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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better" _ _ #friendship #friendshipgoals #truefriends (at Adisutjipto International Airport)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"Respect is earned, Honnesty is appreciated, Love is gained and, Loyalty is returned" katibers18 📷by @zuhdiafifguci (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @gardasatwaindonesia - [OPEN DONATION FOR CATS AND DOGS] “You want us but then abandon us.” “We are only asking for a little piece of your food.” “Please don’t hit us, we are sorry for being hungry.” ENGCARNATION UI 2018 presents: OPEN DONATION FOR STRAY CATS AND DOGS Have you ever seen strayed cats and dogs on the street, and you feel bad for them? It is the right time for you to help them! Lets DONATE to https://kitabisa.com/JusticeForAnimal All proceeds will be donated to: -Garda Satwa Indonesia -Sastra Kucing FIB -Shelter Rumah Proyek UI For more information, please contact Ovira (+6289643871550) or Sheila (+6283871939366) So, what are you waiting for? Let’s share some happiness with our fuzzy friends. 🐶🐱 Follow our social media for the latest information: * Twitter: @Engcarnation_UI * Instagram: @Engcarnation_UI * Youtube: Engcarnation UI * LINE Official Account: @ODV8660H 💫 Engcarnation UI 2018 Bad Romance: Deceitfully Beautiful 💫 - #regrann
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @bangonim - Seorang Nenek di Palestina penganut Agama Kristen#2,060.000 Jumlah penduduk warga Gaza, 2000 diantaranya beragama Kristen @bangonim Penganut kristen di Palestina sangat mendukung pejuang Palestina bahkan mereka pun ikut berjuang untuk bebaskan tanah Palestina. Menjadi korban kekerasan tidak hanya Muslim Palestina tapi juga tidak sedikit orang Kristen di Palestina menjadi korban kekerasan Yahudi. Penganut kristen yang ada di Palestina terbiasa mengeluarkan kalimat: Alhamdulillah, Astagfirullah, Amin Ya Robb, Innalillahi, Masha Allah bahkan saat bersin pun mereka ucapkan Alhamdulillah. Kristen di Palestina, Mereka minoritas tp sangat nyaman hidup ditengah2 mayoritas Muslim bahkan tidak ada tuh kristen di Gaza keluar rumah mengenakan rok sepaha, baju ketat hingga body berbentuk, Mereka berpakaian panjang, rok panjang dan tidak sedikit menggunakan baju tangan panjang. Islam dan Kristen di Palestina Hidup rukun dan damai, korban bersama dan punya musuh bersama ya berjuang bersama. IG @bangonim Sebarkan moga yang belum tahu bisa paham - #regrann (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"Wonderful Rhinos" (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
Regrann from @therealfatih - ‪I urge you guys SHARE & DONATE www.justgiving.com/syria-emergency-appeal‬ (link in bio) ••• This is breaking my heart...........we all should be sobbing watching this video......These children are no different from our own children....... This is the reality of what's happening in Syria. Sleep tight world and be so thankful you live here and not there!! WE MUST STAND TOGETHER IN THE FACE OF THIS HORRIFYING GENOCIDE!! ••• May Allah help our brothers and sisters all over the world. Allah is watching everything and there will come a day where they will get their justice inshAllah. - #regrann (at Indonesia)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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Credit to from @indonesiabertauhidid - . . Bagaimana bisa para pemuda muslim dipaksa mengenang kerajaan-kerajaan kecil yang berusia 500-1.000 tahun lalu? Tapi dipaksa lupa untuk mengingat bahwa Khilafah barulah tumbang 94 tahun yang lalu, pemerintahan besar yang menjadi payung dan perisai bagi umat Islam di berbagai belahan dunia. Dan sekarang bankir rentenir Yahudi Global telah kuasai seluruh negeri-negeri beserta benteng-benteng ilusi nya yang mengombang-ambingkan manusia. Yang sebelumnya dihinakan oleh sang khilafah, benteng penjaga keadilan bagi manusia.. .kini dipuja sebagai juru selamat. Yang dulu diwaspadai sebagai penebar tipu daya, kini dianggap sebagai penolong yang terpercaya. La haula wa laa quwwata illa billah. Allah Rabb ku Maha Perkasa. Maha Menjaga Hamba-Hamba Nya. Allah Rabb ku Maha Perkasa. Maha Membalas Makar & tipu daya. Semoga Allah senantiasa jaga & lindungi dari makar musuh-musuh Nya. Setan dalam wujud jin, dan terutama dari gangguan setan-setan dalam wujud manusia. Aamiin ya Qahaar..ya Mujibas saa'ilin. . *Sikap Khilafah (Khalifah Abdul Hamid II) terhadap Utusan Zionis Yahudi, Theodore Herzl yang meminta sepetak tanah di Palestina. Cuplikan film Payitaht Abdulhamid, produksi Turki. COBA TAG TEMEN YANG PINGIN KAMU KASI LIAT SEJARAH ISLAM . ☕🐎🎯❤⚘🌴 Qad Kafani Ilmu Rabbi... Hasbi Rabbi jallAllah, mafi Qalbi Ghairullah. Follow @IndoBertauhid ☝ Follow @IndoBertauhid ☝ Follow @IndoBertauhid ☝ . #KhilafahAjaranIslam #IndonesiaBertauhid - #regrann (at Dema Pusat Gontor)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
