#Fuck El Paso seriously
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a--a---a · 2 months ago
i want eddie to tell chris he's coming to el paso. they're on a video call. chris is being *slightly* more responsive than usual but not by a lot. and anyway so eddie goes "hey bud i have to tell you something. it's...pretty big. pretty life changing. and it's important." and chris just looks at his dad with this knowing look and he goes "you and buck are together" as eddie says "i'm moving to el paso with you" and they're both like what??? and chris is outraged, for one, because he thought he would be coming back to LA eventually!! and WHAT ABOUT BUCK??? and eddie is blue screening because he's like: buck?? my best friend buck? the guy who is the love of my life but i don't really think about that because i'm not allowed to be happy? that buck? i want chris to know and assume it will happen eventually. watching his dad just...fall in love. and then when he eventually comes back from el paso his dads are either married or getting married and they're all happy.
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becausebuckley · 2 months ago
michelle's buddie fic recs: week 1!
happy new year, everyone!! we're kicking the year off with a slightly shorter rec list than usual - i've been spending a lot more time with family, and a lot less time reading - of lovely, lovely fics. enjoy!!
this is a mix of fics with all ratings, so some include NSFW content. please take a look at both the ratings and the fic tags before reading! some might also contain spoilers for season 8.
if you come across something you like in this list, remember to show some love to the author by leaving kudos and a comment!
all i want for christmas... | Tizniz/@tizniz | 3.4k | GA
“So…I don’t think we’re gonna make it back for Christmas.” Buck closes his eyes and takes a breath, letting the full impact of Eddie’s words hit him for a second. “Y-yeah, man. Of course. I totally get it.” He swallows, “Your family is there, anyways.” i am still thoroughly enjoying a few more holiday fics and this one was an absolute highlight this week!! so soft and lovely <3
'cause i took the long road to find you wanting me | BekkaChaos/@bekkachaos | 6k | T
Buck can't bring himself to act normal around Eddie in the days after he reveals he's looking for houses in El Paso, he knows that Eddie leaving will be one of the most painful things he'll have to endure, but he refuses to tell him that he shouldn't go. After a few days, Eddie comes to Buck's loft unannounced to confront him about it, and everything becomes even more complicated. i LOVE this fic's characterisation of buck so very much <3 so good!!
every corner of this house is haunted | justhockey | 2.5k | GA
And now that love is everywhere, is in everything. It’s worn so deeply into the grooves of his skin that it’s changed the very structure of his fingerprint - is burrowed so deep inside of him that it has rewritten his DNA. His love for Eddie and for Christopher is carved into his bones - etched onto his heart like an epitaph: love lived here. Love left here. the excitment i feel whenever i see a new justhockey fic <3 i mean seriously, do you need to read more than those two little summary paragraphs to be convinced to read this gem of a fic? i don't think you do. click the link, you know you want to <3
honey came in and she caught me red-handed | lizzybizzyzzz/@lizzybizzyzzz | 9.3k | E
buck accidentally sends eddie nudes; they fuck it out. so hot so good so them <3 oh how i love buddie accidentally sending each other nudes, and this fic is right there among the very best of them!!
if only in my dreams | songbvrd/@songbvrd | 9.2k | GA
Eddie moves to El Paso a month before Christmas. Buck goes a little bit insane about it. at this point a michelle rec list isn't a michelle rec list without a fic by songbvrd on it lol. what can i say, i know what i like, and this author happens to write a lot of it! i love buck going a little bit insane over eddie moving and his decorating and the buddie and just everything <3
pluto is not a planet. | gooondocks (happyhauntt)/@happyhauntt | 3.2k | GA
buck finds out that pluto isn't a planet anymore and takes it very personally. this fic is so so gorgeously written. the most beautiful character study introspection buck fic. genuinely just that good <3
with all the clouds around (it's never been clearer than now) | seachanged | 2.4k | T
It happens on a Saturday. Or, it starts on a Friday that turns into Saturday, the easy joy of the night tipping over into the pale, vulnerable light of the morning; dazzling in its inevitability.  the buddie dynamic here is so so good, a little teasing and a little flirty but mostly so very soft <3 lovely fic!!
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 3 months ago
Hey, I'm feeling very awkward about this but I love love lovee your writing so here are the fics I'm looking forward to the most:
(i know I've put too many of each but i kind of lost track)
Thank you so much! Take care.
Omg you DO NOT need to feel awkward! I love getting these and am so happy to receive them, so please! Also, THANK YOU! You are so kind!
