ive never understood why, when making the deal with griphook for the sword of gryffindor, harry had to lie about returning the sword later. like they KNOW griphook and goblins arent happy under voldemorts rule either which is why he offered to help, so why not just tell him hey, we need the sword to kill voldemort/its instrumental to his downfall, then you can have it back. like whether or not griphook believes it is another matter but why didnt they at least try instead of lying bruh
Because it was obvious Griphook would not have said yes to that bargain.
The bargain Harry makes, omitting the small detail where they'll get the sword back to Griphook eventually, is made in part so that Harry feels that he is not breaking his promise and merely taking advantage of a loophole in a well-meaning way. He'll get the sword to him eventually, right? Even if it's years later (or god forbid never because they never find all the Horcruxes) then it still counts, doesn't it?
However, it's very clearly explained that to Griphook/the goblins, no, it does not count. It's explained by Bill that goblins view their items as being leased to their owners for a lifetime but that wizards... kind of... never return these goods when the original patron dies. Gryffindor's sword is a thousand years overdue (and that's if you don't believe the part where Griphook notes it was stolen/a spoil of war that Gryffindor or someone else took for themselves). Griphook wants that sword yesterday and he made this quite clear to Harry. It's why it was the only item he was willing to bargain for at all.
And the thing about the goblins and Voldemort is yes, they think this guy is a lunatic and don't like him, but to them he's just one in a long line of wizards who's not too different from every other wizard they've had to deal with. Thinking that they'll want to get rid of Voldemort no matter what is actually the great folly of wizards/Harry when dealing with other creatures. Harry assumes Voldemort is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone because it's really bad for Muggle-borns and wizards, for goblins Voldemort's only slightly worse than normal bad in that he breaks people's legs. The goblins didn't have wands before Voldemort, and they don't have wands afterwards either.
Add onto this that they're a people used to being stabbed in the back by wizards all the time, with wizards justifying how great they are while doing the stabbing (see Ron's 'well, goblins don't teach us how to be blacksmiths either') and Harry's wriggling out of his agreement would look like the first step on a long road of "maybe I'll just keep the sword for myself". Griphook would have 0 guarantee that sword is ever coming to him and Harry... sensed this would not be a popular suggestion and would simply be rejected.
Basically, as Harry knew bringing this up would be rejected... he chose not to bring it up. It's not for Griphook's benefit but so that Harry can keep the sword and gain Griphook's help while not feeling like a shit person for going back on his word. It's solely for Harry's benefit, not Griphook's.
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griphook-cartoons · 2 years
sleepy ghoul ✨
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stabbyapologist · 1 year
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The Daily Prophet 📰
Aesthetics ✒️🖤🤍📰📎
One of my favorite things about the movie whenever they showed The Daily Prophet
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triptomarss · 1 year
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justanexercise wrote this brilliant oneshot, inspired by this funny yt video. Gooo read it and give it a kudosss <3
*** Gringotts Gets Audited
Gringotts bank gets audited by none other than Hermione Granger. With her trusty clipboard and clicky pen, she’ll make sure Gringotts doesn’t get away with all their violations.
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Another fun Meet Death Fix-It story.
Horcruxe hunting with the Junior hallows..... or how harry, Draco and Neville changed their lives AND futures AND brought down a dark lord at the same time.
Series: Part 1 of Harry in Time - Variants on a Theme
Language: English Words: 54,703 Chapters: 9/9 Collections: 2 Comments: 98 Kudos: 1,797 Bookmarks: 410 Hits: 31,834
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 20
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌, 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖚𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 I spent as much time outside as we could over the following days. Considering Remus and I had been pretty much confined to exactly one room for most of the year, it was nice to be outside and feel the fresh air on our faces. 
The sea wasn't exactly how I imagined it would be. Trang said it was much nicer in France as well, more sun and less grey clouds. Apparently the water was bluer in France was well, instead of this dark, cold grey water. 
