#Funded Accounts
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tariah23 · 1 year ago
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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fundedtrader · 2 days ago
How Funded Accounts Can Accelerate Your Stock Trading Career
Although stock trading is an exciting and potentially profitable professional option, it does present some drawbacks. Lack of funds to start trading is a primary impediment that many would-be traders encounter. Funded accounts can help with this. With these accounts, traders can access large sums of money without having to make an initial investment with their funds. However, how much can funded accounts help you advance in your stock trading career? Let’s examine the main advantages and how they can help you succeed. Read more!
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hanzi83 · 2 years ago
Return of the Scattered Mess
I haven’t written one in a bit, it is weird because I went almost 3 years without writing one because I didn’t need to as much since doing the podcast, but then recently I got in the habit, whether for better or worse to the people reading and consuming it, and now that I haven’t done one in a while it feels weird. Normally I have irrational feelings always flowing through my head about the state of the world and it is moving further to the right and all there really is to counter it is sports entertainment and limiting narratives, even if you say you oppose the evil of the far right because then you have to automatically blindly defend the democrat side and people who think they are smarter will scoff at the thought of both parties being the same, like I know there are bad faith actors who will just use that as an excuse to defend the new right’s personalities and sprinkle in some “anti war” talk and then think you are better than everyone else and it makes you more anti imperialist while always defending these sensationalist culture wars that really are about product placement with outrage marketing, and argue in favor of the far right leaning point to put people in marginalized communities in danger. But people who scoff at the notion of both parties being the same, when apolitical people who have lived through conditions of systemic shit that has happened to them and it has been happening under democratic leadership and republican leadership, people are not gonna look for the nuances of why the parties are different, maybe if people explained it like pro wrestling, it would be easy to kind of explain to the people who might not be as smart as the people who want to be thought leaders but act too elitist to distribute the information in a relatable way and then let dumbed down people continue to be lured into right wing cult like social circles online. Like here is the thing. I don’t know the exact rules of politics and what is legal and what is not but is it fair to say that someone who has committed so many fucking crimes and has people who are breaking the rules to defend him, and nothing is happening to them and they are still able to run for president and go to Waffle House for a photo op, and his ilk going on podcasts showing off about crimes they may have committed by “accidentally admitting” it, and nothing happens to these people, is it safe to say the parties involved don’t play by the rules that every day person plays by. It is like pro wrestling in that in kayfabe within the program, they have these legalities within kayfabe and it comes off as a parody and people often say “That would never happen in the real world, that’s not how it goes” but is that really true when literally all the crimes committed that we have learned about the last 20 years from the corrupt elements of government, are still able to just walk around and be free while the social climbing accounts just boo and hiss. I know it is frowned upon to be a conspiratorial person, and yes some of the “conspiracies” are coping mechanisms because it would break my being from within that people’s death and oppression is used to fuel sports entertainment in the MSM and that includes the alt media and the online funded shit, I know I am not supposed to think people in the alt media are compromised because they play clips of the MSM being dumbed down caricatures with overproduced promos, and pretend they are better because in 2023 making your entire personality dunking on the MSM is the most revolutionary thing you can do, people think there is no corporate interest in the alt media, because most of the takes from a bunch of alt media people are just as much establishment bullshit 90’s contrarian shit which is why they want to reboot the 90’s and early 2000’s where the “anti establishment” persona was coming off more genuine but the “anti establishment” establishment persona is one of the most overplayed hands with how watered down it is, like if someone like Tucker was really tugging on the cape of the establishment, you wouldn’t hear about him online or anywhere else, he would not be allowed to catch traction, but instead he has a bunch of shit heads who pretend to be anti war then go on his show and not call him out about the other pro war shit he has said, and the thing is there has never been a time where I haven’t felt more confused because it feels like the supposed anti establishment types are the ones who are being booked to be these “truth tellers” while they don’t disclose to their audience the problematic shit their guests are up to but if someone is supporting Ukraine, then it is like their entire personal character is attacked for everything they might be pure about and because this narrative online is that people in the legacy establishment and media say things about certain people on the right, you don’t want to sound like an establishment person so it feels like by the right wing think tanks and billionaire funded personas that cater to the online contingent, they are the ones who come off like they are telling the truth because they might adopt an anti war persona and might have a couple of “conspiratorial” things that might be true to people who are apolitical, while adding a bunch of other twisted right wing shit to the theories and you think you will have establishment liberal types will give nuances of what is going on around the world when they blindly shit on any conspiratorial thinking. Like I know right wingers have doped the 9/11 inside job thing and then they have then gone onto an anti trans panic to fuel their audience and following to act reactionary but it feels the only “woke” thing the progressive types can say about it is that it was funded by the Saudis, like they imposed something on poor old innocent US empire, and corporations, and other institutions and