#Grandpa Hank
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kurosakismixedbag · 10 months ago
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og-ant-man · 2 years ago
"Uh... you realize if you just reversed the polarity on the electron calculation and routed it threw the central quantum processer instead of the auxilery ion entangeler you could get the 3 times the milage out of your particles" Jax says watching Hank (IDK i just threw technobable together Jax knows more than I do)
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"Huh....but wouldn't that cause an effect here? If it goes wrong it could bypass everything and simply shrink the person directly into the quantum realm or grow them larger than the known universe. Don't get me wrong kid, I'm always ready to expand on my particles...but we have to be careful. I don't think Scott, Cassie or Hope would appreciate me accidentally sending them to either of those places."
Hank rubbed his chin as he thought about what Jax said. "Though...your mind IS on the right track. Why don't you pull up and chair and we'll workshop some things." He motioned towards chair.
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worldwideorganic · 4 months ago
"'m too old for that" is the hottest shit ever.
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corruptimles · 1 year ago
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just some light reading
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years ago
Hi, can you write about Hank Pym x six-year-old granddaughter Y/N.
Hank: pass me the 3/8th wrench
Y/n passes the 5/8ths wrench...
Hank: sweetheart I asked for the 3/8th
Y/N: i think the 5/8th will work better, grandpa
Hank tries it out, perfect. Hank smiles proudly...
Hank: you're definitely your mother's daughter.
Scott: she's my daughter too, Hank
Hank: don't remind me, Scott
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da-bombishere · 9 months ago
Love how I disappeared for three months lol
Anyways I love Clancy so much it’s unreal 💖💖💖
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dadsinsuits · 1 year ago
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Jonathan Banks & Dean Norris
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voiceclaim-polls · 5 months ago
does Kevin Michael Richardson fit the voice of Hank from the Papa Louie games?
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Kevin Michael Richardson plays Mr. Gus in Uncle Grandpa:
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theauthorlives · 7 months ago
Birthdays aren't a thing to make a big fuss of in prison, especially for someone like Yancy. It wasn't like he had anyone on the outside who would want a conjugal visit to throw a party. He didn't have anyone to visit him to begin with.
Not that he minded, really. Birthdays were barely an excuse to be celebrated, even as a kid. He could never have a party because it was summer break and families were always away. Even if there was a year that it wasn't the case, his father would simply state that they didn't have the money for anything of that nature.
As a teenager, he stopped asking. Then, after his stint in the gang, he barely got an acknowledgement from his family for his birthday.
Ironically, it was a group of convicted criminals who actually made a birthday something special for him. It had rubbed off Yancy and he was often one of the big instigators for birthday celebrations - though this didn't mean he was fully used to the sentiments being returned.
There was an unexpected downpour that resulted in rec time taking place in cells instead of on the yard. Deciding this was a good time to practice the ukulele, Yancy hopped onto the top bunk and set himself the task of trying to figure out new chords based off diagrams in a book.
"Hey, are you taking requests yet? Or is it still too soon?" The familiar voice of Shithole Hank snapped Yancy's concentration. The greaser grinned and peered over the railing.
"Aside from 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'? Nah."
Hank laughed. "Maybe next year I can coax you to play a birthday tune. Could be a fun way to have a party, eh?" As the older man stepped into the cell, he revealed a small box wrapped in tissue paper. "Come on, kid. The others are waiting for you."
Sure enough, the whole gang was waiting in Sparkles McGee and Bam-Bam's cell. The table and chair had been pushed out of the way to give everyone space to sit on the floor. Bam-Bam excitedly gestured to the bottom bunk for Yancy to sit on.
The box that Hank had used as a bribe was nothing more than a decoy. The actual present was a slightly larger box with three tubs of Yancy's preferred hair gel inside.
"Hey, wait, this ain't -"
"Fair?" Sparkles McGee interrupted. "What's not fair about giving a friend a birthday present? Especially when said friend tries to make a fuss for all of us."
"Especially when he's so easy to buy for with how much gel he uses," Tiny added with a small smirk.
"We want to make sure you have a good birthday, even if it's raining too hard to shoot some hoops like we wanted to."
Yancy kept the box in his hands, blinking a few times as a bad attempt to hide the tears that were blurring his vision.
"Youse all is the best, you knows that?" At last, he grinned at the group. "But youse can't say nothing 'bout how I reacted to this."
"Right, right. Because you're tough as nails." Hank stepped past the group, patting Yancy on the shoulder as he made his way toward a hidden bottle. "Who wants something to drink?"
The unanimous cheer was enough to let the good times roll!
