sweetmodel · 8 hours
I really love that you guys are able to trust me with advice and send me the questions you have for me but there’s only so many ways I can say the same thing.
You just need to accept that you have what you want and persist in the knowing you have what you want. It’s nothing more complicated than that.
However you get to that acceptance is your call.
But please understand this: it’s a choice. It’s a decision. You decide you have your desires? You have your desires. You either have it or you don’t have it. That’s up to you. If this doesn’t click for you there’s nothing I can say that will make it click. You just need to realise that you have all the power and that the moment you DECIDE you have your desires, you DO. THAT’S IT.
I have repeated this over and over again. There will never be anything else I have to add. Just please listen to me. Read my words over and over again if you have to.
Important reminder:
All you need is to know you have your desire in imagination. Stop looking for the 3D to validate the fact that you have it, when all validation comes from within, from imagination. The second you start looking at the 3D for evidence of the fact you have it, you’re telling yourself that you don’t have it. Just enter imagination. You know by this point that imagination is reality. So the second you imagine having it, YOU DO. Just stand firm in the knowing you have your desires in imagination.
Yes the 3D will change. But in order for that to happen you need to change yourself from within. Remember the 3D is merely a mirror. When you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see, you don’t change the mirror, you change yourself. The mirror reflects YOU. Who you are being is who you see in the mirror. So be the person who has what they want.
This is literally all the information you need. So lock in and stop coming up with excuses to not apply. Just decide you have what you want and stand firm in that decision regardless of anything.
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sweetmodel · 9 hours
your 4D must be enough.
if you keep affirming but not "living in the end", if you keep in the eternal state of wishing/waiting for things to manifest in your 3D in order for you to be happy, you are not going to get them. and here is why.
the law is based on the idea that our mind can shape our reality, most specifically, our assumptions. this means that if you keep wishing instead of living as if you already have it (because you DO have it, in your 4D), your mind will simply replicate your assumption on the matter: that you are waiting for it to happen. and so it will continue as long as you stay in this state of waiting/wishing; your brain will maintain your current reality: "oh, she's waiting for that to happen. let's wait". that means = NOTHING CHANGES. if your assumptions shape your reality, and you assume you are waiting for it, then the reality will continue to be exactly that: that you are waiting for it! like sitting at a dentist's waiting room, forever, because the dentist doesn't know you arrived. he is also waiting.
if you don't start inhabiting your 4D, deciding what you want and ASSUMING you already have it; if you don't work on experiencing the sensations your brain can cause you based only on your imagination, if you don't LIVE LIKE YOU GOT IT, then you are just wishing upon a star.
when you start LIVING IN THE END of your desire = "I got my desire, it's here, yay!", your brain will say "OH OK FINALLY SHE GOT IT", and that's when things happen.
it is already scientifically established your assumptions can provoke reactions on your mind and body. have you ever started overthinking and suddenly you were having an anxiety attack? nothing happened, nothing scared you, you are completely safe - and yet you accidentally convinced your brain you are in danger. so you'll have tachychardia, breathing issues, sweaty palms... your mind made all of this happen, because your thoughts convinced it you were in danger.
this is basically the same reason you can get aroused by reading a book or a fanfiction, or watching a spicy scene on a movie, or even talking to a NSFW AI chatbot. you can see yourself in that situation if you are immersed enough, and if you can truly assume that you are on that scenario, ta-da! your brain understands you are on that scenario. so it will do its magic to *make you feel things*.
the point is: your assumptions can make changes in your body, in your state of mind. and living in the end = living in your 4D, without waiting for the 3D, can be a beautiful, wonderful adventure. there are no "brain hacks", you were born with it!
"oh but won't I feel sad when I 'return to the 3D'?"
i could give you two answers. first, only if you want to (we've already stablished your dominating thoughts can change the way you feel). the second answer is, you can follow the law and know that it's coming; or you can mourn the life you think you can't get.
the only way you won't get it, it's if you don't assume it. if you don't live in the end. if you don't accept it as true. if you don't live in your 4D.
if you've ever played the sims, think of the following: you've built a house of your dreams. it's perfect. you wanna live in it. so you show it to a contractor or an architect, and they are going to build that house exactly the way you want. you know they are building it, so you don't have to worry if you'll have it or not. you don't have to keep visiting the construction just to make sure it's actually being built. it is yours. and you can play the sims as an aid to feel like you already live there. but, of course, you cannot play the sims 24/7. but that doesn't mean you can't think about the house, visualize the house, think of how it smells, see yourself walking around it; while you're doing the dishes, or a mindless activity at work, or working out, etc., etc. your mind is your 4D, and you carry your mind with you wherever you go.
nothing can separate you from your thoughts. use that in your favor.
