#Gravity Falls Mystery
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hkthatgffan · 4 days ago
The Flamebel Mystery!
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Now, I'm sure you all know who this is. That is of course, Flamebel from Gravity Falls Lost Legends. Appearing only in the story "Don't Dimension It," she's become arguably the most iconic and remembered of the alternate Mabel's we see in that story (aside from Anti-Mabel of course).
However, this is NOT Flamebel! You might already know this, but in case you don't or forgot, given how many years it's been (just like I did), then you should know that this Mabel was NEVER referred to as Flamebel at any point within Lost Legends. If you read through DDI, she's never mentioned in name. Of all the alternate Mabel's that helped Mabel defeat Anti-Mabel, she was the only one who didn't have her name be stated in the story.
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I looked over LL again and sure enough, nowhere in the DDI is she referred to as Flamebel. But okay, there's a Barnes and Noble edition of Lost Legends where we see the names of all the Mabel's in Dimension MA-B3L. Surely in it there will be a name for her and it would be Flamebel. Well, not every Mabel in that page was given an official name and surprise, surprise...neither was this Mabel...
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In fact, she isn't even the same Mabel here! "Flamebel" didn't even exist in this original line art of the page. She was added in later and neither her or the Mabel that used to be there was named.
So, that brings up an interesting question; Where did the name Flamebel come from if it was never her official name?
Having been in the fandom back when lost Legends came out, I do have some theories. And it starts with this fanart that was posted in 2018 by turquoisespace35.
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In Turquoise's post, which was made on August 14th, 2018, she refers to this Mabel as "Flamebel." This was the oldest mention of the name that I remember. And given Turquoise back in 2018 was one of the most popular GF fan artists at the time, it's possible her post helped popularize the name, given it got over 3K notes on Tumblr and also likes of that same amount on Instagram, as well as over 300 favourites on Deviantart.
However, in my research, I found some older posts that may have been where the name initially came from. For one, found this now deleted post from a user named korla-the-kenku that was made on August 2nd, 2018. In it, they list their favourite Mabel's and among them, is our mystery fire Mabel under the name of Flamebel.
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I did also consider asking Kiki-Kit; the artist who worked on Don't Dimension It, about Flamebel and if she knows how the character came to be and if that was her name at any point, but uh...for obvious reasons...that was out of the question...
But then, I found what was the oldest post I could at least find during my own research, that used the Flamebel name. And it was this piece of fanart that was posted on July 28, 2018 (4 days after Lost Legends came out), that was made by hntrgurl13.
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In the post, she refers to this Mabel as Flamebel. But what's more intriguing is the fact that she made this for an ask question and in it, the anon refers to her as "🔥Mabel," which suggests that before this post was made, the name Flamebel was not what she was known as.
Like Turquoise, hntrgurl13 was a pretty active and popular artist in the GF fandom back in 2018 when Lost Legends came out. And while her post of Flamebel only had a little over 650 notes compared to the 3K Turquoise had, her post is the oldest I could find that uses the Flamebel name.
It's possible there are older posts out there or now deleted ones that use the name, but as far as I can tell, hntrgurl13's post was the first one to use it. I did find this post on Reddit of Flamebel art dating to July 27th, 2018. However, given the OP posted it in May 2019, I can't tell if they referred to her as Flamebel then or added the name in based on the fact that was by that point the name she was most referred to as.
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I also found this post hntrgurl13 reblogged on the same day in July, from a now deleted user that talks about Flamebel and while the name isn't used, it could be where she got the question asked to her from that made her post the art where she first used the name. I also found this fanart of Flamebel (but not using that name) posted on July 28th too by Pitopishi; the artist who worked on the story Face It in Lost Legends. But uh...for obvious reasons there too...I don't think there's any chance of asking them about Flamebel either (why did both Lost Legends fan artists have to screw up big time?).
My theory therefore is that hntrgurl13 was the one who came up with the Flamebel name while posting that fanart for the ask she got. From there, given her popularity in the fandom at the time, the post got the name to be used more. Eventually, artists like Turquoise used the name in her viral post and that caused it to stick. Plus, with how wholesome and on point of a name it is to the theme of that Mabel, it worked and people probably didn't bother to realize that wasn't her official name.
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I did reach out to hntrgurl13 to ask her about it, but she never got back to me. So, I can't say for certain if she made the name up or heard it from someone else, but it seems she was the first or at least oldest remaining person to use the name that I could find a record of.
At the end of the day, does this all matter? Of course not. I'm not trying to say we shouldn't refer to this Mabel as Flamebel cause even I love the name and think it's super wholesome and on point for her. Alex never bothered giving her a canonical name but the fandom did and she became legendary through it.
But what is funny is how the name became so common place that so many of us, including me, thought it was her canon name and was what was written in Lost Legends itself. I didn't even realize that wasn't the case till a few days ago when someone asked me about where the name originated from and I realized, "Oh...she's never officially been called Flamebel!"
I used to think the Mandela effect wasn't as prominent as it often gets talked about as being. But even I believed for a good while that Flamebel was really this Mabel's name and was in Lost Legends...only to realize that was never the case.
I guess it goes to show; even when you think you know the source of something, you may be wrong. So, always work to make sure what you believe really is based on solid fact. Whether it be something you hear on the news in this divisive world we live in, or just verifying if a character name fans use really is that character's real name.
