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maypoleman1 · 1 year ago
12th March
St Gregory the Great’s Day
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St Gregory the Great with Blond Angle Boys at a Slave Market in Rome (litho). Source: The Story of the British People in Pictures (1936)/ Bridgeman Images
Today is St Gregory the Great’s Day. Gregory was Bishop of Rome (an early Patriarch, or Pope) and put into place much of the organisation and liturgy of what became the Roman Catholic Church in a Western Roman Empire which, by the mid sixth century, was largely in the hands of Germanic successor-kingdoms, few of whom were Catholic. It was in this context that Gregory’s most famous connection with Britain took place. Although Britannia had been long lost to the Empire, the former province remained deeply contested between invading Anglo-Saxons and the native Romano-Britons. Rome itself had returned to imperial rule after Constantinople’s reconquest of much of Italy and it was while strolling past a Roman slave market that the Bishop’s attention was drawn to the sight of half a dozen slave boys, all with bright blonde hair. On enquiring who they were, the auctioneer told Gregory they were ‘Angles’ or ‘Angli’ in Latin - the Angles were one of the tribes invading Britain at the time. Gregory allegedly responded ‘Not Angli but Angeli’, commenting on the boys’ angelic appearance. On hearing the Angles were Germanic pagans, in 597 Gregory sent the great missionary Augustine to the Jutish kingdom of Kent to commence the conversion of the English to Roman Catholic Christianity. The rest, as they say, is history.
Sadly, Gregory’s momentous decision is not particularly, or reverently, remembered. In Lancashire Gregory was known fondly as “Gregory-get-onion”. Apparently this somewhat unflattering term for the Pope stemmed from the fact that today is traditionally the day on which to sow onion seed in order to ensure a bumper crop. That crop will also enable some weather divining. If the onions are thin-skinned, then the forthcoming winter will be mild; thick-skinned and a hard winter beckons.
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venusinmyrrh · 2 months ago
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Inspired by @queerpyracy’s recent post, here are the books on my TBR that I’m most excited to get to in 2025!
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas. I'm a big fan of Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and this story seems very similar to her work: romance in the face of a vampire threat in 1840s Mexico.
You Are Fatally Invited by Ande Pliego. I love, love, love, a stylish mystery, and this one looks like a cross between Glass Onion and And Then There Were None.
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James. This split-timeline thriller looks like it'll scratch the same itch as Bad Times at the El Royale. Here's hoping the tone is less true-crime and more Stephen King.
Hiddensee by Gregory Maguire. I am not a Wicked novel girl but I have it on good authority (from @mordredsheart) that this interpretation of the Nutcracker is the Maguire I'll like best.
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. Besides having an absolute banger of a title, anything described as a mystery-thriller-cum-fairytale is something I need to read ASAP.
Repeat It Today With Tears by Anne Peile. Speaking of banger titles, this book seems specifically designed to make me crazier, and that's the energy I'm trying to carry into 2025.
Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman by Alan Rickman. I'm here for the wisdom, the sense of connection to a fellow artist, and the HP hate in equal measure.
Ascension by S.T. Gibson. Rhys McGowan, relentlessly ambitious ceremonial magician extraordinaire, is my entire man, and I literally could not put Evocation (the first book in this series) down, so onto the list it goes.
Metamorphoses by Ovid. This classic has been taking up space on my bookshelf for years-- it's time to see if it earns its keep.
Honorable mentions go to:
Lolita in the Afterlife: On Beauty, Risk, and Reckoning with the Most Indelible and Shocking Novel of the Twentieth Century edited by Jenny Minton Quigley. A collection of pieces on the impact and discourse generated by the famous novel in the last sixty years. I picked this up at random in a bookstore and was impressed by what I skimmed.
Other People’s Shoes: Thoughts on Acting by Harriet Walter. I loved her book Brutus and Other Heroines, so if my library ever gets around to acquiring a copy I am going to pounce on it.
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li. I have a weakness for art heists, what can I say.
Tagging @mordredsheart, @mariacallous, @forthegothicheroine, @bluestockingbaby, @lucacangettathisass, @briarlily, and @alintalzin, as well as anyone else with something to say. I wanna hear what you're into!
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sugaredoleander · 5 days ago
Claws in Your Back by Julien Baker (I change my mind. I wanted to stay) and Favor by Julien Baker (I’d have missed you more than you missed me), and Hammond B3 Organ Cistern by Gabrielle Calvocoressi (I did not want to die that day. Oh, my God. Why don’t we talk about it? How good it feels. And if you don’t know then you’re lucky but also you poor thing. Bring the band out on the stoop.) and What Resembles The Grave But Isn’t by Anne Boyer (sometimes dutifully falling and getting out, with perfect fortitude, saying “look at the skill and spirit with which I rise from that which resembles the grave but isn’t!”) and Resumé by Dorothy Parker (you might as well live) and Hum, Hum by Mary Oliver (Some wounds never vanish. Yet little by little I learned to love my life.) and The Orange by Wendy Cope (I love you. I’m glad I exist.) and Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro (I love you. I want us both to eat well.) and Onions by William Matthews (How easily happiness begins by dicing onions.) and And When You Survive This by Peter Chiykowski (On the far shore of this calamity, you are looking back in admiration at yourself right now, muddling through with grace and grit and grim determination, and you are smiling because you know the secret of how you survive this, and one day, you will have the chance to share it.) and Hope In Every Box by Winston Rowntree (Tomorrow is another world, just a few feet away but far enough to always give you hope. I hope I'll see you there.) and Morning Love Poem by Tara Skurtu (It’s hard to say I need you enough. Today I did. Walked into your morning shower fully clothed. All the moments we stop ourselves just because we might feel embarrassed or impractical, or get wet.) and To Be Alive by Gregory Orr (That’s crudely put, but… If we’re not supposed to dance, Why all this music?) and Prayer for Werewolves by Stephanie Burt (you have friends, who are not going anywhere. Please stay here.) and On Seatbelts and Sunsets by Hanif Abdurraqib (God, I wear seatbelts and visit the graves of my friends in spring to kick away the dirt from winter. God, it is just us talking now, and I worry about everything I can’t control. God, can you tell me how much longer I’ll get to be alive and in love. God, I am sorry for the times I didn’t want to stick around. God, there is a scroll of things I have taken for granted in order to survive this long, and it is endless. And it is maybe too late to want to live forever after everything I’ve seen and done. But) and (i know we’re both just messing around pretending to be whole but look at me. if the train was coming would you move. if the ground was falling from under your feet would you even notice or would it just be another tuesday for you. if somebody stabbed you could it hurt worse than you already do. what i’m saying is that i love you but i think we both drive over the speed limit when it’s raining. what i’m saying is that i want to hold your hand and i understand about how you sometimes have to sit down in the shower. what i’m saying is that i’m here for you and if the train comes please move.) by Rowan Perez and The Letter by Linda Gregg (I’m not feeling strong yet, but I am taking good care of myself.) 
