#Gedo headcanons
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youngbuckisms · 3 months ago
A serious question.
This is a VERY serious question!
David is sort of the father figure to everyone. But he’s not the best father figure in the world. He tells them what to do, to clean up after themselves, get gold, and make him proud. But he can and will put them in their place real quick, going from proud dad to aggressive leader in an instant. Like when he grabs Gabe’s face, tells him to quiet down and pushes him to the side to cool off.
Drilla is like a brother to Gabe. Their long history together, similar in age, and being able to relate to a lot of different topics leaves them very close in that sense. Gabe is probably Drilla’s top pick for drinking buddy and going to the gym together.
Clark is also like a brother to Gabe, but in an older brother way or maybe even that weird, proud wine aunt who drinks too much. He’s there to support him, be proud of him, and get in someone’s face for Gabe. His overall energy for matches where he’s at Gabe’s ringside shows that a lot. They hang out, but not as much as some might think.
Now I’ve always seen Clark and Drilla as romantic, but for the sake of the headcanons, we’ll keep with family terms. They couldn’t be more different, yet also so similar. Sort of like having that super close cousin that you “take a walk with” every family holiday. They casually drink together occasionally, but Drilla is more than likely going to go to Clark for drugs and club hopping. They also have occasional times where they aren’t together and are apart for sort of long periods of time, but once they’re back together again, it’s constant conversation and partying.
Then obviously we have Gedo who could also play as a father figure to the boys, but I see him more as a father figure to just Finlay. He helps the dogs if he really needs to, but he’s truly there just to tell David how to lead and how to carry himself. Gedo has helped David get more confident with himself while also teaching him harsh realities.
Now we also have Alex, who I think is that very proud uncle for the boys. He’s protective of his family, won’t hesitate to throw down with someone for any of them, and he’s constantly trying to make time for them. He says he loves them all equally, but in reality Gabe is his favorite and it shows with how he interacts and fights for him. Everyone knows it and no one argues.
This was a fun little question and I probably dived way too deep into it, but I loved it a lot.
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 3 years ago
Speculation from the cavern Part II
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Following my part I
I once wrote a realistic headcanon where I said Madara might have stay connected to the Gedo statute around his 40, his body prematurely exhausted by years of battle. But actually I realise now I was wrong. To connect yourself you need a Gedo statue and to summon a Gedo statue you need a pair of rinnegan...🙃 and he obtains them in the verge of death, in his 90 ish...
Oh man... that mistake open a new infernal door of speculations !🤯
Madara was free to move anywhere he wants for most of his life, especially after Tobirama's death who is known to be a great sensor. And thanks to white zetsu, he is pretty well aware of all the shinobi geopolitics of the time. He said to Obito that he built some of the underground.
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Ok so underground builder might have been one of his hobbies. Sasuke later destroyed the main entrance when he awakened his EMS but the corridors still exist and we don't know how far they travel through the fire country.
And his character is showed many times as a man of action. He can't just stay still. He's constantly looking for or doing something new as shown by Hashirama's reaction below:
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PKGORBM!!! everyone is traumatized by the apocalypse on its way but Hashirama seems to talk about a facetious kid acting bad. I'll talk an other time about both Hashi and Madara being insane in their own league.
So Madara just sitting in his cave and contemplating the coming of his potential Rinnegan seems out of character.
Do you remember when he made fun of Obito spending a life time chasing the 9 bijuu with the help of Akatsuki. But Madara... what is your excuse in 60 years?
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If I remember well, when he talked to Hashirama in front of the Uchiha shrine he already knew Kaguya's story (thanks to Zetsu's editing) and already came up with the idea that he needs part of Hashirama's power to recreate the Rinnegan. and also that he needs all bijuus for starting the infinite Tsukuyomi. He captured first Kyuubi and used him to get Hashirama's cells... but then what next? Why didn't he chase the other weaker bijuus just with his Sharingan?
Even if the Rinnegan was delayed, he still was strong enough to chase all the bijuus in his 30s, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's but he didn't. Even in his crippled 90's he was able to control a group of Kiri shinobis, Rin and sealed Sanbi into her.
