#Gallery A3
nineeyedartist · 1 year
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The following is the script that was prepared for the A3 artist talk. While I deviated from the script a bit during the artist talk due to shortened time constraints, this is the original 6 minute script that was prepared.
'Mother-Father, You Guide Us' was chosen because it contains several layers of convergence between seen and unseen. Primary among these is the co-creation of the painting between three of the spirits in our system. System is a term we use to describe our collective being. The painting is deeply symbolic, depicting events which occur simultaneously in the material and metaphysical worlds: a journey in which all four spirits in our system are guided by the blood of our ancestors, ancestral spirits, and ambiguously gendered gods.
'Mother-Father, You Guide Us' is a depiction of the spirit world which is layered with the physical world. The journey that occurs in unseen realms is inextricably linked to the journey that is occurring right now in the seen physical.
In the painting we are all together in a mythic form, rowing along a river of blood. The river represents the guiding ancestors and the path they lay for us. The blood is that of our deep ancestors, who we call the Mother-Father and depict as an intersex bovine. The Mother-Father relates to Nut who is the goddess of the sky and of the heavens guiding the dead. So we are guided through several lives and through this life. The bull’s head calls forth several mythological figures like Hathor, Attis, Apis, and Dionysus. The Gorgon mask on the boat represents an ancestral spirit and goddess who protects us. The firelight is our collective ancestors who guide us.  Flanking the Mother-Father are the Sea and the Volcano which represent venerated ancestors of place. The stars surround them all and beneath the river of blood is the endless river of souls living and dying and being reborn.
We chose color shift paint and a limited pallet to highlight and obscure various details. 
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Our work frequently engages with the underseen and unseen. It’s integral to our practice and not only because of our being multiple. Ultimately our work is about storytelling. We are telling underseen and unseen stories by sharing our own story. We are also telling the stories of the spirits we interact with.
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We recently put together a fairly large body of work called Spirits We Are that showed at Anchor House of Artists in Feb. This was our first foray into allowing ourselves to be seen. 
The first piece here, Beloved Guide: A Sun Darkened Moon, is one of several five foot tall banners we painted as mythic portraits of ourselves. Still on view at Anchor House in Northampton.
Our work has become focused on telling our story from our perspective as a form of personal healing and a way to help destigmatize experiences that are considered outside the ordinary. 
Typically stories of people who hear voices, see visions, share a body, or have other “unusual” experiences are told by people who have never experienced these things. Often the person is depicted as sick, crazy, evil, or dangerous. At best, these stories spread misinformation. At their worst, they legitimise dehumanising others.
By telling our own story we are taking back our humanity and autonomy. Part of our way of saying this was to use scale, vibrant colors, and symbolism to present ourselves as mythic persons who claim our humanity and assert it with vivacity. 
Continuing with this theme of destigmatisation, we have our next piece, “The Sacrifice”. This piece is actually a digital study for a future painting. The Sacrifice is part of a larger story that was revealed to us via ancestral spirits. Here we are telling the story of our ancient queer ancestors who have been largely erased from history.
We identify as transgender and third gender, so connecting with these ancestors has been integral to our art and spiritual practices.
Depicted in The Sacrifice is our interpretation of an ancient devotional rite that dates back to the Neolithic. For thousands of years, people with male genitalia would partly or fully castrate themselves before becoming a priestex of one of several Mother goddesses. Such as Cybele, Rhea, Isis, Diana, and so on. These stories simply aren’t being told in the US. Third gender people continue to be a part of cultures in the Mediterranean. Yet few in the US are aware of this rich and continuing queer heritage. 
So, we are adding our small contribution by sharing these stories through our art.
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Finally, we have two pieces that were created in relationship with the land where we live. 
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The last piece here is a painting of a land spirit. It was painted from a drawing done in meditation with the land we live on (image right).
Here we are attempting to show something that we did not see with physical eyes. The lines act as storytelling devices that hold encoded information about movement or matter or energy. 
What you see at first glance is only part of the story. To understand it fully, you have to read the lines. But we haven’t completed a codex yet.
The first, a living mask, was created with guidance from the rushes, starling, moth and from the spirit represented (image left). This mask is treated as an individual and is considered to have a spirit and to be able to channel the depicted spirit. 
