#HEHEHE. hi.
kahvilahuhut · 6 days
one sunny afternoon
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(see the whole drawing on my art blog)
summary: Klara & Toby decided to spend part of their summer vacation at Klara's brother's farm. Here we have Toby go tell Klara that the dinner is ready, but then they end up talking about completely different things. :3
no content warnings
"Hey! Enjoying the weather?"
Klara turned around and saw Tobias waving his hand, holding a tea cup in his other, wearing a light yellow sweater and purple-ish overalls. Not something it usually wears but, man, looking incredible. "Hey! Yeah, it's very sunny with little clouds. Went for a swim, too," she said, a smile on her face, "Uh, by the way, what's with the outfit?"
"Oh, this? Um," Tobias laughed, "I dropped a strawberry jam sandwich on my fish sweater. Måns was going to the town and asked if I want to go to the store with him. Ended up finding these in the local thrift shop. I kinda like them, I guess? The overalls are really comfortable."
"You look amazing in them."
It smiled widely, "Heh, thank you so much!" Tobias looked at her for a moment. "Oh, um! Have a nice swim?"
Klara nodded. "The water's surprisingly warm. Though, now I have sand all over my legs."
"Sounds fun."
"Sure is! I was thinking about going there again, wanna join?"
"I, well, I don't know. I mean-" Tobias looked at the beach, and the dark water. "It's not too deep, is it?"
"No, no, don't worry."
"Okay, well. Hmm... It's not that I don't know how to swim, I do, it's really fun, but, well... I'm scared of water where I can't see the botton, you know? Be it a swimming pool, I'd be completely fine. But, well..."
"Honey, it's okay. Don't worry," Klara smiles and kissed its forehead. "You don't have to do thing you're not into."
"You're the best," Tobias smiled back and looked at his hands. "Oh! Just remembered. I brought you this," it gave her the cup of tea it was holding the whole time.
"Thank you!" Klara took a sip, "Didn't know you took the tea box on the trip."
"I bought it in the local town's store! They have surprisingly large quantity of different teas," he said while climbing up to sit on the gazebo's wall. Hands tightly gripping the wood to stop wobbling on it and not to fall, Tobias continued, "I do hope their quality is as good as quantity," it chuckled.
"It's really good, wanna try?"
"Mmh, maybe one sip," Klara watched him slightly lean down to take a sip from the cup she was holding, "Okay, yea, really good!"
"All thanks to you."
"God, don't be ridiculous, it's the tea quality that's more important."
"Mmhmm, but it's you who made it and also brought the cup here for me to enjoy after cold water."
"You said it was warm."
"You get the idea."
They both laughed and looked at each other for a moment, with wide smiles on their faces.
"By the way, um, I've been meaning to ask," Tobias began, "Is everything okay? I mean, um, how should I say this... It feels like you're, well, anxious, jittery, lately? I don't know how to explain it. Especially when we're alone here in the orchards or something," he paused and looked st Klara, "I hope I didn't, well, do anything wrong? Or-"
"Sunshine, relax, everything is fine," she leaned closer to hug it, "It's just, well, uh. It's about something I was planning to do. And then I didn't. And now I'm annoyed because I couldn't do it."
"Oh, um. Can I help?"
"No, no. Unless you can teleport to San Francisco."
Tobias smirked, "Well, no, sadly can't do that," it touched Klara's back gently and smiled, "Can you tell me what you were going to do? Maybe that will help?"
"I'm- ugh. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, kinda. I was going to-" she paused and glanced at the beach, took a deep breath and turned back to face Tobias. "I was going to, um, propose to you. But I thought that Måns had the ring I was going to use, and instead found out that he left it at family house."
"Oh! Um. Well. That's totally okay, don't worry about it," it smiled, "I can wait, if you want. But, um, just know that I don't need any rings to say yes. The answer's definitely yes."
"Wh- Are you sure?"
"Yes! Yes, of course! I don't think I've been more sure about something as much as about this."
