The Collector 2
Summary: When Adrien and his cat leave for university, the Agreste mansion suddenly becomes a very empty and quiet place. What better way to bring back some joy and laughter than to take in a new cat? Or two? Or three? Five at most. But why stop at five when you have such a fine feline collection? Besides, Gabriel has never known when to stop, has he? 
Part 3 of the Felinotherapy Series. Also on AO3 / Fanfiction.net
(Part 1 - “New Kitty on the Block”) (Part 2 - “Felinotherapy”)
Happy Birthday, @goblin-alchemist​! I hope you like your Gabe gift, wink wink.
An enormous thank you goes to @sheeoni​ , for her invaluable beta-reading assistance!
>^.^<        >(^w^)<       =(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It started innocently enough. Adrien graduated from lycée and left for Cambridge, taking Lady Noir with him. She was his cat, after all. Gabriel never would have thought that their absence would bring such silence and emptiness. The mansion was a huge house; one teenager and one cat couldn’t possibly have made such a difference. And yet, even with Emilie at his side again, Gabriel felt something was missing. Was he turning into an old softie after all these years? Nah, impossible. 
Still, even Nooroo’s mood seemed more wistful. Lady Noir was like a younger sister to him, and she certainly knew how to keep the violet sprite occupied. After Gabriel had dropped his second gig as a supervillain, both of them suddenly gained plenty of free time—more than they could fill with work. Seriously, had Gabriel known supervillainy was such a demanding job, he’d have been more reluctant to terrorize a city in search of magic jewels—which he had never gotten in the end, anyway. 
Although not obtaining their Miraculous had stung, Gabriel took solace in the fact that nobody had discovered he was Hawkmoth since he'd just stopped appearing. Despite akumas no longer being a threat to the city, Ladybug and Chat remained in the public eye, and had apparently become a couple. It didn't take long before their relationship caught the attention of the media, and in their eagerness to supply the public with breaking news, they'd prioritized the superhero couple over figuring out what had happened to the gaudy akumas and the apparent shortage of supervillains.
While Gabriel still had his fashion empire, his brand and his family, Nooroo did not have any job other than being a kwami. And maybe Gabriel should have let him slumber inside the Butterfly Miraculous, but the truth was he’d grown used to the magical company. The sight of Nooroo frolicking with Lady Noir had always warmed his heart; he liked having the sprite around. 
So in the end, it was that need to fill the gaping hole left by Lady Noir that brought it upon them. 
=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It was a chilly evening but Gabriel decided to take a stroll nevertheless. His steps took him to Champs Élysée. Just as he was walking by a dark alley, he heard a faint squeal. He stopped, intrigued. Nooroo popped his head out from Gabriel’s pocket and listened intently. 
Something mewled miserably behind the trash bins and cardboard boxes that occupied the narrow space. The containers shook and another desperate wail broke the silence. 
The sound was so doleful Gabriel’s heart clenched. His empathic powers weren’t even required for him to know the creature needed help. Yet the alley was dark, and he couldn’t find the source of the noise. 
‘Can you see anything, Nooroo?’ he asked his companion.
The kwami shook his head and, without further prompting, he flew to investigate the stash of boxes. He phased through the cardboard just as the first droplets of rain splashed on the pavement. Gabriel reached for his umbrella, but before he could open it, Nooroo called him. 
‘In here, Master!’ He hovered over one of the containers. ‘I need help, she’s trapped.’
Careful not to make a sound, Gabriel creeped closer and raised the box. Underneath he found the most pitiful cat he’d ever seen. It was a bit bigger than Lady Noir and more round in shape. Its fur was dull, dirty and wet. Gabriel could only guess the cat’s hide must have been silver once, as it looked a bit like a Russian Blue, but now it was a toneless grey. 
The cat looked tired and scared, but it didn’t flee at the sight of a huge man. Maybe it was already done with running, and was just seeking help?
‘We can’t leave her like this, Master,’ Nooroo turned to Gabriel with his big pleading eyes. 
‘Can you understand her?’
‘Not really, just her emotions,’ the kwami admitted. ‘She’s scared and exhausted.’
Gabriel could clearly see it for himself. He crouched and extended a hand. The cat sniffed it once, twice, then tilted her head to rub against his skin. 
Slowly Gabriel took off his jacket and placed it on the ground. ‘Can you tell her we can help her if she comes with us?’ he asked Nooroo. 
The sprite pursed his lips. Then he flew to the jacket and plopped himself in the center waving invitingly at the cat. Hesitantly the animal followed and settled next to the kwami.
‘I’m going to take you somewhere safe and dry,’ Gabriel promised softly. ‘We’ll take care of you.’ 
Gingerly he wrapped the jacket around the cat and Nooroo. Pressing the bundle to his chest he walked back to the mansion as fast as he dared. 
When they returned home, Emilie gasped at the cat’s state; she barked a few orders to the staff. Soon, a bath and fresh towels were ready, followed by a nourishing meal and a comfortable basket where the now fluffy and content cat finally found some rest. 
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Chomp Élysée—what Gabriel had decided to name her despite Emilie’s complaints—turned out to be a grateful companion. She wasn’t as lively as Lady Noir, preferring to nap in sunbeams instead of chasing Nooroo over in Gabriel’s study. She purred up a storm when petted, but she always hid her tummy and chomped on anyone who dared to try and stroke the area. She also ate twice the amount Lady Noir would typically consume, which was reflected in her round shape.
‘You need to restrict her diet, dear, or soon she won’t be walking but rolling,’ Emilie would chide Gabriel, but every time Chomp Élysée came demanding food, he simply could not refuse her; the cat’s distressed look in the alley was still too fresh in his memory. 
Maybe he was going soft after all? But Chomp’s happy purr and easy company finally brought back some of the lost joy from his and Nooroo’s life.
They say the more you do something, the easier it becomes. It turns out this same principle works for cats very well. Gabriel had never been more reluctant than when he’d decided to allow Lady Noir into his home. It had taken a lot of time for her to weasel her way into his heart and heal his soul. Taking Chomp Élysée in was a bit simpler precisely because of the Lady Noir experience. Moreover, Emilie didn’t object to the mansion’s newest dweller, and even helped take care of the cat. 
So it really wasn’t such a big surprise when a few weeks later, Gabriel arrived home with not just one but two scrawny striped cats. Emilie didn’t say a word, yet her look was more guarded this time. However, an unexpected ally—Chomp Élysée—left his wife no choice but to accept the newest additions to their flock. The grey cat inspected the pets, gracing each with a friendly lick over their pink noses. She took them straight to her bowl. She held Gabriel’s eye as she allowed the hungry kitties to devour every bit of food in there, including two helpings. Then she nudged them in the direction of her basket and curled with them as the proudest mother hen. It was a miracle in itself that three cats could even fit in there.
Thus it was settled that the Agreste family had just gained two new members: Pusskin and Shakespurr. The cat corner in Gabriel’s study expanded to accommodate two more pets, their beds and a cat tree. Unlike Chomp Élysée, the new cats knew how to have fun. Suddenly Nooroo had his nubs full with keeping an eye on the feline writers. 
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That was also the last time Emilie allowed for punny names, which was a shame because Gabriel had enough for a herd. Purrudence, Tabbytha, Margaret Scratcher, just to name a few for the ladies, or Fuzzinator, Catapult and Miraclaws for the boys. Such a waste. Even Clawsby was out of the question. 
Someone would say that three cats were a crowd (that someone being Emilie), so the circumstances of the next arrival were a bit unclear. One day a golden maine coon—Croissant, by Emilie’s insistence—just showed up at the mansion’s door. He regarded the Agrestes with his astute green eyes and took over as if the house had been always his. Gabriel supposed Emilie allowed this because the maine coon was basically a feline version of Adrien—from the slender posture to the fine blond fur, from the poised manner to the unnerving green gaze, there was something in Croissant that made it impossible not to fall under his charm. 