Despite the look of the sea however, it was still pleasant. I enjoyed the smell of brine and sea salt, and the feel of swimming in the ocean was more enjoyable than a pool once I got used to it, though since I was pregnant I could not go very far out. 
Most of the time, we simply sat on the beach, reading newspapers and books, or talking to Remus and making sure that he didn't try to eat any sand. He did make friends with a very small sea turtle, which would occasionally come back to the beach for 'sunbathing'. Remus' eyes lit up every time he saw it and would crawl over to it. It didn't seem to fear him, because it would let him pick him up, before eventually wiggling away and back into the sea. 
"Elizabeth! Griphook wants to talk to us!" Harry called down from the cliff. I knew he'd been sitting up there for some time. And I'd heard Ron and Hermiones' voices drift down. 
I groaned. "Why does he think I care?" 
"Because you've cared and tried to be in on the action in the past six years." Trang said sleepily from where she was laying down on the sand, one arm thrown over her eyes. 
"Fine." I grumbled. "Don't let Remus eat sand." 
Trang groaned, sitting up so that she could keep an eye on my baby. I got up slowly, and gingerly made my way back up the slippery, rock stairs that were carved into the cliff side. I always hated this part of getting to and from the house. I always feared that I was going to slip on the steps and fall down them. 
Bill appeared the top of the stairs, which he quickly came down, before helping me back up the rest of them. "Elizabeth, I said send a Patronus." He said in an exasperated voice. He had indeed asked me to send a Patronus if I ever needed help with the stairs. 
"I know, I know." I said with a sheepish smile on my face. "Sorry Bill." 
Once I was actually in the house, I met with Harry, Ron, and Hermione outside of the door that Hermione, Luna, Trang, and I slept in throughout the night. 
Griphook was sitting in the wooden chair next to the crib that I would sit in to breast-feed and sing Remus to sleep in. "I have reached my decision, Harry Potter. Though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it base treachery, I have decided to help you-" 
"That's great! Griphook, thank you, we're really-" 
"-in return, for payment." Griphook finished. 
"How much do you want? I've got gold." 
"Not gold. I have gold. I want the sword. The sword of Godric Gryffindor." 
"You can't have that. I'm sorry." 
"then, we have a problem." 
"We can give you something else." Ron said and I bit my bottom lip, knowing what was coming, "I'll bet the Lestranges have got loads of stuff, you can take your pick once we get into the vault." 
"I am not a thief boy! I am not trying to procure treasures to which I have no right!" He spat angrily. 
"The sword's ours-" 
"It is not." 
"We're Gryffindors, and it was Godric Gryffindor's-" 
"And before it was Gryffindor's, whose was it?" the goblin demanded. 
"No one's. It was made for him, wasn't it?" Ron asked. 
"No! Wizarding arrogance again!" Griphook said, bristling with anger as he pointed a single, pointed finger at Ron. "That sword was Ragnuk the First's, taken from him by Godric Gryffindor! it is a lost treasure, a masterpiece of goblinwork! It belongs with the goblins! The sword is the price of my hire, take it or leave it!" 
Harry glanced between the three of us before saying, "We need to discuss this, Griphook, if that's all right. Could you give us a few minutes?" 
The goblin nodded, looking disgusted with all of us, though neither Hermione nor I had said a word the entire time. 
We didn't just leave the room, but went downstairs into the living room. Gratefully, I sank back down on the couch while Harry walked to the fireplace, thinking. Ron followed behind him. "He's having a laugh. We can't let him have that sword." 
"Is it true? Was the sword stolen by Gryffindor?" Harry asked Hermione and I. 
"I don't know." Hermione said, sounding both desperate and hopeless. "Wizarding history often skates over what the wizards have done to other magical races, but there's no account that I know of that says Gryffindor stole the sword." 
"It's possible, I only deal with the future, Harry." I replied wearily. "However, like Hermione, I have never read an account on either side of Gryffindor stealing the sword. I was under the impression he had bought it or it was gifted to him freely." 
