#Gary King x reader
c0ffinshit · 1 year
THE MUSIC OR THE MISERY (Gary King x Reader) Part One
word count: 2,712
warnings: mentions of past sexual relations, frenemies with benefits to lovers, porn with a plot, ends on a cliffhanger
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I knew that your heart would pound through your chest and your face would flush with red when you fell in love, but I didn’t think it would ever happen to me. Something about sex and love felt just out of reach for me. Some people never called me “pretty,” so I have no reason to think it. It sounds weird when I put it down on paper like this, but trust me, it sounds better in my head. And it's worst when you know that I hate pubs. They are dirty and filled with men who are dead set on getting as drunk as possible. Their oily skin shining in the pub’s lights, shouting at someone on the other side of the bar. So, as you can imagine, my luck with men is very…bad.
I have been working at Final Round for three years since December. Granted, what I do is partially nothing all-day, but at the very least, it's work. It was never a job I expected I was getting. When I left college, I wanted to fly planes. The next thing I know, I’m working in one of the enormous bars in London, handing people drinks and giving them food. Yes, I started off as a waitress. My life was pretty boring until I came to know Gary fucking King. 
I knew someone was staying and walking around, taking drinks for himself or his friends; I’m not an idiot. But none of the people I worked with had ever cared to tell me about him, even when I asked. They called him ‘King.’ By the time I got promoted, he came by a lot more. Maybe it was the fact that the bartender had a uniform that was tighter and more sexual than the regular waiter or waitress looked. The first time he spoke to me was definitely a shock. His voice was low and oddly sensual. It was probably the most lustful feeling I’ve ever had, and knowing him, he took notice. To not get into the gritty details, once I got off work, we fucked in a bathroom stall. We had sex on and off for the rest of the year. Now, I will admit I was not accustomed to having sex almost every day, and after a while, I became so tired of it. Oh, who am I kidding? All the sex was incredible! He was aggressive, rough, and wouldn’t finish until I did. Then suddenly, the sex stopped. He stopped showing up to my work. And even when he would, he wouldn’t even speak to me. 
Gary never even told me why he stopped talking to me a year after we ended things. I probably should’ve started this story with that… oh well. It was one of those slow days at the bar. People weren’t asking for food or drinks. So, because of this, I got to be let out early. I had to remain in my house until further notice. The day was wasted, spent reading and listening to music. Overall, it was a routine day for me. The real drama started when the sky was dark and filled with stars. I was quietly reading when I heard my phone ring loudly.
Oh, Jesus Christ. I thought, rolling my eyes as I set my book down. Why can’t I have a quiet night to myself?
My house was quiet, which felt like the first time in weeks. But I could hear my phone ring against my desk. My ringtone got louder as they came closer to my desk. As I finally pick up the phone, I hear Gary’s breathing.
"Where were you? Weren’t you supposed to be at work?" He asked.
I hadn’t a slight clue about what he was talking about. As I said, Gary had never spoken to him since we stopped having sex. Hearing him after all this time felt so bizarre.
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to sound cold-hearted.
Gary pauses for a moment. "I thought you were supposed to be at work. You work today, don’t you? I’m looking left and right for you. Where are you?"
"Well… I was at work. I got let go early." I replied, my body leaning against the wall.
Gary doesn’t want to admit he is attractive, with dark hair that shines in low lights. When he walks into the bar, however, is when he looks his best. A big nose sits in the middle of his face, and his eyes are light baby blue.
"Then where are you?"
My body tenses as I rub my arm for a second. My hand gently rests on my elbow.
"Well, you haven’t seen me in a year,  why do you want to see me now?"
"I don’t have to tell you shit." Gary snapped.
Gary makes slight noise of disapproval; "Yes, you do. You can’t just not talk to me for a year and think it’s okay to call me and beg me to come into work." 
It always felt embarrassing to say aloud that we’d had sex, especially with him in the room. We stood silently for a moment; the years we slept together ran through my mind. All the glances from across rooms, being grabbed by the hand, and all the sex we had. It meant nothing to him.
"(Y/N)..." Gary stated disappointedly, "Do you think I act like a stranger to you?"
"Yes," I say flatly. 
He did; Gary always acted like he never knew me. When we did, however, it was formal and brief. If people saw us together for too long, they would start gossiping and spreading falsehoods that were the technical truth. 
"Well… I’m tired of acting like a stranger to you-"
"So that’s why you are calling me? Because you feel bad. Great. A little too late for that." I scoff loudly. 
"You aren’t listening. I’m not here to fuck you and not talk to you for however long." 
"Then why are you calling me?"  
The tension in the room grew thicker. At any moment, Gary would come crawling to my house and yelling to let him in. 
"I don’t know… just something brought me back to you. I can’t explain it." 
I couldn’t help but eat it up. Leaning closer to the phone. "Gary… I know that’s not the real reason you are calling me. But if you don’t want to tell me-"
"But I want to, (Y/N)." Gary finally said. 
It feels like my heart skips a beat; it is something about Gary’s sincerity; I scoff again, not knowing how to reply. This had been the first time Gary had been emotionally vulnerable with me.
"You don’t, Gary. Why would you even bother to call me if you won’t tell me when you’re calling me?"
The minute those words left my mouth, I could feel myself answering my question. Gary avoided me because he liked me. It didn’t make sense. My body grew tense, and I wanted him to hang up the phone. Then again, I wanted out of my body. Night after night, I spent crying about this man. And he didn’t bother to tell me he liked me. My face grew red, and tears ran down.
"Why don’t you answer me?" I raise my voice, "Or are you too cowardly to say anything to me?"
I stood up and started to walk out of the room, tempted to throw my phone to the ground.
"Don’t you ever speak to me like that again. I’m not the one acting like a massive cunt right now." 
"I don’t answer you anymore since you don’t want to answer me." I replied back, each word flicking off my tongue like a snake. 
He hasn’t acted like this in front of me before; I’ve never seen him so angry. People used to tell me what he did to rude people. I don’t deserve to be treated like this, especially by a man I called my friend. Gary mumbled something under his breath and hung up. That’s right, too cowardly to even say goodbye. 
He would come back, I thought. Sure, it would be later in the morning, but he would come in no time. 
But I knew his secret. I planned on holding it for a long time.
My alarm didn’t go off, even though I woke up a minute late. But I arose peacefully that morning, knowing Gary would knock on my door to scold me about last night and how much I acted like a…well… cunt. I won’t call what I felt a feeling of terror. It was more of a weird sense of delight. Gary’s boots stomped against the concrete and up to my door. His body crept in front of the window on my door. He stood in front of the door, waiting for me to come and answer. But I wasn’t doing that; I had work to attend to. My uniform lay neatly on my bed as I searched my room for any excuse not to answer the door. Speaking with Gary was the last thing I wanted to do that morning, less alone seeing his face. Once I had my uniform on, I slowly walked to the door. I open the door to reveal Gary standing, looking around in a frenzy. 
"(Y/N)... we need to talk about last night." His voice rang.
I didn’t even bother replying to his statement. It was hard, but I walked past him and to my car. Gary calls after me, but my legs start to speed up. The last thing I wanted to do was speak with him about last night. He continues to call after me as I speed into my car. While starting my car, I turn my head, coming face-to-face with Gary. My legs burned as I thought of something to say that was sassy or mean enough to get him to go away.
"Why won’t you talk to me? Are you still mad at me? " He asked in a harsh voice. 
I roll down my window. "Gary, you shouldn’t treat me that way because you are my best friend. Best friends don’t treat each other like that."
I had no desire to speak with anyone, let alone Gary. Sure, I said things and made it appear like I was overreacting. I was simply exhausted from Gary begging for my forgiveness when he didn’t talk to me in years.
Gary looks down at his feet and lets out a low sigh. "Look, I know you have work and a life outside of this, but listen, I’m sorry. I called you when I was drunk and missed you so much. Not for the fucking, but for the long nights after. I combed crowds, and I bothered to pick you out. I swear, I say…"
I tilt my head to the side. "Can you please just let me go to work? We can talk about this later."
King has this bad habit of making me feel guilty. Not in a manipulation kind of way, more like religious guilt. A guilt that is always there but never affects my life outside of the knowledge that I’ll go to hell for my sins.  It was just a secret he told me without telling me. And to tell you the truth, I almost felt the same way. He didn’t make my heart skip a beat. Gary made my heart ignite into fireworks of happiness. Gary didn’t make my face flush pinkish hue. He made it a deep maroon. That’s the fuck of it all. It's a shame that we aren’t together like we used to be. I can’t explain how it came to be this way, but it did. I’ve been in a lost-like state since he left. Like, I go through life walking and running places with no end in sight. 
"Screw work! We need to talk about this and you need to listen-"
I slam down on the horn of my car. "GOD, DO YOU EVER SHUT UP? First, you call me late into the day saying how much you miss me. Second, you show up at my house and ask me to forgive you for referring to me as a cunt ON THAT CALL. I can’t forgive you for anything, Gary. You never grew up like the rest of us, did you?"
He paused and grabbed the door’s handle, trying to pry it open. I put my car into reverse and hear the passager side door open. In the corner of my eye, Gary climbs in and buckles in.  
"Fine. Then we’ll talk about it on the way to work. Since you want to act like a child."
"Okay, Peter Pan." I mumbled after my breath.
The car ride to work was filled with long quiet silences, quickly followed by long strings of mean comments. Every rude remark under the sun was said to each other. Once we finally pulled up to the Final Round, Gary slammed the car door and stomped his way in. I, however, stayed behind. I wanted to take up as many minutes as I could before I needed to clock in. As I sat in my car, I thought about this whole shitstorm. Honestly, it feels strange to miss a man like that. To know that he would stay with me until late into the night, trying to calm me down from whatever. He tried his hardest to make me feel better, and most of the time, he would fail. That’s the part that destroys me. It never felt like he was saving me from myself; he was just watching it happen. Like, he wanted to help, but he couldn’t. We did everything together. From hands between legs in cold winters to ‘whatever it takes, he will pay for what he did.’ Drinks at the club that was falling apart, to the bar that used to be near my house, to the keys being taken from my car just so we could ride around town. Why would he act like this now?