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Of course, the fact that Croissant curbed Pusskin and Shakespurr’s temper helped a lot. Croissant hadn’t done anything in particular, yet he became the ultimate leader of the feline family. It took one growl from him and the mischievous kitties toned down their shenanigans in an instant. 
And since Croissant was definitely Emilie’s cat, she couldn’t really object when he brought Macaroon home. She was without a shadow of a doubt his partner and shared his intelligent gaze. Her eyes were deep blue. She must have been of Birman breed—not the kind usually associated with strays. Emilie and Gabriel went through no small amount of trouble to find out if anyone was looking for a lost maine coon or a birman cat, as they didn’t want to be accused of stealing other people’s pets. However, in the end it seemed both Croissant and Macaroon had no previous homes or owners. 
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Five cats became the point where Emilie drew the line. True, their house was big, and with Adrien abroad they had a substantial supply of space, time and love to share, but enough was enough. 
‘We don’t want them to take over, do we, dear?’ she jested observing the cat colony in Adrien’s room, that had been redecorated to suit the feline needs. 
Confident that the cat limit was firmly established, Emilie left for England to check on their son and to spend some time with her sister. 
Gabriel decided not to tell her that barely three days after her departure he’d agreed to foster Athos, Portos and Aramis (at least he’d kept his promise with their names). It really wasn’t like he’d had any choice in the matter: Gorilla found the first one wandering around the patio, Nathalie then located a box with the second one next to the dumpster. The third decided to sleep under the limousine’s hood and it was a miracle he was discovered before he was grilled on the engine. 
The three musketeers were black with white collars and paws. They might have been brothers with their identically fluffy tails and impressive whiskers. They preferred Gorilla’s company, yet since his wife was allergic to cats, Gabriel graciously decided to let his bodyguard keep them in the mansion. There wasn’t much difference between five and eight cats,  after all. 
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=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
What was a lonely ex-villain supposed to do in an empty house? Spoil his cats of course! If it wasn’t for Nooroo and Croissant’s joined efforts, the pets would have walked all over him—especially Pusskin and Shakespurr. But somehow, the cats could always pick up on Gabriel’s mood and knew not to push him beyond his limits. 
Besides, whenever he felt wistful or sad, at least two felines accompanied him. Emilie had been gone for about a week when he let Chomp Élysée into his bed and the other cats followed. He loved how soothing a cat’s purr was. Chomp would settle at the foot of the bed, while Croissant and Macaroon took over Emilie’s side. Pusskin and Shakespurr each secured Gabriel’s legs, while Athos, Portos and Aramis usually fought for a place on any of the pillows. And once Gabriel sank his nose into the soft black fur of a musketeer, there was no way he could throw the cats out of his bedroom. Goodbye, headaches— welcome, good night’s sleep. 
Gabriel’s only complaint was that Chomp would wake him up at dawn with a bite on his big toe, demanding that he feed her, while rousing the rest of the feline family in the process. Gabriel would then descend the stairs to the kitchen, knee deep in cats, who rubbed at his shins affectionately—not so subtly urging him to move faster. 
One day though, Chomp Élysée didn’t wake him. Gabriel blinked the sleep away from his eyes, gently lifted a sleepy Portos from his chest, and looked around. No sign of Chomp in the bed. Gabriel appreciated routine greatly, so immediately he started to worry. He went to the kitchen, the rest of the cats at his heels. He picked Chomp’s favorite food and banged her bowl loudly and repeatedly, but she didn’t come. He left the other cats wolfing down their breakfast and set to look for his first cat.
When he finally found her, in her basket, under his desk, the mystery of Chomp Élysée’s recent appetite and shape was revealed. Gabriel was now the proud owner of twelve cats. 
>^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<
The kittens were the cutest thing Gabriel had ever seen, baby Adrien excluded. Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Ricci—absolutely punless nods to his favorite designers—were four little balls of grey fluff. They had him wrapped around their tiny claws in a blink. 
Having them around was so much fun. He could watch them play for hours, with their wee fluffy tails and clumsy movements, sweet mewls and an appetite for life rivalling their mother’s drive for food. Gabriel began to reminisce on how he used to watch little Adrien the same way. He briefly wondered when his son and Marinette would produce a grandchild for him—not that he’d ask, mind you. They were still so young, barely starting their adult life. Besides, he had sworn he’d never be one of those parents, but still it would be delightful to hear baby steps and giggles echoing in the mansion’s cavernous hall. For now Gabriel settled for miniature paws and excited squeals of the four most adorable designer kittens ever.
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Yet good things rarely last long. Just as Chanel and her siblings got bold enough to start exploring the mansion, with their mother’s tender supervision, Emilie announced her return. Not only that, she bore auspicious news of Adrien and Marinette’s engagement (yay! one step closer to that grandchild). The happy husband-and-wife-to-be were returning for their break at the same time as her, and Emilie already decreed a dinner with the Dupain-Chengs should be held at the mansion upon their arrival. 
Under normal circumstances Gabriel would be overjoyed to finally get his human family back. There was just one teeny tiny problem—he was eight cats over the limit his wife had set. He was almost sure he could persuade her to keep what he started to think of as probably the biggest cat herd in Paris, but the dinner party was something of an obstacle. Not the best way to introduce new and unauthorized members of their household. He needed a cunning plan.
That’s when Nooroo stepped in with his brilliant idea: Gabriel just had to transfer the surplus cats to the only place in the building no one would visit—his former lair. Before Hawkmoth had risen to power it had been a neglected sunroom, forever waiting on renovation, but now it would do nicely as the cats’ den with a special nursery section for his little treasures. 
Nathalie and Gorilla turned out to be very helpful in furnishing the ex-lair. With some broom work and a fresh coat of paint what was once an akuma hatchery became a feline paradise. Cat trees, scratching posts, tunnels, shelves, beds, baskets, fountains, toys—only the best for Gabriel’s kitties. The team effort allowed the cats to be moved a few days before Emilie’s arrival, giving their pets the necessary time to adjust to a new place. 
The plan worked like a charm. The cats were happy to explore their new playroom and they didn’t even feel inclined to leave the lair. They had everything they needed there. Gabriel had his favorite armchair installed in the sunroom as well, so that he could spend some time watching the cats, and maybe even take a comfortable nap during his lunch breaks.
The celebratory dinner was in full swing and Gabriel was nailing it. He had finally found a worthy match for his pun game in Tom Dupain. The resulting pun-off was definitely the highlight of the evening. The ladies were chuckling, the youngsters were groaning. The only present felines included Lady Noir, who meticulously inspected every corner of the dining room, and Croissant with Macaroon. The two cats decided to act as the guard of honor for Emilie, flanking her chair and chirping happily at their favorite human’s return. The looks on Marinette and Adrien’s faces were priceless.
Everything went smoothly until Lady Noir’s tail turned into bottle brush. Croissant and Macaroon exchanged worried looks. Then all three cats bolted for the door and disappeared. Gabriel seemed to be the only one to notice. He surely was the only one to understand where they’d gone. He excused himself from the company in order to check on the situation in the secret room.
He found all thirteen cats in the lair, all right. Thirteen tails bristled and lashed behind them. In front of them, on the window frame was a pigeon. And not even Mr. Pigeon, just one of those flying rats. It dawned on him that this was the reason for their odd behavior, and Gabriel snorted out a laugh at the ridiculous sight. Unfortunately, it startled the bird, and the stupid creature decided the safest plan of action would be to dive inside a cat lair.
Thirteen pairs of eyes followed the pigeon’s trail inside the dome; thirteen throats uttered a growl. Within seconds, the cats sprang into action, and all hell broke loose! The pigeon, sensing eminent danger, did the only sensible thing it could—it decided to hide in a nest. Only it wasn’t a nest, but the neatly trimmed hair of one Gabriel Agreste. The man yelped, the cats attacked. 
