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zoe-oneesama · 2 years ago
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Now pick a side Marinette!
Episode 43 Part 11
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shwushee · 2 years ago
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ADRIENETTE !! Gorizilla episode Throwback ♥︎
these two are gonna give me a heart attack atp 🗿
Finally found a brush I can settle with AND a style 😭 (posting this at 9 pm cuz I'm itching to share it with you guys 😀)
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lostuntothisworld · 5 months ago
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indigomarina · 6 months ago
Okay, I'm watching Gorizilla and can I just say how much it hurts seeing Adrien say he trusts Ladybug and some moments afterwards her saying she trusts Chat Noir, knowing how much their partnership goes through the ringer in the later seasons (especially on Chat's end).
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coq-courage · 2 months ago
14 13 days to go until season 6
In season 5, it gets revealed that Gaby only let Colt Fathom use the peacock after providing him with a bodyguard, the best of the best
That bodyguard is implied to be the civillian form of Gorizilla, commonly nicknamed Gorilla
Were you aware that his name was revealed in a set of trading cards?
In the show, even in Miraculous London, his name is never given even on a phone screen
But it was revealed to be Placide I.T.
And he never speaks
A grunt or sigh doesnt count
He communicates with the Agreste family exclusively via text and vague gestures amd firm or hopeful looks
This does imply that he's mute
Which makes him another character I would LOVE to be confirmed as knowing LSF
Of course, this does then imply that Adrien either secretly knows Sign or Gaby was a dick and banned Sign in his household
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 7 months ago
🐞🐈‍⬛every miraculous episode in 10 words or less season 2
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🐞🐈‍⬛links to the other seasons: season 1 post | season 2 post | season 3 post | season 4 post | season 5 post (links will be added once posts are published)
🐞🐈‍⬛If you count 11 words on some, count again <3
📘🦋Collector: adrien has his rapunzel realization moment but forgets everything 2sec later
🎙❤️Prime Queen: chat noir loving chouquettes & purring on live tv
🍨🌕Glaciator: rejecting eachother to go on a moon date together
🛎🧸Despair bear: a cute little teddy bear being hilarious
🥐🎸Troublemaker: penny and nathalie should open an underpaid assistant support group
👶🏾🍭Gigantitan: operation secret garden gettting ruined by a giant lollipop seeking baby
🍬🪽Befana: handmade lucky charm bracelets being THE best gift ever
🎼🎤Frightningale: you're right plagg, people are blind, VERY blind
👳🏻‍♀️⛲️Gorizilla: radiant carefree dreamy adrien the fragance
🤖🔋Robostus: markov being an absolute king for messing with hawkmoths security system
🦉🦸‍♂️The dark owl: new fear unlocked, principal turning into an owl
💄💋Zombiezou: teachers birthday escalating into a zombie apocalypse
🪀🚖Reverser: taxis being a public heath hazard
🤺🥈Riposte: adriens 'just a very good friend' knows NOTHING about fencing
🎹🧀Captain Hardrock: camembert you're the cheese of my dreams
🦊🪈Sapotis: pyjama party turning into alyas first akuma fight
🌊🧜‍♀️Syren: adrien playing with ladynoir dolls while ladybug is mixing power ups
❄️⛸️Frozer: inviting your 'very-good-friend' to your date will NOT go well
🦕✨️Queens Battle 1 - Style Queen: All's not gold that glitters, unless you're a gold glitter statue
🐝🪮Queens Battle 2 - Queen wasp: what do chloé and felix have in common? EVERYONE knows their hero identity
🧢🥖Anansi: carapace saving the day!
🐝🎉Malediktator: 'nobody is useless' defending chloé did NOT age well dear adrien
🧦⛓️Sandboy: plagg noo who turned you into a sock?!?
🦊🐞Heroes day 1 - Catalyst: silly delusional illusionist fox illusioning illusions again
🦋🦚Heroes day 2 - Mayura: hawkmoth changing his name, again
🎄🎅🏼Santa Claws: the boy that she secretely looooves is a sad lonely kitty
sneek peak season 3
🪄💋Puppeteer 2: match my freak and it's wax lips on wax lips
🐈‍⬛🤍Cat blanc: black kitty good, white kitty bad
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carpetbug · 9 months ago
okokokok this might be stupid but just wait a second. in gorizilla or whatever that episode is called when gorilla gets akumatized and ladybug has adrien jump off that building right. you’re with me right. and gabriel is thinking adrien might be chat noir cause of his ring so he’s like “okayyyyy adrien if you’re chat noir please transform right now so I don’t watch you die.” would that. would that be like a. a sentimonster command. i know that like he has to be touching the ring or whateva but like. guys wouldn’t that be a senti command
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milarqui · 7 months ago
Scarlet Lady: Gorizilla
Directory | The Mime
Plagg wasn't sure what to make of Adrien wearing sunglasses and a completely unusual set of clothing (not that he cared much about that), but he still felt curious about what he was doing.
