#G. Floy
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Feira do Livro de Lisboa (1)
Começa-se o Domingo a ir votar antecipadamente para as Eleições Europeias - no próximo fim-de-semana não estarei por cá, e não estou muito confiante no projecto dos cadernos eleitorais desmaterializados (o que não me impede de reconhecer que é uma excelente ideia, e muito necessária) -, para durante a tarde se poder ir à vontade à Feira do Livro de Lisboa. Julgo que estaria mais gente de manhã na Cidade Universitária do que à tarde no Parque Eduardo VII (passe o ligeiríssimo exagero mas a afluência às urnas pareceu-me muito simpática). Dito de outra forma: a Feira do Livro estava animada, mas sem especial enchente, o que é óptimo para quem gosta de circular por lá a ver as bancas.
(a fotografia é propositadamente vaga: podia ter fotografado as alamedas e as bancas, mas a verdade é que não gosto de fotografar pessoas neste tipo de contextos, sobretudo se a ideia for acabar por partilhas as imagens algures)
Quanto ao espólio deste primeiro dia:
Bug - Livro 2, de Enki Bilal: Uma vez que Bilal ainda está a escrever esta série - salvo erro está previsto serem cinco álbuns -, estou a arriscar comprar a edição portuguesa. Há dez anos iria direitinho para uma edição francesa, apesar de estar longe de ser fluente no idioma gaulês, queimado que estava de bandas desenhadas internacionais não serem editadas na íntegra com demasiada frequência. Mas o sector da banda desenhada portuguesa está bastante dinâmico, e tenho esperança de que a assim se mantenha. Este é o segundo livro; o primeiro, comprei-o no ano passado na Amadora, e o terceiro é provável que o compre neste ano no mesmo sítio (já que ir a Beja, com muita pena minha, esteja fora de questão neste ano). Edição Arte de Autor.
O Outro Lado de Z, de Nuno Duarte e Joana Mosi: Depois de O Mangusto, acho que a Joana Mosi passou a ser uma daquelas autoras cujos livros escritos e/ou ilustrados comprarei automaticamente (como a Joana Afonso, por exemplo). Não sei (ainda) muito sobre este O Outro Lado de Z para além da premissa da contracapa, mas não consegui resistir à curiosidade e ao preço convidativo da banca d'A Seita. Edição Kingpin Books/Comic Heart/G. Floy Studio.
Howl's Moving Castle, de Diana Wynne Jones: Quem acompanha Neil Gaiman nas redes sociais mais cedo ou mais tarde vê este livro recomendado. Conheço a história da adaptação de Hayao Miyazaki (um filme magnífico), e tenho alguma curiosidade em descobrir a história original, e quão bem adaptado foi o filme do mestre japonês. Já andava de olho neste livro há algum tempo, e vê-lo na banca da Wook (uma novidade muito interessante da Feira) foi um bom pretexto para o comprar. Edição Harper & Collins (em inglês).
The Ark Sakura, de Kōbō Abe: Descobri este livro há um par de semanas na Fnac, durante a minha hora de almoço. Foi esta belíssima capa ilustrada por Jim Stoddard que me chamou a atenção; ao ler a contracapa, a premissa fez-me pensar em Philip K Dick. Provavelmente será algo completamente diferente daquilo que espero, mas nada como ler para descobrir. Edição Penguin (em inglês)
Por trazer ficaram algumas coisas, que o orçamento não dá para tudo, sobretudo em mês de férias. Mas ainda lá hei-de voltar, espero.
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Moonshine 5, de Azzarello e Risso
O final de Moonshine . #bandasdesenhadas #bandadesenhada #comics #moonshine #brianazzarello #eduardorisso #gfloy
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Living Up To The Legacy ✈️ | Top Gun Maverick Series P.4
Contains major spoilers for TGM
Catch up on the series here -> Series Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Lt. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Barbara ‘Legacy’ Mitchell (past/eventual romance), Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x daughter!OC (platonic), Lt. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin (platonic), Lt. Robert ‘Bob’ Floy (platonic), Lt. Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace (platonic), pretty much the rest of the characters are platonic.
Content Warnings: Character Death (Iceman), profanity, major angst, anxiety, light fluff | Female OC (she/her) | wc: 10.8k
Premise: Phase two of the high risk mission has the Top Gun candidates pushing themselves to the limit. Literally. For Barbara Mitchell, the heat is rising not just in the pressure to prove herself but also the battle against feelings for her ex-husband, Rooster. And when two accidents occur plus the loss of a beloved family friend resulting in Maverick being grounded, Barbara finds herself in the fight of her life to prove the mission can be done. Even if it means risking everything she’s worked for in her nearly decade of service.
Note: more than 50% done 🥺 this one was fun to write. I was going to add another scene but will save it for the next chapter. Please don’t hate me for the ending, I’ve got stuff planned.
“Good morning,” Warlock greeted the pilots as they settled in their seats. After having a fun break the previous day, they were back to business. “The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time,” Barbara felt the air catch in her throat at the news. Around her the others tensed as Warlock continued, “As a result, your mission has been moved up one week in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation.”
“Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low-level course,” Coyote points out the obvious.
“Nevertheless, you’ve been ordered to move on.” Many lean back in their chairs at the sound of that. “Captain.” Switching places with Warlock, Maverick takes to the center.
“We have one week left to focus on phase two. It’s the most difficult stage of the mission. It’s a pop-up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles,” Maverick lifts to fingers to emphasize, the screen behind him depicting a simulation of a mountain. “Two pairs of F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation. Teamwork. Precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the mission’s success and your survival.”
As he breaks down the plan, a blue plane comes into view and follows the white dotted line, “As you know, the plant rests between two mountains. On final approach, you’ll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude and the only possible attack angle. Your target is an impact point less than three meters wide,” Barbara clicks her pen nervously. The sound of that did not look good. “The two-seat aircraft will paint the target with a laser bull’s-eye. The first pair will breach the reactor by dropping a laser-guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch. This will create an opening for the second pair,” Mav raises a single finger, ending with, “That’s miracle number one.”
He then breaks down the second half, “the second team will deliver the kill shot, and destroy the target. That’s miracle number two,” when Mav raises two fingers, Barbara notices Rooster tilt his head so she could see his side profile, like he was trying to look at her. She shakes her head, knowing he’d see the gesture and the pilot sniffs before readjusting his position. “If either team misses the target, the mission is a failure. Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain.”
Hangman cuts in when Maverick pauses, “A steep climb at the speed, you’re pulling at least eight G’s.”
“Nine, minimum,” the Captain corrects to which Rooster comments, “The stress limit of the F-18’s airframe is seven-point-five.”
“That is the accepted limit. To survive this mission, you’ll pull beyond that, even if it means bending your airframe,” at this Cyclone makes a face, not liking what he was hearing. “You’ll be pulling so hard you’ll weigh close to two-thousand pounds, your skull crushing your spine. Your lungs imploding like an elephant’s sitting on your chest, fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. And this is where you’ll be at your most vulnerable.” Maverick faces the group, “This is Coffin Corner.” What a name to call an impending death on an already Hellstorm of a mission. Barbara put a finger to her lip, shutting her eyes when the planes on the simulator crossed into enemy radar.
“Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain, you’ll climb straight up into enemy radar while losing all of your airspeed. Within seconds you’ll be fired upon by enemy SAMs. You’ve all faced sustained G’s before, but this—this is gonna take you and your aircraft to the breaking point.”
“Sir,” Phoenix politely gets his attention and asks the million dollar question. “Is this even achievable?” From what the simulator was showing, it was far from it.
Maverick steps to her, arms going behind his back, “The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box.” Soon they are dismissed and Barbara heads to the locker room to get her gear on with Phoenix and Halo.
“I don’t feel good about this,” Halo says when they finish up, clasping her final restraint. The two women murmur in agreement, Barbara putting at least one cigarette behind her left ear and match behind the right before throwing the tin in her locker.
“Shit’s insane.”
“I’ll say,” Phoenix shuts her locker and leans against it. “Who’re you with today, C?” Judging by the look on Barbara’s face, it appeared she was not pleased with the day's test run line up.
“Fanboy, Payback, Harvard, Yale… and Rooster.” Halo whistles and Phoenix clicks her tongue. “Yeah, I know.” They finish up and all head out to their jets for pre-checks. Once complete, they bid Barbara good luck and leave for the lounge while Barb stays on the tarmac. She took a moment to herself, letting her thoughts linger before climbing into her F-18. For the exercise she was to be the team leader.
The nerves got stronger once they were in the air, the pilot having to take a deep breath as they stayed steady 300 feet above the ground. “Talk to me, Harvard. What’s the time?”
“We are on schedule, Legacy. Time to pop up in t minus thirty second.”
“Copy, Fanboy?”
“We are five seconds behind. Rooster, we’re falling back.”
“C’mon, Rooster,” she says, keeping her hand tight on the handle. “Move it or lose it.”
“Copy, increasing speed.”
“Harvard, check that laser for me will you.” He relays back several numbers, indicating the laser was ready to go. Her heart picked up as they approached the pop-up point. “Yale, prepare for pop up in three…two..one, now!” With a grunt she yanks the stick back and soars into the sky. Maneuvering the jet into the inverted dive, Barbara quickly gets upright after falling into the step dive. “Where’s that laser, Harvard.”
“Stand by, Legacy,” he says then seconds later calls out, “got it!” It locked on her screen, but Barbara cursed in her head, feeling that it was going to miss since it took him a bit to capture it. They were too low from what the dropping point should have been.
“Target acquired, bombs away!” She hits the button to release the mock missile and yanks the stick once more. They were now in the high-G steep climb, but level out when Harvard announced they missed the target. “Dammit!” The force of the G-s had Barbara breathing heavily for the few seconds they ascended. They pushed about 5 in that run.
Rooster shouts the same phase moments later when he too misses the target. “Head back to base. We’ll go again after the others.” They all copy and break off with Legacy, Harvard, and Yale going left while Payback, Fanboy, and Rooster go right. Legacy is the first to land, taxi off the airway just in time for Harvard and Yale to arrive.
Exiting the jet, Barbara heads off the tarmac to take her usual smoke break and runs into Halo, Phoenix, and Bob. “How’d it go?” Bob asks when she comes to a stop in front of them. Removing the cigarette and match from her pocket with a shake of the head, “intense. I had to level out before hitting six G’s. Couldn’t take it once Harvard said we missed the target.”
They all grimaced, sending worried looks to each other. Phoenix lets out a sigh, “I hear Mav is probably gonna just break us off into duos tomorrow, and once we master that try the two sets of pairs again.” The news has Barbara making a sound of relief, “Thank God.” Wishing the three good luck, she passes them to leave and takes her break before going to the lounge where she is met with the five men she’d just flown with. “Gentlemen,” she greets, sitting on one of the couches opposite Payback and Rooster.
“Not bad up there, C,” Fanboy compliments her from his spot against the window. She smiles in return, voicing the same to the WSO. They don’t do much to pass the time, however Fanboy and Payback do challenge her to a game of foosball. At times Barbara felt like eyes were on her, and did her best not to react.
She always knew when Rooster’s eyes were on her.
When she caught his gaze he was quick to look away, making a movement to wipe his face as though something was on it. Biting back a smirk, Barbara turns her back to him though could still feel the heat emitting within her. She tried to focus on the communications from the others as they came through the radio, but was having trouble as the same thoughts from the previous night made their way into her mind.
Fuck how was she gonna make it through another week when she was starting to feel like a school girl having a crush for the very first time. It was her ex-husband for God’s sake.
After another run that afternoon, this time with Rooster as team leader and missing the target once more, the pilots were dismissed for the day. Thankfully no one stopped her on her way out. It was becoming a habit each night for someone to catch her whether it be Rooster, her father, Phoenix, or even Hangman. But Jake learned the hard way to not mess with Barbara when she purposely hit the gas on her bike and nearly ran over his foot.
That night in the comfort of her own home, Barbara made a call to the one person she hadn’t spoken two since she got the detachment. Her mother, Charlie.
“Sounds like you have a lot on your plate,” Charlie chuckles, voice echoing from the speaker while Barbara nurses a glass of wine in her kitchen. She was going over the parameters of the mission, committing it to memory while also giving her mother an update on the past several days. “How do you feel overall about the mission, Barb?”
She clicks her fingernails against the glass with a sigh, “I really don’t know, mom. The others and I have talked about it in passing and we all agree it seems impossible. To be honest, the only person who I believe could actually pull it off is Pete.” It was the wholehearted truth. Only her father was capable in her eyes, but this job required a team. And they had a lot of work to do before developing one.
“I wouldn’t be surprised. Your father has always lived life on the edge,” Barbara makes a sound of agreement, “speaking of him, how are things? You don’t seem to be so….angry when talking about him.”