"It'll be one of those goblin stories about how the wizards are always trying to get one over on them. I suppose we should think ourselves lucky he hasn't asked for one of our wands." Ron said in that supremacy that I disliked. Sure, I did not like to think of us as bad people, but there was a bad egg in every group of people, no matter their blood purity, colour, religion, or species. Wizards were no exception. 
"Goblins have got good reason to dislike wizards, Ron. They've been treated brutally in the past." Hermione tried to reason. 
"Goblins aren't exactly fluffy little bunnies, though, are they? They've killed plenty of us too. They've fought dirty too." 
"But arguing with Griphook about whose race is most underhanded and violent isn't going to make him more likely to help us, is it?"
 Harry went to look out the window at Dobby's grave. From my angle on the couch, I could just barely see Luna as she arranged sea lavender in a jam jar at the headstone. I saw that the rock I'd carved the weird engraving into was propped up with the headstone Harry had made. I wondered when he'd done that. 
"Okay, how's this?" Ron asked and the three of us looked at him. "We tell Griphook we need the sword until we get inside the vault, and then he can have it. There's a fake in there, isn't there? We switch them, and give him the fake." 
I rolled my eyes and almost scoffed out loud. "Real classy." 
"Ron, he'd know the difference better than we would! He's the only one who realized there been a swap!" 
"Yeah, but we could scarper before he realizes-" 
Ron actually seemed to shrink under Hermiones' glare. "That, is despicable. Ask for his help, then double-cross him? And you wonder why goblins don't like wizards, Ron?" 
"All right, all right! It was the only thing I could think of! What's your solution then?" 
"We need to offer him something else, something just as valuable." 
"Brilliant. I'll go and get one of our other ancient goblin-made swords and you can gift wrap it." Ron replied sarcastically. 
"Maybe he's lying. Griphook. Maybe Gryffindor didn't take the sword. How do we know the goblin version of history's right?" Harry said. 
"Does it make a difference?" 
"Changes how I feel about it." Harry sighed. 
"Use grammar." I said. 
"What?" The three said together. 
"Liz, I know you love talking and using words, but really, I don't think that's going to work in this case." Ron replied. 
I huffed, "Tell him he can have the sword, but do not tell him when he can have the sword. Tell him he can have the sword after he's helped you get into the vault- but avoid telling him exactly when he can have it." 
"I was going to suggest that." Harry nodded. "It's good." 
"Harry, we can't-" 
"He can have it." Harry said in a finalized tone. "after we've used it on all of the Horcruxes. I'll make sure he gets it then. I'll keep my word." 
"But that could be years!" Hermione protested. 
"I know that, but he needen't. I won't be lying. . . really." 
"I don't like it." Hermione said. 
"Nor do I, much." 
"Well, I think it's genius. Grammar, hah! Let's go and tell him." Ron said, getting up. 
I followed them back up the stairs because, why not? Harry made the offer very carefully, just as I had suggested. Hermione frowned at the floor while I continued to stay impassive. 
"I have your word, Harry Potter, that you will give me the sword of Gryffindor if I help you?" 
"Then shake." 
I knew grammar was important because the goblin himself had used it. He would help them get into the vault, but he would not help them get out of it. That was the danger, though I knew they would escape on the back of a dragon anyways. 
"So, we begin!" Griphook said. 
"Well," I said softly, getting up off the bed. "You don't need me from here on out. You've got it all on your own." I squeezed Harry's shoulder, kissing his cheek, leaving the bedroom. I was glad to be away from it all, away from the adventure for the first time. 
I just wanted to be with my son. 
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thecreativemillennial · 8 months
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Happy belated birthday to Warwick Davis, who turned 54 yesterday
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books1031 · 2 years
“I can’t be sure it’s him.”
Draco knew that sitting on the floor cross legged with his back against the door was not only undignified and unmalfoy-iso of him, but it was also a dumb decision in terms of being able to hide and escape in the case of an emergency. 
But he couldn’t help it. 
