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saaraofthesand · 9 months ago
they’re all wearing white dresses at the end of Sailor Moon which means that all four couples got married on the same day in this essay I will
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years ago
Merry Christmas Hotaru
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 1: Morning.
The Outer Guardians celebrate their first Christmas morning together as a family.
“Haruka-Papa! Michiru-Mama! C’mon! Get up!” Hotaru shouted at her parents' bedside.
Haruka slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes, “What…?”
“It’s Christmas! Santa came!” The black-haired girl said excitedly, grabbing her papa’s arm and trying to pull her out of bed, “C’mon c’mon c’mon!”
“Alright, alright, settle down dear.” Michiru said, sitting up as well, her elegance shining through her exhaustion, “How about you head downstairs and wait for us? We’ll be down in just a minute.”
“Aw, okay. Don’t take too long though! Setsuna-Mama is waiting downstairs too!” Hotaru informed.
“Of course she is.” Haruka said, rubbing her eyes again, “Alright, alright, we’re coming. Just give us a sec.”
With that, Hotaru took her leave, excitedly bounding down the stairs. Michiru turned to her lover with a smile, “Well, she’s certainly excited.”
“A little too much for 5:42 in the morning if you ask me…” Haruka said, fighting the urge to lay down and go back to sleep.
“Well, this is our first Christmas together as a family, it only makes sense.” Michiru reasoned, getting up and putting on her robe.
“And basically her first Christmas period from what I gathered. Kid didn’t even know who Santa was before I told her.” Haruka said, also getting out of bed.
“Yes, I suppose that’s true… that poor girl…” Michiru said sadly, brushing her hair in the mirror.
It was true that Hotaru had not celebrated the holidays before the Outers took her in. It seemed the Death Busters hadn’t felt much need to encourage their Messiah of Silence to leave out milk and cookies or stuff stockings. As such, the whole experience had been dazzlingly new to the girl, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna all wanting to make sure their little girl’s first Christmas was a good one… no matter how early they had to get up to make that happen.
“Yeah… but, guess that just means we have to make all her Christmases with us extra special to make up for it.” Haruka said, holding her partner from behind and looking at her in the mirror.
“Hmm… yes, I suppose it does.” Michiru said with a smile, turning around and going in for a kiss, until,
“HARUKA-PAPA! MICHIRU-MAMA! C’MON!” Hotaru called up to them.
“Heh, well, let’s not keep her waiting any longer then.” Haruka said, throwing on her robe and grabbing her camcorder before they made their way down the stairs, to find Hotaru and Setsuna sitting on the floor together by the tree.
“... so is he a time traveler too? I just don’t understand how he can get around the whole world in one night.” Hotaru asked Setsuna.
“Of course he is.” Setsuna said confidently.
“Yep. I see him at the Door of Space and Time every year. He usually has trouble fitting his whole sleigh through it, but he somehow always makes it work.” Setsuna explained with a smile.
“Wow…” Hotaru said, wide-eyed, before finally noticing her other parents had arrived, “Finally! You’re here!”
“Yep, we sure are.” Haruka said, still a little groggy, but she’d be lying if she said Hotaru’s energy wasn’t a little contagious.
“Well, go ahead dear, which one do you want to open first?” Michiru asked.
“Hey! No! Not yet! If we’re doing Christmas we’re doing Christmas right!” Haruka said, pulling out her camcorder, “Now if I can just figure out… how to work this thing…”
“Have you never used a camcorder before?” Michiru asked, tilting her head.
“When would I have ever needed to use one before now? I bought this thing, like, last week.” Haruka explained, still looking it over.
“Well do you have a tape in there?” Michiru questioned.
“Yes of course I have a tape in there! I know that much! I just-”
“Oh for crying out loud just give me the damn thing!” Setsuna said, standing up and swiping it from Haruka, before turning it on and pointing it at the little girl, “Alright Hotaru, whenever you’re ready.” She said with a smile.