I told myself I had to get to the bottom of this. This couldn’t be something I hold onto and torture myself with the knowledge of. Fucking Gary can’t be honest about his feelings for once. So, if he can’t, I might as well. I spot Gary through the bar’s window. It's not clear how he let himself in. He was crawling around, looking for something. Swinging my car door open, I rush out. Taking my keys with me and slamming the car door behind me. Knowing Gary, he probably wanted to rip up my work for booze as a strange form of revenge. As I said, Gary is childish. I start shouting his name from the outside. Looking around, I notice glasses left out from last night. Some are broken, but a lot are tipped over and half full. A part of me is surprised that he didn’t take those half-drunken drinks and finished them. I managed to jimmy the door, opening it up. A white piece of mint gum held the two doors together, pulling them apart as the door opened. Gary thought I won’t notice he dared break the lock of my work just so he could get a head-start on fighting and drinking. 
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed out, watching Gary dig around behind the bar.
"What do you mean? I’m acting like-" Gary begins, but I cut him off.
"You are not acting like anything I’ve ever seen you acting like! Sure, I’ve seen you dig around behind bars and act like a dick to people, but not like this. Something is going on with you, and I want to know what it is."
Gary doesn’t respond and fills up his glass with tap beer. He is acting like this isn’t an issue. Like he left his conscience pressed between the pages of a book in the drawer of my room.
"I’m not acting like anything. So, drop it. You will feel a lot better."
"What did that ever do for me? I will still have so many unanswered question. Now, you will tell me what’s going on." I asked, staring back at him.
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shiroisotto64 · 1 year
Fionna & Cake hcs
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She’s and adrenaline junkie. No questions asked. She loves to bring you with her on adventures! Fighting is already fun, but it’s so much better with company. (Especially if you’re dating)
You’d have to help her keep the apartment in check. It’s a mess when she’s not reminded to tidy it up. Put on some music and she’ll be more willing to get up and clean.
KEEP HER OUT OF THE KITCHEN. This woman CANNOT cook to save her life. That’s why Fionna and cake each sandwiches and take out. She’s tried but Fionna has a track record for burning water so…
Really affectionate and doesn’t mind PDA. She gets flustered but will return you’re affections without question. She’s also always hyping you up. New outfit? She’s the first to comment. Killed a bad guy really quickly? She’s quick to pull you into a strong hug afterwards.
Date nights are anything under the sun honestly. Cuddling in bed? Yeah. Going to a concert? Absolutely!
You could go skating, swimming, anything really but it’s best to do something that can keep her occupied. If she gets bored she’ll kinda space out. She doesn’t mean to though and will apologize later.
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He likes to read to you. In fact he’ll lend you his books to read so you can both talk about it afterwards. He gets really excited to do this and tends to ramble. So you’ll have to excuse him.
Once you say something he’s more conscious and tries not to do it anyone unless your encourage him. He still has his dark days but it’s way easier with you. However Simon hates feeling like a burden.
So he’s not the best with communicating his problems. He tends to lock them away until he snaps. He always feels horrible and leaves for a bit to calm down and clear his head.
He’s an introvert. But if you want him to go with you he’ll try at least. But he will be vocal about it if he feels uncomfortable and wants to go back home. Date nights are pretty chill honestly.
Baking, watching movies / documentaries. Reading or talking about books together. He likes when you talk about you’re interests! He’ll listen and ask questions so he gets it to. He gets real flustered with PDA so keep that in mind to.
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Marshall Lee
Real laid back and chill. He plays his guitar while y’all hang out. He has and still will write songs about and or inspired by you and his friends.
He’s really supportive. He encourages you to go after you’re dreams and do whatever makes you happy. Marshall finds it real cute when you wear his shirts or button ups.
Hell he encourages it even. He vents to you about his mom sometimes. He really appreciates you listening and is even more appreciative if you give him advice on how to properly talk to / get through to her.
Has a sweet tooth. You can easily bride him with sweets of any kind. Want him to wash the dishes for you? Whip out a box of his fav cookies from the store. He’s never washed dishes faster in his life.
You’d end up paying for a lot of stuff, sorry. He tries his best to get money singing on the corners and streets of the town yet it only pays so much. He really appreciates it if you’re patient with him.
He’s ok with Pda and will reciprocate you’re affections but doesn’t expect to not be teased in the process.
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He’s like a mother hen. He gets worried if you don’t answer his texts within 10 minutes honestly. It might get annoying and if it does? Gently tell him how you feel and he’ll do his best to be more patient.
He likes cooking and baking for you. And it makes his whole week if you praise his skills and tell him how much you love it. Bonus point if you can bake or if you give him constructive criticism!
He likes it when you play in his hair. He loves it when you pull his head into you’re lap and run you’re fingers through his pink hair. He’ll be out in minutes honestly.
Gary swoons whenever you put on his sweaters. He has bought the both of you matchin ones. And he is also the type to wanna get matching couples outfits. Just putting that out there.
He likes it when you to clean together. He cleans the dishes and you rinse them off. You both finish that much faster and after he goes up behind you to embrace you. He’ll stay like that for as long as you let him.
Gets flustered by PDA but welcomes it anyways. And Gary is super affectionate at night. He doesn’t care if he’s big or little spoon just hold him.
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He’s affectionate and tries to be as honest with you as he can. But Finn isn’t the best with negative feelings. We all saw how he struggled to help Simon and was a bit awkward while doing it.
Another adrenaline junkie. He likes to go camping and adventuring with you. Anything fun and active and he’s in. Finn Is also very considerate of the things you like and will get you something that reminds him of you while he’s out. Or something he knows you’ll like.
Really playfully. He’ll sometimes just pick you up and throw you over his shoulder before walking off to go knows where. He has complete faith in you and is real happy if you feel the same!
Doesn’t get jealous, like at all. Like I said complete trust in you. He doesn’t question you’re actions and just goes with the flow. He’s very comfortable with you’re bond.
He’s chill with Pda. If you hug him he’ll hug back. You want a kiss? You got it. No questions asked. He is protective of you though. Yet is also confident in you’re abilities but if you need help he’s there in the blink of an eye.
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Winter King
Loves to sing to you! He’ll declare his love to you in and out of town. He loves to spoil you. Anything you want is yours. He always smiles at you whenever he catches you looking at him.
Will pull you in to dance with him. You both go ice skating all the time and if you don’t know how he’ll teach you. He’s real patient with you, so don’t worry. He tries to impress you. He’s very subtle about it but if you pay attention you can see it.
He’d melt if you sat on his lap while he sat on his throne. He has introduced you to ice Marcy. I think you’d all get along pretty well. Kinda like a little family. Also his two guards love hanging out with you.
Training and skating you name it they’re in. Simon chuckles while he watches them drag you around. He’s really affectionate to. You both are attached at the hip! He has to have a hand on you at all times or he’ll explode.
Winter king can’t help but to flush if you pull him down to press kisses to his face. He also loves when you run you’re fingers through his silky hair. He lets you go in his lab. He answers you’re questions if you have any.
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Candy Queen
(I couldn’t find any gifs I’m sorry)
She’s the clingiest. You’re not allowed to go anywhere without her. You can barely get alone time in the bathroom. She’s always writing new songs to sing to you.
She’ll put on a show to win you’re praises and affection. Like i said she really affectionate. She’ll take naps on you throughout the day. She does drool a little but you’ll be ok.
Not much to say I feel like shes really straight forward. She’s not ashamed of the pictures she has of you in her room and openly flirts with you. Dose not mind PDA she heavily encourages it even.
Gets all giddy if you annotate affection. She’d be chill to watch cartoons with you while you both laze around doing nothin in particular.
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
hey!! who do you write for in fionna and cake??
That’s a good question! Currently I’m writing for:
• Adult Finn (Main Universe)
• Farmworld Finn
• Fionna
• Simon
• Marshall Lee
• Gary Prince
• Hunter
• Winter King
• Candy Queen
• Prismo
• Scarab
• Marceline (Main Universe)
• Marceline (Vampireworld)
• Princess Bubblegum (Main Universe)
• Bonnie (Vampireworld)
• Martin Mertens (Vampireworld)
• Huntress (Vampire World)
• Huntress Wizard (Main Universe)
• Hana Abadeer
• Betty Grof
• Whatever that dude based on Lord Monochromicorn is called idfk
• Jay Mertens
• Little Destiny
• Baby Finn
• Jake the Dog
• Cake the Cat
That’s all the ones I can think of right now, if there’s a character you want me to write that’s not on this list just send me an ask and I’ll let you know if I’m willing to try writing for them or not! Thanks for asking!
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experimentfae · 11 months
Fionna Campbell
Simon petrikov
Winter king
Finn Mertens
Princess bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Gary prince
Farmworld Finn
<- Back to MasterList
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colettevbellerose07 · 2 years
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If I made a Jonesy x reader would anyone read it? Imma do it anyways I’m just curious
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pinkthrone445 · 7 months
-"You are my miracle"-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Soft, fluff, fluff, fluff, FLUFF
Warnings:I don't think so
Summary:The kids decide to put together a fake wedding for you and your girlfriend Melissa on Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone, sorry for not writing something longer, but I thought the day deserved something sweet and cute.
Six months, six months it took Mel to get to know you completely and open up to you. It took her a year to finally accept that you were girlfriends. Six more months to move in together. And it took her just a minute at the right time to realize that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you.
Melissa Schemmenti was a determined woman, she had tried a lot of things and she knew what she wanted and what she liked and what she didn't. Marriage was something she had tried before and she was pretty sure she didn't want to go through it again. That's why a couple of years ago she had broken up with Gary, she knew what she wanted to and he wasn't going to convince her of changing her mind.
A year after that, you arrived at school, a new transfer teacher, a new energy in the place, and a new love in the redhead's life. You came like a typhoon, dragging everything in your path, including her heart.
The redhead didn't expect to fall in love, she didn't want to, but it happened, it happened so fast that she didn't even notice it until you were already oficial girlfriends.
Mel felt something with you that she hadn't felt in a long time, comfort. Love is not about who turns your life upside down, love makes you feel comfortable, happy and at peace, and that's exactly how she felt with you. You never demanded more than she gave you, you respected the limits she had, you were sure and determined about what you wanted, you didn't let yourself be managed by others, you were perfect for her.
There were a lot of things that you and Mel had talked about from the beginning, not to marriage, but yes to children and moving in together, no to mommy king yes to costumes and role play, and a lot of stuff more. You wanted to get married but she didn't, so you adapted. She moved in with you even though she loved her home, compromising her part. Love was to give the best of both parts and that's what you did, neither of you gave 50-50, yours was to give one hundred percent each other.
This was the third Valentine's Day you spent together, you usually didn't do many things for that special day, you went home and did a movie marathon with your favorite snacks, but this day, something at school changed everything.