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sweetmodel · 13 hours
Me after every minor inconvenience:
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or just when I'm bored
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sweetmodel · 17 hours
Please be persistent no matter what
Never, I repeat, never allow yourself to give up your desires because of external circumstances. They are only your old thoughts and state. This is an illusion that has no power. If it makes it easier for you, consider it something that leads you to your desires. Return in imagination. And the external will definitely show what you want, despite any circumstances that seem to you "doomsday" All is well. Relax. You are the power.
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sweetmodel · 1 day
being a shifter is when ure itching to overshare about your dr and then remembering that’s like giving out your personal info in this reality..
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sweetmodel · 6 days
How I became a master shifter (+ why methods aren't working for you)
Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of disinformation lately, and I’ve noticed that some people might need help, so I wanted to chime in. I can shift whenever I want, and I see a LOT of limiting beliefs—but I understand because I was once on the other side.
Disclaimer: This is all based on my personal experience with how I became a master shifter. You’ll want to read everything—it’s important.
I first shifted around March 2022. I would always use methods. I would affirm, tell myself I was detached from this reality, and so on. During my very first shift, I literally affirmed all night long (if this sounds familiar, it’s because I used to have another blog here, lol). You know, really complicated stuff. Then... things changed. I couldn’t shift anymore. I kept using the same methods, but they didn’t work!
That’s when I started questioning everything about shifting and consciousness. Why was it that I could be in another reality where things like magic exist, but then suddenly I couldn’t shift anymore? Why were the methods, like lucid dreaming or the void, seemingly more powerful than the act of switching realities itself? Why, when I shifted from my Desired Reality to my Current Reality, all I needed to do think of my CR to shift back—but it didn’t work the other way around?
None of it made sense! And I’m sure many others have asked themselves these same questions.
I came up with two theories:
This reality has something unique compared to the infinite other realities. To shift from here, you need something extra, like a method.
There’s something else at play, something unrelated to the realities themselves.
I dismissed the first option. There’s nothing inherently special about this reality. So why do we use methods here but not in our DRs?
Then, I thought back to how I used to shift... detaching from my body, affirming until I shifted. It all aligned with my subconscious beliefs. The method didn’t work because that’s how shifting works, but because it made sense to my subconscious. Of course I would shift if I did these things—because that’s what I believed shifting required.
Well... kind of. As I said, it made sense because it aligned with my beliefs. So when the method failed, I wasn’t letting myself shift.
Did you catch that? I didn’t let myself shift. Of course, it wasn’t the method. At what point do you actually shift? Is it when you affirm? Do you really think the universe is just waiting for you to say the right thing enough times before it switches you to your DR?
No. It’s you.
So, you have two choices:
Find a method that truly aligns with your beliefs, or
Change your subconscious beliefs.
Changing your beliefs might seem hard, but I’m going to explain why it’s not as difficult as it feels.
All your life, you’ve had certain beliefs, but those beliefs came from somewhere. You weren’t born thinking you need methods to shift—it’s something that developed over time. Which means it’s not set in stone. It can be changed.
I realized that every reality holds the same weight. There’s NOTHING you can do in this one—no intrusive thoughts or negative emotions—that can stop you. Why? Because those thoughts and emotions are products of this reality. Shifting is simply changing what you’re aware of. That’s literally it. Anything outside of that can’t stop you.
Yes, we’ve all seen those posts saying things like, "Oh, you’re not focused enough" or "You spend too much time on X, Y, Z" or even "You don’t go outside enough" (I legit read this on here—y'all are wildin’). Are you in your DR thinking "Oh, I thought about failing to shift, it means I won't :("? Of course you aren't! But nothing can stop you from shifting. Nothing can stop you from being aware that you are a master shifter.
