#Fruit Of Forest Cake @ ₹1
birthdaykings · 1 year
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Fruit Of Forest Cake @ ₹1,099.00. . . Book Now By Clicking The Link :- https://www.birthdaykings.com/product/fruit-of-forest-cake/
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LOTR/ The Hobbit Preference: How You Meet (4/4)
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Meludir and you met when you visited Erebor with your friend Bilbo. King Thranduil was visiting at the same time and you came across Meludir when he was wondering around the forest near Thorins kingdom. You had a lot of fun teasing him on your first meeting.
“What are you doing?” Meludir heard a worried voice call behind him.
His eyes went big as he saw you running towards him, anxiety present on your face.
“That is a sacred tree and you pick its fruit!” You falsely scold him.
He can’t help but mutter out a pathetic apology as you take the fruit from his hands. Once your eyes meet he sees a cheeky smile on your face as you bite into the apple.
“You’re so cute when you’re nervous.” You smile up at him, tracing his jaw with your finger tip before running into the woods before him.
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Thorin and you met the evening of the meeting at Bag End. He didn’t expect another person to be joining his company, let alone a human, but he didn’t protest your joining once he laid eyes on you.
Hearing a knock come from the door, everyone turned in curiosity.
“Now who?” Bilbo called out, annoyed at more unwelcome guests.
“Y/n.” Gandalfs face lit up as you came into view of the round door frame.
“Gentlemen, this is my good friend y/n. She will be the protector of our burglar.” Gandalf proudly announces.
You smile at the announcement and wave to everyone.
Thorin’s face was stuck in a look of wonder as he stared at the warrior woman before him. Her confident stance, kind smile and strong blade on her hip left him in wonder.
“Y/n, this is the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield.” Gandalfs introduction pulling Thorin out of his trance.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You extend a hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Thorin quietly replied, slowly taking your hand and eyes never leaving yours.
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Bilbo met you one afternoon that Gandalf came through town. It was a Spring festival in The Shire and your friend Gandalf had invited you to join him.
“Gandalf! Enjoying the festivities?” Bilbo asked his wizard friend.
“Very much so, Mr Baggins.” Gandalf laughed jovially.
“Gandalf! They have those lemon cakes here I love!”
Bilbo heard a voice cry as he saw you run towards himself and the wizard. Spotting you, Gandalfs smile grew.
“I’m so glad, my dear. Bilbo this is my friend, y/n. Y/n, this is Bilbo Baggins.” Your wizard friend introduced.
Bilbo looked at you in awe, thinking you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
“H-hello.” He introduced, a pink blush coming to his sweet cheeks, causing you to giggle.
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Coming home
Spider is dead.
Those are 3 words with a combined number of 12 letters. On average, each word has 4 letters, despite only 1 of them actually having 4 letters. This is the English spelling of it. In fact, when the boy had first been discovered–, sorry, when his body had first been discovered, Norm knelt down, pressed his hands to his neck and pulse and yelled out "Kerusey!" Which is Na'vi for dead. It's used as a one-word sentence here, like 'no' or 'yes'. He had declared Spider was dead with 1 very simple word, pronounced Kerr-oo-sey.
He thinks he recalls screaming after that. "Ma'itan! Ma'itan! Kerusey! Kehe, kehe, ke Ma'itan!" 
He found him rotting somewhere on the forest floor. All broken bones jutting out at odd angles and dried blood and dirt caking his body. He bore no mask and his skin was marred with thin lines across his stomach, arms, legs and back. Most disturbing was his hair, or in this case, the lack thereof. It had been as short as Jake's when he was in the military, with a long scar spanning the entirety of the back of his head. He was dressed in some flimsy medical gown, some parts already chewed up by the animals. His fingernails were bruised and dirty, and he was missing his right pinkie. He had a few missing teeth as well. Weirdly, his body was clean shaven, not a wisp of hair along his arms or legs or anywhere else.
Norm is a father scientist, he knows how you prep someone for surgery. Knows what surgical scars look like too. And once he had his fill of vomiting to the point of not being able to stand; staring dizzily at chunks of the yovo fruit he'd had moments prior; he carried his body to the lab. The human body loses 21 grams, or three-fourths of an ounce, when they die. Spider's body felt lighter than that. He could attribute it to the loss of hair. He knows that dreads, with products like gel or wax–, in Spider's case, oil–, can weigh a bit. Maybe 2 pounds; 3 if he's really pushing it. But no; he was lighter than even that.
He didn't pass anyone walking back to the lab, doing his level best to keep Spider from jostling too much. It was difficult when he had to start climbing back up. He found his legs stiffer than a board. He could barely feel the rocks and dirt beneath his feet, the scenery passing by mutely, melting away like it was never even there. Even sound could not reach him, it all seemed so far away; melting into something that was almost tranquil, like the world around him was nothing more than a sea of grey.
He reaches the lab, opens and closes the airlock and stumbles inside. The ground is cold. Spider is–, Spider is too cold. He has to warm up, and after that, maybe they can talk. He'd been gone for forever, somewhere he couldn't reach. His 'itan, cold and lonely without him. He should bring him to his room, he's tried cleaning it a little bit. Tried to preserve his scent on the blankets and pillows and clothes, keeping the door locked tight so it wouldn't be mixed in with the outside. His favourite was the bed, just laying in it like he used to with Spider when he was a baby, refusing to fall asleep unless someone was holding him. He'd sing little lullabies for him, except he only knew twinkle twinkle little star and he felt Spider deserved variety, so he sang washing machine heart and class of 2013 until he fell asleep.
He should wash Spider off before bed. Yeah, yeah, that'll help. He's going to clean him up and he thinks he'll stick him in one of his big shirts. It's easy, a mind numbing process. Dirt and blood washes away easily, but maybe that's thanks to the lack of body hair. He has Spider in his old Shakira El Dorado t-shirt, he remembers he liked their songs. As he puts Spider to bed, blue hands delicately tucking his blanket to his chin, he thought; why not relive old memories?
"Wherever, whenever, we're meant to be together.." he sings softly, recalling how Spider loved to sing along with him. "I'll be there and you'll be near, and that's the deal my dear."
It is not everyday that Max hears singing from Spider's room. He hears it often now, his colleague/husband often trying to reconnect to Spider that way. He always made sure to have a warm cup of tea ready for him when he did. He'd usually find him in Spider's room, clutching at some clothes or blanket, muttering desperate prayers to bring his son home, please, Eywa, let my son come home. 
Today was a surprise. Today Spider lays in his bed and Norm is singing for him. The boy is pale and unmoving, very clearly dead from where he's standing. He dropped to the floor, mug shattering and spilling tea and glass across the floor. 
"Max? Oh, be careful! Here, let me help you." He says, helping Max stand to his shaking legs. His eyes strayed to Spider's eerily still form. "Oh! Oh, Max, it's just wonderful, I found Spider! Eywa returned him to me, she let him come home!"
Max could only look at him with worry. He's dead. The boy is dead. His body is cold, stiff and pale. Their boy is dead. Kerusey. But looking at Norm's face, at the desperate and almost wild look in his eyes, as if begging for him to see what he saw. Their 'itan. Theirs, dead. 
"That's–, that's wonderful, Norm." He says tiredly. "Should I get us some food? Think we still have some episoth seeds left." Norm grins, something brighter than everything he's felt since Spider's kidnapping. 
Lil short babie post for u guys because ily <333 dug up an absolute banger from the drabbles and aus graveyard. P sure this is part of an au that's darker than even this lil thang.
Ma'itan! Ma'itan! Kerusey! Kehe, kehe, ke Ma'itan! Means - My son! My son! Dead! No, no, not my son!
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thepacifistrouter · 4 months
Blue-Blue (A Shrimperini's human AU based one-shot)
So, you read the title and here's the thing, watching some of @shrimperini 's Portal's Human AU (which I like a lot, is really good, by the way), I came up with this little story that… well, it involves Chelley (because I couldn't not involve that), but it's not the central point, as you'll can see.
Since this is not my AU, that means I don't know how things will go in the future or everything that is already planned for the story, maybe I'm not getting the personalities of the characters right, etc, etc, etc. So... I couldn't consider this a headcanon, just an idea I needed to get out of my head…
Still, I managed to sketch a couple of fanarts to illustrate a this a bit. I may do more in the future, since these only cover more or less the first half of the story, so... I don't know, we'll see… anyway, enough introduction, I hope you like it:
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It was his break time while this experiment was being performed, after many other experiments and calculations, he was finally getting to something.
He always loved cakes, but not only for the taste and texture of a well-made cake or the beautiful appearance of a symmetrically decoration; no, there was also the whole process behind i! the fermentation of the cake so that it reaches the perfect point of sponginess, the texture of the cream, the shine and firmness of the chocolate, etc. All fascinating things, but, ever since he had tasted the Black Forest cake from THAT company-affiliated bakery, that damn perfect Black Forest cake, it had become more personal than ever, he needed to unlock its secrets, he needed to get something as go- NO- something better!! It had become a personal challenge.
The good thing was that, thanks to his intellect and his great ability for science, his bosses allowed him to do these types of experiments as long as it did not interfere with his work - child's play for him, sometimes he even did work at night just to be able to complete and test his formulas in peace, as was the case now, a formula to obtain the perfect maraschino cherries, so that the sweet would not overshadow the flavor of the fruit and so that it would balance well with the rest of the ingredients in flavor and texture, that it had a good duration, everything was noted and was tested thoroughly and-
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He had done it! He finally had the formula he was looking for!!
He was so excited, he was over the moon with happiness and couldn't wait to try it that afternoon once work hours were over, when he could have the kitchen all to himself. For now, just to be sure, he needed to go there anyway to leave the sample there so he could be totally sure of his success once he returned and checked its properties were the exact same as when he left it.
He had to hurry, because he had to get back to work soon, but he knew he couldn't be too trusting in this place, so, once in the kitchen, he wrote a note "do not touch! specially YOU!! Arthur" to put it aside. He looked at the clock, he had to run, so, without wanting to crumple the paper, he left the notes with his formula on one side of the sample and left.
Unfortunately, his instinct was right, because once he came back… what he saw looked like a crime scene where the body had been taken away, but there were shards of glass.
There was cherry sauce on the table, and one red-stained paper, the warning note he had left, but the mathematical formula where all of his discovery was, that was gone.
He felt a small nuclear reaction beginning inside him and he could only contain it long enough to think, he knew he couldn't interrogate all the staff to find out who was responsible, so he rushed to the surveillance room, he knew he would find Rick there if he would hurry up and make him show him who had been in the kitchen, near his sample.
From the consistency of the spilled sauce, Arthur was able to roughly estimate how much time had passed since it was spilled (no more than 1 hour before he arrived), so they were able to check that time range, with Rick himself being the first to show, but he said that when he was there, that test tube was still intact and the tape proved that it had not been him.
They saw a few pass by, familiar faces, but the deduction was that the person responsible must be the last of them, precisely the one whom Arthur suspected the most, his brother. They saw him enter, leave the camera's view range, heard him read the warning note out loud and mutter (to which Rick laughed), shortly after they heard him called from outside by the CEO, which caused a sound of someone slipping and of breaking glass. Then, they saw him running, holding something that couldn't be seen on camera, but he had red stains on his shirt. It was all he needed to see.
Arthur felt like he wanted to explode, Rick was going to say something when they saw that on the screen that showed that same camera on live, the alleged person responsible for the crime entered along with his favorite test subject, they both were looking at the crime scene. He wasted no time and rushed back to the kitchen, followed by Rick who left Angus, who was passing by, covering him while he followed the blonde.
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Without giving him time to do anything else, Arthur continued
"It had to be you, who else could've been!!? You and your bloody clumsiness!!"
Surprise and confusion debated in the gaze of the shorter of the two, while Rick's face and a couple of other curious appeared at the door.
"Artie?! wha- what are you talking about? what happened?! I… wait, you mean…" he said looking at the stains on the table "wait, that wasn't me…"
"Don't you dare deny it!! I saw it on the cameras, you were here, you slipped right next to this table didn't you??! You leaned on the table and threw it!"
"Well, yes… I mean no! I mean!!... yes I fell! but…b-but I didn't throw your experiment! I was very careful with that and!-"
"Don't tell me! And how do you explain this?!" He points out wet, pink spots on his shirt, clearly he had tried to wash it with little success.
