moonstruckme · 1 day
Hi! My inbox is being evil again (it's trying to keep us apart!) and temporarily deleting the exact requests I want to find, so here's a copy+paste of the request I got and thank you so much anon :)
could you do a james x fem!reader where he helps her through a particularly bad panic attack and then just cuddles her and grounds her again? i get them all the time and the thought of the comfort just makes me feel better :,)
cw: modern au, panic attack
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 730 words
James knows it’d be no help to tell you how scared these attacks make him, but they do make him very scared. He imagines it’s not too different from your reasoning right now; he knows, ultimately, that you’ll be alright, but the thought doesn’t provide as much comfort as it should when he’s watching you with your breaths coming quick and short and your nails digging into your own palm like you can hurt yourself worse on the surface that whatever’s doing this to you. 
He starts there. Takes your hand and uncurls your fingers, threading them through his. 
“You’re okay,” he tells you, sitting on the coffee table with his knees touching yours. He shuts the computer on your lap, easing it out of your grip to move it away. “Take a breath, sweetheart.” 
If you can still hear him you show no sign of it. A tear forms in the corner of your eye, falling when you blink. He can feel your heartbeat jumping where the base of his palm rests over your wrist. 
“Can I give you a hug?” 
There, a slight nod. James curls towards you eagerly, if a bit awkwardly, his knees on either side of your thighs and sitting a bit taller than you while he rubs your back. He makes big, sweeping circles, hoping to lull you with the slow pattern. Tears slug down your cheeks in curved lines, his shirt collecting their damp masses. 
“It’ll pass, angel. It always does, yeah? I know it feels like it’s not going to get better, but it will. You’re doing so good. So, so good, my love.” 
Your breath wheezes slightly on the way in, evidence of your diligent efforts, and when it comes out a low, pained sound comes with it. James feels it deep in his throat. He increases his pressure on your back. 
“Is this okay?” he worries, then feels shitty. You’re hardly up for questioning right now. He tries to sound certain. “Focus on my hand, angel. You’re okay, I’ve got you. Take a big breath for me.” 
He feels you try, your little sob when it doesn’t go as deep as either of you want. 
“I can’t—” 
“You can, it’s alright. You’re already doing so much better, see? It’s going away.” 
This one is worse than some of the others James has sat through with you. It seems to take ages for your breathing to slow down, and a while after that until he feels your heart find a somewhat normal rhythm under his palm. 
He knows you’re with him, more present, when you move your legs to give him easier access to you. James adjusts eagerly, giving you a proper hug. Your crying is less stilted now. He never thought he’d be so relieved to hear you sniffle and weep on his shoulder. 
“There you are,” he sighs, holding you tight. “You did it, sweetheart.” 
“James,” you whimper. 
“I know, but you’re okay. Keep breathing nice and deep,” he reminds you, worried another one will start up. “You made it. Now all you have to do is take it easy for a while.” 
“Thank you.” Your voice is a soft, small thing. It encourages James back from you, though only far enough to see your face. One tear hangs from your bottom lashes like a dewdrop from a petal. When he kisses beneath your eye it transfers to his skin. 
“No thanks necessary.” He kisses you on your other cheek, just to make it even. “You did all the hard work yourself.” 
“Still,” you say, a bit wobbly, “thanks.” 
James frowns. He allows himself to stop rubbing that same endless circle on your back, brushes a piece of hair away from your face. “Anytime,” he tells you sincerely. 
The worst of your crying seems over, but the look you give him suggests you might start again. James likes to think of himself as a man unafraid of tears and strong emotions; he’ll let you cry all night if that’s what you need. Still, he’d prefer to avoid it. 
“How do you feel?” he asks quickly. “Do you want some water? We could go for a walk, it might help to be outside.” 
You don’t want to do either of those, but you do consent to another hug. Which, really, is a better outcome than he’d dared to hope for. 
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alchemistc · 1 day
Tommy slumps further into the couch cushions, and the looks Eddie gives him is - dire, really. Tommy sort of wants to get shit faced and cry a little while cradling this throw pillow - the same one Evan had smacked him with a week ago while they crowded Eddie's too-small couch and Tommy had made fun of Evan for not knowing a single player on the Dodgers.
("You're actively rooting against them, why do you care if I know who they are?"
"Know thy enemy, Buckley," was Eddie's immediate response, and Evan had swung the pillow when he caught Tommy and Eddie fist bumping out of the corner of his eye.)
"Pretty sure it's actually cheating to come to me," Eddie intones, but he's already up and moving towards the cabinet where he keeps the good whiskey.
He settles into the recliner and gestures with the bottle, a very clear 'go on' in his expression.
Tommy thinks about maybe just - drowning himself in spirits and hiding under a rock for the rest of his life.
"I asked Evan to move in with me."
Eddie's brow kicks up. He purses his lip. Nods. His eyes do something that tells Tommy he is actively biting down on whatever it is he's thinking.
"And...you...fought. You fought about Buck ... moving in."
(Six months is such a short time, really. They've just leapt every other milestone like it's their damn job, and - Christ, they'd had keys to each other's places in weeks.)
Tommy narrows his eyes. "You know something."
"Yeah, and that's why this," he gestures vaguely in the direction of Tommy, fully pouting on his couch and commandeering too large a surface area for Eddie to actually join him there, "is cheating."
Tommy would love to point out that he just doesn't have a shit ton of friends willing to listen to him bitch about an argument he's trying to figure out without fucking imploding the whole goddamn thing. He'd love to point out that he and Eddie have already set these boundaries and Tommy is aware he's pushing it.
Tommy tilts his head against the back of the couch and stares at the ceiling. "Well if we can't talk about it, at least get me drunk."
Eddie hands him a shot glass and stands to go grab them both beers.
"So the thing is," Tommy says, slumped against Eddie's side and gesturing in front of himself. His hands are - they're a little blurry. Thank God he isn't on call. "The thing is."
He's got a hangnail that's been driving him nuts for weeks. He's already got a layout in his head for how to make Evan's wardrobe fit in his closet. Half of Evan's kitchen lives in Tommy's already, and he'd - he'd been sure they were in the same page.
"The thing?" Eddie asks, and - Christ, it's not like Eddie's having an easy time with any of the - anything. He's definitely overindulged right along with Tommy. Thank fuck they're not maudlin drunks, just what they need is two PTSD riddled idiots filled up with liquor and bemoaning their lives.
"What thing?"
"The thing, Tommy."
Right. The thing. "I love him," Tommy says, and Eddie's eyes go wide like he doesn't already know this. But Tommy - Tommy's said it in range of Eddie's hearing, right? He's - he's said it.
(The lone braincell shared between them whispers that Tommy has said it, once, to the curls atop Evan's sweaty head while Evan was still passed out on his chest. Fuck braincells.)
"What uhuh?"
You don't ask someone to move in with you when you still haven't worked up the courage to say I love you to someone's face, is the thing. And Evan's said it - happy and carefree and open even when Tommy just kissed him to distract him from Tommy not saying it back. He has to know, right? Tommy's said it in every other way he knows how.
"Listen, bro code broken, man, Buck's fucking terrified to mess this up with you and the whole 'you haven't said the words' has been, like, messing with his head for weeks, dude. And now outta the blue, hey move in with me? He's trying desperately not to assume you did something terrible and are using this to cover it up."
"He told you that?"
Eddie scoffs. He actually says 'pshhh', and rolls his head towards Tommy. "No." He enunciates too much. The 'o' is way too long in that word. It's a two letter word, how did he make it sound like seven syllables?
Tommy wants another shot, but Eddie had clearly not meant for that whiskey to be shared and it'd already been more than half gone when he pulled it out. There's...maybe half an ounce left. Fuck.
"Then how...?"
"I already broke bro code for you, dumbass. Can't you read between the lines?"
"Is this like the couch thing?"
The mindfuck of trying to decipher Eddie and Evan's little shared looks while Evan announced that Tommy's couch was his favorite couch had been -
He's getting off track.
He hasn't said the fucking words. He's in love with the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, filthiest fucking man he's ever known and he hasn't said the words.
"Hamster wheel," Eddie says sagely, like that means a damn fucking thing, but Tommy's already fumbling for his phone. Texting that is out of the question, and he doesn't want to call while he's... more drunk than he'd care to admit.
Tommy shoves Eddie off his shoulder, and only gets a little spinny when he stands. He's a forty year old man, he can absolutely ask his boyfriend to pick him up from... his boyfriends best friends house and help him sober up so he can have a conversation.
"Water," Tommy says, and Eddie snorts.
"Toooo late."
Tommy feels about five years old when he shoves at Eddie's face before retreating to the kitchen.
"Tommy," Evan says, bent low over the couch, and Tommy blinks himself awake, regretting every drop of whiskey he'd drunk last night. He'd - there'd been water. An attempt at typing out a message. A slap fight in Eddie's kitchen when he decided to chow down on the last of the casserole Evan had left behind three days ago. More water.
This couch is way too fucking small for him. He's - he's still got one shoe on, and a blanket crumpled haphazardly over one leg. His head is pounding.
Evan looks - concerned. Maybe still a little annoyed. Fond.
"Ev," he manages, moving to sit up and regretting it when five million bees make a home right there against his frontal lobe. Smoke clears that out, right? He remembers Evan being super fucking proud that that had worked.
Evan holds up a glass of water that Tommy takes gratefully. He doesn't drink it nearly as slowly as he should.
When he's done, Evan stands, and - God his legs are long. Tommy loves those fucking legs - loves the hair that catches against his calluses on his way up towards the promised land, loves the strength behind them when he snaps his hips forward, loves the way they feel all wrapped around him when they're -
"We are not anywhere close to the sort of resolution necessary for that look," Evan says, and Tommy sighs. Because they haven't talked about it. Because they'd yelled and smacked their hands against counters and the explosion had sent them careening off in different directions and Tommy hasn't told him.
"Angry sex can be fun," Tommy wheedles, a little unnecessarily because he doesn't actually want - and on Eddie's couch to boot, which is absolutely not what he's angling for.
"I'm not mad at you," Evan says, and Tommy gives him an unimpressed look. "Okay, I'm mostly just - confused."
Fair enough. Tommy's been confusing. Tommy's been -
Tommy curls a hand around the meat of Evan's calf and tips his head against Evan's thigh. "Can we not do this in Eddie's living room?"
He doesn't want to admit that it took Eddie breaking all sorts of friendship rules for Tommy to even grasp the point of Evan freezing the fuck up when Tommy had mentioned his lease. He doesn't want to admit that he's fucking terrified, all the time, about the feelings in his chest that never quite settle, that bubble up at the strangest times because every-fucking-thing reminds him of Evan. He doesn't want to admit that he'd just leapt that hurdle in his mind even though Evan has been very clearly marking every other step with metaphorical (and sometimes literal) sticky notes.
Evan hands him his tea and immediately starts picking at the paper sleeve on his cup of coffee.
"I'm not afraid of losing you," Tommy starts, which is - the opposite of the point he's trying to make, and Evan's grimace tells him it's a bad place to start. "I mean that's not why I asked."
Evan is still grimacing. And that's - Christ, he hadn't even planned it, it was just - he'd been there, digging through Tommy's sock drawer, his shit tumbling out of his overnight bag at the end of the bed and his book on the history of perfume in the bedside table and his crock pot stewing something that smelled heavenly, thirty feet away, and he wanted that always, wanted that forever, wanted more than anything to enjoy all the little moments that came before he spent the money in savings hed been setting aside since successful date number five when he'd wondered if Evan had ever thought about getting married.
"You think I asked out of convenience, right? Your stuff's already there, might as well?"
"I'm not leaving things there on purpose."
"I want you to leave things there on purpose. I want all your things there, on purpose. Even when you move my milk to the fridge door and my sugar stash to the wrong pantry shelf and even when you replace my toothpaste because it doesn't have the right enamel protection."
His lip quirks. That had been a near argument too. Tommy was particular. Tommy didn't do great with change. Evan's changed damn near fucking everything, for Tommy, and he's never been more grateful for a single thing in his fucking life.
Tommy curls a finger around Evan's wrist, and his gaze darts up through his lashes. They're long, and distracting, and Tommy wouldn't mind shoving this disagreement to the side so he can brush his lips across the paper thin lids of his eyes, but -
"I missed some steps, getting there," Tommy admits, and Evan bites his lip like he's trying to hide a smile.
"My fault, a bit. I - I could see why you might have just assumed we were scaling 'em two at a time."
"Evan," he says, and breathes a sigh of relief when his free hand darts out to smooth the veins on the back of Tommy's hand.
"Next week is six months," he says, like Tommy doesn't fucking know that, and his thumb sweeps over Tommy's knuckles. "So, i -if you have anything you wanna say before then, you got a week before you can ask me again."
(Six months is the blink of an eye, actually, but Tommy hates every blink that doesn't include Evan in it.)
"You got plans?" Tommy asks, and Evan's face pinkens.
"If you're lucky I'll even tell you them."
"It's a date."
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xomakara · 3 days
Movie Night Mischief
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SUMMARY | You go on tour with your best friends, Mark and Jaemin. You're watching a movie with them one night, when things take an unexpected turn.
PAIRINGS |  Mark x Reader x Jaemin
GENRE |  idol!Mark, idol!Jaemin, non-idol!Reader, smut, threesome
CONTENT/WARNINGS | profanity/strong language, threesome, female masturbation, fingering, blowjobs, double penetrative sex (vaginal/anal), unprotective sex, dirty talk, praising, pet names, creampies
LENGTH |  5,194 words
TAGLIST |  @shuadotcom
NETWORKS |   @k-vanity @ksmutsociety
AUTHOR’S NOTE |  I was inspired to write this because of this video. I would have happily sat my ass down lol. MarkMin has been gracing my feed and I'm going absolutely feral over them. Thank you @shadowkoo for the beautiful banner! I'm absolutely in love with it. I hope you all love this fic~ 💚
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"Where am I supposed to sit?" you asked, staring down at your two best friends.