Mel taught a grade of third-graders, you taught second-graders, when kids are that young, their curiosity is through the roof, each thing they learned generated more questions and more curiosity, they wanted to know and experience everything that was possible as quickly as possible. They had recently found out what Valentine's Day meant, they had also found out that you and Mel were a couple, which made their imagination work and somehow convinced you and Mel to do a fake Valentine's Day wedding in the school gym.
The children planned everything and handed out invitations. Along with the art teachers, they had prepared dresses for you and decorated the gymnasium, with Gregory they grew flowers for the bouquet and with Barbara they chose songs to dance the waltz, they even chose bridesmaids and groomsmen.
You never thought you'd be nervous about a fake wedding, but this touched on something you'd kept deep inside. Seeing yourself in the mirror with that fake dress made of toilet paper and colored cutouts, made you think about what a real wedding with Mel would be like, you knew it was never going to happen and you would never insist on it, but it was nice to dream. Life with Melissa was perfect and you wouldn't risk it by insisting on something like that. Having her in your life was enough and nothing would get better than that, not even a piece of paper saying you were married. Right?
You sighed looking in the mirror while one of the teachers combed your hair
-"Everything fine?" - She asked and you nodded looking at the votes youe kids helped you write
-"Yes..."-You smiled and let her continue to comb your hair.
One of the little kids dressed very elegantly came to pick you up a few minutes later informing you that everything was ready at the gym. You carefully grabbed your bouquet and smiled at the sight of Gregory waiting for you outside in a smart suit made of cardstock.
When you got to the Gym Gates you sighed trying to ease your nerves, if this was just joking, why did you feel so nervous? None of this was real, once they finished all this theater, Melissa would still be your girlfriend and everything would be normal as before.
Gregory smiled and started walking down the aisle when the doors opened, the whole school was there, the children sitting neatly next to their teachers, the walls decorated in white, soft music in the background and at the end of the road, Melissa in a dress also made of paper, which made you laugh. Arriving at her side, Gregory handed her your hand and then took her corresponding place next to you, while next to Mel was Barbara. Mel stroked your hands gently and looked at your dress smiling as the officiant, Mr. Johnson, introduced the ceremony
-"You look beautiful... Is that designer's?" - she joked and you nodded laughing
-"Yes, The most experienced in the business, he has almost all his life of experience to show" - You joked laughing and Mel kissed your hand leaving a kiss marked with her red lipstick. Mel's hands were also sweating a little, was she nervous too?
After a while, they gave you time to read the vows you with the kids had prepared, after clearing your throat, you started reading the notes
-"Melissa... You make me happy like when I eat my favorite candy, you are beautiful like the cutest dog on the planet, I like how you smell like flowers, seeing you makes me as happy as when I found out that it was a snow day and I don't have to come to school and I can continue sleeping. Listening to you talk makes me want to dance with happiness like when I listen to baby shark...I wish I could spend my life with you almost as much as I wish I had the last dancing barbie doll. I will take care of you and I will always be ready to kiss your boboos when you fall playing in the park, I love you so much that I will lend you my favorite toys and give you part of my lunch. I promise to be well-behaved and not to fart in front of you and also chew with my mouth closed and brush my teeth before giving you a kiss on the cheek, I promise to do all that because I love you so much like I love my mom."-You finished reading the vows that the children gave you laughing, but when you looked up Melissa looked at you seriously which made you scared. Maybe this was too much, maybe Mel had regretted making this joke for the kids, maybe she was angry or uncomfortable. Before you could continue to overthink, the redhead put away the vows she had made with her students and sighed taking your hands and kneeling in front of you taking out the small paper ring she had in her pocket, you looked at her confused
-"(Y/N)... Will you be my wife" - Mel asked and you laughed watching her
-"Babe, that's why we are here at the altar... We are getting married..."-You whispered trying to goad her up but she didn't
-"I'm being serious... Would you marry me for real?" -she insisted again and you frowned
-"I don't understand" - You whispered and she smiled looking into your eyes
-"I said one time that would take a miracle to marry again... And you are my miracle... Seeing you like this makes me understand how lucky I am. You're the most gorgeous woman I know, you came into my life to improve it in every way, I know that I am not an easy person to get along with and you adapted to every part of my being, as if we were a complement to each other. The patience you have for me and the happiness you bring me is incomparable, I want to feel that every day for the rest of my days. I don't want to lose you just because I was afraid of getting hurt again or because I was a coward that didn't wanted to take the step and really commit to this relationship. I want you to be by my side like my wife for the rest of my days... What do you say? Would you marry me?"-she whispered smiling, the whole gym had fallen silent waiting for your answer, so quiet that you could hear your heavy breathing and your heartbeat. Mel was shocked when you knelt down in front of her to kiss her while you cried
-"I do! I wanna marry you" - You whispered over her lips making her smile and she carefully placed the paper ring on you
-"I'll get a better ring, I promise" - She whispered and you laughed kissing her again
-"This is perfect..."-You muttered, unable to help but grin from ear to ear
-"I think our vows were better than what she said..." - One of the kids commented out loud, making you laugh as the whole school applauded happy for you two .
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thisismeracing · 7 months
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 24 (ending)
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x hamilton!reader ― Word count: 1.2k ― Warnings: none I guess. ― Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he threw caution carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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part. 23 | series masterlist 
Mick paced around the room again, and for the looks of it, it wouldn’t take him long to dig a hole in the exact spot his racing boots were hitting.
“We don’t have much time, Mick, you gotta get ready,” Gary, his engineer, knocked on the door, opening it just enough to look at the German.
“Where’s Yn?” 
“You mean Yn Hamilton?” he asked, just to make sure and Mick tried to keep his eyes from rolling, too stressed to answer properly, but too polite to give a rude answer to Gannon who was friendly most of the time. The engineer took on the driver's silence, and tried, “I think she’s with Lewis. Want me to get her?” 
“Get who?” just from Yn’s voice Mick could guess she was smiling. That bright and big smile he loved so much. The only smile that would be able to calm his racing heart.
Gary waved to Yn opening the door wider for her, he motioned ‘5 minutes’ to Mick and left the lovers alone giving them as much privacy as a small driver’s room could. 
“Hey, mouse, what's the matter?” she walked inside and towards him, tipping her face up so their lips could meet in a quick peck. 
Mick, however, had other plans.
His hands found purchase on her waist, bringing her body impossibly closer, and his tongue took advantage of the surprised gasp she let out to sneak inside her mouth, tasting her sweetness. Yn grasped his blonde locks between her fingers, and corresponded the kiss as much as she could, feeling how nervous he was.
When the air made itself scarce, the driver hid his face in the crook of her neck. 
“I’m nervous, what if I fuck it up? What if I crash? What if the car is shitty? What if–” Mick started, voice trembling, finally letting his walls down, and showing someone how vulnerable he was feeling.
Sure they had this conversation before, and sure Mick Schumacher knew he was a great racing driver, but he was also a human being and, of course, he had his own insecurities and doubts. 
Yn held his face between her hands, leveling it with her own, and looking him in the eyes. His big blue orbs looked at her with adoration and fear all mixed in one, and she smiled sympathetically. 
“Close your eyes,” she commanded in a soft tone and he obeyed. “Hear this rustling of people walking around from one side of the other working non-stop?” Mick nods keeping his eyes shut, they’re chest to chest so listening to her soothing voice and feeling her breath evens his. “They’ve been working for a while now so everything is perfect for their number one driver. They’re not sure if the car will beat that Red Bull witchcraft, but they’re doing their best, and they counting on you to do your best as well. It doesn’t matter if this combo doesn’t get you a podium today, there’s always next Sunday. They got the will to make it happen, and they got the driver to do so too. Leave the past in the past, get in that car, and do what you love doing, do what you know you can do, and also what you don’t know you can do yet. We’ll be here watching, rooting, working, and praying.” 
Her comforting words and soft tone made Mick lean even more on her touch. He smiled, nodded, and kissed her forehead. 
“Here,” she was quick to answer, already knowing he was going to ask from where she would watch the race. Lewis was racing as well, and before Sunday rolled around Yn was asked this question by a lot of people, her brother included. “I’ll watch it from here, you may see me cheering when Lew overtakes others, but I’ll be here rooting for you too. And I don’t care about the outcome, you’re my number one.” She whispered the last part and Mick smiled, kissing her yet again. 
“I love you.”
“I love you,” she echoed back, lacing her hands around his large shoulders and enjoying his warmth. “You’re also looking hot as fuck in this new racing suit, please tell me you can sneak one in your bag tonight.”
Mick laughed and nibbled on her neck just enough to make her whine, but before he could give Hamilton a witty answer, there was a knock on the door. 
“Go out there and kick ass,” she kissed his chin, and smiled, turning to the door.
And that was exactly what Mick did. He turned the first race of the season into a show. His show. Everyone watched on the edge of their seats as time after time he overtook cars and climbed up to the podium. A fight for the podium went on on the last turn – Lewis, Mick, and Max were fighting for first place, and in the last seconds the Schumacher overtook his future-in-law, hatching the first place and surprising everyone.
The camera panned on Yn watching the race from the Porsche’s garage, and the way she smiled and cheered when Mick got his first win of the season on the first race of the season during his first year with a team that was racing for the first time. It was a first, and how sweet it tasted for everyone. Even for Lewis, who ended up getting second place, but celebrated as if that was his win too. 
The team ran for the celebration, and Mick went straight for Yn once the car was parked and the helmet was off. There wasn’t much thinking into it, he just saw her there crying and smiling wearing his team’s merch, his number on her body, his initial dangling from a chain around her neck, Mick couldn’t do anything but kiss her lips in front of the cameras. The cheers and flashes faded during the seconds their lips were sealed, he hugged her close, before jumping on top of the crew. Lewis walked to his sister after the congrats from his own team, he hugged her and they smiled as brightly as ever. 
After the podium celebration and interviews, Mick walked back to his garage finding Yn and Lewis there. They were side by side talking, both smiling, and Mick couldn’t help but remember the first time he saw Yn. That day she was talking with Lewis too, it was also the beginning of the season, and now, just like before Mick felt like he could stare at her forever. Yn looked stunning wearing Porsche’s shirt and baggy jeans, the colors of the shirt creating the perfect contrast with her black skin. Her curls were tied on top of her head after the long day. She was stunning, and now he was the one walking into the room, walking to her, his girlfriend. 
His heart was doing somersaults inside his chest. 
After so many days of worrying and agonizing about the future, he was here with a seat on a great team. After so many days of fear about his relationship, Yn was here, as sure as ever about their commitment. After so many times unsure of the future, Mick was happy with the unknown, happy to discover it with Yn, happy to build his own legacy, happy to experience life to the fullest, and even happier to rule the kingdom of Yn’s heart because he knew damn well she was the queen of his heart, body, and soul. 