The mask is renewed each year and so looks slightly different each cycle as old or damaged materials are replaced with fresh ones.
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Overall our work is created in cooperation with the unseen with a purpose to reveal stories that are hidden by a society that demands homogeneity.
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knight-a3 · 2 years
For the best viewing experience, use desktop and click through the frames. Some parts get a little confusing on mobile, but nothing you can't figure out.
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Heyo, I got it done finally. Never mind the lack of backgrounds. Please reblog and leave notes for me to adoringly not know how to respond to.
More commentary under the cut to avoid clutter. (And edit notes)
EDIT- This has already circulated quite a lot already, but I added a line that I accidentally cut. (end edit)
I had gotten thinking about Avatar the Last Airbender when Zuko confronted Ozai during the eclipse invasion. Zuko gave a little speech, and I took that, made some alterations, and that's what this is.
This also expresses my desire for Hunter to be able to do magic now, because Flapjack is still there, just in a slightly different way.
The fully animated bit was honestly just supposed to be two frames, but I made some posing whoopsies and apparently fixing that required animation. Don't question my logic, it worked out in the end. I'll make a dedicated post for it later, so keep an eye out for that. I just want this to gain some traction first.
EDIT 2- There's now a separate post for just the gif. I also rearranged some paragraphs and altered the formatting in the commentary. Comic was not changed. (End edit)
EDIT 3- Link for the animation alone is HERE
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[Based off that one meme]
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luchicm04 · 2 months
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why did it have to be postponed for a WHOLE year?! everyday I wake up I remember Avatar 3 will not be released until December 2025 and I cry myself to sleep again...
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lordartsy · 1 year
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yuzokasu · 1 year
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kyuyuki dump <3
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years
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coolmathgames · 2 years
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such dedication to your work....i think you've earned yourself a break
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plantsucc · 2 years
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sparkwheel lighter
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I love this. Credit goes to whoever created this wonderful work of art!
Edit: the credit goes to https://grahamhumphreys.com/gallery/a3-prints/
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misstangshan95 · 11 months
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Sonamy Proposal Comic: Chapter Pg 32 🦔💙🩷💍🌹
After revealing to Knuckle's what really happened with the Master Emerald, Knuckles gives Sonic an apology for punching him on his wedding day 😆 Sonic disgusted by the wine... (put this in here because I was like this on my wedding day, the wine they gave us for our wedding meal was boke🤢 I had irn-bru instead) Tails being thee best, Best Man slides him a Chaos Cola.
Knuckles and Tails reassure Sonic they have his back and are on the lookout if anything happens. Sonic should go enjoy himself and dance with his wife 💙🩷💃🕺
Tails and Knuckles push Sonic to the dance floor, Sonic & Amy nervously wave at one another as they are about to dance in front of everyone! 😬😆
It's time for their first dance🥳 I can't wait to share it! I have a cool song for them.. Been a long time to get to this part 😭
(Drawn with Coloured pencil on A3 paper 🎨✏️)
FULL COMIC on my deviantart (Go to Gallery "Sonamy Proposal Comic"
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knight-a3 · 2 years
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I totally forgot I drew these. But I'll share them a month late. Nothing bad happened in Thanks to Them.
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I have found redraw memes. Send me more for more A3! blorbos
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sparrowrye · 30 days
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A3 part 16
Synopsis: Alastor disappeared for 8 years, leaving you confused, crushed, and angry. You spent those years building up your new self and protecting the haven from dangers left and right. What will happen when he returns to the new changes? Will he return anytime soon? Could you even go back to the way things were?
Previous part
Part 16: reminisce
Reagan's wedding wasn't the only big surprise. Spencer, our first news reporter, had been planning something for awhile. He ran the printing and reporting companies but somehow had the time to work on his secret project. We were so big that we needed to have reporters on the inside to keep everyone updated. It was no surprise to everyone when I appointed him as the head of it all.
"Don't forget, I'm looking for your opinion." The sweet cartoon-looking man was practically bouncing towards the door. The building looked like any other ordinary building except the brick on the front was a bright red, unlike the cream palette for all the others.
Alastor and I followed him through the doors that had a sign nailed to them: PROJECT IN PROGRESS. DO NOT ENTER!
