#Gale was probably like oh my gods how did I get here
mumms-the-word · 5 months
funny story while I wrap of a fic to post tomorrow
Dani is my Chaos Tav and when I say the girl loves a heist the girl LOVES a heist
Idk if you know but behind the Counting House in the city there are some docks patrolled by guards with loads of treasure on the docks and in ships and so on
Well such a treasure trove is a siren call to poor Dani, who can’t look at a pile of jewelry without getting the itch to go all grabby hands
So, of course, she plans a heist
And by heist I mean Gale and Karlach watch from a safe distance while Dani and Astarion cast Greater Invisibility on themselves and sneak around, picking locks or picking up whole chests and generally stealing anything that looks remotely valuable
The team collectively only ended up killing one guard, the one that was posted at the far side of the docks near a watch tower (it was kind of an accident) and after that they tried to throw the body into the water to get rid of the evidence but failed (the game prevented me for some reason) so Gale and Karlach were awkwardly in charge of babysitting a dead body for a while
But we kept everyone else alive! Because they’re good(?) people.
Anyways Dani and Astarion end up in…well, a bit of a tight bind. They each have about 2 turns left on their invisibility spells and there’s no way they’re going to make it back to safety without alerting the guards
Dani takes a chance. She goes to a spot where she thinks she’ll be safe enough to recast invisibility so she can run back to her boyfriend and Karlach. Meanwhile Astarion makes it over to a beach, because they’d heard tell of buried treasure there
Dani gets spotted?? And suddenly it’s fighty fight time but she manages to turn invisible so she just skeddadles. Pockets jingling with jewelry and coin, I imagine, so idk how she was being sneaky about it. But the combat ended so that was nice.
Astarion, meanwhile, attempts to dig, only to have the dig action break his invisibility, so (after a reload, there were several reloads lol) he casts fog cloud to hide himself so he can dig up the treasure in peace
Y’all. This game is so silly. Not a single guard was like “huh weird that there’s this random FOG CLOUD that appeared, almost like magic? And didn’t we just see a blue girl with horns a second ago? Whatever just a normal day in Baldur’s Gate” like…sir??
Anyway Astarion dug up the treasure (which wasn’t even worth the hassle tbh, like it was low low level loot) and then…oh no. I’m out of invisibility potions and Astarion can’t cast invisibility on himself again. I don’t have any scrolls. I’d have to get Dani over there! What do I do??
Well. It’s a silly silly game, so my solution? We just fast traveled to a waypoint.
This heist literally consisted of two goobers invisibly picking locks and stealing chests, getting spotted, casting fog cloud, and then teleporting away.
So it was a success basically lol
Oh yeah and they would occasionally send chests to Karlach when they got over-encumbered by, you know, literal metal chests so while Gale and Karlach are watching this circus scene play out, I just imagine there are just chests appearing nearby one at a time
and idk maybe Gale is rethinking having fallen in love with Dani or maybe he’s just impressed who knows
Thanks for reading take a Dani and Gale for the road
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alpydk · 3 months
I've had a brainworm (tadpole?) that won't leave my head.
How would Gale's partner (Tav or Origin) react to him unintentionally saying Mystra's name during sex?
I don't think he would say it as his ex, but rather an exclamation ("Oh Gods", "By Mystra", etc).
I know I wouldn't be pleased. 😵‍💫
"By Mystra"
Anon, you are a miracle worked because I loved writing this. Like this is literally smut that I did not cringe my way through or go ugh why... Like I actually sent a quote to someone whilst writing this in a mini celebration of enjoyment. Really so much fun, so thank you. - I will say though it's probably not what you wanted at all. Oops. (Or maybe it is, I'm not a psychic.)
Word count : 1570 - M/E - It's Smut, there's nothing but smut here. I couldn't even angst this fucker up. - Gale x Tav (F)
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The evening had gone along as it normally would. Gale and Tav entertained his mother with the local gossip of Waterdeep, fresh tea leaves releasing their aroma into the study, the odd whisper shared between the happily married couple. The sun was now making its leisurely stroll towards the horizon and Tav had now moved onto round two of the game she affectionately liked to call Nimble fingers, ill intent. The first round would be innocent enough, the odd remark about how he looked nice when sat in certain positions or a passing comment about times they had spent alone given with a sultry look. “Oh yes, I remember that tavern, Morena. The detail on the oak bed posts were exquisite. Real craftsmanship.” Round two was based more on the physical aspects of distraction and competition: the lick of a teaspoon after eating dessert, the run of her hand along his thigh under the dinner table, the whisper in his ear of how she seemed to have forgotten her underwear. “Oh, it was nothing Morena, a quick reminder about a certain someone’s birthday.”
These nights were still as enjoyable as they were the first time around a campfire. Hands slipped under robes, concentration lapsing into yearning, travelling companions none the wiser of the exploits taking place. She would make him forget all logic, all reason, all devotion he ever had to his goddess.
He couldn’t get rid of his mother quick enough as he watched Tav lean over the coffee table to collect up the cutlery, her lilac shirt hanging a little lower than suitable and knowingly it was in full view of him. He saw the way her breasts hung against the cloth, the line of her cleavage drawing his gaze without mercy. After so much teasing, he didn’t just want her; he needed her desperately, as if he had been trapped underwater and she was his only source of air to breathe.
As the entrance door of the tower closed, signalling Morena’s exit, Gale was quick to press Tav to the wall of the stairwell; her wrists bound under his firm hand, the other travelling under the fabric of her shirt to place its mark on the previously taunting flesh. His lips found hers with an intensity he refused to hold back on, more eager than his well-mannered nature with his mother had let on. They navigated the stairs up to the tower quickly, a trail of cotton and leather left in their wake.
Heated kisses were placed over naked bodies, his flushed lips along her neck, her wanting hands travelling from his abdomen to his hips. The royal blue sheets of the bed were always the goal, but rarely did they make it there, instead ending up on the daybed or, more often, the scarlet floral rug that lay at the foot of the bed. From there, he would see her lying and waiting, her body moistened and ready for him, her eyes beckoning him with a love he would give himself to again and again. For a thousand nights, he would worship her in so many ways: some nights slowly with a tender caress of her inner thigh, others more playful, a nibble of her shoulder, and the teasing of his fingertips. Within the four walls of the bedroom, he was the one in control; he was the god to a single follower.
He nudged her leg aside with his own, climbing towards her, his urges to take her driving him forward with little thought of anything else. It was as he took her nipple in his mouth, the flick of his tongue creating the unwilling whimper emerge from her, that he felt her hand push him ever so slightly. This was new, a sign of dominance from one who normally welcomed his practiced tongue so openly.
He accepted the reaction, Tav’s hands coming up to his shoulders, rolling him to his back with a tentative push. He lay beneath her, her legs straddled over his hips, her breasts hanging just above his chest. His heart beat with an intensity he only felt as she teased, the devious look in her eyes telling him this wouldn’t be as easy as an impromptu lanceboard match. She held herself above him, the heat of her cunt drawing him in. He craved her touch, yearned to be inside her and have her entirely and yet she watched him, waited for his control to falter as it always did around her.
“Please...” He whispered underneath her. He would not beg, nor would he lower himself to that level of pleading he'd done so long ago, but he would ask if that is what she wanted of him. He would do anything for her if it meant he could show his love for her.
She sunk down onto him, her pace relaxed, her hands sliding their way up his chest. He felt the slow roll of her hips, his own body instinctively retorting with an impatient jolt. She stopped and sat up above him, a disappointed sigh that told him he’d done something wrong.
“My apologies... I... I became too eager-“
She rose and took him again in one quick thrust, a command that she was in charge. Without warning, he let out a deep growl, his self-control slowly unravelling with the growing intensity of her movements. He could feel the way her hand held down his shoulder, the fingernails of the other embedding themselves in the skin of his abdomen. What were once relaxed whines were slowly becoming the sputtered moans of his name through gritted teeth. She was fighting this as much as he was and he could feel the way her body was arching, trying to hold back on a climax that threatened to break through at any moment.
He closed his eyes, the symphony of ecstasy ringing in his ears, his body still accepting her pace despite how much he wished to just grab her and fuck her. He neared his precipice, one he had fallen from so many times with Tav, one he would happily fall from a thousand times more and he parted his lips, the sensation too much to contain. “By Mystra...”
Tav’s movements stopped suddenly, an abrupt silence that took him a moment to register before realising what had happened. She looked down at him with a combination of confusion and offense. “Did you just...?”
He felt the icy chill in the pit of his stomach, his practised tongue letting him down the moment he wasn’t the one in control of the situation. He hadn’t meant it as anything but an exclamation of pleasure, but he knew it was not the most welcome name after all that happened, especially when said in the bedroom. “Tav, I did not mean-“
She broke him off with another quick roll of her hips, a smirk curling upon her reddened lips. “Say it again.”
Gale looked at her with confusion. “Say what exactly?”
Tav bucked against him, an irritable look in her eyes. “Her name. Say it again.”
He was unsure what she meant, the rules of their game changing with each state of play. Lanceboard had been left in the dusty halls of the library; now they played a completely different game of strategy, one where he was but a novice. “Mystra...” he spoke with an uncertainty in his tone.
This time Tav’s movements were gentler, slower, and more deliberate. His head leaned back onto the rug, the red fibres weaving with his brown locks.
“Again,” she commanded.
He obeyed without doubt. “Mystra...”
She smiled, her hands moving from his shoulder down to his hips, her back arching, and pelvis tilting ever so slightly, allowing him to feel her in full. With each jolt he felt his muscles begin to tremble, the goddess’ name gasped through worshipping lips. And yet he prayed not to her but to the goddess that wrapped her thighs around him, the one whose sweat beaded with his own, the one that called his name as her hands found his.
She tightened around him, all control gone, nothing else mattering but the fought off release that now consumed her senses. She let out one guttural cry, only interrupted by the deep thrusts as Gale chased his own orgasm. What had been the Lady of Magic’s name had now become the Hero of Baldur’s Gate. Tav sputtered out as wave upon wave of pleasure erupted forth from him, as muscles grew taut and his body buried itself into as far as it possibly could.
She fell limp around him, his arm wrapping around her in a loving embrace as he pulled her onto the floor with him. Their skin glistened with sweat, the air now humid, the only sound being their panted breathing as they regained their composure. The sensation of a light charge brushing against his skin brought him to smile, a devilish knowing of exactly what Tav had done with her control over him. The goddess’ name, spoken in worship, in devotion, would of course have drawn her attention, if only for a moment. He placed a soft kiss on Tav’s forehead, tonight’s game most assuredly her victory.
“With you, I forget my goddess...” She titled her head up to look at him, an almost innocent gaze in her eyes. “I just wanted to make sure that was still the case.”
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mimsynims · 11 months
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Fool For Love
part 2
part 1
Author’ Note: For one, I’m still on my first play-through and this will definitely stray from canon, but hopefully some things will give a nod to some of the actual events in the game. (Also there will be no Wyll or Minthara because I haven’t gotten to know them for…reasons 👀)
(As for when this takes place, I’m thinking around late act 1, early act 2-ish)
Astarion x reader/Tav
Tags: (mild?) angst, pining, pining while fucking, jealousy, eventual happy ending
Summary: You thought knew what you were doing when you let Astarion into your bed. He doesn’t have feelings for you, and vice versa. Only… Now you do. And the question is, how will you deal with it?
“Have you been crying, Tav?”
Fuck. You should’ve known Karlach would notice. “Yes,” you admit, knowing it’s no use lying. “Nightmare,” you add, because it’s not entirely untrue.
“Ah, yeah, that’ll do it.” The hand Karlach places on your shoulder feels reassuring. Supportive without a speck of judgement. “I’m here if you ever want to talk about it, you know.”
You smile, because you don’t know what you have done to deserve such a great friend like her. “Be careful,” you laugh, “otherwise I might take you up on that offer.” Gods knows you’re in need of someone to confide in. It’s just that you’re not a hundred percent sure she’s not one of Astarion’s other conquests.
“My tent is always open for you, Tav. I hope you know that.” Karlach’s soft smile quirks into a grin as her eyes shift to look at something over your shoulder. “Oh, hi, Fangs. Trying to sneak up on Tav, are you?”
“And a good morning to you too, Karlach.” You don’t need to see him to know that he’s rolling his eyes. “Of course not, I just did not want to break up what looked like an intimate moment.”
Strange. Underneath the snark, Astarion almost sounds… jealous. That doesn’t make the least bit sense, so you brush the notion away.
“Nothing intimate about it,” you press out. “Just Karlach being a good friend.” One deep breath, and then you turn around to face him. It takes all of your determination, but you make sure to keep a neutral expression. Except you catch his eyes narrowing, and too late you realise that he, too, notices the small but telling signs of the tears you shed not even an hour ago. Unlike Karlach, he keeps his thoughts to himself, because of course he does. You’re not even sure why you’re not surprised, but deep down you knew he wouldn’t acknowledge it.
You momentarily stop breathing when the truth slams into you like a blow to the gut: he doesn’t care enough to ask. Or if he does, asking could mean complicating things he wants to keep simple.
You hear Astarion addressing you, but you’re stuck inside your own head now. Of course he doesn’t want to know. Freedom and survival are the key factors driving Astarion in everything he does, and getting entangled with you beyond pleasure and safety — and feeding — could compromise both of those things. While he probably does consider you a friend at this point, it’s only surface-level. In all honesty you can’t blame him. After all he’s been through, trust doesn’t come easy to him.
You could hold a grudge for the lies he told you, but the truth is, you went into this with your eyes wide open. You could’ve called him out on it, but you were so curious about what it would lead to that you let him believe that you were fooled.
A cool hand on your arm snaps you back to the here and now.
“Sorry, did you say something?” He’s eyeing you warily, and you wonder fleetingly how he would react if you told him the half-lie about the nightmares.
Astarion’s brow twitches as he opens his mouth to speak. “Tav–”
“Gooood morning, everyone!”
Gale. Of course. “Good morning, Gale.” Not letting yourself ponder what Astarion might’ve been meaning to say, you fling yourself at the opportunity of a new topic of conversation as if it was the last potion of healing in an otherwise empty pouch. “Aren’t you chipper this morning?”
“I saw a falling star just before going to bed last night, and it felt like a sign that this day would be an exceptionally good one.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Speaking of.” Lowering his voice, Gale slides closer to your side. “I was thinking of doing some stargazing tonight. Want to join me? The sky should be clear enough for it.”
You can feel Astarion’s eyes on you. “Sure,” you hear yourself say, immediately regretting it.
“What’s perfect?”
Saved by the Tiefling. “Gale says tonight should be perfect for stargazing.” When you turn around to face her, there’s no Astarion in sight. That should feel like a relief, and yet, you can help but worry. Why that is is beyond you, but the guilt is still there, confusing you even more.
“That’s not–”
“Why don’t you join us? We can ask the rest of the group too.”
“Excellent idea, Tav!”
“Mm, yes. Excellent.”
Gale sounds disappointed, but it’s better this way. If you were more callous you would use Gale to try to get Astarion out of your system and out of your heart, but that is out of the question now. During your weeks together, he has become a friend. They all have.
Perhaps you can find yourself a handsome druid when you all go back to the Grove to trade with the merchant Arron later today. If for nothing else, you desperately need to work on your flirting game because it has never been your strong suit to begin with.
“Yes, Halsin?” You don’t know it, but the druid can tell that something is troubling you.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, never been better.” If you keep saying it out loud you might perhaps believe it at some point.
“Right.” His seemingly all-knowing eyes scan you up and down, making you feel like he can see into the deepest parts of your heart and mind. You’re not entirely sure that he can’t. “I heard from Karlach that you’re going to the Grove,” he continues after a moment of heavy silence. “I have other business to attend to today, but I wanted to ask if you could do me a favour while you’re there.”
Your body relaxes with relief. “Yes, we are. What do you want me to do?”
The fictitious druid can wait for another time.
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kirain · 11 months
Tav: Oh my gods ... it's happening. It's happening! Everyone, come quick!
Astarion: What the hells are you shouting about? It's barely four o'clock in the bloody morning. I know you don't get it, but I prefer to rise when the sun does.
Tav: It's the egg! It's hatching!
Shadowheart: The one you got from the githyanki crèche? You mean you still have it?
Tav: Of course! You didn't really think I'd give it to that crazy baby-snatcher, did you?
Gale: Shh, shh! Everyone, calm yourselves and be silent. I may not look it, but I know quite a bit about child-rearing. I read many books on the subject when I was Mystra's Chosen, and as I understand it, newborns require low, serene noises when they're brought into the world. Anything too stentorian could overwhelm the poor babe.
Lae'zel: That is perhaps the case for you pitiful, soft, fragile humans, but githyanki offspring are born with an innate sense of—
Tav: Quiet! It's hatching!
Narrator: The egg stirs and shakes, then cracks as the inhabitant kicks at its confines. After a few moments of struggle, the shell breaks, pieces of green and yellow debris sliding off the newborn's slender frame. Free at last, it looks up at you, is eyes narrow but full of wonder, then mews like a kitten looking for its mother.
Karlach: Ohhh-ho-ho-ho-hooo my gods! It's so cute! Look at its little feet and droopy ears! And look that that: born with a full set of tiny chompers! I want to squeeze it and never let go!
Lae'zel: Githyanki offspring are not "cute"...
Astarion: That's for damn sure. It looked like a jaundiced monkey.
Wyll: Heheh. Well, it's certainly something. It's ... well, I'm not actually sure. What is it, exactly?
Lae'zel: A soldier.
Wyll: I meant the sex.
Lae'zel: Oh. A boy.