At the end of the day though...I just hope like we see in this wholesome fanart that mischieflily made for the Epilogue fanzine for Lost Legends, Flamebel finally got to canonically reunite with her Dipper ❤️
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And that, was the Mystery of Flamebel; the Lost legends Mabel that Gravity Falls fans named themselves!
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nine-is-not-a-ten · 7 months ago
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look at the blacked out text at the bottom!!! if you look very carefully, it reads:
[If] "I could kidnap him and bring him to our secret cloning lab"
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sm1ling-dopp3lganger · 5 months ago
Finally decided to put on my big girl pants and schedule posts for all my GF stuff
Pardon me I’m lazy .
Let’s start with a doodle dump. Bc I’m lazy.
Just some random (mostly) warm up doodles I’d post on my twt in the mornings speaking of which go follow me there if u enjoy my art and would like more content I post much more over there and u get more context
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paintedcrows · 7 months ago
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They do this every year...
Happy 25th to Dipdop and Lebam!! and Happy 17th to Hatsune Miku!! 🎉🎉
(comic continued: The M&M stands for...)
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molzysketch · 8 months ago
Twitter loved this a lot so I’ll share it here too 👍
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pspspspspsp if you guys like gravity falls check out the new shakers at molzysketch.com
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nelsaqift · 6 months ago
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clothes swap !!
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charlikesalmon · 7 months ago
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happy birthday to the twins ever <3
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rotaryphoam · 7 months ago
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happy birthday to the kids from zach and cody or whatever
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sooooupyraisin · 7 months ago
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yall can’t tell me this isn’t them
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queer-here-and-in-fear · 7 months ago
i think its really really important to remember how EASILY stan couldve dropped a "now i have to deal with you BRATS for the summer.." or ford to slip a "dont let these snotty little children near my lab again, stan." but instead they never do that like. idk.
i like how the show makes it a very important and clear point that at least hear, the twins are Loved and Cherished and Wanted. so very wanted.
stan ADORES THEM. in his bones. hes trying to give them freedom but he is so so worried.
ford goes from growling to MELTING on sight "shermie had kids?" they are his babies.
its a very good and nice point like. these children are Loved and Wanted and their guardians are trying so hard and that is the bare minimum. and Not loving your kids is a bad fucked up thing to do with bad consequences.
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doctorsiren · 5 months ago
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Day 20 of Sirentober / Doctober
Hands / Journal
You can tell who never made a deal
Available as a print on my Etsy Shop
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cracklinhaze · 2 months ago
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he's on thin fucking ice
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skipppppy · 7 months ago
The life of Stanford Pines must be so bizarre from the perspective of a random townsperson who doesn’t know him. Imagine you live in a sleepy lumber town, where the most interesting thing you’ve heard this week is that a plot of land on the outskirts of the woods was sold and someone has started constructing a cabin on there.
You later learn by word of mouth that he’s a phd student doing some kind of long-term research project. You don’t see his face until one night he comes blasting down the street on a trail of destruction, eyes yellow and glazed over, trashing public property, inflicting gruesome injuries on himself, and laughing like he’s on an erratic, drug-fuelled bender. He then goes home and locks himself in his cabin again. This becomes a cycle; he stays isolated for weeks, then comes out once in a blue moon to wreak havoc and be a nuisance to the authorities.
Then one day it stops. He doesn’t come back out. The next time you see him he’s at a grocery store looking completely different to how you remember; his hair is grown out, he’s put on weight, his clothes are completely different and he’s stopped wearing glasses. Some townsfolk finally work up the nerve to talk to him and you learn that he invited them to his cabin on a tour. His home is apparently FULL of dangerous research equipment and the scientist, who had allegedly been very quiet and level-headed on the days he wasn’t having his “episodes,” has had a complete personality change, he’s loud and confident and less than honest and a little sleazy but a damn good salesman and entertainer.
He hosts tours out of his home for the next 30 years. Over time he’d changed it into a museum of sorts that sells overpriced knickknacks to unsuspecting tourists, but aside from his shady business practices he’s a well known member of his community. He changes up the exhibits every few months, brings his niece and nephew to stay one summer and they become town darlings, and even exposes a beloved public figure for running a spyware scheme.
One day you hear he got visited by the FBI. They start going round town asking about him. A week or so later he gets arrested. The town goes CRAZY theorising why but then there’s a massive earthquake and in the chaos of that you forget what happened to him. One minute you hear that the feds were surrounding his house and the next they’re all leaving like they forgot what they came for. Another week later he resurfaces and announces he’s going to run for Mayor, dominated the polls, wins the popular vote, but loses his position immediately due to an extensive criminal record.
Then there’s gossip that he completely changed his appearance again. He’s lost his fez and is walking around in a coat and cable knit turtleneck in the middle of the July heat. Then you hear from someone else that he looks the exact same and didn’t change anything. Then you see two identical men walking down the street, one matching the description you saw. People are BUZZING to know what happened and you eventually learn that the “new guy” was actually the same Scientist and the guy that had been running the museum was his twin brother who stole his identity after he went missing. Then the apocalypse happens
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leo-artista · 4 months ago
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This is how I see their dynamic
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sketchybusiness4130 · 6 months ago
WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE. ok, so mermaids can leave gravity falls???? WHY? how? what else can leave the borders then? is it bc they or at least mermando were born outside of the towns bubble??? shouldnt it be impossible?
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nenoname · 7 months ago
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been comparing TOTS!Mystery Shack to the current one...
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