So, how do you become aware of that?
I started affirming throughout the day. I would tell myself these things:
I’m pure consciousness. I create my reality, and everything around me is just what I choose to perceive.
I’m a master shifter. I don’t need methods. All I need to do is choose to shift, think of my DR, and it happens.
Nothing in the 3D can stop me from shifting, because I’m in the 4D and pure consciousness.
I told myself these things constantly, and I truly understood what I was affirming. What being pure consciousness and being a master shifter actually meant. I stopped using methods. I stopped acting like this reality was special compared to the ones I wanted to be in. And then... it happened.
I shifted. During the day. I simply thought of my DR, told myself, I want to shift, and there I was—in my DR. It happened because, as I said, my subconscious beliefs changed and then manifested in my reality. The same way they did when I believed I needed methods.
Naturally, I stopped using methods. I stopped trying to shift. I no longer thought, Okay, tonight I’m going to shift, and I'm going to use X method. Because that’s not how you think or act when you’re a master shifter. I let go—why would I bother using a method before sleeping when I could just stand up, think about my DR, and be there? Why would I bother doing a method before falling asleep when I knew I'm a master shifter?
I allowed myself to shift. It was me! When people ask, What method did you use? What did you do to shift?—do you really, truly believe it’s the method that makes you shift? Of course you do, because you live in a reality that seems logical, and you apply that logic to shifting. But shifting isn’t logical! It just happens! I have no idea why—it’s literally just magic to me—but that’s how it works.
So, you need to understand: You make it happen. That’s a good thing, right? It means you don’t need methods, and you don’t need to keep searching for “the key.”
Anyway, I hope this helps someone. (Also yes, before you tell me, I know this is basically Law Of Assumption. But I wanted to explain it in more of shifting terms)
(Also if someone wants to post this to another social you have my permission- especially reddit since I was active in that community but I deleted my acc lol)
Edit: Hey guys there are some additional notes in the comments that might be useful!
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sweetmodel · 1 month
— 🌷
yo, remember that the only difference between the 3d and the 4d is that the 3d makes us feel physically with our senses. hey, that's nothing, why would this make the 3d more real than the 4d? we literally are awareness, consciousness nvm. it's beacause of myself i'm feeling senses, that means nothing.
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sweetmodel · 1 month
was it casual when I shifted to another reality for you
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sweetmodel · 1 month
You ever talking to your friend and they just start having a crisis like 'what are we gonna do with our lives, we only have one shot at life' or 'I think I'll just have to realise that I'll never be rich 😔' and you're like 'yeah 😞' but deep down you know that you're gonna shift to your fame dr that night where you're rich and can do whatever you want but you can't tell them that because they'll think you've gone insane?
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sweetmodel · 1 month
guess who is SHIFTING TONIGHTTT???
me. it’s me guys. and you. you too
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sweetmodel · 1 month
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artist: middfoxx
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sweetmodel · 1 month
If you failed your previous shifting attempt, don't settle or indulge in that because doing so only convinces your mind more that you have NOT succeeded, that you are "not capable" and that you have "given up." (or something like that. I don't mean you should get angry or sad either).
To change (shift) you must accept a new state. The new state is: I have changed, I have shifted. Don't neglect your DR if you haven't shifted yet, You must live (not obsess) with your DR in your imagination but as something possible and aware of that.
If you know your dr, you are aware of it and you live with it, you can go there whenever you want.
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sweetmodel · 1 month
I feel you, I understand you, IT FEELS SO IMPOSSIBLE, like as if it juts isn't working, it seems pointless all of this affirming, when the 3D is still shit. But you're wrong. You really are. Who told you that you don't have it? The stupid 3D??? Your stupid circumstances??? I mean like why? Why are you putting so much power on that. You already have what you want and that's it. That's all. Don't give up. You're so close, You have no idea. You have no idea how you're winning. It really is done. The minute you decided it was. Trust me on this, just trust me on this. Don't give up. Just don't give up. I know you want this. I know you want it badly. I know if you would persist you could have it, just like that. It really is yours, it was always meant to be yours. You just think it won't work, cause you think that imagination isn't the real reality, because you give more power to your 3D and circumstances .