Mark and Jaemin looked up at you standing in front of them with a bowl of popcorn. The boys, seemingly forgetting you, exchanged a look. When you were asked to join NCT Dream on tour for TDS3, you jumped at the chance to be a part of the staff, though they were asking a lot more of you than you had originally agreed. All the members had grown close to you throughout your time working as a stylist throughout the years and you became close friends with Mark and Jaemin especially.
And though you knew that relationships could cause problems, not everyone could say the same and your crush on both of them had not gone unnoticed, unfortunately. If Jeno had picked up on it then, the rest had as well, seeing that Haechan teased you the most about your secret crushes. The boys were playing it like they didn't know, but it was very apparent they knew and used any and every moment to torment you. But you weren't sure if Mark and Jaemin knew about your crush on either of them.
"What do you think? Just sit here," Jaemin gestured for you to go ahead and take the place between the two as he patted a little. "Go on, don't make us stop our movie marathon."
With a small scoff, you decided to squeeze into the tiny spot between them. You rolled your eyes, while popping the pieces of popcorn into your mouth. Mark snickered before stretching his arm along the back of the couch so that it could be comfortably placed around your shoulders. Your friend nuzzled himself a bit closer into you until you could feel the heat from his body.
"Ah... this is much better," Jaemin mumbled to no one in particular. You ignored him, as he stretched his arm in the other direction, draping his body even closer. Now you were smothered by both boys and, in turn, the musky, familiar scent of them.
Mark hummed as well as he started eating his own popcorn, and watched the film in front of the television. "Right?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips. "What are we watching anyway?"
Mark shrugged. "Honestly, no clue."
"Jaem?" you turned to Jaemin on your left.
The male sighed, "No idea."
"Great," You deadpanned, "I should just leave."
Jaemin shook his head, "Oh no, no... if we're watching, so are you. Now sit your ass down." 
He yanked you back down on the couch and you crossed your arms across your chest. "I should have gone to hang out with Jeno and Haechan instead of spending my time with y'all."
"Excuse you," Jaemin laughed. "You know you'd rather be here with us. Right, Mark?"
"And here we thought you were our best friend!" Mark faked shock, widening his eyes, and opening his mouth with fake hurt.
You shoved the bucket of popcorn in front of his face. "Shut up, and just eat the popcorn."
Mark continued to chomp down the popped kernels and you tried your best not to roll your eyes again, the soft movie sounds humming from the TV. You peeked to see what Jaemin was up to. His eyes were glued on the movie, his fingers picking up a single kernel from the bowl that sat on your thighs and popping it into his mouth. You weren't aware of the soft thumps inside your chest at the simple, innocent, action he had done. Your eyes flickered to his lips that parted with each bite of the snack, the movement almost teasing. He didn't even spare a glance in your direction and you felt that was a good thing.
Mark reached over to pick up a single piece of popcorn too. His hand briefly rested on top of your thigh when he brought it back over. It was a completely accidental and friendly gesture but somehow, you wished that it meant a little more than a harmless, kind movement. His hand had been soft on top of your knee and then slowly crawled up a bit higher than his initial resting place. Your breathing quickened slightly and you bit on your lower lip, glancing at him from your periphery. 
Mark's eyes were on the television but his fingers drummed against the spot on your bare leg where your shorts had ridden up a bit from the position you were in. His thumb tickled the area around the skin and he casually placed a single kernel onto his waiting tongue. Your lips were dry, so you ran your tongue across them to add some moisture. He sucked his thumb into his mouth briefly, making sure the digit was cleaned of any salt he hadn't eaten.
With your eyes trained on the TV, you brought a popcorn piece into your mouth and chewed it thoroughly. There was no need to overthink your feelings for Mark and Jaemin. These feelings would die off in no time.
Little did you know they were gonna be harder to hide.
The movie you were watching started to become a bit risqué. There was a sex scene involved and suddenly you were the one shifting uncomfortably. What was even the name of the movie they had chosen again? You couldn't recall. But apparently, Mark couldn't either, his face scrunching a bit at the scene playing out in front of him.
Jaemin reached over to the bowl and grabbed another piece. You peeked at his side profile and sighed when you knew he was fully engulfed into the movie. Then your attention shifted over to Mark. His brows knitted and he was still chewing the popcorn, eyes watching the TV intently. If you stared hard enough, you could see the subtle flush along his face.
The sound of moaning soon reached your ears and your skin started prickling with nervousness. The sex scenes should not affect you this way—even though it had been a long time since you had experienced an orgasm or someone had fucked you. In fact, you wanted one of those right now. Your stomach was coiling, hot and heavy, as you got hot and bothered from the scene. The actor's heavy panting rang clearly in your ears, causing your mind to think lewd thoughts. You shuffled and you were already uncomfortable under their gaze, your breathing coming out a little heavier than normal.
"You good there, Y/N?" The low, raspy voice of Mark entered your hearing. You cleared your throat and slowly nodded, unable to look into his eyes.
"I'm fine," you squeaked. There was a subtle nod of your head. Mark simply let it go as he kept his eyes in front and you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. With another attempt to look forward, the erotic visuals filled your eyes. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip when the loud groans vibrated throughout the room.
Oh how badly you wished one of them was kissing along the length of your neck, grazing the delicate skin with their teeth and leaving possessive marks on it. Your pulse picked up at the thought, heart pounding hard and fast against your chest as you could feel something pooling in the pit of your stomach. 
Jaemin and Mark were surely doing no better.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Mark subtly adjusting the semi-hard-on forming in his pants. He cursed softly under his breath, the neediness in his voice loud and clear and fuck, if that didn't get you dripping wetter. Jaemin was seemingly worse because you could actually see the tent in his sweats—it wasn't huge but it was just enough to know he was somewhat aroused by this scene. His bottom lip trapped between his teeth, dark eyes intensely focused on the film.
The moaning just increased from the actors. That sound plus the slick sounds of cock and pussy hitting each other was too much. God, you wanted them. They were so fucking handsome, perfect in every way and their ethereal voices made you quiver with want. The sensation between your legs was making the rational thoughts in your head start to dissipate and was clouded with the need to touch Mark, to kiss Mark, to touch Jaemin, to kiss Jaemin.
So, when one of the characters ended the sex scene by moaning the name of their partner loudly, you couldn't hold it anymore. You grabbed onto one of their sleeves and pulled. Mark and Jaemin broke from their lustrous state and they met your flushed and flustered state.
"Fuck me, please. Right now," your words were breathy, rushed and impatient as your chest rapidly heaved from the pent up frustration and arousal coursing through your body. Your knuckles tightened their grip on their shirt, pulling them closer to you as their brows twitched upwards with lust. "I need one of you, right now."
Without hesitation, Jaemin leaned in and captured your lips in a searing kiss while Mark maneuvered his face and mouth next to your ear to let his hot breath hit the delicate skin and whisper sinfully lewd and naughty thoughts into your ears. He began by nibbling your earlobe before planting soft kisses. Then he grazed along the shell with his tongue and the side of his mouth.
The kiss Jaemin and you were sharing was wild with just pure unadulterated lust. You slid your fingers into the hair at the base of his skull, lightly gripping it to bring him closer. Both of your heads shifted and tilted with each lick and bite. Occasionally your lips would detach for a few seconds so you could both catch your breaths. Mark turned your head towards him and captured your lips in his to break yours and Jaemin's connection. It was a warm embrace at first before Jaemin attached his wet and swollen lips onto your neck, licking and sucking with the utmost intent to mark.
Mark's and your kisses were sloppy, wet and rough. The nipping of your bottom lips, the suckling on your tongue and the slurring moans and groans echoed into the shared space of the hotel room. After what seemed to last an eternity, the three of you pulled apart and caught your breath.
"Y/N…" Mark spoke into your ear. Your name sent goosebumps all over your skin as his husky voice reverberated in your hearing. "Baby girl, you know this will change things between the three of us, right? It won't just stop at today."
The palm of his hand slid along your bare skin and it caused the hairs on your skin to stand. He had gotten underneath your t-shirt, thumbing the edge of your shorts, ready to dip it in. He needed some form of consent—as did Jaemin who stared deeply into your eyes, and sucked a red mark on the exposed skin above your t-shirt collar, rubbing soothing circles to calm your nerves.
This was what you wanted—to be touched, kissed, worshipped, by these two. Mark and Jaemin wouldn't do this unless you asked for it. And the thing is, you really did want this. To be touched by the both of them, their hands roaming all over, and giving you so much pleasure it was just enough for a whole week's worth of work.
You leaned back on Mark, head thrown over his shoulder to reach his waiting lips with yours. A hand tugged at Jaemin's neck so you could look straight at him when you agreed.
"I do... now do whatever the hell you want to me," you agreed, your voice barely a whisper.
"Wanna get your sweet and pretty little ass up on the bed and put on a show for us? We wanna see you play with that pretty pussy for us. Put those beautiful fingers inside that soaking and leaking cunt of yours," Jaemin whispered.
Fuck. That was hot.
You shuddered as you stood up and removed the clothes you were wearing. Then you slowly moved up onto the bed until you were propped on your elbows in the center, looking at Mark and Jaemin with a needy yet playful gaze. 
"We want to watch you finger that sweet, juicy cunt. Please, baby," Jaemin requested in his usual honey tone. But it was different, lower, darker and raspier and holy shit if that didn't light the fire of horniness all over in you. You would say Mark and Jaemin could make the dirtiest things sound like pure heaven. 
Hands tugging on the waistband of your panties, you slipped the small piece of clothing off in a painstakingly slow fashion. When that was done, your fingers ghosted on the outline of your mound, following your hand down, as the two men watched intensely. This continued until your digits swirled over your entrance and when it came across a pool of wetness that was spreading steadily and causing your thighs to clench.
Mark groaned loudly, a low, strangled sound, his eyes staring at you in such a way that made you feel utterly devoured. Your pussy tightened as your gaze found Jaemin as he drew his eyes away from the apex of your thighs to stare directly at you and God did you want them, so, so badly.
Mark and Jaemin crawled onto the bed until their presence loomed over your smaller figure.
"Sweetheart, please stick those pretty fingers inside your delicious and soaked pussy. The sooner the better," Mark muttered.
You listened to Mark and shoved your finger into you, your walls tightening immediately around the new feeling. There was a little groan escaping you, too—pure ecstasy. There was nothing more than being fingered and eaten out.
The moan encouraged the males and both started to divest themselves, losing their shirts, sweatpants and boxers, revealing their erect and proud cocks. Precum glistened on the red tip of their cocks, your eyes fixating on the two members and fuck you couldn't believe how lucky you were right now. You took in every last detail of them and damn, it only caused your arousal to become ten times better. 
Jaemin smirked before speaking. "Put another finger inside that little tight cunt."
You complied with his words by adding in a second finger. A sinful mewl resounded in the quiet room. 
Jaemin tutted. "What a naughty little girl, I bet I know what she's thinking of right now."
Mark paused, seeming to ponder before speaking. "Something like getting her mouth on our dicks. Don't you agree, Jaem? To have those plump lips stretched to their limit and moaning as she tastes us on her tongue. Having both of us choke her with our cocks."
There was a purr of approval and an adorable hum. "Mmh, she'd look so cute too." 
This time Jaemin was the one groaning, as both watched you moving your fingers in and out of your hole, your wet and glistening juices practically coating every part of your lower lips. The slide of your fingers in and out was delicious, but it would feel even better when Mark's and Jaemin's dicks would enter you instead. Your nipples tingled as they grew taut and stiff while a needy ache pulsated with growing heat and force.
It was arousing.
It was hot.
And so damn alluring.
"Such a needy little girl," Mark commented and both Jaemin and him now gripped their cocks.
The sight of their leaking and dripping dicks triggered something in you, you could feel yourself dripping as your insides clenched around the two fingers inserted inside and out. But God, were they still not enough. Your thumb moved over to your swollen clit. That bundle of nerves finally got the attention it deserved and you were crying and releasing a low and loud mewl as waves of pleasure vibrated from inside. It was good, very good.
But it still wasn't enough.
No. You wanted more.
"Fuck. That's not—fuck—enough," your voice strained at the end of your sentence as you were heavily panting.
"Tell us what you want," Jaemin stated low and huskily, "Baby, we'll give it to you if you just tell us."
"Your mouths and fingers—" you rasped, gasping between every word, "in…in me."
Mark cooed softly and reached over to cup your cheek with a rough palm. The contact alone made you melt in bliss.
"We can do that baby," Mark pressed his lips briefly to your lips before moving back. "How about Jaemin eats you out while I fill this pretty little mouth of yours with my cock and give you what you desire?"
Your cunt throbbed hard at the mention. That's exactly what you wanted. You removed your fingers and whined softly as that gaping and emptiness could be felt. Mark crawled up to your face with a knowing smile, brushing the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks. He positioned himself over your mouth until his hardened cock was directly over your lips, dripping down precum.
Without delay, you licked it up. The salty flavor and the heavy weight in your mouth made you suckle hard and you gained an animalistic groan from above you. While you tended to Mark, you felt a tongue against your slit as your taste filled his mouth. Jaemin wasted no time in deep-thrusting his tongue past the folds to plunge into your core and groaning at the slick mess already drenching you. His eagerness, and hot tongue massaging against your entrance and folds made you shake, sucking on Mark's cock faster.
Jaemin's hands spread your legs a little wider, your thighs flexing hard and you tried to keep them that way. Your body jerked and jolted every time his lips would lap against your sensitive bud, rolling your hard clit against your teeth. Mark continued to thrust his hips shallowly, unable to keep from fully fucking into the soft and wet depths of your hot mouth.
"You're so good for us, aren't you Y/N?" Mark praised, running a gentle hand through your hair and grinning when he felt your eyes open to look up at him through your eyelashes. "Take every inch, you pretty thing. Stay like that. Take all of me."
Your mouth continued to service him until your gaze rose up and looked at Mark above your frame.
