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hi of course due to the @otdiaftg blog I've just reread that wonderful scene that happens right now :)))
and I am never going to get over the fact that Neil spends that entire fucking paragraph like "oh no they're gonna be sad I ruined finals for them" like you know, they're not really gonna care that he's gone, that he's like definitely dead right???
like these people haven't grown accostomed to him being there like they haven't all called him their friend.
this man is so surprised that they still want him around after all this and I---
I need to lie down.
#my posts#aftg#I hate him I hate him so much#GOD SHUT UP NEIL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU#FUCK.#(I do not hate him at all.)#anyways back to your regular scheduled friday. bye
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It just hit me with the force of a thousand Pelotons that people genuinely believe they're doing activism. I thought it was just people being outraged and redirecting that outrage at the wrong but nearest target available. But no. They genuinely don't give two shits about helping with material actions like donating, campaigning, volunteering. They're choosing the lazier route.
Seeing people outside of the good omens fandom attacking random people in comment sections isn't something I'd expected to see after the horrendous allegations against NG came out.
But it's also something that I can't understand!
Whilst it's never okay to be sending hate over to people who simply still want to enjoy Neil's work (without supporting him financially or as a person), seeing an influx of people who are just.. doing it to say that they've done it..?
Surely if they REALLY cared for what they were fighting so desperately against they'd be out advocating for some sort of change? Donating? Volunteering? Campaigning? ANYTHING aside from sitting on tumblr all day hating on people because they believe they have some weird moral high ground by doing it!
Of course this isn't to say that what neil did isn't absolutely HORRIFYING! He genuinely is THE worst type of person and he deserves exactly what punishment is, hopefully, throwing itself in his direction. But attacking a fandom for trying to find comfort beyond that terrible man is WRONG.
You're allowed to feel sad, angry, disappointed, ect. In neil and in the fandoms that you love/loved ever so much. Nobody should be making you feel as if you don't care for the victims enough. The reality of it is that if you're no longer a neil supporter, YOU. ARE. BEING. SYMPATHETIC. TOWARDS. THE. VICTIMS.
The simple fact of it is that neil gaiman is an EVIL monster of a man, but his work and his characters have stuck with many many people, whether that be through tough times or through life itself. It's not something you can just let go of. You shouldn't feel pressured to just let go of it.
If it comes with time, that's perfectly okay. If it never goes away, I understand and that's also perfectly okay. Just be mindful, that's all. :)
In reality, you just have to find joy in whatever way it presents itself. Have sympathy for the victims, donate to charities, support in whichever way you can. But at the same time, don't deny yourself happiness.
Some people choose not to separate the art from the artist. Some do. Either way it's valid.
PS: I know this is a long post so I can't help but feel the overall aim could've been lost on some people. I DO NOT SUPPORT NEIL GAIMAN. But I also don't condone bullying towards people who are doing NOTHING wrong. I hope neil gets THE worst kind of punishment allowed within the modern legal system (although in this case I wouldn't object to some sort of medieval contraption to chop his dick off). I do NOT care about a show more than I do the victims and that man won't be getting another PENNY off of me.
TLDR; Neil gaiman is an awful man who deserves nothing but the absolute worst, however, people outside of the fandom bullying others for seeking joy in separating the art from the artist never has been, and never will be, okay. At the same time, enjoy what you want to enjoy whilst being considerate and respectful of all those harmed by gaiman.
#I can't believe the whole HP falling out left people with the idea that harassing fans is the most Noble thing you can do#the most important effort imaginable#slacktivism#“today I harassed X good omens fans what a good soul I am”#<- this is how I imagine good omens haters act when they harass the fans#shut up my god#talk about the actual r****t and the actual victims#no one cares about your “good deeds” of the day#stop decentering the victims#when talking about this story#ng#neil gaiman#tw neil gaiman#cw neil gaiman#tw: neil gaiman#cw: neil gaiman#sa#tw sa#cw sa#cw: sa#tw: sa
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it actually pisses me off so much whenever anyone calls andrew a sociopath. ik not everyone is privy to the details of his life but you want to come after andrew minyard??? the love of my damn life??? and pretend he doesn't have FEELINGS????
andrew, who finally found a loving mother after years of abuse in the foster system and wanted so badly to be loved he tried to force himself to endure more abuse, and only put a stop to it to protect a brother he’d never met
andrew, who fights fiercely to protect other people's boundaries no matter who they are, even if it's his own family crossing a line
andrew, who learned exy in juvie and managed to put enough effort into it to become the best damn goalkeeper in class 1 exy
andrew, who told his uncle about his abuse to make sure his abuser wouldn’t have access to any more kids after him, only to be told it was a misunderstanding
andrew, who nearly killed the men who attacked his cousin and then was drugged against his will for nearly three years and took every opportunity to fight for sobriety even though it made him sick
andrew, who promised to protect kevin on only the hope of a future will to live because he wanted it so badly, because kevin told him he was worth something
andrew, who befriended renee when he discovered how similar they were and trusted her with his past and learned from her a way to protect himself and the people he cares about, who talks to her about the zombie apocalypse and world war 3 and spars with her when he's upset and only wins half their fights and never treats her like her faith or kindness make her weak or fragile
andrew, who fully trusts and believes in bee's ability to help him, laughs when she sends him funny texts, buys her souvenirs at the airport, and would go back for her in an apocalypse
andrew, who shut down the goal because wymack asked him to, but pretended it was for the booze
andrew, who falls for a man who’s an obvious liar and a runaway, knowing it could kill him to let someone in again, "maybe i'm not as smart as i thought i was"
andrew, who says yes to neil because neil is the only one who actually pays attention to how andrew thinks and listens to his reasons and offers him something in return for his loyalty, who gets close to neil because neil respects his no, "that's why"
andrew, who’s afraid of heights
andrew, who fights fiercely to protect the people he loves but won’t tell them why, because caring almost killed him the first time, who keeps his promises, "fuck you for expecting anything else"
andrew, who is fighting so, so hard to be alive and never gets any credit for it
andrew, who does end up smiling after he comes off the drugs, god damn it i will die on this hill!!!!
literally don't say shit to me about andrew "has feelings" minyard
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Part - 10
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, mention of suicide,
Part 1
"Did Neil Prescott attack you with the ghostface costume on?"
"They've yet to close the case on the murders. Do you think Neil could've had a partner?"
"Was is hard watching your girlfriend die in front of you?"
The reporters spit inappropriate questions at Billy from the moment he stepped out of his car. He was more than happy that he got away with it but he found it a little annoying someone else was getting all the credit for his well executed plan. Billy threw his his backpack on barley missing the healing wound underneath his polo.
He passed by the reporters pushing some of them out of the way. Surprisingly no one bombarded him with questions when he entered first period. He heard whispers as he walked the halls. They didn't bother him at first. Billy lived through it, he got the front row seat most of them would kill to have. The boy kept his head down as he walked into his first period class. "It was Stu's house I know he had something to do with it." One of the boys said talking with his friends. Billy listened into the conversation. He was a nosey person by nature. "That doesn't mean he did it. I mean Sydney's dad was a wack job after his wife slept with half the town."
Billy nodded to himself. "I don't know something seems fishy with how close Stu and that new chick were." If you were close with anyone it was Billy. He was just careful about showing affection in public because shit like this happenes. People talk. "They were probably fucking and Tatum found out, everything went side ways." The group of three started laughing as the teacher shut the classroom door. Billy wasn't keen on hearing people talk about you or Stu but Stu had thick skin. Words never really bothered him much.
"You know we all would've died if Y/n didn't call the cops when she did." Billy snapped his tone a little too assertive. The class grew quiet everyone hearing what the boy had to say. Even the teacher was quiet not wanting to upset Billy more than he already was. "Class I know that these last few weeks have been traumatic for some more than others. However it would be beneficial to everyone if we continued on with our unit."
Billy went through the day with his keeping his eyes on the ground. He started to realize how hard it was to get through the day without Stu by his side going on and on about something he really didn't care about. The lunch bell rang and like clockwork all the kids flooded the hallway. For the most part Billy was completely ignored except for a few wide eyes stares in the hallway. For a second he forgot about what he had done. He saw the fountain being occupied by two girls. The freshman girls looked at Billy like he was a celebrity. "Oh my god Billy Loomis. I didn't think you'd come back so soon. Are you okay?" The blonde student rambled on stumbling over her words.
"Move." He was a man of few words. "I'm sorry about Syd- wait what?" She asked as her friend started picking her things up. "Are you deaf or something? Get out of my fucking spot." The girls hurried to grab their things. "This is where we sit everyday are you fucking blind?" He yelled causing people around to stare at the scene. "I-I'm s-sorry..." The kid stuttered scared of the boy in front of her. "Duh- duh- duh- get the fuck out of here." Billy spat nearly making the girl cry. Silently her friend grabbed her hand pulling her towards the building.
