#Full Transcript
killjoy-prince · 6 months
House M.D. but it's when Wilson says House's name
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Mike: I think I know you from somewhere very distant…
Amzet: Yeah, you know who I am? I do know who you are.
Mike: Bobby! Bobby!!! How are you, how are you Bobby? How long has it been?
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Mike reunites with an old friend (in another universe)! :')
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felassan · 7 months
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r/dragonage (Reddit) post titled "Jeff Grubb: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf scheduled to release in late 2024." Post text: "Dreadwolf to be shown this summer and planned release later this year, Bioware is internally confident on the release date. Anything could change of course." Source: [link] Clip: [link] "Credit to: u/IcePopsicleDragon for posting this in r/GamingLeaksAndRumours."
In episode 339 of Game Mess Decides, Jeff Grubb had the following to say on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's possible/rumored release window [transcript]:
Question from chat: “Hi Jeff and Mike, when will Dragon Age 4 be shown and released?” Jeff: “Yeah, I mean, I expect it will probably pop up this summer. I don’t know when it’ll be shown is the real answer, that’s the, let’s get that out, I don’t know when it will be shown. I assume it will be shown sometime this summer. Could happen at any time though. It will be released this year [2024], last I heard. That is, and they’re pretty confident about that, doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee, could slip, but right now, internally, they expect to release it later this year, which is why I took it in Fantasy Critic”.
[source (timestamp 35 mins 20 secs), clipped version]
(there were no more mentions of Dragon Age or BioWare during the episode)
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kitnita · 5 months
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jake oettinger postgame   —   DAL vs VGK;   game 4   —   04.29.24
[ah, you know ty very well. how hard is it to stay focused throughout everything he’s been through?] yeah, it’s … you know, there’s no one in here that deserves that more than him, and, you know — i live with him, so, i get to see … i’ve been through, you know, everything that he’s gone through this year, and, just, the way that he carries himself, and — you know, there’s no one that puts the team more in first than him and he works his butt off and never has a bad attitude and has just stayed ready for when he got his name called, and played great tonight and, you know, showed that he can step in and, and be a great piece to this team. so, you know, there’s not a lot of people that are gonna be happier for him than me, that’s for sure. 
[i was gonna say, the body language that he shows, just when he’s out there – first one on the ice – i mean, he does all the little things you’re supposed to do to show that you’re a big member of the team, even when he goes, whatever, six, eight games without playing.] exactly. and you’d never know … you know, some guys, you know, carry the way that they’re playing on the ice on their face and you’d never know with him. he’s just, you know — puts the team first, wants what’s best for the team, and, you know, he knows when his number’s called he’s gonna step up. and he’s done that. and, uh, like i said, just so happy for him. and there’s tons of guys in our organization who’re like that, you know, just — everyone wants to win, and you know, not everyone’s going to have the exact role that they want but, you know, if you win the championship at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. 
[just for color, here — you and ty share a house, a condo?] he lives at my house. me and my fiancée’s house, yeah. yep. [does he pay rent?]  uh, we’re still working through that (laughs) yeah. he’s, uh, he’s been on dish duty, so, that’s kinda how he’s paying for his rent right now. [let’s say, maybe give him a little break off — get a goal, you know, goal’s count.] yeah, for sure. for sure, yeah, exactly.  [and, just for color, what type of jersey does your brother wear?] he wears delly’s jersey. yeah, i know — second favorite player, yeah.
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zorlok-if · 11 months
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♦ 08.11.2023 ♦
Hello everyone! :)
I hope that you're having a good day. Mine was really productive and I (finally) had a night off so I thought, "Why not update people on some of what I've been doing?" Because, there's a lot.
I'll keep this short, let's get to the stuff that matters.
♦ Progress ♦
Prologue Word Count: 120,087 (currently, I'll return to writing after posting this)
Episode One Word Count: 46,055 (see above)
♦ Changes & Updates ♦
Hells, there's a lot of these. Okay...
Changed timeline. The game now starts on Friday, June 13th (a couple days before Tommy leaves for summer camp...)
Added several scenes (most of which are optional) and more choices to the original prologue
Added a skip feature to the beginning of the game (see image below cut)
Made it easier to change character genders at the beginning of the game (see below the cut)
Started switching direct D&D references to Mythmaker and worked on writing some of the rulebook for that (see this poll for context)
And a lot more. I honestly can't even think to list it all (and you'll see the rest of it soon enough)
♦ Goals ♦
HOPEFULLY, release the updated prologue and first scene of episode one by the end of 2023
HOPEFULLY, release the next update within the first quarter of 2024 (we'll see where we go from there)
Continuing writing, in general
Begin streaming again, as early as this long weekend (Nov. 10th-12th)
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More new features, changes, and previews under the cut. [Beware of minor spoilers]
Prologue skip feature:
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Cast gender confirmation screen:
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Players can now go back and forth between text blurbs in these screens, that way you can go back to a previous phrase without having to restart the entire sequence:
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The prologue now contains an optional flashback featuring a certain detective...
