linnealaylay · 1 month
okay so I feel like I should clear a few things up from the “true villains of red queen” post, because I didn’t articulate my point well and people replied with valid criticisms.
Okay so someone (I don’t remember their name I’m sorry) commented about how Julian couldn’t really say anything about Elara and Maven to Tiberias the Older (I don’t remember what number he was sorry) because after his sister died Julian didn’t really have standing in court, he was just the royal librarian and his love got her tongue removed just for knowing what Elara did. So yes I accept it I was wrong, he had a pretty good reason not to say anything.
When I said Julian was at fault for what happened to Maven, I wasn’t trying to say he was entirely at fault. That’s my fault for not making that clear, I read the post back and yeah I could’ve worded it better. What I was trying to say was yes, Elara is entirely at fault for the abuse Maven suffered, she is the abuser. I just wanted to have like I don’t know a conversation about how Julian and Anabel contributed in a small way to Elara’s ability to enact that abuse. Not saying what happened to Maven was entirely their fault and I’m not excusing Tiberias the Older’s hand in it either, I think I said in an earlier post that his neglect also heavily contributed to Maven’s abuse. It’s just abuse is complicated thing right? There are a lot of components to it, and I just wanted to highlight that. No it wasn’t Julian’s fault that Elara abused her son.
I was just trying to point out how Julian’s and Maven’s relationship might’ve contributed to her being able to emotional abuse her son. I mean Julian and Maven don’t have a good relationship, even before Mare gets to the palace. The first thing Julian tells Mare is that Maven’s “his mother’s son.” So you can assume they’ve never really gotten along. But you can’t assume it’s because “Maven and Elara were trying usurp Cal” because they themselves said they only started scheming for the throne when Mare arrived, and Maven, despite not being able to feel love for Cal, still felt something close to it and had a somewhat decent relationship with Cal that he would hold onto in his own way until he spares Cal the pain of “killing his little brother” by pretending the boy he was supposed to be was never there in the first place So at least I assumed that wasn’t why Julian didn’t like Maven. The only other reason was because of what happened to Sara and his sister. Which when you think about it is crazy considering Maven wasn’t even born when that happened. But Julian can’t hold Elara accountable for it, she’s the queen, and he’s just a librarian, but he can in a way hold her son accountable for it. That’s all I was trying to say.
so no. I don’t think Julian is entirely at fault for Maven’s abuse. I’m not saying it’s all Julian’s fault that Elara abused Maven. I was just trying to have a conversation about how Julian and Anabel might’ve contributed to Elara’s means of abuse by giving her things like favoritism (on Anabel’s part) to manipulate Maven with. Just like Maven’s father did by neglecting his youngest son even though he did love Maven without being able to show it.
I’m open for a further conversation about this in the comments, and yeah, if you disagree that’s fine, we all have our opinions so yeah have a great day and thanks for reading this super long post
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linnealaylay · 3 months
i come back to say that maven's back had to be somewhat arched in that bathtub scene. he did not take his heat suppressants or something. because like what was that.
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linnealaylay · 6 months
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Many things led to this day, for all of us. A forgotten son, a vengeful mother, a brother with a long shadow, a strange mutation. Together, they've written a tragedy.
- Red Queen♡
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linnealaylay · 7 months
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this artwork was commissioned by @fairyloot character is Azriel from the ACOTAR book series by @sjmaas hope you all will like it xoxo 
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linnealaylay · 7 months
one of my absolute favorite things about the multi povs in King's Cage - War Storm, is the fact that every single person that had a pov chapter (besides Maven) has called or referred to Maven as a child.
I rly wish I had ss for this but I'm too lazy to go through every chapter to find them (💀)
but I remember that the more the story went on, the more the characters began to realize what a child Maven was. which is ironic considering the fact that he turned from a boy prince that no one looked at to the King of Norta who everyone feared.
everyone slowly began to realize what a child Maven Calore truly was. and it's almost haunting. the only person who I feel always knew was Cal.
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linnealaylay · 7 months
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thought i would drop this here
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linnealaylay · 7 months
You guys ever have those Red Queen moments, where you think it has symbolisim but really, it's just an added detail to that scene? (But deep down, you still think there is, just can't point a finger👉 as to why🤔)
Yes? No? Well I have one.
Remember the iconic moment in King's Cage where Maven removed his gloves🧤 with his teeth?
Later in the book while Mare was being rescued, she saw a fallen Scarlet Guard member and took her red bandana🚩, tied it around her wrist with her teeth.
Then in the Marecal chapter of King's Cage, when they were being intimate in the forest. Cal unlatched his flamemaker bracelet🔥 with his teeth.