other public figures and officials do business with them and we think the money is being forced upon them, but don’t you think they do it because maybe people agree with their fundamentalist bullshit? For some reason, you cannot think that and the right wing who claim 9/11 was inside job then have no issue doing business with people who helped fund it, one would think that maybe powerful people don’t give a shit about the people oppressed, taking away people’s rights and somehow I am supposed to trust people who call out other foreign governments who never hold their own accountable. This is why a lot of people who have felt the lies and suffered from it might not give a shit about what the US has to say about shit because there have been so much shadiness. My whole thing is, they are still presenting a country vs country aesthetic when it is more about the far right powers taking over all over the fucking place. They want to self preserve about the warnings of what is to come, but then at the same time you levitate these threats with comedy and America’s dumbest criminal presentation, because these kinds of things could never be presented in a way where it has to be a fucking shitty reality show, because of a bunch of shit heads have to pretend they are side characters on Succession while people are gonna be harmed by the rhetoric going on, and this is why it is easy not to root for people who socially climb up in a system, because on the surface it feels they purposefully get worse, I get told a lot to get some help so I can feel better, and I can cop to my mental issues etc, but there are things that are not exactly facts that will ensure I will never fucking heal mentally because in order to get backup, I have to cosign from a side, and people thought once I got kicked from the Stern Show that I would then get lured in to get back up from the right wing side who would only attack Stern for being more PC when he has always been a system puppet, so if I were supposed to get back up, I would have to do what other people, who got fucked by the system, would do and align with problematic people and by the time they get their story out, people are not gonna give a shit about the root cause because now that person is going to the far right wing side. I have been left in the dark and I had to watch what I say or do because people who control my life could make shit even more uncomfortable and it can be so fucking under the table that no one will give a shit until they can officially prove it and make it into a fucking documentary for the future. That is the world I am supposed to get better in when everyone else has gotten worse, maybe their aesthetic is better because everyone judges the book by the cover while grown ass adults who are supposed to be leaders in whatever clique or institution are some of the most fucked up people on the planet and constantly make sure everyone is in constant misery and pain and gaslighting people into acting more reactionary. People will say this is what life is and the more people sell out, they will justify why people should be able to spread hate speech without and repercussions and make excuses while condemning people from the marginalized side because they will use a propped up sensationalist viral moments to justify it and get their takes propped up by more and more right wing leaning people and because they have fooled people into thinking because Lockeed Martin is holding up a fucking pride flag, that somehow the system loves the marginalized, when it is designed for pushback at an even more aggressive rate to discredit everyone from the general community, they make it seem like everyone is on the left, they think showbiz is run by liberal satanists, when to me it is run by conservatives fundamentalist shit that is under the guise of “liberation” because they are not the caricature right wing fundamentalist, but it is 2 sides of the same coin. 
It has been a while, so I am all over the place. But I think people have lowered their expectations when reading one of my blogs, they will definitely make fun of a dumbed down guy trying to articulate, and also some of them with evil intent will use the anecdotes of the experiences I have had being dumbed down and not use it for the sake of good, they will use to then double down on brainwashing dumbed down people into buying into their propaganda, and what is scary now is that people who want to sell out and not admit they are fucking phoney scum who built a reputation being anti establishment and they can’t give up on that one and maybe these people chose the wrong era and year to do this which is why they need the aesthetic of the 90’s and early 2000’s because they want to retread everything from that era even though it is watered down but if you get a bunch of people to prop it up and you are protected, you can use the guise of a progressive or someone who claims to be left/anti war and then find a way to constantly defend the right wing and when you attack the right wing, it is normally because you want to buy into Veep level in fighting which then forces people to have to advocate horrible people’s argument because you are training people to side between 2 people who have fascist aspirations, so the same people who are better than MSM are the ones who are lessening the threat of what is going on and this is who is supposed to be thought leaders. It would be one thing if people just sold out, but they can’t admit it and they will send people to lure me and others into that kind of thinking because as someone who is dumbed down and would just repeat and regurgitate talking points from people I viewed smarter than me, so you agree with the sentiment of what they say but then they will start cosigning other shit that is fucked up but because it is not as established as the the other corrupt and fucked up things, it means that I can’t ask any questions because at a certain point, these thought leaders just want to be cult leaders, they claim to be atheists but they want to be the gods/religion you worship. They can pretend to be anti establishment, but at the end of the day they have all become Steve Austin in the main event of WM17 shaking hands with Vince McMahon and then still later on try to do their anti establishment persona after the fact but by then people already see you as a caricature and parody who plays the hits for the live. And because these social climbers want to get up there as well, they will do work at their behest, they will be the soldiers and court jester for the billionaires, but people should study what I call the Sal Govenrale method, and this might be a deep cut but most Stern fans still consume my shit for the most part, but the method goes he is someone that was