imjulia-andilikecats · 11 months
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btspurplemusicworld · 24 days
My babyyyyyyssssss 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Please follow me 🙋 back Army's💜💜
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Please follow me Army's💜💜
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withacapitalp · 2 years
Root Beer
Happy birthday @stevesbipanic !!! I had an idea for this so long ago, but then your birthday gave me the perfect excuse to write it. I'm so honored we are friends, I am still so shocked about it (Flashback to my OG post about Tumblr royalty liking one of my posts) and I cannot wait to get to spend even more time with you <333
“Remind me again why you always pay for Erica’s ice cream?” Eddie wondered as Steve dug into his wallet and forked over the dollar eighty five required for Erica’s scoop of cotton candy with rainbow sprinkles. 
“It’s reparations for child endangerment,” Erica replied immediately, sticking her tongue out briefly as Steve rolled his eyes. 
Eddie automatically stuck his tongue out right back at her, making her laugh as she skipped off to the other side of the counter and waited for her treat. The kids had asked for a ride to the ice cream shop, but in a rare display of discipline, Steve had refused to pay for any of them except Erica, and, shockingly, no one had complained. They had all pooled their money, ordered three sundaes to split, and were now sitting in the corner digging into their treats. 
“I’ll tell you about it some other time,” Steve promised, keeping his wallet open as he turned towards his boyfriend, “Are you gonna get anything?” 
“Still deciding,” Eddie said, bouncing on his heels. 
The shop was no Scoops Ahoy, but it did have a wide array of different options, all with wonderful punny names. He was currently between getting a ‘Bloody Sundae’, which was a vanilla scoop with cherry syrup and chocolate sprinkles, or a ‘Mint to be’, which was mint chocolate chip with whipped cream and bright green sprinkles. 
Maybe he could get both if he gave Steve the right amount of puppy eyes. That usually worked for other things. Dates, getting to pick the movie they watched at night…..other….things. 
Eddie was still thinking through his strategy as Steve stepped up to order. 
“Can I get a large root beer float with soft serve twist and a cone on the side?” Steve asked, using his customer service voice with a charming smile, making the girl behind the counter twitter and twirl her hair as she rang him up and walked off to make his float. 
Eddie blinked a few times trying to register what Steve had just said, before groaning loudly and pulling a disgusted face. 
“What?” Steve wondered, bewildered by Eddie’s vehement reaction. 
“Root beer,” Eddie said with a grimace, waggling his tongue. 
“What’s wrong with root beer?” 
“It’s so…sweet,” Eddie finally got out, trying and failing to find the exact words to explain his complete disdain for root beer. He had given root beer a real try, multiple attempts and everything, but every time he had spat it out, unable to enjoy the taste. 
“Eddie, I have seen you eat a frosting sandwich,” Steve said in a complete deadpan, giving Eddie a raised brow look, “Just frosting and white bread,”
“Don’t judge my trailer park cuisine, rich boy!” Eddie cried in an overdramatic tone, clutching his chest and shaking his head with his eyes shut tight, “I’m not the one having nasty icky sarsaparilla nonsense, making future kisses completely impossible until you have purged yourself of the disgusting concoction.”
Steve burst into bright loud laughter, lighting up the entire store like he was the goddamn sun. Eddie paused in his diatribe, watching Steve with lovesick eyes as he giggled uncontrollably. 
“Sarsaparilla concoction,” Steve huffed out, continuing to chuckle, “God, I love you, you big dork.”
Both of them paused, staring at each other with wide eyes as they took in what Steve had just let slip out. 
It wasn’t like they didn’t both know. They had been dating for three months, crushing on each other for two before that, and every minute had been pure bliss. There was no doubt that Steve was the love of his life, and Eddie had been pretty sure Steve felt the same. 
Now he knew for a fact, and that was a lot to take in standing in the middle of a subpar ice cream shop. 
“I- um- I,” Steve stopped trying to stutter, giving Eddie a nervous little look, letting his eyes drop to his shoes as he shuffled in place. Eddie’s surprise faded into unbearably warm affection. He reached over and quickly squeezed Steve’s hand, knowing he wasn’t able to do more in public, but wishing he could kiss Steve until they were both drunk and delirious on their love. 
“I’ll have a black raspberry shake with chocolate sprinkles, whipped cream, and hot fudge,” Eddie called out as the cashier walked back over with Steve’s float, delivering it with a flirty little smile. Steve didn't even look at her as he took his ice cream, and she rang them up lightning fast, clearly jilted by his non-response. Eddie couldn't care less, dragging Steve over to their tables and waiting for his order to be called. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Eddie said softly as they sat down, the words being overshadowed by the sound of their kids happily screaming at each other. He looked around and risked a quick kiss on the cheek, getting Steve buttered up and happy before he finished his sentence. 
“Even if your taste is trash,” 
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linnealaylay · 11 months
Happy Halloween, but more importantly HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY CAL 🥳
Just look at him 😡
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So in the fashion of our favorite punny daddy, I’m listing some jokes. Laugh or you don’t love him (don’t feel pressured). 🤠🔪
“What dose a cow have hoves and not toes? Because they lack-tose”
“Why can’t a foot be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.”
“What dose a evil chicken lay? Deviled eggs.”
OKI IM DONE. Happy birthday love bug! 🍾🤪
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fantasy-cursedkrystal · 6 months
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I made this at school and late at night for my punny little short boi
(honestly I remember sans bday was in April first and I had to hurry and made this)
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zorquil · 8 months
I keep thinking about how whimsy is lost in films nowadays. Usually, most films go for an extreme, whether it be aiming for the highest quality, playing it safe, or just making something to ride on the biggest trend.
To be honest, I miss the whimsy and weirdness of some older films. And I'm not talking just about cult classics like Treasure Planet or Iron Giant (boy hunts space treasure or big robot wanting to be Superman). These are whimsy and weird, but they're also deep. The one's I'm thinking about are the lighthearted weird whimsy whose purpose is to be silly and fun. Right now, I'm in a Christmas mindset when I think of this, so I'll give three examples from animated Christmas movies/specials.
The Twelve Days of Christmas (1993): We got punny names like Princess Silverbell, Sir Carolboomer, Hollyberry. Princess Silverbell gets annoyed by Hollyberry's literal gifts only because the King wants to finish his crossword. Oh, also there's the fact that Hollyberry and Sir Carolboomer take the list literally to a tee, where, in the first gift, they uproot a pear tree with a partridge in it. And to round it out, the Princess is making the ridiculous decision of whoever makes her laugh will be her bride without verbally poking fun at the premise because we know it's ridiculous and silly. Peak whimsy.
Olive, the Other Reindeer (1999): Plot only kicks off because of a bug living in Olive's doghouse completely mishears her father and telling her she's the other reindeer. Also a dog is roommates with a flea. We have a freaking mailman villain trying to stop Olive from saving Christmas, and the mailman is such a ham about hating Christmas. Also the fact that Olive, the one trying to save Christmas, is literally just a dog. Also, reindeer bar. Pretty good whimsy, even if it does get darker at times.
Frosty the Snowman (1969): HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A magician's hat brings Frosty to life, and that's all the explanation needed. Plot is literally getting Frosty to the North Pole so he can keep living. Also, the magician has the cliché twisted curly mustache to signal his villainy. Also also, the fact that the magician literally chases Frosty to the ends of the North Pole just to get his hat back. Give me my hat indeed! And finally, Karen. Just a simple premise for a fun movie (despite it being a 24-minute episode length).
Sometimes, I just miss the simple, lighthearted stories where it doesn't try to overdo its premise. Where it just plays things straight and has fun with what it's doing. But now, everything has to be "the big thing" and has to "blow everything out of the water". Sometimes, I just wish movies could just take their time and appreciate the atmosphere, delving into silliness and whimsy with good quality and pacing. But many movies nowadays are so focused on showing off and being loud and fast and having a heavy focus of realism and "explaining the magic" or just focused on being politically correct. And the movies who try to be silly mock the premise instead of just enjoying it. The reason why I chose Christmas movies for my list is because Christmas tends to have more lighthearted and silly films, just having fun with their premise without playing seriously.
I still do love a lot of shows and movies that have come out that are deep and story-driven, but after watching Adam Sandler's Leo and how it had that 1990s/2000s energy, I sorta started missing the silly whimsy of some past movies. Of course, Leo had deep messages too, but the presentation of that movie still had that glimmer of the inherently crazy silliness lacking in media nowadays.
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koganphrancis · 6 years
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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Rosso sits Apple down to teach her some basics with the flash cards but alas it doesn’t go down well!
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I do recall Rosso being the exact same with his father back in the day! Payback is a bitch Rosso, ain’t it?
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Birthday time, they were both aging on the same day so I thought why not have them blow out their candles together? Mother and son!
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Like Carmine before her, she doesn’t look much different, except for fuller cheeks. Welcome to adulthood Mentha!
