#Fruity Breath Odor
wellhealthhub · 11 months
Diabetes Ketoacidosis: An In-Depth Exploration of its Complexities, Symptoms, Treatment, and Preventive Strategies
This comprehensive and detailed discourse endeavors to furnish a profound understanding of diabetes ketoacidosis, a profoundly intricate and acute complication of diabetes. It delves into multifarious aspects of this condition, encompassing its intricate symptomatology, exhaustive diagnostic methodologies, sophisticated treatment modalities, and comprehensive preventive measures. Through the…
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gamblersdoll · 1 day
izuku being a creep by taking way more notes about you. i mean, he writes notes about everyone and everything, but you? could be the most interesting thing you didnt even realize about yourself.
he could know about the beauty mark on your sternum, your back, or behind your ear. you wouldnt be able to know since you never really paid attention to that stuff.
or the fact that when it gets a tad bit humid, your hair curls or puffs up just a tad, and certain parts arent even. okay, you could know that, but the unevenness you wouldnt.
or maybe the fact that you smell of faint strawberry fanta, (it being your bodywash.) okay, that was a bit weird. because only you are in your bathroom. maybe it was just the fragrance was potent.
what threw you off was when he left his notes open, giving you access to look through them. (he permitted you to have access since you needed them for class.) yet, he knows what panties you wear, and how the smell after you wear them.
your heart lurches into your throat.
“no foul odor, unlike some. distance of smell of sweat and fabric. its a nice sweat-musk smell!” its written, okay. maybe it wasnt about you, but definitely someone. this was borderline creepy, so you switch to the next page.
“y/n’s bra’s smell like sweat and a fruity scent after a hard day’s work. maybe its her perfume, but it smells so good.” your eyes read, swallowing thickly and biting the inside of your cheek.
what the fuck was izuku saying? theres no way he was a peeping tom, this had to be a set up for him.
little did you know, he had been watching you shower for a good couple on months. he loves the way soap trails down your skin, onto the hood of your clit and down your lips.
he loves the way the soap gets a sheer of your plump asscheeks, watching you take your washcloth and cleanse the area and cheeks. he has to bite his knuckles to not moan, to not growl and give himself away. he tried so hard to not bust in and bend you over.
he loves the fact you also go commando.. alot. loves how you have your own pair of boxers to let your pretty cunt breathe— or just not wear panties to bed. he also loves how grumpy you get on the days before, or during your period.
god, those days make him go crazy. he tries to not take you and rub your body into his form.
and what else makes him crazy? ovulation. you get the need to breed, to be fucked so relentlessly to where you need to be dumbified.
he knows way too fucking much, considerably the fact that he has more eyes and ears than anyone knew.
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bludrogue · 3 months
Another Random Headcanon About Jason Todd
This is another weird experience I have had, but this is due to a personal experience. If I slam on my breaks too hard, witness a car accident in front of me, or bash the back of my head against the driver's seat (or any seat in the car for the matter), I tend to have the scent of burning oil fill my nostrils.
I don't know if that's normal, and sure, I'm projecting myself onto the headcanon, but I think it's an interesting experience. With that said, here's headcanon #3:
Headcanon #3: Phantosmia
-- Every time Jason has bashed his head against a hard surface, whether it be a wooden table, a brick wall, a lamp post, the concrete streets, a car door - honestly, the list is so long he can't even remember what he's smashed his head against -- the first sense to kick in was his olfactory.
-- Now he wouldn't care if this was just a physical response in general, but his nose always picks up on a scent that's never there. He's not entirely certain why his nose fills up with nonexistent fumes, this has been the case for as long as he can remember.
-- You'd think the scent of bourbon would remind him of Willis, the man always had one in his hand or in the cup holder of his arm chair. Jason can still recall the scent to this day - oak dipped in smoke, tinted in caramel, and saturated with vanilla. And as much as his mind can recognize the smell like he can recite a Shakespearen play off the back off his hand - that's not the scent his body would use to recall Willis.
-- No matter how many times Willis got close enough to burn his nostrils with his breath, it's never been the whiskey either.
-- Instead, it's fucking drywall.
-- Of all the scents in the world, it's fucking drywall. Because of course it is.
-- When he was a kid, it was this putrid scent of a heavy dose of rotten eggs nearing sulfur with a hint of chalk dust. And maybe those particular remnants are from a memory where Willis probably bashed his head hard enough into their shabby walls that he made a hole. Not that Jason remembers aside from the egregious smell - whether that's a side effect of the pit or straight up trauma, Jason is not would willingly attempt to recall any shared memories with his biological dad by choice.
-- If he could, he'd bury those memories deeper than when his body was trapped in the earth and surrounded by an ocean of soil.
-- But it's not just before being Robin.
-- During his time spent as Robin, if he hit his head hard enough, Scarecrow gave off a musty odor with a tinge of the world's worst garbage dumpster. Peguin, oddly enough, reeked of spoiled milk. And don't get him started on the Riddler -- that one he can't even describe with just words. (He weirdly gives off the scent of nail polish remover, do not ask him why.)
-- But the Joker?
-- The Joker's scent was nothing what he expected.
-- His sense of smell doesn't go toward the crisp and suffocating scent of smoke, the one that clogged his lungs so much that he wondered if that was the final straw to lead him marching towards death's door. Nor was it the smattering metallic smell emitted from the crowbar that bashed him over and over and over and - And his nose does not recall the Joker with the lead heavy scent of blood, no matter how much of his own spilled the day he died.
-- No, instead the monster carries the scent of fucking bubble gum.
-- Sweet, fruity, pink chewing gum.
-- Because of course the universe just has to ruin the little things, those simplicities of enjoyment. Like the birds chirping in the morning become screeching alarm clocks, his coffee mug always being chipped, a hole in his favorite pair of pants, just anything to ruin his day. He wonders whoever the fuck is in charge of mapping out his life is relishing in the misery he endures every fucking day. When he fucking gets his hands on -
-- Did you know it took him a solid year to even so much as spare a glance at a pack of the most basic, minty chewing gum again after his spent training with the League of Assassins? Did you know that it was until two years after his whole war between him and the bats he was finally able to even hold a stick in his palm without gagging? Did you know that only four years after all the bullshit he went through, he could finally place one stick of ice peppermint gum in his mouth for a solid ten minutes without throwing up immediately after?
-- He still can't handle the fruity flavor gum - no sour apple, no watermelon, no strawberry, no cinnamon, and especially no bubble gum flavored shit - without the dreadful urge to vomit lingering after.
-- And before Jason mended his relationship with the bats (or is still trying to, he has plenty of ups and downs with Bruce that he's getting dizzy from the ride.) Bruce's scent was ruined.
-- When he was Robin, Bruce carried the redolence of leather and a warm campfire. There was just something that screamed safety in his scent that he couldn't explain. The every time he woke up in the gurney from a concussion, the smell would hit before he would open his eyes and he knew Bruce was there.
-- But everything changed the night Bruce chose the Joker.
-- Bruce had hit his head hard enough against a porcelain toilet seat that his nose was bashed with the scent of leather instantly. He thought he had picked on his own jacket, but once the campfire wood wafted into the air he knew that was his designated scent for Bruce.
-- The emotional side was then crying for his dad, begging him to keep him safe from the monster in the closet, pleading to just let him come home, to choose him - his son - please - But the logical side was louder, especially when he aimed the gun at the Joker's head and gave Bruce a choice to make.
-- He had a job to complete and Bruce had a choice to make.
-- And Bruce decided and his scent was tainted.
-- Now, when there's a meeting held in the bat cave, or the only company he shares is with Bruce, he has to resist the urge to rub the scar on his neck to reassure himself he's not bleeding. To remind himself that his nose is just playing tricks to get himself to believe his throat is sliced open again.