allowed to torment people Howard worked with and other people and he would be full of life and feeling good he is getting approval from Stern and he would help bury people for him and then he got his dream job of working for them, and then that is where he was put on display to become a sports entertainment caricature who dumbed himself down despite being talented and he would be the one who would keep Howard’s ignorance alive while Howard would scale back from being that guy because he was presenting himself as a more liberal guy. But I can assume the humiliation Sal felt where they chastised him for it on air was designed to happen like he was the only stupid one doing that kind of shit. And that is what everyone who is an online social climber will be forced to succumb through. How will anyone ever get better being in that kind of system where you will have to act worse and get worse mentally. I know the future of what is possible with how things are playing out and I don’t want to be here. It becomes disheartening to see people I used to hang out with become these caricatures and elitists, and then the news I would consume because I didn’t trust the western MSM media, and now it has become useless because they all ended up becoming shit and there is no one I feel other than a few at the current moment, but now I have to keep my fucking guard up with what information is being put out there. I used to think I was a free thinker because I listened to what the internet says, because it was easier and less established than the bullshit and lies MSM have told, and people in the establishment never explain why people can be lured into those circles and how sophisticated all this shit is, but we limit the conversations of racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia etc by what it was presented as 30 years ago and think it is the exact same, the tactics are a lot more trickier because we don’t think they are orchestrating shit to happen so it helps the media fear monger so they manufacture consent into buying into upgraded ignorance. But what do I know huh? I am a dumbed down guy and my life is utter shit, you can tell me all the things wrong with me and you will just give me more ammo for why I shouldn’t have to be here. I don’t have anyone or anything really. The only hope at this moment is that if I drop dead now at my current irrelevant status, then at least I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone really knowing or giving a shit. 20 years ago I couldn’t articulate my visions but I could see the world was moving in a fucked up place and I just wanted to drop off from it and then I got famous and for a while it gave me a thrill and made feel a bit better even if it was being put on front street to be reduced to a whack pack parody and people would take their cues from Stern to drive me insane and push me into more mentally ill tirades and when someone has mentally ill tirades and now with everyhing that they accuse of being in my head solely and my own imagination, this is what is left of me, trying not to succumb to the pressure of being lured into becoming a reactionary because I used to buy into this shit back 10 plus years ago, when I was consuming alternative entertainment and media and now it feels like they are gonna be in the position as MSM 20 years ago when they are cheering on an illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why my current conflict with Ukraine and Russia is not as intune as other people, because I have been used to the lies from western media, that for some reason to be considered a cool “anti war” person, I have to think that this is on the same level as what happened 20 years ago, and the ones who are doing the pro Ukraine shit, some of them who are establishment will basically do it in an imperialist mindset of acting like saying the US did bad shit in the past is the biggest moment for them to let out an audible scoff.  Sometimes I feel like neoliberals and neocons do the same shit of opposing each other but either way you will cosign their view and you will be lured into some kind of fundamentalism regardless. It is just the same people who claim to be anti war because they say they oppose wars happening but you are pro racist shit head by defending cosigned public figures being uplifted by racist groups but then claim anyone who shows support for Ukraine not to be invaded as the Nazis. These people use to be respectable in that they would call out the obvious caricature like shit in the MSM but now all of them with their platforms have become the same people they would make fun of. They have all become Jay Leno or they have all become Dennis Miller and they want the same type of cults from the Opie/Anthony/Howard Stern pipeline. I have never seen so many people who make their entire personality trait being anti MSM but then think they are in better positions than everyone else because they will cosign white supremacy in a grander view but they won’t view what they do as helping white supremacy because we limit the narratives of that to be this over the top example, it is so over the top, people think it is framing the MAGA types, and there will be claim of Feds etc, and I agree with the right on that on some level, but not that they are framing the right wing, but they are making it look that way and why can’t I believe that there are feds much like law enforcement that have white supremacists in it and that are actually helping the far right by making it look like they are specifically targeting them, even if they gotta throw some of them under the bus, but between these FBI whistleblower talking about corruption within it, and suddenly the right wing trusts the FBI when it comes to that, not that they couldn’t organize and book the storyline to look that way that people are being punished for being anti Biden and if the democrats were the most dangerous, we wouldn’t know that they are covering shit up but it is all over the internet purposefully leaked because we still view the internet as some underground chit chat room, so we don’t think we are supposed to know this shit, but literally everyone is talking about the stuff that people claim is censored, it is like when Gorilla Monsoon suspended Vader, yes officially in front of our eyes we saw it happen but it wasn’t really happening behind the scenes. Same logic, it is kind of like discussing who is president while horrible shit is happening because it is like blaming the world champion of a company but ultimately the bookers who run shit are the ones creating it, and by that we buy into this anti establishment candidate because you can spread the system didn’t want them to rise up even though we are seeing them nonstop and hearing about them. 
