#Got so much to draw but started to miss some of my children (OCs) so I will do something with them now.
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akechis-special-case · 7 days ago
What To Pay Attention To
Selfship Fic Collection
Words: 480
Out of all things I expected Goro to do, it isn’t this. To my surprise he can act a little needy whenever he wants to. Honestly? It is a rather interesting discovery. I giggle when thinking back on it. Looks like even he can get a little jealous.
I didn’t really do much I think. I sometimes tend to talk to one of my friends for some time over text. But not just any friend. It wouldn’t be that big of an issue otherwise. But when it was his rival… Oh, that is a different story.
Akira and I tend to just goof off no matter what. Sometimes we send each other texts back and forth. It is usually random, like sending images or starting nonsensical word chains. But it’s funny. That or we just send pictures of the cats back and forth, Morgana and Ole. It is just the usual banter.
But sometimes Goro would catch a glimpse, by sheer accident. Usually he doesn’t say anything. At most I hear him huffing. But today? Before I knew it he had grabbed both of my cheeks and turned my face into his direction. We are both looking at each other. I am a little caught off guard by it.
He however looks a little grumpy. ‘Why spend time with him when I’m right there?’ Even if it is a thought left unsaid. I can already see it written all over his face. His disapproving frown especially is giving it away.
I can’t help but chuckle. “Aww, is someone jealous?” I ask, not holding back my teasing tone. I move my hand, stretching out a finger and suddenly poke him on his nose.
He reacts to this gesture, flinching while his cheeks catch a hint of pinkness on them. “N… No. Not at all.” Goro responds stubbornly. Even if it’s so obvious he just can’t admit to it.
“No? You’re not scared that Akira might—”
“Don’t you dare talk about him right now!” A sudden hiss, or almost. Yet that gives it all away. 
Instead of flinching I only chuckle. “Right, right. You’re not afraid to lose to him again, are you?”
“L… Lose!? That’s total nonsense!” And yet he squeezes my cheeks a little tighter. It is not hurtful at all though so no worries! Not just that but he also leans a little closer all of a sudden. “Now shut up before—”
“You make me?” I interrupt, noticing the cheeky grin on my face. Not like I’m sorry though. “Go on then. I dare you.”
He doesn’t respond right away, not verbally at least. All he does is get closer all of a sudden, so close that his breath starts hitting my lips. “Fine. You asked for it.” Only then to close the remaining distance between us.
As for my chat earlier… Eh, not important. I’m sure Akira will understand.
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lovebirdgames · 3 months ago
In the end we got 36 likes so here are 36 random facts from Band Camp Boyfriend!
1 - Most people probably know this one, but it’s a good spot to start. The majority of names in BCB are music/instrument puns. Tom, trombone, TOMbone. Peter, trumpeter, trumPETER. Susie sousaphone. You get it.
2 - Cadence's dating history. She's already had her first kiss (which is why she doesn't make a big deal out of it), but not her first love, which is far more important. <3
3 - Initially Olive’s name was Angryphone, then Francis (for French horn) as she grew into a bigger character, then we finally settled on Olive (for oboe).
4 - Peter was the first character conceptualized and the first boy we asked Flora to draw. Don't tell him, he will get a big head.
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5 - In this background, the football goalposts are missing because Blue Mountain High School is having them replaced…just kidding it’s because we the devs did not realize we forgot them because marching band is all that matters.
6 - Mr. Wiley has some of his roots in a Hunger Games OC I made in college. Namely the name, hair, and glasses…and the fact they both go crazy. Hunger Games Wiley had a much grislier fate though.
7 - Peter can’t remember his first kiss because he went around kissing all the girls when he was little until his mom gave him a stern lecture on germs.
8 - Tom is the only one allowed to ride in Peter’s car (which he got as a graduation gift) but he’s not allowed to bring food in.
9 - This one's right out of my old fact doc: Clark got bullied a lot as a kid for being a teacher’s pet. Got called names like tattle-tale, four-eyes, Clark eats tanbark, Clark the narc, etc. but who graduated top of class & got the good citizenship award from the Principal? hIM.
10 - Samuel was a super quiet kid, but somehow extremely popular. His fellow children craved his approval for some strange reason. Got good grades but the teachers got on him to participate more and be more outgoing. Of course, he didn’t. He just did his own thing.
11 - Poptart’s albinism affects his depth perception, making marching a little bit harder for him.
12 - Doug’s least favorite food is black olives. Also he drives an old clunker truck to practice (when he can get it started) and gives an illegal amount of kids a ride every day (namely the whole drumline). He makes everyone duck if he spots a cop.
13 - Leon has an older brother, Buck, who lives in the woods and owns a possum named Beauford. If they ever met, Beauford the possum and Bandit the raccoon would have been rivals.
14 - Susie’s a dog person. Her family owns a fluffy Newfoundland named Benji.
15 - Felicity was initially going to be a “mean girl,” until we decided her being a “pick me” was more realistic and less stereotypical.
16 - There’s an easter egg for our next game, Heartbreaker, in Band Camp Boyfriend, and vice versa. Players already have the concept and names of the LIs, they just don’t know it.
17 - In the end, Garth lands the leading role as Harold Hill in The Music Man musical and no bitches needed to be cut.
18 - As a child, Doug wanted to be the Kool Aid man when he grew up.
19 - A lot of stuff in BCB is inspired by our real lives. One of the craziest things is that our college marching band had a man auction to win dates with the guys. I showed up with $40 trying to summon the courage to bid on my crush at the time.
20 - Aaron has OCD and used to tap his fingers on everything, but drumming has helped him get a lot of his nervous energy out.
21 - All of the Drum Corps named in BCB are parodies of real life corps.
Red Angels = Blue Devils Yellowjackets = Bluecoats Tennessee Tiara = Carolina Crown Space Cadets = The Cadets
22 - You can find song motifs from Gustav’s Holsts “Planets” hidden within the BCB soundtrack. For example, Mars hides within “Run Like Hell” and Venus is in the romance theme, “Venus and Mars.”
23 - Drum and Drummer were the last characters to make it across the line into spritedom. Next up would have been Erin and Cornelius, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.
24 - The Warden is based on Mr. Friendly from Lost.
25 - All of the band directors have a clever name theme. Wiley, Craft(y), Knowles (Knowledgeable), Savage (Savvy), Brighton (Bright).
26 - Initially Tom was going to have a Triforce on his shirt, but we switched it to hearts because it’s more generic and fits with multiple games. Also we joke that you can either fill up his hearts or let them run out!
27 - Sabrina is an orchie dork and plays violin 2 in the orchestra.
28 - Marian, Garth, and Sabrina are all choir kids. Felicity is a former drama club kid.
29 - In my head Eugene resembles Eugene from The Walking Dead so…yeah his sprite definitely low-key has his look haha.
30 - Alex came up with our little heart trumpet logo. She used to draw it everywhere in high school!
31 - The original Higurashi anime was definitely an inspiration, with it’s cute-on-the-surface look and darkness waiting in the wings.
32 - There’s always a kid with a nickname in the band and it’s used so often you have no idea what their real name is. Poptart was the first thing I blurted out so that’s what we went with.
33 - The story of Rebecca was told to me when I was at camp in 5th grade. Still surprised our principal told a bunch of 10-year olds a story involving matricide and suicide. I made some modifications for BCB but…who knows…maybe she’s real.
34 - The rock in this background marks the grave of Rebecca and her family.
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35 - Doug was originally going to carry the smallest bass drum for comedic purposes, but then we had a reality check.
36 - Some names that were suggested and didn’t make the cut: Clarence (Clark), Fleur (Felicity), and Gordon (Garth).
Bonus: Ms. Craft's maiden name is Kim.
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blobmanwhotries · 3 months ago
I wanted to reblog the og post and add the speedpaint there but ig Tumblr doesn't let you do that
It's here instead now ig, for those who want to watch (3 min.)
Notes, ramble, and fanfic updates under the cut
Video time: 3 minutes.
Total time: ~5 hours, 17 minutes.
App: IbisPaintX (ugly ass water mark in the corner).
Device/Tool: My phone and finger.
I like this speedpaint a lot. You can see how I improve and change things throughout the piece. I wish you could see just how much I use that undo button though - that button is my savior.
The starting sketch DOES belong to me. I want to make that abundantly clear (I use a lot of outside references sometimes). If I use an outside reference and it is in the final product (as in I use other art as reference), I will give credit if I can. The reaper picture next to it is not mine and belongs to the Subnautica devs.
Process (kinda):
1) Using a sketch makes this SO MUCH EASIER. It's a pain in the ass but jfc it's faster than trying to digitally sketch with your finger
2) Blah blah blah rough outline whatever
3) I swear I know how to use the paint bucket tool yall, that would've made shit so much easier, but there were gaps and i couldn't figure out where they were so my background kept turning fucking blue
5) Realized the blue was too bright and i need to tone it down - tried to keep it from looking like the blue water was making him (the character) blue
6) i cant remember when the reaper reference is added it just lowkey appears
7) i wasn't trying to shade but i kinda did with the way i outlined some of his torso
8) color gradient for texture
9) scars. Tried to add more texture to the scars by adding color but i hated it.
face: his dad
(right) arm: small fish (biter? bleeder? unsure)
(right) axillary zone: prolly another reaper
(left) hip area: small fish (unsure)
front of the pelvis (kinda): scratch (prolly a claw)
(right) lower than hip zone: small fish (unsure)
10) at some point i added texture to the dorsal fin???
11) adjusting the face
12) turn off the lineart layer
13) While working on the lighting and shading (that wack white box and purple shit? yeah) I realized that I'm gonna need help figuring it out - I got on the floor behind one of the couches in my living room and tried mimicking the pose and realized that the anatomy was all fucked up and I had to fix it 💀💀💀
14) properly work on shading (kinda, still looks wack)
15) blend that shit (lowkey liked it better before) but thats fine
And there we go, you got urself a reaper Jeremy
I plan on working on Viktor next - might do chris first tho. I'm not sure yet. I still have other things to draw (and write, for that matter).
I'm currently working on getting a lot of my lore straightened out. I'm also trying to make character sheets for me to reference and use to write headcanon drabbles n whatnot. The world-buliding is genuinely crazy -
I mean, I made three OCs just so I could build up Chris' experience in the mafia, and that's not including Jubi. There's about 20 characters I have to write things for, and that's not taking the missing children (which is ALSO about 20) into consideration. I also have other AUs which really messes with the timeline.
All in all, I've been slowly working on more stuff to post in my oneshot book. Since I've thought about him the most, Scott's almost done. I believe Viktor will be done soon too.
Anywho, if you've made it to the end lf this, thanks. I like being able to post random thoughts and ideas I have, even if I know not everyone will read or engage with it.
As always, ask box is open - feel free to drop a note or smth in there. Have a fantastic day/night.
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dorpyscorpyy · 4 months ago
Showing off my 2020/21 Assassin's Creed art because why not
I was 11/12 when I drew this anyway 😭 (I think only the last drawing is from 2021/22?? I can't remember)
Let's start with Desmond's famale copy who would be specifically a direct descendant of Connor (she was Desmond's romantic partner too so...technically they were cousins???)
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Yeah I know AC has a protagonist named Layla now but that was in 2020 so whatever lol (I remade her story now and she's called Millie and have her own lineage. I even took inspiration from some elements of my family to create one of the assassins in her lineage.)
Desmond miles cearense (Brazilian meme where people from Ceará have huge heads) (And I needed to say that sorry Sam)
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Yes, I'm the girl with the ponytail over there 😭 (In case you can't see what it says, "bro, why you, connor and arno is so hot?!" (Damn I developed brain meltdown writing this))
I used to be a fangirl of Desmond, Connor and Arno for some reason (I still am, to be honest lol. Only Connor changed though...Altaïr and Ezio are there. Desmond and Arno remain the same. Connor is cute but he's not really my type.)
AC ocs (aka just self insert to be shipped with the game characters because I really wasn't in the mood to write a decent story for them)
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What even is this outfit 😭 Not even for me to do some details on the front of the outfit but no, it's just the outfit of a fashion-savvy or lazy assassin
And yes, Kally was supposed to be Myllie's daughter with Connor who would unexpectedly appear in France during the French Revolution and met Arno??? (I heard somewhere that Arno and Connor had met, but I just ignored that fact and told myself it was an "AU")
And yes, it's kind of like Layla would suddenly appear from Myllie's lineage because I didn't intend to make Kally have children, at least not important ones for the brotherhood lol (Btw only Layla/Millie and Kally were remade, I definitely don't want to remake this disaster called Myllie bc she just wouldn't fit in this era 💀)
Anyway, let's stay away from these OCs for now. (I assure you that only Layla will appear, but it's not a big deal)
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This was supposed to be Desmond in the art style of a specific friend of mine (who went by Eddsworld Loves Tomtord, Luanne, and other names I don't want to mention)
I miss them :( (They gave up on YouTube and disappeared from Discord, they probably got a social life I guess.)