48 for 🧜🏼‍♂️
“I’m Buck. Your dad’s friend from work.”
“Dad, you have friends?” Chris asks, not trying to be cutting, but just being blunt the way kids do. 
“Hey!” Eddie complains as Buck laughs. 
“Oh, yeah,” Buck says. “Your dad is super cool, Chris.”
Chris laughs. “Okay. I believe you.”
He believes him? Fine. Whatever. But then Eddie realizes, of course Chris is surprised. Eddie usually avoids bringing people around who aren’t family. Tries to keep his personal life separate from work. Yeah. It must seem to Chris like Eddie doesn’t have friends. And, honestly? Since leaving El Paso the way he did, he doesn’t. Except, now, for Buck. 
That friendship just sort of escalates after that night. Completely organically. Buck’s desire to help provides Eddie with a sort of relief he’s never really had before. Never really thought he could have. Someone trying to support him with no judgement, no ulterior motive. No suggestion he’s not cut out to raise Chris alone. He’s there with Eddie when Abuela breaks her hip. He’s there with Eddie when Eddie doesn’t have childcare for a shift, arranging with Bobby for Chris to come to the station. He helps connect Eddie with resources Eddie needs in the form of Carla, someone he met through an old friend, apparently. He’s kind of a godsend. And Eddie doesn’t know what to do with that. 
Eddie tries to give back as much as he’s getting, but it’s sort of hard. If there’s something Buck needs help with, he doesn’t seem to show it as much. With the exception of helping his sister move into a new apartment. Which seems like a small thing in comparison. Eddie is strong. He can lift some boxes and a couch no problem. It still doesn’t feel the same. 
What Eddie thinks he might be able to do, though, if he’s right about Buck, is maybe be someone who can uniquely understand him. That’s something valuable. Something special. Maybe even something Eddie himself craves pretty frequently. So over the course of those first few months of getting to know Buck, he tries to dig for information. Just subtly. He needs confirmation of his suspicions before he can reveal himself in turn. 
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Christopher doesn’t look convinced. He takes a moment to think. Buck holds his breath. 
“What’s Nico’s birthday?” Chris asks after a beat. 
Buck looks at Eddie for help. But why would Eddie know any better than him? Neither of them knows the answer to that. 
“Oh my god,” Chris accuses. “You don’t know.”
“Listen,” Eddie pleads. “Chris…”
“It’s June 15th,” Chris interrupts him. “Right before yours, Buck. How don’t you know that?”
All Buck can do is shoot Eddie a little frustrated glare. 
“I warned you this might happen.”
“Okay,” Eddie hisses back. “I didn’t think it through! You were right!”
“Tell me the truth,” Chris says. “Seriously. What the hell is going on?”
Neither Buck or Eddie says anything for a second. 
“Alright,” Chris says lowly. “I’m calling Bobby.” 
“No!” Buck more or less yelps. “Don’t-don’t do that. Okay? It’s okay, alright. We just… We woke up here, and-and we don’t know what’s going on, but-”
“Buck!” Eddie cuts him off. “He doesn’t need to worry about this!”
“He already is!” Buck protests. “He’s clearly already freaked out!”
Eddie looks betrayed. Like genuinely hurt that Buck would tell the truth. Buck doesn’t understand why. Why would he want Buck to lie to Christopher? Especially an adult Christopher who can presumably handle the truth. 
48 for 🔼
Jane is born nearly two weeks early, in the middle of the month. December 16th. Which is probably a more convenient birthday than her actual due date, but nevertheless, Shannon isn’t expecting it. 
She’s at Eddie’s house, with Maddie and Christopher. She and Eddie have been slowly moving her into his house in preparation for the baby. The plan is that she’ll stay there for a few months, so Eddie can be around to help. Her apartment is too small for the four of them, so this is the best solution. 
So Maddie is over, helping her set up some baby things while Eddie is at work. Not because Shannon and Eddie really need help with the baby stuff, but because Maddie sort of needs someone to talk to. She’s on suspension from work. Not ideal. And the situation is sort of wild, Shannon won’t lie. But she’s empathetic towards Maddie, understands why she did what she did. And she’s sure as hell going to be a listening ear. 
Or, at least, she’s going to try. Her water breaking mid-conversation was not on the agenda. 
This didn’t happen with Christopher. He was late and she had to be induced, and nothing felt sudden or spontaneous. It was slow and horrible and… Well, neither she nor Chris made it out of that without consequences. Shannon had sort of expected this time to go similarly. She’s honestly been dreading the whole thing. 
