#Fuck Peter Dutton
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ultravioletrayz · 2 months ago
i just wanna go on a little invasion day rant because i'm high rn and bored on the public holiday lol.
obviously i'm all for changing the date to honour the fact that this nation is stolen land and has been built on the neglected and abused backs of our beautiful indigenous people. Fuck the colony and fuck Peter Dutton.
but outside of that, Australia day is fucking stupid in general. "every country has a day" yeah and jan 26 is a stupid day. it is not a celebration of australia, it is a celebration of Britain and a bunch of dumbass boats. other nations' days are in honour of independent, culturally significant empowerment within a country's developmental history. ours is not a true representation of australia's initial development into a rich nation.
with that being said, i propose that the date of our country's national holiday be changed to july 9; the date the australian constitution was signed and we officially became a federation rather than a regionally divided, brit-ruled colonial prison island.
it celebrates our more formal, legislative beginning as a nation 'independent' of Britain and marked a more appropriate and realised encapsulation of australian views and policies. and, it allows jan 26 to be observed by indigenous people as the tragedy it really was.
idk, that's what i think and its just my opinion... but my opinion is correct lmao
a big fuck you to anyone that celebrated yesterday, and my heart goes out to all the aboriginal people mourning and struggling during this time <3
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dryrotcowboy · 27 days ago
Anyone who can’t see that MAGA is a christian nationalist, fascist, racist, homophobic oligarchy are insane. my heart is with the trans people and POC and immigrants who are mostly affected by this white rich white men who’s only concern is putting money in their pockets.
The defunding important programs and agencies such as USAID, DEI programs, department of education and Head Start programs for children in low income families, Environmental and Housing, Foreign said, and non governmental organisations is an extreme warning sign that things WILL get worse for Americans. As well as the complete ignoring and lack of respect for trans and genderqueer people.
While i am an Australian and am not directly impacted by these things, sitting here and watching it all unfold is terrifying. Australian politicians such as Peter Dutton and Clive Palmer (who literally named his new political group the TRUMPet of patriots) are inspired by trump and his band of asshats, wanting to create a similar political environment for Australia.
however, polls show Dutton is most likely to become our next prime minister. I suspect that this is due to Australia's mindset in voting being "oh well this current party in office isn't doing well, lets give the others a turn" rather than reading up on policies that the liberal and right leaning governments want to introduce and put in place. All Politicians lie and make empty promises to manipulate voters, but it is always imperative to do YOUR OWN RESEARCH instead of listening to them. This is what happened with "The Voice Act" as the entire campaign of the no vote was telling people not to do their own research. "if you dont know, vote no".
Dutton has consistently voted against:
legal protection for LGBTQI people and same sex marriage equality
transgender rights
cutting back on emissions
renewable energy
capping gas prices
royal commissions into violence against people with disablities
motions on gaza
criminalising wage theft
decreasing health insurance rebate
ending illegal logging
increasing availability of abortion drugs
increasing housing and uni affordability
marine conservation
restrictions on gambling
 transparency of big business by making information public
removing children from immigration detention centres
reproductive bodily autonomy
We CAN NOT Dutton and the liberals win this upcoming election as it is VERY evident he does not have anyones interest in mind but his own and all of his rich friends.
We are so lucky to have Preferential voting in Australia, it is not one or the other. If your first chosen party does not get enough votes, your vote will count to second chosen.
So please, for the love of god do NOT vote liberal.
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senpaipsy-bdog · 7 days ago
obviously, i don't think many people will see this, but if you're in Australia and you're voting this year: Vote 1 Labor. Don't listen to the people who tell you that "both major parties are the same" or "Labor is just lib-lite", they are wrong. look at what Labor has given us in the past: 38 hour work-weeks, medicare, they've tried their hardest to meet our climate targets despite aggressive coalition and mining industry push back. look at Albanese's Future Made in Australia plan. All things that Dutton's LibNat coalition are actively trying to destroy. Labor is not "shit-lite", they are a fantastic option.
BTW, look at all the candidates on theyvoteforyou.org.au and you'll find a lot of these independents and smaller parties calling Labor "Lib-lite" will overwhelmingly vote with the Coalition. And the Greens? their whole schtick is "Labor isn't doing enough", but you'll find they voted against almost all of Labors' bills on price gouging, housing, climate, everything. The Greens whole strategy is shooting down Labor bills so they can bitch and moan that "Labor hasn't done enough."
Don't fall for all the "Albanese/Labor haven't done anything". They've done a lot. Dutton, Rinehart, and Murdoch just don't want you to realise it.
Vote 1 Labor.
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mxmorbidmidnight · 15 days ago
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Everything alright over there goose?
I thank thee for thine concern dear cougar. Hopefully it’s not too bad for the people who get hit. Thankfully so far we are untouched by the cyclone, Peter Dutton however—
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nimthirielrinon · 1 month ago
hey fellow Aussies! I have a button and stickers available if you’re interested.
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simplegenius042 · 1 month ago
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zapernz · 2 months ago
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the-meaning-iz-42 · 1 year ago
So in conclusion:
Peter Dutton has jumped from a non constitutionally enshrined voice as an alternative to the Voice, to just elect him as leader next election, because that apparently will work just as well
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 21 days ago
Unfortunately, yes. We basically have a Dolfuss in the making with Peter Dutton (a fucking ex-cop) having his nuts polished and slobbered over by every conceivable media outlet, Clive Palmer returning with his Trumpets of Patriotism party and Neo-Nazis tramping around the streets.
Some not so hot takes:
Tariffs = Higher prices
Mass deportations = broken communities
Gay and trans rights = human rights
Doing the nazi salute on live tv = being a nazi
How can anyone disagree with this stuff dude
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pussymasher9000 · 5 days ago
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mcsquared789 · 1 month ago
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senpaipsy-bdog · 3 days ago
liberal voters and other right-wing sky news zombies (the Liberal party are Australia's conservatives) are fucking SEETHING that the treasurer has confirmed the upcoming budget will be a deficit, and using it as proof that Labor are "incompetent" and "bad economic managers". However, they're conveniently ignoring the fact that the last 2 budgets were both surpluses, and that the Liberals, who were in for a DECADE, gave us a deficit every year they were in power, but that's just fine apparently.
Of course, right-wingers in this country are playing "follow the leader" with America (as usual), and anyone who points out their hypocrisy is "woke" or something.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months ago
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gayemoji · 19 days ago
fully thought at the melbourne show that billie sang 'im not apart of the MyGov agenda' and only in rewatching videos from it do i realise he said 'MAGA' .
but for a good few hours its been really funny to think of billie joe armstrong as someone who just googled 'australian government' and when he got the Australian website for all government services as the top result he said 'yeah thatll do mygov agenda fuck emmm'
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mcsquared789 · 4 months ago
From a fellow Australian to others! Let’s not let misinformation divide us.
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glimmertriggers · 1 month ago
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