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lichqueenlibrarian · 2 months ago
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Everyone is waiting for Kirk to pull another rabbit out of his hat, except for Spock.
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a-most-beloved-fool · 8 days ago
the most important thing about kirk and spock To Me is just how much they like each other. they're in love, too, in my opinion, but more importantly, they just really, genuinely, like each other. there's so much open affection between them, between the little touches they trade, kirk's stupid sappy smiles (that man is smitten smitten), spock's sassy little jokes, and kirk's gentle teasing - they're simply so obviously dear to one another. it's sweet.
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divineturtle · 24 days ago
Bothers me when I'm reading a fanfic and they make Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy just like. A mean asshole? MY Doctor McCoy introduced Spock to baby talk. MY Doctor McCoy bounces on his toes and has a smile bright as the sun. MY Doctor McCoy knocked Kirk *and* Spock out with a hypo to sacrifice himself for them even though the aliens said he was almost for sure going to die, and the other two would probably live. MY Doctor McCoy was like, hey, sure Spock committed mutiny, but do we really gotta arrest him? Yeah he's grumpy sometimes, but have you considered the fact that he's stuck on a ship in Space with two assholes that literally never listen?
I just watched the Abraham Lincoln episode and I stg it's a miracle McCoy isn't actually a huge asshole, because wym "this planet WAS deadly but Abraham Lincoln says it's cool so we're going" "hey, don't do that, you could beam down into lava and literally DIE" "Ugh shut UP McCoy we're following Abraham Lincoln onto the Lava Planet That WAS ENTIRELY LAVA until two minutes ago" dude I'd be swinging at a mfer. Especially if I was their doctor knowing it was going to be my job to sew them back together. They're absolute menaces to him and he still loves them and is willing to die for them every other episode.
And I don't ever want to see another "ahh he hates Spock" when he so obviously does not. In the last episode, he wasn't even sure that Kirk and Janice had swapped bodies and yet again, he was ready to commit mutiny with Spock and Scotty (why does Spock love mutiny? ���) He does like to rib Spock and get reactions out of him, but Spock likes to do it to McCoy just as much. He's been around humans his ENTIRE life, his mom is a human, he's half human, "I have no idea what you mean, Doctor, I'm just a simple little logic machine," you cannot convince me it's not a game.
And every time I feel like McCoy is being hurtful for actually no reason, the next scene is Spock taking action because of whatever McCoy had said and allowing himself to tap into that human part of him. He has a way of speaking Spock. It's not always nice but it's a way that gets through. Do you think asking Spock to use his Vulcan powers to permanently alter his friend and captain's memory so he forgets his grief over this chick he fell desperately for and then also she died in the span of like four hours is a great idea? No, he'd probably have some moral or logical issues with that. but just speech at him about love and feelings and stuff, throw something in there about how great it'd be if he could just forget, and he'll do it himself.
ANOTHER THING. When he's an asshole, he apologizes. He's not an asshole often, but when he is, he apologizes. Leonard McCoy is a lot of things, but he's not really a dick.
I think he deserves to be represented for the guy he is. He has SO many nice and good moments, he's just subtle about them. Remember when Kirk was like, "Bones, why didn't you tell me she was blind?" And he was like, "Idk Jim maybe because that'd be rude? Have you considered it's not your business?" REAL. Honestly, real.
This is a much longer rant than I meant for it to be and somehow I still have more I could say so imma cut myself off right here ❤️ If you read all that, thanks, you're just as weird as I am, even if you don't agree with my lil character analysis. If you didn't read all that, then you're not reading this ✨️
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muirmarie · 5 months ago
i think columbo and mccoy would get along so well. i think columbo would drive spock up the fucking wall. the way he pretends not to know something and tries to have the other person explain it? spock would loathe that lmao. i think kirk would both be amused by and wary of columbo. like he'd like him well enough and they'd get along well enough, but kirk would be extremely aware of how smart columbo is, and so he'd be cautious of him and his intentions.
after columbo solves the murder, he invites mccoy over to his place, and mccoy brings along a fantastic bottle of something or other, and gets to charm the elusive mrs. columbo, and pet dog behind his big basset hound ears, and has a lovely time.
they keep in contact, and mccoy brings him up casually sometimes just to watch spock bristle. he also likes to occasionally "just one more thing" kirk, just to watch him narrow his eyes with a little amusement and a little concern.
columbo consults with mccoy off the books occasionally for medical stuff. eventually tho there's a case that's a little more scientifically involved, and mccoy makes spock help, and it turns out when spock's on the other side of things he actually has a fascinating time. he follows columbo around like a puppy watching his techniques and asking him questions. it's extremely cute, although mccoy knows better than to say that.
kirk's always a little wary of columbo, but they still get along well enough.
(when kirk is framed for murder, columbo comes in and solves the case and finds the real murderer, and when mccoy has a little celebration afterwards, mrs. columbo teaches kirk to make the best apple pie ever made, and that does more to win him over than columbo saving the day.
columbo just smiles, and says mrs. columbo always has been his better half.)
(kirk just smiles back, and looks at mccoy and spock, and says he knows the feeling.)
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jennelikejennay · 9 months ago
We talk a lot about Bones's kinda xenophobic comments, but the vast majority of his teasing comments to Spock fall into one of two categories:
1. You are so emotionless!
2. I caught you having an emotion!
See, he knows Spock refusing to show emotion is a choice. It's not just because he's Vulcan—Spock is half human, but he chooses not to act human. He disagrees with that choice, but he also knows Spock is confident in it and won't change.
Type 1 is just a casual "hey, this difference exists between us!" and Spock eats it up. He LOVES being affirmed in that difference.
"I think you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever met."
"Why thank you, Doctor."
Type 2 is more actual razzing. He knows Spock doesn't want to be caught in an emotion, but he thinks it's good for him. Spock just brushes this off. He doesn't love it, but he also feels he's good at emotional repression and won't be caught out.
"You can't tell me that when you first saw Jim alive that you weren't on the verge of giving us an emotional scene that would have brought the house down."
"Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a highly proficient captain."
When Bones gets really mad, he says this stuff more sincerely. He's angry that Spock won't show emotion and says so. He just can't understand why Spock chooses to be like this!
Do you know why you're not afraid to die, Spock? You're more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out. That's it, isn't it? Insecurity. Why, you wouldn't know what to do with a genuine, warm, decent feeling.
This is him genuinely upset. He's lashing out. But Spock doesn't take it hard, and Bones backs down because he realizes he's taking it too far.
"Really, Doctor?"
"I know. I'm worried about Jim, too."
None of this is "you're Vulcan and I hate Vulcans." It's, "you, personally, are frustrating me for being unfeeling when I know you could feel and are just hiding it."