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antvnger · 2 years ago
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((Sorry this took so long Anon but I wanted to devote some good time and effort into this one))
Scott paced the waiting room floor so much he thought maybe it was possible to create a hole in it from his incessant walking. But he couldn’t help it. He was anxious and impatient.
Cassie was in labor.
The call came sometime after 11 pm the night before, and it’s almost 8 in the morning. His poor kid. He couldn’t imagine what she’s going through, how she’s feeling. He remembered being there with Maggie when Cassie was born, and he’s glad Maggie was in there with her now. He’s thought a lot about that moment - Cassie’s birth - since he got the call about Cassie being in labor. His anxiety and impatience now was definitely the same as back then. Felt like yesterday really. He expected the joy would be just as good now as it was then too.
Hope attempted again to tell him to sit down, but her attempt- like the previous ones - was futile. Sitting beside her was Janet, and she just patted Hope’s leg. “Let him pace. Your father did the same when you came along.”
“I couldn’t help it then,” Hank added, “and I would pace now, but Scott’s doing it all for us.”
Tony was in Malibu at the time to take care of some Stark Industries stuff, and as soon as Scott sent the text informing him about Cassie - because in his excitement he texted all his friends and family - Tony was in San Francisco as fast as his resources would allow. He looked up at Scott and gently shook his head. “You’re wearing me out, man.”
“I can’t help it,” Scott insisted as he didn’t slow down or even look in Tony’s direction. “It’s been hours now, and we’ve heard nothing.”
“First babies tend to take longer in labor,” Janet assured him. “It’s normal.”
Finally, finally, after another hour and a half, the doctor came in with the news. Cassie and baby girl were just fine. 9 pounds 11 ounces. Healthy and strong, and Cassie was worn out but as proud and happy as you please.
The family had to take turns to go see them, and Scott was called first, and he had to restrain himself to keep from barreling past the nurses to get to them quick enough for his liking. Cassie’s reclined and looking exhausted, and in her arms was a bundle wrapped in pink. She looked up at him as he quietly entered and gave him a tired yet blissful smile. “Hi, Dad,” she softly greeted.
“Hey, Peanut,” he greeted just as softly after he swallowed. “You okay?”
She nodded. “I’m fine, Dad, don’t worry.” She held up the bundle in her arms. “Someone wants to meet you.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat as he carefully scooped up the baby girl in his arms. She squirmed and protested the transfer for a moment, but he pulled her close and spoke softly, and she settled. “Hi, sweetheart.” He studied every perfect, precious feature, and he’s simultaneously in this moment and transported back in time. She looked just like Cassie. “It’s me, your Pappap. I used to call my granddad that, so that’s where that name came from.”
It’s amazing how a heart could swell and feel so much in one moment. He felt it all. Every good thing he possibly could feel, he felt every iota of it in this moment. Pride, joy, hopes, dreams, possibilities, awe and wonder, bliss, serenity. Love. Fierce and full and unconditional. He’s barely aware of the tears slowly sliding down his cheeks.
“You’re a lucky little girl, you know? You’ve been born into a big loving family. You’ve got the most amazing momma you could ask for, and you’ve got grandparents and great grandparents and loads of extended family too. You’re so loved already, kiddo. You have no idea how loved you already are. And we’ll -” He had to pause to compose himself enough to finish. “We’ll always love you. No matter what. We’re in your corner, and we’ll protect you and care for you and support you and love you forever and ever and ever. I promise.”
The baby yawned, making Scott giggle and coo softly, before she snuggled in, clearly already at home in her grandfather’s embrace. He looked down at her lovingly while Cassie watched them both with a soft, sweet look on her face. For a moment, the whole world was at peace.
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kurosakismixedbag · 1 year ago
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corntort · 2 years ago
just when i think kinnyisms cant get me to go by Any Weirder names im made a fool
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worldwideorganic · 5 months ago
I see a lot of people annoyed that Connor is the most popular character by far, and most people only talk about his route... but really there was no chance the other two could compete, Connors route has:
two cute guys who you can ship platonically or romantically
arguably the least amount of plot holes, and the most consistently "good" gameplay
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og-ant-man · 2 years ago
// Oh @youknowwhoiamaskblog ....Tony and Iron Mun are giving Hank a run for his money and I AM LIVING FOR IT! This man has to find the correct words and deal with all this trauma! But also...like POOR TONY! Let this man have SOME PEACE PLEASE! hahah
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juhnkit · 2 years ago
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"Tunes from Grandpa's garage"
#MMitM1... #HankWilliams #LostHighway ... #LiveRadioRecordings (#HankWilliamsSings) [Official Audio Track] (1949)
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dadsinsuits · 9 months ago
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Hank Johnson
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