-- But he never minded his olfactory any attention about these scents. Honestly, it was more subconscious than anything else, so why pay any attention to the matter? Plus, it wasn't like the matter was giving him any issues or disrupting his routine in any sort of way. He was still able to patrol and function to his usual capabilities -- which was not the standard, but still... functional.
-- And that meant had nothing to be concerned about. That these phantom scents had to be normal, right?
-- Maybe this was just another secret human function nobody spoke about. Kind of how the American education system fails to explain safety for sex because of the desire to keep a 'puritan' image.
-- But, as usual, he was proven wrong.
-- According to Tim, phantom smells were not a normal human function. Because, 'No, Jason. People do not have specific scents when you hit your head too hard,' and 'No, Jason. It is not common when you hit your head hard enough to smell a person or smell a nonexistent scent.' And blah, blah, blah.
-- He stopped paying attention after the third no.
-- But how did this conversation come about? Allow Jason to draw the scene for you:
-- Jason 'allowed' himself to be dragged to the manor by Bruce due to the severe concussion he received due to an Arkham breakout, followed by the orders of mandatory bed rest. And so, he was trapped under one roof with his siblings, who were piled into his room to force him to remain awake for the required hours necessary to be deemed safe from a coma.
-- He knew Dick was besides him, and the head massage he was receiving was not helpful in keeping him awake. But the others were somewhere in the room, he didn't need to open his eyes to know. He could tell by their scents.
-- The only person who wasn't in the room was Tim, who claimed he'd come right back without another word. (He's positive Tim went to go refill his coffee mug for the seventh time, and someone needs to get a handle on this kid's caffeine addiction.) But when Tim returned, he heavily smelled of apples - he always did when he was anxious.
-- Not that Jason usually minds if he hits his head, but this time the pounding was an incessant bitch who brought a drill to ram against his skull, so he couldn't handle the heavy scent at the time.
-- Jason immediately scrunched up his nose the moment Tim entered the room the moment he caught a waft of green apples. He rolled onto his side to have his back face the door, followed by a groan of, "Dude, Timbo, you fucking reek."
-- If Jason hits his head, sometimes he can practically smell Tim's potent and eternal state of anxiety. It's just as bad as Bruce's paranoia (but no one can ever beat that man in his levels of anxiety). However, when Tim is anxious, he carries the particular scent of green apples.
-- He hears Tim scoff, and there's a dip of weight at the corner of the bed. Jason lightly kicks Tim to shove him further away, only for the asshole to scoot closer.
-- "Hey, I took a mandatory after-patrol shower," Tim retorts, and he lifts his mug up to his lips and sips his coffee.
-- "No, you smell like fucking green apples," Jason hisses, burrowing his face into the pillow. If Tim gets any closer, his churning stomach might aim at Tim as his puke bucket. "You always do when you're fucking anxious about something, but Jesus fucking Christ, tone down the scent or, fuck, go sit in the arm chair."
-- "Green apples?" Dick mumbles, pausing in the movement of his hand. Jason almost whines at the loss of movement and he taps Dick's wrist. The moment Dick's hand continues those soothing circular movements, he relaxes.
-- What Jason doesn't see - or decides to blatantly ignore -- is the wide - eye stares everyone is glaring into his head. If Jason were to look, he would find a 'what the fuck' expression on each of their faces.
-- "Are you positive you're not smelling one of Tim's scented shampoos, tough guy?" Steph asks with curiosity lacing her tone. Tim has an array of scented shampoos and unscented ones -- the kid may be shit at self-care, but he certainly knows how to tend to his hair -- ranging from pomegranate to coconut to lavendar to oaky to vanilla, etc. (The list could go on.) But he certainly does not have a single apple scented shampoo.
-- "I'm positive," Jason replies. "He has a scent, you have a scent, everyone has a scent. Especially when I hit my head, it's normal."
-- People having individual scents is totally normal. He's positive of it. Plus, he's hit his head a multitude of times that the phantom scents kind of linger.
-- Tim taps the side of his coffee mug with his nails. "Jason... that's not- that's not normal."
-- Jason lifts his head from the pillow, the combination of scents burning his nostrils, but he ignores the hot twinge in favor of glaring at Tim. "It's fucking normal, Tim. I fucking experience it every time I hit my head."
-- "May I implore that none of your human experiences are what is considered 'normal', Todd?" Damian raises an eyebrow. He's settled on the ottoman by the end of the bed.
-- Jason opens his mouth to argue, but quickly clenches his jaw shut. As much as he hates to admit... the demon-brat has a point. Not that he needs to elaborate.
-- 'Is this a side effect from the lazarus pit?' Cas signs, tilting her head at a slight angle. Her eyebrows furrow together and the corner of lips curl - just as she always does when she's curious about a topic she doesn't understand.
-- "No." Jason whispers, keeping his tone gentle and crossing his arms over his chest. These phantom senses have always been around for him, even before the pit.
-- "So," Tim drawls, shifting the weight in the bed as he crosses his legs and holds his coffee mug. "When did this start?"
-- Jason narrows his gaze at Tim. "Fuck you, you're not my therapist."
-- Besides, he'll see his therapist next Wednesday, and he'll snitch on Bruce to his therapist. (And yes, his therapist is Harley.) He's not clinically insane - yet - but if this another 'Jason Todd anomaly', then why does he have phantom scents that hit his nose at random times? Especially when he hits his head?
-- "Wait, Lil' Wing," Dick pipes up, and Jason finds a cheeky grin on his face that warns Jason that Dick is about to ask a question he won't want to answer. "What do I smell like to you?"
-- "Yeah! I want to know too." Steph chimes in, resting her head in her hands as she places her elbows on the bed. There's a doe-eye look in her eyes that screams 'Pretty Please' as she flutters her lashes.
-- Heat crawls across Jason's face and spreads across his cheeks. He should have just kept his mouth shut, but he just had to go and whine about Tim reeking of fucking apples. It's not that he's embarrassed - not that he'd admit the truth out loud - but he's now more nervous than anything to reveal their scents. Especially now that he's more aware that having phantom scents isn't a typical human function.
-- Jason releases a breath, and decides to tell each one of them their identifying scent.
-- He has to admit, there are some positives to this phantom scents.
-- Dick carries the scent of sugar coated, blue cotton candy and mouthwatering salted popcorn. It reminds Jason of the one chance he took to sneak into the circus tent and hide under the bleachers as he watched the performance of the graceful Flying Graysons. He's always transported back to that memory when the scent hits his nose. But there's always a hint of hyacinth, and Jason has no idea where that comes from.
-- Tim may smell like apples when he's anxious, but he always carries a different scent of a different apple depending on his mood. If Tim is anxious or afraid, he reminds Jason of the odious redolence of a green apple. If Tim is mildly annoyed, enraged, or upset, he carries the scent of red apple. If Tim carries the scent of a yellow apple, it's an indicator that Tim is in a good mood.
-- Jason likes the yellow apple the most because A) That means Tim is in a good mood, and B) the smell of a yellow apple is a piquant flavor he has added on to his list of good scents. He doesn't feel has to avoid that apple without a specific reminder which is nice.
-- Steph smells zesty and sweet and reminds him of pop rocks candy, specifically the grape flavored kind. This could be due to her vivacious nature, but he nose tingles every time her scent appears. That could sometimes lead him to sneezing - which he doesn't admit to her.
-- Cas smells like Jasmine and sandal wood with a hint of roses.
-- Damian smells like paprika and cinnamon.