Layla in a hood (or it was supposed to look like that)
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Yes, her blouse was just that 😭😭 I thought it would be modern for her and also it was kind of an attempt to test out other styles, and it looked much better in my head. (I didn't hate it, though. I was trying new things after all.)
FeM! EdWaRd KeNwAy
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Just Edward with long hair and boobs, nothing unusual (I really don't know how Mary/James would fare pretending to be a woman in this universe, because logically he would just be himself????)
James Cearense Kidd (I know these jokes aren't funny, I just didn't want to leave anything vague :I)
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I used to have a great admiration for them (I still do, but I just can't follow the whole game knowing that she dies and Edward can't do anything :(()
Jon (Arno) Dorian
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It was supposed to be Jon, a character from Eddsworld, wearing Arno's clothes but it can be seen as Arno himself if you ignore the floating heads (Yes, that's Tom and I shipped TomJon, I even used fanarts of them on my old Youtube channel and Amino 😭)
Btw I still posted both drawings on eddsworld and assassin's creed amino communities
Finally the last one (I really didn't expect that I had so few AC arts, to be honest lol. I ended up seeing this artbook and it seems I was still more into Mortal Kombat at this time.)
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Yes, I used to ship Ezio and Connor (with no genderbend thing, but I imagined that Ezio would probably flirt more with Connor if he was a woman lol)
And I believed that there weren't that many arts of this ship (and technically there really aren't, I rarely find anything related to these two. But I recently discovered that there are things about this ship on AO3 lol)
And yes, I look like a fushoshi here and I'm not proud of it.
And while I was writing this, I ended up remembering that there was a specific art of Edward with his group but I don't remember where I left the drawing (or if I threw it away) 😭
There are probably a lot of AC arts that I have done, but I could only find this artbook, which is a little sad though :(
And wow, I really evolved after these arts... I really enjoy looking at my old arts because of this. It reminds me of how much I worked hard to get the skills I have today :) (although I still don't feel so satisfied with them lmao)
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katyspersonal · 1 year ago
😨 🤥 🕷️ 🌌 about your oc Geranea :з
Thank you for asking about her!! I still really need to draw a proper reference of her hunting outfit and weapon, but for now 80% of my WIPs are visual references and it is slowly destroying me т.т
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(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
'Fight' reaction is her default! If this is some kind of a wild predator animal (or, a dangerous beast, more appropriately to the context), she will fight without a second of hesitation, and very furiously so! It would apply to dangerous people too, like someone trying to rob or attack. She is that kind of person whose body just "knows" how to fight the exact second there is a reason to. If the threat IS too much for her to take on however, she also soon measures it and knows to run.
It applies in less drastic contexts, too, like someone making her scared or anxious in simply conversations. She defaults to scolding a person that alerted her, angrily, blushing and with her fists balled, and if she realises she picked a dangerous opponent in a conflict (like, say, starting a quarrel with people like Brador or Alfred) she will retreat. It is like a second nature, sensing whether default to fight or make an exception and fight. She has good "instincts"!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Geranea is an okay liar when not a lot is at the stake, she could tell a small lie to keep someone's secret or get them out of trouble but would not lie for a personal gain. But when she got sent into Research Hall she had to lie, a lot. She needed to swipe various tools to help herself and others, avoid various chemicals and procedures, even help the patients that still could be saved...
Her face is not the most emotive (I swear her only expressions are 'tired' or 'angry' xD), but it is her body language that gives her lying away. When the cost of her lie being found out is high she blushes up to her very ear tips, hods hands in fists and overall looks stiff and tense. And, well, you don't want to attract unnecessary attention of cunts like Micolash or Brador of all people.... Since this is so inconvenient, Geranea tricks her own body by 'omitting' rather than straight up lying; comforting herself with how she technically says the truth actually helps her to relax and no longer look suspicious!
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
She has quite generic fears of heights and the dark that not even much more horrifying Yharnam experiences weeded out! She will also dwell quite strongly if she had near-death experience recently (like for example someone's weapon JUST missing her head). The fear of ghosts, however, became a thing of the past after she had to fight several! Previously, they were the exception of her 'fight' reaction, the girl was screaming and running away! I guess it is too bad that she can't punch the height or the darkness in the face, then. xD
After leaving Research Hall by herself at last, her biggest fear became being found and returned to it. She still saw nightmares about it even since Research Hall, from her knowledge, got shut down and retooled into an "Orphanage". Even with her kindness, she tries to 'not think too hard' about the fact that most likely they experiment on children now, only to not deal with feeling like returning there and saving whoever she could is her duty.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Damn, the story of her appearing is actually such a good memory for me, oh my god! I first thought of her back in Summer 2021! Remember how I told that sometimes I am sitting and minding my own business but random memories about Bloodborne lore bits simply 'appear' in my brain, like if I caught a radio frequency? Well, one day, my brain randomly grasped at the link of "hmmm, Valtr's helmet is missing one eye, he curses "freakish slugs and mad doctors", Yamamura was spyoning on dark Healing Church business as he is a summon for Living Failures, Valtr helps fighting Laurence and Ludwig.... I need to check whether Eye Pendant looks like an eye, ONE SECOND-"
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So yeah! I also was and still am 'Valtr has both eyes as we are allowed to see' truther but back then it looked like canon rather than just one of the interpretations for me, so that sorta helped x) I decided whoever owned the Iron Helm previously was missing an eye, for the reason of Research Hall taking it, sought Valtr's help (as a cop??? xD) with their shady business and was significant enough in Valtr's life to make her associated item a symbol of League's mission!
.....and this was just me trying to look like I was super planned from the start lol. x) BEFORE this tangent, I already fell for guilty pleasure of wanting to make an OC deceased member of the League, just ask @val-of-the-north! I loved the concept of her dealing primarily with plant-like "filth", since flowers and alike in Bloodborne are a symbol of reaching for the skies for salvation and many corpses, especially in Hunter's Nightmare and Dungeons, sprout mold or flowers from their bodies. They grow from blood, everyone's blood has human dregs, blablablabla.
But after the Research Hall idea I soon decided to combine the characters into one! Again, back then, existence of previous Iron Helm owner felt extremely apparent for me, I was a sweet summer child (literal summer lol) yet to learn just HOW few things in Bloodborne are indisputable :/ And I wanted to breathe life in an "mentioned character" (in Iron Helm description) more than I wanted an OC, at least back then! ...then I screwed myself over with the idea that maybe this helmet is Djura's wielder helmet (it even misses the same eye!), and THEN I screwed myself over more thinking that maybe two-eyed Valtr we see is a snapshot by "Flora of the Moon and the Hunt" of his most efficient stage of life. And THEN Val had to battle me on still keeping Geranea because I deserved one (1) break from fiddling with "the most reasonable" theory instead of just taking it easy fdhfhds
She also was a she from the very start because I just like female characters, but initially her hair was black. I always associated her with cyan/aqua color though, especially darker tones. I guess dark red hair felt like a good contrast in the end!
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Thank you for letting me talk about Geranea!
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muchmuch-xii · 7 months ago
Morine {Noragami}
Character presentation
[Warning ! Noragami’s spoilers !]
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Capacity : Ki
Name : Mori
Usual Name : Morine
Age : 14 years old
Gender : Female
Status : Dead (ghost/shinki)
Transformation : Push Dagger
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Physical Appearance
Morine's straight chestnut hair falls to her shoulder blades. She often wears it up in a bun, but a rebellious lock wanders over to the right side of her forehead. Her green eyes are reminiscent of the color of the forest, which she lightly makes up with mascara. Her skin is dotted with moles. She wears two under her right eye and a string of them all over her body. On her upper left thigh is the shinki mark, the kanji of her name written in red : 森. Morine is taller than girls her age and more muscular. Her arm muscles are also quite well defined, which is a source of complex for her.
Morine's style of dress is quite feminine. She often wears dresses, skirts and elaborate tops. But there's one rule she never seems to break : she never shows her arms or shoulders. She often hides them under layers of clothing, even if it means being too hot. She often wears nail polish to match her mood of the day. It's a way of expressing the emotions she can't bring out constructively.
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Morine is a young girl whose biggest screw is lying. She doesn't have much self-confidence and will do anything to make people like her. I don't know if I should say more about her yet.
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Yato : Yato and Morine's relationship is off to a bad start. The former god of disaster refused to take her on as a shinki for a while. But he finally agreed to take her under his wing under conditions, in discussion with Hiyori. In time, their relationship will improve, because after all, Yato's not a bad guy.
Hiyori : Hiyori was the first person to take her under her wing when she was lost in the woods in spectral form. They also get together around a shared passion : combat sports. A great way to bond !
Yukine : While time is on Morine's side with Yato, it's just the opposite with Yukine. He seemed to like her when she came to live with them, only to find his trust shattered after an argument broke out between them.
Kofuku : They have a bit of a sisters relationship. Kofuku likes to dress Morine up or put nail polish on her. They get along great ! Morine got her purple skirt from her. She gave it to her when she saw her leering at it. It's a gift that means a lot to Morine.
Daikoku : Daikoku has the soul of a father. He loves children and it's not surprising to say that he acts with Morine like a father or uncle, as he might with Yukine.
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Her past is an enigma, her future a mystery, and you'll have to be patient to find out !
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Other things
Here I'm going to talk a bit about what's going to happen to this account and my future posts !
Well hello already, I'm glad to meet you ! I'm Much ! I'm writing this first post on Tumblr to introduce you to a character of my creation and more than that, a project close to my heart. I hope you enjoy it !
You'll no doubt have noticed that a good deal of information is missing. I either fly over them or skip them. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Indeed, through this blog, I'd like to draw your attention to what's coming next. This presentation is an introduction, an attempt to intrigue you a little.
Lately, I've been remodeling an Oc that I created when I was a 15-year-old baby. With my MATURE ADULT eyes, I now realize that everything has to be redone ! I've taken over her design, her story, her name... I'm not quite finished bulding the structure of the story, but I know where I want to go.
So I've decided to post what I write about it here ! For the moment, I've drawn the first chapter entirely in the form of manga boards. I tried to reproduce Adachitoka's style for fun. And although it was a lot of fun, I don't think I'll have the time in the future to draw the whole story I want to tell. So I'm thinking of publishing some blogs mixing illustrations and writing.
I plan to post the boards of the first chapter in a while. I hope you’ll like it ! If not... I don't care !
I wish you a good day, a good night and a beautiful life ! See you soon !
[To be continued…]
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artsycrapfromsai · 1 year ago
Legit following for your OC and Astarion comic to make sure I don't miss any potential updates. I'd love to know more about her though if you wanna share ^_^
To be very clear, i have no idea if I'll draw anymore with Amaryllis and Astarion djvjjgf it was very spur of the moment
That said, i might but i can't make any promises fjhcjjvc
And thank you aaaaaaa im so glad you like my comics and OC enough to follow for them 😭💕💕💕
I actually have a whole tag dedicated to her!! Just look at #Amaryllis on my blog!!
But the tl;dr of it is that in her main DnD campaign, she's a homebrew mix! Her race is Flowershifter (type of non hostile Fey) and Brightmaid (unborn child blessed by s unicorn- basically, she's a unicorn girl), and her class is muscle wizard
She grew up very isolated with her adopted dad in the Fey Wilds, bc hunters and poachers would try to capture or kill her for being a Brightmaid. (Brightmaids being easier to kill than unicorns, especially children)
Her dad taught her how to fight aggressively to protect herself, and she busied herself with reading everything she could (not very much 😔), and by making clothes.
They had very few materials, but her dad would go and find some for her, and it became one of the few ways she could express herself. She wanted to make cute clothes for herself so bad, so she learned how
She struggles a lot with understanding emotions (showing them specifically), and grew up extremely lonely. She ran away from home bc the loneliness was basically killing her, and she was finally too curious. Plus she wanted to prove that she was strong enough to protect herself now.
She longed to learn about everything she could - people, places, history, everything
But she starts out really socially awkward and unaware of a lot of societal norms (like flirting). she longs to make friends and often tries by giving them gifts (which doesn't always work in the main campaign, bc she's Fey, and some think she's trying to gain a favor)
Amaryllis loves reading, learning, sewing, fighting/sparring (she is extremely stubborn about winning), cute things, bunnies, strawberries, and cuddling/hugs/physical affection in general (bc she only got it from her dad and wanted friends to share that with)
Her dad couldn't kiss her on the forehead bc of her horn, so he kissed her cheek, and so she internalized that as a way to show people she cares about affection!!
Amaryllis is extremely demi-sexual and demi-romantic, so it takes a long time for her to like someone romantically djhcjcx which is honestly why me n my friend went with Astarion as her love interest in the playthrough with her, and if i do draw more comics, it would be a slow burn for them all fjvchchc
She's also in a polycule with 5 other boyfriends currently, her main love interest being Percival (who has a lot of similarities to Astarion fjhfjhg) and i have a ton of art of them on my blog
Aaaaa that's all i can think about right now!! Thank you for the ask!!
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neptunianrefrain · 5 months ago
my real actual life got in the way, so it's time to play catch up! this post will be a compilation of all days missed.