Gabriel went down under the onslaught, losing balance thanks to a vicious kitten which attacked his shoelace (as if it had anything to do with the pigeon taking refuge on his head). The bird apparently had enough brains to know when it was outnumbered, and finally flew outside, leaving the man and his cats in a disoriented heap of limbs, tails and claws. 
And then someone cleared their throat. 
Gabriel raised his eyes to the door. Everyone was there—the Dupain-Chengs, Adrien, Marinette, and Emilie. Tom and Sabine wore matching grins, while the kids were rather horrified. 
Emilie smoothed her dress and raised a brow—it meant an inevitable private conversation would soon follow. For now, however, his wife slid back into the perfect hostess routine. Well, almost.
‘And this, Sabine, used to be our sunroom, where my husband now keeps his hoard of cats,’ she said without batting an eyelash.
‘Awwww,’ Sabine coed, as Gabriel started the process of untangling himself from the said hoard by removing Dior from his jacket’s pocket.
Tom released a mischievous chuckle and stroked his mustache. He looked Gabriel straight in the eye and said, ‘I believe, dear Emilie, the proper name is a meowntain.’
The designer bristled at that; he had just been humiliated in front of his guests! His secret was out, but he saw a chance to save his face. He couldn’t allow for anyone to defeat him on his own turf!
‘I’ll have you know,’ he drawled, pulling himself up to his full height and brushing cat hairs from his clothes, ‘this is not a meowntain.’ He wrinkled his nose in disgust. 
‘This-, ‘ he proudly opened his hands and gestured to the feline paradise and his collection of pets, ‘-is haute cature.’
 -(^The End^)-
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goblin-alchemist · 5 years
Do you like gabenath?
I'm going to make a few enemies with this, I know. The answer is no, I do not. I don't like Nathalie as a character. I didn't like her the moment we saw her unapologetically steal Marinette's birthday present and not look guilty about it. My dislike was further enhanced when we discover she is in love with Gabriel.
A secretary unrequitedly in love with her boss. This show certainly loves its little cliches.
We then discover that not only is she in love with Gabriel, but she only started to fall in love with him after Emilie fell into her magical coma and Gabriel became obsessed with her care.
Again to recap: she fell in love with Gabriel because he was completely devoted to doting upon his sick wife.
I don't know about you ladies, but nothing gets my ovaries pumping more than seeing a married man completely and utterly devoted to his ailing wife.
(That was sarcasm. Sometimes I have to specify that on the internet.)
I don't condone adultry. If Emilie were dead, that's one thing. If Nathalie had better character development than a "secretary/ boss romance" that's in almost every sitcom, TV show, and movie that contains such characters, then maybe.
I had such high hopes for Nathalie. I theorized she was the true mastermind behind Gabriel and Hawkmoth, urging him to continue his quest when he faltered. Only she would use him as a scapegoat when he succeeded, snatching the Miraculouses for her own vendetta and leaving Gabriel to take the blame.
Alas, we're given a cliche.
So no. I don't like Gabenath.
Gabriel x Emilie forever.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Emilie was many things, and Fu was very amused to admit that ‘smooth’ wasn’t one of them, which made watching her rescue Gabriel Agreste an utter treat... even if he wanted to facepalm his head through the wall if she said one more flirtatious pun.
Emilie was many things, and Fu was very amused to admit that ‘smooth’ wasn’t one of them, which made watching her rescue Gabriel Agreste an utter treat... even if he wanted to facepalm his head through the wall if she said one more flirtatious pun. “I know I’m cool and all, but you don’t have to fall for me. Unless you want to that is.” She said cheekily as she glided and caught Gabriel. Welp, here comes the ultimate facepalm.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
ohohohoho the next time youre in an angsty mood would you be willing to do "You’re numb. You’re tired. You can’t seem to do anything. You want to give up. Well, I’m here to say, please. Just one more push, just one shower, one tiny task, one more day of looking after yourself. It’s hard, but I’ll be here on the other end, I’ll be there when you close your eyes tonight and you picture me, with the biggest smile on my face. One more, for me, for you.” with character death & adrinette or gabrielie?
For the amazing and lovely Bean. Thank you for being you and I love you.
“You’re numb. You’re tired. You can’t seem to do anything.”
Gabriel sat on the edge of their bed...his bed now. “Yes,” he whispered.
“You want to give up.”
“I should...” he murmured.
“I’m here to say please, Gabriel. Just one more push, just one more shower, one more tiny task, one more day of looking after yourself.”
He turned over the dark broach in his hand. “I don’t know if I can, Emilie.”
“It’s hard. Sweetheart, I know it’s hard, but I’ll be here on the other end. I’ll be here when you close your eyes tonight and you picture me with the biggest smile on my face.”
Gabriel looked across the room at the large portrait of his late wife, the half smile playing along her lips like it often did. Emilie had rarely fully smiled in life, but she was always amused. She had saved up the big, teeth-baring smiles for the special moments, often when it was only the two of them or when Adrien was around. The thought of never seeing one of her rare smiles again was almost too much to bear.
“One more day for me, love,” her voice prodded. “For you.”
“Everything I do will be for you,” he promised, closing his fingers around the broach and finally looked up at the floating kwami before him, not registering the worried expression on Nooroo’s face. “I’m ready. Dark wings rise.”
Prompt List
Buy me a coffee?
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miraculouspaon · 6 years
gabrielie + 2 please?
Emilie DuPont was a young woman who got what she wanted. She was beautiful, she was fearless, and she wrapped every single person she met around her little finger.
Right now, for reasons that would never in a million years be clear to him, Emilie DuPont wanted Gabriel Agreste.
His glasses were the first casualty. Emilie pulled them off Gabriel’s face before kissing him, carelessly tossing the glasses to the floor without a second thought. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down, and as Gabriel took a step towards her he felt the plastic frames crack under his shoe.
Next was the coat rack, which Emilie accidentally knocked Gabriel into in her eagerness, sending half the meticulously ironed costumes to the floor.
“Don’t they need you on set in five?” Gabriel asked, the second Emilie let him come up for air.
Emilie shook her head, but she didn’t even slow down while unbuttoning Gabriel’s shirt. “They cut my part from that scene.”
Grinning, Emilie reached behind Gabriel to sweep all the half-hemmed pieces off his desk before pushing him down onto it and climbing on top of him. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been fantasizing about doing this?” she purred, running her fingers through Gabriel’s hair.
“None,” Gabriel managed to say. “But I’d be eternally grateful if you’d enlighten me, Miss DuPont.”
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quantumchickpea · 6 years
How We Met (Gabriel and Emilie one shot fan fiction)
Gabriel Agreste stood with his design book in his hand. He was supposed to meet with a new up and coming actress, name Emilie. He had done this millions of times. There was nothing new about it, really. He licked his lips and flipped through his designs. Each one would make her emerald eyes and olive skin tones stand out.  
“Bonjour. You must be Monsieur Agreste.” A woman with blonde hair and a side braid held her slender hand out to him.
“Bonjour. Madame Emilie.” Gabriel grabbed her hand and shook it.
“Actually, it’s Mademoiselle.” Emilie smiled warmly at him.
“Sorry. Mademoiselle Emilie.” Gabriel smiled sheepishly at her and cleared his throat. “Shall I show you what I have planned for you to wear to the award ceremony?”
“D’accord.” Emilie smiled warmly at him and lead him to her trailer. “Tea?”
Gabriel smiled at her and took a seat inside her trailer. “Oui, s’il vous plaît. Merci, Emilie.”
“No, problem.” Emilie giggled at his formality. “You don’t have to be so formal with me. Let loose. Live a little.” She poured him a cup of tea and sat down with her own.
“Right. Yes. Well.” Gabriel opened his book and the sketches fell at their feet.
Emilie giggled at him. “Need some help?”
“I’m not usually this….” Gabriel ran a hand through his slicked back blonde hair and sighed. “Disheveled.
“I see. Well, I happen to be very…. Disheveled, myself.” Emilie set her cup down and began to help pick up his drawings. “These are all beautiful.”
She looked over one of the dress concepts. “I love the plums in this one.”
