#Goth Tales
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tia-amorosa · 2 months ago
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Episode 1 "Where is Bella?" (Part 1, long)
Pleasantview Valley
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It's just after midnight and the lights are still on in the Goth family home. It often happens that one or other resident of the house suddenly wakes up in the night because the relatives are once again haunting the garden. Only one ghost has not yet appeared… one who would be much more welcome here than all the others.
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Until a few years ago, there was still a lot of music and happy laughter in this house. A harmonious family life. Mortimer and Bella lovingly looked after their children. Even if the family always seemed a little strange to others at first glance, they were well respected in the neighborhood.
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Everything was fine until one evening when Bella not came home. Mortimer was very worried and called the police. A few days later he received a phone call. In a distorted voice, he was informed that his wife had been kidnapped. He then set everything in motion to find her again. Weeks, months passed… He completed all the tasks set for him by the callers… Until one day he suddenly heard nothing more from them.
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The police had launched a nationwide search. Cities, forests, everywhere they searched for Bella, but it was in vain. They couldn't even find her under a different name. Until the search was finally called off and she was declared missing and dead.
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Today, Mortimer sits alone at the table with his children at mealtimes. Over the years, grief has made him grow older faster than is normal. There are even rumors that he has found himself a new lover, but this is only discussed behind closed doors. We are in the present day and there was a late visit.
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“Dad, it's getting late, you need to sleep and take your medication"/ ”I know that myself, Mr. Littleton was just about to leave anyway. You'd better check on your brother again, he's not sleeping well at the moment, that's not good for his performance at school"/ ”Hm, mhm. Goodbye, Mr. Littleton"/ ‘Goodbye, Cassandra’.
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Cassandra went into her little brother Alexander's room. He was completely upset again: “Hey, what happened again?”/ “Great-grandmother Prudence always makes those horrible noises with the chains”/ “hey, it's okay. I'll talk to her again, 0.k.?"/ ‘Mhm. will you stay with me for a while?’/ ‘hn..of course’.
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She pulled the armchair closer to the bed, as she always did when her little brother couldn't sleep. “At least they listen to you, why not me?"/ ”You have to be more assertive. Besides, you're still little, they've always annoyed me too, our father too"/ ‘and mom?’/ ‘No - not mom, they always liked her somehow’…
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“Do you think mom is a ghost too?"/ ”Mh, maybe. “/ “then why isn't she with us, all Goths are always together, whether dead or alive”/ “so you wouldn't care whether she's alive or not?”/ “hm, not like that either… But somehow it does, the main thing is that she's with us"/ ”mhm. Now close your eyes, 0.k.?"/ ‘Good night, Cassy’.
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After her brother fell asleep, she left the room. Her father was on his way to bed himself. “Has he calmed down again?"/ 'Yes. Have you…"/ ”I've taken my tablets, yes. It's late, you should be asleep too. “/ “in a minute. “/ “who was it this time?”/ “Prudence, you know how she is sometimes” / “hh yes. What time will you be home tomorrow?"/ ‘Maybe a bit later than usual’/ ”Mhm. Good night.”
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. Cassandra has always coped well with little sleep. So she uses the nights to devote herself to her work. “I know you're dead, mom. But your soul is out there somewhere��� I'm in contact with the brothers every day, I can't get any further in the institute on my own, and they're the best in their field that I could get through an insider. We will find you”.
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She went outside to take care of the garden plants. “Hi, Grandpa Gunther"/ ”Hello Cassandra. You're busy again"/ ”Someone has to do it, eh? And you, are you watching the news on the internet again?"/ ‘I have to keep the other side up to date, they're crazy about the latest gossip’/ ‘hnhn, have fun’…
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Once the plant had been tended to, she turned her attention to her great-grandmother Prudence's grave. “You don't dare go out today, do you? Don't forget that Alex tells me everything. And once our mother is back here, you won't be so quick to get the chains out. I'll find her, we,…, these boys the only ones I'm not afraid of being ripped off, i trust them.”
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“Good night, Grandpa, I'm going to sleep now“/”Sleep well…. My goodness, what are they up to? We never used to have anything like this. Oh, the latest soccer results, that's important of course…”. Cassandra had to smile as she left the dining room. Her grandfather spent a lot of time on the computer when he came to visit. In this house, you never know who might drop by the next night.