The foyer was a closed off room with nothing but tile under our feet. Alastor's cane tapped loudly on it as we followed Spencer into a long gallery. A sign on a pole pointed to one of the walls where a row of pictures started. The first one was a framed black and white photograph. It was a picture of our house but from a far distance. There was nothing but green grass and the steep cliff behind it. This had clearly been taken well before the haven had been built.
"Where did you get this photograph?" I asked, stepping closer to examine it.
"Husker gave it to me," he answered. "I thought the black and white gave it an older, more nostalgic touch."
Next to the frame was a sign that read:
Once upon a time, our haven started like this. Take a look —>
I followed the sign and looked out a small window. The sight matched the photograph almost perfectly. Buildings and streets stood in front where there was once only a large open field. I could remember Husker and Alastor telling me how far I was allowed to go from the house when I first arrived. I used to play fight and chase Husker through the grass or snow. It felt like yesterday, yet also a decade ago. How old was I now?
I didn't have time to think about it as Spencer lead us down the gallery. There were all kinds of photographs, all black and white, hanging on both sides. A few backless benches sat in the center.
"All these pictures came from Husker or Charlie and her group," Spencer explained. Every photo had a brief description and the photo's owner underneath it. The pictures ranged from basic construction of the first log houses, to a group of children surrounding Ms. Vivian, to the many discussions I had with Charlie's group in the library.
My throat tightened as the nostalgia creeped its way up. I felt for Alastor's emotions and found fondness and contentment. How was he not feeling any nostalgia from these photos? It felt like my life was on replay.
Alastor made a comment about sequence and Spencer was quick to make the adjustment. While they talked, a certain photo in the beginning corner caught my eye. I slithered off to examine it, finding an old photo of Alastor and I in the living room.
I was kneeling in front of the fire and Alastor was watching closely from one of the chairs. His legs were crossed, as elegant as ever, and his chin rested on the back of his hand as he leaned over the armrest to watch me.
It looked like the photo had been taken from the stairs. Why was I by the fire? What was I trying to do? Ignite it?
Husker was fixing the electricity in the dinning room while practiced lighting the fire in the sitting room. I had seen Alastor and Husker snap their fingers but when I did it, nothing happened.
"It's all about intent, dear." I jumped at Alastor's voice. He stood behind me with his hands behind his back like always. The stupid cane was like a third eye.
"I've got it." I turned my back to him and stared down at the dead logs. I heard him walk past me and sit in one of the chairs, his red eyes never leaving me. I let out a tense sigh. "What do you want?"
"Absolutely nothing."
I scoffed. "I find that hard to believe." I tried again with the fire but nothing happened. "Why are you always watching me?"
"What ever do you mean, dear?"
"Stop calling me that. And I mean every time I'm doing something you're hiding somewhere watching me."
"Is it a crime to watch my soulmate?"
"Don't call me that either." My tail whipped hard against the floor. I was getting frustrated with him and myself. I knelt down and grabbed one of the embers. I could ignite my own hand but how could I not ignite a simple stick?
"Sometimes it's all about imagination," he said, drumming his claws against his cane. "Surely that's not something you're lacking in."
My lip curled in a snarl. I looked down at the hot ember and put it in the corner of the fire place. I looked at one of the logs and closed my eyes. I remembered seeing Full mages lifting air when they wanted to move something. Maybe I could do something similar.
I turned my hand palm up and pictured small flames sticking out from under the wood. They slowly grew bigger until they were catching the neighboring logs on fire. I felt the heat on my face and snapped my eyes open to a working fire. My shock turned into a smile. I had done it.
"Nicely done," Husker said from the stairwell. I stood up and brushed off my pant leg.
The memory subsided and I blinked back to reality. How long had that been? Twelve years? Fifteen? How old was I? I had to think back to a time marker to try to figure out how many years it had been. My fingers moved as I tried to count.
"Darling?" Alastor called. I turned as he approached, leaning into him when he rested his hand on my hip. I rubbed my cheek against his chest and wrapped my tail around his ankle.
Imagine what my old self would say if she saw us now.
I would enjoy the look on your face, he returned. He placed a kiss on my head. "Come, we have more to see."