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cantankerouscatfish · 2 years ago
tagged by @sad--ghost--kid ✨
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: single! I don’t play well with others.
favorite color: #006688. teals and blues in general. also orange. :)
song stuck in my head: Gregory Alan Isakov - In Tall Buildings. it’s a cover but I like it more lmao
last song i listened to: Matthew Good - Los Alamos. been hopping around on youtube, listening to him for like 3 days now. this happens sometimes. help.
three favorite foods: jeez uh. 1. this one soup made from roasted eggplant, tomato, onion, and garlic. you put goat cheese on it. it’s SO fancy but so filling. 2. corned beef & cabbage idk. everyone’s making it now and it’s tasty. 3. just like. baked squash or sweet potato with some butter on it maybe. orange goop. 👍
last thing i googled: the lyrics to Los Alamos lmao
dream trip: before covid, my mum and I planned to drive up through Michigan in October to catch the leaves changing and hopefully see some parks and stuff before they closed down for the winter. we’d done the same out to Boston and Bar Harbor in years previous. uhhh but now that is on indefinite standby. :(
anything i want right now: my back to stop hurting?? idk. nothing pressing atm.
tagging if you'd like to share!
hi @neriad13, @dashingdetectivetimelady, @roshi-no-tabi, @blujayonthewing, @cynicalwindmill, @processintegrated, @ragsy, ? ?? idk sorry if this bothers anyone
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la-appel-du-vide · 9 months ago
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06•13•24 - B’s 29th Birthday 🥳
I hate when birthdays fall on weekdays, especially because B won't take the day off for his! I'm a firm believer that no one should work on their birthday!
I did my best to make it a fun day for him despite that.
The night before his birthday, my parents took him out for his birthday dinner, and he (of course) picked Settebello's. I am a huge fan too, so I was happy! They gave him a Chick-fil-A gift card, a car tire inflator tool, and my Dad got him a gopher head cover for his driver, and a new driver. Super nice, and he was excited for that.
On his actual birthday, I woke up early to decorate the house and set his presents out, and then I sent him Chick-fil-A for lunch. I can't stop laughing at the photo the Door Dash driver sent me to prove it was delivered, with Reef's tiny little eyes poking out in the window hahah.
When I got home, we went to dinner at Union Grill so he could get his favorite onion rings, and then we came back to have cake and open presents. This year, I ordered a custom ice cream cake from Cold Stone! I did chocolate cake, with a layer of peanut butter, and the ice cream part was Sweet Cream with Reese's cups and brownies. I had sprinkles on the exterior of the cake (because birthday, duh) and more Reese's put on top! It turned out cute, and actually tasted great!
He opened his presents while I cut the cake. Reef picked out a new rope to give him, and just knew B would be so excited to play with it together. I gave him Mario Golf for the Switch, a new Colter Wall vinyl record, and tickets to Gregory Alan Isakov in August.
And so far, the golf game has been a big hit haha.
The next day, we tried to have a full day of birthday activities, since he took Friday off. We started at the driving range, so he could test out his new driver. Then we set off for the Parade of Homes in Utah County. It's a long drive, but the houses there can't be beat. We originally had plans to hit a record store in SLC, but decided to prioritize seeing as many homes as possible. There were some absolute bangers, and we had a blast. We made it through 12 before we ran out of time, and headed back for dinner at P.F. Changs! It's been awhile, so that was yummy.
Finally, on Saturday, we had a combined B's birthday/Father's Day round of golf with Dad and Isaac. I, of course, did terrible, but everyone else had some great hits - and that is exactly what we needed.
Happy birthday, B. You're all the good things in the world. ❤️
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landlordrecords · 1 year ago
Films, Films, (TV), Films
The last year has seen all sorts of upset & moving around for me, so (after a strong start to 2023), I haven't watched half as much film & TV stuff as I did in the coupla years previous. However, I'm still chipping away at my Great Lifetime Film Catch-Up list (to be followed by similar for books), with the assistance of streaming location finder JustWatch and, in the last year or so, the insanely good Cully's World of Blackpool, which reputedly holds 100,000 DVDs, generally priced at four for a fiver. As previously, I hadn't seen them unless I say so below.
Eyes Wide Shut (After all the Greatest Ever Vs Total Rubbish, turns out to be a solid bit of stuff, sort of stayed with me a bit without being as full of portent as some seemed to have suggested)
Knives Out (greatly enjoyed this with the missus)
The Watcher (TV series - we also quite enjoyed this)
Charade (Not quite as amazeballs as all the Hitchcock-He-Never-Made press, but well worth a watch)
Dynamite Chicken (tenuously Richard Pryor-connected DVD that had been sat around for about 15 years with me never quite getting to it...quite good in the end, one of those 60s mash-up thingies, all sorts of clips splurged out in a row)
Seven Of One (Ronnie Barker 70s pilots series, from which sprang Open All Hours & Porridge - very good, enough so that I soon after chewed through the first series of Open All Hours, and greatly enjoyed it)
Gregory's Girl (quite good...I wouldn't rush to see it)
Rocky (had started & stopped this previously, due to the mumbliness, but glad I eventually persevered, top movie!)
Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer (after the fuss had long died down...quite good)
Shaolin Drunkard (great fun...& the Wu-issued DVD actually had a significant amount of decent clips from other related stuff as well, good package)
Stark Raving Mad (rave-heist mash-up DVD that had sat around, again, for about 15 years...Alright! Can't have been too bad, cos a bunch of that pile went straight into my swaps pile in the end)
Gangland (bonkers so-bad-it's-good one with minor Ice T role)
Glass Onion (see Knives Out)
Collateral (decent blockbuster)
Dark Knight Rises (I had to remind myself which one this was...Not at all bad though)
Never Been Kissed (this was just on the telly, but I did actually enjoy it quite a bit in the end!)