And now it’s, apparently, here.
“Fuck,” Shannon exhales when it happens, standing in the hallway outside Eddie’s - temporarily Shannon’s - bedroom. 
Maddie gives a tiny gasp. “Well, look at that.”
“Shit,” Shannon continues cursing. “Maddie, I’m not ready. I’m supposed to have more time.”
Maddie sort of transforms into nurse mode. Shannon knows this is in her career history, obviously. But she hasn’t actually seen it. Apparently she frequently uses this tone on Buck, though. 
“Well, you don’t have time. I’m sorry, but it’s okay. We’ll get you through this.”
“Damn it,” Shannon groans. She hasn’t felt any contractions yet, so this could still take a while. If it goes too long, they’ll induce her again… She can’t do that. Not again. She thinks she’d rather have a c-section. “My body… It’s not good at this. I’m… I can’t.”
“Yes, you can,” Maddie says firmly. 
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mischiefbuckley · 6 months ago
Eddie’s parents are fucking assholes and yes I still hold a grudge against them same as Buck’s parents
Like you seriously have Ramon and Helena telling Eddie he should consider moving back to El Paso after Shannon’s funeral like yes Eddie didn’t have the perfect marriage with Shannon but his wife had just died and trying again to control not only Eddie’s life, but Christopher’s as well and tell Eddie he has no family or roots in LA as his Abuela and Tia Pepa are there and Eddie is almost done with his year of being a probationary firefighter and he’s made a family with the 118 and he even made a best friend with Buck and tell him he has nothing in LA is truly insane to me
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sunflowerdigs · 7 months ago
If we get presumed deadie and the will still doesn't come up then the show is seriously fucking with us.
I could see a scenario where Eddie gets stung by a bee or blown away by a freak tornado and so Buck is approached about trying to take Christopher (also, omg, I could see a totally heartwrenching conversation between Buck and Chris where Buck promises to never leave him and we all just sob). And Tommy tries to convince Buck to leave Chris in El Paso with his grandparents because they're his family and Buck tells him no, Chis is his family. And then, when Eddie comes back, that causes the breakup because Tommy has realized that he's the interloper in the weird marriage-and-kids thing that Buck and Eddie have going on. He'll always be on the outside of that as long as Eddie is alive.
Also, the Diaz family finds out about the will and Eddie having to explain it to them kicks off his self-realization arc. I just...have ideas.
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chacegraves · 1 year ago
El Paso, Elsewhere Review
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El Paso, Elsewhere is fucking incredible. All I was expecting was a Halloween flavored Max Payne send up and while I definitely got that I think it's unfair for this game to live in that shadow. It takes so much from that series but rearranges and tweaks those things to achieve it's own identity.
I love urban fantasy. Dresden Files, Vampire The Masquerade, Blackwell. A supernatural underworld just below the surface of humanity. Often treating humans like cattle or at least disposable for their own purposes. I find it so interesting and El Paso is no exception. The little bits of worldbuilding we get paint a similar picture but this one is much more abstract.
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You play James Savage who is currently in a three-story motel that just got a 46 story expansion all heading down, courtesy of his ex, Draculae. She's taking part in some sort of ritual that will end the world and has plenty of hostages. Whatever this ritual is doing is causing The Void to warp reality with trauma into a nightmarish thrill ride all the way to the bottom where they'll confront everything that made their relationship come to this.
All supernatural chaos aside their abusive relationship manages to feel very real in the little ways they interact and the voice acting helps this exponentially. It's clear to me the writer knows what this kind of relationship feels like. It's not afraid to poke fun at the melodrama of two ex lovers confronting each other either. These two characters the story revolves around are flawed and fleshed out and I really enjoyed them.
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James' descent into this hellish motel feels incredible. Diving past ghouls, rolling through their slashes and slow mo blasting them in the head. Saving hostages in between brief bursts of violence and popping enough pain pills to kill himself 50 times over just to tank through The Void's horde of supernatural horrors. If you hold down the dive button you can stay on the floor until you're out of ammo and need to get up to reload. Like I said it's Max Payne. The one main tweak in the gameplay besides enemy variety is an instant kill stake that you get 5 of and break various pieces of furniture to get more. Break shit, kill people. That's the gameplay loop and god is it addicting.
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Which brings me to the music. It's pulse pounding and intense in a way that feeds perfectly into the gameplay. Other times moody or relaxing but always experimental and playful. Any time a track with lyrics comes up feels like a treat. It's one of those total package things where the visuals, sound design, gameplay and music are all working together perfectly. The entire OST has me seriously considering getting the vinyl.