“Me-merci, Emilie.” Gabriel stumbled on his words, as he looked up from picking up the sketches to meet her eyes.
“I’d love to see the rest.” Emilie sat down on the floor and she reached up to grab her tea cup from the table.
“On the floor?” Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her.
“Why yes? I don’t mind getting dirty once and a while.” Emilie smiled up at him with a pure expression that reminded him of a curious child.
His heart skipped a beat and she suddenly lit up like stars in a night sky. “Oh.”
“Care to join me? There’s plenty of room on the floor.” Emilie giggled and took a sip of her tea.
Gabriel gave in to her angelic stare and awkwardly sat down on the floor with his legs crossed. “So, I was thinking that this color would make your eyes pop and that this one would-”
He pushed drawings toward her, but soon stopped when he noticed her smirking at him. “What is it?”
“I hear about colors and how they’ll make my eyes look all day long, Gabriel. What really made you pick those designs?” Emilie set her cup down and rested back on her palms with her feet in front of her.
“Well, I-” Gabriel swallowed hard, as he noticed how her breasts raised to the air and how she let her hair fall down her back with a sigh.
“Chat got your tongue?” Emilie raised her face to peer at him through her lashes.
“I’m going to be honest, Mademoiselle Emilie. I thought that these designs would flatter your figure and that going off of your personality that you put on, apparently, that you would enjoy them.” Gabriel sighed and tried to not focus on her.
“So, now that you know that I would dare sit on the floor… what do you think?” Emilie smiled at him.
“I think you may be the most down to earth girl I have ever laid my eyes on.” Gabriel covered his mouth and his cheeks turned red. “I mean-” He hit his forehead with his hand.
Emilie giggled at him with her hand over her lips. “You’re very interesting, Monsieur Agreste.” She worried her bottom lip and he chuckled at her.
“I’ll just redraw some new pieces for you.” Gabriel gathered up his drawings.
“Wait.” Emilie touched the back of his hand with hers to stop him.
He peered up at her and searched her green eyes.
“I love the designs. Really I do.” Emilie smiled warmly at him. “And… I’m really interested in the designer.” She blinked at him and bit her bottom lip, watching him swallow hard and part his lips.
“Would you like to join me for dinner tonight, Mademoiselle Emilie?” Gabriel blinked at her, dumbfounded by her.
“I would love that. And please just call me Emilie.” Emilie smiled at him and her cheeks became flushed.
“Sounds perfect, Emilie.” Gabriel sighed and forgot about the drawings littering the floor around them.  
Song I wrote to:
Ta Meillure Ennemie by Samantha Gongol feat: Juliette Armanet
Note: I randomly thought about how they could have met. :)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
The Collector 2
The Collector 2 by PerditaAlottachocolate
When Adrien and his cat leave for university, the Agreste mansion suddenly becomes a very empty and quiet place. What better way to bring back some joy and laughter than to take in a new cat? Or two? Or three? Five at most. But why stop at five when you have such a fine feline collection? Besides, Gabriel has never known when to stop, has he? Part 3 of the Felinotherapy Series.
Words: 3328, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Felinotherapy series
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Emilie Agreste, Nooroo, Nathalie Sancoeur, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug's Parents, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Emilie Agreste & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Felinotherapy series, Gabrielie, Adrinette, LadyNoir - Freeform, Lady Noir - Freeform, more cats, Fluff, goog guy gabe, Humor, Crack
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25141684
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Adrigami And Gabenath Parallels💚❤️💜💙
Adrigami and Gabenath are my favourite MLB ships, and I just noticed that they parallel each other really well!
In Adrigami, Adrien’s still hung up on Ladybug even though he’s fallen in love with Kagami, and, in Gabenath, Gabriel’s still hung up on Emilie even though he’s fallen in love with Nathalie! Now, I know the Love Square is gonna be MLB’s endgame, but I feel like these parallels between father and son regarding the women in their lives who they have to move on from and the women in their lives who they’ve fallen in love with and who make them better are wayyy more compelling and would carry more narrative weight and tell a better, more satisfying story, while also being an amazing lesson to the audience! Adrien’s obsessive crush on Ladybug has led to a lot of negative consequences, for him and for everyone else, and Gabriel’s obsession with Emilie has led to......legit him becoming a freaking supervillain and terrorising Paris on a daily basis. Adrigami and Gabenath are healthy and could lead to amazing, loving relationships if Adrien and Gabriel just moved on from Ladybug and Emilie respectively and got with Kagami and Nathalie respectively! This would also send the important message to the audience that sometimes your first crush or your first marriage doesn’t work out, and that it’s perfectly normal and healthy and great for you to move on and be with someone who makes you happy!
So yeah, Adrigami and Gabenath becoming MLB’s endgame couples would be the best!❤️❤️❤️
(Note: No hate on the Love Square or Gabrielie. If you ship the Love Square or Gabrielie, or are anti-Adrigami or anti-Gabenath, please just ignore this post and move on.)
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luckychrm · 6 years
woop woop 🙌 i've made a thing!
It's still a work in progress but i'll make sure to add more songs as I'll remember them B)
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Summary: A new member of the Agreste household takes her job very seriously; she’s here to fix things and she won’t stop until she does. She’s going to better Adrien’s mood, take care of Gabriel’s solitude and Hawkmoth’s shoelaces. She’ll even acquire a nap buddy. And, she’ll do it all with feline style! Did I mention that she’s a cat?
A sequel to “New Kitty On The Block"
A birthday gift for Remasa. Be careful what you dream of.
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A sincere and gigantic thank you to @kellarhi, who beta-read this story for me.
Read it on AO3 / fanfiction.net
An angry wail broke the silence of the mansion, booming with a powerful echo over the cavernous rooms and halls. Oh, paws. For human that was normally so quiet, this person could be loud when he wanted. And easily annoyed, surprisingly. 
She would have raced out of the room if it wasn’t for the fact that she was currently dangling high in the air. The tall man that people called "Sir" or "Gabriel" or "Father" (why did humans need so many names anyway?) had just grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and now held her as if she was the most disgusting animal he’d ever seen.
"AAAAAAdrieeeeeeen! Take this mangy creature away from me!" 
He wouldn’t stop yelling until the blond head of the smaller human appeared at the door.
"Sorry, father," the boy said sheepishly. "What has my Lady done this time?"
The adult sighed and rolled his eyes. "I can’t believe you call her that now."
"She’s mine and she’s a Lady after all," Adrien chuckled, taking her into his arms. He ran his fingers over her multi-colored black and reddish fur.
She slowly blinked at him, squinting her lime green eyes. The cheese aroma she had come to associate with the boy surrounded her, and she started purring her lungs out. He scratched her neck absentmindedly, revealing an elegant collar with a glittery name fixed in curvy letters.
Lady Noir, it read.
“Who’s the pretty kitty?" Adrien cooed with a smile. 
She tilted her head into his palm for more pets and enthusiastically kneaded his forearm. 
Gabriel pointed to the leather chair. Scratches marked its backrest in two parallel lines. In hindsight, not her smartest move, but she had been practising leaps and her aim still lacked precision.
"I thought I told you to trim her claws," the man scowled accusingly. 
Adrien rubbed his chin over Lady Noir’s head, right where the entirely dark left half met the reddish right half creating an illusion of a red and black mask that was split in the middle— the pattern that, according to the boy, had earned her the name. 
"It must have slipped my mind," he said.
Her ears twitched at a new sound. Was she the only one who could hear the snickers coming from Adrien’s shirt? 
Lady Noir hadn’t been used to luxury prior to being adopted. The Agreste mansion was definitely a place where a cat could spread her wings. Metaphorically of course. Cats do not have wings, although… among the inhabitants of the house, there was one that could fly regardless.