Biting her lip, Barbara takes a second to think of a reply. There was still tension between her and Pete, but she wouldn’t deny there had been a lift of resentment. But that could easily slip if he started to treat her differently. Not to mention not picking her for the mission solely because she was his daughter.
“It’s….complicated. All of my anger was on him the past couple years to shift the blame off myself. Every time I thought about him, It would just reignite everything I tried to bury in the past,” she takes a pause, refilling her wine glass. “This past week has had me thinking and letting go of a lot—mostly the stuff when I was kid. But….” The words fall flat, the woman unsure of what to say.
“But?” Charlie asks, causing Barbara to drop her head between her shoulders.
“I don’t think he and I will ever have a normal father-daughter relationship. We’ve tried in the past, it’s never worked. Ever since I was a kid it’s been rocky and when we seem to fix one thing, something happens that screws it up. First my college career, then my military career, and most recently my marriage. And honestly, mom, I can’t bring myself to get my hopes up because there’s a chance he won’t pick me for this mission even if I’m qualified. Do I have a lot to work on? Yes, this detachment is pushing me to the breaking point,” she takes a breath, pausing in her rant before ending with, “He promised he won’t wash me out…but Pete Mitchell is going to do what he wants.”
There’s silence over the phone, the older woman processing her daughter’s words. Barbara takes the moment to rub her hands over her face, “I don’t think I could forgive him if he did, mom.”
“No one is telling you you have to, Barbara,” Charlie says softly. “Your father and I know you are an exceptional pilot—although I do hate that you took on his way of not going by the book,” the comment makes Barbara laugh. “My point is, Pete will choose the candidates he’s fit to take on a mission as big as this. You work hard, you stay in line, and show him you can do it and there’s no doubt he will pick you. But…on another note, you have to understand his point of view, Barbara.”
Immediately Barbara squeezed her eyes shut, knowing what Charlie was on to. She was prepared for this conversation, but it still had her gripping her forearms rightly as they rested on the counter. “He’s a father, you’re his daughter. You may be the best fighter pilot the world has ever seen, but to him you’ll always be his baby girl. I know he had a lot to work on when you were young, but Pete tried his best. It wasn’t always good at times but nonetheless he would always call me just to ask about you. From what you’ve told me about this mission, someone could likely not come home. How do you think it affects him with the only two options ending with him most likely losing you?”
Barbara felt a wave of emotion at the crack in her mom’s voice at the mention of her likely dying. It put into perspective for the thirty-year old that this was not just any job for Maverick. It was personal. These were people's lives at stake. Their families would be the ones to endure the pain and lose if they didn’t make it. And Rooster was in the same category as her because Mav saw him as a son. Everything that could come out as a result of Maverick’s decision would be an end to whatever strain he wanted to erase between him and Rooster.
“I know,” she sighs, silently wishing that things could be different. But unfortunately the universe worked in mysterious ways. “I know. Not an easy choice.”
For the next two days they continued to work on phase two. During this time Barbara came very close to the target, the closest she’s been, working with Phoenix and Bob. It was decided after the first day of phase two training they would split the pairs up before coming back together in full formation. Though Barbara did well with the other foxtrot teams, it still didn’t come close to how natural it felt with Phoenix and Bob watching her back. If she were picked in the end, she hoped they’d be paired together.
It was approaching the end of the day and Barbara was settled in the lounge after running the course with Payback and Fanboy. Halo was flipping through one of the magazines beside her and they made small talk to pass time. Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote were in the air.
“Talk to me, Bob,” her voice comes through the speaker.
“We are twelve seconds late on target. We gotta move! We gotta move!”
“Copy. Try to stay with me,” Coyote replies. Suddenly Bob’s tone becomes confused, “Huh? Wait, who’s that?” The question made Barbara click her tongue. She should’ve known Mav would make it more real by acting as a bandit. “Blue team, you’ve been spotted.”
“Shit, It’s Maverick.”
“What the hell is he doing here?”
“I’m a bandit on course to intercept. Blue team, what are you gonna do?” Barbara hadn’t realized she moved from the couch to a chair in front of the radio, bringing an elbow up to rest on the surface.
“He’s twenty miles left. Ten o’clock. 700 knots closure,” Bob relayed, to which Coyote said, “Your call. What do you want to do?”
“Continue,” Phoenix replied, “We’re close. Stay on target.”
“He’s swinging around to the north!”
“Standby for pop-up.”
“Be ready on that laser, Bob.”
“Copy. I’m on it.”
“Blue team, bandit is still closing,” Mav warned.
“Popping now!” Coyote shouts and soon the three aviators are grunting and breathing heavily as they ascend. “Talk to me, Bob. Where’s Maverick?”
“He’s five miles out. He’s coming fast.”
“Target’s in sight.”
“Where’s my laser, Bob?”
“Deadeye! Deadeye! It’s no good,” Bob says with disappointment. “Sorry, I can’t get a lock.”
“We’re out of time, I’m dropping blind.” Seconds later Coyote calls out, “Damn it, missed!” Once again grunts could be heard from the speaker as the pilots began their high-G climb.
“That’s tone,” Maverick suddenly says, indicating he locked on someone. Bob confirms it, “Maverick’s got missile lock on us.”
“Shit! We’re dead,” Phoenix curses.
“Blue team, that’s a fail. Level out, Coyote.” When Coyote doesn’t copy, Barbara feels her stomach drop. “Coyote? Do you copy?….Coyote, come in.” There’s still silence from the pilot, calling the attention of everyone in the room. “Coyote, level wings.”
“Oh no,” Barbara whispers, hand coming to her mouth. Beside her Fanboy and Rooster stiffen, the others exchange looks of worry when Maverick gasps, “Oh, God. He’s in G-LOC.”
“Coyote? Coyote?”
“He’s gonna burn in!” Phoenix shouts and the anxiety rises in the group. Maverick then says, “I’m going after him.” Barbara’s knuckles were practically white from how hard she was gripping her the edge of the counter. “Come on. Give me tone, give me tone, give me tone. Snap out of it, Coyote. Come on! Come on!”
“Oh my God,” Barbara squeezes her eyes shut. Never had she heard her father sound so frightened in his life.
“Come on, Coyote. Come on. Come on!” Her heart picks up, beating like it was about to burst from her chest. “Damn it! Coyote! Coyote! Coyote! COYOTE!” There’s a familiar gasp of air and it goes silent. In sync everyone waits and is met with eminent relief when Maverick goes, “Coyote, you okay? You okay?”
The pilot is breathing heavily into his mask, shaken by the experience, “I’m okay. I’m good.”
“Good. Good,” Mav repeats with relief. “That’s enough for today.” On the other end of the table, Jake pats his hand against the counter, expression unreadable. But Barbara could see the tension behind his eyes. Like everyone else, the Lieutenant was fearful for his friend and thought he was about to witness his death.
“That was close,” Phoenix says what they were all thinking.
Maverick sighs again, “Too close.” What they thought would be the end of the chaos, was only the beginning. Because seconds later Maverick is shouting, “Bird strike! Bird strike!” They were all well aware of how dangerous a bird strike could be. It could cause damage to the plane and take out equipment if they weren’t careful.
And that played out before their ears because after Phoenix calls out the strike, Bob is yelling, “Phoenix, left engine’s on fire!”
“Climbing,” she shouts, and Barbara became almost nauseated by the overwhelming emotion she was feeling. “Throttling back. Shutting off fuel to left engine. Extinguishing fire.”
“Right engine is out!”
“It’s still spinning. Trying to restart it.” Immediately Barbara is out of her chair, causing the pilots around her to flinch at the action. She doesn’t care. The woman is practically yelling at the speaker. “No, no! Don't do that—It’s still on fire!” Maverick must’ve seen it too from his position because he was repeating what Barbara was saying, “Phoenix, it’s on fire. Don’t start—.”
“Throttling up.” The dread swarms Barbara as her friend fails to listen. Part of her couldn’t blame Phoenix. If the roles were reversed, who knows what she would’ve done.
“Oh my God,” Mavericks voice sent chills through her body. Without realizing it, Barbara’s hand reaches back to catch Rooster’s. Both of them squeezing despite the intense heat from the touch.
“We’re on fire! We’re on fire!”
“Damn it! Extinguishing right engine!”
“Phoenix, Bob, punch out, punch out!” Mav yells, and Barbara feels her body start to shake. The anxiety became too much at what she was hearing. It was every pilot's worst nightmare.
“Warning lights everywhere! Hydraulic failure!”
“I can’t control it!” Phoenix screams.
“We’re going down, Phoenix! We’re going in! We’re going in!” Bob's screams have tears prickling in Barbara’s eyes. Though they hadn’t known each other long she had grown to care for him. The fear in his voice was absolutely chilling that it had some of the pilots back away from the speaker. Hangman and Payback had their hands in their hair. Halo had her head down in a silent prayer. Fanboy was gripping the back of the chair Barbara had sat on.
And Barbara? She was squeezing the shit out of Rooster’s head.
“You can’t save it. Eject! Eject!” Maverick orders. Not hesitating Phoenix is repeating the order to Bob, “Eject! Eject! Eject!” Seconds later the radio goes silent, leaving everyone in the room to wonder if they had made it out.
With trembling lips, Barbara slowly lets go of Rooster’s hand—realizing she had grabbed it in the midst of the chaos—and brought it to her chest. Since her back was to him, Barbara missed how he had tried to reach out and grasp it when she pulled away. The pumping of her heart thumped below her palm at an alarming rate, her hand slightly trembling as she tried to catch air.
Unsure of how to react, everyone was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the helicopter taking off from the tarmac—on its way to rescue Phoenix and Bob. The sound snapped Barbara out of her daze, who took a sharp breath before spinning on her heel to exit the lounge. Her head was hurting and she felt nauseated. As she sped down the hallway and threw open the front doors Barbara was met with the warm sun. It did little to help her—in fact it made it worse because next thing she knew she was spilling her guts into a nearby trash can.
Groaning, Barbara prayed none would get in her hair. She was so used to having a bun to keep it out her face that she forgot it was cut short. It fell over her cheeks and brought one hand up to push it away. Footsteps approached behind, and soon her hand was replaced by someone, another hand coming to the same on the other side.
She didn’t have to look to know it was Rooster. His shadow and cologne was enough.
After a few moments to catch her breath and make sure her stomach was empty, Barbara reached into her pocket to pull out a tissue. Stepping back to wipe her mouth she felt Rooster release his hold from her hair. “Thanks.”
He nods to her, stepping back to give her some space. “Not used to you having your hair so short.” The comment makes her chuckle. It was true. Their entire relationship Barbara’s black hair was long and wavy. The amount of hairspray, gel, and pins to keep it neat when in uniform was a bucket load. Once everything happened in 2016, she surprised her friends and herself by chopping it to a bob.
“Yeah. Me neither.”
“Why did you cut it?”
“Wanted a change,” she mutters, briefly glancing at him. “Felt like it was something I needed.” In the peripheral she saw him nod again. Throwing out the napkin, Barbara pulls out a cigarette and plants herself on the top step to set. Lighting the tobacco, Barbara takes a deep inhale with her eyes closed, feeling the nerves slowly start to settle.
“Why do you do that?” The tone in Rooster’s voice has her let out a tired sigh.
“Because it calms me down, Bradley. Okay? And right now I’d rather have the taste of nicotine than vomit in my mouth.” She keeps her eyes closed but feels him move to sit next to her. With this she turns her head away from him, so the smoke isn’t blowing in his face. “Let’s not argue about this. Please.”
“I won’t,” he replies, though there’s a hint of protest in his voice. It wasn’t like he could have her promise him again to quit. She had no reason to listen to him. “Are you okay?” Barbara scoffs lightly which had Bradley quickly say, “Nevermind don’t answer that.”
They sit there for a while. Neither says anything as Barbara finishes her cigarette. Finally she asks the question that had been nagging at her since he arrived, “Why did you follow me out here?”
The pilot shuffles his feet, glancing to where his hands laid in his lap. “Felt like I owed it to you after last week. And you would’ve done the same for me.” Barbara mentally curses, hating the fact he knew her so well. What also didn’t help were the butterflies swarming in her tummy.
Fuck she needed to get it together
She didn’t reply, and Rooster didn’t need her to. He already knew the answer. Thankfully the sight of the helicopter returning caught their attention, and both pilots were met with relief when they saw Phoenix and Bob being hauled off and into an ambulance. “Oh thank God,” Barbara whispered, bringing her hands together in a silent prayer.
Rooster bids a glance to the sky in silent thank you, “I’ll stay and wait for an update. You should go home, get some rest.” She sees him lift something in the corner of her eye and is met with a dum-dum lollipop. The ace she made must’ve been comical because Rooster was biting back a smile.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been going to town on them since we started training,” Barbara felt her heart stutter, cheeks going pink. “Thought you could use one.”