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Tommy and Clara don't know each other as well anymore and he can now decide whether or not he's comfortable opening up to her.
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Also... if you make some specific choices, Tommy can be a little bit suave now...
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But don't worry if you prefer a Friends -> Rivals or Enemies -> Lovers arc, there's plenty of Jin content too...
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And much, much more, but that's all I'll share for now. Hope you're having a good day/evening! :)
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sisyphean-writes · 20 days
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this is normal behavior for writers for comics, right? scripting dialogue and describing the scenes by drafting all the paneling and dialogue and character positioning and having it in a horrendous single canvas divided into 10 squares since 10 was the page max and your poor artist is going to have a to draw all this so you condense the entire plot like a mastermind and still have time to crack jokes and draw cub’s entire buttcheeks slung over hotguy’s shoulders. sorry what were we talking about
anyway it was so much fun to get to work with @tibby-art for the Hotguy Comics Zinethology!! please go check out the full comic in all its finished glory!
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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giftoflife · 6 months
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The newest gift of life update has just been posted
….and with that, chapter 2 has concluded. Thank you for reading!
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
just so we’re clear, shit like this is why i would never in a million years willingly go to the phouse
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killjoy-prince · 6 months
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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steffyanie · 2 months
pls pls pls RQ, let tmagp 21 be more audibly legible...... . . . ..
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oscarcito · 9 months
Oscar Piastri on his remarkable F1 rookie season | F1TV
Laura Winter: The one thing I think all of us watching the Formula 1 this season have noticed in you, and indeed your engineer Tom Stellard also said to me as well, is that you are the defitinion of calm, not relaxed. As soon as he said those words to me, I thought that is exactly how I’d describe Oscar. Is that something that has always been in you? Is that something that you feel has always been that way or do you specfically train and work on that?
Oscar Piastri: It’s uh- a bit of both. I think naturally I’m quite calm and sort of low energy, low frequency. Laura Winter: But you are not laid back or relaxed or lazy and i think there’s the- ‘cause you are still laser focused and there is still a burning ambition. Oscar Pastri: Yeah- Yes, definitely. I think for me that’s always been an important line to draw, is that sometimes calmness can come across as laziness or a lack of caring and it’s definitely not that. You know, there are times were it can dip into that and you have to manage it, but i think for me it’s just how i operate best. My thinking on things is very much that uhm… negative emotions in short bursts are good, but they don’t generally add that much. So trying to deal- you know in terms with solutions is a much better way and being able to think clearly and come up those solutions with a clear state of mind is very important. So that’s something I’ve kind of always had in my personality I think, but, also something that I’ve consciously worked on as well. So uhm… definitely a bit of both. Laura Winter: That is very good advice, I will take that.
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mephiles-the-jester · 1 month
the best(worst(best)) part about euclidia's destruction is that bill did it to prove himself,, because he says in the book that everyone loved him,,but based on that color-code lullaby from his mom,,,,it makes it sound like he really needed comfort because he was ostracized for his mutation and only felt safe with his parents(or at least his mom,,verdict still out on the status of his daddy issues,,),but even then they took him to the eye doctor to 'fix' him and 'make the visions go away' which he viewed as blinding him,,,,,so like,,no one seemed to believe bill at all,and he really wanted to show that the 3rd dimension he sees was real and that he was right,and thought it would be good for them to see it,,,,but in the process he just tore his dimension apart so horribly his brain literally blocks the memory because he cant confront the regret,especially with his parents fate, considering that after losing ford and getting drunk,he tries to call his dead mom and wonders where they all went,,,,,he wanted them all to see the stars like he did,,,,,,god,,and hes also getting a bad grade in therapy,,something he just discovered on his own and is apparently possible to achive for him
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goldenpinof · 5 months
captions... we got the script. we. got. the. script. two fucking years and we finally have it.
do you fucking understand the euphoria in my brain right now?!! WE GOT THE FUCKING SCRIPT! it's like BIG 2.0. it's everything.
i'm gonna cry about it for weeks.
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martyrbat · 1 year
batman (1966) S1E03
[VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: the Batmobile pulling into the Batcave. Batman and Robin exits the vehicle and Robin immediately calls out, “Alfred!” We're shown Alfred more in a close-up and it's revealed he's casually hand vacuuming on top of a nuclear reactor (which has a warning sign to keep off and that the atomic pile is super high, high voltage). He questions, “Sir?” Robin shouts, “Be careful!” which causes Alfred to dismiss, “Not to worry, Master Robin. The safety lock is operative,” before continuing to vacuum. The camera pans to reveal the blinking green sign that says, ‘safety lock set’. END TRANSCRIPT]
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shadoninja · 6 months
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective - The Last Desperate Struggle (Full Transcription) Composed by Masakazu Sugimori Arranged by Shadoninja Capcom © 2010, 2023 Get the sheet music for this song and more: http://shadoninja.tumblr.com/sheetmusic
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