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dreadryder · 1 year ago
biting you biting you biting you
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west1rosi · 2 years ago
@sinfyre asked: everything’s better with some wine in the belly. / for viserys i house of the dragon starters .
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the  comment  almost  passes  him  by.  his  mind  is  not  as  sharp  as  it  once  used  to  and  he  is  often  more  tired  than  not.  once  he  registers  the  words,  a  sharp  laugh  escapes  his  lips,  so  unusual  to  the  casual  and  all  too  polite  smiles  he  has  to  offer  his  advisors  when  they  try  to  scheme  their  way  into  his  council.
 "ah,  daemon."  and  the  man  realizes  his  mistake  in  that  quick  moment.  the  comment  was  so  alike  that  of  his  younger  brother  he  is  taken  aback.  eyes  shift  forward  and  focus  on  the  present,  his  son,  standing  before  him  and  viserys  let  the  smile  linger,  although  it  holds  all  the  troubles  in  the  king's  mind  and  what  the  future  holds  for  his  family.  
they  are  all  too  apart,  and  the  man  wish  they  were  by  his  side,  united.  his  unclothed  hand  move  to  hold  aegon's  wrist,  reassurance  in  his  grip.  "you  reminded  me  of  my  brother  for  a  second,  son.  but  you  are  quite  right."  a  cough  or  two,  as  his  hand  shift  to  offer  the  younger  man  a  seat  beside  him.  "come,  pour  us  a  cup  and  ask  whatever  you  wish  to  ask."
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bronzebtch · 2 years ago
a little kiss on the cheek for auntie rhea. 😙
❝ hello, little prince, ❞ her heart aches — even though rhea wills it not to be. she does not think about the child she could never have, even if it had meant that any babe born from her lord husband's seed would no doubt, at a point, be used as nothing but tools in a much larger scheme. she does not think that it would've been enough if they were simply alive, despite the hardship and the ache of living would cause - because then it wouldn't be fair. because then, it would only invite the sort of sadness rhea knows she cannot simply shut and erode away.
so she does not think of those, but simply smile at the young prince's antics. his skin is pale, though his cheeks are plumped red from — presumptuously — the wind of the vale. rhea dares the back of her hand to swipe against it, gently, wiping away the traces of powdered sugar from where rhea had assumed came from the sweet breads of vendors who are obviously eager to please the little royal. by her side, of course, queen alicent remains, while the royal nursemaids are not far behind. rhea would not be so daring were they not here.
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❝ are you enjoying the fest then ? ❞
@sinfyre / random asks
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dowagergreen · 2 years ago
clambers into mama’s lap and gives her a little kiss.
she's never cared for tourneys. nothing about the violence amuses her but the queen's absence would be noted, so here she sits, attempting not to flinch as the jousting goes on. alicent had tried to insist that aegon be allowed to remain at the keep, but she'd been met with insistent resistance from viserys. it'll be good for him and good for the people to see him, he'd said. an odd argument coming from him, but she'd deferred as she usually did. it was hardly worth fighting over regardless.
she feels a tug on her hand, but barely has any time to react to it before aegon is climbing up onto her lap and pressing his lips to her cheek. affection blooms in her chest and spreads with a familiar warmth. "hello, my little love. are you just as bored as i am?" she speaks softly, bringing her free hand up to brush white-blond hair away from his eyes. she drops her volume even lower as she continues: "now would be an excellent time for you to start crying, you could get us both out of this." in response, aegon fixes her with a wide grin and begins babbling, raising his beloved toy dragon up in his free hand as he does.
she gives a quiet laugh in response and presses her lips against his temple before situating him more comfortably on her lap. he leans back easily to rest against her torso, latching onto her hand with his tiny fingers, and she reaches over to pluck a small flower from the arrangement at her side, one that matches almost exactly to the pink of his eyes, and tucks it behind his ear. "i suppose we'll just have to make the most of it then, won't we?"
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munsontm · 2 years ago
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Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog / ACCEPTING / @sinfyre
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I'm gonna kiss u.