Some of you could say : but what the point to collect all the bijuus if you can't summon the Gedo statue first? Ok, ok...back to the Rinnegan issue. If I'm correct to awake the Rinnegan not only you need to merge Uchiha and Senju cells but they need to both comes from Indra and Ashura reincarnations. So technically as soon as Hashirama died, his cells are useless. And Ashura won't reincarnate again if the previous Indra's reincarnation is still alive. Sasuke becomes Indra's next avatar only because Madara died just few years before. As if Ashura was waiting for Sasuke's birth to reincarnate few month later into Naruto and continue their never-ending conflict.
You want to know what I think about this mess? I think Kishimoto and his team don't care that much about ensuring consistency in Narutoverse, in the same manner they don't care about proper family tree or timeline. They just wanted an overpowered charismatic villain from a distant past, and didn't pay attention or didn't care that it's doesn't make any sense that someone so powerful and notoriously impatient will be invisible and idle for 60 years.
Part III
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domesticblisss · 4 years ago
If you’re still accepting headcanons maybe watching Jay wrestle live for the first time? 👉👈
Seeing Jay White wrestle live for the first time would include:
see, there’s two jays;
the one you get when he’s at home and the one that shows up in the ring;
you have never seen the second one in person.
you had met jay during a trip to san francisco. you were in the city for a business trip and he was he was schedule to wrestle juice robinson for the iwgp united states title;
he was the one who took the first step: the two of you were training on the same gym, and he offered to count your sets;
jay was so funny, and the sweetest person you had met;
he asked you on a date and you agreed immediately;
the night was great. he took you to a nice restaurant and sightseeing around town;
and he was the best person to talk to. he listened to you talk about what you were doing in the city, he talked about wrestling and growing up in new zealand, and ended up finding out you were neighbours down in florida;
jay invited you to watch the match, but sadly, you already had plans for that night (you were also a bit terrified of watching it live);
he always called you when he was back home, and the two of you went on several dates until you fell on a steady relationship. it felt natural.
jay never forced you to watch his matches, he knew how brutal they could get and didn’t want you to worry about him;
little did he know that you would watch, always a couple days later though, you had to know he was ok before watching;
it also terrified him knowing that you saw one of his several breakdowns and what you would think about him;
you always reassured him that you loved him. no matter what.
a few nights before he went back to japan, you could feel he was anxious;
he held you on his arms as you laid in bed, one hand tangled in your hair, his touch ever so light;
you nudged him, asking what was going on;
“can i ask you something? you can say no”
“of course, baby”
“come with me to japan? i need you to by my side during this match”
you knew how important this was for him, and how hard it was for him it to ask you to. but you also knew the history between him and david finlay, so you gave it no second thoughts;
the boys were happy to see you. tama acted like a big brother with you, elp was as annoying as ever and gedo thanked you for coming;
you had a special seat ringside;
jay made a bigger show coming out, and winked at you when he spotted you;
everything was nerve wrecking. the introductions felt too long, the stare down between jay and david was never ending and gedo’s hype screams startled you.
finlay got the upper hand, hitting jay so hard you had to look away;
you actually lost count of how many times you looked away;
you considered if it was a mistake agreeing to come with him, if maybe you were a distraction;
you almost left the arena a couple of times;
it happened fast, you weren’t even sure if it really had happened;
jay somehow got the upper hand, switching positions with finlay
he finally got the blade runner engaged;
and still!
“my little lucky charm”
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kogameh · 2 years ago
Speaking of headcanons, I have theories that Zeus (the Masters) is in fact Hakuoh’s father. Just thinking about these: Zeus lost his followers (later the GARDE) after defeated by Zakira, his wife k-word by Gedo, so Zeus trained his son to prepare the attack of the GARDE but failed, Hakuoh was captured and brainwashed to become a member of GARDE and almost k-word Shori (hmm Zeus’s friend?) and probably due to the things he has done, Zeus does not have the courage to face his son again🫠
I saw your post on that, and I can definitely see where it's coming from (especially how Zeus knew the Whiteout technique that was only sacred to Hakuoh's family). I can't say I share the same headcanon though but it DOES have a room to be true if only we got more evidences lol. In my perspective he's probably a long time tutor of his family (like Goblin as Hakuoh's butler) and maybe friend of Hakuoh's mom? And since the Garde was the protector (or something along the lines) of Adam, he's associated with Hakuoh's family in extent to Yaesar, who are important figures for Duema in general, yeah? It's a bit hard to connect the dots because I feel like they plan to do more with Zeus but didn't have the room for it in-between everything else haha
I do believe Yaesar IS Hakuoh's ancestor though. There's definitely more dots that seems intentionally connected there (like how they said Yaesar invented Perfect Duel which...was also sacred to "Hakuoh's family" lol and he also mains an Alcadeias line).