She wasn’t certain if Plagg really should be referred to as a cat, but he was the closest thing to the idea of a cat: the master of lazing about, with a knack for causing trouble; curious, gluttonous, cheeky and mischievous. In short, he was her idol, and guide to all things feline. Just like her, he had his own ways, but inside he was just a big softie with a heart of gold—or possibly cheese, as he basically inhaled the stuff in enormous quantities. Lady Noir tried his camembert thing once. The experience could be summed up in a single word: Yuck! Plagg was outraged when she took several baths to get rid of the foul smell afterwards.
Although Plagg’s interests seemed to be limited to dairy products, he never failed to remind Adrien to restock on her treats when asking for more camembert for himself. She could go through her stash of snacks almost as quickly as Plagg went through a block of cheddar. It wasn’t hard to do, considering she stayed in the boy’s room most of the time.
Lady Noir prided herself on being a very observant cat, and recognized immediately that Adrien needed her company the most. Besides, she knew she’d been brought into the house explicitly to become his cat. Which, in Feline, meant that the blond boy belonged to her now so she supposed it was her duty to meet his needs the way he’d been meeting hers.
He didn’t need much. Just a little bit of distraction when he was tiredly bending over his textbooks, or a kneading session when he was exhausted after one practise or another. Some nuzzles and nibbles to wake him up. Lady Noir also made sure to keep him company at night. Together with Plagg, they made sure no nightmare could reach him—purring was the key to their success.
She was the model of contentment, and only got miffed when they left her and went outside through the window. Adrien seemed to really enjoy those outings, when he put on a black suit that made him look a bit like a cat. Lady Noir loved to play with the long tail or swat at the golden bell, but those were rare occasions. Usually Plagg vanished somewhere when the boy changed into his black cat-like gear. He always left in a rush only to come back much later, tired but happy, and smelling like luck for some reason. The flying cat then appeared again as if nothing happened and demanded his cheese.
Lady Noir would gladly go out with them, were she invited. Unfortunately, there was little entertainment to be found in the huge empty house when Adrien left for school or his cat job. Boredom eventually drove her to explore it once she was done with the boy’s room.
It would have been nice to have company when Adrien was out, but Plagg always went where her boy did. His father became the next obvious choice, as the only other permanent resident. Unlike the boy, he didn’t smell of cheese, but of butterflies and passion fruit, which intrigued her to no end, as he never left the house and was rarely seen out of his room. 
They hadn’t started their acquaintance on friendly terms, which admittedly was partly her fault. She decided to make amends in a typically feline way—by bringing him offerings. And what better gift could a cat bring to a person who smelled of butterflies? The house was full of them if one knew where to look. And she was a very clever kitty. No butterfly could hide away from her for long. She caught them expertly and brought them to Gabriel’s desk whenever she could. He must have liked them, because they disappeared very quickly. 
And then one day when she came to his room with fresh prey in her mouth, there was a new smell around. It was damp, cold and heavy—metallic, with a hint of algae, old stone, and moss. A little bit of sniffing allowed her to find the hidden door and after some paw work she was able to push it enough for a slim cat to slip inside a dark corridor. 
Maybe she’d find some mice or rats in here? It was ages since she got any decent prey and maybe Gabriel would prefer a fresh, fat rat over those flimsy butterflies? She knew she would. 
But she found no rats as she explored, just another huge chamber, with faint light seeping through a ceiling window on the other end. It shone over a strange tall tube. Lady Noir knew tubes. There were plenty of them in the house in various sizes and they made for very nice scratching posts. Much better than those generic things from the pet shop. No self respecting cat would scratch those when they had a perfectly good tube, chair, or drape right under their noses. 
Lady Noir arched her back, wiggled her tail and reached for her newest scratching post. There was a metallic clank and the tube hummed softly. Then the upper part of it rose up revealing its contents.
She sniffed once, twice. The air smelled a bit like Adrien, minus the cheese overtones. She looked around and hopped onto the tube. There was a woman, tall and blonde, asleep inside. What a novel idea! This was the perfect place for a nap, sun beam and all. It looked like Lady Noir finally had found a nap buddy for her long days!
Up close she could tell there was something off with the woman’s scent. Something she couldn’t quite put her claw on that felt like weakness or illness. But Lady Noir wasn’t afraid; she prided herself on being an excellent feline doctor. After all, whenever Adrien was sick she stayed with him, drawing the bad vibes away. 
Happy with her newly discovered friend, she curled up on the woman’s belly and dozed off. 
Plagg wasn’t happy when he saw Lady Noir after her first basement nap. He hissed at her and grumbled something about dark magic. Admittedly she did feel rather strange, but she blamed it on the salmon pâte that must have been a bit on a stale side. However, the flying cat would have none of that. He dragged her into the upper level of Adrien’s room and licked her clean—she was definitely feeling out of it if he was allowed to do that. 
She did feel better afterwards, right up to the point when it turned out Plagg was no gentleman at all. He coughed a hairball right in front of her, the weirdest hairball she’d ever seen. Part of it consisted of her own hair and Plagg’s saliva, but there were also purple strings present: streaks of something Plagg called “bad energy" tangled with the rest of the hairball. He said it had ‘no place in our home’, so he put his paw to it and whispered something under his breath. The thing turned to ash with a quiet buzz. The room seemed brighter after that. 
Lady Noir thought that would be the end of it, but the sprite proceeded to talk her ears off about “bad energy", forbidding her to go near its source again. So of course the first thing she did when Adrien and Plagg left for school the next day was go back to her nap buddy. 
Every time the flying cat returned home to find her “feeling off", he would holler, lick and cleanse her fur, and then turn the “bad energy" into ash.
“I swear, Spots," he grumbled, stuffing himself with camembert to get rid of the bad taste, “I don’t know what you do to get all tangled in that mess."
She could only shrug to his complaints. After all, the napping lady was her secret and one did not betray their buddies.
Lady Noir kept going back to the basement, but since the only entrance led through Gabriel’s room, she had to sneak her way around him. Sometimes he would visit the sleeping woman, although most times he sat at his desk and worked, casting longing looks to the enormous painting that covered the whole wall from floor to ceiling. Lady Noir knew very little about art, but she thought the person in that painting looked a bit like what her nap buddy would have looked like, if she was younger and awake.
It usually took hours for Lady Noir to get an opportunity to sneak to the underground level of the mansion, so inevitably she started to keep the man company as well. He turned out to be as sad and lonely as his son, but he seemed more desperate and anxious than the boy. There was always an aura of deep grief and heartache around him. No self respecting cat would allow it. That’s how Lady Noir decided to include Gabriel in her daily routine. Between the sleeping lady and Adrien she still had plenty of time, which she could put to good use, if only the man would allow it.
Since the butterfly strategy hadn’t worked, she had to come up with a new plan to get his attention. Laying on his tablet seemed to annoy him. Stretching on his sketches irked him. Pushing his pencils off the desk usually got a growl out of him. 
A few times he grumbled under his breath, but Adrien wasn’t home to take her away. So after a while, the man accepted her presence; however, he moved her away from his things, which allowed for her to lounge on the unoccupied part of his desk. 
One day she must have dozed off, because when she woke up he was nowhere to be seen. Yet, as his scent lingered in the air, he couldn’t have actually left. Her nose led her to the painting and then to a spot on the floor. She thumped it with her paw and was rewarded with a deep echo as if the space below was empty. Another hidden passage?
She sat beside it and meowed experimentally.
There was a hollow clank, then part of the floor moved and revealed a smooth silver head with eyes hidden behind a mask. The man who appeared in the passage smelled like Gabriel but he didn’t look like him. He was wearing a single-color suit—not Gabriel’s usual clothes. He cast her an exasperated look and sighed deeply. 
“Stop it," he said and returned to the tunnel.
Of course she didn’t stop. As soon as the trap door closed behind him, she let out a wail of sorrow only a cat is capable of. 
“I’m serious. Cut it out!" Gabriel’s voice, albeit muffled, replied from under the floor.
“Meeeeooooooowrrrr," she lamented.
“Oh, for the love of—" 
The silver head emerged from the passage again. Cold blue eyes pierced her. The man’s lips, the only thing visible from under his silver mask, were pressed into a thin line.