El Paso, Elsewhere is a must play. There's so much I didn't mention because I want you to unravel the rest of this one for yourself. I'll definitely be trying to 100% this in the future and it's safe to say I'll be replaying this for many years to come.
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starbuckaroo · 2 months ago
ok in the spirit of not dumping a huge rant into the tags of someone else’s post I’m gonna actually make my own for once. Unfortunately or not, without the tag limit, this got really fucking long. And ended up being about more than just what that other post was talking about so.
from my pov the frustration with Eddie is in large part due to the nebulous (and frankly ridiculously long) time frame. 3 mos is better than 6 mos but the show hasn’t been clear about that and knowing Chris is there during the school year? And for how many months missing doctor appts and friends and whatnot? idk.
My biggest issue is that Eddie HAS a lot of other parent friends/coworkers/whatever and he has family in LA and Chris has a big support network in LA. For Eddie to let him go for more than a few weeks? To me?? That’s bonkers. especially given his age and the fact that as far as we know, Chris hasn’t been back to El Paso at all since they moved. (Now that’s a leap and it wouldn’t be surprising if they have made visits together but not canonical ones.)
So for him to go and stay for that long? Unprepared? Did Eddie change his will again? Write out new legal documents giving his parents temporary guardianship? those would be necessary for Chris to get medical care in another state (some insurance will allow ER visits but not PT or any routine care) and would be necessary to enroll him in school out there.
Which I’m sorry but if Eddie is serious about getting him back he would be back in therapy and reaching out to his support system for help. And I refuse to believe that chim and hen and Bobby and Buck and Pepa and Carla and a licensed therapist collectively forgot to give him good advice. idk.
The biggest problem I have with this storyline is that it fucking blows and this show was NEVER going to be able to handle it well. and showing Eddie getting through 8 episodes and 3 or 6 months without his kid and only having a handful of conversations about him and then deciding without talking to anyone that he will buy a house???? And move away?????????????? In order to try and talk to Chris again??? what the fuck happened to flying out for a few days when he’s off work?? What happened to bringing Chris back and getting him some sessions with his established therapist who he saw during the other seriously difficult moments in his life? What happened to “no Chris you can’t fly to Texas indefinitely with zero warning but you can go stay with Pepa for a week and then we can talk about you visiting your grandparents after that”
and frankly it’s out of character for Buck as well, in my personal opinion but I agree that the text of s6 did distance him a lot more from making parenting choices (though my blood pressure is gonna shoot through the roof if I think too hard about all the ways s6 did the characters dirty wrt their character arcs/growth as pertaining to parents and parenting).
anyways. I’m not actually criticizing Eddie exactly, I just think the writing for this storyline fucking blows, and regardless of the actor’s lack of availability, there were 100 better ways to tell a story about Eddie and Chris that involved Chris not being onscreen for half a season that didn’t fucking obliterate their relationship and write Eddie (and tbh the rest of the team) heinously out of character. By which I mean “incongruently with previous major character traits as expressed within the text of the show itself” and trying my best to steer clear of fanon. Tho I’m likely failing at that. But an attempt is being made.
I’m also coming from a standpoint of someone actively living through some fairly serious family trauma not wholly dissimilar to this storyline and yeah it’s got me way too heated up about it. It’s very different in a lot of important ways but my teenage brother experienced some trauma at home and didn’t get the support he needed (bc our mom didn’t have the support SHE needed in order to support him). He also doesn’t have anywhere else to go (coz his dad refuses to take him), so in that way it’s not comparable, but tbqh if my horrible abusive grandparents had offered to take him I would have argued against it!!!! Even if he wanted to!! And I’ve spoken with a half dozen mental health professionals about my situation with my brother in the last 2 years and none of them have ever suggested that completely removing him from everything familiar (including his school and friends and other family members) would in any way help the situation.
but whatever. In my opinion it’s first and foremost a failing of the writing, but from a watsonian standpoint, yes, I do not think Eddie has done enough. But also his friends have also fucking failed. Unless the answer is that he’s lied to all of them about what happened with Chris, in which case there we are again back at it being Eddie’s problem. Which really sucks for him, like I’m not unsympathetic here, but if the options are “humiliate yourself in front of your friends and therapist to get good advice and support for how to bring your child back home” or “downplay what’s going on to everyone around you and wait for your teenaged child to stop being stubborn and ask to reconcile and come home” GUESS WHAT THE RIGHT ANSWER IS.