Oh fuck! He looked ethereal—that beautiful, handsome and well-built body covered with a sheen layer of sweat. His throat bobbing from the moans. Those lean yet muscular arms stretched over you, firm and lean. Oh how badly you want to feel that skin. Your whole body is ignited by every touch of those muscular palms. It drove you mad, the scent of his arousal strong.
His lips slightly parted and his jaw muscles straining with restraint, "Fuck. Fuck, Y/N. Y-your mouth."
Without warning, Mark snapped his hips and pushed his full length in, the abrupt action having you gag and wince. His apology fell on deaf ears as you enjoyed the cock stuffed inside your mouth, throbbing on your tongue. Jaemin followed suit as you bucked your hips a little harshly into his mouth, grinding your pussy into him as fast as you could. Your desperation increased as your eyes caught the vision of Jaemin's perfect form between your thighs, his dark head of hair bouncing up and down. Jaemin removed his mouth momentarily, his saliva mixed with your wetness being lapped up. He hummed. "Holy fuck, sweetness. Your pussy tastes so divine. I can't get enough."
Jaemin placed his thick and hot tongue back onto your clit, swirling the muscle against that nerve ending and sucking simultaneously while two fingers roughly slid into you and pumped into a rhythm.
You were reaching a point of oversensitivity, body wrecked under the actions of both Mark and Jaemin, leaving you trembling with carnality.
"So fucking wet. Baby is squeezing my fingers so tight. Will she squeeze around my dick next time?" Jaemin commented while smirking and taking another look at your pussy. He placed a final kiss on your clit before pulling out and planting another onto the fluttering folds and sat back on his heels, as his attention turned towards Mark who was in the same state. Both nodded and removed themselves.
Mark moved over to take Jaemin's spot, his face gliding over the exposed skin of your sides with kisses, until he arrived at your heat. Mark took some seconds to admire the delicious mess which is between your thighs, your swollen lips all dripping in juices. You let out a piteous and faint noise, your neglected cunt flexing over thin air and gifting him with a burst of wetness. 
"Mark, please," your voice was barely recognizable even to your own ears, having lost count of how many times you pleaded. Mark just quirked a dark brow at you.
"Let me taste you a bit first and then you can have my dick," And then his tongue sunk inside, licking up any moisture accumulated. You clawed the bed sheets under the sheer sensation of the heat pooling, curling and breaking your body apart like a bomb. Fingers returned to your pussy, turning every single movement and motion agonizingly intense. 
Fucking intense.
"Please," you wail as your hands dart through his hair, "fuck. Stop teasing. Want your cock. In my pussy. Now, please, now, please, Mark. Please."
"And me, sweet pea?" Jaemin husked at the last syllables before fluttering his long lashes up and down.
"Please. Wanna cum. With both of you." Your voice hitches an octave higher and breathier by the end of the request.
"Anything for our girl," Mark says calmly as he moved away from you.
Jaemin was lying on the mattress, as you crawled your way up him before sinking down, the both of you relishing the feeling. His cock pulsed into your needy and drenched core, the way the plump head spread through your walls.
He then bottomed out, the smooth motion filling you full, full, full. It was a stretch and you loved it. Jaemin, a handsome angel and the epitome of the dream guy everyone could and should ever dream of was buried deep within you.
"Shit, baby. Can you feel my cock, stuffing you up and getting you all wet inside? Fuck. This pretty pussy can't handle this big cock, can you?" Jaemin growled lustfully. "Do you want Mark to fuck your tight ass, baby? Bet that little asshole of yours would stretch so wide. So fucking perfectly."
"Yes," you practically sobbed, the vision only spurring on the all consuming urgency surging through your nerves. "Yes, I need you and Mark to stuff me full…so damn full. Please."
Mark smirked and produced a bottle of lube he picked up from somewhere, before pouring a generous amount over his fingers and dick. After slicking it up, his fingers travelled to your hole, tracing the sensitive entrance before stretching it with his fingers and loosening it until it relaxed. When he noticed your squirming and pleading for his cock to go in, that was when Mark began sinking his hard member in until there was nothing left but his hip and your ass.
The feel of his dick spreading open your inner walls and burying deeply sent shudders through your whole being. The sensation of your holes stretching at both ends made your chest heave.
"Shit," both Mark and Jaemin ground out, coming down from the immediate wave of pure bliss enveloping the three of you.
For a moment they let you adjust, until the buildup of desire in all three of you started to become too much to bear. When they noticed the whimpering noises, they immediately picked up the pace, Mark and Jaemin rolling their hips and snapping in an irregular rhythm.
The both of them were talking now, filthy, lude praises, lewd moans, dirty whispers and naughty nothings in between grunts and sighs and praise. You heard snippets like how gorgeous and perfect you are. How well you are doing. How much of a fucking beautiful kitten and how perfect you look being taken by them. Both dicks deep and pumping hard, the gliding motion pulling frictionless strokes.
"What a perfect pussy and what a sexy little ass. Gonna ruin both and make sure you can't ever think or walk normally. Gonna make you ours," Jaemin grinded hard.
"Feels so good...you both feel so fucking good," was the response he got from you, accompanied by mewls. "Fu-ck. Shit. Please. Harder."
"How does Mark feel, baby?" Jaemin coos softly, petting your hair slightly as if rewarding a good kitty.
"Good," you sighed, "good, he's really filling me and stretching me."
Mark's groans grew more heated at the confirmation, snapping his hips and pelvis. He leaned in and grunted more erotic words. "You're taking us so well, baby. You're gonna be walking crooked and sore after we're done with you."
"We need her to know we're never letting her go," Jaemin mused.
Your high-pitched screams reverberated off the walls, bouncing into Mark and Jaemin's ear, causing them to chuckle. Your eyes closed to concentrate on the way Mark and Jaemin could command a good and nice pace.
It was intense and erotic.
It was messy and hot.
It was unravelling.
It was sheer pleasure.
You were being consumed whole.
"Baby, your moans," Mark stated breathily. "Such sweet, heavenly and pleasing noises. And that's coming from us. From two cocks filling both of those delicious holes."
"Be louder," Jaemin suggests. "Scream for us louder. Let the rest of the members know who's making you feel this good. That you're only ours."
You squeaked as Mark brushed your hair gently to the side so that he could kiss the nape of your neck and collarbone. His touches were electric as his palm rubbed and squeezed the swell of your breasts and caressed your body sensually. He switched it up occasionally, applying light kitty licks and bites and harsh sucks, taking note of your sweet noises and what parts of you brought forth that sort of reaction. You squirmed against the sheets, one hand gripping the cotton of your pillow tightly, the other draped on Jaemin's bicep.
"Fuck," you whimper as they kept pumping mercilessly, pleasure unfurling and rolling inside you, unfocused with nowhere to go. "Shit. Fuck."
"Tell us what you want Y/N," It was a low rumble coming from Jaemin. "Just say it."
"I—I wanna cum," you whimpered.
"We want that too, baby," Mark mumbles right into your ear. His breathing sounds jagged. You're pretty sure you weren't the only one going out of your mind with anticipation. "Cum for us, baby."
"Y-yes. A-ah…ha…" You whine, choking up a throaty scream as the loud squelch echoed along the room in the rhythm of the pounding, joined by a deep grunt here and there from Jaemin and Mark. "M-Mark, please...Jaem...J-just."
"That's a good girl," Mark states as his palms massage the curves and dips of your body as Jaemin takes turns running his teeth and lips against the side of your neck and over your delicate shoulder, rough and passionate. 
"Take every inch, beautiful. We'll leave you satiated and stuffed full. Mark is gonna fill your tight ass full of cum, whilst I cum deep inside your lovely pussy," Jaemin huskily added, voice dark and coarse.
You groaned, keenly aware of how full and hard they are inside of you. Oh how badly you wanted the boys to reach their peaks. How you wished Mark and Jaemin's powerful bodies would shudder and convulse as euphoric pleasure ripped through. How badly you wanted Mark and Jaemin's expressions twisted into sweet bliss and then dissolved in ecstasy.
"That's it, baby. We're right here," Mark soothed, voice dripping with affection and fondness, "Take all the pleasure you can get."
"Oh, shit. So good. Yes. Shit!" you finally reach your limit and tip over the edge, gushing and convulsing with a loud drawn-out whimper.
Both Mark and Jaemin fuck you right through it, milking both orgasms. They only lasted a few minutes longer, finally spilling and letting ropes of cum paint and coat your insides. Mark groaned from above you, a sound so sexual and captivating and Jaemin stifled a moan in the crook of your neck. They kept their cocks for a minute and came down from their respective highs before withdrawing from both stretched holes. Cum dribbled down your lower lips, pooling the bed sheets.
There was a silence before Jaemin and Mark cuddled closer to you from each side, the both of them panting heavily until the room was filled with deep inhales and exhales.
"Can…we do that again?" You manage to voice, surprising Jaemin and Mark with the bold statement.
They responded by bursting into soft chuckles. Jaemin made a noise. "That's asking a bit too soon, isn't it princess?"
"No…like, during your tours, when we go back home. In your free time.  I-If it's not inconvenient with schedules, of course," you rush out. 
Mark raised his brows. "Are you sure, Y/N?"
"Uh, y-yeah," you gulp a breath. "I really enjoyed this. But only if you want to as well."
"Believe me princess," Jaemin purred softly. "We love being with you as much as you love being with us."
"Of course we would like to. Our place is with you no matter what," Mark interjects, his soft hands smoothing down your messy and sweaty hair before slipping an arm around you and pulling you against his warmth. The affection made you blush even more. Mark nudges his nose and kisses the top of your head. “Besides, I did say this was going to change between the three of us right? That this won't stop at today.”
"Who would have thought that I'd fuck my best friends," you breathe out, staring at the ceiling in complete bliss.
"We should have done this a long time ago. Next time we do this again, let's bring Jeno with us," Jaemin admits cheekily, the utter statement catching you by surprise.
You slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Excuse me, sir. How bold."
Mark laughed. "I don't think I want to share Y/N with the others, Jaemin. Only us two are enough for this lovely lady."
"Ah, I'm kidding," Jaemin winks before tilting his head. "Mostly." He wags his brows playfully, making you groan and hit him lightly. Jaemin grinned before dragging your palm and placing a kiss on the inside of it. "Relax baby, you have our hearts wrapped around your finger."
Mark hummed in agreement and buried his face into the crook of your neck and placed a tender, heartfelt kiss and patted your thighs. He mumbles sleepily into your ear and you hear Jaemin repeating the gesture, the two voices simultaneously filling your eardrums. "We're yours, and you are ours. I'm sure this is going to be the start of something new and good. Don't worry." 
You relaxed, letting their breathing and the warmth of their skin lull you to a peaceful sleep, right alongside them and in their arms.
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callsigns-haze · 3 days
Down Bad
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler and Y/N's serene day of hiking turns into a life-threatening battle against a sudden tornado, forcing them to rely on each other to survive.
Warning: Contains scenes of natural disaster, injury, and intense peril.
The day had started out perfectly. Tyler and Y/N had been storm chasing for days, but the weather had been eerily calm. No storms, no action—just clear skies and a gentle breeze. So, they decided to take a break from the chase. Tyler suggested they head out to a secluded spot he knew—a serene lake nestled in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by dense woods and rolling hills.
As they hiked to the lake, hand in hand, Y/N marveled at the beauty around them. The sky was a deep, endless blue, and the sun cast a warm glow over the landscape. It was hard to believe that just a few days ago, they had been in the middle of a raging storm, chasing after the very thing that now seemed like a distant memory.
Tyler led her to a spot by the lake where the water was still and clear, reflecting the sky like a mirror. They set up a small picnic and spent the afternoon talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. It felt like they were the only two people in the world—completely isolated from the chaos of their usual storm-chasing adventures.
After a while, Y/N leaned back against Tyler’s chest, sighing contentedly as she watched the ripples in the water. “This is perfect,” she murmured, her voice soft and peaceful.
Tyler smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m glad you think so. We needed a break from all that excitement.”
But as they sat there, a subtle shift in the air caught Tyler’s attention. He felt a sudden drop in temperature, and the gentle breeze that had been blowing all day suddenly stilled. He glanced up at the sky, his eyes narrowing as he noticed dark clouds forming on the horizon.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice tense, “we need to go.”
She looked up at him, her brow furrowing in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“The weather’s changing. We need to get back to the truck, now.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the urgency in his voice. She quickly gathered their things as Tyler helped her up, and they began to make their way back along the trail. But as they walked, the wind picked up, howling through the trees with an almost unnatural force. The once clear sky was now a swirling mass of dark clouds, and the sound of distant thunder rumbled ominously.
Tyler’s grip on Y/N’s hand tightened as they quickened their pace. The truck was still a good distance away, and the storm was moving in fast—too fast.
“We’re not going to make it to the truck in time,” Tyler muttered, glancing around for any kind of shelter.
Y/N’s heart raced as she realized the severity of the situation. “What do we do?”
Before Tyler could respond, the wind roared with a deafening intensity, and the sky above them seemed to split open as a massive funnel cloud descended from the heavens. The tornado touched down with a force that shook the ground, tearing through the landscape with terrifying speed.
“Run!” Tyler shouted, pulling Y/N along as they sprinted towards the nearest cluster of trees. The tornado was closing in, its monstrous form bearing down on them with a ferocity that defied comprehension.
They barely made it to the trees when the full force of the tornado hit. Tyler threw himself over Y/N, shielding her with his body as debris flew through the air. The sound was deafening—a mix of roaring wind, splintering wood, and the distant wail of the tornado itself.
“Stay down!” Tyler yelled, his voice barely audible over the chaos. He held onto her tightly, his heart pounding as he prayed they would make it through.
But then, without warning, a large piece of debris slammed into Tyler’s back, knocking the wind out of him. He gasped in pain, collapsing onto Y/N as the world around them seemed to disintegrate.
“Tyler!” Y/N screamed, her voice laced with panic as she felt his body go limp on top of her. She struggled to push him off, her heart racing with fear.
