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secretsecretbunny · 1 year ago
*my fave roommate, spoon feeding me crushed ice and petting my hair while humming to calm me down because I had a particularly bad panic attack.*
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c-tepx · 10 months ago
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just realised that senshi's laios is the way marcille imagined him before. which is.. just like falin. not even with shorter hair, she though he will be like this shoujo prince with wavy bob cut
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and she is still so upset that she sees him like some sort of giant bulky dude
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nyanrial · 2 months ago
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making little snowmen ⛄⛄
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months ago
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Crush, crush, crush!
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ocdhuacheng · 1 year ago
So laios and fallin have been ostracized by society since they were children, Marcille has lifelong grief from constantly outliving her loved ones that leads her to dark magics, kabru’s village was destroyed by monsters, senshi and mithrun both have horror movie level backstories, izutsumi was sold as a freak show attraction, and then there’s chilchuck, who is a normal ass divorced middle aged man. And somehow he’s the most shady and secretive out of all of them
Edit can y’all please let me live I didn’t make this post bc I think chilchuck doesn’t have his own trauma or doesn’t experience racism or that being a union boss is a walk in the park or whatever I made it because him lying that he cheated on his wife to get the others to stop asking about his family was funny as fuck. Come on.
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arkangelo-7 · 2 months ago
It must be so fucking weird for Bruce and Oliver to be on the Justice League. Like here they are with a bunch of metahumans, aliens, wizards and gods and shit, and they’re literally just Two Dudes. I bet they side-eye the fuck out of each other during League meetings bc like what the actual fuck? how can this be my problem? I’m going to the chiropractor after this?
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 3 months ago
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cuppajj · 11 months ago
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i had a vision
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sarcastic-clapping · 8 months ago
claudia BEYOND justifiably hating lestat and louis and dying hating them because they didn’t see her as a person with her own agency and treated her like a child at best and a toy at worst and both are ultimately to blame for her suffering BUT louis and lestat both genuinely loving her (in their own fucked up and deeply inadequate ways) and seeing her as their daughter and being irreparably traumatized by her death and their culpability in her suffering and the knowledge that she died hating them and it’s their fault and they can never make it right ever
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bacchuschucklefuck · 6 months ago
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they licensed his ass
my finished piece of the FWMS (official name definitely 100%) thing we started a few days ago! I had fun I hope folks had and/or continue to have fun with the sketch as well.
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vastpotato · 1 year ago
Love that tma is so traumatic constantly that we all gloss over the fact that Jon was kidnapped and forcibly moisturized while tied to a chair for a month.
Every time I think too hard about it it actually freaks me out. And Jon never talks about it again which also freaks me out
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f1-stuff · 9 months ago
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C² Challenge // 5 minutes -> 5 pictures
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asgardian-angel · 1 year ago
I was trying to put together something cool with this Aragorn and Geralt you know some kind of crossover universal tavern and found this last gif and it fits too perfectly someone help me.
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month ago
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here are your peter doodles from last night,,, my art style is still changing and i can't settle on anything which is driving me insane but at least he looks cute
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strawberryjamikins · 1 month ago
headcanon that throughout the 800 years, xie lian would just talk to ruoye. like all the time. villagers would think he was insane sometimes cause it just looked like he was talking to himself. when they were alone ruoye would talk back, doing some weird version of sign language that only xie lian understands. then after his 3rd ascension, he starts talking to ruoye when hes on some mission, and feng xin and mu qing are like "who are you talking to" and he just lifts up his arm and ruoye pops out a little and xie lian is like "him ! :)" and then ruoye starts talking back and fengqing is just making confused sounds in the corner cause this ribbon is just floating around and making shapes and xie lian is like "oh youre right we should do that !!"
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anxi04 · 4 months ago
steph and babs don’t need personas, as far as anyone is concerned they’re just family friends.
bruce has his “brucie wayne” persona, very clumsy, playboy, kinda air headed but still very smart and wants to do good for gotham. which of course makes him seem naive cause good?? for gotham??
dick has “richie grayson-wayne” who’s dabbled in modeling before becoming a gymnastics teacher. also very vocal about his “adorable little siblings”
jason never really had a “nickname” after all he was from crime alley and he had to look GOOD for them or else they’d go back to “he’s just like the rest of them”. his persona was very empathetic and kind though, which worked great for him since that’s how he was like. he always talked about doing several non profit charities. the elites switched their opinions of him on a dime, although the rest of gotham adored him.
damian refuses to go by a nickname. his persona is based around animals, mostly about abandoned animals. it’s very clear his goal for the future is to make good animal shelters and help every animal he can. it’s the only persona he could stomach and there were SEVERAL other ideas
cass is “cass wayne” very quiet, polite, generally just there in the background. normally hanging around one of her siblings, most often tim. although her being around him unnerves some of them, she’ll get a look in her face and then her and tim both know they were lying. they fully get why she hangs around tim
duke is regularly seen as the normal one. pleasant to be around, kind, but generally also just there. very normal student, not really sure what he’s gonna do. the elites don’t particularly for him, though the rest of gotham love him.
tim’s persona differs from the rest pretty heavily. he can’t get away with being like bruce, the elites vividly remember janet and see her in him very often, which vaguely scares them if they’ll be honest. he’ll act like “Tim Drake-Wayne” to unsettle them, after all he’s a Drake why is he acting clumsy? they’ve seen him when he was younger and he was the spitting image of perfect. it makes more sense to them when he trips and lands right where he can tell them something no one else can hear. “Timothy Drake” is what scares them though. the tim that casually whispers secrets no one else knows, who points out someone they’re supposed to have a “private meeting with” in a week. who has nearly cause several of them to go broke with such simple actions, and the only reason they didn’t was cause he let them stay rich. there was one elite who insulted damian near tim and suddenly said elite had to get an apartment in crime alley, pay his now ex-wife, a kid he had with some random person, and several debts
the fact that lex luther and tim are some kind of friends also doesn’t make them feel super great but that’s another issue
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