#Gordon you are amazing
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c-the-crazy-cat-lady · 1 year ago
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It's been a long time travellin'
On roads that lead to nowhere
With hopes and dreams that always rot
Sometimes it takes a prison cell
The tricks and tales, the traitors' tell
To help you see that freedom is all you've got…
Find me on Instagram: @missclarycreations
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ditzybat · 5 months ago
I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again - Fanon Tim Drake is just Canon Barbara Gordon, and the only reason she’s not as well loved or well characterized as Tim in fandom spaces is because she’s a woman.
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casscainmainly · 5 months ago
So in Spirit World there's two separate panels that show Cass' family/loved ones. The first I think is more circulated:
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The second is this one:
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These line-ups are probably different due to space/convenience, but to overanalyse these panels for a bit, it's interesting who's present in which. Bruce, Steph, and Babs are present in both - makes sense, they're the most important figures in Cass' life. Steph is front and center in both, suggesting she really is Cass' favourite person ever.
Bruce is relatively big in the top panel, but much smaller in the bottom. The top panel explicitly is about "family," while the bottom is about people who "know and love you". Bruce becoming smaller suggests that Cass thinks of him as her dad, but the 'knowing' and 'loving' part isn't as secure for her. (This is probably not intentional but reflects their dynamic very well, particularly post-Cass being sent to HK and her unresolved feelings about that).
Babs is pretty big in both, and I love that she's Oracle here (the wheelchair in the bottom panel!!). This makes total sense - the time when Babs loved and cared for her most was when she was Oracle. Cass probably still sees and remembers her that way.
Onto the interesting stuff, which is Duke being missing for 'family' but present for 'know and love you'. I think he should be in the top panel, but maybe he's too new for Cass to consider him family? Everyone in the top panel is from the bg 2000 era, so Cass might think of that time as her true 'family'. Anyway, the fact he makes it into the bottom still shows they're close, and that Cass considers him someone who understands/'knows' her.
Dick and Tim being present for 'family' and missing for 'know and love you' is so fun. Tim maybe should be present in the bottom, but recent canon hasn't made them as close as they used to be (in BG 2000 and Red Robin). So they love each other, but not to the extent of anyone in the bottom panel; he's still definitively family though.
Dick is the same, but there's a lot more sibling rivalry and complicated feelings there. It makes total sense for Cass to see him as a brother, but to not think he 'knows' or 'loves' her all that much; they do get along, but I think they remember their mistakes with each other and think the other person still holds a grudge (they don't). Peak Dick-Cass dynamic to me!
So if I had to rank Cass' favourite people in the Batfam according to these panels, it'd be: 1. Steph 2. Babs 3. Bruce 4. Tim and/or Duke 5. Dick
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finemealprompt · 9 months ago
DP x DC Prompt #83
Tucker loved going to conventions. He loved sharing the love of his favorite characters with other people who loved the same characters. Mostly, he looks forward to seeing the cosplayers who show up. And this convention is extra special. 
A cosplayer he follows online is going to this one! She calls herself Babs, and Tucker hopes he’ll run into her. Her cosplays are always insane and detailed! Maybe she’ll even be willing to sign some fan art he made of her cosplays if he asks nicely enough.
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haveihitanerve · 7 months ago
I believe fully, in my heart of hearts, that Barbara Gordon is one of the only people who gets a genuine “thank you.” from both Batman and Bruce Wayne, because with Dick the thank you’s are unspoken, a subtle nod, a little hug, nothing overly major, and as he adopted more and more kids bruce became more emotional constipated (#not at all how character development and growth are supposed to be cough cough dc cough cough but whatever) so they don't really get thank yous they get more grunts of pride/acknowledgement/thanks but with barbara he always says thank you, whether its a soft, relieved little ‘thank you.’ after she gives him life saving info for his kids, or if its a gruff ‘thank you.’ after she proves him wrong but helps more people, or a standard ‘thank you.’ for giving him information and locations on villains. And everytime she responds with either a soft, comforting, “not a problem B. I got your back.” or a cheery, obnoxious, “you are welcome!” or even just a mutter of “you wouldn't be able to tie your shoes without me” that bruce pretends he cant hear. 
