#General Franco
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months ago
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Love among the tomatoes
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stairnaheireann · 2 years ago
#OTD in 1933 – The anti-Fianna Fáil Army Comrades Association, which developed into a fascist-inspired group nicknamed the “Blueshirts,” is outlawed.
Éamon de Valera denounced the Blue Shirts organisation as unlawful, yet despite the Government’s ban, the Blueshirts also known as the National Guard paraded throughout the country. The Army Comrades Association (ACA), later the National Guard, then Young Ireland and finally League of Youth, but better known by the nickname The Blueshirts, was a far-right organisation in the Irish Free State in…
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Notable Humans Stamps 2
South Korea – 2022 200th Anniversary go the birth of Gregor Mendel, Austrian-Czech biologist, meteorologist, mathematician, Augustinian friar and abbot of St. Thomas’ Abbey in Brno, Margraviate of Moravia. -Spanish Sahara – 1960 Francisco Gomez de Quevedo. Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas, Knight of the Order of Santiago was a Spanish nobleman, politician and writer of the…
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jariv4 · 8 months ago
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drsonnet · 8 months ago
الجنرال في الجحيم
الجنرال فرانكو في الجحيم
بواسطة محمد قصيبات
للشاعر : بابلو نيرودا
أيها المسكين
أراك ممددا في الغرفةِ الباردة على الفراش
الغرفةِ التي هي
عند أبواب جهنم
وأرى أناسا حولك كانوا في انتظارك
هم الآن ينظرون إليك
أتسأل من هم؟
إنهم آباء وأبناء من قتلتَ
أولئك الضحايا الذين ارتوت الأرض ال��يبة بدمائهم الطاهرة
أيها الملعون
لا النار ولا ذلك الخل الساخن في وكر ساحرات النار
ولا الثلج المبدد في الفراغ
لا هذا ولا السلحفاة المتعفنة التي تئن وتبكي
بصوت امرأة ميتة
تنبش بطنك بأظافرها
تبحث عن خاتم عرسها
وعن لعبةِ طفلتها التي ذبحتَ ذات يوم
كل ذلك لن يعني لك شيئًا
سوى باب أسود محطم من أبواب الجحيم
قل لي
من جهنم الأولى إلى جهنم الأخرى
أي فرق ترى الآن؟
هناك حيث تطاردك ولولات وصرخات كتائبك المسعورة
وهي تهتف باسمك
أيها الجنرال
إني أراك
هناك في الجحيم
وأرى حاجبيك التعيسين،
والذين هما كريش دجاجات تخرج من روث الأرض
والغارقة في النخامة
يا له من وجه
وجه الخيانة ذلك الذي لن يمحوه الدم
قل لي من أنت؟
ألم تكن مجرد ورقة ذائبة من ملح الزمن
ألم تكن غير كلب ضال
ولد من شحوب ظلٍّ هزيل؟
اللهبُ هناك يتراجع دون أن يترك رمادا
إنه عطش الجحيم
دوائر الألم تتضاءل حينا
أيها الملعون
لعل الناس يطاردونك
حتى هناك في نار جهنم التي لا تموت فيها ولا تحيي ،
حيث الخلود الأبدي
وحيث لا البرد يدركك
ولا الزبد
لا شيئ غير النار
إنها جهنم أيها المسكين
ها أنت وحدك في الجحيم
حيث تتجمع الدموع جميعها من أجل الأيدي الميتة
إلى الأبد
الأيدي التي تمسح الجفون المفعمة بالروث
أراك وحدك في حفرة الجحيم
تأكل القيح وتشرب الدم
في تلك الأبدية الموحشة
أبدية اللعنة والشقاء
هناك لا تستطيع النوم
أيها الجنرال
ستظل عيناك مفتوحتين مثبتتين بدبابيس
تظل مفتوحتين كي ترى شريط جرائمك
لتنظر إلى جثت الأمهات المتحللة التي قتلتها كتائبك
لترى كل الأطفال الحزانى المقطعين إربا
الأطفال بوجوههم المتفحمة من قنابلك
ستظل عيناك مفتوحتين لكي ترى
أدمغة الأطفال الحمراء تخرج من جماجمها
نعم أيها الملعون في قلب الجحيم
سوف ترى كل ذلك
سوف ترى وجوه الصغار مبتسمة
لكن تلك الابتسامات شوهها الدم
وأفسدتها قنابل كتائبك
هؤلاء كانوا أطفالنا
هم فلذة أكبادنا
كانوا بهجة حياتنا وصحتنا
وكانوا بحرا يبعث لنا الخير ويحمل الهواء النقي إلى رئتينا
كانوا يبعثون في قلوبنا الراحة والطمأنينة
هم الآن تحت الأرض
تحولوا إلى بذور تحي تلك الأرض الجرداء
فتنمو الزهور إلى قمة السماء
إنهم ينامون الآن في هدوء على أية حال
فيما تبق أنت في ذلك الجحيم الأبدي لا تعرف النوم
هناك لا تحي ولا تموت
لأن الخوف والحزن الكبير شرعا يتركان قلوبنا
عندما رأيناك ممدا في الغرفة الباردة عند أبواب جهنم
فإني الآن أراك
أيها الملعون في قلب الجحيم
تشعر بالوحشة
عيناك مفتوحتين على كل الأموات
وأرى السماء تقذف الدم الذي يسقط عليك كأنه المطر
من فوقك الدم
ومن تحتك حفرة مفعمة بالعيون المخيفة
التي تنظر إليك
في جحيمك الأبدي
**اعتمدنا في هذه الترجمة على قسط كبير من ترجمة الانجليزي رتشار شيرف والتي تختلف قليلا عن النص الأصل.
المصدر: الجنرال فرانكو في الجحيم – طيوب (tieob.com)
Pablo Neruda | Poetry Foundation
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thecroft-seum · 1 year ago
Persistence de La Mémoire [Persistence of Memory] {1931} - Salvador Dalí
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lleclercism · 5 months ago
franco almost missed out on the rest of the weekend cause he accidentally cut his ear while training his neck, they wanted to stitch his ear 5 minutes before fp1 and he was like “are you crazy?” so he ran fp1 and then bc of his crash he had to go the medical center and when he took out his balaclava he had so much blood the doctors were like “noo! unsafe to drive” and then he had to explain to them what happened so they’d let him drive after that 😭
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argentinagp · 2 months ago