“Oh—-uh,” she stuttered, not really knowing how to react. With a small smile, she took the candy, flinching when she felt a shock when their skin touched. “Thank you….that was uh, very kind of you.” ‘God’ she thought to herself. Was that all she could come up with? She was married to the guy once upon a time. It was embarrassing how a little gesture of bringing a lollipop could get her flustered.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, rubbing his hands together and looking away. Whatever he was feeling it was hard to put a name on it. Clearing his throat, Rooster stands and practically blocks the sun from Barbara. “I’ll uh—I’ll leave you be then.” He goes to enter the building, walking slowly as though he expects Barbara to stop him. Which he was silently hoping for despite not understanding why.
Again, denying the feelings he knows is resurfacing.
And deep down Barbara wanted to. As she watched him go there was a tug on her heartstrings. But the woman didn't really know what to say. What could they talk about? Besides the beach day it was the first time they managed to get through a conversation—even if it was short—without arguing. Letting the thoughts go, Barbara sat in silence as she watched him leave before sighing and getting up to wash up.
The shower was a much needed one. There were still emotions running through Barbara, but most had settled once the hot water hit her skin. Halo was just finishing up when she got there, and Barbara relayed that Phoenix and Bob had been sent to the infirmary. “Good. I hope they’re okay,” the older pilot said in relief. They talked for a bit before saying goodbye and leaving Barbara to her shower. She didn’t know how long she’d been in there. It wasn’t until the hot water turned cold that she decided to get out.
Once dressed Barbara collected her belongings and set out for the parking lot. She had just turned the corner, unlocking her phone to see several missed calls from her mom and Sarah when Admiral Bates intercepted her. “Lieutenant Mitchell.” Barbara looked up from her phone, already filled with dread from the amount of calls when she saw the look on his face.
It was one of bad news.
Tears sprung in her eyes, but she fought to keep them at bay, “He’s gone isn’t he?” She didn’t need to hear him say it. After the last visit with Iceman, Barbara felt it was the last she’d see him. Sarah had mentioned it was any day that the inevitable would happen.
But that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Face solemn, Warlock simply replied, “I’m very sorry.” Squeezing her eyes shut, Barbara made a sound like she was holding back a sob. Iceman was like a second father to her. When things got tough and Maverick wasn’t there, Ice stepped in and had her back. He was there at her commission ceremony, when she graduated flight school, he even flew to pin on her ranks when she made Lieutenant. When she got in trouble with pissing off superiors Ice got her out of it much like he did with her father. If it hadn’t been for him, Barbara would’ve been out of the Navy after the stunt she pulled two summers prior. And after she transferred to North Island, Sunday dinners became a habit with the Kazansky family.
They were her family.
“Has my father been notified, sir?” She asked after a moment. Pete was likely still on base and she wondered if they had reached out to him already. Or if she was going to have to be the one to give the awful news.
“I was just on my way to tell him,” Warlock tells her, nodding his head in the direction of the lounge. She assumed that’s where Mav was. “Would you like to join me?”
She really didn’t know if she could handle it. It would break her heart to see the pain on her father’s face knowing his wingman is gone. They’d been best friends for thirty plus years. Sniffing, Barbara wipes a finger under her eye and gives a short nod, “Y-yeah. I think that would be good.”
In silence the pair walk down the darkened hallway. All the while Barbara mentally prepares herself. She doesn’t have time to really have a pep talk because before she knows it Warlock is opening the door of the lounge and to the pilot's surprise she sees Maverick is not alone. Rooster is with him.
Whatever they were talking must’ve not been good because they were chest to chest with one another with Rooster glaring while Mav looked like he had been slapped in the face. The sound of the door combined with Warlock calling out to Maverick catches their attention and Barbara sees the flash of concern on both men when they see her expression. It looked like Rooster was about to move toward her but stopped himself. Instead Maverick is the one approaching the two.
“What is it?” He says to Warlock before turning to Barbara. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words failed to come out. Instead she glances at her feet while Warlock breaks the news.
“We’ve just received word on Admiral Kazansky,” the sharp intake of breath from Mav had Barbara wince. And when the words fell from Warlock’s lips, Barbara couldn’t stop the tears as they fell to the floor. “I regret to inform you, Captain, but the Admiral has died.”
The day of the funeral was a bittersweet endeavor. In her Service Dress Blues, Barbara stood beside her father at the front with the Kazansky family. It was a beautiful service. One she would remember forever. Hundreds of service men and women attended, many of whom worked with Iceman over his 30 plus years of service. The candidates were even in attendance. And every now and then Barbara could feel eyes on her.
No matter how many times she’d heard it over the years, the sound of Taps always brought tears to her eyes. The flag laying over the casket was folded and presented to Sarah by Admiral Simpson as the 21 gun salute was performed in the distance. Barbara kept her eyes forward, but saw Mav turn his head from her peripheral. And when it was time for him to Mav to tack in Ice’s wings, a lone tear trailed down her cheek.
To conclude the service was the fly by which sent chills through Barbara’s body. In the handful of times she unfortunately had to watch friends laid to rest, the feeling always arose. It was a final send off to the fallen. Maverick, with tears in his eyes, stood at the end of the casket saluting until the planes passed. All he could do was stare at the portrait of his wingman.
A rivalry that became a friendship that would last a lifetime.
When everyone dispersed, Barbara was the first to offer her condolences to the family. She’d already been to their house the night Ice passed, convincing Maverick they should go be with them, but nonetheless brought the older woman into a hug.
“I know I already told you this the other day,” she sniffed, “but my mother sends her love and support. She’s sorry she couldn’t be here today but called me this morning to let you know she’s thinking of you and the family.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Sarah replies, wiping her face with a sad smile. “Tell her I thank her for the flowers she sent the next time you talk to her.”
Barbara nods, “Of course.” Maverick had returned at that moment so Barbara stepped away to hug Ice’s children who were like cousins to her. They spoke for a few moments, before Barbara decided to take her leave. As much as she wanted to stay for the reception the pilot was not feeling it. Well aware she was going to have to get her head back into business, Barbara had spent most of the past couple days burying herself in sorrow to the point she was exhausted. Dark circles had formed under eyes that were covered with makeup to hide how tired she was.
“I’m gonna go home,” she said to Maverick, who seemed a little surprised. He wasn’t expecting her to leave so soon. She quickly explained, “I haven’t got much sleep the past couple nights. I know Admiral Simpson expects us to be ready for training on Monday so I’d like to take the next day to recoup.”
“I understand,” he nods, feeling the same way as his daughter. The tone in his voice gave away how drained the Captain was. “Get some rest. I’ll see you Monday.” As they were in uniform and he outranked her, Barbara lifted her hand in a salute, waited for Mav to do the same and did not drop hers until he did. It was odd having to salute him, but Barbara brushed off. Fidgeting on her feet, Barbara made the rash decision to reach up and lay a soft kiss on Maverick’s cheekbone. He froze, not expecting the gesture, but nonetheless it brought a smile to his face. With one last squeeze to his forearm, Barbara took her leave.
Instead of riding her bike, Barbara had driven her 1960 Ford Thunderbird that she often kept in the garage of her home. She only took it out on certain occasions where she wore her Dress Blues or gowns for officers balls. It was a gift to herself when she made Lieutenant after searching high and low for the vehicle. Unlike a lot of newly commissioned officers, Barbara spent most of her paychecks on paying off student loans while saving up for her dream car. It was well worth the wait.
When she got to her car she found Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, Payback, and Rooster huddled by the trunk. The second she made eye contact with Phoenix, the brunette was walking toward her, catching the attention of the others. “Hey,” she greeted, bringing Barbara into a hug. “How are you doing?”
“As best as I can really,” Barbara mumbled, pulling away and giving a light shrug. “I knew it was coming, but of course it doesn't make it any easier.” Nat gives a look of understanding to which Barbara asks, “How are you though? You fucking scared me the other day, Natasha.”
Nat grimaces in response, “well I certainly can say I know what it feels like to see my life flash before my eyes. But other than that I’m good. Bob is too.”
“Good, I’m so happy you two are okay,” Barbara squeezes her forearm. She nods to the guys, “What are y’all about to do?”
“Heading to the Hard Deck. Shoot some darts, play some pool, and drink the day away. None of us knew Admiral Kazansky like you so we felt like it was better than to take up room at the reception.”
“Yeah, I’m not going either.” Phoenix raised her brow in surprise. She would’ve expected Barbara to attend, being she was his Goddaughter. But then again it was up to Barbara to go if she wanted.
“Do you want to come with us?” She nods her head to the guys who were trying to not make it look like they were listening in. Briefly Barbara locks eyes with Rooster, whose face was full of concern for the woman. Once again she felt warmth under his gaze. It was only a matter of time before the feelings became too much. With a shake of the head, Barbara turned back to Phoenix, “Not tonight, Phee. I think I’m just gonna call it an early night.”
“Okay. But call me if you need anything. Alright?”
“Will do,” Barbara taps her shoulder and walks with her to the others. She greets and thanks them for attending the service which has Fanboy and Bob both offer a small hug while Payback pats her back. Meanwhile Rooster stays still with his hands in his pockets, but nods to Barbara when they make eye contact. She returns the gesture, removing her car keys from her pocket to unlock the car.
“This your ride?” Fanboy says with surprise. When they stood by the car after the service it was to admire it. None were aware it belonged to the young Mitchell. They’d only ever seen her ride her Ducati. At her look of pride he whistles out a ‘Damn.’ Bob and Payback are also gawking which makes the woman chuckle. For the next couple minutes Barbara finds herself answering questions about her car. Where she got it, how she got it, and if she would let them take it on a spin one day.
“If you drive like you fly, then Imma pass on that,” Barbara points a finger at Payback, who puts a hand to his chest as though she’s broken his heart.
“Oh come on, C, I am an excellent driver.”
“I’ll see to that.” After a few more words of exchange and side hugs to Bob and Phoenix, the four pilots bid their goodbyes, leaving Rooster to stay behind. It was awkward to say the least. Neither knew what to say. Barbara shuffled on her feet, putting her hands on her pockets. “How are you?”
He lightly scoffed at the fact that was the first thing she asked. “You’re asking me that question, Barbara?” She had to hold back rolling her eyes, but clicked her tongue as she replied, “Ice meant as much to you as he did to me. I know you’re hurting too, Bradley.”
Licking his lips, he leans on the side of the car, “I’m sad—of course I would be. He was there for me and my mom a lot after my dad died. But it’s you I’m more worried about, Barbara. He was your Godfather.”
The familiar emotion of grief filled her chest but she pushed it away. She had cried enough, and right now she did not want to cry in front of Rooster even if he had seen it many times before. He was the only one she would show emotion to when they were together. Even her parents had never seen her cry. “I’m fine—really I am. You don’t have to worry about me, Bradley.”
Rooster just shakes his head, voice going low, “I’m always going to worry about you.” The air catches in her throat. The way he said it was like how one was trying to deny the fact they could no longer refuse the truth any longer. The same way Barbara was fighting her own truth.
Quickly changing the subject because she was dealing with mixed emotions by his confession, Barbara nods her head to where the others were getting in their cars. “You should go. Don’t keep them waiting and beat the evening rush.” The expression he gives her reads, ‘I’d rather stay here with you,’ but nonetheless Bradley sighs and pushes off the car.
He steps back, but before she could react he’s suddenly bending down to her level. Freezing at the contact of his lips meeting her cheek, Barbara can’t contain the blush rising on her cheeks from the fire she was feeling. His lips linger, staying for a few seconds longer than what she would have expected, until he pulls away and turns around before she could say anything.
‘Did that really just happen,’ she thought to herself. It was like she was in a trance. When she finally snapped out of it, Barbara stumbled back and caught her hand on the car door. Bradley had just entered his Bronco, catching Barbara in his rear view mirror which had her quickly open the door and fall into the driver's seat. The entire way home Barbara couldn’t help but let the thought plague her mind:
How was she going to get through this mission and not let her heart get in the way if either she or Rooster get selected?
The next day Barbara slept and exercised her worries away. First she slept in till nearly noon, made a late brunch, and then decided to go to the Fightertown gym. It came in handy when Barbara wanted to use the equipment rather than take a run around her neighborhood. And luckily she didn’t have to pay for a membership. After about three or so hours, drenched with sweat and feeling a weight lift off her shoulders, Barbara decided to call it a day.
As she was passing the air strip on her way out, she caught sight of Maverick’s bike parked in front of the building where the Admiral’s offices were. Confusion filled her. What was he doing there?
