itsfinn-again · 11 years
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Finn liked it when her competitive side got all fired up; she started talking about bitch face and taking him down... did it.  He was still kind of fighting back against that carefully-built instinct to react to this kind of physical stuff.  It had taken a while for him to get used to not seeing an opponent as female because he had this thing for not hurting a girl that he'd been told was kind of sexist.  And really, it was stupid because in a combat scenario, gender didn't matter but survival did.  Anyway, he had to actively try not to stand firm and turn her momentum around on her...but he managed and was even laughing a little bit when he hit the ground.
Besides, there were totally benefits.  He smiled up at her when she laid on top of him, echoed her little "hi" and kissed her back when she kissed him.
"Good work, babe," he said, moving his hands to her ass to press her against him as they laid on the floor (just for a minute because he could literally feel her stomach grumbling against his, like hers was trying to eat itself or something.)  "I don't really have to worry about you so much, then.  You've had tons of practice at 'the stance' and your fight face is really intimidating.  We definitely don't need to fight more to practice it." He bit his lip and brushed his fingers over her forehead like there was hair in the way of his view or something.  "I vote, instead of practice, we just eat dinner instead.
A Real Tough Cookie || Fuinn
"You are so cite when you get all tongue tied." Quinn whispered, a small giggle escaping her throat. Her breath hitched slightly as Finn ran his fingers over her breast, but the moment was fleeting and they were back into workout mode before Quinn knew it. "Okay, so stay on my feet and do not let him see my face unless I absolutely have to turn around to save myself. I think I have got this.” she said with a nod. Quinn could feel herself getting antsy, but she was trying to pay attention and be a good student for her boyfriend. He really did care about her safety and just wanted to make sure that she could protect herself. Quinn totally understood that concern and respected and loved that about Finn. 
Just then, Quinn felt the tension stiffen for a moment, and it wasn’t turning sexual. She had only seen it a couple of times, but every once in a while, Finn slipped into what she called his “Soldier Skin.” He would get really quiet and and super focused. His breathing would get very shallow. All she did in that moment was reach her hand up and cradle Finn’s head in that little nook her arm would make. She just liked to let Finn know that she was there and so was he and he wasn’t where ever he thought he was. Sometimes she would hum lightly, but today she just stood quietly, holding herself against Finn to keep him grounded. When he came out of his trance, she just smiled at him. Quinn liked to let Finn know that it never bothered her or worried her. She knew that Finn would not hurt her. As he teased her, touching her thighs and being fresh, Quinn slapped his hand and growled at him before winking over her shoulder. 
"Oh really?" she said to him, cocking an eyebrow. "Have you forgotten what my bitch face looks like, or do we need to pick more fights with one another?" she asked, turning her angry face on. Her eyebrows knitted together and her lips pursed as her eyes got fiery from the anger inside of them that Quinn could ignite in a moments time. "If I remember correctly from that one self-defense class I took in high school, the stance is something like the choral and dancers stance. You keep your feet shoulder width apart, one slightly in front of the other and your feet firmly planted on the ground with your weight evenly distributed." Quinn took the stance she had just mentioned and put her angry face on before staring up at Finn. Once she gave him enough time to take in what she was doing, instead of giving him the time to evaluate, Quinn just pounced on Finn, taking him out at the knee and bringing him to the ground. "Just where I like you." she said to him as she crawled over his chest. "Hi." she whispered before leaning down to kiss him sweetly. 
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Finn felt himself get a little flustered when she (even playfully) totally took what he was saying the wrong way.  "I... no!!  That's not...."  he gave a low growl.  "I'm not complaining about your boobs.  They're awesome," he said.  He reached around and copped a feel, brushing his thumb lightly over the front of her breast and just for a second, because he knew he could get away with it.  "Like, statistically I meant.  Most people who are gonna attack someone are gonna come from behind because then they have the element of surprise." 
He thought about what she was saying and how it would work.  "I'd say... try to knock the wind out of him.  If you don't have to turn around at all, don't do it.  Your goal is to disable him enough it buys you time to get away.  If he's behind you, you're already at an advantage like that so just take off. If he keeps a hold of you somehow and you need something else, then maybe consider it."  
He dropped his forehead to her shoulder and let in a long breath because he could feel it-- instructor mode gave way and he got to the place where he wasn't actually thinking.  He didn't want to go there because he didn't want anyone to seriously get hurt.  He didn't want to lose control like that with her--even if she had just admitted she thought it was sexy.  Once he pushed down the reactionary-soldier setting, he lifted his head up.  "Okay so... anyway... where were we?"  He bit his lip.  "Oh.  Um.  Standing.  Staying standing is pretty important because leverage is everything.  Your um..." he grinned and bent just a little so he could touch her where he said.  "Your thighs and your core make it possible, you just have to not lock your knees and stay on your feet." He bit his lip and stepped in front of her.  "Show me your fight face and what you think is the most solid way to stand.  Then I'll tell you..." he grinned.  He was totally teasing and baiting her and she'd know it.  "... how wrong you are." 