We went up a set of stairs at the end of the hallway to reach the second floor. This one was all about the haven's development from a town into a city.
These photos were ones Spencer had taken when he first arrived. There were pictures of Vivian's classes and her new assistants, pictures of Althea running to and from her many patients in her first healing hut, of Vilcin bringing out food in the grand hall when food was free for everyone during certain time frames, and so many more.
There were some that had me in the background or around the kids we brought from ring fights. Alastor wasn't in any of them, especially the ones at the end of the hallway. I noticed these photographs included the more expansive part of construction, as well as certain events that happened in Alastor's eight year disappearance.
One image was of my group sitting on Arleen's store porch. Everyone was too busy chatting to notice the camera pointed directly at them. Vivian and Althea were talking, Vilcin smiling softly at them, and me...
I didn't look happy but I didn't look sad either. The more I think back to that conversation, the more I remember. I had spent the night in one of Althea's medical beds because of a bad Alastor hallucination. This was the morning after she had managed to wrangle our group together for a cup of tea or coffee.
The third floor was a little more recent. This was entirely comprised of events that happened within the city. Things like news buildings being opened, big tournaments, and more. I was shocked to find a photo of me standing in front of Lucifer at the gala. That was the night I had presented Blackwater's soul to the King of Hell. Spencer must've gotten that from Vox who likely had cameras all around.
I praised Spencer for his hard work and creative thinking. Alastor gave his share of compliments, which he reserved only for those worthy of such a thing from him, and we left him to his new adjustments.
On the walk back, I replayed my entire life. The cages felt like a distant nightmare, the terrifying instances with Alastor like another life, and the eight year absence as painful as yesterday. I was in my thirties now. So much had happened in such little time. What was a hundred years going to feel like? What was two hundred? How did Alastor manage to even remember everything from the centuries he'd been alive?
Alastor pulled my mind back to my body. I blinked at the front porch, arm wrapped securely around his, and glanced up to meet his eyes. "Sorry."
"Not to worry, my dear." He walked up the new porch and opened the door for me. "I suspect things may grow more challenging when you near your first century."
My first. How many more can I handle?
He caught my hand as I passed and brought it up to his lips. He looked at me through his long eyelashes. "I will be there every step of the way."
Months passed. As things progressed rather closely between Alastor and I, things were far from perfect when it came to Nym and Thatcher. The siblings were constantly arguing with each other and it often turned into a physical fight. I was constantly yelling and fixing the burn marks they left behind. I started to worry they would burn the house down from of their Slight magic.
Alastor never said anything about the arguments, choosing to remain silent as I struggled to parent them through the start of their teenage hood. Reagan had gone through the same phase and I remember have plenty of difficult conversations about starting fights with people. This time it was more difficult because Nym and Thatcher were 1) two individuals and 2) more reactive than Reagan.
The smallest comment sent Nym exploding up the stairs and screaming her head off at me or Thatcher. The boy wasn't much better. He was quieter than his explosive sister but his comments and insults seemed to always hit right where they hurt most.
Finally, I separated the siblings into their own rooms so one occupied my old room and the other had Husker's. It was the perfect decision because they were happy to spend time in their own rooms and decorate it how they wanted.
Even so, they still refused to bring any friends over.
I managed to coax Thatcher into helping me cook dinner twice a week. He enjoyed the mindless work but always had a watchful eye on what I was doing. The more we made dinners together, the more talkative he grew. It became my one and only way to connect with him.
Nym wanted nothing to do with cooking and everything to do with physical activities or, oddly enough, a tough game of cards or chess with Alastor. Several times I had caught them playing a game in the library. I knew who the winner was by Nym's eloquent way of cursing.
Things smoothed out around the New Year's celebration. Groups and families decorated their homes or streets with lights and brightly colored decor. Charlie certainly didn't shy from the opportunity to have a big celebration. She insisted on having one with everyone who made the haven possible.
And she meant everyone.
Alastor was far from happy when he heard that Lucifer and Vox would be attending her party. He argued that Lucifer barely lifted a finger to help and that Vox had no ties. To his great disappointment, I argued that Lucifer had taught me a lot on my Angelic powers, which directly benefited the city I was protecting, and that Vox was part of my deal to spread the word about the city through his stations.