She was the one he had been waiting for.
“There he is,” Yn said taking Mick from his thoughts and walking towards him again. “My number one,” she whispered hugging him, “the king of my heart.” 
And nothing ever felt as right as being in her arms.
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, honeybees! I hope you guys liked this. I know it's been a while since I last updated, but it's finally here, and I'm happy to end (or give a pause to it, considering I won't stop thinking about mickyn in the context of komh) this journey. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who liked, reblogged, commented, sent asks, and gave me the motivation needed to get this together. This wouldn't be possible without you, thank you! <3 I hope to see you guys in a new series soon. Meanwhile, make sure to tune in to my account and read all the new blurbs and pieces coming. I may post a bonus piece (or rather a smau epilogue) hihi.
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @fdl305 @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @saintslewis @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @schumacheer @callsign-scully @v1naco @dearxcherry @elliegrey2803 @peachiicherries @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @the-depressed-fellow @cixrosie @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @nichmeddar @fastcarsandshit @goldenalbon @balekanemohafe @jamie2305 @nzygftoji @heelariously @bbreezybitch @graciewrote @ferrariloverr @minkyungseokie @scopeiguess @princewis @leclercsluv @alessioayla @littlesatanicassholebitch @barcelonaloverf1life @fanboyluvr @noncannonships @is-just-a @love4lando @woozarts
©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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bones4thecats · 1 month
You can do, scarab x wife moth cosmic identity reader, The scenario is that Prismo, when he came out of the cube, went to the reader and told her everything, and inside Simon's mind, when he ends up defeating Scarab, the reader arrives and ends up scolding him, as well as scolding Fionna and Cake for damaging some universes. If you're wondering, it's from the Fionna and Cake series, this needs more love.🐇
The Follow-Up w/ Scarab's Cosmic! Wife
Character: Scarab Requester: 🐇Anon A/N: This my first time writing for any Fionna and Cake character, so Scarab may be slightly OOC, idk. This also only has the Reader scolding Scarab and not Fionna and Cake, but still. But I do hope you like this!! (The request was slightly changed because this made more sense to me, sorry!!) ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Spoilers for Fionna and Cake and mentions of death ⚠️ P.S: This is what the Reader looks like and this is her staff
Disclaimer: This is an AU, so the story is not the same as the show's
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╚═════ Scarab ═══════════════════════════════╝
🪲 You smiled as you floated around the cosmos, your long sleeves wondering delicately around the many stars surrounding you
🪲 It was a peaceful time for you. And while you would prefer to spend this time with your husband, it was nice to get some time to yourself. Hopefully nobody would interrupt you
"Y/N! We have an issue!"
🪲 Looking up and moving your body to float onto a nearby asteroid, you saw Prismo appear. His body flowing with the asteroid's rocky surface as he began to explain everything
"It's Scarab! He's gone completely bonkers! He's after Fionna and Cake right now!"
"Who in the name of the universe is Fionna and Cake?" You asked.
"Not important right now! What they need is you to calm him down! Who knows what he'll do if he snaps!"
🪲 Sighing and nodding, you summoned your staff, using the pointed bottom to stab the surrounding areas, successfully making a hole for you to walk through
"Egg you!" Scarab yelled as you stepped through.
🪲 The mortals all looked over at you while Prismo chuckled along the walls of the buildings as Scarab shivered in his boots while he de-summoned his weapon, it going back to its crystal-like state
"My love! What are you doing here?"
"Your love?!" Fionna yelled.
"Scarab. We've talked about this."
🪲 The God Auditor groaned and leaned forward, making the others watch with shock as you begin to scold your husband. From walking up and poking his chest with your staff's top and tapping him in the face as he tried speaking
"Y/N, you know what my job is! You know I have to do this-"
"I don't wanna hear it, Scara. We can finish this conversation at home. You need to get cleaned up anyways, you look like you just came out of the universe where the Vampire King and Marceline rule supreme."
🪲 Scarab sighed as you wrapped your arms around his damaged upper left arm, lightly massaging his lower limb with your own additional arms
🪲 You walked with Scarab back to the portal before handing him off to one of your personal assistants, telling them you would be back at the house in a few minutes. As they walked away, you turned around and looked at the humans that surrounded you as they looked at you with either confusion or the continued surprise
"So... you guys are married, huh." Fionna said as you smiled and nodded.
"Have been for many years now. And I must apologize for his actions, his anger gets to be to much for him to handle. And to make up for that, I must bestow you all with something of worth."
"Oh no! You really don't have to!" Gary said.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! I must." You said over the former prince, tapping your foot on the ground, your long dress moving as your foot did.
🪲 As you thought, you looked up at the human named Fionna. You chuckled as she looked around curiously on how she was going to shrink, and instead of just watching her, you aimed your staff at her, successfully making her shrink back to her normal size
🪲 You then aimed your staff at each member of the group, going from the human to the young same-sex couple. They were all surprised to see something that they really needed in their lives to be right in their hands
"Wow... thank you so much!" Marshall said, holding his gift close to his chest while Gary admired his own.
"I should be thanking you all for not killing my idiotic husband."
"Y/N, where are you?!" You heard said male yell.
"Speak of the devil. Anyways, thank you and have a great rest of your lives." You said, turning around while your hair blowing gently in the wind as you began walking towards the portal back to your home.
"Oh! But, before I go." You stopped in front of the hole, lifting your staff and tapping it on the ground, which spread light orange and yellow magic, wrapping around the destroyed pieces of the city, fixing it all within a matter of second.
🪲 Smiling as a moth gently landed on your staff's gemstone, you walked away and after your husband, who no doubt was getting impatient at home
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yunggoblin · 1 year
Always Working - Simon 'Ghost' Riley (18+)
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Stripper!Female!Reader
Summary: Simon works as a bouncer at a strip club you perform at and a customer gets a bit handsy.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Oral (Female Receiving), Cussing, Smut, Riding, Slight Breeding King, PTSD Episode, MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 4,202
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If someone were to ask Ghost what he’d do after being in the military he’d most likely just laugh and expect to be dead during battle. Ghost never saw himself in the retirement stage, he lived for the battlefield and he saw himself dying there. But that all changed when Price forced retirement early on Ghost.
Ghost wasn’t the only one, Soap also was forced to retire and a bunch of other men. Price stated there was a younger, fresher batch of men coming into the military and taking over Task Force 141. Ghost didn’t care that he was being replaced, he cared about not working anymore, especially for his country or maybe it was the fact he was scared shitless going back into the community. He didn’t know how he’d act upon regular civilians. The real world wasn’t like his missions he’s been on.
He’s been prepared on how to take an ambush from the enemy but wasn’t ready to speak to an elderly woman who needed help crossing the street or a small child staring at him with his mask over his face. That’s when Ghost realized he was a night person, less innocent people out and about staring at him whereas it seems like barely anyone during the darkness even paid attention to him.
So, what was Ghost doing after being released?
“Ghost.” Someone called out to Ghost who was leaning against the brick wall outside the building, looking towards the indoor bouncer who had a worried look on his face he informed what was going on. “We have a problem with that same guy towards Y/N.”
Ghost nodded, flicking the lit cigarette he was smoking and pushed himself off the wall and switched places with the indoor bouncer so he could check ID’s before anyone enters the strip club. That’s right, Ghost was an overnight bouncer for a strip club. The military retirement settlement checks were pretty damn good, a few hundred thousand a month to cover his bills, food and whatever the hell he wanted to buy, but Ghost was a working man. He couldn’t sit around at home doing nothing all day. 
The very first night Ghost was a retired man he walked into this strip club for a drink only to toss out a man who was getting too handsy with a dancer. The owner was slightly intimidated towards Ghost at first only to smile and say; “How would you like a job?” Ever since then Ghost has been working here, that was nearly four months ago.
Ghost knew who the bouncer was talking about, there was an older man named Gary who liked to hit the club right when it opens and toss singles to the girls. Usually he’s on his best behavior for the first few hours but after a few drinks he starts to get handsy and loud towards the women, that’s when Ghosts steps in. 
Since the club has been open for a few hours, Ghost knew exactly where Gary was. Ghost past booths full of rowdy men who soon fell quiet towards his presents. The knew not to fuck with Ghost and respect the women if they still wanted to enjoy the entertainment. As the booths were now behind him he could hear the men speak up and cheer once more towards the talent. 
Making his way towards the back of the building, Ghost passed by private rooms that were being occupied by private dances. He made his way toward room five only to stop the bartender that was about to walk in there and serve Gary more drinks. “Hold on Daisy, I think Gary here has had enough for the night.” 
The small brunette woman nodded and parted ways from Ghost, heading back to the bar to make more drinks for other customers. Ghost pushed past the long black curtains, the room was slightly dimmed with red lights from the corner of the room, music was coming from the speaker while Gary was leaning against the black cushioned leather chair enjoying the view in front of him.
Ghost also was enjoying the show. There you stood in the middle of the room, spinning and twirling around on the silver pole connected front the ceiling to the floor board. The way your half naked body moved swiftly with the music, your hair perfectly falling over your shoulders and the look in your eyes that made Ghost smirk knowing you were in the moment of the dance. Ghost glanced down at Gary, surprisingly shocked that he was well behaving for you, so what Ghost didn’t understand was why did the other bouncer say Gary was being handsy?
The loud echo of the harsh slap rang through Ghost’s ears as his eyes widened with anger. A large red hand print was forming on your bare ass cheek as Gary spanked you hard. You yelped loudly, grabbing the pole and straightening yourself up after bending over to give him a slight view of what your lacy thong was hiding. “Well don’t stop now darling! I have a full chub here!” Gary yelled.
You looked at Ghost, behind Gary who didn’t seem to notice the large bouncer. Ghost’s hand came down, clamping Gary by the back of his neck and lifted him up from the chair. “Shows over.” Ghost snarled.
“H- Hey!” Gary squirmed against Ghost’s strength. “I paid for two hours with her Ghost, you can’t just rob me like that!” Gary tried to fight against Ghost, even digging his heels into the carpet of the floor. Ghost kept moving towards the exit, basically dragging the smaller man. Approaching the door that had the red exit sign Ghost slammed the smaller male against the wall next to the door. 
“If I ever see you in here again I’ll fucking gut you myself, do you understand?” Ghost’s eyes were dark as he stared down at the man. 