“So, we're just sneaking out?” he asked.
Adrien gave him a side glance.
“Well, you saw what happeend when I tried asking directly.”
“Nathalie will let you know when I'm available to talk,” Gabriel had said, not even bothering to look away from his large computer.
“Wuh–?!” Adrien babbled, but to no avail.
“I'm busy right now.”
Adrien couldn't see it, but he would have certainly become quite worried if he had seen what his father's computer was showing: a photograph of his hand, wearing a ring... next to a photograph of Chat Noir's hand, wearing a ring.
“Yes... busy...” Gabriel mumbled as he looked between both images.
“Uh, père?” Adrien asked, trying to catch the man's attention.
“Why are you still here?”
Adrien just rolled his eyes and left.
“Here's the perfume you wanted, mon trésor!” André Bourgeois said, as Chloé happily opened the door.
“Adrien's new scent!” she proclaimed, and she immediately told Jean-Charles to carry the boxes to her bathroom.
“Ma chérie, a special screening of Daddy's movie is playing today,” André said, even though Chloé was clearly ignoring him. “Shall we go watch together –”
“Nope!” she replied, slamming the door on his face before rushing to the bathroom... to throw all the bottles into the bathtub and then jump in right behind them. “Radiant... carefree... dreamy... Adrien–”
“Single handedly financing the business, are you?” Tikki asked, not even surprised.
Her Queen was getting ready to have fun, but unfortunately there was something she had yet to realize.
“So this swimsuit is in case something happens to the first swimsuit in the wave pool,” she said, showing a striped swimsuit, “and this swimsuit is in case someone spills ice cream on themselves,” she continued, pulling one with spots, “and this swimsuit is in case someone is self-conscious of the swimsuit they brought and want to change...”
My Queen is so prepared and so going to be late, Pollen thought.
Adrien looked around the corner, hood and sunglasses in place, to check for any potential dangers, and saw none apparent as he stepped ahead.
“Coast is clear...”
“Aw, poop,” he mumbled, as he was suddenly manhandled.
“Remember me?! It's Wayhem! We met at the buddy competition! I can't believe we ran into each other, say cheese! Aaand POST!”
It all went so fast, he barely had a chance to react – but hearing that last word was enough to set off the alarms in his mind.
But it was too late.
And, of course, this guy's complete lack of volume control ruined his plan.
“Over there!”
“It's Adrien!”
“Adrien Agreste?!”
There were many things he wanted to say. Some of them enough to turn the air blue. But the shock was so large that none of it made it out.
“Oh no.”
Tikki didn't even bother saying anything. Why would she? It just led to further disappointment with the girl that had taken the Earrings.
Instead, she just watched her spritz that overrated perfume everywhere around the room.
“And this will smell like Adrien, and this, and this–”
“Hm?” Chloé said as her cellphone sounded out an alert, and she thankfully stopped her contamination to check her phone, and she gasped. “Adrien's outside! I must grace him with my presence!”
Tikki didn't even bother pointing out that Adrien didn't consider her a friend anymore. Why would she? Chloé had never cared for anything but her own little universe where everything revolved around her.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to dodge the spritz of that kwami-awful liquid Chloé threw in her face.
“Ready to go!”
“Now that you smell like teenage boy and cheese?!”
Marinette did her best to run with her flip-flops on, while carrying her bags... and talking with her friend on the phone.
“I'm so sorry, Alya! I lost track of time!”
Alya just laughed, the traitor.
“Let me guess: you tried packing backup swimsuits 'just in case'?”
“HRK!” she grumbled. She wasn't about to admit that to Alya.
Unfortunately, that kept her from looking ahead... and she crashed into a rather tough obstacle.
What were the chances?
“ADRIEN?!” Alya shouted, as she heard her best friend and her boyfriend's best friend talk.
“Please, hide me!” she head Adrien beg, and she could almost figure how flustered Marinette would be.
That sounded very, very interesting to her reporter ears.