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One of things the Naruto manga implies is that the tailed beasts must be sealed in numerical order by how many tails each beast has. (Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki, and Kurama), however, this order only seems to apply to Madara when he is sealing the tailed beasts during the Fourth Shinobi War. The manga never implies that this numerical order applies to Pain's Akatsuki, and there are multiple times when we see proof that the tailed beasts were not sealed within numerical order by Pain's Akatsuki throughout Part 2.
When they take the one-tails from Gaara, the manga heavily implies that they've already sealed two tailed beasts, meaning the Akatsuki have already broken the numerical order. You can actually keep track of how many tailed beasts have been sealed by looking at the eyes of the Gedo Mazo during the sealing process. The first time we see it, two eyes are already "filled" (have pupils and irises), while the other seven are blank white sclera.
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(Chapter 256, Page 16, at the start of Shukaku's sealing)
Then, when at the beginning of Part 2, the one tails is sealed, a third eye is filled.
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(Chapter 261, Pages 15 and 19, near the end of Shukaku being sealed and when Shukaku is sealed)
Later on, when we see the three tails and two tails sealed back to back, the fourth eye is already filled, the three tails fills the fifth eye and the two tails fills the sixth eye.
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(Chapter 331 page 12, after Isobu is sealed)
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(Chapter 332, page 5, after Matatabi is sealed)
We also know that, by the time the four tails is sealed and the seventh eye is filled, there are only two tailed beasts left, the eight tails and the nine tails.
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(Chapter 354, page 11, after Son Goku is sealed)
We never see the five tails, six tails, or seven tails sealed in the manga. Two of the three we never see sealed on screen must have been sealed before Part 2 began on Chapter 245, and the third was sealed without being mentioned between Chapters 262 and 317.
Of course, that doesn't line up with the way Madara seals the tailed beasts, where Zetsu informs Madara that the one tails must go first.
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(Chapter 660, page 2, Zetsu reminds Madara of the order he must seal the tailed beasts in)
However, Madara himself says he can do it faster than Pain did, and he is also sealing them all at once rather than how the Akatsuki could only do one at a time, so it's possible there is some difference there in the order the tailed beats must be sealed in for Madara compared to Pain's Akatsuki (or we were obeying the rule of cool at that point. Idk. Continuity in the manga was thrown out the window a while ago, but it was most notably absent during the Fourth Shinobi World War)
Regardless of whatever was going on with Madara, I have tried to see if there's a way to determine when Kokuo, Saiken, and Chomei were sealed by Pain's Akatsuki by comparing the order in which the eyes are filled compared to the tailed beast that is sealed (assuming that Kurama/the 9th beast sealed fills the center eye, so Gyuki/the 8th beast sealed fills the top left eye), but I had no luck.
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If you have better luck finding the pattern than me, please let me know, but so far, this is the order Pain's Akatsuki meant to use when sealing the tailed beasts.
1. Kokuo, Saiken, or Chomei
2. Kokuo, Saiken, or Chomei
3. Shukaku
4. Kokuo, Saiken, or Chomei
5. Isobu
6. Matatabi
7. Son Goku
8. Gyuki
9. Kurama
The anime attempts to say that Chomei was slot 1 or 2, and Saiken was sealed after Son Goku, but based on the information in the manga, Saiken would have been sealed at the latest before Chapter 317.