OC-tober day 4 - underappreciated OC -skipped
sorry for skipping a mandatory day, but literally none of my ocs specifically come to mind. because like all of them are because i forget they exist, there's no one guy that specifically gets that title. and i'm not drawing all of them there's TOO MANY
OC-tober day 5 - redesigned OC - skipped
no specific redesign i want to talk about :P
OC-tober day 6 - past
not many of my ocs get backstories, since i don't often have them for long enough to care about those sorts of things... but all of the ocs i've spoken about so far do have at least something within their past! so let's talk about them!
gio was born in the philippines, to a family who didn't really want him. his original birth name was marikit. through some kind of program he was adopted out to a family in canada. this family adopted 3 other children due to fertility issues, though they did manage to have one biological child. they let him change his name to georgia. his life was pretty normal. in his teens, he started to figure out he was trans. by the time it started to click, his mom died. so that kind of got in the way of things. there's also an abusive ex somewhere in there but i haven't figured that bit out. anyways now he's an adult and looking into transitioning. now his name is giovanni. he really likes g names. he fully transitions over the course of several years. during this time, somewhere towards the end of his transition hes like late 20s or something, he meets and soon falls in love with a guy named michael (who belongs to my moirail @dialtone-town,) starting a long and loving relationship. eventually mike's sibling dies and mike fucks off to new jersey. this fucks gio up for a while! and eventually he has to go to new jersey for work shit. and he meets mike again. and theyre friends now yaaay
starlight has a vague backstory involving his development, as he was a custom order. there were several prototypes made of him, that still exist somewhere probably. they're more so an oc that exists to exist instead of an oc that exists for a story.
victor is still very new, but i did come up with the idea that her coding - that is to say the very makeup of her being - was intentionally messed with by another gem to create a reliable hitman, though they fucked up and victor immediately killed them, now continuing to kill as she lacks purpose beyond this.
chartreuse probably served the gempire at some point. eventually rebelled and had a bit of a turbulent life, had a best friend for a while but he fucked off and became a massive bitch. now she's part of a major rebel group, serving as the lead engineer.
OC-tober day 7 - likes
most of my ocs like similar things to me, or things that fit their sort of vibe. it's kind of hard for me to come up with likes and dislikes sometimes... but i try my best!
gio loves all kinds of video games, particularly liking ones with interesting stories or game mechanics. he also tends to enjoy science fiction, liking both sleek and elegant futuristic tech, and rough and war torn machinery. he watched some anime as a teen, and still finds new animanga to enjoy to this day.
starlight enjoys futuristic themes and styles, such as cyberpunk, and cassette futurism. he also enjoys fashion, especially alternative styles. and by god does he love playing weird indie video games. sometimes he does play more normal video games. sometimes. loves music, genre and language mattering not. he WOULD pass those "do you really listen to anything" tests. he also loves creation, making art and music and writing. he loves creating as much as he loves looking into what others have made.
uhh victor. victor likes killing people. chartreuse uhh. she likes something probably.
i have other ocs i cld maybe put here but i don't want to introduce them now. blehh
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brezelzeit · 6 months ago
Y’all… me and my friend have a postwar ‘Allo ‘Allo AU that fixes all the things I didn’t like about Series 9 and/or the ending! It’s from mostly Herr Flick and Helga’s perspective
I feel that any of these characters, even if they didn't get along during the war entirely may have eventually, after some time, resolved stuff or talked things through and maybe put the past behind and turned new leaves xD cause me and the friend who is working on this AU with me discussed that they got a vibe not many people hold grudges on this show
Helga and Herr Flick (who still looks like Richard Gibson because that other thing doesn’t happen in my version of the canon) are married and have lots of kids (in place of Helga marrying Gruber and I made it so just like them they have six children). Still working out what their careers would look like postwar though, but I would imagine Herr Flick is a record keeper/data collector type person. Probably plays his violin on the side tho, maybe in a band. Not sure about Helga tho, but possibly also a secretary in some capacity too but we'll see
Gruber- fun gay uncle type figure to Flick and Helga’s kids, looks after them when they’re away, spoils them with gifts; is also still best friends with Helga and spends a lot of time with her for social outings.
He has a blooming artistic career and often sends Flick and Helga little doodles or paintings or other creations of his in the mail. He has definitely made a fortune off of the Fallen Madonna- but is it real or is it a forgery? Who knows, but he’s at least happy- and has donated some of the money he’s earned from it to his close friends and most notably Flick and Helga. Much like in Return of Allo Allo- he might be Mimi’s chauffeur on occasion? but is willing to take Helga for a spin with him in his car too! So chauffeur for them both if you will. Gruber has a boyfriend who is my friend’s OC, but he still misses René and crushes on him to this day.
von Smallhausen is a sort of grandpa figure to Flick and Helga’s kids. This obviously means, that he and Flick are on better terms and somehow, Flick changed his ways and attitude/treatment towards him, however that was, and started to be nicer to him. Seeing as he is much older than Flick, he doesn’t have a whole lot of time there but he is the fun grandpa for as long as it lasts. He tells dad jokes, does magic tricks, juggles items, lends the kids parts of his old disguises for little make believe things, and in general, plays games with them and builds little forts with them etc…. Flick will be very sad- even if stoically so- when he passes.
Hans Geering: still gotta develop this more but I feel like he would also be friends with all of these characters and visit them often! He would come see them on vacation on occasion, as he is fully committed to his thing going on with British Intelligence. I’m sure this extends way past the war lol
Imagine Helga, Herr Flick and von Smallhausen- and to some extent the other characters- are always telling stories to the kids of the incredibly silly wartime memories they have... and they even have favorite stories of theirs they like them telling over and over again! For example:
"Vati tell me all about the time you and grandpa Engelbert met a scary butler, an old witch, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Bride of Frankenstein, and a four armed footman in an abandoned chateau!"
"Hahahahaa that's so silly Vati, you got blown up because of a putty nose?"
"Uncle Hubert, you're telling me you saw the ghost of the cafe owner pop up out of his grave to forgive you?"
"How did you fit into that knight costume Vati? And walk in it even though you walk funny like that?"
"Mutti, did Vati really give you a dead fish instead of a rose?"
"Grandpa Engelbert is safe from large bells now, right?"
XD have a bunch of faceswaps I did as reference for when I eventually draw Flick and Helga’s kids
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chronicbeans · 2 years ago
Meet "Boss" (aka another Welcome Home OC from my stories/AU)
They have a lot more dark topics, so I'ma just put some trigger warnings in case. Most are only lightly touched on or hinted at, though some are more in-depth.
TW: Cult Recruitment/Activities, Manipulation, Brief Mention of Grooming through Media (with the purpose being to make individuals join a cult), Mysterious Disappearances, Narcissism/Narcissistic Behavior, Obsessive Behavior
👔Basic info, like the first one. He is a young man named William Dorelaine. He is the younger brother of Ronald Dorelaine, who first came up with the idea for Welcome Home alongside Caesar Jones. William took over as boss, in place of his brother, after just a few episodes. He did so because Ronald went missing under mysterious circumstances. He doesn't have a partner or kids, but people have noted how he complains about being single.
👔 If you couldn't already tell by the tags, William is a part of a cult. Specifically, a spiritual/religious based one. He actually works as a recruiter for his cult. When he took over as boss, he quickly got to work on changing the show up a little. He made it so that the whole dynamic between the characters was more like a cult, with the intention being to groom children into thinking that these behaviors are normal. Wally works as the cult leader, being at the center of the neighborhood both socially and physically. The neighbors represent other members of the cult and Home is meant to loosely represent a divine power, being the only living house in the neighborhood and having a tight bond with Wally. Everyone acts so nice and makes a tight bond with the viewer. It's meant to teach kids that, if a kind person (even a stranger) wants to talk to you or even ask you to join them in a fun, interesting group/community, it is okay to say yes! They will treat you well!
👔 William actually hates kids. Like, he actively hates kids. If he sees one on the street while walking somewhere with someone (probably a fellow cultist), he will turn to his friend and whisper something like "look at that snot-nosed brat... I'm glad our group doesn't allow kids. It's disgusting..."
👔 He can and WILL make you disappear. How do you think Ronald went missing? He has friends (cultists) who care very deeply about their group (cult), so he can just say you are a risk to their plans (ascension). Then... POOF! You're gone! No one knows what really happens to them besides William and his friends, but no one's been found, yet.
👔 William doesn't like anyone at the studio, really. He can pretend to like them VERY well, though. He can even pretend to be their friends, although, he will never see them that way. He only considers his fellow cult members friends. In fact, he feels closer to them than his own family. Caesar is the most annoying, though. He constantly questions him, but he also feels as though he can't just have him disappear. He is essential to the show, due to being the last remaining person from its conception. If he got rid of Caesar, there would probably be controversy. Then, controversy starts investigations. Then investigations could result in William being exposed.
👔 Not much is known about the cult William is a part of, but it is known that it has a lot to do with night and day cycles, as well as time in general. Drawings of Suns and Moons happen to litter the walls of the studio and Welcome Home never seems to openly show nighttime in any episode. Clocks seem very important, too, as his house and office are full of them. He claims to just collect them.
👔 He is a somatic narcissist, meaning that he specifically takes narcissistic pride in his appearance. He will spend hours obsessing over the smallest of things, from his hair to his skin, to make sure he looks perfect and better than everyone else. It is one of the reasons why he is so distraught over being a single man. In his eyes, people should be ADORING him left and right. He wants, no, NEEDS compliments about his everything. His hair, his eyes, his skin, even his teeth are all perfect, so why hasn't anybody asked him out, yet? He doesn't understand that, although he might look nice, live isn't just about looking handsome. Needless to say, he wouldn't be the best partner to a lover, so it is good that most people seem to stay away from a romantic relationship with him.
👔 If he were to ever find someone who embodies the values of the cult, as in they act and follow the values without being a part of the cult or knowing anything about it, he would go nuts for them. It would most likely be the only time that he would EVER treat someone as if they were above him. He most likely wouldn't even see them as a human being, instead claiming that they might be something above human. The problem is, with his narcissistic tendencies, he would feel as if he DESERVES them, so he would pursue them relentlessly. Due to the mysterious nature surrounding the cult, though, no one but the members know why someone simply embodying the values of the cult would be so important.
👔 If he were to ever figure out that something was up with the puppets, he would be soaring over both the Sun and Moon! He would take it as a sign that the cult's plans (ascension) is coming soon! Or maybe, it is a sign that his prayers are being answered! While in many cases Wally would worship/love the whoever controls him or helps him (which, William fits the first category in his own way), William would worship the puppets. He would believe that the life given to these inanimate objects are the possible embodiment of his cult's deities and/or ideals, which should be worshipped.
(Bruh I am going to write about this guy and Caesar Jones SO MUCH so I'm sorry if it makes my other writings for the Canon Welcome Home Characters x Readers a bit slower. I'll answer any questions about my Welcome Home OCs, too. Y'all don't have to, but I think it might help some people understand my current and future writings a bit more. OwO)
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karakulialiny · 2 years ago
After drawing enough next gen OCs by @red-gekkouga, I thought, "Yeah, Red has some great headcanons about next gen, but mine is just as good and worthy of being illustrated and published as well." So let's get started.
Link and Zelda's family. 16 years after TotK events
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Link and Zelda decided to have a child almost immediately after they got married. Gabriel turned out to be an almost identical copy of his father, except for the eyecolor. His upbringing was extremely difficult for the newlyweds because the baby turned out to be terribly restless and naughty. It all started with simple whims, like not wanting to sleep, bathe, and change a diaper. When the boy grew up, he started to make fun of his parents by throwing food in their faces, splashing in the bathroom, and jumping on their bed. But despite all this, Link did not dare to punish Gabriel in any way, as he was afraid of traumatize him. But over time, he and Zelda learned to explain to their son how to behave and how not.
Mark was born as a result of the naive hope that the second child would be a girl. Fortunately for Link and Zelda, the youngest son turned out to be the exact opposite of the older one: more calm and obedient. The spouses had already begun to think that parenthood would no longer cause them serious trouble, but that was not the case: Gabriel began to mock Mark, taking advantage of his weakness and modest nature, taking away his toys and making faces at the table. When the brothers grew up, the older one began to scare the younger one with all sorts of stories, like "Children are the result of a terrible disease that you can catch somewhere on the beach" (this is how Gabriel answered Mark's question "Where do children come from?"). Over the years, it became clear that it was Mark who was suitable for the role of heir to the throne (because out of all Zelda's children he was the most responsible), so after the restoration of the castle, the boy was taught the basics of government.
Aryll became the most successful attempt to have a child, as Link and Zelda wanted a girl from the very beginning. Link decided to name his daughter after his sister since he missed her very much. Zelda did not mind, as she had already dreamed of breaking the cycle of naming girls in royal family "Zelda" (just like many fans, as I noticed). By nature, the girl turned out to be more like Gabriel: restless, but not naughty. Link showed a special love for his daughter, which at first made Gabriel and Mark jealous. Fortunately, over time, the brothers and sister found a common language with each other: Mark became Aryll's "guardian angel", and Gabriel spent time with his sister, arranging crazy entertainment, like rolling down a hill in a barrel or pranks on Mark. Aryll's favorite animals are pigs and frogs.