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And my boy! Here are all of his stats, plus a few extras at the bottom! What a handsome young man he turned out to be! My Chilli bean! He is just too sweet to do what has to be done during the Rose Generation, so I’m going to let this little red birdie fly to a better life! Soon!
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It finally happened, although we all knew that it was the case, Carmine finally openly accepted Apple, the fruit of cheating, bahahaha! Apple = fruit of cheating! That’s so punny!
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He and Mentha seem to be getting along well too! I’m hoping this separation will end soon! It’s way too sad! She wants to see him smile more, don’t we all?
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Chilli overhears the positive conversation his parents are having and it makes him happy! Well he’s already happy emptying the bins, little neat freak that he is, but this is the icing on the cake!
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Methinks he also hopes that a reconciliation is on the cards! Don’t.We.All!!!
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im-captain-egg · 4 years
Harry Potter
Bedroom Eyes (E, 1.4k, Wolfstar) ”You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour now, Sirius,” he said. “Wanna show me what you were thinking about?” Remus asked hoarsely, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
Our Friends Are Idiots (E, 2.8k, Wolfstar) James and Peter think that their best friend is in trouble but Sirius thinks that they're idiots. All he wanted was some sexy time with his hot werewolf boyfriend.
i don’t want to be your friend, i want to kiss your lips (E, 3k, Wolfstar) Remus tried to find the right words. He had played this out in his head a thousand times, had imagined how it would be to finally admit his feelings, to tell Sirius. But now, all the words were gone, his thoughts filled with nothing but Sirius.
i’ll make the moon shine just for you (not rated, wip, Wolfstar)
Punny Little Thing Called Love (T, 1.2k, Wolfstar) Three times Sirius gives Remus a stupid nickname and one time he doesn't.
breaking through the atmosphere (E, 2.1k, Wolfstar) Sirius struggles with being locked-up in 12 Grimmauld Place but Remus is there to take care of him.
sit still, look pretty (E, 1.5k, Wolfstar) Remus is a tease but Sirius doesn’t mind.
tell me about last night (M, 1.9k, Wolfstar) In which Remus Lupin drinks too much and hooks up with Sirius Black, captain of the university’s Polo team and Remus’ long-time crush. Awkwardness ensues the next morning.
waves (E, 6.6k, Wolfstar) Hell breaks loose at 12 Grimmauld Place and an injured Sirius Black seeks refuge at the Potters.
A Purrfect Match (G, 1.6k, Wolfstar) When Remus walked into the shelter that day, he expected to leave with a new furry companion and not meet the love of his life.
bewitched you in the moonlight (T, 4k, Wolfstar) Sirius is absolutely smitten by an adorably awkward Remus dressed as a werewolf.
Lightning in a Bottle (M, 11.1k, Wolfstar) 29-year-old businessman Sirius Black finds himself falling in love with 23-year-old art student Remus Lupin, who turns Sirius' life upside down in a matter of seconds.
Red, White & Royal Annoyance (T, 3k, Wolfstar) A royal wedding, two rivals, a kiss in the garden.
The Big Birthday Cake Catastrophe (T, 1.5k, Wolfstar) Sirius and James attempt to bake a birthday cake for Remus when disaster strikes.
Of Sharks, Manatees, and Master Matchmakers (T, 2.1k, Wolfstar) Remus works at an aquarium where he meets Sirius, a guy with a PhD in marine biology who can talk to sharks and thinks that Remus' lanyard is funky.
Red, White & Royal Blue
Paris Nights / New York Mornings (E, 1.7k, Alex/Henry) Henry is stuck in a hot hotel room in Paris and Alex is more than happy to keep him company.
smoke and mirrors (E, 3.1k, Alex/Henry) Henry owns a blue suit that drives Alex crazy and Henry thinks that the baby blue tie just looks too good around Alex's wrists.
Honey and Lemons (G, 668, Alex/Henry) Henry has a cold. Alex is there to take care of him.
Champagne Bubbles (T, 788, Alex/Henry) When Alex comes home from work, Henry has a surprise date planned for them.
David and the Case of Finding Furever Home (G, 1k, Alex/Henry) It's another normal day at the shelter for Alex until Henry walks in.
Night at the Lake House (T, 599, Alex/Henry) Henry goes skinny dipping. Alex thinks his boyfriend is the most beautiful person in the world.
Shower Curtains (E, 2.5k, Alex/Henry) Taking a shower with Henry is never about getting clean. Never.
you take my breath and steal the things i know (E, 56.4k, Alex/Henry) Alex hates Henry and Henry hates Alex—at least that's what Alex likes to tell himself. It all changes though when Henry comes to the States to film a docu-series with Nora and June, and Alex involuntarily gets to know Henry better, finding his world completely turned on its head by the end of it.
baby, it’s cold outside (T, 2.4k, Alex/Henry) A collection of all my drabbles for the RWRB Winterfest 2020!
dogs that bark don’t bite (T, 415) Alex was a weird kid.
notes from David (G, wip) A compilation of David having thoughts.
I will adore you until eternity (E, 4.3k, Alex/Henry) Alex got Henry two sets of lingerie and Henry is eager to try them on.
completely and perfectly and incandescently happy (G, 254, Alex/Henry) “What endearments am I allowed then?” Henry asks with a smile, cupping Alexander’s face with his hand and brushing his thumb across the sun-kissed skin there.
Tidal Wave (E, 4.8k, Alex/Henry) Rivalling captains Alexander and Henry have been neck to neck for years but their relationship takes a different turn when Henry shows up unexpectedly on the Claremont.
your mouth is a hurricane (E, 3.7, Alex/Henry) Drummers hit it the hardest, they say.
like fireflies (E, 5.7k, Alex/Henry) Alex and Henry see each other again. Featuring dark storage rooms, leather gloves, and a weird fuzzy feeling that simply won't leave Alex alone whenever he's around Henry.
to be kissed by you (T, 1k, Alex/Henry) Alex and Henry meet for a quick rendezvous before attending an official event.
like cherries and wine (T, 640, June/Nora) June meets up with Pez for brunch where she, literally, runs into a cute waitress.
she is my all, she is the one, she is (T, 1k, June/Nora) Nora struggles to find a fitting Valentine's present for her girlfriend.
can i call you tonight? (E, 7.8k, Alex/Henry) Falling in love with someone who lives an ocean away is weird. Especially if you are staying at their house and they stay at yours. or Alex and Henry swap houses and fall in love in the process.
shouting curses at ursa major (T, 1.2k, Alex/Henry) Sometimes, forever doesn't last as long as you might want it to.
Shifting Gears (E, 1.7k, Alex/Henry) Henry and Alex plan on taking a short vacation in Wales when a punctured tire ruins their fun. Or does it?
you’re the beat playing in my heart (E, 6.6k, Alex/Henry) Things between Alex and Henry get weird after Pittsburgh but then Henry invites Alex to London.
what is grief, if not love persevering? (T, 423) As suggested by his therapist, Henry writes a letter to his dad.
rosemary & firewood (T, 1.1k, Alex/Henry) When they brew Amortentia for the first time, Alex discovers something new about himself.
i hope you don't mind that i put down in words how wonderful life is while you're in the world (T, 827, Alex/Henry) "What do you love the most about Henry?" - "Does everything count as an answer? Though even that wouldn't be enough." Some of the things Alex loves about Henry.
spell my name with her tongue, like (uh) (E, 2.5k, June/Nora) Stuck at a state dinner, Nora decides to have some fun with June under the table.
i’ll tell you what i like / my wildflower (E, 2.6k, Alex/Henry) Henry takes Alex on a ride on a motorbike which quickly leads to something more heated once they make it back to the garage.
oh, honey, pray to me between the sheets (E, 2.8k, Alex/Henry) Henry comes home after being away for three weeks and Alex is very eager to welcome him home properly.
if they only knew how you talk to me when it’s just us two (E, 5.3k, Alex/Henry) With Henry being gone for a week to take care of things back home, Alex is left in NYC on his own but when he feels needy, Henry is only a text message away.
when he calls me pretty (E, 2.7k, Alex/Henry) Alex is horny and Henry is happy to help out even if they are an ocean apart.
Cherry Bomb (E, 3.1k, June/Nora) June gets a new lingerie set. Nora is more than happy to admire it.
One Last Stop
sugar & spice (E, 1.5k, August/Jane) August can't sleep. Jane offers to help.
Birthday Boy (E, 2k, Klance) It's Keith's birthday and the boys are a little drunk and horny and utterly in love.
Song of Achilles
he touched my soul, skin to bone (E, 2.3k, Achilles/Patroclus) It’s Achilles’ birthday and Patroclus brought some figs for them to share.
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btspurplemusicworld · 24 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳Korea came in on the day of our bunny's birthday🥹I wish h...