Personally, my headcanon is that the "order" the Akatsuki speak of is based on the strength of the tailed beast, and since the nine-tails says it's stronger than the rest and implies that the eight-tails is second strongest, they have to be the last two sealed. The other seven were sealed in strength order, with it going Kokuo, Chomei, Shukaku, Saiken, Isobu, Matatabi, Son Goku, Gyuki, and Kurama.
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mira--mira · 4 years ago
Madara and Hashirama for the ask meme 👀
What I love about them:
I really love Hashirama's stubborn optimism. I say "stubborn" here bc I think after a certain point of pain in misery in someone's everyday life, in some way it is a choice to remain optimistic despite that suffering. I don't characterize Hashirama as constantly happy and he can recognize the more realistic/pessimistic possibilities, he just refuses to accept them. I have it in my notes for OoT but haven't worked it in verbatim but Madara would call him "ruthlessly optimistic " and while that's tinged with Madara's own bias, I think it fits quite well.
What I hate about them:
Hashirama is stubbornly optimistic LOL. It's a double-edged sword and I think by the time he reached adulthood in a canon setting, Hashirama was so desperate for there to be peace he maintained his "everything will work out" attitude when he otherwise shouldn't have. There were the concerns with Madara and the Uchiha, his own brothers views that he certainly should have recognized could become a problem, and, after depending on when Tobirama took on students/how old they were, the possibility of biases being passed down and a Danzo like figure coming to power. However this was not Hashirama's responsibility alone to fix. I don't think, despite his love, Hashirama alone could have kept Madara in a village that hated him and a clan that distrusted him. Tobirama was an adult and let his own bias pass under a veil of "logic" and passed that, either intentionally or unintentionally down to his students. None of this is Hashirama's fault, but I think part of the canon story being a tragedy was he was blinded by a bright, hopeful future that he failed to see the early signs right in front of him.
Favorite Moment/Quote:
"To me, Madara was like a gift from the divine."
Even thinking about it makes me melt. It's so sweet and really emphasizes how much Madara means to him. 🥺
What I would like to see more focus on:
In fics? Hashirama's mental health and how his childhood affected him. Most of the long fics I've read focus on Madara. Which I understand, Madara has an arc into becoming a villain while Hashirama is just kinda "there" and it's easy for him to fulfill a support role to helping Madara in canon Au fics. A sort of unshakeable, always optimistic stone for Madara to depend on and stop his downward spiral into villainy. But, what makes hashimada so great for me is that Madara and Hashirama are equals. There will be times one falters and needs to depend on the other, and they're capable of giving each other that support. It'd also be great to see Hashirama struggle yet continue to choose optimism and compassion time after time because that feels more weighty and important than an eternally optimistic characterization that never wavers.
Headcanon wise...this isn't something I've found but desperately want to see (and will come up in all of my own aus) is the connection between the god tree and the god of shinobi who's famed ninjutsu is wood release and who's cells can be used for everything under the sun and are specifically needed to control the gedo statue / ten-tails. 👀 Look when I got back into Naruto and only vaguely knew about the war arc plot I thought Kishimoto was Doing Something with that. He was not. I am.
What I would like to see less focus on:
This is pretty much mentioned above but Hashirama as mainly a support for Madara rather than getting his own (non romantic) arcs in long canon Au fics. Headcanon wise, this is such a small nitpick, but Hashirama constantly being the one described as warm whereas Madara is cold. The big tree can *retain* heat, but he pales in comparison to Madara's ability to *generate* heat.
Favorite pairing with:
Hashimada (Hashirama x Madara)
No one should be surprised. I can wax prose about this for days but it's about ultimately finding someone else in a terrible world that *understands* you that you can grow with and support. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers and battle couples so guess what's right up my alley?