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spynorth · 2 years ago
are you my mummy
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@sinfyre idk we'll have to read the book and find out.
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philomelia · 2 years ago
on the long stretches of country road where everything is sand - riddled,    anything can happen.     she does not expect him to call her.     though she has rattled around in her van for a few years now,    mostly using scotch tape and hope to keep it together,    she hadn’t realised he’d noticed.    she would not say she’s friends with aegon--     she does not make friends easily and neither does he,    from the little glimpses she has caught of him,   the picture she had painted of him in her own mind   (her mother had been called into his home on unofficial business:    cassie has stopped asking questions about her job,   tired of the cryptic answers and the brutal scowls).    but he had called.   and,  stupid with her own boredom,  she had driven her van out into the middle of nowhere.
when she approached,    @sinfyre was lost already in some meditations on life and loss.      “    change isn’t easy,      ”     he said,  and she rolled her eyes.      playing nice had never been easy for her:     out here,   in the place between emptiness and the city,    cassie had no need for it.
"     this car looks a lot more expensive than my van,      ”       she said,   stating a fact that was obvious enough.     she didn’t even want to touch the beast--    she’d leave her hand prints on it,   physical bruises against the metal.    if cassie’s van was a cathedral of scrap,    aegon’s car would be considered godly   (athena would call it over - compensation...    cassie would laugh around her agreement).     “   are you sure you want me messing around with it?    i can’t afford to pay you back if anything breaks.   ”
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nvrqn-a · 2 years ago
@sinfyre starter call.
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" do not W O R R Y, aegon. when the time is right, i will speak to your father about finding you the right lady. your mother's idea to marry you to your S I S T E R is, quite frankly, deranged. it would be a shame to W A S T E two such highly valuable matches. "
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northsborn · 2 years ago
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There are only three reasons to marry. Money, power or family. And you have no family. And you have nothing else. A perfect match then.
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dreadryder · 1 year ago
url + sinfyre
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send   me   a   url   and   I’ll   write   some   positivity   for   it
who? @sinfyre LISTEN ... ozzy. i think you should know by now that i'm your loud and embarrassing fan. to kick off this gushing confession of love ... i cheer at the way that you've enriched your stinky boy, an inordinate amount. in fact, georgie is overdue for handing you over the adoption papers. you let aeg bleed off the page and become something so real, it makes my chest ache. :3 i reaaaaaaally admire the way you handle his nuances with such a tender and grounded sensitivity. his character needs that; everything about your boy is so generously detailed, your brain is insane. you inspire my aemond, more than you know. and you are so lovely; both an intellectual and emotional joy to talk with. so ... kiss?
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west1rosi · 2 years ago
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her   body   betrays   her,   chest   risen   and   heartbeat   quickening,   her   mouth   releases   hot   breath   at   his   words,   the   bluntness   of   it,   sharp   and   to   the   point   like   a   good   sword.   stark   eyes   on   a   bastard   girl   look   straight   back   at   the   man   before   her   and   while   she   doesn't   enjoy   feeling   trapped,   she   finds   she   doesn't   mind   how   he   makes   her   feel   then.   she   belongs   to   no   one,   despite   what   people   will   think   (   she   belongs   to   the   snow   and   nothing   else   ),   but   aegon's   words   strike   a   cord   inside,   eyes   shifting   as   if   paranoid   people   will   find   them   and   how   close   he   feels.
  "how   do   you   know   how   you   make   me   feel?"   sara   dares   ask   once   she   finds   her   voice   again,   finding   the   stark   bravery   inside.   "is   it   obvious?"   yes,   sara.   she   thinks.   you   cannot   hide   that   things   well.   "and   how   do   you   know   he   is   anything   to   me?"   it's   an   unfair   game   at   times.   she   can   belong   to   him,   but   he   could   never   to   her.   but   when   he   acts   this   way,   sara   thinks   he   does   belong   to   her.