Why?? If you want it why would you do that to yourself? You shouldn't. I am telling you rn. You are not allowed to give up. I mean c'mon dude you literally know about the LAW OF ASSUMPTION. I mean knowing all this and you're still choosing to live in that life where you're not in control is just stupid. You owe it to yourself. Do you even know how fucking lucky you are to know all of this. I know for sure that a very very less percent of people actually know about manifestation/ manifest consciously. Do you realise howw fucking lucky you have to be to stumble across this. Every single day of my life I see people living their ordinary normal lives, just going with the flow, having little to no control of their lives and their circumstances and not evem realising it. I can literally see why their lives are exactly the way it is and it physically hurts me to know that people who do know about this are struggling. I understand it can be hard but if you persist you'd get it so easily. That's all you gotta do. I mean like really!! Just know it's already done. That is it. It is done. IT IS ALREADY DONE. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. THE MINUTE YOU DECIDED IT WAS YOURS. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GO BACK TO THE OLD STORY, NO ONE AND I REPEAT - NO ONE CAN STOP YOUR DESIRE MATERIALISING. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL THIS IS ABOUT. YOU HAVE IT AND YOU HAVE IT NOW.
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sweetmodel · 1 month
Reality shifting
Demystifying the basics:
In order to have a better grasp of the concept of shifting, we must address the beliefs that brought us here in the first place.
Shifting got really popular on TikTok in 2020 (thank you DracoTok) and with it, misinformation came a plenty. So let's deconstruct the notion, pull it apart, and make it as simple as we can.
What is reality shifting?
To shift is to become aware of a different reality.
That's it. That's all there is to it.
Like changing the channel or flipping through the radio, all of creation is finished and all of the possible realities that you could potentially think of already exist. All you have to do is switch your awareness from one to the other.
But how did we get here? How do we do it? CAN we do it?
Well, let's see:
In order to believe in shifting in the first place, you have to at least be a little bit spiritual. And if that's the case, then ask yourself this:
Do you believe that you are the universe having a human experience? That you are the creator and the creation?
If the answer is yes, then you have a grasp of the basics.
You see, there is no fundamental separation between you and the universe. You are not a separate entity from the Cosmos.
You are the Cosmos.
This idea is not new. It is not some new age spiritual BS that sprouted into existence a few decades ago. It is an ancient philosophical and spiritual belief spanning back decades. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism emphasize the concept of Atman (the soul) being identical to Brahman (the ultimate reality), suggesting a unity of consciousness. Many mystical traditions, from Sufism to Christian mysticism, have explored the idea of divine consciousness within the human being. Contemporary spiritual movements often incorporate this concept, emphasizing personal transformation and connection to a higher power.
In simple terms, you are all that there is, all that there was, and all that there will ever be.
So if you answered no to my previous question, read this again and tell me your thoughts.
Now that we got the basic concept out of the way, let's talk about shifting, other realities, and your moral compass.
If you agreed that shifting is becoming aware of another reality that you already exist in, and if you're on board with the notion that you are the divine, the creator, the universe herself, what is actually stopping you from shifting?
Nothing is standing in your way, nothing is blocking you from shifting. There is no more work to be done, no more attempts to fail, no more research to explore. All you have to do is let go. Release this hold that perfection, stress, and eagerness have on you, breathe in and know that you have already shifted.
It is done.
You are successful.
In the same vein, if you are completely and utterly convinced that you are the universe, you are all there is and all there will be, you are everything and nothing, what makes you so sure that your current form is your true one?
If you believe in reincarnation then you know that you have had many faces, many bodies, many races, many ages, many lives, many experiences...
Same with shifting. This reality is not the metric in which you measure someone's righteousness. It is not the one and only form in which you are stuck within forever. You are the creator, and you, as you experience yourself, already are all of the ages, all of the faces, all of the genders and the races and the ethnicities and the creations around you. You are the rock and the house and the cat and the butterfly. You are the mean neighbor who constantly complains and the little girl skipping rope on your driveway. You are the bus driver who is always grumpy and the old lady at the market who always smiles when she sees you. You are the dictator causing havoc and the victim suffering from oppression. You are both the bad and the good, because that is the essence of your experience. You are me, I am you. We are the one consciousness.