He could feel the eyes of those around him tearing into his slim frame. Billy sat on the concrete slab where he always did. No Sydney, no Tatum, no Randy, no Stu, and no you. His peers just watched the boy have a mental breakdown. It was lonely being alive. It wasn't the lack of people that was upsetting, it was the quiet. Running a hand through his messy hair he jumped up. "Fuck this."
You had never felt so good on a Monday. Your wound barley hurt with a little help from the pain killers. "Elvis really?" Stu questioned as you pulled the record out of it's sleeve. "You're not an American if you don't like Elvis." He pulled his lips into a straight line. "Consider me Canadian." Your rolled your eyes sitting the needle down. "Did you know he came in his pants during one performance?" Stu crinkled his nose at the unwante information. "That is fucking disgusting. Tell me more." You laughed laying on your bed next to him.
Billy blasted his radio choosing to listen to the burnt CD Stu made him a few weeks ago. Sad whiney alternative rock seeped through the speakers. It did nothing to help his mood but he wanted to sit and wallow in his self pity for just a little longer. It wasn't a very long drive to your house which saved him gas. If he had to guess you were probably laid up in pain waiting for someone to come and help you. And if you weren't going to answer his calls he'd do the chivalrous thing by showing up unannounced.
You held your sides as Stu danced around doing his best Elvis impression. "Stop it's so bad." You cried with laughter barley able to get the words out. You heard a faint noise downstairs grabbing your attention. "Wait, shh do you hear that?" Stu pipped down letting you concentrate. "Somebody's at the door." You rolled off the bed heading down the steps. "I'm going to pick the next record." Stu called from the bedroom. Making sure you looked presentable you opened the door. Billy looked up at you a smile playing at his lips for the first time in what felt like forever. "Hey." He said as you stared in shock. Your heart raced and you felt sick.
"Jeez don't get too excited." The visitor rubbed the back of his neck trying to ease his slowly building nerves. It was obvious to him you weren't as happy about seeing him as he was you. To him you were a breath of fresh air but that was because he was stealing yours. "Y/n please talk to me." He pleaded making you snap out of the trance you were in. "Go away." You thought it'd come out as a scream but it barley qualified as a whisper. Billy caught the door as it was closing. "You can't just tell me you're in love with me and then disappear." He walked into the house as if he owned it. You couldn't help but laugh dryly.
"That's what you got out of everything thing that happened Monday?" He raised an eyebrow unsure of what he was missing. "What else was I supposed to get? You literally pointed at gun at me saying you did all this for me because you loved me." You slammed your front door causing Stu to jump upstairs. "I was going to kill you." You said plainly done with the chit chat. "Excuse me?" You walked to the kitchen grabbing a drink from the fridge. "You heard me. When I saw that article and saw your smug face all I could see was red." Billy took a seat on your couch deciding to take his shoes off as if he was staying longer.
"I did love you, you're right but that was years ago. For a second there you had me fooled I'll give you that. My original plan was to get close to you and then kill you. Simple as that. Stu made that hard considering you were two attached at the hip." You refrained from making a joke you knew the boy upstairs would appreciate. "Why didn't you just kill him too?" With the look you gave him he knew that wasn't a good question. You took a swig of soda setting the glass bottle down on the counter. "It might be a shocker for a heartless bastard like you but I don't just run around killing people that inconvenience me."
Billy was actually kind of hurt by the comment. "I found out you two were planning to murder a group of kids so I sat and waited for you two to get yourselves put in prison or better yet you'd kill yourself." Billy swallowed what little spit he had left in his mouth. He was uncomfortable. "I'm not stupid, I knew you were going to kill him. He was simply collateral to you. That's what really pissed me off. You hadn't changed at all. I couldn't kill you now because he loved you and I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. Does he know?"
Stu sat upstairs knees to his chest as he tried not to cry. He was dumb he knew that but he was okay with it. He didn't think he was think oblivious though. All he was to Billy was a disposable accomplice. Something he could throw away once he was done using him.
"I wasn't going to kill him. We were going to run away together." You laughed shaking your head in disbelief. "Watch out Loomis, you're starting to sound as delusional as me." The whole scene really played out like two parents in the midst of a divorce. "Why'd you come here?" The defeated sound in your voice made Billy regret his decision in coming here. "I wanted to see you." He muttered. "Well you've seen me." You held out your hands making sure he could get a good luck before he left.
"I love you." Billy looked up at you making sure your eyes met when you heard the words. You hated the way he could easily manipulate you. Maybe it was because you wanted him to. You enjoyed how the lies made you feel so you chose to believe them. "If you think that's what I want to hear it's not. Love bombing is a big red flag you know?" Billy slammed his fist on the couch arm in frustration. "What the hell do you want to hear then?" You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I can't explain every little thing to you Billy. It's not my responsibility to teach you how to be a decent human being. I just need time. We both do. If you still feel the same way next week we can talk okay?"
Billy bit his lip till it started to bleed. "Okay." He was yet again defeated by you. You weren't keeping score but he certainly was. "If I call will you at least answer? Please." The idea wasn't bad but you knew it was only a matter of time till this sense of clarity wore off. You'd take him back in a heartbeat because you're the same easily impressed girl you've always been.
"I'll think about it." You'd kiss him right now if he as much implied the idea. One whimper from him and you've would've started making the bastard a sandwich. "Thank you." He said as he put he shoes back on. "How are you?" It was a question you thought he didn't care enough to ask. "I'm feeling better. Thank you for asking. How are you doing?" Billy's wound didn't even bother him at this point it was his mental state that was in decline. "I miss you and Stu." That wasn't an answer to your question but you proceeded with caution.
"I'll be back to school next week. Why don't you stay home this week too? School is not exactly the best idea for us right now." All things considered that is. You didn't understand how much Billy despised his "home." Since his mother left him his house became a prison. A padded cell would be cozier. "I would rather go to school all day than go home." You felt for him but that's as far as your sympathy went. Slowly he stood up waiting for anything to keep him here a bit longer.
"I'll see you Monday, Billy." You walked over to him ready to open up the front door. Swallowing his pride he wrapped his arms around you burying his face in your neck. The strangely intimate act was not in Billy's character. "I'm sorry." He whispered to himself more than you. You weren't even sure if he knew he said it. Your arms wrapped around his back and he let you just hold him for a second. If this was some sort of manipulation tactic he was better than you thought. Billy cleared his throat as he pulled away.
"I guess I'll see you Monday." You nodded not trusting your voice. "Call me if you need anything." Billy added as he walked outside heading towards his car. "Bye." Your voice cracked and you quickly shut the door locking it. Instead of sliding down the door like they do in the movies you laid face down on the couch. Screaming you lungs out into the throw pillow seemed to attract the attention of the boy upstairs. "You okay Betty Crocker?" Stu said almost jumping down the stairs. "You want to go cliff diving?" You asked as you carefully rolled off into the floor.
Stu joined you on the carpet. "Can we drive off the cliff Thelma and Louise style?" You smiled cuddling up into his side. "Absolutely." You wanted to ask if he heard your discussion but with how red his face was you assumed he already knew. "Is Y/n your real name?" There was a calming sincerity to his voice. "I wouldn't lie about that. Well actually that's a lie, yes I would." He laughed covering his eyes with his arm. "But no I'm not lying about that. I've got my birth certificate somewhere around here or I could just give you my social security number." You smiled up at him. "That works too."
Stu played records as you and him cleaned the kitchen. He felt betrayed by his best friend and he desperately needed the break. Stu would forgive Billy eventually, he always did. He knew you'd forgive him too if you hadn't already. That's just what Billy did. Ignorance is bliss, Stu learned that a long time ago. In the meantime, Stu was busy playing house with you.
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you)
Part 11
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum
#billy loomis#housewife#scream#ghostface#scream 1996#billy loomis x reader#ghostface x reader#poly!ghostface#scream fanfic#scream 1996 masterlist#stu macher fluff#stu ghostface#stu macher x reader#stu macher#billy loomis ghostface#billy loomis masterlist#poly relationship#ghostface x female reader#ghostface x fem!reader#scream x reader#scream fanfiction
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Some sub!Neil Lewis would save my life right now I think 💋😋
Oh my gosh! Ask and you shall receive. I'm so excited this is my first request <3
(Also I'm so sorry if you didn't want this to be smutty, I'd be more than happy to also write some fluffy stuff!)
Pussy-Whipped || Sub!Neil Lewis x Reader
summary: When Gumshoe Video hosts a small Halloween party, Neil can't help but feel disappointed you're not there.
Warnings: SMUT!!! 18+ Minors DNI, pussy eating, vulgar language, possibly poor writing from me (barely edited.), let me know if there is anything else I'm missing!
Neil had gathered a decent sized group of people to have over at the store for Halloween night. It was nothing too major but it was definitely a good sized party. There was plenty of snacks and drinks, couples making out against walls, people debating on whether Christmas was better than Halloween. Really, it was a perfect little party, people were having a great time. Halloween music played, fake cobwebs lined the walls, fake spiders, you know, all that jazz. Later on at Gumshoe Video, there would be a couple of scary movies playing to really celebrate the occasion. Well unfortunately it was missing one key feature.