Fortunately, they had had enough of a headstart that Marinette had managed to pull him into a fountain that had been running dry for a few weeks, and it was deep enough that they could duck inside without being seen.
“He went that way!” they heard some of Adrien's persecutors shout, and both of them were suddenly acutely aware of how close they were to each other.
“Thanks for saving me,” Adrien managed to say. “People are going crazy because of the ad.”
Marinette had a bit of trouble knowing what that meant, but she realized soon.
“Oh right, your cologne,” she replied. “Is it okay to be out then?”
“I don't know, but I have something that I have to do today and today only,” he whispered back.
“Oh... well, whatever it is, I'll help you!”
Adrien rewarded her with a smile, as they held hands.
“Thanks, Marine–”
He was interrupted by a flash, and they both turned to see someone had managed to catch up to them...
“Adrien and his girlfriend in the fountain! Cute!”
… and they were publishing it on the social network!
“GIRLFRIEND?! I won't stand for this! Tikki, spots on!”
Tikki didn't bother to point out that Adrien couldn't be more obvious about how he liked Marinette.
Good grief.
“Does that say girlfriend?” Rose asked, surprised at the photo, while Kagami shot into Alix's back with her water gun (something that they had wondered but had chosen not to ask questions about) as Ondine looked with shock.
“I thought she was into Chat Noir?” Mylène pointed out.
“C'mon, you saw how she couldn't stop staring at him at your dad's show last night!” Alya said, cheering at the idea of her friends getting together.
“So cute!” Rose squeed.
“Sorry I dragged you into this, Marinette,” Adrien said as they laid hands and knees in the first metro station they managed to find after getting away from the crowd. “Now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend.”
(Yes, he was happy about it, but he wasn't going to tell her. Yet.)
“Ah–!” she exclaimed as she recovered her breath, and held onto her bag as she bashfully looked at her friend. “Uh, do you think you'll be alright with your father?”
He winked at her, and pulled out the one thing he carried everywhere with him (apart from his Ring).
“Nothing can happen to me thanks to your lucky charm!”
Marinette felt like an arrow hit her in her feelings, as she pulled out the one thing she carried everywhere with her (apart from her Comb).
“I–I have mine too!” she replied.
“Really?!” Adrien happily asked... and yet again he was interrupted.
At the other side of the rails, a large crowd had formed.
“It's Adrien from the ad!”
“He and his girlfriend have matching bracelets! Adorable!”
As they looked to the stairs out of the station, and a train entered from their right, they found, on one side...
Wayhem, the boy that had ruined Adrien's attempted subterfuge.
And, on the other side...
Adrien's mute bodyguard.
“We're surrounded!” Marinette exclaimed, as a train entered the station. “What do we do?!”
“HERE!” Adrien exclaimed, pulling Marinette through the closest door.
“AIYAH–!” she screamed, as the doors closed right behind them... and the lucky charms they so treasured on the other side.
“Aw, they're gone,” one of the stalkers Adrien's fans complained, but then they turned to look at the large man that had arrived.
“Adrien's bodyguard!”
“Yay! Get his phone!”
Before he knew what to do, Adrien's bodyguard was mobbed by the crowd, and trying to get away without hurting anyone...
“What the heck, Adrikins, stop hiding in poor places so I can rescue you already!” Scarlet Lady complained. “The public park?! The subway?! Didn't your daddy raise you better?!”
Had Tikki been there, she'd have said that (a) Adrien didn't need to be rescued, and (b) based on available evidence, Adrien's daddy didn't raise him at all. But, alas, she wasn't available for comments.
For Adrien's bodyguard, nicknamed 'The Gorilla' because of his body size and form (not that he minded it much – he wasn't ashamed of his looks), the day had suddenly started to go for bad when Mr. Agreste sent him to retrieve young Adrien from wherever he had gone to. He had been forced to run around in the car, following the hints left by careless people on the Internet. He had managed to track Adrien to the metro station (forcing him to park in a rather uncomfortable place) – but then Adrien had jumped into a train car with his friend, leaving him unable to retrieve him and to the mercies of Adrien's fans.
He had been fortunate that he was able to fend them off without losing his belongings as he retrieved what the two teenagers had dropped and then made his way out.
“This your car, sir?” a police officer asked, looking quite irritated.
He nodded. He wasn't about to lie, when it was clear it was the family car.
“Do you think you can park wherever you want?!”
Oh, that didn't sound good.
“Master, you really think Adrien is Chat Noir?” Nooroo asked, really hoping that he wasn't, or at least that he would be able to prove otherwise.