“Meow?" She mewled tilting her head. Her tail curled attentively into a question mark.
“Fine," he rolled his eyes. “But you had better behave."
A dark glove caught her scruff, and the next thing she knew she was sliding through a tunnel in the man’s arms. 
There was a large chamber on the other end, similar to what she had found in the basement, but this place must have been somewhere high up, judging by the plethora of light from the round window. And there were butterflies. Every flat surface was covered in them. She had never seen so many before.
She wondered if she could catch a few for Gabriel, but the man raised a warning finger.
“Don’t even think about it," he said, depositing her on the ground.
He tapped his foot and the butterflies took flight. She halfheartedly swatted at them, but where was the challenge when there were so many? She lost interest in an instant and decided to explore the chamber, leaving the silver-headed man to his own devices.
He called her when he returned to the trap door; it was then that she discovered Plagg wasn’t the only flying creature in the house. The man murmured something under his breath and suddenly he was no longer wearing a silver mask or a strange suit. Gabriel stood in his place and a violet sprite hovered next to him.
“Nooroo," the man said, “This is Lady Noir, Adrien’s cat."
Nooroo was a good friend. He was appointed with the task of keeping her busy when Gabriel needed to focus on his work. She chased after the sprite, eliciting quiet chuckles from Adrien’s father, when he thought they couldn’t hear him. They played their own version of hide and seek, with the cat tracking the violet creature’s hideouts all over the room. He drew her away from Gabriel’s sketches and his tablet. In reward, he usually got a generous helping of passion fruit that the man kept hidden in his desk. After some time, she discovered that one of the drawers got filled with her favorite snacks so that, after a wild run over the room, she could feast alongside Nooroo. A few times she caught Gabriel gazing at them, while a shadow of a smile danced on his lips.
He kept disappearing into the tunnel, though. At first Lady Noir sat next to the trap door and meowed incessantly, but he rarely returned for her. Once, she spied that, before entering the passage, he pressed parts of the enormous painting. Oh! Well, cats could also press things when they felt like it. After a few days of practice and careful aiming,  she managed to figure out how to leap from the desk to land on the canvas in a way that would allow her to open the trap door.
She proudly strutted into his secret room. Emboldened by her trick, she viciously attacked his shoelaces to draw his attention away from the window and to cut off his monologuing. 
To say that Gabriel was surprised when she showed up in his chamber wouldn’t say half of it.  He yelped, and jumped half a meter in the air. Lady Noir was sure that if he had a tail, or any hair on that smooth silver head, it would have bristled like an angry hedgehog. 
The second time she followed him, she decided on a less threatening approach and just rubbed her head into his calves. Her purr of contentment echoed in the cavernous space, amplified by the dome.
After the third time she managed to sneak into the chamber Gabriel gave up and just took her with him, allowing her to lounge in the sun beam from the window, while he did whatever he came to do there. As far as she could tell it mostly consisted of talking, grumbling, hissing, gritting his teeth and stomping angrily. Sometimes waving a fist was involved. One name stuck in her memory, mostly because he mentioned it a lot.
Funny thing, Adrien sometimes had a guest who used the window. A guest who smelled like luck—the faint scent the boy sometimes brought with him when he returned from his cat escapades. A guest whose name was Ladybug. 
What was even funnier was the fact that the girl visited him other times, under a different name, in a more regular outfit and used the door. Although she still smelled like luck, in this form she was referred to as Marinette, while another flying creature, a red bug, hid in her purse.
Lady Noir was a young cat and she hadn’t had much experience before she got to the mansion, but it seemed that every human she met was accompanied by a flying friend. She wondered why humans needed them?
It took a while before she discovered that Adrien had no idea that Marinette and Ladybug were the same person. She couldn’t believe it! She knew human senses were weaker than cats’, but the boy would have to be basically noseless not to recognize that scent. She tried everything a cat could think of to show him the error of his ways. She allowed the girl to pet her, hoping Adrien would recognize how familiar Maribug was with his cat and how she always stroked her in the exact same way. She brought the girl a figurine of Adrien in his cat form, wishing he’d understand that the scent he wore came from the girl. A few times, in an act of desperation, she even tried to drag Plagg out of his hiding spot under the sofa; but the sprite refused to show up, even though Marinette had her own bug who could have been Plagg’s sister.
Afterwards she received another one of Plagg’s lectures, but instead of scolding her for the upteenth time about getting the “bad energy" all over herself again, he ranted about how his existence must be kept secret from other humans. She really didn’t see the point, if every other person seemed to have a—what did he call himself? A kwamice. 
Ladybug in both of her forms seemed to be very fond of Adrien, which didn’t escape Lady Noir’s attention. It soon dawned on the cat that the boy’s feelings for the girl were also stronger than those for a “friend”, as he sometimes called Marinette. She made him happy, and it didn’t even take Lady Noir’s genius to see that. The cat figured a girlfriend—a romantic partner—was exactly what Adrien needed. She doubled her efforts at enlightening him about there being only one person who smelled of luck. Plagg only rolled his eyes at her antics.
“You might as well give up now, Spots," he told her. “I’ve been dropping hints much longer than you, and the kid isn’t really that dense. It’s just the magic of the Miraculous. It won’t allow for him to see that they are the same person unless she shows him herself."
Lady Noir refused to give up. In a typically stubborn feline fashion, she decided she would let Adrien know even if it was the last thing she would do. Painstakingly, she tracked down each and every item in Adrien’s possession that bore the girl’s scent. They were hidden all over his room. Carefully, she moved them to the little red figurine that looked like Ladybug— for good measure, she threw in some pictures Adrien had stacked in one of his trophies. She kept telling herself her plan had to work. After all it was consistent with what Plagg had said—“she” had to show him herself, and the various items he’d collected from her would show who she was. But, Lady Noir reasoned, no one said anything about what would be shown and by whom.
Finally the day came when her display was ready. The bracelet Adrien usually kept on himself was her last loot. The pink piece of paper he had hidden in his desk, the notes he sometimes browsed through, the blue scarf he liked so much—everything she could find was already there.
Satisfied with her work, she dragged Adrien to her collection, rubbing her head against his calves. 
“Really, Spots?" Plagg chuckled from his bin. “You needn't bother."
“Meow," she headbutted the Ladybug figurine. “Mrow," she grabbed the cat boy doll and move it closer. “Purrrr," she took the bracelet in her teeth and laid it on top. Then she sniffed the papers and the scarf ostensibly. 
Adrien gazed politely at her theatrics. He reached for the scarf. She sniffed again. Plagg cackled in the distance.
Sniff. Adrien took a deep breath smelling the scarf. Sniff-sniff, he sniffed the notes. Lady Noir put her nose to the cat boy figurine again.
“That scent…’ Adrien murmured. He closed his eyes, taking each and every item and reverently putting it to his nose. “That scent…" he echoed. The bracelet fell out of his hand. “She’s… that’s… it can’t be, can it?" he mumbled. “Plagg?"
The sprite flew out if his bin and looked over the scattered items and to Adrien. The boy’s eyes were blown wide, his lips opened as he stared at the Ladybug figurine.
“No way," the flying cat drawled. “You have got to be kidding me."
After her success, Lady Noir could devote more time to Gabriel’s wellbeing. She decided to spend the day on his desk. She didn’t even notice when a finger started rubbing at the perfect spot between her ears. She cracked one lime green eye open. Adrien’s father was sketching, deep in thought, while absentmindedly scratching her head. His hand slipped under her chin and then moved to the side of her muzzle and to her back. 
Lady Noir purred, nuzzling into his palm. She put her paw over his wrist and clawed gently. Then she dared to nibble on his thumb.
Surprised, Gabriel whipped his head to her, his hand frozen mid-scratch. He stared at her as if seeing her for the first time. She slowly let go of his hand, but he just smiled. Emboldened she rose from the desk and strutted to him. 