He was trapped. In his bedroom. Not even the wing, but simply the bedroom and washroom. That’s all he had to himself and only because his mother had put her foot down when anything to the contrary was proposed. 
Sure he was allowed to leave his room, but he would be at risk of running into Death Eaters at every turn,  casting hexes, invading his mind - in terms of his aunt. 
So he didn’t. He didn’t leave his room unless specifically summoned by the Dark Lord, and even then he kept his occlumency shields up and as strong as possible. If anyone. Anyone. Found out he doubted the Dark Lord in the slightest way he would be killed on the spot without hesitation. He knew too much after all. 
So he spent his days like this. Sitting on the floor in a way that he knew his father would pinch his mouth at, and listened through the door to hear what was going on. His quarters were one hallway off the main entrance so there were constantly people coming and going, and he’d be able to hear snippets of conversations. Snippets of what was going on in the outside. 
His mother decided he wouldn’t go back to school after the Easter holiday much to his displeasure. Sure Hogwarts wasn���t the safest place at the moment, but it was sure as Salazar safer than the manor. 
He should have a silencing charm up. Because if he can hear out of the room, they can hear into his room. But he couldn’t help it. After weeks of just sitting here, occasionally reading books but stopping the second he could hear footsteps in the hallway, he was going mad. 
Nobody should spend this much time in their room. Trapped. 
Suddenly there was commotion in the hallway. Footsteps rushing past, shouts from whoever it was. There was no way he would ever be able to memorize all the people who come through, they change far too much. Although there was the inner circle of the Dark Lord that Draco could recognize simply by their footsteps. 
There was shouting and suddenly a knock against his door. Soft and slow, only three thumps. His mother. He jumped up and tried to flatten his shirt although he was sure the wrinkles wouldn’t just go away. He unlocked the door and pulled open the door slightly and made sure it was his mother before pulling it further open. 
“Draco.” She smiled softly at him. “We need you to come identify someone.” 
If they wanted him it meant that it would be someone that he went to school with, but he also wasn’t there when Thomas and Lovegood were brought in so he wasn’t entirely sure why they actually wanted him. 
“Who is it mother?”
This is when she let a hint of fear show on her face, only for the smallest fraction of a second before hiding behind her mask again. Had anyone but he or his father been looking they wouldn’t have caught it. But Draco did. And he knew that it wouldn’t be anyone he liked. 
“Harry Potter. Snatchers believed they found him and his friends in the woods. But he’s been hit with a hex and your aunt believes you’ll be able to identify him.” 
He was right. It wasn’t anyone he liked. Or rather, it was his only hope here in his house about to be slaughtered. He nodded slightly and followed his mother out of the room, making sure to pull it shut and cast a strong locking spell to keep the curious out. 
As they walked the few hallways to the main sitting room Draco mentally prepared himself. There was a good chance that it wasn’t Potter here, that it was someone who just looked like him. However Potter had been on the run for months now, and there was also the slightest chance that it was. 
He wasn’t sure which he hoped it to be. He wanted to see Potter, sure. Make sure that he’s okay and alive. But then he also didn’t want to see Potter. He didn’t want him to be here, in his home. He wants the man to be oh so far from here. 
Although there was noise all throughout the manor he couldn’t hear a thing over his heart beating in his ears. 
When they entered the room there were more people than he had expected. His Father, Aunt, three snatchers, and the golden trio. And it was them. There wasn’t a doubt about it. Granger and Weasley were the most obvious, but after years of fighting with and obsessing over Potter, there wasn’t any doubt it was the man. His eyes were too perfect of a green, his skin -although seeming to sag off of his tiny frame- the right shade of brown. And although he couldn’t see the other boys forehead or hand he knew that they both had scars. There wasn’t a doubt about it that it was Potter. 
He took in a breath and looked to his Aunt who was looking at him expectantly. “I’m not sure.” 
His father walked up and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, pushing him towards Potter and down onto his knees to inspect him better. “Have a close look Draco. This could- put us back in the Dark Lord’s favour- if we are the ones to hand him in.” He said in a slow draw. 