Not that he never says anything xenophobic, but most of it is a more personal teasing about their differences as a wildly and openly emotional man vs a man who chooses not to feel.
Importantly, most of the time he says these things, he's smiling. In fic he's so often a grouch, but he actually smiles a lot. He's Pathos, the character who symbolizes all emotion, including the good ones.
I'm just seeing more in his character the more I watch, and the more attentively I watch.
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sleepymccoy · 1 year ago
I really like the idea that McCoy's ex wife is Vulcan, so their daughter is half Vulcan. It informs so much of McCoy's behaviour to me.
I like to think his ex is not very into Vulcan culture. She's keeps some of it up, but this is a woman who chose to marry a bumpkin doctor and move to small town Earth. She's not big on the Vulcan stuff. Like, her name is T'Mari or something, but she just goes by Mary. They names their daughter Jo'hana so Mary's parents could pronounce it, but they just say Johanna. Or Jo.
So McCoy is already an expert at half Vulcan physiology, he's just learning the adult male stuff for the first time. And any Spock specific quirks. And he knows his ex, Mary, showed more emotion than Spock ever does so all Spock's arguments about being Vulcan are unconvincing. Of course, Mary mainly showed anger at the tail end of things, but hey. And he really knows what Jo's grin looks like so he knows it won't hurt Spock to smile occasionally
Of course, McCoy is fully forgetting that Spock is an adult and likes Vulcan culture in a way Mary never did and it's fucking up to him what he does. But I think this dynamic gives McCoy good cause to think he knows better (even if he's wrong). And it removes the humans as default attitude McCoy sometimes has
I especially like the idea that McCoy never mentions it cos a. Doesn't like to talk about his ex and b. It's weird to describe your daughter's medical shit in conversation. So one day Spock meets them and is just standing there like whaaat the fuuuck. What the fuck. Whatthefuck.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months ago
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Dwight Frye (Dracula, Frankenstein)—he's my babygirl please please please please please i want to baby bird feed him flies and spiders and pick him up and make glitter edits of him and give him gross forehead kisses like he's my cat. in dracula he was so incredibly creepy that he was typecast as madmen for the rest of his life and he fucking hated it but by god if he didn't do a fantastic job. he steals the show every time he's up on screen just because he's so fucking deranged. i need him
Thelma Ritter (Rear Window, All About Eve)—So little! Barely 5 feet tall! So scrungly! Working class accent and regular person looks constantly surrounded by gorgeous people! Snarky as hell!
This is round 3 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you’re confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
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He absolutely owns the entirety of Dracula (1931). Compared to the novel, his part is massively expanded and it's clear why. He's magnetically unhinged and his facial expressions are pure scrungle. And in Frankenstein, he begins the archetype of Frankenstein's assistant even if the character's name there is Fritz. He'd still go on to play other scrungly guys in later Frankenstein movies. But he's kinda the archetypal and progenitor of the scrungly lil guy. The scrungliest guy ever to scrungle. He's pretty much the blueprint for every mad scientist's assistant, and he's the best part of every movie he's in. He manages to make you feel sorry for the creepy little dudes, even when he's eating spiders and crawling across the floor. [editor's note: content warning for the "hunchback" stereotype and "madness" in the clips below]the "Rats" soliloquy:
I saw him in Dracula and frankly he has me bewitched. I could watch him do his silly routine forever. The gay tension with Bela Lugosi onscreen was frankly unparalleled. Kirk and Spock levels. I am chewing on the furniture
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Played the weirdo little guy in Dracula AND the weirdo little guy in Frankenstein in the same year. Iconic.
The scrungles to end all scrungles! There's a reason why this man codified the manic vampire's familiar and the hunchbacked lab assistant for generations, because by God can this man be feral and scrungly: Whether he's soliloquizing about rats as Renfield, scurrying around Frankenstein's lab like a spider as Fritz, or skulking around dark alleys (and scaring the hell out of little baby me) waiting for a fresh heart to steal as Karl, if you want a scrungly little man for your classic film, Dwight Frye is your man. He has the range to play varying kinds of scrungle, with his wide eyes, his manic smiles, his soft, breathy voice, he is truly an undisputed scrungle master.
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I honestly think it would be a crime to ignore Dwight Frye's scrungle factor. He played two of the prototypical creepy little henchman as Dracula's lackey Renfield and Dr. Frankenstein's hunchback servant Fritz, and I believe that his excellence in these roles absolutely shaped the future character tropes of the "Igor" type as much as Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff shaped the future understanding of Dracula and Frankenstein's monster. He's got it all from the looks, to the manic energy, to the crazed laugh, I'm telling you right now that I think he could win the entire tournament.
she wants to kill santa claus so bad for the first half of this clip. "thats fine. thats just dandy. mama wants to..thank santa claus too."
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outlaw-apologist · 4 months ago
Halloween With The X-Men (HCs)
Characters: Logan, Scott, Hank, Kurt, Remy, Jean, Ororo, Rogue
You and Jean had to convince him to dress up, with Jean having to bribe him with the promise of extra Danger Room time and you sweetening the deal with all the mini Reese’s you could find. He grumbles and rolls his eyes when you hand him the costume, but deep down, he loves the whole get-up. You watch him tug on a pair of fake ears and mess his hair up even more than usual, the growl he gives you playful but... it sends a shiver up your spine. He thinks he looks ridiculous, but the way you’re looking at him, he feels like the most dangerous guy in the room.
He sneaks candy the whole night, ducking around corners to snag a chocolate bar or two before Scott notices. And every time he manages to snag a few pieces, he slips one into your hand with this mischievous, guilty little smirk, muttering, “I’ll replace ‘em, kid. Promise.” There’s always more candy in his jacket pockets than he’d ever admit to.
When the “Monster Mash” starts playing, Logan raises an eyebrow at Jean, half-accusing her of playing something so “dirty” at a kid’s party. It takes a good five minutes of explaining (with Jean laughing so hard she has to sit down) before he realizes it’s not what he thought. You’re still snickering about it later when he grumbles, “Ya can’t blame me for thinkin’ it was somethin’... else, alright?”
You’d shown him Supernatural weeks ago, and he’d taken to it immediately, bonding with Dean’s tough-guy act and wry humor. When you find him quoting Dean under his breath, it’s hard to hold back a grin, and Logan notices, giving you a look that says, Yeah, I know you’re laughing at me. But later, when no one’s around, he leans in close and whispers, “Gotta say, darlin’, I get why ya like that show... maybe that Winchester guy’s got a few tricks worth learnin’.” It’s the most subtle admission of affection he can manage, and it sends your heart racing every time.