It left Neil feeling easily irritated and whiny all night. He was all dressed up as Dracula from the 1931 film. The most important piece was missing to him of course. Lucien and Jonathan would tease him for being so grumpy.
"You'd probably give up this store just to see her again, huh?" Lucien was grinning at him, enjoying seeing Neil suffer.
"Shut up, man," Neil just smiled uncomfortably, sick of their teasing, nudging Jonathan with a huff.
"You're pussy-whipped." Jonathan said before Neil slipped into his office, which was strictly off limits during the party.
You had already made plans with some of your friends, weeks prior. Some halloween party that was also a birthday party for a good friend, you promised Neil though that you would show up to the store afterwards. He was starting to doubt you would.
Neil always worried you thought he was too lame or you were way too out of his league. You would roll your eyes every time and just give him a reassuring kiss.
Feeling down, he sat in his office chair, swivelling around and twiddling his thumbs. He missed you, it had been a few days since you had seen each other, both busy with work, he was shaking with anticipation at even the tiniest possibility of seeing you.
To be honest, Neil was a needy little thing. He struggled going even a day or two without seeing you. And oh how fucking his fist could never compare to fucking you. God, even just thinking about your pussy, he could feel his trousers tighten and he threw his head back with a groan.
A zip and a tug could be heard as he slipped his hand down his pants, teasing the tip of his pink cock with his thumb. Whining quietly, precum staining his cotton briefs. Fuck, he didn't expect to be walked in on, touching himself like a pervert.
"Neil?" Your voice. He quickly swivelled his chair back around, facing the doorway to look at you like a deer that had been caught in headlights. Neil just coughed, trying to act casual, trying to pretend he hadn't just been thinking about having your tits in his mouth. But he knew you knew.
"H-Hey!" He looked you up and down, a sheepish smile and flushed cheeks as he looked at what you were wearing. A white corset, laced up tightly, hugging the perfect curves of your body. A sorry excuse of a dress tightly clinging to your skin underneath it, your hair had been pulled down out of the hairdo you had it in previously so it fell messily over your shoulders and white stockings adorned your thighs. He could cum looking at you then and there. He wasn't really sure what you were supposed to be but he didn't really care at this point in time.
"What were you up to, my love?" Sauntering over to him and rounding the table to get closer to him. Neil looked up at you like a lost puppy as you sat down on the edge of the table. The smell of your perfume made him feel like he could pass out, you were intoxicating. "You miss me?" "Yeah... yeah... I did..." Neil nodded dumbly, looking at your pretty lips that he hadn't gotten the chance to taste in oh so long. "Missed you so much, you've all I've been thinking 'bout." You held onto his chin, smiling at him knowingly.
"Looked everywhere for you, thought you'd be out with the rest of the party, Neil baby."
"S-sorry... I just..." His head hung low, feeling embarrassed for being so needy. "I just really missed you... didn't feel like hanging out with any of those people..."
You just kept smiling at him sweetly and his eyes watched as you casually shimmied down your panties, sticky and wet as you tossed them behind you. The skirt of your dress didn't cover the sight of your bare cunt and as you leaned against his desk, spreading your legs for Neil to see better in the low light of his office, he didn't hesitate to dive right in, knowing what to do. Desperate to taste you, like a dog that hasn't eaten in weeks. He moaned at the taste, eyes rolling back in his skull as he was gifted with your wet pussy against his face.
"That's fuckin' it," You moaned, letting your head lean back as he made out with your pussy. "Show me how much you missed me, Neil..." Your mouth was agape, he always ate you out like his life depended on it.
Your fingers in his hair, pushing his face deeper into your soaking core only encouraged him further, causing him to groan into you. Your clit fit perfectly between his pretty lips as you desperately ground your cunt against his face, his nose just perfectly caressing you. His tongue poked inside you, flicking up to the spot where you needed him most.
"God! Fuck... you're such a good boy... so good for me...!" Gasping out. This was all Neil needed, he didn't care if he wasn't allowed to get off for the rest of his life, as long as he had you, to touch and to taste, he didn't care, you were all he needed. The sound of you whimpering loudly made his cock throb, he felt like he was close to cumming himself. Neil always described it as heaven on earth, when you came on his face, he felt like he had accomplished all he was good for. "Want me to cum on your face, pretty?" You let out, sensitive and so turned on seeing Neil down on his knees, looking so content with life as he sloppily ate you up.
"Please..." He mumbled obediently before letting you continue to fuck his face. His tongue was pressed flat against your clit as you came, further wetting his face, what makeup he had on for Dracula now smudged across his face and your inner thighs. He kept slurping your juices up until you tugged his face away. Glistening and a dumb dopey smile on Neil's face was the sight that met you.
"I missed you so much, baby," Still recovering, you leaned down and gave him a gentle loving kiss. His tongue flicked out to the corners of his mouth, licking the juices that were still on his face. "You did so good." He blushed at the praise. You always thought he could never look prettier, red cheeks, big blue eyes, and your cum dripping off of his nose and chin with that big satisfied smile.
"I love you..." He whispered, placing a small kiss on your clit before standing up and connecting your lips once again. "Love you so much..."
Hope you enjoyed :)
#cillian murphy#cillian murphy smut#cillian x reader#cillian murphy fanfic#neil lewis#neil lewis smut#neil lewis x reader#watching the detectives#cillian murphy x reader#thomas shelby#tommy shelby#peaky blinders#peaky blinders imagine#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinders x reader#smut
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Seth is alive and wants to join the night practices, but Andrew doesn't trust him. Neil is pissed off at Kevin for always following other people's lead. Part of "In every fucking universe"
“Focus.” He gritted through his teeth. “You’re useless to me when you’re in your head.”
“You’re useless when you’re following orders.” Nail spat back. “You know that it would benefit us if Seth practiced more, you knew that it would benefit us if I started to practice with you sooner, yet one word from Adnrew and you’re not even fighting to make it happen.”
Kevin’s hold on Neil’s shirt tightened and Neil saw a glint of something dangerous in the other man’s eyes.
“Andrew is the only reason why I’m here, he is protecting me, the least I can do is not second-guess his choices.” With every word Kevin led him one step backwards till his back hit the plexiglass.
“And when are you going to start to stand up for yourself without him, huh? What are you going to do if Riko gets to you when he is not around?”
Kevin pressed him into the wall even harder and brought him higher in his hold. Neil had to climb up on his tiptoes or he would be lifted off the ground.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t know how he is, what he is capable of. You are just a poor little kid from God knows where. You probably think that you have been dealt the worst cards with your shity parents and bad fortune, but you don’t know the half of what I had to endure to be here, so shut your mouth.”
Neil was let out of the hold and was now looking at Kevin’s back. The dark haired man was about to make his way to the center of the court to continue practicing, but Neil stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Tell me.” His grip on Kevin only tightened when the other tried to get away.
He could see Andrew getting up from his seat on the stands and sending him murderous looks, but he didn’t care. He wanted to see that fire in Kevin again, he wanted him to remember what Riko did to him, maybe then he would finally open his eyes and stop letting Riko talk shit about them next time they met.
“You said that I don’t understand, so make me.” He let go of Kevin, but took a step closer to him. “Tell me.”
“Not here.” Kevin muttered and exited the court.
Neil followed close behind after sending a mock salute to Andrew, who was still eyeing him with suspicion.
They entered the locker room and Neil held his breath in anticipation. Kevin was walking from side to side and running his head through the mess that was his hair. Neil wanted to push his buttons more, but knew that it would be better to just wait the other out.
“My mom died when I was nine.” Kevin spoke up after stopping his nervous pacing. “I knew Riko before that, I trained with him and he was-” Kevin went silent for a second, before taking a deep breath. “He was my friend. He wasn’t always like he is now, he was, I don’t know he was always an asshole, but-”
“You don’t have to defend him.” Neil chimed in after seeing the clear struggle Kevin was facing.
“I belong to Riko.” Kevin stated without looking at Neil. “I don’t know why he is allowing me to stay here, I don’t know what his goal is and the worst thing is that I don’t think he knows either. I don’t provoke him, because he is unpredictable. You may think you know what he is going to do next, but it is always a risk. He doesn’t care about the consequences even if they are painful for him.”
Neil snorted at that. Thinking about Riko facing any kind of consequences was a laughable matter.
“You laugh, but you have no idea how the master is.” Kevin’s voice was trembling. “Riko wasn’t allowed to hurt me in places that would be visible or cause me an injury that would prevent me from playing and yet he let his temper get the better of him. I wasn’t there to witness it, but I doubt the master took it well.”
Neil was surprised by the prospect of Riko being in any way punished for his actions. Kevin probably thought that it would bring some sympathy from him, but it only made Neil satisfied. He was way more focused on another part of what Kevin had said.
“So he was allowed to hurt you.” He saw Kevin’s face pale. “What did he do?”
Kevin shook his head and took a step back. His legs hit the bench and he collapsed onto it with a terrified expression on his face.