@sinfyre asked: he can’t make you feel the way i make you feel. / for sara    jealous / possessive  meme
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bronzebtch · 2 years ago
❝ what sort of skills do you have then, my prince ? ❞ a pause. brown eyes flicker upwards. her tone is neither commanding nor outrightly curious - simply is.
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❝ can you hunt ? ❞
@sinfyre + smol things
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lovedgods · 2 years ago
does the promise of war excite you?
in truth, there has not been a day since her birth that caelestis has not seen war. THE GODS ARE TIMELESS there is no past, present, or future. all things exist, & all things rot. it may be difficult to tell what has passed & what is to come, but at the same time she is not naive. sheltered in her hearth, her house that she tends to with her own hands, but still men come & drag her into their world. tiberius, of course, supports this newly-crowned golden king. he speaks of it sometimes while caelestis looks into the fire & sews. it is not because he believes a woman unfit to rule, but because women terrify him in their power, & he fears the woman named rhaenyra crowned queen just as he fears his own wife. in a way, caelestis even finds it amusing. IN HER WORLD THERE ARE NO KINGS OR QUEENS; simply mortals.
the seer tilts her head, eyes warm & drowned in sorrow. ❛ it sickens me. i grow tired of tasting ash in my mouth when i wake, & i grow tired of shedding tears over it.   ❜ she shrugs, & wonders whether he really hungers for war or if it is a farce put on in the moment for a way to get a rise out of her. sensing discomfort, he serpent peeks out of her scarves, curling around her neck. she easily becomes distracted, turning smile upon her companion, rubbing a small finger down his nose. she speaks in a lilting manner, not looking at the young king in front of her at all.
❛ those the gods love die young. you are very beautiful. father would like you as a cupbearer.   ❜
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bcldbaela · 2 years ago
what difference does it make?
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❝ The most minor things can make huge differences. ❞ Baela spoke with a bit of encouragement. Her hands were in her lap as she sat beside him, wondering what more advice she could give him but knowing it might not be the right words for the moment.
Sometimes it was better to just listen to others, and most never wanted a woman's opinion. ❝ What would you like to change, my prince? ❞ Baela was curious and knew if she could change things, she would, without a doubt.
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spynorth · 2 years ago
i know you’re logged out rn but i want to leave a little something for you to log in to (a cat leaving a dead bird at your doorstep, if you will). i’m so glad we got to know each other! you have made the last couple of years so fun both on and off tumblr, and it’s such a breath of fresh air to meet someone so genuine 😭 from when we first started chatting and immediately sending each other inappropriate memes we have gelled so well and i am so proud and happy to count you among my close friends ❤️‍🔥 you are such a force of nature and i can’t wait for our next movie night so we can chat shit and laugh for five hours straight 🏴‍☠️ 🐊 🧅
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man this choked me up when i read it and made me go down memory lane and get all nostalgic. I have never laughed at something someone has said to me on this site like I laughed at that ask you sent (domestic bliss, baaaaaby!). I still remember being on the phone and checking my notification and I lost it in the middle of my conversation.. and the way you threw me back a completely well written reply to that stupid bake off starter just sealed the deal for me. I've always found it so easy to write with you and you're one of those people I just *chinhands* at whenever I see something on the dash .. I gotta read it. I can't help myself. That experience of switching from absolute crocodile vs hook crack threads to exploring immortal enemies and the idea of you're my only friend has always been just top-fucking-tier. The life you bring to aegon is astounding and I love talking headcanons and listening to your opinions and thought processes on discord. You're one of those people who take characters so seriously (thank you!!!!!!) but also know how to have a grand ol' time without erasing flaws etc... your talent and passion and creativity have always blown me away and it's so interesting to see how we've gone from what we were a few years ago with writing and become what we are today. I love watching growth. I love watching things develop.