Please follow me 🙋 back Army's💜💜
_* Share with ur friends *_
Please follow me Army's💜💜
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The Collector 2
Summary: When Adrien and his cat leave for university, the Agreste mansion suddenly becomes a very empty and quiet place. What better way to bring back some joy and laughter than to take in a new cat? Or two? Or three? Five at most. But why stop at five when you have such a fine feline collection? Besides, Gabriel has never known when to stop, has he? 
Part 3 of the Felinotherapy Series. Also on AO3 / Fanfiction.net
(Part 1 - “New Kitty on the Block”) (Part 2 - “Felinotherapy”)
Happy Birthday, @goblin-alchemist​! I hope you like your Gabe gift, wink wink.
An enormous thank you goes to @sheeoni​ , for her invaluable beta-reading assistance!
>^.^<        >(^w^)<       =(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It started innocently enough. Adrien graduated from lycée and left for Cambridge, taking Lady Noir with him. She was his cat, after all. Gabriel never would have thought that their absence would bring such silence and emptiness. The mansion was a huge house; one teenager and one cat couldn’t possibly have made such a difference. And yet, even with Emilie at his side again, Gabriel felt something was missing. Was he turning into an old softie after all these years? Nah, impossible. 
Still, even Nooroo’s mood seemed more wistful. Lady Noir was like a younger sister to him, and she certainly knew how to keep the violet sprite occupied. After Gabriel had dropped his second gig as a supervillain, both of them suddenly gained plenty of free time—more than they could fill with work. Seriously, had Gabriel known supervillainy was such a demanding job, he’d have been more reluctant to terrorize a city in search of magic jewels—which he had never gotten in the end, anyway. 
Although not obtaining their Miraculous had stung, Gabriel took solace in the fact that nobody had discovered he was Hawkmoth since he'd just stopped appearing. Despite akumas no longer being a threat to the city, Ladybug and Chat remained in the public eye, and had apparently become a couple. It didn't take long before their relationship caught the attention of the media, and in their eagerness to supply the public with breaking news, they'd prioritized the superhero couple over figuring out what had happened to the gaudy akumas and the apparent shortage of supervillains.
While Gabriel still had his fashion empire, his brand and his family, Nooroo did not have any job other than being a kwami. And maybe Gabriel should have let him slumber inside the Butterfly Miraculous, but the truth was he’d grown used to the magical company. The sight of Nooroo frolicking with Lady Noir had always warmed his heart; he liked having the sprite around. 
So in the end, it was that need to fill the gaping hole left by Lady Noir that brought it upon them. 
=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It was a chilly evening but Gabriel decided to take a stroll nevertheless. His steps took him to Champs Élysée. Just as he was walking by a dark alley, he heard a faint squeal. He stopped, intrigued. Nooroo popped his head out from Gabriel’s pocket and listened intently. 
Something mewled miserably behind the trash bins and cardboard boxes that occupied the narrow space. The containers shook and another desperate wail broke the silence. 
The sound was so doleful Gabriel’s heart clenched. His empathic powers weren’t even required for him to know the creature needed help. Yet the alley was dark, and he couldn’t find the source of the noise. 
‘Can you see anything, Nooroo?’ he asked his companion.
The kwami shook his head and, without further prompting, he flew to investigate the stash of boxes. He phased through the cardboard just as the first droplets of rain splashed on the pavement. Gabriel reached for his umbrella, but before he could open it, Nooroo called him. 
‘In here, Master!’ He hovered over one of the containers. ‘I need help, she’s trapped.’
Careful not to make a sound, Gabriel creeped closer and raised the box. Underneath he found the most pitiful cat he’d ever seen. It was a bit bigger than Lady Noir and more round in shape. Its fur was dull, dirty and wet. Gabriel could only guess the cat’s hide must have been silver once, as it looked a bit like a Russian Blue, but now it was a toneless grey. 
The cat looked tired and scared, but it didn’t flee at the sight of a huge man. Maybe it was already done with running, and was just seeking help?
‘We can’t leave her like this, Master,’ Nooroo turned to Gabriel with his big pleading eyes. 
‘Can you understand her?’
‘Not really, just her emotions,’ the kwami admitted. ‘She’s scared and exhausted.’
Gabriel could clearly see it for himself. He crouched and extended a hand. The cat sniffed it once, twice, then tilted her head to rub against his skin. 
Slowly Gabriel took off his jacket and placed it on the ground. ‘Can you tell her we can help her if she comes with us?’ he asked Nooroo. 
The sprite pursed his lips. Then he flew to the jacket and plopped himself in the center waving invitingly at the cat. Hesitantly the animal followed and settled next to the kwami.
‘I’m going to take you somewhere safe and dry,’ Gabriel promised softly. ‘We’ll take care of you.’ 
Gingerly he wrapped the jacket around the cat and Nooroo. Pressing the bundle to his chest he walked back to the mansion as fast as he dared. 
When they returned home, Emilie gasped at the cat’s state; she barked a few orders to the staff. Soon, a bath and fresh towels were ready, followed by a nourishing meal and a comfortable basket where the now fluffy and content cat finally found some rest. 
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Chomp Élysée—what Gabriel had decided to name her despite Emilie’s complaints—turned out to be a grateful companion. She wasn’t as lively as Lady Noir, preferring to nap in sunbeams instead of chasing Nooroo over in Gabriel’s study. She purred up a storm when petted, but she always hid her tummy and chomped on anyone who dared to try and stroke the area. She also ate twice the amount Lady Noir would typically consume, which was reflected in her round shape.
‘You need to restrict her diet, dear, or soon she won’t be walking but rolling,’ Emilie would chide Gabriel, but every time Chomp Élysée came demanding food, he simply could not refuse her; the cat’s distressed look in the alley was still too fresh in his memory. 
Maybe he was going soft after all? But Chomp’s happy purr and easy company finally brought back some of the lost joy from his and Nooroo’s life.
They say the more you do something, the easier it becomes. It turns out this same principle works for cats very well. Gabriel had never been more reluctant than when he’d decided to allow Lady Noir into his home. It had taken a lot of time for her to weasel her way into his heart and heal his soul. Taking Chomp Élysée in was a bit simpler precisely because of the Lady Noir experience. Moreover, Emilie didn’t object to the mansion’s newest dweller, and even helped take care of the cat. 
So it really wasn’t such a big surprise when a few weeks later, Gabriel arrived home with not just one but two scrawny striped cats. Emilie didn’t say a word, yet her look was more guarded this time. However, an unexpected ally—Chomp Élysée—left his wife no choice but to accept the newest additions to their flock. The grey cat inspected the pets, gracing each with a friendly lick over their pink noses. She took them straight to her bowl. She held Gabriel’s eye as she allowed the hungry kitties to devour every bit of food in there, including two helpings. Then she nudged them in the direction of her basket and curled with them as the proudest mother hen. It was a miracle in itself that three cats could even fit in there.
Thus it was settled that the Agreste family had just gained two new members: Pusskin and Shakespurr. The cat corner in Gabriel’s study expanded to accommodate two more pets, their beds and a cat tree. Unlike Chomp Élysée, the new cats knew how to have fun. Suddenly Nooroo had his nubs full with keeping an eye on the feline writers. 
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That was also the last time Emilie allowed for punny names, which was a shame because Gabriel had enough for a herd. Purrudence, Tabbytha, Margaret Scratcher, just to name a few for the ladies, or Fuzzinator, Catapult and Miraclaws for the boys. Such a waste. Even Clawsby was out of the question. 
Someone would say that three cats were a crowd (that someone being Emilie), so the circumstances of the next arrival were a bit unclear. One day a golden maine coon—Croissant, by Emilie’s insistence—just showed up at the mansion’s door. He regarded the Agrestes with his astute green eyes and took over as if the house had been always his. Gabriel supposed Emilie allowed this because the maine coon was basically a feline version of Adrien—from the slender posture to the fine blond fur, from the poised manner to the unnerving green gaze, there was something in Croissant that made it impossible not to fall under his charm. 
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Of course, the fact that Croissant curbed Pusskin and Shakespurr’s temper helped a lot. Croissant hadn’t done anything in particular, yet he became the ultimate leader of the feline family. It took one growl from him and the mischievous kitties toned down their shenanigans in an instant. 
And since Croissant was definitely Emilie’s cat, she couldn’t really object when he brought Macaroon home. She was without a shadow of a doubt his partner and shared his intelligent gaze. Her eyes were deep blue. She must have been of Birman breed—not the kind usually associated with strays. Emilie and Gabriel went through no small amount of trouble to find out if anyone was looking for a lost maine coon or a birman cat, as they didn’t want to be accused of stealing other people’s pets. However, in the end it seemed both Croissant and Macaroon had no previous homes or owners. 
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Five cats became the point where Emilie drew the line. True, their house was big, and with Adrien abroad they had a substantial supply of space, time and love to share, but enough was enough. 