Morality is by no means subjective, but it is also your creation. You made the rules and you enforced them and you rebelled against them. You are the one and only.
So why measure someone's morality by where or who they decide to shift to? Why judge their existence and believe yourself superior for adhering to a set of rules you created? Nothing is set in stone and no two people shift to the same exact reality, so why hinder yourself? Why limit your experience?
Do you have any idea how lucky you are to know about shifting in the first place?
There are currently 8 billion people at this point in time in this reality, and you happen to be among the very few who are aware of such wonderful experience, of such divine knowledge. Are you really going to spend that time judging other people's choice of reality? And on the other hand, are you really going to let other people dictate, police, and limit your experience?
At the end of it all, we all go back to the same origin.
The one great consciousness, where there is no judgement, no superiority or inferiority complex, no finger pointing and virtue signaling. We simply exist.
Have fun on your shifting journey, know that your experience is yours and that you decide how it goes.
Be a good person, live your best lives, and spread love as much as you can ❤️
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sweetmodel · 1 month
There are infinite realities:
The limit does not exist.
There is a reality out there in which you are a baby still, learning to babble and discovering the world with brand new senses.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 90 year old man who has seen the entire world, lived through wars and catastrophes, but also married the love of his life and had many, many children.
There is a reality out there in which you are a famous artist, living your best life and creating art that inspires generations even long after your death.
There is a reality out there in which you are a butterfly, blue wings fluttering in an early spring morning, living a short, yet happy and fulfilled life, bringing beauty everywhere you go.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 500 year old witch, where immortality is the norm and magic is abundant and accepted, where you use your gifts and skills to heal the world and make it a better place.
There is a reality in which you are a 16 year old girl going through her first heartbreak, a 35 year old man going through a divorce, a 40 year old woman finally meeting the love of her life, a 5 year old boy starting school for the first time.
Time is not linear, and neither are your experiences.
Consciousness is limitless. Awareness is infinite.
You are the universe, having a human experience.
You are everything and nothing, you are the world and the void, the light and the darkness, the conscious and the subconscious, the limitless, vast existence.
This reality is not the standard, it is not the rule to the many exceptions. It is merely one of many, a starting point to your endless experiences. It is not holding you hostage, it is not hindering your progress, it simply is.
All you have to do, is realize your endless potential. You, as you are right now, are a part of the great consciousness, the one infinite awareness.
The creator.
Take a deep breath, recenter yourself, and let go. You will shift.
That is inevitable.
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sweetmodel · 1 month
There are infinite realities:
The limit does not exist.
There is a reality out there in which you are a baby still, learning to babble and discovering the world with brand new senses.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 90 year old man who has seen the entire world, lived through wars and catastrophes, but also married the love of his life and had many, many children.
There is a reality out there in which you are a famous artist, living your best life and creating art that inspires generations even long after your death.
There is a reality out there in which you are a butterfly, blue wings fluttering in an early spring morning, living a short, yet happy and fulfilled life, bringing beauty everywhere you go.
There is a reality out there in which you are a 500 year old witch, where immortality is the norm and magic is abundant and accepted, where you use your gifts and skills to heal the world and make it a better place.
There is a reality in which you are a 16 year old girl going through her first heartbreak, a 35 year old man going through a divorce, a 40 year old woman finally meeting the love of her life, a 5 year old boy starting school for the first time.
Time is not linear, and neither are your experiences.
Consciousness is limitless. Awareness is infinite.
You are the universe, having a human experience.
You are everything and nothing, you are the world and the void, the light and the darkness, the conscious and the subconscious, the limitless, vast existence.
This reality is not the standard, it is not the rule to the many exceptions. It is merely one of many, a starting point to your endless experiences. It is not holding you hostage, it is not hindering your progress, it simply is.
All you have to do, is realize your endless potential. You, as you are right now, are a part of the great consciousness, the one infinite awareness.
The creator.
Take a deep breath, recenter yourself, and let go. You will shift.
That is inevitable.
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sweetmodel · 1 month
the “AuDHD writer” to “burnt out depressed barely making it teen” to the “reality shifter who can finally choose life” pipeline is too real
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