“Kevin.” Neil started to say.
“No.” Kevin’s voice was firmer than his current posture would imply. “Don’t make me talk about it.”
Neil wanted to drill into the topic, to make Kevin break. He wanted to make Kevin think about it and feel the same rage that was the constant companion in Neil’s chest since Kathy's show, but looking at Kevin curled up on himself, looking like a little child even in his over six foot tall frame, made him retreat.
He approached Kevin carefully and crouched down in front of the bench to catch his gaze, since the other striker was looking down at the floor.
“I won’t.” His voice was soft, to not freak out Kevin further. “But I want you to remember it. I want you to think about how unfair it was of him to treat you like that the next time you see him. I want you to look at him and see only the brutal and cruel monster that he is and then I want you to face him, not from behind Andrew’s back, but right in his face.” Neil saw Kevin shaking his head and he gripped the other’s jaw to stop the movement. “Don’t hide from him, Andrew’s got your back if it goes south, just fight, stop letting him get away with treating you, treating all of us, like shit.”
“I don’t think I can.” Kevin whispered back.
“Try anyway.”
Neil looked away from the intensity of Kevin’s gaze, because of the heavy footsteps entering the locker room. He took his hand away from Kevin’s face and the other man practically bolted for the showers.
Neil sighed and got up from the floor to glare at Andrew.
“I almost had him.”
Andrew looked at him unimpressed. He was clearly almost completely out of his meds and if he didn't fall asleep soon he would be in agony. Neil sighed at his unresponsive and unhelpful teammate and made his way to the showers as well.
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Nicky and Neil continue their heart to heart.
"The only reason I stayed when Coach offered me a spot was so I could fix this," Nicky said. "I thought if I had more time I could show Aaron and Andrew how to be brothers again. And I'm not giving up, not by a long shot, but I've realized by now I can't fix it on my own. I hate to say it, but I wish Renee would hurry up and make her move." Neil had no idea how the conversation had gone from murder to Renee. He ran over the last couple seconds of their conversation in his head, then gave up and asked, "What? I thought you didn't like her." Nicky bolted upright like Neil struck him. "Who doesn't like Renee?" Neil almost volunteered himself as a prime example, but he didn't want to derail the conversation further. He amended his words to, "No one likes how friendly she is with Andrew." "Not to throw my own cousin under the bus, but everyone knows he's not good enough for her. In a perfect world Renee would settle down with a nice Christian boy who'd invest in her charity projects and love her half to death. In this world she's got her eyes set on Andrew. I'd intervene for her sake but I'm getting desperate. Andrew needs something to distract him from all of his issues." Neil thought about his conversation with Kevin a few weeks ago. "What about Exy?" "Now you sound like Kevin." Nicky rubbed at his temples like he was warding off a headache. "Exy isn't an option here, okay? You can love Exy all you want, but it's never gonna love you back." Neil should let it go, but the challenge was out before he could stop it. "So?" "Oh my God." Nicky looked torn between horror and pity. "Seriously? That might be the saddest thing I've ever heard." Neil should have just kept his mouth shut. "I need to study." "Don't you dare." Nicky snatched his math pamphlet off the desk and dropped it on the ground by his chair. "Listen up. There's obsession and there's dysfunction. You can't make Exy your end-all be-all. This won't last forever, okay? You'll shine bright, then you'll retire, and then what? You gonna spend the rest of your life at home alone with all your trophies?" "Leave it," Neil said. Maybe Nicky heard the quiet warning in Neil's voice, because he gentled his tone. "You can't be just this, Neil. This isn't enough to live for. I could take you down to Columbia sometime, just the two of us, and have Roland introduce you around. He's got a lot of great friends. At this point I won't even care if it's a girl so long as you—" "Why don't you like girls?" Nicky looked startled by the interruption, but he rallied quickly and made a face. "They're so soft." Neil thought about Renee's bruised knuckles, Dan's fierce spirit, and Allison holding her ground on the court a week after Seth's death. He thought about his mother standing unflinching in the face of his father's violent anger and her ruthlessly leaving bodies in their wake. He felt compelled to say, "Some of the strongest people I've known are women."
Day: Thursday, October 5th Time: 11:20 PM EST
#aftg#all for the game#neil josten#trk#the raven king#the foxhole court#andrew minyard#palmetto state university#psu foxes#andreil#on this day in aftg#otdiaftg#palmetto state foxes#otdi all for the game#nora sakavic#the foxes#on this day in all for the game#kevin day#nicky hemmick#aaron minyard#coach wymack#betsy dobson#abby winfield#matt boyd#dan wilds#renee walker#allison reynolds
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chapter 6 thoughts: (spoilers ahead!)
oh. fuck.
he was king. now he’s a martyr.
holy shittttt
aftg really brings us all together, this is random but i love talking to other fan accounts about the books
anyway fanfics will no longer have to speculate when rikos funeral was, and if kevin attended or not (or if he had a mental breakdown about it)
also neil u have no tact babe and i love u for it
oh renee ur so lovely ur so insightful (neil u should listen to what she has to say)
jean and his ‘i won’t grieve him’ ❤️🫶
- ‘promise me’ jean said with a desperation that should have kill him, nathaniel didn’t hesitate, ‘i promise’ SHUT THE FUCK UP I LOVE THEM THANK U NORA THIS IS EVERYTHING I WANTED FROM THIS BOOK
it’s 1:40 am and i’ve just made a cup of tea to keep myself awake
feeling many things about jeans perusal of the fox photo wall and taking renee’s picture
i know these motherfuckers aren’t accusing neil kevin and jean of abandoning that cunt and leading to his ‘suicide’
WE ARE THE RIGHT PEOPLE I THINK JUST NOT THE RIGHT TIME (look i am admittedly not a jean/renee shipper but good god they are so sweet in this)

screaming as silently as i can rn
- petition for someone to put summertime sadness on the jean playlist
whattttt is the mystery about jeremy’s family?? what is this fabled fall banquet that tore his family in half im so intrigued i have to know more
jeremy dad of the trojans checking to see that they’re safe and also cody first cannon non binary character??? pls say yes
accidentally fell asleep in the middle of my planned all nighters whoops it’s currently 7 am
chapter 7:
“I like to indulge,” Jeremy said with a dimpled smile. Kevin’s words mocked him in the back of his thoughts: “Some of them you like.”
i did. notice this in chapter 2 or whatever but is this?? are we getting jerejean???? that’s what this means righ??
jeremy wdym ‘oh to be the pampered elite’ u have a butler??
jean defending kevin saying he’s earned the right to be arrogant be still my beating heart i love these stubborn mother fuckers
He was years away, watching a different beautiful boy lean in close to say, Will you teach me when he’s not watching? It could be our secret.
chapter 8!!
flicked him a sly look. “Easy on the eyes, maybe.”
also so glad that there’s 100% confirmation cat and laila are dating (shared bedroom!)
the description of laila and cats lounge room is so soft and cozy im so jealous i wish i was there
barkbark von barkenstein u will never top sir fat cat mcatterson (although props to nora for always having simultaneously the worst and most creative names for pets)
jean telling cat she’s a good player but misses every ball at her hips is literally every raven! (someone) fic ever come to life where they meet a relatively normal other team and have absolutely no tact or awareness of what others considered rude and immediately tell the other players what their weaknesses are (i’m obsessed)
“Yes,” he said, and if he didn’t sound sure, he at least sounded angry. “Let them all burn. I hope none of them survive.” BABY I LOVE U IM SO PROUD OF U UR SAFE NOW FUCK RIKO FUCK THE RAVENS FUCK THE MASTER
“Oh, he’s good. A bit rude, but I like him. I think we’re going to be good friends.”
i’d say the exact same thing
*jeremy giving jean the keys*
well it’s not andreil levels of drama and symbolism but love a good comparison
or they do not care enough about her wellbeing. It’s unforgivable either way.”
giggling a bit over jean being up in arms about boba knowing that he’d be seriously unimpressed with me if he knew how much boba i drank
he wants to know what it was for
The Ravens had given up everything to be the undefeated champions, only to be destroyed last month by a tiny team from South Carolina.
“Loving something is not enough,” Jean told him, right on cue. “When is the last time you enjoyed playing?” Jeremy asked. “Irrelevant,” Jean said. “I am Jean Moreau; I am perfect Court. I do not need to enjoy it to be the best backliner in the NCAA.”
that was what Jean felt safest in, Jeremy would back his decision wholeheartedly.
chapter 9999
also i’m so glad that we have jeremy/laila/cat friendship like in fics and stuff they were always best buddies coz they were the only trojan characters named in the books but it’s great to see they’re actually good friends in cannon
“I need you to listen to me for one moment,” Laila said, “and I need you to believe me when I say it. Fuck Coach Moriyama.”
cat talking macronutrients and promising to help with his diet so it’s still familiar but more fun in order to begin healing jeans relationship with food is so important to me
nora bleaching jeremy’s hair blonde after telling us she was shocked we all headcannoned him as blonde while she thought he was brunette is so funny to me,, don’t worry fan artists u do not have to change a thing!