Letting her curiosity get the best of her, Barbara pulled up into a space and quietly made her way into the mostly empty building. It was dimly lit in the hallways, which made sense since it was Sunday. Soon voices could be heard in the distance as Barbara approached Admiral Simpson’s office. On her toes, so her footsteps wouldn’t echo, Barbara leaned her back against the wall and leaned close to the door. “Sir?” She stiffened at her father’s voice.
There’s a pause before Cyclone says, “We both know you didn’t want this job, Captain.”
“Sir, they’re not ready.”
“Well, it was your job to get them ready.”
“Sir, they have to believe that this mission can be flown,” Mav pleaded and Barbara felt her heart skip. If she was assuming right, this was Cyclone firing Maverick. With Ice gone there was nothing in the way from the Admiral doing so.
“And all you’ve managed to do is teach them that it can’t.” Barbara felt anger rise. She couldn’t believe Cyclone was pulling her father off—especially with the mission being days away. It was a big mistake.
“You’re grounded Captain,” he cut him off. “Permanently.” A hand came up to her mouth, Barbara willing herself to not act irrational and burst in there to curse her superior. ‘Stand your ground, dad. You can’t let him do this. You’re Pete Mitchell for God’s sake.’
“That is all.” At the dismal from Cyclone, Barbara mentally cursed and raced back down the hallway before Mav could open the door. She didn’t want to get caught by either man eavesdropping. Hauling ass out the building she threw the doors open, literally jumped on her bike and sped away.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She hit the handles in anger. Slowing her speed, cause lord knows she didn’t want to get a ticket on base, Barbara’s mind was racing. What the fuck was Cyclone thinking? They were less than a week away from pulling off the biggest mission of their lives and he was pulling their instructor out at the mose grave time? He was basically giving them a death sentence.
Barbara, though hating how her father was hardly there in her childhood, knew he was the best fighter pilot in the world. With three kills under his belt, the man knew what was needed to hit the target and come home. While the mission parameters looked impossible, it was the only way they would survive with all its obstacles.
There had to be something they could do. Thinking of ways to convince Cyclone to change his mind, Barbara hadn’t even realized she had spent nearly an hour driving around San Diego. The sun slowly started to set and she pulled up to the Hard Deck for a much needed drink. Again, the first thing she saw was Maverick’s bike. The thought of a drink disappeared as the pilot saw footsteps in the sand leading to the back of the building.
Following them, Barbara peered over the corner and found Mav crouching in front of Penny. It was hard to hear their conversation from where she stood, but was able to piece together Penny encouraging the man to find his own way back into the air. It brought a smile to Barbara’s lips. She really liked Penny out of all the girlfriends her father had mentioned over the years. The two, while their relationship had its ups and downs, seemed like a great fit.
When she saw the older woman place a hand to Mav’s cheek and said, “but you’ll find a way,” Barbara decided to make her move. “Captain,” she saw the two jump at the sudden intrusion but relaxed when their eyes fell on her. Putting her hands in her pocket, Barbara nudges her head to the beach with her attention on Maverick. “Mind if I have a word?”
Mav says something to Penny before rising and replies, “of course.” Falling behind him, she bids a small smile to Penny who returns it, and walks with her father to the edge of where the dry sand meets the wet sand. It was cool around them from the ocean breeze. The two silent for a moment to take in the scenery.
“He’s making a mistake,” she finally says, noticing Mav turn his head to her. “Cyclone,” the name has the man tense, realizing Barbara knew what had happened. “I know they say curiosity kills the cat, but I couldn’t help myself when I saw your bike parked in front of his office.”
The confession has Maverick sighing, “You overheard.” There was a mix of disappointment and embarrassment in his tone. It has Barbara frowning, turning to the side so they were facing each other.
“You can’t let him get away with it.”
“He’s making a mistake!” Her voice rises, the anger from earlier returning. “You know he is, Mav, and you’re gonna just let it happen?” When he doesn’t answer she takes a step closer, determination set in her eyes, “You said it yourself, we’re not ready. Cyclone is going to lead us to death if he takes over.”
While Maverick agreed with her, he still didn’t like the way she was talking about the Admiral. Even if it were true. “Barbara, you shouldn’t be saying that about your superiors.”
She makes a face as though to say, ‘try me.’ “I’ve said much worse and I’ve said it to their faces. And no—,” she raises a hand when Mav opens his mouth, “I will not elaborate. That’s a conversation for another day. Bottom line is, you’re Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell for crying out loud. And the Maverick I know doesn't sit back when he knows he could do something.” A pause comes as she finishes her rants, noticing how Mav had a small smile when she said his full name. “So? Any ideas?”
Pete shuffles his feet in the sand, tilting his head with a shrug as he glances to the waters, “I have one that comes to mind.” Barbara nods, liking what she was hearing.
“Okay, so what’s our plan?”
“Our plan?” His head snaps back with bewilderment. Immediately he’s refusing the implication, “No, no, no. There is no ‘our’ plan, Barbara.” His fingers went up in quotations when saying ‘our’.
“Yes there is,” she insists.
“No, there’s not.”
“I’m helping you do whatever it is you’re planning, Pete.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“All your ideas are.”
“Which is why you’re not helping!” He shouts with his arms out causing her to fall silent. Softly Maverick takes a hold of Barbara’s shoulders, connecting their eyes so he could get through to her on the matter. “Honey, If you were to help me—because God knows regardless I’m done for even if I do it—you could get court-martialed. Possibly discharged. I can’t let you risk your career for me. Do you understand?” While it prided the Captain his daughter was willing to help him get back in the air, he cared about her more. She was on her way to becoming one of the best pilots the Navy had ever produced. Just like him and his father before him. After years of working so hard there was no way Mav was going to let her throw it away.
When she didn’t say anything at first, Pete thought he had changed her mind. That was the goal. But what stunned the Captain and had him pulling her into a hug, the first one in several years, was when she uttered the words in full determination, “What’s the point in being a legacy, your legacy, if I can’t live up to the name.”
“Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor,” was the first thing the pilots heard from Admiral Simpson the moment they settled in for the day's briefing. Confused looks were shared between Phoenix and Rooster when they realized Barbara hadn’t arrived when they were ordered to sit. “And as of today, there are new mission parameters. The time to target is now four minutes,” the beep from the screen sounds as the -02:30:00 changes. “You’ll be entering the valley at reduced speed. Not to exceed 420 knots.”
In the front row Hangman and Coyote exchange looks, as do Phoenix and Bob, who says, “Sir, won’t we be giving their planes time to intercept?”
“Well, Lieutenant, you have a fighting chance against enemy aircraft. What are the odds of surviving a head-on collision with a mountain?” Phoenix adjusts in her seat, not liking what she was hearing. “You’ll be attacking the target from a higher altitude, level with the north wall. Gonna be a little harder to keep your laser on target, but you will avoid the high-G claim out.” In the back, Warlock was having to keep neutral.
“We’ll be sitting ducks for enemy missiles,” Fanboy mutters to Payback under his breath.
“Where is Lieutenant Mitchell?” Cyclone suddenly asks, realizing he did not see the pilot in her usual seat. Those in the front had turned their head while the ones in the back and to the side leaned over. All became confused at the sight of the empty chair. This was unlike Barbara. And with a mission so close it was out of character by a long shot. “Was she running late this morning?” Cyclone asks no one in particular.
Murmurs sound around the room, many shrugging their shoulders. Rooster tightened his jaw, shaking his head when Phoenix gave him a look that read, ‘where the hell is she?”
“Has there been word of Lieutenant Mitchell dropping out?” The Admiral asks Warlock who shrugs and says, “Not as far as I know, Sir.” Suddenly their attention is on the monitor when it starts beeping. From the side, in blue are two plane simulators heading straight for the course. “Who the hell is that?”
Their answer is given in the form of the one and only Pete Maverick Mitchell.
“Maverick and Legacy to Range Control. Entering Point Alpha. Confirm green range.”
“Uh, Maverick, Range Control, uh, green range is confirmed. I don’t see an event scheduled for you two, sir.” Reactions varied from around the room. Most of it was of shock, especially from Phoenix and Rooster, while others like Fanboy and Bob were fidgeting with excitement. Cyclone looked like he was about to shit his pants.
“Well, we’re going anyway,” Barbara said through the coms. It sent a grin to Phoenix, “Nice.”
Up in the air, Barbara was pushing her plane faster than she’s ever before to keep up with Maverick. Nothing besides adrenaline controlled her. The consequences would come after. But for now, she was going to prove to the team that they could get the mission done.
“You can punch out now, Legacy. There’s still time.”
Scoffing at her father, Barbara simply said, “Not a chance, old man. I feel the need for speed.” There was no turning back now. It was go time.
“Setting time to target: two minutes and fifteen seconds,” the number appeared on her screen after the words left Mavericks lips. Feeling her heart pumping, Barbara cracked her neck, pulled down her visor, and said a silent prayer.
“Final attack point. Maverick and Legacy inbound,” he announced and Barbara’s hand went to the lever, ready to follow his move. Inverting, she thrusted the lever and descended down to the entry point of the simulated course. The second she hit it the countdown started, and for everyone in the briefing room watching it happen live, all they could do was hold their breath and wait.
“First turn up ahead, Legacy.”
“Let’s turn and burn,” she exclaimed before a grunt escaped her at the force of the tight turns. They were one minute in with one and half to go as they hit the halfway point of the terrain.
“Talk to me, Legacy.”
“Right behind you, Mav,” she huffs, barely able to catch breath but the adrenaline was distracting her. Time felt slow but really it was going fast because before they knew it they were out of the terrain and approaching the pop up point with 40 seconds to go. Here Barbara was able to really breathe and she took advantage of the moment while mentally preparing for the mountain climb.
The ground was so close she was practically touching it. Maverick was right in front of her, the two maintaining their position with not a lick of Barbara falling behind. In the debriefing room the tension was getting high. Rooster was leaning forward with hands clasped tightly, heart racing as the planes got closer and closer to the simulated mountain.
For Barbara, one hand was on the lever the other on the controller as she waited for Mav’s signal. “Popping in three…two…one.” The plane soared upward and soon they were making the inverted dive. When they swung upright they had to act quick for time was running out. It would be tough to fly and lock the laser on the target, but it had to be done.
Barbara could barely contain the shakes in her finger, but fought against it. She locked on the target at the same moment Mav called out, “Bombs away! Legacy!”
“Locked, bombs away!” Her thumb hit the button, dropping the mock missiles before both hands clutched the stick and shot the plane up. They were less than ten seconds from zero, Barbara feeling the tightness in her chest grow with the force of the Gs pulling against her. She was pulling with everything she had to stay level all while fighting the urge to black out. The darkness formed around her eyes, but Barbara kept her focus on the laser monitor.
And in the debriefing room? Well half of the pilots were out of their seats and if they weren’t they were surely on the edge. The area showing the G force was rising from 8 to 8.5 to 9 and 9.5. Rooster was now gripping the arms of his chair. There was a part of him, while impressed and amazed by his ex-wife for acting unorthodox, worried for her well being. Especially after the close call with Coyote the week before.
And Barbara was fighting that G-Loc so hard. There was sweat blocking her vision, her head was pounding, and it hurt to breathe. But it all was worth it when the countdown stopped at -00:00.16.
It was a bullseye.
From both Mitchells.
“Bulls-eye! Holy shit!” Fanboy exclaimed the second the monitor beeped. Several others cheered, in awe at the sight of the successful run. Even Hangman was impressed, the man muttering a low, “Damn.”
“Yes,” Bob gave a high five to Phoenix who was grinning like a maniac. She couldn’t wait to see Barbara when she landed. Behind her, Rooster was leaning forward, as though he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. But there was no denying he was in absolute amazement. Even with 10.Gs staring back at him.
Barbara and Mav had proved the mission could be done.
Removing her mask, Barbara took a deep inhale, bringing a hand to her forehead to wipe away the moisture. Leveling out beside her dad, Barbara turned her head where she could see his face. Like her, he looked like hell. “You good, old man?”
“Yeah,” he laughed out of breath. “I’m good. Are you?”
“As good as one can be after pulling ten fucking Gs.” He laughed at the rhyme again causing her to grin. They basked in the moment of peace before heading back to the tarmac. Where they would face the consequences for their actions. No matter the outcome, Barbara would accept it. She very well could face the end of her career, but to her it was worth it.
The second they landed, the Mitchells were ordered to Cyclone’s office. Warlock had met them on the edge of the tarmac, remaining professional but Barbara could see he was in fact impressed with the two. Of course he couldn’t say anything, but that was okay.