Favorite friendship:
Canon/BoaF- Hashirama & Mito
I know Madara & Mito is more popular, and I do love their dynamic but christ Hashirama needs friends outside Madara and Tobirama and I think they'd be good friends. Canon!Mito would provide a good level-headed perspective and wouldn't have the messy, complicated history like the three founders have together and it'd be good for Hashirama to get a break from that. BoaF!Mito and Hashirama are cousins their relationship eventually progresses to a sibling-like bond. They’re quite protective of each other and gossip endlessly together. Mito’s not as good as gardening, but they do it together and incorporate Uzumaki sealing techniques for certain houseplant decorations. Mito also might know about Madara 👀 
OoT-Hashirama & Sakura or Hashirama & Sai
His and Sakura's relationship is p similar to how I would characterize his and Mito's but with the added hilarity of Sakura being his "student" yet having 0 deference for him once they actually get to the "teaching" part (surprise: Hashirama's most uttered lines are "you do the thing, you know the thing, you know you just...do it. The thing. Madara "translates" a lot of their sessions.) Hashirama and Sai antagonize each other constantly and he *will* tease Sai into oblivion as any older brother would. Tobirama never reacted to Hashirama's mischief in ~fun~ ways and he felt bad about messing with Itama, who was even more emotional than he was and Kawarama, who hero-worshipped him. Sai is the perfect "if anyone messes with you I will personally make them regret being born yet *I* will tease you mercilessly to my hearts content" kind of little brother.
Hashitobi (Hashirama x Tobirama)
I don't do incest. At all. Even "non-incest" aus where they aren't technically related squick me out.
Favorite headcanon:
Hashirama can Speak to the trees.
Either humorously or seriously, I love this kinda, sorta, maybe not quite human power.
What I love about them:
Madara is kind and does his best to do what he thinks is right. The “kind” point is a lot of Hashirama talking/flashbacks and the “good” intention behind the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Making everyone a “winner” in the dreamworld, while absolutely insane and full of holes, is odd for a villain’s motivation. His role in the war arc is mostly focused on watching him wreck absolutely everyone he comes into contact with but I love Hashirama’s flashbacks and the glimpses of kid!Madara we get. Madara believed in his philosophy from a lifetime of pain that ended in him losing everything and being manipulated but he was still seeking a way to “help” the most people he could. He’s such a rich character that makes it easy to want to imagine other what-if scenarios where things turned out just a bit differently.
What I hate about them:
Madara takes all responsibility onto himself. This is more speculation because we don’t get Madara’s POV of his childhood or any significant scenes with the clan. However, I think this is one of the primary roots of most of Madara’s problems. If he blamed himself for mistakes that weren’t technically his, he could get into a cycle where he only blames himself and doesn’t seek help/support when he should have and purposefully reduces his support circle because he becomes paranoid that he won’t be able to protect them. A smaller issue that is both about Madara and not is he didn’t fall victim to the Talk no Jutsu, but was Madara aware of what was happening when he was possessed(?) by Kaguya? I forgot but if he wasn’t...I don’t think he’d agree Hashirama’s way was the right way at the end, merely his way was wrong. Because, in Madara’s point of view, the village may have been “better” (used very loosely) than becoming food/power for an alien goddess but it wasn’t good. It wasn’t the solution. Hashirama saying they were both wrong in some way saved the scene but Madara still jumped back to Hashirama’s dream being the right one too quickly imo. 
Favorite Moment/Quote:
“What are you going to do about the second [meteor] Onoki?” 
I’m sorry, that was just hilarious. We see this man slaughter an entire division and drop a meteor from the sky...two kages desperately try to stop it and it looks like they managed to succeed and he just...cool. What about the second? Really cemented Madara is Here and he is Dramatic. A close second fav is him flying across the battlefield to confront Hashirama only for the “I’ll deal with you later” line. 