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zer0point5ive · 1 year ago
it’s the picture of diana in lawrence’s wallet with her arms wrapped around a dog, it’s the horse riding awards in her bedroom and and the snake toy she has draped over her headboard .. it’s adam who wanted so badly to be a vet, adam who loves cats and brings them saucers of milk despite there being barely anything in his fridge .. it’s them bonding over their love of animals, diana showing adam her amazing animal facts book and adam asking for one every time he sees her, it’s adam saving up his own money so he can surprise her with a trip to the zoo for their next adam-and-diana day when lawrence and alison are at work and need someone to watch her, it’s him taking his camera, getting pictures of her with her favorite animals and developing them, it’s diana telling adam she wants to be a vet when she grows up and him getting excited, grabbing lawrence’s stethoscope when diana says she wants to play vets and taking his job oh so seriously when diana says that he’s gotta be her assistant, it’s .. its ..
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nightwngobssd · 9 months ago
Hey friendly reminder that there're more Batfamily members than Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian :)
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dizzybizz · 2 years ago
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my favorite k-pop artist turned exorcist
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iliterallydecepticanteven · 4 months ago
Listen. I'm not accusing him of anything. But Gordon Lightfoot sure did know a lot of very specific details about the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
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hypewinter · 1 year ago
So Barbara right?: Obviously much like Steph, much of Barbara's story happens independent of the batfam so there's nothing really to change. I'd say the only key difference is that she's moreso Jason's friend than anyone else's (you know cause it'd be fun).
It's finally Dick's time to shine: To celebrate Jason's official adoption, the Wayne's go to the new circus in town. The happy atmosphere of the night is quickly cut short by screams of terror as the flying Grayson couple falls to their deaths. Cass is the first to react, rushing over to the Grayson child and shielding him before he can see (or hear) them hit the ground. The other Wayne children are quick to follow, expertly dealing with the frightened crowd and leading them out of the tent in an orderly fashion. Bruce is the last one to take action, meeting up with Commission Gordon to detail what transpired. When all the dust has settled, the audience has left, the bodies have been taken away, and Dick Grayson is an orphan.
Naturally Bruce defaults on his trusty dusty tactic of simply becoming the boy's guardian but there's a snag this time, the state won't let him. They go on and on about how Dick is an emotional child and he needs a lot of one on one attention and he wouldn't get the proper support he needs in the manor and bla bla bla. Which would all be valid points, if the state didn't just turn around and put the poor kid in a boys home. Bruce is obviously pissed. Beyond pissed in fact. But until the courts rule in his favor, his hands are tied. You know whose hands aren't tied though? Damian's. Damian is a full scale legal adult who lives on his own and has the backing of his father (who just so happens to be one of the richest men on Earth). The state has no choice but to meekly hand the boy over.
Dick is a feral little monster. Constantly angry, constantly lashing out. He far surpasses early days Jason in sheer ferocity alone. But Damian is undeterred. He knows feral. He's seen feral. He WAS feral. This brat will not break him. Damian starts employing the methods his father used to help him deal with his emotions back in his "I just found out I'm the son of assassins and I'm so angsty" phase. Mainly the method of punching your feelings away. He gets Dick a punching bag and also trains him in every martial art/self defense method under the sun. When that proves to still not be enough, he does the next best thing, he takes Dick with him out on patrols. Dick finally starts working through all of his emotions surrounding his parents death, especially when he starts getting leads on who killed them. Eventually, he finally figures out who killed his parents and where they are and he's out for blood. He tries to sneak out but Damian is already waiting for him by the window. Dick prepares to get into a fight, only for his gear to be tossed at him with Damian already climbing out the window. He's stunned for a moment but he's also not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. So the two go to catch Tony Zucco together and the rest is history (Bruce nearly has a heart attack when he finds out Dick is Damian's sidekick. Why does no one in his family want to be normal!?).
Part 1 Part 2
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potatoesarecheese · 7 months ago
fics that have forever altered my brain chemistry
(organized by fandom)
read me poetry by dead men by demigodbeautiies
Major Character Death (but like, he's already dead)
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, background Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, ghosts, ghosts only exist in the moments they are remembered, Non-Linear Narrative, Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurt/Comfort, this one will leave you actually sobbing, implied sexual content
Word Count: 16792 words. 1/1 chapter
Wylan suits bright colours better than anything else: especially the warm tones that bring out the gold shine in his hair. He doesn’t look good in black.