"That's not… it's not what it looks like! I was holding a jar of jam when I tripped! I got nervous so I picked up everything as quickly as I could!! I admit, I didn't do the best job, to be honest... but-but I was in a hurry and-!!"
"SHUT UP!!" shouts the tallest of the two, making the other cringe "just shut up for once, I don't want to hear you!! Do you know how long it took me to get that formula?! All the effort and sweat, the calculations!!? What did I have to do?!! More than you could ever dream of and you had to ruin it!!! You always have to be the one who screws up only to be a coward later!! can't you just admit your guilt to your brother who always has to be dragging you along, even at work!!?"
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Wheatley just looked at him in shock "But… but I didn't do it! I swear, I'm 100% sure I didn't… well, maybe a little less than 100, but…"
"And here it goes, seriously, can't you stop being a moron for just 5 minutes?" says Arthur with astonishment, "look, if you're not going to admit guilt, at least have the decency to apologize!! Can't you even understand something so simple?"
It was noticeable that the youngest of the two was upset, very upset by the anger, even when he seemed to have calmed down a little, it was only enough to stop screaming.
"It's late, so listen carefully, that sheet of paper that you took along with the rest of the tube was a very important formula with which I could recover what YOU ruined"
Wheatley was going to protest, but he wouldn't let him.
"I don't care if you have to go to the garbage incinerator to look for it, but I want that back, so maybe I could make up for at least some of your clumsiness," he said with a serious, almost defiant tone.
"I want it back by tomorrow morning, I'll be waiting for you at my desk or, if not, at the very least, a VERY good apology or else...!" Arthur didn't finish the sentence, he didn't need to, he just walked. at a steady pace back to the door, where the small group of curious onlookers hid or pretended they hadn't been looking, with a few exceptions, including Craig and Rick.
"But… but Art-"
"Tomorrow morning at my desk," he repeated, interrupting, not shouting, but sharply.
There was silence, Wheatley was nervous, Arthur sounded so confident that it made him begin to doubt whether he had actually voted for that test tube and the sheet of paper along with the jar of jam. He knew how seriously his brother took these things, he was sure he had been careful not to get too close to the thing, but he preferred to be sure.
He glanced at Chell for a second, who he had brought over to show her something he had ordered that day and left in the refrigerator, but they both decided it was best to leave it for the day. He said goodbye to her and began to walk to the place where he had threw away the jar to see if he found anything.
"Maybe... I must remember it all wrong… maybe I did throw that and didn't notice it because of the hurry… he-he's the smart one after all… and he saw the camera record… yeah, I better go to make sure"
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The very next day in the morning
Wheatley was walking to the offices, he was very nervous because he searched, he searched in different trash cans for that famous sheet covered with mathematical formulas and preserved cherry sauce, but he had no success, he did not find it, although he did find pieces of glass that looked like red test tubes with the smell of stale cherries and a broken jar of raspberry jam, just what he had no use for… still he looked for pieces of paper among them, again, without success, he only got a couple of small cuts on his hands from handling broken glass.
Defeated by the consequences of yesterday's crime, he only continued his way to the offices while playing with a pencil to manage his anxiety, after a walk through the medicine cabinet, he was ready to apologize, think of some way to make up for everything, he was still confused about what had happened the past day, but the tension managed to make him convince himself that he had mistakenly thrown his brother's work into the trash along with a jar of jam.
He reached the Arthur's sector offices door, took a deep breath before opening it, closing his eyes nervously (he knew he had to walk a bit before reaching his desk after all) and finally opened it and entered.
Arthur was clearly waiting for him with his best "I'm-still-as-angry-as-yesterday" expression, which made Wheatley quicken his pace a little, because of that and because he noticed several of the workers from other desks looking at him, the news (rumors) fly in the offices.
Arthur stood up from his chair once he was close enough to him.
"Well? Do you have it?" Arthur asks, still upset. It was clear that he didn't have what he wanted, maybe he didn't notice it or maybe he just wanted him to say it himself, whatever it was, Wheatley simply responded with his head down.
"No… sorry, I-I looked for it everywhere, honestly, I swear! Even in the big containers before they were incinerated! but… I didn't find it anywhere…" said while start to play with the pencil again.
Arthur sighs. "Of course, what else could I expect?" he said pointedly. "So?"
"So…" Wheatley looked at him, he looked askance around him, some pretended to continue doing their thing, but most had turned to look, especially those who were nearby, among them Craig and Calvin, who had gone to pick up some documents there that morning. They were all so distracted that they didn't notice the front door opening again.
Wheatley took another deep breath and just spoke "I… I'm really, really so…"
"I'm so very sorry!!" Suddenly he is interrupted by a childish and energetic voice that was approaching to them, they both turn towards the source of the voice, it was little Chris arriving, running towards them with a note board in one hand and a test tube in the other.
"Mr. Arthur!! I- Hello Wheatley! What are you doing here?" The girl asked happily, distracted by her own curiosity, but given the urgency of what she wanted to say, she didn't get too distracted this time. "Oh, wait, this is very important! Mr. Arthur." She turns to look at the youngest of the brothers. " I'm so sorry!! Yesterday I went to the kitchen to get my dessert and accidentally hit your test tube! I'm really very sorry!" she said nervously, the expression of those around her was priceless.
Before anyone could react to this new revelation, she continued, crestfallen with guilt, "I had to throw away the tube because it was broken, but, don't worry! here!" She hands him the tube she was carrying with her and her chart of notes. "I managed to transfer the formula to a new sheet, I just had to follow it to make a new sample!" said the little genius happy and excited.
Arthur quickly grabbed both things, giving them a quick look once over. Everything was correct, everything there and as good as new "It can't be!! Is all here!! thank you, thank you, thank you!! I thought I had lost everything! I…" He stopped when his gaze passed over Wheatley, who was standing there, as expressionless as never before.
"It was the least I could do! Angus says that, if you don't fix your mistakes, you deserve punishment!!" She says childishly quoting the words of her big brother "Well, I must go, I'm running late!! See you at lunch!" She walks briskly back to the door "Hi Chell! Hi Rick!! What are you doing here??… ouh, answer me later, I'm late!" The little girl passes by the two who had just entered and she leaves.
There was dead silence in that office sector for a couple of seconds.
"…Ehem" Rick was the first to break the silence, as he takes a couple of steps towards the brothers "Well… I think someone got ahead of me, but, after another someone convinced me..." says while looking at Chell for a second "I came to say that you can hear a second sound of breaking glass a little later in the tape, but you can't see who it was, so we figured it could have been little Chris, but… we were a little late… sorry, I lost my hat this morning and I don't work without him" he says with his normal pride that borders on arrogance while touching his hat.
Another awkward silence, but a little shorter, this time broken by Arthur.
"Yes well, I… anyway… the important thing is that nothing important was lost in the end, and…"
Wheatley turned his head to look at him in such a way that he gave the impression that he could have turned his head 180° without problems. Still expressionless, he just said "and?" to his brother's surprise.
"And… and… well, in my defense, you can't blame me…" Arthur says, slowly regaining his confidence as he speaks. "Yeah, I mean, you do that sort of things all the time, don't you? A misunderstanding was waiting to happen!! So… let's better just forget all this happened and move on…"
They hear a small *crack!* sound in the older blonde's hand, the pencil he had been fiddling with earlier had broken under the pressure of his hand.
"…that's it?…that's all you're going to say?"
"Well… well I… what else could I say??" the younger one responds, trying to sound as confident as ever "There's work to do and we…"
"…You!-" Wheatley interrupts with a look that he didn't seem to be able to express everything he wanted to say, but he is interrupted by a loud voice from with the CEO's voice demanding that all workers return to work from the offices speakers.
"See?" Arthur said as if the speaker was agreeing with him, he knew that no one there could ignore that voice, specially not Wheatley, who was visibly upset, but still was going to just leave... but after a couple of steps, he turned to look at him, he simply had to say something "You… after- after all this, after everything that happened.... Really, that-that is all you have to say?? was this all just a joke for y- no! No, you're not one for jokes, right? No, this was more just a nuisance for you, right?!... like a.... like a fly that flies over an... an important something for you, ain't it?!! like one of your experiments… like the one you just did and is being interrupted by an annoying something, right?! well, you know what? you know what?? it's fine! is fine for me, you don't have to say anything!… morover, since you have nothing else to say, little less any important thing to say, you Mr Perfect! I will make us both happy, because I no longer want anything from you!!… from now on, as far as possible... I mean, we'll continue working in the same company …b-but the idea is still there!! I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to talk to you!!! starting… starting once I leave these offices! So yeah, congrats! you'll get what you wanted, no more nuisance for you!! so excuse me, but I have to go back to work, have a good day, sir!!" With that said, Wheatley stomps toward the entrance, passing Chell.
"Let's go Chell, before the tests start" he said serious, but trying to sound friendly to her at least "Thank you anyway" it was difficult to distinguish if he sounded truly grateful or bothered.
"Oh come on Wheatley, don't be childish acting like that, you know I'm right…" Arthur said taking a couple of steps after him "What do you want to hear so much? I mean, well, okay, I think I know what it is" he said almost casually and almost reaching him "…but… but you know I'm still right about everything here!… okay, okay, fine, here you go, I'm s…"
He sees his brother turn sharply one last time towards him, with an unusual anger in his gaze, he had not seen him like that since he himself was 5 years old
"I don't want!- to hear it!!... Arthur…"
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Said that sharply, he walked out the door and slammed it, giving way to the last dead silence of the day, this time everyone else simply continued with their things when they saw that everything interesting had already finished, so this time, the person who broke the silence was even more unexpected, the Aperture's number one test subject, and only said one word just before leaving too, a word that fell like a bucket of cold water on the blonde "...Moron".
Rick, who was the only other one who heard, laughed as he followed her out of the offices.
Arthur walked, first with his mouth open and then annoyed and grumbling back to his stall "how dare her call ME an moron?! It's inconceivable, it's unacceptable, it's…"
"Artie" Interrupts his friend who was an expert in space stuff, but who could be surprisingly responsible and mature, hardly predictable from someone as enthusiastic as him, "I know you're upset right now, but I think a little talk for you would be good today at lunch, okay? you need to take it all out"
The man in question only looked at him for a second and responded "… talk about what?… I have nothing to talk about." He turned to his computer, leaving his experiment on his desk and got to work. His friends just looked at eachother and desided to just also come back to work for the moment.
A couple of days passed
Wheatley seemed to have taken his own words quite seriously, from the first day he seemed to actively try to avoid his brother, he stopped sitting with him at lunch, avoided looking at him if they ran into each other in an aisle, hopefully taking another one if possible, although that meant taking longer to get to his destination, looking for someone else to give him the documents with test results that he had to give Arthur from time to time during the week, and last but not least, he avoided talking to him as much as possible, not even indirectly, he sought to remain silent, do or look at something else, talk to someone else, etc.
Of course, the latter was especially noticeable to those who knew them, Arthur was usually the one who got the most of the talk from him or the few he sat with. Arthur's friends… well, actually only Calvin tried to ask him about it again, but
"And why would I care about any of this? This is just a tantrum, he'll get over it, you'll see how in a couple of days he'll be the same as always, I have no reason to worry."
"Heh, yeah, now you could take advantage of the peace and quiet around you for a change. You would increase your efficiency for a fact." Craig pointed out, he was super good with data, but he wasn't a great expert at these things.
"Yeah, see? Someone who understands, there's nothing to worry about here, might as well enjoy this" he replies with a little triumph smirk.
"*Sigh* If you're so sure…" Calvin knew, or at least sensed that things weren't that simple, but he also knew that at that moment he wasn't going to achieve much with him.
"Of course I am. Actually, I'm sure that if not now, he'll soon start having problems keeping this whole circus going, you'll see."
Unfortunately or fortunately, Arthur was right. Wheatley at the moment managed to maintain his position, talking to Chell at lunch when he could (avoiding talking about the subject as much as possible, although it was noticeable that it was on his mind, he glanced askance at where his brother was from time to time) and sometimes with the few who could stand him... temporarily. Basically, looking for ways to distract himself even with his work, but… his resources were limited since his lunch times did not always coincide with hers; In addition to the fact that he was used to talking to his brother, almost never getting any response from him, but at least he let him talk, so avoiding him was starting to become more and more difficult.