Wyll: Welcome to the world, little man! We're going to have so much fun. I'll teach you how to use a blade and defend the innocent and—!
Shadowheart: Hold that thought, why don't you? You're getting way ahead of yourself. This is a tremendous responsibility. What do we even do? Lae'zel?
Lae'zel: What? Why are you looking at me?
Shadowheart: Because out of everyone here, I would assume a githyanki knows best how to raise a githyanki child.
Lae'zel: I know nothing of raising hatchlings. It's not my place.
Shadowheart: Lady Shar protect us ... and this child.
Tav: Don't be so defeatist. We'll be fine!
Gale: Absolutely. How hard can it be? An infant is an infant. He's probably hungry, so let's tackle that problem first. Come here, little one!
Lae'zel: I wouldn't—
Narrator: Gale reaches down and scoops the young hatchling into his arms. At first the creature seems confused, pensive even. Then, its pupils shrink, its teeth clenching. It growls like a caged animal and claws at the wizard's face. Luckily for him, it misses, but the battle is far from over. In a rage, the creature twists its body, then sinks its teeth into Gale's hand, latching onto it in a fit of fury.
Gale: Ow, ow, ow! Aaaugh!
Lae'zel: Typical.
Narrator: Gale attempts to shake the vicious newborn off, waving his arm up and down like a madman, but to no avail. The creature holds steadfast, almost mockingly.
Gale: A hand would be very much appreciated!
Karlach: Ask the babe. He already has an extra one.
Everyone: *Laughs*
Astarion: Well ... I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, but perhaps keeping the creepy little morsel around isn't such a bad idea after all.
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brotherwtf · 6 days
I always enjoy your answers for the various asks you get 💖 so here’s an idea I thought would be fun to share with you: for the breeding kink, what if John walks into the kitchen once to find Gale eating a pickle straight out of the jar (I mean, the guy was just craving a pickle) but John Egan being John Egan he’s like it finally happened, doll! I can just imagine the look Gale would give him 😂
omg Bucky just in one of his moods and he's so out of it that he thinks he actually got Gale pregnant this time
When Gale woke up, he was craving something salty and vinegary to get the funky taste out of his mouth. He wasn't sure why, he usually didn't like stuff like that, but he really, really wanted something like that.
He peeled himself from John who had tired himself out from two rounds of sex and wandering into the kitchen, John's shirt hanging off of his shoulders. He knew they had a jar of pickles in the fridge, John liked to eat them straight from the jar, so he knew that would satisfy his salty desire.
He's unscrewing the jar when he hears John stumbling down the stairs, smiling at the sound of his clumsy husband, and pulls a spear from the jar, taking a bite out of it and humming at the taste. It wouldn't be what he would usually eat, but it tasted good now.
Gale turns to see John standing in the kitchen doorway and he smiles wider, putting the jar back in the fridge and walking towards John. But John has this stupid expression on his face, one of pure awe and admiration and Gale can't help but chuckle.
"Knock, knock, Bucky, anybody home?" Gale says and yelps when John scoops him up in his arms, lifting him up and spinning him around with glee.
"Oh my God doll I did it!! We actually did it!" John says and Gale's even more confused now.
After two rounds of sex, Gale knew that John sometimes got loopy from the exertion, would just blab to him in bed about everything and nothing, and Gale was always glad to listen. Maybe this was just more of his rambling.
"Did what, darling?" Gale asks, eyebrows quirked up as he looks down at John's gleeful expression.
John sets Gale down and touches his stomach, laughing and dropping to his knees to press a kiss there. Gale shakes his head with a chuckle, tilting John's head up so he can raise his eyebrows questioningly again.
"Can't believe we're gonna have little ones. Cannot believe you're already having the cravings! Gale you haven't eaten a pickle the entire time I've known you, wow I can't believe we did it!" John blabs and Gale nods his head, finally understanding.
John had been on a kick where he would try to fuck babies into Gale, wouldn't be deterred even when he would come inside Gale and it would drip out, would beg and beg for Gale to let him try again to give him kids. Gale would play into it, moan about how deep John was fucking into him, but afterwards when John came to his senses they would laugh about it.
Even now, Gale knows that John would probably double over in laughter at the image Gale sees now, John on his knees pressing kisses into his stomach, excitedly yapping about what the names of their children would be. Gale only smiles and hums along, can't help but wonder what it would be like to actually have children on their own.
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darkurgetrash · 5 months
Gods' Damned Gale Dekarios!
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Hi all! After reading this amazing post by @gale-dekarios, I couldn't help but write this silly, goofy one-shot. Please enjoy!|[Read on AO3]
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Rating: General Audiences Wordcount: 4,576 Summary:
Opulentus is Waterdeep's most renowned wizard—a charming, handsome prodigy whose charisma commands respect. But when his long-time nemesis, Gale of Waterdeep, returns after years of disgrace, everything Opulentus holds dear is threatened. Gale, once stripped of his magic for defying Mystra, has somehow become the hero of Baldur's Gate, returning with a beautiful fiancée, newfound fame, and an air of humility that leaves Opulentus seething. Now, there is only one question on Opulentus' highly intellectual mind... What is Gods' Damned 'Gale Dekarios' up to?!
Requested Tags: @onlyfangz @kwrite1776 @dont-try-pesticide
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Opulentus had always considered himself quite the ladies' man. It was hard not to, after all, when you were the most renowned, most wealthy, and most handsome wizard in all of Waterdeep. From child prodigy to a fellow at Blackstaff Academy, the very same institution where he'd studied since he was just a bright-eyed boy, there was no greater catch in the city. He was a legend in his own right, with a knack for charm and a wit that could melt even the hardest of hearts.
Tonight would be no different, he decided, as he twizzled his luscious, dapper moustache between his fingers, his gaze roaming across the rambunctious regulars of The Quaffing Quaggoth before landing on what might have been the most beautiful woman he'd ever layed eyes on. She stood out even in the crowded tavern, her presence like a breath of fresh air amid the rowdy patrons.
She was a half-elf by the looks of things, with soulful, winged eyes and long, dark waves that cascaded down her back in a flawless display of beauty. Her warm tawny skin was radiant, her cheeks kissed by rouge and her lips a gentle shade of berry pink. Her features seemed as if sculpted by Sune herself, crafted to be the perfect match for Opulentus' own magnificence.
Opulentus couldn't help but smile. Here was a challenge worth his considerable talents. He adjusted his shirt collar and straightened his posture, making sure his charms were in full effect.
Then, with an air of unrivalled confidence, he took a step forward, ready to make an impression. The wizard's reputation preceded him, but he knew that his charm would have to do the rest. After all, beauty like hers deserved nothing less than the best Waterdeep had to offer. And that, of course, was Opulentus himself!
“Oh, barkeep!” he called, suave and cool, as he stood beside her at the bar. As expected, she turned her head at his magnanimous presence. “A glass of your finest wine, please. For myself and…” He glanced at her with a wry, flirtatious smile. “This goddess among mere mortals.”
The woman raised her eyebrow at him, an amused smile curving her lips. She was probably thanking the gods for her good fortune, Opulentus thought, to be noticed by him—the most successful man this side of the Sword Coast.
“That’s quite alright,” she replied, her lilted voice sending shivers down his spine. “I have plenty of coin for my own drink.”
“Ah, but m’lady,” he said, mirroring her expression, “one so beautiful should not have to spend her own coin, no matter how much of it she may have.” 
He let his gaze sweep down her frame, noting her graceful yet slightly athletic build and the freckles dotting her collarbones. Could this be the woman he'd finally settle down with?
“I’m afraid to tell you that I’m quite taken,” she said, holding up a hand to stop the bartender as he moved to pass her the glass of wine.
“‘Taken’ is but a small obstacle, my dear,” he scoffed, running his fingers through his hair, making sure to flex his biceps as he did so. “I assume you know who I am?”
“Not at all,” she replied, her unimpressed tone making it clear how devoutly she was playing hard-to-get. By the gods, this woman was practically throwing herself at his feet!
“Ah, but then you must have travelled far! For I am the greatest wizard on the Sword Coast, a celebrity in my own right. My name is—”
“Elminster’s Beard – Gary? Gary Johnson?”
At the mention of his given name, one he'd long repressed, a chill ran through him. Not only because of the rude interruption but because it was a voice he knew all too well. His long-time nemesis, a rival to end all rivals.
“Gale of Waterdeep.” He snarled, turning to see the man standing behind him. The sight was enough to make his skin crawl—Gale, with his quickly greying long hair tied back in a bun, and his annoyingly perfect face wearing that insufferably charming smile. How could it be genuine after the embarrassment he'd suffered two years ago?
Indeed, when Gale of Waterdeep—the one man who had always outshone him, ever since their days as juniors at Blackstaff Academy—had proven himself a foolish, arrogant wizard, when he'd dared to betray Mystra, and was subsequently stripped of his magic, Opulentus had rejoiced. It was the happiest day of his life! Finally, he was the best! 
Yet here was Gale again, voice bright, skin radiant, with that same smile that made Opulentus grind his teeth. How could he be so joyful, so confident, after everything that happened? It was inconceivable – nay, impossible!
But he wouldn’t let such a disruption ruin his game. The man was a cad, a poor excuse of a wizard, and he would not let him take this chance from him.
He forced a charismatic smile to return to his face, as if the mere sight of Gale didn’t have him already quaking with envy, and patted the man firmly on his tall shoulder.
“Ah, my old friend!” He cheered through gritted teeth, “How have you been? Though you are quite mistaken, my name is Opulentus. Gary Johnson was my…” He paused, trying to conjure up an excuse. “...my brother! Ah, but that little fallout with Mystra must have rattled your brains some, hmm chum?”
“You always were so very humorous!” Gale replied, his laughter sounding so genuine that Opulentus could do nothing but blink in response. “And ‘rattle my brains’ it did, I’m afraid. Though, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know, I am quite returned to my old self – though certainly with many improvements!” 
Gale skirted around him so that his hand lay on the beautiful woman’s shoulder – so bold! So brazen! However, as he did, she looked up at him with the largest, most adoring eyes that Opulentus couldn’t help but blush… Ah, but in rage! Was this some twisted nightmare?!
“Opulentus, this is my betrothed, Tav. Does she not put the stars to shame?” Gale said oh so sweet and softly that Opulentus’ skin prickled. “Tav, this is… Opulentus. He and I trained at Blackstaff together as young men.”
“Nice to meet you, Opulentus.” She said, her tone equally as amused as before, though there was something softer in it, touched by tenderness. By gods, she was smitten with Gale of Waterdeep of all people! What lies must this man have wrought to have captured such a goddess’ heart so fully? For the second time no less?!
“Charmed,” he replied, sharply, but with as much false delight as could possibly be mustered, given the circumstances. 
But ah…! Was this not the perfect opportunity to make this poor girl aware of the man’s true nature? It would be cruel to keep her in the dark, surely this is why fate brought her to him! He’d rescue her, a beauty from a beast, and in the process, woo her. But that was his destiny. He was sure of it. 
“Tav, you say? And how did you meet?” He snarled. “Last I heard, Gale, you had secluded yourself to your tower in disgrace! Nought but a tressum to keep you company.”
“You are right, old friend,” The man nodded, seemingly… unbothered. “It is much too long a story, but the short of it is that — in a world of infinite possibilities — fate somehow brought the two of us together… Under the threat of ceremorphosis, no less!” He chuckled. “I’d have never thought I’d be thanking a mind flayer for my good fortune, but I suppose stranger things have happened.”
To say Opulentus was confused would be beyond obvious. Who was this man in front of him, so non-combatively taking such blows? Completely humbled yet talking of strange and potentially grave matters as if they were nothing? Something was surely amiss.
“Ah — then Tav, you must have saved this poor soul, I assume? My old friend, you see, had been stripped of his magic after defying his ex-lover, the goddess Mystra herself! I’m sure he must have been quite the burden to you.”
“Oh no, we saved each other in more ways than can be imagined.” She said lovingly, as giddy as could be as she lay a slender hand on Gale’s chest, he beaming at her, the heat between them unavoidable. Opulentus was beginning to feel angry. But no — he shouldn’t lose his cool. After all, he was the successful one! The powerful one! The one with… credentials! He’d finally beaten Gale of Waterdeep!
“You’re too modest, my love,” Gale said. “But, ah, we should be heading off. Wouldn’t want to keep mother waiting.” He wrapped his arm around Tav’s waist as she stood, floating to her feet like some ethereal being. “Let us meet again, soon, Opulentus. I’m sure my love would be most regaled by our schoolboy days – how competitive we both were!”
Opulentus’ smile fell flat. How dare this man pretend that the competition didn’t remain? Wasn’t he now flaunting his beautiful betrothed right in his face?!
"A pleasure, Gale of Waterdeep," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Likewise, and please, it’s Gale Dekarios now. So long!”
And with that, the wizard and the beauty disappeared from the bar, leaving Opulentus scowling, a stem of wine in hand that he didn’t even bloody like. Ah - blows to it all! This wasn’t over, not by a long shot. Gale might think he had won some grand prize with his new love, but what did he know? After all, this Tav clearly had poor taste in men, seeing as she had chosen the most disgraced wizard in Waterdeep. Quite, she would not have been worth his time – a firebolt dodged, if ever Opulentus saw one.
Gale ‘Dekarios’, hmm. A plain name quite befitting a fallen rival.
Opulentus took a swig of his wine, grimacing at the taste. Who needed love and relationships? He had success, prestige, and all the respect that came with being the best wizard on the Sword Coast, a fellow of Blackstaff Academy. Let Gale keep his pretty bride-to-be; it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. What truly mattered was respect. And Opulentus had plenty of it.
With a self-affirming nod, Opulentus downed his wine and stormed out of The Quaffing Quaggoth – nearly tripping over his own feet as he did so.
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“Quiet down, class, quiet down!” Opulentus urged as he entered the lecture hall, his voice echoing off the stone walls. Normally, his students were quick to settle when he gave the command – his reputation as a strict yet brilliant professor preceded him – but today was different. The usual murmurs and whispers had escalated into a cacophony of excited chatter, much to his irritation.
"Class, quiet down!" he called again, this time with more authority. He banged his staff on the podium, which usually silenced the rowdy students, but today it had little effect. His patience was thinning, and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. What could possibly be so interesting that it overshadowed his entrance?
He focused on some of the students seated near the front, leaning in slightly to catch snippets of their conversation. It didn’t take long for him to piece together the cause of the commotion.
“Did you hear? The new Professor of Illusions is one of the saviours of Baldur’s Gate!!”
“YES! And oh my gods, and he’s sooo handsome!”
“-- And his partner! My bisexual awakening for real for real.”
“Seriously, such babygirl energy.”
“The biggest, I’m literally rattling the bars on my enclosure right now—”
Opulentus’ eyebrow twitched. So that was it—some new hotshot had taken the role of "celebrity professor," drawing all the attention away from him! Well, he certainly wasn't about to let some flashy hero usurp his position as the academy’s most respected instructor, even if they did have an impressive title.
Of course, he too had heard of the situation over in Baldur’s Gate – it had become international news at this point, the talk of every tavern. A Netherbrain had threatened the city only to be destroyed by a group of adventurers, and in several of the higher Wizarding circles, it had even been rumoured to have ties to Karsus, though that seemed preposterous, nothing more than illicit tales.
He cleared his throat and raised his voice authoritatively.
"I'm sure you're all quite excited to meet your new instructor, but in the meantime, you're in my class! Let's show a little respect, shall we?" The students quieted a bit, though he could still see their eyes darting back and forth with whispered gossip, like they couldn't wait to get out of his lecture and hear more about the new professor.
This would require a more forceful approach. He banged his staff once more, harder this time, and then leaned forward with a stern look that he reserved for such occasions. 
“You’re here to learn the advanced arts of Transmutation, not to gossip about other professors. Now, open your texts to page seventy-three, and let's begin–”
“ – Sorry to interrupt, old friend!”
Opulentus’ blood turned cold. Gods. Not him… anyone but him.
The lecture hall erupted once more in excited chatter as Gods’ Damned Gale of Waterdeep – ah, Gale Dekarios, suddenly waltzed into the room, his genial hand raised in greeting as he moved with effortless grace. The wizard wore immaculate scholarly robes, each step radiating an air of self-assured charisma that made Opulentus seethe. The students were captivated, and his annoyance grew with every whisper.
He had been the one to save Baldur’s Gate?! Infeasible! Absurd! The man must have shared some resemblance to one of the heroes and caused rumours to spiral, as they so often did in academic institutions. It could not be!
He clenched his jaw, trying to regain his composure as Gale approached closer, his smile as wide as ever, his demeanour exuding easy charm. Opulentus straightened, preparing to speak with the man quietly, without drawing more attention.
“I hope I’m not inconveniencing you at all, my astute colleague,” Gale said, “but I wondered if I may be so bold as to join your lecture? I believe it would be most beneficial to observe your teaching style with these particular students before taking them on myself, next period.”
Opulentus could feel rage boiling like a frog in a pot deep within his chest, so intensely that he was certain it was affecting his cholesterol levels. But what choice did he have? It was, as the saying goes: ‘Keep your enemies close, and your… friends closer?’ Wait, was that right? It didn’t seem right. Bah, alas. It didn’t matter.
"Of course," Opulentus said, forcing his tone to stay light and welcoming. "I’d be delighted to have you sit in. I'm sure you'll find my teaching style quite... instructive." He added a slight edge to his last word, just enough to hint that he was in control here, not the intruding, fraudulent Gale Dekarios.
Gale grinned broadly. 
"Thank you, Opulentus! I look forward to learning from your vast experience."