Gary’s frightened features showed Ghost that he wasn’t going to be coming around here anymore. Nodding, Gary swore he wouldn’t come back here. “Good. Now go.” Ghost pushed him towards the exit door and shut it behind him, automatically locking the ex-customer so he wouldn’t come back in. Ghost exhaled through his nostrils, making his black balaclava damp, his tense shoulders slumped as he tried to calm his beating heart. 
He felt stares and glances towards him. Slowly turning around to face the people and dancers, everyone was staring at Ghost. “Go back to having a good time. Men, reminder do NOT touch the talent or you will be kicked out!” 
All the men murmured and nodded their heads, agreeing with Ghost’s rules and went back to watching the women as they started to dance again. Ghost fixed his mask over his face, clearing his throat as he made sure his appearance was decent once more before seeing you. 
Walking down the long hallway towards the back rooms, Ghost stopped at room number five and knocked on the side of the wall before entering. “Come in, Ghost.” 
Ghost pulled back the black curtains and entered, watching you pick up the scattered money laid all over the floor, his eyes traced the curve of your ass as you moved around. The small attire you wore gave him very little imagination needed when he could see how hard your nipples were in the bra. “You alright?” His English accent was thicker as he was still slightly angry at the customer for touching you.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You sighed out, combing your fingers through your messy locks. “You know, it feels like we’re robbing the guy.” You chuckled as Ghost squinted at you, confused.
“How so?” Ghost crossed his tattooed covered arms over his large muscular chest. 
“Man comes here on a daily basis, always pays well and gets a two hour private lap dance only to not finish it because he can’t keep his hands to himself.” You counted the money in your hands. 
“Seems to me someone should follow the rules and he could finish for what he paid for.” Ghost gruffed out. 
“Easy big dog, I’m not complaining.” You pulled five twenties out of the pile you had. 
“You’re not complaining that he spanked you?” Ghost narrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at you while you walked up to him. 
You smiled at how protective Ghost was towards you, even if he didn’t mean to be, but the man was just doing his job. “No, not that. I’m not complaining that he pays nearly three hundred dollars for a two hour private dance only to be kicked out halfway through it and not refunded.” You pushed the one-hundred dollars into Ghost’s black gloved hand. “Besides, I’d rather have someone else’s hand print on my ass than his.” You looked up at Ghost as he stared down at you.
You couldn’t help but to smirk as you love to flirt with the large security bouncer. “Thanks for protecting me, you do more than what Tyler does.” You rolled your eyes knowing the other security guard just ran to Ghost after hearing about the problem. 
“Yeah, anything for my favorite girl.” Ghost’s chuckled, he could feel his face heating up underneath his balaclava as he got the hint that you wished it was his hand on your ass. “You know, you really should keep this money. It was you who got assaulted.” Ghost tried to give you back the money but you shoved his hand right back into his chest. 
“I know Dale doesn’t pay you shit, keep it.” You encouraged him, patting his hand.
You weren’t wrong, the pay was shit and the hours were long, but Ghost didn’t give a shit about the money or the long shifts as long as he knew you were safe. “Fine, but I’ll be thinking of you when I spend it.”
“I know you think of me a lot, I bet.” You teased him. 
Ghost swallowed thickly, shifting his weight on each foot as you laughed at him. “I knew it. I’ll even give you an extra job, walk me to my car after we close so you know I’ll get to it safely?” You pouted up at him, your hand still cupping his that held onto the money. 
“I suppose I can put in the overtime.” The outline of his lips twitched upwards as he smirked at you. 
“You know what time I get off.” As you slipped past Ghost you gave his ass a light tap in his black tactical pants. 
Ghost jumped slightly, watching you leave the small private room. His eyes were on your bare ass as you swayed your hips with each step you took, teasing him. “Little minx.” Ghost grunted, grabbing the inner thigh of his pants and adjusting them so no one could see the lining of his hard cock. 
The teasing between you and Ghost started the first week he was employed. At first it was just talking at the bar taking a few shots. Alcohol for him to ease his nerves about being around people, alcohol for you to loosen up and dance in front of strangers. Ghost thought he’d be an alcoholic, it seemed that alcohol helped him and his nerves but he was wrong, it was you who helped him through his anxiety and PTSD moments.
“Ghost, Ghost I need you to breathe.” You said as you pulled Ghost into a closet, shutting and locking the door to have more privacy.
His lungs, it felt like they were collapsing as his throat tightened up and his brain throbbed. Memories, awful memories of his teammates going into battle flashed behind his closed eyelids. “Fuck!” Ghost roared, his hand collided against the wall making a loud ‘thud’ sound. Ghost nearly killed someone. 
The man demanded more alcohol and tossed a shot glass towards the bartender Daisy, making it shatter against the wall. The loud sound of glass shattering got Ghost on edge making him flinch from the hectic sound. Grabbing the man by the throat, Ghost pulled out his knife from his hidden tactical pants pocket and held it to his throat. Everyone was scared and shocked by Ghost’s actions but not you. 
Your soft hands were on his shoulders and your small voice in his ear telling him to drop the knife and let the man go. He wasn’t going to at first until he felt your soft hands apply pressure to his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. This was a strip club, not the battlefield. Not an abandoned building that he and his squad was clearing out. Ghost stepped away from the man who ran out of the club crying that he was going to call the police. 
“If the cops come, Ghost isn’t here. No one of that name works here.” You tol Daisy as you grabbed Ghost’s arm and pulled him towards the closet. 
“Talk to me big man.” Your voice was soothing Ghost as he was finally breathing normally. 
“Fuck.” Ghost sighed out as the episode he had was out of his system. “I- I guess I just had a PTSD moment.” Ghost scratched the back of his head, the mask he wore was damp with sweat. Ghost looked at your confused expression. “I was in the military, high up.” Ghost explained. “Seen some shit people will kill themselves to not live within their head.” 
You nodded, cupping his jaw as you stared up at him. The circles of his eyes smeared in black paint. “If you ever have these episodes, you come to me. I’ll be here for you.” You leaned up towards him and pressed your lips against his skull cheek. “Let's hope we see more of those, you with a knife is pretty hot.” 
“Behave yourself, Y/N.” Ghost chuckled as you laughed with him. 
“Never heard the word before.” You teased, pulling out an old chair. “Here, chill in here for a bit. If anyone asks about you, not a word about you. If we really need you, we’ll come get you. You just relax.” You patted the top of his head and walked back out to do your job.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Ghost said after you closed the door, not to be used to hospitality. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked Ghost who was waiting by the front door. You tossed on your sweatshirt. After clocking out you changed into your regular street clothes and stuffed your entertainment clothing into your gym bag. 
Ghost nodded, opening the door for you. “Bye Y/N, bye Ghost.” Daisy waved from the bar she was cleaning up and refilling bottles after serving customers throughout the night.
“Night Daisy!” You and Ghost said at the same time. The cool late night wind hit you in the face making you shiver, it was a nice night for summer, almost too nice. “It feels like fall time.” You crossed your arms around your body, walking next to Ghost towards your car. 
“Hey, I love fall time.”
“Of course you do Ghost boy.” You laughed at him, hinting at his balaclava. “Thanks for walking me to my- what the fuck!” You yelled, noticing your driver side tires were flat. Rushing towards the other side the passenger side tires were also flat, a deep slash visible showing that the tires were no longer compatible to hold air. “Fucking Gary.” You huffed, grazing your tongue over your teeth before you gritted them.
Ghost looked around at the building, seeing a surveillance camera pointing towards the parking lot. “I’ll have Tyler look over the tape and see if it was Gary, we’ll call the cops first thing tomorrow's shift. Luckily we have the bastards file throughout membership. But first,” Ghost pulled out his keys to his car. “Let's get you home.”
You walked with Ghost towards his car. “Oh look at you, protecting me during my shift and driving me home. How will I ever repay you, Ghost?” Jumping into the lifted jeep you shut the door after you sat down in the passenger side. 
“I can think of a few ways you can repay me but let’s just get you home first.” Ghost placed his keys into the ignition and drove off to your place.
Arriving at your apartment, Ghost followed you up the stairs stopping at your door. “You want to come inside so I can repay you?” You wiggled the keys into the holder, pushing your door open.
“Yes please.” Ghost followed you inside the apartment, he didn’t really have time to soak in the photos you had hanging up or the books you had placed on the shelves. Ghost grunted lowly as you shoved him down onto the sofa. “You practice at home?” Ghost grinned, seeing the long stripper pole in front of him, standing tall in the middle of the living room.
“Maybe just a little, practice makes perfect.” You said clicking play on the remote having music play from the speakers. You grabbed onto the pole, twirling around on it. As you twisted on the silver cold pole, you stripped bits of clothing here and there all the way down to your bra and panties.
“Practice does indeed lead to perfection.” Ghost hummed, his dark eyes watching you grind against the post. His teeth sinked into his bottom lip as he spread his legs, trying to adjust in his now tight pants. 
You couldn’t help but to smirk at Ghost, noticing the large bulge in his black pants. “Awe.” You coo, leaving the post you got on all fours and started to crawl towards Ghost, making sure to give him a perfect view of your breasts peeking out from your bra. Reaching his legs you placed your hands upon his knees, moving them inwards on his inner thighs. “Is my poor Ghost boy hard?” 
Ghost’s breath hitched in his throat as your soft hands grazed against his hard cock underneath his pants. “Hmm, fuck.” He groaned, trying not to buck his hips against your touch but it was no use. “So fucking hard, Y/N. I’ve been hard since I saw you dancing tonight.” Ghost’s eyes were dark as he watched your fingers dance along the button of his pants. 
“Well then, let me help you.” You purred, dipping your fingers into the hem of his pants and tugging them down. Your mouth watered at the outline of his cock through his boxers. His large dick making a big tent points up from the fabric. Grabbing the elastic waistband, you pulled his boxers over his veiny cock. Ghost let out a throaty moan as the cool air hit the tip of his cock making it twitch.
Swallowing the large pool of saliva in your mouth, moaning as your hand wrapped around his large thick heavy dick. “Oh fuck.” Ghost tossed his head back. “Please, please, fuck, Y/N.” Ghost’s voice was soft as he begged for whatever you had planned for him. 
“Poor Ghost boy, so hard.” You leaned forward, placing soft kisses against the head of his pre-come oozing cock. Kissing down his long shaft your tongue darted out and gave his heavy sac some kitten licks. Placing your flat tongue at the bottom of his shaft you slowly licked upwards and engulfed the tip of his cock into your mouth, slowly swallowing him down. 
