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spynorth · 2 years ago
i know you’re logged out rn but i want to leave a little something for you to log in to (a cat leaving a dead bird at your doorstep, if you will). i’m so glad we got to know each other! you have made the last couple of years so fun both on and off tumblr, and it’s such a breath of fresh air to meet someone so genuine 😭 from when we first started chatting and immediately sending each other inappropriate memes we have gelled so well and i am so proud and happy to count you among my close friends ❤️‍🔥 you are such a force of nature and i can’t wait for our next movie night so we can chat shit and laugh for five hours straight 🏴‍☠️ 🐊 🧅
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man this choked me up when i read it and made me go down memory lane and get all nostalgic. I have never laughed at something someone has said to me on this site like I laughed at that ask you sent (domestic bliss, baaaaaby!). I still remember being on the phone and checking my notification and I lost it in the middle of my conversation.. and the way you threw me back a completely well written reply to that stupid bake off starter just sealed the deal for me. I've always found it so easy to write with you and you're one of those people I just *chinhands* at whenever I see something on the dash .. I gotta read it. I can't help myself. That experience of switching from absolute crocodile vs hook crack threads to exploring immortal enemies and the idea of you're my only friend has always been just top-fucking-tier. The life you bring to aegon is astounding and I love talking headcanons and listening to your opinions and thought processes on discord. You're one of those people who take characters so seriously (thank you!!!!!!) but also know how to have a grand ol' time without erasing flaws etc... your talent and passion and creativity have always blown me away and it's so interesting to see how we've gone from what we were a few years ago with writing and become what we are today. I love watching growth. I love watching things develop.
As a person, my dear crocodile, you are one of my favorites and someone I consider one of my closest friends. From that first message of Idk if we're close enough for this, but three years ago (how???)... to the fact that we talk basically every day now, I can't imagine this world without you. You are hilarious, yes, but more importantly you're someone who is so loyal to your friends and you know how to check the fucking source material before you accuse someone of something .. a wild concept on tumblr in the year of 2023. I dunno mate, we have so many memories and it makes my heart go all pitter patter when I think of them. There's no one else I'd rather watch the musical episode of once with or every single shrek with. I'm glad I was able to help you be a little hacker with my hulu and I'm grateful for the way you turned me onto duolingo (but uh. I've been slacking big time lately lmao). Can't wait to go to Shrek World in London together so we can be obnoxious and I can wow you with the Irish accent I've been practicing. In short, my Irish onion, I will love you as long as sinuses exists and as long as salt is a thing and I will never stop giving you daily life updates from my diary. Thanks for understanding that anything and everything under the sun is only ever related to me and mine and supporting me no matter what I do to other people. You're one of my favorite sheeps, mate and there are so many layers to our friendship.
Fuck the [redacted].
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moeblob · 20 days ago
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Sometimes, you have an emotional support old man and you love and cherish him c:
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housewifebuck · 1 year ago
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What if the stars lost all of their glitter And they fell down from the sky? That would be like finding you, choosing you, loving you, losing you After searching all my life. (x)
↳ for @shitouttabuck
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phdmama · 8 months ago
Hey lovely, how about 43 from the smut dialogue list if you’re still looking for inspo - and maybe buddie as the ship? (I may have started reading a few fics and it might be about to become a problem…) but any ship that takes your fancy if you’re prefer!
Hello my dear pal!! I am so so excited you're reading some Buddie!! xox
I am so sorry this took this long to write (I've had some real rollercoaster ups and downs over the past few days with this silly broken leg bullshit). So anyway - here is where my brain went! (Keep in mind, I am lots of painkillers and have barely written in months!)
43. “Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
Show My Mouth (Your Favorite Places)
Buddie, ~2300 words, Explicit tags: getting together, first time, Eddie Diaz has yet another close call, gratuitous use of italics, only lightly beta'd by me, set somewhere vaguely post season 7ish?
They’re barely through the door of Buck’s loft and Buck immediately has Eddie backed up against it, reaching out to run a hand over Eddie’s chest.
