Just Nasty Stuff
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Sweet, nice awesomely...sexy and natural...
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Inverse: 'New Mutants' Is the 'Stranger Things' of Marvel's X-Men Universe.
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Your booty has existential implications.
I read something in a study of a book that I absolutely adore one time that addressed the sacredness of the human body. In it, the author suggested that the reason why nudity and sexuality are so protected and cherished in society is that to look upon another person naked is to look upon the origins of your own creation. This goes back to biblical times when Adam and Eve noticed they were naked in the garden after sinning against God, or when the sons of Abraham walked in on their father completely naked and passed out drunk and were ashamed. I’m not espousing any particular religion; I’m simply making the case that our Greco-Roman Western culture is heavily influenced by Judeo-Christian mores.
But think about how fascinating and how much sense that makes. I mean sexuality and procreation are the only means that we have as humans to not only advance our own survival, but to actually CREATE life. To be, in a sense, God-like. That’s an incredibly powerful thought. To think that there are millions and millions of existential implications contained in a single naked body. So when we look at a girl’s ass and think “dammnnn,” we aren’t just turned on for the sake of being turned on. We don’t simply love a girl’s ass for the ass itself. We aren’t horny for the sake of being horny. We are on some implicit level exuberant about the metaphysical implications that said girl’s booty contains for us. We look at it and have some sense of our finite ability to achieve some level of immortality.
So the next time, guys, you’re checking out someone’s ass and think “dammmmnnn,” stop and ask yourself why you feel that way. The answers might give you pause.
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Yes!....Ok, YES...
Miss Vi Ho
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Check out the elite new MMO Mobile Strike!
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Un oh!
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My sister has been dressing like this for our movie nights ever since she caught me jacking off.
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Awesome! Your lips are amazing...
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