“S- Shit! Y/N.” Ghost moaned, his hand grabbing your hair as he slowly rolled his hips into your mouth. “Good girl, fuck such a good girl.” Ghost moaned, his cock twitching in your mouth as you kept suckling him further down your throat.
The way his cock twitched deep in your throat had your cunt dripping, you could feel the juices slowly drip down your thigh. You moaned around his aching cock as your cunt clenched around nothing, begging to be full already. 
Bobbing your head up and down fiercely on his cock, you moan once more around his cock sending vibrations down his shaft to his balls. The taste of him had you craving more and more each time you pushed yourself further. “Y/N- I’m- Fuck, I’m going to come.” Ghost choked out.
Swirling your tongue around his cock one last time you slowly pulled yourself away from his saliva covered dick. You moaned, licking your swollen red lips. “Oh you fucking brat.” Ghost snarled, his orgasm backing off. “I was going to shoot my fucking load down that tight throat.” Ghost grabbed you by your waist and pulled you onto his lap. “But I guess I’ll just fucking fill this pussy with my come.” 
Straddling Ghost’s lap you gasped loudly as his two thick fingers plunged inside of your pussy. “G- Ghost!” You sobbed as you rolled your hips against his touch. 
“Fuck, this sweet cunt is so creamy all over my fingers.” Ghost hummed, his fingers diving in and out of your sloppy pussy. “That’s it my sweet girl.” Ghost praised as he watched the pleasure wash over your face as you tried to ride his digits faster. 
“Ghost, fuck yes. Please.” You begged, gripping onto his shoulders you kept slamming yourself down his thick fingers only to cry out loudly as he added another. “Christ!” You sobbed. 
Ghost chuckled lowly at how you plead for him. He could feel that you were getting close to your orgasm as your cunt fluttered tightly around his fingers. As you were about to push yourself down on his digits his fingers left your soaking pussy. “Ghost!” You sobbed out as your buzzing body was slowly coming down from your high.
“Not so fun when it happens to you, huh?” 
“Please, just fuck me.” You begged, your head resting upon his forehead. You looked into his dark eyes, panting. You could feel the tip of his leaking cock press against your entrance but not pushing inside. Your hands danced along the black mask, slowly pushing it upwards. 
“Mask stays on, love.” Ghost grunted out, his accent oozed thickly. 
Stopping your movements, the black fabric rested upon the tip of his nose, showing his plump lips and slightly stubble beard. Leaning forward, you crashed your lips against his, moaning at the sweet taste of whatever alcohol he drank earlier from tonight. You squealed against his mouth as his cock entered you. “Oh god, Ghost.” You gasped against his lips. The feeling of his large cock impaling your tight cunt had you shivering for more.
“Simon.” Ghost grunted which made you pull away and look at him. “Names Simon, call me Simon.” Simon’s lips twisted into a smirk, showing somewhat of his white perfect teeth.
“Simon.” You let out a breathy moan. “Oh, Simon.” You moaned louder as you started to rock your hips faster on his cock. “Right there, Simon. Right there.” You sobbed out as the tip of his cock grazed in an area you’ve never reached. 
Your nails dug into his dark shirt as you held on tight to him, holding yourself close to him. The sound of his thick cock pushing into your wet cunt was a sinful yet wonderful noise, it had your stomach twisting tightly along with hearing Simon moan lowly each time you raise yourself to the tip of his cock and slam down.
“Fuck, little girl.” Ghost snarled, his large glove hands gripped your waist as he guided you down his fat cock. You could feel the ridges of his cock each time he entered you. “I’m going to fucking come in this little pussy and fill you with my seed.” Simon’s voice was deeper as he fucked himself up into you. “Going to watch you grow round with my child and watch you perform.” Simon hissed.
The thought of performing with Simon’s child growing inside of you had your cunt clenching around his cock. Simon chuckled deeply as he noticed the sudden tightness. “That what you want lovie? You want me to fuck you sideways and get you pregnant with my kid?” Simon’s thrusts became more sloppier as his twitching cock pushed further inside of you. “Fuck, watch your tits get big and round full of milk.”
You were lost for words as you leaned against Simon’s shoulder, moaning as you were now a fuck doll for Simon, your movements stopped as you became paralyze from pleasure. Your clit grinds against Simon’s lower abs from each thrust. “Come with me little girl, I can feel your sweet puss squeezing me.” Simon’s large hands grabbed the flesh of your ass, marking it.
Your vision blurred as Simon’s cock kept drilling against your g-spot. “Oh- Oh yes! Simon!” You sobbed loudly, slamming back down on his cock as he pushed himself inside of you, pausing his movements as his come erupted inside of you. You both cried out loud as his long ropes of come spit inside of your spazzing cunt. “S- Simon, oh fuck Simon.” You shivered at the feeling of his warm liquid flowing inside of you.
“Shh, good girl.” Simon cooed as he rubbed your back, you both staying there for a while. “Well, it might not be my handprint on your ass but it will be my come dripping out of your cunt.” Simon noted.
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley's Masterlist
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cyyfics · 1 year
-Adventure time/Fionna and cake-
Note: all characters I write for are adults or the adult versions of their character! Also u can request any universe version of a character (ex. Normal adult Finn or farmworld Finn) just make sure to specify which is which!!
Adult! Finn / Farmworld! Finn
Stay Here [Yandere! Farmworld! Finn x Reader]
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Marshall Lee
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Gary Prince / Prince Gumball
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Simon/ Winter King/ Ice King
Simon dating hc’s (sfw and nsfw)
Guilty Desperation simon x reader (sfw and nsfw)
Giving Simon a bj (nsfw)
Simon / Winter King Girly S/O Hc’s (sfw)
Betty dating hc’s (sfw + nsfw)
Marceline / Evil! Marcy
Evil! Marcy x reader hc’s (sfw + nsfw)
PB / Bonnibel / Bald Bonnie / Candy Queen
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
Ellis P
(Atm there is nothing for this character, send a request?)
1) The stoner series:
Meme lord Hc’s
(Just bc they aren’t listed here doesn’t mean I don’t write for them! I write for basically all the characters so just send me an ask in my ask box requesting ur character if they aren’t alr listed above ^^)
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agerefandom 2022 Masterpost
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This is a belated collection of my content from 2022! If you’re interested, here are the previous years: 2021 and 2020! 
In 2020, I wrote eighteen fics: In 2021, I wrote twenty-two. In 2022, I only wrote five full fanfictions, but that’s probably because I was writing so many more headcanons this year! Here are the fanfictions I wrote last year: 
Angels At The Window (Hazbin Hotel, caregivers!Charlie and Vaggie, regressor!Reader) As Sleeping Amber  (Phantom of the Opera, regressor!Erik, caregiver!Christine)  Flourishing In Sunlight  (Avatar: The Last Airbender, postcanon, regressor!Katara, careiver!Zuko)  Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts  (Ouran High School Host Club, regressor!Haruhi, caregivers!Tamaki and Kyoya)  Natasha Is Young (Great Comet of 1812, regressor!Natasha, caregiver!Helene)
In 2020, I wrote thirty-two headcanon posts! In 2021, that went down to nineteen, but in 2022 I wrote forty-three headcanon sets! 
regressor!Gary King (World’s End)  caregiver!Jareth (Labyrinth)  regressor!Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)  flip!Sans (Horrortale)  regressor!Adam/creature (Frankenstein)  caregiverse!Sundrop and Moondrop (FNAF Security Breach)  regressor!Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)  regressor!Severus Snape (Harry Potter) caregiver!Pennywise (It)  caregvier!Annabelle Crane (Magnus Archives)  regressor!Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice musical) regressor!Jade Harley (Homestuck) caregiver!V (V for Vendetta)  caregiver!Val Frizzle (Magic School Bus)  regressor!Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)  caregiver!Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!13th Doctor (Doctor Who)  regressors!Anna and Elsa (Frozen)  regressor!Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)  caregiver!Count Dooku (Star Wars)  caregiver!Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)  caregivers!Ruby and Sapphire (Steven Universe)  regressor!Dana Scully (X-Files)  regressor!Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)  regressor!Stevonnie (Steven Universe)  caregiver!Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)  regressor!Sam Winchester (Supernatural)  regressor!10th Doctor with caregiver!Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)  regressor!Eleven (Stranger Things)  regressor!Bea and caregiver!Mae (Night In The Woods)  regressor!Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)  regressor!Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club) 
Disney Caregivers Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)  Belle (Beauty and the Beast)  Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)  Bruno (Encanto)  Tiana and Naveen (Princess and the Frog)  Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)  Ariel (The Little Mermaid)  Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet) 
Under the ‘keep reading’ I’ve collected links to my thirteen favourite moodboards from the seventy-three I made in 2023, and some of my favourite art and edits as well! 
Favourite Moodboards: 
regressor!Will Graham
regressor!Dipper Pines
regressor!Peter Parker
regressor!Kylo Ren
caregiver!Count Dooku
regressor!Charles Xavier
regressor!Cal Strider
regressor!Noah Czerny 
caregiver!Jasper Cullen
Favourite Art/Edits: 
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow
regressor!Jade Harley
regressor!Angel and regressor!Charlie edits
regressor!Himiko Toga
regressors!Mae and Gregg
regressor!Ashton and cg!FCG
regressor!Bruno Madrigal
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (25 Feb - 2 Mar 2024)
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nancy is the superstar of this show. she's in it for 5 seconds, drops the best line, steals the scene
🥰 What I Used To Be (thepinupchemist) - 117K, stucky, omegaverse trauma recovery fic - a relatively light tone, mostly escapist fic focusing on the recovery, not dwelling overly much on trauma details, kidfic but I really dug it
😍 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi (Amina al-Sirafi #1) (Shannon Chakraborty, author; Lameece Issaq & Amin El Gamal, narrator) - just gonna KJ Charle's review bc she's better with words than I'll ever be: "Good god, this was incredible fun. Absolutely cracking. A sort of take on Sinbad but with more historical accuracy (apart from the demons, marids, etc), with a middle-aged retired lady pirate getting the crew back together to take on a Frankish coloniser/sorceror/baddie. It's just fabulous exuberant fun." I cannot wait for more!