"Man, you are too adorable," she hugged it tight, burying her face in its neck, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, honey," Tobias murmured and kissed her head. "By the way, I think one of Måns's partners has a license to officiate marriages. That is, if you want to do something that involves some kind of rings."
"You know what? Why not, why wait. Who is it?"
"I don't remember. We can ask on the dinner if you want. Because I totally just realized that the reason I originally came here - along with the tea - was to tell you that dinner is almost ready. Oops."
"God, why are you always so cute," Klara picked up the empty tea cup in one hand and held Tobias's hand with the other, "Let's go then."
"Mmhmm. Oh, and," it smirked, "we could also go swimming again , later. If you can hold my hand like that there, too."
"Sunshine, I can hold you even closer if you want to."
"Damn, now that's a tempting proposal~"
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hekuuu · 6 months
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a little self-indulgent comic :>
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lilislegacy · 2 months
annabeth: guess what your son did today at school?
percy: my son? uh oh, that never means anything good
annabeth: your son poured a blue colored chemical in all the beakers in his honors chemistry class today, just because it was blue. and since he didn’t know what it was, it ended up causing a toxic gas to build up and the entire school had to evacuate. he has now been moved to regular chemistry, because he is not trusted to handle chemicals and labs anymore
percy: ok well your son is the one who willingly took honors chemistry in the first place
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stilitrash · 10 months
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BRO I rewatched ALL adventure time as an adult and Ice king SURE says some... interesting stuff huh
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gunstellations · 2 months
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mlem 👅
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felsicveins · 6 months
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Not technically his ex cause the divorce papers were never signed...
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plumadot · 4 months
not to be gay and yearning but. more soft scarian would be so cute... maybe them cuddling specifically... if u want...
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it's only blood; i have plenty left
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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scene from my newest chap of seb discovering that daisies are also his favourite flower (and why)😊
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dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
When PM Seymour gets off script reading tumblr posts it’s like your grandparents starting to ramble while telling you a bedtime story, STAY ON TOPIC GRANDPA
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healpimp · 5 months
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welcome to my heavyscout mind
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dnncats · 8 months
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slaying while slaying 🔪🩸
still + alt color:
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hanafubukki · 3 months
Summary: Malleus, Silver, and Sebek meet the baby.
[Can be seen as a continuation to this fic]
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“Malleus, why are you holding the baby that way? You held baby Silver before just hold them the way you used to hold Silver.”
Malleus’ form gradually softened, “Babies are fragile. It’s…been a while since I held Silver in such a form.”
You nodded and rubbed his shoulder, “Yes, and look how strong he’s become.”
The one in question leaned forward and poked at the little one’s hand, smiling fondly when tiny fingers wrapped around his.
“You boys were adorable as babies. I can picture it. Cute baby Sebek and Silver and plushie Malleus.”
You smirked as Sebek smothered himself from being too loud.
“Come Sebek, you’re too quiet. Come hold the baby. Nothing is better than baby cuddles.”
You dragged Sebek over who stuttered before freezing as Malleus lays the babe in his arms.
You all watched as Sebek practically melted when your baby opened their eyes and smiled at him before sleeping again.
“Please tell me you got that on camera, Lilia.”
“Every second of it.”
As you watch your family, you know the future is brighter than ever…
“Hey Sebek, were you born a baby or a were you a hatchling?”
Silver smothered Sebek’s voice before he could wake the little one.
The smiles and laughter lasted for a long while.
You could even say it lasted for eternity.
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I felt kind of bad leaving the boys out before and didn’t know how to add them in, so they get their own part ��💞💚💚🫶🫶
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phantom-0-writer · 10 months
prompt 02: tim’s birthday present
Tim sat in his empty house at the empty dining table. The table was actually quite large; it had enough seats to sit at least 15 people. But there was just Tim there. 