now I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention the awful emotional saw trap Eddie is in that’s led to him making these poor decisions, bc he’s always predisposed to thinking he’s a bad parent and making the wrong choices, ESPECIALLY when faced with his own parents being in the mix, and the situation that upset Chris DID happen bc of a bad choice he made (tho again arguably seeing Kim was another narrative trap he would really have struggled to get out of any more gracefully than he did). And he already struggles with self worth issues and blaming himself for everything etc. but that’s why 8A has been such a bummer bc imho Eddie should have been a fucking wreck this whole time a la the beginning of 5B!!! He should be facing down the worst psychological torment of his adult life, and for some reason feeling so bad and gross about it that he’s refused to even tell anyone that anything is wrong or ask for help! But I’m sorry that should be pretty obvious to his friends who know him well by now!!!
ITS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ENSEMBLE FOUND FAMILY SHOW. I even used to swallow my disgust and just look away from the copaganda shit bc it was such solid chosen family storytelling!! And it just fucking isn’t, anymore, which is why this storyline sucks so bad. Whatever. The show has been leaning this gross ass direction since s6 and I got caught up in the bi buck enthusiasm but truly even if buddie went canon in the next episode I will never forgive this show or be able to actually love it again, not after this. Yes I got into the show right away bc I loved Buck from s1e1, but I fell in love with the show as soon as Chris was introduced. Eddie and Christopher’s relationship (and later on them w Buck as well) was the main reason I fell for this show. (That and the grant-nash dynamic before s5). Single parent of a disabled kid, learning to build their own chosen family??? Hey, that’s MY family story! Of course I loved seeing it on tv. But they broke it with the bullshit about forgiving the parents so the children could have grandparents in s6 and then obliterated it with 7.10. I could have forgiven them the grandparent shit if they hadn’t fucked with Christopher and Eddie.
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freakoutgirl · 11 months ago
Obviously not a serious post and I should not take it seriously but the op saying Texas doesn't have "cities of any value" is a little fucked up. I know you all think Texas is a conservative wasteland but there's a lot of culture especially in more western/southern cities like San Antonio and El Paso, but y'all forget Mexican Americans exist 🤷
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horrornvnfan · 2 years ago
Maria Fielding in Visual Novels
A 💘 will indicate who in the game is Maria's love interest.
Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack:
Backstory Changes: None, just a specification that Maria now lives in El Paso, Texas!
(Note: there is no set love interest 💘 for Maria in this universe yet because I want to see how this game progresses and learn more about the characters!)
JACK: "I have GOT to help this guy." They are both energetic and pleasant people, so they get along well! They're usually very happy around each other, and Maria enjoys spending time with him or going places with him. She sincerely cares about him and likes him! Maria always checks on his wants and needs, and making sure he's happy and knows his worth. When she can afford it, she buys him clothes, books, and other possessions, because she is an overly responsible woman DEDICATED to making sure Jack knows he is his own person and is entitled to his own life. Maria is also a researcher through and through, and has spent months scouring studies about ghosts and the Sunny Time Crew Show to figure out what the hell is going on here. She frequently makes up experiments for them to confirm that he was not a hallucination and test his abilities and limits. If he ever shows discomfort, though, she'll stop immediately. Maria can be uncompromising when it comes to responsibilities. Jack says that he's here for "her." She feels it's her fault he is here and entirely dependent on her for company and maybe even his existence. Maria is much more focused on making up for that than pursuing him. That being said, she does find him attractive and finds his attention and care touching, if unfamiliar. Jack must find this very frustrating, reading her mind and knowing that she likes him romantically and is simultaneously actively trying not to.
IAN: "We can't be in each other's lives again." They were best friends since childhood. Maria often defended Ian from bullies growing up, and Ian never got tired of Maria's eccentricity. They comforted each other a lot over family issues, and became a bit co-dependent when they started dating in college. When they broke up, Maria realized how unhealthy their dynamic was, and how she felt taken for granted. She is deadset on them never getting back together, but also doesn't want to talk things over . So she'll just avoid him forever! And if he suddenly shows up at the apartment.... well, fuck!
SHAUN: "My bestie, my Shaun!" These two get along so, so well. Shaun and Maria have similar interests, are both easygoing and passionate, and were great roommates. They were close in college but lost contact after because of work. She's glad he's back! Dating him never occurred to Maria since she was always with Ian, but she would seriously think about it if he brought it up first. No matter what, she'd really like to have him in her life.