What I would like to see more focus on:
I really love it when fics fill in the blanks of Madara’s childhood/his time with the Uchiha so that’s always a plus for me. The other thing is Hashirama calls Madara a “fundamentally kind man” and according to Tobirama the Uchiha feel love “too deeply” so I like fics that do focus on these aspects of Madara’s personality while staying true to his prickly demeanor. For headcanons I love, love, love exploring kekkei genkai/ninjutsu/genjutsu and how they individually affect people/clans. Digging deeper so that “fire affinity” means constantly running hot/pushing into possibly having fire resistance/unable to distinguish “too hot” / or even affinity acting like a secondary blood type so even if two people had AB blood if one had a water affinity and the other fire their blood would be incompatible. Also the mundane ways powers can be used (I have some Ideas for non-combat genjustu applications that the Uchiha use and those will come up in OoT 👀)
What I would like to see less focus on:
This again kinda ties into the Hashirama segments, but Madara completely depending on Hashirama and Hashirama alone for happiness. Especially in long AUs where he’s still in Konoha but has a poor relationship with the Uchiha. That’s fine starting out! But if the fic ends or doesn’t seriously work on improving that relationship it just sits a bit weird with me bc I don’t think Madara could be truly happy in that situation. (NSFW start) The other thing I see commonly is Madara is extremely passive/submissive in bed with Hashirama which is...weird to me? There’s also a reoccurring thing where he doesn’t have a lot of experience but Hashirama does and this leads to embarrassment and the aforementioned passive/submissiveness. I understand lack of experience can be embarrassing and I do believe Madara could be embarrassed, but instead of withdrawing into himself I think he’d push through it with something close to bravado and his usual single-minded intensity, for better or worse. I do think Madara usually bottoms in his and Hashirama’s relationship but both of them are as enthusiastic about sex as they are fighting and neither is especially submissive or dominant. (NSFW end)
Favorite pairing with:
Hashimada (Hashirama x Madara)
See absolutely everything else 😂 
Favorite friendship:
Canon/BoaF- Madara & Naori or Madara & Hikkaku 
I really like focusing on the Uchiha clan and exploring the dynamics within it. We get nothing about Madara’s early life outside of Hashirama so this is almost completely speculation. For the angst of canon, I like Madara being close to his clan only to lose them after his friendship with Hashirama is revealed bc he awakened his sharingan over Hashirama and that can’t be easily hidden. For BoaF, a large part of it is exploring the clans’ cultures before they made the village so this necessitates actually fleshing out said clans. Naori and Izuna are v similar in personality and both live to prank Madara and annoy him, but they hardly ever team up bc they start squabbling amongst themselves. Hikakku is stoic and calm in contrast to Naori’s mania and Madara’s intensity but he keeps track of every little favor and Madara dreads the day he’ll act on them because he knows it’ll result in something embarrassing for him. But like all BoaF!Uchiha, they’re fiercely protective of one another and you really don’t want to insult the wrong person. 
OoT - Madara & Naruto or Madara & Sai
I really Madara and Naruto’s dynamic, it’s very entertaining and fun for me to write and they’re both positive influences on each other. Madara gets more people to smother with his brand of affection and Naruto gets early recognition and training. Their weird non-training shenanigans (coupon collecting, gaming, etc.) also is p amusing. Madara and Sai have a similar relationship but I really like writing theirs from Sai’s POV bc he insists that he doesn’t feel close/like when Madara treats him like a little brother when he really does. 
Madatobi (Madara x Tobirama)
Logically, I know why this pairing is popular. Fanfic is saturated with the enemies to lovers trope yet emotionally I Do Not Understand it. Personally, I don’t enjoy toxic relationships, to read or write. And, to me, that’s what a close canon Madara and Tobirama pairing would be. Tobirama tried to convince Hashirama to kill him, he killed Izuna, even if it was in war, and I don’t think Madara could or would get over that. If Tobirama has similar attitudes about the Uchiha it makes it worse. AUs exist to rewrite this, of course, but I still don’t enjoy their romantic chemistry. At best, I like Tobirama and Madara as reluctant frenemies who insult each other and try to one-up each other. 
Favorite headcanon:
Madara is fire proof. 
I have a whole rant about this in OoT’s author notes 😂 Sasuke’s Amaterasu should have been a serious threat when it hit him. Instead the man just lets his clothes fall off then kicks their asses. He’s fire proof.
In response to the ask game:
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thechaoticsunshine · 5 years ago
Random Naruto headcanons
Since quarantine had been a bitch, I decided to rewatch some Naruto and boom, here I am opening a Naruto focused tumblr page.
Oh well...nice to meet y’all, here is my first post, a round of some random Naruto headcanons.