A Real Tough Cookie || Fuinn
Laughing that dainty little laugh Quinn had, she just looked at Finn and shook her head. “I’m still gonna kick your butt, no matter what you call it, baby.” Biting down on her lip, her thick eyelashes fluttered lightly and Quinn just smiled at Finn. “Now let’s get started, bucko. There is some mac and cheese callin’ my name.” Quinn shook her limbs to loosen up a little more and waited for Finn to get into teacher mode. 
She listened to everything he had to say. The seven principles. How you didn’t have to have muscles. Quinn heard it all. She understood it all. However, she just wanted to pin the giant down, shove her tongue down his throat and claim her victory. Still, she played good student and listened to every word that Finn carefully said. When he told her that guys probably wouldn’t come at her from the front, she pouted at him. “Rude.” she said, furrowing her eyebrows and growling at him playfully. “You never complained about my breasts.” she snapped at him, a little sparkle in her eye to let Finn know she was playing with him. “Fine…. So a guy comes up from behind me….” Quinn said, turning her back completely towards Finn. The hand that glided down her skin sent a tiny shiver up Quinn’s spine. 
"My first instinct…" she mimicked, "would be to use my elbow and hit him in the ribs, I guess." Quinn fought the urge to spin around and see if Finn was nodding in approval. She didn’t know where to hit the guy though, and learning on an amazonian man was probably going to be difficult. "So do I aim for his stomach directly? Or would I aim for his chest and like, knock the wind out of him?" Quinn asked innocently and trying to actually gain some knowledge from this self-defense lesson. "Because I would guess stomach… and then I would turn around and knee him in the junk." the blonde told Finn matter of factly, like that was the only way to defend herself. Truthfully, what did Quinn even know about any of this stuff? 
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Both is good.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
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Or you can just hold me.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Good thing I've been working out.  You can even, like, fling yourself.  If you want.  I'll catch you.  Like at least 85% of the time.
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I love you too, Quinn.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Well I'm positively in love with you so I kinda need to work on a feelings upgrade.  If pepperoni will help with that I'm completely on board.
That's your decision, and as long as you're healthy about it you know I won't say anything.  But for the record... I think you're beautiful as you are and I hope you feel, like, comfortable or whatever in that knowledge.
I hope that makes sense or you catch my drift because I've been reading too much nonsense and words are starting to look wrong. 
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
No teaching.  I don't think.
I'm Finn.  Nice to re-meet you.
I like your kind of dinner.  And I don't know if maybe your pencil skirt is having, like, a bad fitting day, but you're not getting fat.  You're beautiful.  But eating in our undies is a really good idea.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
No I meant one before law school.
Oh man I really hope there isn't a test like the BAR at the end of grad school if I even get in.
Yeah, that totally makes sense. It isn't a lot different than any test advice, but I think these "bigger" tests make it easy to forget you can still stop before you have a headache. Thank you.
How's your workload today? We can aim for dinner and, like, in person contact. You're blonde right? And I know you smell good but I'm forgetting the details.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
You can do both, it just depends what your master purpose is.  Which one do you wanna do? 
Our trip is all I need.  It can't come fast enough.  It just has the added bonus of the test being over after. 
Isn't there one of these things especially for law school that you had to pass?  Were there any tips or tricks or anything you used that helped?
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I’m pretty sure they misnamed this test.  It’s not the GRE.  It’s the KMN.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
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I'm pretty sure they misnamed this test.  It's not the GRE.  It's the KMN.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Text: Boyfriend
F: We can still do that.
F: Hey, so I got your number from Andrew Gates. He said you're totally awesome and I should chance it. Hopefully he mentioned sharing your number with his basketball friend.
F: Is there any way you would come if I invited you to my place for a drink?
Q: You're funny.
F: Is that a yes?
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Text: Boyfriend
Q: .... Fine.
Q: I was gonna be all cute an pretend you were handsome stranger when you met me, but fine. I'll come to your house, love. Probably like half an hour or so.
F: We can still do that.
F: Hey, so I got your number from Andrew Gates. He said you're totally awesome and I should chance it. Hopefully he mentioned sharing your number with his basketball friend.
F: Is there any way you would come if I invited you to my place for a drink?
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Text: Boyfriend
F: Still unemployed and thinking the GRE is going to make me its bitch.
F: I miss your face, though. Lots.
Q: I am calling it quits for the night. Meet me for a drink and take me home with you?
F: How about you just meet me at my house? I.. might've gotten carried away last time I stocked on the bar stuff anyway. You should definitely empty some of it out for me. I got that wine you like that we can never find.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Text: Boyfriend
Q: Hey stranger.
F: Hey yourself. How's stuff? I feel like the closer our trip gets the less time we spend together.
Q: I know babe. I'm sorry. I am just trying to wrap up a case before we leave. Being a lawyer sucks. How are you?
F: Still unemployed and thinking the GRE is going to make me its bitch.
F: I miss your face, though. Lots.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
Text: Boyfriend
Q: Hey stranger.
F: Hey yourself. How's stuff? I feel like the closer our trip gets the less time we spend together.
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itsfinn-again · 11 years
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