#Goodbye Eclipse
llamaisllama777 · 3 months
TSAMS,LAES,MGAFS review time!
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So, Goodbye Eclipse, I guess it's nice he had a kinda little redemption arc, it's sad to see him go but it's for the best. Also the ending has me worried they really hammered it home that Earth really cares for Sun. Davis, Reed, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! DON'T MAKE ME SAD!
Also, can we talk about the differences between Earth and Lunar's expressions.
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Earth looks sad and concerned...
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And Lunar is just like, " And this affect me,how?"🤣 Seriously bless the person who makes their thumbnails.
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SOLAR'S COMING BACK!!!!!! Eclipse actually did it. He saved Solar. But Sun does bring up a good point. "Why is Dusk(Dark Sun) helping? Why would he? What does he get out of it? WHAT IS DARK SUN'S GAME?!!?!?!?
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And last but not least, Moon's coming back soon too gonna be a great reunion! But new problem... SUN KNOWS! Sun knows Monty and Puppet are bringing back Moon, and he clearly isn't happy, I mean, why would he? He's trading one Moon for another, and I feel like Sun is just done with Moons altogether(Maybe that's Dark Sun's goal? 🤔 make him hate Moon and ditch his family?) . Also, the ending.... are.. are they hinting that Henry help Creator build Sun and Moon! Are Sun and Moon technically Henry's kids?
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poqu · 6 months
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(fantasy life) into the eclipse~
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bilolli · 2 years
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I finally finished and edited it! This time there shouldn’t be problems with sizes and messed up colors.
Anyway, this scene lives rent free in my head and I HAD to draw it.
Solar Lunacy belongs to the talented @bamsara​ , (seriously, it’s a wonderfull fanfic, read it.)
Process GIF and variants under the cut!
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On PC this one looks better, but on my phone it’s wayyyy to saturated and dark. Ujsdbidfshf I hate screens differences.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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#imagine not being head over heels for him 🤷🏼‍♀️
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mikodrawnnarratives · 11 months
(not graphic blood but I'll still tag it just in case)
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Might want to turn up your brightness for this one fellas
This is Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Extra
(might end up being three parts actually lol)
(my script is like 3-4 pages long so....)
Long post under the cut
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I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
- The night we met by Lord Hurdon
This comic stems from my need for them to have a satisfying conclusion OKAY
I mean it's bittersweet but at least they make up (to a degree)
Explanation below (kind of spoiling next part) (kindof almost not really idk):
After being dangerously injured by a cryptid, Vanessa managed to contact the one person she wished she could have said goodbye to the most.
I'll explain more about why Vanessa is the way she is in the next part but without spoiling, Vanessa has grown a little since the last time she saw y/n. That, in combination with the fact she's bleeding out and taking on the mentality "fuck it why not", has led her to this decision.
This comic kinda goes off of the idea she gets an inkling of doubt in her mind about whether y/n is still "alive".
The next part will go into it more but that doubt mixed with her resolve leads her to at least try.
She tries to call y/n. They don't answer. She sends a text and no longer has the strength to hold on to her phone.
I don't think she'll be completely resolved to Vampires having actual consciousness but in her last moments she's also just wishing for her friend back. Her human friend. The one who has been dead all this time. Vanessa has a history with seeing ghosts so
It's worth a try
I'll let you decide which phone of y/n's she tried to contact.
Assuming y/n unblocked her on their previous phone at some point
So yeah, Vanessa in this comic is going back and forth on whether this is y/n or not. She's bleeding out, so does it really matter?
It's almost selfish how much she wishes to be free of the ache in her chest. The fact in the end, she couldn't free her friend.
You'll see more of this in the next part. I don't want to spoil it too much.
She doesn't wish to carry this burden of failing her friend. She reaches for a conclusion. She wants this to end well. She wants her friend to be okay. She wants to believe everything has worked out. She wants everyone she cares about to be okay without her.
She'll throw out her wish to the world. And hopefully, it'll come true.
She'll throw out her wish to you.
It is you.
I may have spoiled the next part a little bit oopsies
I just want to explain why Vanessa's different y'know
And y/n has their own conflicting emotions.
Even when things are a semblance of normal, it can't be. They are a vampire now. It tears them up inside.
But. Vanessa lets them touch her.
They've been afraid to do that. For the entirety of this reunion cut short.
She lets them touch her.
And again, Vanessa wouldn't be this way if... it weren't for a few somebodies.