-- Duke smells like honey (and a part of him wonders if that's just because of the suit or the bee meme that his nose decided to join on the bandwagon.)
-- Alfred smells like his homemade chocolate chip cookies and hibiscus tea.
-- "And what about Bruce?" Dick's question is hanging in the air as Jason is drifting off to sleep. And Jason will never speak the truth of how Bruce smells now.
-- But he can always bend the truth.
-- "Used to smell like leather and campfire wood," Jason yawns into his pillow. "Used to smell safe."
-- "Used to?" Tim's question remains unanswered as Jason finally falls asleep.
-- When Jason wakes up, he notes that everyone is asleep except for Tim, who's claimed his spot in the armchair and curled around his laptop. His mug rests on top of the coffee table, his fingers are rapidly yet quietly typing away on the keyboard, and his focus is so honed in on the screen in front of him that he's caught off guard when Tim abruptly states, "Phantosmia."
-- Jason rubs the sleep out of his face. "Phanto-what?"
-- "Phantosmia," Tim repeats, adjusting his body weight on the arm chair and his eyes remain on the computer screen. "Or more known as a phantom smell, meaning you'll smell something that isn't there. Most people typically smell metal, burnt toast, or chemicals. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, just what occurs with either strokes or severe head trauma."
-- "Well, that explains a lot." Jason huffs, a smirk teasing his lips.
-- Even though he has an answer - which is pretty rare considering his medical history puts Santa's naughty list to shame - he doesn't believe having phantom smells is necessarily a horrible thing to have.
-- If the wind blows in just the right direction, he'll have scent of his mom follow him. Not his birth giver, Shelia, but Catherine. His mom carried the luscious scent of marshmallows, lilac flowers, and lit vanilla candles. And in his mind, it's still like his mom is there, still with him. Oddly, that was the last scent he remembers before he died in the warehouse and it's the safest he ever felt in years despite all the surrounding chaos.
-- "Thanks for researching, Timbo." Jason whispers.
-- Tim turns his head to Jason, and his lips lift into a grin. "Sure thing, Jay."
-- Phantosmia, while there are aspects of it he despises, he thinks there's a bit of a blessing buried in it too.
Hey guys! It's been a solid few days (I got super busy this week), but I thought I'd produce another headcanon. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! I'll post another head canon soon!
Other headcanons:
Head canon 1
Head canon 2
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judasgot-it · 1 year
This might be a little weird but can I request smell headcanons for the hunting dogs and port mafia
please this is RIGHT up my alley. Please send more stuff like this cause they're just so much fun lol.
Smell Headcanons (Hunting dogs & Port mafia)
Hunting Dogs
Fukuchi - this guy is totally a hoarder, which isn't a bad thing per se but having grown up in a hoarders den I feel like he has that old dust smell clinging onto him and his clothes. He probably also uses really fancy soap he gets while traveling abroad so it's his saving grace
Tecchou - Body odor. Not the bad kind but since he works out 24/7 he probably just smells like sweaty man. Not stinky though. Maybe you'll catch him in the morning and catch a whiff of him smelling like a clean shower, like steamy and moist. The dude definitely showers with a plain bar of soap so you aren't gonna smell something amazing from his skin, he'll just smell clean.
Teruko - She probably uses the most pungent bath & body works and Victoria's secret combination known to man. Applies it often too, probably with the most sugary scents. They only last for a little bit but if you stand close to her you'll smell that and probably the tangy scent of blood that never washes out of her clothes.
Jouno - this guy is probably the only one who really puts extreme effort into his smell. Dude uses sensitive soaps that have a gentle smell, and because he knows he'll get sweaty he uses women's deodorant that won't irritate his skin or his nose. Probably uses a fancy men's cologne that costs 200 dollars that smells both musky and fruity since "its artistic, you wouldn't understand"
Tachihara - He fr smells like clean laundry and cucumber. His hair would definitely smell nice, I imagine Jouno would put him onto having some god-tier hair care routine. I just couldn't imagine him having dirty laundry, like yea he's 19 but he seems like the type to stay really clean. He might also smell like hot chips though cause he looks like he would get addicted to something like that.
Port Mafia
Mori - You know how I said Tecchou smells like a sweaty man? Mori smells like a sweaty man in a bad way. Like, as if he hasn't showered in a day or two and tried to cover it with expensive cologne. I feel like he sleeps in his office due to paranoia and sleeps in his clothes, so the odor just sticks to him.
Elise - She shouldn't have a scent but I feel like she would smell very strongly of plastic. Like, maybe there would be spit and sweets mixed in there but she would just have that plastic smell that only cheap lego knockoffs have.
Gin - She would smell pretty neutral. She probably uses men's soap, so I like to think that she smells like wood and is just fresh. She just doesn't like women's products so she smells kind of basic, although she might use really nice lotion for soft skin.
Aktugawa - I feel like he smells the same as Gin - although he probably uses some obscure brand of perfume that's both sugary and also smells like cigarettes/burnt wood. His coat definitely smells like ash though, he definitely should consider deep cleaning it.
Kajii - Citrus. Strong citrus. Like, dude smells like cleaning spray citrus it's crazy strong, I don't even know what product he would use for that. Also like the back of a heated-up gaming PC. He probably uses that one orange soap that engineers use that's rough as shit but gets out literally anything. So his skin is probably tough despite being a twink.
Higuchi - I like to think she smells like dandelions. It's a nice scent that you can't really complain about. Probably also smells like coffee if she had it to drink for that morning. She just doesn't have anything really bad sticking on her, although she probably suffers from really bad coffee breath often so she also has strong mint breath. Weird combo.
Kyoyo - She smells GOOD. Everything she owns smells really good, probably has her own special lotions for every day of the week. Is a HUGE skin care girly and will not use a product that doesn't smell good. I feel like she keeps hand sanitizer spray on her sometimes in case someone gross touches her but that's just me.
Hirotsu - smells for sure like a grandma and like cigarettes. He has that GOOD old book smell. All of his clothes are well taken care of but I imagine they're dry cleaned at some oldish place that gives him that paper smell. His hair gel probably smells like wood. I just really like him forgive me I've sinned.
Chuuya - definitely smells like expensive cologne although I feel like he has that leather Gucci smell sticking on him. His hat probably stinks a little bit so he keeps spraying perfume on it but he can't get the smell of sweat and ash out of it. He washes his hair everyday because of that but it's just the hat having a mind of its own.
Q - I feel like they smell like kids' shampoo. Probably mango. Not much to say although they probably also smell a little unless someone forces them to change out of their clothes, cause I have a feeling this kid won't change unless forced too. Like, look at em.
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himbocoups · 2 years
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˗ˋˏ Impressions ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only
synopsis: as impressionable as the scent he wears, he is the standout in a crowd of many. and you can't help but to inhale him deeply before the night fades away.
pairing: csc x reader
genre: smut, pwp
tags: alcohol, food & drinks, nightclub, diner | dirty talk, betting, bathroom sex, public sex, unprotected sex, creampie
wc: 2.2k
message from nu: ... -nu
lipglossjun's masterlist
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If colognes come with an impressionability meant to outlast their wear time, then the person who wears the fragrance must be as impressionable as the scent, if not more.
Vanilla-scented fog machine haze, alcohol on one’s breath, rancid body odor mixed with humidity, and puffs of fruity vape smoke settle in the club’s atmosphere. There are more bills on the ground than in people’s wallets, and people dance dangerously close with no thoughts of tomorrow – neon paper wristbands strapped around right wrists that clash terribly with meticulously planned club outfits. Shoes pound against the sticky dark hardwood floors within the command of the beat of the music. Each passing hour spent in the club is more suffocating than the last – that is, if you’re having an awful time.