Standing at attention beside Pete, Barbara kept focus on the blinds in front of her. Cyclone was looking out the window, his back toward them while he grilled into the pilots, “You have put me in a difficult position, Captain. And you, Lieutenant, don’t even get me started. One the one hand, you two have demonstrated that this mission can be flown. Perhaps the only way it can be survived. On the other hand, you did it by stealing multi-million dollar aircraft and flying it in such a manner that it may never be airworthy again.”
‘Oops,’ Barbara thought to herself.
“Iceman is no longer here to protect you,” Barbara tenses at the mention of her Godfather. “I have everything I need to have you court-martialed and dishonorably discharged. So what do I do?” Cyclone asks, but it sounds more like it was a question to himself. This is confirmed when the next statements are, “Risk the lives of my pilots and perhaps the success of this mission. Or…risk my career….by appointing you team leader?”
The best way to describe what Barbara Mitchell felt in that moment would be the equivalent to the Earth stopping. There was a heavy feeling in her chest, and Barbara unconsciously reached out to grab Maverick’s hand. He gripped it back, feeling the slight tremor as his own shock surfaced.
“I think the admiral’s asking a rhetorical question, Captain,” Warlock cut him off, causing Pete to halt his movements. Barbara squeezed his hand, fighting back the overwhelming feeling of anxiety in her veins. As she was going through the possible outcomes, her father being named team leader was one of them. It was one she was having trouble with, because it meant she could easily lose him.
And that scared the fearless pilot.
“Lieutenant Mitchell,” Maverick’s hand fell from hers as Barbara snapped to attention. Just by the sound of Cyclone saying her name indicated she was not about to receive good news like her father. “While you had a part in demonstrating the possible success of the mission, the fact still remains. Unlike Captain Mitchell here, you give me no reason to brush this aside and I have to set an example for people who think it’s okay to break the rules,” here it comes, “With that being said, you are no longer a candidate for this mission and are hereby grounded.” The air caught as she took in a sharp breath, Maverick doing the same. “You will be subjected to a court-martial where your fate will be decided by a jury of your peers.”
“Sir—,” Maverick tries to step in, but Barbara doesn’t let him.
“I understand, sir,” she was impressed her voice didn’t break. Maverick went to protest, but with one look from Barbara he stood down. Fighting it would do him no good, especially now with his position.
“For now you’ll continue to act as though you are a candidate seeing as tonight I was planning on Captain Mitchell to choose his team. And in doing so I’m also allowing you to come on the carrier, but you will not play a part in the reserves. See this as me being generous since it’s your father who I’m sending out.”
“I appreciate that, sir,” she replies, still gripping the fact it was Maverick who in the end got to be the team leader. And now he had to choose between Hangman, Coyote, and Rooster for his wingman. Hangman was out of the question, proving he could not work in a team from the beginning. Coyote was good, but the G-Loc had Maverick concerned.
That left Rooster.
“You’re both dismissed. We will be meeting at the hangar in one hour.” Neither Mitchell wasted a second and were out the door, Maverick pulling Barbara into his arms.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, honey,” he said into her hair, gripping like she would slip from his arms. There were tears in his eyes. It pained him that the worst outcome for his daughter happened.
“I-it’s okay,” she stuttered out, pulling away to wipe her face. She wasn’t devastated like she thought she’d be about her career. Her emotion came at the worry of Maverick and possibly Rooster going on the mission. “I expected this to happen. I accepted it last night when I said I would do anything to get you back in the air,” she sniffed, giving her dad a small smile. “It worked though so it was worth it.”
Yeah it worked, but that didn’t mean Pete was heartbroken and upset it cost Barbara everything she loved. “There’s gotta be another way.”
“No,” she said firmly, “We can’t fight it anymore. It was bound to happen eventually and I knew that when I woke up this morning. We can worry about me later, okay? Right now you need to focus on the mission and who you plan to pick. Although I already have a feeling you already know,” her voice goes quiet, Maverick’s expression confirming. Blinking a few times to keep the tears at bay, Barbara nods, telling him it was okay. “He’s ready. You know he is.”
“I trust him with my life, dad,” she cuts him off resulting in complete shock from the aviator. That name hadn’t been used since Barbara was fifteen. She could only imagine what he was thinking at that moment.
Pushing the thought aside she lightly squeezed his forearms, “More than anyone else on this planet, I trust him with my life and you can too. While he started slow and had a lot to work on, I know he can pull through.” Licking her lips, Barbara accepts the inevitable, “Rooster won’t let you down.”
Tag list: @multiple-fandoms-girl, @maverick-wingman, @sgt-huntersupremacy, @the-winter-marvel33, @justanothermagicalsara, @calicokel, @lydia-demarek, @alanadetigy, @shrimping-for-all, @chaoticassidy, @nemtodd-barnes1923
#Spotify#bradley bradshaw#bradley rooster bradshaw#rooster x oc#rooster imagine#rooster x reader#bradley bradshaw x reader#top gun#top gun maverick imagine#top gun maverick fanfiction#top gun maverick#maverick x oc#maverick imagine#captain pete maverick mitchell#pete Maverick Mitchell#natasha phoenix trace#mickey fanboy garcia#rueben payback fitch#robert bob floyd#javy coyote machado#jake hangman seresin#original character
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Can I have headcanons of Azul, Leech twins, Jamil and Riddle seeing their crush, female (Y/n) who rarely talk and smile but will talk and smile to you if you're friends with her, suddenly get lots of valentines chocolates from random students, who know how? Maybe one of her friend takes picture of her beautiful smile and sent it to random students? I hope you accept this request
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle isn’t aware of popular things so he wouldn’t know why (Y/N) just became popular enough to receive several chocolate gifts.
Riddle is more focused on the reason why his crush has many admirers and he dedicates himself to find the source of it so that he would let (Y/N) know he solved the mystery. Cater needs to tell him that he also needs to give (Y/N) chocolate since he is also an admirer and he shouldn’t do anything less than his rivals.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is aware of all things popular as a businessoctoman. He knows when and why (Y/N) became so popular in a short time.
Azul can’t stop others from sending her chocolates but he can work around it. Certainly (Y/N) can’t eat all those chocolates and would love to give others, he is willing to take them all. He also invites (Y/N) for an exclusive dinner in Mostro Lounge because she is such a good friend to Azul. Though he won’t say that he developed a crush on her.
Jade Leech
Jade is amused by all the attention (Y/N) is getting. He understands the reason behind it well.
Jade knows none of those admirers will actually capture (Y/N)’s hearts so he doesn’t really care about them. He can hog all of her attention if he wishes and so he does. He gives (Y/N) a meal he cooked himself and then asks her to work in Mostro Lounge so she will be too busy to receive more chocolates from her admirers.
Floyd Leech
How Floyd reacts depends on the type of mood he is in.
If he is in sour mood, he won’t care about whatever is going on with his crush.
If Floys is in a playful mood, he is going to talk with (Y/N)’s admirers to see their reaction. He is likely to say he is annoyed that those admirers. After he talks to a few of them, (Y/N) won’t be getting chocolates anymore. He is going to eat the previous chocolates his crush received with her. What a excellent way to spend the day, he is with (Y/N) and she no longer gets attention from other people.
Jamil Viper
Jamil is used to be the second person in every aspect of his life. It hurts to think that he can be the second person in his crush’s life.
Jamil isn’t going to stop anyone from sending chocolates to (Y/N). It is discouraging for him to confess his feeling. Although, he also won’t admit that he feels better when (Y/N) says those gifts don’t mean anything to her.
#twst#twisted wonderland#riddle rosehearts#azul ashengrotto#jade leech#floyd leech#jamil viper#heartslabyul#octavinelle#scarabia#twst headcanons#twisted wonderland headcanons#headcanons#female reader#prefect#vice prefect
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#Repost @vinheta_2020 with @repostsaveapp · · · "A arte ilustrativa é magnífica. Das melhores do ano. (...) Se a história pode parecer um pouco louca e nonsense, devo dizer que esta é uma obra que acaba por funcionar bastante bem. Na verdade, funciona tão bem que a minha única “queixa” é que a mesma poderia ser maior em dimensão." Análise completa a Berserker: Exilado, publicado pela G Floy Studio - Portugal, no blog VINHETA 2020 (link na bio). . . . . . #vinheta2020 #bd #lerbd #leiturasdebd #bandadesenhada #bandadesenhadaemportugues #bandadesenhadaportugal #bdportugal #comicsportugal #comics #comicbook #livros #livrosdebd #livrosdebandadesenhada #novelagrafica #graphicnovel #books #berserker #berserkerjefflemire #jefflemire #mikedeodatojr #gfloystudio #gfloy #darkhorse #darkhorsecomics #berserkerunbound https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQIgqsHiBQ/?igshid=9q4b48odyx3y
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Key Psychologists
Wilhelm Wundt Commonly referred to as the father of psychology. He set up the first laboratory exclusive to studying human psychology- he studied structuralism
G. Stanley Hall Established the first psychology laboratory in the USA
William James Published the first real psychology textbook called The Principles of Psychology. He studied functionalism, where he tried to identify how the structures Wundt found functioned.
Mary Whiton Calkins She was one of the 2 early influences on Psychology. She specialised in memory and was the first female president of the APA. She was refused the PhD she rightfully earned from Harvard due to her sex.
Margaret Floy Washburn The other of the 2 early female psychologists on psychology. She was the first woman to earn a PhD in psychology, shortly after Calkins was refused hers.
Max Wertheimer One of the 3 founders of gestalt psychology which examines psychological phenomena as structural wholes, rather than breaking them down into their components
Sigmund Freud Founded psychoanalysis, which sought to understand the influences of the unconscious mind on human thought and behaviour
John B Watson Performed the “Little Albert” experiment, tracking how conditioning can affect our perceptions of our environment. Widely criticised due to the trauma he caused the child
Ivan Pavlov Performed experiments with a dog, founded conditioning and the field of behaviourism
Abraham Maslow Humanist psychologist most well known for creating the Hierarchy of Needs
Carl Rogers Among the founders of humanistic psychology and human-centred therapy
Charles Darwin Biologist who created the theory of evolution and natural selection
Jean Piaget Cognitive psychologist who observed the cognitive development of children
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Referanser fra Merete
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Reader
Bull, Michael, and Les Back, eds. The Auditory Culture Reader.2 ed. London - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
Cox, Christoph, and Daniel Warner, eds. Audio Culture. Readings in Modern Music. New York: Continuum, 2004.
Daniels, Dieter, and Sandra Naumann, eds. See This Sound: Audiovisuology: A Reader. Köln: Walther König, 2015.
Sterne, Jonathan. The Audible Past. Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction. Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2003.
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Monographs
Dolar, Mladen. A Voice and Nothing More. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.
Kahn, Douglas. Noise, Water, Meat. A History of Sound in the Arts. Cambridge - London: The MIT Press, 1999.
Kane, Brian. Sound Unseen. Acousmatic Sound in Theory and Practice. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2014.
Kim-Cohen, Seth. In the Blink of an Ear. Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic Art. New York - London: Continuum, 2009.
Sterne, Jonathan. The Audible Past. Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction. Durham, London: Duke University Press, 2003.
Voegelin, Salomé. Listening to Noise and Silence. Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art. New York - London: Continuum, 2010.
Holmes, Thomas. Electronic and Experimental Music. Pioneers in Technology and Composition [1985]. 2 ed. New York [etc.]: Routledge, 2002.
Julius, Rolf. Small Music (Grau). Edited by Bernd Schulz and Hans Gercke. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 1995.
Kubisch, Christina. KlangRaumLichtZeit. Arbeiten von 1980 bis 2000. Aust. Kat. Opel-Villen Rüsselsheim. Edited by Kulturamt der Stadt Rüsselheim. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2000.
Kuhn, Hans Peter. Licht und Klang. Edited by Bernd Schulz. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2000.
LaBelle, Brandon. Background Noise. Perspectives on Sound Art. New York - London: Continuum, 2007.
Licht, Alan. Sound Art. Beyond Music, Between Categories. New York: Rizzoli, 2007.
Lucier, Alvin. Reflections. Interviews, Scores, Writings 1965-1994 / Reflexionen. Interviews, Notationen, Texte 1965-1994 [1995]. Edited by Gisela Gronemeyer and Reinhard Oehlschlägel. 2 ed. Köln: MusikTexte, 2005.
Motte-Haber, Helga de la, and Akademie der Künste Berlin, eds. Klangkunst. Katalog Sonambiente, Festival für Hören und Sehen. München: Prestel, 1996.
Neuhaus, Max. Sound Works. Ostfildern: Cantz, 1994.
Blatter, Alfred. Revisiting music theory. Basic principles. 2 ed. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Corey, Jason. Audio Production and Critical Listening: Technical Ear Training. New York - London: Focal Press, 2010.
Fastl, Hugo, and Eberhard Zwicker. Psychoacoustics. Facts and Models. 3 ed. Berlin - New York: Springer, 2007.