But that's enough spoiling the next part.
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killcodesashes · 6 months
Byeee byeee Sol
[Human designs ig!]
El amor de mi vida se tiene que ir desafortunadamente
Perooooo tuve que hacer el menos un dibujo y la verdad me encanta como saliooo
Solar sacrificed himself to get rid of my art block, he's a real one...
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I did my best to copy the artist's original style they did for the thumbnail and I think I did a pretty good job!
Here's more of the sketch and progress on the drawing!
It took nearly six hours according to ibis paint! And I messed up a bit on Solar's face but I do plan to go back and try and fix it tomorrow! I'm just tired since I kept working all day on drawings for the episode
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I actually also really liked the flat colors though they definitely took the longest
[Og thumbnail btw:]
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I was literally just drawing fanart for the laes hunger games video when I got the notif
Ngl I started laughing my ass off when bro just faded off
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hourlyeternaldiva · 4 months
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juicyyyboxxx · 2 years
Eclipse Rips.
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Least to say, I'm not taking suggestions anymore.
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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The Eclipse (2022) ep.5 | Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse (2023) ep.2
in my opinion, this kind of thing suits you more >> wear this. let’s go out. 
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Setting him free into the wild - Eclipse, as inspired by the Lord Darkar/ the Shadow Phoenix from Winx Club
(some pics of the guy under the cut)
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I mean come on, dark red color scheme and armor and robotic limbs are close enough aesthetically <3
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jojotichakorn · 1 year
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OUR SKYY 2: meme edition - part 4 (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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I really love these Q and A videos they've been doing lately. A lot of interesting questions were asked in this episode, and two things I want to talk about that were brought up
1. Monty
2. Nexus
Monty treats Earth like a princess, and that is adorable! Monty does really love Earth, and it shows. Monty, yes, has his flaws (and crimes). Earth admits it as much, but when push comes to shove, Monty is a good person. He loves Earth and her family and wants to keep them safe. When poo hits the fan, Monty is there to help the family. He's the only one who is on Moon's level of intelligence next to Eclipse. He's Lunar's best bud next to his brothers and he is willing to risk bringing the wrath of the Astrals down on himself just to help and protect Lunar, and while yes, Monty and Sun have and probably will continue to butt heads, he loves that family TO DEATH! He shows he loves them and would do anything for them. Monty really has changed since the beginning of the show.
Now, onto Nexus...
Nexus, look, I'm sorry for what you went through. Losing Solar like that was hard, and I get it you were grieving. Everyone was grieving, and when you found a way to bring back Solar, you all jumped at that. And you felt a lot of pressure to bring him back not just for your sake but for them and also feeling pressured by Old Moon to "Protect the family" and "Do what it takes to keep them happy" you were under a lot of pressure I get it and you probably feel betrayed by them... but Nexus, you betrayed them first. You complained that Earth wasn't helping. She offered you help, but you rejected it! She asked multiple times. "Are you okay?" And you said "ya." Which was a lie. Even during family therapy, you lied and said you were okay. You weren't. You were willing to go behind everyone's backs and kill someone to bring Solar back. That's not okay. Even if it was a bad person like Ruin or Bloodmoon, that's still not good. Plus, you don't even know if Solar wants to come, and you forcing back to life in such a way probably wouldn't have gone over well. And when they all try to tell you that you are going over the deep end, you pushed them farther away, saying you don't care. And then after, they are forced to lock you in a cell to stop you from doing something stupid that you will regret look I get it you felt betrayed but Sun didn't mean to leave you in that cell for that long he got sucked into another universe and had to deal with Joker from Persona. He was gonna come back sooner, Nexus, he was. And then you get the idea to be the villain cause they are treating you like one.. Nexus, they aren't treating you like the villain, they were trying to stop you from doing something stupid. Then you go and try to kill Bloodmoon and are willing to let YOUR OWN SISTER die just so you can destroy Ruin and Bloodmoon. That's not right! And you act like you got betrayed? Buddy, YOU BETRAYED THEM FIRST!!!!!!! They didn't abandon you and try to kill you. They extend the olive branch to help you and help you work through your problems, but YOU said no. Not them. You went off the deep end and were going to do something the family wouldn't like, and something they knew wouldn't be good/would hurt you. They were trying to protect you cause you were their family, but you didn't care. You tried to kill your own sister. You called her "collateral." That is not cool. Whatever is making you out like this, maybe it's a shard of a Wither storm making you act like this, or maybe there is some chip in you making you like this, or maybe you did just snap but whatever the reason everything you did was not okay. You hurt your family, and depending on if this is really all Nexus' actions or he's being influenced by something will determine if he deserves some forgiveness or not.