“I know he's hiding something from me,” Gabriel replied, his eyes closed.
“Hiding something...?” Nooroo muttered... while trying very hard not to point out that that was Gabriel's usual modus operandi.
“Now I have one thing to do to find out his secret,” he said, pulling out his cellphone and transforming so he could send an Akuma after the bodyguard.
“What are you doing?! Where's Adrien?! How do you lose a 14-year-old boy?! I expected too much from you?!”
He was angry. The man couldn't even bother to remember that he was unable to speak! He wasn't a babysitter! Why did he have to do three jobs at the same time?!
“Gorizilla, I am Hawkmoth...”
The time in the train car had been enough to garnish a pair of disguises out of the stuff she had in her bags (along with grabbing a perfectly serviceable motorcycle helmet someone had thrown away – what were the chances that it would happen twice in a few months?), good enough for them to sneak into Adrien's planned objective.
“This is the thing you needed to do?” she asked, somewhat stunned, as they sat at the middle row in a small cinema.
“Yeah, it's...” Adrien began, doubtful, before he finished. “A screening of 'Solitude'. My mère is the lead actress.”
Marinette turned to look at her friend, shocked.
“You... can't go to the movies? Not even your mother's movie?” she asked. She did remember how he was able to go with them back during Siren's attack, but...
“O–Oh, I can! With Nathalie or my bodyguard,” he said. “Père seems to have something against this specific movie. He even hid the DVD copy we had. And when I asked about it, he told me to go through Nathalie...”
Adrien stopped himself, as he realized Marinette seemed... tense.
“A–Are you okay?”
That did not sound okay.
Will Adrien mind if I put Gabriel Agreste two meters underground?
Such was Marinette thinking as she realized that Adrien's father was even worse than she had thought. Maybe she could plan something out with Nino to bring him down in a subtle–
The projection began, and as she saw the quite familiar scene on the screen, her plans laid temporarily forgotten as her lips involuntarily spread into a grin.
“Radiant... Carefree... Dreamy...”
“Adrien, the fragrance,” Marinette completed, struggling not to burst out laughing as Adrien groaned and lowered the helmet visor.
She wasn't going to tease him.
Fortunately for Adrien's dignity, it wasn't long before the movie finally started, as the screen finally began to show a woman holding an umbrella – a woman Adrien knew was his mother.
Unfortunately, that was the moment he heard a cellphone taking a photo to his left.
“Adrien's at the movies with a helmet!”
“Hey!” Why couldn't this people get that there was a reason for that?
“And his girlfriend who just got out of the shower!”
“Aw, c'mon!” Marinette complained.
And, right behind them, the biggest nightmare came.
“I found you, Mon Prince!”
“S-Scarlet Lady?!” Marinette let out, and Adrien agreed with her tone. He had enough of having to deal with her as a hero, why did she have to mess with his normal life?
“He's at the movies!”
“I watch movies!”
If it weren't for the fact that theones shouting were a large crowd that were clearly not interested in watching his mother's movie, he would have laughed a bit at seeing Scar getting run over.
It wasn't enough to put her down, though, because, as he struggled to hold off the crowd, she managed to slink through and walk up to Marinette.
“How dare you pretend to be my Prince's girlfriend?”
What did it take for her to get that she was as unattractive as a patch of mold?
“Is this what you do in your free time?” he heard Marinette reply, but everything else was drowned out by a large rumble – followed by a large hand crashing through the cinema roof.
Before he could jump away, the large hand had grabbed him and pulled him out of the cinema – which was when he saw that the hand belonged to a building-sized gorilla that didn't look happy at the sight. A gorilla that looked extremely familiar...
“Y–You're–! My bodyguard?!”
Maybe he could have been a bit smarter about this...
“He got Adrien! Someone do something!” she heard Scarlet Lady yell, as she waited for everyone else to evacuate the cinema theater, so she could transform. She rolled her eyes.
“Isn't that what you're here for?” someone else asked. She would have laughed if the situation wasn't serious.
Still, people were smart, and left for safer pastures... save for one person.
“Adrien, I'm coming to save yoooooou!”
Welp, couldn't be helped.
“Buzz on!”
“I'll save you Mon Prince!” Scarlet Lady shouted.
“I won't hold my breath,” Adrien replied from his place in the Akuma's closed fist.
(She ignored him)
“Just stay calm, Adrien!” Marigold said, arriving to the building roof and readying her weapon. “This'll be easy with my Ven–”
“I'm saving him Marimold!” Scarlet Lady yelled, slapping her top away... making it fall off the roof.