Or: Jesper watches the living carry on without him.
origami butterflies by focacciaherbs
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Background Nina/Matthias, road trips with a stranger, first meeting, modern au, miscommunications, so much bickering, Jan Van Ick is a terrible father but karma catches up to him eventually, implied sexual content (not really)
Word Count: 54536 words. 8/8 chapters
“Are you Jesper Fahey?” Just say no, Jesper thinks as he stares at the man in front of him. Deny it and drive off.  “Yeah, that’s me.” He sighs. “Get in.”
or: as part of a job for kaz, jesper agrees to drive a weird, annoying, definitely not at all attractive stranger across the country. shenanigans ensue.
Only One Reasonable Plea by Frick6101719
fear of noncon (it doesn't happen, and Kaz never has that intention, but Inej is very convinced that it might for a moment)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Inej's early days in the Dregs, she also gets a better explanation of her contract with the dregs, Kaz is trying his best to be a good boss but he is just so confused and emotionally incompetent sometimes
Word Count: 3883 words. 1/1 chapter
Inej realises that she was so eager to leave the Menagerie she neglected to ask a few important questions about just what her duties as a Dreg would be, and what exactly her new boss expects from her.
a good myth is hard to kill by MajorGodComplex
Kaz Brekker/Darkling, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey (kind of), Sun Summoner Kaz, Canon-Typical Violence, Mostly Kazling, unhealthy relationships, the slowest of burns (death threats are involved), Kaz learns how to open up to people the hard way, meanwhile the Darkling is busy gaslight-gatekeep-girlbossing, no seriously is gets bad, the Crows have so many shenanigans, oh and Nikolai is there too I guess
Word Count: 231561 words. 97/97 chapters
“Kaz Brekker…Sun Summoner...I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” “Hope that means you’ve built patience, then, because I anticipate you’re going to wait a fair bit more.”
Kaz is the Sun Summoner, and boy is he pissed about it.
I will probably add to this...
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sanepersonhere · 2 years ago
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Human train(s)!
This is a gift for @bruhstation's cstm anniversary!! Thank you so much for creating Casa Tidmouth!
The blog was 70% (at least) of the reason of why I first started getting into the ttte fandom and also the reason why I actually got back into art. I'd found the account when I had lost a lot of inspiration in drawing and it motivated me to create more pieces!
Cstm and the ttte art community also made me get back to social media too!! (Made this acc to follow train peeps and was originally supposed to be about ttte before I got obsessed with witch hat hehe)
The blog got me into reading/watching chainsawman and witch hat atleir aswell
Thank you also for making my friends think I'm crazy over talking about cstm and human train shenanigans. Though one of my friends now succsesfully simps for human trains so :D.
extra below
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desaturated ver because for some reason when I download the pictures with characters designs, they are more saturated than how it looks when i screenshot ^^
I hope the pictures aren't blurry :,)
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Thank you again for your brilliant stories and creative au!
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casscainmainly · 4 months ago
Excluding Jason because he's been through enough <3.
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thelegendarypusheen-art · 2 years ago
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not too extravagant this year for the anniversary piece
honestly i dont know where id be without this silly little web series. its shaped a lot of my interests and personality. i love it to bits and im so grateful it exists.
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junee-e · 1 year ago
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blacktobackmesa · 1 year ago
Circus Peanuts - a Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware Minific
It's the middle of the night, and one eldritch horror calls another to talk about that clown cartoon. Canon to the Streamman fanfiction continuity, but exists on its own.
Written as part of my personal NaNoWriMo challenge to work on fiction for an hour a day.
“You’d tell me if I was like Caine, right?”
“I–I  know it’s late,” The caller stammered. “Sorry. I saw you were up from your Discord… thingy. The… fuck, I don’t know works. Words. The green dot.”
“Status. The status thingy..”
“Yeah, you can tell I just woke up, huh? It’s nothing. Sorry–”
“No, no, don’t hang up,” the recipient cut in. “Commit to your bit. You wanted to ask about Cane’s.”