Sheikah trio next gen. 16 years after AoC events
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Rei and Tenn are Robbie and Purah's twins. They should not have been born at all, as Purah believed that the children would distract her important scientific work. However, anything can be planned, but a woman in love with a good-natured nerd, despite everything that happens around, remains a woman in love. Fortunately, Impa agreed to babysit her niblings from time to time, and Purah was ready for the fact that, at least in the future, she could raise a faithful assistant from her child. But she never expected that there would be two of these children at once. Well, at least Robbie and Impa were very good as father and aunt, and Purah didn't lose her mind at this stage of her life. Rei at first did not want to devote herself to science at all and wanted to study martial arts more. But having learned the terrible backstory of her aunt, the girl nevertheless changed her mind and decided to study botany. Tenn, on the other hand, always admired the work of his father and even helped him in assembling mechanisms.
Haya is a little daughter of Impa and my OC, who already has ToyHouse profile. As mentioned on the picture, the girl was named after a dragon fruit. Alas, I have not yet come up with some interesting backstory for her, but you can already see her in one of the Hyrule Park specials.
I'm not yet giving any guarantee that Gabriel, Mark and Aryll will become canon in my AU lore, since I can do something extremely unpredictable with Link and Zelda (I write this so as not to ruin the intrigue of potential readers from reading the comic). But Rei, Tenn and Haya are 100% canon characters in Hyrule Park. They will appear in a fanfiction related to its lore called Afterlife. So, stay tuned😉
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sarasarami10 · 2 years ago
All about my OC (Käyan):
Idk if its gonna interest anybody but i wanted to post it somewhere
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Image details; App used: procreate/Time it took: 24 hours (about 3 weeks) /brush used: round paintbrush
Background story: Käyan is an 18 years old [is this image] na'vi girl that I created for my personal entertainment. She is a human that came on Pandora approximately 5 years before Jake (at the age of 20) but died one year before Jake's arrival (24). She used to go by the name of Serena Dorsey and she worked as a mercenary for scientists (to make sure the RDA didn't mess too much with their stuff) She also worked a lot with Dr. Augustine. She is an orphan and was raised by Madame Crow (fake name), who made the children of her orphanage sell drugs and do other illegal stuff [she was a mean ol'women]. At the age of 18, she left the orphanage and started working as a hitman/mercenary to try to get by. She decided to leave earth after her best friend [and only one] died of cancer.
Cause of her (human) death: She did not want to harm Pandora and believed in Eywa, so when the RDA tried something against one of the clans she worked with, she went against them and became a traitor [like jake yes]. She was shot while running to alert the clan and died at the foot of a spirit tree while begging Eywa to warn the people.
Description of her human appearance (will draw her): She is a curly red-haired (long) 5'9 woman with light brown eyes. She has one big strand of white hair on her left side and her left eyebrow is mostly white too (vitiligo). Has big hips and medium boobs but is not overweight (could barely afford food). One big scar on her right eyebrow going over her eyelids and a little one on her lips (got into a bad fight). Resting bitch face. Missing her left ring finger (punishment from madame Crow). few other small scars on her legs/arms. Helix piercing (right ear) and two lobes piercing.
Why is she na'vi: Eywa took pity on her [and kinda liked her sacrifice] so she gave her life again [in the form of a baby hehe]. She created a body from basic na'vi DNA and Serena's DNA [explain why she looks like this later].
Human features:
5 fingers because of human DNA
White hair due to having vitiligo as a human [her hair as a human wasn't fully white but Eywa saw this and just went with it plus in my world having white hair is something special associated with Eywa]
Na'vi features:
White hair means she is one of Eywa's messengers [although she doesn't see it as that] and is very respected. Her role is similar to a tsahik but she is not necessarily bound to one clan.
Darker blue skin than the Ometicaya but lighter than the other members of her clan. Also matches her (adopted) twin sister.
Slightly more orange-ish eyes that turn closer to red in different lights (because) [like how Quaritch's turn green in certain lights].
About Käyan:
Personality type: INTP-T
Favorite colors: Red, orange, purple.
Favorite foods: Smoked fish and lionberries.
Likes: Shiny stuff (especially sea pearls she uses a lot in her outfit), singing, dancing, making clothes and jewelry, getting drunk or high with Lo'ak and/or Kiri, swimming, collecting sea shells and trinkets, her guitar (made herself one na'vi size), getting involved in fights, seeing people fall, sleeping, watching movies, flying her ikran Zeayli, Playing with her sister and/or her little brothers, festivals, being alone, having boys drool over her (as long as they don't speak to her).
Dislikes: People who argue with her, stupid people, hunting, getting awakened from her nap, people who stare at her too much, being called demon/sky person [cause like stfu, Eywa herself brought her back she's na'vi now], being dirty, having to do her hair [we love some extra long and curly hair], having to sharpen her weapons, screaming children, long meetings, being cold, getting pushed into the water, going too far outside the reef [talassophobia], having to dye her hair (for special hunting parties so that she does stand out too much).
Love language: physical touch and gift giving.
The best way to get her attention:
Romantically; giving her something shiny (necklaces are her favorite thing to receive).
As a friend: Go speak to her but do not comment on her hair (unless it is in a respectful way)
Best positive traits: doesn't judge (unless you do something really stupid), kind, smiles a lot (if she likes you), good listener
Worst negative traits: Anger issues, impulsiveness, sly tongue (if provoked)
Things she misses from Earth: The music (especially party music), cinemas, junk food and snacks, mirrors (she has one but doesn't like not being able to see if she has something on her face or in her teeth yk), and public transports (riding an ikran or an ilu can be very tiring).
Fighting skills: Good with a bow and arrow but prefers guns unless she's hunting (gotta respect the great mother y'all). Very good with knives (daggers are her favorite short-distance weapons). Knows a lot of different fighting styles (often gives her the upper hand in a fight). Also quite good with a stick (a custom from her clan). Not that good with throwing spears but great with throwing knives or small sharp objects.
Other random facts: Has a hard time controlling her tail and ears movements when shy or flustered [those ears be twitching], mumbles or hums when she is lost in her thoughts, tried to make alcool once (it was disgusting but did the job), prefer sweet over salty, sneezes a lot (probably allergies), prefers to be the big spoon (unless she's cold), big chances she starts petting you if you sit too close to her (does it unconsciously, she is used to having a clingy little brother), cannot handle second-hand embarrassment (HAS to run away), she has a hard time controlling her facial expression when she is disgusted or disturbed, will cuss at people in English a lot, a bit of a hoarder, ticklish.
About her family (will draw them later):
She has 6 siblings [I like making characters, sue me!] and two parents (all alive).
Why are they at the Metkayna:
Because Käyan is one of Eywa's «messengers» they have to travel a lot plus they needed to go see the reef people about joining the war against the sky people.
Mother: Tekke Te Mäongki Stewaley'ite (45)
They have a good relationship but Tekke has an important role in the clan and 7 children to care for so they might seem distant to others but they love each other very much (only got two daughters so she spoils them often)
Got her mother last name because her dad isn't originally from their clan and in their clan it is most common for the mother to give it (plus I didn't know tonowari's last name.)
Tekke founded her as a baby in a cocoon-like structure at the spirit tree next to her human corpse and decided to adopt her
Father: Änawi Te ?? ??'itan (tonowari's older brother) (43)
He was supposed to be the olo'ektan but fell in love with Tekke (so he moved to her clan)
Has a good relationship with his brother
Spoils his daughters too (Käyan is a daddy's girl)
Sìnka Te Mäongki Änawi'itan (M24):
He and the girls love gossiping
Her favorite older brother (although she won't admit it)
Cares so much about all his siblings
Had to make sure his siblings liked his boyfriend before actually mating with him
Almost died from stress when Kayan first tamed her Ikran
The only one of her siblings who is able to actually intimidate her
She likes to go hunt with him the most because that way she doesn't have to actually do anything (he's a very skilled hunter)
Zaot'sey Te Mäongki Änawi'itan (M21): (Rani's twin brother)
Käyan is always getting herself involved in the twin's schemes (there the troublemakers)
Loves her big brother but he can sometimes be really shy and quiet so she doesn't always know how to approach him
Protective older brother (scares off potentials suiters)
Käyan usually always has the upper hand (the bitch knows how to fight dirty)
Rani Te Mäongki Änawi'itan (M21): (Zaot'sey's twin brother)
Biggest troublemaker of all 7 children
Always gets into arguments with Käyan
Protective older brother (scares off potentials suiters)
Can't win against Käyan in a fight
Sister: Vä'at Te Mäongki Tekke'ite (F18) (her twin sister)
Says there twins because they were literally born minutes apart and until they were like 5, they really looked like twins (apart from the white hair)
Their mother took Käyan in her arms which triggered her labor so she was born shortly after Käyan
Used to be attached to the hips (still are) but grew to be their own person
Almost always together
Knows everything about the other
They used to say that Tilue was their son
Likes to sing with her
They are each's others biggest supporters
Tawtey Te Mäongki Änawi'itan (M14):
Doesn't have a lot of friends so he often hangs out with Kayan and Va'at (they don't mind)
Kayan always had to get him out of trouble (almost scared her to death a few times)
Often imitates her (not in a mean way)
Ask her to do his hair
Goes to her for advice
Tilue Te Mäongki Änawi'itan (M6): *Deaf*
Purest little thing you have ever seen
He doesn't even have to ask Käyan (or the others) to come with her because she almost always brings him anyway because he is really well-behaved and cute (he knows when to leave her alone tho)
Always cuddle with her (that's why she developed the habit of petting people)
Käyan is his second mother (their sister is his third but she his person)
Always asks her to sing (puts his head on her chest to feel the vibrations)
Always go to Kayan when he gets bullied so she can kick some ass
Distant familiy:
Tonowari (uncle):
They have a very good relationship
Always hug when they haven't seen each other in a while
Taught her to ride an ilu
Used to bring her, her sister, and tsireya everywhere he went (Ao'nung is a momma's boy)
She first did her hair like him because she liked him so much but soon adopted the style has her own
Ronal (aunt):
Ronal isn't really fond of her (because of her demon blood), doesn't dislikes her, and respects the fact that Eywa choose her
Used to do her hair because Käyan said that she did it better than her dad (Ronal is the one that does Tonowari's hair) and she saw her do Tsireya's so she just asked (Ronal couldn't bring herself to say no to a child)
Ao'nung (cousin)
Kinda hate/love relationship (he never hesitated to throw her under the bus)
Only he can call her a freak (she is not that impressed btw)
Used to cling to her (because she was a year older than him) and he was a shy kid (she still teases him about it when he annoys her)
Tsireya (cousin)
The inseparable 3 (Käyan, Vä'at, and Her)
Would play games like water princess together (na'vi version of mermaid pool game)
Often made matching bracelets or clothes
Tsireya told her ALL about Lo'ak
Gaters information on Neteyam for Kayan (she's their biggest shipper)
About her outfit:
The top part of her hair is braided (was too lazy to actually draw braids so it looks like dreads but it isn't) and pulled into a bun.
Most of the rest is let loose. Her hair is very long but really curly so it only reaches her boobs.
Has 2 medium-sized braids that start from the side of her head and join in the middle falling on top of her hair.
Many small braids with beads but only in the back because she hates when they hit her face.
Two braids in the front, one with beads and the other with lace, both ending with feathers.
2 small braids that start from the top of her head and go around her face and join under her hair.
One big braid in the back that covers her Kuru.
One choker-like pearl necklace that she made herself (took her years to find the perfect pearls).
One longer necklace with 4 pearls, 2 small teeth, and one big tooth (she collected the teeth from her first hunt, and the pearls were given to her by the tsahik of her clan)
Bracelets (left arm):
One armband made of many teeth and leather gifted by her brothers.
One red dyed fabric armband (dyed in her sister's blood. It is a custom of her clan for twins)
One [special] crystal black beads bracelet (worn by a special order of warrios from her clan [women only])
Bracelets (right arm):
One armband made with dryed seawead and smal carved sea shells (made by her and Tsireya)
One long bracelet made of one string (*custom from her clan* often used as a last resort weapon, warriors are trained to used this from a young age (she is really skilled with it))
One large simple leather bracelet (gifted to her by her dad)
Two large pieces of fabric that cover most of her boobs (she does like looking naked), attached by a wooden ring in the middle.
(wooden ring) Linked by 8 strings (to make sure it does come off easily). Two top strings are connected to the wooden ring and attached in a cross pattern with the lower strings in the back. The other two top strings are sewn to the fabric and tied to the other two strings (for more support).
The four lower strings are all connected to a crystal ring that sits on her stomach. They are all tied in a cross pattern starting from the front to the back and are sewn to the fabric.
Two long pieces of dark pink dyed fabric (one in the front and one in the back to cover her ass cheeks too) that hide a thong-like attached underwear.