But he didn't want to thirst
This was something he really didn't want to give in to, or at least, not so easily, for once he knew it wasn't just a matter of pride, but he needed to make a functional strategy soon or everything would fall apart and he I didn't want that.
It had passed 5 days now
He was walking back to his room that afternoon, muttering to himself to relieve some of the anxiety of talking much less than usual. He wished he could last at least one more week (since he was having no results yet) so that it could be seen that he was serious, but the only way he could think of was to somehow change or extend his work hours, so that he would have a real, solid excuse not to see him or talk to him, but there was no way at that time, the schedules were fixed and no one would let him take someone else's because of his infamy.
He was beginning to seriously consider giving in when, suddenly, down the hall behind him, he heard a pair of youthful voices talking about tests. He turned to look and thus got the answer he was looking for. He looked at the clock in the hallway, if he hurried, he might still make it, so he ran back in his footsteps.
"Voluntary Evaluation of Volunteer Test Subjects?"
Calvin asked, repeating what Wheatley had just said.
They had found each other in the drinks machine.
"Yes, and it was all an idea from your server, being your server me, of course, computers joke there, it was my idea, and I start from today" the short one responded, taking a Blueberry soda can from the machine.
"So, you're going to be evaluating single and also double test subjects??"
"Yep... well, no, not exactly, to be honest, it's just those 2 who do tests voluntarily, just for fun, aparently and, you know, since they do tests at a different time than the rest, there was no one doing the comparative evaluation, so I offered my self and they gave me the pass! so now I'll just have a couple of extra hours of work, and is brilliant! the perfect excuse for-... uh, I mean, is not-is not an excuse! Pfff why would it be? I mean, this has absolutely nothing to do with Ar... rogance! Yeah! Arrogance, this is purely for scientific purposes..."
"Aalright, If that's the only reason, why you never showed any interest in cooperatives test before?" Said Calvin, taking an orange juice can from the machine.
"Uh!! Well... because... because... okay, heheheh, you cathed me there, there is one other reason... but is not what you think!! Is it because, well... those two are said to be as good as Chell when it comes to do tests, you know? I mean, can you imagine?? Uuh And, as you might guess, Chell is my favorite test subject, I mean, how couldn't? she is so... so..." he starts to blush while saying that, but he noticed that the guy with the orange juice noticed it "Ah! I mean, ehem she is so... my friend. Yes, she is a great friend!! and, to be honest I... I just wanted to check if what is said about them is true myself, that's all".
He takes a sip from his can
"Uhu.. sure... anyway, even that being true, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, the calculations for the cooperatives test evaluation are a little more complicated than the normal ones, not to mention the comparatives... are you sure you are not going too much out of your orbit?"
"Oh yeah, I considered that! I considered it and I'll be fine! Because I'll only be in this for 10 days" the blue-eyed man says with a shrug of his shoulder and a 'what-could-possibly-go-wrong' gaze.
"Trust me, I've got this under control, It'll just be a piece of cake".
"Okay, okay... but what about the things with-".
Wheatley sigh, interrupting him, he knew Calvin enough to know it, they were not super close, much less than that; actually he thought the space expert could be a little annoying some times, but, also noticed he could also be a mate (plus, they both were some of the few in Aperture who could handle a Chris's questions rant) and that, sometimes, like this very time, it would mean that he would not let the topic go, so the blonde decided to say something before leaving (deep down he appreciated the concern).
"Listen... I was serious that day, you were there and I just could bet, since uuh you are kinda friends with him and with Rick, aren't ya? yeah, then I could bet you already know what happened, so, as you might guess, I'm not steping back, I'm still not talking to him, I still don't want anything from him, except for one only thing and Mr. Perfect should know what it is, and if he is not coming to me with that only thing... then I have no reason to talk to him OR about him at all... got to go, see ya".
Wheatley takes another sip from his can and proceeds to walk away to his new temporary job.
At first it wasn't so bad.
Wheatley's normal job involved doing different types of calculations and equations, evaluating the results of some specific Test Subjects and comparing the results of different days of those same Test Subjects. It could be difficult for him to deal with them, especially on heavy days (or weeks), but normally, he managed to solve them correctly and on time, with some errors, but easily fixed (why did you think they haven't fired him yet?), he was far, very far from be the best at his job, but at least he was good enough to stay there.
This new parallel position involved doing something similar, but with calculations and equations that were a little different and more complicated as it involved evaluating 2 people completing tests at the same time instead of just one. Luckily, they weren't something Wheatley didn't understand or that needed more than a quick refresher, but he did need a little more time to finish them.
So the first two days, things seemed to be going well enough in that sense, plus, the plan was working, since his schedules changed a little, he and Arthur practically did not see each other in any physical space and the only exception was easily avoidable. Unfortunately this also meant less time to spend with Chell, but at least they could still meet each other a little, always Wheatley's favorite part of the day.
On Arthur's side, well… he didn't seem to be having a particularly bad time, in fact, at first, when he wasn't asked about the subject, he seemed to enjoy this new absence. He always wished he could have a vacation from his brother's constant chatter, especially since he found out they would be working at the same place. He was always the kind of person who enjoyed silence the most, so he could concentrate on his work or his hobbies. This was just another good reason to let things continue as they were without trying anything. "I could get used to this" he thought.
From time to time he would look out of the corner of his eye in the direction where Wheatley was in the dining room, convincing himself that he wanted to see if his tantrum had passed, then he would quickly look ahead to continue doing his thing, to see and listen to people who had more intelligent things to say - or that might interest him - more often.
Still, he couldn't help but notice the first two days in which he was not in sight all day, especially since it was strictly prohibited to eating in the work spaces. He even thought that perhaps he might be sick, but the answer came on the third day in the morning, along with Angus and Calvin, who brought the subject up in conversation. Basically, he could know about this extension of working hours.
"…Fact, he won't last" said his friend with the violet tie at his side.
"If you say it because of the extra work, I think that idiot could use it, a little hard work from time to time doesn't hurt anyone, I tell you, that builds character and endurance!" Says Angus, who had met them for breakfast.
"Heh, you haven't seen how he gets when his usual job gets tough. And I said it because evaluating that type of test involves more complicated variables, I'm sure he won't be able to take it and will end up giving up, so, it's better for you to take advantage of the little time of peace that's left for you, Arthur" says Craig, nudging Arthur friendly.
"Heh, yeah, you're right…" responds the man in question with some indifference "I doubt he'll make it until the week… Maybe then he'll stop acting like a child..."
"Yeah, some people just doesn't know how to react to things" Said the red headman, causing giggles from the others around (except Arthur) while they start walking out the kitchen "What's so funny?!"
"Nothing, Mr. Walking Supernova" Calvin responded, smiling a little mockingly.
"What do you mean with-!" before Angus finished his sentence, Craig speaks up.
"Fact, you would go crazy if something like that happened with your little sister."
"Uh! but-but that's different! Chris is adorable and would never be like that, and I'll tear you to pieces if you even suggest at it again!!… Besides, if through some crazy thing in life something like that happened, it would be because I did something bad enough for her to get mad at me like that in the first place."
"Of course, because you couldn't be mad at her, the big angry fluffy bear" Craig says mockingly.
"But I can get mad at you, so shut up!!"
Arthur, for his part, seemed to be paying little or no attention to the discussion, he was just walking, Calvin saw him thoughtful, he had noticed it, and although the others had not said it, he was sure that he was not the only one. Lately he had been acting more …cold, even for him, evem although at first he seemed to enjoy the whole thing a little, what he called "having less annoying noises around", he also seemed to be a little bored, but if you asked him, he would say he was just concentrated on his projects.
They continued walking until they each reached his work area.
About 3 more days passed and the consequences of Wheatley's new responsibilities began to become noticeable. The complexity of the new calculations effectively made him take longer times to finish them and, therefore, gave him even less time to make comparisons, so he began to need to stay more and more time at his desk to be able to finish the daily reports. Of course, that meant having less and less free time and, therefore, starting to spend more time alone.
Luckily Chell came to see him at his desk sometimes, which was a great little relief, when it could, cause she sometimes found him too concentrate, murmuring, trying to complete the notes and calculations. And when she managed to find him after having managed to finish, it was noticeable that he was increasingly tired.
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((This drawing made by Shrimperini was part of the inspiration to make this idea, so I leave it here, since I think it fits the context))
She found him nodding off the night of the third day, so she asked him about it, if maybe it wasn't better to stop there, he said that he was fine, that he could handle this and that they wouldn't let him stop there even if he asked anyway, orders from the CEO, who agreed to let him do that job, but he wasn't stop until the 10 days were complete or else. Something told Chell that he wasn't lying about that, knowing that woman, it was possible that she did it on purpose, just because this would be something he could (or more like would) fail at within that time frame.
She knew, she knew well why he had agreed to this deal, even tho had originally been his idea, she knew that this motivation was still in his head, because the times they managed to spend together, he tried to ask indirectly (being so good with indirects as always) about his brother. They were questions that she didn't like to answer, because they always involved him pretending, annoyed, that he didn't care, so they quickly diverted the topic, usually something about the cooperative tests and how those brothers were really good, but he still thought Chell was the best.
On the fourth day, he found him asleep on his desk, with his notes half written. This had to stop.
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But, something told Chell that she couldn't just force them to talk to each other…or force them to stop this. Well, maybe with Wheatley she could, but that wasn't the idea either.
Arthur, on his side, did not seem to show much change in his attitude, or at least not to anyone who did not know him. To begin with, it was undoubtedly strange so much silence around him for so much time in a row, which at first seemed like a blessing, in fact he still thought it was, but in addition, it began to be… perhaps too silent once a week pass, he even started to feel a little uncomfortable. Listening to Calvin's rants about space never felt so relieving, even when he usually preferred to ignore them and think about something else, after all, space related science never caught his attention much; for him, the moon was just a big empty rock.
Plus, even though he was able to make progress faster and more often, almost no one asked him questions or commented on non-work related stuff, and if they did… they weren't bad comments at all, but… they felt so short.
They were all details, he thought, that he would forget, after all, there was no logical reason for this to happen. When his orange friend tried to make one last attempt to ask him about it, if he wasn't at least aware about not knowing anything about his brother in 4 days, he simply responded that he should be more concerned that, for the last few days (about 5) the formulas for his cake projects were not working as well as he expected or as they should when it came time to try them, something was always not good enough, the texture was not soft enough or the flavor was not sweet enough. That was, he said, without a doubt, a major concern. "Besides, if he has any problem with this new job… well, it was his decision to get into it, he should be able to solve it on his own, there's no reason for me to get involved. They're just a couple more little formulas, they're things I do in my free time, jee!". It was also strange to hear such long sentences from him.
Calvin finally gave up on trying to ask about it, he knew there would be no point. But this had to stop.
Luckily, as he walked back to his sector, he ran into the perfect person in the hallway to helpt him figure out how, especially since he suspected she might be looking for the same thing.
2 days left until the deadline
Luckily, Wheatley was free that day, the bad news were that he still had work to do, so he would use a lot of that time trying to get some of that work done and organize the paperwork. At least he was able to sleep a little better the last night and, best of all, he was able to spend that afternoon having dinner with Chell, it was an hour later than normal for most, so the place would be empty (friendly dinner yet, don't get excited… okay, do it, but not too much), he was happy about this, especially since she was the one who invited him, they even walked to the dining room together, but he couldn't express it as much as he normally would, he was still very tired for the work. They saw Calvin at the drink machine on their way, who seemed to have something important to do, cause leaved almost as soon as they passed by. Wheatley didn't give it much importance, he was a little distracted looking at gray eyes that were looking at him.
But the astrophysicist did not address anything related to his work or space this time. No, this time his destination was the kitchen, where he knew he would find Arthur looking for a couple of ingredients for his next experiment. He wasn't wrong. He wanted to convince him to accompany him because he needed to show him something very important; At first he received a refusal "Right now, if it's not something related to cakes, then I'm not interested", he managed to convince him by telling him that, in fact, it was related to cakes. Carrying him by the arm, almost dragging him, also helped.