Big Momma's House (continuing my soft spot for extremely stoopid comedies...Not quite as much laughing as at White Chicks, but still pretty darn funny in part, provided you leave your brain at home)
Angels With Dirty Faces (solid super-retro classic)
Batman Vs Superman (Yes, quite Crash-Bang-Whallop, but not as bad as people had said, I thought)
Black Bird (TV series - we thought this was really good)
The Chumscrubber (another from the ancient DVD mop-up pile...Again, I did watch it, so it must've been alright on some level, but not a great movie, lots of bad stylistic choices)
Art School Confidential (I couldn't quite remember if I watched all of this originally, so returned to it, & laughed like a drain, great fun)
Shottas (a bit low rent, but a bit different if you like action movies, being genuinely Jamaican-themed)
Fist of the Vampire (a so-bad... one...I did doze off a bit in the middle, but pretty insane, yeah)
The Public Enemy (another super-retro gangster classic)
The Hurt Locker (bit laddish for me really, but very well-done)
The Artist (boss)
The Chaser (Korean action thingie - good stuff, pretty tense)
Spellbound (on the second or third go...pretty good)
Napoleon Dynamite (I gave up on this after a while at first, cos the guy is so unsympathetic, but I guess that's the point...Lots of very funny bits, if you haven't seen it, & pleasantly surreal in a small way)
Blue Remembered Hills (Would have doubtless had more impact at the time. Having known the conceit for decades, it just seemed OKish at this point)
More of Dekalog
Escape Plan (pretty good fun)
A load of shorts by that Cornish guy
Wicker Man director's cut
Dirty Harry (solid classic)
Blood Simple (on the second go - a bit low rent compared to their later ones, but good plot etc)
Raging Bull (I tried the stream & the DVD & still thought the pic was shady, so picked up a Blu Ray cheap in the end, my first, thought it deserved it. Obviously a very good film but not much up my street apart from the peerless boxing ring scenes)
Woman Of Tokyo (super-retro Ozu bit...not as good as the later stuff but worth a look)
The People Just Do Nothing film (we were actually surprised how good this was for a broad Brit comedy film)
Elephant (1989) (absolutely excellent, seems a bit forgotten, glad I tracked it down)
Samurai Cop (probably fairly well as good as people say, in terms of so-bad... ones, although I'd seen so many by the time I finally saw it that it didn't have quite the impact expected)
To Catch A Thief (not bad)
The Asphalt Jungle (this is really good)
Detour (OMG, SEE THIS! The main print kicking around is nearly unwatchable, but I read there was a Criterion or whatever one where they had blended that with a much better print, just to fill in losses, and it is SO much better, & the film is thus revealed to be as good as all the cineastes say. Famously Poverty Row stuff, yet transcending that - storyline is good, actors great for the roles, and...it is all of about an hour & 10 & yet fits tons in. Highly recommended)
Stranger Than Paradise (I'm glad I watched it but I'm starting to realise I'm a bit pickier with which Jarmusch ones I like than I originally thought)
The Bat (another that had sat around on a DVD for years - no classic, but worth a watch, quite nice eerie atmosphere)
Death Wish (really good, I thought!)
School Daze (I got through half of this years ago & had to stop it, with an enormous eyeroll...I felt I had to finish it this time, & tbf I was kinda half-watching it while doing something else, but...I actually quite enjoyed it this time! Weird!)
Sunset Blvd (obvs a classic)
The Crazies (70s OG, not bad considering how low rent it is).
That was Jan/Feb last year...then my Dad had a stroke...Didn't even watch any more til end of March...Friday The 13th (OG...kinda does the job, doesn't it, despite not being very original)
Death Wish 2 (surprisingly not a total disaster after the first)
The Bay season 4 (fairly well dug in with these now, with the missus, set just up the coast)
Bullitt (super stylish)
Junebug (picked it up for Will Oldham, who is barely in it...I thought this was pretty darn good, very different, off-beat stuff)
3 Colours Blue
3 Colours White (realised I had seen White before. Obvs both classics)
Nil By Mouth (I was slightly terrified of watching this, owing to the strength of clips I've seen, but it is all justified in the context of the film, which is a corker, really convincing slice of life, well recommended)
The Honeymoon Killers (sleazoid!)
Rust Never Sleeps
Hukkle (obscure little Hungarian offering I stumbled across...DVD pic is quite poor quality, but great little film, very distinctive)
Get Out (very good)
Yojimbo (classic)
The Pledge (probably not regarded very well or whatever, but I liked it)
Birth Of A Nation (long - had started it sometime before & didn't rewatch that portion, then sorta did other stuff through portions of the rest. We all know the score - deeply controversial but massively important, off the list now!)
This Is Spinal Tap (thought it was time for a rewatch, still extremely funny)
White Chicks (rewatch - same)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (no classic, but very watchable)
Who Killed Captain Alex (rewatch)
Under the Ice (Henry Kaiser rewatch, still beautiful)
The Witch of King's Cross (doc, about some freaky-deaky Aussie woman, good stuff)
Love In the City (intellectual chore)
Meet the Parents (rewatch, umpteen time)
Step Brothers (same, White Chicks down all while a friend staying over at the start of June)
The 6th Commandment (TV series, think everyone watched this)
The Tower (TV series - quite good)
A quite good BBC grime documentary
A really interesting documentary about an ancient Yank crossdressing resort called Casa Susanna
80. Still Life (very good stuff)
81. Inside Man (Lee - rewatch - start of a small season of rewatching ones you are 'meant' to see more than once)
82. Usual Suspects (rewatch)
83. Memento (rewatch)
84. National Treasure (TV series - been meaning to watch this for years, pretty good)
85. The Ladykillers (OG - I don't think I've seen any of these before, should probably watch more)
86. That Steve Coogan Savile TV series, & the Netflix doc (seedy)
87. Psycho (OG - finally!! Very good, of course, & starting a brief season of films reffing the Psycho shower scene)
88. Friday The 13th 2
89. Aerobicide (superior so-bad... movie)
90. Scream (season ends)
91. Astrid (TV series - joyous)
92. Everything Everywhere... (these multiverse things are all somewhat gimmicky, but pretty great to look at)
93. Movie Hoarders (decent enough doc)
94. Vatican Girl (TV series - pretty good)
95. Dahmer (Netflix series - again, pretty good)
96. The Night Agent (TV series - same again)
97. Easy Come Easy Go (lesser-known Elvis film,watched with Diehard Elvis fan My Dad)
98. Death In Paradise catch-up (sorry not sorry)
99. Vera catch-up
100. Ban the Sadist Videos! (good - if dated - video nasty doc)
101. Still Tickin (similar Clockwork Orange doc, from the DVD)
102. Old School (had to eventually watch, as I really like Will Ferrell...not the best one to feature him, but very watchable)
103. Anchorman (second try...some laugh out loud moments, but again not one of my favourite Ferrell Man-Baby ones)
104. Spider Verse 2 thingie (see Everything Everywhere...)
105. The Pez Outlaw (highly entertaining doc on something I was almost totally unaware of)
106. Widows (superior heist shizzle from McQueen, great cast)
107. Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Shocking Truth (decent enough doc)
108. Blood & Flesh (quite interesting Al Adamson doc)
109. Anatomy Of A Fall (extremely well-made)
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profanepurity · 3 years ago
Do people treat Evan and Gregory like if they were twins?
It’s kinda complicated lol.
I’ll have more content diving into this concept later, but it might be helpful if I give some AU explanation. Evan’s spirit (or remnant) is attached to Gregory basically. After Evan was killed, William made Gregory as a vessel so he could “bring back his son”. But since Evan was sharing Golden Freddy with Cassidy this whole time he could never find Evan’s remnant before he got Springlocked. Fast forward to Henry nuking everyone after fnaf Sim, and all the souls were “freed” and Evan left Golden Freddy’s body. Fast forward even more to Vanessa dedicating herself to Malhare and trying to resurrect William, and now all of the spirits are starting to come back due to the past being awoken, including Evan. Our little ghost boy finds Gregory’s idle body and possesses him; feeling compelled to the robot. This wakes up Gregory, who’s confused and lost. (Imagine just spawning and having no idea how to do anything lol) Gregory was left in an underground lab that is of course, right underneath the pizza plex. He makes his way up to the surface and he’s been hiding out ever since.
