cowardlykrow · 4 months
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Brother bonding(?)
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I love seeing Danny Phantom showing up and being like ‘don’t ask too many questions but John Constantine I own your soul. All of it. Lmao sucks to suck bitch’, and he’s usually all Ghost King Full Regalia as he does it, at least in front of the Justice League, but consider—
He just shows up as Danny Fenton.
“yeah I got bored and collected the pieces like Pokémon. Gotta catch ‘em all” says the 5’2 teen who looks like a stiff breeze could trip him. He denies being a sorcerer, or a magician, concedes he’s maybe psychic but mostly he’s just…. The kid of two mad scientists—who have a basement lab where they opened a portal to what he SAYS is not hell but no one is frankly CONVINCED, by the way—and he hasn’t decided what to do with Constantine yet besides getting Danny into some r rated horror movies, but figures he should tell the dude probably.
“What’d you even trade for some of his soul contracts?”
“Don’t worry about it”
They worry about it
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httyd-art-requests · 27 days
Hiii do you think you could do a night fury holding a trans flag when you can!! Thank you if you decide to do it and I hope you have a great day! ^^
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They're bringing you guys your flags as gifts :) Or they stole them, whichever you think is cuter
Dragons #88 and #89 - Trans and Asexual Night Furies
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(I got so many asexual-related requests, it makes my little ace heart so happy <3 love you guys)
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marblerose-rue · 1 month
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bonchobrick · 1 year
tw: slight suicidal actions (but not really the batfam are wildly clueless to the actual context to danny's bullshit hes not suicidal--in this fic--he's dead get it RIGHT brucie)
Au where Batfam are entirely convinced that the new vigilante in Gotham, danny, has time travel powers because he can vanish away from their senses completely
This becomes a problem however when 
Bruce searches for him because wants to save Jason. Danny can save Jason not in the--im a time traveler and i can bring him or you back from or to the past--but in the, I’m a ghost king and have domain over the dead haha
Batfam become really concerned watching Phantom fight because “if he has time travel powers why doesn’t he avoid getting hit every time he can” and get worried phantom is purposefully letting himself get hurt
Danny in all honesty is just vibin the entire time while the batfam is going crazy at every sliver of info they get about danny because like
okay hes a time traveler thats established they got over that
This guy whos somehow been able to stop and rehabilitate rouges (ghosts) in his town is 15??
he may be the kindest most self destructive kid they've ever met like who immediately agrees to help people who were trying to capture and interogate him because he 'thinks we are better than the last billionaire who did this' what the FUCK
Oh yeah and they find out as a bonus in the end that his normal unpowered form he is a teen with black hair and blue eyes (bruce no no dont do it dont--)
Bruce is losing his mind
Okay so at the start of this there’s an unknown vigilante (danny) that Batman tends to bump into. Except Batman isn’t sure what he is.
Every time they run into each other Batman can tell there should just be a person beside him but before he gets a glimpse and opens his eyes to empty fresh air.
A vigilante that can vanish before their very eyes?
What do the bats think about this?
They think this vigilante can control time and is doing that to sneak out of their gaze.
Now here’s where the funny part comes in
Bruce goes on a wild hunt to search for the vigilante with a plan. To make them turn back time so that he can save his son.
The problem with this?
Danny is not a time traveler most days–scratch that he's not one at all. He can save his son Jason though, in fact he wants to, it’s just he needs to figure out a way to do this whilst not blowing his cover that he is the goddamn ghost king.
So he pretends that he does have time powers and that he just… uh… needs a minute to figure them out… yeah that!
Cue Batfam getting progressively more worried about Danny because ‘if he could turn back time—why doesn’t he avoid those hits?’
They all kinda think Danny is like purposefully hurting himself so now Danny is forced to eat breakfast with them and sleep at their manor.  I mean he’s confused at why they always look so worried about something but he’ll make sure Batman’s son gets home soon! Plus the rich people temporary-living-situation without all the ‘I want to adopt you’ billionaire bullshit is pretty sweet!!