As a person, my dear crocodile, you are one of my favorites and someone I consider one of my closest friends. From that first message of Idk if we're close enough for this, but three years ago (how???)... to the fact that we talk basically every day now, I can't imagine this world without you. You are hilarious, yes, but more importantly you're someone who is so loyal to your friends and you know how to check the fucking source material before you accuse someone of something .. a wild concept on tumblr in the year of 2023. I dunno mate, we have so many memories and it makes my heart go all pitter patter when I think of them. There's no one else I'd rather watch the musical episode of once with or every single shrek with. I'm glad I was able to help you be a little hacker with my hulu and I'm grateful for the way you turned me onto duolingo (but uh. I've been slacking big time lately lmao). Can't wait to go to Shrek World in London together so we can be obnoxious and I can wow you with the Irish accent I've been practicing. In short, my Irish onion, I will love you as long as sinuses exists and as long as salt is a thing and I will never stop giving you daily life updates from my diary. Thanks for understanding that anything and everything under the sun is only ever related to me and mine and supporting me no matter what I do to other people. You're one of my favorite sheeps, mate and there are so many layers to our friendship.
Fuck the [redacted].
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dowagergreen · 2 years ago
"is that what all this is about? you think i am ashamed of you? expressing frustration for your behavior does not mean that i am not proud of you." his is a grand show of venomous indifference and hers is a pantomime of composure. alicent knows better than all where she has failed. never has there been a moment where she has not been harshly reminded, either by word or consequence. it's the only constant that she knows and perhaps, in lieu of knowing what else to do, she has adopted this same critical nature for herself and wielded it against the ones she holds most dear. no one in this castle matters more to her than her children. that above all else she knows to be true, but even that truth is so radical and violent. there is nothing she would not do to see them safe. should that scare her? does it scare aegon? she is too cowardly to ask. "relying on one another will soon become our only option, aegon. i do not wish to be your enemy. i've never wished for what we've become. you are as beloved by me now as the day you were born." the admission is true but she knows well enough by now that he will reject it, as he always does. how he cannot see that her whole world rotates around him is beyond her. she wonders sometimes if there isn't a comfort that he finds in his misery. a safety, perhaps. whatever the case, she cannot waste a moment like this, where he has willingly stayed despite every inclination he's shown toward leaving. these moments are few and far between. and they are over so quickly. "but self-pity is not becoming on either of us. i do wish for us to move forward with a better understanding, but that only works if we both remain on the same page."
‘no? no …’ EARNESTNESS SOON TURNS BLACK AND SOUR. FOR A MOMENT HE DARES TO HOPE, TO FORGET WHERE HE IS: A CHILDISH MOMENT, WERE THE CHILD SLEEPLESS AND WINE-DRUNK. he does not fall short in this hope-dream; he is the prince that was promised to his mother long ago when his father put his cloak of protection about her shoulders. A SON FIT TO WEAR A CROWN, THE DRAGON REBORN! THE CONQUEROR-BABE! what a jape: how not? aegon’s laughter sounds like panting, a weak attempt at playing the jester. for a childish moment he believed her, but even a child can see that he has not summoned pride in his mother’s eyes since he was a boy. his boyhood memories are a wash of failing and confusion. at some point, strongwine began to muddle them. AEGON REMEMBERS SMILING FACES AND LAUGHTER — SOME WINE-WROUGHT DREAM FOR SURE; HE’S NEVER MADE ANYONE SMILE. ‘are you proud of me? shall i boast about it to the gods later?’ he cannot sit up straight for fear something will drag him back down; instead he slumps, slings a leg over the arm of his chair: a wretched mirror of his mother, defensive in obscene openness. flushed and flaking skin, a sheen of sweat. his hand trembles. he clutches his water like it’s wine, and wishes it was. AEGON IS THE VERY IMAGE OF SOME MERRY, RED-FACED KING ON A THRONE OF GOLD FLIPPED ON ITS HEAD. come and challenge me, then. you cannot hurt me. i am hurting already. bone-tired, drunk, and miserable, he wants his mother badly, though he fears he may cry if she looks upon him any longer. he casts his own eyes down, drains what remains in his cup, and stares deeper into the bottom of it. laboured breathing denies them silence. aegon does not leave his seat.
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