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Franco Colapinto: 10 objetos sin los que no puede vivir | 10 Esenciales | GQ España
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renbyten · 4 days ago
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Started sketching Tintin characters and then couldn't stop
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oconist · 4 months ago
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franco colapinto + what gets lost in translation
R.F Kuang, Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence / Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quijote de la Mancha / R.F Kuang, Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence / John Ciardi, Translator's Note in Dante's Inferno
i've seen in the past days multiple interviews by franco in spanish that have been translated to english. there isn't a single way to translate, nor there is there a way to convey everything that is being said when translating. as someone that translates from english to spanish and viceversa frequently, a language does not stand on it's own. it has a culture, a context, mannerisms that don't really exists in the language it's being translated to, and all a translator can do is try and convey everything the best they can just using words.
franco is, after all, argentinian, and has spanish as first language. he prefers to talk in spanish over english, and with the rise of translations due to the amount of interviews he does in spanish, i've seen a lot of either mistranslations or translations that don't fully convey the context or the nuances of what is being said, and act like franco textually said that.
that's why i urge non-spanish speaking people to not take every translation as it is. dig a bit deeper before misinterpreting translations of what he said. language isn't just a mash of words that can be translated one-to-one and still keep the same meaning.
with that said, i want to dedicate this web weaving to @divorcedpierresteban, the ennabler of me making this.
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love-minor-poltergeist · 7 months ago
A/N: I've only known this man for roughly a week and I want to pour milk on him and violently throw him against the wall (lovingly). While I'm not known to write for horror media, let alone for a franchise as brutal as Outlast, but I've been quite captivated by the Outlast Trials since the July 16th update. Because of course I would fixate on the hyperviolent mafioso with extreme mommy issues. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
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General Franco Barbi Headcanons
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Loathe as he is to admit—  that is if he’s willing to acknowledge it— Franco and his father are far more alike than one would think. Both men share the same hair-trigger temper, a fondness for collecting artisan firearms, tastes in women… And who could forget that sailor’s mouth? 
Hell, prior to his exile, it became something of a running joke between the triggermen of the Barbi family. The minute they hear Franco and Don Barbi’s shared “FUCK”/“CAZZO”, they share a knowing look amongst themselves. Like father, like son.
Of course, they also take it as a warning to keep their heads down and quietly pray that lupara isn’t pointed their way.
His birth mother was killed long before he could even remember her. No one dared utter it aloud, but he knew why. He would’ve been downright stupid to think it was because of anything other than how he came out. Ugly. Malformed. Hell, his father certainly made it clear how he felt about his defective son whenever he got mad; and Franco’s got the scars to show it.
However, during one of Don Barbi’s infamous bouts of rage– fueled by alcohol and his ever-growing frustration over Franco’s reckless spree killings– he had let it slip that Franco resembled his late wife far more than he was comfortable with. 
Dark eyes– cold and vast like the deepest parts of the sea– regarded the crumpled form beneath him. Franco couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen then. He had just gotten back from a hit. Some rat bastard from another crime family; a lowly racketeer who thought he was hot shit. At least he did until he was filled with hot lead from lupara. Only thing was— his father just wanted the intended man dead. It was a simple request. And what did his ugly shithead fuck of a son do? Franco ends up massacring the whole bar he had tracked the man down to. Staff, patrons, and a band of musicians that were unluckily set to perform that night— a whopping thirteen other people on top of the measly single target the Don wanted. And the real fucking kicker? That very bar– dinky as it was– was under Barbi family protection. And they had paid handsomely for their services. 