Four thick braided strings attached to the fabric (to make sure she does looses it)
Very long songcord for her age that starts from the back of her loincloth to the front (added a few beads that signify the important moment of her old life like why she decided to come to pandora) [I drew it as loose because i didn't know how they wore it, my mistake]
Long knife made of a very hard stone (made by herself).
Green leather handle
Wears it on her leg holster
Small bone on the knife's holster (given by her Tilue)
Pearl trinket attached to the handle
Made of bones small crystal beads and small feathers.
[Leg holster] trinket made of a green crystal and green wooden bead (matching with her sister's)
[Top] trinket made with blue beads and a big sea pearl (made by Sinka)
One waist belt made with beads that are her favorite colors
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silverspleen · 2 years ago
I have an OC question, any girls?
I mean yes, but I won't apologize for my blatant bias towards male characters. But it's very present.
You'll like Titan best I think. She's a Warhammer 40k OC, and the daughter of an Inquisitor who settled on an agri planet with a farmer lady he liked. Titan is his genestealer mutant daughter, she was born looking uncannily human and didn't develop her genestealer traits until she was older, in direct contrast to normal 1st gen genestealers. Basically this girl hit puberty and started growing extra limbs and weird armor and huge fangs. She's also significantly larger and smarter than normal, and has some mild psyker abilities. After her parents passed away she used her extensive knowledge of inquisition tactics (thanks dad!) combined with her genestealer canniness to take over her planet and start inserting her children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren into every aspect of planetary life.
Spooky South wise, the same setting Jake and basic bitch no AU Silas live in, I have Eliza, Friday, and Lillian.
Eliza is werecat James' ghost girlfriend/sugar baby. She helps both James and Silas out mostly for selfish reasons (they're hot and she want to bone them, also they get into SO much shit it's entertaining). Her attitude toward being dead is like "ooooh guess I can do what I want now >:3" and is a huge party girl and fashion diva. She's the brunette with branches and flowers growing out of her partially skeleton face that I've posted here a few times. She has notably powerful ghost abilities and can control plants to some degree as well.
Friday is the like, classic angsty monster hunter, her husband got killed by supernatural nonsense (James again) and she didn't handle it well and is basically in a very deep "dig two graves" revenge mindset. She spends basically all of her time prepping to hunt and hunting, mostly using surplus military gear, hunting gear, and sports equipment. She mellows out a little after she gets like... found family to hunt with.
Lillian, is the Found Family to hunt with that Friday gets, she was Silas' old cop partner but their paths almost completely diverged, he got so corrupt that he was bored with standard cop corruption and moved on the full criminal, and she got so bone-deep tired of official law enforcement corruption that she left the force completely. She's basically a private investigator now and works/lives with with Friday as her like... platonic life partner and they investigate supernatural stuff. Silas used to have a crush on her, but Lillian is very ace and he was savvy enough not to make it weird, it was just one more secret for the pile. Lillian (and their third team member Johnny) is the like "let's not be hasty and just randomly execute supernatural creatures" part of the team and basically took the knowledge of the supernatural existing with nothing but grace and patience.
Also I have various RP characters and character concepts that haven't been fully developed yet too so there's that.
Jennifer - RP character, a very normal teenage girl who's courier job basically got her involved in the supernatural and she cried into her iced coffee about it. </3
Ran - my Starbound character, a hylotl (alien amphibian people with a heavy japanese culture inspiration). I miss her and need to play again. She's very softspoken and kind and likes to stab things with the fart spear (toxic gas spear Q gave me that I adore).
"Mace" - in development, a mercenary who works escorts dinosaur embryos, she's got that "pathetic until she's super invested in a job and then becomes super efficient" thing going on. Ned to draw her more because I've been craving "dinosaurs and modern tech" stuff again.
Mother of Sin - big tiddy worm lady, a demon. Probably in the Spooky South setting if I can hammer her worm form down, though she's a little too fantasy leaning for the setting.
I keep trying to manifest another nasty trash dumpster girlfriend for Silas but so far nothing has stuck but it's always in the back of my mind.
I've also got monster lesbians but they're loose concepts and more just for drawing for fun. Plus some designs that need developing.
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tiend · 2 years ago
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Wish There Was A Treaty, for sure! Somehow I had to get Fox and Riyo to believably want each other, and then find a way for them to actually be together in spite of you know, everything when they'd never interacted in canon and there wasn't much (any) fanon to draw on.
Seemed to work out though.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I'd be interested if I miss something you think is obvious; black humour, clones, way too many OCs, milwank, clones running into things that are outside their hypercompetent focus, making things complicated, gratuitous worldbuilding.
💖 What made you start writing?
Hardcase's death in Umbara. I was sick enough that watching some random episodes of a children's cartoon seemed like a good idea, got pulled in by the imagery, and then was all AW HELL NO when he was all "live to fight another day" and closed his eyes. So then I was all "how do I rescue him without disrupting the canon too much?" and invented Sparrow and the Lammergeier, started doing some research and a couple of weeks later I had a spreadsheet for my clone OCs.
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shortstringworm · 2 months ago
Halloo people!! I am back for once! I just wanted to pop in and show y'all my Dandy's World OC and the facts about them! Yes, the art is crappy, and I'll probably change up a couple things. BUT I have spent so long drawing and trying to make up an OC for this game, finally I got one I like!
DW: This post contains, Vomiting, and maybe gore/blood if you count the Ichor. That's all I believe! 😊
So please be kind and enjoy! Now! Introducing *drum roll *
Spotty the Plushie Craft! :3
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Alrighty buckle up y'all, there is a lot of words, facts and random crap ahead of ya. 😋
Role/s: Survivalist, Supporter, and maybe Healer?
Health: ❤❤❤
Skill check: ⭐⭐⭐
Movement speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stamina: ⭐⭐⭐
Stealth: ⭐⭐
Extraction speed: ⭐⭐⭐
Facts!: Fur pokes out from under collar, has felt paw pads, wears friendship bracelets, and has a rattle!
Trinket: Chew toy. Increases walk speed by about 7.5%
(?) Ability one: Pouch (Active?) This toon can hold more items in their overalls pouch, such as med-kits and/or bandages to heal themself or other toons!
(?) Ability two: Fluffy hold (Active) This toon can pull and/or drag toons away from danger with their tail. Needs direct line of sight. 25 second cool-down.
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Spotty the Plush Craft
Spotty is one loveable craft! They love to spend time with the other toons, Spotty especially loves to hang out and play with Pebble, who is sorta like a dog too! Spotty teaches children (and even toons) that it is okay to have a shoulder to lean on!
And.. Here's our warning drawing/description. Here's Twisted Spotty. Reminder, if you are not okay with (sorta) blood and vomit please do not resume.
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Now yes, you may ask why there's so many warnings for a crappy drawing. Well, I just wanna be safe and let people know what's going to be said or shown :3 ❤ Now! Fact time!
1. Misses their friendship bracelets (which they either lost or broke)
2. Wishes to be seen as safe to other toons
3. Doesn't and won't hurt the non twisted toons
4. They get stressed out at times when toons get too close and personal to them, which causes them to become anxious and sick (which can end to them throwing up)
5. Vomiting and crying sounds sometimes draws other twisted towards them and other toons
6. Tries to hug and speak with the toons, and their vocal cords are torn by the Ichor in their lungs and chest, and with their claws being too sharp they tend to accidentally scratch and hurt other toons
7. Little bit like a mix of what Twisted Glisten and Razzle/Dazzle
8. When they throw up, the Ichor that was in their lungs leaves a puddle on the floor that slows down toons. When this occurs Spotty will try to talk with the toons and give them tips/advics (Which sadly doesn't really work due to their torn vocal cords)
9. Their rattle in their chest sadly doesn't work any more, but some say they can still hear the shattered plastic case click or move in their chest cavity
10. They can spawn between the floors of 0- 29!
And now, we've got some tips! :∆
(Tip one: If you find their broken collar, you can tie their arms behind their back. But be extremely careful! Their loud whines and howls quickly attract the other twisted to your location!)
(Tip two: If you manage to collect, find, or make their friendship bracelets, especially on very low health, they will appreciate you very much! Going as far as to lead you to bandages and.. Maybe even protect you from the other twisted? Who knows? :} )
Alrighty!! That's the rest of the yapping and facts. Now it's time for a random doodle of Finn, Shrimp, and Spotty! And yes, the drawings are somehow even worse than the other three up top! Also please ignore my folder and bed :|
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Shrimpo: Tired of all of Finn's fish or sea related jokes
Finn: Laughing at Shrimpo's frustration
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Spotty: Eating ice cream they found somewhere? And trying not to laugh at Finn and Shrimpo's bickering
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Spotty however laughed and spilt their ice cream on the floor, causing them to get time out after cleaning their mess and apologizing for laughing.
Okay, okay I'm done.
With all of love, yours truly, Mars! ❤ :]
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hanjizung · 3 years ago
♡ What Love Is ♡
Han Jisung x Reader.
Word count:  10K
♡ Warnings ♡: Smut; non idol AU, DILF!Jisung, older Jisung, OC (kid), possession kink, marking kink, oral (f), overstimulation, begging, masturbation, shower sex, exhibitionism, fingering, creampie, aftercare.
A/N: Finally the second part to Modern Vintage is here. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and please let me know what you think of it! ♡
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Summer coming closer could mean many things; families spent more time together since children weren’t going to school anymore, couples had more dates and groups of friends went to eat from time to time to catch up. Overall, most places were fuller during summer, especially beaches since the sun was incredibly hot. You knew some people loved to go out in summer, maybe to travel or to visit some relatives.
Even knowing how summer as a customer was, working in the coffee shop during the season was another experience, some days it was too empty, then on the weekends too full and some days you didn’t even have enough time to eat. Adding to the stress of working during this season, but luckily, summer was just about to end and since you decided to take summer classes to fasten your graduation and get your degree sooner, you were almost completely over which meant that you would be able find a better place to work and help Jisung pay the bills.
A smile appeared on your face when you thought of him. The two of you had been together for almost a little over a year now; he stopped working in the coffee shop with you  after his best friends from college offered him an opportunity to work with them as a producer in their company, that had been a month after the weekend the two of you spent without Jisu, both of them showed up at his night job, (which you learned, he worked at a nightclub as a DJ and he was really awesome at it) asking him to take a moment and go with them for a talk. The next morning you found him drinking coffee in the kitchen, still thinking of accepting or declining, smiling and kissing you when you encouraged him to take the offer.
Since then, he told Minho and Felix about it, and they congratulated him and told him that he would still get the employee discounts whenever he stopped by to visit them (and you, of course.) The Lee brothers, more than being your bosses, they treated the two of you like good friends and worried about you like they were family. You still remember Felix’s face when he saw you kissing Jisung goodbye while Jisu hugged her dad tightly, a grin on Felix’s lips that made him look like a mischievous cat.
“Didn’t I tell you it would be only a matter of time?” he said, startling both Jisung and you, making you turn to look at him laughing, a slight blush coloring your cheeks.
“Felix, you knew we would end up together since he brought Jisu here” you objected, rolling your eyes playfully. “What kind of witchcraft did you do, hmm? Tell me your secret!” you joked, getting closer to him and hugging him lovingly. He hugged you back and patted your hair as if you were Jisu.
“I have eyes, Y/N. I could see the both of you drooling for each other when you worked the same hours” he explained, his brows raised as he turned from you to Jisung, who just like you had his face painted with a blush.
“Oh” Jisung said, scratching the back of his head with his free arm and laughing awkwardly. “I mean, you’re not wrong, Lix. I liked Y/N since the very first time I saw her mess up a drink” your boyfriend said, winking at you.
“Are you saying that messing drinks is the way to get to your heart, Sungie?” you asked, acting as serious as you could, “because if that’s the case, I won’t let you be in the kitchen when I’m teaching Jeongin how to do the difficult ones” you finished, making both of the men in front of you laugh.
“Ah, he doesn’t mess up as much though, I admit Jisung used to be messier than him. Jeongin’s a good boy, he learns quickly like you, Y/N. I’m glad that we hired him, I feel like the place is fuller since he’s been here” Felix said, crossing his arms over his chest and caressing his invisible beard as he looked at Jeongin who was writing down an order. 
He noticed the four pairs of eyes on him and waved to where you were awkwardly. Minho had announced not too long ago that since the coffee shop had been doing better than before now you were short staffed, and since he was planning on giving you a little vacation he made the decision of hiring someone else to help, and that's how you ended up meeting sweet Jeongin, whose cute face contributed to more daily customers as well as Felix's delicious baked desserts. 
Since you were the last person hired, it was your job to teach him everything you knew. He had been there for just three weeks now, and he was a little shy just like you were when you first started working there, but as days passed he joined the talented chefs that you had for bosses and started teasing you and Jisung every now and then. 
The coffee shop never closed, it was open all the seven days of the week, but when Jisung was offered a new spot with his good friends, you decided to throw a party to celebrate, inviting the Lee's and Jeongin, and of course, Jisu's uncles; Chan and Changbin. You also took the opportunity to invite your ex roommate, who happened to visit you at work and the one who you would constantly text when something interesting happened. Jisung said that since the party would be the first time you'd be meeting his best friends, and since he already knew your roommate that you should invite your best friend from college, so after calling him and asking him if he was free he accepted. 