‘We don’t want them to take over, do we, dear?’ she jested observing the cat colony in Adrien’s room, that had been redecorated to suit the feline needs. 
Confident that the cat limit was firmly established, Emilie left for England to check on their son and to spend some time with her sister. 
Gabriel decided not to tell her that barely three days after her departure he’d agreed to foster Athos, Portos and Aramis (at least he’d kept his promise with their names). It really wasn’t like he’d had any choice in the matter: Gorilla found the first one wandering around the patio, Nathalie then located a box with the second one next to the dumpster. The third decided to sleep under the limousine’s hood and it was a miracle he was discovered before he was grilled on the engine. 
The three musketeers were black with white collars and paws. They might have been brothers with their identically fluffy tails and impressive whiskers. They preferred Gorilla’s company, yet since his wife was allergic to cats, Gabriel graciously decided to let his bodyguard keep them in the mansion. There wasn’t much difference between five and eight cats,  after all. 
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=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
What was a lonely ex-villain supposed to do in an empty house? Spoil his cats of course! If it wasn’t for Nooroo and Croissant’s joined efforts, the pets would have walked all over him—especially Pusskin and Shakespurr. But somehow, the cats could always pick up on Gabriel’s mood and knew not to push him beyond his limits. 
Besides, whenever he felt wistful or sad, at least two felines accompanied him. Emilie had been gone for about a week when he let Chomp Élysée into his bed and the other cats followed. He loved how soothing a cat’s purr was. Chomp would settle at the foot of the bed, while Croissant and Macaroon took over Emilie’s side. Pusskin and Shakespurr each secured Gabriel’s legs, while Athos, Portos and Aramis usually fought for a place on any of the pillows. And once Gabriel sank his nose into the soft black fur of a musketeer, there was no way he could throw the cats out of his bedroom. Goodbye, headaches— welcome, good night’s sleep. 
Gabriel’s only complaint was that Chomp would wake him up at dawn with a bite on his big toe, demanding that he feed her, while rousing the rest of the feline family in the process. Gabriel would then descend the stairs to the kitchen, knee deep in cats, who rubbed at his shins affectionately—not so subtly urging him to move faster. 
One day though, Chomp Élysée didn’t wake him. Gabriel blinked the sleep away from his eyes, gently lifted a sleepy Portos from his chest, and looked around. No sign of Chomp in the bed. Gabriel appreciated routine greatly, so immediately he started to worry. He went to the kitchen, the rest of the cats at his heels. He picked Chomp’s favorite food and banged her bowl loudly and repeatedly, but she didn’t come. He left the other cats wolfing down their breakfast and set to look for his first cat.
When he finally found her, in her basket, under his desk, the mystery of Chomp Élysée’s recent appetite and shape was revealed. Gabriel was now the proud owner of twelve cats. 
>^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<
The kittens were the cutest thing Gabriel had ever seen, baby Adrien excluded. Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Ricci—absolutely punless nods to his favorite designers—were four little balls of grey fluff. They had him wrapped around their tiny claws in a blink. 
Having them around was so much fun. He could watch them play for hours, with their wee fluffy tails and clumsy movements, sweet mewls and an appetite for life rivalling their mother’s drive for food. Gabriel began to reminisce on how he used to watch little Adrien the same way. He briefly wondered when his son and Marinette would produce a grandchild for him—not that he’d ask, mind you. They were still so young, barely starting their adult life. Besides, he had sworn he’d never be one of those parents, but still it would be delightful to hear baby steps and giggles echoing in the mansion’s cavernous hall. For now Gabriel settled for miniature paws and excited squeals of the four most adorable designer kittens ever.
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Yet good things rarely last long. Just as Chanel and her siblings got bold enough to start exploring the mansion, with their mother’s tender supervision, Emilie announced her return. Not only that, she bore auspicious news of Adrien and Marinette’s engagement (yay! one step closer to that grandchild). The happy husband-and-wife-to-be were returning for their break at the same time as her, and Emilie already decreed a dinner with the Dupain-Chengs should be held at the mansion upon their arrival. 
Under normal circumstances Gabriel would be overjoyed to finally get his human family back. There was just one teeny tiny problem—he was eight cats over the limit his wife had set. He was almost sure he could persuade her to keep what he started to think of as probably the biggest cat herd in Paris, but the dinner party was something of an obstacle. Not the best way to introduce new and unauthorized members of their household. He needed a cunning plan.
That’s when Nooroo stepped in with his brilliant idea: Gabriel just had to transfer the surplus cats to the only place in the building no one would visit—his former lair. Before Hawkmoth had risen to power it had been a neglected sunroom, forever waiting on renovation, but now it would do nicely as the cats’ den with a special nursery section for his little treasures. 
Nathalie and Gorilla turned out to be very helpful in furnishing the ex-lair. With some broom work and a fresh coat of paint what was once an akuma hatchery became a feline paradise. Cat trees, scratching posts, tunnels, shelves, beds, baskets, fountains, toys—only the best for Gabriel’s kitties. The team effort allowed the cats to be moved a few days before Emilie’s arrival, giving their pets the necessary time to adjust to a new place. 
The plan worked like a charm. The cats were happy to explore their new playroom and they didn’t even feel inclined to leave the lair. They had everything they needed there. Gabriel had his favorite armchair installed in the sunroom as well, so that he could spend some time watching the cats, and maybe even take a comfortable nap during his lunch breaks.
The celebratory dinner was in full swing and Gabriel was nailing it. He had finally found a worthy match for his pun game in Tom Dupain. The resulting pun-off was definitely the highlight of the evening. The ladies were chuckling, the youngsters were groaning. The only present felines included Lady Noir, who meticulously inspected every corner of the dining room, and Croissant with Macaroon. The two cats decided to act as the guard of honor for Emilie, flanking her chair and chirping happily at their favorite human’s return. The looks on Marinette and Adrien’s faces were priceless.
Everything went smoothly until Lady Noir’s tail turned into bottle brush. Croissant and Macaroon exchanged worried looks. Then all three cats bolted for the door and disappeared. Gabriel seemed to be the only one to notice. He surely was the only one to understand where they’d gone. He excused himself from the company in order to check on the situation in the secret room.
He found all thirteen cats in the lair, all right. Thirteen tails bristled and lashed behind them. In front of them, on the window frame was a pigeon. And not even Mr. Pigeon, just one of those flying rats. It dawned on him that this was the reason for their odd behavior, and Gabriel snorted out a laugh at the ridiculous sight. Unfortunately, it startled the bird, and the stupid creature decided the safest plan of action would be to dive inside a cat lair.
Thirteen pairs of eyes followed the pigeon’s trail inside the dome; thirteen throats uttered a growl. Within seconds, the cats sprang into action, and all hell broke loose! The pigeon, sensing eminent danger, did the only sensible thing it could—it decided to hide in a nest. Only it wasn’t a nest, but the neatly trimmed hair of one Gabriel Agreste. The man yelped, the cats attacked. 
Gabriel went down under the onslaught, losing balance thanks to a vicious kitten which attacked his shoelace (as if it had anything to do with the pigeon taking refuge on his head). The bird apparently had enough brains to know when it was outnumbered, and finally flew outside, leaving the man and his cats in a disoriented heap of limbs, tails and claws. 
And then someone cleared their throat. 
Gabriel raised his eyes to the door. Everyone was there—the Dupain-Chengs, Adrien, Marinette, and Emilie. Tom and Sabine wore matching grins, while the kids were rather horrified. 
Emilie smoothed her dress and raised a brow—it meant an inevitable private conversation would soon follow. For now, however, his wife slid back into the perfect hostess routine. Well, almost.
‘And this, Sabine, used to be our sunroom, where my husband now keeps his hoard of cats,’ she said without batting an eyelash.
‘Awwww,’ Sabine coed, as Gabriel started the process of untangling himself from the said hoard by removing Dior from his jacket’s pocket.
Tom released a mischievous chuckle and stroked his mustache. He looked Gabriel straight in the eye and said, ‘I believe, dear Emilie, the proper name is a meowntain.’
The designer bristled at that; he had just been humiliated in front of his guests! His secret was out, but he saw a chance to save his face. He couldn’t allow for anyone to defeat him on his own turf!
‘I’ll have you know,’ he drawled, pulling himself up to his full height and brushing cat hairs from his clothes, ‘this is not a meowntain.’ He wrinkled his nose in disgust. 
‘This-, ‘ he proudly opened his hands and gestured to the feline paradise and his collection of pets, ‘-is haute cature.’
 -(^The End^)-
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lovelyirony · 5 years
Hey, so my birthday is tomorrow (the 28th), and I was wondering if you could write something about Peter celebrating his birthday? Thanks so much, but feel free to ignore this if you want
it’s your birthday, of course i’m not ignoring this prompt! 
Peter’s birthdays have always been special to him. It’s the one day of the year where May takes him anywhere that he wants, they get special food, and he gets a slice of peanut-butter chocolate cheesecake. 