😊 The Werewolf Companion (MargaretKire) - traumatized derek hale, intriguing larger worldbuilding, hot, wet, messy sex that really leaned into the 'definitely not human' aspect of werewolf fucking without going full xeno. super enjoyable
🥰 My Man Jeeves (Jeeves #1) (PG Wodehouse) - our intro to Bertie & Jeeves 💖 [via Serial Reader app]
💖💖 +50K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
A Fine Cure from Fennel Seed (Lucius Parhelion (Parhelion)) - original work, 10K - absolutely delightful amuse-bouche of an original fic; short, hot, slapsticky hilarious, set in the '30s
Matt Berry and Peter Capaldi read a FIERY letter exchange
Hot Ones - Quinta Brunson
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e1-5
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Mystery of the Haunted Subway" (s7, e3)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "We Need to Talk About Cody" (s7, e4)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Trouble at the Tunnel" (s7, e5)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Collaborators" (s7, e6)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Parade of Peril" (s7, e7)
Ghosts (US) - s3, e3
Um, Actually - s9, e1
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival" (s21, e8)
D20: Adventuring Party - "I See Your Butt Plug and I Raise You a Fist" (s16, e8)
Up First - The Sunday Story: The Diaspora's Troubled African Dream
How To! - How To Let Go of a Friendship
⭐ Switched on Pop - Beyoncé's Country
The Sporkful - Gary Gulman’s Ice Cream Joke Was A Cry For Help
Overinvested - West Side Story (2021)
Consider This from NPR - How The Underground Railroad Got Its Name
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Da'Vine Joy Randolph on 'The Holdovers' and becoming a matriarch
⭐ 99% Invisible #438 - The Real Book
⭐ Vibe Check - Be Forreal!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Wendy Williams
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Jerry’s Hat Museum
Short Wave - Is It Possible To Feed To World Sustainably?
Decoder Ring - The Gen X Soda That Was Just "OK"
Off Menu - Ep 228: Ray Winstone
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - All About That Bass
I Said No Gifts! - Oscar Montoya Disobeys Bridger
Throughline - The Right to An Attorney
The Assignment - Polyamory Is Having a Moment
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Black History in Plain Sight with Places Editors Jonathan and Michelle
Short Wave - Could Dune Really Exist? What Scientists Think of Our Favorite Sci-Fi Worlds
What Next: TBD - The Supreme Court Takes on Content Moderation
Dear Prudence - Am I a Bad Father If I Don't Want to Acknowledge My Kid Publicly? Help!
Welcome to Night Vale #243 - Lost and Found
You're Dead to Me - The Inca Empire
Today, Explained - It’s Shotime!
It's Been a Minute - Three ways to think about journalism layoffs; plus, Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation
Consider This from NPR - Are We Alone In The Universe?
99% Invisible - Roman Mars Describes Santa Fe As It Is
Under the Influence - Seeing is Believing: The Power of Demonstration Commercials - Part 2
CREDITS: Carole King
Chromeo Radio • Party
Pop Radio • 1990s
"Easy" [Commodores] radio
Steely Dan Mix • Focus
'90s Dance
Billy Joel Radio • 1980s
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tilbageidanmark · 11 months
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Movies I watched this Week # 147 (Year 3/Week 43):
Loro ("Them"), my 7th decadent film by Paolo Sorrentino, the breakneck, modern-day Fellini. An epic, outrageous, over-the-top look into the outlandish life of charismatic billionaire king Silvio Berlusconi. MTV-style music video of power, sex, ultimate corruption and unlimited money. A sprawling saga of a modern day Citizen Kane, promiscuous, charming and greedy. As well as a young pimp who runs an escort service, and supplies him with a harem of girls.
I love noticing chronological symmetry in movies, for example, at the exact middle of the movie (starting at 1:11), there’s this central, electrifying scene of a telephone sales pitch, even better than DiCaprio selling 40,000 penny stock shares at 'The wolf of Wall Street'. Between serving as a prime minister and serving time, Tony Servillo's Berlusconi, the greatest salesman in Italy, is in a funk, and he needs to find his groove again. So late at night he opens a telephone book at random and calls some old lady from a listing, and in 6 minutes, he sells her an overpriced apartment that have not even been built yet. I wish I could find an isolated clip of that scene somewhere. Bellissimo!
And just today, I read about the real Berlusconi’s need to accumulate, his vast, 25,000 item art collection!
"Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust..."
So - because of the scene above - I had to stop everything I do, and indulge, one more time with Scorsese's The wolf of Wall Street. A similarly decadent, excessive, cocaine-fueled roller coaster ride of money and addiction. With judge Fran Lebowitz, Spike Jonze as Dwayne, the broker above, and of course Palm Spring's Cristin Milioti as the first wife.
So far I’ve seen only about half of Scorsese’s 42 full features, so after ‘Flower moon’ I’m going to deep dive, and watch all the ones I’ve missed.
Another film I’ve been re-watching over and over, Paweł Pawlikowski's heartbreaking romance Cold War. When I saw it the first time, I thought it was very complex (maybe I was stoned), but it's actually extremely simple, accessible and direct. Joanna Kulig's ethereal beauty and the powerful life force of her character 'Zula' are unforgettable. 10/10.
[Waiting for his next film, The island, with Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara.]
John le Carré X 3:
🍿 Errol Morris's most recent documentary, The Pigeon Tunnel, a lengthy conversation with the fascinating writer le Carré. Based on his auto-biography of the same name. It's mostly about deceit and betrayals, as well as his tortured relationship with his larger-than-life conman father, "Ronnie". Lots of elaborate re-enactments, staged and fanciful. My best friend Danny (RIP) used to be an avid le Carré reader and fan.
🍿 First watch: The masterful The spy who came in from the cold. The first classic film adaptation and based on his spectacularly successful debut novel. Double and triple crossing in the dark days of the cold War. It was supposed to be the Anti-James Bond, and established a prolific genre of 'Flawed Spies', "a bunch of seedy squalid bastards like me, little men, drunkards, queers, henpecked husbands, civil servants playing 'Cowboys and Indians' to brighten their rotten little lives." Magnificent Richard Burton play.
[I also have to dig in and do a Martin Ritt marathon one day!]
🍿 Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy (the 2011 film, not the Alec Guinness TV series): A slow, melancholic and perfectly atmospheric thriller, with an all-star cast (Including a cameo of le Carré himself! Photo Above). Gary Oldman's vacant gaze got me to want watching his complete filmography. Also, it's funny how many movies open or end with Charles Trenet's La Mer!
Superb! 9/10.
2 horror films from British director Steve McQueen:
🍿 While waiting for his latest ‘Occupied City’, I caught his horrifying directorial debut Hunger from 2008. A re-telling of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike, where 10 IRA volunteers starved themselves to death, as a protest against the British government. It is told from inside the prison cells. Very few films were able to transfer the horror and hopelessness of being abused by ruthless authorities like this one.
And in the middle of this gruesome narrative, there's an astounding scene, unbroken and shot with a static camera on Bobby Sands and a priest who came to see him, talking that lasts for 17 minutes. Simply amazing.
Best and most chilling film experience of the week.
Like Norm McDonald used to say (about Hitler): 'The more I learn about Margaret Thatcher, the more I don't care for her'.
🍿 Western Deep, a 2002 short, an near-abstract poem about the workers / slaves who work at the world's deepest gold mine in South Africa. Dark, jarring and claustrophobic. 1/10.
[Now that I've seen McQueen's 4 features, I have to move on to his 'Small Axe' television anthology.]
My first 2 films by Romanian Cristian Mungiu:
🍿 His latest contemplative drama R.M.N. is set in a backwater multi-ethnic village in Transylvania, where long-simmering tensions erupt over questions of national identity, globalization, prejudices and xenophobia. It opens with pig slaughtering, and ends with an old man who hangs himself in the forest. It's harsh, and coarse, and repressive. But it's told in a sublime style. And in the middle of all the ugliness and misogyny, a woman practices her cello by playing Yumeji's haunting theme from 'In the mood for love'. 9/10.
🍿 So I finally also saw his highly-acclaimed 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days from 2007, considered as 'one of the greatest films of the 21 century'. But the depressing story of a desperate young woman who's trying to obtain an illegal abortion in the last dark days of communist Romania, was as pleasant as a visit to Nicolae Ceaușescu's dungeon: Dingy, stressfully-ugly and miserable.
“…Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?…”
Airplane!, another re-watch of this classic evergreen - the No. 1 modern American comedy on most lists? With cameos by Ethel Merman, young Mike Ehrmantraut and James Howe, one of the most prolific character actors of all time, as a Japanese general committing Harakiri. Isn't it strange that the guy who played Ted Striker never had a career in Hollywood after that?
Maybe it's time for Edgar Wright to re-make 'Airplane 2024!'?
5 more by female directors:
🍿 Elaine May's Mikey and Nicky, a dark dialogue-rich, two-person crime drama about old friendship and betrayal over one long night in Philadelphia. John Cassavetes is a small-time hood with a contract out on his life. And Peter Falk is his lifelong friend who may or may not be trying to help him escape his fate. A nuanced portrayal of fragile masculinity.
🍿 The royal hotel, my second film by Australian Kitty Green, and also starring Julia Garner, playing another powerless young woman suffering male abuse and exploitation (after 'The Assistant'). Two young backpackers take a job at an outback bar, in "the middle of nowhere". A scary, ominous thriller with escalating threats and an uncomfortable sense of mortal danger. Too unpleasant for me - 4/10.
🍿 Bus Girl is the first film directed by Jessica Henwick, who plays the 2nd girl in 'The Royal Hotel'. A cute little culinary fantasy, shot entirely on a cell phone. 6/10.
🍿 Aurora’s Sunrise, my second Armenian film (after ‘The colour of pomegranates’). An adult animated feature about the Albanian genocide, through the eyes of a real life young woman, who survived the hellish years, and escaped to America, where she became celebrated Hollywood star in 1919, when she played herself in 'Carnival of souls'.
Ethnic cleansing, mass murder, exterminations, cruelty and hatred ... Armenians, Jews, Palestinians, Uygurs, American Indians, Tutsis... It's always the same fucking thing!
🍿 Affairs of the Art, a British-Canadian craziness by Joanna Quinn, nominated in 2021 for best animated short. Spectacular and surrealistic visuals about a 59-year-old lady, a zany artist at heart, and her fully-eclectic family. Very Roald Dahl. 9/10.
On the fringe, a recent Spanish social drama with Penélope Cruz. Stressful and depressive story about folks that are being evicted from their homes. Focus on grey, marginalized and helpless people, ground up by bureaucracy, nickel and dimed by poverty, lack of time and resources is a tough watch. Especially when the story is not wrapped up with optimism or a happy end. 6/10.
“I’m glad we had this conversation…”
Viking, an alternative, "indie" science fiction allegory, scientifically naive, and featuring low-low tech and drama. An odd, simulated Canadian proximation. In spite of mirroring some scenes from '2001' and 'The Shining', it's not close to either one. Meh. 2/10.
"Kill the wabbit!"