“I’m fine, Buck,” Eddie says again, and yeah, okay, it’s probably the tenth time he’s repeated the words but that was too close a call, and Buck says as much as Eddie tips his head back against the door, his eyes closed.
“Take your shirt off,” Buck says, reaching for the hem of Eddie’s t-shirt. It’s dirty and torn and Eddie doesn’t protest, doesn’t even open his eyes, just lifts his arms and lets Buck pull the rough fabric over his head.
“If you wanted to get me out of my clothes, all you had to do was ask,” Eddie says and Buck freezes.
“I just. I need to see you’re okay,” he says finally, and Eddie just smiles. 
“Help yourself. I told you, the thing barely grazed me.”
Buck doesn’t answer, just flips on the light and runs his hands lightly over Eddie’s chest. There are some scrapes, a few spots that will probably bruise, but Buck has to admit Eddie is probably right, the damage is superficial. Buck doesn’t really pay attention to what his hands are doing, caught in the memory of the way the tree had come down and for one, brief, terrifying moment he’d thought… He’d thought. That’s all.
He’s still thinking, lost in it when Eddie says, his voice rough, “Buck.”
“What?” Buck startles back to the moment and realizes he’s been, well. 
He’s been gently stroking Eddie’s bare chest, and Eddie’s eyes are open now, dark and intense, fixed on Buck’s face. His skin is slightly goosebumped and his nipples are tight buds on his broad chest. Buck rips his gaze away and swallows, his throat dry.
He’s worked so hard to just be chill, is the thing. After he and Tommy broke up (no real drama, just Tommy gently letting him down), Buck has been so, well. Aware of men, is the thing. Men in general and one man in particular. Buck knows he’s been weird about Eddie from the very beginning, and he knows Eddie is just as weird about him, and there have been moments where he’s thought… maybe… but he’s never been sure. Never seen a look on Eddie’s face like the one currently leveled at him.
“Are you, um. Are you cold?” he whispers and Eddie’s mouth curves.
“Not even a bit,” Eddie says, and his voice is so low and gravelly, it legitimately sends a shiver down Buck’s spine.
“Are you in pain?”
Eddie just shakes his head, not breaking his gaze. 
“I, just.” Buck’s heart is pounding. It feels like an avalanche in his chest, and under his hands, he can feel Eddie’s heart racing, just as fast. “Eddie,” Buck says, his voice pleading, although he doesn’t even know what it is he’s asking for. 
Eddie knows though, the way Eddie always knows.
Eddie simply replies, “Buck,” and then lays one hand over one of Buck’s where it’s still resting on his bare skin. 
For one brief, agonizing moment, Buck worries that Eddie is pushing his hand away, but it immediately becomes clear that's not what’s happening. Eddie is not pushing Buck’s hand away, he’s pushing it down. Eddie slides Buck’s hand down over his own toned abdomen, slowly enough that Buck can feel the expansion as Eddie takes a deep breath, and then, oh god. Then he shifts Buck’s hand even lower to where he’s hard in his LAFD sweats.
Buck stares at him as Eddie presses his hand to the hard length of him under the rough cotton. “Eddie,” he whispers.
“I’m not cold,” Eddie says quietly. “I’m not in pain. I don’t need you to fuss over me.”
“Then what,” Buck swallows. “What do you need?”
Eddie just grins, and he lifts the hand that’s not pressing Buck’s against his cock to curve it around Buck’s face. 
“I think you know,” is all he says and Buck breaks.
He surges forward, tightening his fingers around the hard shaft under his hand as he pushes forward, his mouth landing on Eddie’s. Buck is frantic, gasping as he lets himself go, lets himself take what he’s been longing for for so long. He’s afraid that this might be his only chance, that if he takes his time, Eddie will change his mind.
But Eddie doesn’t seem inclined that way. He meets Buck in the middle, strength for strength, passion for passion, kiss for kiss, until he begins to gentle things between them. 