Unmistakably attractive, with an allure that could cause sirens to stare, Choi Seungcheol wears himself proudly – at times a little too proudly – disparate from the foul mélange of scents lingering in the air at the nightclub. His physical impressionability causes onlookers to notice his presence before they recognize the scent that follows him. He is the one who makes the scent a signature, never letting the scent overshadow him, refusing to be passive.
Long fingers daintily cover the opening of his cold Old Fashioned, the citrus twist sinking to the bottom of the glass cup as he leans in to listen to your agreement. And when his left ear appears before your lips, you breathe him in – traces of Angostura mixed with whiskey against your skin, and the intoxicating, sultry, musky oakmoss and patchouli lingering in the space where he moves.
When your answer touches his ear, he nods his head and knocks back the remaining of his semi-diluted cocktail in a fluid motion. He swallows the liquid without taking a breath, feeling the liquid rush down his throat in a fiery sprint that blossoms and erupts in his chest. Pausing for a moment, he plucks the orange peel from the bottom of his cup and holds it up to your parted lips, teasing you, testing you under the flashing strobe lights.
He watches you with a heavy film of lust as you slowly swirl the peel with your tongue, sucking the remaining alcohol from the rough and dimpled skin. The action leaves his mouth dry, not a single syllable able to fall out of his mouth. And all he can do is to drop the peel back into the empty glass and tilt his head towards the exit as you cling onto him – an acquaintance-turned-lover for the night.
If you weren’t already intoxicated enough, you watch him smirk while he pulls you closer to him in the backseat of the yellow cab, oversized silk satin shirt against your sheer black top, overwhelming your senses. Kisses plant along your jawline and soft finger pads graze your open skin. Street lights flash onto your lap through the window in a steady tempo as the car continues its journey to the edge of nowhere. The cacophony of downtown nightlife on a typical Friday night fades behind you before the night can even begin to end.
Near the entrance of the diner, an elderly couple sits facing each other. One of them sips from a small mug of hot black coffee, slurping instead of blowing to dissipate the heat. The other pokes at a cold plate of grits, judgmental eyes squinting at the clothes you wear, the silver chains layered around his neck.
It’s a booth at the far end of the diner, sectioned off and without any view of what’s outside. But the two of you don’t care – within the vicinity of the diner, there’s nothing but a national chain gas station on the other side of the street and miles of highways. The wooden table wobbles and feels sticky to the touch. Customers have to pry the laminated menus from the table’s surface in order to flip to the Extras section in the back. Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks hangs on the alabaster wall behind Seungcheol, trapped in the wrong era while pop music from the 2010s plays softly through the speakers, making the diner more of a liminal space than it should be.
The waitress swats at a tiny fruit fly while taking your order, telling you it’ll take a while before your food gets out – only one chef is working the night shift today. It’s a bit odd of her to let her customers know about the wait time before asking for their orders, but she seems kind. Compliment her acrylics that clack against her ballpoint pen, and she’ll beam, fanning out her fingers to look at the iridescent stones that sit on top of every other finger – tells you her little sister is going to be so happy to hear your compliment. People unknowingly reveal too much about themselves to strangers. She likes his menu choice – asks how he would like his eggs.
“Sunny side up,” he answers her. His brown eyes briefly flick towards you, skin in full view under a source of light – sheer black fabric, crisp box pleats in straight lines down your chest, and the giant satin bow he desperately wants to untie with his teeth.
Sitting opposite of you, with plump incarnadine lips made visible under the dark, yellow, and flickering lights, he shifts uncomfortably on the plastic-covered foam cushions that feel too firm to his touch. There’s something surprisingly soft about him: how he politely folds his hands on the table even though the silk he wears looks like it amounts to your biweekly pay and how you can see his eyes widen in concern when he sees you shrug off his jacket and take everything out of your pockets. The waitress is taking her break in the staff room.
You push yourself up and side-step out of the booth, leaving your phone face-up on the table.
“Restroom?” you ask him.
He nods once and opens both palms, flicking them both to the side, “You go first.”
A few minutes later, his lips are attached to your neck – wasting no time sucking, swirling, and ravishing your skin with his tongue. He has you pinned against the interior of the black plastic stall, a firm grip on your thigh that he plants against his hip, his arousal pushed against your core.
“So soft,” he murmurs against your skin, open hand trailing through the dangling ends of your satin bow, thinking it’s tied a little too tightly around your neck.
The scent of his cologne mixes with and overpowers the lingering scent of multipurpose cleaner and disinfectant spray in the bright diner restroom. The scent is an odd combo, but you don’t care. His thick fingers work you to dizzying heights, going back to dip into your open core once he’s had his fun with your ribbon, massaging your tender flesh as he watches your eyes lazily roll to the back of your head. Obscene squelches fill the silence as he continues to finger you, thoughts clouded with desire and lust.
“Hmm? If your eyes can speak what you cannot say, then I wonder what dirty words could be interpreted when I’m in you…that is, if they stay open.”
Truthfully, this beats having a quickie in a club’s restroom where there are always people waiting in line, people hogging the mirrors, and messy people sitting on the grimy restroom floors. However, if grinding against Seungcheol on the dance floor, ass up while he holds your head below your knees could lead to this moment, then you think you should start agreeing to go out more with your friends.
“Depends,” you purr while lifting your pointer finger to tilt his chin upwards. This briefly puts you in a position of command, allowing you to gloat over his willingness to bend for you. “How fast can you make me come?”
“Count to twenty for me,” he whispers while leaning in to kiss your collarbone. It’s an assertion, some sort of personal conquest, that he can make you come undone before the chef can even begin to plate the food.
“Fifteen,” you challenge, trailing your hands down his open chest without breaking eye contact, feeling skin transition into silk and then jeans when you stop at the edge of his pants. “Loser pays for the meal.”
Teeth are quick to latch onto a tail, yanking the bow loose with a growl, the man waiting to do so the entire night. He’s impulsive, and quick to act how he wants because he knows how to get his way. But even those who have free reign have their limitations. So he lines himself at your entrance, right eyebrow cocked, waiting for your signal.
Candidly speaking, he would never forgive himself if he forgot the feeling of pushing himself into you in one fluid motion after the first number echoed into the empty restroom, feeling you squeeze around his thick and throbbing cock as he bottoms out, filling you up. And the way your arms flail, blindly reaching for the top of the stall to grab onto as he pauses to let you adjust, it just turns him on even more. He doesn’t mind if he takes his time – just one number and you seem to have forgotten how to count.
“Two. Three. Four,” you manage to hiss as he slowly pulls back with a smirk. 
He keeps a steady pace, gyrating his hips upwards to make sure you feel every agonizing stroke. 
“Five. Six. Se- fu-fuck,” you gasp. 
Realizing how you’re able to keep up with him, he switches. The grip on your thigh tightens, almost bruising your skin as he pulls your leg higher, arching your back to give himself a better angle to ram into you deeply, fucking you numb. You hiccup with every thrust, feeling your thighs tremble, struggling to keep yourself standing upright. But he doesn’t care, he relentlessly ruts into you like every fiber of his being depends on him winning that bet.
“What? Are your legs going to give in before you give up?,” he grunts while watching you cling onto him, burying your face in the space in the crook of his neck. A sly smile forms. Hearing you choke on each word, stumbling through the number ten, feeling you clench and tremble around him – it only feeds his ego, makes him delirious even. “Just give up, baby.”
The large industrial stalls shake from the force he fucks himself into you, the sound of his bare skin hitting yours echoing throughout the restroom. Pressure builds up in your core, and you feel yourself squeezing yourself tightly around his cock, legs giving up underneath you. You feel him catch you without interrupting his pace, arm muscles contracting as he nips at your neck. 