Marigold briefly considered the irony of wanting to throttle Scarlet with the rope she no longer had in hand, but soon they were met with other troubles – such as the Akuma reaching down and grabbing Scarlet Lady herself.
“Hey, let go!” she shouted, pounding her fists against the Akuma's large finger.
“Scarlet Lady!” Marigold shouted, grabbing the yo-yo that, fortunately, the 'heroine' had dropped when she got grabbed.
“Good job, idiot,” Adrien threw out, completely unsurprised by her regular demonstration of incompetence.
Seeing an opening, Marigold tossed the yo-yo – and tied the rope around the Akuma's right hand's thumb, pulling to force the hand open and free Adrien.
“JUMP!” she yelled, as Adrien realized he had a way out – although he was so high he definitely wouldn't enjoy reaching the ground. “You have to trust me!”
Adrien smiled. Of course he did.
“Always.” And he jumped. “Don't let me die, 'kay?”
“I'll do my best,” she replied, pulling the rope to free the yo-yo and get ready to jump after him – only for the empty hand to suddenly grab her. “Aw, FU–!”
As he began to fall, Plagg surreptitiously snuck out to have a conversation with his holder.
“Maybe you should transform before you become runny Camembert,” he suggested.
“Not in the open, Plagg. Besides, I believe in Marigold!”
Hawkmoth watched for a second, before sighing.
“Fine, fine, let Marigold go, he's not Chat Noir. Can't make ads with a pancake son.”
Yes, that 'Father of the Year' cup had been well earned.
When the Akuma's hand suddenly opened, Marigold didn't hesitate to jump after Adrien. Hooking the yo-yo around the nearest extended point, she quickly grabbed her friend in a hug, smiling at him as they slowly dropped down to the ground, hanging from the rope, and... well, he was quite close and looked quite nice...
“She did it!”
“Marigold saved Adrien!”
“Our hero forever!”
The people were quite enthusiastic as they finally touched ground. Marigold pulled from the rope to unhook it, and she slightly stepped away from Adrien, giving him space, but he didn't seem to have minded the closeness.
“I knew you'd save me, Hon– uh, Marigold!” he said, thankful. There was something there that really stood out, but...
“'Hon'?” she heard someone whisper.
Oh, right, the Akuma was still there.
“Marigold, your trompo!” the boy from earlier in the cinema yelled, tossing her weapon at her.
“Thanks!” she replied, dropping the yo-yo and quickly running towards the Akuma. “Venom!”
As the tip of her top touched the Akuma, he was paralyzed. Marigold sighed in relief, knowing that they now could deal with the Akuma without a problem.
“Thanks for the assist!” he told the boy, who blushed a bit.
“Anything to protect Adrien!”
“HEY! I'm stuck you idiots!” Scarlet Lady yelled – still held in the Akuma's left hand.
“Your arms are free, aren't they?” Adrien shouted at her, before he turned to the boy.
“Thanks for helping Marigold, Wayhem!” he told his fan-slash-stalker.
“It's the least I can do after posting your location... and your photo... and following you. What was I thinking?” Wayhem muttered, having realized (a tad too late) that maybe he could have gone about this all in a smarter way. But Adrien... felt a bit of pity for him. So he pulled out a pen and Wayhem's hand, where he began to write.
“That's–! Your email address?!” Wayhem exclaimed, shocked. “But why–?!”
“I liked meeting you at the contest too,” he replied. “And now, if you want to hang out, you don't have to chase me all over Paris.”
“Adrien...” Wayhem added, surprised.
That was when Adrien gave him a stern look.
“But it's only for you. I better not find it on Reddit or something.”
Wayhem nodded, slightly scared.
“Adrien!” Marinette said, coming from wherever she had been during the attack (or maybe...).
“Oh, it's your girlfriend, Adrien!” Wayhem said.
“Yeah...” Adrien followed, before he realized what Wayhem had just said and felt his face flushing. “W–Wait, no–!”
The Gorilla suddenly stepped in, halting Marinette's movement and incidentally keeping them from the rest of the crowd.
“Huh?” Marinette mumbled, as the Gorilla silently extended a hand...
“Oh, our lucky charms!” Adrien said, having forgotten about them in the chaos of the persecution and the Akuma attack. He quickly grabbed his and let Marinette grab hers.
“Thank you!” Marinette exclaimed, before looking at him with a smile, and turning to the Gorilla. “Can we have one more teensy little favor pleeeease?”