Opulentus gestured to a chair in the corner of the room, a clear signal that this was as far as Gale would be allowed to intrude. 
"Feel free to take a seat over there. I was just about to begin our discussion on advanced transmutation techniques. I'm sure you'll find it enlightening."
Gale nodded with a smile and made his way to the designated spot, his presence drawing the attention of several students who whispered and pointed in his direction. Opulentus took a deep breath, reminding himself that he was the one in charge here. Gale could observe, but he would not disrupt the lecture. Not if he had anything to say about it.
He turned back to the class, raising his voice to regain their focus. 
"Alright, everyone, let's get back to our discussion. Please open your texts to page seventy-three, and let's dive into the finer points of matter fabrication…" 
Throughout the lecture, he couldn't help but glance at Gale out of the corner of his eye, watching for any signs of further interference. But Gale just sat there, smiling and nodding, as if he were the most obedient student in the room.
Oh, how he hated him. Stupid, handsome, charming Gale Dekarios! This had to be another ploy, some underhanded scheme. The Gale he knew would have been all interruptions, eager to be the centre of attention. Yet, the man in his classroom was playing the role of humble observer—graceful, courteous, infuriatingly well-mannered.
Opulentus clenched his fists beneath the podium, his knuckles white with frustration. What had happened to the brash, reckless Gale he knew? This new version was even more unbearable. And the students! They were enchanted by him, their eyes constantly flicking over to where he sat, hoping to catch his eye.
But Opulentus refused to let Gale's presence diminish him. He'd worked too hard, earned too much respect to let one exiled wizard, no matter how charming, take that from him. So Gale had a pretty wife and the adoration of students. Big deal! Opulentus still had the accolades, the titles, the power that came with his position. He was still the respected professor, the one with connections to the most powerful wizards in Waterdeep.
He was the Opulentus! He'd won their rivalry!
Yet, as his eyes kept darting toward his new colleague, an unsettling feeling began to creep in. Was it… admiration? No, it couldn't be. Respect? Even more absurd. Gale was a has-been, a disgraced wizard who had defied Mystra herself, the goddess of magic. To admire him would be laughable.
And yet... there was something about Gale's unshakable confidence, his genuine warmth with the students, that gnawed at Opulentus's sense of superiority. It was as if Gale had found a different kind of power, one that didn't rely on accolades or titles. 
And it was maddening.
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“Please, I thank you all for your kind welcomes, but I can hardly take so much credit!”
“Mr Dekarios, no need to be so modest! What you did was quite spectacular – if you don’t mind me saying so! From disgraced wizard to the chosen of Mystra, and with power even more potent than before!”
“You flatter me, but please, call me Gale.”
Gods! Even in the staff room, there was no relief from this man! Opulentus sat in the corner, sulking over a mug of black coffee, glaring at Gale over the rim of his glasses. The wizard was surrounded by colleagues who fawned over him, eager to hear his tales and bask in the glow of his newfound glory. Turns out – as inconceivable as it was – Gale Dekarios had been a saviour of Baldur’s Gate. Along with his betrothed, Tav, who was apparently a scholar in her own right, a sorcerer local to that city.
Opulentus took a long, bitter sip of his coffee, feeling the heat scorch his tongue but doing little to warm his mood. Why was everyone so taken with Gale all of a sudden? The man had been a pariah not long ago, a laughing stock among wizards. Yet now, here he was, the hero of Baldur's Gate, Mystra's chosen, and the most popular professor at the academy.
Gods. He couldn't stand the way everyone treated Gale like a celebrity, as if his past failures had never happened. It was as if Opulentus' years of hard work, his dedication to his craft, meant nothing compared to Gale's apparent underdog comeback. It wasn't fair!
But as he sat there, scowling into his coffee, a realisation struck him. It wasn't just the attention that bothered him—it was the fact that Gale didn't seem to care about any of it. He wasn't seeking adoration or approval; he was just... there, enjoying the company of others, sharing stories, and spreading good cheer.
And looking ever-so dashing as he did so…
…Bah! But it was all for show! It must be! Yet, try as he might, Opulentus could not make sense of it. He closed his eyes and pictured a grand conspiracy board with strings and thumbtacks, connecting all the dots of Gale's previous manipulations and betrayals. Surely there was a pattern here, some thread that would explain how Gale had orchestrated his miraculous comeback, how he had once again stolen the spotlight from under Opulentus' nose.
But no matter how hard he tried, the lines remained tangled, the connections fuzzy, and the dots... incongruent. It just didn’t make sense.
Well, fine!  If Gale wanted to play the role of the humble hero, so be it. Opulentus would play the role of the brilliant, stoic professor—the one with real power and authority. 
He loudly cleared his throat.
"Ah, Gale, quite the story! I'm surprised you're not writing books by now with all these tales. Although, I suppose it's easier to entertain people with fancy retellings than to actually do any real work, isn't it?"
The other staff members turned to Opulentus, a few of them raising their eyebrows at the unexpected jab. Gale, however, didn't seem fazed. He… chuckled!
"Well, storytelling is an art, after all.” He smiled. “But you're right, Opulentus—nothing beats the hard work and dedication that would go into writing novels, as I’m aware you have done time and time again. I guess that's why I have so much respect for you and your teachings! You’ve always been one to work tirelessly, never settling for less, be it in your writings or in the classroom."
Opulentus blinked, thoroughly surprised at the unexpected compliment. It surged something warm inside him, a friendly caress to his ego, and he found himself… blushing.
The other staff members nodded in agreement with Gale's words, a few of them even smiling at Opulentus with a newfound appreciation. It only made him more flustered—this wasn’t the reaction he'd intended at all!
He cleared his throat, trying to maintain his composure, but the warmth spread across his face and down his neck betrayed him. He’d tried to undermine Gale, only to end up complimented himself. Gods, it was baffling! But he couldn't backpedal now, not in front of the other professors.
"Yes, well," he managed to stammer, "dedication is key, as you well know. But let’s get back to work, shall we? We've got students to inspire and knowledge to impart." He tried to sound authoritative, but the quiver in his voice betrayed him even further.
“Absolutely!” Gale nodded with a grin that seemed annoyingly sincere, as if he were truly delighted by Opulentus’s words. “And thank you, as ever, for such riveting conversation, old friend. Let us catch up later, hm?” Gale said, giving Opulentus a friendly pat on the shoulder before leaving the staff room with a confident stride.
Opulentus watched him go, feeling the sting of defeat as his colleagues exchanged bemused glances and hushed whispers. He sat in the ensuing silence for a few minutes, gripping his mug, trying to push thoughts of Gale from his mind, but his introspection stirred, unrelenting and unquenchable.
No! No, he would not be defeated!
Resolutely, he slammed his mug down with a loud clatter and stormed out of the staff room, his mind racing with indignation. Damn it all, enough was enough! In just two days, Gale had swooped in, stealing the spotlight and proving himself to be Opulentus’ better once again. He wouldn't stand for it—not this time.
Turning the corner at the end of the long hall, his eyes fell on his rival across the hallway, the wizard speaking to a couple of students with his usual charm, the perfect picture of humility and enthusiasm. Opulentus cleared his throat loudly, causing Gale to turn toward him with that infuriatingly warm smile. The students glanced at Opulentus, then quickly scurried away, clearly sensing the tension.
"Alright, Gale," Opulentus said, his voice dripping with forced civility. "What's your plan? What are you after? Don't think I don't know what you're up to!"
Gale raised an eyebrow, his smile fading slightly. 
"Plan? What do you mean?" he asked, genuine-seeming confusion in his tone.
"Don't play innocent!” Opulentus replied, crossing his arms. “You return to Waterdeep and your first call of action is to show me up! Bah – waltzing around and acting all friendly and humble, like a changed man, but I know you. You just want to steal the spotlight, steal my thunder as you always have done! But for what? What is your reasoning, old ‘friend’?”
Gale paused for a moment, his expression softening as he looked at Opulentus. There almost seemed to be a look of pity behind his eyes and such a sympathetic gaze turned his stomach to knots. He almost couldn’t bear to maintain eye contact.
"No, Opulentus, that's not it at all," Gale said at last, calmly. "Though… You are right, in a sense. I was once an arrogant man, the perfect picture of a wizard full of hubris, and it only led me to ruin… as you well know.”
Opulentus shifted on his feet awkwardly, annoyed at himself for losing his composure. Yet, this was good. This meant that this ‘new Gale Dekarios’ would finally reveal himself.
“But I have changed. The journey I went on, the people I met, it showed me a different path – one I could have scarcely foreseen. I used to be obsessed with power and recognition, and I made a lot of mistakes because of it. I hurt a lot of people, including you.”
The man’s big brown eyes turned softer still, cute like a calf, guilty as could be. It struck a chord in Opulentus’ stone heart – but no… no, this… Was this true? Was Gale… apologising?
“...I would not be so careless again. I hope you can accept my most sincere apologies, and that we can perhaps forge a comradery going forward, perhaps even a friendship. You know… I’ve always respected you, Opulentus. I think we could learn a lot from each other.”
Gale offered his hand, palm open, inviting Opulentus to grasp it. Opulentus found himself gulping.
“What do you say? Shall we start over?”
Opulentus was taken aback. He’d expected denial, excuses, maybe even a fight, but an apology? And such a sincere one? It threw him off balance. He searched Gale's eyes, expecting to find some hint of deception, but there was none. Just honesty and remorse. He felt his anger waver – but no, could it be true?! Could Gale of Waterdeep really have changed? It was difficult to accept, but the warmth in his voice, the genuine regret in his eyes, seemed too real to ignore.
And so, Opulentus thrust his hand forward, grasping Gale's with a firm grip and giving it a hearty shake. Was it peculiar to say that it made his heart… flutter?!
“Alright, Gale,” he said slowly, keeping his expression neutral, though he was sure his confusion and fluster was evident. “We can start over. But don't think this makes us friends. Not yet. I’m still watching you.”
Gale nodded, a faint smile on his lips. 
“Understood. Though, I hope you’ll forgive me for saying that I’m hopeful!”
Opulentus smiled back at him, releasing his hand with annoying reluctance. He cleared his throat.
“Depends,” He said, swallowing down that strange and unfamiliar feeling entangling inside of him. “...Does your wife-to-be have a sister?”
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actuallyevilgay · 9 months
Hear me out, one of Tav’s parents went missing when he was very young. Later he finds out that the reason why his parent went missing was because Astarion lured them to Cazador.
I hope you read my about, Anon. This might go a little different than you expected. My first request :o I’m excited.
Oneshot: Daddy Issues
Astarion x male reader Content Warnings: Discussion of child abuse and child neglect. Mature language. Talk of Adultery. Notes: Tav gets a little unhinged from the doorframe. Tav is not a heroic person. Might not be lore friendly?
The venture into Cazador’s palace was anything but easy, the smell of neglect radiated over the place. It made you wonder if the vampire lord even cared for keeping up appearances, but knowing how some vampires made their rule.. They probably cared more about causing fear than looking as good as they say in romance novels… There was nothing romantic about this place. The allure could’ve been a fantasy for the many victims Astarion was forced to lure into this damned place.
You wouldn’t lie, if this place was given a massive makeover.. It might actually make a nice home. Yet, it was better to keep that banter for after the upcoming battle. Astarion’s unease made your neck hairs stand on edge. You protectively placed yourself in front of Astarion whenever the party turned another corner. His undead lungs consistently caught a large breath at every stop. Like he was about to walk into another nightmare.
Certainly he would, and so would you. The dungeon’s elevator let in an air of absolute disgust. Not just the smell.. The sight of all the victims in cages.
After Sebastian lunged for Astarion in rage, you pulled him back. ‘’This is not your fault.’’ A part of you wanted to judge the poor noble for being stupid, on the other hand.. You didn’t have it in you to mentally process what this could mean. Being another one of Astarion’s victims? No.. No. Don’t you dare even think about it. This guy is already dead, walking into the trap was his own fault. You on the other hand, were here to help Astarion kill Cazador. He may have tried to seduce you under false pretences, but you fell for each other despite all that. You wanted to give him the world. You were not his victim.
‘’They’re all here.’’ He muttered. ‘’Gods. They’re all here.’’
You looked at him with a reassuring glance. ‘’Don’t think about it. Think about yourself.’’ The conflict in Astarion’s eyes remained briefly, pushing at the sides of his mind. He shook his head. ‘’..You’re right. There’s no use in lingering in the past.. Not now.’’
Confident, the party began to cross the room, ignoring the sights of all the vampire spawn in the cages. ‘’Maybe we should.. Free them?’’ Gale uttered, doubtful. ‘’And unleash a horde of ravenous vampire spawn?’’ Shadowheart spit back at the wizard. ‘’They look like they’ve never even fed!’’
Astarion shuddered, wanting to be out of here as soon as possible. He had to face this.
To your regret, as he turned to you once more for guidance, a familiar voice called out.
‘’Tav..? Son- Is that you?’’
You felt bile rise up in your stomach. You haven’t heard this voice since you were at least ten years old. ‘’My, so this is where you’ve been, after all this?’’ You started to laugh in amusement, making everyone around you raise their brows in confusion.
Astarion looked to you, then to the man speaking to you.. He blinked, unsure if this was one of his victims. You made eye contact with the vampire, your expression unreadable.
‘’Don’t worry, I’m not judging you.’’ You noted, before turning back to the man who had abandoned you. ‘’You.. On the other hand.’’
‘’Wait- Does that mean Astarion slept with your-’’ Shadowheart cut herself off as you glared at her. You did not want to envision that at all. Gross. 
‘’Oh I remember that night..’’ Your father’s voice sounded as drunk and hazy as when he left. Maybe that was simply his natural state of being, but you did not care.
‘’..Do you have anything to say that isn’t an attempt to insult me?’’ Your response sounded as bitter as you felt. ‘’Poor dear old dad, seduced by one of his many conquests into damnation. Absolutely perfect. Congratulations.’’
Astarion eyed you, remembering how little you spoke of your past. Maybe.. To distract him, you might as well indulge your loved one. ‘’This man, this man.. Is why my mother left. It’s why I grew up eating moldy bread in the streets.’’ You shook your arms. ‘’This is.. Amazing. I can’t believe he’s here. No- I can. This is actually a good thing.’’ You felt the spiteful laughter tugging your throat. You wanted to laugh until you couldn’t breathe.
‘’Darling..’’ Astarion looked at you with some concern in his voice, unsure what to say. 
‘’Damned little son of a bitch! Let me out of here!’’ Your father tried to reach for you through the bars, you looked at him with cold dead eyes. With one swift turn, you avoided his claws and grabbed him by the throat, smashing him against the prison bars. He coughed up whatever bit of congealed blood was left in his lungs. ‘’Ugh-’’
‘’Can you imagine? This pitiful man.’’ You sighed as you released him, he dropped to the floor. You turned to Astarion again, eyes softening.
‘’For as long as I can remember, this man abused me and my mother. He would leave her with very little, refusing to let her even get a job to provide for me.. Because all he did was drink, and drink, go out and sleep with strangers.’’ You sighed, looking back to the pathetic thing in the cage.
‘’I suppose he was handsome enough for your master to drink dry, maybe he just wanted to get drunk on his intoxicated blood.’’ You went quiet for a moment.
‘’One day, when he didn’t come back- My mother decided it was the perfect time to abandon me.’’ The spite and hatred in your eyes came flowing back. ‘’I had nothing but anger to survive on.’’
‘’You whoreson-’’ Your father once more spoke up, but you spit at him. ‘’SHUT UP!’’
‘’I should’ve beaten you more.’’
You decided to let him have his say, and thus the insults of decades came back around. You remembered them all, each little thing he knew would rile you up and cause you to run and hide. You wanted to slap the teeth out of his mouth, but patiently waited until he was finished.
‘’Have you nothing to say for yourself boy?’’ Your father held onto the prison bars again. ‘’Be a good little shit and do something right in your life for once. Let me out.’’
You stared at him, expression unreadable. Astarion grabbed your hand, he now too shared your rage. ‘’I don’t remember him, actually.. Pity.’’ He said, clicking his teeth.
‘’What? You don’t remember how you led me into this hell? You little-’’ He tried to lunge forward again, making pathetic attempts to claw his way out. ‘’You said all these little- recited lines! Sounded so dreamy. Corny. I was very into it. The sex wasn’t that great though.’’
He turned back to you, noticing you interlocking your fingers with Astarion. Your lover’s face contorted with disgust at your father. ‘’Don’t tell me- you’re into this man? Are you sleeping with him?’’ the deadbeat stopped and laughed at you. ‘’Oh.. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, boy. You’re just like me. Admit it.’’
For a moment, the childlike doubt overtook you again. Everything he said was designed to hurt you, to treat you like a punching bag. He would sometimes feign care for you, only to earn your trust and use it against you like a weapon. You were just a little kid.. This man, this man was a real monster.
‘’I don’t think so, Tav is nothing like you.’’ Astarion thought about it. ‘’If anything, it makes no sense for him to be related to you. Are you sure your wife didn’t sleep around? Hmm?’’ Astarion’s words clearly hit a nerve, because your father once more tried to claw his way out, screaming obscenities.
You didn’t care for either your parents, the idea of your mother sleeping with another man to conceive you wasn’t that far fetched. After all, as far as you were concerned.. You had no parents. You had to raise yourself.
‘’Don’t talk to me like that, you… You..  Manwhore!’’ Your father remarked, he started to look defeated, falling to the ground.
Both you and Astarion shared the same expression at the sight. Amusement. A little piece of justice had come from all this misery.