Eddie pulls back, and whispers, “Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
He leans back in and this time he sets the pace with deep, slow kisses, syrupy-sweet, until Buck thinks his knees might genuinely give out.
“Buck,” Eddie whispers and shifts, letting his mouth move over Buck’s face to his neck, a quick nip to the sensitive skin behind Buck’s ear that has Buck groaning and shaking. “Buck, baby. Let me take you to bed.”
“Too far,” Buck mumbles, turning his head to catch Eddie’s lips with his own. “Can’t wait.”
“Couch then,” Eddie insists and doesn’t stop kissing Buck, just gently herds him backwards through the apartment until Buck’s dropping onto his couch and pulling Eddie down with him.
For several moments, Buck doesn’t think about anything at all except the feel of Eddie’s chest against his own, the taste of Eddie’s mouth, Eddie’s hand in his hair as they kiss. He finally has to pull back to take a deep gasping breath, and just stares at Eddie over him.
“Is this… is this really happening?” Buck finds himself asking and Eddie grins, drops a quick kiss to the tip of his nose.
“It is if you want it to be.”
Buck just blinks at him. “I didn’t know. How did I not know you wanted this?”
Eddie shrugs, shifts his weight off of Buck so he can pull Buck up to sitting. “Let’s just say… when you started dating Tommy, I figured a few things out.”
“You didn’t say anything.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Of course not, Buck. You and Tommy, well. You were happy. Having fun. I didn’t think this was possible, but then when you guys broke up, and we were back to hanging out all the time. I started to think that maybe…” his voice trails off as he hooks his fingers under the hem of Buck’s t-shirt and starts to remove it. 
Buck automatically lifts his arms. “Have you ever… with a guy?”
Eddie just smiles, shakes his head. “Never let myself even think about it when I was young, and then. I guess it was just never the right time. Until now.” He lifts his hand, brushes his knuckles across Buck’s cheekbone, skates his hand down to curl it around Buck’s jaw. “I want to, though. With you, if you want that.”
Buck stares at him. “If I want that? Eddie. Of course I want that. I just. What does it mean?”
Eddie leans in, kisses him once and then again. He feels so good that Buck can’t help but groan as Eddie’s mouth moves to his collar bones as he slowly pushes Buck down onto his back, slides between his legs.
Eddie lifts his head after pressing one last kiss to Buck’s chest. “It means whatever you want,” he says finally.
“But,” Buck is compelled to ask, “what if it changes everything?”
Eddie laughs, low and rough. “Of course it’ll change everything, Buck, and I want that. I don’t think it’ll take anything away though. It’s just another way for me to love you, and I already do, so…”
He pauses and Buck grabs him by the shoulders. 
“Up, up, up here now,” he says frantically, suddenly sure that if he can’t kiss Eddie immediately, he may genuinely die.
Eddie snickers and Buck realizes he’s said that last part out loud. Then Eddie’s mouth is back on him, and Buck stops thinking at all.
He’s aware that this is Eddie’s first time with a guy (and holy hell, that’s a thought so hot that Buck’s brain might melt out of his ears) but there’s nothing in the way Eddie’s moving against him that suggests any hesitation about what they're doing. He lines them up, hard cocks pressed together, both of them still in their sweatpants, and sets up a slow, filthy grind. It’s good, so fucking good, that all Buck can do is wrap his legs around Eddie, grab onto his shoulders, and hold on.
Eddie’s kissing him again, those same deep, slow kisses, his tongue fucking into Buck’s mouth in counterpart to the way their bodies are moving together. Buck’s got his hands firmly planted on Eddie’s ass now, and it’s just as spectacular as Buck always thought it would be, especially with Eddie gasping into his mouth, sexy punched out groans that bring Buck closer and closer to the edge.
“How do you…” Buck starts and then shudders at a particularly innovative shift of Eddie’s hips. “Eddie, fuck, how…”
“How what, babe?” Eddie whispers against his lips, not letting up on the way he’s rolling his hips for even a moment.
“How do you want to come?” Buck finally grits out, holding on by sheer force of will now.