His destination was the camera room, where Rick was supposed to be, but they saw him leaving to let them in (it wasn't difficult for Chell to convince him to collaborate). He also closed the door once they entered.
"Wot- what the heck is going on here, why did you bring me here??!"
Calvin manipulated a couple of monitors so that one of them showed a specific camera.
"Oh nothing, we just wanted you to watch something you might needed to watch"
Once he achieved what he was looking for, he made the blonde sit down. They heard a female voice coming from the monitor at first "come on, tell me, you can trust me" she said, but Arthur wasn't looking at it.
"I have no time for this, you kn-!" he refuted, but was interrupted
"And we are not leaving until you watch this" said Calvin, he was smiling, but Arthur knew he was serious, so he looked at the monitor reluctantly "it better be really important or...". He heard a familiar sigh come out of the monitor, followed by a voice that, miraculously, he had not heard for a week. It must have been because of that, or at least that's what he wanted to believe, that he abruptly interrupted himself to pay more attention to what the screen was showing.
"Well, I guess... I think you're right... and is true, I'm not really that mad at him anymore, I mean, I still am, at least a bit, you know, because of what happened and everything, but.... I think... Yeah, I think I'm more sad than mad at him."
Said Wheatley, looking down, he looked so tired, with dark circles in the eyes.
"Sad?" Said the girl in front of him.
"Yeah... uh I-I mean, I know I'm not exactly Arthur's favorite person in the world, to be honest, I do know that, but still! I don't think I'm asking for too much! Am I? And is not like he struggles to say other kind of things - like he doesn't mind calling me m... like must of the people here call me... or-or point out when I make a mistake, either with words or with glance or... well, you get the general idea" he takes a bite from a sandwich he was eating.
"But, you know? those are nothing! Nothing I can't handle, really, I can! Even that last one! For real!... or... at least I could... you know, before knowing the truth... I know how important those cake stuff are for him, it's been like that since ever! Is just something that makes him happy and... plus-plus he looked so sure about what happened and... a-anyway, I'm digressing - point is, I could have take that one too!! but, when it comes the time, the one time when he makes a mistake, the one time he was wrong with something , and by something I mean me! he is just... unable to actually apologies with me!" He takes a sip from a juice glass he was drinking with the sandwich, Chell was eating a salad, listening all he was saying and just, staring at him, as she use to.
"And yeah, I know he was about to say sorry, but that didn't count! you heard him there, the way he was talking, all self-confident, and arrogant and all treating-me-like-a-child! he didn't was actually sorry, that wasn't going to be a real apology! but that's all I want! because is not like he is too nervous or ashamed to talk to me because of what happened or anything, I know him, he is not like that!!... I just wanted one honest apology... or... at least... I don't know, something from him that make me see that he cares" He clinks his glass on the table, anyone would be wondering if there was something more than juice in that glass, but the truth was it was just juice, luckily it didn't spill much. At that point, Arthur was just whatching, without trying to get out of the room anymore or anything.
"...Is all I honestly wanted, not even asking for us to become the bloody Mario Brothers! or be like Angus and the little Chris or the test-for-fun sibblings!... uh, Atlas and Paige, I meant Atlas and Paige, a little local reference there. Back to the idea I was trying to say, I'm not looking for us to become best friends or super united or stuff like that, that'd be... uuh... just... it'd be weird, yeah, that's the word I was looking for; cause, we are so different, like, I don't think we have anything in common... uuh, besides the bad eyesight and being blonde, of course, you know... genetics" He says while lowering the pace and tone of his voice, he gives a small yawn, then continues one more time.
"No... I don't look for that, I'm not asking for that, but yet... now, I have starting wondering... after all these days, that maybe... just maybe... I am, indeed, asking for too much..." His voice begins to take on a sad, almost sobbing tone "be-because, I mean, after all this week that pass... after everything, I bet... I bet... he hadn't even ask for me, hadn't he? he didn't miss having me around or anything... right? probably being happier than ever and I just made him a favor by doing this while I'm all... all tired and doing this bloody jobs for nothing and- no, you know what? Not for nothing, all was for a bloody misunderstanding with cakes!" A small awkward silence passed as they both finished their plate, silent broken by Wheatley himself, who continued speaking one last time in the same, but sadder tone.
"Yeah… I always knew- I've always known that I'm not my brother's favorite person, probably not even in the top 5 of important people in his life… but" he clenches his fist a little, seeming to be trying to hold back a tear "but I never ever thought he hate… no, no hate, hate is perhaps a too strong word, too much of a term for our context, I don't want to thi… I-I mean, I don't think he hates me, but! Uuh, I do can say that …I never... not even considered… that cakes would be more important to my brother than... me…"
Wheatley stops talking, takes off his glasses so he can rub his eyes a little with his arm, and then yawn once more. Chell holds his hand comfortingly, she knew that he needed.
"Sorry, I just… I just got crumbs in my eye."
Arthur stands up from his seat, he didn't need to see anymore. He also realized that Calvin was no longer there, but he was fine, after all, what he was looking for had already happened. He opens the door to leave, Rick was waiting for him outside, so he can re-enter the room to his work, and he puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder and says in an imposing tone "Use the information you just received wisely, boy…" the young blonde stared at him for a second, then Rick smiles with exciting
"Omg! I always wanted to say that!!" The guard with the hat said excitedly, releasing Arthur and re-entering the room, leaving the blue-eyed man irritated, but at least now free to continue his way. He wanted to continue what he was doing, so he tried to motivate himself to go back to the kitchen where he was interrupted, but, mean while, he was still thinking about what he had just seen, he couldn't just not do it, especially because of that last part.
"Is that really the impression I gave him?" He thought "The impression I give him right now? That's absurd! He's not… I'm not…" he couldn't even finish the sentences in his thoughts because memories of what happened came to him. Of that day and that last week that happened.
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He reached the kitchen, started picking up the things he had gone to get automatically, mostly out of habit, but something didn't feel right, something didn't feel right at all, so he stopped as he opened one of the tall furnitures.
It was a complex situation for him, on the one hand, he didn't want Wheatley to think that, this time he couldn't convince himself that it was something he didn't care about, there were things that needed to be repaired, but, it was also true that this words, and even less apologies, weren't his thing at all. He was someone who hardly made mistakes, for him, praises from authority figures was the normal; for him, receiving apologies from others less successful and intelligent than him, those who did make mistakes was the normal. The simple idea of ​​him being the one to apologize was difficult enough, but for it to be with someone like his brother, who was capable of tripping over his own feet two or three times in a day or more, was… it was almost unthinkable, unbearable! Not to mention that he never had the gift of words, especially for such… emotional situations… but… it was fair, right? Independent of everything else or what he thought of his older brother, trying to be as objective as he liked to be, didn't he deserve it? After everything, didn't Wheatley deserve to at least to try? Was he willing? It was a decision that could involve everything returning to the way it was or staying as it is, or maybe there are just changes that are not visible to the naked eye.
He looked at the cabinet for a few seconds, it was full of different ingredients that he was allowed to use and store there, half of that cabinet were things that he kept there to have on hand for his pastry projects.
There were things that needed to be repaired, and he had made a decision; he knew that he did not have the conventional resources to accomplish the task, but, at least he could try with his own resources. It would take some time, so he just hoped he wasn't too late. He took some things from the cabinet and left
Afternoon of the last day, time and deadline.
Wheatley was walking down the hallway towards his boss's office, he was carrying a folder with several documents, all of them had to be delivered at that very moment and he was trying to finish filling out one of the sheets on the way. He should be feeling relieved that all that extra work was finally over, but he couldn't yet.
First because he knew that they had given him a kind of indirect ultimatum, he needed to deliver everything without errors or else… he didn't even want to think about what they would do to him, especially HER. He therefore had to go over each of the equations several times, finding errors and correcting them, which made him fall further behind with the other documents. At that moment he only needed to finish filling out the most important one, which came on a pink sheet of paper. He couldn't afford to stop, since they had given him a specific time to deliver, so he was going in such a hurry that he did not pay the slightest attention to what was happening or to those who passed around him in the hallways.
He was already close to it, so he put the document in the folder at his side and quickened his pace even more. After this, all that was left was to show the results to the siblings, but luckily, that was always the easiest part and it could be the next day, by then everything would be calmer.
But now he was anxious (and stressed) to finally finish this, he hadn't even had breakfast that morning. Not to mention that he hadn't been able to think too much about what he would do once it was finished, he didn't seem to have accomplished anything with this idea, but he didn't want to have to think about that right at that moment or he would get distracted.
Finally he arrives at the office of the CEO, Ms. Gladys, a truly brilliant, but terrifying woman who clearly didn't liked him much and made little effort to hide it, so he was very nervous. He stood as firm as he could, took a breath, and was about to knock on the door when it opened just before.
There she was, waiting for him. She didn't even let him in, she just asked him to give her the main file to review right there and, apart from it, the folder with the others.
"And I know I don't have to remind you… oh, wait, someone like you definitely needs to be reminded, so I will, if I find a single mistake in that file, I assure you there will be consequences, big bad consequences for you. I hope I made myself clear, because if not, I'll make sure of it by making the consequences bigger. Now give them to me."
Wheatley, who managed to be more nervous than before by those encouraging words, grabbed the file to take out the document, hoping, he really hoped he hadn't made any miscalculations, he finished it so hastily that it was more than possible that he had. But it was worst, because he realize that there was no pink sheet of paper between them. It must have fallen in the hallway in his haste to get there. The malicious smile his boss gave when she noticed that he was taking a while to find what he was looking for only made things even worst.
But before either of them could say anything about it.
"I think this is yours," said a familiar voice behind Wheatley, who turned quickly to see who it was because of the fright, "I told you to be more careful… here."
Wheatley was surprised to see his brother or to have his speak to him and even more of see the pink file in his hand. Gladys took the sheet of paper, which was undoubtedly his (it was crumpled) before he could and looked it over right there, very thoroughly. They both watched as her expression changed slightly to becoming more and more annoyed, she even gave them both a suspicious look, which especially scared one of them, while the other seemed more or less as calm as ever, anyway. Their boss's response was unexpected. "It's all right…*sigh*, fine, just give me the rest of the folder and go, now".
Wheatley, still in shock, managed to give her the rest of the documents while the CEO closed the door to her office in his face. At least that served to wake him up. Both brothers remained silent for a few seconds looking at the door, then they looked at each other, Wheatley noticed that he was carrying a small, neat cardboard box with handles. Surprisingly, it wasn't the short one who broke the silence this time.
"Oi…it's a little late…shall we get a cup of tea?" It was undoubtedly a question that caught Wheatley off guard, he was not expecting it at all, in fact he expected him to just walk away and that's it. Maybe that's why he didn't even try to question it and just nodded and walked to the dining room (Arthur used Low Guard, it was super effective!).
There was almost no one around in the place, so there were only the two of them at the table, with a cup of tea each, at first neither of them said anything because, strangely enough, neither of them knew what to say.
Arthur sighed and decided to break the silence a second time "Listen Wheatley, I'm going to tell you something and I want you to listen to it well, because I'm not going to repeat it, undertand?! This is not easy…okay, ehem... Wheatley I… I… for what happened that time… I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." It was something that clearly was difficult for him to say, so Wheatley did not interrupt him, but the surprise on his face was noticeable, it even seemed that he thought perhaps Arthur was sick, which made the matter more awkward, but he still continued.
"I was very unfair to you and… well I… at first I really thought it was fine because I thought it was you, okay?! Everything seemed so… and you… and...- aaagh! this is not working! this apologizing thing It's not my thing! I'm not the one who should be apologizing for making such a stupid mistake! I'm not one who does that kind of things!!… but..." for a moment he began to despair as he said all that, it was something he also needed to get off his chest "… but I did… this time I did...I was unfair to you, in several ways; you didn't deserve to be treated like that, not even for cakes, even less for pride and, well… I know that maybe it doesn't make up for much… or I don't know, the truth is I don't know much about these things, but… ehem... here… just don't get used to it!... and again... I'm sorry"
He puts the box that he had brought with him for a while between them, it was one of those boxes for moving rectangular cakes, and opens it. To Wheatley's surprise, it was not a square Black Forest Cake, it was a Chocolate Battenberg Cake, his favorite.