Now, Evan doesn’t show himself for a while, and just sort of hides inside Gregory and watches shit go down. When Gregory meets Michael and the rest of the original cast they actually view Gregory as Evan, which Gregory is understandably annoyed by.
(One of the motivations I’m writing for William wanting Vanny and the cult to resurrect him so badly in the pizza plex is because he knew Evan and Elizabeth were back. More pressingly, he was banking on Evan possessing Gregory like he’d hoped for and was now trying to get to his son as fast as possible. I’m not writing William as a 100% heartless, boring person. I’m giving this man layers dammit. Complex like a purple onion)
Anyways, once Evan decides to come out and say hi again then they start to view them more as separate boys. Though, Evan is still very much attached to Gregory. He can’t stray very far from him, and he’s sort of emotionally attached himself to him too. Evan is technically much older, but Gregory is always the one reassuring his ghost counter part and talking him into getting into trouble having fun.
TL; DR: Yes, they are viewed kind of like twins once Evan shows himself, but before that Gregory was seen AS Evan.
(Thank you for the ask!!)
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isthattyra · 2 years ago
A Night at Bonetown
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AN: Vince Staples has always been fine, at least to me. I loved his character even though I’ve been rooting for Janine and Gregory. I wanted to write a little sumthing sumthing with the Maurice character.
“Oh y’all are sick” you overheard someone say loudly. Not there being drama on a Wednesday night. You were just trying to put a little something on your stomach after being on a plane for 5 hours.
Why did that voice sound so familiar to you. Turning around in your chair you see your old classmate Maurice seated at a booth with two other people. Maurice was one of your closest friends in high school. He was your best friend and the one that got away. You thought that by asking him to be your prom date, he would have kind of got the hint that you were feeling him. Maybe he thought you were better as friends or maybe he just didn’t get the hint.
Moving away after college had put somewhat of a strain in your friendship. Both of you would slide in each others DM’s every now and then, always to say happy birthday. You hadn’t seen Mo in at least 5 years so this was a pleasant surprise even though he didn’t look too happy. Being such the nosy person you were able to overhear the rest of the heated conversation. Once your heard Mo dismiss his dinner guest, you decided to make your presence known.
“I’ve never seen someone look so grumpy while eating ribs” you joked lightly. Mo looked up trying to figure out who had the audacity to interrupt his meal. Seeing his old friend/crush instantly made him feel a little better. “Well if you heard the childish conversation I just sat through, you wouldn’t be too happy either. And I asked for extra barbecue sauce on the side” “This just isn’t your night is it, first you get dumped in front of your homebody, then the waitress forgets your sauce” “ Your nosy ass never did miss a conversation you weren’t in” Mo said referring back to your high school days. Both of you remembering when you overheard a classmate talking about how he was dating 3 of your classmates at the same time and how you accidentally told those 3 classmates. After that everyone was extra careful talking loudly around you
“ See I try to be nice and try to cheer an old friend up and this is what I get” you said while slowly sliding out of the booth. “You know good and well you want some of my onion rings so you might as well sit back down” Mo said. “Dang when did you become so bossy, ole girl must have really hurt you” you said kinda regretfully watching Mo’s face drop a little.
You could tell Mo was about to say something snarky luckily the waitress came to interrupt before he could get it out. She came carrying two sauce dishes and an extra order of onion rings, and asked if you needed anything else. “Can I get a refill and she’ll have a strawberry milkshake with a glass of water and an order of buffalo wings with ranch and honey mustard” Mo uttered to the waitress, nodding as she looked to you for confirmation. You couldn’t believe he still knew your order.
“So why don’t you give me the back story about your dinner companions while I wait for the food you just ordered” you suggested.
You listened to Maurice talk about how he had met Janine through his homeboy Gregory at a club, how one of their first dates was at this restaurant,how he would bring her lunch for “MoDates”, and how he bought her a Telfar bag for Valentine’s Day.
“You think I should ask for the bag back” Mo asked even though he already knew what you would say. “You know good and well you’re not supposed to ask some to give you the gift you gave them back” you expressed
“Besides if you get it back what are you going to do with it”
“I’ll give it to my momma or I’ll use it” Mo said knowing he wouldn’t ask for the bag back. He knew that if he tried you would be the first one to stop him. He still had the “I love you MoMo” mug you had accidentally gave him that was meant for your grandmother. You had refused to take the gift back once you realized your mistake, no matter how many times he tried to give it back.
“Janine knew she was wrong for breaking up with you in front of your homeboy like that, and Gregory was wrong too for sitting there while she did it”
“That’s what I’m saying. Just sick” Mo exclaimed.
By this time your order had arrived, Mo couldn’t help but think of Janine with her ribs when he saw you eating your Buffalo wings. Maybe that’s what drew him to her, she reminded him of you. He thought of the dinner you two had after your prom night. Usually everyone eats before going to the dance but Mo had suggested you two go out to eat after. He thought you looked so beautiful and didn’t want you to mess up your makeup over the 2 for $20 at Red Lobster. By the time the dance was over, both of you were so worn out you just decided to get some wings and milkshakes and sit at the playground. You were a mess but Mo thought you were the prettiest sight he ever saw. You had sweated out your edges, had whipped cream on your chin and Mo thought it was the perfect time to ask you to be his girl. He would never get to cause it started pouring raining just as he opened his mouth.
Watching you talk with Buffalo sauce and ranch all over your face was the perfect pick me up for Maurice and possibly the second chance he needed to finally ask you out. What had started as a disappointing night had slowly turned into one of the best nights between two old friends. Hopefully it would be the first of many.
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makerofmadness · 3 years ago
i’ve decided to keep making incorrect fnaf quotes because it’s fun
Michael Afton: Do you take constructive criticism? Fazbear Entertainment: No, only cash or credit.
Freddy, watching Chica and Bonnie fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt? The Puppet, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other. Freddy: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three? Chica: The Puppet. Bonnie: The Puppet.  The Puppet: Me.
Gregory: Please could you go to the shop and get a carton of milk, if they have avocados get six. Glamrock Freddy, coming back from the store with six cartons of milk: They had avocados!