(somewhere in the ghost zone jason is tearing up laughing at the batfam as they struggle to not burst into flames trying to figure out danny-- like for christs sake they think the ghost king is an american doctor who and are trying to get him to spill where his tardis is)
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dakooftacos · 2 months
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that mood when the easiest thing for you to semi-freehand draw is whatever characters are in the show you're working on at the moment
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guavi · 4 months
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in yet another universe, it comes down to them to stop the Apocalypse
Inevitably I turn everything into a FFXIV AU (and I have definitely given this one way too much thought).
They were both blessedcursed with the Echo at the same time. But do they want to be Warriors of Light? That remains to be seen.
Aziraphale is a Lalafell because every single Lalafell ever is either the bestest cinnamon roll that must be cherished or an absolute bastard. Sometimes both. Usually both.
Crowley is a Duskwight Elezen (hence the slightly ashy skin tone). I wasn’t sure at first whether to put him as Au’Ra for the reptile factor, but in the end I went Duskwight Elezen because:
Maximum weird lanky Wet Cat Kinda Guy vibes
Elezen means I can also put him in Ishgard for the Elf Catholicism
He has slit pupil eyes in this because it's pretty of An Incident with dragon blood.
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sunnitypes · 11 months
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anon request for xiancheng! and an extra jin ling with his jiu jiu 😭😭
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wikiangela · 3 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @jesuisici33 💖
more of the cheating fic bc I'm loving the scene with Hen and Buck is being sooo messy and sooo oblivious and I'm having so much fun lmao - also, I gave myself a deadline for posting the first chapter whether I finish the whole fic by then or not (I hope I do lol 🤞) so this is gonna be my main focus for now haha (unless inspiration takes me somewhere else)
prev snippet
“Do you love Eddie?”
“Of course I love Eddie.” Buck huffs. It’s the most obvious thing in the world. Eddie and Christopher are his world. The only thing is… “I’m just not sure if I’m in love with him.” 
“Then why the hell did you cheat?” she asks, exasperated, and so done with Buck. If Buck was her, he’d just kick himself out, to be honest. “You and Eddie clearly have something, and you felt enough for him to cheat on your girlfriend. Don’t kid yourself that you can just go on after this like nothing happened, with either of them. The best thing you can do now is to come clean to Taylor, and probably break up.” 
“Well, you cheated too, and you and Karen figured it out.” he blurts out, and immediately regrets it when Hen’s eyes darken dangerously. Okay, this is when he’d kick himself out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“No offense,” Hen says slowly, quietly, through clenched teeth, tone icy, and it’s almost worse than if she’d yell at him, “but you and Taylor are nowhere near me and Karen. You don’t even love her, and clearly you don’t regret cheating that much, since you did it twice. It’s an entirely different situation, so do not bring me and my wife into this.” 
“I know, sorry, that was out of line.” Buck says quietly, feeling small under Hen’s gaze.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @transbuck @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @steadfastsaturnsrings @giddyupbuck @dangerpronebuddie @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @daffi-990
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
ok but if monica did legitimately name ian “ian clayton gallagher” not because clayton was a gallagher family name, but because she knew she was fucking frank’s brother, that’s actually so funny idc
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marinatedsaltea · 10 months
Sup y’all
I decided to make a (mostly) TFA server where we can chill, hang out, ramble about our favourite bots, share art, rp and other neat stuff
Everyone is more than welcome :)
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sysig · 9 months
Can you please draw Edgar and Johnny stargazing or something like that
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Day 8 - Stargazing
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malzykins · 5 months
We Need More Feral Mask
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:) stick one out for your homie
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vampiricgf · 5 days
okay okay making satoru guess the color of your underwear correctly in some low stakes silly bet but he takes it dead serious n spends all day whispering different colors/patterns into your ears (none of them are right) just to find out later that night you weren't even wearing any underwear
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krizariel · 2 months
krizzzz i want to know about eagleheart please 👀
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You might have seen it already lol... to add to it, the title is from a song named Eagleheart by Stratovarius which I relate to Timmy <3. The art is inspired on the chorus:
Heart of an eagle He flies through the rainbow Into a new world and finds the sun Spreading his wings Above all the sorrows The glory of Eagleheart
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lowvintagesims · 7 months
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@funkiesims and i saw john mulaney last night and this is the front and back of the shirts we made for the occasion
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