NICK: "I love his look! I wish I could talk to that guy!" Maria likes his style a lot and has certainly complimented him on it while at work. (She has little to no filter.) But Maria hasn't spoken to Nick very much, and turned him down when he hit on her at work regardless of whatever interest she may have considered because she was thrown off and concerned about Jack's behavior.
BARRY: "Pay me more." She's friendly to his face, and he's friendly to hers, but despite their smiles, they both look like they're seconds away from attacking each other. Passive aggression in the face of stressful understaffing!
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2005noroithecurse · 2 years ago
I saw these absolutely rancid tags on a post talking about the uber driver who was shot by a woman that thought he was kidnapping her
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this is a prime example of tiktok true crime brain fungus. it's literally not a coincidence this woman thought a hispanic man was kidnapping her & taking her to mexico when of fucking course highway signs in goddamn el paso would have signs telling the distance to the boarder, would she have pulled the gun & shot a white dude in the back of the head for the same reason? most likely no.
& bringing up the rates of bipoc disappearances in support of this woman is backwards as hell considering she literally profiled that man & felt justified murdering because of it. like don't twist the rates of violent/sex crimes in those communities to fit your narrative, it's incredibly disrespectful to those victims & bipoc communities.
every piece of info on tiktok about sex trafficking is overblown bullshit. nobody is stalking obviously middle class/wealthy suburbanites through a target to snatch them. nobody is tying zip ties to car handles in parking lots as some hidden sex trafficker code. nobody is wasting hundreds of dollars on air tags to track random cars. you're not gonna go to applebees & then wake up in a storage container in a san antonio parking lot please be so fucking for real. victims of trafficking are victimized by people they trusted, people they were close to. not by random uber drivers just trying to do their fucking jobs. not by other people just existing in the same store as them.
if you walk around believing everyone is inherently a threat to you, shit like this happens & completely innocent people are killed or seriously harmed. and again, you cannot deny that woman profiled the hell out of that man and then murdered him for it
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reallyverynormal · 10 months ago
i'm not vegetarian anymore but i was raised by a woman who has spent a good chunk of her life vegan, then shifting to vegetarian. the difference between her and most vegetarians i've come across, however, is that she spent a long, LONG time living in el paso, completely entrenched in the culture of the area, learning exactly how to make delicious homemade mexican food from her then boyfriend's mom, using delicious spices, and when she became vegan/vegetarian after that, she carried all of that with her to make some seriously delicious vegan and vegetarian mexican and mexican-inspired meals, and let me tell you.
not only can vegan and vegetarian food be incredibly delicious, it doesn't even have to be healthy if you don't feel like it. all vegan and vegetarian food is, is food without meat (and animal products). that is quite literally all it has to be.
you're a vegetarian, doesn't have to mean that every meal you eat is healthy and/or boring. get some beyond beef steak tips and fry them and some potatoes in fuckloads of olive oil with some steak seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika, and maybe put some gravy or cheese on it and you have a great vegan/vegetarian version of some classic southern comfort food.
for the love of god start experimenting with cumino, garlic salt, onion powder, paprika, turmeric, cayenne pepper, steak seasoning, brisket rub, taco seasoning, ginger, chinese five spice, cinnamon, brown sugar, vinegar, etc. if you like a specific pre-mixed seasoning, take a look at the ingredients to see what's actually in it, and experiment on your own.
look at the way chefs prepare and season their meat and try experimenting with the same using tofu, seitan, ground vegetables, whatever the fuck, just do it. look at the way certain kinds of veggie burger patties are made and experiment with that at home. i promise all of this is so much easier and so much more delicious than you can imagine.
plain tofu is good, but mashed up tofu with turmeric, garlic salt, pepper and some cheese and cholula hot sauce thrown on there and stuffed into a tortilla is even more delicious.
I know this is a tiny part of the wider problems born of diet culture, fatphobia, classicism, and racism but like god the idea that "healthy" food must inherently taste bad has completely ruined us as a society.
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 4 months ago
30 for 🧟:
 “Uh, yeah. We did. She explained herself, it’s whatever.”
There’s something about his tone that gnaws at Eddie but he’s not sure why.
“Are you…” Eddie doesn’t know what he’s asking. “Are you, like, going to reconcile?”
Buck gapes at him. “Seriously?”
“Uh, I mean… I guess I’m just curious.”
Eddie is aware he sounds like an idiot. Thank you. 