Michael Afton: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell! Ennard: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
Henry Emily: I saw you fall, saw the sinners lay on your corpses... Spring Bonnie: Hey, what’s up with Henry? Henry Emily: I created you, made the pieces perfect, others marveled at your beauty… their gazes may have held envy, though, for none are perfect but you. I was only looking away for a moment, but you were gone. I had failed you. And I fell into despair. The only way to save myself was to create, but I knew… this time I knew I was only making you to die. And I apologize. For I will undoubtedly fail you again. For a short time, there will be peace and beauty, but none in the face of us shall lay undisturbed. The greatest have fallen, and will continue to fall, and I weep for you for being born unto this place, where brother eats brother, and the undeserving rise to fame. Those that have gone against you know they’ve wronged you, and they will stand before the creator, knowing they have sinned. Do not worry, little ones, you will be avenged. Fredbear: ...He made some rock towers and went somewhere else for twenty minutes and when he came back the rock towers were destroyed and people were sitting where the towers once were, so he was sad and made more rock towers. Fredbear, to Henry Emily: Hey, who even is the creator? I thought you were an atheist! Henry Emily: SHUT THE HELL UP, FREDBEAR! I’M TRYING TO BE DRAMATIC AND MYSTERIOUS!
Sun: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Roxy: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
Balloon Boy: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people.
Michael Afton: Are you a cuddler? Freddy: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Michael Afton: Freddy: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Gregory: You can't wake up if you never got to sleep.
Freddy: That's not funny. Golden Freddy: I thought it was funny. Freddy: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
William Afton: I could kill you if I wanted. Michael Afton: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Golden Freddy: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. Golden Freddy: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
The Puppet: You need to be more careful! Freddy, who was dragged into the Puppet’s issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Henry Emily: What do you have? William Afton: A KNIFE! Henry Emily: NO!
The Puppet: Ugh, there’s always that weak bitch in the group who isn’t down with murder. The Puppet: *glares at Endo-02* Endo-02: Well, sorry I have morals!
Roxy: You're pathetic! Gregory: You're pathetic-er! Moon: You're both losers.
Roxy: Do you even know what an amulet is? Glamrock Chica: Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions! Roxy: Chica, those are omelettes. Glamrock Chica: Oh. Then I’ve got nothing.
Chica: *Gasp* Bonnie: wHAT?? Chica: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Bonnie: *inhales* Freddy, in another room with Foxy: Why can I hear screeching?
Glamrock Freddy: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small. Vanessa: I would say infinitesimally. Daycare Attendant (either/both): And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Michael Afton with a gun to Scrap Baby’s head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven? Scrap Baby: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
- William Afton: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Michael Afton: Thank god.
Phone Dude: War is heck!
Monty: What? I'm not aggressive! Gregory: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips? Monty: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Phone Dude: I really like Eminem. Phone Guy: I prefer skittles. Michael Afton: He’s talking about the rapper. Phone Guy: Why would he eat the wrapper?
Foxy: I lost Balloon Boy. Mangle: How did you LOSE Balloon Boy?! Foxy: To be fair, he is very small.
Circus Baby: I feel awful about killing you.
Michael Afton:
Circus Baby:��Even though technically you never even died, so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
William Afton: Why are you always trying to aggravate me? The Puppet: To relax.
Gregory: You look mentally ill. Vanny: I am. Let’s go.
The Puppet: Some people are like slinkies. Bonnie: What? The Puppet: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Bonnie: Bonnie: Please don't push Freddy down the stairs. The Puppet, pushing Freddy down the stairs: Too late.
Michael Afton: *pitches an idea* Henry Emily, impressed: Huh, there might be something here! Helpy, under his breath: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Freddy: Golden Freddy doesn’t look very happy. Chica: That's their happy. They're just a bitch.
Monty: Okay, if we can't do it by sheer force, we'll do it my way. Roxy: But your way is sheer force!
Toy Chica: You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Spring Bonnie: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
The Puppet, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Roxy (”shattered”):
Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
William Afton, shooing Henry Emily away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Michael Afton: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Michael Afton: *waves his finger and sings like he’s in a Disney Channel intro*
Michael Afton: You're alive. Scraptrap: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
Foxy: *looks at Balloon Boy* Foxy: Baby boy. Baby. Foxy: *looks at Jeremy Fitzgerald* Foxy: Evil.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: Frtiz has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them. Phone Guy: That can't be true! Jeremy Fitzgerald: Watch this. Jeremy Fitzgerald: Hey Fritz, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Fritz Smith: *Throws himself out a window*
The Puppet: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds. Freddy: Forty five seconds?!? The Puppet: No! I said four TO five seconds. Freddy, hugging the Puppet: Too late.
Golden Freddy: No thanks. Golden Freddy: I'm god.
William Afton: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times. Henry Emily: You mean you stabbed them? William Afton: They ran into my knife.
Foxy: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Balloon Boy: It was me... Foxy: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Funtime Foxy, knocking on the door: Eggs Benedict, open up! Michael Afton: It all started when I was a kid. Funtime Foxy: That’s not what I- Funtime Freddy: Let him finish!
Glamrock Chica: Where are your parents? Gregory: What are parents? Glamrock Chica: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Gregory: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Henry Emily, at William Afton’s funeral: I need a moment with him. Everyone: Of course. *They leave* Henry Emily, leaning over William Afton′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead. William Afton: Yeah, no shit.
Happy Frog: Ah ready for another fantastic day of being better than Freddy Fazbear.
Henry Emily: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing his name to William Afton.
Bonnie: Damn, the power went out. Freddy: Don’t worry, I got this. Freddy: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up* Bonnie: What-? Freddy: I swallowed a glow stick! Bonnie, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Freddy: Hey besties- The Puppet: Die. Freddy: What did I do to you-
Gregory: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
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fatalize · 2 years ago
tagged by @bluyuki thank you! :)
sign: aries
height: 5'6″
time: 5:50 pm
birthday: march 28th
fav band: lights
last movie: i couldn’t remember until i realized it was holiday in handcuffs bc that’s what my family watched at christmas lol
last show: that i finished? mobile suit gundam: the witch from mercury
when I created this blog: 2011, sometime in early january so almost exactly 12 years ago. wtf
what I post: animanga, ‘aesthetic,’ i guess? w/e i feel like these days
other blogs: i still have my no.6 blog where i only remember to log in once every few months or whenever the no.6 mood strikes me
do I get asks: not anymore, really. i’m not active enough to get them
followers: 793, but at least 700 of those are probably inactive lol
average hours of sleep: 6-10?