The question seems to surprise Eddie and he eases up now, rocking his hips so slowly as he considers Buck’s face.
“I mean,” Eddie says and then a wicked grin crosses his face. “You’re the expert here, Buckley. Walk me through it. What are the options?”
Buck stares up at Eddie and then can’t help himself, starts to laugh, deep belly laughs as his head drops back onto the couch cushions. “Not an expert,” he gasps finally, and sweeps his hands from where they’re resting on Eddie’s shoulders down his arms to his wrists and then back up again, to link his fingers behind Eddie’s head, pulling him in for a kiss. “Journeyman at best.”
Eddie is still grinning and rolls his eyes affectionately. “Fine. Journeyman. Whatever.”
Buck kisses him again, reaches down to grab Eddie’s hips and pulls them flush to his own, before working his way down Eddie’s neck.
“Lots of options,” he mumbles into Eddie’s collar bones. 
Eddie is grinding against Buck harder now, gasping, and Buck can taste the sweat on Eddie’s chest under his tongue. 
“We can keep doing this,” Buck manages to say and then groans at the way Eddie feels. “Fuck, that’s so. Oh my god, Eddie.”
“What else?” Eddie pants.
“I could… oh shit, Eddie, I could.” Buck swallows, his own breathing ragged in his ears. “I could suck you, jerk you off, whatever you want. You could fuck me,” and Eddie goes rigid above him, head thrown back, tendons in his neck standing out in stark relief as he lets out the sexiest sound Buck has ever heard, and Buck feels Eddie’s cock jerk as he starts to come.
For a long moment, the silence in the room is broken by the harsh sounds of Eddie’s breathing. Then Eddie opens his eyes, and the look on his face cracks Buck’s heart wide open. Eddie looks astonished, awed almost, as if his entire worldview has been shaken, and maybe it has, Buck thinks, remembering some of his own recent revelations. Maybe it has.
Eddie stares down at Buck as his breathing starts to settle, and the weight of him pressing Buck into the couch is as intoxicating as it is reassuring. There’s something so raw and honest about this moment — the way Eddie’s eyes are fixed on Buck’s face, the damp heat between them, the smell of sex intermingled with the scent of the peonies Buck bought at the Farmer’s Market the other day. Buck feels like every sense he has, and maybe some he didn’t even know about, are dialed all the way in.
“Buck,” Eddie breathes and his smile makes Buck’s throat tighten and his eyes prickle suspiciously. “My god, Buck.”
Eddie leans down and brushes a kiss across Buck’s lips, gentle and sweet, but as he does so, the extra pressure on Buck’s aching cock makes him hiss, his hips jerking up not of his volition.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie says, and without further ado, slides down Buck’s body and sticks his hand down Buck’s pants.
It doesn’t take long after that. Objectively, it’s nowhere near the best handjob Buck’s ever had — Eddie’s hand is dry, his grip a bit too tight, and his rhythm isn’t great, but none of that matters because it’s Eddie staring down at him, Eddie whispering things like “God, Buck, you’re so gorgeous, sweetheart, c’mon baby, give it to me,” and Buck is helpless to do anything but obey.
It feels to Buck like his orgasm is being drawn out from the very depths of his being, starting deep in his belly and rolling over him like the tide, inevitable and inexorable. Eddie keeps muttering words of encouragement, and when Buck’s head tilts back and his back arches, Eddie grins in satisfaction.
“There you go, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “Just like that.”
It turns out Eddie is mistaken. They clean up, make some dinner, collapse on the couch with their food and beers, and it’s no different than any other normal post-shift hangout. In the morning, Eddie good-naturedly submits to the ice packs Buck presses against his bruises, lets Buck make him coffee and bring it to him on the couch. No different from any other close call aftermath.
But Eddie’s never spent the night at Buck’s like that. Never brushed his teeth side by side with Buck before crawling into bed, wrapping himself around Buck like an octopus, the bare skin of his chest pressed to Buck’s back, his hand resting possessively on Buck’s hip. He’s never brushed a kiss to the sensitive skin at the nape of Buck’s neck. And he’s never said I love you quite like this before. So yeah, it turns out that he was also 100% correct. It changes everything.