The storm raged on, but Y/N knew she had to move. Summoning all her strength, she managed to roll Tyler off her and get him onto his back. His face was pale, and blood trickled from a gash on his forehead. His breathing was shallow, and his eyes fluttered open with difficulty.
“Y/N,” he whispered, his voice weak. “You have to get out of here…”
“No,” she said firmly, tears streaming down her face. “I’m not leaving you. We’re getting out of this together.”
She looked around, trying to find any sign of shelter or a way out. The tornado had moved on, but the damage was catastrophic. Trees were uprooted, debris was scattered everywhere, and the once peaceful lake was now a churning mess of water and mud.
With no other option, Y/N decided to find help. But first, she needed to get Tyler to safety. She managed to drag him to a small hollow beneath a fallen tree, shielding him as best as she could from the elements. His injuries were severe, but he was still conscious, his eyes locked onto hers with a mixture of pain and determination.
“Stay with me, Tyler,” she urged, her voice trembling. “I’m going to find help.”
He nodded weakly, his hand gripping hers with what little strength he had left. “Be careful…”
Y/N kissed his forehead, her heart breaking at the sight of him so vulnerable. “I will.”
With one last look at him, she turned and ran towards the truck. The landscape was unrecognizable, the trail completely obliterated by the storm. But she pushed forward, fueled by the need to save the man she loved.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she reached the truck. Miraculously, it had survived the tornado, though it was covered in debris and mud. She quickly grabbed the first aid kit and a radio, desperately trying to get a signal.
“Please, someone, come in!” she shouted into the radio, her voice shaking. “We need help—Tyler’s hurt, and we’re stranded!”
Static filled the airwaves, and for a moment, she feared no one would hear her. But then, a crackling voice came through.
“This is Rescue 4—we’re en route to your location. Hang tight, we’re coming for you.”
Relief washed over her as she grabbed the supplies and ran back to Tyler. When she reached him, she found him barely conscious, his breath shallow and labored. She quickly began to treat his wounds, using everything she had learned from their countless storm-chasing expeditions.
“Tyler, stay with me,” she whispered, her hands trembling as she bandaged his head. “Help is on the way.”
His eyes fluttered open, and he managed a weak smile. “You’re… incredible…”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she held his hand, her heart aching at the sight of him so fragile. “Just hang on a little longer, okay? We’re going to get through this.”
Minutes felt like hours as they waited, the sound of approaching sirens finally breaking through the silence. Rescue teams arrived, and Y/N watched in a daze as they carefully lifted Tyler onto a stretcher and rushed him to the waiting ambulance.
She rode with him to the hospital, never letting go of his hand. The paramedics worked quickly to stabilize him, but Y/N could only focus on his face, willing him to stay with her.
By the time they reached the hospital, Tyler was in critical condition, but alive. Y/N was forced to wait outside the operating room, her heart in her throat as she prayed for his survival.
Hours passed before the doctor finally came out, his expression grave but hopeful. “He’s stable,” he said, and Y/N nearly collapsed with relief. “It was touch and go, but he’s a fighter. He’s going to make it.”
Tears streamed down her face as she thanked the doctor, her heart filled with gratitude. When she was finally allowed to see Tyler, she found him awake, though weak and bandaged.
“Hey, you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse but full of affection.
Y/N smiled through her tears, sitting down beside him and taking his hand. “Hey. You scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, his eyes softening. “But I knew you’d get us out of there.”
“You’re not allowed to scare me like that again,” she said, her voice shaky with emotion. “I can’t lose you, Tyler.”
“You won’t,” he promised, squeezing her hand weakly. “We’re in this together, remember?”
Y/N leaned down and kissed him, her heart overflowing with love and relief. “Always.”
As they lay there, the storm outside finally began to calm. The sky cleared, and the first rays of sunlight broke through the clouds. It was a new day—a new beginning.
And they had weathered the storm together.
@lonewolf830 I absolutely loved this idea!
tagging some:
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landinhoe · 1 day
In Your Tender Light- Lando Norris
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Lando Norris dragged himself through the front door, the weight of the Singapore Grand Prix clinging to every muscle. The humidity, the grueling laps, and the relentless demand on his body had worn him down to the core. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and his entire being craved nothing but rest and comfort.
She herd the door open from the kitchen, where she had been preparing his favorite meal. The moment she saw him, her heart softened. He looked spent, his hair slightly damp, his shoulders slouched in that familiar post-race fatigue. But he was home now, and she was ready to make sure he left all the tension of the race behind him.
“Hey, babe,” she greeted, her voice a gentle melody as she approached him. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a warm embrace, her body pressed close to his.
Lando let out a deep sigh, the simple comfort of her touch already working to ease the weight from his shoulders. “Hey,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from the race and interviews, but the sound of her voice seemed to ground him, bringing him back to the safety of home.
“Go take a shower,” she said softly, brushing her fingers against his cheek. “I’ll meet you upstairs. I’ve got a few things in mind to help you relax.”
He smiled at her, a tired but grateful look in his eyes. “What would I do without you?” he mumbld, kissing her softly before heading upstairs.
By the time he reached the bathroom, his body was practically begging for relief. The heat and tension from the race still clung to him, his muscles tight, his skin sticky with sweat. He turned on the shower, letting the water warm as he undressed.
Stepping under the spray, the hot water hit his skin like a balm, cascading down his tired body, washing away the grime and exhaustion of the day. His head tilted back, eyes closed, as he allowed the warmth to envelop him completely.
The sound of the bathroom door opening pulled him from his thoughts, and he smiled without opening his eyes. She stepped into the bathroom, her presence calming in the midst of the steam.
Without a word, she joined him in the shower, her hands reaching up to gently run through his hair, her fingers light and delicate against his scalp. Lando let out a deep breath, his body already relaxing under her touch.
“You’re always taking care of me,” he murmured, his voice soft as he leaned into her hands.
“That’s my job,” she teased, but her voice was tender. She grabbed a small bottle of his favorite shampoo, pouring some into her hands before lathering it into his hair.
Her fingers moved slowly, massaging his scalp in gentle, circular motions. The sensation of her fingertips against his head was a different kind of relief—one that wasn’t just physical but emotional too. Each stroke seemed to ease not just the tension in his body, but the pressure that had been building in his mind. The delicate pressure of her fingers working through his hair sent ripples of calm through him.
As she massaged his scalp, she took her time, knowing just how much he needed this. Her hands moved with careful precision, pressing into the spots at the base of his skull, where the tension from the helmet and the race had gathered. She used her thumbs to knead gently at his temples, working out the tightness there.
Lando let out a soft groan, his head dipping slightly as he leaned into her touch. The feeling of her fingers tracing slow, deliberate circles on his scalp was intoxicating, each movement sending waves of relaxation down his spine. She focused on the sensitive points at the nape of his neck, rubbing in slow, rhythmic strokes. Her fingers glided through his damp hair, pulling gently with just the right amount of pressure.
“You always know exactly what I need,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the shower.
“Relax,” she whispered back, her voice soothing and soft, as if she could sense how deeply worn out he was. “Let me take care of you.”
Her hands traveled to his temples, pressing gently with her thumbs, the movement both soothing and deliberate. She massaged in slow circles, easing the tension from his forehead and the muscles around his eyes. Each touch felt like she was unraveling the knots of stress that had built up during the race weekend.
“You don’t have to think about anything right now,” she murmured, her fingers sliding through his hair again. “Just breathe.”
Lando’s breathing slowed, his whole body surrendering to the moment. He didn’t realize how tightly he had been holding himself until her touch made him aware of it. Every time her fingers brushed over a new spot on his scalp, he felt his mind grow quieter, his thoughts drifting away from the intensity of the weekend.
She continued to massage the back of his head, her fingers moving in gentle waves, coaxing the remaining tension out. Her touch was light but firm, knowing exactly where to press, where to release. Her hands traveled to his neck, where the pressure from long hours behind the wheel lingered. She massaged the muscles there with precision, easing out the stiffness that had settled in his neck and shoulders.
“Mmm,” Lando hummed in contentment, his eyes still closed. He could feel the stress slipping away with every delicate movement of her hands.
The steam from the shower wrapped around them like a cocoon, the warmth enhancing the tenderness of the moment. She took her time, knowing he needed this, her fingers never rushing, moving with intention and care. It wasn’t just a physical release,there was something deeply intimate about the way she was caring for him, something that spoke to how well she knew him, how attuned she was to his needs.
When she was satisfied that every ounce of tension had left his body, she gave his head one final, gentle squeeze before reaching for the handheld showerhead to rinse out the shampoo. The water cascaded down, taking with it the lather and the remnants of the day’s exhaustion.
Her fingers trailed through his hair one last time as the water poured over him, making sure every trace of soap was gone. She turned off the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist before stepping out, her hands still lingering on his skin.
Lando’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked at her, his expression a mixture of love and gratitude. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed,” he whispered, his voice soft.
She smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to his forehead, her lips lingering there for a moment. “Good. That’s exactly how I want you to feel.”
After the tender moments in the shower, Lando and his girlfriend made their way to the bedroom, the atmosphere thick with warmth and love. The soft glow of the candles created a peaceful ambiance, and Lando felt a wave of gratitude wash over him for her thoughtfulness.
As they climbed into bed, Lando settled against the plush pillows, and she nestled close to him, her body fitting perfectly against his. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tight, their hearts beating in a gentle rhythm together. The comfort of her presence was like a soothing balm, erasing the stresses of the day.
“Is this what heaven feels like?” Lando murmured, his voice a low whisper as he pressed a soft kiss into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent.
“Better,” she replied, looking up at him with a playful smile. “Heaven doesn’t have you.”
They both chuckled softly, their laughter mingling in the air like a sweet serenade. Lando’s fingers traced lazy patterns along her arm, their warmth enveloping them in a cocoon of intimacy.
“Promise me we’ll always have moments like this,” he said, his tone turning serious for a moment. “No matter how crazy life gets.”
“Always,” she promised, her gaze earnest as she looked into his eyes. “I’ll always be here for you, Lando. In the chaos and the calm.”
With that promise hanging in the air, they settled into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the soft rustle of sheets and their synchronized breaths. Lando couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him as he held her close. It felt as if the world outside had faded away, leaving just the two of them in their little sanctuary.
As the minutes slipped by, Lando’s eyelids grew heavy, but he held onto her tightly, cherishing the warmth and peace that came from being together. Her presence was grounding, a reminder that no matter how intense the racing world could be, here in this moment, they were home.
“Goodnight, love,” he murmured sleepily, planting another soft kiss on her forehead.
“Goodnight, Lando,” she replied, snuggling even closer, a smile playing on her lips as she breathed in the safety of his embrace.
With hearts intertwined and dreams waiting to unfold, they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of each other, ready to face whatever the next day might bring—together.
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thinkinonsense · 1 day
lumberjack!logan howlett x fem!reader
cw: fluff! domesticity! soft!logan pregnancy
author's note: this was inspired by the kacey musgraves song! just wanted to write some fluff :)
divider credit: @/roseraris
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within these cabin walls, time stood still. logan liked his life and the time machine he's built himself. you and him live in a 60's dream home.
during the weekdays, logan went to work at the lumberyard while you stayed at home and worked on your paintings. when the two of you moved in together years ago, logan got you to agree to quit your job and prioritize your talents since he was able to do triple the amount of work for a normal man, money would never an issue.
on saturday's, the two of you would go into town and you would bring your art pieces to a shop downtown for them to sell. whatever money you made, you put back towards the supplies you needed because logan covered everything else.
"well, don't 'cha look like a dream" logan compliments as he watches you get ready in the mirror.
"thank you, sugar." you smile as he leans down to kiss your temple then down to your cheek.
"prettiest fuckin' thing i've ever seen." he mutters against your skin. "is this new?"
both of your eyes fall down to the satin powder blue slip dress that adorned your frame. he loved the way it looked with your pretty white mary jane boots and the small bump blooming underneath the soft material of your dress.
"yeah, picked it up earlier this week." you reply, removing the curlers in your hair and teasing the pieces of hair up high.
"love it." logan says, nibbling at your earlobe.
"logan..." you giggle, lightly shoving him away. "go get dressed so we can leave."
"yes, ma'am."
reluctantly, logan gets up and grabs the nice outfit you put together for him earlier. a fresh pair of denim jeans, a white shirt and his brown leather jacket. as an anniversary present one year, you got logan a silver star shaped belt buckle that matched the necklace he got for your birthday when you two first met. in the mirror, you watched him put it on.
"whatcha thinkin' about over there, sweetheart?" he smirks, looking up to find your eyes.
"dippin' you in honey."
"dirty. i like it."
"not like that, perv." you giggle. "just wanna be stuck to you forever."
"that's sweet." he says, walking over, bending down, and gently grabbing your chin to kiss you.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
once the two of you make it inside the tiny shop, logan brings in your painting while you greet the older ladies who own the building. all of them fawn over logan and your round tummy; telling you how lucky you are. something you never let yourself forget.
"you'll never believe what we picked up the gala last weekend." one of the grey haired women tells you.
"what did you two find?" you asked, always curious to their treasures.
"the hell kinda painting is this?" logan asks, looking sideways at one of the paintings on the wall.
the sight makes you laugh. no matter how long you two have been together, logan still struggles to see some of the beauty that you do in certain art pieces.
"i think the handsome lumberjack found it." the other lady winked as they guide you over to where logan stood. hanging upon the wall sat a velvet elvis painting.
"oh my!" you gasp.
ever since you were a little girl, you adored the painting that some would call 'tacky'.
"you like that, sweets?" he questions but you ignore it, stepping closer, running a finger along the golden frame.
"my grandma used to have one in her living room, it was her most prized possession –well, next to my grandpa."
behind you, logan could see the couple smiling to each other. too busy amazed by the painting to notice anything else around you.
“what a lucky find!” you marvel, turning around to face them.