instruments: none
what I’m wearing: sweatpants and sweatshirt, if i’m home it’s comfy clothes only
dream job: idk! a job where i get to play with dogs all day would be cool
dream trip: anywhere i could get lost in nature i guess
favorite songs: i feel like i have a lot haha so i‘ll do my best to keep it short. so: taiyou wa yoru mo kagayaku by wino, okay okay by lights, idosodachi by mono no aware, soulgazing by gregory and the hawk, mukuna kisetsu by gesu no kiwami otome, am 02:00 by aimer, macabre by land of talk, promises by aly & aj, and lloyd’s theme from tales of symphonia
3 ships: literally blanking on everything i like lol. truly the only ship that matters to me anymore is shun & mio from harukaze no etranger
first ship ever: hmm i think the first ships i was into knowing more what “ships” were was like. kurogane & fai from tsubasa reservoir chronicle and/or kyo & tohru from fruits basket
last film: gonna make my answer different than last movie and say i think it was when me and my siblings watched all through the night
last song: shonen heart by home made kazoku
currently reading: beebo brinker by ann bannon, dragon’s winter by elizabeth a. lynn, and the book of imaginary beings by jorge luis borges
currently watching: too much anime!! i started a bunch of long ones at once. city hunter 2 (perpetually. i’ve been stuck on city hunter forever), eureka seven, jojo’s bizarre adventure part 3 season 2, mobile suit gundam: the 08th ms team, saint seiya, turn a gundam, and yu yu hakusho. oh and i recently started watching aura battler dunbine with my sister
currently consuming: berry flavored la croix
currently craving: panera’s citrus asian crunch salad. alas they are out of red onions at my local one so. ‘twas not meant to be tonight :(
tagging (optional):  @solarshadow & @from-a-distant-end
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froggierboy · 2 years ago
two tag games for the price of one ty @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees 💕💕
sign: ☀️pisces 🌙capricorn 📈virgo
height: 5'3ish
time: 12:52 pm
birthday: march 12 :-)
fav band: at the moment? mcr, the mountain goats
last movie: glass onion i think
last show: the white lotus
when I created this blog: 2014 or 2015
what I post: some of everything. pirates and vampires are a constant in some form
do I get asks: sometimes!
other blogs: used to run a schitt blog @loveburnsbrighter but it's p abandoned i should probably delete lmao
followers: 1225 but only abt 50 are probably actually active lmao
average hours of sleep: 6-10 hours :/
instruments: not really. had a quirky ukulele girl phase but i was never serious abt it
what I’m wearing: pooh bear pajamas and a falsettos t shirt
dream job: owning/creating a roadside attraction or theme park of some type
dream trip: i wanna say like, tokyo or london or something cool like that but honestly a road trip to odd americana and theme parks
favorite songs: love love love by the mountain goats and idek what else
3 ships: buffy/spike, steddyhands (do not @ me), gregory/jeanine
first ship ever: will/elizabeth from potc
last film: see above
last song: i think samson by regina spektor
currently reading: the princess diarist by carrie fisher
currently watching: key & peele, the sopranos, severance, abbott elementary, bob's burgers
currently consuming: the foolish mortals podcast and distory costume evolutions with disney dan
currently craving: razz-blackberry red bull italian soda
tagging: @matthewpond @seadeepy @particularj @norskheks no pressure tho 💕💕
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fell-into-silence · 3 years ago
I wonder, what does the pizza at the megaplex taste like? I know there were clues they recycled most of it. Chica seems to like it but that’s because it’s chica she’s programmed that way. Freddy doesn’t need food so he doesn’t eat it. Not sure about Roxy and Monty tho.
Hey @blueinvader ! Hmm that’s a good question-probably not so great considering they probably did recycle the pizza and used ‘not real meat’ as a topping besides pepperoni. Chica would literally eat anything that’s remotely considered food or edible again because of her programming and how she always was about eating and related activities (baking with the cupcake etc). Technically all of them don’t need food to function, it’s more like whether they want to because they were playing with a child and pretended to eat to put up a facade that they ‘could’ or that they were alive. Monty would play along for kids to like him more and Chicka would cause she literally just loves to eat. Roxy would be self conscious of looking messy or gross so she’d pass either way-she wouldn’t like people watching her eat even if she could. And like you said Freddy wouldn’t feel the need to because he knows he doesn’t need to.
However, if Freddy could he’d probably really like a hamburger n cheese pizza (with American cheese, tomato sauce, hamburger and onions) or a steak n cheese style pizza (I figure freddy is the type of guy to like fusions of flavors and foods). Chica likes everything and anything I doubt she’d dislike anything since she literally binges through garbage XD but if I had to choose for her pepperoni is an all time classic she’d enjoy. Uhhh Monty would probably like Hawaiian style or a shrimp/char boiled clam pizza (I’m thinking more southern is his style) which he’d defend tooth and nail and insist that it’s delicious while going aggro because the others tease him about it. Roxanne is a wolf (literally and figuratively speaking) so she’d probably favor the meat lovers pizza (with REAL meat not fake) but eat it in private or take her time not to scarf it all down because heck she could eat an entire pizza by herself-and make Chica proud. Bonnie would love the all veggie pizza on the flip side (though he wouldn’t be opposed to eating meat) with a white sauce. Gregory wouldn’t be picky (all things considered) but he would generally like the same thing Freddy does-like father like son you know? Haha but he’d probably really like taco pizzas if I had to guess something specific (cause who don’t like tacos c’mon).
Uhh for fun if I had to guess for Sun he’d like cheese with extra cheese cause he’s silly and would love the pull of stringy cheese and would love to make kids laugh while he gets all messy with them. Moon would probably be that person to like mushrooms and olives and a bit of everything since you’d get a taste of all the things you like about pizza without the stress of deciding on one.
In my au verse the food would actually get surprisingly tastier-at first before Gregory the company had spent more money on the actual mall than the quality of its food or products, but after the big boom in customers after the whole our robots are actually alive reveal and Gregory becoming a bigger part of the performers lives things gradually got better. You can’t sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity (money wise), it won’t matter how fancy the place is if there isn’t a reason for people to want to come back-making better tasting food and merchandise will benefit the megaplex in the long run than in the moment. So with Gregory being a taste tester and walking advertisement the popularity and profit for Fazbear entertainment would skyrocket!
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myheartisafish · 3 years ago
reading dear america books and rating them until i get bored (4/??)
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Our fourth book in this journey is the second in publication order, The Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart by Kristina Gregory. We already know Kristina Gregory from my last review, the oregon trail diary. 
QUALITY rating: 4/10 George Washingtons. This book was teetering dangerously on the precipice of Straight-up-bad valley. I read half of it and then didn’t get around to the rest for about two months. 
DEAR AMERICA rating: I’ll be generous and give this one 8/10 Battlefield Surgeries. By no means did it reach the heights of Hattie Campbell, but there were some suitably gruesome moments, and plenty of death and sorrow.
Our main character is Abigail/Abby. She has two whole parents (who survive the whole book, shockingly!), two sisters (Elizabeth and Sally), and a little baby brother (Johnny).
There is also a GIRL BEST FRIEND (Lucy) and a MEAN BOY (Tom), and the usual random ensemble of neighbors etc.
Along the way we also meet various officials of the American Revolution like the Washingtons, Lafayette, etc. The book pretty much universally praises these people, especially George Washington. God DAMN does this book love George Washington. 
The book opens at the beginning of winter with the birth of baby Johnny, but they don’t give him a name at first because none of their other infant brothers survived their first winter. Bummer. 
Then the soldiers arrive! Hooray!!!! The girls rush out to watch the soldiers march in, and are soon horrified, because the soldiers have no shoes, and turn the snow red with their bloody feet (The ‘red snow’ our title foretold). I read this one as a child and this scene traumatized me. 