As the night winds down and the kids go to bed, he pulls you aside, holding out his candy stash as if he’s making an offering. “All yours, if ya want it,” he mutters, looking almost sheepish. And even though he’d clearly been enjoying it all night, he’d rather see you smile than keep it for himself. You take a few pieces, sharing them with him and leaning into his shoulder. He might grumble about Halloween, but the warmth between you two makes him realize it might just be his new favorite holiday.
He spends days agonizing over his costume choice, pacing back and forth in front of the mirror as he tries on a black leather jacket one moment and holds up a pair of pointed ears the next. “I mean, James Dean is cool… but Spock has that logical flair, you know?” He glances at you, looking genuinely torn. In the end, you pick for him, and the look on his face is priceless when he sees himself as Spock (because let’s be honest, you know he secretly loves it). If you want a couples costume you can go as sexy Kirk!
Putting up Halloween decorations with him is pure comedy. He’s dead serious about hanging every last ghost and cobweb at a perfect 90-degree angle, but it’s impossible to keep things that precise with autumn leaves swirling around everywhere. When one floats past him, he catches it without thinking, and you make a playful challenge of it, trying to out-catch him. By the end of it, you’re both laughing, arms full of leaves, and the decorations look delightfully messy.
“We’ve gotta make sure there’s no tricks,” he says, face all seriousness as you two prepare to take the younger kids out. You can barely hold back a grin. Yet despite his stern approach, he’s all smiles with the kids, holding their bags when they get too full, getting down to their level to talk to them, and even convincing a few hesitant ones to brave the spookier houses. When he hands you your own stash of treats at the end, he whispers, “Just in case you didn’t get enough.”
Watching Halloween with him before bed seemed like a fun idea… until you’re both lying in bed afterward, and he keeps glancing over at the shadow by the window. You offer to turn on a nightlight, but he stubbornly insists he’s fine. When you jokingly try to spook him with a little “Boo,” he jumps, and his hand immediately goes for your shoulder. You laugh, and he huffs, muttering, “Don’t push your luck,” even as he scoots closer.
He lights up the moment you show him your costume, practically floating over to you, his tail swishing with excitement. “You look so beautiful,” he murmurs, eyes shining as he gazes at you with that love-drunk grin. It’s clear that he’s more interested in showing you off than in what he’ll wear himself. You both end up with matching costumes because he’s delighted by the idea of everyone knowing you’re together. Throughout the night, you catch him glancing at you, pride and admiration all over his face.
He volunteers to string up all the lights, insisting he can do it faster and safer with his teleporting abilities. Halfway through, you hear all sorts of bumps and thumps from the attic, and suddenly, a handful of younger kids are running up to you, wide-eyed, convinced it’s “Casper the friendly ghost.” Kurt overhears them and plays along, going bamf around corners with a grin, happily feeding the mystery.
Unlike Scott, Kurt lives for Halloween mischief. While everyone else trick-or-treats, he spends the night popping out from behind trees, gently tugging on costume capes, and letting out perfectly timed ghostly groans. He has the time of his life being the “spooky” part of the evening, and every time he startles someone, he returns to you looking like he’s just won a prize.
The night winds down with you both curled up under a thick blanket, sipping hot chocolate as he recounts stories of Halloween in Germany. He shares tales of bonfires, costumes, and some of the eerie traditions he remembers, his voice low and warm as you snuggle up close, lulled by his stories and the comfort of his presence.
Halloween costume plans aren’t really his thing this year, not when he already feels like a “big blue monster.” You and Logan, however, won’t take no for an answer. Logan grumbles that he’s not letting Hank skip out on a night off, and when Scott calls dibs on Spock, you offer a new idea: a “Ghostbusters” duo. Hank raises an eyebrow, but his resistance finally breaks when you promise to take the whole theme seriously. Watching you two suit up together, he can’t help but laugh, fully in the spirit.
He gets so into the holiday that he bakes trays of Halloween cookies – tiny jack-o-lanterns, witches, and a batch of sugar bats just for you. But after you find a stray blue hair in your ‘graveyard dirt’ pudding, you make him redo the cookies in his human form. “The sacrifices I make for good hygiene,” he jokes, but he looks happy, relieved to share the night in this way.
After you two watch Sleepy Hollow, he shakes his head, muttering something about folklore and local superstition. “We must visit Sleepy Hollow someday,” he insists, with every bit of his scientific curiosity sparking. “I’ll prove that headless apparitions are nothing more than myth!” You nod along, eyes glinting with excitement – though you’re half-hoping for an unexplained flicker of movement, if only to see him jump.
By the end of the night, you find yourselves wandering a gothic cemetery, Hank’s excitement as bright as ever, talking about spectrometry and ectoplasm while you playfully spook him, mimicking ghostly voices. Under the full moon’s light, the cemetery is eerie and quiet, the perfect end to your ghostbusting adventure.
“It’ll be fun!” he insists with that irresistible grin as he holds up a Ouija board, eyes practically sparkling at the thought. You’re on board, of course, until Jean marches over, all serious, and insists he get rid of it. She’s adamant that there’s no way it’s staying in the mansion, but you and Remy get a good laugh watching her haul it out, grumbling the whole way.
He’s every bit the New Orleans vampire, cape and fangs, his accent somehow thicker and smoother when he leans in close to say, “Don’t I look the part, chérie?” You laugh, but it’s hard not to appreciate how much he gets into the role, his natural charm perfect for a little Halloween theatrics.
Remy decides to teach a “lesson” on the difference between Voodoo and Hoodoo, diving into stories about his home. You’re pretty sure his knowledge is spotty at best, but it’s worth it just to hear him talk about New Orleans, his love for the place adding color to every word. The students eat it up, fully entranced by the mystery and magic he spins.
Carving pumpkins with the kids, he decides to one-up everyone and light one on fire to show his “signature touch.” Within seconds, there’s smoke billowing, and he’s scrambling to put it out while you laugh, watching him juggle his pumpkin masterpiece in a panic. By the end, he’s muttering about “no appreciation for creativity” but looks at you with a glint of mischief, already plotting his next Halloween stunt.
She’s a total Daphne Blake, decked out in purple with a bright orange scarf, every bit of her glammed up in Scooby-Doo style. You go as her Freddy (or Velma if the mood strikes), and when you two sneak a playful kiss in front of Logan, he goes visibly stiff, jaw clenched, looking at anything else in the room to keep himself in check. Jean catches it and just laughs, leaning closer to you with an exaggerated wink that has you both grinning.