With MJ and Ned in the mix, new traditions are born. 
Ned invites MJ and Peter over to his house for a sleepover the night before said birthday. Peter checks it with Aunt May a million times, because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings if he’s not there that morning. 
“You’re fine!” May says, grinning. “I’m happy that your friends want to spend time with you, go and have fun. I’ll have Kim over and we’ll watch a cheesy soap drama. I love you, Petey.” 
Ned and MJ order pizza, including the really good breadsticks. MJ brings over Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, and they watch the worst possible romantic-comedy they can find, including the bootleg versions of movies on YouTube. 
They wake up, and Ned and MJ pounce on Peter. 
“Wake up old man!” MJ says. 
They walk Peter home, getting him a special coffee. May invites all three up for a special breakfast, complete with bacon, biscuits and gravy (with extra cracked pepper for Peter), and blueberry muffins. 
Peter opens gifts, receives many a hug, and bids Ned and MJ a good day as he settles on the couch with Aunt May. 
Every year, she reminds him of past birthdays. Like when he wanted to go and try fried pickles, which was a horrible experience that was very funny for May. Or when he turned thirteen and wanted bright green hair, which May did not let him get, and he is forever grateful for that decision. 
Tony stops by, holding at least five different boxes. 
“It’s really too much,” Peter says, although the excitement shines in his eyes. 
“Nonsense,” Tony says, pulling him into a hug after he sets everything down. “You’re the best teenaged superhero I know.” 
“Aren’t I the only one you know?” 
“Lies and slander,” Tony says. “I have most likely seen at least one more, statistically speaking.” Peter shrugs, admitting that he’s probably correct. Tony hands May a new bottle of wine, kisses her on the cheek, and they settle down to open gifts. 
May always gets Peter a joke present and a nice present. The nice present is a sizable supply of his favorite pens, which he actually appreciates because he’s down to his last two. His joke present are a pair of One Direction socks, a travel-size cucumber-melon shampoo bottle, and a plastic spork that she said she grabbed the last time she ate from a food truck. 
He laughs, pulls her in for a hug, and moves onto Tony’s. Inside are sweaters, two t-shirts that are appropriately punny by science standards, and a couple of new gadgets for the suit. 
“Thank you, I love it all,” Peter says, laughing. “Thank you for coming.” 
“You know I always will for the Spider-Boy,” Tony says, joking. He laughs as Peter corrects him for the millionth time, and May grabs the gadgets and puts them away on the top shelf of his closet. She thanks Tony for the new jackets and clothing because Peter has the audacity to grow. Who does that? 
Tony takes them out to lunch at a very fancy restaurant that does things like a “deconstructed burger” and “artful salad that puts a new twist on fusion and technology.” Peter just hopes that it’s good, and is pleasantly surprised when the dish he orders tastes phenomenal. 
They talk more about Tony, and he tells them all about Pepper and the team and how business is doing. Peter gets on a passionate rant about the stuff that he and Shuri have face-timed about, which reminds him to do it after lunch. 
After talking to Shuri about new tech, having a sibling and it’s frustrations, and Peter’s plan to ask Ned out once-and-for-all-finally, Peter says a goodbye and heads to the couch, where May is waiting. 
“Hi Pete,” she says, smiling. “Ready for the last one?” 
He requests a rooftop dinner. It’s still warm out, right before the wind takes an edge and the air cuts right through you. May has laid out fancy bread, cheese, meat, and some of Peter’s favorite fruits. 
She tells him about his parents. About how his father couldn’t cook, but his mother was much better. 
“You know I can’t cook that well, but your mom made the best lasagna I’ve ever had,” May says, smiling. “You would’ve hated how she made it. She put more garlic in it than I think you could ever handle.” Peter shudders but smiles all the same. 
“Now your mother and you have very similar humor, mainly because the two of you are the biggest nerds I’ve ever seen...” 
It’s melancholy, in a sense. But Peter’s just glad that May remembers so much, and she tells a new story each birthday. This birthday was about his father getting so drunk at May and Ben’s Christmas party that he crawled underneath a bed and went to sleep. It took them four hours to find him, and his wife found it so funny that she went down on the ground with him. 
May and Peter eat the cheesecake together, looking out at the city. 
“I love you a lot, Peter,” May says. “And I’m so proud to love you and raise you.” 
“I love you too,” Peter says, and that’s really all he needed to hear today. Another year with one of the best people is a really good thing, honestly. 
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danurso · 6 years
(I'm finding so many things roaming on my old docs, just like this story)
*pyrrha is celebrating her birthday in her parents house, they made a huge classy party, little did she knew her parents actual plan*
Leonidas: i don't think this is going to work, we should've just started with mine's
Athena: oh please, just look at him, dark hair, violet eyes, strong, smart, wealthy and confident, what else could our daughter ask for in a suitor?
Suitor 1: miss nikos, its a honor finally get to meet you.
Pyrrha: *with a polite smile* oh, it's a pleasure as well.
Suitor 1: i was wondering, would you like to accompany me to a dance using this? *reaches his hand out with a golden necklace carved with several diamonds and a charming smile*
Athena: see? there is no way she'll resist this.
Pyrrha: im sorry, but i don't really like to dance, and i don't think i can accept this, it's way too expensive for me.
Suitor 1: still, a beautiful lady like you deserves this and much more.
Pyrrha: sorry but still...i can’t accept it.
Suitor 1: *flinches clenching his jaw* i...i understand, please excuse me.
Leonidas: GHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i told you didn't i!?
Athena: *undignified* h-how? he had class, appearance, money and skill, why would she deny him?
Leonidas: don't know, but it doesn't matter since i already found a perfect suitor for her, red hair, brown eyes, broad shoulders, strong and confident, he's absolutely perfect, just watch.
Suitor 2: greetings pyrrha nikos!
Pyrrha: *awkwardly* g-greetings...?
Suitor 2: so, for what i know, you're an amazing fighter, and you're really beautiful as well, that got me thinking, i'm probably as strong and beautiful as you are, so why don't we start to date? here, i brought you this as a gift to you. *opens a small box with a pair of jade earrings*
Leonidas: see? this is how you do it.
Pyrrha: im sorry, but i really can't, these seems to precious and i don't really use earrings that much, i can't accept something like that.
Leonidas: *drops jaw*
Athena: *with a smug look* what were you saying?
Leonidas: how could she deny him!? he's strong, manly, confident and attractive, she should be head over heels for him!!
Suitor 2: *frowning* and why not? i don't think there is anyone that could do better than me.
Pyrrha: i'm sorry, but i just can't.
Suitor 2: *storms away*
Leonidas: great, where are we going to find an good suitor now?
Jaune: hey pyrrha, happy birthday.
Pyrrha: *with a beaming smile* hello jaune.
Leonidas: who's this?
Athena: it's one of her teammates i think.
Jaune: sorry if i'm late, it took me one hour to get this thing ready.
Pyrrha: the suit?
Jaune: the bowtie.
Leonidas: *winces* is he the one who got paired with our daughter?
Athena: *sighs* i feel really sorry for her.
Pyrrha: *giggles*
Jaune: go on, laugh as much as you want, maybe making fun out of my misery is better than this present i got for you. *pulls from his back a yellow bear plushie with sword and shield*
Athena: *eyebrow twitch* what? how old does he think she is?
Leonidas: didn't he had at least the decency to buy a good gift for her?
Pyrrha: *eyes widen and her smile brighten even more* jaune, you didn't had to.
Jaune: wait? you didn't liked? i knew it, it's just that yesterday in the carnival you saw it and you looked like you wanted it so much but i couldn't get it and-
Pyrrha: *hugs the golden bear tightly* i loved it!
Athena & Leonidas: *drop jaw*
Jaune: *sighs in relief* thank god, for one second i tho-
Pyrrha: *hugs him tightly* thank you jaune.
Jaune: *winces in pain*
Pyrrha: *let go with a small blush* i'm sorry, i-i didn't meant to hug you so tightly.
Jaune: *smiling sheepishly and rubbing his right arm* its okay, you didn't do anything, its just my arm that's a bit sore.
Pyrrha: *stares at him and the plushie* jaune, how did you got the bear?
Jaune: well...you know...throwing balls at that barrack from yesterday.
Pyrrha: jaune! you know those barracks are just money traps, how many tries you had to pay to get the bear?
Jaune: *rubbing the back of his neck* i don't know...i kinda stopped counting after the hundreth try.
Pyrrha: you shouldn't have done that!
Jaune: don't worry, i don't mind.
Pyrrha: but you should mind.
Jaune: nah, it may have costed all the money i had stored and almost my arm as well, but it made you happy, and that's all what really matters to me.
Pyrrha: *blushing* s-still, you shouldn't have done it.
Jaune: i know, but don't worry, money comes and goes anyway, and well, what kind of hero i want to become in the future if i can't even throw a few balls and get a bear for the girl i like.