“Yay!” Hotaru exclaimed, immediately going for the biggest present and tearing it open, “No way! I got a Nintendo 64!” She shouted excitedly, holding it up for the camera to see.
“That’s wonderful sweetheart.” Michiru said, before leaning over to Haruka and whispering, “I get the funny feeling she’s not the only one who’ll be playing that.”
“... Look I just wanna play Mario Kart, okay?” Haruka whispered back, defensively.
“Alright. You’d better let her win a couple times, though. She told me about what happened with God Driving at the arcade.” Michiru said.
“Look, the kid’s gotta learn-”
“... yes ma’am.”
Once the presents had been exhausted, Haruka looked down at her little girl with a smile, “So, you like everything you got?”
“I LOVE IT!” Hotaru exclaimed.
“Heh, well, that’s good. Anyway Setsuna you can probably stop-” Haruka began to say, before Hotaru sprung up to cut her off.
“No, wait! We’re not done yet!” The little girl insisted.
“Uh… we’re not?” Haruka asked, scratching her head.
“Nope! We haven’t gotten to the best part yet!” Hotaru said, and before anyone could ask her to elaborate, the black-haired girl disappeared up the stairs to her room.
“Uh… Hey Sets, you got any idea what she’s talking about?” Haruka asked, leaning over to her.
“Hmm… maybe.” The Guardian of Time said with a smirk, cryptic as ever.
Hotaru soon returned, running back down the stairs with a flat, square present in her hands, and handing it to Haruka, “This is for you.”
“Oh… for us?” Haruka asked, taking the present as Hotaru snatched the camcorder from Setsuna.
“Mmhm! Now c’mon! Open it!” Hotaru said, excited to see their reactions.
Haruka did as she was told and tore open the present, revealing a framed drawing of the four of them holding hands on a hill. Hotaru was very talented for her age, having been instructed in many of the fine arts by Michiru. Despite that, the drawing still had a childish charm to it. Above the four of them Hotaru had written two simple words: ‘My Family’.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s lovely.” Michiru said, looking down at the drawing.
“Yes, I think so as well. What do you think, Haruka?” Setsuna asked, looking over at Haruka, who seemed almost entranced by the drawing, “Haruka?”
“Do… do you like it, Haruka-Papa?” Hotaru asked, seeming a bit worried, “I worked really hard on- oh!” Was all the little girl could get out before her papa dropped down and pulled her into a hug.
“... I love it. Thank you, Hotaru.” Haruka said in a voice that betrayed that she was definitely holding back tears. Hotaru’s two mamas quickly joined the hug as well, Michiru patting Haruka’s back in support, “Merry Christmas, Hotaru.”
“Merry Christmas, Haruka-Papa.”
Later in the day, Haruka found a nice wall in their house and hung the picture up. Once she had successfully done so she took a step back, looking at the picture and tearing up once again. Sure, their family wasn’t what most would consider a ‘normal’ one but… it was hers. And Haruka wouldn’t trade it for the world.
And that’s it for day one! In case anyone’s curious, my participation in this event will mean that the next chapter of my ongoing fic, Sailor Moon: Reignstorm will be pushed back to next week. 
Please come back tomorrow for Day 2: Argument (I think the UsaRei fans are gonna be pretty happy for the fic I’ve got cooked up for that one ;) )
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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mycoolwritingcorner · 1 year ago
For anyone needing a quick bit of Christmas Cheer this fine Christmas Eve, here’s a story I wrote for Sailor Moon LGBTQIA+ week that should do the trick!
Enjoy! And if you liked this please consider checking out my ongoing story Sailor Moon: Reignstorm! All currently published chapters are on my page, and a new chapter should be out next month (I hope)!
But until then, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who read anything I wrote this year, and I hope you all have a happy holidays!
Merry Christmas Hotaru
Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 1: Morning.
The Outer Guardians celebrate their first Christmas morning together as a family.
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