I am trying to go over jotted notes I had written down so I am gonna be moving from thought to thought, like I will improvise from the top so when I look at the list, hopefully I have gotten more of the topics off my mind but this list has been compiled for the last week or so and I just wanted to fucking write. I am not Hemmingway or anything, just a dumbed down conspiratorial thinker who lives in his parents basement from a grand conspiracy which you are not supposed to believe because there are no forces at the top to suppress me and it is all made up in my head so you shouldn’t take any of my theories seriously since you have helped reduce me to that and weaponized my mental health, so apparently it is frowned upon for me to weaponize it back of what I think is going on even though I have no clue what this world is and I really never understood it from the day I was fucking born. I know a lot of people feel how I feel, some people have crossed over to the system where their problems will get worse for them because they will either be put on front street and the system will humiliate them for shit that they were initiated into or you become a powerful person who then puts people’s lives through chaos and there will always be cults to defend these people nonstop and we have these conversations by limiting it and act like it is a regular relatable thing when none of this shit is relatable to regular people. It just bugs me seeing political shit which affects people’s lives on the long run being used armchair quarterback shit and dumbing it all down while a bunch of you anti establishment types are doing free promo for politicians who want fascist shit to take over or some pretentious product placement under the guise of talking about diversity so people can use that as an excuse to sensationalize against marginalized people and because I have almost been brainwashed to some extent and I have caught myself when I can see the thoughts going in the wrong direction, it makes me worried that as everyday passes by there is gonna be more sophistication of ignorance that will resonate at some point because all of us are susceptible to being brainwashed and being ignorant. People get mad at me for not being completely brainwashed. Bad faith actors have use their bad intentions while pretending they care about people in their community but then advocate for problematic shit and downplay the systemic shit that goes on in the entertainment world. Thing is when the establishment narratives are shit by default, I know people will get offended that I don’t trust the establishment, but because they have had lies nonstop all the fucking time, it is easier for people to fall for the lesser established things and they won’t recognize they are being conned into fascism, I know these words are overused but it perfectly describes what the world really is but the establishment have overused it so it doesn’t seem like it is cool, like it is with how discredited establishment type might pick on hip hop for some of the destructive themes within it, but those same people never mention the incentive to perpetuate and sensationalize the art and even the artists themselves, so it is like you throw it under the bus and then people who do propaganda with their art will then point out at a corrupt system as why they shouldn’t be called out for doing propaganda. So who would want to be on the establishment side, how can you point out the dangers within the entertainment when the other side of the argument are establishment types or the fundamentalists. Entertainment has played a role in manufacturing consent to get us to think certain ways and people only think corporate think is only being incorporated into this shit in this current day when it has always been there and it is now been incorporated in the areas where showbiz has expanded, which is in politics and social media. The legacy shit is the stuff that still makes the main money but the real entertainment is now what our lives is because we have manifested all our favorite stuff into our realities, and we continue to double down, we all think we can improve but when it is a mafia system, there is no way to ever be completely sane anymore. And this is why we will never ever get to the full root causes if we just pretend that entertainment has played a role in it, and they are using sports entertainment to bring in more fascism, like you can bring on experts from different fields to the surface to cover these topics, but ultimately they all have to do sports entertainment, and the right has been able to do that better which is why they get so much social traction, it also helps that by fooling people into thinking the underground shit is online so the information we are seeing, we don’t think that is part of the grand view, we all think we are taking in information that we are not supposed to see, and they can present their “awakening” as fighting back when they are on the side that is favored, which is why all these products they are boycotting will give into them, they can talk about how their objective is to fund this and talk in code so they can have plausible deniability just like that dude Clay Higgins who is giving vague military coded messages about knowing bridges and then suddenly the 195 