All hell broke loose once Franco came home. The minute he stepped foot in his father’s office, the world became a blur of violent shouting and spat expletives. The walls and furniture shook with each slam as the Don punched and kicked at the younger man. Franco had tried to fight back, getting in a few nasty hits himself, but it was clear his father easily overpowered him. In a matter of minutes, his vision and lungs grew wet with blood. Everything hurt, and all young Franco could do was fight for air.
“You had one job, boy. One. Yet I find that we lost a paying customer— one that we’re supposed to protect. Making me look like the asshole for not keeping my word.” 
The older man crouched down, yanking Franco by the little patches of hair he had. The Don was baring his teeth now, eyes boring holes into his son. 
“You’re even lucky I let you live, you miserable waste of spunk,” he pulled harder on Franco’s hair, ignoring the latter’s grunt of pain. “I could have killed you in your crib. I should have.” 
He accentuated each word with a rough yank, and a particularly pathetic pained moan from Franco only made the Don slam his head into the floor. Hot, sticky crimson coated his broad fingers, and he regarded the now weeping visage of his son with disdain; as if he had found a piece of gum stuck to his shoe. A pregnant silence fell between the two. Nothing but the faint sounds of breathing filled the air. 
Then the Don spoke once more.
“Even now, you look just like your mother. Useless, bloodied, and soft.”
Don Barbi never did talk about his first wife again after that incident. Not that Franco ever cared. He never knew her. Though, he did faintly hear from a few of his father’s older associates that he shared his mother’s eyes, or that he had the same hair as her. One man even said that had Franco been born normal, he would’ve been the spitting image of her. 
Said man was later found in the alley between a bar and sundry store. Discarded within a dumpster and body absolutely mangled. 
Once, when he was around maybe ten years old or so, his father had tried to take him to the dentist in order to get braces. Something to fix up those “broken piano keys” he had, as his father put it. Franco didn’t even last a half hour before a capo had to come pick him up because the boy went and bit the finger clean off of the poor dental assistant that tried to get him ready. 
He has some breathing problems, going off what could be heard within the trials. If he’s not yapping off, he could be heard heavily panting and straining to catch his breath. It’s nowhere near bad enough to be considered asthmatic, but Franco’s definitely not winning any marathons, that’s for sure. Not that his little baby legs would let him-
Absolutely refuses to drink anything that isn’t sweet enough to send a bear into a diabetic coma. If he doesn’t have his thermos of wolf’s milk on him, he’s dumping a whole bowl’s worth of sugar into whatever’s given to him. He doesn’t care if it's already been sweetened. He needs it sweeter.
Murkoff’s budgeting department is at their wit’s end and it is absolutely Franco’s fault. Does he care? Of course not. He deserves nice things and it’s a travesty that someone of his status is forced to live in squalor. About a week after he’s been taken to Sinyala, a special budget ends up being put aside for him. He goes over said budget every time. No, he won’t stop, either. He is a luxury that few could afford.
The first thing he demanded for his living space was the fanciest phonogram Murkoff could get and some records. He didn’t particularly like juke boxes– he thought them too flashy and that they usually played the same boring tunes. Usually if you walk by his containment unit, you'd hear the rich, dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and the occasional Engelbert Humperdinck.
Don’t ever take him to the beach for too long. He usually forgets to put on sunscreen and ends up sunburnt at the end of the day. It’s one of the few things he doesn’t miss about Miami/Cuba. 
Small dogs hate him. His stepmom Angelina owned a few pomeranians. He and the little bastards never got along. It wasn’t all too uncommon to walk in on him telling one of them to fuck off whenever they bit at the pant leg of his suit. He’s held a vendetta against all tiny dogs ever since. 
While he may not look like it, he’s quite fond of the ocean. He enjoyed the boat rides he took to and from Cuba, and would occasionally fish if time was passing by a bit slow. Though he didn’t do it very often thanks to bastardly seagulls and pelicans trying to bully him for whatever he caught. 
Would probably own an aquarium of tropical fish if Murkoff trusted any of their test subjects with a living thing under their care. When he was younger, Franco’s father had an associate who owned a giant tank full of brightly-colored tetras, cherry barbs, and guppies. And while his dad sat through boring talks, Franco would usually watch the little things dart around in the water.
Speaking of, he’s particularly fond of ranchu goldfish. Mostly because, in his words, “they’re ugly little fuckers”.  Franco means this lovingly, of course. 
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sleepy-squids · 2 months ago
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Alternate universe where Easterman and Wernicke just make all their patients watch a cute cartoon about magical horses
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findingambrose49 · 6 days ago
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The rain's well lush, innit, when it’s drenchin' yer buzzin' bod. @polo-drone-071 @hypnogear @gymspirationjocks
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Summin's brewin', it's well hot, mate! Change is proper mint, feelin' well good, yeah!
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@midasslave1 @polo-drone-073 @eddy-gold-73 @polo-drone-049
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maxedes · 6 months ago
yeah sure let‘s replace a driver who crashes too much with *checks notes*
… a rookie, the type of driver that famously doesn‘t crash
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jariv4 · 1 year ago
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formula1direction · 5 months ago
james vowles they could never make me like you
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