She leads the arts and crafts with the younger kids, showing them how to make little bat cutouts, ghosts, and grinning pumpkin faces. By the end, the mansion is a patchwork of their colorful creations taped up in the halls, and the kids adore her, crowding around with their paper cutouts and glue sticks.
At some point, she grabs the face paints and convinces Scott and even the professor to let her and you paint their faces. Scott’s hesitant but ends up with a clumsy ghost on one cheek, and you give the professor a cartoonish bat that has him chuckling. Jean, of course, goes all out with her own look, adding vibrant purples and greens to match her Daphne outfit.
She’s a die-hard Scream fan, no question. You two settle down with popcorn, candy, and a blanket for a full Scream marathon, quoting your favorite lines and laughing at all the jump scares. Every time Ghostface pops up, she leans closer to you, grinning, totally at home in the suspense and thrill of the night.
She’s all Janis Joplin vibes, dressed up in vintage fringe, colorful scarves, and tinted shades. When you ask her to give you a little twirl, she laughs, spinning around before breaking into a few lines of “Piece of My Heart.” She’s all smiles, her voice playful and smoky, and you can’t help but cheer. Logan, passing by, gives her an approving nod. “Got the look down, kid,” he says, and mentions he’s even met the real Janis. Her eyes go wide with admiration, and you catch her humming songs under her breath the rest of the night.
“Coffin races? Morbid as hell, I’m in!” When you and Rogue decide to enter the local coffin race, Remy insists on joining, which only makes Scott even more disapproving. But with Rogue’s design, your ideas, and Remy’s flair, you three craft the slickest, wildest coffin go-cart in the race. The big day comes, and Remy gets a little too excited—he veers off course, and the whole contraption crashes in spectacular, hilarious fashion. You’re all laughing, even Scott eventually, but the coffin’s definitely seen its last race.
You two get your tarot cards read by a booth vendor, and she perks up, especially when it comes to the love life section. She blushes when she glances over at you, biting her lip before daring to ask her question. Her gloved fingers graze yours under the table, and there’s a shy smile she’s trying to hide.
The night winds down with the two of you curled up for Phantom of the Opera. Rogue’s eyes shine as she sings along to every song, voice soft in your ear, and before long, the film fades into the background. The night ends in soft, lingering looks.
At first, she’s hesitant when you and Remy try to talk her into dressing up. Halloween’s always felt too close to mockery to her, a night that could disrespect the spirits. But when she sees the kids’ faces light up at her Catwoman costume, she finally softens, even giving you and Remy an amused look before flashing her best fierce pose.
You settle in to watch The Haunting of Hill House, and Ororo pretends to be calm and collected. But by episode three, she’s clutching your arm just a little tighter, glancing nervously around the room. For days afterward, she avoids walking down dark hallways in the mansion, laughing it off but unable to shake the ghostly chill. She swears she sees movement in the shadows sometimes and gives Logan a hard time, accusing him of sneaking around.
When it’s nearing midnight and the students refuse to come back inside from their last trick-or-treat round, she raises a single eyebrow before quietly summoning a drizzle that quickly turns to a full-on rainstorm. The kids groan and race for the mansion doors, leaving candy wrappers and laughter in their wake. She sends you a conspiratorial smile, looking pretty pleased with herself.
Finally, with the horror out of the way, you both decide to finish the night on a lighter note, cozying up together on the couch with a stack of rom-coms. Sharing a bowl of candy, you end up feeding each other pieces as you laugh, the sweet quiet moments pushing all the lingering shadows far from her mind.
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gay-mooshrooms · 6 months ago
Fuuuuuuuck Search for Spock ok this is gonna be a long one
"JIM. YOUR NAME IS JIM."!!!!!!!!
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dustykneed · 5 months ago
will you be ashamed of this?
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sometimes i think about how one of spock and mccoy's major moments of connection in aos was when spock was bleeding out in a cave. karl's performance is genuinely phenomenal there-- i wonder if it haunts bones, the guilt of wondering if he took advantage of spock's delirium, half convinced spock considers their conversation an indignity. i wonder if he keeps catching himself watching spock's lips, longing for the ghost of a smile. (i wonder if the way bones touched spock's jaw turns up in spock's mind when he meditates, sometimes.)
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electronickingdomfox · 29 days ago
Star Trek TOS slash bits (Season three)
This is my personal rundown of all the slash scenes in TOS season three. I've omitted episodes when I didn't find anything remarkable in them.
-What I count: lingering touches or affectionate looks, clinginess, actions that show a strong concern/familiarity with each other, suggestive scenes...
-What I DON'T count: friendly gestures (like smiling or looking amused when someone says something funny), scenes taken out of context, physical proximity just because there's not enough space...
I'll try to illustrate some scenes when necessary, though screenshots usually don't do justice to it.
For season one analysis go here. For season two, go here.
Spectre of the Gun:
McSpirk The mind-meld scene. For Kirk, this was his first mind-meld, for McCoy the third, if you count the one with Mirror Spock. Actually, Spock also mind-melds with Scotty here, but in my opinion, the scenes with Kirk and McCoy look much more intimate. Almost like love scenes, while Scotty's seems a more clinical meld. For comparison:
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The Paradise Syndrome
McSpirk At first McCoy is infuriated by Spock's decision to take care of the asteroid before rescuing Kirk, though then he submits to his very logical reasons for doing so (explained with rocks, so the doctor can get it). McCoy will spend the rest of the episode entering Spock's cabin every five minutes, to see if he's getting enough rest. While Spock works himself to exhaustion, trying to figure out a way to divert the asteroid and save Kirk (granted, he also wants to save the rest of the planet, but still...). Also, McCoy tries to comfort Spock, by telling him it wasn't his fault the ship was crippled, and that Jim would have done the same. For his part, Kirk isn't very worried about Spock and McCoy, but that's because he's being KIROOOK!! and can't even remember them.
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And the Children Shall Lead
Spirk The famous turbolift scene. When Kirk feels he's losing command, he first grabs Spock in a panic, and then literally throws himself into his arms, in a half intimate, half awkward scene. It's only when Spock whispers "Jim" to him, that Kirk regains his confidence.
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Spock's Brain
Spirk Kirk's anxiety when he discovers Spock's brain has been stolen. He argues with McCoy just because he can't replace a brain, and is determined to search the entire galaxy to save Spock, if needed. Later, when he hears Spock's disembodied voice, his face reflects absolute bliss:
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Spock also says that he feels a distinct pleasure upon hearing his Captain's voice.
Spones McCoy doesn't hesitate for an instant to use the knowledge helmet to save Spock, even when warned about the possibility of it killing him. And Spock begs McCoy not to jeopardize his life for his sake.