Toole, Floyed. Sound Reproduction: Loudspeakers and Rooms. Amsterdam - Boston: Elsevier (Focal Press), 2008.
Roberts, Gareth E. From music to mathematics. Exploring the connections. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
Roederer, J. G., H. J. Weitbrecht, J. Glatzel, and H. Rieger. The physics and psychophysics of music: an introduction. 4 ed. New York: Springer, 2008.
Temperley, David. The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.
Truax, Barry. Acoustic Communication. 2 ed. Westport, CT / London: Ablex, 2001.
White, Sylvia. Music as organized sound. An introduction to basic music theory. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999.
Audio Technology
Ballou, Glen M., ed. Handbook for Sound Engineers. Oxford: Focal Press, 2015.
Döbereiner. Luc. Models of Constructed Sound: Nonstandard Synthesis as an Aesthetic Perspective. Computer Music Journal, MIT Press Journals, 2011. http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/COMJ_a_00067
LucDobereiner¨ ModelsofConstructed Sound:Nonstandard SynthesisasanAesthetic Perspective
The term “standard approach” is used for dif-ferentiation. Its counterpart is the “non-standard approach,” in which “the computer acts as a sound-www.mitpressjournals.org
Giri, Maurizio. Cipriani, Alessandro. Electronic Music and Sound Design - Theory and Practice Volume 1. Contemponet, 2010.
Giri, Maurizio. Cipriani, Alessandro. Electronic Music and Sound Design - Theory and Practice Volume 2. Contemponet, 2014.
Roads, Curtis. Microsound. MIT Press, 2002.
Toole, Floyed. Sound Reproduction: Loudspeakers and Rooms. Amsterdam - Boston: Elsevier (Focal Press), 2008.
Wishart, Trevor. On Sonic Art. Routledge, 1996.
Wishart, Trevor. Audible Design: A Plain and Easy Introduction to Sound Composition. Orpheus The Pantomime Ltd., 1994.
Xenakis, Iannis. Formalized Music: Thought and Mathematics in Composition. Special issue of La Revue musicale, nos. 253–254. Paris: Editions Richard-Masse. 1963.
0 notes
Breeders’ Cup 2017 Entries
Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 2 yo fillies - $1,000,000 - 5:25 PM EDT Friday
Best Performance - 2yo ch filly - Broken Vow x Give My Regards (Smart Strike) - J. Ortiz - C. Clement (12-1)
Happily (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Galileo (IRE) x You’resothrilling (Storm Cat) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (9-2)
Now You’re Talking (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Zoffany (IRE) x Granadilla (GB) (Zafonic) - W. Lordan - J. O’Brien (30-1)
Madeline (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Kodiac (GB) x Madhulika (FR) (Marchand de Sable) - A. Atzeni - R. Varian (20-1)
Ultima D - 2yo ch filly - Scat Daddy x La Violette (Coronado’s Quest) - T. Gaffalione - W. Ward (12-1)
Orbolution - 2yo dkb filly - Orb x My Rachel (Horse Chestnut (SAF)) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Capla Temptress (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Lope de Vega (IRE) x Mrs Beeton (IRE) (Dansili (GB)) - J. Rosario - W. Mott (6-1)
Significant Form - 2yo gr filly - Creative Cause x Church by the Sea (Harlan’s Holiday) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (8-1)
Fatale Bere (FR) - 2yo b filly - Pedro the Great x Mofa Bere (FR) (Saumarez (GB)) - K. Desormeaux - L. Powell (15-1)
September (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Deep Impact (JPN) x Peeping Fawn (Danehill) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (6-1)
Rushing Fall - 2yo b filly - More Than Ready x Autumnal (Forestry) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (7-2)
Dixie Moon - 2yo ch filly - Curlin x Dixie Chicken (Rahy) - E. Da Silva - C. Phillips (20-1)
Juliet Capulet (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Dark Angel (IRE) x Capulet Monteque (IRE) (Camacho (GB)) - F. Dettori - J. Gosden (12-1)
Moon Dash - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x In the Slips (More Than Ready) - M. Smith - M. Stidham (15-1)
Retro - 2yo dkb filly - Giant’s Causeway x Grace Anatomy (Aldebaran) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (AE1)
Goodthingstaketime (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Canford Cliffs (IRE) x Addictedtoprogress (IRE) (Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)) - F. Geroux - J. Stack (AE2)
Las Vegas Dirt Mile (G1) - 1 mile - Dirt - 3yo+ - $1,000,000 - 6:05 PM EDT Friday
Iron Fist - 5yo gr ridgling - Tapit x Successful Outlook (Orientate) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (12-1)
Giant Expectations - 4yo ch colt - Frost Giant x Sarahisittrue (Is It True) - G. Stevens - P. Eurton (12-1)
Sharp Azteca - 4yo dkb colt - Freud x So Sharp (Saint Liam) - P. Lopez - J. Navarro (9-2)
Gato Del Oro - 3yo b colt - Medaglia d’Oro x Funny Feeling (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - R. Baltas (30-1)
Awesome Slew - 4yo b colt - Awesome Again x Slewfoundmoney (Seeking the Gold) - J. Velazquez - M. Casse (12-1)
Mor Spirit - 4yo dkb ridgling - Eskendereya x Im a Dixie Girl (Dixie Union) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (3-1)
Cupid - 4yo gr colt - Tapit x Pretty ‘n Smart (Beau Genius) - R. Bejarano - B. Baffert (8-1)
Accelerate - 4yo ch colt - Lookin At Lucky x Issues (Awesome Again) - V. Espinoza - J. Sadler (7-2)
Battle of Midway - 3yo b colt - Smart Strike x Rigoletta (Concerto) - F. Prat - J. Hollendorfer (10-1)
Practical Joke - 3yo b colt - Into Mischief x Halo Humor (Distorted Humor) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (6-1)
Juvenile Turf (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 2yo - $1,000,000 - 6:50 PM EDT Friday
Mendelssohn - 2yo b colt - Scat Daddy x Leslie’s Lady (Tricky Creek) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Untamed Domain - 2yo b colt - Animal Kingdom x Ciao (Lear Fan) - J. Ortiz - G. Motion (8-1)
Sands of Mali (FR) - 2yo b colt - Panis x Kadiania (FR) (Indian Rocket (GB)) - F. Prat - R. Fahey (30-1)
Catholic Boy - 2yo b colt - More Than Ready x Song of Bernadette (Bernardini) - M. Franco - J. Thomas (12-1)
Beckford (GB) - 2yo b colt - Bated Breath (GB) x Whirly Dancer (GB) (Danehill Dancer (IRE)) - J. Rosario - G. Elliott (8-1)
Masar (IRE) - 2yo ch colt - New Approach (IRE) x Khawlah (IRE) (Cape Cross (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (9-2)
James Garfield (IRE) - 2yo b colt - Exceed And Excel (AUS) x Whazzat (GB) (Daylami (IRE)) - F. Dettori - G. Scott (6-1)
Voting Control - 2yo b colt - Kitten’s Joy x Manda Bay (Empire Maker) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (8-1)
Encumbered - 2yo b colt - Violence x Dying to Dance (Street Cry (IRE)) - M. Gutierrez - S. Callaghan (15-1)
Flameaway - 2yo ch colt - Scat Daddy x Vulcan Rose (Fusaichi Pegasus) - J. Leparoux - M. Casse (20-1)
Snapper Sinclair - 2yo b colt - City Zip x True Addiction (Yes It’s True) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (15-1)
Hemp Hemp Hurray - 2yo b colt - Artie Schiller x Druidess (Malibu Moon) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (8-1)
My Boy Jack - 2yo dkb colt - Creative Cause x Gold N Shaft (Mineshaft) - K. Desormeaux - K. Desormeaux (8-1)
Rajasinghe (IRE) - 2yo b colt - Choisir (AUS) x Bunditten (IRE) (Soviet Star) - S. Donohoe - R. Spencer (30-1)
Tap Daddy - 2yo dkb colt - Scat Daddy x Easy Tap (Tapit) - F. Geroux - S. Asmussen (AE1)
Pubilius Syrus - 2yo b colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Ruthenia (Pulpit) - F. Prat - V. Cerin (AE2)
Longines Distaff (G1) - 1 ⅛ miles - Dirt - 3yo+ f&m - $2,000,000 - 7:35 PM EDT Friday
Champagne Room - 3yo b filly - Broken Vow x Lucky to Be Me (Bernstein) - M. Gutierrez - P. Eurton (15-1)
Stellar Wind - 5yo ch mare - Curlin x Evening Star (Malibu Moon) - V. Espinoza - J. Sadler (5-2)
Mopotism - 3yo b filly - Uncle Mo x Peppy Rafaela (Bernardini) - F. Dettori - D. O’Neill (30-1)
Abel Tasman - 3yo b filly - Quality Road x Vargas Girl (Deputy Minister) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (4-1)
Elate - 3yo dkb filly - Medaglia d’Oro x Cheery (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - W. Mott (3-1)
Forever Unbridled - 5yo b mare - Unbridled’s Song x Lemons Forever (Lemon Drop Kid) - J. Velazquez - D. Stewart (4-1)
Paradise Woods - 3yo b filly - Union Rags x Wild Forest (Forest Wildcat) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (9-2)
Romantic Vision - 5yo b mare - Lemon Drop Kid x Perfect for You (Giant’s Causeway) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - G. Arnold, II (15-1)
14 Hands Winery Juvenile Fillies (G1) - 1 1/16 miles - Dirt - 2yo f - $2,000,000 - 3:00 PM EDT Saturday
Heavenly Love - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Darling My Darling (Deputy Minister) - J. Leparoux - M. Casse (9-2)
Tell Your Mama - 2yo b filly - Blame x Taletobetold (Tale of the Cat) - K. Desormeaux - R. Hess, Jr. (30-1)
Princess Warrior - 2yo b filly - Midshipman x Sessa (Consolidator) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - K. McPeek (12-1)
Gio Game - 2yo b filly - Gio Ponti x Game for More (More Than Ready) - M. Franco - M. Casse (15-1)
Blonde Bomber - 2yo gr filly - Fort Larned x Girl Can Rock (El Prado (IRE)) - J. Lezcano - S. Gold (20-1)
Stainless - 2yo gr filly - Flatter x Spring Storm (Unbridled’s Song) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Moonshine Memories - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Unenchantedevening (Unbridled’s Song) - F. Prat - S. Callaghan (7-2)
Piedi Bianchi - 2yo gr filly - Overanalyze x Adore You (Tactical Cat) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (15-1)
Alluring Star - 2yo b filly - Exchange Rate x Spring Jump (Jump Start) - J. Talamo - B. Baffert (6-1)
Maya Malibu - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Island Sand (Tabasco Cat) - J. Castellano - G. Motion (20-1)
Wonder Gadot - 2yo dkb filly - Medaglia d’Oro x Loving Vindication (Vindication) - P. Husbands - M. Casse (8-1)
Caledonia Road - 2yo b filly - Quality Road x Come a Callin (Dixie Union) - M. Smith - R. Nicks (15-1)
Separationofpowers - 2yo b filly - Candy Ride (ARG) x Shehadmefromhello (Empire Maker) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (4-1)
Turf Sprint (G1) - 5 furlongs - Turf - 3yo+ - $1,000,000 - 3:37 PM EDT Saturday
Disco Partner - 5yo gr horse - Disco Rico x Lulu’s Number (Numerous) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Clement (9-2)
Holding Gold - 4yo b gelding - Lonhro (AUS) x In the Gold (Golden Missile) - M. Franco - M. Casse (15-1)
Lady Aurelia - 3yo b filly - Scat Daddy x D’ Wildcat Speed (Forest Wildcat) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (5-2)
Stormy Liberal - 5yo b gelding - Stormy Atlantic x Vassar (Royal Academy) - J. Rosario - P. Miller (12-1)
Washington DC (IRE) - 4yo b colt - Zoffany (IRE) x How's She Cuttin' (IRE) (Shinko Forest (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Marsha (IRE) - 4yo b filly - Acclamation (GB) x Marlinka (GB) (Marju (IRE)) - L. Morris - M. Prescott (7-2)
Richard’s Boy - 5yo gr gelding - Idiot Proof x Marissa’s Joy (Cee’s Tizzy) - F. Prat - P. Miller (10-1)
Cotai Glory (GB) - 5yo ch horse - Exceed And Excel (AUS) x Continua (Elusive Quality) - O. Murphy - C. Hills (20-1)
Mongolian Saturday - 7yo b gelding - Any Given Saturday x Miss Hot Salsa (Houston) - F. Geroux - E. Ganbat (20-1)
Hogy - 8yo dkb gelding - Offlee Wild x Floy (Petionville) - J. Ortiz - M. Maker (12-1)
Bucchero - 5yo ch horse - Kantharos x Meetmeontime (General Meeting) - F. de la Cruz - T. Glyshaw (12-1)
Pure Sensation - 6yo gr gelding - Zensational x Pure Disco (Disco Rico) - K. Carmouche - C. Clement (20-1)
Guns Loaded - 6yo b gelding - D'wildcat x One in the Chamber (Red Bullet) - R. Bejarano - D. O’Neill (AE1)
Paquita Coqueta (CHI) - 6yo b mare - Scat Daddy x Luna Piena (CHI) (Mon Pote Le Gitan) - C. Nakatani - C. Summers (AE2)
Filly & Mare Sprint (G1) - 7 furlongs - Dirt - 3yo+ f&m - $1,000,000 - 4:14 PM EDT Saturday
Carina Mia - 4yo dkb filly - Malibu Moon x Miss Simpatia (ARG) (Southern Halo) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (12-1)
Paulassilverlining - 5yo b mare - Ghostzapper x Seeking the Silver (Grindstone) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (8-1)
Curlin’s Approval - 4yo dkb filly - Curlin x Withmom'sapproval (With Approval) - L. Saez - H. Alter (20-1)
Finest City - 5yo ch mare - City Zip x Be Envied (Lemon Drop Kid) - C. Nakatani - I. Kruljac (12-1)