Then it’s Christmas. Hooray! Abby and fam make Egg Nog, and she graciously shares the recipe: 
One quart milk, one quart cream, one dozen eggs, 12 tablespoons sugar, one pint brandy, half-pint rye whiskey, quarter-pint rum, quarter-pint sherry. Mix. Store by cool window or in cellar.
That’s right, Abigail is endorsing that 11 year olds get absolutely krunk on egg nog. 
Abigail and fam visit the encampment. Papa says that there are women there with the soldiers too, but a lot of them are women... of Poor Reputation. Gosh!
Abigail tries to go to school, but it has been turned into a small pox hospital. Those poor soldiers!
Abigail and fam meet George Washington and his wife, who are great people. Seriously just so great. The best around. Abigail and fam get the job of doing laundry for George Washington.
Abigail witnesses a hanging. 
Two of their pigs are stolen- Papa knows it was by soldiers because of the blood in the footprints. Those poor soldiers! 
Abigail makes onion soup. 
Abigail goes to town and meets redcoats!!! She hates them because they are fat and greedy while those poor soldiers starve. Cool fatphobia, Abby. 
While they’re in town, GIRL BEST FRIEND Lucy sells her beautiful hair to a wigmaker for nine shillings, which are immediately stolen by soldiers because she hides them in her barn like a dumbass. Now she has no hair and no money. 
Abigail is invited to visit the soldiers with Mrs. Washington. Woohoo! She then meets a sick soldier whose feet are green and black. They go outside, and hear screaming, because the surgeon is cutting off his feet. Outside, Abby sees a trough of ‘firewood,’ which she soon realizes is not firewood, but human hands and feet. Those poor soldiers!
Abigail goes home and her sister Elizabeth, who also visited the soldiers a few days ago, relates a story of how she watched the surgeon saw off a man’s leg in front of her, but the bullet that the man was holding in his teeth slipped into his throat and he choked to death. Those poor soldiers!
We basically get a lot of Abigail’s chores and the poor soldiers stealing things and Mrs Washington being such a great lady. Also occasionally there’s a hanging, or a soldier is drummed out of camp for being a spy. 
We also get some progression on Lucy’s haircut plotline, when MEAN BOY Tom snatches her bonnet off her head and everyone sees her short hair. Her parents are so angry that they make her walk around without a bonnet so everyone can see what she did. Woohoo for public humiliation as a parenting strategy! 
Finally, something different happens! The kids are all playing on the frozen river, when there’s a sound like a shot and five boys fall through the ice and drown. They are all brothers, and one of them is MEAN BOY Tom. Abigail feels bad for not liking him, because he’s dead. But hey, at least their mom still has three living sons!
Lucy is so upset about her parents constantly enforcing public humiliation on her that she runs away. She tells Abigail where she went, but Abigail doesn’t write it in her diary because it’s a secret. Lucy’s parents feel bad for publicly humiliating her now that she’s gone. 
The wife of the soldier whose feet got cut off comes to stay with Abigail and fam because her husband died from infection after his surgery. Gee, and here I thought sawing off someone’s feet in a room full of smallpox without washing your hands was sanitary!
Her name is Mrs. Kent, and she shortly gives birth to a baby. Hooray! Nothing remarkable happens here.
Abigail visits the mass graves of the soldiers with Mrs. Washington (who is great). Those poor soldiers!
After several entries of Abigail refusing to tell us where Lucy went, we find out that she ran away to Philadelphia to stay with Abigail’s cousin. What a mystery!
More hangings. Those poor... Ugh!! I can’t take it anymore!! If I read the words ‘those poor soldiers!’ one more time I’m ripping this book in half like an elementary school assembly strongman show.
The army finally gets ready to leave. We learn that Mrs. Washington is a very wealthy woman, which makes it super cool that she’s so nice!! (Also she owns 300 slaves. This is not examined by the text. Don’t worry about it.)
Lucy learns that her hair was made into a wig that was bought by... Mrs. Washington!!!!! Hooray!!!!!! Isn’t Mrs. Washington great.
The army leaves. Thank god that’s the end of the book. 
The Epilogue
But wait, there’s more! How will we survive without knowing the fates of these made up people???
We learn that Abigail and Elizabeth both get married and have children, then move out west to Ohio. 
Abigail dies in 1823 at the age of 57, after being thrown from her horse.
Elizabeth and her husband die together when their house catches fire in 1825. 
The end!
Overall Death Rating: 10/10 
3,000 soldiers die over the winter so it’s a pretty large death toll.
Gruesomeness rating: 10/10
The battlefield surgeries and severed limbs are pretty gnarly. There’s also a nasty account of smallpox inoculations. 
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years ago
Trick > Treat
(A/N: my laziness decided that it could be better if it were just written story lol)
That Halloween night was looking good so far. Miles, Larry and Phoenix talk about what they got from the sweet old lady as they move to the next house, Gregory keeping an eye on them, of course.
In unison they knock at the door and a young man dressed as a skeleton is the one who answers.
"Trick or Treat!"-the three kids exclaim, extending their bags expectantly
"Well, what do we have here?"-the guy says as he examines their costumes of Bart Simpson (faithful, even to the skin), a Signal Samurai (kinda half-assed, but the mask was drawn from scratch quite nicely) and....-"one of those serial killers in suit?"
"I'm a lawyer!"-Miles pouted a bit
"Heh, even scarier kiddo. Now-!"-he grabs a tray from inside the house and its content makes the boys smile widely-"Can I interest you in this instead?"
"Cool! Caramel apples!!"-Larry wastes no time in grabbing one
"Yeah, I was wondering where everyone was getting them..."-Phoenix is next, commenting on the other kids he saw
After an approving nod from his father, Miles is the third one to grab a caramel apple, but when he bites into it...-"Nggoh...!"
"Eh, what's wrong Edgey?"-Larry peers into the bite, and as soon as he realizes, he couldn't stop laughing
It was an onion.
"Hahaha, seems like you got the trick instead of the treat! Hahaha!"-the trickster laughed as one does when a prank goes as planned
But in the middle of all that laughter, crunching sound were heard in the background....
"Umm, Miles? That's... an onion..."-Phoenix said, a bit concerned for his friend now
"I know, I like onions!"-the lawyer-boy smiles unaffected, enjoying his halloween treat.
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star-going-supernova · 2 years ago
(re: holes AU part 2)
heyo, guess who's got more Holes AU stuff
instead of it being madame Zeroni who placed the curse on Vanessa's family, its madame macGearailt (fitzgerald in gaelic, jeremy isn't related). Gregory is related to her on his mothers side (filling Gregory's role as Zero).
Vanessa succeeds in taking the water truck to find Gregory (she's a better driver than stanley), but since she took it while Vanny was filling a canteen, the tap was left running and by the time she made it to the boat and found Gregory, the water had long since run dry. This leaves them no choice but to drive to the bottom of gods thumb and climb it in search of water, finding what they later learn to be Freddy's power source, the onion fields and fufiling the old [insert vanessa's last name here] promise to madame macGearailt.