And it’s amazing.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
remember how when saiki was crushing on satou and wanted to talk to him, instead of yk.. actually talking to him, he found out all of his interests and displayed his own interest in those things in front of him to try to get him to notice him??
yeah, now imagine him doing that when he has a crush on anyone else..
hes such a silly and awkward teenage boy i love it, like buddy you CAN just talk to your crush, you dont have to try to get him to "notice you.." but hes too silly and awkward so thats like the most he would ever do and would still probably think that that counts as flirting
im just... wondering about how saikis terrible silly flirting tactics would translate if his crush was on one of his FRIENDS.. like someone he could actually be around and would see and talk to him.. would he just like be trying to impress them ?? moving toward them more ?? adopting more of their mannerisms and interests maybe ??
imagine that like EVERYONE in the group would notice it, but it wouldn't be like "omg saiki is flirting" it would be more like "omg why is saiki being extra awkward and talking more" because hes so painfully unclear about his intentions but hes usually so quiet and unassuming that this would be such a stark contrast to his usual behavior...
#hey buddy maybe you should just idk maybe TALK TO UR CRUSH#saiki k#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#tagging ships this would work with#kubosai#<-obviously my favorite so this is what i was thinking the whole time#that would be so cute everyone shut up#but he would prob accidentally end up for real flirting with kubo since hes trying to pertain to what he likes and he loves romance#saisai#<-i actually also like thid one a LOT for this scenario it would be so silly#saikis god complex accidentally starts manifesting visibly a little more since he's imitating pretentious rich boy#saikai#saikaido#saidou#<-saikis dark reunion jokes accidentally become so frequent he starts saying them out loud by mistake and it's embarrassing as hell#nensai#<-not actually totally sure how this would work in this situation but idk maybe hes more open to having ramen every day#and trying to get over his bug fear omg that would be so funny#imagine him starting with like one bug at a time so he starts with the least scary ones like butterflies and ladybugs#but by the end of it hes prob only a little more okay with things like butterflies+stick bugs+caterpillars cuz they move slow+are easy 2 see#haisai#<-ohohoh haisai he would prob join a club+always be trying to prove to him he takes things seriously#mostly schoolwork but in gym/sports he would always be pretending to enthusiastically participate and break a sweat lol#merasai#<-he takes up baking/cooking as a hobby and is always bringing extra food to school and acting like it was an accident and giving it to her#going to her workplaces and pretending he didnt know/forgot she works there and 'accidentally' ordering an extra portion for her every time#saikechi#<-he already knows a lot about random stuff but he takes an interest in saying his silly facts out loud and sounding like a nerd#meows post
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tarmac-rat · 1 year ago
CDPR I just wanna throw it out there before tomorrow comes that I know you guys crafted a well-constructed narrative full of twists and turns that will present difficult choices for me to make based on loyalty and our need to survive, but unfortunately you failed to take into account that I am still horrendously attached to my Keanu Reeves-shaped brain tumor and thus any decisions I make throughout Phantom Liberty will be directly influenced by what makes him happy and/or ensures his survival. Sorry to all the other characters you introduced into this DLC but they won't mean as much to me as the greasy-haired rockstar in my head who smokes like a chimney narrates Pulp Noir on my morning walks and enjoys getting choked out during sex.
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daffi-990 · 1 year ago
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ✍️
Tagged by @diazsdimples @giddyupbuck and @wikiangela. Thank you lovelies mwah 😘
Have a little something from LA Lonely -> this is after the fun and orgasms of Buck and Eddie’s hook up. Still don’t know if I’m going to go full spice 🌶️ or just do a quick little run down of things.
Prev snippet & mood board here
Buck expects him to start pulling his clothes on and to give him the whole “this was fun, but I gotta bounce” speel, but Eddie surprises him by climbing back into bed and nudging Buck to roll onto his side so Eddie can scoot up behind him and hold him.