@Regranned from @jakartaanimalaidnetwork - 🐕🚫 CALLING ON THE INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST CRUEL DOG AND CAT MEAT MARKETS In December 2017, the Dog Meat-Free Indonesia coalition conducted investigations at Indonesia’s “traditional markets” in North Sulawesi, Including the notorious “Tomohon Extreme Market”. What we witnessed there was utterly shocking. These live animal markets are places of extreme animal cruelty. Every week, tens of thousands of animals are traded and slaughtered, including many thousands of dogs and cats. These brutal and bloody dog and cat meat markets in Indonesia’s North Sulawesi, are being promoted as tourist attractions! This must be condemned and action must be taken to close these places of extreme cruelty. TAKE ACTION TODAY! Please visit the Dog Meat Free Indonesia Coalition website to find out how you can make YOUR voice heard today: www.dogmeatfreeindonesia.org/take-action/take-action The suffering of the animals at these markets is heart-breaking, and must be stopped! Don't let this information stopped at you. ----------- DESAKAN KEPADA PEMERINTAH INDONESIA UNTUK MENGAMBIL TINDAKAN TERHADAP PASAR DAGING ANJING DAN KUCING YANG KEJAM ! Bulan Desember 2017, koalisi Dog Meat Free Indonesia melakukan investigasi ke "pasar-pasar tradisional" di Sulawesi Utara, termasuk "Pasar Ekstrem Tomohon" yang terkenal. Apa yang kami saksikan di sana benar-benar mengejutkan! Pasar-pasar yg menjual hewan hidup ini adalah tempat terjadinya kekejaman terhadap hewan yang ekstrem. Tiap minggunya, puluhan ribu hewan diperdagangkan dan dibantai, termasuk ribuan anjing dan kucing. Pasar-pasar daging anjing dan kucing yang brutal dan bersimbah darah di Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia ini dipromosikan sebagai tempat wisata! Hal ini SANGAT SALAH dan kita harus berani melakukan perubahan untuk menutup tempat-tempat sumber kekejaman ekstrem ini. LAKUKAN AKSI SEKARANG JUGA! Kunjungi website Dog Meat Free Indonesia untuk mengetahui bagaimana kamu bisa membuat suaramu didengar: klik link pada bio kami. @jokowi #DogMeatFreeIndonesia #DMFI #jakartaanimalaidnetwork #Tomohon #Manado #NorthSulawesi #Sulawesi #PasarExtreme #VisitIndonesia #dogs
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"You're one of those people who make my life better just by being in it" - - - #quote #quotesoftheday #friendshipgoals #friendship #bestfriend (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"Sometimes you just find calmness in the crowd" - An afternoon from slope of merapi - #calm #calmness #crowd #lonely (at Sawangan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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#bestnine2017 (at Sawangan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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My soul & mind are starving for deep, rich, authentic, stimulating, intellectual, spiritual conversations. (at UNIDA Gontor)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly" Jim Rohn - - - 📷by @farid_much97 #quote #quotesoftheday #leadership #futureleaders #islamicleader (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are A Leader" John Quincy Adams #quote #quotesoftheday #leader #leadership #islamicleader (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"I think we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, its a verb" Robert Downey jr greeting from mahameru #greeting #quote #quotesoftheday #mahameru #hero #heroic (at Puncak Mahameru)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"A Teacher takes a Hand, opens a Mind, and touches a Heart" Happy teachers day Alm @ali_karyym #quote #quotesoftheday #teacher #teachersofinstagram #teachersday #hariguru (at Gontor 6 Darul Qiyam)
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jbkti-blog · 7 years ago
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"Know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardsip" One Person, Indoors , Adults Only, Adult, People, Young Adult, EyeEmNewHere, Quoteoftheday at Coffee D'sik by Subekti Joko Sentani on EyeEm
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