My take, though please feel free to add, cause I'm just pulling this out of thin air:
Cal unlatching his flame bracelet in front of Mare would mean that he trust her enough to not have it around her, maybe he removed it as to not hurt Mare since he hadn't done it with anyone before, or simply showing us how familiar he is at his bracelet that he could easily remove it with his teeth, since it's a part of him. It might also be a foreshadowing of Cal abdicating his throne in War Storm.
While Maven, is a bit tricky, as maybe he just wants to show off what he can do with his teeth, cause he made a show of it to Mare or the simple gesture of him being polite, even infort of his prisoner. An odd behavior he carries throughout Mare's imprisonment. Such as making her wear expensive clothes, a nice room with a small window and having meals together. Then I googled what gloves symbolizes, as it embodies power, protection and nobility. Things Maven lost when Iris betrayed him.
While all three used their teeth, Mare Barrow is the only one of the three to tie the object to her, while both Calore brothers untethered themselves from it. As if she is embracing and taking on her role as a faceless member of the Scarlet Guard. Her desire for revenge reignited when she tied the red bandana around her wrist before wreaking havoc during her escape. Establishing her stubborn loyalty to her cause and her blood.
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linnealaylay · 7 months
“She is my wife,” Cardan says. “The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile.”
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linnealaylay · 8 months
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this artwork was commissioned by @fairyloot character is Hunt from the Crescent City book series by @sjmaas hope you all will like it xoxo
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linnealaylay · 8 months
Why I Ship Mareven and Yes, I'm Aware that They're Toxic
I've noticed a couple of posts questioning how some readers ship Mareven given how toxic it was and proceed to list off all the terrible things that they did to each other through out the series.
Before I start my rant. Warning, this is long and I might just ramble at the end. Also please be reminded that these are MY reasons, as to why I enjoy this ship. I don't represent the whole Mareven shipping team. I made this post based on MY observation and the desire to absolve myself from the feeling of shame for liking Mareven.
We can't deny it. Anyone who read the series, even just the first book could easily tell that Mareven is toxic.
Which leads to the most common question for this ship. Why is Mare and Maven still being shipped even after Maven's betrayal and even past Glass Sword?
Simple, it's their unique and complex dynamic. They are both deeply flawed characters that have frightening similarities. Which could have lead to a wonderful friendship or a romantic one.
However, due to their social status and political beliefs. Mare joining the Scarlet Guard to free the Reds and Newbloods from Silver rule. Maven wanting to be king of Norta and was willing to do ANYTHING to keep his crown . They are of opposition to each other's goals, which lead them being sworn enemies. Causing severe pain and suffering to the other, when given the opportunity.
Yet, there would be moments between the cruel actions and harsh words. Where one of them would show affection in hopes of rekindling what they had and the other mourning the person that they thought they knew.
Even viewing them through the lense of a non-shipper. They have a fascinating exchange of dialogue and the uncomfortable amount of tension whenever they are near each other, even the mere mention of the other's name would momentarily push them off balance. There was simply no dull moment between these two.
The REAL question should be: "Is Mareven being a toxic ship REALLY the reason some readers dislike the ship OR is there something else at play?
Before I continue: It's understandable not to like a ship, if a toxic relationships between fictional characters aren't your cup of tea.
However! I don't think "being toxic" should be the daming reason to fully drop a ship and EXPECT everyone else to do so. Because I feel that those Mareven Ship "Dislikers" don't seem to detect the MAIN cause of their dislike for this ship.
I think the dislike of the ship could be attributed from some Mareven fanfics and shippers. Maybe they dislike how they treated Mare and Maven when paired together.
For example: Mare being seen as an object or tool in fixing Maven and making him happy. Void of any emotion or flaws, as she is simply an extension to the desires and fantasies of the writer. Other cases, some Mareven shippers openly trash Mare for not reciprocating Maven's affections, as they see him as a unloved child that needs a hug. Seeming to forget that Maven is completely capable of committing atocities against the people he "loves" and other characters that were unfortunate enough to encounter him and his mother.
The simplification and misinterpretation of both complex characters once they are viewed as a couple is frustrating.
Which is why I think the EXTERNAL FACTORS, such as SOME Mareven fanfics and shippers surrounding the Mareven ship, are MOSTLY the cause that ignited the dislike for the ship not just Mareven being toxic.
To put it simply, there is nothing wrong or shameful for liking a toxic ship like Mareven. It does not AUTOMATICALLY mean you have a twisted perception of what a functioning relationship should be nor have poor reading comprehension.
I also noticed that some of those post that dislike Mareven are also Maven fans, claiming that Maven is their favorite character and are also aware of his flaws (and crimes).
So, I can even throw the same argument to them.