“which is why we want you to have it.” one of them says while the other takes it down from the wall.
in shock, you shake your head insisting that you couldn’t allow them to give it away. they insist on you two taking it home, telling you to hang it somewhere nice. logan wasn’t exactly thrilled to have the painting in the home but he knew you adored it so he would never say a word out loud.
on the way home that night, you raved about the piece. logan loved hearing you talk about the things you were passionate about. he could listen to you explain color theory for hours. his own personal, prettier version of bob ross. when he brought in the painting, you told him exactly where you wanted to hang it in the living room.
“right there, baby.” you instruct him. “be careful.”
the man couldn’t be hurt if he tried but he found your warning cute. once it was hung up, you both step back to admire it. the art work did at least match the aesthetic of the house, logan could admit.
“i mean, its no mona lisa but i don’t mind it.” logan says, pulling you in to kiss your forehead.
“you know, i don’t really care for the mona lisa.” you admit with a shrug.
“mhm, don’t like that everyone fawns over it. i want character, creativity, and something unique."
"hm.." he hums, swaying you gently.
"this painting reminds me of you." your voice meek and muffled against his shirt.
"is that so?" he asks, looking down at you.
you nod. "i want something no one else has and something no one else will ever understand the way that i do. you're my favorite work of art, lo."
"i'm only a work of art because you carved and molded me with your beautiful mind." he says, trying to allow a tear to fall down his face.
logan couldn't believe the life he'd been gifted after all the shit he's dealt with in his lifetime. he didn't deserve this; he didn't deserve you. your kindness, your warmth, your talent, your body that carries the only other human he will ever love as much as you. he would never be able to repay you for this little life and slice of peace that you've gifted him.
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willowsnook · 1 day
Only one bed??? (LN)
lando norris x teammate!reader
a/n: anytime i saw this trope on wattpad back in the day i went feral so enjoy me reliving my past
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Raindrops were quickly streaming down the plane window next to you and your hands were gripping on the handrests, knuckles turning white. Because of a post race meeting going way over time, you and your teammate were the last to leave Monza and had not made it past the storms that headed towards Monaco. The jet was silent, just you, Lando, and the plane staff but no words were spoken. You wouldn't necessarily say that you and Lando were enemies but you definitely weren't friends. More like awkward teammates.
It bothered you though. It seems like Lando had a special relationship with almost anyone he had been teammates with besides you. You had tried to be outwardly friendly when you joined McLaren but were met with indifference. After the first few months you gave up and settled into this routine. The team was disappointed too, they had expected Lando to mentor you as a rookie but that hadn't happened. The sound of the plane's speaker turning on brought you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry guys, we are going to have to make an emergency landing in the next ten minutes due to this storm."
You felt your pulse quicken and you looked over to Lando who gave you a worried look. Tugging your seatbelt tighter you closed your eyes for what felt like eternity until the plane landed. Following Lando out and down the stairs, you both rushed to a car that was waiting, piling in the back seat.
"There's a hotel a mile from here, I'll take you guys there and we should be good to go in the morning to Monaco," the driver said and you both nodded. The world was raging outside and you wondered if the car would even make it to the hotel. It wasn't a nice building, very standard for a small town you imagined but at the moment you'd be happy with anything out of the storm.
Dragging your carry on behind you, the clerk blinked up in surprise at the sight of you both walking in, dripping all over the floor. You gave her an exhausted smile.
"Hi, we need two rooms please," you said and she looked to her computer.
"Unfortunately, I only have one available," she said and you laughed, refusing to believe it. She raised an eyebrow.
"Are you serious?" You asked looking around at the dinky lobby wondering how it was even possible this place was filled up.
"Yeah, we had a lot of people stop to ride out the storm," she snapped back. "Do you want it or not?"
"Yes, we'll take it," Lando said, moving around you and laying down his card. He nudged you towards the hallway once she gave him the key. Taking the key from him you swiped it to the door pushing your way through. You stopped short once you saw the inside.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," you said and Lando ran in to the back of you. Things could really not get worse.
"One bed Lando," you said laughing hysterically. "One fucking bed! Amazing, just what I wanted."
You were losing it and you could tell he knew that by the wide eyed look he was giving you. A loud thunder crash boomed from outside causing you to jump into Lando who reached out his arms to steady you. You looked down at his hands and he quickly removed them before moving around you and unzipping his bag.
"What are you doing?" You asked warily and he didn't look up.
"Getting ready for bed," he replied. "It's one night, y/n, we will manage."
Sighing you kneeled down to unzip your bag, pulling out your pajama set and heading to the bathroom to change. Washing your face and brushing your teeth, you tried not to think about how awkward this whole situation was.
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Lando looked up at you from where he had already situated himself and tossed his head back groaning.
"You can't be serious," he said and you gave him a confused look.
"You can't wear that." he said and you frowned looking down at your clothes.
"I can see your whole chest in that top," he complained crossing his arms.
"Then close your eyes," you snapped pulling back the covers. You started moving the extra pillows in between you.
"What are you doing?" Lando asked.
"Making a pillow wall," you replied settling in.
"Are you really that scared of touching me?" He said irritably.
"It's more for your sake considering you hightail it out of any room I walk into," you bite back and he doesn't say anything, just looks away towards the window.
Snuggling into the sheets you watch tik toks on your phone for a while before trying to fall asleep. That task feels impossible due to the flashing lights and lack of heat in the room. Sighing you reach over for your phone to see that it's not even midnight. You let out a frustrated groan.
"What's wrong?" Lando mumbles sleepily.
"Nothing, I just can't sleep," you whisper back at him. The bed shifted and you turned to see Lando looking at you, propped up on his elbow.
"Are you cold?" He murmured, waking up.
"A little," you sighed and he started moving the pillows, scooting closer to you. "What are you doing?"
"Just come here," he said and you gave in, letting him slide behind you, his arm going across your waist. Warmth instantly flooded your body.
"You think the team would be shocked to see us like this?" You asked and he let out a little laugh.
"Yeah, I would imagine so," he said, tracing circles on your arm with his thumb.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked looking over at Lando.
"Why don't you like me?" You whispered and he frowned.
"I do like you," he said looking sadly at you and you shook your head.
"I'm not stupid, I see how you are with everyone else," you said. "I just don't know what I did."
Lando sat up, pulling you with him until you were seated and looking in his eyes.
"It's not you y/n, I promise, it's me," he said and you rolled his eyes.
"Very helpful Lando," you grumbled and he shook his head.
"I got scared when they signed you because I knew the expectations that it brung for me," he said and you looked at him confused. "You are the rookie, I'm the veteran but I'm just not ready to be the veteran. I feel like I still have so much to learn but now I'm supposed to be teaching you."
"Why didn't you say anything? All of that is so understandable," you said, frustration growing. He looked down.
"It's just easier now to keep you at a distance," he said. "If you were a guy it would be so much better."
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You said angrily and his head snapped up, eyes filled with panic.
"No no I didn't mean it like that," he stuttered.
"Then how did you mean it?"
"Come on, y/n," he said gesturing his hands out. "You know you're hot, the whole grid knows you're hot. You distract me so avoiding you keeps me focused."
Lando looks sheepish as you glare at him not saying anything.
"You've made the first half of my F1 career borderline miserable just because you think I'm hot?"
"Yeah I guess so," he said eyes flickering down to your chest.
"And now you are blatantly checking me out," you whisper yelled at him and he put his hands up to cover his eyes.
"It's kind of hard when you are sitting here half naked next to me," he groaned.
You tried to move back to your side of the bed but another round of thunder boomed outside causing you to jump back. Your legs being tangled in the blankets threw you off balance and you landed down on Lando's chest. When you lifted your head up, your lips were inches from his lips.
He smirked and you tried to push yourself off of him but he held you tight against him.
"Lando," you warned and he smirked wider. "Don't even think about it."
He hesitated but you didn't move away. His eyes flicked up to yours questioning and when you didn't say anything he leaned forward meeting your lips.
The kiss started off soft but soon grew more aggressive. You slid over to straddle him and felt him harden under you, gasping into the kiss. You pulled back, breathing hard sitting back and he leaned up to kiss you again but you pushed him back.
"Promise me, things are going to change," you said and he smirked.
"I guess there are a few things I can teach you."
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lightseoul · 1 day
cw. gn!reader, worker!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (25), pining (the tiniest bit), a lot of cussing (typical of bkg), reader has an ex-boyfriend, reader is alluded to being smaller than bkg
part 1, part 2 (they're all bite-sized, dw)
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You drop your new 0.38 ballpoint pen and it goes tumbling down, down, to the pristine carpeted floor.
Right where your jaw is.
“My what?”
The man of the hour has the audacity to scoff and roll his eyes.
Is it too late to actually follow through with your fantasy of strangling him?
As if he’s daring you to go for it, he tosses you the nth annoyed look of the night. “What did I just fucking say about not making me say things twice?”
You feel yourself flush with what you think is anger and embarrassment. “Bakugou, sir—”
“And I thought I told you to stop calling me that.”
That’s it.
Before you know it, you’re already on your feet, stalking your way toward the man with the proverbial steam coming out of your nose and ears. His eyes widen in surprise as you get closer and closer before you stop right in front of his desk, towering over him for once.
“My date? Really?” You sound so incredulous, even to yourself, and you can’t help the seed of pride that blossoms over what you think is worry dancing across his features. He’s out of his goddamn mind, and between the two of you, you’re not about to be the only whose feathers are visibly ruffled over this dumb-as-shit idea. He has no business being so cool about it.
Never mind that your heart is hammering in exasperation.
Yes, just that.
Shaking your head, you press on. “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re coworkers.”
You gesture to the space between you, and he merely raises his eyebrow in response with his strong arms crossed in front of his chest—snobbish as ever. “You’re my boss and I’m your underling. And I’m the HR head, for crying out loud.”
You pause to debate whether or not to say the next thing before deciding fuck it. “And what makes you think I don’t have—”
“Do you?”
Your face scrunches involuntarily at being cut off, “What?”
He leans forward, not breaking eye contact as if he’s challenging you. “Do you have a boyfriend?” He cocks his head to the side, “Or a date, at the very least?”
Your voice is small when you respond with the pitiful truth.
At that, Bakugou grins. If you didn’t know any better, you would say the fucking behemoth of a man looked pleased. He pushes against the edge of his desk, effectively creating a much more appropriate distance between the two of you. “Well, that settles it then. I’ll be your dashing date, we show up to your shitty ex’s wedding, and I finally teach that dickhead a lesson or two.”
A million questions start racing in your head, like: Why is this his first solution to the problem? Did he even consider whether or not you wanted to go in the first place? What did he mean by finally? And just—why?
But the one you manage to stammer out is: “Dude—what the fuck are you going to do? Are you about to mangle a guy at his wedding?!”
He looks at you like you just unceremoniously bit his ass. “What? No. What do you take me for, a brainless Nomu who just goes apeshit?”
You can only grumble in response. Yes, sometimes.
He sighs for the umpteenth time as if you’re the one who has steered the already unpleasant conversation into this bizarre topic. He stands up from his seat, and you’re back to being the one looking up at him.
The same thing probably registers in his mind because a smug look takes over his features within seconds.
“And, if you must know, I’m going to do so by being the best trophy date ever.”
You fight the reflex to choke at his words. Instead, you squint your eyes and muster your most scrutinizing gaze. “Why are you doing this?”
Bakugou doesn’t respond for a while, choosing to circle his desk and plant himself to your right. Before you can even comprehend what’s going on, let alone jerk back at the proximity, he bends toward you until his mouth is a breadth away from your ear. His minty breath tickles your skin when he finally says: “I’m a hero, remember?”
With that, the “hero” in question sashays to the glass doorway like he didn’t just drop a bomb on you, leaving you slackjawed and unresponsive.
He’s almost out of view by the time you manage to collect yourself and blurt out a reply.
“Hey, where are you going? We still have work to do.”
“Relax,” he calls out from the hallway, his voice receding as he walks farther and farther away from you. “’m just gonna take a piss.”
When you’re sure he’s out of earshot, you slump back in your seat, all the strength that’s left apparently having dissipated after that ludicrous exchange.
How could he throw every caution to the wind just like that? Did he forget he was just one spot away from being number 1? His PR team is going to kill both of you for even thinking this.
As you wait for Bakugou to finish his trip to the comfort room, you can’t help but contemplate the absurd idea. Needless to say, and despite Bakugou’s apparent nonchalance, there’s planning involved.
What are people going to say? If (once) the people from your agency—no, anyone who knows the #2 Prohero, really (which is virtually everyone)—find out, you’re toast. You’re going to be the subject of every tabloid in Musutafu—no, the entirety of Japan and maybe even in some news sites overseas—and you are absolutely not ready for that scrutinization.
And all that over a one-day fake dating stint? You’ve got to be kidding yourself.
But the more you think about it, the less foreign and preposterous the idea becomes. You know you shouldn’t even be considering it, but you can’t help it.
Getting dumped by your boyfriend over the phone only for him to reconnect with his high school sweetheart (did they even ever lose touch?) and get engaged five months later was humbling enough, let alone going to his wedding alone?
The first, obvious answer when you first saw the invite in the mail was to not go. But the more you sat on it, the more you realized how pitiful it would be to be a no-show. Was not going wiser than going alone? Probably. But you’re sick of hiding— avoiding—and you promised yourself this year that you’ll be facing your fears head-on.
Chewing your lip in deep reflection, your brain drifts back to the very person who came up with the proposition.
He seemed sure and determined enough—and it wasn’t like Bakugou to not be calculating and to not have everything mapped out, as similar as he can be to a raging bull. He probably has thought about the consequences to the T, in the few minutes of processing your situation, potentially more than you have.
And damn it, the man is attractive.
If there’s anyone you’d bring to your ex’s wedding to make him regret everything he did to you, it would be Bakugou Katsuki. Although you’d never admit it to the man even if you were held at gunpoint.
Speak of the devil.
You startle at the sound of his gruff voice, abruptly dragging you out of your reverie.
He’s now standing beside you, hands in his pockets and face studying yours closely as if he’s searching for something.
You stare him back down before you finally decide on what to say.
You can’t believe what you’re about to do.
Gulping, you maintain your gaze. “Are you sure about this?”