(frosted tips made me giggle too, jeremy u pussy)
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?”
chapter 10
jean learning basic household chores like sorting and washing clothes and deep cleaning the apartment and learning his way around a supermarket <3
Afternoons were filled with whatever the women were in the mood for that day, be it wandering downtown, shopping, or combing through estate sales.
Jean went where they took him because it was better than being left in the house alone,
Ravens graduated; they didn’t leave.
fuck if that didn’t just stop my heart
i definitely should have been more wary of the trigger warnings. if anyone is wanting to read the book but is worried about certain parts, i’d be happy to let y’all know what sections are triggering so u can try and skip around them.
But Jean was not a Raven, and Wayne was dead.
the thought of that quiet space with its single bed was so repulsive he turned toward the living room instead. - this is so important to me
He could sense the others’ presence even if they weren’t around to bother him, and that was enough to take the edge off the loneliness eating at his heart.
literally end my life i’m so happy for jean, he’s healing slowly but surely
this was better than anything he’d ever had. It was worlds more than he deserved. He feared it as much as he wanted it;
wait wtf,, zane is reacher??? in literally every raven fic ever reacher is the most abusive character other than riko
^ yeah i wrote that two seconds before then reading jeans panic attack about drowning and the trigger of riko waterboarding him and neil and now i want to cry
#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#tsc#the sunshine court#jean moreau#jeremy knox#laila dermott#catalina alvarez#nora sakavic#usc trojans#renee walker#neil josten#andrew minyard#kevin day#david wymack#nathaniel wesninski
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Goddamn why does dark Selina have to be so cool??
Suarez can freeze dark Selina???? That is badass.
My God Ira is rolling so well. 27 dice of damage? That is insane.
Did he just strip Reiss of his perfect clarity easy peasy? Yes! Anything to make Reiss look like the loser he is.
Goddamn Arabella is also very cool. Team astral is going strong.
Ira not wanting Arabella to associate with him. 😂 I'm glad they can still laugh and be a little silly in all this.
Noo they counterthaum his thingy??? Oh they failed.
Reiss failed!!! Yay! I really hope he dies the most pitiful death. Like that people almost don't even care.
Noooooo they possess Eden??? Not our baby! How dare they. 🥺
Apocalyptic form??????????? Oilblsck owl wings, 2 extra arms?? Demon horns??? Extra eyes???? I am cackling. This is def unhinged final battle shit. 😂😂 Also understandable why he didn't use this before, this is not subtle.
Omg the reactions. I don't know I'm ready. 😭
"Oh god." 😭 Wynn bb.
"Miles isn't selfish." 😂 he said that with a straight face too.
Wait who shot Suarez? One of the blsck hand guys?
So basically this roll will mean we might have a season 3 Johnny boss fight??? Plz No. Thank fuck!
-10 on the dice pool??? Wtf Dark Selina?? For someone who loves to fight you don't want to be hit. Kind of mid if you ask me.
13 successes???? That's my boy!!!!! Hell yeah Johnny!!!! Okay she rolls 7 successes but still!
She soaks 11 and she halves all damage?? Goddamn! That is fucked up. Like I know she is powerful but fuck!
46 dice blood pool???
Garrett rolling so bad for her blood pool 😂😂😂 that is so funny.
Wait what??? Why is she all of a sudden getting 6 agg? Me so confused. But I mean I'm not mad about it.
Uhoh this sounds like a Lasombra black hand person.
Okay I know I'm late in asking this in the last episode, hlbut how is lethal damage less bad than agrivsted damage? That makes no sense.
Johnny just got 9 blood? Woah! So tenah is sacrificing herself rn, right?
Oh god Suarez dead and headless?? Brutal.
I feel like Johnny saving the life of the werewolf is so pivotal, maybe not in actual combat but in showing who Johnny is as a person.
Oh, I guess I should have said trying to save the life of that lupine.
Everything goes black??? He dies???? Hahaha haha I'm not laughing hysterically and panicked, you are!
Noooooo!!!! Not just like that?!!?? Wtf 😭😭😭 I somehow assumed Johnny would live. He's such a beast. Now who's gonna kill dark Selina?!?
Also remember 3 lines ago when I said the choice might not be pivotal to this fight. Well I was definitely wrong.
I am screaming!!!! What if Miles made a final deal to get Johnny back oml 😍😍😍
Rebecca trying to be a good girl and reminding Lex of Selina powers and being rewarded with the knowledge that it's a presence power. 🥰
She soaks 11??? Damn. Britta is trying her hardest. 😭
Wow dark Selina, jealous of Britta in all this? That's wild. Also spreading Britta's bosyparts across the state like some fucked up treasure hunt is highly messed up!
Dark Selina is so petty. 😂😂😂 "Your father is dead, shut up."
Come on Miles, baby! What's one more deal for your boo? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (I scared my dog I screeched that hard)
He can fucking teleport???? I'm sorry, demon Miles is fucking dope. Even the demon portals are kind of a charm.
Holding someone up in the air by the neck.
The fucking shocked Gasp from Rob when Lex said Neil 😭😭😭 I'm immediately crying.
(the line: "the only thing that makes sense to you is that wherever you are, Neil is there." is gonna be such a lifeline for shippers to cling to.)
Johnny, baby. 😭 The hug. The conversation. I don't know why, but I wasn't ready for this.
Remember when we were laughing at Wynn sending tremere to their room and not sobbing? Good times.
Omg I kind of forgot about the Johnny resurrection. Damn poor Neil all alone again.
Johnny can control his frenzy???? Woah!!! Kill this bitch!!!
"Save them, I've made the deals I needed to." Stop! 😭
The glee in Tim's voice killing these people.
Noooooo the oubliette!
Wait now she has jess and Eden???
😂😂😂 They're in the last battle of the world and they're arguing about if they need to scrap movie night from the curriculum.
Ira is such a badass.
Noooooo Reiss!!!!, now she's gonna eat the girls.
No nono nono Reiss cannot leave! He needs to die!!!
Yaaaaay fire damage!!
Okay now that I've cheered and all that I'm basically only halfway through this episode. Uhoh!
Omg Weathers????
Johnny and the fire flower.
"He ran away." Wynn plz 😭
"Miles thinks you should do that can you change your line, Miles?" 😂
Wait why are we taking Delgado?
Thank you, Miles! I mean I get the complicated relationship Johnny but wild to just bring him.
Wynn is not taking Neil's death well, not that I think she would. But she's angry.
AAAAAAAHHHHH is he gonna drink her??? Yes pllleaase!!! Noooooo whyyy you gotta be sensible??? 😭
Johnny going from angry to soft at Miles. "Friends till the end." 😭😭😭
If they know the weapon that kills Selina, why do they need pendragon just go to Hartford and get it?
The Britta/Johnny hug 🥺🥺🥺 (I know someone who is gonna Love this)
This is a testament to how insane shit has been that I had already forgotten that Wynn had to choose between Neil and Britta back then.
Not the almost childlike hope of Johnny that they can just find Neil's ghost and solve this.
"and tries to tell herself to get up, because he's not coming to help her." excuse you! I'm walking my dog and crying rn. I thought we might have a quick break where I could be in public and listen to this goddamn podcast!
Miles trying his best to sound so casual up on the rooftop. But still hoping there is a way. Saying he doesn't think he can stay instead of full out saying he can't. Damn.
Even in this moment you cannot unravel your emotional constipation???? God fucking damnit Miles!!!
You're making me fucking cry about cigarettes??
Britta: I don't know if I like being called a death assassin
Wynn: I don't know what other kind there is.
Touche Wynn. 😂
Why does it sound like they are kind of leaving Britta behind? That would be fucked up.
Johnny and his girls though, how perfect would that be? Okay good Britta is gonna get to do her own thing by her own choice instead of just being left behind. 😂
Yaaaaay Britta finally saying she is good at something! Only took us 100 episodes to get her to recognise her potential.
Miles' final piece of accounting advice: it's your car, you can paint it any colour you want.
Uhoh. UHOH. Noooooo. We knew this was coming, but it's still so freaking sad. Fucking Lucinde, why is she just the worst? Even when she's gone she is still ruining this. Why not let them have one last night together? One last group hug. Wynn fearfully begging Miles to go and make sure she never finds him.
Miles still taking care of all of them though, making sure they have papers and money.
If I'm gonna be honest I kind of assumed/hoped we would just kill Lucinde before this was an issue.
Jessica is so awesome. (this is a compliment! Before we have a whole John is so cool thing all over again. 😂)
I cannot believe John Fucking Reiss is still alive!!!! I stfg! That was my only hope. That he'd die. 😂
What the fuck??? Roman Pendragon did a TV interview covered in blood??? 😂😂😂😂 Sorry that makes me crack up. That is insane.
"I'll miss you most of all, scarecrow." 😂
"... Into the dark." idk why but those last three words gave me goosebumps. I can't believe it's done.