He looked at the cake, then looked at Arthur who had looked away, as if he was running out of words and he didn't know what to say and didn't want to try either. Luckily it wasn't necessary, it was a gesture that spoke for itself. To begin with, Wheatley knew that although it was not his favorite cake, his brother was much more into making his own cakes than buying them, it was a matter of personal pride, the only ones he bought were always from his favorite bakery and that store did not sell this cake.
Arthur managed to say one only thing more "…well?"
Wheatley's look was a curious mix of surprise, excitement, and disbelief, it was as if he didn't know whether to smile or not as he tried to process everything. Finally, he sobbed a little and smiled at him "I… I really don't know what to say, to be honest, I didn't expect something like this at all! I even thought that… well… a lot of things... nasty things, actually. I really thought that you… uh, well, you know what? you know what? Never mind, never mind now! I was wrong about those things and… god, I never thought it could feel so good to be wrong! There should be some kind of achievement for that in life!! hehe, I-I can't believe it! I... just.... thank you... Artie... is really- it was really all I wanted to hear... plus a surprise!" He wanted to hug him, but neither of them were big on hugs, especially not between them, so he stayed where he was. He knew that this wouldn't make them suddenly friends by any means, things wouldn't change much, they would probably stay more or less the same as before, but at least this made clear some things that were needed to be known between them.
"Now let's see, we have to try this before the tea gets cold, that would be a shame as well as rude for the tea and the cake!" The eldest says excitedly, taking a bite without wasting any more time, it was funny how someone could managed to be gangly and have manners at the same time, a fascinating phenomenon to some extent. Wheatley seemed surprised once he took that bite, in a good way.
"…You…you used nan's recipe! omg! so fluffy and soft <3 <3 <3"
His smile while eating was priceless
"Uh… yeah" his little brother responds with some surprise "… it's the only recipe I had on hand, I didn't have time to do a comparative research of recipes as normal… but how did you know??"
"Huh, no one else could achieve this texture, it's one of nans's super powers, like they all always know what to do when something hurts without having any medical studies, as if they have a… kind of… pre-integrated medicine chip or something! or how they always manage to make the coats so warm, but they still always itch as hell!! is like, you know, one of those… uh, mysteries of life and science" He says taking another bite "I can't believe you managed to replicate it so well, Mr Perfect, this is tremendous! you must be very proud, you should!… and don't look at me with that face"
Arthur had that 'you're a child' look, but he almost looked like he wanted to smile this time.
"Come on, if you don't believe me, try it"
"No, no, I'm fine, is yours and-"
"It can't be, Artie, I'm so disappointed! don't you know? It's a very important rule, a chef must always taste his creations!! And! And- in this case, you would be the chef and the cake is your creation anyway, so it's your responsibility! So, unless you put something like... uh like poison in this thing or you don't think you actuallt did a good job, it's your responsibility, so come on!"
He brings the cake a little closer to him. Arthur gives up because he was curious to try the results of this cake anyway, considering the circumstances in which he made it, he was afraid to find something disappointing again compared to his previous creations, as it had been happening that week and he was a perfectionist. He took a bite and, to his surprise, it was good, without a doubt he had measured up. It wasn't perfect, tho, but there was something with it, he couldn't explain what or why, but there it was.
"Heh, see? It's good right? You're not fooling me. I told you! you should be proud, you absolutely should!" He says taking a sip of his tea "now, come on and help me finish it"
None of them noticed that there were 2 persons looking at them from the entrance door, a woman and a man, who just smile at the scene and, knowing that thing would probably go back to normal soon, they decided to leave them alone, their job there was done.
Arthur just sighed and toke another bite, he did want to keep eating it anyway so maybe he could be able to descipher that something he cound't understand. For now, he would just allow himself to enjoy that unperfect something for this one time, that unperfect something that, somehow, made the cake this cake sweeter than ever.
Aaand that was it, thanks for those who did read it till the end, it was longer than I was expecting o.ou
Hope you also liked it, specially Shrimps, if she read this. I don't know if I got the characterizations well, I hope I did at least well enough, I'm accepting any correction.
Thanks again to everyone who read this, but now, I have to do a few stuff before my next plushing, so.... well, see you next time
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moon-heart22 · 3 months
The passion part 1
Warning: Minors do Not interact, mention of death, slapp!ng, insults, not realistic body proportions, k!dnapping
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All you feel is the forest around you.
It gives you peace, the fresh air in your lungs, the chirping of the birds and the wind that brushes through your hair. Thats what you need right now after you had a fight with your family. You fought with them about your life, what you want to do with it and everything. When you said you wouldn't know, a whole fight crashed down because your parents said that you should know what you do with your life.
You already felt a headache returning when you think about it and let out a sigh. You shake your head and enjoy the peacefull atmosphere that the forest gives you. You walk towards your usual spot and sit down next to a small river. The forest is full of life and you hear and feel it. Next to the river is a tree and you sit down infront of it and lean against it.
A deep breath later, you close your eyes and listen to the ripple of the stream. You feel a soothing feeling going through your body and start to feel watched. It's not uncomfortable and you feel totaly safe. A tempting smell touches your nose, it makes you hungry and you open your eyes. It smells like cake or something else, but defenitly something sweet, something delicous.
Slowly you stand up and walk towards the direction where the smell is coming from. It makes you dizzy, hungry and you feel like you are in trance. The feeling of being watched intensefies, but you still feel safe and calm. When you finally reach the place where the sweet tempting smell came from, you look around confused. You stand on a glade.
There, not far appart from you, stands a graceful and other wordly creature. It's body is full of jewelry made out of leave, wood, skelletons and more. It looks so beautiful and handmade, it seems like from another world. The creature turns it's head to look at you, green orbs look into yours, the being has human like features. The ears are pointed and the skin is grey white. In its hand is a fruit that looks like a chery.
The being smiles and turns to move towards you, finally you snap out of your trance and get a little scared. You feel terrefied beccause you never saw somethinng like this and step back. It raises its hands to show me its not dangerous and moves towards me. "What are you? What do you want from me?," you ask the creature.
A smile spreads across the creatures face and shows me the cheery. "Eat" a soft and tender voice comes out of the creatures mouth. It sounds a little like a male but you can't quite figure that out. "Why?," you ask and stand still. Now its standing infront of you and slowly puts the chery in your hand. "It solves your problem," it whispers in a honeyed voice and moves closer to you.
Now only a few inches away from you, the beautiful appearnce is breathtaking and you gasp when you feel its thumb brushing over your lips. It lifts the chery with your hand to your mouth and its eyes shine because they reflect the sunlight. The chery touches your lips and it urges you to eat it. You can't resist it and open your lips, the chery entering your mouth and you feel your heart jumping in your chest.
The sweet taste makes you dizzy and you feel that you lose your consciousness. You start to panik and the creature presses you against it and strokes your hair whispering to you, but you can't understand a thing and soon everything is dark.
Voices that seem to be cheery, singing and laughing is the first thing you here when you slowly start to wake up. The moment i open my eyes i stare into blue orbs, the creature looks exactly like the one i saw before in the forest. But the creature now has more feminine features and blue eyes. "She is awake...still don't understand why you would want to be with a human, Tariel," the female says disapproving. She grabs your face and pulls you towards her inspecting you further.
You struggle against her grib and try to free yourself. Then you feel a warm pain on your cheek, the female slapped you because you tried to free yourself. "Loarna!," you hear someone scream angrily. She gets off of you and the creature that you saw in the forest, comes in your sight. It or he runs towards you, you're still not sure what it is but it touches your cheek and kisses it. "You hurt her, i want you to apologize. We are gentle not brutal," Tariel whispers angrily.
When his lips touch your cheek you start to feel lightly, like no weight is on you and the pain on your cheek soon disappears. It like he kisses the pain away. You suddenly feel overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions and can't figure out why you fell this way. "It's alright, everything is alright," Tariel murmurs against your cheek. He starts to stroke your hair and holds you close.
"Ughh you digust me. Fine i am sorry stinky human," Loarna growls and walks away angrily. Tariel ingnores her and his attention is now on you. His hand travels up your thighs and he stops showering you with kisses to look into your eyes. "Why are you doing this?," you ask him. You move so you're sitting on his lap and your hands reach to touch his jewelry. He smiles at you and let's out a soft chuckle, while he kisses your nose. "It's beautiful isn't it? I am glad you like it," he whispers.
You look into his green eyes, they shine like emeralds and heavy with a lot of life experiences, but there was also a deep kindness in them. Slowly you nod agreeing that the jewelry he wears is indeed beautiful. "I want to officially intruduce myself to you. My name is Tariel and i am a forest spirit. Just like Loarna, who well doesn't like humans very much...," he looks at you apologetically. His hand that rested at your thigh goes away and leaves an empty feeling.
Why he suddenly puts you off of his lap and stands up, is unkown to you, however you don't seem to mind and stand up what gives yourself the opportunity to look surroundings. A big waterfall is the first thing that catches your eye, the waterfall flows down the big tree, that you find out now that you are on, and crashes down into a lake. The lake is hidden, everywhere are trees where you look and big mountains. Suddenly a small being flys around you, it seems like a fairy. The fairy smiles at you before flying to her destination. You seem to be in a spiritual like place, all kind of other spiritual beings are gathered around here and seem to enjoy the peace.
You find yourself confronted with a different reality, a different world and the world that you knew crashes down. As a child you secretly hoped that you would be a fairy or befriend a fairy but it never happend, now that you are around spirituel beings or better said paranormal beings you feel your head falling off. You feel someone touch your shoulder and feel a warm breath on your ear before it imidiatly disapears. "It's fantastic here, you will love it. And after a while i am sure the others that aren't liking your pressence now will exept it," Tariel tells you and squeezes your shoulder.
He lets go of your shoulder and interwines your fingers with his, pulling you with him down the tree. Stairs out of wood go down around the tree to the ground. You notice more Fairies fly around, they carrie nuts, wood, fruits and a lot of other things. The you notice small wholes with doors in the tree where the Fairies propaply live and from the branches are also hanging small little houses. Other beings are here as well, like a being that is fully covered in branches and seems to have skin out of wood, another being that has blue scales and seem like a fish and a lot more.
You feel eyes burning into your back and start to feel uneasy. They stare. You don't belong here, it's their world and a human is not allowed in it at all. Only the Fairies and Tariel seem to enjoy that you are here. You reached the last stair and you are now on the ground. The ground feels so soft and Tariel guides you to the lake, only now you realize you don't have any shoes and socks on. You had a slight feeling that somebody had stole them, no you knew it, but when and who, that was something you didn't know.
When Tariel pulled you into the water with him, a mermaid appeard next to you, she smiled but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "Humans not allowed.," she groweld and dived back into the water. Her tail splashing you and Tariel. He held you close and seemed to ignore everyone that told him you should go and are not allowed to be here. You started to wonder why and question if it wouldn't be better if you left. Tariel started to swim and you followed him because you had no other choice. "Tariel i don't think this is a good idea...what if something happen?," you ask him worriedly.
He shakes his head and stops swimming to look into your eyes. "Don't worry. As long as i am here, nobody will hurt you," he promises. You both continue to swim, while you do so, something touches your foot but pulls imiditaly away like it was never there. You get scared and try to stay close as posible to Tariel, who seems complitly unaware of the threat that lurks in the lake.
Then you scream from the top of your lungs. Something bit into your leg and before Tariel could ask whats wrong you got pulled under the surface. You kick with your foot against the hand that holds you other one and realize its the creepy mermaid that pulls you down. She is fast and the pressure your body is in, gets worse and worse. No sight of Tariel, lets you believe you are going to die. What if he lied? What if this is all a dream? You feel the air leaving your lungs but still don't give up. You manage to grab the mermaids hair and pull on it wich makes her scream and let you go for a short moment.
You try to swim up, but the leg she bit you hurts so much and you start to feel so weak. Air, you need air. The mermaid seemed to have gather herself together again and swam fastly towards you again. Her sharp teeth showing and you tried to swim up with the last life in your bones. Sadly she reached you and bit you into your arm, wich made you scream underwater and the last air in your lungs was gone.
You started to cough and your vision got blurry, you tried to breath for air but choked on the water that you sucked in instead. But then the pain in your arm was gone. As you feel yourself slowly drift away you see the mermaids head swim down into the deep. Everything went black after that. Your body empty with nothing, not even a fought in your head left. Everything was empty.