‘’There’s one little thing.. Just the thing. How do I put this?’’ Astarion thought for a moment. ‘’I think you slept with Petras, not me.’’ He then looked back at you, worried.  ‘’I may have been horrible enough to seduce people for… Cazador. But I never went for the already drunk ones.’’ That confession seemed to hit both Gale and Shadowheart as well. It was genuine.
From all the different kinds of people held captive in this place.. The stories of drunk people falling victim to some of the worst crimes imaginable was one all too familiar.
When he mentioned Petras, you recalled running into him at the flophouse. He recited some of Astarion’s lines in the corniest way possible in an attempt to seduce you. ‘’My dad slept with that guy?’’ You nearly choked. Then your laughter became a storm.
‘’I can’t-’’ You wheezed. ‘’THAT’S-’’ You coughed. ‘’I can’t breathe!’’ You nearly fell to the floor. Then it turned from joyful, into sadistic laughter.
You could see your father peer his reddened eyes at Astarion, narrowing them, making sure he was right.. Then he slowly realised. ‘’You’re.. An elf.’’ 
You laughed again sadistically, and Astarion joined you. 
Gale and Shadowheart awkwardly shifted around. ‘’It’s always like this with those two, huh?’’ Shadowheart mumbled. ‘’You know, I would laugh too if that was my father.’’ Gale shrugged. ‘’Let them, if anything.. The reprieve from the misery in this place is a good thing.’’ Neither the Wizard or the Cleric were as eager to run into a battle with a vampire lord. They were doing this for the sake of their friends. ‘’Well, my mother figure was terrible.’’ Shadowheart eventually added, accepting that this might as well be a good thing. ‘’I should’ve laughed at her downfall, perhaps it would have made things better..’’
You took one more look at your father in the cage as you came down from your high. Taking a deep breath, you examined his face clearly.
‘’Yes, gloat some more. Or are you actually pitying me now?’’ Your father remarked, his eyes begged for freedom. Surely you wouldn’t damn 7000 souls just because of him now, would you?
‘’No, I am simply burning this perfect picture of you into my mind.’’ You replied, causing the dread to sink into his form. ‘’No- No! Don’t let him do this! Please!’’ He turned to your allies, then to Astarion, putting on a different persona in an attempt to persuade him. ‘’I tried okay? He’s lying! I was drunk yes- But I’m not-’’
‘’Shhhh. Hush now, I think he likes it when you look so pathetic.’’ Astarion stared at him with a faked expression of empathy. ‘’Are you ready, my dear?’’ He turned back to you, seeing your smirk slowly fade. ‘’Oh, I’ve had my revenge. Are you ready to get yours?’’ You asked him back, he simply nodded.
Today was only just going to get better.
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thechaoticdruid · 9 months
[This Bites] (2)
Astarion x Chubby Female MC
Content/Warnings: Winnie freaks the fuck out. Astarion gets an owie. Asshole Brian strikes again. Nothing really crazy in this chapter.
Chapter One: Here it is.
Chapter Two: You are here.
Chapter Three: Lets goooo!
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Winnie fell back with a shriek as the vampire reached out, touching the other side of the screen. 
“Ah….Well that's not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.” He muttered as Winnie continued to stare in shock and disbelief, mouth agape.  “Hello?”
“I have got to be dreaming. This is insane.“ Winnie looked back at the screen before then putting her hand back on the mousepad and attempting to click on Astarion. 
“Hey! Quit that!” He said, swatting the mouse away from him. “I can see how this may be a little overwhelming, but I'll explain everything in a moment. I just need you to do something for me.”
“I’m not sure if I should be listening to you. You just murdered Tav!” 
“Don’t worry about them. They die all the time! They're used to it.” He said in an all too cheerful tone. “I, however, need your help. I'm trapped in this place and you're the only one who can free me.” 
“Still not sure if I should trust a hallucination…”
“Oh for gods sake I'm not a hallucination! I'm as real as you are. Don't believe me? Put your hand against mine. See what happens.” Astarion stared at her intently, keeping his palm pressed against the screen. Winnie paused, thinking it over.
Well It's not actually real after all, right? Probably just a dream…
Finally she placed her hand against his over the screen. For a moment there was no reaction, but then she felt a zapping pain in her hand as if she'd been shocked. Winnie let out a yelp, her hand about to retreat before Astarion phased through the screen and grabbed hold of her wrist. The female jerked back in fear, pulling the vampire out in the process. She fell back and let out a squeak as the male fell on top of her. 
Pink tinted her face as she felt his chiseled muscular physique pressing down upon her much more soft round squishy one. Her mind was flying, filled with shock, concern, disbelief, and a little arousal….
I….I think I'm gonna faint!
“Finally.” Astarion grinned before getting off of the flustered girl. He breathed out, clenching and unclenching his fists as Winnie noticed his fingernails had become more claw-like now that he was outside of her computer. It was so nonsensical that this was even happening. This was a character out of a video game. How in the actual fucking hell was he standing right here?!
“Thank you. It feels like I've been stuck in a time loop for gods know how long.” The silver haired elf looked around her room, a look of pure glee plastered over his face.
“I'm sorry I'm trying to process this all without completely flipping out…” Winnie said, still rather shaken up. “You're a fictional character, you can't physically be here!”
“Well I am. Though if I'm honest everything up until about three days had ago felt rather trance-like. Like I had just woken up from a reoccurring dream.”
“Three days ago? Shit…” An idea began to form in Winnie's mind. Three days prior was when she installed that cheat mod and the game locked her out. What if somehow that was the cause of this!?
“I tried to snap the others out of it, but they were still stuck in the same routine, like some mindless thralls forced to repeat the same journey over and over!” Astarion made a spinning gesture with his hand before rubbing his temple with a sigh.
“None of them seemed phased in the slightest when I tried to speak to them. Not even a good slap did the trick.” Astarion smirked with a hint of mischief, the memory of slapping Gale repeatedly and yelling ‘WAKE UP’ coming to mind.  “So I had to get your attention.” 
“So you messed with my computer?” Winnie glanced back at her laptop.
“The little box portal thing you pulled me through? Yes.” He nodded. 
“And how did you even know about me?”
“You act as though we’ve never met, lover.~” His tone suddenly turned flirty and seductive. “Falling in love with you over and over was one of the few things that didn't grow old. Well that and murdering Cazador of course.” He chuckled with a smile.
“Oh…Well maybe I am just dreaming or hallucinating.” Winnie muttered under her breath. 
“I’ve been able to tell you were there the entire time, darling. That little portal thing of yours goes both ways.”
“You've been able to see me through the screen this whole time!?” Winnie bit her lip, fearful and a bit embarrassed of what he possibly could have seen.
“See and hear, yes. Although you always looked fuzzy from my end. Tav does resemble you a little bit, but you're much more….” His eyes scanned Winnie over, taking in her shape and stature. The girl was quite short, about five feet and three inches. She had short messy brown locks and dark circles under her chocolate brown eyes. A pair of black round glasses framed her round face. Her body was chubby and stocky and her only redeeming quality it had (in her opinion) were her large round breasts. “Voluptuous…” He finished after getting a good look at her.  Despite the meaning of the word Winnie immediately wrote him off as bullshitting as usual. She had played the game enough to know how he was.  
“But it is rather delightful to finally meet you in person. Honestly it feels like we've known each other for years.” 
“Alright…..I'll accept that you're actually sentient. And that everytime I go through the game you can see all my choices....” Winnie said, still coming to terms with the fact that a fucking fictional vampire  just came out of her computer.  “So…What happens now?”
“I see what this new world has to offer, I suppose.” Astarion let out a sigh, “I feel so much stronger here. Like I could do anything I want.” He grinned. Winnie felt very unnerved. He had this somewhat feral look in his eyes and before she could say anything he walked over towards her window like a dumbass only to let out a yell once the sunlight touched him. 
“Ah! Bloody hells!” He hissed before rushing to hide under her nightstand like a cat.
“The fuck are you doing!?” Winnie said before rushing over to shut the curtains. “Did you suddenly think you'd become invincible!?” 
“I assumed I was still under the tadpole’s protection, but it seems I was wrong…” Astarion said with a wince. His face looked a bit singed, Winnie knelt down by the table to look at him. 
“Hold on, I'll be right back.” She said before getting up and leaving her room. She rushed down into the kitchen, opening the medicine cabinet before grabbing some aloe vera ointment. 
Winnie eventually returned to see Astarion crawling out from the table. “Stay still. This is probably going to feel cold.”
“What are you doing?”
“Just patching you up, now hold still.” She unscrewed the lid off the ointment before dabbing some on her fingers and rubbing it over his burns gently. He winced a bit as she rubbed it in over the burns on his face, but eventually sighed in relief. “There. All better.” Winnie smiled slightly. 
“...Thank you….” He said, his tone a bit hesitant. 
“Yeah, well maybe try thinking before rushing into something next time?” She hummed before setting the ointment down on the nightstand. 
The vampire appeared to be staring at her intently, a small smile forming on his face before he cleared his throat a bit. Winnie turned and looked over at her computer before suddenly hearing the front door slam open. 
What the hell were they even doing back this early? Winnie’s mother had specifically stated they'd be home late!
“WINNIE!!!” She could hear Brian's voice shout from across the house. Loud stomping quickly followed.
“Who's that?” Astarion asked. 
“Fuck. You need to hide, now.” Winnie said before looking around the room frantically. She grabbed hold of Astarion's wrist, panic flooded over her face.  Astarion pulled his hand back.
“Now hold on one minute! I think I deserve an explanation!” 
”No time. Now shut up and get in the closet!” She quickly grabbed his shoulders and yanked him over towards her closet door.
“Excuse me!? I will not!” He scoffed.
“Get in the goddamn closet Astarion!!” Winnie growled before forcing him into the closet and shutting the door. Her heart was pounding. 
Not like she wanted to stuff him in there, but if Brian found out there was this strange man in her room she'd likely be called a whore and kicked out of the house. Brian was old fashioned like that. 
The door to Winnie’s room suddenly opened with Brian shoving his ugly head inside. 
“Your mother is sick, so we came back early. I'm going to need some cash because she ruined my new seat cover.” Brian held his hand out as if he expected her to immediately cough up a wad of cash.
Winnie immediately scoffed, “so let me get this straight your wife is sick and you're more concerned about your seat cover? Nevermind, no. I already gave you 200$ last week!” 
“Oh you ungrateful little bitch! I let you stay in my house for free! It's about damn time you start pulling your weight!” Brian snarled and pushed at Winnie’s shoulder, making her step back. Winnie glared at him. Her mother was the one who owned the fucking house, not him. 
“I need to be able to pay for classes! I can't just give you money for every little thing.” Winnie tried to reason with him, but it had absolutely no effect on the man whatsoever.
“You have your own fucking job and live in MY house for free! You better cough up some goddamn money by tomorrow night or you're out!” Brian shouted in her face before stomping out of the room and slamming the door. Winnie sighed, feeling mentally exhausted from that conversation. She stood there for a few moments until she was sure Brian wouldn't be coming back.
“Okay, Astarion, you can come out of the closet now.” She said as the closet door slowly creaked open. The silver haired male stepped out, flicking a sock off his shoulder before speaking.
“Charming fellow isn't he?” 
“Mhm, my mom sure can pick em.” Winnie replied sarcastically, crossing her arms. “That asshole has been a thorn in my side for about four years now. Anyway sorry about the closet thing. It's just better that he didn't find out I had some random man in my room. He tends to get set off by….well everything.” Winnie said before sitting down on her bed, her hand reaching for her laptop. She was rather curious to get down to the bottom of why and how this video game character gained sentience.  
“You know darling, if this man is causing you so much grief I could get rid of him for you? It wouldn't be too difficult.” Astarion said with a sadistic smirk, crimson orbs eyed the door to the hallway.  “After all, I'll likely start to feel peckish soon…”
Winnie’s eyes widened and a look of horror formed on her face. She quickly put her laptop to the side.
“No! No no no no! No killing!” The brunette stood up quickly. 
“What? Oh come on…I doubt anyone would miss the bastard, besides your mother can do so much better I'm sure.” The pale elf said with a grin.
“No, I mean it. You can't kill anyone.” Winnie said sternly.
“Not even bad people? Ugh! You're being completely unreasonable!” Astarion scoffed, his grin completely disappeared and was replaced with a look of frustration and annoyance.
“This world isn't like where you're from Astarion. People don't get away with murder here. And if you aren't caught it'll probably end up being pinned on me.” Winnie tried to explain calmly.
“Fiiiine.” The vampiric huffed, “I'll let him live. For now…” He murmured the last part under his breath. Winnie glared at him before returning to her computer. 
“So assuming you don't want to go back into my computer…” 
“I absolutely do NOT.” Astarion was quick to say.
“I'll have to figure out what to do with you, but for now I guess you can stay here.”  Winnie said, typing in Nexus Mods onto her laptop. Astarion went and sat beside her on the bed, spralling out behind her in a sort of paint me like one of your french girls kind of way.
“We can do whatever you'd like.~” He purred seductively. 
“Stop that.” Winnie said, her cheeks turning bright red as she tried to focus on what she was doing.
“Ugh, you're no fun.” Astarion rolled his eyes and got up off the bed.  The elf scanned Winnie’s bedroom, slightly curious of some of the strange technology the girl had stored there, but not too invested. Then movement caught his crimson eye. A small fluffy black feline emerged from under the bed. She had a pink collar around her neck with a little silver bed attached to it. Curiously the cat padded over, approaching Astarion and sniffing at his shoes.  
“What an adorable little snack.~” He picked up the cat who began to pur at the attention, “don't you just look delectable?” The vampire cooed, scratching the feline behind the ears.
“Astarion. Don't you fucking think about it.” Winnie hissed, immediately feeling protective over her cat.  
“Think about what?” Astarion rose an eyebrow and looked over at Winnie with a mischievous grin.
“I swear if you even think about eating my cat-”
“I would never! Honestly I'm hurt you think so little of me. As if I could harm such a precious little pet.” Astarion held the feline up towards his face, allowing her to gently headbutt against his cheek. Her purring sounded as if it was getting louder and louder. Winnie still kept her eyes on him, though perhaps she was a little paranoid. After all he did seem to fancy cats in the game. Likely felt a kinship towards them being that they were stealthy sadistic little predators who refused to let anyone be their master. 
Winnie sighed, today had been utterly insane. Forget how it happened. What the hell was she going to do now!? She's stuck with a vampire in her house who she has to hide from her asshole of a stepdad. She already knew off the bat there was no way he'd go back where he came from and releasing him out into the real world by himself was probably a terrible idea. 
He'd either wreak havoc or end up burnt to a crisp.  This was just great.
Note from TheChaoticDruid: Ngl the temptation to make this into an Astarion x Maddie (The cat) story is growing. I really think there should be more stories where Star has a cat cause the dynamic is just so cute. Astarion in this story is going to be a bit different because of how I set up that he literally has been through a bunch of different playthroughs that Winnie has done. I'm also planning on diving into the mystery of how the hell this even happened in the first place. Also eventual smut. Yes, it'll be here at some point. Also don't worry Brian's time will come.
Taglist: @the-disaster-in-waiting
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azukiel · 10 months
Nightfall Heir
Chapter 4
Warnings (as a whole): Explicit sexual content, Graphic descriptions of violence, PTSD, Angst, Blood kink, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Notes on this chapter: Fluff with Gale, banter about sex, relationships and periods. Also, I'm kind of on a roll with writing this story, I've already written chapters 5 & 6. I will try pacing out the posting of them 😅
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
⭐Here is the story on Archive of Our Own ⭐
🔥Comments and reblogs are much appreciated! 🔥
Walking the streets of Baldur’s Gate with Gale by your side was not the strangest sight. In fact, the people of the city were more accustomed to seeing him walking with you and the other members of your group than without.
“You’re looking radiant, my dear,” Gale began, his tone laced with curiosity. “Did you and Astarion have a good evening?”
“You could say that,” you replied, attempting to suppress a blushing smile.
“You know,” he began, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. “When I first saw the two of you together, I was somewhat shocked, to be honest. You didn’t seem the type to go for someone as, well, uninhibited as Astarion. But you complement him well.”
“Oh? Is that so?”
“Indeed.” he nodded, a knowing smirk spreading across his face. “And I must say, you’ve had a very positive influence on him. He’s mellowed out. Not as bloodthirsty. He’s become, dare I say, domesticated.”
“Domesticated?” You laughed, raising an eyebrow. But not as bloodthirsty? Well, you thought to yourself, you were still allowing him to feed on you.
“Yes,” he chuckled. “A star-crossed vampire and his drow companion. Who would have ever imagined?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you began, a sly grin spreading across your face. “Lae’zel and Halsin seemed to have their suspicions back in the day. And it doesn’t surprise me in the least that Lae’zel and Astarion still get into their bouts of verbal sparring. You’d think they’d get tired of it, eventually,” you shake your head, chuckling. But suddenly a dull pain cramped your abdomen. Flinching, you let out a small groan, rubbing the area where the pain was throbbing the strongest.
“For fuck’s sake, now of all times?” You grumble to yourself.
“What’s the matter, my dear? Are you in pain?” Gale was quick to notice, as was his usual.
“It’s nothing,” you lied. “Just a bit of a cramp.”
“Are you sure?” His concern was apparent.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine,” you brushed him off, trying to alleviate his worries. “Probably my monthly visitor is going to grace me soon. Perfect timing, as always.” You rolled your eyes with sarcasm.
“Ah, well, I’m afraid I can’t offer much assistance with that. Unless, of course, you require a some feminine hygiene products?”
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Gale, really?”
He held his hands up defensively. “I like to see myself as an honourable man,” he declared. “And so I endeavour to look out for the women in my life.”