Needless to say, it was a very hot topic in the house.
I didn't help as much this time since big parties weren't my thing and the evening would go well into the night. Arleen, in all her mysterious, beautiful wonder, had put together another lovely dress for me. It was shorter than the last one to account for any dancing activities. As much as I enjoyed wearing a matching red with Alastor, I enjoyed wearing my own trademark purple. The dress was short in the front and slightly longer in the back. It had an open back and used several black straps to keep it on my shoulders.
The event was held in one of our large event buildings. Husker was managing the bar--typical--and a live band played in the corner of the of room. I enjoyed flustering my old friend whenever Angel left his proximity for a dance. I had a drink or two before the spider Demon finally convinced me to have a dance or two. Alastor remained at the bar, unamused and bored with the event. He had been brooding since dawn and I was growing tired of dealing with it.
I finished a second dance with Angel and asked Husker for water. I wasn't planning on dancing again but the second song had a beat I couldn't ignore. My taste in music had broadened since Vox had given me a phone with access to the Internet.
Speaking of whom, the electrocuted tv screen jumped in front of me. "Mind if I dance with you?" he asked over the music. The bodies jumped around us and caged me in. "After all the work we've done together?"
My good mood was influencing me. His claws were cold to the touch as I laid my hand in his, letting him pull me further into the crowd and in a slightly larger pocket of space. He moved quickly but never took his eyes off me. I was shocked when I had yet to step on his feet or vise versa. I hadn't expected him to be decent at dancing.
There was something about his smile. It wasn't an evil smile or a mischievous one, either. He just seemed...happy. So, I allowed another dance.
But I should've known by the intensity of his stare, by the green edges of my vision, by the way the little hairs on my arms stood up, and by the dark aura coming from the bar that I Alastor was very unhappy about it.
I wasn't doing anything wrong or bad but I distinctly remember my conversation with Alastor about dancing with other people. It had been a long time ago when I asked Husker and Charlie for dancing lessons. Nerves made my heart race but I reminded myself that I was allowed to enjoy a celebration, one that I didn't have to plan or monitor.
I had a feeling that dancing with Vox was like a slap to Alastor's face.
The song ended on a loud beat and Vox held me in a dip, hair brushing the floor. The shattering of a glass didn't reach everyone's ears, but it definitely reached mine. I turned my head to see Alastor wiping his hand on a rag while Husker cleaned up broken glass shards on the counter. Alastor's eyes flashed over to mine as sharp as a cat's and as quick as a snake's.
Vox brought me up and gave a low bow. "Thank you for dancing with me," he said. His tone touched a spot on my heart. If only he had been like this all along. Working with him would've been far more enjoyable.
We separated into the crowd and I noticed him pulling another girl onto the dance floor. I dragged my feet as I made my way over to my soulmate, tail waving behind me and claws clicking together nervously.
Alastor's discarded jacket was tucked somewhere behind the bar. His winter outfit was slightly different which allowed him to take off the jacket if needed. Over his long sleeve he wore a black vest that hugged his figure perfectly. There were small, red details that could only be seen if someone looked hard enough. That someone was me.
The look he was giving me was...a look.
He had his signature smile but it looked like a cross between a smile and a snarl. His eyes were sharp and had the faint outline of his radio dials in his pupils. His eyebrows were also a strange cross, not quite far up like usual but not quite a glare. He looked like he was trying to hide his annoyance behind a genuine smile. It didn't make sense but the look he was giving me sure did.
He dropped the rag and leaned down close to my face. "May I have a word, love?" he asked, each word pulling taught as he spoke.
"Of course." I wrapped my black claws around his leading arm and walked out onto the brightly lit porch. The winter air cooled my cheeks instantaneously. The rainclouds prevented me from seeing the bright stars but that wasn't where my attention was at the moment. I was too busy trying to keep my nervous hand from holding onto his arm too harshly.
He was quiet and very still for a minute. Then he gently took my hand and pulled it across his chest so I was standing in front of him, back to his chest. He pressed a fleeting kiss to my neck, then planted several more on the way down to my shoulder where the straps held up my dress. He went back up to my ear and pressed his nose to the spot right behind my ear. It was sending goosebumps up my arm.