All you felt, all you heard and all you saw was dark. You don't now how much time has passed, out of nowhere you start to hear the voices of your family members. It was really all just a dream...right? But when you tried to open your eyes you couldn't, they were already open. First you saw nothing but then you saw your mothers angry face starring at you. You were sitting on the table and didn't wanted to eat you food anymore. You knew why, the scene felt strangely familier like it already had happend before.
Your father angrily raised his voice at you and threatend to throw you out of the house if you didn't answer him. But all your tries to talk and answer failed. It was like you had no controll, like you were only hear to watch what happend. Then you remember, it was the fight you had with you parents before you decided to leave before it escaleted more. Before the whole rolercoaster ride happend. The angry voices get louder and louder till you get a big headache and start to scream. It doesn't matter how loud you scream nobody hears it, your mouth doesn't even move.
A sharp pain starts to spread through your arm and leg, like someone stabbed you. It was so painfull and you wanted to cry but once again your body didn't show any reaction. You wanted to crawl into the darkest whole to hide away from the pain, when you felt something soft and comfortable touching your soul, something that gave you peace. You didn't know where this feeling came from but it was there. Strong and you decided to grab this feeling and hold onto it with all your might. It eased your pain and it blocked out your parents screaming at you over and over again.
Bright lighty fell into your aching eyes, you cough and groan in pain. What had happend? So many thoughts raced through your head and then you heard it. Somebody cries. "I am so sorry...this is all my fault...i should have looked after you better," a male voices cries. You move your head, which hurts a lot, to make out where the voice comes from and see Tariel crying his eyes out. He hasn't even noticed that you are awake and is to focused on plaming himself. His hand holds yours tightly and tears drop onto them.
"I was so stupid to believe i could...," he stops himself and only continues more to cry. The leaves on his head that are wovern in his hair seem to hang down or turn brown, like they are bond to his emotions. You gather all your strenght together and try to speak, but no matter how hard you try you can't. The only thing that you manage to do is to squeeze his hand. His eyes go wide and he looks at you like the stars fell from the sky. "You're alive," he crys and pulls you into a tight hug.
You hug him back and feel the warmth of his body spreading through yours. Its comfortable and you love it. Loarna clears her throat to get your attention and Tariel releases you from his tight hug. "I guess you have to thank me for saving your love, Tariel," she says and looks apologetic at your direction when Tariel stands up and walks over to her. They both walk out of the room that you are in and leave you alone.
You don't know how much time has passed but when Tariel returns he seems worried and sad. You sit up and smile at him in hope it will lighten up his mood, but he doesn't return the smile. "I can't let you stay here anymore...it's to dangerous, my flower...how much i wish you could stay," he whispers pained and pulls you up.
It feels like your world has crashed down once again. You don't understand anything anymore and look at him confused and lost. "What? But...how? I thought you want me to stay with you?," you whisper. Tears start to build in your eyes and Tariel sighs.
He takes your hand and walks towards a table. On the table is a glas of water. "Drink. You will be fine," he demands. You don't know why but you drink and all of a suden you feel dizzy. "When you wake up it will be like i never excisted.," he murmurs. You see him trying to look away but it's no use. Before you black out you see tears running down his cheeks.
Part 1 is finished! God i am proud of myself, because it took me so long. Well as always ignore spelling mistakes. Hope you have a great day.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Cafe event-Twisted wonderland edition Part 3
Start: August 21 2023 End: August 27 2023
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Please remember to include what pronouns you want and please submit your request as an ask not a comment
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(Click to zoom in.If you’re having difficulty reading anything you can find them in text format under the cut)
Strawberry-Riddle rosehearts
Green Apple-Malleus Draconia
Kiwi-Lilia Vanrouge
vanilla-Azul Ashengrotto
brown sugar-Jade Leech
Passion Fruit-Floyd Leech
Orange-Leona Kingscholar
Coconut-Jack howl
Lavender-Vil Schoenheit
Forest berries-Rook hunt
blueberry-Idia Shroud
Lychee-Divus Crewel
1 Croissants- wearing their clothes
2 Pie- Jealousy
3 Macarons- Masquerade ball/Ball
4 Éclair-“You’re the most beautiful being on the earth”
5 Cannoli- “Pretty boy”
6 Tart-Beast person!Reader
7 Cheesecake-au (Of your choice)
8 cupcake- “Only for tonight”
9 Sponge cake-Merfolk
10 Brownie-fake dating
11 cake pop- only one bed
12 S’mores-“Good boy”
13 Strawberry Shortcake-Short quick kiss,followed by pulling them in for a longer kiss
14 Gingerbread-first kiss
15 Honey Bun-“Can I have this dance?”
16 Churro-“What if someone hears us?”
17 Cinnamon Twist- Praise
18 Cookie Dough-Sick 
19 Cotton Candy-"I love it when you touch me like that."
20 Caramel Apple-Any time now, he’s gonna say it’s love.
21 Caramel Popcorn-“I want you. I need you.”
22 Carrot Cake-lipstick mark
23 Cookie Sandwich-cooking
24 Waffle-“How are you this cute?”
25 Crepe-Truth or dare
95 notes · View notes
felassan · 11 months
Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas lore compilation / notes / thoughts [Part 1 of 2]
(Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of)
Reference, info & general observations/ramble post ◕‿◕ (Post contents under a cut, in case anyone would rather not read cookbook spoilers. also due to post length)
[☕ found this post or blog interesting or useful? my ko-fi is here if you feel inclined. thank you 🙏]
If I have forgotten, misread or misunderstood something, please let me know.
This post is part 1 of 2, as it was getting rly long.
Dishes by type
Starters & Refreshments: Eggs à la Val Foret, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Rivaini Couscous Salad, Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Snail & Watercress Salad, Cave Beetles
For the Road: Spiced Jerky, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Pickled Eggs, Unidentified Meat, Seheron Fish Pockets, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Crow Feed, Black Lichen Bread, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread
Soups & Stews: Merrill's Blood Soup, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Fish Chowder, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, Lentil Soup, Nettle Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew
Main Courses: Stuffed Cabbage, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Grilled Poussin, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Nug Pancakes, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Cacio e Pepe, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Smoked Ham from the Anderfels, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Sides: Sera's Yummy Corn, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Honey Carrots, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Sweet Delights: Blancmange, Poison Stings, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Dwarven Plum Jam, Sour Cherries in Cream, Treviso Energy Balls, Rice Pudding, Goat Custard
Baked Goods: Antivan Apple Grenade, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Croissants, Cherry Cupcakes, Chocolate Cake, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Drinks & Potions: Lichen Ale, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Antivan Sip-Sip, Dragon Piss, Rivaini Tea Blend, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley, Chasind Sack Mead
Notes: These dish 'categories' are from the book contents pages, which can be viewed here.
Dishes by place / culture of origin (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Ferelden: Pickled Eggs, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Chocolate Cake
Kirkwall: Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Orlais: Eggs à la Val Foret, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Honey Carrots, Blancmange, Sour Cherries in Cream, Croissants
Tevinter: Unidentified Meat, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Cherry Cupcakes, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Antiva: Crow Feed, Fish Chowder, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Cacio e Pepe, Treviso Energy Balls, Antivan Apple Grenade, Antivan Sip-Sip
Nevarra: Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Rivain: Rivaini Couscous Salad, Goat Custard, Rivaini Tea Blend
Seheron: Seheron Fish Pockets
Starkhaven: Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Free Marches: Roasted Turkey with Sides
Anderfels: Smoked Ham from the Anderfels
Avvar: Snail & Watercress Salad, Stuffed Cabbage, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern
Chasind: Grilled Poussin, Chasind Sack Mead
Dalish: Spiced Jerky, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler
City Elf: Peasant Bread, Lentil Soup
Orzammar / dwarven: Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Cave Beetles, Nug Pancakes, Dwarven Plum Jam, Lichen Ale, Black Lichen Bread
Unspecified (DA Cookbook-specific list): Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Merrill's Blood Soup, Nettle Soup, Sera's Yummy Corn, Poison Stings, Rice Pudding, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Dragon Piss, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley
Notes: Fluffy Mackerel Pudding seems to be Fereldan as it's found in DA:O in this Codex entry at the Arl of Redcliffe's Estate in Denerim. Snail & Watercress Salad isn't traditional Avvar cuisine; though snails are standard Avvar fare, this salad which has them in conjunction with other ingredients is Devon's take on snails that they made for their Avvar hosts. The given Spiced Jerky recipe is Dalish, but the book notes that preserved foods like it play an important role in many different Thedosian cultures. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets are a variation on a tough Grey Warden pastry which incorporates the far more delicate Orlesian puff pastry, that was championed by newer Warden recruits from Orlais. Unidentified Meat is usually served with Nevarran Flat Bread. Black Lichen Bread doesn't explicitly say but is clearly dwarven, as it references "underground" versus the "surface" and the dwarf Garin in Orzammar mentions it in DA:O. Peasant Bread is both Dalish and City Elf. Merrill's Blood Soup could be Dalish in origin as it's a recipe of Merrill's. Devon's Lentil Soup recipe has classic Tevinter flavors in it. Roasted Turkey with Sides is found throughout the Free Marches. Sera's Yummy Corn could be Fereldan in origin as it's a recipe of Sera's. Poison Stings is likely Tevinter as Dorian is fond of it. Rice Pudding could be Antivan or Rivaini as in Thedas you don't see much rice outside of Antiva or Rivain, or perhaps Tevinter or Qunari as it was a dish made by Krem, Iron Bull and the Chargers. Found Cake could be Fereldan as it's based on Dog's Found Cake in DA:O. Sugar Cake was purchased from a surface dwarf merchant and is based on Sugar Cake from DA:O (Feraldan dish? Dwarven?). Lamprey Cake was Devon's pickled lamprey-inspired cake, with pickled lamprey itself being a "singular" (implied: odd) favorite of an Orlesian noble. The Hissing Drake, The Golden Nug and The Emerald Valley are drinks served at the Gilded Horn in Orlais. The Emerald Valley's place of origin isn't given in the book, but we know from this Codex that it includes a spirit that is Orlesian, having been made in Lydes. Going by Iron Bull's dialogue with Varric, hot chocolate/cocoa is not from the south and is rare there. Dragon Piss could be Fereldan as it's based on Dragon Piss which is found in Ferelden.