Buck narrows his eyes. “I’m not getting back together with Abby. I can forgive her, but… I’m still not okay with how she just left.”
“Okay,” Eddie nods. 
“And I’ve moved on,” Buck says. “Entirely.”
“Right,” Eddie nods.
“Are you getting back with Shannon?” Buck asks.
Eddie scoffs. “I’m gay.”
“And I thought we were asking silly questions we already know the answer to,” Buck says. 
Eddie scowls at him. “Dick.”
Buck smirks. “Sorry. Just, for a second there, you sounded jealous.”
60 for 🌲:
“Why-why are you doing this, Kyle?” Adriana cries. “In front of everyone… Why are you…”
“I can’t do this,” Kyle says again. “I thought I could… But it’s just not enough.”
And Eddie hears the meaning behind his words. He’s sure everyone else in the church does, too.
She’s not enough. 
Thank god he did bring Marisol. Not to get his family off his back, but so that someone is there to watch Chris while Eddie deals with the fallout of his sister’s heartbreak. 
It’s a shit show. 
Their family has sequestered in a back room of the church, around Adriana. The guests have left, as has Kyle and his family. Eddie’s father is outraged. Swearing up and down. No mind for the fact that he’s in a church. His mother is beside herself, trying to make sense of it. She’s battering a despondent Adriana with questions. Did something happen this morning? Did you pressure him into proposing? Why would he do this Adriana? Which leads, of course, to Sophia snapping at her to leave Adriana alone. 
Eddie’s on Sophia’s side in this matter. He usually is.
Sophia is like Eddie. She got away from El Paso as soon as it was feasible for her. Though, not nearly as far away. She and her husband, Marcus, live in San Antonio. She comes home more than Eddie. Faces far less scrutiny. But especially since her daughter, Ellie, was born, their parents - notably, their mother - have been pressing Sophia to move closer to home. All of the same tactics they used on Eddie, just without all the crappy history and heartbreak to weaponize. It actually makes Eddie feel slightly better about how they treated him; it was less about his actual situation, and more about their own desires. They’re just able to hit him where it hurts more, because she doesn’t have the same string of fuck ups behind her. 
When Helena and Sophia really get into it - Sophia championing Adriana - Eddie whisks his little sister outside for air. Everyone can rightfully freak out. This is worth freaking out about. But Eddie would like to make sure Adriana doesn’t keel over from hyperventilating. 
They sit on a bench behind the church. Full view of the cemetery where Eddie’s Abuelo is buried. Adriana’s veil has long since been removed, but she’s still in her beautiful white dress. Her makeup is smudged. Eyeliner and mascara more or less obliterated. Tear tracks down her cheeks. Her hair is frizzing. Carefully pinned curls coming undone from her running stressed hands through them. Sophia had to stop her from pulling at her own hair, she was so beside herself. 
Eddie uses his paramedic voice on her. Gets her to regulate her breathing and drink careful sips from a water bottle.
“There you go,” he says, when she starts to even out. “That’s better. Just keep breathing.”
She takes a few more proper breaths before talking to him. 
“I am so humiliated,” she whispers. “This is… This is the worst thing that could ever happen, Eddie.”
Well… “He’s an ass,” Eddie says. “A childish, horrible ass. It’s him that should be humiliated right now, Adri.”
42 for ⚖️:
He confirms what the nurse already said. No one knows what the fuck is wrong with him. 
“Every single test we’ve run has come back inconclusive,” Dr. Hanson says. “Whatever was making you sick, we haven’t seen it before.”
That’s definitely not what you want to hear. 
“I-I touched a dead body,” Buck says. “Like a long dead body. I-I didn’t know. He was sold to me as a Halloween decoration.”
“We were told,” the doctor nods. “No one else who came into contact with the body is symptomatic. So we don’t believe it’s connected, at this point.”
That throws Buck. How could it not be connected? This all started after he disturbed Billy’s corpse. What else could it possibly be? Especially if they can’t diagnose it. If anything… Well, if anything, doesn’t this just prove Buck is right? That it is a curse. 
“The part that is most confusing to me,” Dr. Hanson continues. “Is that you’re seemingly fine right now? You seem completely stable.”
“Uh, isn’t that a good thing?” Buck asks.
“Of course,” Dr. Hanson replies. “But honestly, Mr. Buckley, when we couldn’t find what was wrong with you and you continued to decline… We had to prepare your loved ones for the worst.”
Buck’s stomach twists with anxiety.