"Have you found another man to take my place?" he asked in my ear, radio filter practically surrounding me.
"What?" I tried to turn my head but his hand snapped up to hold my jaw in place. I grabbed his wrist and flapped my ear against his nose. "Let go--"
"Have you grown tired of me, dear? Have I bored you so much that you are seeking attention from him?"
"Your jealousy is really bad, Al," I retorted, a smile edging on my lips. He wasn't as upset as I thought. He was just feeling a little ignored; a little forgotten. He was an attention-whore after all.
He let out a deep hum, one that nearly filled my chest. "I like when you use that nickname. It should be the only name that comes out of those lips." He released my jaw and traced his hand down my chest, across my stomach, and settled on my hip, pulling me flush against his front. I could feel his warmth radiating off him like the sun.
"Alastorrr," I purred, earning a wider grin and another chuckle. "If you wanted my attention you just needed to ask."
"Hmm, I'm not asking," he said in my ear, lips grazing across my skin. "I'm telling you. I will have your attention now."
He let go of my wrist and I pressed the palm of my hand to his cheek, feeling his eyelashes brush on my own cheek as he closed them. I moved my hand further up to thread my fingers through his pink hair. I gently massaged the area around his ears and antlers, drawing out heavy sighs and hums.
Then I tightly squeezed the bottom of his ear and he reared back, a pained noise escaping him. I shoved his hand off my hip and spun to face him head on. His hand had come up to hold his injured ear. "Why--"
"I'm not one to boss around, Alastor." I rolled his name off my tongue again, my lips quirking into a smirk. His shocked expression returned to the one he had before but with more intent.
"Is that so, my dear?" He took one step to be up close and personal again. My head was tilted back to meet his eyes, defiance and smugness written all over me. Now we were playing a game.
"I thought you knew me better than that, love." His smile nearly turned genuine before he recomposed himself. He lifted his red claws to touch my shoulders but I had beaten him to it, glancing down at his waist to hook two claws on his belt loops, and jerking hard to make him stumble into me.
His claws found my shoulders and the tips were dangerously close to puncturing my skin. "Careful, darling, you don't know what game you're playing."
"Oh I think I do." I kept him pulled firmly against me and rested my cheek on his chest, making him canter his head just to keep eye contact with me. His claws felt like they were shaking.
"Last warning, my dear," he moved an arm to wrap around the back of my shoulders, attempting to trap me against him instead of the other way around. "If you say yes, I will not be held responsible for what happens tonight."
I moved my footclaws so they were up against his ankles, my tail coming around to wrap around one of his knees. I lifted my head, licked my dry lips once, and let go of his belt loops to run my hands up his chest. "Yes, Alastor."
The one side of his smile flatlined. His shadows engulfed us both, sprinted up to the house, and manifested us in his room. The door was slightly open but his tentacles were quick to slam it shut, his hand coming up to my chest and shoving me away. My ankles hit the footboard of the bed and sent me to falling backwards on the thick cover. I lifted myself up on my elbows in time to see him hook a claw on his bow tie and pull it off his neck.
I licked my lips again.
He snapped his fingers to remove the black vest and began unbuttoning his long sleeve, taking long strides to the side of the bed. He had gotten half way down as I moved further up the bed. His antlers had lengthened a little more, darkness surrounding us and making it impossible to see anything other than him and the red sheets.
He put one knee on the bed and a claw near mine. I pushed myself up to a hand, all my teeth sharpening to a point to match his smile, and leaned forward to catch the aggressive kiss. Instead, his other red claw came to my chest and shoved me back down on the mattress. I let out a breathy snarl as he moved to straddle me, hand never leaving my chest.
As retaliation, I brought my tail up to wrap firmly around his deer tail. It made him visibly shudder and a tentacle came out to pin it down. My hand around his wrist was peeled off and also pinned. I smiled wide, running my long tongue across my newly sharpened teeth. His beady red eyes watched intently until my other hand found his thigh.
He grabbed that one too and came forward to plant a kiss on my slightly exposed chest. I didn't let him have access to my neck so when he attempted to grab my chin, I grabbed his ear again. Another tentacle came out to pull my wrist tight into the mattress.