Alphabetical ingredients / 'foodstuffs and drinks which exist in Thedas' list (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Notes: These ingredients are derived from the dish names and the lore blurbs (which appear to be in-world), not the recipes and associated ingredients lists themselves (which appear to be our world/irl-based). Also, this is a sort of scrappy list with mixed singular/plurals, some repeating stuff (e.g. I know pork, bacon, pig and ham is all "pig"), some non-specific stuff e.g. "herbs", and some stuff that is more 'a combo food' than 'a single ingredient' e.g. "dough", but just go with it ok hh, it's just meant to be a quick 'n' dirty reference list as a resource not a perfect culinary thing:
“Bitter greens”, Ale, Almonds, Antivan pasta, Antivan wine, Apples, Apple blossoms, Apricots, Assorted “forest fruits”, Ayesleigh gulabi goat (a breed of goat from which some goat’s milk is derived), Bacon, Bark, Bark bread, Barley, Beetroot, Biscuits, Black cherries, Black lichen, Blended teas, Blood oranges, Brandy, Bread, Buns, Butter (halla and other types), Cabbage, Carrot, Cave beetles, Celery, Chasind Wildwine, Cheese, Cheese sauce, Cherries, Chicken, Chickpeas, Chocolate, Chocolate cream cake, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Cocoa powder, Corn (yellow and non-yellow varieties), Couscous, Cows, Crab, Cranberry, Cream, Croutons, Currants, Custard (many variations), Cuttlefish, Dark bread, Deep mushrooms (several varieties), Dough, Dracolisk? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Dried fruit, Dry cheese, Eggs, Egg-white foam (for drinks, due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Fereldan ale, Fereldan barley, Figs, Fish, Flat bread, Flour, Flowers (over 70 different types of herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Giant spiders, Giant? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Gnocchi, Goat’s milk, Goats, Grains, Grapes, Grease, Gurguts, Halla butter, Ham, Harts, Herbs (over 70 different herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Hirol’s Lava Burst (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Honey, Hot peppers, Jams & preserves, Jasmine flowers, Jerky, Lamb, Lamprey, Leeks, Lemon, Lemon juice, Lemon verbena, Lentils, Lichen (underground and surface varieties), Lichen ale, Licorice root, Llomerryn red, Llomerryn rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Lurkers, Mackerel, Mango, Marshmallow (presumably meaning both the marshmallow plant and marshmallows, the confectionary that was originally made from the marshmallow plant. The form given in the cookbook is Orlesian guimauves, which accompany Iron Bull’s hot chocolate. “Guimauve” is French for marshmallow), Mead, Milk, Mincemeat, Mint, Mushroom, Mussels, Mutton, Nettle, Noodles, Nug, Nug bacon, Nuggets (nug-gets), Nutmeg (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Nuts, Oats, Oil, Olives, Onion, Orange, Orange peel, Oregano, Pasta, Pastry, Peas, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Pepper (as in black pepper etc), Peppermint, Pickled things, Pickled vegetables, Pie, Pig, Plums, Pomegranate, Pork, Potatoes, Poussin, Prawns, Puff pastry, Pumpkin, Quillback (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this, and in DA:I some NPCs mention it), Rabbit, Raisins, Rams, Raspberries, Red bell peppers, Red grapes, Rhubarb, Rice, Rolls, Royal elfroot (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Saffron, Salt, Semolina flour, Sheep, Shrimp, Smoked meats, Snails, Sour ale, Sour cherries, Spices, Spinach, Spirits (as in alcohol), Strawberries, Sugar, Tea, Toasted bread, Tomatoes, Truffles, Turkey, Turnip, Tzatziki sauce, Vine leaves, Waffles, Water, Watercress, West Hill brandy, Wheat, Whipped cream, Whiskey (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), White chocolate, White frosting, White Seleny wine, White wine, Wildflowers, Wine, Wraps (soft), Wyverns, Yogurt
'See also' / 'did you know':
Eggs à la Val Foret
Fried Young Giant Spiders: previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. The player party arrives at Chanra Thaig and sees "Bonfires built inside steel drums provide warm and heat for the dwarves huddled around them, cooking deepstalkers, what looks like the legs of giant spiders, and small rodent-like animals on spits". The dwarves have "fuel, water, and domesticated spiders and nugs in deeper chambers for food".
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Snail and Watercress Salad
Cave beetle previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. They're described as "scavengers and carrion eaters", "black" and "hard-shelled". They're also known as "rock beetles" and are "little more than a nuisance on its own. Dwarves are even known to roast and eat them out of the shells".
Pickled Eggs (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Seheron Fish Pockets: Iron Bull has dialogue where he says "I remember one guy, he made these things - fish wrapped in thin bread". He was talking of a street food vendor in Seheron who had been forced by Tevinter spies to poison his food. Fittingly, in the cookbook Devon narrates that they learned this recipe from a Charger.
Black Lichen Bread: Garin from DA:O had an incident a few years back where he cut himself and some raw lyrium dust got into his blood. Since then it's been hard for him to concentrate and he's forgetful. He mentions bread that's made by using lichen (I think he mentioned that his lunch was a slice of lichen bread). interestingly, like lyrium, the cookbook lore blurb for Black Lichen Bread contains reference to how black lichen is toxic.
Hearth Cakes (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Peasant Bread: appears in The Masked Empire. in the Dalish camp, Dalish cooks prepared a midday meal, which was served along with peasant bread. "It was almost equal parts wheat, salt, and grease, and in lean winters, it was sometimes the only thing that could put meat on a peasant's bones." Michel watches an old elven woman drizzle honey across a piece and remembers his City Elven mother putting a bit of sugar she had stolen from the tavern she worked in on his piece of bread. The cookbook lore blurb for Peasant Bread says it is eaten by Dalish elves and City elves alike in Orlais, with the recipe being "very straightforward, calling for wheat, salt, and grease in nearly equal parts". Also, in The Last Court, Seraultine (Orlesian) peasants are described as eating bread at mealtimes
The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew: in a DAII loading screen, it says that the tavern's feature dish is a stew made from a different mystery meat every morning
Fish Chowder: in DA:O Zevran says "Can you smell that? Like rotting flesh. Just like back in Antiva City. Now if only you could find me a prostitute or two, a bowl of fish chowder and a corrupt politician, I'd really feel like I was home!"
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup (the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Orlesian troupe of actors from the show Wilkshire Downs. in this codex they are mentioned along with "cabbage stew")
King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew: Alistair and Leliana have this dialogue in DA:O about this dish (Ctrl-F "pea stew").
Antivan Gnocchi: In Tevinter Nights (Eight Little Talons), the Crow leaders eat gnocchi with dinner
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce
Nug Pancakes, two
Fish in Salt Crust
Roasted Wyvern. Also Isabela has dialogue in Mark of the Assassin where she says "I hope I'm not expected to eat roast wyvern after this." The lore blurb in the cookbook for this dish also references this Codex
Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Cacio e Pepe: First mentioned in Tevinter Nights (The Wigmaker Job). Illario complains "This isn't Cacio e Pepe" while making a show of tapping his dagger against a plate of leftovers. Lucanis replies "You ordered an Antivan dish in Tevinter. What did you expect?", to which Illario quips "Something edible".
Turnip and Mutton Pie
Smoked Ham from the Anderfels: a servant in Mark of the Assassin offers Hawke and Tallis "smoked ham from the Anderfels. They say it tastes of despair". Tallis replies "Wait, does it really? How can ham taste of despair? Why would anyone eat it if it did?". The servant explains "That's what the importer said. They all talk like that" apparently. This dish is also mentioned in DA:I. After WEWH Dorian says "I hope you tried the ham they were serving, by the way. Tastes of despair. Fascinating". The cookbook lore blurb asserts that contrary to rumors and what the importers say, this ham does not, in fact, taste of despair. Also, see The Jade Ham (tumblr won't let me add it as a proper link: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Jade_Ham), as the cookbook lore blurb references this item and its description
Roasted Turkey with Sides: Roast turkey previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. Lady Sennova hosts a gala/party in Orlais, which players infiltrate/attend and at which food and drink is served. "The Game is about appearances as much as it is about outright treachery, so a dead rat discovered in the roast turkey could serve as a crueler twist of the knife than an actual twisting of the knife". The cookbook lore blurb references the comic Knight Errant, which involves Sebastian's birthday dinner party
Sera's Yummy Corn (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Dwarven Plum Jam: in DA:O a Diamond Quarter noble dwarf says something like "I will die without my favorite plum jam from the surface!" The cookbook lore blurb references the fact that in Orzammar, jam from the surface, especially jams made from plums, are in especially high demand and cost exorbitant prices
Rice Pudding: in DA:I Krem mentions a time when he, Iron Bull and the Chargers defended a village from fifty bandits. Afterwards the villagers paid them for their services in bags of rice. He says that they made rice pudding after that. The cookbook lore blurb references this story of Krem's
(new text block because the previous text block hit a character limit hh)
Antivan Apple Grenade: the cookbook lore blurb references Antivan Fire Grenades (two), which spread sticky fire. maybe it's my brain conjuring up sticky toffee/toffee apples, but I wanna say that this dish would not only be hot but also sticky :)
Found Cake
Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls: in DAII Sandal says that Orana smells of cinnamon rolls, which was interesting to me as DAII is the game where Varric is introduced and his first (and greatest) batch of cinnamon roll friends, the Kirkwall Crew, are featured in
Croissants: Calix and Vaea eat something which arguably look like croissants in the comic Dragon Age: Deception, in an inn in Tevinter.
Cherry Cupcakes: the cookbook lore blurb says these are served by servants on stilts at the Tevinter theature. in the comic Dragon Age: Magekiller, Marius is depicted serving an array of treats and snacks to a Tevinter elite at the Tevinter theatre while on stilts. some of the cupcakes on his tray bear somewhat of a resemblance to the cupcakes in this recipe.
Sugar Cake
Pickled Lamprey: the cookbook lore blurb is referencing the book Last Flight, where Norbert de la Haine and his unfortunate fondness for pickled lampreys is mentioned.
Lichen Ale
The Hissing Drake. the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Gilded Horn
Hot Chocolate: Iron Bull discusses his penchant for this drink with Varric. "How do you guys live without this stuff?" he says. Varric replies "I don't see what the deal is, honestly, but different tastes..." / "Now I just need some hot milk and some of those Orlesian guimauves to put in it" / "Hey, what you do with this 'cocoa' is up to you. I don't need to hear about it"
Antivan Sip-Sip
Dragon Piss, two
Rivaini Tea Blend: In Masked Empire Celene drinks a Rivaini blend of tea containing cinnamon, ginger and cloves, sweetened with honey. the cookbook lore blurb references Celene drinking Rivaini Tea Blend throughout the day to combat headaches, but this tea blend consists of peppermint, lemon verbena, oregano and licorice root. Rivaini tea also crops up here.
The Golden Nug, two
The Emerald Valley
Chasind Sack Mead
Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook
Devon (new character, writer and narrator of the book), Merrill, Alistair, Sera, Varric, Solas, Cassandra, Fenris, Cullen, Sten, Iron Bull, Bull's Chargers, Krem, Nan (possibly, if she is Devon's mother), Norah (possibly, as the waitress at The Hanged Man), Zevran, Morrigan, the Hero of Ferelden, the Inquisitor, Josephine, Paragon Varen, Leliana, Schmooples, the Hero of Ferelden's mabari, Sebastian, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, Anders, Loghain, Bethany, Hawke, the Couslands, Bodahn Feddic (possibly, as the Sugar Cake item in DA:O is sold by him and Devon narrates that they purchased one from a surface dwarf merchant who said that the Hero of Ferelden purchased some for their companions), Norbert de la Haine, Isabela, Celene, Briala, Gaspard
"Cookbook canon" (notes about the particular worldstate/universe that Devon wrote the cookbook in)
The cookbook was written at some point after the appointment of Divine Victoria, placing it at at least one month after the DA:I base game concludes (at least one month after the defeat of Corypheus). The narrator, Devon, has met and spoken to at least some of the companions & related prominent NPCs, including Varric and Krem. Devon visited Haven.
The HoF was a Cousland. The HoF caught Schmooples for Leliana. Loghain survived DA:O and DA:I, as he's referred to in the present-tense at the time the cookbook is written. Alistair is King of Ferelden. The HoF may have been a lady who romanced Alistair (if you argue that the inclusion of Alistair's love letter to the Warden & the necklace from this merch item as a prop in the photo for Rivaini Couscous Salad as indicator. interesting that the photo where this item is prominently displayed is for the Couscous of all things. back in the day I remember folks calling Cousland "Couscous" hhh).
Hawke was a warrior or rogue and Carver died in the prologue. Hawke was probably Diplomatic. Hawke did not romance Sebastian (in the cookbook he is Prince, and Sebastian reclaims his title as Prince by DA:I unless romanced, in which case he's the Chantry advisor in Starkhaven).
The "worst of [Cullen's] lyrium withdrawals" are mentioned so it could be that the Inquisitor advised Cullen to stop taking lyrium. Cassandra Pentaghast is the Divine. Celene is the Empress of Orlais - possibly ruling "alone" or possibly in the Celene-Gaspard-Briala "work together option", going by "Given how messy Orlesian politics are wont to be, with chevalier cousins vying for the throne and elven handmaids turned both spymaster and lover".
Also, this might be just me and my assumptions or reading of it, but of the companion characters referenced in the book (see section above, Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook), such as Cole, Sera, Merrill, Fenris etc, I feel like it's safe to assume that in this worldstate they were all recruited by the relevant PCs are alive and well (including the Chargers).