McKirk This... this moment (nothing said):
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Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Spirk At first, Kirk is all gallantry and pleasantries with Dr. Miranda Jones... Until he starts suspecting that she may have hurt Spock on purpose, out of jealousy. Then he turns absolutely nuts, accusing and threatening her, in the hopes that this will stir her conscience to save Spock's damaged mind. The whole scene is actually quite uncomfortable to watch.
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Spones McCoy seems very angry and/or worried when Spock praises Uhura's beauty after his mind-meld with Kollos (jealousy?), and quickly points out that this can't be Spock. Though he's immediately relieved when Spock replies in his usual tone, proving that Spock's still there. It's noteworthy that Kollos had showed ample signs of being controlling Spock before this moment, like making him smile. Yet McCoy only reacts once Spock/Kollos starts flirting with Uhura.
Apart from this, there's Miranda's jealousy about Spock and Kollos, since she perceives their union as far closer than what she could ever achieve. Miranda is in love with Kollos, so Spock functions as a kind of romantic rival, at least in her mind.
The Empath
McSpirk It's like... the whole episode. But there are certain scenes that stand out. First we have Kirk offering himself as test subject for the Vians, as long as they leave his friends alone. Then McCoy sedates Kirk, knowing that he'd subject himself to the torture if awake. But his plan backfires, since this leaves Spock in command, and of course he wants to sacrifice himself to protect the doctor. At one point, Gem touches Spock's shoulder, and through her empathic powers she senses something in him that makes her smile with fondness; presumably, his deep love for his friends. McCoy is determined to be the one tortured, though, so he also knocks Spock out, even if the Vians had previously said that he was the most likely to die. Afterwards, Kirk and Spock gently hold the dying McCoy, with Spock touching his face, and McCoy complimenting him for his "bedside manner". Kirk tries to convince Gem to save McCoy, by all means possible, and has to restrain his strong emotions in order to break free from the force field. It's really a lot. After all, the whole point of the episode is that Gem learns about love and self-sacrifice by observing these three particular individuals.
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The Tholian Web
Spirk Spock insists on staying in Tholian space, despite the danger it poses to ship and crew, for the remote possibility that Kirk may still be alive. McCoy points out the illogic in such an action, and this is one of the main causes for their disagreement.
Spones Spock and McCoy are very tense with each other in the first part. But after seeing Kirk's last message (that pretty much amounts to saying that they complement each other) they make peace, and McCoy apologizes and acknowledges Spock as Captain. They almost get into another argument because McCoy's being affected by the spatial distortion too, but he quickly apologizes again, before collapsing in Spock's arms (and how convenient that everybody else becomes crazy and murderous, yet McCoy's reaction is fainting on Spock...)
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By the end of the episode, they're toasting together and have grown fond of each other. Kirk notices the change and teases them, so they reveal how difficult was working together. However, they don't give him the satisfaction, and even deny having seen his message.
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
McKirk Kirk is very angsty and pained upon learning that McCoy only has one year of life left. But he's even worse once he learns that McCoy won't be spending that year with them, but with Natira. Apart from this, Kirk is pretty touchy whenever McCoy is feeling bad.
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At times, Kirk and Natira almost seem like romantic rivals, in a competition for McCoy. Further expressed by their parallelisms: both Kirk and Natira are leaders of men, burdened by enormous responsibilities, and this position has forced them to lead solitary lives.
Spones Less evident, but when Spock grabs McCoy's arm to prevent him from getting up, McCoy looks at the hand and seems surprised and moved by the gesture.
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McSpirk In the end, McCoy chooses to go back with Kirk and Spock, even if this means losing Natira. And he does so even before they find a cure for his illness! His situation is literally the same, so it's a choice born of free will. Besides, Natira knows that McCoy won't stop disobeying the Oracle and thinking about his friends as long as they're alive.
Plato's Stepchildren
McSpirk Similar to "The Empath", the whole plot revolves around Kirk, Spock and McCoy sacrificing themselves for each other. First, Kirk and Spock are subjected to the Platonians' humiliation because they refuse to leave McCoy behind. And when McCoy can't bear their torture anymore, he agrees to be a prisoner of the Platonians in exchange for their freedom, though Kirk talks him out of it. They're both also very concerned about Spock's wellbeing, after the Platonians force him to show emotions. And Spock can't contain his rage at having almost killed Kirk.
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Wink of an Eye
Spirk When Deela monitors Kirk's actions, she notices that he's trying to communicate with Spock. And from this she concludes that humans are quite capable of affection. She's not speaking about "friendly affection" precisely, because she hopes that Kirk will show it to her too, and this makes Rael quite jealous.
That Which Survives
McKirk A bit of a silly example, but Kirk and McCoy probably didn't need to sleep so close together (and so awkwardly), with so much free terrain around.
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The Mark of Gideon
Spirk In the beginning, Kirk looks at Spock with fondness and regrets that he can't accompany him down to the planet, which he describes as a paradise.
Requiem for Methuselah
McSpirk The final scene, where Spock makes Jim forget through a mind-meld, is often interpreted as pure K/S. That is, McCoy is nasty towards Spock for not feeling love; Spock proves him wrong by showing his love for Kirk; the end. But I think that this interpretation ignores certain elements in the story, and some things don't make much sense. In particular, the assumption that McCoy is simply being nasty. First, why would he insult Spock now? They don't even argue in this episode, there's no previous conflict between them to prompt this. Second, would McCoy really believe that Spock doesn't understand love, when a moment ago Spock showed a perfect understanding of Rayna's dilemma? ("The joys of love made her human, and the agonies of love destroyed her.") So, the way I see it is thus. There's a parallel between the love triangle of Kirk/Rayna/Flint (discussed right before McCoy's speech), and the triangle of Kirk/Spock/McCoy. Pretty much like Flint tried to extract emotions from Rayna, McCoy tries to extract the same from Spock. He's been doing it for the whole series, but it was also seen in this episode, when McCoy wanted to see Spock drunk, or celebrated that Spock admitted an emotion: envy. And here he's doing it again, with his speech as a revulsive for Spock to acknowledge his love and act accordingly. The difference is that, while Flint was motivated by selfish reasons, McCoy is doing it not just for Spock, but also for Kirk. His deep worry and love for Jim makes him wish he could forget. And it's this suggestion what finally sets Spock into motion. In a breach of logic, and probably Vulcan manners too, he mind-melds with Kirk to erase his pain. It's a complex scene, but all three characters are deeply intertwined in it, with each caring for the other two (well, except Kirk who's sleeping at the moment...).
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The Savage Curtain
Kirk is absurdly in love with Lincoln, and he has this dreamy, goofy smile on his face every time he looks at him. Despite knowing very well that he's not the real Lincoln. Despite McCoy calling him on his bullshit... Lincoln is just THAT irresistible.