highway is fucked up from some random tanker that had gasoline in it, but again we are not allowed to get conspiratorial and these people who think that, they will say “we can beat them with ideas” but they will shutdown conspiratorial thinking but then pretend that Matt Walsh’s shitty hate filled documentary is just words and we should beat them with ideas but they limit the ideas and these people get to call themselves progressives and go on right wing platforms and act like they represent from progressives despite someone like Cenk shitting the bed when he ran for congress. They can pretend they are regular fucking people but they are in the know of where this shit is going and that is why they are attacking the democrats in the easiest way possible because it is a lot better than how the MSM does it. They have someone like Ro Khanna on and grill him about the gimmicked debt ceiling talk but then don’t question his support for Modi all of a sudden even though he condemned him in the past, but because you grilled him a couple of times about the incompetence of the debt ceiling talk, I am supposed to think you are the most true to everything and everyone. And now because anyone can be media personalities in this space, now we have to subjected to a bunch of uncharismatic jerkoffs, before when I just took them as journalists or media who weren’t supposed to be these personalities and actually were being a bit more true, it is easy to stomach but once these people sell out and become a lot more horrible, it becomes obvious how shitty their pretentious personalities are with their sitcom level banter.  I have to hear from anti establishment types about how the establishment doesn’t want MAGA CM Punk and MAGA Steve Austin, in Tucker/Trump, to win. Yet they are doing whatever the fuck they want, and because I point that out, then it means I don’t know shit because I am not falling for the kayfabed reasons why they are allowed to get the traction they get. Even the people who say they oppose that shit are still limiting themselves, like you can’t expect people to get mad at Saudi related shit, and I am not saying you shouldn’t be mad at what they do, but when acting like your own government or the corporations within the country are doing business, you think these people are being forced into doing business, and not that they enjoy doing it because this is the liberal take from people, for some reason they can’t talk about the overall plan of it because we buy into country vs country shit. And I think everything in this current day is a lot more advanced and this is why we will constantly talk in circles etc. We kayfabe the information of why we are seeing shit now or we know about shit now, the fucked up thing is if we admit this life we are born into, we are put into a game we didn’t volunteer to play, then it would expose that in this system we can never get better and we will never have the correct information no matter what the new narrative is supposed to be for the next several years that is agreed upon by delegations within the system. 
I have noticed they have used product placement and advertising for movies etc and use identity politics with it that the right wing will be ignorant about because they hear about diversity, in this era they are gonna push back, there was a push for it in the 2010’s to be more progressive and we thought we were going in a more positive direction even if we weren’t all the way there, but it feels like much like how it was in the 90’s that there was some kind of social consciousness going on and now in the 200’s and late 90’s, people started pushing back against anything be called racists and the people who would call out something for being racist, it would have to be on the level of Ben Affleck breaking down and almost crying when talking to Sam Harris and Bill Maher, even though they were being anti Muslim but it made Ben look like an emotional reactionary who couldn’t handle the “truths” from these Muslim experts in Bill Maher and Sam Harris, so recently with the claims of racism that exists with the Little Mermaid, it didn’t do well in other places and there is blind call of racism even though Black Panther did well, I have no idea, every movie seems to break records for some milestone they just made up for the discourse but it felt like one of those obvious claims of racism where it might not be there and people are being too reactionary so it makes people think that anything can be racist now and it helps push back against any claim of racism in other areas and at the end of the day, this is Disney funding this discourse, they probably fund the racist and negative shit heads and they fund the ones who will limit their opposition to the racist shit heads. And all we are doing essentially is using real problems for this product placement, I notice people who associate with TYT are doing it a bit more and it is not a coincidence they are doing it while the main hosts of TYT are moving into more of a right wing trajectory where Ana Kasparian is quoting a Koch Bros think tank poll about how Gen Z and Black people want more government surveillance, and she chastises them in a general way for complaining about oppression but want more surveillance, and she never retracts what is inaccurate, but