Bar of Gold - 5yo dkb mare - Medaglia d'Oro x Khancord Kid (Lemon Drop Kid) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Kimmel (30-1)
Proper Discretion - 4yo b filly - Discreetly Mine x Prizes (Prized) - K. Desormeaux - A. Rini (30-1)
By the Moon - 5yo dkb mare - Indian Charlie x By the Light (Malibu Moon) - R. Maragh - M. Nevin (12-1)
Constellation - 4yo ch filly - Bellamy Road x For Royalty (Not For Love) - F. Prat - B. Baffert (15-1)
Finley’sluckycharm - 4yo dkb filly - Twirling Candy x Day of Victory (Victory Gallop) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - W. Calhoun (6-1)
Highway Star - 4yo ch filly - Girolamo x Stolen Star (Cat Thief) - A. Arroyo - R. Ubillo (15-1)
Unique Bella - 3yo gr filly - Tapit x Unrivaled Belle (Unbridled's Song) - M. Smith - J. Hollendorfer (9-5)
Skye Diamonds - 4yo ch filly - First Dude x Exonerated (Johannesburg) - T. Pereira - W. Spawr (5-1)
Princess Karen - 3yo b filly - Stay Thirsty x Chitka (Jade Hunter) - J. Leparoux - J. Bonde (20-1)
Ami’s Mesa - 4yo dkb filly - Sky Mesa x Victorious Ami (Victory Gallop) - L. Contreras - J. Carroll (20-1)
Filly & Mare Turf (G1) - 1 ⅛ miles - Turf - 3yo+ f&m - $2,000,000 - 5:00 PM EDT Saturday
War Flag - 4yo b filly - War Front x Black Speck (Arch) - J. Ortiz - C. McGaughey III (12-1)
Senga - 3yo b filly - Blame x Beta Leo (A.P. Indy) - S. Pasquier - P. Bary (20-1)
Birdie Gold - 3yo ch filly - Birdstone x Gold Revenue (Touch Gold) - M. Smith - G. Mandella (30-1)
Zipessa - 5yo ch mare - City Zip x Precious Princess (Horse Chestnut (SAF)) - J. Bravo - M. Stidham (20-1)
Wuheida (GB) - 3yo ch filly - Dubawi (IRE) x Hibaayeb (GB) (Singspiel (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (20-1)
Cambodia - 5yo b mare - War Front x Sassifaction (Smart Strike) - D. Van Dyke - T. Proctor (8-1)
Dacita (CHI) - 6yo ch mare - Scat Daddy x Daja (CHI) (Seeker's Reward) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (8-1)
Grand Jete (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dansili (GB) x Modern Look (GB) (Zamindar) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (6-1)
Lady Eli - 5yo dkb mare - Divine Park x Sacre Coeur (Saint Ballado) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (5-2)
Queen’s Trust (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dansili (GB) x Queen's Best (GB) (King's Best) - F. Dettori - M. Stoute (12-1)
Nezwaah (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dubawi (IRE) x Ferdoos (GB) (Dansili (GB)) - A. Atzeni - R. Varian (20-1)
Avenge - 5yo dkb mare - War Front x Lerici (Woodman) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (8-1)
Goodyearforroses (IRE) - 5yo b mare - Azamour (IRE) x Guilia (GB) (Galileo (IRE)) - C. Nakatani - R. Baltas (12-1)
Rhododendron (IRE) - 3yo b filly - Galileo (IRE) x Halfway To Heaven (IRE) (Pivotal (GB)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Kitten’s Roar - 5yo dkb mare - Kitten's Joy x Bambolina (War Chant) - J. Ortiz - M. Maker (AE1)
Responsibleforlove (IRE) - 4yo ch filly - Duke of Marmalade (IRE) x Vee Gita (IRE) (Vettori (IRE)) - J. Talamo - N. Drysdale (AE2)
Twinspires Sprint (G1) - 6 furlongs - Dirt - 3yo+ - $1,500,000 - 5:37 PM EDT Saturday
Calculator - 5yo gr horse - In Summation x Back to Basics (Alphabet Soup) - J. Velazquez - P. Miller (20-1)
Drefong - 4yo b colt - Gio Ponti x Eltimaas (Ghostzapper) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (5-2)
American Pastime - 3yo dkb colt - Tapizar x Ryan's Inheritance (Valid Expectations) - C. Nakatani - R. Hess, Jr. (12-1)
B Squared - 3yo b colt - Square Eddie x Silar Rules (Ten Most Wanted) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (30-1)
Whitmore - 4yo ch gelding - Pleasantly Perfect x Melody's Spirit (Scat Daddy) - M. Franco - R. Moquett (15-1)
Mind Your Biscuits - 4yo ch colt - Posse x Jazzmane (Toccet) - J. Rosario - C. Summers (6-1)
Takaful - 3yo dkb colt - Bernardini x Sablah (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - K. McLaughlin (5-1)
Roy H - 5yo b gelding - More Than Ready x Elusive Diva (Elusive Quality) - K. Desormeaux - P. Miller (7-2)
Ransom the Moon - 5yo b horse - Malibu Moon x Count to Three (Red Ransom) - F. Prat - P. D’Amato (12-1)
Imperial Hint - 4yo dkb colt - Imperialism x Royal Hint (Lahint) - J. Castellano - L. Carvajal, Jr. (9-2)
Mile (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 3yo+ - $2,000,000 - 6:19 PM EDT Saturday
Midnight Storm - 6yo dkb horse - Pioneerof the Nile x My Tina (Bertrando) - T. Baze - P. D’Amato (15-1)
Heart to Heart - 6yo b horse - English Channel x Ask the Question (Silver Deputy) - J. Leparoux - B. Lynch (6-1)
Mr. Roary - 4yo ch gelding - Scat Daddy x If Angels Sang (Seattle Slew) - T. Conner - G. Papaprodromou (30-1)
Lancaster Bomber - 3yo b colt - War Front x Sun Shower (IRE) (Indian Ridge (IRE)) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
World Approval - 5yo gr gelding - Northern Afleet x Win Approval (With Approval) - J. Velazquez - M. Casse (9-2)
Zelzal (FR) - 4yo b colt - Sea The Stars (IRE) x Olga Prekrasa (Kingmambo) - G. Benoist - J. Rouget (20-1)
Om - 5yo ch horse - Munnings x Rare Cat (Tabasco Cat) - D. Van Dyke - D. Hendricks (20-1)
Suedois (FR) - 6yo dkb gelding - Le Havre (IRE) x Cup Cake (IRE) (Singspiel (IRE)) - D. Tudhope - D. O’Meara (6-1)
Home of the Brave (IRE) - 5yo ch horse - Starspangledbanner (AUS) x Blissful Beat (GB) (Beat Hollow (GB)) - M. Smith - H. Palmer (20-1)
Ribchester (IRE) - 4yo b colt - Iffraaj (GB) x Mujarah (IRE) (Marju (IRE)) - W. Buick - R. Fahey (7-2)
Ballagh Rocks - 4yo b colt - Stormy Atlantic x Bells Are Ringing (Sadler's Wells) - J. Lezcano - W. Mott (12-1)
Roly Poly - 3yo b filly - War Front x Misty For Me (IRE) (Galileo (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (6-1)
Blackjackcat - 4yo dkb gelding - Tale of the Cat x Bootleg Annie (Go for Gin) - K. Desormeaux - M. Glatt (15-1)
Karar (GB) - 5yo b gelding - Invincible Spirit (IRE) x In the Light (GB) (Inchinor (GB)) - F. Dettori - F. Graffard (15-1)
Sentient Jet Juvenile (G1) - 1 1/16 miles - Dirt - 2yo - $2,000,000 - 6:58 PM EDT Saturday
U S Navy Flag - 2yo dkb colt - War Front x Misty For Me (IRE) (Galileo (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Solomini - 2yo ch colt - Curlin x Surf Song (Storm Cat) - F. Prat - B. Baffert (6-1)
Firenze Fire - 2yo b colt - Poseidon's Warrior x My Every Wish (Langfuhr) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Servis (6-1)
Givemeaminit - 2yo b colt - Star Guitar x Powerful Nation (Turkoman) - J. Castellano - D. Stewart (20-1)
Free Drop Billy - 2yo ch colt - Union Rags x Trensa (Giant's Causeway) - R. Albarado - D. Romans (5-1)
Good Magic - 2yo ch colt - Curlin x Glinda the Good (Hard Spun) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (8-1)
The Tabulator - 2yo dkb colt - Dialed In x Fly to the Stars (Giant's Causeway) - J. Valdivia, Jr. - L. Rivelli (20-1)
Bahamian - 2yo ch colt - Freedom Child x Final Humor (Distorted Humor) - M. Gutierrez - S. Callaghan (30-1)
Hazit - 2yo b colt - War Front x Rumor (Indian Charlie) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Golden Dragon - 2yo ch colt - Skipshot x La Belle Marquet (Marquetry) - E. Roman - M. Yanakov (30-1)
Bolt d’Oro - 2yo b colt - Medaglia d'Oro x Globe Trot (A.P. Indy) - C. Nakatani - M. Ruis (9-5)
Hollywood Star - 2yo dkb colt - Malibu Moon x Hollywood Story (Wild Rush) - J. Rosario - D. Romans (15-1)
Longines Turf (G1) - 1 ½ miles - Turf - 3yo+ - $4,000,000 - 7:37 PM EDT Saturday
Talismanic (GB) - 4yo dkb colt - Medaglia d'Oro x Magic Mission (GB) (Machiavellian) - M. Barzalona - A. Fabre (15-1)
Bullards Alley - 5yo dkb gelding - Flower Alley x Flower Forest (Kris S.) - J. Castellano - T. Glyshaw (15-1)
Highland Reel (IRE) - 5yo b horse - Galileo (IRE) x Hveger (AUS) (Danehill) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (5-1)
Decorated Knight (GB) - 5yo ch horse - Galileo (IRE) x Pearling (Storm Cat) - A. Atzeni - R. Charlton (15-1)
Ulysses (IRE) - 4yo ch colt - Galileo (IRE) x Light Shift (Kingmambo) - F. Dettori - M. Stoute (7-2)
Cliffs of Moher (IRE) - 3yo b colt - Galileo (IRE) x Wave (IRE) (Dansili (GB)) - W. Lordan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Itsinthepost (FR) - 5yo b gelding - American Post (GB) x Sakkara Star (IRE) (Mozart (IRE)) - T. Baze - J. Mullins (15-1)
Bigger Picture - 6yo ch gelding - Badge of Silver x Glory Dancer (Honour and Glory) - J. Velazquez - M. Maker (15-1)
Seventh Heaven (IRE) - 4yo dkb filly - Galileo (IRE) x La Traviata (Johannesburg) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Fanciful Angel (IRE) - 5yo gr gelding - Dark Angel (IRE) x Fanciful Dancer (GB) (Groom Dancer) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (12-1)
Hunt (IRE) - 5yo gr gelding - Dark Angel (IRE) x Mansiya (GB) (Vettori (IRE)) - F. Prat - P. D’Amato (15-1)
Beach Patrol - 4yo dkb colt - Lemon Drop Kid x Bashful Bertie (Quiet American) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (4-1)
Sadler’s Joy - 4yo ch colt - Kitten's Joy x Dynaire (Dynaformer) - J. Leparoux - T. Albertrani (12-1)
Oscar Performance - 3yo b ridgling - Kitten's Joy x Devine Actress (Theatrical (IRE)) - J. Ortiz - B. Lynch (10-1)
Classic (G1) - 1 ¼ miles - Dirt - 3yo+ - $6,000,000 - 8:35 PM EDT Saturday
Arrogate - 4yo gr colt - Unbridled's Song x Bubbler (Distorted Humor) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (2-1)
War Decree - 3yo b colt - War Front x Royal Decree (Street Cry (IRE)) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (30-1)
Win the Space - 5yo gr horse - Pulpit x Teamgeist (ARG) (Mutakddim) - J. Talamo - G. Papaprodromou (30-1)
War Story - 5yo ch gelding - Northern Afleet x Belle Watling (Pulpit) - J. Ortiz - J. Navarro (30-1)
Gun Runner - 4yo ch colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Quiet Giant (Giant's Causeway) - F. Geroux - S. Asmussen (9-5)
Mubtaahij (IRE) - 5yo b horse - Dubawi (IRE) x Pennegale (IRE)( Pennekamp) - D. Van Dyke - B. Baffert (12-1)
Churchill (IRE) - 3yo b colt - Galileo (IRE) x Meow (IRE) (Storm Cat) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (15-1)
West Coast - 3yo b colt - Flatter x Caressing (Honour and Glory) - J. Castellano - B. Baffert (6-1)
Gunnevera - 3yo ch colt - Dialed In x Unbridled Rage (Unbridled) - E. Zayas - A. Sano (30-1)
Pavel - 3yo gr colt - Creative Cause x Mons Venus (Maria's Mon) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (20-1)
Collected - 4yo ch colt - City Zip x Helena Bay (GB) (Johannesburg) - M. Garcia - B. Baffert (6-1)
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O último ilustre membro da galeria de convidados do Fúria dispensa apresentações, mas eu vou fazer uma na mesma. Ele é um dos ilustradores de BD mais originais que conheço, com um traço energético e uma composição de página que me inspiram e me matam de inveja simultaneamente. Mais conhecido pelo seu trabalho na Marvel, em Ultimate Spider Man, Hellcat e New Mutants, foi também recentemente o ilustrador na série Archer and Armstrong, na Valiant Comics. Para além disso, ele ainda é um tipo porreiro, e, tal como os outros convidados, um dos primeiros incentivadores do Hanuram. Senhoras e senhores, fechando a galeria em beleza, aqui fica a contribuição do Sr. David Lafuente! Hanuram o Dourado: A Fúria é uma co-edição G Floy Studio - Portugal e ComicHeart The last ilustrious member of the guest gallery for Fury needs no introduction, but I'm doing one anyway. He is one of the most original comic book artists I know, with an energetic line and a page composition that simultaneously inspire and destroys me with envy. Best know for his work at Marvel, in Ultimate Spider Man, Hell at and New Mutants, he was also recently the artist on Archer and Armstrong, on Valiant Comics. On top of that, he's a very nice guy, and, like the other guests, one of the very first supporters of Hanuram. Ladies and gentlemen, closing nicely our gallery, here's the contribution from Mr. David Lafuente! Hanuram the Golden: The Fury is a joint edition from G Floy Studio -Portugal and ComicHeart #hanuram #hanuramodourado #hanuramthegolden #comics #tebeos #quadrinhos #BD #hq #fummetti #fantasy #creatorowned #pinup #illustration #awesome #guest #gfloystudio #comicheart
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O Não Percas, a Editora Goody e a Editora G-Floy têm para te oferecer 3 edições dos álbuns “Thor: A Deusa do Trovão” e “Thor: Os Últimos Dias de Midgard”!