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Even Spock admits that he too "experienced his charm"!
All Our Yesterdays
Spones And how! In the first part, Spock is constantly looking after McCoy and caring for him. When McCoy falls on the snow half-frozen, Spock refuses to leave him behind (despite McCoy's pleas for Spock to save himself), because they "go together, or not at all". Later, in the cave, Spock puts the doctor to bed and leans over him on several ocassions, mostly focused on his recovery, even if this prevents him from searching for Jim or an escape.
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Once Spock begins to revert to his ancestors and show an interest in Zarabeth, is conflict time instead. In particular, McCoy's outburst at Zarabeth, and his accusations that she's lying and just wants to keep Spock for herself, sound like a bout of jealousy. As a matter of fact, it IS true that only Zarabeth is trapped in that world, but McCoy has no way of knowing that, and no proof that she's being dishonest. After this outburst, Spock pins McCoy to the wall in a very tense scene, while McCoy grabs his arms the whole time. And it's only then that Spock realizes what's going on with him.
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In the end, when forced to choose between staying with Zarabeth, or going back with McCoy, Spock chooses the doctor. As he said in the beginning, they go together or not at all.
McKirk Much less obvious, but McCoy is constantly asking about Jim, and tells Spock to stop worrying about him and go find Jim instead.
Turnabout Intruder
Spirk Kirk (inside the body of Janice Lester) convinces Spock to perform a mind-meld on him, by saying that Spock is closer to the Captain than anyone in the universe, and that he knows his thoughts. Once he learns the truth, Spock takes Kirk by the wrist to accompany him outside the cell. Spock touches people more often than is usually believed, but here in particular is a tender gesture, not strictly necessary.
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Apart from this, Dr. Coleman seems to still love Janice, no matter the body she inhabits. There's this scene where Janice (inside the body of Kirk) approaches him seductively, and places a hand on his shoulder. From the point of view of the audience, it's one of the most explicitly gay scenes in the whole series (and extra points for Shatner for choosing to play it that way; there was nothing of the sort in the script).
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Spirk: 7 out of 24 episodes Spones: 5/24 McKirk: 4/24 McSpirk: 6/24
A big increase for McSpirk, in relation to previous seasons.
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softthyla · 1 day ago
Not to Voyage Home post… but I do think that Spock’s refusal to call Kirk “Jim” throughout the film—when we had seen him remember that name already, in tsfs—is down to his wariness surrounding their intimacy
He doesn’t know who he himself is, or how to parse his own current emotions, so how can he possibly contextualize twenty years worth of feelings for Jim?
He remembers falling in love with him, the slow yearning of their five year mission spent in that strange place between best friends and lovers; he remembers the decision to go to Gol, to excise those feelings, and the failure there that drove him back into Jim’s waiting arms; he remembers the decade since then spent wrapped up in each other, a life full of warm affection and love. Love. He remembers being in love. T’hy’la, ashayam, I shall always be yours kind of love.
But that can’t be right, can it? Can it? Can he take that risk again? Does he even still want to? What does he want? What is wanting? And how is he supposed to figure it out when every time Jim smiles at him, he recalls another memory of the two of them together?
What right does he have to claim this man? He barely knows him, compared to the self from his memories who considered Jim his other half.
It doesn’t feel right to call him “Jim”, not when he’s not sure how he feels. It feels too much like giving both of them false hope.
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ashc-from-ao3 · 8 months ago
Trouble with a Vulcan
Spock x female reader
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Spock was sitting on his t'hy'la's couch waiting for her to return, the enterprise crew was on a two week shore leave and (name) had decided to make the most of it. She went back to her home town to enjoy the scenery, the town was a small rural community and little trouble came it's way. So when (name) said she was going out for a walk only moments before he thought nothing of it. He snooped around for something to do until she returned and came apon her dvd's of old earth movies and shows. Most he deemed illogical but one seemed to hold a value in his sharp mind. Jeopardy. The viewer gained knowledge from watching and knowledge to a vulcan was always exciting. He put in the first disc and sat back.
-----(name)'s pov-------
(name) Was smiling brilliantly the young woman bounced along the streets reacquainting herself with the town. She was walking down a alleyway when a large thuggish man stepped out of the shadows. She went to turn around but her path was cut off by another man.
"Well hello darling. What is a thing like you doing all by yourself?" (name) tried to go past the first man but she was knocked to the ground and her vision blurred before she blacked out
-----spock's pov------
Spock had sat through four episodes of jeopardy, he knew most of the answers and only two were unknown to the half vulcan. He was now starting to worry about (name) she had been gone two hours. The town was not that large, she should be back. He was just getting ready to search for her when the door slammed open, it closed just as quick and the deadbolt was turned into place with a heavy *thunk* followed by a second *thunk* signalling the locking of the other lock. Spock reached the door and saw (name) slumped on the ground. Her hair was matted with mud and blood. Her cloths wear torn and she had several bleeding scrapes and rapidly forming bruises. She was panting and shaking, spock made it over to her faster than he ever had before. He helped to to stand and held her at arm's length
" (name) what happened?" (name) whimpered and tried to snuggle into spock but he held her away from him so he could observe her,
"I went down a alleyway and some men......." (name) trailed off unable to answer, instead she looked up at Spock hoping to find anger in his gaze, anger towards her attackers at least . She knew of the precision driven power in her boyfriend's body and she would love to see him vulcan nerve pinch the two men. However when she gazed at him, he showed nothing not a flicker of concern,anger or even pity...nothing. Since they had started dating Spock had been more lenient with his emotions around (name),he was still as logical as ever but he let her see the human side he so often tried to hide from others. The fact he showed no emotions scared her.
"So you feel nothing after hearing that your girlfriend was attacked? Not a sliver of anger? NOTHING?" The woman was horrified by the fact Spock was still unresponsive. She removed her arms from his still frozen grasp,unlocked the door and fled going to the one place she felt she would be safe, her best friend scotty's house. She flung open the door and fell sobbing into the engineers arms as she explained what happen. Scotty's face did contort in anger and the Scotsman started swearing in his thick accent, that only got thicker as he got angrier .
Meanwhile Spock had finally managed to compute that someone who was not him had dared to touch what was his dared to harm what was clearly marked as his. He was logical and calculating and when it came to the bedroom he was just as thorough when giving (name) love bites around her neck as he was when saving the enterprise from one of kirk's hair brained schemes. The bites clearly stated she was his, his to touch and no one else's. Anger finally came though quickly followed by worry and then confusion as (name) was no where to be found. He quickly thought of the other members of the enterprise crew who she would go to. He searched each crew members house down to places where she would never get to and then he finally figured it out, Mr.Scott! (Name) and Mr,Scott wear close she would definitely go to him in a time of need.