she will retract for right wing accounts to use. Those are tactics she is using to change people’s narrative and she wants to pretend she is better than MSM. I am waiting for the prank to be over, and this whole time Marlon Wayons has been playing her in this elaborate real life version of a White Chicks sequel. You think any of them who get conspiratorial about going anti left, why wouldn’t they go conspiratorial about the organized efforts happening to create chaos into this world and help fund viral moments so people use that to create more culture wars. I feel a lot of stuff that goes viral, is designed to go viral because it is supposed to persuade us into buying into more horrible shitty culture war bullshit. You think anyone in the alt media has the balls to maybe call out the right wing for having people on their payroll to do shit and organize more chaos, we just deny what they are saying but you are also limiting what you can say about how the system could operate even if the new right will mislead and act like they are calling it out but they will project because whatever they are accusing others of and feel so confident about it, makes me think they are the ones behind it, like the Aryan Freedom Network, they will claim its feds, but there is a faction called that, but people will scoff at the fed talk, but it’s possible for factions to exist in these places where some of them would be into that kind of shit, but that conspiracy the right wing won’t like because I am supposed to think that they would be framing the right wing for shit and they will use how they have done it to other people in other communities, but then when they have an alleged radical BLM person doing something violent, they automatically believe the story 100 percent. I am all over the map but I needed to write this today in case the world is ending today with the potential of a civil war breaking out since 2020 was just the calm before the storm of what is to come and how vitriolic everything has become. It makes me regret even falling for some of this supposed “leftist” front from people who have now become people who aligned with far right wing people, and only cosign victims if they agree to align with the far right, and dumb down their dangers because they seemingly are not “corporate” because they are streaming on Steam Yard on a bad wifi connection. The way some of these people got me was criticism of Israel and defending Palestine, and no one in the western MSM establishment would never cover it properly and throughout the last decade, I would fall for more normalized propaganda that would be anti Semitic, and then other years I would figure it out and think these people are the ones who are telling me the truth, but now they are ending up promoting anti woke garbage, talking about how RFK is gonna change the fucking game, or eating one of those realistic cakes in the theme of Putin’s asshole. And now it is like I feel I have wasted time with people who seem like they are speaking truth to power. And I notice this attitude from that contingent online where they purposefully become negative about everything because it comes off more genuine than being overly happy which can also be toxic, but people really think that people into positivity are the only assholes, it is just the people who are into dark shit will be more seedy and shady with making themselves look like the Jim from the Office while they are creating scenarios to make it look like people into positive shit as the people who are the main ones who are sociopathic, to go to that much trouble to look sane, wouldn’t that be insanity? It is like the same people who pretend to be online fans of shit, who clearly work for these showbiz places to put pressure on women to have sex appeal, otherwise they won’t prop them up so they will want that from their favorite celebs, but then they will spend their time online partaking in shitty gender war shaming women for being sex workers while prostituting themselves mentally for edge lord fundamentalism. Forcing people to do shit is the issue, if you want to be more reserved or if you want to be more liberated by showing titties, go ahead. I support what people truly want to do but if either side of the argument is forcing a narrative, that is the issue I have. I mean what kind of world am I even living in at this point. I am living in a shitty fucked up world where 20 years ago, I never thought I would be alive to be on a glorified internet message board to see Barbara Streisand quote Memphis Bleek lyrics to own Donald Trump who happened to steal nuclear secrets. That would’ve been a scene in a Mike Judge movie. Now I worry about waking up and worried about the air and the fires, and I know climate change is responsible, but I can also think people are given incentive to cause the world to completely fucking burn, because that is the direction we are going, I actually had a vivid dream about this 12 years ago about the world burning and I chose to stay in the basement as it was happening because I didn’t have the desire to save myself and it was probably better for humanity for me not to be here anymore, and sometimes it feels like that shit is happening and it feels more of my dreams are manifesting into this real world to some extent.  