"You don't get to challenge me," he growled in my ear, now able to pull my chin to the side and run his tongue along my skin. It sent a satisfying chill down my spine. "You gave the word, now you must suffer the consequences."
Despite his words, I could hear his thoughts reminding me he would stop as soon as I gave the word. The safety net shoved the bad memories down. I let his magic surround my mind as a constant reminder that he was with me. This was who I wanted to be with.
"I'm not so sure suffer is the right term, Alastor," his name came smoothly off my tongue.
"By the time I'm done with you, it will." Before I could answer him, he bit down hard on the top of my shoulder. My knees came up since my hands were pinned, quickly earning yet another set of tentacles to hold them down. He licked at the injury he caused and added, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get your pleasure in the midst of it."
He moved his one leg to rest his knee snuggly in between my legs. His tentacles pulled my legs wider. "That's...ch-cheating," my voice wavered.
"There were no rules set in place," he said in between licking up my blood. "Perhaps you should have thought about that before agreeing."
I went into his mind and held on tight to it, making him go very stiff. A moment later his magic grabbed mine and pushed me back into my mind.
"I told you, my dear, you don't know what game you are playing." He filled my mind again, forcing me to think of nothing other than him. I could feel the burn of his touch and see the green of his magic. It was just him.
He finally let go of my mind and I found myself completely bare underneath him. I snapped his name like a curse and attempted to my pull my limbs free to cover myself. His claw came up to brush the back of his fingers across my cheek like he always did.
"You are mine, my deer. There is nothing to hide from me."
It was then I noticed he was also bare, leg still firmly in between my own. He moved to my neck again, our skin touching and sending sparks into my brain. I felt lightheaded as his mind fit perfectly with mine like two puzzle pieces. He placed light kisses everywhere from my cheeks, to my chest, to my arms, to my stomach.
I gasped when his tentacles pulled my legs up. I fought against the pressure but they pull my legs wider like it was nothing. Alastor ran his tongue between my folds in one long lick. I leaned my head back to let out a very satisfied sigh.
I yelped when his fingers slid inside and curled dangerously well. My edges burned from the width of two fingers but the pain was nothing when his lips found my sweet spot. He moved his tongue in a deliberately slow circle.
"Al please..." I begged. "Go faster."
He paused to speak. "You're playing my game, baby."
The new endearment made my chest fill with butterflies. It moved into my stomach when his fingers curled again. He withdrew his fingers then pushed back in, curling them at the end before pulling out and repeating. His tongue now made up and down movements, but as slow and torturous as before.
I pushed against the tentacles despite knowing they wouldn't budge. I grabbed the sheets and flexed my toes. I lifted my head to see his eyes closed and head moving between my legs. I dropped my head as the familiar feeling started to rise.
He paused and blew cold air. I whimpered and looked down at him. "What was that—"
"Make more noises, my love." He licked his lips with that stupidly long tongue of his. "The more you make, the faster I'll go."
To make his point, he dragged his tongue between my folds as slow as possible. I let out an irritated sigh as my head hit the covers again. My horns had disappeared so I wouldn't puncture the mattress.
I didn't want to give in but I desperately wanted him to move faster. I would get nowhere near my high unless he picked up his pace.
"I hate you," I groaned.
He sucked hard on my sweet spot. I choked on another yelp. Being unable to move my limbs only increased the amount of stuff dripping out of me. He pressed his tongue against the spot and let out a hot sigh. The warmth elicited a moan and he moved his tongue slightly faster.
Fine, asshole.
He stopped. I mentally facepalmed.
"Language," he said. "I think I'm being rather generous with my offer."
"I think you know exa-ah-ctly what you're doing." He pushed in a third finger. I rubbed my cheek into the mattress to diffuse my frustration.
"You set the pace, love."
He kissed just above my spot before continuing his work. I pulled against the tentacles one last time before finally giving in. I let out a long sigh that turned into a moan at the end. His pace quickened.
I turned my face the other direction as I mumbled his nickname. It didn't take long to lose my mind and let out more noises. His fingers continued to curl inside, pushing just right on something, and pulling me ever closer. My fingers and toes flexed repeatedly as I started saying his full name.
His tongue was finally moving at a pace I wanted. I begged him not to slow down. I begged him to keep going and let me reach my high.