Chuck Jones's What's Opera, Doc?, considered to be the greatest animated short film of all time. A 7 minutes riff on Wagner's Nibelung and Disney's Fantasia, and the first cartoon short to be selected for preservation for the National Film Registry. With Mel Blanc and Elmer Fudd.
... No fellow could ignore / The little girl next door / She sure looked sweet in her first evening gown / Now there's a charge for what she used to give for free ... 
"Today, I learned" that satirist & mathematician Tom Lehrer is still alive, at ninety five! He was extremely popular in the 60's and basically retired in 1972. Also, that [like Jonas Salk] he transferred all the songs he ever recorded to the public domain - "For the greater good!"
In 1967, he recorded his excellent Copenhagen concert for posterity. Delightful!
2 extras: I got it from Agnes (which is about the spread of VD), and Bergman's actor Lars Ekborg’s singing I Tom Lehrers vackra värld in Swedish.
The Insurrectionist next door, my first documentary by Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy's daughter. She was trying to humanize about a dozen individuals who participate in the January 6 attack, by befriending them and their their families, and by allowing all of them to explain that they were "just at the wrong place at the wrong time". In the end, it was just sad to see the poor children who had to cry goodbye when their father went to jail.
(My complete movie list is here)
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Battle frontier arc episode ??? 5?- The Symbol Life
It's been a week or two but let's get back into it! Time for the noland fight.
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Okay. First off, is Noland's VA the same as Drew and Brock (and king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule, interestingly)? Am I even post va change rn? Let me check. Okay, the answer is no on both accounts but also when i looked up pokemon noland, "noland x reader" showed up so do with that what you will. people like a mechanic I guess. I personally feel like the closer you are to noland, physically and emotionally, the more likely you are to probably explode via noland-ness and his seeming penchance for machinery issues, so not my thing, but whatever. Moving on.
First, I'd say it's an uncharacteristic move of ash to care about the type matchup with charizard, since AG ash is very much about proving himself no matter the odds, but it's a fucking articuno so I'll let it slide.
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me and the mutuals tormenting our blorbos. someone put drew or gary into the middle of the torches. /j
Tbh this episode is very enjoyable but I don't have much to say on it. Battle episodes tend to be this way, where it's very fun but there's not much to analyze other than battle style, which in this case I don't have all that much to say on.
Team rocket is pretty fun in this one. I ADORE TR but in most of AG they're kinda. just there. I like them here, but they're outta the way pretty fast.
In battle, max says that ice shouldn't do much to the fire type charizard, but wouldn't flying give it normal damage?
Noland actually uses a combination. Does he have any ties to contests? Just an interesting detail, though I guess to be as skilled as a frontier brain you'd have to pick up everything you can from different sources.
I do like that Noland's battle style here seems to be very setting-up-the-pieces instead of just 'hit it dead'.
Ash also uses overheat, which. One, cool move. Two, May actually uses it some too in alter contests, which hammers home how much she learns from him. By this point in ag he's not mentoring her as much but you can still see a lot of similarities in how they fight, both very aggressive.
Scott is just. aways B). I love that for him.
Really good battle!
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Somebody Told Me
Okay so this is my first attempt at any of Simon Pegg’s characters, but I figured I would start with Gary King because I’m in love with him the most currently. Plus his characters deserve more content, so here we are. The song in this fic is Somebody Told Me by The Killers. Gif and characters are not mine, and I hope you all enjoy it!
Description: Gary King has fallen for the reader for the second time in his life, but when he notices them hanging out with a friend from their childhood, his confident demeanor falters
Warnings: angst but eventual fluff, cursing, drinking, otherwise none that I can think of
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Breakin' my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
Gary couldn’t take his eyes off of the person standing across the room from him. It was none other than Y/N L/N, the one person in town that managed to match Gary’s wit and adventurous spirit when they were teens. Everything was different now, however. Still, Gary wanted to try and make his move.
The music played softly in The First Post, but Gary paid no attention to the tune. His only focus was on Y/N, and he tried to slide into the barstool seated next to Y/N’s. Gary didn’t realize how small the seat actually was, and he tumbled to the floor.
“Hey are you okay, sir,” Y/N asked as they climbed off the stool to help Gary up from the floor. As soon as their E/C eyes met Gary’s blue-grey ones, Y/N instantly knew who he was. Y/N’s lips turned up slightly as they grasped Gary’s hand. “It’s been a long time, Gary.”
A breakin' my back just to know your name
But Heaven ain't close in a place like this
“That it has, Y/N,” Gary said as he slicked his onyx hair back. “What’s a person as gorgeous as you doing here in this old dump?”
Y/N sat back down and took a sip from their drink, the alcohol leaving a pleasant burn behind. “Oh just trying to forget about the many stresses of life, and if I remember right this used to be one of the top bars when we were growing up. What about you?”
“Same thing, actually. My mother just passed away, and I thought this place might bring me some comfort.” This was a lie. Gary hadn’t talked to his mom in years, but it was the only way to keep Y/N’s attention. After all, why would they want to talk to someone like him? Y/N’s eyes filled with sadness at the fake news that had been given to them. “I’m sorry to hear that,” they said as they took another long swig of their drink. “You’re mum was the sweetest person I’ve ever met.”
Gary nodded his head before changing the subject. “Say, how would you like to meet me and the others here for a drink tomorrow? It’ll be just like old times!”
Y/N beamed at the idea, and they wiggled excitedly in their seat. “I would love that! We’ll be like the six musketeers!” Gary leaned in close to Y/N, his cologne causing Y/N to subconsciously lean closer in return. “Actually,” Gary began, “there’s only three, or so I’m told.”
Y/N punched Gary’s shoulder, and he pretended to be in pain. “I’ll see you tomorrow, smart guy. I wouldn’t miss an evening with The King for the world.” Gary felt even happier, and it felt wonderful to be appreciated for once instead of call outs for being a drunk. Y/N left shortly after that, and Gary’s nerves began to kick into overdrive.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into,” Gary whispered to himself.
“Just bring them some flowers! Everyone loves flowers,” Andy yelled into the phone.
“Well, what if they have allergies?! What the hell am I supposed to do then,” Gary yelled back. He was driving in the direction of the small rental home Y/N was staying in. Gary hoped that they hadn’t left yet, and if Y/N wanted to, Gary could drive them to The First Post. Gary’s car, The Beast, rumbled as he sped along the quiet streets of Newton Haven. Gary rubbed his temples as Andy continued his rant.
“If Y/N truly wants a relationship with you,” Andy declared, “they’ll think that the flowers are a cute gesture. You are the most confident guy I know, Gary, so start acting like it.”
“Yeah, but I-,” Gary was cut short when Andy hung up the phone, which caused Gary to groan and toss his phone into the passenger seat. The nearest flower shop was miles away, and Gary was almost late. “Shit, there’s gotta be something around here.”
That’s when Gary saw them. The tiny violet flowers that were sprinkled in the yards of many Newton Haven homes. Gary could remember very clearly that Y/N used to love them growing up.
“I just love the color. Not to mention how small and adorable they are,” Y/N said as they tucked one of the tiny flowers into Gary’s hair.
Gary chuckled. “Not as adorable as you are.”
Gary slammed on the brakes, and he launched himself out of the vehicle. He plucked as many of the flowers as he could before driving off to Y/N’s place. Y/N had just locked their door when Gary swerved into their driveway. Despite the initial shock, Y/N was happy to see him. “Ah yes, The Beast. The only way to ride in style.”
Gary hopped out of the car and patted the hood. “Yep, it’s exactly the same as when we were young. Oh, I brought these for you.” Gary held up the flowers, a few petals dropping from the twisted stems. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. “You remembered! Thank you, I love them very much.” As they took the flowers, Y/N’s hand lightly brushed Gary’s, and the contact made him sway on his feet.
“Come on,” Y/N shouted as they climbed into that car. “It’s time to get totally annihilated!”
The bar was surprisingly full, and after a few drinks began to flow through Y/N’s system, they began to revert into their tipsy self. They caught sight of another one of their old school buddies, James Blakemore. Y/N stood up from the booth and walked over to James, only stumbling once or twice. “Hey! How’s it going you big old lug!”
Gary frowned as he watched Y/N and James hug each other. Why couldn’t he be the one to make them smile like that? Was he really that terrible?
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight (hoo hoo)
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight
The other boys let out their condolences. “I’m sorry, man,” Andy chimed in. “Looks like the jock wins again.”
Gary slammed his beer glass on the table, and the others were silenced in an instant. “I’m not letting Y/N get away this time. I just can’t.” Gary pushed himself up from his seat and headed for the bar. The others called out to him, but it fell on deaf ears.
Well somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential
“Hello, James,” Gary snarled. “Are you having a wonderful time?”
“Yes, Y/N and I were just catching up,” James replied as Gary continued to glare at him.
“Sorry to break things up, but Y/N and I are leaving,” Gary quickly added as he grabbed Y/N’s wrist. However, Y/N wasn’t ready to leave just yet. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
Gary waved his hand in the air. “Isn’t it obvious? I want to spend time with the most attractive person that I have ever known! And yet I’m not good enough for them. All I wanted to do was try.” He stormed out of the bar after that. Y/N followed after him.
“Gary, please wait! I have something to say to you,” Y/N pleaded.
“What?! You want to call me a drunk too?! Go ahead, see if I give a-,” Y/N kissed Gary in a fierce and yet gently way. Gary responded quickly as he placed his hand on their waist. When the two separated, Gary let out a sigh. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. It’s just, I’ve liked you ever since we were teenagers, and seeing you with someone like that I...I can’t stand it.”
Y/N cupped Gary’s cheek, his scruff scratching their palm slightly. “Gary, I would never be with a man like him. I’ve only ever had eyes for you, but I was scared that you would want a more confident partner.” It was Y/N’s turn to stare at the ground, but Gary lifted their chin in order to gaze into the eyes he could easily become lost in forever. “I don’t want a confident partner. I just want you.”
Gary was the one to kiss Y/N, and the two shared a peaceful moment under the stars. That is until several excited screams could be heard from the entrance of the bar. “Finally, it’s about god damn time,” Oliver commented as the others continued to shout. Gary and Y/N both smiled as they linked their hands together.
While they headed back to the bar, Gary squeezed Y/N’s hand. “I know I’m not perfect, but I promise to be the best for you.”
“I promise to do the same as well.” Y/N suddenly sprinted the rest of the way towards the bar. “Now, you owe me several years worth of romance!”
Gary smirked as he ran after Y/N. “I think I can arrange that, darling.”
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