and I just liked the way ‘Ames’ sounded.” Mako said, handing Ami a piece of pie.
“I see… why was that what you were thinking of after we started dating though?” Ami asked, confused how the two were connected.
“Oh, well, um…” Mako began, her face quickly turning red, “... well obviously everyone else already calls you by your name and well I… I just wanted something that was special for me.”
“O-oh, I see…” Ami said, also blushing, “So… like a pet name?”
“Yeah… I guess like a pet name.” Mako said with a smile, taking the first bite of her piece of pie.
“Aw, Mako… that’s so sweet.” Ami said, causing the auburn-haired girl to blush even more, “I feel bad though, everyone already calls you by the shortened version of your name so I can’t claim that for myself.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out, after all…” Mako said, wiping a stray bit of pie off of Ami’s face with her thumb, “... you are my little genius, right Ames?”
Ami turned beet red, but didn’t look away from her, “Y’know… I really love it when you call me that.”
Okay so... I can explain.
So, I’m not the biggest fan of the original dub, truth be told I don’t think I’ve seen more than one full episode of it. That being said... I have always had a soft spot for Mako calling Ami ‘Ames’, which originated in that dub. Obviously, the problem being that nickname only really works if her name is ‘Amy’ and not ‘Ami’ but y’know...
Look, if it wasn’t already clear, this fic was very self-indulgent.
But yeah, that was day six! This will be my last contribution to this event as I will not be doing a post for the free day, but I had so much fun participating, as well as seeing what other people made!
If you enjoyed my posts for this event, please consider checking out my other work, as well as leaving a comment, reblog, like, etc. on this one.
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 5: Destiny.
Rei invites Minako over for a talk and uncovers something startling about the girl.
Rei hadn’t known Minako for very long, relatively speaking. She showed up only shortly before the girls’ final battle with the Dark Kingdom where they all lost their memories, and it was only recently that those memories had been returned to them. Even in that short time, however, she had noticed something… off about the blonde-haired girl.
Rei was exceptionally good at reading people, it came with the whole ‘psychic’ thing. Minako, however, had proven very difficult. The girl almost seemed… hollow. It had been nearly impossible for Rei to get a proper read on her, which of course frustrated the shrine maiden to no end. That was all about to change, though, as Minako was coming over to the shrine for what she thought was a Sailor meeting which… wasn’t a complete lie. After all… they were Sailors… and they were meeting…
The blonde-haired girl was clearly perplexed when she showed up to Rei’s room to see the raven-haired girl sitting alone at the table, “Uh… did I get here early?” Mina asked, scratching her head a bit.
“Yep, sure did.” Rei lied, patting the seat next to her, inviting Mina to sit down, “So, you been up to anything interesting lately?”
“Um… no, not really.” Mina said flatly as she sat down, “The store ran out of the cat food Artemis likes so he’s been complaining about that to no end… did some homework before this…”
“Oh my lord, maybe the reason I can’t read this girl is because she’s about as interesting as a block of wood!” Rei thought to herself.
“Also, Rei?” Mina asked, snapping Rei out of her thoughts, “I know no one else is coming, so can you please tell me why you called me here?”
“What? I mean… okay, you got me.” Rei said, putting her hands up in defeat, “The truth is… I don’t understand you.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Everyone else I can read like an open book. But not you. With you I’ve got… nothing. And I don’t understand why.” Rei elaborated.
“Oh, well… I can’t say for sure why that is but if I had to guess… I’d say it’s because I’m not really a person.” Mina said, a bit sadly, earning a confused look from Rei.
“So… are you like… an alien?” Rei asked, scratching her head.
“I mean, technically we all kind of are, but no that’s not what I meant.” Mina said, looking at a picture Rei kept on her desk. It was a photo from back when it was just Rei, Ami and Usagi. Usagi had insisted on getting a group picture while they were at the amusement park, even though they were meant to be there for Sailor Business.
“Then what did you mean?”
Mina’s eyes focused on the bun-headed girl in the center of the picture, “I’m a shadow. Just a pale reflection of her.” She said bluntly.
“Of Usagi?” Rei asked, not quite sure what she was getting at.
“Yes. I’m destined to die in her place. I was born and raised for that one purpose. And even with the threat of the Dark Kingdom gone, that fact remains unchanged.” Mina said matter-of-factly.
“That’s horrible! You can’t really believe that, can you?” Rei asked, shocked.
“Of course I do. It’s fine, I am what I am. I don’t get to have wants and dreams… there’s no reason for an expendable to have such things.” The blue-eyed girl said, a subtle hint of sadness in her voice.
The sound reverberated through Rei’s room as the miko slapped her friend across the face.
Mina was left in a state of shock, holding the stinging side of her face with one hand as she looked at Rei wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Rei’s face was full of anger, as her hand twitched, also stinging from the impact of the slap.
“Don’t you dare call yourself expendable ever again. Got it?” She said, slowly lowering her hand.
“But… but…” Mina tried to speak, but did not know how to respond to this, “But that’s what I am. It’s what I was raised to be. It’s my-”
“Your what? Your destiny? Who cares about that?! You decide your destiny! No one else!” Rei shouted, still fuming.
“That… that’s not… I can’t… I…” Mina stammered.
“You are so much more than just a body to die for Usagi! You’re your own person!” Rei insisted, before lowering her voice a bit, “Look… sorry for the slap. I just-”
“No, no, it’s fine. I… appreciate how much you care.” Mina said with a soft smile, “But I… it’s been so long since my memories awakened and… I’m not even sure I remember what it’s like to be my own person…” She said sadly, looking down at the table and resting her hands on it.
“That’s okay.” Rei said, resting her hand atop Mina’s, “You can just take it one step at a time. Like… you said before you don’t have a dream… is that really true?”
“Well… do you promise not to laugh?” Mina asked timidly, biting her lip a bit.
“Of course.” The raven-haired girl said, giving her friend’s hand a gentle squeeze.
“Well… before all this Sailor stuff happened… I always wanted to be an idol.” Mina said, clearly worried Rei would think that was stupid or childish.
“Heh… can I be honest?” Rei asked, causing Mina to look up from the table and at her, “Same. Amongst other things.”
“Oh wow… I never would have thought…” Mina said, blushing lightly as she realized Rei hadn’t taken her hand off of hers.
“We decide our own destinies. You aren’t just Sailor Venus, protector of the princess… you’re also Minako Aino. As for who that is? Well… no one can tell you that but you. But whoever that ends up being… I know I’d love to meet her.” Rei said with a smile, before Mina all but threw herself at her with a hug.
“... Thank you, Rei.”
I always thought it was interesting how Minako went from... well let’s be honest here... boring as sin in season 1 of Sailor Moon to one of the most fun characters later on. This fic is kind of meant to bridge that gap.
Anyway, that’s day five! Come back tomorrow for Day 6: Pet Names. 
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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