Potter looked at him expectantly. The boy looked like he wanted to raise an eyebrow in challenge to him. But he didn’t. He just stared into Draco’s eyes. 
Draco glanced at both Granger and Weasley on either side of Potter. Weasley looked upset -no surprise there- but Granger looked intrigued. He knew that she knew that he knew it was Potter. 
He look back into those brilliant green eyes and just stared, openly, for a moment before standing back up. “I can’t be sure.” And turned around to go stand with his mother near the door. She placed a hand on his back lightly. 
Just then his aunt lost her mind about the sword of Gryffindor, screaming and yelling and demanding that someone go check her Gringotts vault and that she have a moment alone with Granger. That couldn’t be good. 
“Draco go to your bedroom.” His father instructed before calling in other Death Eaters to help drag Weasley and Potter elsewhere. 
As he walked out of the room he knew he couldn’t just leave them like this. He couldn’t wait of the swelling to go down and Potter be revealed. He needs the boy to live. He needs him to. 
His mother followed a moment later and walked with him towards his bedroom, following him in before casting the strongest silencing spell Draco had ever witnessed. 
“It’s him isn’t it?” She asked him with a knowing look. He looked down at his feet before nodding. “Okay. This is what you’re going to do, you’re going to take these extra wands and go to the dungeons. Summon Dobby to help you. He still is allowed to go in and out of the manor -dungeons as well- undetected. Give them these wands and make sure they come get Granger. Sooner than later darling. I love you.” She kissed him on the forehead before cancelling the spell, and pulling wands out of her dress pocket, handed them to him, and left the room. 
Draco stared at the wands in his hands for a moment. Unbelieving. Had his mother just done what he thought she did? 
He didn’t have time to dwell on this, because he could hear the screams of Hermione Granger from here. Hallways away. Taking a final large breath he slipped the extra wands in with his own and open the door stepping into the hallway. 
As he made his way down the stone corridors, stepping softly and carefully as to not draw attention to himself, he couldn’t help but try and figure out what the plan was when he got to the Dungeon door. There would be someone there guarding it. Would he bind them? Confund them? Turns out both. And an obliviation for good measure. 
He took the stairs carefully, knowing that when he got to the bottom and was in full sight of those down there they were probably going to eat his head off. 
When he finally made the final step and walked around the corner he casted a muffliato quickly before speaking up. “Hello? Potter Weasley?” 
“Hullo Draco.” Lovegood responded in her dreamy voice. “Here to rescue us?” The girl always knew everything didn’t she. 
“Save us?” Weasley laughed. “As if Luna, if anything he’s here to curse us some more. Rub it in.” 
“Ron-“ Potter started, but Draco cut him off. 
“No you’re right Wealsey I’m here to curse you that’s why I’m about to unlock this door, summon a house elf and hand you some wands.” He rolled his eyes before unlocking the door. “Now listen to me very closely. Potter I need you to summon Dobby, he can come in and out of the wards, dungeons too, unnoticed. Get him to take these three to safety first before coming back. Granger is upstairs with my aunt and as im sure you can hear it’s not going well for her. The path as it is is clear to the sitting room down the hall to the right.” 
Potter nodded as he took in this information and called out for Dobby who predictably answered immediately. “Dobby is here to help Mr. Harry Potter sir. What does Mr. Harry Potter need?” The elf asked then yelped when he saw Draco behind him. “Master Draco! My apologies I didn’t see you here.” 
Draco let out a small smile at the elf, “Don’t worry Dobby you’re longer our elf.” He always did like Dobby. 
“Dobby listen, we need you to get Griphook, Dean, and Luna to Shell Cottage before coming back for us upstairs. We are going to grab Hermione and then we need you to take all three of us, do you think you can do that?” 
“Yes of course Mr. Harry Potter. What about Master Draco?” 
All eyes turned on him and he opened his mouth in shock before closing it and repeating the cycle like a fish for a moment. “What about me?” 