When they return to the camp, they nearly run Vanny over, forcing her her to jump in one of the holes and getting knocked out in the process. they find the hole freddy was buried in (gregory found him but since they had no idea what they were looking for and he couldn't read, ignored it and the name written on the front) and finish digging him out before Afton and Vanny hold them at gunpoint (Vanny having woken up and informed Afton), backing off when the yellow spotted lizards pour out of freddy's wooden casing (they were using him as a nest)
This is really making me want to rewatch the movie, lol. Love the image of Vanny frantically diving out of the way of the truck.
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newtonsheffield · 4 years ago
Would you have any headcannons about angsty Greg and Lucy fights?
Oh man, Lucy and Gregory angst? This hurts me because those two are the sunshine kids of my cinematic universe that being said, while they don’t fight often, they have had a few little tiffs and one all out fight. (It’s not a headcanon, it’s a Drabble, sorry).
The day had started out normally, Lucy reasoned, there was no reason for her to believe it would end so terribly. Except she had one of those feelings in the pit of her stomach that you sometimes get when you wake up that almost begs you not to get out of bed. But she had. And now she was here. Gregory had woken her with a kiss on the cheek, like he always did, and a broad smile and she’d gone about her morning routine just like always. She’d greeted Kate at the lift with coffee, just like always, but still something felt off. And then he’d come.
“Lucinda!” Lucy stiffened at the sound of her Uncle’s voice calling across her workplace, she hadn’t even known he was in town. Never a good sign, she felt herself frown, irritation at the use of her full name flaring a little. She looked up to see her Uncle Robert striding purposefully towards her, followed by a very tall, square jawed man, his blonde hair slicked back. Lucy groaned. She knew where this was going immediately.
“Uncle Robert.” Lucy said crisply when he’d finished his approach “I wasn’t aware you were in town, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She finished, smiling falsely. Robert Abernathy huffed,
“Perhaps, Lucinda if you saw fit to answer my phone calls once in a while, you would have had a little more notice.” He said testily, Lucy continued smiling, she had seen his messages, and deleted them.
“I didn’t receive any messages, Uncle Robert.” She said, crisply. Robert’s expression conveyed that he knew this was a lie, but he seemed to think it wasn’t worth the argument.
“Lucinda, this is Frederick Stevens, he’s the new Vice President of Advertising At Abernathy Media. We’re all going for lunch.” He said, Lucy sighed. Frederick Stevens grinned in a way she assumed he thought was charming, but made Lucy’s spine prickle.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lucinda.” He said, sticking his hand out. Lucy eyed it warily.
“I’m afraid you’ve had a wasted journey today, Frederick. I have a lunch meeting.” She said, her tone firm. Her uncle eyed her, unimpressed.
“I’m sure I can handle your boss, you’ll be coming with us.” He said, taking her arm and turning away. Lucy started to protest and suddenly an office door opened
“Hey, La la la Lucy Do you want to-” Gregory’s voice rang out through the office, pausing as he took in her uncle, gripping her arm tightly, his brow furrowing immediately. “Lucy is everything alright?” He said, squaring his shoulders, as he moved towards the small group. Lucy pulled her arm from her Uncle’s grasp.
“Everything’s fine, Greg.” She said quickly. Robert Abernathy sighed.
“Mr Abernathy.” Gregory said firmly, standing behind Lucy his arms crossed.
“Frederick, this is Gerald, a friend of my niece.” Robert said, his voice disdainful.
“Gregory.” Lucy said “and you know He’s my boyfriend, Uncle Robert. So I’m afraid whatever my uncle promised you, Frederick, is off the table.” She could feel irritation growing in her stomach at her Uncle’s dismissal of her life. Uncle Robert for his part, was unbothered. Frederick was starting to look a little uncomfortable
“Don’t worry Frederick, it’s not serious.” Robert said dismissively, looking at Gregory as he said, “She’ll get bored soon.” Lucy could feel Greg shrinking behind her. Lucy’s patience snapped
“It is serious, actually. We live together. And nothing you say is going to change that.” Lucy snapped, turning away and taking Gregory’s hand “We’re going to lunch Greg.” And she tugged him away.
Lucy had been watching Gregory closely all afternoon. As she’d taken his hand and tugged him to the car he’d barely smiled, barely said anything on the way home. It was unsettling to see Gregory, who usually filled her life with chatter and excitement so quiet, as he sat frowning in the kitchen, his arms crossed.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or do I have to use a Jedi mind trick on you?” Lucy said lightly, wiping her hands on her apron. Gregory huffed.
“I’m fine, Lucy.” He said, bluntly, staring down at his hands. Lucy raised her eyebrow.
“Are you? I guess I’ve never seen you be fine before then.” Gregory sighed.
“Why are we still together?” The words seem to rush from him as though he hadn’t wanted to say them at all. Lucy froze, the knife she was using resting on the onion, but not cutting. Her eyes shot to Gregory.
“Greg, why are you asking me that?” She fought to keep her voice steady, panic rising a little in her chest. Gregory’s eyes flitted over her resting on the clock behind her.
“Forget it.” He said quickly. Lucy scoffed, irritation replacing the anxiety.
“Well, that’s not going to happen, you just asked me why we’re together.” Gregory froze at the sharp tone of her voice. “Greg can you just look at me please?” His eyes slowly flicked to hers. “If this is about my uncle, you know he just-” Gregory cut her off with a cold laugh
“Lucy, he hates me! He can’t stop telling you how useless I am and throwing men at you! How long do you think it will be before you listen?” His voice was like ice, sending a shiver down her spine. She felt cold, even as indignation rose in her.
“What exactly do you want me to do Greg?! I’ve told him so so many fucking times Greg. I’m not going to change my mind and he won’t listen!” Gregory flinched away from her shout and she instantly felt terrible. Even as anger clawed at her chest. His voice was uneven as he spoke, fighting to keep himself in check
“You’re so perfect all the time Lucy, I just wish I could believe that this wasn’t you just trying to prove your uncle wrong!” His voice rang through the kitchen. Lucy felt her mouth drop open, and Gregory’s own eyes widened as though his words had surprised him as well. Or maybe it was her reaction to them. Lucy felt tears prick in her eyes, biting her lip to hold them in.
“Well I don’t know Gregory, I guess we’re still together because I love you and that’s enough for me. And i guess I thought it would be enough for you too.” He looked as though he’d slapped her, she felt herself let out a choked noise and turned away dropping the knife, clattering against the chopping board. Before she’d even taken two steps, Lucy felt Gregory’s hand firmly on her arm, tugging her to turn her, pulling him tight against his chest. His eyes shining with tears, burned into hers.
“It is more than enough for me.” He said, dropping his forehead against hers, whispering I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I love you. As both of their tears fell.
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