Also on the one hand I'm glad Miles is alive, but idk maybe it's because I so assumed he'd would for sure die. And I hoped he'd die sacrificing himself. But if I really let go of my obsession with bringing Miles pain and being the idea of him and Arabella like that is kind of funny. Also the fact that Zofiel always gets his way is amusing. I also know that alive is aparently a stretch after that ritual.
The not my name?!? Omg
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omg i forgot it was wednesday!! requesting mafia restaurant this time!! hope you’re doing well aerie
WIP Wednesday (4/3) | Mafia Front Restaurant AU (Part 127)
After fifteen minutes of people watching and reading Tweets over Kevin’s shoulder, Neil’s about to go insane. His restlessness is something he’s never grown out of and he’s starting to feel cooped up. Like a dog tied to a tree. Or left in a car...
“What’s the matter?” ask Kevin from the front.
Neil looks up at him. “Huh?”
“You keep sighing.” Kevin says.
“I do not,” Neil argues. Then he looks towards the door to the shop and lets out a breath.
“You just did it again.” Kevin says, turning in his seat. He starts to laugh quietly. “You sound like an old dog.”
“Shut up.” Neil pouts, remembering Jean’s joke about him being a pet. “What is taking him so long?”
“It’s not been that long.” Kevin says, looking back down at his phone. “You’re just antsy all the time.”
Well, he’s got a point. Neil glances out the window to see Jean exiting the shop with quite a few bags in his trolley. Oh, thank God. He’s finally done. When he gets to the car, Jean loads most of the groceries into the trunk. Except for one bag that he brings with him into the front seat.
“Took you long enough. I thought we were going to have to send out a search party.” Neil snides as soon as Jean climbs in. Jean gives him a look in the rearview.
“This is the thanks I get for searching for this for ten minutes?” Jean asks, slipping a magazine out of the bag. Neil’s mouth falls open.
“You do care.” He says with a smile, reaching for the magazine.
“Of course I do, you imbecile.” Jean folds the magazine and slaps Neil in the side of the head with it before dropping it in his lap. The smack rattles Neil’s brain a bit and Kevin snorts. Jean clears his throat. “For your information, they moved the magazine stand to the other side, nearer the bakery section.”
“Thanks,” Neil says, hand coming to his head. “Can we go now?”
“God, you’re never happy. Are you?” Jean asks, starting the car.
“I’m not sure. Thanks for the concussion.” Neil says, then he waves the magazine. “And this, I guess.”
Kevin snorts. “All three of us have had concussions. I think it takes a little more than that.”
Jean and Neil share a look in the rearview mirror again. The two of them know exactly what it takes to get a concussion, courtesy of Riko Moriyama, but they silently agree not to bring it up. Because, while it’s sort of cathartic for the two of them to bitch about Riko, it only serves to make Kevin feel like shit.
#i'm doing okay but my brain is fighting me this week. lol i might die. it's already almost monday... and i've only done like 7/34 TWT#aftg#kevjean#Mafia Restaurant AU#WIP Wednesday#🕊️#answered#anon
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Hi!! I went back to my notes. I need to scratch that itch in my brain (writing down information) anyways, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES A 15TH ENTITY?????
Mag 134: Time of Revelation
As you can tell from my above comment, I am very surprised. How was I supposed to know. The Extinction. Again, killer name. Is that what's going to be the main villain of this season? Thats what it feels like so far. Also, interesting The Web and The End never tried a ritual. Plus, the idea of The Extinction wiping us out to replace us with another race to fear it in return. Thats cool. But that makes me think are we like part of the cycle? Was there a race before us but then they got wiped out. I guess not because The Extinction is a newer entity. Okay ignore that
One thing that's been bouncing around my brain is like..if any rituals worked. Like these entities have been around for I dunno since fear was possible I guess. Rituals, while they take centuries to set up, would be pretty common to succeed so I'm just wondering if any entity succeeded in a ritual that led to the world now.
I still don't like Peter. "Hopefully our patron" SHUT UP. Also love that Martin helped out Jon with all those recorders. Because Jon can sense them. though I guess he didn't know that
MAG 135: Dark Matter
The last of the trio of statements (MAG 57, MAG 106). I did point out that in MAG 106, her fingertips were burned. I guess its because she handled a god damn SUN. A DARK SUN?? Anyways Maxwell Rayner appearance, woo. Also, an explanation behind Daedalus which i throughly enjoyed. Although the part about the nyctophobe being used as a battery did make me genuinely sick to my stomach. Dunno why that was the most unnerving part of this podcast to me.
Anyways, a ritual for The Dark. Took them a while, like a solid 4 years. in Norway too. Home of Jurgen leitner. You would think killing Rayner would stop them but no! Cant be that hard to end their ritual, just point a flashlight at them
MAG 136: The Puppeteer
I love seeing different perspectives to the same story oh my god. Anyways this is related to MAG 110, obviously. I wonder if neil lagorio knew about..The Web from the beginning. Was he in cahoots? They said he would send people to watch previews of his movies and they were never the same so i feel like he was. Plus he was described with no warmth behind his eyes and that sounds very not human so.
Annabelle Cain. She popped up before in MAG 69. Nice to see she's branching off to other hobbies like killing old men. I think she killed him at least. And now that were talking about her, I'm reminded of Jons zippo lighter with the web design. Did she somehow send it? Because that zippo lighter was given to him in like s1 and it hasn't been used for any plot important stuff and I'm getting antsy over it, who sent it, I swear to god. Chekhov's Lighter.
Also, "there's me, Melanie, Basira-" "Traumatized, traumatized, paranoid" that is the funniest thing wtf. Another thing, I am very worried about Melanies therapist. like very. Melanie please be careful girl
MAG 137: nemesis
War statements always make me feel bad. So Wallis Turner gave this statement at the Pu Songling Research Centre (MAG 105) which is yknow the sister institute. I wonder if they serve The Eye as well. Anyways "Nemesis" appeared before in MAG 105. Im guessing the entity related to this is The Slaughter. Crazy their ritual failed, those losers. The Risen War. God why are all the names so cool.
ALSO, Eric. What did Gertrude mean about telling gerry about following in his dads footsteps? I checked my notes and in Mary Keays statement, it's implied Eric serves The End. At least that's what I got. he did get a gruesome end. Sorry.
I think that's everything. I see the next statement is Robert Smirke, oh my god. I need to know what this insane architect was up to, I'm so excited.
#the magnus archives#tma#tma s4#tma podcast#zabala0z thoughts#low-key missed my notes#Im not going to write down all the details from every episode like I did before#Know when I had free time and stuff. But I will write down connections I notice#My shitty brain kinda needs it#Anyways#Still hate Peter Lukas#And Elias#My two least favorite characters#now make them kiss
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for the oc ask thing: Corn (because the name thing alone is hilarious)
Who would your OC say is their best friend?Who would call your OC their best friend?
There's no art this time, but if you're picturing an under-nourished 20 year old with really patchy stubble? You're in the right ballpark.
The Cornelius Whose Dumbshit Friends Call 'Corn' Even Though 'Neil' Is A Perfectly Good Name.
It's not even his dumbshit friends' fault? Well. It is. They've got autonomy and free will and shit and they could stop at any time but no, they're fucking comedians. Whatever. They're happy. And Corn never gets his coffee orders mixed up with anyone else's.
But yeah, his hysterical friends didn't come up with "Corn" on their own. That was his big sister. She'd been 4 years older thn him and couldn't manage 'Corneilus.' Which. That had probably been adorable. Corn wouldn't know. Corn wasn't there. Well, he was there, but as an infant so you know how that is. Or rather, you know how that isn't. Just not a lot of nominative discretion at that age. Anyways, "Corn" wasn't his friends' fault or his big sister's fault or Corn's fault for not objecting immediately. CORN, both his name and his existence, was his parents' fault. Seriously. Who has a kid and then, with love in their hearts, names it Corneilus? Corn's parents. Ugh. Anyhow. Corn's just a dude. Lower middle lower class. White. Cis. Hetero, but open minded. He's only just turned 20. He's got his high school diploma and he's working as many jobs as he can swing to save up for trade school. He's gonna get HVAC certification. Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling. The world's weather is going to shit, but Corn's gonna be ready to cash in on making rich folks and businesses private climates of their very own. After he can afford tuition. There's two things about Corn: 1. He knows a lot of dudes. Like, it's a waste that he's not gay. It's so much easier to meet dudes. But he's not. He checked. Which, on one hand, bummer. On the other hand, he's always got friends to chill with or couches to crash on. Even if all those friends call him Corn. That's how he met Sean. He and Sean are tight. 2. The other thing about Corn. Dumb shit just… happens around Corn. Like, he was delivering pizza for his last job and he got mugged! And they freakin' stabbed him! But it hit a rib so it wasn't deep, just bleeding everywhere. And while he was freaking out and desanguinating—is it de-sanguinating or ex-sanguinating?—whatever. His sangre was going Ev.Er.Ey.Where. But while that was happening, his MUGGERS got MUGGED. And the second round of muggers gave him first aid! He was pretty loopy by then, so he heard about the first aid from the ambulance crew, but shit like that just kinda happens to Corn. Like, the police are pretty sure that a giant black and red spider mutant ate Corn's shitty granddad. The place was busted up and there's security camera footage of this bug thing and nobody's seen his granddad in months. Which. Corn is pretty cool with. The guy was an ass. But like, "Hi, I'm Corn. A mutant ate my granddad." Not resume material. And, like, right now? Corn's pretty sure his best friend and current squat-mate, Sean, is dating a gang member. Corn and Sean had this exact conversation. "I don't get why you hook up with these people."