“Would I be suggesting it if I wasn’t?”
Fair point.
To your surprise, Bakugou crouches down to regard you and you find yourself directly face-to-face. Despite yourself, you gulp in nervousness at the sudden proximity, and you think he notices because the jackass has the nerve to flash you a smirk.
You furrow your brows in an attempt to regain your composure and any semblance of control over the situation. “And you’re sure you’re gonna succeed as, and I quote, my ‘trophy date?’”
He sneers, although he doesn’t seem to be offended by your challenge. It’s probably because the statement means nothing to him—at this exact moment, the guy is practically oozing with confidence.
Bakugou chuckles, and you find yourself grateful that you’re seated because the next thing he is about to say instantly floors you.
“One thing about me, princess, is that I always win.”
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tagging. @kitthepurplepotato @chelbyisbord @lovra974 @katsukis1wife @brunnetteiwik @bunnysaursushii
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fatkish · 3 days
The Hashira and their Children
(Gyomei is introducing his chubby newborn baby to the other Hashira)
Gyomei: This is Yusuke. Y/n just gave birth to him a few weeks ago.
Mitsuri: aww! He’s so cute!
Shinobu: he looks just like you
Gyomei: would you guys like to hold him?
(After everyone but Sanemi has held the baby)
Gyomei: Shinazugawa, would you like to hold Yusuke?
Sanemi: *holding Yusuke* you look like a lump of mochi
Baby Yusuke: *face contorts and he starts to cry*
Mitsuri: Sanemi, how could you? You made him cry
Tengen: nice going Sanemi
Sanemi: *grumbling as he hands Yusuke to Gyomei* I didn’t mean to make him cry
(Kyojuro and Y/n are trying to take a family picture but their 3 year old won’t stop crying)
Y/n: what are we going to do, they won’t stop crying?
Kyojuro: Just give them a box of raisins
Y/n: Seriously?
Kyojuro: *pulls out box of raisins and hands it to his child* there see
Three year old: *immediately stops crying and is waving the raisins around*
Y/n: I swear they get that from you
(Sanemi was left at home to look after his 4 year old and 1 year old alone. He was watching them but took a small nap. He wakes up to find his oldest has drawn all over his 1 year old in marker)
Sanemi: what did you do to your brother?
Four year old: *holding the marker* wasn’t me
1 year old: *laughing*
Sanemi: *mumbles to himself* help me clean your brother up now
(Conversation between Kyojuro, Sanemi and Tengen)
Tengen: I’m pretty sure my neighbor thinks I’m a terrible father
Sanemi: just ignore them
Kyojuro: you’re not a terrible father, what makes you say that?
Tengen: they saw me chasing my naked three year old twins around the front lawn. Again
Kyojuro: why were you chasing them
Sanemi: wait, what do you mean again
Tengen: they finished taking their bathes but refused to put clothes on
Tengen: then they unlocked the front door and began running around. As soon as I caught one, I’d start chasing the other, but the one in my hands would slip out as soon as I caught the other one. My neighbors saw the whole thing
Y/n: *walks into the bathroom where their five year old son is* oh my god! What did you do
Son: *smiles and looks at their mom*
Sanemi: *comes running in* what’s wrong? What happened?
Y/n: take a look at your son, notice anything missing
Sanemi: *stares for a minute* what happened to your eyebrows?
Son: I gets rid of them. Now daddy and I match
Y/n: *turns away snickering*
Sanemi: OI!
Kyojuro: *is asleep*
3 year old: Daddy wake up
Kyojuro: *continues to sleep*
3 year old: *grabs TV remote and proceeds to smack Kyojuro with it* Daddy up!
Kyojuro: ow! I’m up
(Giyuu, y/n and their 5 year old are in their backyard)
Y/n: and just what do you think you’re doing?
5 year old: *holding a giant Japanese salamander like it’s a stuffed animal* I found him, can we keep him?
Y/n: *looks at the salamander that’s as big as their child* where did you even find that
5 year old: in the river… so… can we keep him?
Y/n: *flabbergasted* where do you expect to put him?
5 year old: in the pond with the fish
Y/n: I’m sorry but that thing will eat the fish
Y/n: *looks at Giyuu* you want to say anything?
Giyuu: …. We could build a second pond for him
Y/n: *throws hands in the air* seriously
Giyuu: what’s his name?
5 year old: Mr. Flabbs
Y/n: honey, do you know where our daughter is?
Gyomei: I believe she is in the kitchen….
Y/n: *after walking into the kitchen* oh my god no! Spit that out!
3 year old: *runs out of the kitchen*
Y/n: Gyomei catch her!
Gyomei: *catches daughter and holds her up*
Y/n: spit that out right now!
3 year old: *spits out cockroach into Gyomei’s hand*
Gyomei: please tell me this isn’t what I think it is
Y/n: I wish I could
(Y/n, Sanemi and their 3 year old are at an appliance store)
Y/n: *looking at washing machines with Sanemi* what do you think of this…. Where’s our child?
Sanemi: they were right here
Y/n: *look’s around and is mortified* oh please no
Sanemi: what?
Three year old: *is sitting on one of the display toilets with their pants down singing while grunting*
Y/n: stay here while I get the wet wipes
Sanemi: *covers his face in shame*
Store attendant: *trying so hard not to laugh*
(Obanai, Mitsuri and y/n are giving their 2 and 3 year olds a bath in the tub)
Obanai: *leaves the bathroom to grab something real quick*
Y/n: how are the kids?
Obanai: just got them into the bath
Mitsuri: *getting the kid’s pajamas ready* they are just so cute
3 year old: *shouting* boat! A boat!
Y/n: did you put toys in the tub?
Obanai: no, we don’t even have any boat toys
Mitsuri: then what is…
Obanai, y/n and Mitsuri: *runs into the bathroom*
(They walk into the bathroom to see their 2 and 3 year olds in the tub with a turd floating around)
3 year old: look a boat!
Mitsuri: *covers her face*
Y/n: *scrambles to quickly remove the kids from the tub*
Obanai: *disgusted as he empties the tub and removes the turd* I’ll run another bath
Y/n: *looks to Mitsuri* still think they’re cute?
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I made a mistake in my request so please delete it! Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, and Halsin reacting to his gn crush telling him that they're not worthy to be with him please?
“Worthy? Pft. When is anyone worthy of anything darling? Who decides who is worthy? We simply have to reach out and take it! And I’ve already grown quite fond of you.”
In truth, bile rises in Astarion’s throat when you say those words. He knows what it means to feel unworthy. To feel unworthy to live. To breathe. To exist. For you, the only person he’s ever cared for & truly cared for him in return, to feel this way makes him sick. Unfortunately he’s the worst person to fix this problem. He’s never felt ‘worthy’ of anything in his whole life.
“There is no possible version of a story where you are not worthy. To or for me. You have seen me at my lowest. My most humbled. A time when it would have been easy to turn your back on me, yet you stayed. If that does not make you worthy, then there is no one worthy.”
In truth, Wyll’s dejected that you feel this way. To fail someone else so important to him. To lose your trust and respect. He has always tried to be the most upstanding version of himself & to do right, but if he can make even the person he loves feel unworthy, he is not fit to call himself the Blade; or a man.
“How could you think such a thing? If anyone is ‘unworthy’ in our relationship, it’s me. I ask so much of you, yet give so little by compare. Your courage. Your compassion. Your love for me has made you more worthy than anyone else I have ever known. I aspire to be half the man you damine me to be.”
In truth, Gale feels heart broken that you feel this way. How was it that he was failing another lover again? Clearly by his own selfishness once more. He resolves to make you feel as worthy as possible for the remainder of your time together; however long or short that may be. This wrong must obviously be rectified.
“Don't sell yourself short. I have tried all my life to be worthy. Worthy of the title of Arch Druid. Worthy of Oak Father's blessing enough to end the Shadow Curse. But I always found myself wanting. When I am with you though, I find myself finally worthy of some of the praise in my life. You bring more worth to my life than words can imagine. It is no small thing."
In truth, Halsin knows what it is like to feel this way, as mentioned above, and he cannot stand the thought that he made you, even for a moment, feel this way. He has always gone with the way nature intended, but perhaps he could try to be a little more nurturing to his relationship with you. He won’t have you feel this way ever again.
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xiaominghao · 2 days
Prettiest eyes in the universe
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Genre: fluff.
Pairing: Vernon x fem!reader.
Warnings: none.
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"Can we buy some marshmallows?" you suddenly askedas you walked toward the store checkout.
"Right, you don't have any..." Vernon whispered to himself, looking at the shopping list you wrote before going out. "Sure."
When you reached the candy aisle, you grabbed two bags of different brands, unsure which one to take, so you brought both to the register where Vernon was waiting patiently.
"Tell me, which one do you prefer?" You placed both bags at shoulder height, he stared at you but said nothing. "... Then?"
"Yeah?" Vernon tilted his head slightly, blinking fast a couple times.
"Please, help me" you smiled awkwardly, behind you was a person waiting for their turn and didn't seem to be friendly.
"Whatever you want, princess" He replied with a shrug.
You sighed and left one bag in the cart to return the other to its place, then you went to the register to help with the bags.
On the way back to home, you were walking down a nearby alley and there was a beautiful fluffy cat resting in a planter.
"Hey, is our little neighbor" you said with joy and leaned to the cat, who stood up to greet you with a meow. "Do you think his owner knows he sneaks out to sleep here?"
You turned to Vernon waiting for his response, to tell one of his out-of-context jokes, but he just stood there, gazing at you fondly. As you smiled, you both resumed the way to home.
After putting away the groceries to its place, you took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes, thinking about wath you should cook for dinner.
"Yesterday we had spicy food, what about hotcackes?" you asked while tying your hair.
Hearing no response, you turned around, only to find him sitting on the bed looking at you with a big smile on his lips. You sighed deeply.
"Hansol, you've been too quiet all this time" you said with some concern, looking at him with tender gaze. "Do you wanna tell me something?"
Vernon stood up from the bed and walked towards you, he remained silent for a while, then he cleared his throat.
"Recently, I've been thinking..." Vernon made a small pause and gave you a warm smile. "My princess has the prettiest brown eyes in this universe"
You felt your cheeks starting to burn as you bursted out in laughter, covering your face with both hands. He liked to do it, saying those kind of things out of blue; for you it may seems like a game of his, but for him is the perfect excuse to make you smile.
Watching you that happy is all he needs to have the perfect day.
You caught your breath, drying the small tears in the corner of your eyes, and then you took his face in your hands like the most precious thing that ever existed.
"C'mon, Hansol" you said softly, looking him straight in the eyes "You have the prettiest brown eyes in this universe"
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pixelscutz · 2 days
boyfriend kenji sato headcannons ✶⋆.˚
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boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - will need you to help release his feelings since he’s known to keep them to himself until he bursts
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - doesn't have a clue about what he’s doing while cooking
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - worried about where you are 24/7
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - huge keshi fan
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - belives in the “dating to marry” rule
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - loves making you two tea and ramen, as those are the only thing he knows how to make
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - loves taking care of kids, especially getting to spoil them with random toys
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - secretly wants your approval over everything he does
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - extremely patient with you when it comes to sex, and will listen towards what you do and don’t feel comfortable with
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - a huge fan of small gestures, like cooking food for you after a long day or buying you chocolate for your period cramps
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - loves when the screen turns towards you during his baseball games
boyfriend kenji sato ✶⋆.˚ - answers you texts right away, even while he’s busy
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vrystalius · 1 day
could you do hashira men with an s/o that's taller than them? (idk how this would work for gyomei since hes a literal beast)
Being taller than the hashira
How will they react to their s/o being taller than them?
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x gn!reader
Sanemi Shinazugawa (179cm, 5’10")
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You just can’t stop annoying him for being taller, can you? You with the head-pats, weather jokes and whatnot. It annoys Sanemi to no end how Genya is taller than him, someone who’s supposed to be smaller just because of his age, and now you’re doing it too! You’re supposed to be his spouse, damn it! Stop holding things above his head where he can’t reach it! He’s completely average height! Why are you even teasing him like this? It’s not Sanemi’s fault you’re rivalling the height of a mountain, so why make it his problem that you’re insecure, huh?!
Also, do not even dare to pet his head like you would with a child. He will kick your leg or break your kneecaps when you do it. He’s a grown man and doesn’t need you joking to him everyday that Sanemi’s going to get taken away during the Christmas period to work in Santa’s workshop as an elf. (Let’s pretend Santa exists in the Taisho Era)
“Never pat my head again. NEVER. And now fuck off or I’ll ignore your ass for the next week, no kisses, no nothing.”
Kyojuro Rengoku (177cm, 5’10")
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It’s very amusing and adorable to him. Kyojuro needs to lift his face a little to properly face you and tip-toe a little to kiss you. It’s one of his favourite things in the world. Also, another thing he loves about you being taller than him is how comfortable it is to hug and hold you. Once he wraps his arms around your waist he can perfectly nuzzle his face against and into your warm chest.
It’s very endearing to him how you have to lean down to kiss him on the lips and how you sometimes pat his head as a greeting or just randomly without a reason. It makes Kyojuro’s whole day when you ruffle his hair a little everytime your hand touches the top of his head.
He sometimes hears from Tengen’s wives how they steal Tengen’s clothes to wear them, and he wanted to test this out himself. His clothes are too tight and small on you, but your clothes somehow fit him perfectly. They’re a little oversized, but that’s what makes them so comfortable. Kyojuro steals your clothes daily and wears them around the house with a huge smile.
“Oh, is that a new shirt, my love? May I try it on as well? It looks very comfortable!”
Gyomei Himejima (220cm, 7’2")
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It was very surprising to him when he first met you. Gyomei believed that no one is capable of being taller than him, but you proved him wrong. He almost pitied you for towering over everything, like him. Due to his height, many people find him intimidating and scary, something you probably experienced yourself as well. He is very curious about your own experiences about being so tall and how people act around you.