The big important day came, and Jisung dressed with his nicest clothes, putting on that one cologne he knew you loved so much. The party would happen at your department, so when he was ready he announced that he would be rushing to get the missing food before all your guests appeared, leaving you and Jisu to finish getting ready. 
You helped her get ready first, dressing her with a beautiful navy blue dress that she adored since the moment she saw it, then you did her hair and told her to draw something to everyone coming to the party while you got ready as well. 
When you walked out of the room fully dressed, Jisung and Jeongin's back were turned at you. They were talking on the couch, a movie was playing on the turned on television as they talked without paying any attention to the screen, but the conversation soon died when your boyfriend stood up after hearing footsteps behind him. He stared at you, his mouth hanging and a quiet wow leaving his lips as he moved quickly to embrace you and kiss you, ready to whisper how beautiful you looked and how lucky he was to have you. 
"Woah, you look so pretty! You look like a queen, queen Y/N!" Jisu exclaimed, joining her dad and running to hug your legs. Jeongin saw the whole scene, chuckling. 
"You look amazing, Y/N. Honestly, if you and Jisung weren't together I would be inviting you for a drink as soon as I saw you" he joked, raising one of his eyebrows making you laugh. 
"Guess that's too bad for you then, Jeonginnie, she's all mine" Jisung said, pressing a kiss on your cheek and then leaving your side to sit on the couch again. 
Jisu left you to go sit on her dad's lap, and when you were just to sit on the other couch your phone rang, your best friend's photo showing on the screen as you smiled apologetic at the two men in front of you and you walked away to answer. 
"Hi, Y/N. I'm in the building, what floor is it?" his voice greeted you. He was always like this, going straight to the point. 
"The fifth floor, the door number is 190" you told him, hearing through the line how he walked into the elevator and pressed the buttons. "See you soon" you told each other before hanging up. 
You were excited to see him, it wasn't everyday that the two of you got to be at a nice event or even to a party like this, he wasn't a party guy much, and you always went out with your beloved roommate, Chunghee.
You walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and when you were coming back to the living room you heard knocking on the door. Smiling and placing your glass down, you walked excitedly to it and opened with a big smile on your lips, already knowing who it was. 
"Seungmin!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around him carefully and hugging him tightly. He responded to the hug politely, patting your back two times and then separating his arms from you, a little shy since it was the first time he was in the presence of your boyfriend. You moved away from him to let him step inside, taking his hand in yours and closing the door behind you. 
"Jisung, Jisu, Jeongin, I present to you my best friend! Seungmin, you already met Jeongin, and this…" you left Seungmin's side to stand behind Jisung who still had Jisu in his lap, they looked at your friend with the same eyes full of curiosity "... Is my family" you finished, smiling at him, your head tilted to the side as you locked eyes with Jisung for a brief moment before returning your eyes to your best friend. 
"It's nice to meet you in person and not just thought pictures" Seungmin greeted, a timid smile on his lips that gained a chuckle from Jisung who responded that it was nice to see him as well, and so you proceeded to sit with Seungmin by your side and start a small conversation with him. 
The room fell silent for a few seconds, the TV working as background noise only until a knock on your door and voices sounding from behind it let you know that Felix and Minho had finally arrived. Jisu opened the door, rushing to get there first and throw herself at the first pair of legs that would be in front of her, making Minho laugh as he struggled to hold a box of something in his hands without it falling. Felix rushed to help his brother by freeing him from the kid's grip, taking Jisu in his arms and squishing her playfully. 
"Hey, welcome!" Jisung greeted, standing up from the couch along with Jeongin to help the two men with the things they were carrying; a cake and something that looked like it was probably ice cream. One of Felix's new experiments, possibly, but you figured that if he had brought it on that special day, it would be an advanced approved recipe. 
"We're so happy to be here, I can't wait to meet Jisung's new bosses. Are they here yet? Are they more handsome than us? Y/N?" Felix asked, lifting Jisu in the air dramatically, making her giggle and turning to you when he was saying the last part, his accusative eyes scanning you. 
"They haven't arrived yet, we'll meet them at the same time, Lix" you laughed, standing up yourself and hugging Minho first, then him. He smiled at you, and then noticed Seungmin who was still sitting where you were, his extroverted self wasted no time and he made his way there, dragging you along with him. 
"Hello, we haven't been introduced yet, I think? If you've heard nice things about a Lee Felix then that's me, but if all you've heard of him are complaints, then it's not me anymore" he joked, presenting his hand to your best friend who laughed politely at his joke. 
"Kim Seungmin, Y/N's friend" he shook Felix's hand and then patted Jisu’s head since she was still in Felix’s arms, offering both of them shy smile along with it. It was so heartwarming to have all your friends and family interacting with each other.
A phone going off distracted you and everyone in the room turned to meet the owner who simply smiled shyly, turning his back and answering. You could hear Jisung’s voice through the introductions of the people who were currently in your house. You watched all of them with a fond smile, but the sudden sensation of an arm wrapping around your waist scared you a little bit, making you turn your face to find your beloved boyfriend who placed a kiss on your cheek, whispering to you that he would be leaving shortly to get his friends. 
You nodded and sat next to Minho on the couch, he was on his phone until he noticed you, straightening his back and smiling briefly at you. He asked how you were doing and how you were feeling about Jisung’s new path, you said that you felt happy for him and that your current concern was that you wanted to graduate to help; your conversation with him finished rather quickly, as the door opened and two strange men walked in through the door, the subject of your conversation with Minho staying behind them and closing the door.
“Everyone, they are my friends and now coworkers, Chan and Changbin,” Jisung announced, taking advantage of the silence that reigned on your little home to present his best friends, a intimidating looking man almost his height with a deadly gaze and a slightly taller one, blond guy who was smiling openly and showing his dimples. 
Jisung stepped forward, a big smile on his face as his hand took yours and pulled you in front of his friends. You weren’t sure why, but your face started feeling a bit hot and you were a little afraid that if you tried to speak, you would stutter instead of speaking properly. To you it almost felt like you were meeting his parents, your nerves getting the best of you.
“Guys this is Y/N, you already know her a little from what I’ve told you” he laughed, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, his cheeks also a rosy color just like yours were.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” the blond one said, offering you his hand for you to take. You did, extending your shaky hand to him and shaking it, then doing the same with Changbin. 
Your ray of sunshine boyfriend must’ve felt the awkwardness you were irradiating, since he wasted no time in coming to your rescue and started presenting everyone else to them, except Jisu who left Felix to hug Changbin and tell him to pick her up so she could kiss his cheek. While he was busy with introductions, Seungmin approached you quietly, looking at you with a soft smile.
“You okay?” he asked, bumping your shoulder with his own. You looked at him with questioning eyes that only made him chuckle at you. “You looked like you were very nervous,” he explained. 
Closing your eyes, you sighed. “I was! It felt like a meteor hit me, but instead of a space rock, it was reality” you whispered-screamed, looking at your friend with big eyes that soon turned soft when your gaze fell on them. “They seem really nice, though. I’m glad to know that Jisung wasn’t all alone before I met him, you know?” 
“You really do love him, Y/N. I’m glad he makes you this happy” Seungmin smiled at you, his voice full of honesty that made you feel like you had the key to happiness in that exact moment.
The rest of the evening passed faster than you would like to admit; your little home was full with the chattering noises from your guests and chill music playing in the background. The dinner went good too, the table was full and it was like a Christmas dinner or similar, the table full and laughter being a constant proof of the nice atmosphere. Any sign of the existing awkward silence created when Chan and Changbin appeared was long gone now, and you learned a little more about them and how they met with Jisung just like they learned how the two of you ended up together, a story told with additions from almost everyone saying that they always knew how hard you were pining for each other.
Chan started telling how he happened to meet both of his friends; he explained that he met Changbin one night at a party, Chan was the dj and Changbin reached to him to ask him how he managed a cut between two song without it being so obvious (Changbin laughed, exclaiming that even if Chan taught him how to do it, he remembered how the first time he heard it he was shocked.)
Then, both of them usually hung out by the library where Chan mentored Changbin, and one day they saw Jisung with a guitar practicing and decided to ask him what he was doing. Since that day, the three of them started getting curious about song producing, and so they decided to give it a try, being that and their first demo songs the start of a beautiful blooming friendship that lead to where they are now. 
When Chan mentioned their demo songs, you gave Jisung a side eye that clearly translated to him as ‘you’re gonna have to show me those songs’, a look that didn’t Changbin must’ve also caught since he said that those songs weren’t too good and that ‘it was better for everyone to not listen to them’, now making everyone want to listen to them more.
Later, Felix went to your fridge to take the ice cream he had brought and started serving it to everyone with your help. Little Jisu was over the moon because she was finally going to try one of the secret recipes of ice creams that she saw Felix perfecting at the coffee shop, and so more memories were talked upon all of you, not only about the trio of friends, but also about Seungmin and you being childhood friends, then the Lee brothers motivated by Chan’s story decided to tell how they knew they wanted to open the coffee shop. Jeongin opened up too, talking about how he had a lot of doubt joining his current career, but saying that he knew everything would eventually pay off. The evening contributed to you getting to know everyone a little more.
Almost at 10, Jisu was sleepily sitting on Changbin’s lap, you were surprised to see how much she stayed by his side and how the man didn’t seem to mind being with her, it was a little funny too because he seemed to be so tough on the outside, but really all he allowed to see in the few hours he spent in your house he was a softy, and Jisu really knew how to bring that side out of him. When you noticed the little bubbly girl was asleep, you stood up and walked to where he was, but when he realized that Jisu was comfortably dreaming, he stopped you. 
“I’ll take her to her room, where is it?” he asked. You smiled at him as a thanks and guided him there, leaving the noisy living room to Jisu’s dark and silent bedroom. 
You turned on the light for Changbin who was right behind you, and you watched him tuck her in the bed so carefully, like he had done it before. Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to ask him.
“Have you put her to bed before?” your voice came a little quiet, careful to not wake Jisu. Changbin hummed, looking at the sleeping angel in front of him and nodded.
“Yeah, when her mom left, Chan and I were all Jisung had, but we couldn’t help him often, and then we were called with an offer in America and we left.” You listened to him while he was staring at Jisu, your mind imagining these three men trying to take care of a baby, sweet scenarios playing in your head of them learning how to change a diaper and getting scared whenever she cried. “Let’s go back,” his voice brought you down to earth, and he waited for you to step out before turning off the light and closing the door behind him, like a gentleman.
Seeing you walking out of Jisu’s room, your boyfriend watched as you approached the living room with a smile on his face, and when you were close enough he opened his arms for you to take a seat on his lap. You happily did what he desired, kissing his cheek when he wrapped his arms around you. No one in the room was looking at you, too busy paying attention to a horror story Minho was saying from when he was in college to mind the two of you. 
Jeongin was sitting by the table, a piece of cake in front of him that he was eating until he was interrupted thanks to a notification on his phone. When he grabbed it, he saw the hour and he stood up.
“I didn’t know it was this late, I should be leaving, my roommate texted me saying he’s worried” he explained, being the center of attention. On the other couch, Seungmin stretched and stood up as well.
“I can take you home if you want,” Seungmin said, looking in his pocket for his car keys while he waited for Jeongin’s answer. The younger one nodded and added that it would be nice of him to drop him by his apartment.
“Thank you guys for coming, have a good night” you told them when they waved goodbye to everyone. 
“Thanks for receiving us. Congratulations on your new job, Jisung” Seungmin spoke again, shaking Jisung’s hand while Jeongin hugged you and thanked you as well.
After them, Felix yawned and Minho teased him, saying that he was just like Jisu, to which Felix laughed and said that he could be right. They made their way to the front door and said their goodbyes to the rest of you, and that resulted in just you and the producers. Jisung offered to drive them to their new shared apartment.
That’s how you found yourself in the co-pilot's seat with Chan and Changbin sitting in the back giving directions to Jisung who was driving. It reminded you of the first time you got in the car with him and took care of Jisu, then you smiled when your memory replayed all the times you sat there talking with Jisung and admiring him while he drove, he always looked for your hand or rested his on your thigh during red lights.
While Chan was giving directions to Jisung, Changbin chatted a little with you, telling you that he wasn’t too excited to go to his new house because there was a pure mess of boxes and half unpacked stuff everywhere except for their beds.
“I forgot how much I disliked moving,” Chan sighed, eyes closed as he paid close attention to the window. Changbin agreed with him.
Once you were finally there, you saw them coming out of the car. You took Jisung’s hand and with a look you told him to stay there. “We should help them, Sung,” you said. He nodded, knowing that you would be worried if you didn’t voice your kind offer to help your new friends.
“Chan, Changbin, would you like some help unpacking?” Jisung said, helping you out of the car. They were standing nearby, waiting for you two to leave and being surprised when Jisung hurried to open your door.
“Nah, it’s okay. You should go back home, though, it’s pretty late,” Changbin answered after exchanging a quick look with Chan who looked at his phone, probably to check the hour.