Pyrrha: *sighs still with a blush, but stares back at him and giggles* you're already my hero, you know that? *kisses him in the cheek*
Jaune: *blushes*
Pyrrha: now lets go, we need to put something in your shoulder *pulls him along by the hand*
Leonidas: wha- how- when- what just happened?
Athena: i have no idea.
*twenty minutes later*
Leonidas: *walking down the corridor* where is she?
Athena: probably in her room.
Leonidas: do you think she is with that juane boy?
Athena: i don't think so, the boy is punny and uninteresting, pyrrha probably only copes with him because he's her partner and she is way too polite to decline him.
Leonidas: are you sure? i don't really remember the last time our daughter smiled like that for someone else.
Athena: i'm sure, she refused those two without showing even a bit of interest in them, that blonde kid doesn't have the slightest chance with our daugh- *opens the door of pyrrha's room*
Jaune: *naked on top of pyrrha* err...
Pyrrha: *naked on the bed bellow jaune* m-mom!? d-dad!?
Athena: ...
Leonidas: ...
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: ...
Athena: ...
Leonidas: so...are we getting grandbabies soon?
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asoftervirge · 5 years
A Royal Family: Logicality edition
RATING: PG PAIRINGS: L. Sanders/P. Sanders (main); R. Sanders/V. Sanders (mentioned) 
FIC WARNINGS/KINKS: N/A FIC SUMMARY: Despite want Logan did throughout Patton’s pregnancy, he has no regrets about their son.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: And here it is. My little piece that I did for A Royal Miracle’s one year anniversary. I want to thank every single person who commented, liked, reblogged and everything else you’ve done to support this fic. It has meant the absolute world to me and I wouldn’t have been able to finish it without all of you. And so, without further ado, let’s revisit the Logicality family from this AU. Happiest of Birthdays to Logan! x Virge
If you told Logan he and Patton would be parents to a cute son named Oliver, he’d look at you perplexed.
But now? He wouldn’t have it any other way.
He and Patton and little Ollie were in a small, private section of the Royal Gardens as opposed to the main garden itself, as that was where the Royal Family would mainly be.
Originally, it was Patton’s idea, as the moral Beta wanted to have a happy day with Logan and their son, just the three of them with no work or any other duties keeping them apart.
At first, Logan was adamant about not causing confusion and delay within the palace by not doing any work; however, after some gentle reassurance from Virgil, and some stubborn encouragement from Roman, he simply obeyed his King and Queen and spent the day with his family.
And after spending a whole day outside— with the ability to allow his shoulders to slump and his posture to relax, and to have a slightly unkempt look with no one to judge or criticize— he was quite satisfied.
The sky was ombre with dark plus and purples, not completely black just yet. Dots of sparkling white decorated the sky. The moral Beta can see very familiar shapes as he gazed up at them from his position on the grass, searching for some of his particular favorites.
He gazes away from the star-dusted sky as he heard soft footsteps padding towards him. Little Ollie was staring down at him with his big, deep blue eyes.
Logan sits up a little, putting most of his weight on his arms as he stared at his son with a gentle look. “Hello, my son. Is there something you need?”
Oliver shook his head. Even if the boy can speak a multitude of words at this point in his development, he had his moments of being quiet and observant very much like his father. He holds his tiny little hands out and presents something to Logan.
It was a flower crown. Patton had taught their son to make some earlier that afternoon after helping Oscar, the Royal Gardener, tend to some of the plants that he was curious about. His wide eyes watched as his daddy weaved and chained certain flowers together to make a wreath for his hair.
Quickly, the little boy picked up the skill, and now he was presenting his creation to the logical Beta.
Unlike the one on his son’s head— made up lilacs, symbolizing the joys of youth; and spring crocuses, symbolizing youthful gladness— the one in his hand were made up of wildflowers with some lavender and sage weaved in as well— symbolizing virtue and wisdom respectively.
Logan turned red in the face. “Is…Is that for me?”
Oliver nodded. There wasn’t a smile on his face, but there was a gentleness in his eyes that very much reminded him of Patton.
Logan sat up a little more and bent his head enough for his son to place the chain within his dark hair. The small flowers and herbs looked dark against his head due to the darkness, but from how his son looked satisfied, the logical Beta considered that to be enough.
“Thank you, my boy.”
Now Oliver smiled. He trotted toward his father, diving head first into his lap. Logan grunted as he was thrown back down onto the damp grass, but a warm laugh left his lips.
“Wha fader do?” the Omega toddler whispered in curiosity. Logan moved him so he was laying on his chest, a gentle hand running through his dark, curly locks.
“I’m looking for constellations.” the logical Beta whispered back.
Dark blue eyes widened in excitement and even more curiosity; his head was thrown back as he hastily looked up like his father. Logan chuckled and carefully maneuvered his son off his chest so he was also lying on the grass beside him.
“Where stars?”
Logan starts to explain in a hushed tone, pointed at each one he finds. “Right there, that’s Ursa Major, the Great Dipper. And right underneath it is the Leo Minor, the lesser Lion.”
Oliver squints before nodding, paying attention to his father’s words. “Like Uncle Woman?”
A snort followed by a snicker. The Omega toddler should be fortunate said uncle isn’t out here with them, otherwise it’d be a night of indignant, kingly noises and a bruised ego.
“Yes,” he says when he’s calmed. “Very much like Uncle Roman.” He continues to point and whisper, “Above the Ursa Major is the Ursa Minor, the Little Bear. Within the bears you can see the Dippers—”
“Yes, my boy?”
“Why we whisper?” Oliver asked.
Logan stopped abruptly, finger lowering a little. “I’m…I’m not sure. But I’m sure you were the one who started it.”
Oliver shook his head. “No.”
Logan nodded. “Yes.”
Oliver shook his head faster. “No!”
Logan nodded slower. “Yes!”
“Are my boys having fun out here?” an amused voice called out to them.
Both of them looked up to see Patton standing in front of his mate’s feet. In his hands was a tray of goblets and a bottle, steam rose up from them, meaning it was warmed milk; underneath of his arms was a giant pillow and a blanket; and still on his head was the flower crown he made earlier, which were of daisies (innocence and purity) and sunflowers (adoration).
His son nods, beaming happily. “Fader tell me of stars!”
“Constellations,” Logan gently corrects with a small smile.
Patton also smiles happily. The logical Beta’s heart fluttered in his chest. It was little things like that that showed him just how much of his husband was also in their son.
“Is that right?” he asks as he kneels down beside his family. He sets down the tray of warmed milk and arranges the blanket and pillows for them.
“Yeah! He talk about spoons!”
“The Dippers.”
Patton giggles, nodding in understanding.
Once everything was in place, the family climb on top of the soft, fluffy material. Patton’s head was resting against his mate’s shoulder while their son was cozied up between them. Logan had a hand resting on the moral Beta’s waist.
“Now, what were you going to say about spoons?”
Logan scowled lightly, but continued to talk about any stars and constellations that were shining above them.
“Fader?” Oliver asks again.
“What you favwite star?”
Logan ponders that question thoughtfully before turning to his family. Patton saw something akin to love and happiness shining in his eyes, similar to the twinkles in the sky.
“I like to think my favorites are the ones that are right beside me.” He gently twists and gives his husband a sweet kiss. When Oliver giggled and let out a high-pitched ‘ewww!!,’ Logan and Patton smiled and started tickling their son’s belly.
The Omega toddler shrieked in laughter, hands clapping in glee.
Hearing their son laughing brought laughter to them. They continued to laugh and smile until their cheeks were red and their lungs were out of breath.
When Oliver let out a yawn, Patton giggled. “I think it’s time for all of us to go to bed.” he says as he reaches over to grab the goblets and bottle of warmed milk. “But first, some milk to warm our bellies.”
Logan affectionately rolled his eyes while Oliver giggled as he made grabby hands for his bottle.
“Puns, Patton. Really?”
“What can I say, I’m a punny guy!”
This time a groan with another giggle.
They drank their warmed milk and continued to talk about constellations until Oliver began to drift off to sleep. When he did, Patton rushed back inside to grab some an extra blanket so they wouldn’t get cold in the spring night air.
He came back and covered them all with the blankets before snuggling into them.
“Do you regret everything that we’ve been through?” Patton asks in a gentle voice, genuinely curious as to what Logan would tell him.
Like before, Logan had to ponder that thoughtfully, but he also knew he had to be serious about it.
He remembered how upset and cold he was when the moral Beta wanted to use the Felix Gestare potion in order to try and have a baby. It went against all the science and logic that Logan had studied for years and years. Even if Thomas and his late Consort, a Beta and Alpha respectively, had Roman this way, it was something that the logical Beta didn’t want for them.
However, Patton was very adamant about it. And so, Emile gave him the potion, they mated (albeit, a little forcefully, particularly from Logan’s end), and soon, they were pregnant with Oliver.