I am going in circles and I am not making much sense, but for this Trump shit, I will say this, they have managed to keep this guy in the news for so many fucking years even if they said they hated him and you would think by him being in the news, I figured people would move into the direction of exposing what is really happening but both sides are limiting the argument. I just know enough that this guy is never doing time, I would love for him to do time, I don’t get people who say they are against the powerful, but then they somehow always find a way to defend Trump because they are not getting him for the right crime, and there are other corrupt people who haven’t gotten theirs and listen if you tell me that other powerful people will get theirs then I don’t give a shit, and I figured the anti billionaire, kill the rich type of people would be happy that one billionaire is getting exposed, but at the same time I don’t buy into the hoopla of anything bad happening to him because he has been able to do so much the last 10 years that it feels like the “hatred” from the establishment has made him more powerful and he is able to be seen as the victim being picked on by the system. I don’t know if Biden did any corrupt shit they say he did, but he is a politician in the mafia system so yeah a lot of apolitical people who think it is corrupt will believe that Biden could be doing shady shit, but I can also recognize that the people pointing it out don’t mind other corruption but as long as their people are the ones doing it and then projecting onto everyone else. And the closer it gets to all of this really imploding and becoming the worst shit ever, it feels like more and more trusted people in the alt media especially are crossing over to the right wing side and they get mad if Biden will pardon Trump, but then they want Biden to pardon him if he does get arrested so he can beat him at the ballot box. They are lucky no one understands politics completely because these supposed “smart” people can basically dumb their arguments down to shit, and then I am the asshole because I don’t understand political rule when they are ones who have to make up all these rules for why this is happening when it makes no fucking sense. Even going as far as putting out the narrative of this case going past the next election if Trump wins it then he will pardon himself, like if these guys are playing by the rules advertised why does someone who have this much corruption tied to his name allowed to run? Because they don’t give a shit and they never have and all of this Trump shit has helped the new entertainment dollar while watering down everything in the process. MAGA people will call this shit a hoax because they will deny he did anything even though it can officially be proven, but I call it a hoax in that it is just serving as a culture war and sports entertainment and the end goal is to take us into a more fascist world. MTG can keep derailing shit and nothing happens to her, all these people can call for the guns to be used and getting ready to fight because they can make it look like Trump is going away so they were pushed to this, but this shit has been in their favor and some people who oppose Trump or claim to, will only get off on owning the right wing with shitty jokes because we need 50 more Trump impressions because he didn’t say a word properly, people have helped lessen the threat of him and the funny thing as shady and shitty the MSM is, they at least on record have self preservation of being right about a lot of things on paper even if they have been shit, but the lesser established alt media are the ones who in the future are gonna be the people who look like what they accused the establishment of being 20 years ago. But no one is preventing Trump from running, they can say it is officially on record, but if we know about it, and he is still doing it then they are not stopping him. Anyways this has been just a scattered opinion piece to get thoughts in written form to put out there because I haven’t done much writing lately when it comes to blogs. Not that it really makes a difference nor does anyone really give a shit, I am not some expert in writing obviously. I kind of just write where my mind goes at the moment and sometimes I can do some decent work but you can tell most of the time, I have no idea what I am doing and that is basically the story of my existence on this shitty planet, and I know I will never get better and I wish every day I could be off it, but I am stuck in here. This can’t be reality, I have to believe we have already died and this world is just fucking purgatory
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months ago
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cyclorose · 5 months ago
I ask you to reblog and if you are able, to donate. All the accounts are vetted and will link the verification as well. I will update the list every few weeks.
quick note: when I specify 'line X' I am referring to the FIRST number listed, NOT the number besides the name.
@burningnightgiver GFM ; VETTED
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bitchesgetriches · 10 months ago
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Retirement and How to Retire
How to start saving for retirement
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over.
Season 4, Episode 5: “401(k)s Aren’t Offered in My Industry. How Do I Save for Retirement if My Employer Won’t Help?”
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment 
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
The Financial Order of Operations: 10 Great Money Choices for Every Stage of Life
Advanced retirement moves
How to Painlessly Run the Gauntlet of a 401k Rollover
The Resignation Checklist: 25 Sneaky Ways To Bleed Your Employer Dry Before Quitting
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?”
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 4, Episode 8: “I’m Queer, and Want To Find an Affordable Place To Retire. How Do I Balance Safety With Cost of Living?” 
How Dafuq Do Couples Share Their Money? 
Ask the Bitches: “Do Women Need Different Financial Advice Than Men?”
From HYSAs to CDs, Here’s How to Level Up Your Financial Savings
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?” 
Speaking of advanced money moves, make sure you’re not funneling money to The Man through unnecessary account fees. Roll over your old retirement accounts FO’ FREE with our partner Capitalize:
Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize
Investing for the long term
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Investing Deathmatch: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA
Investing Deathmatch: Stocks vs. Bonds 
Wait… Did I Just Lose All My Money Investing in the Stock Market? 
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
The FIRE Movement, Explained 
Your Girl Is Officially Retiring at 35 Years Old
The Real Story of How I Paid off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years 
My First 6 Months of Early Retirement Sucked Shit: What They Don’t Tell You about FIRE
Bitchtastic Book Review: Tanja Hester on Early Retirement, Privilege, and Her Book, Work Optional
Earning Her First $100K: An Interview with Tori Dunlap 
We’ll periodically update this list with new links as we continue writing about retirement. And by “periodically,” we mean “when we remember to do it.” Maybe remind us, ok? It takes a village.