“We got this, don’t worry. Thanks for driving us,” Chan contributed, watching Jisung walking slowly to the driver’s seat again. “See you on Monday, Jisung, and see you later Y/N, it was very nice to meet you” he smiled.
“Alright, but make sure to call us if you need anything. See you on Monday” and with that, Jisung started the car and you left. You had no idea when on the way back you fell asleep, but the next time you opened your eyes, the car was slowing down and you could recognize the familiarity of your building’s parking.
“We’re home, baby, wake up” Jisung’s sweet voice called you. You blinked one, two times before sighing and taking off the security belt, stepping out of the car and stretching. You waited for him to do the same and walk together to your department.
“Your friends are really nice, I’m happy you’re gonna work with them. Are you excited?” you asked once in the elevator, looking at him.
“Yeah, I’m excited. It’s been so long since we made a song together or shared ideas for lyrics,” he said, smiling at you and hugging you, pressing a kiss on your face. You closed your eyes, accepting it without saying anything and just enjoying the moment. It was small moments like this when you were glad to start working at the coffee shop.
The elevator stopped at your floor, and the two of you made your way to your comfy apartment. You sighed, knowing that you would have to clean and put away everything that was on the table. When the door opened you finally took off the heels you opted to wear for the occasion, sighing in satisfaction when your feet touched the cold ground. Jisung only looked at you with a soft smile on his face, and he walked up behind you, passing one of his arms under your knees and picking you up bridal style.
“Sungie! What are you doing?” you squealed, acting quickly and holding onto him, afraid that you would fall. Your boyfriend didn’t answer you, instead he smirked at you and kept walking to your room. Once in there, he somehow managed to turn on the light before letting you gently on the bed.
Hovering above you, you were able to see the lust in his eyes before he closed them and finally kissed your lips passionately. Your hands, still on his neck, pulled him even closer to you. You sighed on the kiss, moving one of your hands to his chest and the other tangling in his hair. Jisung took this as an invitation to straddle you, supporting himself with one arm and caressing your face with the other hand.
Soon, the intensity of the kiss ended when he separated to breathe again, pressing kisses on your chin and then travelling down your throat.
“This dress looks so good on you, honey, but I prefer how you look without it. I’ve been thinking about it all day, taking it off you. I’m so lucky that I’m the only one to get to see you like this” he whispered, his voice husky, making you shiver. 
It wasn’t the first time he attacked you like this; it was mostly on special occasions, and usually he asked someone to take care of Jisu, the other times you two had sex it was very late into the night and rather quickly to avoid the exposure to accidents, so him suddenly acting guided by his instincs and fucking you like it was only the two of you in the whole world was one of the last ways you imagined today would end.
“W-wait, Jisung, close the door first” you warned him, pushing him off you. He quickly nodded, making his way to the door and closing it, also locking it and then, he walked slowly towards you who was now sitting on the bed, looking at him with needy eyes. 
His hands went to his belt, slowly undoing it making you bite your lip. He took it off and let it rest at the feet of the bed, now taking his shirt and starting to pull it up until he was in front of you, finally taking that piece of clothing off from his body. Your legs hung open, allowing him to stand between them as one of your hands played with the hem of his pants, you looked at him through your lashes and he placed one hand on your head, patting you dearly before it went down to cup your face and he bended to kiss you, this time more sweetly than before. 
He pushed you gently so you would be on your back, he kissed the exposed skin on your neck, being careful to not leave any hickies since he knew how much you struggled to cover them when you had to go out, he was always mindful of you, unless he wanted to show off that you belonged to him, then he would mark up your neck so prettily for everyone to see. 
He kneeled on the floor, his nose on your thigh sensually caressing you all the way to your right knee, his hands hiking up the skirt of your beautiful dress and then resting now on your hips, exposing your undergarment. Then, one of his hands moved to hold the back of your thigh to put your leg on his shoulder. 
Since the moment he kneeled down on the floor, your mind played images of the countless times Jisung's face was hidden between your legs making you crazy, allowing you to see stars when his magical tongue brought you over the edge. It was inevitable to contain yourself, your pussy getting wet since he started pressing kisses on your legs, torturing preparing you for the orgasm he would soon bring you.
A sigh escaped your lips as you let yourself enjoy the moment, he was holding your other leg open with his hand, allowing him full entrance to your now ruined panties. You were lucky you decided to match the pretty dress with your favorite set of lingerie. He hummed in approval when he saw your wetness.
He had you whimpering lowly, you knew you had to keep quiet but as time passed and Jisung decided to admire and tease you instead of doing something to you, you were starting to grow a little impatient.
"Babe…" you cried out, looking at him with pleading eyes "I need you," but he didn't seem like he wanted to pay attention to your cries.
"You need me? Why, baby? What do you need me for?" he answered, his deep voice making you close your eyes and his words provoking a slight blush on your face.
"I'm so wet for you, please…" you said. It was an obvious answer since he could see the mess he made of you. "Want you to eat me out, please…"
His fingers passed through your needy sex, making you sigh one more time. He grunted, but instead of moving your delicate panties to the side, his face got closer and he pressed a sweet kiss on your mound. When he was done teasing you, he moved away and finally started taking off that piece of lingerie, removing your leg from his shoulder and placing it there again once he had freed you from it.
His lips came in contact with your throbbing cunt, making you groan in satisfaction when his tongue skillfully, dragging it from the center of your wetness, taking a sweet moment to taste you and then going for his objective, his arms around your legs to keep you in place for him to torture you oh so deliciously.
You cursed, eyes closed as you permitted him to pleasure you like he knew you adored, your hand pushing him towards you as an encouragement to keep doing what he was doing, and he never stopped. Your hole throbbed, his tongue went up and down, he sucked and teased with his teeth as well, the sensations overwhelming you but becoming more and more intense, Jisung could clearly hear how you were coming apart and losing your mind from the silent posture you wanted to maintain, but he just loved your moans and heavy breathing when he flicked his tongue a certain way, and how you pulled his hair and you tried to arch your back. You were so beautiful, and to him there was nothing better than to see you like this, so flustered and sensitive from how hard he was going to make you cum.
Feeling how you started to shake, one of your hands flew to your mouth when you knew that you wouldn't be able to resist any more of the sweet torment you were a prisoner for, and suddenly, white hot pleasure numbed you and all you could do was lay there, pulling his hair locks and shaking slightly. Jisung never stopped his attack on you, the overstimulation caused by his tongue provoking a few tears from escaping the corners of your eyes, it felt like something new, like you had unblocked a new level of extasis.
Your high finally ended, and just when Jisung heard you breathing again he slowed down. You hadn't realized he put a hand on top of the one over your mouth to help quiet your cries, but you were certainly thankful that he'd done it, because if he hadn't, your neighbors would think he was ending your life or torturing a poor animal, or even worse, you would have a little girl banging on the door thinking you were hurt or something.
"You taste so good, my love, and you were so good to me too, enjoying how I played with your clit" he murmured, wiping his chin from your essence and standing up from the floor, looking at you with those lusty eyes you'd gotten to know so well, "but I still want you to come on my cock too. Look at me, look at the effect you have on me, Y/N…"
Your hand left his hair to clean your sweaty forehead, you tried your best to look at him when he ordered you to, his pants with an obviously painful erection, your eyes not failing to notice a dark spot that could be seen in the fabric.
Jisung undid the button and unzipped his pants, then slipped a hand under his dark boxers to pump himself, grunting from the touch of his hand against his dick, it was a majestic view you had only seen one time in the shower when he was horny but didn't wanted to wake you up.
It had been after a stressful night at the club full of young college students, he went straight to the shower after arriving home and the sound of the water hitting the tiles of the bathroom woke you up. You had sneaked to the bathroom, curious of the complaining noises Jisung made, and there you found him, with his eyes closed, a hand against the wall and the other around his dick moving slowly while he bit his lip, the water droplets running through his naked body making him appear like a Greek God. You kept staring at him working on himself maybe a little too much, because he ended up discovering you and then fucking you carefully in the shower. Truly, an incredible experience that even if it had been a little difficult to manage, you felt it was so worth it.
Finally undressing himself, Jisung stood up between your legs again, his hand on your stomach and he bent to kiss your forehead sweetly.
"You ready, baby?" he asked, waiting for any signal that could mean a positive or negative from you. One of his hands looked for yours to intertwine your fingers. You nodded, swallowing as you thought how good it was to have him filling you, and second later, he did just that. He stretched you as he entered you slowly, his hand squeezing yours next to your head while his other supported his weight, a quiet moan coming from his lips.
"Oh shit, Jisung! Fuck, you feel so good, please" your broken voice managed to speak.
You waited for him to move, but he asked you instead if you trusted him, and simple as that he shifted and now he was standing, your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, his hands on your eyes as he walked somewhere, the destination being your tiny balcony. You thought he wouldn't dare step outside, but he did and the cold air hit you, and not only that, but Jisung also pressed you against the cold glass door of the balcony.
"You better keep quiet, dove, or you'll get us discovered" he warned, proceeding to fuck you slowly as the moonlight illuminated you.
Two mornings after, you showered and got ready to eat breakfast. Jisu was already awake watching some cartoons as her dad hummed while he finished cooking her lunch. "Good morning," you said, going to kiss Jisung's lips and sitting to drink coffee.
"Hey, sweetheart. How do you feel?" Jisung corresponded to your greeting, giving you a quick wink before turning his back to the almost completed food.
"I'm okay, not too tired. Thanks for the coffee, babe. Are you ready for work?" you asked him. He laughed, but he admitted that he was actually nervous since it was something he was very passionate about, it made you happy to see him following his dreams.
When you were done with breakfast, the three of you went to the car, you would drop Jisung first at his friend's company, and then you would leave Jisu at the kindergarten, and you would go to your classes as usual.
"Have a nice first day, Sungie. Love you, I'll see you at home"
"Goodbye, daddy!"
"Thanks, beautiful. Behave well, princess. Love you both" and after you left him, you drove to Jisu's school.
She was always happy to go, she always talked about how her teacher was so pretty and smart, and you couldn't blame her. He was very charming, you would admit, and not only was he nice to the children he teached, but he also cared for the parents too and let everyone know that they could count on him, he was such a lovely spirit, you thought it was a shame Jisung hadn't met him yet, since it was you always dropping Jisu and then going to college while Jisung stayed home and slept after the long and tiresome club nights.
Turning off the car, you got out of the car and opened Jisu's door, helping her out and then walking hand in hand as she excitedly told you that she couldn't wait to see her favorite teacher in the whole world.
"Good morning, Y/N, Jisu" his smooth voice reached your ears when you arrived at the classroom. More kids and parents were saying their goodbyes, luckily Jisu always showed that she was brave and never spent too long hugging you goodbye, too eager to go play with the others kids to mind if you stayed too long after or not.
"Hey, good morning, teacher. How was your weekend?" you asked him, trying to be polite and show that you were a friend for him if he needed to talk just like he was for everyone else.
"Oh, Y/N, I've told you you can just call me Hyunjin, and my weekend was good, thanks for asking. How was yours?" he asked back, looking at your slightly colored cheeks with an adorable eye smile as he reminded you once again to call him by his name.
"My weekend was also nice, thank you, Hyunjin. How-" you were about to say something more, but your alarm that indicated you should better be leaving for your class rang. "Oh, I'm sorry, it seems like I should be leaving for class! See you later."
The professor nodded in understanding, and you turned and left, careful with your steps to not trip and fall to the ground. When you successfully got into your car, you breathed in and exhaled, preparing yourself for the rest of the day.
That was how your new routine was created; first, Jisung woke up and made breakfast, then you dropped him at work and took Jisu to school and you went to college and once you were done with classes you picked up Jisu and went to work at the coffee shop where you would meet with Jisung and the three of you would get home, some weekends still going on trips and enjoying as much time together as you could.
A few months into the new routine, when you were dropping Jisu at school Hyunjin asked you to stay a little more, explaining that there was an upcoming school trip and he was asking you to go as a supervisor. You thanked him, saying that you would try your best to accompany him and the class as well, and sooner than you had expected, the day arrived and Jisung and you were more than ready to go to the aquarium with a lot of other kids and few parents.
The trip was fun, if you had to admit. Seeing all the fish swimming and getting to know more about them was very interesting, and many kids agreed with you when you said that mermaids were very lucky to live underwater with many beautiful species.
Later, Hyunjin announced that it was time for lunch, so everyone had a break to sit down and eat. You were sitting with Jisung next to you, he was drinking from a juice box when Hyunjin approached you and sat with the two of you, addressing you and ignoring the man next to you.
"You're incredibly good with kids, Y/N, and it really shows. They seem to like you a lot" he said, placing a hand on your shoulder, his eyebrows raised as he spoke.
"Well, thank you. I like being with kids, actually, I've always wanted a big family" you shyly responded, looking at Jisung through the corner of your eye. You thought he would react somehow, but he was too focused looking at the kids who were playing near you.
"Well, you're still young and you seem pretty put together to be a single mother… If you look further you might find someone you could share your life with and get married" Hyunjin mumbled, turning from you to look at his class running around the cafeteria.