And throughout, Logan maintained some form of distance. While he felt guilty about it later, back then, he had a very good reason: Thomas nearly died in childbirth, and he didn’t want his mate to go through the same thing. Sure enough…that nightmare almost came true.
Patton suffered an internal hemorrhage, leaving Logan to suffer with his thoughts (even if it was only for about a day). But even still, it made the logical Beta truly realize how much he truly loved his husband and for him to possibly be dying crushed him immensely.
“No,” he finally says with a yawn. He slips off his glasses and rests them in a spot where they wouldn’t break. “Despite my negative emotions, and I still apologize for that, I do not regret us having the experience that gave us our Oliver Flynn.”
And he truly means that. Oliver is one of the purest lights of Logan’s life, someone who would the logical Beta would do any and everything for besides Patton (and the Royal Family, but that’s besides the point).
“Good,” Patton whispers, looking down at their little boy. He gently runs his fingers against his soft, curly hair, listening to his soft snores. “Because I don’t regret it either.”
Logan gently takes his mate’s glasses off and places them where he laid his own. He kissed his son’s head, then kissed Patton’s cheek.
“I love you, Patton,” he whispers as he drifts off to sleep. “I love you both…”
Patton smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to Logan’s hair. “We love you too, Lo-Lo.”
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marshmalleaux-draws · 5 years
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I never did post my self insert for My Hero Academia, did I? I was hoping to draw up a more complete and proper reference for her, but given that my mental and physical battery have been at about -37549% for the past 4 months or so, this is all I could manage to do. Still love to share as always, though~.
All her info under the cut (copied from a google doc I wrote not too long ago), cause I hate cluttering up people’s dash with super long posts.
Anyway, I hope you like her~ . ❄️
Name: Sierra Niall Nickname/s: Cici Hero name (?): Snowflake Quirk: Winter Warping Age: 23 Birthday: February 13 Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Blood type: ??? Height: 5'1" Weight: 118 lbs Likes: Marshmallows, lavender (the color, flower, and scent) Quirk and Abilities: Cici's quirk, Winter Warping, allows her to manipulate various aspects of winter, including ice, snow, and the temperature of the air around her. She mostly chooses to use her abilities defensively and for support rather than attack, but she does have a few offensive capabilities as well. Different ways she can use her quirk include: ❄️ Encasing herself in ice as a protective barrier, but this renders her immobile until the ice is broken, either by herself or by someone else. The ice can be close enough just to cover her body, or she can create a large block around her. ❄️ Coating certain parts of her body in ice, such as her hands or feet, so that when she punches or kicks, her attacks are reinforced. ❄️ Summoning spikes of ice to emerge from the ground, either as a barrier or an attack. ❄️ Creating snowflake shuriken (though this one often goes unused). ❄️ Healing open wounds (but not broken bones or internal injuries) using snow. She can do things like use her ice to keep a broken arm from moving, but she can't actually heal such an injury herself, just keep it under control until professional help is available. ❄️ Creating a heavy snowstorm in her immediate vicinity in order to cloak herself. She can see things outside the storm from within, but it's hard for others to see her in the blizzard. ❄️ Creating cushions of snow to break falls. ❄️ Crumbling solid ice into snow, and reforming snow into solid ice.
Drawbacks: ❄️ Since her quirk revolves around the cold, she is especially heat-sensitive. The hotter the air around her, the sleepier she becomes and the more brittle her ice becomes. Environments that are hot enough can cause her to fall asleep pretty much immediately, leaving her completely vulnerable. She also can’t use her own quirk to keep herself cool in those situations. ❄️ The strength of her abilities is tied to her emotions. Feelings of helplessness, sadness, fear, anxiety and the like cause her ice to become brittle, her snow less dense, and her healing less effective. Conversely, intense feelings of passion, contempt, determination and the like can strengthen her ice to near-unbreakable levels, and her healing far quicker and more effective.
Background: Cici has always been a girl of a kind, caring, and empathetic (albeit rather naive) disposition. She's intent on the idea of making sure all the people she meets are happy and safe, if it's within her power. Seeing others prosper is all she needs to feel content, and it goes to such an extent that she often fails to look out for herself. Even with her good intentions, however, she is plagued with severe anxiety and insecurity, which often keeps her from achieving many of the things she wants. In an attempt to combat this insecurity and fear, she enrolls in UA's hero course at the beginning of her high school years, hoping that being shoved outside her comfort zone will push her into being the best and most confident person she can be. While she's there, she meets and befriends Shouta Aizawa, who admires her willingness to push herself to be better. He still knows of her generally soft and sweet personality, and likes to tease her with the affectionate nickname "Snowflake." She takes a liking to him due to his constant (although not always immediately apparent) hardworking attitude, as well as his ability to be both blunt and honest, and understanding and gentle when needed. Unfortunately, not even a year in, her fear catches up to her, and she becomes overwhelmed by the sheer amount of conviction needed to be a hero that she clearly doesn't possess, even though she desperately wants to. Her insecurities get the better of her and, ashamed, she decides to drop out, opting to finish her high school education at a normal public school. She can't even bring herself to explain to Aizawa why she was leaving, and distances herself from him in fear of disappointing him. Years pass, and Cici has found herself a best friend (and later, roommate), Alia, who has done some hero work herself and also had went through UA’s hero course as a transfer student. Cici still isn't terribly confident in herself, but she still is happy to assist Alia in her work, opting to give herself an unofficial hero name as well - the name that her old friend gave her all those years ago, Snowflake. Cici and Alia learn of a reunion being held at their old school and decide to attend, and Cici is surprised to see Aizawa again. He immediately recognizes her, and his first thought after greeting her is to ask why she had disappeared all those years ago. Embarrassed, Cici confesses that she basically chickened out of the hero course, feeling that her own fear and lack of confidence far outweighed her ability to be a half-decent hero. After that, she felt so ashamed and afraid to disappoint Aizawa's expectations of her that she ceased contact with altogether. Aizawa is surprised, saying that she had just as much of a chance to do great things as anyone else, and reminds her of how he admired her desire to push herself to be better, just so she could help others be happy. Although still nervous, she's flattered and elated that he still thinks so highly of her, even though she didn't think enough of herself. It's a bittersweet reunion, but it doesn't end there - they start to reconnect, and in no time they're even closer than they were all those years ago. The two even decided to begin a romantic relationship and have been perfectly content since. These days, Cici still isn't confident enough in her own abilities to be a full-fledged hero, but she's found a happy middle ground of helping people the best way she feels she can - she decides to become a counselor for UA students, helping everyone that comes into her office with whatever troubles and concerns they may have. Her gentle and empathetic personality makes her easy to talk to for many of the students that come to see her, and nearly all of them leave feeling relieved and happy, which is all she wanted in the first place. Stats: Strength: 2/5 Speed: 2/5 Intelligence: 4/5 Technique: 3/5 Cooperativeness: 5/5 Trivia: ❄️ In the present day, she has become somewhat of an aunt to Shouto, since she's been best friends with his mother (in this AU), Alia, for many years. He's always happy to see his auntie and sometimes comes into her office just to take a breather from everyone.
❄️ She absolutely can not get enough of Deku. She would readily adopt him as her son if he didn't already have a pure and loving mother, and she spoils him and treats him better than probably any other student (aside from Shouto). More importantly, however, she actually looks up to him and is even jealous of him, because he's been able to do something that she's failed to do all of these years - he's constantly pushing himself further and further to be a better person and hero, no matter how scared or helpless he feels - and she has an immense amount of admiration and respect for him.
❄️ She understands why people see the potential in Bakugou, but she feels everyone beats around the bush too much and just wishes they would say it for what it is: yes, he's skilled, talented, and powerful, but he's an angry and insufferable prick who won't listen to anyone, ever, and that's pretty much the only thing keeping him from really being a great hero. She dreads seeing him come to her office for any reason whatsoever because he is just that incorrigible, and she enjoys getting back at him in subtle ways for being so pissy all the time (making the room colder when he visits, giving him a largely uncomfortable chair to sit on, etc.)
❄️ She has Tourette’s Syndrome (bc of course I gotta fucking shoehorn this in therekdhsjfk), albeit a rather mild case. Still, she worries that it might interfere with her quirk, since her insecurity and awareness of possible onlookers would certainly weaken the strength of her ice. She also worries that she’ll get mocked by the students or even other staff members (and sometimes is by a certain pissed off explosion boy), but that worry is generally subsided when the sweeter kids like Shouto and Deku are 100% understanding of it.
❄️ Sierra, similar her friend Alia, was an American exchange student. She moved to Japan for the express purpose of enrolling in UA, mixing her goals of heroism with her adoration for the culture and lifestyle of the country. Even after she dropped out, she still enjoyed her time there so much that she opted to continue living there and made it easier on herself by getting a place together with her friend.