You chuckled, “I’m not sure how honourable a man who walks in on his friend pleasuring herself in the bath can be, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
He shrugged. “You should have had the door locked, then.”
“I should have,” you agreed, and shook your head, still laughing.
“But I think I may actually need some tampons,” you grinned nervously. You could feel a slight wetness at your junction but could not tell if it was remnants of your carnal thoughts from earlier or not.
“Shall we detour to the apothecary?” Gale offered, concern for your wellbeing still riddled on his face.
“Do you mind?”
“Absolutely not, my dear! We can’t have you bleeding through your clothes, can we?”
You flushed, embarrassed. “No, definitely not.” Thank the gods you were wearing a long, dark skirt.
“So,” Gale started after a moment of slightly awkward silence. “With Astarion being a vampire and all...” He trailed off for a moment.
You knew where this was going to lead, but did not stop him.
“What, Gale?” You asked, side-eyeing him.
“Well, does he drink your... You know...” He made a crude gesture.
“Gods, Gale, really? I thought we were mature adults?”
He flushed, embarrassed by his sudden crass inquiry. “Forgive me, I forget myself sometimes. I truly overstepped. Especially having walked in on you before.”
You snickered and patted him on the shoulder to reassure him. “It’s alright. I’m just joking. I think the lot of us have grown close enough with each other that talking about such things is now considered normal.”
Gale chuckled nervously at your words. “True.”
“And to answer your question,” you continued, “No, he doesn’t. The thought hasn’t crossed our minds. Well, if it has crossed his, he hasn’t said anything,” you shrug. “But that does not mean we don’t have sex on my period. I find myself... particularly ravenous just before and during it. He, too. Perhaps because he can smell all the blood, being what he is and all that. And he... does bite me sometimes when we are making love.”
“Oh?” Gale was intrigued by the notion.
“Yes,” you confirmed.
“Dare I ask where?”
“You’re a curious one today, aren’t you?” You teased.
Gale flushed. “Sorry... I just find it... intriguing,” he admits. “Obviously, I’ve never slept with one of the undead.”
“No, but with a goddess?” You elbow him playfully.
“And look how that turned out.” He rolled his eyes sarcastically. “So, are you going to indulge me? Or should I stop prying?”
You shook your head, laughing. “He sometimes bites my inner thighs, my breasts, neck, wrists... the usual places.”
“Usual?” His eyes widened. “I won’t even begin to imagine what the unusual places are!”
You laugh and slap his back affectionately. “We really need to get you laid, Gale. You’re getting far too curious for your own good.”
He shrugged innocently, blushing again. “Well, since losing to Astarion, I haven’t had any luck with women,” he poked you in the ribs.
You were surprised by this notion. “I thought you and Shadowheart had a thing going?”
He sighed, almost dolefully. “We sort of do, but it’s just that she’s so busy taking care of her parents now that they have reconnected. I would hate to come between them.”
“I understand your sentiments, my dear Gale, but I am sure the poor thing could use some ‘distractions’ as well. Her parents seemed to like you when we all met them. And besides, I am sure she would appreciate any assistance you could offer her with their care.”
“Yes, they are lovely people, and I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to meet them,” he nodded, and his expression softened.
“They’re proud of her,” you stated, “And they are grateful to us for giving her a chance. If not for her joining our little posse, I doubt she would have been able to break away from the clutches of Shar.”
“No, I don’t think she would have,” Gale agreed.
“But enough about me, let’s get back to talking about you and Astarion,” he smirked, and you chuckled at his persistence.
“I don’t know what else to tell you, Gale,” you began. “Our relationship is pretty typical, for the most part. We make love, we bicker, we argue. We fuck again.”
Gale almost choked at your colourful use of words.
“How blunt!”
“It’s called being honest,” you countered.
“Still,” he sighed, “you and Astarion have something special.”
“I would certainly hope so,” you smiled, blushing, looking back down at your ring. Gale noticed your affectionate gaze upon it.
“And with those, it is like you’re a married couple!”
Though he was only jesting, his quip caught you off guard, causing you to chuckle nervously.
“Yeah... well...” It was not like marriage had never crossed your mind, at least. But Astarion’s? Neither of you had ever breached the topic.
“Don’t worry, my dear, I’ll say no more,” he grinned.
“Good,” you smiled in kind.
“Ah, here we are!”
Looking up, you saw the apothecary just ahead. You sighed with relief. The wet feeling was indeed becoming... more apparent.
“Thank you, Gale, for being so understanding,” you smiled appreciatively, patting his arm.
“You are most welcome, Tavrin. Now, please, allow me,” and with a gentlemanly flourish, he opened the door but was courteous enough to wait for you outside.
“Such a gentleman!” You cooed as you stepped into the establishment.
“Only for you, my dear,” he smiled, and shut the door behind you.
The inside of the apothecary was filled with an abundance of herbs and spices and various medicinal potions and ointments. The scent was not unpleasant, however. It was rather heady and soothing. Once you paid for your feminine items and some herbal teas to help with your cramps, you went back out to where Gale was waiting patiently for you.
“All well?” He asked you with a smile.
“Yes, but I think I might need a new pair of panties,” you flushed.
“Come to think of it, I am fairly sure our old pal Lorroakan had some trunks of old clothes lying about. I am sure I spied some women’s garments when I was trifling through the stuff he left for us to plunder.”
You chuckled. “Thanks, Gale. I want to be freshened up before I meet Astarion at noon. So, we better hurry up with our cataloguing.”
“We’ll make good time. I promise!”
With a grin and a playful nudge, the two of you began your walk towards the Sundries.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 5 months
Darling, Never Stop Haunting Me- MDNI 18+
Spawn! Astarion x F! Ghost Reader
Chapter 9: Performance Review
Synopsis: You and Astarion read your book and a moment of peace opens up the opportunity for risks. You ask Astarion to give you a lesson early in the morning after Karlach's morning wake up call wakes more than just Astarion's brain up.
CW: Oral (Female Receiving), Oral (Male Receiving), sex, praise kinks, virginity loss, Dom (Astarion)/ Sub (Birdie/You) ish
Disclaimer- put together the picture for the banner, but I do not own any of the pictures. I did take the picture of ‘Birdie’ and Astarion on my PS5
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all your support and love!
Chapter 8: Chapter 10: AO3
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  “He stuck his member into the man’s weeping hole-“
“Astarion,” you laugh, “stop, this is terrible- I don’t think it’s going to matter how many different voices you make or gestures- let alone languages- you read it in.” 
“I disagree, my Love,” he says as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, “I think I have made it far more entertaining this way.” 
“Ah yes because talking about a man’s ’weeping hole’ sounds so much better in a pirate voice or in Orcish.” 
 “Oh? Can you do better?”
 You clear your throat before belting out in a C Minor, “HE STUCK HISSSS MEMBER INTO HIS WEEEEPPINGGG HOLEEEEE!”
  You are both in stitches- this book is truly truly terrible, but it has erased any tension that had been lingering from earlier. 
  It’s probably pretty late now- surely it would be best to start going to sleep. You can’t get yourself to though, you want to spend as many waking minutes as you can with him. 
 You had really thought he was going to spend the night with someone else, but he’s here with you instead. He wanted to be here with you- he was rushing to get back here to be with you.
  Your laughter dies down and you are both left in a comfortable silence. You lean back into Astarion’s chest once again- relishing in the feeling of the contact. 
  Maybe you just… make your move? It could be possible that he has feelings for you, couldn’t it?
  You move slowly so that you straddle his lap and Astarion almost seems to help adjust you faster when he realizes what you are doing. He is looking up at you and your heart skips a beat. 
 Wanting. Need. Love.
 Affections that are relatively foreign to you, but you can identify in his eyes because you feel the same. 
 You cup his face with your hands, your eyes search his face for any sign to stop, but his hands are tight on your hips and his mouth is hovering over yours of his own volition. You timidly close the gap.
  It feels like fireworks, but not in the way one would expect. It feels like giddiness, happiness, whimsical, and excitement. His lips tease at yours and guide you as you learn how to kiss him. 
  It’s absolutely incredible- your hands gently grasp at his curls and he moans against your mouth. Astarion’s hands move to your ass and he maneuvers you so that you are even closer to him now. 
  You don’t know how you end up on your back, your hands pinned next to your head and your legs hooked around his hips, but it all feels positively divine. 
  All you can feel, breath, and acknowledge is him. Astarion is your entire world in this moment and you never want it to stop.
 So of course Gale and Tav are screaming upstairs. 
 Astarion lifts himself from you with a huff of frustration.
  You feel bad for feeling so annoyed, but Gods dammit- of all the times, now!?
 “TAV,” you yell from inside the room, “GALE HAS TWO LEFT FEET!”
 “I DO NOT HAVE-,” Gale scoffs and throws his hands in the air, “you lot are insufferable!”
  As soon as the shouting stops, you pull Astarion back down on the bed and straddle him- he greedily brings your crotch down to his own. You gasp at the contact.
 More. You need more.
  He seems to have the same idea. 
  You both fumble through taking each other’s clothes off- your shirt getting stuck over your head because you both forgot to unlace the front. Astarion laughs as your shoulders slump and you look at him through the fabric, the neck stuck on your forehead, entirely unamused.
“This is your fault, ya know?”
 “Oh is it?” he says teasingly, “I’m not the one who chose the shirt.” 
“Well I wasn’t the one in charge of taking it-” you are stopped by the gasp that leaves your mouth when his mouth latches onto your exposed breast. 
  Astarion is relentless in his ministrations- he teases at your sensitive nipples. They almost feel sore in the aftermath, but it just makes you want him to continue. He releases your nub with a flick of his tongue before repeating his affections on the other. You fumble with strings on your shirt- finally taking it off- and the sight underneath you causes a wave of warmth to coat your legs.
  Astarion looks up at you with wide pupils and a hungry look in his eyes. He watches your every reaction and you try to hide behind your hair- only to have him quickly pull it away from your face.
 “Oh no, no, no,” he kisses in between your breasts, “don’t become shy on me now.”
  He brings you to a standing position, sinking to his knees as he kisses along your body and down your navel, and his hands gripping your ass. You feel worshiped, adored. 
  His mouth hovers over your already overly stimulated clit. He flicks his tongue across it and you gasp with pleasure.
“Do you want me to continue, lover,” he whispers, placing a kiss on your thigh that makes your body shiver in delight.
“Take me, Astarion,” you could cringe at how needy and cliche you sound, “I’m yours.”
  Astarion smiles widely, “Oh Darling, I am sure the Gods have sent you to ruin me.”
  His mouth is immediately sucking on your sensitive nub. Your hands grip his hair- eliciting a moan that vibrates to your core. You can feel yourself dripping between your thighs as he laps at you and teases you. 
  It all feels so right- his tongue against you, his hands holding you in place. You have certainly imagined moments like this, but nothing will ever compare to this- the real deal.
“Oh fuck- Star-“
  He hums against you before dipping his tongue inside your virgin cunt and you whine with delight at the contact. Your legs begin to shake and a knot of pleasure is forming in your belly. 
  Astarion uses his strength to keep you upright as your legs begin to give and his tongue seems to find the magic spot because you are fighting to not scream in pleasure. This is a private moment and if you can hear them, they can certainly hear you. 
  He removes his tongue from inside of you and you whine in protest- looking down at him with tears pricking your eyes. You need to cum- it’s physically painful how turned on you are right now, in the best way possible, but still.
  You had been so close.
  “I need you to be a good girl, Birdie,” he says, his eyes hooded and his smile mischievous- placing an open mouthed kiss to your clit, “I need you to cum for me and,” he grabs your hand away from your mouth, “I want the entire world to know you are mine. Cover your mouth again and I will stop- I am so much more motivated when you sing for me.” 
  You don’t have a moment to respond before he’s diving back in between your thighs, spreading your legs a bit so that his nose begins to tease your clit while his tongue drinks in every last bit of you. 
  You feel the knot uncoil in your stomach and you have to put your hands on Astarion’s shoulders for support. Your legs shake and your knees feel like jelly. You can’t believe you have been missing out on this for 354 years!
  He picks up your blissed out body and places you softly on the bed. Astarion grabs your left leg and begins to kiss up your body, starting at the ankle all the way down to your inner thigh. You feel so wonderful- you don’t ever want this to stop and a part of you is worried it’s a dream. 
  That thought is quickly thrown out the window when one of his fingers enters you and begins to slowly pump in and out. 
  Your back arches and your head goes back- a cry of pleasure leaves your lips. 
“So pretty “ he kisses the inside of your calf, “so good and all mine.” 
 You whine in agreement- your body finally adjusted to one finger so he adds a second. His mouth and other hand begin to knead and play with your breasts. Astarion suckles and nips your sore nipples- he adds a third finger and you immediately see stars. 
“A-astarion fuck…” 
 He removes his fingers from inside you- making eye contact as he cleans them off.  He kisses the rest of the way up your body and his mouth hovers over yours. You feel the head of his cock tease your entrance, it’s already easily dipping in between your folds. 
“Do you still want me to continue?”
 You nod earnestly, but you definitely feel some of the nervousness you had forgotten about begin to build up. Astarion seems to notice this and raises an eyebrow at you.
“You are thinking about something- what is it, Darling?”
 “What… what if I disappoint you?” you whisper, avoiding his eyes. 
  Astarion’s eyes soften significantly more, the flames of lust simmering and you fear you ruined the moment. He tilts your face back up so that you are looking him directly in the eyes.
 “You could never disappoint me,  Birdie,” he leaves a chaste kiss on your lips, “you are perfect in every single way and I truly am having the most wonderful time I have ever had sharing an intimate moment with someone.”
 You sigh in relief- that makes you feel a lot less nervous about the whole ordeal. 
“Let me know if I need to slow down or stop,” he whispers into your ear, “I fear, that if I have my way, you may not be entirely comfortable.”
  Warmth pierces your clit and the ball of nerves feels strained with want. You nod and Astarion kisses you again at the same time he slowly begins to push inside of you. You gasp- the uncomfortable pinching feeling making the corners of your eyes prick with tears. 
  You feel so full and his shaky breaths against your lips, the stiffness of his lower half as he tries to be gentle. One of your hands reaches between you so that you can rub your clit. 
  You can feel the static energy waiting to be released within him- he has wanted this for a lot longer than you thought. A part of you was worried he had just begun to feel this way and you were moving it along too fast. 
“You feel so good,” he kisses along your cheek, a moan leaving his beautiful lips as he moves in and out slowly, “it feels like you were made for me- made to take me.” 
  His words are genuine- you can hear it in his tone and the way he peers into your eyes now. 
 No performing, just Astarion.
 “I feel like I was made for you too,” you whisper before kissing him again, he groans against your mouth.
 Astarion rocks his hips, taking his time to stretch you around his cock. The pinching feeling is beginning to go away and unleash sensations of pleasure that you never thought you would get to experience in any lifetime. 
  He whimpers into your neck, his hips stuttering as he tries to hold back, but now that you feel good you need more.
“M-more- please.” 
  Astarion chuckles while releasing a sigh of relief, “well, since you asked so nicely, my love.”
  His hips snap, all the power he holds back being put into several deep thrusts that leave your toes tingling and reduces you to nothing but a puddle of whimpering gasps and moans. Your arms are loose around his neck and he kisses you along your chin, leaving love bites as he makes his way to your collarbones.
 The sound of your skin slapping together as he hits that perfect spot every single time is damning- his mouth is covering yours for the sake of some privacy (he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed) but occasionally frees you so that he can hear you cry out as he thrusts back into you. 
  He adjusts so that one of your legs is up, ankle on his shoulder, and the other leg around his hip. You feel yourself blush as he makes eye contact with you through every movement of his hips, biting his lip and panting- his hair a wild mess for the first time ever.
 “You are far too good for me,” you whine, “Gods, you are perfect.”
  His pace falters- his body losing it’s rhythm for a moment and his head drops into the crook of your neck.
“You are amazing,” you say through gasps, “fuck-“
Astarion moves himself slowly within you and reaches down to play with your clit- pushing your hand away. Your back arches towards him- your body pleading for more as his pace picks up and his fingers continue to pay attention to your overstimulated clit. You are panting with want and he puts you on your knees. 
  The new angle and position as well as Astarion playing with your clit brings you closer to your orgasm than you had wanted to. You want to keep going- he feels so fucking incredible.
 His. His. His. I am his and he is mine.
  A blindingly wonderful sensation courses through your body as the knot unravels in your stomach again and your orgasm ripples through your body. You cry out his name, begging him to keep going. 
“Good… girl,” he kisses your calf, his hips erratic now as he chases his own high.
  The overstimulation and the general euphoria of being with him in this way makes your head spin in circles with happiness. Your lips are slightly parted and he coaxes pathetic whimpers from you. 
“A-as-Astarion,” you say through a shaky breath, “I need you to cum inside me pl- EASE! FUCK! 
 That seemed to have unleashed something within him because he is quickly pistoning in and out of you- your moans turning into borderline screams of pleasure, taking a guttural pitch. You can feel the thick ropes of his being coat your walls, leaving a mess in it’s wake. Astarion collapses on top of you and he softens inside you. He nuzzles his face into your neck and hums with pleasure.
  You breathe heavily as you try to regain your bearings. That was like nothing you have ever experienced before. He pulls you into him- his hands tracing shapes on your hips.
 “That, my Sweet,,” he says between kisses on your shoulder, “was incredible.” 
 “Extremely,” you let out a breathy laugh of relief, “that stupid book doesn’t do the act nearly enough justice.” 
 “Maybe we should continue reading,” he whispers into your ear, “compare notes?” 