"Single mother?" you repeated, eyebrows furrowed as you repeated his words on your head again.
"What? Since when are you a single mother?" Jisung's voice reached your ears, making both you and Hyunjin turn to him. "I thought… I thought I was her father?" his voice cracked, making you open your eyes wide in confusion.
"Aren't you her uncle?" Hyunjin asked, finally acknowledging his presence.
"No, Jisung is Jisu's dad. I'm… I'm not a single mother, I'm Jisung's girlfriend, not… Jisu's biological mother" you explained to the teacher in a quiet voice to not get any attention from the other adults near you.
"You're her dad? I'm so sorry, I always saw Y/N leaving Jisu and picking her up, I thought… I thought you and her were all by yourselves. I…" Hyunjin's hand flew to cover his mouth, he seemed so ashamed from his quick assumptions that his face started picking a pink tone. "I wanted to invite you to a date, Y/N. You're a fantastic parental figure to Jisu and– and you're so beautiful, too… I have a big crush on you, I'm sorry…"
You wanted to answer to his apologetic words, but you were too shocked to say anything, not knowing what words would be appropriate to speak so you turned to Jisung to see what he had to say in regards to this situation instead.
"Look, I can't blame you for liking her. She really is magnificent and I'll never get to comprehend how lucky I am for being by her side. I'm sorry, Hyunjin, but I'm sure one day you'll find someone like Y/N you can love" the sincerity and affection carried on his words made you look down and stare at his hand that had moved moments before to hold yours, you already knew but you loved him and how sweet he was.
Hyunjin smiled at your boyfriend and then cleared his throat, "thank you for saying that. You two make a lovely couple, but… if you ever get to break up, you know where I work, Y/N" he winked, moving to stand up and walk away to get the class's attention and continue the tour.
Neither of you spoke a word about Hyunjin's misinterpretation of your civil state after the trip. Sure, it had shocked you at first, but you brushed it off as something not that important. What you didn't know was how badly those words were torturing Jisung's brain. He stayed up most of the night that day, an arm around your shoulders as you peacefully slept on his chest, his head running wild with thoughts about you and how much you changed his life.
That's how he finally gathered the courage to talk to Chan and Changbin about marriage; he knew he loved you, he knew you were a highlight of his life along with Jisu and he was a witness to how much you and she liked each other. He couldn't ask for anything more, and besides, maybe having a ring on your finger would help you stop getting flirted with when you already shared a life with him, because after all, you were young and full of life, many people approached you and asked you for a drink at college or they also asked for your number at work, and the idea of getting married to you excited him more than it scared him, so why not propose to you?
His friends supported his choice, Chan and Changbin had gotten to know you a little more and you got along with them together, they supported you and Jisung and they also offered to babysit Jisu to give you private time together. They were very considerate, and not only that but they could feel how much Jisung adored you in every lyric of any song inspired by you.
So a few months later, one tranquil Friday evening after work when his friends dropped him off at the coffee shop that was nearly empty (except for the owners, Jeongin, Chan, Changbin and for some reason Seungmin too) you were surprised by his cautious behavior.
Jisu was sitting on Changbin's lap when Jisung took your hand and made you walk to the middle of the place, clearing his throat nervously while still holding your hand, making eye contact with you when he started speaking:
"Y/N, this is where we met a long time ago, and this is where everything began that day when I asked you if you could do me a favor. It was the start of our story together, and after spending many days and nights with you I'm more than certain that I love you. I loved you that day, and I will still love you tomorrow, so would you marry me?" He finally ended his speech with a knee on the floor, Jisu next to him handing him a small velvet box that he opened, revealing a beautiful ring inside.
You were more than surprised now, staring at his kneeled form with teary eyes, a hand covering your mouth as you simply nodded in response to his question, and then he placed the ring on your finger, kissing your hand and then standing up to kiss you sweetly, making your heart melt.
"Thank you, Y/N. I love you so much" and after that, everyone rushed to congratulate you two, creating beautiful memories for you.
That Friday, Jisu clung to her uncle Changbin's neck and waved goodbye at you and your now fiancé, saying that she couldn't wait to go to the fair the next day with him, making you laugh and kiss her forehead goodbye, thanking Changbin (and Chan too) for taking care of her and taking her places.
When you arrived home with Jisung that night, you couldn't help but smile like you did when he kissed you the first time, it was a satisfactory feeling, to know that he loved you as much as to ask you to be a permanent part of his life. You were clingy to him, which also made his heart flutter when you pecked his lips or giggled when he touched you gently, but behind the closed door of the apartment he wasted no time and kissed you hungrily, like a caveman trying the most delicious thing in the world.
You breathed in, corresponding to his rude kiss, your hands on his face and his resting on your waist.
"You have no idea how happy it makes me to know you're gonna be only mine, sweetheart. Just mine," he whispered, his breath against your cheek when he separated from your lips to tell you that. He had pressed you against the door as soon as he locked it, attacking your lips like it was his only mission and then going down your neck, leaving a warm trace of kisses burning your skin.
This time, he paid no mind to the 'no marks' unspoken rule he had given himself, sucking on your neck with the sole intention of leaving evidence of the passionate night the two of you would be having to celebrate your engagement, and you couldn't complain. He had given you the ring you thought you would get in a few more years, you might as well show that you're already taken to anyone who crossed your way, it turned you on a little more, if you had to be brutally honest. Seeing Jisung being possessive of you always made you feel like you were one of his priorities, and also showed you that he had no intention in leaving you alone any time soon.
Moving your head to the side to allow him more access to your neck, his hands started taking your jeans off and were now running through your belly under your shirt, touching everything he could as he kept marking you.
"You're only mine now, baby" he growled, separating from you to take off your shirt and look at your almost naked figure, his eyes with a heavy lusty shadow on them.
"... Just yours" you repeated, closing your eyes and taking his face to kiss him with the same passion he did when the door closed behind you.
Your hands rested on his chest, fingers trying to unbutton his shirt, successfully failing at completing the task when he separated from you, placing one of his hands on top of both of yours and pinning them above your head, resting against the cold door while his other hand slipped through your panties.
He groaned when he felt your growing wetness, he found your clit instantly and rubbed it, making you sigh in satisfaction until his hand went down further and he inserted two fingers inside you, this time dragging a gasp from your lips when your walls felt the introduction of his digits. It felt nice, but you knew his cock would feel better inside you, you loved how he filled you.
Pumping his fingers slowly, you started moaning, letting yourself enjoy his treatment. His mouth left kisses on your clavicle, then your chest and when you least expected it, he was pulling your bra down with his teeth and sucking on one of your nipples, his fingers never stopped their work on you causing you to become a wet, moaning mess with twitching legs until you finally came, crying out Jisung's name when your high hit you.
He kept pumping his fingers, having discovered that you did actually like when he overstimulated you once and since then doing it from time to time, this being one of them, and when you blinked your orgadm away, the pulled them from you, loosening his grip on your wrists and licking his fingers clean from your juices as he hummed.
You thought he would be done, you thought he would like to go to bed and fuck you until you screamed his mess in the comfort of your king size bed, but apparently Jisung had other plans in mind, as he undressed his shirt and threw it to the floor with your clothes and pulled you by the arm to the back of the couch, turning you and pushing your back so you were bending over it, his knee between your legs separating them and keeping you from closing them. He started taking your underwear off, his fascinated lusty eyes appreciating how wet you were, practically dripping.
"I wish you could see yourself, you look so lovely, all ready to take me after I made you cum with my fingers. I bet I can make you cum like that again, would you like that?" He asked.
You gulped, "N-no, I want your cock, please fuck me with your cock!"
"My needy baby, so cute. It's 'kay, I'll make you cum around me sweetheart" he responded while his hands caressed your ass lovingly until you couldn't feel them anymore. Soon, you heard him pull his zipper down, anticipating what was yet to come.
"Are you ready, angel?" He asked, pressing the tip of his cock against your throbbing entrance. You nodded, and he started pushing himself inside your velvety walls, stretching you.
With a growl, his hands held you in place by your hips, making sure you wouldn't move from the position he had you in as he started pulling out, ready to repeat the process, meanwhile you were holding a pillow for dear life as your breath got caught in your throat as you waited for him to set up a pace with his hips.
Jisung started slowly, enjoying how you felt around him and loving the way you took him in, looking at how he disappeared which caused him to moan. You, on the other hand, had to resist the urgency of moving. You remember telling Jisung that you wanted him to bruise your cervix, saying that you wouldn't mind new things to which he agreed quickly.
Maybe that was why he had started more than the usual missionary, you were thankful that he kept it in mind, and now surprising you by taking you on the couch, in front of the turned off TV where you could see your blurry reflection getting wrecked from behind by him, it felt incredible.
"You feel so good, I'm so glad your pussy is just mine" he moaned, stopping for a brief second to take your right leg and rest it on the couch to hit a deeper spot inside you, making you start tearing up from pleasure.
"A-all yours" you cried out, inevitably clenching around him when you repeated what he said. You saw his cocku smile through the black mirror that was the TV.
"Ah, J-Jisung, harder!" you demanded with a whine when he found your g spot, the detonator to your best orgasms.
The sudden sting from his hand landing on your butt cheek shocked you, making you moan. "Where are your manners, baby? I thought you were my good angel" he said, starting to slow down the speed that had increased since he started thrusting.
"Please, go hard-harder" you corrected yourself, and once he heard the magic word he instantly did what you had asked of him, provoking you to moan each time he reached where you wanted him, and soon you were clenching around him, legs shaking and walls hugging him tightly causing him to near his climax as well.
It took a few more thrusts for him to find his release, but when he did you felt him filling your insides with his warm seed, a sexy groan coming from his chest and his fingers leaving a bruise on your hips from holding you too hard.
Pulling out from you, he pushed his fingers inside your pussy to keep his cum from hitting the ground, then he carefully pushed you on the couch and walked around it to cuddle with you in his arms.
"I love you" he told you, his hand petting your hair innocently (as if he hadn't fucked your lungs out 5 minute ago).
"I know," you answered, kissing his chest and tightening your arm around his torso in a half hug.
"Let's stay like this for a few minutes and then we can bathe, okay?" you hummed in agreement, enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of you until any of you felt gross enough to want to get cleaned.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but when you realized Jisung wasn't with you any more you stood up looking for him, only to find him filling the tub, a few aromatic candles lighted up, a delicious smell reaching your nostrils. You saw the bathtub was almost all full, so you decided to surprise Jisung by wrapping your arms around his back.
"Let's get cleaned up, what do you say, sweetie?" He said, removing your arms from him and stepping into the warm water, opening his arms for you.
You rolled your eyes, but copied him anyway and rested your back in his chest. The water relaxed your muscles, the candle's scent helped you feel almost like in heaven, and Jisung arm made you know you were safe. Everything was so sweet, until you felt something else poking your lower back.
With a raised eyebrow, you faced your partner with a silent explanation only to find him staring at the love bites on your neck, but you opted for not commenting anything about it.
"You know… I really love you and I'm happy that you accepted to be a part of my life," he said, his deep voice and serious tone getting your attention, so you faced him to hear all he had to say.
"I remember you told Hyunjin that you wanted a big family, and… I know Jisu wouldn't mind having a sibling. I believe now would be a good time to have a baby of our own, but only if you agree with me, honey" he smiled, kissing your shoulder.
"Are you serious?" you asked him after processing his words in your head. He nodded, his hand playing with yours as he waited for you to say something else.
"I would love to, Sungie. I already consider you and Jisu as my family, hell, I feel happy when she tells her friend I'm her mom. So yes, if you're really sure, I want to do it. Let's have a baby" you smiled excitedly, moving to kiss his lips sweetly.
"Then we should keep practicing, shouldn't we?" He joked, winking at you after you ended the kiss. You hit him playfully, giggling at his question.
From joking about it, you two ended up having sex on the tub and staying there until the water got cold and the candles lighted out, and yet, when you were cuddling in bed ready to sleep, you couldn't stop smiling. It had been a fantastic day and even better night and early morning.
Next morning when Jisung saw you walking to the kitchen with his shirt on, he kissed your lips and greeted you with a "good morning, future Mrs. Han," a plate of pancakes in front of you.
"I'm so lucky to have you" you told him, to which he replied with "I'm so lucky to be loved by you."
And you decided that this was pure happiness, you didn't have anything to worry, and you loved your family and your friends a lot, you were almost done with college and starting to plan a wedding. Maybe you weren't rich, but you had everything you wanted and maybe a little more.
After all, engraved in the ring Jisung gave you, it said "for my soul mate", so you had him, for as long as time lasted, and he had you, the missing piece of the puzzle of his life.
You complemented each other, and comprehended each other. What you two had could be considered 'true love', and you were thankful to the universe for placing this single dad in your life, showing you what happiness, and what love was.
"I can't wait to marry you" you sighed, daydreaming about how you wanted the wedding to be.
"And I cannot wait to call you mine legally" he responded, kissing your cheek.
"I've always been yours"
"That's good, because you'll always be mine in the future as well. No quitting now, babe!"
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