That made him laugh. Victory. “No, not Cane’s. Caine. The ringmaster guy.”
The recipient’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment, then raised to the brim of his bonnet. “Talking about the clown show?”
“Yeah, way to not make me feel goofy about it.” 
“Fuck. No, that’s– didn’t mean to sound like that. That’s a real question. You mean the teeth from the clown puppet show.”
“Yeah, that. That’s the… wait, puppet?”
“Cartoons are picture puppets, y’know?.”
“We can unpack that later,” the caller decided.  
“Was it a dream or just night thoughts? Or something else?”
The recipient crossed one leg over the other and curled his finger around an imaginary phone cord. “You wanna tell me about it?”
“Mm. I don’t remember the whole thing, but I’ll tell you the important stuff.”
The recipient waited for a moment as his friend got his thoughts sorted. 
“We were playing something together, the whole team. There were some parts where it was streamed? But other times that wasn’t part of it, and it was hard to tell who was the host. But I must have gone through the wrong door or something, and I ended up in the Amazing Digital Circus. The place, not the… the cartoon. I mean, I guess it was in the cartoon, since it’s about the place. It really depends–”
“Did that matter?”
“If it was the place or the cartoon.”
“I don’t know.”
“Keep going.”
Yeah, he could practically hear the eyes rolling. “Alright. Well, I was there. The team wasn’t. And I was kind of in Pomni’s role– you know, the jester girl. But she was there, too, so it was more like I was just the new guy after her.”
“It’s your self insert fanfiction.”
“Fuck, yeah. That’s… that’s legiterately what it… that’s not a word. Literally, legitimately what it was.”
“Be cringe and free.”
“I wasn’t free, though!” He almost laughed. “That’s the whole thing about the circus, you’re stuck there. And that’s why Caine does the adventures, right? He’s… I mean, there’s lots of ways to interpret the pilot, but that’s what I figured: Caine does the adventures so that the people trapped there have something to keep them occupied and fulfilled and all that. He’s not exactly, uh, sane about it, but he’s not trying to hurt them, he just doesn’t understand what it’s like to be them, he knows they need something to interact with and just makes shit up so they have something to do with their lives–”
“You get it?”
“Yeah. That’s fucked,” he confirmed. “Now breathe before you pass out.”
From the sounds on the other end, that’s just what he did. 
“So whuhappen?”
“It’s a little fuzzy,” the caller went on. “We had some task, but it changed through dream logic stuff. Something like finding keys in eggs. But my brain wasn’t fully locked into the dream logic, so whenever something changed it just fucked with me real hard. I was just freaking out about being stuck there, about not being able to go back home, what would happen to my kid and my apartment and…”
He trailed off. 
“And what?”
He took a deep breath. 
“You guys,” he finished. “What would happen to you guys if I was gone. That’s when… this is the part that fucked with me, I guess. At some point, even though they still looked and sounded like the cartoon characters, my brain decided that the circus characters were the Science Team.”
“Oh, cool. Was I the bunny?”
“Was–” he wheezed a little. “I don’t know. That’s not important.” “It is.”
“No, it wasn’t– it wasn’t a direct, one-to-one thing. It was more like the concept. The concepts got crossed. It wasn’t… I didn’t Kin Assign you guys.”
“Ignoring that. It was around that time that Caine kind of disappeared from the dream, and I didn’t even notice until I woke up. Instead, I had to be the one who set up things to do to keep the circus team busy. And when I got into that, my mind kind of… stopped being about being trapped. The dream kind of morphed, the way dreams do. By the time I woke up, it wasn’t even about being trapped in the circus anymore. It was brainstorming for next week’s stream, just inside the circus. It happened so smoothly.” 
There was a lull in the conversation. The caller seemed out of steam. The listener continued to twirl their invisible phone cord.
“You wanna play Carnival Games for the Wii next week?”
“...No, Benrey. Not really.”
“...I don’t know. Motion controls.”
“You use VR legiterately all the time.”
“Heh. Maybe.”
“Maybe yes?”
“Look, just… thanks for listening.”
“Mm. Thanks for talking.”
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