Spock frantically banged on Mr.Scott's door and when he opened it the Scotsmen knew instantly what was up.
"Mr.spock, she asked me not to let you in but I can see you need to speak to each other." Mr, Scott moved aside and pointed at the closed bathroom door.
"Cleaning up" was his only explanation. Spock needed no more promoting and. Instantly he was by the door.
"T'hy'la? You you there? I must speak with you about my actions." He heard a muffled Russian swear,curtesy of Chekov and Scotty drinking nights, followed by a soft sigh, he held his breath hoping she would for once be logical about her actions and let him explain. She was. (name) opened the door carefully and dressed in only her undergarments and a oversized bathrobe. She sighed heavily and dragged him into the bathroom.
"T'hy'la I mu-" Spock was cut off by her placing her hand on his mouth before she lent forward and kissed him
"Spock it's okay, I was over emotional and I overreacted. I couldn't expect you to fully understand what I said in the four seconds I gave you. I am sorry I reacted very unlogically." Spock looked at (name) and enveloped her in a comforting hug
"You never react logically, it is one of the reasons I love you."he whispered as he gently drew his large hands up and down her back and sides in a comforting action. Eventually (name) started calming and she giggled happily at having her vulcan back in her arms and being back in his.
(name) leaned up and kissed Spock with all the passion and love she could muster, Spock quickly returned the kiss and his hands had started to roam over the woman's tiny body, suddenly a loud "ahem" broke the couple apart. (name) Flushed red and Spock's face was flushed as well Scotty stood in the doorway of the bathroom a smug grin on his face.
"Now I am glad ye are back togetha but could ye please do that at home?"
(name) Name smiled and leaned into Spock as he wrapped his arms around her protectively he leaned his head by her ear and whispered
"It would be illogical to continue this with someone watching but we will most certainly continue this later."
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cucuxumusu · 3 months ago
⌛Isekai Jason AU ⏳
He comes back to Gotham, and as he intends, he manages to kill Joker and then Batman, completing his ultimate revenge. But then everything goes wrong. Gotham becomes even more horrible without the bat protecting it and crimes goes rampage in the streets, half the family dies in the conflicts (Tim, Steph…), Damian goes back to the league following Talia’s orders, and Dick, half crazed after having lost everything he holds dear, ends up crossing the line and killing Jason because he blames him for everything that has happened. 
This time, when Jason opens his eyes after dying for the second time, he realizes he has gone back in time for a year, to when he first arrived in Gotham, before he killed Joker and Bruce, and before chaos started. He promises himself right then and there not to repeat the same mistakes this time. 
He still kills Joker again because he deserves it, and the world is better without him, but he leaves Bruce alone. He can't forgive the old man, but he can ignore him if it means Gotham and the family get to live. And this time the city actually gets better. Without the Joker, and with the other crime lords now terrified of him, crime actually goes down. Everything feels better this time, even Batman stops pestering him for a while for what he had done, and ignores him back. However, with his identity now revealed to the family, there is a new problem he has to face: The birds keep stalking him. 
At first it is subtle, just Damian following him out of curiosity, or Cass spying on him when he is smoking a cigarette, but with days, they get bolder. Tim is screaming to him across roofs about a case, Steph is asking him questions regarding his weapons and where to buy them and so on. Jason is spocked. After his last life and how the birds had all suffered because of him, he can't even stay in their same space without drowning in guilt. 
The worst of all, of course, is Dick. Dick wants to restart the old relationship with his little wing, and he keeps making jokes, flirting, and stalks Jason like it is his new hobby. Dick who also killed him in his previous life. Who despised and hated him enough to break his own code and drive a knife through his heart. 
Jason can't help but be scared of him as memories of his last death keep resurfacing. The chaos, the pain, Dick’s face. It's almost ironic. He had always had a crush on Dick (who wouldn't? He is sex on legs), but now that Dick is finally paying attention to him, he can't even face him without being terrified. 
They keep playing cat and mouse for a couple of weeks as their stubbornness clashes against each other, until Dick finally catches him, and Jason explodes. He tells him all that had happened in their previous life, what Jason did, what Dick did, and then he asks Dick to leave him alone because nothing good will come out of this. And Dick is so shocked after hearing him, that Jason manages to escape and flee from him again. 
They ignore each other after that, and slowly, Jason gets used to his new life and finally has time to rest, think, and find a semblance of peace for the first time in his life. 
They meet again by chance as Jason tries to bust a drug ring that Dick is also working on. It's awkward and weird, but Jason has had time to find peace about what happened, Dick apologizes, Jason apologizes too, and suddenly they are kissing as if their life depends on it.
They start their relationship the next day after a night full of touches and confessions. Dick is beaming to anyone who sees him, and Jason is still disbelieving this actually happened to him and that he gets to keep this life, but also smiling stupidly. Their relationship with Bruce is still weird, there are problems they still need to work on, but the rest of the family accepts them with glee, and Jason finally lets go of that other timeline.
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purple-iris · 6 months ago
Saavik headcanons - 
As promised, here they are! It’s not that much, but those just live rent free in my head. 
When the rescue vessel first arrived at Vulcan, Amanda came to the spaceport to greet Sarek and Spock. This was Saavik’s first encounter with her, and she instinctively clocked her as a trustworthy figure. In the early days of her Vulcan education, she would pull up the ta’al toward Amanda with a smile, rather than a neutral expression, having not yet learned emotional control. She still tends to show her emotions more around Amanda (who is a very happy grandma) (This is the image i have basically: 🖖🙂)
Considering the conditions of starvation in her childhood on Hellguard, Saavik encountered a plethora of health difficulties: Namely, her immune system was not built for bacteria native to Vulcan, and she fell ill in the first few weeks she spent there with Spock before they moved to Dantria IV. Her bone density is also significantly lesser than the average vulcan, a result of the lack of certain nutrients and proteins in her alimentation as a very young child. Her genetics still makes her stronger and more resistant than a human, but much less than a full-blooded, healthy Vulcan. She is also among the shorter percentiles in terms of heights.
On the plus side, she is not a picky eater at all. Her curiosity applies also in the matters of gastronomy and she enjoys discovering new foods and manners of preparing them. She insisted that Spock teach her how to program replicators (Spock asked Jim’s help on that, because he knows more about replicator code than even Spock does)
She more than once spooked Spock in the middle of the night, allowing him to discover that Vulcan’s secondary eyelids acted much like an earth cat’s tapetum lucidum, reflecting the light and glowing. He had never noticed it in his peers, having not spent much time with them in the night, and had to hold back an emotional reaction when she simply wanted his help to grab a glass of water at 2 am. 