He hisses when he feels you squeeze him harder, knowing your orgasm is at the tip of your tongue. And he wonders how he was able to restrain himself for so long. 
“Thirteen. F-ah. Ahh. Fuck fuck, oh my god Seungcheol I can’t. I’m coming.”
His free hand around the hair on the top of your head, he watches you ride out your high, yanking harder when he realizes how your back arches erotically when someone pulls your hair. You continue to convulse around him, now a blubbering mess, even more so with your head pulled back and your neck exposed towards the ceiling. He wastes no time flipping you around, pressing you against the wall while he lines himself behind you, giving you no time to prepare as he slams into you from behind, building up his own high almost punishingly. Dimples in his cheeks deepen as he hears you mewl his name pathetically, ass up and squeezing him while you ride out your second high – if the two of you were anywhere else, he would linger in the moment, take his time to properly fulfill your desire. Spasming, he praises you for taking him so well while spilling his warmth inside you. Slowly pulling out with a sigh, he observes how his cum sits inside you, stopping at the edge of your entrance. But he gently pulls you upright, sitting you on the toilet, planting a soft peck on the edge of your lips.
“By the way,” he tells you while passing you tissues from the dispenser attached to the side of the stall. “I was never going to let you pay.”
You watch him leave the stall with a small but kind smile on his face, gently closing the door shut. The scent he wears still lingers - citrus, fine leather, and a woody musk that barely masks the unspoken promise that this wouldn't be the only night you'll be seeing him.
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fictionalfish · 3 months
This is what I think the Hazbin Hotel characters would smell like
idc if this is a weird post i have thoughts, this post includes the Hotel residents + the Vee's as a special treat :3
Charlie: I think she would probably use a really sweet and fruity body wash, like a citrusy thing. I feel like she would be the sort of person to have a really distinct smell that you can smell when she brushes up against you.
Vaggie: Shea or Coconut, I also like to think that Vaggie always has really good breath
(I feel like Charlie and Vaggie would share body wash a lot but when it comes to hair stuff they would have to use different ones cause they have such different textures so that's where the individual scents would come from)
Angel: Artificial strawberry type thing but I think his breath would smell smoke and some form of alcohol, I also read on like one website that PCP has a chemically sorta odor like a permeant marker so probably a bit of that too
Husk: A mix of whiskey and beer and probably other alcohol, also cigarettes smoke and maybe a bit musty like an antique store (I'm sorry Husk ily) but he would also have a hint of Angels artificial strawberry smell cause...boyfriends
Alastor:... Rotting flesh, like you do not want to be near him.
Niffty: Chemicals, she probably uses surface cleaning things as body wash lmao
Pentious: Petrol or something like that
Vox: Leather and car fresheners
Val: Smoke, some sickly sweet smell in a very off putting way, the sickly sweet smell would also rub off on people for a bit if they hang around him too long probably cum or something too
Vel: She probably wears too much, very strong, very expensive perfume
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imsorryimlate · 10 months
this isn’t meant to be serious analysis or anything, i’m just having a bit of fun so bear with me.
so this post is the third or fourth one i’ve seen wrt jack being a parallel to dracula/“vampire coded”, and i really like that interpretation.
and seeing that post reminded me of a connection i made a couple of days ago, when i saw this post by @thegoatsongs, which pointed out the sweet and bitter scent that both jonathan and lucy report in relation to vampiric attacks. and when i saw that post i was like “hah, just like jack seward”, because a couple of months ago when i checked out some information about chloral, i found out that its smell is often described somewhat similarly.
chloral hydrate is described as having "a characteristic pear-like odor" (x), "a fruity or pear like smell on the breath is classic" (x), and wikipedia puts it as "aromatic, slightly acrid" (x), while others say it is "pungent, but not acrid" (x). one person in a forum describes the smell as "like swimming pool chlorine, slightly bleachy and has an odor of rotten fruit" (x), (which, while rotten fruit doesn't smell nice, it certainly smells sweet).*
we don’t know exactly how often jack uses chloral. when he mentions it, it’s when he’s specifically not using it, but he still says that he’s careful not to let it grow into a habit, which would suggest that he’s using it at least sometimes.
as for administration, wikipedia lists oral syrup or rectal suppository. i'm not usually one to jump to conclusions, but in this case i will do just that and say that jack is probably drinking the chloral (although suppositories were apparently used in the 19th century, so who's to say).
all of this to say that jack could possibly sometimes have quite a sweet/bitter breath. just like a vampire.
now, there’s a lot of what-ifs in this suggestion, not to mention that since jack would take chloral before bedtime, any hint of that sweet/bitter scent might be gone by morning(?). or not, i couldn't find any information on how long the scent hangs around.
i don’t know! perhaps there is something here, perhaps there isn't.
(*i know that some of these sources aren't ideal, and even one of the academic articles linked only consists of its abstract. but i still wanted to link to where i got the information.)
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parfumieren · 11 months
Fantabulosa (LUSH/Gorilla Perfumes)
There is an unknown land full of strange flowers and subtle perfumes, a land of which it is joy of all joys to dream, a land where all things are perfect and poisonous. --Oscar Wilde, letter to Harry Marillier, 1885
Fantabulosa is beautiful, but he won't let me say so. He -- this weirdly, wonderfully uncompromising creature -- flat-out forbids it.
But I'm only trying to compliment you, I protest-- to which he coolly replies, You mean pigeonhole me in a nice safe little box? Honey, you're supposed to bury me after I'm dead.
This is a standoff I'll never win. The criterion of beauty to which I, a mere mortal, must fall back on is too terrestrial for Fantabulosa's taste. Clearly he would much rather be called ugly than have to wear so mundane and gentrified a label as beautiful.
Violets? Where? Maybe Fantabulosa is sitting on them. He'd love that-- holding court on a bed of petals. Doubtless we'll discover them later, crushed under skin-tight velvet, clinging desperately to the backs of those whippet-thin supermodel thighs. (Do you think His Majesty will ask us to brush them off for him? Oh please say yes.)
Chamomile? Could that be the bitter and prickly element in Fantabulosa's personality, or is it something buried deep in his shady past? He's not talking, though the way he smokes a cigarette -- with quick, purse-lipped inhales like a series of angry kisses interspersed with narrow-eyed, smoke-obscured glares -- belies a deep impatience with convention. (Don't ask; it will only get him started.)
Banana? Yes, of course. Fresh? Depends on how you define the word. Let's just say it's been around the farmer's market a few times. A few venomous detractors have gone so far as call this fragrance's banana note "rotten", but everyone knows that the closer it pushes the envelope toward decay, the sweeter a banana gets. When it interacts with the chamomile, you get this strange, bitter, ghost-of-cuminseed accord that slices through the cloying fruity sweetness like a old-fashioned stiletto letter opener in the hands of a disgruntled personal assistant. (Not that I'm complaining, Mister Lady Ma'am. I live to serve!)
Seaweed absolute? A trace of odor as saline and funky as-- Hush your mouth!
Look, if speaking the word "beautiful" aloud would mean banishment from the Imperial Presence, I'll keep it safely locked in my head. I'll put up with the sullen looks, the catty comments, all the times I have to fetch and carry and bail him out of jail. I'll sign his name on stacks of 8x10 glossies and never breathe a word of where he disappears to after midnight.
Just let me go on worshiping this lovely space oddity… forked tongue and all.