❄️ She still goes by her English name, but I also wanted to stick with the theme of punny/fitting names for characters, so I gave her a Japanese alias as well: Seppen Shijinko. Her first name 雪片 (seppen) means “snowflake,” and her last name 詩人子 (shijin-ko) means “child of a poet.” ...Okay, really only the first name is punny/fitting, but her last name is one that I’ve been using for a long time that not only has its own background/story, but also ties in with her English surname (Niall), so that would take way too much explanation sdfgfdh.
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lululawrence · 6 years
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lululawrence’s December 2018 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
It’s December! As usual, it has given us many glorious fic reading opportunities, both those that are holiday focused as well as Louis birthday focused and totally not December related at all. I loved so many while I was trying not to go completely insane with the craziness that is also part of the season, despite not having gotten to nearly as many as I wanted to, but here are the ones that really helped me survive the past month.
The Lace That Saved Christmas by @alarrylarrie / Larrymama15 What a great way to kick off a fic rec, honestly. This fic was so cute and sweet and pure and lovely and all things good! Plus a bit saucy hehe Manda uses her words for good once again and blessed us with a Christmas fic this time. Defo a great fic to reread every year hehe
Just Say the Word by @louandhazaf / YesIsAWorld I am horrifically behind on all of the girl direction fics from the exchange, but this one was fantastic. The TENSION and the sexiness from a fucking kiss!!! I’m telling you, i was fanning myself reading it and it was a bloody kiss! Anyway. You have to read this if you have even considered girl direction, because it is soft and wonderful. And who doesn’t love pining idiot girls in love?
Treat Mothman With Kindness by @lesbianiconharrystyles / flowercrownfemme Okay yeah this fic was fantastic in the most crack fic way. It was crack, and yet not. It was soft and lovely and pining again and like…mothman Harry? You know you want to. hahaha The entire cast of characters is fabulous, though. Especially the lesbian cats.
The light is coming by @pocketsunshineharry / ishiplouis Okay so like. This fic has everything I love about A/B/O in it haha It’s angsty with a touch of softness and the kind of gritty animalistic undertones that can come with A/B/O fics that I kinda adore. Louis is pregnant and a bit feral as an omega and Harry is the softhearted alpha baker who just wants to take care of him. There is nesting, fighting of instincts, and all sorts of wonderful things. A fab read.
There’s really nothing better (than a beautiful boy in an ugly Christmas sweater) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same This is another adorable pining Christmas fic featuring a meet cute, punny Christmas sweaters, and a bet. Hehe It’s adorable and cute and I love it. A completely fluffy and soft read that is perfect for a cold night snuggled beneath blankets.
The Christmas Lift by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours Fake dating! Misunderstandings! Annoying but affectionate coworkers! Annoying saxophone playing neighbors! This fic has them all and it’s all done to PERFECTION. I was still thinking about this days later, which is always a good sign. Another great read.
Holiday Greetings (And Gay Happy Meetings) by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 This is actually the first half of the fic! I haven’t gotten a chance to read the second half yet, so it’ll probably be part of my January list, but this first one is SO GOOD. I loved how she worked the fact that Louis and Harry had not only met before under less than stellar circumstances, but things just worked together so perfectly. It’s such a fun fic and I can’t wait to see how it all comes together for Louis’ birthday in the second part.
Empty Nights by Anonymous This is the fic that was written for me for the Tomlinshaw exchange! And unfortunately the only one I’ve been able to read from the exchange at large as of yet. Sigh. I’ll get to the others hopefully in January! Anyway, this one was FAB. It was so painful and angsty and awkward and lovely but all without being too much. So many feelings and it all comes together so so so perfectly and they are truly the answer to all the upset surrounding them and how healing and beautiful is that? Anyway. It’s a really really great read, and this person’s very first fic ever! I loved it.
Her Love On My Lips by @suddenclarityharry / FallingLikeThis SO SOFT! SO SWEET! SO PERFECT! I loved this fic and the way Tabby imbued so much emotion and feeling into the words. It’s so impactful while still being short somehow. I adored it. So, if girl direction is for you, you will LOVE this fic. If it isn’t for you, fine, but you’re missing out on a hella amazing fic here.
Winter Drabbles by @homosociallyyours / homosociallyyours These three drabbles came together to tell a longer story arch and it was so lovely. Such a sweet little taste of how they are together. I really liked them!
Drabbles by @laynefaire / Layne Faire (HisDarlin) The only other drabbles I’ve read as of yet, because I am woefully behind on pretty much all reading, but these are all amazing as well! This collection holds the drabbles Layne has written for the previous drabbles fests as well as the winter drabbles she wrote, so just hop on in and enjoy the ride, because they’re all wonderful.
Christmas With The Devil by @taggiecb / taggiecb Are you seeing a trend with my reading this month? I focused on shorter fics because I couldn’t handle anything long, and JUST LIKE ALWAYS Lacey took her Satan/Santa series and ramped it up a bit more with this one. How does she always infuse so much melancholy and fear and just…full-bodied emotions into her soft and happy fluff? She does! Just a touch of this and a pinch of that and it comes out to be this completely delectable experience of a fluffy cake. So anyway. That got out of hand, but all the same, this is a fab addition to the series and I highly recommend it.
Make my wish come true by @tommosgun / Star_Henderson Listen. Shar is one of the first writers i followed in this fandom and I’ve never looked back. This fic reminds me so much of why I fell in love with her stories to begin with. They’re so fun, there’s always an emotional bond that is so strong and so immediate and the way she writes it is like exploring something new. I can’t even explain it, but this fic is defo a Shar classic that was so fun for Christmas.
Set Your Heart A-Whirl by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen The first of six fics from our Secret Santa fic exchange, I’m kicking it off with this one because IT WAS WRITTEN FOR ME!!! We all wrote a fic based on the same prompt, and this one was just beautiful. It was so soft and sweet and cute and funny and ahhhhhhh! A true pleasure. You’ll love it. Go read it. hehe
Do Not Falter (There’s a Star Ahead) by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry This was Emmu’s fic for Molly and NESTING OMEGA HARRY!!! Oh gosh this fic made me squeal softly into my pillow as I read it. I loved it. I’m sighing again just thinking about it now.
Twinkle Lights and Snowy Nights by @haloeverlasting / haloeverlasting This was the fic Brit wrote for Bri and SHE HURT US ALL. There is so much emotion and fear and hurt and yet love. So so so much love! And healing! Gahhhhh it’s beautiful and art and poetry and makes you just want to cuddle in some blankets. It was glorious.
You Should Be Here With Me by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halo Jacky like… took Emmu and wrapped her up into a fic from the bubble tea to IKEA to just… ALL OF IT. Another fab A/B/O fic that is so soft and rife with miscommunications and good intentions and fixing what was messed up and just. LOVELY.
This Christmas by @suddenclarityharry / FallingLikeThis I might have commented on this fic twice and not even realized, but that’s okay because Tabby deserves all the comments on this fic. It is such a great read, featuring Exes to Lovers, and has flashbacks that fill in the back story as we go. It’s a wonderful read with just the right touch of pain and angst and just. Sigh. Wonderful.
love isn’t brains, children, it’s blood by @briannamarguerite / BriaMaria Bri went and wrote a full on Buffy fic for Tabby for the exchange!! It’s hard core and wonderful and Zayn as Spike kinda made the entire fic for me. Like, Harry as Angel and Louis as Buffy was already pretty amazing, especially when I realized Steve was Giles, but then Roman Kemp was tossed into the mix with Liam and I was just like the shock emoji the entire time I was reading. It was wonderful and such a great read! 
Forget the Silent Nights by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry As of writing this up, I still haven’t finished the last chapter of any of the three advent fics from this year, but it’s okay because I adored them all. This one was such fun reading from all the varied POVs and having little snippets of their history mixed in with the present story! I loved reading the insanity every day. You’ll have to go as Emmu how much of the fic is based on real life, too. The answer might surprise you. hahahaha
Santa Baby Honey by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren Crack fic meets advent fic in the very best of ways. hahaha I died laughing so many times while reading this and went screaming to sada about it and it was just. Such fun and so insane and great and just. Do yourself a favor and read it because it’s a fucking TRIP.
hymns for restless stars by @turnyourankle / turnyourankle This fic had such feeling!!! Famous/non-famous!!! But of course, it’s complicated. Never so easy as just that. It’s wonderful and so soft and worrying and painful and lovely and made me cry just a touch. hehe This was the perfect addition to the other perhaps more lighthearted advent fics because while it was also lighthearted, this one also gave a dose of heavier emotions too.
And that’s it! I have SO MANY MORE Christmas fics to catch up on, so most of my January reading will probably be that. Get ready! hehe Happy belated Christmas for those that celebrate, Happy New Year to everyone, and ALWAYS Happy Reading! Please remember to leave kudos and comments (and reblog their fic posts, if they link them!) to show your appreciation!
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