"Ah! Sensitive, Al!" I called. His free arm trapped my hips to the bed. He reached into my mind to sense for a painful or a different type of sensitive. The latter allowed him to continue.
"Push through, dear." He spoke quickly to get back to his task. It made my legs shake uncontrollably and tears fall down the side of my face. My elbows came up as I bit on the cover. My breathing turned to whines. Every muscles tensed. His tongued burned.
"Al...Alastor!" My voice pitched high as I reached my climax. He slowed his movements by half and drew it out even longer. My moan went on until I was out of breath. I pushed out as much air as I could from my lungs until stars dotted my vision.
Then the sensitivity turned sharp. My body jerked once and he stopped. I sucked in fresh air as his tentacles gradually receded. My chest heaved and my legs clamped lazily around his leg as he came back up to my face, tongue licking his lips.
"Are you alright?" he asked, genuine concern filling his voice.
"Uh huh," I nodded. He leaned down and gave a firm but gentle kiss.
"That's my girl." He kissed my cheek, then my neck, then my chest, then draped his tongue over my nipple. It sent electricity down my legs despite my exhaustion.
His other hand covered my other breast and massaged it. My free hand threaded through his hair as I watched him suck on my nipples. His teeth grazed them occasionally and sent a funny feeling through all my nerves.
"How did I get so lucky," he whispered to himself. He abandoned my breasts as he looked straight at me. "Are you ready?" I nodded my head but that wasn't enough for him. "Tell me yes, love."
"Yes, Al."
I felt something in him snap. The dominating, aggressive aura returned as quickly as it had gone. His hand moved down my side and lifted one of my legs up again. It fell over his shoulder as his other arm lifted my hips off the mattress.
The pain came first.
My head fell back against the pillow. Alastor breathed through his teeth as he tried to push himself all the way in. My hands grabbed the pillow as I whimpered from the size difference.
When he was finally in all the way, he leaned over and left soft, feathery kisses along my chest and stomach. His breaths in between kisses were hot and heavy. I opened a tear-filled eye to see his hair sticking to his face.
After what felt like forever, I had finally adjusted. He licked up the tears that had fallen on the sides of my face, quietly asking if he could move. His voice was much deeper and filled with need. With permission, he began to move and my back arched off the bed, voice whining his name.
His face was surprisingly the most attractive thing during it all. The way his brows knit together, his eyes squeezed shut, and his hair swaying with the movement, and his muscles working under his skin and fur. He was feeling this way with me. I was the one making him feel good.
His claws drew blood as we reached closer to our climax. I breathed his name through moans and practically cried when he sucked hard on one of my nipples between thrusts.
He abandoned my leg so I could wrap both around his waist. He leaned in close to my ears, moans filling my head and bringing my even closer. "Use those claws. Please."
I practically finished right there when he said please. My hands attached to his back and dug into the skin. He groaned when they finally broke skin. He begged me to say his name and I moaned it in its entirety as I came undone. He followed a moment later, hips slowing as he rode out his high.
We breathed in each others faces for several moments.
He kissed me gently. "I love you."
I held his cheeks in both hands, eyes meeting his beautiful red ones. "I love you too."
Author's Note:
Part 17 comes out same time tomorrow! All of these are pretty long so enjoy and please let me know your thoughts!
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine @martinys-world @thesimpybitch @papas-ghoulette @masochist-downfall
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balu8 · 5 months
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Sebastian Fiumara: Hawkgirl
Source: Samuel Amlet (comicartfans)
Hawkgril A3 commission by Sebastian FIUMARA, in samuel amiet's commissions Comic Art Gallery Room (comicartfans.com)
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mydictionary-yume · 2 months
★A3! Gacha Announcement★
The One Year Anniversary Tryouts, “A Bouquet of Love,” are starting on 7/9! Come and catch Lu in an exclusive anniversary SR to celebrate spending the year with you all!
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Card info:
(I didn’t wanna come up with stats sdlkfjg)
Card Name: Trajectory of Romance
Lead Skill: A Bond That Will Never Die
Adlib Skill: Earning My Spot
Quote: “Time flew by pretty fast, huh? Thanks for sticking around with me this year, hehe!”
Backstage Story: The Girl of Your Dreams
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Event info!!
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