“Who’s the pretty kitty?" he cooed lowering his head. 
She headbutted him without thinking twice.
“You are," he hummed, as she proceeded to rub her whiskered cheek against his chin. “You’re the prettiest kitty!"
Slowly, he reached for her and scooped her into his arms. His fingers slid into her fur, scratching and tending. The man’s jacket was quickly covered in a thick layer of additional hair, but he didn’t seem to mind, engrossed in the caress.
Nooroo’s head popped from behind Gabriel’s shoulder and he winked at her. 
“The prettiest, softest kitty," the man babbled. And for the first time his smile reached his eyes.
The next day she found a toy mouse on Gabriel’s desk in the spot she had claimed as her own. She also smelled a new brand of snacks somewhere near. 
Later, Adrien’s father didn’t go into his butterfly chamber, choosing to take Lady Noir to the sleeping woman instead. He held the cat the whole time, his fingers buried deep in her fur, as he gazed at the glass tube, commenting on how the woman’s skin seemed to have regained some color. Nooroo pursed his lips and cast an anxious look to the woman as if considering something. When they returned to Gabriel’s room, the sprite made sure the door to the passage stayed opened enough for an industrious paw to fit into the crack, making Lady Noir’s visit to her nap buddy much easier.
That day Plagg wasn’t happy. Nor on the days after that. Not even when she brought him the toy mouse.
Lady Noir quickly got used to Gabriel petting her while he was working. It was now easier to sneak out for a basement nap as the man took on a habit of having lunch with Adrien when he returned home during the day—sometimes in Marinette’s company. Usually Nooroo came with a heads up when the meal was nearing its end, so that she could leave the sleeping lady and return to her spot on the desk. Gabriel couldn’t design without her, claiming she was his new inspiration. And he definitely was on a designing spree these past few days. According to Nooroo this was the first such successful spree since the sprite arrived at the mansion. However, that day Nooroo didn’t come. 
Lady Noir woke up to a finger rubbing behind her ear and another gently stroking her back. The touch wasn’t familiar. 
“Who’s the pretty kitty?" A feminine voice whispered, hoarse and scratchy, as if it hadn’t been used in a while.  
Intrigued, Lady Noir risked a peek at the person petting her. Bright, green eyes looked back at her with kindness and confusion. Eyes so similar to the ones she saw in the painting in Gabriel’s room, so similar to Adrien’s eyes. The sleeping lady had woken up after all those long days and delightful naps! Lady Noir purred in contentment. Another pair of hands to pet her was good news.
Her nap buddy hummed, letting her fingers wander over the cat’s back. “Mmmmm, this is so nice."
Lady Noir couldn’t agree more. All that was missing now was—
A thud sounded in the spacious chamber. Gabriel stood at the entrance, the bouquet he brought scattered on the floor.
“Emilie?" He rasped. “You’re… you… how do you feel?" In just three steps he was at the woman’s side. To Lady Noir’s indignation he took away one of the hands caressing the cat’s back and pressed it to his lips; a single tear rolled down his cheek.
“Well rested," Emilie sighed, her lips stretched in a soft smile. She sniffed experimentally. “And surprisingly not allergic to cats anymore."
Lady Noir’s ears twitched. Nooroo giggled somewhere nearby. Upstairs, a door opened and closed. She heard the faint echo of Adrien and Marinette’s steps as they ran to his room, laughing. Gabriel still held Emilie’s hand, but his breathing sounded shaky. The cat yawned looking between two humans, who stared at each other as if this was their first meeting in a long time. She stood up and squeezed herself between them just in case they’d forgotten she was there as well. A tail in Gabriel’s face and a gentle rub of her head to Emilie’s chin should do the trick. 
“Meowr,” she chirped.
Gabriel chuckled, even though his voice seemed tight. “Who’s the clever kitty?” he cooed scratching behind her ear.
Lady Noir sat attentively, her tail lashing behind her. She definitely was the cleverest kitty. She purred, pleased with herself and the fact that her nap buddy would now be able to pet her as well. Something told her that she would not be the only one getting the much needed attention and affection from Emilie. Just one look to the woman’s smiling face and Gabriel was already putty in her hands. 
There was love here, and where there was love, there was happiness. She could feel it in Gabriel’s heartbeat, she could see it in Emilie’s blush. The aura of grief and melancholy was slowly melting away, replaced with tentative hope and the promise of a happier tomorrow. Things were definitely going to be better around here, and that was perfectly fine with her.
 The End
(Please check out the amazing art by @sinfulpapillon​ to go with this fic)
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Emilie sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose and fighting down a smile, “Gabe, sweetie, I love you, but you can let go now, the villains gone.” She addressed the man still with his arms wrapped around her neck and his legs around her chest, looking like a frightened monkey... or something out of a scooby doo sketch.
Emilie sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose and fighting down a smile, “Gabe, sweetie, I love you, but you can let go now, the villain’s gone.” She addressed the man still with his arms wrapped around her neck and his legs around her chest, looking like a frightened monkey... or something out of a scooby doo sketch. “S-sorry.” He muttered as he let go of her. “I know it’s cause you love me. Now, hurry up and get to shelter. I got a villain to beat up for ruining our movie date.” She replied, heading back to the fight. “Let me know if you’re gonna be late! I don’t want dinner getting cold!” He called after her. “I will!” She yelled back.
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miraculouspaon · 4 years
Better Halves
Chapter Two: Meeting the Parents
“My parents left a message before they left the city, explaining you had to leave dinner early to run an errand. I assumed it was an excuse for some Butterfly business. Nothing too difficult, I trust?”
Adele blinked. “No,” she said slowly, “nothing too difficult. Your parents, um, did they say anything else in their message?”
Gabriel shrugged. “Just that they had a lovely evening, and I was lucky to have found you.” He bent down and kissed Adele’s cheek. “Which I am, of course.”
“Oh,” Adele said, her voice about half an octave higher than normal. “That’s good.”
Jonathan swiveled round and leaned over the back of the couch, and Adele noticed Rajji curled up asleep on his shoulder. He fixed Adele with a look. “Was it a pleasant evening?” he asked, suspicious.
“Of course it was,” Adele said, her voice going even higher. “Why wouldn’t it-”
“Adele got banned from the restaurant,” Nooroo said, floating up from Adele’s purse.
“You what?” Gabriel asked, stunned.
“Again?” Jonathan said.
Read the rest on AO3
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
JfT: Tied Tight, Part 4
For the lovely @miraculouspaon. <3 
There are sexual references in this part but nothing graphic. 
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4:
29 Years before Just for Tonight
“Who did this to you?” Nathalie demanded, leaning in closer to inspect the swelling around Felix’s left eye.
“It doesn’t matter,” he muttered sullenly.
“It sure as hell does.”
“Just drop it, Nat.” He winced at her angry expression. “Please?”
She studied him for a moment before replying with a nod. “Let’s go get something cold on it to take down the swelling at least.”
“I really just want to go to my room.”
“Now, your highness.”
Felix huffed but followed her lead down the hall to the infirmary. “Can you make everyone leave?” he asked quietly, catching the knowing looks from the two staff members waiting in the room.
Nathalie ordered them to go on break and went about finding a cold compress. “It was one of the boys at the school then?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he repeated.
“What family is he from?”
Felix gave her a blank stare, his lips clamped shut.
“And not the first time this has happened from the way Denton and Olivia looked when they saw you. How many black eyes have you been hiding, Felix?”
“There were busted lips too. Would you like those lumped into the final count or will an itemized list be better?” he shot back petulantly.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were having trouble at school?” Nathalie offered him the compress and crossed her arms.
“You’ve been really busy doing any little thing Adele wants so I figured I shouldn’t bother you.” 
The coolness in his voice sent a jolt of trepidation straight to her gut. “She’s the princess,” she replied, trying to keep her voice even. “It’s my job to cater to her.”