Scent Elements: Violet, violet leaf, chamomile, banana absolute, seaweed absolute, labdanum, oakmoss
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enigmatech1 · 5 months
A Breath of Fresh Air: Elevate Your Driving Experience with Car Fragrance Sprays
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Driving isn't just about reaching your destination; it's an experience that engages all your senses. Elevate your daily commute by transforming your car into a sanctuary of refreshing scents with the latest in-car fragrance sprays. From invigorating auto fragrance sprays to concentrated perfumes designed specifically for your vehicle, immerse yourself in the delightful world of automotive aromas.
Unveiling the Charm of Car Perfume Sprays
Car perfume spray have evolved beyond their practical function of neutralizing odors. Today, they are a statement of style and an essential accessory for anyone who takes pride in their vehicle. These sprays come in a variety of fragrances, from floral and fruity to woody and musky, allowing you to choose scents that resonate with your personal preferences.
Auto Fragrance Sprays: A Symphony of Scents
Auto fragrance sprays are meticulously designed to create a pleasant ambiance within the confines of your car. The carefully curated scents not only mask unwanted odors but also infuse your vehicle with a welcoming fragrance. With convenient spray mechanisms, these products offer a quick and effective way to refresh your car's interior before hitting the road.
The Intensity of Car Concentrated Perfumes
For those seeking a longer-lasting olfactory experience, car-concentrated perfumes are the answer. These potent formulations are crafted to provide a more intense and enduring fragrance. A few spritzes of car concentrated perfume can envelop your car in a captivating scent that lingers throughout your journey.
Choosing the Right Fragrance for Your Drive
Selecting the perfect car fragrance spray involves considering your taste preferences and the ambiance you wish to create. Whether you prefer the invigorating notes of citrus for a morning drive or the soothing tones of lavender for a relaxed evening commute, the options are vast. Experiment with different scents to find the one that complements your driving style and enhances your overall experience.
Tips for a Delightful Fragrance Experience
Regular Application: Refresh your car's fragrance regularly, especially after cleaning, to maintain a consistently pleasant atmosphere.
Consider Seasonal Scents: Match your car fragrance to the seasons, choosing crisp and fresh scents for spring and summer and warmer, spicier notes for fall and winter.
Avoid Overpowering Scents: While you want your car to smell inviting, be mindful of not using overly strong fragrances that may be overpowering in a confined space.
Test Before Committing: Before settling on a particular fragrance, try out sample sizes to ensure it complements your preferences and doesn't cause any discomfort.
In Conclusion: Transforming Every Drive into an Experience
Car fragrance sprays, whether in the form of convenient spritzers or concentrated perfumes, offer a simple yet impactful way to elevate your driving experience. With a plethora of scents to choose from and the ability to personalize your vehicle's ambiance, these products add a touch of luxury to every journey. Indulge in the world of automotive aromas and turn your daily commute into a breath of fresh air.
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vapehk1 · 7 months
The Best Guide: How Much Nicotine Is In a Juul Pod?
Traditional tobacco cigarettes have been replaced by electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, as a popular option in recent years. Juul pods are the most well-liked e-cigarette among them, especially among young adults and teenagers. However, since JUULpods' high nicotine concentration has been connected to many possible health problems, concerns have been expressed about it. This article aims to provide readers with a thorough understanding of how much nicotine is in a Juul pod, empowering them to make informed decisions about their e-cigarette usage. What is in a Juul pod? A Juul pod contains nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and flavorings. The high nicotine concentration in Juul pods raises concerns about addiction, especially among young users. Propylene glycol and glycerin are common e-cigarette liquid ingredients that create vapor when heated. Flavorings enhance the overall taste. Juul pods, used with Juul e-cigarettes, provide discreet and controlled nicotine delivery through inhalation of smoke. However, the health effects of vaping and the potential risks associated with these ingredients are still being researched and regulated.. Types of Juul Pods: Juul pods are different from each other based on flavors. The following is a mention of a few floors: - Mango is a popular fruity flavor. - Cool Mint:A refreshing mint flavor - Virginia Tobacco:A traditional tobacco flavor - Fruit Medley: A blend of different fruit flavors - Crème Brule:A sweet and creamy flavor How does Juul Pod work? Juul pods vaporize a liquid or e-liquid solution by drawing on a battery-powered device. Nicotine, flavorings, propylene glycol, and glycerine are all present in this e-liquid. Juul machines heat up when you breathe in, so you don't need to press any buttons. The heating part makes the Juul juice turn into a mist you can breathe in... Juul pods are popular because they are easy to use, small and discreet, and come in many flavors. Sure, here is a simplified version of the sentence using easy words. Juul pods give users a taste and a nicotine kick without the bad stuff in regular cigarettes. How Much is Nicotine in a Juul Pod? Well, the question of how much nicotine is in a Juul pod is based on different concentrations, ranging from 1.7% to a whopping 5%. That means you could be inhaling anywhere from 17mg to 50mg of nicotine per pod. How to Measure the Amount of Nicotine in a Juul Pod? Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is like a high-tech detective for e-liquids. It can break down the e-liquid into its parts. It can also measure the amount of nicotine present. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is another way to measure nicotine in e-liquids. HPLC separates e-liquid parts based on their interactions with chemicals. Different between Regular Cigarettes Vs Juul Pods: The following chart highlights some key differences between regular cigarettes and Juul pods Aspect Regular Cigarettes Juul Pods Nicotine Content Varies widely; typically 8-20 mg/cigarette Generally 30 mg/mL (3%) or 50 mg/mL (5%) Combustion Burned tobacco producing smoke Vaporization of liquid Delivery System Inhaling smoke from burning tobacco Inhaling vaporized e-liquid Chemicals Combustion produces numerous harmful chemicals Vaporization is generally considered to produce fewer harmful chemicals than combustion Odor Leaves a lingering smoke odor Minimal odor, and any scent is often from added flavors Secondhand Smoke Produces secondhand smoke with harmful chemicals Vapor is generally considered less harmful than secondhand smoke, but not completely risk-free Flavors Limited to tobacco or menthol in traditional cigarettes Various flavored options available, which has raised concerns about appeal to youth Regulation and Marketing Subject to tobacco regulations and advertising restrictions E-cigarettes, including Juul, have faced regulatory scrutiny, especially regarding marketing to youth Addiction Potential High due to nicotine content and other addictive substances in tobacco High due to the high nicotine content, and concerns about addiction, especially among youth Where to buy Juul pod In Dubai? Online vape shops in Dubai can be found in many different locations, but one of the best ones can be found at vapedazzle co. Why vapedazzle.co is the best? They have a wide selection of high-quality safest vaping devices like Juul 2 device , Elf Bar BC5000 Puffs  e-liquids, and accessories. VapeDazzle.co is known for its commitment to customer service, authentic products, fair pricing, and compliance with local regulations. They guarantee fast delivery within 1 hour in Dubai and accept various payment methods. Vape Dazzle offers competitive prices and a loyalty card program for cashback. Additionally, they provide comprehensive product information to help customers make informed choices. Conclusion: Juul pods have become increasingly popular, particularly among young people, due to their sleek design, appealing flavors, and easy-to-use packaging. However, it is crucial to recognize the significant health risks associated with Juul pod use. If you are considering using how much nicotine is in a Juul pod, it is essential to weigh the potential risks and benefits carefully. If you are concerned about the health risks of Juul pods, you should talk to your doctor. There are many other ways to quit smoking or vaping that are less harmful to your health. FAQ How much is five nicotine in a JUUL? According to JUUL Labs, all JUUL pods contain flavorings and 0.7mL e-liquid with 5% or 3% nicotine by weight; JUUL Labs claims that the 5% pods have the equivalent amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Are JUUL pods healthier than cigarettes? The long-term health effects of using JUUL pods are still unknown. However, based on the current evidence, it is clear that JUUL pods are not a safe alternative to cigarettes. If you are concerned about the health risks of JUUL pods, you should talk to your doctor. Is one JUUL pod a day too much? The average Juul pod has a nicotine level of 1 pack of cigarettes. That would be 5%, or 50 mg, of salt. However, if you were not previously a smoker, you should stop using JUUL and any other nicotine products available. Read the full article
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sinusandnose · 9 months
Medical Conditions and Bad Breath
While bad breath is often attributed to factors like poor oral hygiene and dietary choices, it can also be a symptom of underlying medical conditions. In this blog post, we'll explore the intricate connection between certain medical conditions and bad breath, shedding light on how addressing these conditions can lead to a breath of fresh air.