His parents had promised and sworn up and down that they would come back in time for his birthday. He had everything planned out. He picked out the birthday cake, put on the candles, decorated, ordered his parents' favorite foods, his parents' favorite movie for movie night, popcorn the likes. But that morning, just when Tim was double checking to make sure everything was ready for the most perfect birthday ever, his parents had called to tell him that something really important had come up, and they wouldn’t be able to make it. Tim figured it was better than last year, at least they called this time. 
Tim stared down at the cake, the candles lit. He had heard online that people would make wishes on their birthday cake and blow it out. Tim thought that was a weird thing to do, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
What should he wish for? It would have to be something special that he doesn’t already have. Tim thought for a long moment, the candles bleeding into the frosting of the cake. 
A brother. 
Tim closed his eyes and put his hands together like he’s seen the other children to do in the cartoons. And Tim wished for a big brother. When he finally wished hard enough (whatever that meant) he opened his eyes and blew out what was left of the candles. 
Tim waited. What exactly was he supposed to do now? In the cartoons, everyone would celebrate and cheer and the birthday boy would open his presents. There wasn’t anyone to cheer for Tim, or any presents for him to open. 
Suddenly the house shook, and the loud sound of a crash sound came from the backyard. Quickly, Tim did the sensible thing and go check out what the noise was. That's what the characters always did in horror movies. 
In Tim’s backyard, there was what looked like a weird space ship that had crashed into his backyard. There wasn’t any fire or anything, but the spaceship looked pretty wrecked. Getting closer, Tim could vaguely make out that someone was inside the spaceship. Looking around, he saw what looked like maybe the handle. Tim couldn’t really tell. 
When Tim put his hand on it and tried to open it, something poked out mechanically and pricked his finger. He flinched back instinctively, caressing his finger tip.
“Recognized: Danny Fenton. System Override.” A robotic lady spoke. Who is Danny Fenton? As if to answer him, the space ship opened its hatch, and inside was an unconscious black haired teenager. “System Malfunctioning. Please Assis-” The robotic voice spoke again, before getting cut off as if the power had died. 
Suddenly, Tim remembered his wish. A big brother. 
This was Danny Fenton, and he was supposed to be Tim’s big brother
When Danny woke up, he found himself in a very soft plush something. Something that definitely wasn’t the Spector Speeder. Alarmed, he sat up quickly to find that he didn’t recognize where he was at all. He also didn’t recognize the weird kid that was staging at him from two feet away. 
“Hi, I’m Tim. Timothy Drake.” The boy introduced himself almost business like. 
“Uh, hi Tim.” Danny responded awkwardly. “You got any idea where I am?” Danny sat up properly, moving the blanket (?) off of him and turned to face the weird and kinda creepy kid. 
“You’re in Drake Manor. Which is where I live.” He answered again. 
“Ok…ay” Danny nodded thoughtfully. “Any idea how I got here?” Truthfully, Danny hadn’t really been expecting an answer, but he still got one. 
“Because I made a birthday wish to have a big brother.” He answered in the same way he had answered the other question, very matter-of-factly. 
“Ok- Wait. What?” Danny asked, doing a double take at Tim. 
“You’re supposed to be my big brother, right?” Tim was starting to look a little hesitant, and as weirded out as Danny felt he couldn’t help but feel bad about the whole situation. 
“Where are your parents, Tim?” 
“There not home, because they had really important things to do for work.” 
Danny nodded. “Do you know when they’ll be back?” 
Tim shook his head. “They were supposed to come back today, because it’s my birthday. But they said they couldn’t make it.” 
Well, shit. Didn’t that sound awfully like Danny’s birthdays before he had given up on his parents showing up. At least he had Jazz. This kid looked like he was alone. 
Not liking the silence, Tim started fidgeting again. “So, are you gonna be my brother, then?” 
And what was Danny supposed to say, No? Besides, if he was really causing problems being in this random universe, then Clockwork would figure it out. 
Danny sat at Tim’s dinner table, the kid looking at him radiating in excitement, each with a plate of stupid expensive pasta in front of them. “You said your name was Tim, right?” Danny started thoughtfully. Tim nodded, drinking up everything Danny said. “Well, first course of action as you, big brother. I need to give you a nickname.” 