Also, Gyomei feels very comfortable around you. He’s actually glad that his spouse is a little taller than him, that way he’s not afraid of scaring you with his height alone. He asked you not to tell anyone in case people ask, but he adores being the little spoon snd being held by you during the nights. It makes him feel just a little safer and more loved.
“My love, may I lay my head against your chest? You’re incredibly warm…”
Giyu Tomioka (176cm, 5’9")
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Your height makes him slightly insecure about his own height. Giyu knows that he’s not the tallest of them all and that you can’t influence your height, but he’s just average. Average in fighting, average-to-worst-hashira, average in protecting, and now average in height. Seeing you tower over him like that… it just stings a little.
Yet, he likes when you have to lean down to kiss Giyu. It makes him flustered how you sometimes tilt his chin and lean down. One time, you lifted him up into your arms and peppered his face in kisses, then putting him back down and walking off. You left him behind to get all flustered and embarrassed. It makes him… feel things when you can throw him around with ease. It’s embarrassing, incredibly so, but he just can’t deny it to himself how much he actually likes it. He just really hopes you won’t notice.
“Put me down. Please. Pretty please.”
I know this is short, so forgive me! I want to post at least two things today and take advantage of my sickday as much as possible :P! Hope you enjoyed reading it and thank you so much for requesting! This was fun!
Anyways, take care of yourselves <3
Make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!!
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asharasasylum · 8 hours
But I'm a Creep
♡  Yandere!Co-worker Choso Kamo x reader
warnings: non con. dub con. dark. submissive and whiny Choso. virgin! Choso. smut. pre-ejaculation. kidnapping. choso w social anxiety. captive reader. violence (tiny bit) 18+ MDNI
You had no idea your shy co-worker harboured such a crush on you, not until you find yourself tied up in his bed.
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You whined as he wrapped his mouth around your abused nipple, tears spilling from your eyes at the painful sensation. It had been pleasurable at first, about an hour ago when you awoke to him fondling you but now your nipples were sore and tired from the constant sucking and licking being inflicted on you from your kidnapper. 
Kidnapper. The man that had abducted you. Someone that you barely really knew except from passing encounters at work. 
Choso Kamo was the last person you had expected this from. 
So he was a bit strange according to your co-workers. And there were a few rumours that you had heard about him through mutual friends. But you chalked it all up to him just being a little different, a bit of an introvert compared to yourself. 
From the moment he was hired five months ago, Choso had been a hard nut to crack. He barely talked, only offering you a small head nod as he strolled into the store. He preferred to keep himself to the stock room rather than help out front. It wasn’t till you had seen some girls from campus clearly staring and giggling at him a few weeks into the job, that you actually had your first proper interaction with him. 
The girls were being cruel, you could see in the way they stuck up their noses and eyed him out of the corner of their eyes. All while Choso was simply trying to fix one of the display stands. 
He clearly noticed them, fingers trembling as he fiddled with the stack of DVDs in his hand. But you could tell he was just trying to ignore them, hoping they’d possibly get bored and walk away. 
You couldn’t just ignore them, not when your blood boiled at the mere sight of what they were doing. Before you even realised it, you were standing in front of them, blocking their vision of Choso with a tight smile spread across your face. 
“Can I help you?” You asked, eyes flickering between each of the girls. 
They grew quiet, amusement dropping from their faces as they looked between each other. 
“Well if you couldn’t find everything today, I do apologise. But we are closing for the day.” You motioned to the door with a pointed glare. 
They all scrambled out of the store, muttering things under their breath that you didn’t care to hear before you turned to Choso. 
You crouched down to where he was still fumbling with the DVDs, noticing the tinge of pink that covered the tops of his ears. 
“You okay?” You asked, reaching out to place your hand on top of his. 
He snatched his hand away, finally turning to you with a flushed face. 
“Sorry.” You smiled at him, taking your hand back. 
“I-I’m fine,” he nervously laughed, nodding his head. 
“Did you know them?” 
“Uh-them?” He pointed to where the girls had been standing and you nodded. “Um-no. I-I guess maybe in passing.” He swallowed, eyes meeting yours for a second before flickering away.
“They’re dicks,” you told him, hoping to lighten the mood. “Best to just ignore them.” 
“Y-yeah,” he agreed, before returning to what he had previously been doing. 
You hadn’t really expected a change in your relationship after that but Choso seemed to warm to you. But the next day, he actually spoke your name, greeting you with a small smile before he went into the back. 
You and Choso had small interactions after that, but nothing that would make you think he would do this. 
The guy could barely speak two words to you last week. His eyes barely ever directly looked into yours and he nervously stuttered every time you thanked him over a simple task. The only conversations you had consisted of two words from him so to think he could do this? That he had harboured some sort of crush on you. 
The possibility had never crossed your mind. It only seemed reality as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, licking at the subtle skin he had spent time marking up. 
It was only hours ago he had offered you a lift home from work and now you had found yourself with your wrists tied to his bed, completely naked underneath him. 
“Please,” he whimpered, sucking at the skin of your neck. “I need you so bad.” 
You barely registered what he was saying, too focused on the way his fingers were sliding over your soaked folds. He clearly knew what he was doing, making you a wet fucked out mess before you’d even been able to cum. It had you wondering if he had been with a girl before, if the way he acted in the store with you had all just been some sort of act. 
The thought was pushed away as soon as he whimpered again, pressing his wet cheeks into your neck. “I need you to need me,” he said, almost on the verge of sobbing. “Y/N.” 
The mere mention of your name had you peeling your eyes open, only to find yourself fighting off shutting them again when his fingers pressed into your clit. You hissed at the sensation, trying to bite down the noises that were stirring in the back of your throat. But it was near impossible when his fingers prodded at your entrance, threatening to force them into your walls. 
You tried to protest against him but your screams were muffled through the cloth placed between your lips and with your hands tied there was nothing you could do. 
Your toes curled when he forced two fingers into his entrance and even though you cried against the cloth, you knew he could feel your walls sucking him in. Especially when you felt him smile against your skin, lifting his head so he could look at you. 
“You like this,” he questioned, curling his fingers inside of you, eager for a reaction. “Got to tell me, baby.” 
The moan was lost in your throat and even though your pussy was leaking all over him, the confirmation clearly wasn’t enough. 
It was only when another noise of you was strangled between the cloth did he poke at it, knitting his brows together as he asked, “Need me to take this out for you?” 
You nodded frantically, practically begging him. 
“You can’t scream.” He narrowed his eyes at you, clearly questioning whether it was a good idea or not. “Sukuna said I shouldn’t.” 
You knew that name, his older brother, you remembered. He was the one that had got Choso a job in the first place. You hadn’t met him, he had left the store long before you started but to think he knew you were in here and he didn’t care. It was sickening. 
“It’ll be better for you if you don’t try and scream. I don’t know what he’ll make me do to you if you do.” There was an uneasiness to his tone as if he was scared at the possibility and you hated the idea that Choso could do something worse to you. “Do you understand?” 
You gave him a small nod, hoping that would be enough for him. 
Thankfully it was, feeling his fingers pull at the cloth he had jammed in your mouth until it was all the way out. 
He watched you cautiously as he did so, waiting with his hand against your cheek in case you did try to scream. You didn’t though and you weren’t sure who it took more by surprise, you or the man hovering above you. 
“You okay?” 
It felt genuine the way he asked you, wide wet eyes looking down at you with some sort of concern. You couldn’t understand it and you weren’t sure if you really wanted to.
You gave him the faintest of nods, too fearful not to answer him with the way he stared at you, like he was desperate for an answer. 
It was only when his fingers delved deeper into you, did you realise what you unknowingly agreed to. You couldn’t help but moan as he slipped a third finger in, clawing at the restraints that bound your hands together. With each drag of his fingers against your spongy walls you felt the lines of consent begin to blur. 
He had brought you here against your own will, you reminded yourself. But had there been something that you did that eluded him to the idea that you wanted to be here? That this was right?
Choso wasn’t like the other guys at work, the horn dogs that drooled over anything with two legs and a hole they could slip it into. You could see it in the way he watched you now, his gaze darkening, the brown iris barely visible with how badly his eyes dilated. His lips parted and all that seemed to escape him were shallow breaths, as if he was enjoying this more than you. Like he was simply getting off on seeing you overcome with pleasure. 
Your body trembled at the idea of it, terrified and almost… excited? You couldn’t deny how close you were teetering towards your oncoming orgasm. Yet you were still fearful of the man on top of you, not entirely sure what he could be gaining out of this. 
“You want this,” he hummed, bringing his lips to rest against yours. “Don’t you?” 
You couldn’t deny him, not with how his eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to spill against your skin. So you agreed once more, lips moving against his as you squeaked out a small, “Yes.” 
He grinned at that, nudging his nose against yours as he connected your lips into a needy kiss. 
You whined into it, feeling his thumb circle your sensitive clit. You clenched around him instinctively, feeling your hips buck into him for more in which he was eager to give you. He didn’t waste any time, pressing his thumb into you while his fingers thrusted and curled into you, nudging against a sweet spot that had you moaning into his mouth. 
You were overly glad for his lips pressed to yours when you came, muffling the screams of pleasure that tore through your throat. Your thighs clamped around him, trying to push him away rather than keep him in. But Choso was an immovable object and you knew you just needed to come to terms with that. 
“Choso,” you yelped, squirming underneath him. 
His eyes widened at that, worried that you might begin to scream for release. 
You didn’t though but instead, breathlessly pleaded with him to stop. “Please, no more.” 
“I’m sorry,” he hushed you, pressing feather light kisses to your face as he distracted you from pulling his fingers from your walls. “You’re okay.” 
You weren’t entirely in agreement with that, feeling your walls still flutter with the after effects of the long awaited orgasm. But you were in no state to fight him on the matter either.
“You’re okay, right?” He lifted his face to look over you with that sad puppy look.
“I’m okay,” you told him, between a shaky breath. 
He seemed happy with your response, bringing his lips against yours once again. This kiss was sticky and desperate, Choso’s tongue sinking into your mouth as he explored it. He whined when you didn’t reciprocate, moving his tongue so deep into your mouth that you had to push it away with your own, or you’d choke on it. 
It had him smiling, your tongue finally moving against his even if it was in an attempt to fight back. He didn’t seem to care, or maybe he just didn’t realise, living in some sort of delusion that this was completely consensual, that this was what you wanted. 
He was eager for your confirmation, you finally realised. Desperate for it. 
“Choso,” you whispered, breaking free from the kiss as you twisted your head away. “Choso, can you-” You stopped yourself, turning to his face with a small pout. 
“Anything,” he responded, without even hearing the full question. 
“My hands.” You wiggled them underneath you, pressing your lips together as you jutted out your bottom lip. “They hurt.” You swallowed and whined, “Please.” 
He nodded, hands reaching over you to fumble with your restraints that had you tied to his bed. It only took a few seconds before your wrists were freed and you could pull your hands back to your side. It also wasn’t long before you began to use your new found freedom to slip away, only to be caught instantly with a hand wrapped around your wrist. 
You winced as Choso applied pressure to the fresh bruises, and yanked you back underneath him. 
“Try that again and I’ll have to tie you up again,” he warned, jaw clenching as he glared down at you. He quickly dropped his glare, eyes softening at you as he tried to mask his anger. But it was still there, you could see it in his rigid form that kneeled over yours. “I don’t want to hurt you. You're the last person I want to hurt, Y/N.” 
A chill ran over you as he ran a finger over your cheek, sliding it down your neck as his eyes followed the movement. He stopped once he reached your breast, swallowing at the sight of the abused flesh and licking his lips. 
“Please, don’t do that again.” His eyes flew back up to yours, his jaw tightening as he waited for your response. 
“I won’t do it again,” you told him, feeling unnerved by the way he stared at you. “I promise.” 
Relief seemed to wash over him, his body relaxing once again as his eyes fell downwards. “Good, good.” He licked his lips, cheeks darkening to red at the sight of something. 
You followed his gaze, widening at the sight of him in his boxers. The material clung to him, his bulge and the wet patch practically staring at you. You were so stuck on the sight of him, you barely noticed his hand dragging yours towards him, not until he was slipping it inside the article of clothing with a sigh. 
It was a sticky mess inside, cum coating your fingers before your hand found his cock. You weren’t really thinking, gripping it slightly in your hand as if you were entranced by it. You moved your hand over it, dragging it up and letting your fingers slide over the tip. It was only when he gasped at the touch, did you snap back to reality, snatching your hand back. 
You held it in front of you, slightly amazed at the sight of the cum that coated your fingers. Had he been touching himself this whole time? It wasn’t possible, both hands had been at you the whole time. But surely– 
“I know I shouldn’t have,” he said, eyes flickering towards your gaze. “Not before you anyway but-” His body folded over yours again, till you could feel his leaking cock touching your leg, the piece of clothing over it doing nothing to hide it. “-you don’t get how you make me feel. It just happened.” 
You swallowed at that, watching him as he leaned further into you. You knew what was going to happen and even though you knew some part of you wanted to fight against it, there was another sicker part that thought it’d be easier to succumb to it instead. That part had you widening your legs, making more space for him as he pressed his body against yours. 
“I’ll make you feel so good, I swear,” he whispered, rutting his hips against yours. “I promise.” You bit back a moan as he repeated his actions, feeling his bulge rub against your overly sensitive clit. “Make you feel good.”
“Okay,” you whispered. 
He stopped, eyes meeting yours again as if he didn’t quite hear you. 
You weren’t even sure you could quite hear what you were saying either, the words didn’t even feel like your own as they fell from your tongue. “Make me feel good then.” 
You had no time to act when Choso descended upon you, slipping his boxers down all while he kissed you. It was your turn to whine when you felt his cock slide against your folds, hissing into him as it ran over your clit. He seemed so content in just doing this, rubbing his cock between your folds as he mixed your juices with his. You were sure if you didn’t say anything he’d cum like this and be done with it, or feel the need to still take you again. 
“Choso,” you called, sliding your hand between your bodies. You found his cock, hard and wanting, finally grabbing his attention. “Inside me.” His eyes snapped towards yours. “I want it inside me.” 