If he is influenced by something, then ya, you deserve some forgiveness
But if this is just all him, then Nexus, you deserve NO forgiveness. You hurt your family, you tried to kill your own sister, and that is something that is hard to forgive. Don't expect them to cause no one would blame them for not forgiving him. No one like that deserves forgiveness.
Also fact I learned about Earth. Her favorite Mlp character is Fluttershy, same as Moon.
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Well, Sun finally gets to relax... can't say the same for Moon tho.
Emperor Eclipse has re-entered the building yall!
So, Nexus is sending drones to Emperor Eclipse's dimension and Dark Sun has sent spies there to find the Wither shard, and now Moon and Emperor Eclipse have made a deal to help each other get rid of Nexus and Dark Sun. Add another ally to the list. Emperor Eclipse will be a very helpful ally, but he is an Eclipse, especially an Eclipse that won, so keep an eye on him.
Emperor Eclipse is actually kinda menacing, I don't know why? Maybe it's just the fact he won in his universe or his dimension or just his presence it scares me.
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Eclipse and Puppet look super cute in the thumbnail! I'm sorry just had to say that.
So,Eclipse has been doing some dimensional tinder hunting and stumbled upon a new universe that spawned from the destruction of the 5,000 universes that Ruin destroyed. So this universe is like a patch-job universe. A universe made up of bits and pieces of the universes that got destroyed. So, in this universe, Roxy isn't around she was discontinued by the company, and Foxy took her place in this universe. Sun and Moon aren't separated yet in this universe, they might not even be the daycare attendent here? Freddy might not exist in this universe, and Henry might own Fazbear in this universe, not William. Also, Monty still exists in this universe. You can't escape him, Eclipse.
Puppet seems to like this place, Eclipse seems to like it too. So, it seems like Eclipse, Puppet, Foxy, and F.C. Will be leaving soon. What will become of the channel? Will Monty have to find a new co-host? Will Puppet and Eclipse take over the channel? Also, Puppet mentioned that if they take F.C. the Astrals may come after them. So, that might be a problem.
Good news Solar is coming back soon! 👍 😃
So, all and all awesome episodes, I loved all of them. The LAES one was cute, TSAMS gives us some more allies, and MGAFS gives us a look at a universe we may see a lot of soon.
11/10 👏 👏 👏
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hey guys!! server is almost done and after some thinking im gonna log off this blog,, i honestly barely use it and ive had too many Bad ™️ experiences that just made me not want to stay,, i wont delete it so that the posts and my mutuals are all still here and i may even come back at some point,, but as of when the server is done and up, i wont be on here anymore
mutuals will automatically get the server (if they want it,, pls lmk via dm 😭) i will also be putting my discord in my pinned so if anyone wants to join the server and im already logged off here, they can reach me through there! BUT i have the right to refuse entry to ANYONE for any reason,, this server is meant to be a safe space, id like to keep it that way. thank you guys, and i love yall!!
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feydpauls · 2 years
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akkayan + we hide in each other
federico garcía lorca // emery allen // micah nemerever // rumi // milan kundera
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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embarrassing 😕 
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mikodrawnnarratives · 6 months
@naffeclipse you'll never guess
This post is like 70% funnies and 30% serious but mostly funnys
(Doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare yourself for whiplash lfmao)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
And this is the extras post :]
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After saying goodbye to Vanessa:
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Gee I wonder who's blood that belongs to
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I will talk a little bit more about this.
I love the idea of Vampire Y/n creating a book of Humans for all the people they love in their life, in a way paralleling their book of Cryptids. Pages upon pages of photos and recounted memories, pressed flowers, and it starts with Vanessa :)
7) This won't end on a sad note though haha
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8) Cont.
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"Of all the reasons to live, you had to choose mentoring people who would likely want you dead if they knew the truth."
Getting yeeted at with the Chancla after being reckless counts as mentoring right?
"Sweetie, I would have wanted you dead if I knew the truth from the beginning."
And that's it!
For now. Idk if I'll ever do any more memes or extras for this comic. I won't say never but I don't have any ideas atm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope yall enjoyed the sketch dump it was vry funny to draw haha
let me know your favorite, I had the most fun with the "Joking abt my au vs au being serious" kjldfskjlfd
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