"Shut up, you don't know he's in a gang."
"He's a cut Asian dude that works all night, has a ton of money, comes home with bruises, and is covered in tattoos." "He's sweet to me."
"At least ask about the tattoos?!" "OH MY GOD, CORN. YOU CAN'T JUST ASK YOUR RICH, CUT, TATTOOED, ASIAN BOYFRIEND IF HE'S A GANG LORD. That's so racist."
Then Corn actually face palmed. (Because this is just like Enrique. Noooo! He's not dealing out of our apartment! It'll be fiiiine! I don't care how many visitors he has, he makes rent on time. Don't be so sensitive. He looooooves me. Which is why Sean and Corn don't have that apartment anymore and are squatting a friend's aunt's empty B&B listing, hoping it never gets rented. Thanks, Enrique.) But Sean and Corn love each other—not like that—the other way. Yeah. The ride-or-die way. Their motto is practically 'Even If Sean Has To Date Danger Cock We Will Face The Future Together Because Even If He Were Normal About Relationships, Corn's Orbiting Weirdness Would Make Life Go To Hell Anyways So We're Not Abandoning Each Other Even If Sean Has To Help Change Corn's Double-Mugging Bandages.' Truly words to live by.
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt oc#tmnt rp#human oc#Sean is dating Fong from the Purple Dragons#That's gonna be a problem later#TMNT did save Corn from his initial mugging and give him first aid#TMNT also stole his pizza#Maybe it was their order?#But probably not#Corn didn't get in trouble or anything#He was busy being hospitalized#And yeah#The old guy from Season 1 who turns into SpiderBytes was Corn's asshole granddad#Let him believe the old man was eaten#that's a cooler story
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My first proper attempt at writing a genuine fanfic instead of the joke fics I've written in the past. Idk what the title is and I'm definitely not that great of a writer so there might be typos or grammar mistakes so ermmmmm go easy on me.
It's Vyvyan x Neil. There's only one fic of these two and I gotta stick up for the less popular ships bc that's just how I am.
Yelling, violence, and filth. An average day in the life of The Young Ones. Mike sat at the kitchen table, casually reading the daily newspaper. Vyvyan and Rick bickered about some bullocks next to the telly. And then there was poor ol' Neil. Neil, Neil, orange peel, standing there sulking and making the tea, since he practically did everything around here. All of the cleaning and all of the cooking. He was practically a 1950s house wife!
Vyvyan and Rick's banter turned violent, per usual, as the spikey haired ginger began throwing punches. He then grabbed the nearest object to whack the spotty bastard with. His weapon of choice just so happened to be Neil's rustic acoustic guitar. Before Neil was threatened to make the god-awful lentil tea they consumed every day, he was sat by the couch, playing a crappy tune. The sound of Vyvyan bashing Rick's head in with the already busted up guitar filled the room. Damn thing can barely play a note as it was poorly put back together with cheap ducktape, done by Neil himself in a futile effort to repair it. The guitar practically crumpled in his arms everytime he played a note. It's not like he'd be able to get new one anyways. None of them could even afford to use clean water. Hope you're happy, Thatcher!
The gloomy hippie turned his head at the sight, wearing his trademark frown. "Awh man, that's really heavy, Vyv. I've been, like, making a concept album for about two months now, and I was finally coming around to one of the songs. Not like any of you care, since you all hate me so much-" He was cut off with a shared "SHUT UP, NEIL!" From both the punk and the poet. Mike just nodded, agreeing with the statement as he continued to read his paper, wearing his sunglasses indoors. Neil sighed heavily as he began pouring the lentil nightmare that they considered "tea". He'd have to tape up his guitar some more, if there's even any tape left, that is.
Neil served them the lentil slop before getting assaulted with whatever item Vyvyan chose to use, then he sulked up the stairs to his bedroom, dragging the broken guitar behind him. As Vyvyan saw him do so, a peculiar thought came to to his mind, "I could fix that easily." It's true, he could, but he didn't want to be nice, especially to Neil of all people! On the other hand, Vyvyan was extremely bored. Even the violence was getting somewhat tedious. Not like he'd stop anytime soon, but Vyvyan hasn't partook in any of his actual hobbies in a long while. Like combining random chemicals to make some sort of "medical breakthrough", only for it to end up being explosive. Or tinkering his beloved car. Hell, Vyvyan even played guitar as well, he just wasn't able to play since he broke his beyond repair. In comparison, Neil's guitar would be a breeze.
Vyvyan decided that he was going to snag that guitar from Neil real quick and get working at it in the toolshed... Not like that, you pervy! He was definitely not doing it to be nice to Neil. Of course not! It's not like he held some sort of miniscule soft spot for him. He also didn't deep-down admire how much Neil did for them all, even if he moped about it constantly. Vyvyan ESPECIALLY did not like how Neil looked in that dress that apparently belonged to Rick. Nope, that image definitely didn't come to mind every once in a while when he's having a good wa- *BANG!*
Loud construction noises came from the dinghy tool shed Vyvyan put up months ago. Okay, he wasn't the best handy man. Bugger off, he's doing his best!
"Vyayan." Rick called out, standing outside said tool shed, hands on his hips, ready to yell at him for whatever he did this time. Vyvyan ignored him.
"Vyvyan!" He called out louder. Vyvyan ignored him again.
"VYVYA-" Rick screamed before the door cracked open, only for Vyvyan to hit him over the head with a hammer. That'll shut him up for a bit. He needed to concentrate, for once. He actually wanted to make sure he did a good job on fixing Neil's guitar.
When any of the housemates came along to ask what he was doing in there, he'd respond with something outlandish like "A time machine to prevent Rick from being born". Mike only asked once before going about his own business. Rick tried to be nosy, but it'd only come back to hit him over the head. Literally. It didn't take long for Rick to get a headache and a shiner from it all. Neil didn't bother to ask, likely based off the results from Rick. Instead, he only came by the tool shed to ask for the watering can, in which Vyvyan tossed at him from inside the shed. It nearly hit him but instead it hit the ground next to him. He thought it was strange, but Neil didn't feel like getting a shovel to the groin like Rick, so he just went about his gardening, even if his plants are past their death. They were so shriveled up and dark you couldn't make out what he even planted in the first place.
Vyvyan would take breaks throughout the day, causing the usual chaos around the house, but he made sure to return to the toolshed to finish up that guitar. He did this for the past two days until he was finished. He honestly felt proud with his handy work here, even if it didn't look the best. A few dents and scratches were permanent on its body, but it was a major improvement overall. Vyvyan decided to test it out, tuning the strings by ear and playing an a simple A chord. Bloody brilliant! He was lucky that his uncle Eddie taught him a thing or two about tools, even if he was a total tool himself. He was pretty sure him and Rick's uncle were going out. He cringed at that thought. Rick's uncle was as much of a pratt as Rick himself was. Must be genetic, similar to how alcoholism runs in Vyv's family tree.
It was dark out and Neil was still awake in his room, insomia keeping him up as he painted out his astrological chart. Some of that hippie bullocks he likes. He heard foot steps outside the door, but paid no attention to it, that's until he heard the door crack open. As soon the tall brunette turned his attention to the door, it was shut immediately, leaving only his guitar leaning against the wall. Neil's eyebrows raised, perplexed. It was like his guitar came back from the dead. Was he being haunted by the ghost of his guitar? He didn't even think that they had souls. He slowly made his way to the door, looking to see if anyone was out there. No one was in the hallway, but in the corner of his eye he saw Vyvyan peeking his head out his door like a meerkat, before quickly closing the door behind him. Suddenly, Neil felt like his stomach was full of butterflies... That might just be the lentils acting up again. Time to continue that song on the toilet, hopefully without being hassled this time.
#i tried to make it somewhat humorous bc the young ones is a comedy after all yadda yadda#its vaugely punkpye but its there#idk if i should post it on AO3 or not so im just posting it here for now#the young ones#tyo#vyvyan basterd#neil pye#rick pratt#mike the cool person#rik mayall#ade edmondson#nigel planer#punkpye#hope yall like thr references to Neils heavy concept album hehe#and the richie and eddie mention#i tried to keep them in character hope i succeeded
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12 and 21, for the Good Omens asks
12. Has your interaction with the good omens fandom been overall good or bad?
Definitely both. As a franchise it’s definitely a lot of fun to talk about and engage in fun little scenarios and headcanons for. The source material is quirky and funny but also deep and thought-provoking, which is a really good combination when it comes to these things. I think my favourite part was always the “Crowley invented this” meme. Remember how there was that running joke where you’d point to some everyday annoyance or inconvenience and say “Crowley did that”? Loved that. Great fun. Genuinely quite therapeutic.