  You laugh and kiss the top of his head.
“I think we may just have to.” 
 The morning sun and the sound of ruckus downstairs stirs you from your sleep- Astarion is still passed out with his face buried in your hair and his breath fanning your skin. He obviously hasn’t heard of his other companions' arrival. 
  Memories of last night come flooding back to you and you smile like an idiot- enjoying every second of your memories of the events. 
  It had been a beautiful dance- after so long of just wanting him and somehow, he wants you too.
 So everyone began drinking pretty early then and no one heard a thing. Awesome!
  Astarion, obviously awake now, groans in irritation and presses his face into your shoulder. 
“If we ignore her… she’ll go away.”
 “I hope so,” you return with an equally sleepy voice, “I have no intentions of leaving this bed if I don’t have to.”
  He chuckles and Astarion absentmindedly places a kiss on your shoulder. A  needy, horribly wanting sigh escapes your lips. You would feel embarrassed, but it seems that he very much enjoyed the sound because you can feel his hard cock against your ass.
  Astarion pulls away and looks absolutely panicked- pulling a pillow over his crotch area. 
  “Fuck- Gods- I am so sorry,” he is practically hysterical, “I-“
  Your body moves for you and you press your lips against his- it’s a brief peck and he is absolutely bewildered by your actions. You feel the tears of rejection coming on the longer he doesn’t do or say anything and you hold them back like your life depends on it.
  At least it you were given the opportunity to experience your dreams once, right?
 “I- sorry- I thought after last night,” you chuckle awkwardly, tears falling from your eyes in spite of your willing to make them stop, “I will, um, give you some privacy.” 
  You don’t even have a moment to move before his lips are following yours and his thumbs are wiping away your tears- using his body to pin you to the mattress, flinging the pillow aside, and he grinds against your clit. 
 Gods, this is divine. 
“That wasn’t just a dream?” He whispers against your lips.
“No,” you whisper back, “do you regret it?”
“Not at all,” he says promptly, “do you?”
“Not at all,” you smile back- his own smile becoming even more blinding. 
 His lips refuse to leave yours for even a second after that. He is soft with his touch, but desperate and needy all at the same time. It’s not difficult for you to keep pace with him- your body seems to be programmed to his within seconds. Only one time and you are entirely his. You are ruined for everyone else- you just know it. 
 However, you want to make him feel good and just focus on him this morning. You have heard him using the bathroom once or twice to… fulfill his needs, but you never could have dreamed he would be imagining you.
  “Wait,” you put your hand between your lips and feel him frown, “I want to pleasure you.” 
 “Is that so?” He whispers, he looks surprised if you are being completely honest.
“Teach me how to take care of you,” you cup his face with your hands, leaving a chaste kiss, “show me.” 
   Astarion pushes himself off of you, pulling you upright along with him- he looks at you with curiosity.
“Are you sure, my Love?” He says wearily, “I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”
“I don’t,” you insist, “but if you don’t want me t-“
“That- my Dear- is far from the issue,” he steps forward, leaning forward to whisper in your ear, “get on your knees.” 
  You do as you are told, a jolt of arousal going straight to your core, and you hook your hands into the seam of his underwear, pulling them down and his cock springs free. All of this, just for you, because of you. 
  His tip is already weeping with precum and he looks embarrassed. Why? You think he looks beautiful this way. He always looks beautiful.
 “You’re beautiful, Star,” you kiss along his navel, “I am so excited to finally know what you taste like.”
  His eyes alight again at the praise and the implied desire in your words. 
 “Cheeky pup.”
 Astarion wraps his hand around his cock and you look up at him with anticipation- he puts the tip to your lips and salty precum begins to dribble down your chin. You lap it up needily and that seems to push the embarrassment away. With hands tangled into your hair, he opens your mouth so you can take him. 
  Take him you do- his head hitting the back of your throat, you gag at the sudden presence, slightly embarrassed. Astarion chuckles.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about, Love,” he says darkly, “you are already being so good for me.” 
  You didn’t think you would have a praise kink, but you suppose it makes sense with the nature of your vocation anyhow. You live for praise and compliments so it makes sense. 
  Your mouth follows his hand as he strokes himself, his other hand gripping your hair, and keeping eye contact with you as he slowly fucks into your mouth. You are surprised by how much you are enjoying this, but it’s only because he obviously is.
  Astarion is a moaning mess above you and around you, sweat starting to dampen his neck, and his hand guiding you to go faster. You apply pressure with your tongue and drag it along the sensitive skin- he shudders with pleasure.
“D-do that again and I… I want you to touch yourself.” 
 The last part comes out as a whisper and again, you are surprised to see him nervous and embarrassed about the things he is saying. It’s like you are both blushing virgins.
  You happily comply, circling your tongue around his head and applying pressure on his slit. Astarion’s hand tightens in your hair as he begs you to keep doing that. You play and tease your own clit- humming with pleasure around his length. You can feel yourself blushing more and more as he praises you and guides you through touching yourself- eventually having you finger yourself at a painstakingly slow pace. 
“Do- don’t change your pace until- fuck- until I tell you to.”
  You hum and nod your head in understanding- bobbing him in your mouth. Astarion thrusts and hits the back of your throat- you gag a bit, but readjust much quicker this time. 
  Thank the Gods you have read so much pornography it could make an entire brothel blush. Being a 354 year old virgin really left a lot of free time and Donella had a very trashy library that was never redone.
  The early morning sun is illuminating the entire room- his eyes are bright and practically sparkling, his pupils blown wide with lust, and you can see the little bit of blood coming from his bottom lip. He must have bit it- the crimson liquid mixing with the thin sheen of sweat that covers his face. 
 Your ministrations coax praise from him and even the occasional begging when you stop moving to tease him. This is far too fun, for once, you are the one in control. 
  “Fuck- I’m,” he is cut off by his own moan, his seed spilling into your mouth and down the back of your throat. You can’t help the smile that graces your lips as he watches you swallow with wide, affectionate eyes. 
  You release him with a pop, swallow, and stand up- throwing your arms around his neck.
“How did I do?”
  Astarion throws his head back in laughter and you furrow your brows- leering at him.
 “That was the single best oral sex I have ever received and you are asking for a performance review?” he scoffs playfully, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “you were perfect, as you are in all things.” 
  You beam- deciding to ignore his teasing. 
“Would you like to join me in the bath?” He asks, “I doubt our companions are going to leave us alone for much longer if we don’t make an appearance.”
 Instead of answering, you take his hand and drag him to the bathroom.
Author note: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list! I am using the Ghostwalk campaign for NPCs, locations, etc. It is a 3e Campaign and doesn’t mirror 5e Ghosts. I have tweaked some of the ghost powers and such for the sake of the story, but if you would like more information on Ghostwalk and the City of Manifest, there is a PDF online that is free to download :)
Tag List: @n3rdybirdee @fandomarchiveilyd @dajeong @hotmesshobbit @godoffuckedupcats @bitchstarion @hereliesblackdragon @pebble-bb @preciouslittlebhaalbae @lavvyan @beepersteeper @misscrissfemmefatale
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vioartemis · 1 year
I’ll die with you (part 3)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Your rest was short, another attack soon occurs, deadlier than the first one. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: blood, death of character, angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
“I swear I’m gonna need to bleach my eyes” you heard Sam say when you went downstairs with Tara, half an hour later
“Come on, we were fully clothed, you didn’t see anything” Tara rolled her eyes and sit at the table
“That’s not the point! Since when are you even doing that? You’re too young to-”
"I mean they're adults so..." Gale started
"Would you mind stop talking about our sex life?" you groaned, cheeks still red
"What do you want us to talk about?"
"I don't know, the weather, whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza..."
"Well that's an easy question" Sam declared, taking a slice of pizza and giving one to everyone
"I suppose we all agree they don't" you girlfriend said
"We do, indeed" Gale confirmed while you nodded
"Uh, no we don't"
A debate started, Sam against the three of you. It almost looked like a normal family dinner, a normal night. You nearly forgot you were the next target of a psycho killer. Until you all jumped when your phone rang.
Probably: Damian Walker.
You never realized you never gave him your phone number. Mindy or Chad probably did.
"It's okay, it's Damian"
"Y/n-" Tara tried to interrupt
But you already took your phone and walked away from the table, picking up.
"Hey, how are you feeling tonight?"
"Tired and embarrassed, but other than that, pretty good"
"It's a long story" you sighed "Why do you call?"
"Oh, I wanted to know if you were having fun..." the slight sound of an electronic device could be heard "while I was gutting your friends like fishes."
All color vanished from your face.
Tara stood up hearing your shaking voice, worried. Whoever called you, they hang up without answering.
"Hello?! Please don't hurt them!" you cried
"Baby wha-"
"He's gonna kill Mindy and Chad we have to go!"
“No no no. We go, you stay here”
“And get attacked again? No thank you” you protested, dialing 911
When you arrived at Mindy and Chad’s not even five minutes later, the door was slightly opened. You could hear fight noises coming from inside. There was still a chance to save them.
You opened the door and rushed inside, baseball bat in hand. The first thing you saw was Ghostface, standing over the twins.
He slowly turned his head to look at you and did his signature blade-cleaning, before running away.
You were tempted to chase after him, but your friends mattered more. When you came closer to them, your heart dropped. There was blood everywhere.
Chad’s shirt was torn apart due to multiple stab. Mindy had her back against a wall, blood coming from her stomach.
Your own wounds burned at the sight, tears coming to your eyes. You couldn’t move, paralyzed.
“Shit…” you heard Sam say next to Chad
You had no idea how much time passed, but at one point Mindy coughed, causing your head to jolt in her direction. She was regaining consciousness!
Be fire you could realize it you were kneeling next to her, applying pressure on her wound.
“You’re gonna be okay, we called an ambulance, they should-”
Suddenly Damian brushed into the room.
“Oh my god-”
“Where the fuck were you?”
“I- I went to the bathroom a-and someone knocked me out… I- I just woke up”
You looked him up and down. Blood was running down his face from his forehead. But he could have done it himself.
“Stay the fuck back” Mindy said when he tried to come closer
"N-no I- I'm not... It's not me I swear... Y/n y-you believe me right...?"
You really wanted to. But last time he didn't have an alibi, and now...
"I'm sorry..."
You could see how broken he was hearing your words. Maybe he wasn't the killer after all. Or he was a good actor, which wasn't to exclude.
You were waiting in the waiting room, Tara sitting on your lap and caressing your hair gently in an attempt to reassure you. You were starting to believe her when the doctors came.
You all got up immediately, heart beating faster than ever.
"Mrs Meeks should be okay, but she needs rest"
"And Chad?" Sam asked
"I'm... sorry. We did our best but... we couldn't save him..."
You had to sit back down, in shock. You never thought that would happen again. You thought losing friends was over. You should've known it would end up this way, with Ghostface's return.
Maybe you were just in denial. Believing if you convinced yourself it wouldn't happen everything would be fine. But nothing was fine.
The 2022 massacre left a indelible mark on you. The current events only reopened the scar you thought had healed.
Maybe if you had stick all together he would still be alive. If you had been all together Ghostface wouldn't have tried anything. If you had left this stupid town when you could...
Maybe it was all your fault after all.
You were the first target, but you survived. No first targets survived before Tara. And you weren't even sure they wanted her dead at that moment.
Maybe the killer wanted to make you suffer before killing you. Maybe it was all part of their plan to let you live. Maybe they were about to destroy everything you had. Maybe-
You felt hands on your face and looked down to see Tara, concern written on her face. She brushed your cheeks with her thumbs softly. It was only then that you realized that you were crying.
That was the moment Lexi chose to arrive, breathing heavily and sweating. She must have run here.
"I- I'm sorry I had piano lesson- I just- I just saw your texts-" she took a deep breath "Mindy- is she going to be okay? And- and Chad?"
You didn't have the strength to tell her. Not now, it was still to fresh. Instead you broke down in your girlfriend's arms. You could swear she was crying too.
A loud noise made you tilt your head up. Lexi had pinned Damian to the wall, gripping him by the collar of his shirt.
"What did you do to them? You were here to why didn't you help?"
"I- I got knocked out...! I already told them...!" he made a circle toward you with his arm "L- Lexi I swear I didn't- I can't breath can you-"
"I don't fucking believe you. That's easy pretending you passed out."
Her grip only grew tighter. Damian's face started to become red. He was struggling against the blonde.
Sam had to force them appart, holding a furious Lexi away from the poor boy trying to catch his breath.
After everyone had calmed down, the police arrived and questioned the group. They didn't seem to believe Damian's alibi either.
"Maybe we should take him into custody for a little while? Just to make sure he's not, you know, the killer?" a deputy asked the sheriff
"We can't do that without evidences, that would be abusing of our power as representants of the law-"
"Do it" all head turned to the boy "T- take me into custody, you'll see it's not me. If it's the only way I can prove my innocence... I'll do it"
"You sure about that son?"
"Okay then... come with me" the deputy said after the sheriff nodded
"The hospital is secure, we have police officers at each floor, you should be safe here. Don't go out, don't stay alone until morning. Understood?"
You weren't totally sure you could believe him. You remembered well how it ended last time. Ghostface always managed to pass past the security, why would that change now?
When the police left, you were allowed to see Mindy. She was devastated. Fortunately, her girlfriend was here for her.
Yours was holding your hand tight, fingers intertwined with yours. She knew it could've been you as much as you knew it could've been her. At the moment, you were so glad she was safe.
But it was just temporary. It always was.
Ghostface knew when to hit you. Not too soon after the previous attack, not too long after. Just as you started to think it would get better -or at least not worse. Just when hope started coming back.
The moment it hurt the most.
"Can you guys stay here for the rest of the night...?"
"Of course, we're not leaving you alone after that..."
Everyone started to move things around to get confortable for the night. You and Tara sat on the floor, on a blanket, in a corner.
You could hear soft snores, your little group falling asleep one after another. You didn't know how they could sleep in that situation. You couldn't.
Every time you closed your eyes, Ghostface appeared before you, ready to kill all your friends one by one.
You watched as Tara was sleeping on your shoulder. She seemed peaceful. You played with her hair, trying you imagine you were in your room, and it was a normal night.
you didn't realize she was awake, caught into your daydream, until she spoke.
"Are you okay...?" she whispered
You jumped a little.
"I... don't know... you?"
"Same... I just- I just hoped it wouldn't happen again... It's stupid but- I thought it would be different..."
"It's not stupid... I would rather say unrealistic... but- that's horrible but... I'm glad it wasn't you... I don't know what I would do if- if you-"
The words got stuck in your throat, tears blurring your vision again. The simple thought of losing her was unbearable.
"Hey..." she whipped your tears off of your face gently "It's not going to happen okay? I'm not dying, not now. I swear"
She kissed you tenderly, trying to whip your worries away, hand still holding yours. You kissed her back, like it was the last time.
Because it might be. We never know.
"Try to rest a little okay...?"
You nodded, resting your head on hers once she got back in her previous position against you.
You tried not to think about what just happened, or how it could get worse. You tried to empty your mind, only leaving one thought there: Tara.
But it was always when you thought the situation wouldn't get worse that it does.
You should have known the worst was yet to come.
And it would come fast.
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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honeybee-bard · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Chapter 7 of this fic this WIP is from just got posted, check it out here! This WIP is from what will likely be chapter 12.
“Ugh, you’re such a romantic,” she scoffs, but her eyes are soft. “It’s nothing romantic,” you insist. “It’s just some blood, and…benefits.” She pauses for a moment, just staring at you. “Wynlana…what do you mean, it’s not romantic?” “I- it’s not! We’re just friends!” You sputter, and you feel your cheeks and the tips of your ears grow hot. “Oh, Wyn…gods, really? The two of you are the only ones who don’t realize you’re dating,” she says as if in awe. You nearly drop your tea. “We are not. It’s nothing like - I don’t think he even does that? He doesn’t strike me as the ‘committed relationship’ type. And we’ve got tadpoles in our brains! I can’t be dating with a tadpole in my brain!” You realize, as you hear yourself saying it, that your argument is tenuous at best. With how jealous he’d been of Gale, it probably would make sense that Astarion wouldn’t appreciate sharing. He hasn’t mentioned any past relationships, but it’s not as if he’d have the chance for them as a slave to Cazador, and he’s stated before how little he remembers of before he was turned. And as for the tadpole part, well… “Oh, you found a handbook for those carrying illithid tadpoles? You’ll have to let me borrow it sometime,” she hums, taking a long sip of her tea. “Look, Wyn, I know I don’t know Astarion as well as you do, but I don’t have to in order to tell you mean something to him. I don’t know what other things you know about him, so perhaps there’s something I’m missing. Perhaps you’re right, it's just - what did you call it, ‘blood and benefits’? But I think there’s something more to it, even if neither of you properly realize it. He doesn’t seek the rest of us out the way he does with you, and he’s certainly never spent evenings watching the sunset with any of us. Those are special things reserved for you.” The two of you sit in silence for a while, eating the porridge Gale made - still not great, but impressive considering how little he has to work with. You’re surprised to find it’s not an uncomfortable silence, though, and you suppose that might just be another pleasant part of friendship. Amicable silence. Shadowheart only speaks once more before you go. “I know I tease, but I really am happy for you, you know. Whatever it is between you and Astarion, I think it’s good for both of you. Just…try not to get your heart broken, alright?” You wish that you could tell her not to worry about it, that there’s no reason for your heart to break because there isn’t anything between you in the first place, but you’re starting to think that’s not the truth.
A heart-to-heart between two friends just before entering the shadow curse. Also, I've settled on the ship name "Starsong" for Wyn and Astarion, so any work involving the two of them will have that tag! I plan to go back and add it to previous posts as well so everything should be easy to find if you love these fools as much as I do.