Adrien turned on the puppy dog eyes. They normally didn't work... but this time, they had to!
They did.
The theater was full of people, eager to watch 'Solitude'. Adrien happily explained to Marinette a few things about the movie that most people didn't know.
The Gorilla sobbed at the scenes. He may not have said much about it, but he did miss Mme. Agreste.
Everyone else simply enjoyed the movie...
“Adrien's mother!”
“We're at the movies with Adrien!”
… even if it wasn't for some actual reason related to the movie.
All but one, that is.
“Hey, I'm no where near Adrien!” Chloé yelled from the last row.
Nobody cared.
Gabriel finally acquiesced to release the family's copy of 'Solitude' from whatever dark recess of the mansion he had thrown it in, and, for once in his life, decided that maybe, perhaps, it could be a moment he could have with his son.
Adrien didn't count on this ever happening again, so he'd do the best he could with it.
“You just had to ask, Adrien,” Gabriel admonished him, but Adrien wasn't going to take it easily.
“I tried, you told me to make an appointment,” he shot back.
“You should have trusted me.”
“But you've never given me a reason to?” Adrien asked.
Perhaps Gabriel should have taken that as a warning sign.
Of course, to anyone that had met him and his son, it was obvious what was going to happen.
“If you start hiding things from me, I'll imagine all kinds of things,” he said, completely missing the point.
“No? What kind of things?” Adrien asked.
“Uh, nevermind,” Gabriel finished, deciding his breath was best spend watching the movie.
Marinette finally arrived to the water park after the longest afternoon in her life, and was slightly surprised to see everyone was still waiting for her.
“Girl!” Alya exclaimed, quickly standing up from her sun bed and catching everyone's attention. “We've been following your adventure online, give us the deets!”
Before Marinette could even react, all the girls were surrounding her, eager for answers she didn't know if she could actually provide.
“So, are you, like, Adrien's girlfriend now?” Alya continued, smirking.
“N–No!” she stumbled, embarrassed.
“But do you want to be?” Rose asked, eager.
That left Marinette in a quandary. Her heart belonged to Chat Noir... but Adrien was so nice... so cute... so... amazing... (and maybe...)
“... I don't know,” she replied, shyly.
“WRONG ANSWER!” Kagami yelled and--
535 pages, 213791 words, 1153636 characters. Oh my god, this keeps growing! Pity that I didn't manage to reach the end of the season before the Epilogue finished!
Fret not, I'll continue to write! (Just wish that @zoe-oneesama's amazing work hadn't just left us without knowing whether the heroes would recover the Peacock Miraculous, how long Gabriel Agreste would have to stay in prison, or how long before Emilie just exploded as she became unable to reconcile her Main Character Syndrome (TM) and her Control Freakiness. Maybe I could write extra epilogues about those matters...
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miraculous-prompts · 11 months ago
Write a Friends to Enemies to Lovers fic about Jessica as Gorizilla and Juleka as Timebreaker, 1940's AU
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justhereforkeefe · 4 months ago
Such a good episode
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The Adrienette in gorizilla was amazing
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years ago
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Note: Don’t give your email address to people who stalk you, please.
Episode 43 Part 9
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Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5
Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 44, Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47
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shwushee · 2 years ago
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Gorizilla episode - still gives me the giggles
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sidsinning · 10 months ago
"Marinette being a fangirl of Adrien the model means she doesn't see the real him and Adrien hates that about his job"
Adrien when Marinette watches him model:
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Boy is BASKING in her fangirlisms its crazy
Showing off to her was probably one of the only highlights of his job
He's a teenage boy and the cute nice girl in his class thinks he's cool for this thing ofc he's gonna milk it
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piromina · 1 year ago
WOW Gabe you really disappointed me today
I mean not that he doesn't usually dissapoint me but...
I'm honestly surprised he was able to make the connection between adrien and chat
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indigomarina · 6 months ago
Jumping on the 'Derision came out of nowhere' train, you'd think if it was always planned, Marinette would have more problems with being at the pool in 'Gorizilla' or 'Mr. Pigeon 72' for that matter.
Also..Soqueline, I like her but she came out of nowhere. Granted, the wiki said Marinette and her kind of drifted apart. But still, I personally I kind of wish she was introduced in season 2 like Luka and Kagami. They could give little inklings of her and Marinette's backstory until Derision if they were always planning this episode.
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bananagreste · 19 days ago
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ooh, la, la it’s ladrien ↳ 73/?
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