#Girls High
noperopesaredope · 11 months
I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.
Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.
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kn1ght-l1ght · 1 year
Posting this iconic piece of media that I just NEVER found online isolated except in an archived reddit thread
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elainiisms · 9 months
female protagonists will literally go through 30 life altering traumas at the age of 16 and you ppl still have the audacity to call them annoying bc they cry about it and act like teenage girls
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millificent · 8 months
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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stargirl230 · 2 months
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you’re my hero!
bnha doomed yuri was not on my 2024 bingo card
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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katymayxo · 3 months
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fawnave · 4 months
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happy pride to clare devlin, the wee lesbian 🫶
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becomingthatgirl111 · 5 months
be aware of what you consume:
the energy of others: surround yourself with positive people and avoid those who drain you.
the videos you watch: select content that inspires, educates or entertains you in a healthy way.
what you read: look for reliable sources and material that enriches you intellectually.
who you follow: follow people who inspire and challenge you to grow.
what you scroll through on social media: avoid negative content and look for something that motivates you or makes you feel good.
the news: look for objective sources of information and avoid information overload.
highlights of others: compare less and celebrate more the achievements of others.
the advice you listen to: evaluate advice according to your criteria and needs.
source: @zamirasaba
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succulentsiren · 5 months
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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gent-illmatic · 1 month
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addelaidesupreme · 7 months
I'm watching a video essay about a game ive been interested in playing. The creator of the video, who has crossdressed multiple times, makes a "women arent funny" joke, and i suddenly realize ive never witnessed him acknowledge a woman in an uplifting way before.
I'm on a dating app for lgbt+ people. I've stated multiple times on my profile that i would rather lose an arm than recieve nudes without consent. I will be sent five dick pics for every 2 people i talk to that night.
I'm talking with my dad, who informs me he's been trying his best to learn about trans issues. He says the same things steven crowder brings up when trying to ridicule trans people. I gently but firmly correct my father and get told that ive been fed propaganda.
I'm on instagram, under the comments of a post ridiculing someone for being a misogynyst. Someone's left a comment saying "it must be hard being a woman on the internet" and i respond "it is." I will have every aspect of my appearance scrutinized as a reminder that no matter how well i pass, it will never be enough for someone with bad intentions.
I'm back on that dating app for lgbt+ people. I'm messaged by an attractive looking person, but i can see their partner prominently displayed in all but their main photo, oftentimes striking what im sure they thought was a very intimidating pose. Their bio says "looking for a third for our anniversary." I know that even if I did feel up to it, the gruff partner wouldnt approve of me because i don't pass.
I'm at a job interview for a clothing store. I tell the gracefully-dressed woman interviewing me that ever since i began my transition, i've discovered an interest in fashion, and that this job would allow me to dip my toes into the industry in a safe way. I'm told that i've reduced womanhood to a stereotype, and i can tell by her tone that i lost any chance at the job the minute she realized i was trans.
I'm at the same hospital i got facial feminization surgery in, trying to figure out what's wrong with my bowels. When the person behind the desk gives me a wristband with my patient info on it, i notice a single, lonely, letter M. I ask a nurse in private why it would say that despite me having changed it nearly a year prior. They say they have no clue, and bring in paperwork for me to fill out and have it re-changed again.
I'm living with my mom at the time. I'm new to transitioning, and decide to try my hand at voice training. It feels a bit off, but otherwise im feeling neutral toward the whole thing. I try speaking in this new voice to my mom and she laughs. Now, when people ask if i intend to voice train, i find speaking at all difficult for minutes after.
I didnt have some sort of grand message to convey by this. I just had a thought and then that thought spiralled into whatever the hell this became. Some, okay most, might call it complaining; they are right to do so.
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fyi-iyanni · 10 months
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colorful-horses · 2 months
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nanasangelwings · 1 month
Be high maintenance to be low maintenance: a checklist
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- AM and PM skincare
- shower (cold shower for the last 3 minutes)
- moisturize !!!
- floss, mouthwash, brush teeth, clean your tounge
- walk 6-10k steps
- 7-9 hours of sleep
- take your supplements
- drink 1,5-2 liters of water
- shape eyebrows
- wash hair 2-3 times
- exfoliate your body
- face, hair, feet and hand masks
- hair oiling
- full body shave (face and body)
- change bedding
- clean your room
- deep clean your room
- everything shower
- mani and pedi
- hair trim (every 3 months)
- teeth withening
- hair glossing
- laser hair removal
- dentist appointments
- doctor checkups
- clean out your closet
- set goals for yourself
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von2dutch · 4 months
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