I tag @bardic-inspo, @barbwillbrb, @netherese0rb, @drizztdohurtin, and @marlowethebard! No pressure of course, and as always anyone else is free to do it and tag me so I can see!
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
A Gift of Snow
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (Aislyn) Plot: Just a cute lil scene where Gale gifts his wife with a little snow cloud to cool off on a hot Waterdeep day 💜❄️🌨️ A/N: I wrote this as a gift for @charlee-monstah for her birthday after having a fun little chat about her polar bear druid Tav, Aislyn. Art is by @weaveandwood and if you want to reblog her art (and you SHOULD) the original link is here!!
It was days like this that Gale wished he were a better artist, one who could render a memory onto a canvas with perfect, minute detail, down to the tiniest freckle and glimmer of light. But the lion’s share of his wizardly talent was dedicated to illusion magic, not painting, and so, instead, he leaned against the doorframe of his home in Waterdeep, a smile on his lips, to watch his beloved enjoy an afternoon out on their balcony.
A charming little cloud, as lightly gray as a freshwater pearl and as fluffy as a puff of cotton, hovered a few feet above Aislyn’s head as she reclined on the balcony bench, her legs stretched out along the seat. The cloud was his little gift on this particularly hot day in Waterdeep, as it brought a bit of refreshing snow to try and bring down the temperature around their modest balcony. Aislyn was gazing out to the horizon, lost in thought, completely unfazed by the slow drift of snowflakes fluttering down around her. Gale was drawn in by the sight, enchanted by each tiny flake of white in her midnight-blue hair and the way the snow melted against her tanned skin the instant they made contact. He suspected her mind was already on their next adventure, the next place they could explore, the next little mishap they could tangle themselves up in, but his mind was on her. Always and always on her.
How could he focus on anything else? When something as simple as a flurry of snowflakes was enough to elevate her natural beauty beyond that of any other, god or mortal? He leaned his head against the doorframe, watching as she sat up and cupped her hands together, letting snow collect there. One long, elven ear flicked as a snowflake landed on the tip and he was struck all over again, for probably the hundredth time, just how cute and beautiful and mesmerizing she was all at once. It was hard to believe, even after all this time, that she was his wife.
His gaze drifted back up to her face, crossing the scar over her nose, seeking the mesmerizing blue of her beautiful eyes. She’d look up at him eventually, he knew, and when she did he would be ready with some charming compliment or other. Something about how he’d love to get lost creating constellations among her freckles, or how her raven-haired beauty was—
A puff of white powder exploded against his shoulder and he jolted, suddenly alert. Aislyn laughed, reclining back against the bench, another snowball ready in her hand.
“You were staring again,” she said, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “Do you see something you like?”
He laughed, brushing the snow off his shoulder. “Oh, there is plenty here that I like, as I’m sure you well know. My charming, beautiful, talented wife foremost among them all.”
“Is that so,” she murmured, turning her eyes to the snowball in her hands. She pursed her lips slightly, as if considering his words, only to turn as quick as lightning and fling the second snowball at him. He blocked it with a quick shield spell and then, with a grin and a quick spellcasting gesture, expanded the cloud over their heads.
Snow came down in a thick curtain inside the balcony now, creating small drifts on the bench, the table, and the railings in mere seconds. Aislyn laughed, scooping up more snow to toss his way, but he ducked and dashed toward the little table, gathering up an armful of snow. He attempted to dump it clumsily on her, but she rolled away with ease, her reflexes sharp, and within seconds pelted him with yet another snowball.
“You know better than to get in a snowball fight with a polar bear,” she said, flashing him a grin. She opened her mouth to tease him further, only to yelp when a mage hand Gale had conjured behind her pulled back the fabric of her shirt and dumped snow down her back.
“Surely that wasn’t too cold for a polar bear,” he said, crossing his arms with a smirk.
“Oh I’ll show you too cold.”
She feinted to the right and he attempted to out-step her, moving toward the bench, but she was faster than him. She took a handful of snow and grabbed him by the shirt, stuffing the snow down his collar. He gasped at the sudden cold, but she gave him no room to shake out the snow beneath his shirt. She pressed into him, forcing him to retreat until the backs of his legs hit the bench and he sat down in the snow there with a soft oof.
She straddled him easily, looping her arms around his neck, and couldn’t resist a triumphant smirk of her own. “Cold, are you? Do you need me to maybe…warm things up for you?”
He breathed a laugh that clouded in the air between them. The cloud he had conjured snowed now in gentle, lazy flurries rather than heavy curtains of snow, and once more he was captivated by the way individual flakes stood out in her hair. Each perfect tiny ice crystal stark white and glimmering against strands of ink-blue, like a sky full of stars. He adored the way her blue eyes sparkled with victory and affection and, despite the time she’d spent relaxing beneath a snow cloud, she was still quite warm. The heat of her body against his was more than a little distracting.
He utterly forgot to be charming or witty or suave in response to her teasing. Instead he could only smile, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I love you,” he said, gazing warmly up at her.
She gave a quiet laugh, brushing her hand through his hair and dislodging a few snowflakes that drifted down between them. “Admitting defeat then?” she asked, but before he could respond, her smirk softened and she leaned in with a quiet, murmured, “Love you too,” just before she met his lips with hers.
Gale wrapped his arms tighter around her as she deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking his, and all concentration on keeping up the conjured snow melted away as he shifted them, turning to lay her back along the seat of the bench. Neither noticed the snow still left over around them as his cold hands slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt, seeking warmth. She shivered just slightly before pulling back to gaze at him, her eyebrows raised but a challenge in her eyes.
“You wanna do this out here?” she asked.
“My love, I would do ‘this’ with you anywhere,” was his sole reply.
He took her mouth again with his and soon trailed kisses down her jaw and throat, smiling against her skin as she melted beneath him like conjured snow.
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verai-marcel · 10 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 11 of ?)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
AO3 Link is here, my dear.
Word Count: 5,061 (These chapters keep getting longer...)
Act I, Chapter 11 - The Underdark
A day (and possibly a night, you weren’t sure) had passed since coming down here, and you had been traveling along with the others, staying in the back, guarding their packs whenever enemies came. But you were growing tired; you didn’t have the stamina that they did. You were amazed by the fact that they could all continue pushing onwards, even after multiple fights against strange creatures, and carefully tip-toeing past poisonous fungi that spewed deadly spores.
You started to lag further and further behind. Determined to not be the one to slow them down, you continued to push yourself forward, despite the fatigue tugging at your body.
A small rock led to your downfall. Literally, as you faceplanted after tripping over the damn thing.
You heard your name being called, but it sounded a little faint. You struggled to get up, hating the fact that you were feeling this tired. You’d only been walking, not fighting like the others.
“Perhaps we should make camp,” Astarion said all of a sudden. “I’m sure the rest of you are feeling hungry.”
The others agreed, and even though they were saying that they were wanting to rest anyway, you felt a tinge of guilt. They probably could have kept going if it wasn’t for me.
After some searching, Karlach found a great site, tucked away in the cliffs, surrounded by luminous mushrooms, grasses, and lichen. There was only one path out, two outcrops overlooking waterfalls, and a small pond. The orange-capped mushrooms livened up the place with their color.
“This is lovely,” you said as you explored the perimeter, touching the rocks, the mushrooms, basically everything that you could reach. They were all pleasantly cool to the touch. There was even a small alcove, hidden away, where one could wash up away from prying eyes. 
Your energy renewed by seeing the environs, you immediately started setting up a campfire. I wonder how much cured meat we have in the supply packs.
While everyone picked their spots and set up their tents, you made something simple, a tray with meats and hard cheeses that the group had looted on their way into the Underdark. Glad the goblin camp was full of food.
After you laid out the food for everyone, using one of the giant mushrooms as a makeshift table, you went around to look at some of the smaller fungi around the camp. You sniffed each one, and when one of them smelled particularly woodsy and savory, you took a small nibble.
“What are you doing?” Gale exclaimed, sounding as if he was clutching his nonexistent pearls at your impromptu taste test.
“It smelled good,” you replied matter-of-factly.
“It could be poisonous.”
You rolled your eyes. Gods, Gale could be such a worrywort sometimes. “Relax, I sniffed it. It’s fine.”
He looked askance at you.
Just to fuck with him, you grabbed a mushroom, slowly brought it to your mouth, and licked it, staring at him the whole time. It was immensely fun watching the horror and panic on his face.
Huh, this one tastes a bit different—
You blinked and looked down. The mushroom that you had licked was not the tan-colored mushroom you had bit into earlier, but a dark orange-colored one with a similar shape.
Oh shit.
“Uh, I got about five seconds before I go crazy, so please get me an antidote—”
You fell on your face.
When you opened your eyes again, you were tied up, laying down on your side on the cool, damp ground. Your hair and your clothes felt wet. You groaned as your entire body groaned in protest at being conscious.
What the fuck—
“Good, you’re awake.”
You craned your neck to see Astarion sitting by the campfire, reading one of his books.
“I wish I wasn’t,” you muttered.
He closed his book and set it in his lap. He turned towards you, sitting primly like a royal duchess. “How much do you remember?”
“Huh? What do you mean? I licked that mushroom and blacked out.”
“I see.” He tipped his head. “And nothing else?”
“Nothing else…” You saw the mischievous grin growing on his face and immediately started to sweat. “What did I do?”
“Oh, not much.”
“Astarion…” You pulled at your bindings, but they only seemed to tighten.
“Would you like me to illuminate you?”
“Tell me or else,” you growled.
“Or else what, darling?”
“I… I won’t brush your hair anymore.”
For a split second, he looked legitimately hurt and you felt guilty. But then he sniffed daintily and turned away from you. “You brute. Now I won’t tell you anything.”
This catty little—
Astarion suddenly burst out laughing. “The look on your face!”
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?”
“Come now, darling. What’s life without a bit of fun?”
You pressed your forehead against the ground. “Please just tell me what I did.”
He hemmed and hawed for a bit.
“Please?” you begged.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he finally said, giving you a taunting smirk. “First, take a look at yourself.”
You looked down. Your shirt was on backwards and your trousers were on inside-out. “Oh gods.”
“The first thing you did was throw off your shirt, announcing that it was ‘too hot’.”
Your face burned with humiliation.
Astarion looked beside himself with glee. “And then Gale and Wyll chased you around the camp. But you dodged them both, rolling and tumbling around like a child. You even managed to remove your pants while doing all this.”
You wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“Then Gale summoned a mage hand to hold you in place while Shadowheart and Lae’zel tugged your clothes back on and tied you up. But you kept crying out about being hot, so Karlach dumped a bucket of water on you.” He grinned. “That seemed to calm you down, although you were staring up at the sky for a long time before you finally fell over and passed out.”
You closed your eyes. You couldn’t take Astarion’s mirthful expression any longer. “Can you just untie me now?”
“I don’t know. Do you have any more chaos to unleash here?”
You groaned. “No, I’m done.” I will never fuck around with mushrooms ever again.
He reached over and untied you. “And what have we learned?”
“Don’t taunt the wizard.”
“No, I think you should always taunt the wizard. Try again.”
“Don’t lick weird things?”
Astarion nodded, and then patted your head. “Good girl.” His hand lingered on your head for a little bit longer before he pulled away. For a second, you sensed a great deal of amusement, but also some fondness in his touch. Or did I imagine that?
Pushing yourself up, you cast a drying cantrip on yourself. “My whole body hurts.” You looked around and noticed that everyone else had gone to sleep. “I want to change,” you said.
“Do what you want,” he said dismissively as he went back to his book.
“So… can you go to your tent?”
“Why so shy, my dear?” He smirked. “I’ve already seen you running around in your underwear.”
You sighed. He had a point. It was nothing he hadn't already seen. Still, you waited a few moments to make sure he was engrossed in his book before you turned away from Astarion and shrugged your shirt off.
“What’s that?”
You turned your head. “What’s what?”
He pointed at your lower back. “That tattoo.”
You and he shared a look. 
“Wait here.” He immediately got up and went to his tent, coming back with a mirror. He angled it so that you could see the tattoo on your lower back.
“What in the hells is that?” you muttered. A strange seal, with foreign script spiraling within what looked like a stone circle. The seal’s location on your back was the same place where you felt a tingling every time you had a hunch.
Astarion leaned in closer and looked at it with a discerning eye. “Whatever it is, it looks a bit faded.” He leaned in closer. He pronounced some sounds, but cocked his head in confusion. “It looks like Elvish, but the words don’t sound like any language that I can recognize.”
You vaguely recalled that your mother always would always touch you there, but you never thought anything of it before. You had thought it was just a motherly touch. Was she checking the seal as well? Replenishing its magic, perhaps?
Unfortunately, you would never be able to ask her why she put a seal on you. But at the very least, now you know why you always felt the tingling on the small of your back.
“Thank you,” you said finally. 
He was quiet for a moment. “Well, you did the same for me.” After a moment, he asked, “Does it do anything?”
“What? The seal?” 
“What else would I be talking about?”
You debated telling him, but after a few moments, you relented. What harm could it be? “I get a tingle back there sometimes, like when I get a hunch about danger or going in the right direction.”
He hummed. “Sounds useful.”
“Only when I know what to look for. Sometimes I don’t even know why I’m getting a tingle and I get anxiety over nothing.” You pulled your sleeping gown out of your pack and threw it on. The soft material felt nice against your skin and you sighed happily. 
“Have you ever tried to control it?” 
You paused. Why the hells didn't I think of that? “Erm, the thought hasn't occurred to me.”
“Perhaps you should try,” he said. 
You nodded. “I could try.” You kicked off your boots and pulled your pants off from underneath your sleeping gown. “Did you want a snack?”
Astarion shook his head. “As much as I’d like to, you still smell of that fungus. I’m not feeling a particular need to lose my facilities tonight.”
You resisted the urge to sniff yourself. “Ah, I see.”
“After all, if you wanted to see my underwear, all you had to do was ask—”
“Good night, Astarion,” you said as you crawled into your bedroll. 
He chuckled as he returned to the book in his hand. “Well then. I'll keep watch. Have a good night,” he said, a smirk on his face.
You fumed quietly as you rolled over and stewed in your humiliation.
While the sky never changed in the Underdark, you still felt like morning had come when you pushed yourself out of your cozy bedroll. The slight chill in the air along with the scent of moss and lichen that constantly permeated the air made you think of autumn nights in a forest.
You got things ready for breakfast and listened to the others make their plans for the day. You heard something about exploring a couple of paths, and that the party should split up to explore for now. Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale were to go north, and Wyll, Karlach, and Lae’zel planned to go west. Halsin was to stay behind and guard the camp, since he was well equipped to handle multiple enemies on his own.
As the others left, you turned to Halsin. “Shall we look for some edible mushrooms?”
He nodded. “As long as you’re careful about which ones you’re picking.”
“Yes, yes, don’t remind me.”
Time passed as you and Halsin explored the safer areas of the Underdark near the campsite, foraging for fungi. You wished it had been uneventful, but while you were searching for herbs and mushrooms, you realized that a giant snake was nearby. 
“Erm, Halsin…” You tugged on his arm to get his attention, and pointed at the serpent slithering around the trunk of a massive tree. “We should leave.”
He looked at it for a moment. “Do you know how to cook snake meat?”
You blinked. “Yes, it’s not too different from chicken.” It took you a moment to realize why he was asking you. “Wait—”
He was already transforming.
A mere five minutes later, you were helping Halsin lug back a giant constrictor snake back to camp, your basket of freshly picked mushrooms on your arm.
The two of you got back to camp and began to dress the snake, skinning it and cutting it up for dinner. You were already seasoning it and putting the first two skewers onto the fire when you heard the alarm bell on your belt chiming softly.
“Welcome back,” you said warmly to Gale, Shadowheart, and Astarion.
“What are we having tonight?” Shadowheart asked.
You pointed at the skewers. “Mushroom and snake meat skewers, seasoned with some wild herbs and rock salt.”
Gale raised an eyebrow. “Are these mushrooms… safe?”
You huffed. “Yes, they are safe,” you said acerbically.
He raised his hand in defense. “Alright, alright. It’s just that yesterday’s, ahem, debacle, has made me a bit wary.” He gestured towards you. “But if you’re certain they’re safe, then they probably are.”
You noted his use of the word probably and his tone of disbelief. I’ll remember that.
By the time Wyll, Lae’zel, and Karlach returned, the others had almost finished eating. They swapped stories and figured out their next move for tomorrow. Both teams realized that some of their leads led to the same place.
“One of us could take you to the Myconid Colony while the rest of us track down the duergar,” Wyll said to you.
“I’ll go with her,” Gale said immediately before you, or anyone else, could say anything. He turned to you. “That is, if you’re alright with that.”
You nodded. “No problem.” Unbidden, your gaze flickered over to Astarion for a brief moment, but he seemed too busy speaking quietly with Shadowheart to notice anything else.
Why did I look his way?
While everyone else was relaxing after dinner, you made your way down to the water's edge that you could see from the edge of the cliff. It wasn't terribly high, but you found a thin path that cut its way down a couple of switchbacks to the water. 
You heard Gale call your name, and looked back up towards the cliff. He seemed far away, but he snapped his fingers and mumbled something before he floated down from the top of the cliff.
“That’s an awfully handy spell to have,” you commented as he landed daintily on the rocks beside you.
“Saved me a lot of times in my youth, exploring the skyline of Waterdeep.”
“I imagine you troubled your parents a lot, running on top of buildings.”
He laughed. “I suppose I did.” Then he glanced at the water. “So, will you be making a hot water rune here?”