“Wait, so… So they’re all out there right now thinking I’m dying and they can’t even be with me?” Buck demands. 
Dr. Hanson grimaces. “We’ve sent someone to update them.”
“Wh-when can I see them?” Buck asks. “My-my sister will be going crazy. Please.” 
“We need to run some more tests,” the doctor says. “Confirm you’re still stable… Keep you in observation in case you decline again. We’ll try to get your loved ones on the phone.”
33 for 🤕:
Buck is attaching a chain to the backhoe when it happens. They’ll use the winch on the engine to pull it away. But they can’t do that until Eddie and Chim are ready to extract George. A few minutes, and they should be out of here. 
“Alright, Cap,” Buck says to Bobby. “Backhoe is secure.”
“Thanks, Buck,” Bobby replies. “Hear that, George? We’re almost out of here.”
As soon as he says it, there’s a loud, earsplitting crack. Buck flinches, unsure what’s happening and where the noise is coming from. He looks at Bobby. Bobby’s eyes bug out with terror. He points at something behind Buck’s back. 
He doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. 
Eddie watches from the ambulance with horror as the unfinished house collapses. Something must have happened down in the garage because it all seems to fold inwards, beams and cement and wooden framing all crumpling down. On top of Buck and Bobby. 
“Oh, shit,” Chim curses.
“BUCK!” Eddie hollers, unable to restrain himself. “BUCK!”
He starts running towards the wreckage. Chim is right behind him. He thinks he hears other first responders on the scene following, too.
“Dispatch, this is Firefighter-Paramedic Howard Han with the 118,” he hears Chim start to say into his radio. “We’ve had additional building collapse. Two firefighters and one civilian are unaccounted for. We need more help.”
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dearjohnnyz · 1 year ago
Omg Fox News is all like “they’re bringing crime to us!!!” But did you know there’s only one gun store in Mexico, (no seriously there is only one place In Mexico you can legally purchase a weapon AND ONLY ONE, super strict gun laws, but major gun crime…pssst about Chicago…)guess where the rest used in violent crimes against even their police come from? That’s right. Texas and other parts of America
So really. “CNN MEXICO B LIKE : THEYRE FUCKING BRINGING CRIME IN” and it’s actually 100% true. Finger pointing, or something. Point one and there’s three right back at you.
And then they’re like “they’re chasing the fentanyl crisis” but then ignoring that our gun laws are actually arming those cartels that Greg’s labeling as terrorists. Get my drift? He’s pushing weapons in and then saying “illegalize them” but like bro, you’re ARMING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE MORON. So you’re a fucking terrorist. About El Paso, GOR ONE.
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jumbledbee · 8 months ago
ok. that’s a little weird, but nothing to write home about, right? OH, YOU’D THINK SO!
Let me walk you though this nightmare of a tracklist:
Side A
Big Iron by Marty Robbins
El Paso by Marty Robbins
Big Iron by Marty Robbins (hmm)
Fire and Rain by James Taylor
The last 10 seconds of Out of The Woods by Leon Russell (???)
This Masquerade (originally by The Carpenters) performed by Leon Russell
Magic Mirror by Leon Russell
(Seriously started questioning my sanity at this point. was checking over my player, taking the tape in and out to make sure the spool was really that far along and I didn’t somehow skip back 10 minutes)
The Cowboy in the Continental Suit by Marty Robbins (ok. I thought, surely, the rest of this mix would be normal…)
I’m a Believer by The Monkees
Steppin’ Stone by The Monkees
I’m a Believer by The Monkees
Side B
Witchy Woman by The Eagles
Desperado by The Eagles
The Best of My Love by The Eagles
Magic Mirror by Leon Russell (again)
Tight Rope by Leon Russell
Out in The Woods by Leon Russell
This Masquerade by Leon Russell (… again)
Magic Mirror by Leon Russell (AGAIN⁉️)
I’m a Believer by The Monkees (I think this guy deserves the death penalty)
Who’ll Stop the Rain by Credence Clearwater Revival
Run Through the Jungle by Credence Clearwater Revival
Have you Ever Seen the Rain by Credence Clearwater Revival
Lonely People by America
Big Iron by Marty Robbins
ok so I collect cassettes and sometimes I buy the cute little hand labeled mixtapes if I like the artists/they seem interesting
and I think I’ve just heard the worst one ever⁉️
I feel like I’ve just been trolled? A feeling I haven’t felt since the 2000s
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aleximustd13 · 4 years ago
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hotmess-exe · 2 years ago
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