Pre Konoha era:
-The Uchiha were organized and militaristic, the Senju were hippies. Both were dumbfunded by each others’ ways when the clans joined hands
-Mito actually found Hashirama idiotic and was not attracted to him from the get go
-The reason there are no people in modern day Konoha bearing Senju as a last name, is that the clan after Konoha was established decided to adopt the village-first mentality and as a result the bloodline was watered down
-The reason a lot of people cannot perform Mokuton is because it is not only a combo of water and earth. In order to have trees grow you also need life force, thus only Hashirama who had powerful chakra could actually perform it
-Tobirama was gay.
-Madara was good in bed but shy at approaching women
-Hashirama could not fill the void left by Madara, so he developed a gambling addiction as a result
-Hashirama probably died because the regeneration techniques made him age more rapidly and eventually shortened his lifespan (just like Tsunade)
-The bringer of darkness genjutsu was taught to Hashirama by Touka who was a genjutsu master
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Previous Generations:
- Danzo actually killed Kagami Uchiha in a fit of jealousy
-Tsunade probably learned medical ninjutsu after mastering taijutsu as a result of seeing death around her constantly
-Minato and Mikoto Uchiha (Sasuke’s mom) were on the same genin team with Jiraya as their sensei, that is why she was friends with Kushina
-Do you know what else would be funny? Ramen guy being the third member of team Jiraya. He was weak, that is why they teamed him up with Minato who was a genius and Mikoto who was an Uchiha. Because of that, Ramen guy was one of the few people who were nice to Naruto from the get go.
-Despite what many fans think, Itachi actually died a virgin. Dude died at 20 with a terminal illness while being an internationally known criminal. No time for girls.
-Deidara was also gay and he was in love with Itachi but did not know how to express it so he despised him
-Mei Terumi would seduce enemy shinobi and then melt them. She actually cannot find a husband because once you get to know her, her old ways emerge which scares men away
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Present Generation:
- Sasuke is secretly terrified of Sakura’s temper, much like Naruto is (he never expresses it though)
- Sai probably read asked Kakashi for sex advice before his first time. Kakashi lent him Icha Icha Paradise. Ino did not appreciate that, nope.
-Neji did not die a virgin
- Naruto says “Dattebayo” during sex with Hinata
-Shikamaru had Naruto teach him the Shadow Clone jutsu, just so he could play Shogi with himself (no one else was able to pose a good challenge)
-Karui fell in love with Choji when she saw him at the war fighting the Gedo Statue and then he found his food obsession cute
-Kakashi has a secret porn stash at his house
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miloloveswrestling · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 新日本プロレス | New Japan Pro-Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Naito Tetsuya, Jay White, Ibushi Kota, Okada Kazuchika, Sanada Seiya, Watanabe Takaaki | EVIL, Takahashi Hiromu, Hideo Itami | KENTA, Takagi Shingo, Will Ospreay, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa | Camacho, El Desperado | Mikami Kyosuke Additional Tags: Dream booking Summary:
Since Gedo's booking is not very to my taste lately, I've decided to do my own. Will probably be obsolete in half a week but it still felt good to write. Hope it can make someone else happy. My goal? To make Naito happy and to tell good stories.
This is like a massive headcanon and dream booking, please talk to me about all this. I need hope.
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wickedhearts · 7 years ago
What I like about them:
this is another one of those ‘what don’t I like?’ situations. He’s the best wrestler in the world. His face is just stupidly beautiful. He’s sweet and nice and his laugh is so fucking adorable and his SMILE OH MY LORD. He cares so much about wrestling and NJPW and making it the best wrestling company in the world. Personal gain isn’t important to him as long as EVERYONE else is doing great and his company is doing great and. How can you not love him oml
What I dislike about them:
he’s too damn pretty I'mma need him to stop
Favourite moment:
when he beat naito at wk heh heh. No but for real, even though I didn’t get to see it live, his feud with Tana. It solidified him as ace and the future of the company and that’s my boy, you know?