Tim’s eyes sparkled at the prospect. “Like what?”
Danny tapped his chin exaggeratedly, “Hm… Tim, Tim.” Turing the name around while he absentmindedly twirled his fork between his fingers, Danny wondered what he should come up with. Suddenly, in a misplaced strength, Danny’s fork flew out of his hand. 
Before Danny could even say anything, “I’ll get you a new one!” Tim offered quickly. Getting up from his chair, his foot got tangled behind the leg of the chair and Tim fell quietly on the floor with an oof. 
Danny laughed at him. “You okay, Timbers?” He asked, getting up to check on the boy. 
“Yeah, I like Timbers.” Tim said, a bright smile on his face despite the blossoming bruise on his arm.
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superfruitland · 2 months
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lineup of the live life au crew :D
this has sat ready in my files for a month now and i figured this would make for a perfect pre-update teaser~
i've got lots of exciting things planned! we're only getting started...
→ masterpost
here are the individual ones for anyone who wants a closer look!
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lots of things hidden in plain sight...
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stevebabey · 3 months
"Alright, here we go!" The bartender announces, leaning up to place the drinks on the bar.
"That's one whiskey, neat—" He says, sliding the lowball cocktail glass with amber liquid in front of Eddie.
"—And one Whammin' Slammin' Booty-Bangin' Pina Colada."
He places the extravagant cocktail in front of Steve. It's decorated to the nines with a straw, an umbrella, a piece of pineapple, and a little bit of tinsel on a toothpick. A whole party decoration in a drink.
"You guys have a good night." The bartender says warmly, already moving down the bar to tend to other customers.
Eddie stares down at the whiskey in the glass before him and pouts a little. Beside him and watching his boyfriend closely, Steve rolls his eyes.
"Oh, quit being dramatic," Steve says, sliding the cocktail across the bar so it's in front of Eddie, who had ordered it. He steals the glass of whiskey back at the same time.
"It happens every time."
"It happens most times."
"That isn't much better!" Eddie protests, even as he leans down and takes a long sip from the straw while they both get to their feet and leave the bar. Steve's hunting for a table they can snag, his eyes narrowed in focus. Eddie follows him blindly, his cocktail cupped in both hands.
"I'm serious, Steve! What is it about this adorable face—" He says, gesturing to himself, barely letting go of the straw to talk. It doesn't seem to faze him that Steve doesn't even glance back. "—Says I don't want to enjoy a Whammin' Bammin' Big Booty Colada?"
Steve comes to a stop, pausing his search for a moment to look back at Eddie. His expression seems unimpressed on the surface but Eddie can see his lips twitching up at the corners.
"We've had this conversation too many times, babe." He sighs halfheartedly and takes a quick sip of his own whiskey, eyes casting back out across the bar. "You have scary dog energy, you know this. You specifically dress like this on purpose."
Eddie picks up the pineapple wedged on the edge of his glass and bites into it, sending it down with another sip of his cocktail as Steve leads them further into the back of the bar. He finally spots a spare empty table.
"C'mon, I think I found one." Steve urges, one hand snaking back to make sure Eddie's following.
"Is it a crime to wish to not fall victim to stereotypes?" Eddie prattles on, following Steve duly by slipping his hand into Steve's outstretched one. His cocktail wobbles precariously as he takes another gulp.
"Like when that waitress gave me your awful black coffee! And you got my delicious delicacy that I paid extra hard-earned money for..."
i like to think that when steve and eddie go out, people always lean into their assumptions and are like hmm ok preppy boy with the polo? oh he gets the fruity cocktail! and eddie is always like >:( i don't want this expensive puddle of piss gimme the bonanza supreme cocktail pls. like excuse me i paid for that.
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conjuring-ghouls · 4 months
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ELIZABETH: Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017 (Thanks @ghelullu for the tip ♡)
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