Saavik also took a long time before she trusted people enough to fall asleep near them. She would always curl herself up in the corner of her bedroom, and to help her Spock placed her bed farthest from the door, while also making sure in case of danger she could escape by the window. The first time she fell asleep on the living room floor from exhaustion after reading one too many datatape was extremely endearing for Spock. He got the chance to carry her to her bed. 
Spock had to learn to take care of her curls, and would facetime with Uhura in the late hours of Dantria IV’ night to get advice. Saavik would sit on the living room floor and he’d carefully untangle her curls with a wide toothed comb nearly every night until she began doing it herself. 
Once she joined Vulcan school after the year on Dantria IV with Spock, she often got teased for the green color of her eyes, her peers likening it to blood and trying to elicit an emotional response out of her. Sometimes it worked and she’d fight them off, sometimes she threatened to get Ambassador Sarek’s rightful power (I dont wanna say anger) on their parent’s career. (might as well use her adopted nepotism against bullies)
During her first year at the Academy, Saavik let the others, mostly human students, assume that she was just fully Vulcan. After the events of The Pandora Principle, she began cryptically correcting that she was Half-Vulcan, like her father, bringing about school gossip about her parentage. Once it became widely known she was Spock’s child, the gossip shifted on whether or not professor Spock had her with a random human woman or if he and professor Kirk found a way themselves. (The gossip about the professors at the academy must be fire) 
When she got accepted in the Academy baseball league, she began reading up on all the aspects of the sport, to a point where she could quote stats from players who played back in the 20th century. 
In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, her hair is actually straightened, in an effort of seeming more Vulcan to the human crew during her first starship assignment. After Spock’s loss, she cannot bring herself to continue straightening them, hence her curls return in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. I also think Uhura helped her with the do she had during the funeral ceremony. (The volume sorta reminds me of Uhura’s TOS hair.)
That’s all for now!
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darkness-and-books · 1 year ago
Spock fluff alphabet
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?
Not to be weird, but your face, he just enjoys how expressive it is. When you laugh, smile, sigh in irritation, roll your eyes, or yawn. All of it, he just thinks you’re an adorable human 😍🥰.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Not at the moment. He only wants one if it seems practical for the current situation. He loves you, but he’s still hyper-logical. He’s not itching to have kids either, so if you don’t want them he doesn’t mind.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He’s not really a cuddler himself, but he understands why physical affection is important to you so he won’t stop you from being affectionate. He’ll definitely reach for your hand though if he starts having uneasy feelings (not that he’ll admit to having feelings most of the time). He’ll never stop you from touching him, but he is a bit hesitant to initiate contact.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Doesn’t really do dates, but does teach you to play the Vulcan harp. He mostly does it as an excuse for you to sit in his lap 💚😳💚
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Reason. He says that you are his Reason, not like his reason to live, but like his reason, his logic. Highest compliment honestly, he will turn bright green if you mention it.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Basically instantly, or at least there’s an instant attraction. You just radiate this energy that’s unlike anything he’s ever encountered. At first he tries to convince himself that it’s just curiosity and nothing else.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Incredibly, you know until he’s not. He tries to be aware of your feelings and such, but he does have a knack for accidentally hurting people’s feelings with his blatant honesty.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Nervously and with your fingers interlaced . It’s a bit of a nervous habit for him. It could also be that he feels that either he or you are being threatened.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He’s absolutely enthralled. The way you carry yourself and the way you act, it’s like no one is watching, or maybe that you know everyone is but it doesn’t matter to you. He can’t believe the confidence.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily?)
He sees jealousy as illogical as long as he can tell you care for him still. Although he will get a little fidgety if other people touch your hands.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Rarely, but when he does it’s full of feeling. When he kisses he means it and it’s the only thing he’s focused on. He makes an experience of it, it’s not just a passing thing he does.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does because he does. It’s true so why wouldn’t he say it, it’s one of the times when his blatant honesty comes in handy.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
He loves just to have you around, so his favourite memory is probably the first time you asked if you could spend the night in his quarters. You just couldn’t sleep so he read to you some before you curled into him and fell asleep.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
No, not only does he not see the point in it, but it would also take up a lot of space that neither of you really has in your quarters. Although, on occasion if he sees you eyeing something he’ll buy it for you when you aren’t looking and gift it to you a bit later.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
It’s pink, that same shade of muted pink that can be seen under your fingernails. It’s because (at first unintentionally, but now on purpose) you always seem to find a way to be fiddling with his or your hands, almost entirely because you know it’ll make him a little fidgety too.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Definitely uses T’hy’la quite often, but also uses Darling (almost overly annunciates the whole word). Although he probably just calls you by your name or rank when in public, unless provoked by jealousy
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Books, but also sheet music, I think the two kind of go together. He’ll read to you from whatever newly acquired book he’s got at the moment. While he’s something of an organised person, I also see him leaving books and sheet music just scattered about his quarters, but in an aesthetic way (🤷‍♀️)
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He’s either going to spend that day reading or you’re going to find him playing some dreadfully melancholic tune on his harp (I don’t make the rules).
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Will list every reason why it is currently illogical to be sad. If that doesn’t work, as it usually doesn’t, then you can hug him until you feel better. He’s not the best hugger, but he’s really good at letting you hug him.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He is really more of a listener, but if you ask him a question with an answer that he knows anything about, he’s a lecturer, will talk for hours about why this button does that.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Probably talking, but not with a purpose. He likes the kind of conversation where you’re talking about everything and nothing, sometimes you’ll stop talking for a few minutes and it’ll just be silent, but then you’ll pick up again like you didn’t stop having the conversation.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Honestly, I don’t think that he’s super into himself (if that makes sense, like he generally has good self worth, but he’s not very interested in himself, I dunno) point in case it’s you. He’ll go around the Enterprise doing the Vulcan equivalent of “Look what my SO did/made!”
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You’re probably alone, he’ll preface with how it’s not really important to him, but he understands that the tradition is important to humans sometimes, and then he’ll just flatly ask if you like to marry him.
X = Xylophone (what’s their favourite song?)
I have other ideas, but ever since reading this fic, I think it might be
I just can’t stop thinking about it, leave me alone. I have this entire playlist of Spock type music if anyone cares to have a look. Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Sort of, sometimes, but mostly he focuses on what needs doing right now. It is a thought has frequently though when he’s finally got time to himself.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He doesn’t really see the point in having a pet. If you want one though he’ll be okay with pretty much anything that isn’t reptilian. Probably ends up with a cat that he won’t admit he loves.
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