It was Weasley who surprisingly spoke up this time. “I mean unless you’d rather stay here. Although when you know who finds out you’ve let us go I don’t imagine it’ll go well for you. Come with us, to safety.” Dracos mind went blank before he nodded, not realizing he nodded until later of course. 
“Excellent, okay Dobby you take Griphook and Dean first.” Potter said and with a snap Dobby disappeared. The three of them all stood there quietly before Potter thanked him for his help. A few minutes later Dobby reappeared and grabbed onto his and Lovergood’s hand. 
“Thank you.” Draco said before being spun away to a house by the sea. There was a small house about 50 meters away and already Draco could see two people, a Weasley for sure and a very familiar blonde walking towards them. 
Luna and him started walking towards the couple who were holding cups of steaming liquid. “The others mentioned you two would be joining us. Bill Weasley.” Weasley -Bill- said putting his hands out. And that’s when Draco realized who it was. Bill and Fleur from the TriWizard Tournament had married the summer prior. He shook the mans outstretched hand and then sheepishly smiled at Fleur who was looking at him with a strange sort of recognition. 
Before anything more could be said the trio were back with Dobby. Granger with tears still flowing down her cheeks but otherwise the trio seemed unaffected. 
He followed Fleur inside and Weasley went it go help the trio out. Ten minutes later everyone was inside and sitting around a small table that’s been covered in seashells eating warm soup. Not much talking other than Weasley updating them all about what’s been going on, and Luna occasionally swiping the air at whackspurts. 
His room was shared with Luna who agreed she would be perfectly fine sharing a room with him and the top of the stairs. There were two small beds and a side table squeezed in-between. When Draco was younger he would’ve turned his nose up at it, but now it seemed like a more than welcoming little room. Cozy. 
He fell asleep quickly after the surprising excitement of the afternoon. He knew that his father was probably being punished for this, but he knew his mother would be okay. She was always going to end up okay. She had to. 
He had his usual nightmares, waking in a start, sitting up breathing heavily. In books it usually takes the main character a second to remember where they are, but Draco had no moment of disorientation. He knew immediately and turned to make sure Luna was still asleep. Thankfully she was. 
He carefully got off the bed, cringing when the bedsprings squeaked before making his way out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen to get a cup of water. There was nothing but black and stars out the windows so he was sure it must be very late at night and he needed to stay quiet. 
He looked through a couple of cupboards before finding the cups and turning on the sink, letting it run a few moments to get the water cold before filling the glass and drinking it in three gulps. He filled it again before turning off the tap. 
He nearly jumped a mile when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned to see Potter looking at him with an amused look. 
“What?” He whisper-yelled, not knowing where anyone else was sleeping and not wanting to risk them hearing him. 
“I just want to say thank you for today. You risked your life to help us.” Potter whisper-yelled back. 
“Well I couldn’t let them give you to the Dark Lord. You’re the only one who can do it Potter. You have to live, my roll in this isn’t like that. I’m expendable.” 
Draco had spent many hours thinking about his role in the war, thinking about why he had to fight in a grown-ups war anyways. And he was right, he was just a pawn in this game of chess. A pawn of a side he didn’t even want to be on. He had just chosen to follow his father as any child would and look where it led him.
“Malfoy-“ Potter frowned at his words. “You’re not expendable. You’re so needed here. Hell, without you today we would’ve all been killed this afternoon. You’re so damn important Draco you don’t even know it.” 
Before Draco could say anything Potter was leaning into him, eyes closing and breathing softly. Draco didn’t even have time to blink before realizing Potter was kissing him. In the Weasley’s kitchen. In the middle of the night. 
He kissed back, not really knowing what he was doing but as long as it felt right he went with it. 
Potter put his hand around Draco’s neck, pulling him closer to him as though it was possible before finally pulling away. “Like I said, I just wanted to say thank you.” 