The bad part was, maybe not surprisingly, The Discourse. And listen, as far as the question of “should series 1 be considered Actual Queer Rep” goes, I think there are good arguments on both sides. It’s a complicated topic and obviously a lot of people are going to be bringing their personal feelings and experiences to the table. But like so many internet arguments, any kind of nuance got very quickly drowned in the sea of people obnoxiously trying to shut down anything contrary to what they thought and insisting that anyone who disagreed with them must be morally bad in some way. Like, the people who acted like it was the end of the world if anyone said anything even mildly critical of the way it handled things caused me a lot more anger and frustration than anything Good Omens itself ever did or didn’t do.
The other downside was, to be honest, I never really liked the level of involvement the author had with the fandom, or the way some fans acted (and still act) about him. I don’t like “word of god” at the best of times, I don’t think author comments should be considered “canon” or that anyone should have to take them into account in their interpretation of the material, and with GO that sort of thing was really difficult to avoid. Like it was just expected that everyone was going to listen to what Neil Gaiman said on twitter or whatever and factor it into their reading, and as a result sometimes you’d see people insisting that “such and such is canon” when hardly anyone who just watched the show and took it at face value would come away with that as an interpretation. Like, you shouldn’t have to do background research to have a full understanding of something! I don’t care what Neil Gaiman said on bloody twitter and I shouldn’t have to!
Anyway, those were my major bugbears, but apart from that it’s been a lot of fun, especially in the early days of series 1. I love reading fics that capture the story’s tone and the characters; they’re very fun and endearing characters to engage with and honestly just to play with like dolls in a sandpit. My best experiences with the fandom have primarily been laughing at posts going “lol Crowley glues pound coins to the pavement and then tries to pick them up the next day”. I’m not as active in the fandom these days but I’d still like more of that.
21. do you prefer crowley's hair from s1 or s2? why?
That’s tricky. The colour in S2 is closer to the sort of colour I’d prefer to have myself, and it wasn’t a bad look by any stretch, but the more flashy and obviously-dyed quality maybe wasn’t quite… fitting? Idk. Maybe the first series, just because I preferred the first series in general.
Good Omens ask game
#yeah took me a while to get round to this one#I don’t tumble on the weekends and I got it on Friday night so there wasn’t much time to marshal a response#still I love ask games so wasn’t about to pass it up
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Note: So basically, I was thinking of writing COTT the abridged series, but why not try and get my feet wet and abridge one of my own fics. Not to sound like I'm bragging, but I'm proud of myself with 'Box of Beauty' since I got through my ADHD and the story came across like an episode of the show.
Anyways, here it is...! If I do try to abridge episode one of the show, yay for me.
“This is the millionth time we’re fighting Cronus…!” shouted Jay.
“It’s to keep the episodes going,” said Odie on the PMR. “How else are the cast and crew going to get employed and put food on the table?”
The teenagers clamoured around Cronus as he beat them all off one by one. “Beating up teenagers is so much fun…!”
He looked around. The God of Time beat all the teenagers.
“I am Xena Warrior Princess! Hear my war cry!” Belle raged on on Pegasus.
“You know, you’re just an OC in part of a fan fiction,” the Time God mocked. “You’re not really apart of the whole show.”
“Take. That. Back.” Belle’s eyes were raging.
Cronus got out the poison and slammed it against his sword. “Never!”
Belle’s face was scared badly.
“Burn…! Literally.”
It was pure bedlam.
Everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Belle has been poisoned and scared!” exclaimed Theresa.
“She can’t bear the responsibility of being the next Zuko!” shouted Herry.
“I’m not ready for a life changing trip with Belle…!” breathed Atlanta.
“Where is the honour?”
“Belle needs the Box of Beauty to be cured of her scar, and the Box is in the Underworld,” began Hera. “But since we use you teenagers as child labour and basically send you out to your deaths, we thank you for not suing us. Especially for complete disregard for your safety. Thank Zeus your parents don’t know what happens at this school.”
“Um, since I’m the only sane one here, I’ll go get the Box of Beauty for Belle myself,” said Neil.
“Just go already, we don’t care about you!” exclaimed the rest of the team.
“Ooh, the Underworld…” Neil looked around him. “I’m sure I can take on anything that comes my way, ahh!”
A bunch of skeletons came after him. “Halloween isn’t until eight months…!”
There was the mausoleum in front of him with the silver box.
“This must be the Box of Beauty,” began Neil. “I must take it so I can use it to save my love…”
He felt himself grew older, and he saw himself become an old man. “What, no I don’t want to be an old man! I don’t wanna drink prune juice!”
The Underworld echoed as he said ‘juice’.
As Neil walked up to the surface, he saw all his friends greet him.
“This old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my thumb…”
“Archie, okay, I get it, I’m an old man! Shut up!”
Belle’s face was restored thanks to Neil and the Box of Beauty, and he accomplished his mission.
“Neil, since you are literally nothing without your good looks, and the show can’t continue on with you as an old man, Aphrodite and I decide to reward you since you saved Belle,” said Poseidon.
“Reward me with what?”
Their hands touched Neil. “God powers, activate!”
Neil was back to his good looking younger self.
“Aw, man, I really wanted to give him prune juice…!” said Archie.
Belle and Neil were at the roof patio.
“You know, I’m beginning to realize a lot of young adult fiction is basically teenagers getting into a lot of dangerous fights,” began Belle. “I mean, look at Harry Potter. If half the things like what happened in the books happened at an ordinary high school, the school would be closed down.”
“That’s the point of it,” began Neil. “It’s just fiction. Plain fantasy. That way, no one gets hurt.”
“So you’re saying that we’re just fictional made up people in a fictional made up world?” she asked.
Neil nodded. “Basically.”
Belle looked out into the horizon. “I’m having an existential crisis right now.”
“Don’t worry,” he kissed her cheek. “I still love you.”
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top five lines from fiction that make you feel things
OOOOO this is SPICY okay so this is no real order but more like order of which I think of them.
under a read more because it got kinda long WHOOPS
1. "You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear" - from The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
Sometimes you're just hit in the FACE with a reminder that there's not guideline to being the perfect person and that being perfect doesn't exist. All that matters is that we are here and alive, and that is enough. That will always be enough.
2. "Maybe you...Maybe you could do it. Maybe you could understand even the tiniest bit of my fate. You could do that, couldn't you?" - The House Fata Morgana
This line makes me insane because it is the turning point of how Michel sees Morgana. Prior to this their dynamic has been Morgana being the mean ghost that bullies Michel into being just as angry and vengeful as she is. But in this moment (this entire scene really) couched within a flashback set before Morgana is kidnapped and drained of her blood until she dies, Michel shares his own traumatic experiences in a show of empathy and support. And as this quote shows it clearly affects Morgana to see someone so similar to her.
I really do think the scene this quote is from is the moment Michel goes from wanting to save Morgana for the sake of saving himself and Giselle to wanting to save Morgana for her own sake.
3. "I don't forgive you, but I do trust you." -The World Ends With you
GOD the Neku and Joshua dynamic fuck me up so bad. Sometimes you're just a kinda shitty kid who shuts yourself out from everything and a shitty god decides to kill you to use you as a pawn in his fucked up game to destroy the city he's grown tired of ruling. But THEN you go through character development and form genuine connections, including with the shitty god and as a result of your growth and connection the god decides to not destroy Shibuya and you restore you and your new friends to life.
So while Neku doesn't forgive Joshua for killing him he does trust him because Shibuya's still standing after all and that has to mean something
4. "If nothing we do matters then all that matters is what you do." -Angel
Angel at its core is a show about redemption and exploring what it really means to do good in a meaningless and oftentimes bleak world. The thesis of the show is summed up in the above quote, which comes after Angel has an epiphany about the nature of his reedmption. There's never going to be some great big epic battle where he defeats all the evil in the world and then gets to be truly redeemed (tm). But he can try to just make a couple lives better, save all he can and that can be enough, at least for the people he saved.
And I think that's true enough for all our lives. Especially nowadays in a world that can feel so cruel and hate-filled there's something beautiful about making the active choice to act with kindness and to help others because someone has to. It's how we choose to find meaning in a meaningless world that says the most about what the point of existing is.
5. "At first I didn't know what she was to me/At first I didn't know why I cared/Or why I wanted/To hold her and rock her to sleep/ Did I need her more than she needed me?" - Black Friday Team Starkid
This song from black friday (titled uh... Black Friday) is specifically for the eldest daughters who practically raised their younger sisters and love their sister more than anyone else in the world.
So this song exists specifically for me and makes me so SAD every time I listen to it/watch Black Friday
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