What's the difference between liking Maven Calore, one of the main antagonist of the series that caused harm to a number of characters, and liking Mareven that is a toxic ship where both characters were toxic towards each other?
Note: Since it's a veey messy essay. I am more than open for a discussion.
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linnealaylay · 8 months
i'm almost done rereading Glass Sword by Victoeia Aveyard, and I've just realized something about Cal that I didn't notice before.
Growing up, Cal was never my favorite. I favored Maven so much, maybe even a little too much. So, Cal was very annoying to me? I hated his every line and I was very irritated with every word he said and every action he took. But I was 13 at that time.
I am 17 years old now. And I've found a sense of maturity I didn't realize I had once discovering this.
Cal Calore is a burning flame. He is passionate and driven, with a kind heart, but he is indecisive, and this flaw drags him down.
I noticed just how often his trauma is overlooked. Cal lost everything. His mother, at a young age. His father. His brother. His friends. His kingdom. His home. His titles. The list goes on. He was taken from everything he knew and slammed down into an entire new world.
He wasn't even welcomed by the Reds. The first thing they did to Cal was lock him up alone when they reached Tuck.
And then when they met Nix, Nix was immediately taunting Cal for being "seduced by Mare into killing his father", but once Cal reveals the truth of what happened, they all fell silent.
No one. Not a single person, except probably Mare, has asked Cal if he was okay.
Cal lost everything. I mean literally everything. And not once in the whole book did we see him cry, break down, or fall apart.
That is a kind of strength I could never imagine.
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linnealaylay · 8 months
something in my soul is touched when i reread the scene in war storm where maven goes to mare's stilts home and destroys it
it feels like he was in mourning, you know? because he had lost her. he lost her so so many times, but she was so close to him THIS time and she slipped right between his fingers like cupped water.
and it specifically feels like mourning because maven calore didn't feel love. all he ever felt was loss and the idea of love that was more leaned toward obsession. so instead of mourning in sadness and depression like he did with thomas, he mourned with rage and destruction with mare.
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linnealaylay · 8 months
Was trying to think of the reason of the Love Triangle between the boys and Mare and I think I got something down lol.
— Kilorn is the representation of Mare’s life as a Red and of her past, being the reason why she’s so overprotective and constantly wanting to keep him safe. But also not wanting to pursue him romantically because her life as a Red was horrible, and because of how much hatred he harbors for Silvers and that of the unknown (back when he found out she’s a Newblood and didn’t react positively). Her rejecting Kilorn is a milestone for her, refusing to let her hatred and anger of Silvers and of her identity as a Newblood consume her.
— Maven represents War and the present, a person she is afraid of becoming because of the similar circumstances they were both brought into. They were used and turned into people neither of them wanted to be, making Mare afraid that she’s capable of becoming just as bad of a person. Because of war shes made to change, forced to do things she doesn’t like. She pursues him at the start because it’s easy to find comfort in war and anger, especially when it’s painted with rose tinted glasses. But through the series she shows distress in Maven, each time distancing herself from him. In a way, killing Maven signified letting go of the war. That it doesn’t define her.
— Lastly Cal, being Peace and the future. From the very start we see Cal as someone soothing, the person who hears Mare out and offers her the job position in Summerton. Mare is hesitant to seek him out romantically and at times loathes him, but he is also the only other person who understands her. Cal had constantly shown support and compassion to both Silvers, Reds, and Newbloods through the series (showing distaste when Mare kills Silvers, sneaking out at night into red villages to be a better king, etc.) He is a constant warming presence for her, even if she doesn’t seek it. Though Mare sometimes clashes with peace, as getting it is not easy by no means. In order to achieve peace sacrifices have to be made, and you have to let go of war. Seeking Peace in the midst of War can be hard, especially when you’ve faced so much tragedy. Coming to terms to it after war’s over is even harder. But in the end, Peace is what she needs the most to overcome the trauma and grief. It’s the one she stays with by choosing Cal.
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linnealaylay · 9 months
Ahhhhhhhhhhh this is perfect. Love the Kilron representation! Omfg. I. Am. In. Love.
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I finally finished this series and I just needed to do these arts
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linnealaylay · 10 months
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“Jon would not tell me about the dead futures—the ones no longer possible. I think about them, though,” he mumbles.
“A Silver King, a Red Queen.
How would things have changed? How many would still be alive?”
if you like my work and wanna support me visit my ko-fi
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linnealaylay · 10 months
This one is for you @imjulia-andilikecats. But it’s mostly ice 😘
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linnealaylay · 10 months
Maven Calore When He Entered His Villain Era
Maven: Mare, darling, only God can judge me
God: hell
Maven: ...
Mare: I told you-
God: you too, Molly
Reference: readchoi (Instagram)
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