Common Medical Conditions Associated with Bad Breath:
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis, which produces a distinct and often fruity-smelling breath odor.
Respiratory Infections:
Infections in the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, or sinusitis, can contribute to bad breath due to the presence of bacteria and mucus in the throat and nasal passages.
Gastrointestinal Issues:
Conditions like acid reflux (GERD), gastritis, or bowel obstructions can cause regurgitated stomach acids or gases to enter the esophagus, leading to bad breath.
Liver or Kidney Disease:
These conditions can result in a buildup of toxins in the body, which may be expelled through the breath, causing an unpleasant odor.
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia):
Dry mouth can result from various medical treatments or conditions, such as radiation therapy, medications, or salivary gland disorders. Reduced saliva flow can lead to bad breath as saliva helps cleanse the mouth.
Dental Issues:
Gum disease, tooth decay, or oral infections can exacerbate bad breath. These conditions are often linked to overall health and may require medical attention.
Managing Bad Breath Related to Medical Conditions:
Control Underlying Conditions:
Effective management of the underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or gastrointestinal issues, can often alleviate bad breath.
Medication Adjustments:
If medications contribute to dry mouth or bad breath, consult your healthcare provider to explore alternative treatments or dosage adjustments.
Oral Hygiene:
Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning, can help manage bad breath associated with medical conditions.
Stay Hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water can help combat dry mouth and support overall oral health.
Dietary Adjustments:
In some cases, dietary modifications recommended by a healthcare provider can help reduce the odor associated with specific medical conditions.
When to Seek Professional Help:
If you experience persistent bad breath that is unrelated to dietary choices or temporary factors, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider. They can perform a thorough evaluation, diagnose any underlying medical conditions, and recommend appropriate treatments. Addressing these conditions not only helps manage bad breath but also promotes overall health and well-being.
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yourketo · 10 months
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𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗡𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗞𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 💨⁠ While the ketogenic diet can help you lose weight faster, “keto breath” is an unwanted side effect of ketosis. Here’s what you need to know about keto breath, including symptoms and how to get rid of it.⁠ 𝗦𝘆𝗺𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗺𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 📑⁠ Keto breath produces a distinct taste or odor in the mouth that’s different from ordinary halitosis or bad breath. Some people describe keto breath as having a metallic taste. In addition to a funny taste in the mouth, keto breath can be fruity-smelling or have a strong odor similar to nail polish remover.⁠ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵? 🙄⁠ Typically, your body will break down carbohydrates or glucose for energy and then fat.⁠ Since the ketogenic diet and other low-carb diets purposely restrict your intake of carbohydrates, your body is forced to use its fat stores for energy once you’ve depleted your glucose stores. Ketosis occurs when your body breaks down fat for energy.⁠ Fatty acids are converted into ketones, natural chemicals your body produces when you burn fat for energy.⁠ Ketones are usually harmless and released from the body through exhalation and urination. On the one hand, this indication that you’ve entered ketosis may be reassuring. On the other hand, it’s an unfortunate indicator.⁠ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁? ⏲️⁠ Some people on the ketogenic diet never experience keto breath. The odor can be troublesome for those who do, but it is temporary.⁠ You may notice a change in your breath within days or a week of starting a low-carb diet. The odor will subside as your body adjusts to a lower carb intake. This might take a couple of weeks, and there are a few things you can do to freshen your breath.⁠ 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 ✔️⁠ - Increase your water intake. ⁠ - Eat less protein⁠ - Practice good oral hygiene.⁠ - Use mints and gum⁠ - Bump up your carb intake.⁠
Click Here to Order Custom Keto Diet Plan from the Official Website
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swastirana005 · 1 year
Does Vaping Smell and for How Long?
You may get tired of dealing with nasty odors while you vape. For some reason, e-cigarettes can stink and their odors can last for a long time. Also, there can be numerous scents connected with vaping. From weed-like vape pens to the distinct aromas of CBD and hemp products, they can vary.
Determining why does vaping smell, the causes of persistent odors, and devising efficient strategies that can help to eliminate them can be important. This might bring a better e-smoking experience to you without any lingering unpleasant odor.
Table of Contents
Why Do Vapes Smell and for How Long?
The e-juice used in e-smoking devices may contain some flavoring ingredients. These, when burnt, may produce some odor that can smell bad. It can also linger for a variety of timeframes in the area.
There might be some ingredients in vape juice producing a foul smell on burning.
Such main ingredients can be propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavorings.
Nicotine present in some e-liquids can also release distinctive odors.
The smell of e-cigarettes can differ, depending on the flavorings used, such as:
Your device can leave behind an aroma that may be detectable during the activity.
It can produce such fragrance immediately after but it can fade quite fast.
Why does vape smell strongly and persistently can be based on these circumstances:
The type of electronic cigarettesE-liquid composition
The technique of inhaling
The duration of the smell can be affected by ventilation and air circulation.
Its period of lingering can also be based on the presence of absorbent materials.
These materials can be curtains, carpets, or any other accessories at home.
The vape scent normally dissipates after a few minutes to an hour in airy rooms.
Do Vape Pens Smell Like Weed?
Vape pens themselves may not smell like marijuana (weed).
The kind of oil or cartridge used may determine how strongly the scented pen will be.
Also, the aroma may vary depending on the cannabis strain or any added items.
Vape pens that employ flavored or nicotine-based e-liquids may not smell like weed.
The odor of this e-juice can be fruity, sweet, or tobacco-like.
Knowing about vape juice ingredients may help to lower bad essence.
Why Does CBD Smell in the Air?
Some users might complain about the odor left in the air after vaping CBD devices. The same can even be harmful and can make it difficult for other persons to breathe in that area.
CBD, or cannabidiol, may have a unique odor when present in the air.
The aroma can mostly linger due to the presence of terpenes.
This matter can be aromatic and may be found in a variety of plants, including cannabis.
Diverse hemp strains may have varied terpene profiles, resulting in different fragrances.
Terpenes such as myrcene, limonene, and pinene can be widespread in hemp.
The same can add to its distinctive aroma.
This odor can be outlined as earthy, herbal, and slightly floral.
The strength and intensity of the smell can be influenced by factors such as:
CBD content
Extraction method
Processing procedures
CBD products’ fragrances might become more detectable in the air when heated.
The smell in the air may evaporate rapidly, although it might persist in enclosed spaces.
At times, this substance can stay in your system, accompanied by its smell present externally.
How long does CBD stay in your system can generate some concern here.
When the duration is long and the scent persists, there can be greater health challenges.
What Does CBD Oil Smell Like?
CBD vape oil may often smell earthy and aromatic.
It can have a slightly grassy or nutty aroma.
Some people can compare the smell to freshly cut grass or hay.
CBD vaping liquid’s odor can be different based on the extraction procedure.
Also, the presence of other natural chemicals can affect its essence.
If compared to the substance’s isolates, full-spectrum CBD fluid may have pungent odors.
Terpenes, a fragrant chemical can be found in hemp and cannabis plants.