“I never realized your job carried so much of a burden,” he sneered. “It must be hard to spend so many nights in her room.” There was a hateful light to his eyes that Nathalie had seen appearing more and more often; although to be fair, she hadn’t been paying Felix as much attention as of late. He was fourteen and if she’d thought he was a moody child, he was creating a new definition for the term in this phase of life. 
“Just leave me alone, Nathalie.” He tossed the compress to the table. “You’ve gotten really good at that. No reason to change things up now.”
She was surprised by the lump that formed in her throat as she watched him storm out. She really had been letting her attention for him slip over the years, and he was in such a rough time of life as well, not even considering his standing among his peers. Nathalie promised herself she would do better by Felix. She had to.
Nathalie slowed when she saw Pierce standing in front of the door to Adele’s suite instead of Gabriel’s. She glanced at his usual spot down the hall that was currently empty of a replacement guard and felt an emotion she couldn’t quite pinpoint.
“Is he in there with her?” she asked quietly.
Pierce nodded. “Hour or so.”
“I see.” She faltered for a moment before turning to return to her room. It wasn’t the first time Gabriel had spent the night with Adele. He’d been trying to be a better husband through the years and almost once a month he would let Nathalie know that he would be staying the night and she wouldn’t be needed.
Hadn’t he already spent his night in her suite only a week ago? Not that he couldn’t spend more time with her, but...
No one had let her know.
She’d spent almost every night with Adele for the past five years; was the other woman really not wondering where Nathalie was, why she hadn’t come? Or did it suddenly not matter anymore?
Nathalie realized with a start that she’d made it back to her room and was already in the process of undressing. Her favorite robe was in Adele’s suite, along with her preferred sleepwear. She rummaged through her wardrobe until she found an old nightgown she wasn’t exactly fond of but would work well enough.
Over the years, she’d trained herself to block out Adele’s emotions forced over their bond. She’d built up a wall she was very happy to have. It kept her sane, let her feel like she had some semblance of herself despite their closeness. The sudden itch to tear the mental wall down so she could sense the other woman hit her like a physical blow, bowing her over in front of her bathroom mirror. She forced herself to her bed, curling around a pillow and trying to think of anything else.
“Don’t leave.” Adele wrapped her fingers around Gabriel’s arm as he began to move away from her. “Stay with me tonight.”
“Nathalie will be coming. We didn’t tell her.”
Adele tightened her hold, letting her fingernails press against his skin. “Gabriel, please stay with me. I need you.” She was pleased to hear his breath go out in an almost inaudible gasp and then he was rolling back towards her.
“You’re dangerous,” he murmured, brushing loose hair behind her ear.
“Isn’t that why you like me?” she preened. “Because I wasn’t like all the other vapid options?” She saw his eyes cloud for a moment but it passed and he was looking at her fondly.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to come to you. You’ve been more than patient.”
“I understand you needed to heal.”
“Even so.”
“The more often we’re together, the more likely it is that I can give you an heir,” she prodded.
“Yes, I know.”
“Although I must admit it does surprise me that Felix won’t be considered for the throne once you’re ready to step down.”
“I don’t even have the throne myself yet,” Gabriel frowned. “Things would be complicated with Felix. It’s best not to plan for that.”
“That’s what Nathalie said as well.”
“Yes, well, Nathalie is very wise.”
Adele felt him pulling away again and she pressed herself against him. His skin felt clammy from drying sweat but she ignored it and ran her arm along his middle. “She is, isn’t she? She’s the one who told me how best to talk to you while we’re like this, you know.”
Gabriel stiffened. “What do you mean?”
She circled her fingers along his belly button and then walked them up towards his chest. “Only that she said you would prefer me more confident when we were alone. More...” She paused and curled her tongue behind her teeth, letting her fangs fall. “What was it you said, dangerous?”
“Well, I...”
“You enjoy a different kind of woman than the courts usually offer.”
He pursed his lips. “I suppose that’s true.”
She pressed a kiss to his skin in satisfaction and rested her cheek against his chest. “To be honest, I had hoped Nathalie would join us tonight, but I suppose at this point she has retired in her own suite.”
“Perhaps I should go so she can--
“It’s only because she means so much to both us,” she continued as if she hadn’t felt him stiffen beneath her, hadn’t heard his words. “I think it could be wonderful, don’t you?”
“Nathalie and I don’t--”
“Have that kind of relationship, I know.” Adele pushed herself up and let her hair trail across Gabriel’s bare chest. “But you could. Perhaps we could even both give you heirs.” She reached up to run her palm along his cheek. “We could make sure you never feel lonely again, my love. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Gabriel disentangled himself from her grasp and slid away, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up. “I need to go,” he said stiffly as he reached for his robe. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
Adele pulled the blankets up around her and watched him cross the room. “You won’t stay?”
“Not tonight.”
“Will you come back sooner than usual?” she asked hopefully. 
His expression softened as he turned back to her. “I will. Get some rest. I’ll send for Nathalie for you.”
Nathalie had almost given into the temptation of tearing down her self-imposed block between herself and Adele when there was a knock at the door.  She dragged herself out of bed, half-wondering if she would be informed of the prince trying to sneak out of his room again. That was usually the only interruption she had when she’d retired for the night. Her brain took a moment to process Gabriel standing in front of her in a plush plum robe. “Is something the matter, sir?”
“Did you advise Adele on how to act with me when we’re alone?” he asked, expression unreadable.
Nathalie felt her throat go dry. “She was worried when you said you were going to begin visiting her. I simply told her what you said attracted you to her in the first place.” She glanced back at her rumpled bed. “Did you want me to dress so we can talk about something?”
Gabriel only then seemed to notice the thin gown she wore. “I bought you a very nice robe. Where is it?”
“It’s in Adele’s suite.”
“Ah, of course.”
Nathalie crossed her arms. beginning to feel self-conscious which was not an emotion she was used to when it came to the man before her. “Was there anything else?”
“She would like you to come spend the rest of the night with her if you haven’t already settled in here.”
“I assumed you were spending the night with her, your majesty.”
He eyed her warily. “She gave me a lot to think about. It would be best for me to go back to my own suite tonight, I believe.”
“I’ll gather my things.” Nathalie expected Gabriel to leave but he continued to stand in front of her open door. “Was there anything else?”
“I may as well walk with you down there. It’s late. Be sure to cover yourself.”
Understanding blossomed and Nathalie turned away to get one of her traveling cloaks to use in place of her robe. Her schedule had been thrown off tonight and while there was staff that was aware of her nightly trek to the princess’s suite, those roaming the halls at this hour might not be so willing to turn a blind eye. Gabriel wanted to make sure she arrived at Adele’s without incident. She felt a warm appreciation for her sire fill her chest as she closed her suite door and followed him down the hall.
Just for Tonight
Before Just for Tonight drabbles
Buy me a cherry coke?
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 years
Felinotherapy by PerditaAlottachocolate
A new member of the Agreste household takes her job very seriously; she's here to fix things and she won't stop until she does. She's going to better Adrien's mood, take care of Gabriel's solitude and Hawkmoth's shoelaces. She'll even acquire a nap buddy. And, she'll do it all with feline style! (Did I mention that she's a cat?) A sequel to “New Kitty On The Block"
Words: 4827, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Felinotherapy series
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Emilie Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg, Nooroo, Lady Noir - Character
Relationships: Emilie Agreste & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Felinotherapy, new cat in the house, from enemies to friends, Humor, Crack, Reveal, Awakening, enlightenment, secret chambers, Meowing, cat shenanigans, Family, Gabrielie, Adrinette, Lady Noir - Freeform, a sequel to New Kitty On The Block
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/19723207
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Have A-greste Christmas!
Remasa! I am not your Secret Santa, I just wanted to give you some Agreste feels this year! There is no other context to it (well maybe a bit of how the next three chapters of A Christmas Gabriel in Prose are not really fluffy, and one can always use some fluff on Christmas Day!)
A big hug for @kinythcosplay for her advice and critique on this piece. Thank you!
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Emile x gabriel
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
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