Contribute to our staff’s retirement!
Holy Justin Baldoni that’s a lot of lengthy, well-researched, thoughtful articles on the subject of retirement. It sure took a lot of time and effort to finely craft all them words over the last five years!
In case I’m not laying it on thick enough: running Bitches Get Riches is a labor of love, but it’s still labor. If our work helped you with your retirement goals, consider contributing to our Patreon to say thanks! You’ll get access to Patreon exclusives, giveaways, and monthly content polls! Join our Patreon or comment below to let us know if you would be interested in a BGR Discord server where you can chat with other Patrons and perhaps even the Bitches themselves! Our other Patrons are neat and we think you should hang out together.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months ago
i have to remember not everyone in florida voted for these people in power because it's hard to feel sorry for them sometimes. really hard (watch til the end smfh)
and she's going to turn around the vote for him AGAIN smfh
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yammmmmmmmie · 9 months ago
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millenniallust4death · 7 months ago
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This July, my mom and I are stepping up for a great cause! We're participating in the Multiple Myeloma March, organized by Myeloma Canada. We are committing to walking 200,000 steps around our charming (and often sweltering!) town of Wheatley, Ontario. We'd be thrilled if you would consider supporting our modest goal of raising $392. As a token of our appreciation, every donor will receive a special Martin and GSD postcard (if you feel comfortable sharing your address with me). Check out the donation link below —thank you for your generosity! ❤️
Donate: https://shorturl.at/u84HL
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kodasea · 26 days ago
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Babygirl (my heart)
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mo-hawk · 2 months ago
Au where instead of going on his 5-step overly convoluted class warfare rent-raising scheme in season 1, Daniel realizes that Johnny probably cannot legally call his dojo Cobra Kai, so he just… quietly buys the trademark and sues Johnny for infringement. This improves nothing and makes everything actively worse <3
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narfin-frood · 18 days ago
What do you think wander lore would be like if we had a third season ?
i really don't know, it would depend on how much of his backstory was ever intended to be revealed. like he gets close to talking about the other names people used for him in the past, and he's excited to show sylvia what he was up to a thousand years ago, but like, would we get an explanation for that little shaking wander he's so afraid of in the wanders? would we get to know what made wander so helpless he wanted to make sure nobody ever felt that way again? would we see a home planet, or a family, or any old traveling companions? or is he doomed to be vague because it makes him more magical?
honestly i think it would probably include like. a couple of little lore-drops to expand on a little more, but it wouldn't leave the audience without like a hundred more questions. i think the speculation is really fun, anyway, so i dunno if i would rather know his full life's story or if i'd rather keep guessing at whatever is most interesting to me. im just like these people except cooler and less wrong (slash j)
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and tbh i don't have any real headcanons for wander's actual origin point because everything i think about feels a little unsatisfying and makes him a little too dr who. in my head, wander's been around for however long it takes the universe to forget the imprint of whatever brought him into existence in the first place, and that's all i can speculate on without feeling like melodie and her expansive tale of family and feels or whatever
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bakedbeanz · 1 year ago
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Postin my kid oc from FNV, Tumbleweed :) Basically that kid thats only comeback is how he did your mom. Also im a Benny Gecko likes dad jokes truther
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bigbigtruck · 7 months ago
There will probably not be a Shot & Chaser update this Tuesday, as, in a stunning display of thematic appropriateness, I was temporarily bankrupted by corporate incompetence and immediately after that, got COVID
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goatpaste · 1 year ago
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I know a sorta made a small post along these lines the other day, but something a lil more official of!!
im kinda broke rn, between the recent stuff with losing my car and having to get a new one and work literally scheduling me 13 hrs a week. Im slowly losing money and it got really bad this month after paying my bills and everything and realizing I had just 300 bucks in my bank account.
My current job hasn't been working with me to give me the hours i need to make a living wage and iv been trying to get a new job for months with no success and it's looking like i could really use a lil extra support via online commission work rn until I can land a more solid paying job. I really hate to sound like a desperate wet cardboard box beast but I still need to insure my new car and cant afford it as i stand right now.
I wont ask for donations, I think im going to be fine, but a lil money to help keep my head above the water would be great so im just gonna promo my commission work. To anyone who can commission me in some way or another would be awesome! I appreciate any support I can get rn even just a reblog
My Commission Info
My Kofi
My Etsy
My Toyhouse
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nando161mando · 23 days ago
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“We’re gonna hold him accountable bro.”
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