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@greenplumbboblover, @plumbobgothica , @solorisims😊
NOTE: The two pictures you see at the beginning (from the past) were two pictures that were in Mortimer's album. That gave me a lot of inspiration for the story. :) I hope you liked the first episode. The interval between episodes will be irregular. So you'll have to be a little more patient with this story :) If anyone wants to be tagged when a new episode is published, please let me know. My story posts are also welcome to be shared.🙂😊
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prismatic-skies · 1 year ago
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So, while going through old files of old artwork that is unfinished because I either lost inspiration and stopped or I just completely hated what my brain come up with, I came across some pieces that I drew, painted, photographed, and/or distorted heavily in Photoshop, that I thought might be cool for my new melt creation that I am calling, 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙-𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡.
I’m loving this vibe 🖤
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toyastales · 6 months ago
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Bat lantern from 1930.
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honeybabynina · 28 days ago
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lolitabreath · 1 month ago
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descendinight · 1 month ago
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🥀Happy Valentines Day!
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 10 months ago
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charlies-a-thief · 5 months ago
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I suppose there's no better time to post this here than on Halloween 🎃 Goth Poe 🫶
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tia-amorosa · 2 months ago
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Episode 4: „Cursed“
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The park wasn't far away. And when Cassandra got there, Don was already waiting for her. You'd think a womanizer like him wouldn't have time, or maybe he's always making excuses not to meet up with his own girlfriend. But no, he has a day off today and promised to give her the time. “How are you, my pretty?“/”I'm fine, hn-hn, thanks. I was almost late, I had to make a phone call”.
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“If it was important, I'll overlook the delay, hn"/ ‘Yes, it was important, but I haven't made a single bit of progress yet…’/ ”What are you working on at the moment? You haven't told me yet, is it that secret?"/ ”I don't want you to think I'm crazy… But as far as that's concerned, I need some more information from you. It's… about my mother”.
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“Bella? She's been dead for years… Sorry, but…"/ ”yes, maybe that's true, Don, but her ghost hasn't turned up yet. I need to know exactly what happened the night she was with you again"/ ‘I swear to you, I didn't touch her and I had nothing to do with that strange kidnapping either’/ ”I… I know… But did you notice anything else? Anything?”…
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Don shook his head frantically. “No, really not. She just came by to bring me a painting that I had commissioned from her. It was quite late and already pretty dark. I was totally fucked up from the shift and just wanted to sleep. We had a chat upstairs on the terrace…."/,,And was she in a strange mood? When did she leave again?”.
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,,oh man, Cassy, how many times have I had to explain this to the police…“/”Please, Don, I really need every bit of info I can get.“/”hh, o.k…. She asked me if she could take a quick look through the binoculars. I said okay and that I was going to bed now and that she should close the door behind her. I lay down and was gone immediately. I didn't even notice if she left, but the door was closed“.
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“But her bag was still with you…“/”Yes, and as you know, I brought it to you because I thought she might have forgotten it. I'm really sorry I can't tell you more. And she was perfectly normal, just a bit tired.” Cassandra knows, of course, that you can't get anything else out of Don. His statement is consistent with everything he had already said to the police. She has simply disappeared without a trace.
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The two of them walked a few meters to stand halfway in the shade. “What are you up to anyway?” he asked her calmly and curiously. “I want to try to bring back my mother's spirit. I… She's out there somewhere"/ ”Hm…I don't know if that's possible, but you know better about ghosts. Fortunately, you're not one… How are things looking with an appointment? I don't want to push, but… you're hot”.
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Don pulled her closer to him. She drew in her breath quickly and felt his manhood pressing against her. “You excite me… Every time more, Cassy. why do you do this? Why are you stalling me like this?"/,,I'm… I'm sorry… It's such an old family thing, I have to stick to it or else…"/ ‘Or else what?’/ ‘Or else I might die…’. Silence for a moment.
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He let go of her and she sat down on the bench. “What do you mean you have to die otherwise?”/ “Short version?”/ “As you wish,” he said, invitingly offering her the seat next to him on the bench. Once she had sat down, she took another deep breath before continuing. “Every four generations, a female Goth has to stick to not having sex before marriage.“. Don raised an eyebrow and looked at her askance. “And the ones in between are all allowed, or what?“/”More or less, huh“/”Your family is really weird, you know that?“/”h-hh yeah. But it's really true, I've traced my family tree back almost 250 years.”.
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“And where does this 4th generation thing come from? I mean, it must have originated somewhere"/ ”that was at the end of the 17th century. some great-great-great… at least some grandmother of mine, had a fight with a witch. I no longer believe in witches these days, but she put this curse on my family. And occasionally it happened that one or the other couldn't help themselves…… Or the Partners”.