Jason Aaron é um dos argumentistas de comics mais populares da actualidade. Foi o criador, juntamente com rm Guéra, da série “Scalped”, publicada pela Vertigo, o seu primeiro grande sucesso crítico e comercial. Escreveu para inúmeros outros comics, entre os quais Thor, Wolverine, Ghost Rider ou X-Men, na Marvel. É também o autor da série “Southern Bastards”, com arte de Jason Latour, de que a G.Floy já publicou três volumes. Southern Bastards foi unanimemente considerada uma das melhores séries de BD da actualidade pela maioria dos críticos e sites especializados de comics, e foi também seleccionada para o prémio Polar (BD policial e thriller) do Festival de Angoulême, tendo vencido o prémio Harvey de 2015 para Melhor Nova Série. Foi nomeado para o Eisner Award de “Melhor Escritor” em 2015 pelo seu trabalho nas séries “Original Sin”, “Thor”, “Men of Wrath” e “Southern Bastards”.Em 2016, sairia vencedor na mesma categoria e Southern Bastards, indicada ao Eisner Awards na categoria “Melhor Série”, também seria premiada.
THOR: Os Últimos Dias de Midgard Reúne os títulos Thor: God of Thunder #19-25. Formato deluxe, capa dura, 168 pgs. a cores. PVP: 15€
Uma história auto-conclusiva que encerra uma parte importante da saga do Deus do Trovão, antes do relançamento em She-Thor.(*)
Thor luta para salvar o planeta, mas lutar contra quem, se o planeta está a morrer? Mas a agente Roz Solomon, da SHIELD, sabe quem é o inimigo: a nefasta megacorporação Roxxon e o seu implacável e malévolo novo CEO, “o Minotauro”! Terá Thor encontrado o seu igual sob a forma de uma supercorporação multinacional? Entretanto, milhares de anos no futuro, o Rei Thor de Asgard e as suas netas, as Guerreiras do Trovão, travam uma batalha muito diferente para salvar o que resta da Terra – mas de Galactus!
Thor: Os Últimos Dias de Midgard é uma saga auto-conclusiva do Deus do Trovão, que encerra uma das fases mais aclamadas das suas histórias, e que serve de prelúdio ao relançamento que Aaron fez na saga She-Thor!
THOR: A Deusa do Trovão Dimensões: 168 x 260 mm Periodicidade: mensal, Capa mole, 128 pgs. a cores. PVP: 7,90€
AFINAL, QUEM É A DEUSA DO TROVÃO? Bem-vindos à Marvel Especial #6 que conta a estreia da Thor (originalmente publicada em 2014 nos EUA).
Marvel Especial 6 – Thor #1 Os segredos do Pecado Original colocaram fora de ação um dos maiores heróis da Marvel. Thor, o Deus do Trovão, é agora indigno, perdeu o poder de manejar o seu martelo Mjolnir, que fi cou “preso” na lua, incapacitado de voltar a ser reerguido. Será? Quando os Gigantes de Gelo invadem a Terra, uma nova mão irá agarrar no martelo – e uma mulher misteriosa levará consigo o manto do todo-poderoso Thor! A sua identidade é secreta até mesmo para Odin, mas ela pode ser a única esperança da Terra contra os Gigantes de Gelo. Preparem-se para conhecer uma heroína completamente nova que promete virar Midgard do avesso! E há mais: como se esperava, Odinson não lida bem com o facto de existir alguém capaz de manejar o seu martelo: será Thor vs. Thor! E Odin, desesperado por fazer regressar Mjolnir, vai recorrer a um grupo de aliados bastante inesperado e extremamente perigoso. Um capítulo novo e arrojado na já lendária história deste fantástico universo!
Thor, a Deusa do Trovão
Thor, a Deusa do Trovão
Thor, a Deusa do Trovão
1º Faz “Gosto” nas páginas de facebook Não Percas, BDMarvelGoody e G Floy Studio – Portugal
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Regras: – Para a sua participação ser considerada válida, é obrigatória a realização dos três pontos acima mencionados. – A participação deverá ser feita até dia 23/02/2018. – Serão sorteados aleatoriamente 3 vencedores através do site random.org, cada um receberá as duas edições acima mencionadas.
Passatempo BD : THOR O Não Percas, a Editora Goody e a Editora G-Floy têm para te oferecer 3 edições dos álbuns "Thor: A Deusa do Trovão" e "Thor: Os Últimos Dias de Midgard"!
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Sete para a Eternidade: Livro Dois
Sete para a Eternidade: Livro Dois #rickremender #jeromeopena #bandasdesenhadas
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Gamis Jasmine Nafeesa Dress 15 - baju gamis wanita busana muslim Untukmu yg cantik, syari, dan trendy . . Detail : - Material : Titanium Sateen Serat benangnya padat dan tebal sehingga tidak terawang, bahannya flowy nyaman dikulit dan tidak panas, kilatnya doff sehingga terlihat elegant ketika digunakan. - Front Zipper 30cm. Nursing Friendly - Lengan kancing 1 memudahkan berwudhu - Saku kanan - Cutting pinggang. Efek langsing - Tali kanan dan kiri Bisa diikat kedepan atau belakang, untuk menyesuaikan lingkar badan - Floi di bagian rok depan belakang - Lebar rok 2,5m sehingga pas untuk segala aktifitas karna tidak terlalu lebar . . Size Chart (S) LD 95cm PB 135cm (M) LD 100cm PB 138cm (L) LD 105cm PB 140cm (XL) LD 110cm PB 145cm . . Harga Rp 230.000 (gamis saja) . . Yuuk pesan sekarang di Gamis Chic - Pusat Gamis Hijab Cantik Terbaru www.facebook.com/pusatgamishijab www.tokopedia.com/gamischic www.bukalapak.com/gamischic www.shopee.co.id/gamischic www.gamischic.com . . Instagram: @gamis_jasmine Line @gamisjasmine Add Line Klik: line.me/R/ti/p/%40gamisjasmine . . Pin BBM: D2D711F3 Add BBM klik: pin.bbm.com/D2D711F3 Sms/Whatsapp: 0813.1991.0550 . . Gabung yuuk di grup FB Gamis Chic untuk dapetin info produk TERBARU dan GIVEAWAY FREE Gamis Chic www.facebook.com/groups/771535326310159 . . model gamis terbaru | model baju muslim terbaru | busana muslim terbaru | baju muslim modern | model baju gamis terbaru | busana muslim modern | baju gamis modern | baju muslimah | gamis katun jepang | baju gamis wanita | baju muslim wanita | busana muslim wanita | busana muslimah | baju syari . . #jasmine #gamisjasmine #hijabjasmine #jasminehijab #khimarjasmine #jasminekhimar #jasminereadystock #jasminelover #jasminelovers #jasminereseller #jasmine_bylidiahadiwinoto #jasminebylidiahadiwinoto #gamissyari #gamismurah #gamisbusui #gamis #bajumuslimterbaru #bajumuslimahmurah #bajumuslimah #bajumuslimmurah #bajumuslim #busanamuslim #busanamuslimmurah #busanamuslimah #bajugamis #gamischic #g
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Wolverine: Preto, Branco e Sangue
Wolverine: Preto, Branco e Sangue #marvel #bandasdesenhadas
Por vários autores. O segundo livro de banda desenhada da Marvel editado em 2021 no nosso país, é publicado novamente pela G. Floy e é dedicado mais uma vez aos personagens mutantes da editora norte-americana, ou, neste caso concreto, totalmente focado naquele que adquiriu como cognome o nome do animal Gulo gulo (denominado, em português, de glutão ou carcaju). Wolverine; Preto, Branco e Sangue…
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#Adam Kubert#Chris Bachalo#Chris Claremont#Comics#Declan Shalvey#Donny Cates#Ed Brisson#EUA#G. Floy#Gerry Duggan#Greg Land#Jed MacKay#Jesus Saiz#John Ridley#Jorge Fornes#Joshua Cassara#Kelly Thompson#Kev Walker#Khary Randolph#Leonard Kirk#Marvel#Matthew Rosenberg#Paulo Siqueira#Saladin Ahmed#Salvador Larroca#Steve S. DeKnight#Vita Ayala#Wolverine
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New X-Men vol. 4
New X-Men vol. 4 #grantmorrison #philjimenez #marcsilvestri #bandasdesenhadas
Planeta X. Seis meses após o terceiro volume, a G. Floy encerra a reedição de New X-Men com o quarto e último livro, intitulado Planeta X. Este tomo compila as revistas norte-americanas New X-Men #146-154 (novembro de 2003 a maio de 2004). Neste volume da G. Floy, com distribuição agendada para dia 24 nos pontos de venda de periódicos e lojas especializadas em BD, ao argumentista Grant…
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Moonshine 3, de Azzarello e Risso
Moonshine 3, de Azzarello e Risso
Querer a Lua. A série Moonshine, a saga de lobisomens na década de 20 do século passado, da autoria de Brian Azzarello e Eduardo Risso, está de regresso à edição nacional, com mais um arco narrativo. O terceiro volume intitula-se Querer a Lua e compila as 5 revistas Moonshine #13-17, originalmente publicadas nos EUA pela Image, entre 13 de novembro de 2019 e 11 de março de 2020. Desta feita, ao…
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