You nodded. Then you realized he was waiting. “Did… did you want to watch?”
“If you don’t mind. It’s a very different kind of magic that I haven’t really seen before, and trust me, I’ve seen plenty of magic in my time.”
Gale went on to talk about his past a bit more, elaborating on what he had already shown you through his memories on the mountain. You just nodded along, letting him prattle on.
“Ah, but I’ve said enough about myself. I’ll let you get on with your work,” he finally said after a long story involving shenanigans and hijinks with his Tressym, Tara.
You smiled politely and stepped into the water until you were halfway submerged. You walked a wide circle, wide enough for even Karlach to float on her back if she so wished, singing your heating hymn while you touched the surface of the water, trails of light blue lines streaming from your fingertips.
Towards the end of the song, you felt fatigue pulling at your legs, making every step a little harder. You pushed through, forcing yourself to finish the song, to finish the circle. I must be tired from all the traveling. I should get some more sleep.
You closed the circle and watched as steam began to rise up from the water’s surface. Stepping inside, you sighed happily, letting the heat seep through your thin clothes and into your body. After a few moments, you looked up at Gale, who was watching you curiously.
“It’s nice in here,” you said as you began to make your way back to the shore.
He held up his hands. “Hold on, I’ll move the water so you don’t get cold.” Moving his hands as if he was splitting something apart, you watched as he parted the water and made a dry path for you back to land. 
You walked back to him, putting your fingers through the water wall on either side of you for fun. He ended the spell just as you returned to shore, the water falling back down and flowing back to normal. You hummed your drying cantrip, only to see Gale observing you.
“What is it?” 
“Your magic is… interesting.”
You blinked and carefully held your expression as neutral as possible. What in the hells does he mean by that?
He finally smiled. “But I’m going to guess that you won’t tell me where you learned it.”
You shook your head. “Sorry, but no.”
Holding his hands up in surrender, he nodded. “I understand that you have your reasons, but I promise that I’m only asking out of intellectual curiosity.” He leaned in closer and spoke quieter. “But I do hope that one day, you’ll trust me enough to share.”
Maybe. But not this day. You didn’t think Gale had any connection with that particular masked lord of Waterdeep, even peripherally. But you also weren’t entirely sure. So you merely shrugged and gave him a polite smile. “Perhaps. I could still teach you a few cantrips, though.”
You tried to teach him the drying cantrip you just used, just as an exercise in methodology, but quickly both of you realized that he was a bit too tone deaf to cast it properly.
Gale shrugged. “Not sure if your method of casting is a good fit for me, though I enjoy the concept.”
You laughed. “I guess it helps that I’ve learned it since I was a child. I knew how to sing before I knew how to speak, so my mother said.”
“No wonder you sing so well. You cast all of your spells in song form?”
“I never knew any other way.”
He looked at you curiously, as if he was trying to figure something out. “I feel like there was some kind of magic like that somewhere, but I can’t quite remember.”
Ah shit, I gave him too much info. “It might just be a weird offshoot of bard magic, who knows?” you said quickly, trying to throw him off the scent.
He nodded. “Perhaps.” Then his gaze was drawn towards the hot water rune. “Now, since I was here first…”
You grinned, grateful for the change in topic. “Enjoy! I’ll head back.”
Making your way back up the trail to camp, you told the others that there was a hot water rune in the water below the cliffside, and that Gale was using it first.
Without thinking, you found yourself meandering to Astarion, who was sitting outside his tent, mixing vials.
You came close and smelled rosemary, something citrusy, and… alcohol?
“What are you doing?” you asked as you sat next to him. 
He barely glanced up at you. “Making cologne.”
You tipped your head in confusion.
Astarion finally looked up at you. “You haven’t noticed?”
“Noticed what?”
“Nothing. Never mind.”
You raised an eyebrow.
He sighed and put the vial he was holding back into a wooden vial rack. Curling his finger in a come hither gesture, he then pointed at his neck. “Come close, darling. As if you were going to bite me.”
You hesitated.
“I haven’t got all day.”
You relented and came close. He didn’t smell bad, but he definitely didn’t smell… alive. It was faint, hardly detectable if you hadn’t been sniffing for it. You pulled away and looked at the items in front of him. “Is all this really necessary? I hardly smelled anything.”
“A necromancer or a well trained animal could sniff me out. But it’s nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can’t hide.”
You nodded. “I use rosemary when I can’t focus,” you commented idly. “And anything citrus gives me energy. I hadn’t thought to put them together.”
“It’s the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.”
You caught the slightly wistful look on his face before he turned back to his vials. “Do you have any other questions, my dear?”
Shaking your head, you moved to get up, but he suddenly spoke, quietly, almost as if he didn’t want you to hear. “You can stay, even if you don’t have any questions.”
“Oh? I’m not bothering you?”
Beyond his sultry smirk you saw a hint of a real smile, which shook you more than it should have. “Not at all. Besides, you smell delicious.”
You rolled your eyes, but sat back down anyway. “Wouldn’t that distract you?”
“On the contrary. You’re more like… a palate cleanser.”
“Glad to know I’m the olfactory equivalent of a jar of pickles,” you muttered.
He let out a small burst of a giggle, surprising you.
Sharing a smile, you stayed and helped him mix his scents.
“So what scent would you use on me?” you asked as you helped him finish his last vial. 
“Let me think.” He started putting things away as he ruminated. “Definitely something a little spicy to go with your inherent sweetness.”
He plucked one of the other vials from his kit. Giving it a few hard shakes, he unstoppered it, placed a finger over the opening, and flipped it quickly. He deftly stoppered the vial before he leaned closer to you. Reaching for your neck, he gently stroked the scent onto your pulse with his finger. Cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger wafted around you. 
“There. You smell like a spiced dessert wine. Utterly delectable.”
You grinned. “So you think I'm a drink?”
“The most delicious drink in all of the Sword Coast.”
“You flatterer.”
“I could go on—”
“Please don't,” you interrupted. Then you gave him a sincere smile. “But thank you for letting me spend time with you.”
He blinked, clearly unused to being thanked for such a thing. But he recovered, plastering on a smile. “My pleasure, darling.” Looking at you for a moment longer before looking at the vial in his hand, he slowly handed it to you. “Perhaps you should keep this. It suits you.”
You took the vial and cradled it close to your chest. “Thank you,” you mumbled. You weren’t expecting a gift, especially not from him.
He seemed as surprised as you. “Well, this won’t be a regular thing.” He sniffed and turned away, putting his things back inside his tent.
You took that as a cue to leave him alone, but you didn’t feel like you had been dismissed. You got the feeling that he was a bit embarrassed at having been nice for once, so you let him be.
You had gone around and spent a bit of time with everyone tonight, sharing small snippets of conversation, getting to know your companions a little bit better. As everyone went to sleep in their tents, you started to head towards your bedroll. You still didn’t have your own tent, and you honestly didn’t feel like you needed one. After all, if it rained, you could always stay with Astarion.
Just the thought of him made you look towards his tent. He was probably already in a trance, regaining his strength for the next day. You wondered if he had gotten enough sustenance from whatever was out in the wilds of the Underdark.
If I go ask, I’ll just be satiating my own curiosity. He’s a grown man, he can take care of himself.
You reminded yourself that you thought very little of his ability to care for himself not too long ago.
But I know more about him now.
Your heart clenched with anxiety. I don’t need to check on him. By the gods, I’m not his caretaker.
Despite your attempts at talking yourself out of it, you turned and walked towards his tent. You stared at the tent flap, debating for a few more moments. Just as you were about to turn around and head back to your bedroll, you heard his voice.
“Come to see me, darling?”
You sighed. No going back now. “Yes.”
“Come in.”
You entered to see him sitting on his bedroll, reading a book.
“Are you hungry?” you immediately asked. Godsdammit, me. I couldn’t ease into the conversation, could I?
He chuckled. “I’m quite alright, but I’d never turn down dessert.” Closing his book and setting it aside, he looked up at you and patted his lap. “Come sit with me, my dear.”
You blatantly ignored his lap and sat beside him instead.
He pouted so perfectly at you. “I feel like you’re teasing me.” Leaning in, he glanced down at your collarbone for a moment. “Why did you come to me tonight?”
“Just to check on you. To make sure you weren’t hungry.”
He smiled that perfectly constructed smile of his. “How sweet.” He touched your arm, and you felt nothing. Dammit, he’s doing it again. “But is that the only reason you’re here?”
You nodded.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
His fingers traced lines up and down your arm, and you couldn’t help but lean into his shielded touch. It’d been so long since you’d had prolonged contact, and just like before, you were tempted into letting him do what he wanted because you wouldn’t have to feel any other emotions but your own. I could just be in the moment without being distracted. I could… actually enjoy myself.
Trapped in your own desires, you let him move closer.
“I’ve seen your cute little glances, ever since we started traveling together. Your eyes are drawn to me.”
You swallowed as he reached up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against your lower lip.
“You're shy, aren't you?”
Don't give in, for fuck's sake. Although he’s not wrong. You nodded in agreement before you realized what you were doing. 
“But you want to be touched, don't you?” he asked, his voice dropping to a low purr.
You swallowed again. He scooted even closer, his hand moving up your arm to your shoulder, then slowly down your back. He pulled you close, his hand drawing circles slowly around the seal on the small of your back. 
“That's why you're really here, isn't it?” His intense stare pinned you in place, his voice like silk against your senses.
Frozen in place, you couldn’t speak as your voice died in your throat. This wasn't what you wanted. You were pretty sure this wasn’t what he wanted either, despite his attempts otherwise.
“You could lose yourself in me,” he murmured, his lips millimeters from yours.
Just one kiss… He was so close. So very, very close.
But it wouldn’t be real.
You pulled back and shook your head, denying both him and yourself, stamping down on your own desire. “No,” you finally whispered. 
He suddenly stopped and moved away from you. He looked at you, really looked at you, his head tipped slightly in confusion, his expression mildly annoyed. “Then what do you want?” 
A hug seemed a safe enough thing to ask for. You wanted physical touch. He… Well, you weren’t sure what he wanted, to be honest. But you were sure it wasn’t you, not in that way. 
You decided that if he was going to insist on something physical, you could take a hug and not feel as bad about taking advantage of him.
“Can I get a hug?” you asked in the smallest voice. 
Astarion blinked. “Just a hug?”
You nodded.
He seemed surprised. But he finally shrugged. “If that's all you want.” 
You slowly wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of bergamot and brandy on his skin. He froze, his arms hovering around you as if the mere concept of a hug was foreign to him. But he gradually relaxed, and you felt his arms close around you as he held you close. His head dipped down, his nose nuzzling your ear.
You realized after a few moments that you could feel his emotions again, and that it was a mixture of relief and… safety?
You eventually let him go, not wanting to outstay your welcome, but Astarion clung to you for a few more moments before he slowly let his arms slide down. You shifted back so you could see him. His expression was softer than you had ever seen. You wondered when was the last time he gave a hug.
“Thank you,” you murmured, before pressing your forehead against his. You weren't sure when this became your manner of saying good night to him, but he closed his eyes and stayed silent.
“Do you want a bite before I go?” 
He opened his eyes and stared at you. “How do you always know?”
I cheated. “Just a hunch.”
He chuckled. Dipping his head down, his lips touched your neck and lingered, not quite a kiss, but it felt just as intimate. You felt his breath against your skin as he let out a small sigh. “You really are delicious, you know,” he murmured before biting down. 
You felt his contentment past the pain of his fangs. He seemed happy. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair. A small sound of pleasure escaped his throat as he gulped down two more mouthfuls of your blood before pulling away. He gently licked your wound before coming back to press his forehead against yours. 
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“You’re always welcome,” you whispered back. You stayed with him for just a few moments more before you finally pulled away. He said nothing, only watched you with an enigmatic expression. You gave him one last smile as you slipped out of his tent quietly.
You walked back to your bedroll, thoughts churning through your head.
Why did he feel safe, when I rejected his advances and only took a hug?
Chapter 11 End notes: This chapter is a bit sillier, but that’s because I really didn’t know what to do in the Underdark, and the mushrooms provided an excellent way to introduce some levity to what will soon become a heavier storyline. And you may have noticed that Gale is observing things about our dear Hearth Witch. Will he reveal his observations? Probably not any time soon. Maybe you’ll figure it out before he does!
Tag list: @numblytemporary
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slusheeduck · 1 year
Fictober 2023 Day 13 - Prompt: "Who takes care of you?" Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
It wasn’t an easy sleep Gale had dropped into, but he really couldn’t recall the last one he had. Probably before, well, everything. But fitful as his slumber was, he still wasn’t happy when it was interrupted by a paw batting his face. He grumbled, trying to ignore it. Half the time, Tara was just trying to see if he was awake; if he didn’t stir, she’d go somewhere else.
But clearly not today. Another bat came, even more solid than the first. It was finally an exasperated “Mr. Dekarios” that got him to answer.
“Tara, not now,” he said blearily, rolling over. “It’s not time for breakfast.”
“I should say it is not. This is where you’ve run off to?”
Gale opened his eyes, sitting up. He wasn’t in his tower; he was at camp, sleeping beside the fire with the others. From the look of it, they hadn’t heard Tara’s entrance. He looked back down at the tressym.
“Why are you here?” he whispered. “You promised to stay in Waterdeep. ‘Promise,’ verb, meaning to swear that something will or will not be done.”
“And I decided will not.” Tara sat down very primly in the dirt, nose up. “It’s a good thing, too. You look terrible.” She looked around appraisingly. “Have you fallen in with a bad crowd?” she whispered. “That explains that thing on your face, and…” She paused, nose twitching intently before she turned around, back immediately arching. “Oh, by the gods, you’ve even picked up a dog! I let you out of my sight for one moment and look what happens!”
Gale rubbed his face. “I’m not in with a bad crowd. I’m fine. Well, as much as I can be.” He sighed, looking back at the tressym. “It’s not safe for you to be here. Go back home, Tara.”
“The dog can be here, though?”
Gale let out an irritated huff. “The dog belongs to someone else. You belong to me, and—” Oh. Oh no. Oh no, no, he knew the mistake he made the moment the words left his mouth, but there was no time to apologize before Tara was arched up, wings out and a low growl escaping her.
“I belong to you? Oh, no, no, Gale Dekarios—if the decades I’ve been with you have taught you anything, it’s that you have that backward. Who takes care of you? Who spent the better part of a year looking for items to sate that ticking time bomb in you? Who was it that has sat by your side through hells and high water, only for you to stomp off and leave me and your mother worried sick?”
Gale tried to shush her as she railed off with her (admittedly very valid) points, but the damage was done. Astarion was the first to push himself up with a groan.
“What in the hells is that noise?” he grumbled.
“It’s the angriest meowing I’ve ever heard.” Falerin sat up, rubbing his eyes. He squinted at Gale, then glanced down at Tara. His eyes suddenly went wide, and he sat up straight. “Is that Tara?”
“Tara?” Karlach was up in a moment, already wide awake. “Tara’s here?” She looked over at the tressym, hands going to her mouth. “Oh my gods, it is Tara! That’s your sigil on her collar, Gale! Oh, aren’t you a pretty girl?”
In the wake of attention, Tara’s anger subsided, and she sat up to preen. “I see my reputation precedes me. As it should, of course.”
Gale sighed. “Yes, this is Tara. Tara, these are my…my friends.” Oh. It did feel good saying that.
“Some friends indeed, if they’re not telling you to shave,” Tara sniffed, though she wandered over toward them. Falerin held out his hand for her to sniff, and she responded by shoving her face right up against it. As he scratched beneath her chin, she purred. “I do like this one. He can stay.”
“At any rate, Tara was just leaving,” Gale said firmly, only to get a loud protest from all three around the fire.
“How can she leave now? She’s just arrived,” Karlach said between trying to pspspss her over. “And you’ve talked about her nonstop!”
Tara looked up, surprised. “You have?”
“I…may have shared one or two stories,” he said, scratching his chin. “Mostly about how you’ve massacred any pigeons that have come within a twenty-mile radius of the tower.”
“As is her right,” Astarion said. “Clearly she’s never done a single thing wrong in her life. Really, Gale, you’re being terribly unfair.”
“That one can stay, too,” Tara said, unceremoniously climbing up into Karlach’s lap—thank the gods they’d gotten that mechanic to fix her up. The tressym did look pleasantly surprised at the warmth, and she settled in comfortably; Karlach looked on the edge of tears at being chosen. “This one, too. Oh, she’s like a personal heater, how lovely.” She tucked up her wings and wrapped her tail around herself. “Perhaps you are doing quite well out here in the wilds. Even with the dog.”
Gale let out a long sigh. “Fine. You can stay the night,” he said, throwing up a hand. “We’ll discuss this in the morning.”
“Yes, over a decent breakfast. I can tell you haven’t had one since you left home,” Tara said, eyes squinting as Karlach delicately scratched at her ears. “I do hope one of your friends knows Speak with Animals. I’d like to hear a much less biased account of what you’ve been up to while off and about—and give some proper instructions on how to care for you. I can’t have people thinking you’re a stray, Mr. Dekarios.”
Fictober 2023 Drabble Master Post
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Realistically how did Lu get away with not needing stitches like oh my god. Like I’m sorry I know that’s very gorey but. That was sort of addressed with Ida? And her fear of tearing. These poor girls.
To be honest a lot of those girls probably needed them. Uh, Gale too. But obvs, due to fuckface doctor they didn’t get them. And I did sorta intensify Ida’s due to some of the same but a little extra in her last attack. Gosh, poor girls like, no wonder Bucky was fucking furious when he got here even though he was half dead
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