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Don was a little resigned. Accordingly, he sat down in a different position. “Don… Do you understand now why I've always turned you down when things got a bit… More intimate?"/ ”You're scared, okay. I thought it had something to do with the church… Otherwise I would have put it down to genetics… And after the wedding it's okay?“/”mhm. Please don't ask me why, I never figured it out, but Don, I'm really looking forward to having sex with you.“/”hn- hn, Oh really…”…
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“Oh yes, Don, and I also understand why you sleep with other women. You're just a man, I know, but after you say yes, you should be faithful and I promise you won't regret it… I'm burning inside.” As he listened to her, he smirked a little. “Do you have fantasies?“/”So many, Don…“/”and what if we get married right away? Man, I'm crazy about you”. She sat up again for a moment and looked at him. “I want to find mom first, okay? I want her at our wedding"/ ‘hm… And what about groping?’/ ‘hmm… I think that's getting out of hand, hn’/ ”phew. Okay, I'll wait for you. But kissing is allowed?“/”mmh, of course”.
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“Now that I know what's going on with you… I think I can manage without the others until the wedding"/ ”really? You… You don't have to, Don…"/ ”Hey, I betrayed you because I can't control my urges. It should get better now, okay?”. A reassured, satisfied smile crossed her face. “Hey, do you want to see what I operated on yesterday? That was a pretty deep bite wound“/”oh my God, that looks bad“/”yeah, I don't know how he could mess with a bear like that”. Now that everything was cleared up, the relationship was relaxed. They enjoyed the afternoon together before Cassandra went home again.
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@greenplumbboblover, @solorisims, @plumbobgothica 😬🙂
My story posts are also welcome to be shared.😊🙂
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oaths-sworn-in-blood · 15 days ago
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Harbinger of the Sabbath
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months ago
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beaulesbian · 3 months ago
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Tyhle dvě měly na konci skončit spolu, a za tím si stojím
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vanglaggle · 7 months ago
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reaper and goth doodle
ramble under cut
reaper would love his kids so much some of you don't understand. the ability to hold something that is a part of you that wont die. to be able to have an experience with an infant where it's not dead. you GUYS. To be able to touch and to hold and to nurture something. okay. okay.
being able to touch geno himself is a whole different deal, but being able to touch his baby, something that belongs and comes from him. he would love it with his whole heart. yeah
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bebs-art-gallery · 11 months ago
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Who is the Fairest One of All
— by Wolfe von Lenkiewicz
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descendinight · 1 month ago
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传统 The Tradition
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trulynamelessworld · 4 months ago
Hey so after watching six episodes of The Handmaid's Tale I have come to the conclusion that we are approximately two steps left from it happening.
Look, the show practically gives a step by step guide. Look at the American election results, and the way Canadian politics are leaning. We're getting there.
So, heres what you're going to do:
Stash some cash: If you have extra funds, withdraw some. Stash it somewhere you would think to look that other people would not. Useful in all kinds of emergency situations.
Update your paperwork: My passport is expired, I should update that. In my case, I'm a dual citizen so I could get out of dodge fast if I needed to. Keep it somewhere safe with the cash. We're talking passports, birth certificates social security numbers, etc.
Keep physical copies: This is the digital age, but guard physical copies of what you do have closely. I have lots of cds and a cd player, pictures of me and my partner, books. Burning books is already a thing, I highly recommend purchasing books straight off of banned book lists.
Read up on your herbs: Its not witchy voodoo shit if it works. Theres simple stuff, mint tea for nausea, raspberry leaf for cramps, mugwort for you know what. Be careful, I am not saying this is safe, but it may be necessary. Also everybody likes a good cup of tea.
Bug out bag: For if you're really committed. This is a bag for survival situations, or if you have less than two minutes to leave your house. Read about it online. It should have everything you need (clothes, toiletries, food, medication) if you need to leave with what you can fit on your back.
Write: Keep written record about anything you don't want to forget. Journal entries, song lyrics, recipes, whatever. It does not matter, notebooks are something you can throw under one arm and go.
Powerful men are not your friends, religious leaders are not your friends, that acquaintance with questionable world views is not your friend. Create a close network of people you trust with your life. I'm not joking.
I am aware I sound cuckoo bananas to some of you and thats fine. I sound cuckoo bananas to myself. Women are losing agency, queer people are losing their lives, disabled people are being forced further and further under the poverty line. I check all three of the boxes above, this is reality.
If you have to pick one or two, pick Stash some cash and Update your paperwork.
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