The presence of it can also impact the scent of CBD e-juice.
Most importantly, different people can sense it accordingly.
Does CBD Smell Like Weed in an Open Area?
Some habitual users of vaping devices may try to inhale CBD e-juice in an open area. After vaporizing, the odor left behind sometimes smells like weed to users.
Clearing the doubt that arises due to the fragrance, you may study the below-mentioned key points highlighting does CBD oil smell like weed or not.
CBD may not always smell like weed.
But some types of this oil can scent like the said substance.
The distinctive odor of marijuana may be caused by the presence of a few chemicals.
This can be known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
Using THC can result in some euphoric effects if used in open areas.
CBD extracted from hemp contains very little THC, which may be less than 0.3%.
This may be insufficient to give the usual weed scent in the open.
Such a vape fluid may have an earthy or herbal odor.
But it may not have the strong, characteristic odor associated with weed.
Nevertheless, the weed smell can cause some health issues to users when persistent.
Once you get rid of weed smell, these issues can be avoided or reduced.
What Does Hemp Oil Smell Like?
The scent of hemp oil may often be nutty and earthy.
This aroma can sometimes be reminiscent of sunflower seeds.
It may have a herbal and green undertone.
The scent of hemp fluid may vary based on factors such as:
The type of hemp utilized
And, the technique of extraction
Cold-pressed hemp juice can retain more of its original smell.
Does Hemp Oil Smell Like Weed?
Hemp oil may have a mild, fine weed-like aroma.
The scent of hemp liquid can be caused mostly by the presence of terpenes.
This fragrance can be substantially milder and less pungent.
It can be compared to the unique and strong odor of weed.
Hemp fluid may have far lower levels of terpenes and other chemicals than marijuana.
In most circumstances, the odor of hemp juice can be identical to that of cannabis.
This might be especially true when vaping in open spaces.
How Long Do Weed Vape Pens Smell Linger?
Generally, it can be seen that the fragrance of weed smells might stay for a few minutes to a couple of hours. However, it can be based on certain conditions like ventilation.
The lingering scent of weed vape pens might vary in different situations.
These can involve the use of different pens and the strain of cannabis.
Another factor can be the area’s ventilation.
When compared to traditional smoking, vaporizers emit less odor.
The scent may evaporate faster.
This smell might linger anywhere from a short to a long duration.
Proper ventilation and air circulation might assist to remove the residual odor faster.
Why Does Making Canna Oil Smell Last for a Long Period?
There may be some ingredients or compounds present in the canna oil, which when heated or vaporized, may smell bad. Also, the annoying odor may last for a long length.
Making this fluid entails infusing oil that may often be heated over time.
Some volatile chemicals and terpenes can be released during the heating process.
This may contribute to the strong odor that may stay for more time in the air.
Cannabis plant smell molecules can stick to textiles, walls, and other surfaces.
This can make the fragrance stay longer.
Proper ventilation, like utilizing fans/windows, may help remove the odor faster.
Do Dry Herb Vaporizers Smell Bad?
The smell of the dry herb can be produced while vaping. It can be mild and may not stick to anything. Thus, even when the smell is generated, it can disappear faster, especially when compared to weed vape.
The dry herb vape smell can emit a distinct odor.
However, it can be less intense and disappears faster than traditional smoking methods.
The aroma of dry herb vaporizers may frequently be described as more aromatic.
This odor can often be less lasting or may not smell bad.
It may also not adhere as heavily to clothing or furniture.
Especially in small spaces with poor airflow, herbs can smell bad if they stay for long.
Ventilation, open windows, and the use of air purifiers can all assist to lessen the odor.
Do Vaporizers Smell Like Weed and Dab Pen?
Vaporizers, such as dry herbs and dab pens, can emit a strong odor.
The fragrance of it may vary based on the model and the material being inhaled.
Dab pens, which are used to smoke cannabis concentrates, can have a particular odor.
These may smell like vaporizers but may stay for an increased period.
By identifying how long does vape smoke stay in the air, the duration of smell can be learned.
Weed smell can differ from a vape, as per the variety of ingredients used.
The essence can be the same as of weed and dab pen when vaped in an enclosed area.
Vaping can produce a variety of smells that differ in length and aroma. Pen devices may create weed-like odors, although CBD and hemp oils have distinct fragrances. Aside from learning why does vaping smell, knowing the ways to reduce the fragrance is useful. With ventilation, the same can be done.
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candyville · 1 year
Tic Tac Gum: A Satisfying Snack for Any Occasion
In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly on the lookout for convenient and delicious snacks that can be enjoyed on the go. Tic Tac Gum is the perfect solution, offering a satisfying chewing experience with a burst of flavor. Whether you're looking to freshen your breath after a meal or simply enjoy a tasty treat, Tic Tac Gum is a versatile choice for any occasion.
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Introduction: The Allure of Tic Tac Gum
Tic Tac Gum has gained immense popularity among snack enthusiasts due to its unique combination of a classic Tic Tac flavor and the enjoyable chewing experience of gum. This innovative product has captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide, offering a delightful twist on traditional breath mints.
The Flavors that Delight
Tic Tac Gum comes in a variety of exciting flavors that cater to diverse preferences. From the refreshing Cool Watermelon to the zesty Freshmint, each flavor is carefully crafted to provide a burst of taste that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you prefer fruity, minty, or a combination of both, Tic Tac Gum has something for everyone.
Cool Watermelon: A Refreshing Escape: Escape the heat with the Cool Watermelon flavor of Tic Tac Gum. As you chew, you'll experience a juicy and cooling sensation that instantly refreshes your senses. Perfect for those hot summer days or whenever you need a revitalizing pick-me-up.
Freshmint: Classic Minty Freshness: For those seeking a timeless minty flavor, Freshmint Tic Tac Gum is a go-to choice. Its crisp and invigorating taste provides a long-lasting burst of freshness, making it ideal for maintaining a clean and pleasant breath throughout the day.
The Chewing Experience
Tic Tac Gum not only satisfies your taste buds but also offers a satisfying chewing experience. The gum has a soft and smooth texture that retains its consistency even after prolonged chewing. This allows you to savor the flavor for an extended period, ensuring that each bite is as enjoyable as the first.
Versatility at its Finest
One of the key advantages of Tic Tac Gum is its versatility. Whether you're attending a social gathering, embarking on a road trip, or simply enjoying a quiet moment alone, Tic Tac Gum is a snack that can seamlessly fit into any situation.
On-the-Go Convenience
Tic Tac Gum's compact and portable packaging makes it a convenient snack for people on the move. Slip a pack into your pocket, purse, or backpack, and you'll always have a delicious treat within reach. Its small size allows for discreet consumption, making it suitable for any setting.
Post-Meal Refresher
After a hearty meal, freshening your breath becomes a priority. Tic Tac Gum provides a quick and effective solution, eliminating unwanted odors and leaving you with a clean and minty-fresh mouth. Its pleasant flavor lingers, ensuring that you can confidently engage in conversations without any worries.
Tic Tac Gum has revolutionized the snacking industry with its delightful blend of flavors and satisfying chewing experience. Whether you're seeking a refreshing escape or a classic minty freshness, Tic Tac Gum has a flavor that suits your taste. Its versatility and on-the-go convenience make it a perfect companion for any occasion. So why wait? Try Tic Tac Gum today and indulge in a snack that satisfies both your cravings and your desire for a fresh and enjoyable chewing experience.
With so many flavors to choose from, there is sure to be a Tic Tac Gum that you will love. So next time you are looking for a satisfying and refreshing snack, reach for Tic Tac Gum from Candy Ville.
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foododdity · 1 year
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merlastagaxe · 1 year
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