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Top Albums of 2022
This year, it took a while to compile a list, and it’s definitely not in order. But, here’s a chunk of music that came out this year that I really liked.
Gillian Carter - Salvation Through Misery rough raw metallic hardcore that seems to leak pain and venom
Pohgoh - du und ich picture perfect twinkles from the vets, great balance of sadness and optimism 
Soul Glo - Diaspora Problems genre-bending verbose righteous fury, undoubtedly their best yet
Altimetry - Microenvironments left-field heavy moody electronica with unmistakably human elements
Young Steve - Make Me In A New Shape jerk pop turned post-hardcore, with outstanding songcraft
Griphook - Camp Blood 13 spooky rippers, over too soon, good thing they released like 4 things this year
Perfect - s/t mathy proggy jazzy noisy. Simultaneously indescribable and an instant classic
Eliy Orcko - Gustavo perfect tiny chunks of hip hop greatness, immaculate samples and production
Bethany Joy - Planet Jazzy folk angel with serious songwriting chops
John Galm - I can hear the birds they sing melancholy and peaceful ambient from a punk legend
Junkyard Vader - No Results Found technical and experimental, percussive loop jam rock
Foxtails - Fawn screamo and then some, sprawling and gorgeous
City Of Caterpillar - Mystic Sisters true vets play the waiting game, and it pays off once more
Duster - Together a duo once more, Clay and Dove create more spacey indie rock at the speed of molasses
Animal Collective - Time Skiffs unexpectedly poppy in the best way, one of their best ever, a snare drum might have changed the game
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hermioneigrangers · 2 years
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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2: Portraits (2011)
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ladysternchen · 2 years
I know that J.K.Rowling always said her works weren’t influenced by Tolkien, but I’m sorry, I don’t buy it. Pass over Shelob/Ungloliant and Aragog. There are loads of giant spiders out there. I also think that the parallels between Gandalf/Frodo and Dumbledore/Harry both go back to something older. Ring wraiths and Dementors? Alright, ancient fear in general. Kreacher and Gollum? Coincidence, maybe. BUT I won’t get over Griphook. 
Griphook works himself up in Shell Cottage about the sword of Gryffindor belonging to the Goblins, claiming the descendants of Gryffindor having stolen it (which is funny, really, as the sword gives its allegiance to everyone worthy). Bill later explains about Goblin ownership, that they consider it rented only and want all Goblin-made things being returned to them after the original purchaser dies, or else will consider it theft.
Yeah, well, everyone knowing me knows what’s coming, right? That is almost word-perfect what the smiths of Nogrod say about the Nauglamir. That is their justification in the end for murdering, for nearly destroying a kingdom that was their ally until then.
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amythehobbit · 1 year
Warwick Davis, he’s a bloody legend!
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griphook-cartoons · 1 year
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Siento que algo le falta respecto a la ropa, pero no sé con certeza el qué–
Y ahora que lo pienso, no sé cuál es mi obsesión por hacer estas cosas a un mes de mi cumpleaños, después voy a tener que editarlo XD
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stabbyapologist · 1 year
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No, but why is this comment so accurate?? 😂
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hms-hairy-plopper · 1 year
Most people don’t know this, but Griphook is actually the goblin’s nickname. While he thinks his fellow goblins gave it to him because he keeps a careful grasp on the strategies that bring in new wizarding business, what he doesn’t know is it was actually earned from a night in the vaults. A night with a high-ranking member of the bank’s board known for a proclivity for nepotism and a nasty case of Peyronie’s disease. Will Griphook find out that the shameful reason of his recent promotions is also the source of his prized nickname? Up to you, writer!
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Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Manipulator of Destiny Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
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To get the joke... Read this awesome story!
Post OotP. Harry finds that Dumbledore has been less than honest or helpful with him, takes control of his own life and finds the training he needs from others. HHr, NL, no slash. COMPLETE
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 39, words: 175k+, favs: 12k+, follows: 4k+, updated: Apr 14, 2006 published: Jan 26, 2006, Harry P., Hermione G.
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