Least favourite moment:
When he decided to stop exposing his thighs :/
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more:
LOSS!!!!!!! And not like.. oh no I lost a match or.. oh no I lost my title.. but like CHAOS turns on him!!!! He gets injured and has to give up everything and watch others succeed without him!!!! Just making him feel like he’s not important or needed or worth anything and !! Angst !! Something that makes him not golden prince!okada but rather broken and fragile and doing dirty work and whatever it took to rebuild himself OR JUST BEING A GOD DAMN HEEL
An interesting AU for this character:
Historical AU where he’s a peasant or something because it’s such a contrast to his character and ??
A crossover:
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship):
I don’t have a fave canon ship?? But @villcinenterprises and I’s ship with Tommy. Issa good.
Other ships?:
Look I love all the ships i have on here, especially with Will. But I’d also like to do something with Kenny or Naito because anger and angst and hatred and hate fucking and I’m dead
ROCKY OMFG. But also Chuck and Trent and Gedo and all of CHAOS lbr
Gedo, that is hiS FATHER STOP
An assortment of headcanons!:
Kazu loves CHAOS like family because they’re the only real family he has. While personal success isn’t important to him it is nice to have, it’s the validation at the end of the day when he’s alone and doubting himself, but when asked about it he simply doesn’t care. As long as it’s good for NJPW, why should he? His confidence is mostly a front, poke holes into his sensitive areas ( literally and figuratively ) and watch how fast he crumbles. Crying isn’t something he does often in front of others unless he’s extremely happy or completely devastated, it’s always saved for his pillow. On the flip side, he does smile and laugh a ton; he tries to keep his poker face but he simply can’t help it, his laugh is uncontrollable, and he bites down his smile but it always ends up coming out sooner or later.
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misguidedwarriors · 6 years ago
Yeah but, imagine the awkwardness tomorrow when it comes to Christmas dinner with Okada and Gedo. Like, Okada is still his first born, and no one can convince me differently. Kaz keeps his cool head on because he’s promised mama Gedo that he will, it’s for her sake not Gedo’s. 
This is kinda headcanon worthy, and sitcom potential.....Book the sketch show Gedo!  
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youngbuckisms · 3 months ago
I fucking loved all of these additions. It actually works so well that Drilla is the guy who just … showed up and was sort of just adopted into the group. Clark dragging Drilla to Gabe and Alex like an excited dog bringing a stick ( “I found a friend!!” )
I ate this up. Thank you.
A serious question.
This is a VERY serious question!
David is sort of the father figure to everyone. But he’s not the best father figure in the world. He tells them what to do, to clean up after themselves, get gold, and make him proud. But he can and will put them in their place real quick, going from proud dad to aggressive leader in an instant. Like when he grabs Gabe’s face, tells him to quiet down and pushes him to the side to cool off.
Drilla is like a brother to Gabe. Their long history together, similar in age, and being able to relate to a lot of different topics leaves them very close in that sense. Gabe is probably Drilla’s top pick for drinking buddy and going to the gym together.
Clark is also like a brother to Gabe, but in an older brother way or maybe even that weird, proud wine aunt who drinks too much. He’s there to support him, be proud of him, and get in someone’s face for Gabe. His overall energy for matches where he’s at Gabe’s ringside shows that a lot. They hang out, but not as much as some might think.
Now I’ve always seen Clark and Drilla as romantic, but for the sake of the headcanons, we’ll keep with family terms. They couldn’t be more different, yet also so similar. Sort of like having that super close cousin that you “take a walk with” every family holiday. They casually drink together occasionally, but Drilla is more than likely going to go to Clark for drugs and club hopping. They also have occasional times where they aren’t together and are apart for sort of long periods of time, but once they’re back together again, it’s constant conversation and partying.
Then obviously we have Gedo who could also play as a father figure to the boys, but I see him more as a father figure to just Finlay. He helps the dogs if he really needs to, but he’s truly there just to tell David how to lead and how to carry himself. Gedo has helped David get more confident with himself while also teaching him harsh realities.
Now we also have Alex, who I think is that very proud uncle for the boys. He’s protective of his family, won’t hesitate to throw down with someone for any of them, and he’s constantly trying to make time for them. He says he loves them all equally, but in reality Gabe is his favorite and it shows with how he interacts and fights for him. Everyone knows it and no one argues.
This was a fun little question and I probably dived way too deep into it, but I loved it a lot.
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