His eyes widened as he withdrew from your lips, swallowing nervously as he peeled himself off of you slightly. 
“Choso?” You knitted your brows together, looking up at his flushed face. 
“I-uh-” he shifted, blinking as he looked down again. 
“It’s okay.” You comforted him, sliding his cock against yourself until you lined his tip up with your entrance. “Just push it in.” You guided him, bringing your hips up a bit so he partially slid in. “Like this.” 
Choso followed, pushing his hips into yours, groaning as he filled you to the hilt. Once he was all the way in, there was no stopping him. He was suddenly hooked on the feeling of being inside you, thrusting his hips back and forth continuously. He was so lost in it, sinking his face into your neck with such a deep whimper that you weren’t entirely sure you’d be able to break him from it. 
All you could do was take it and take it you did. 
You matched his moans with your own, wrapping your legs around him as he fucked you into the mattress. There was no denying it, everything felt right with Choso inside of you. You felt full to the brim. Your walls snugly wrapped around him, squeezing him, begging for more. 
“Feels so good,” he whispered into your ear, licking the shell of it. “I want to go deeper. Deeper.” 
You weren’t completely sure what he was talking about until his hands brought your legs up, folding them between your bodies. 
Oh deeper.
You swore you could feel him in your stomach at the angle, and the sensation had you mewling out his name. 
You weren’t at all surprised at how fast both of you were brought to the edge. You could feel your brain turning into mush at how well his cock was rutting itself in and out of you and you could feel Choso tightening his grip onto you, as his pace began to pick up. 
“So good.” He repeated the phrase over and over again, the sound of his moans vibrating through you as he did so. So good. Until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you felt yourself gushing all over him, your orgasm washing over you. So good. Until he was spilling inside of you, gasping at the feel of your walls milking him for all he had to offer. 
You were spent after that, the aftershocks still coursing through your body as he slowed himself to a stop. You weren’t even surprised when he didn’t pull himself out of you, collapsing on top of you and keeping himself buried inside you instead. He seemed satisfied— sedated as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck with a deep sigh. 
He seemed so content, body fully relaxed on top of yours that you didn’t want to break him away from it. But as you came back to the reality of your situation, you found yourself needing to say something, only too scared to break the silence you both rested in. 
Luckily for you, it wasn’t your words that broke the silence but a sudden knocking on Choso’s bedroom door, followed by a voice you could only imagine was Choso’s older brother. 
“Kid is out for another hour before you both need to shut up.” 
Choso didn’t seem to react, only sighing as he kissed your subtle skin. 
You parted your lips to speak, but you stopped yourself realising it might be better not to know. Not to understand. 
Instead you closed your eyes, sinking into his touch as he began to lick at the column of your neck and trace his fingers into your sides. You didn’t know what was going to happen after this but for a moment you were too tired to care. You just assumed you’d have to let him decide. 
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(Dividers by @cafekitsune)
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reblogs and comments are always appreciated
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apostaterevolutionary · 23 hours
I am so sorry, apparently it’s 2024 and I’m arguing about dragon age again lmao. How did I get here! Why is this happening!! Time is a flat circle!!!
Anyway. People can feel how they want about the past games not mattering in this game. If you’re cool with it, I’m happy for you. But there’s one particular argument in defence of this choice that is really, really bothering me and I have to rant
The thing I keep seeing is “well all this other stuff has nothing to do with the main plot or Rook, so it should be cut” and that’s. Not a good way to tell stories in my opinion. Because here’s the thing: it’s not about the Big Overall Plot. It’s about the characters that live in this world, big and small
I’m going to use the example of Varric and Hawke cause I think it’s the easiest to explain quickly. Varric is a storyteller. That’s the defining trait of his character. He tells stories, and sometimes they’re true and sometimes they’re not and sometimes it’s something in between. In DA2 he tells you about his brother. In inquisition, he talks about hawke and there’s banter about several of the companions. Most of these are just little one liners that don’t “serve the overall plot” but they serve Varric’s character
And that matters
So if we take this character known for telling stories about people that have been in his life, well, he largely can’t do that now. How can he talk about Hawke, someone who can be a very close friend of his, without even their gender being a choice you can select? Or whether Varric should be saying ‘is��� or ‘was’ about them? How can he talk about the companions in DA2 or inquisition when a lot of them don’t have to be recruited or can die? Will he limit himself to only characters that are guaranteed to be a part of it and alive? Or is it that he and Rook will have such a shallow relationship that Varric, of all characters, never talks about his life and past exploits?
Or has Varric as a character changed so much that he doesn’t even want to tell stories anymore? That Hawke living or dying means nothing to him? That the friendships he built with people in 2 games mean nothing to him? That he’s become literally unrecognizable?
This is where the problem is. Sure, Rook maybe doesn’t care about these people they’ve never met. But do they care about Varric? What about if a companion mentions an old friend of theirs, talks about an experience they had that made them who they are - is that only okay if that experience isn’t from a previous game? Or are all the characters so flat that we never learn anything about their connections to others outside of Rook? Is this story SO focused on this player character and this plot that NOTHING else matters, even within the world, and there’s no depth to be found in any of the characters that feature in it?
Writing characters so that they only ever talk about things that “directly serve the plot” is how you get flat, unremarkable, boring, forgettable characters. And that’s not something I would have accused bioware of doing even if some instalments are stronger in this area than others. But it sounds like that’s what they’re doing here, at least with the past characters. Cause sure, maybe Morrigan is so closed off she’ll never mention her son and partner. That’s believable, even if iffy given that they’ve said she’s going to be more involved than we think. But Varric? VARRIC??? Never mentioning ANY of the people he used to spend time with and care about except Solas and maybe some of the inquisition characters that can’t die or not be recruited but also carefully skirting around what happened to them in the game? That’s literally not the same character
And I would expand this to like. A letter mentioning this or a codex mentioning that, or ambient dialogue about so and so - that makes the world feel deep and those random, unimportant NPCs feel richer by connecting them to the larger world. It’s not about “serving the plot”, it’s about making your world and characters deep enough that they feel real, lived in, and like something we can actually care about
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The Feral Medic
Chapter 2
Pairings: GhostxSoap, PricexGaz, Poly141xOrignal Character
Warnings: sexual situations, oral (male giving and receiving), alpha/beta/omega dynamics, military inaccuracies, medical inaccuracies
The rec room is loud, a football match blasting on the TV while Kyle and Johnny sit on the couch and yell at the screen. Ghost is sitting in his usual spot, a chair in the corner, he’s watching the two Betas as they drink beer and scream at the match. 
The smell of tobacco and pine fills the room as John makes his way inside. He stops in front of the TV causing the two Betas to groan. “Cap, come on!” Kyle yells before sitting back after a glare from his Alpha. “Conference room in ten minutes.” John says gruffly before he heads out the door. 
Johnny and Kyle look at each other curiously before turning to Ghost. “Is it a new mission?” Kyle asks the other Alpha, assuming he has an answer. “Beats me” Ghost grunts as he stands up, making his way to the conference room. 
Inside the conference room, John sits in the usual spot at the head of the table, Kyle on one side with Ghost sitting opposite him with Johnny to his side. The two Betas and other Alpha look to their captain expectantly. 
“Tomorrow at 0700 our new medic will be arriving.” John says flatly as he tosses a file onto the table. Ghost is the first to reach for it. His eyes widen behind his balaclava as he looks at John. “Seriously?” He growls out slightly, his scent growing stronger with irritation, the smell of tobacco and gunpowder starting to fill up the room. “That’s enough Simon.” John says, his voice projecting more, his Alpha coming out. Simon grumbles as he leans back, relaxing himself, the scent of rain and citrus coming from Johnny causing him to relax slightly. John shares a look with Johnny, a small thank you. 
Johnny hesitantly reaches for the file, his own eyes widening as he opens it. “Sir-“ Johnny starts but is cut off quickly. “It’s our only option. Kate speaks highly of her, her classification shouldn’t put a damper on things. Kate seems to think this medic can handle this team and I’m willing to give her a chance.” John says, staring at Ghost pointedly. “We need a medic, who won’t run when Simon bares his teeth.” John states, causing Kyle and Johnny to nod. 
“We are a pre-established pack. No one is sending this Omega in with hopes of one mating her. She is here to do her job and work on this task force.” John sighs as he leans back in his chair. “That being said, if something is to arise, as is nature, it would be allowed.” He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. The other men around the table nod, but Ghost has his eyes set firmly on the file, reading through it, shocked at the skill results and recommendations this young Omega had received.
“Everyone get some rest. We will meet our new teammate in the morning and we will see where things go from there. You’re dismissed.” John says as he watches Ghost and Simon leave. He closes his eyes as he relaxes in his chair. The smell of linen and spearmint fills the room, a presence moving behind John’s chair. John sighs as he feels two hands run down his chest.  “Long day Alpha?” Kyle practically purrs, his inner Beta longing to make his Alpha comfortable and to ease his stress. 
“You have no idea pup.” John growls out and opens his eyes to stare up at his Beta. “Let me make it better sir?” Kyle whispers, easily slipping into the more submissive side of his classification. John releases a low rumble, his scent darkening with arousal as he stands up and leads Kyle down the hall to his quarters. 
As they walk past Ghost's door the sounds of Johnny whining and Ghost grunting can be heard. John smirks as Kyle’s scent darkens as well, his arousal shining through as he hears his packmates. John opens his door and practically drags Kyle inside before shutting it. 
John’s scent is much stronger in his room, permeating every inch. A small lamp is on the bedside table casting a faint glow over the tidy room. Kyle only has seconds for his eyes to adjust before John leads him towards the large bed in the middle. 
John takes a seat on the edge of the bed and fixes Kyle with a smoldering stare. “Make your Alpha feel better pup.” John practically growls as Kyle smiles. Kyle sinks to his knees between John’s spread thighs, his nimble fingers making quick work of the belt and fly on John’s pants. 
John releases a pleased rumble as he is finally released from the confines of his military-issued pants. His eyes close and he lets out a small growl as Kyle’s hand reaches inside his underwear to pull him free. 
His member is so hard it’s practically swollen. Kyle purrs slightly as he pulls back the skin to reveal the red and leaking tip. He leans forward and teasingly licks over the head causing John to growl as he grabs Kyle by the back of the neck his thumb running over the mark on Kyle’s scent gland. “Don’t play with me right now pup or you’ll suffer for it.” He growls out, causing a small shiver to go down Kyle’s spine. 
“Never Alpha.” Kyle purrs as he finally leans forward to lick a stripe up his Alpha member. John groans in pleasure as Kyle slowly begins working him into his mouth. The grip he has on Kyle’s neck hardens as he uses it to force him down further until the tip of Kyle’s nose touches the pubic hair at the base of him. 
Kyle lets out small moans as John begins to thrust into his throat, taking what he needs to get his stress out. After a moment his grip loosens and Kyle pops off his member, a string of saliva connecting from his mouth to the mess he made. 
John grabs Kyle gently by the neck and pulls him to him for a heated kiss, all teeth and tongue before he pushes him toward the bed. “Now what I need is to bury this knot inside my Beta,” John growls causing Kyle to shiver as he quickly undresses and gets on the bed on all fours. John smirks as he watches him, thinking about how lucky he is and trying to not think about how everything will soon change. 
The next morning task force 141 as well as Kate ate standing at the airfield as they watched the plane touch down. The five of them are wearing scent-blocking patches, thankfully, otherwise, the scent of annoyed alpha would surely be overpowering. 
The plane lands and the hatch opens. Kate smiles as a small figure appears. She is small, but most Omegas are, with obvious curves and dark hair tied in a high ponytail. 
“Aurora!” Kate calls out over the noise at the hangar, her tone friendly and fond. The young woman smiles as she walks towards the group. There is no scent coming from her, an obvious sign she is wearing scent-blocking patches. 
The woman stops as she approaches the group, her bright eyes taking in the task force. John is the first to step forward, offering his hand for a handshake. “Captain Price.” His gruff voice states as Aurora takes his hand in a confident grip. “Sargent Lee. I hear you have a problem with running medics away.” She says, her eyes shining with humor. 
“Not me specifically but yes.” Price says with a smirk, her bluntness appealing to him. “Ah yes, I forgot it’s Lieutenant Ghost who has them running for the hills.” Aurora smiles as Ghost prickles slightly behind Price. “Well, I will be changing that.” Aurora says matter-of-factly as she looks at the other pack members. Kyle steps forward to offer his hand. “Sargeant Kyle Garrick.” He says with a smile. “Gaz.” Aurora says with a smile. 
“Did your homework I see.” Kyle laughs slightly. “I just understand the proclivity for nicknames and call signs.” She laughs. “I’m Aurora, or feral if you’re so inclined.” She smiles as Kyle laughs. “I can’t wait to see why you have that name.” Kyle says as he steps back so Johnny can step forward. 
“Sargeant John McTavish but I go by Johnny since there’s two of us Johns here.” Johnny says offering his hand and a bright smile. “Soap,” Aurora states causing Johnny to beam brighter. Johnny casts a glance at his alpha, noticing that Ghost hasn’t made a move to introduce himself. 
“That’s Lieutenant Ri-“ Johnny starts but is cut off by a growl from Ghost. “It's Ghost.” He says as he stares down at the new Omega, a look that typically has even other Alphas cowering away. Aurora
Smiles as she squares her shoulders, seeming unaffected by his demeanor. “Nice to meet you Ghost.” Aurora smiles, his eyes narrow slightly at her lack of reaction.  
Aurora turns to Price with a smile. “Show me my office and quarters?” She says as he stares at her in slight shock before he nods. “Of course, I’ll lead the way.” He says as he looks at Kate who is smiling with an ‘I told you’ look. He begins to head to the large cart to carry them back to the Task Force building. 
Johnny quickly places a hand on Ghost's arm, feeling the unease and tension radiating off of him. He feels unsure of how this new addition will be with his Alpha but he’s interested to find out. 
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