Buck freezes for a moment because no one does this. They have their fun and then they leave. They don’t stay and they definitely don’t cuddle.
Eddie must feel him go tense because his hold loosens and he moves as if he’s about to pull away. “Is this okay?”
Buck grabs at the arms that are wrapped around him, stopping Eddie’s descent. “Y-yeah. It’s-it’s okay.” He pulls at Eddie’s arms and the man settles back behind him, burrowing his face into the juncture where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder as he shuffles closer.
Soft kisses are pressed into his skin and Buck is helpless but to relax back into Eddie, letting the comfort and warmth of whatever is happening wrap around him.
“Stay?” He whispers, not sure if Eddie can hear him but not being brave enough to say it any louder. He feels like he’s asking too much.
A kiss behind his ear. “Okay.”
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @wikiangela @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @nmcggg @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @bekkachaos @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @captain-hen @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @glorious-spoon @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @disasterbuckdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your tag ☺️
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v8mpvrse · 6 months ago
my theory for eddie’s arc in s8:
so i think by now we’ve all picked up on the fact this man needs severe therapy! jokes aside i really think chris leaving BECAUSE of him will be the final straw and eddie this time will be going to therapy and sticking to it, similar to s5 where he told frank he also went for chris yk.
so he goes to therapy to work out the root of how he’s the “problem” and how he’s “broken” and he yk goes through the history of his failed romantic relationships and at one point frank picks up on the catholic guilt. and similar to when maddie went to frank for doug and he sent her to big bear, frank tells eddie to go to a church. because the church STILL holds so much power over eddie’s decisions and how he views things and even who he is and what parts he ignores. which would fit in the eddie realizing he’s gay storyline perfectly bc ofc he would repress that shit HE COULDNT HAVE SEX WITH HIS GF AFTER FINDING OUT SHE WAS A NUN. “reservoir of catholic guilt” hmmmmm interesting….. like i’m also pretty sure he went to catholic school?
so like latino catholic in texas who went to catholic school, teen dad who married his first gf (bc he got her pregnant) bc of the church, whose been told since he was a CHILD to be “man enough”, who served in the military. CMON. HELLO. he could never at any point explore and figure out WHO he was. he was ALWAYS given a title. needs to be man enough. is a father. is a husband. is a solider. is a single father. is a firefighter. those are his roles and he STICKS BY THEM CANT BE ANYTHING ELSE. BC HE IS A DAD FIRST but now with chris gone he’s all alone. again. and for real this time. and he has to learn who he is. who is eddie diaz. not the father, the solider or the firefighter. who. is. eddie. diaz.
point being early special thanks to frank the therapist and firework priest 🙏 yall doing the lords work ironically enough LMFAO
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lgbtqforeverything · 18 days ago
can’t exactly explain it rn but something about good directions by billy currington is incredibly buddie coded to me…
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ratatatastic · 21 days ago
Anton Lundell Journey to the NHL | 2.7.25
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starlightwoofwoof · 3 months ago
here’s more The Horror at Camp Jellyjam stuff …….. again
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oh yeah I kinda changed up my human King JJ design a little, I kinda made him c h o n k i e r and I gave him lipstick for some reason
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and the last one is basically of my version of Mascot King JJ and GG! Mascot King JJ meeting :3
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spoopdeedoop · 1 year ago
another good omens and LMK enjoyer :0000
alas it is a curse
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ranvwoop · 1 year ago
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please look at these guys. they even had a little teaparty.
w/ @adhdo5's clockworklocusts :)
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buckwheeler · 3 months ago
anyway. Buck and Eddie calling each other bud forever. during sex during argument at the hospital wedding day doesn’t matter. they’re buds. :(
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woodenfawn · 2 years ago
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He then proceeded to, among *many* other things, punch him in the face, literally bite his hand, and spit blood on his clothes
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cowcowwow · 3 months ago
Thinks abouy. My boy Rootspring
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