Merch items & similar that appear as props or edits in photos
Alistair romance bundle (necklace and letter in Rivaini Couscous Salad. the necklace appears again in Goat Custard. the box can be seen in The Golden Nug)
Grey Warden pendant that shows the griffon heraldry (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets). this reappears in Sugar Cake
Solas Jawbone Necklace (Pickled Eggs. hhhh. unlike in Eggs à la Val Foret the blurb here doesn't mention Solas, but he's repped here anyway by the necklace hanging in the background hh)
Cullen's Lucky Coin (The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Antivan Sip-Sip)
In Nug Pancakes this red Inquisition banner with the handprint is in the background (seems to be from game files/in-game props). the red Inquisition banner appears again in Chasind Sack Mead
In Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, there is a nug in the background, presumably looking on in horror as their spouse has been transformed into a pie
In Turnip and Mutton Pie is a necklace that looks like the one Varric wears
Templar Banner (Roasted Turkey with Sides)
Inquisitor's iconic helmet replica (Roasted Turkey with Sides. hhh, this reminds me of the ones that are props in the queue area for the Dragon Age-not Dragon Age-ride)
In the background of Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler a nug is peeking out
Antivan Apple Grenade contains a map of Westeros hhh. You can see the Three Sisters, the Neck and the Bite
A physical version of this Thedas map appears at various points e.g. Chasind Sack Mead
DA:I advisors coin set (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread) - for some reason Tumblr won't allow me to add the link to this one as an actual link, but you can find it here: gear.bioware.com/en-eu/products/dragon-age-three-advisors-coin-set
A green orb that I would guess is meant to be reminiscent of the ones Solas has you use during Measuring the Veil (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread)
Inquisition symbol pendant (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy)
(You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until November 6th using my latest discount code BWCUISINE. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my >tracking link<.)
Some random thoughts
Shoutout to the photo for Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie. It looks a lot like the illustration in World of Thedas of this dish! you can see that they really took it into consideration when creating this dish/image.
I feel like you can also sense the inspiration in general vibe/feel in Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler from Dalish Deep Forest Comfort in WoT.
The black and gold theme colors of the cover remind me of when DA:D branding was black and gold.
Recipe pages I have posted that you can view in full: Spiced Jerky, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Hearth Cakes, Merrill's Blood Soup, Lentil Soup, Peasant Bread, Dragon Piss
Recipe and other pages that were already available to view in full from the official preview pages: intro page, intro page 2, intro page 3, Contents page 1, Contents page 2, intro page 4, Devon's letter, intro page 5, Starters & Refreshments section intro page, Eggs à la Val Foret, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Nug Pancakes, Roasted Turkey with Sides, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad recipe (pic), Stuffed Deep Mushrooms recipe (pic), Rivaini Couscous Salad recipe (pic), Crab Cakes from Kirkwall recipe (pic), Fluffy Mackerel Pudding recipe (pic), Snail & Watercress Salad recipe (pic), Cave Beetles
Source of the above information: Dragon Age The Official Cookbook - Tastes of Thedas
If you’re not able to get the book, and there’s a recipe or two in the Contents that you’d like to see/read, let me know and I’ll show you (❁´◡`❁)
Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of
A post you may also be interested in: Food and drink lore compilation from Dragon Age: The Last Court
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lorainelegacy · 21 days
Fifty OC Questions!
Questions are from @localravenclaw's post. Thank you!
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1. Describe your OC's physical appearance in detail.
Loraine is 23 years old. She has dark brown hair, usually pulled back in a scruffy ponytail or bun, as she finds it too much of a burden to wear it down. She has heterochromia. Her left eye is green and her right eye is yellow. In the words of Professor Fig: Two large, sparkling jewels. The left, a deep green that evoked the ancient forests of Scotland; the right, an amber yellow that seemed to contain the very essence of the sun.
She suffers from thrombocytopenia so despite having long, feminine legs, she always has some bruises or wounds due to the ill-treatment she was subjected to during her life at her aunt and uncle's house. She has several scars on her wrists and burn marks on her arms, back and thighs. Her most visible scar is the one on her right eyebrow She never shows her body.
2. Why'd you choose your OC's name?
I simply like the name Loraine. There is nothing interesting behind it.
3. How does your OC feel about their birthday?
She has never celebrated it so it is not a special day for her.
4. How does your OC and their parents get along?
Her parents died when she was a child, but she assumes she had a good relationship with them.
5. What's something you'd never put your OC through again?
I don't know.... unfortunately for her, the author is too fond of drama.
6. What's your OC's go-to comfort meal?
The Dundee Cake. She loves sweets, but her favourite is the Dundee Cake, as its texture is very soft and it has both nuts and fruits!
7. What career path would your OC take?
She has a divided heart: on the one hand she would like to become a famous Magizoologist, due to her love and innate talent for understanding animals, or Potioneer to help others.
8. What's something your OC can't do?
Public speaking and interacting with strangers. Of course she can talk, but she does not feel comfortable at all and as soon as a conversation starts she wants to go back to her place of comfort. Something derived from the lack of socialisation to which she was subjected since she was a child. However, thanks to her new friends, and above all, thanks to Fig, she has managed to cope much better with this problem.
9. What is your OC's ideal romantic partner?
She has suffered a lot. So she simply wants a man who will love her and stand by her no matter what. She just wants to feel loved, nothing more.
10. Does your OC like to spend time alone or with others more?
Although Loraine enjoys spending time with her friends, especially Ominis and Sebastian, she prefers to read or draw in Fig's office. It is her sanctuary and where she really feels happy and comfortable. As I have mentioned before, she has trouble socialising and sometimes in the middle of a conversation, even with her friends, she gets overwhelmed and desperately needs to run away.
11. What time does your OC usually go to sleep?
It depends on the day, she usually stays up reading until she falls asleep and on other days she goes to sleep straight away. However, she does not like to sleep too much because she feels she is "wasting valuable time."
12. Where in the sibling order is your OC?
She has no siblings.
13. What's the worst thing your OC's ever done?
Probably thinking about killing her uncle, but she can't be blamed for it…
14. What would it take for your OC to kill someone?
Someone hurting a very important person to her.
15. What item does your OC hold most dear?
The second-hand wand Fig gave him the first day they met. As she lost her parents at such a young age, she has no memories of them. Her only memories were lost the day she was on her way to Hogwarts with Fig and a dragon attacked them.
16. How does your OC unwind?
Loraine loves spending time with her magical creatures in the Room of Requirement: playing with them, feeding them, brushing them and even drawing them! She has a notebook full of drawings and although she also draws portraits of people, her favourite thing in the world is drawing creatures and landscapes. She also enjoys music very much. She plays the piano, but for some strange reason she can't remember how she learned to play. Another thing she loves to do is to simply take her broom and fly through the sky, although she prefers to fly on a hippogriff because according to her ‘it's a completely different and unique experience’.
17. What's your OC's star sign?
Cancer. She is very emotional, sensitive, understanding and attached to the people she loves. According to this sign: Cancer horoscope people are characterised by being one of the most challenging signs of the zodiac, they can be difficult to understand and have a very shy personality to a very daring one. In addition, they are people with a somewhat discordant character and behaviour with rapid changes of mood.
In the crab that represents them, the shell signifies an introverted nature with an armour that is difficult to penetrate, a need for self-protection when they feel unsafe or feel intrusive in their life or habits. Cancers are known as the most dramatic, tenacious and imaginative in the horoscope.
18. What kind of drunk is your OC?
She hates alcohol for obvious reasons.
19. Who does your OC end up with?
Eleazar Fig.
20. Who is your OC's role model?
Again: Fig. He is the centre of her universe. Not only did he change her life when he appeared that day offering to accompany her on an unexpected adventure, saving her from the jaws of her uncles. He taught her little by little what love means. It was not only his ability to conjure spells that captivated her, but the depth of his understanding, the tenderness of his guidance, and the steadfastness of his protection. For her, there is no other wizard more exceptional than him.
21. Is your OC big on revenge?
She wouldn't hesitate for a second to take down anyone who harms the people she loves or anyone who makes animals and creatures suffer.
22. If your OC ever got the chance, would they go back in time? When would they go?
She wished she could have saved her parents' lives, but she was so young that it would have been useless to go back in time. It would have ended all the same. Loraine was destined to have that terrible childhood.
In one of the endings of my fanfic Professor Fig sacrifices himself to save her, which is unfortunately the canon ending of the game we all know. So yes, in that ending she would have wished to go back in time and be the one who sacrifices herself, since losing Fig made her world never the same and she was never happy again.
23. What's your OC's favourite memory?
She has too many, but if I have to highlight a few:
The dance with Fig at that harvest festival in a small village in the south of Scotland. Because they both saved the village from an attack by the Ashwinders, the villagers made them king and queen of the harvest. She was presented with a beautiful wreath of flowers and Fig, although he flatly refused, with a necklace. Apparently a very typical thing to do there. That dance would be engraved in her heart forever.
Another very special memory for her was the first time she rode a Hippogriff, or the time she saw a Phoenix for the first time. One of the most wonderful creatures she had ever seen. Or when she managed to ‘tame’ the Lord of the Shore, an imposing and magnificent Graphorn. She still remembers Fig's face when she saw him return on the back of that huge creature.
There are too many memories.
24. Will your OC ever admit to being wrong?
She apologises too much, even when she does nothing wrong. So of course she has no trouble apologising or acknowledging her mistakes.
25. Is your OC doomed by the narrative?
I don't know what this question means exactly, but I suppose it does. Although in my fanfic there will be different endings.
26. Would your OC get along with you?
Of course!
27. What's one thing your OC will never get over?
It is very obvious, but the loss of the people she loves. She would simply feel completely alone in the world.
28. Is your OC going to make it?
No. She will probably never be the same again.
29. Does your OC look their age?
30. What weird pet would your OC have?
She literally takes any creature to the Room of Requirement. Professor Weasley was greatly alarmed when she heard that she kept a dragon there. But he was badly injured, what else could she do?
31. Does your OC care a lot about their appearance?
Not too much, she almost always wears her hair tousled. However, she does like dresses and elegant clothes.
32. What's one food your OC can't stand?
She hates cheese or any food that smells bad or is excessively spicy.
33. What animal do people associate your OC with?
It had to be a cat. Her heterochromatic eyes are the most characteristic of her, and not only that, even her excessively affectionate behavior with Fig makes her look like a feline. So much so, that the shape of his Patronus is a Norwegian forest cat.
Loraine is passionate about animals, so of course she went through the whole process to be an Animagus. She loves to take the form of a cat or a red kite.
34. what's your OC's "thing"?
I don't know if the question refers to something material or to behavior. I don't know how to answer lol.
35. Random fact about your OC
She can't stand being in a messy room.
36. Would your OC sleep with a clone of themself?
Umm no? What a strange question.
37. What part of yourself do you love in your OC?
My determination, perhaps.
38. What's the lowest point in your OC's life?
Several suicide attempts.
39. What's your OC's biggest achievement?
Her greatest achievement? I could say that saving the school and the wizarding world from Ranrok's plans. But really her greatest achievement was overcoming her traumas and depression.
40. Does your OC ever go back home?
She has no home to return to.
41. How would your OC adapt to the modern world?
I think she would suffer an anxiety attack seeing so much technology and tall skyscrapers. Not to mention the music!
42. Does your OC have any unique talents?
Aside from being able to control Ancient Magic, Loraine is good at understanding the needs of animals and quite skilled in Potions.
43. Does your OC exist in canon or AU timeline?
Hmm no, I think. I don't quite understand the question lol.
44. Is your OC a people person?
She is a kind and charming person, but she just doesn't like to talk to people too much. She prefers the company of animals.
45. Did your OC ever have an alternative name?
Before choosing the name 'Loraine' I thought of calling her 'Aura' since it is the name of the protagonist of a fanfic that I started many years ago.
46. Does your OC possess any special powers?
Apart from controlling Ancient Magic no, she does not possess any special powers. Is being a metamorphmagus considered a special power?
47. Is your OC allergic to anything?
She is allergic to pollen, but she loves them anyway.
48. Does your OC have a lot of uncommon knowledge? How do they know it?
As I said, she can understand animals, but I don't know if it's knowledge to be taken into account. She doesn't know how she got that gift, if it can be considered that.
49. Does your OC have any scars or birthmarks with an interesting story?
Yes, she has a lot of marks and scars on her body. But there is no interesting story behind them.
50. What do you love and hate most about your OC?
What I like most is that despite everything she suffered in the past, she is a kind and cheerful person. I also admire her ability to cope with her life as a student with all the problems that arise and also help anyone who asks her for help. Perhaps that kindness in excess is something negative. She gives too much to people and that makes her forget to pay attention to herself and her own happiness.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Vil Schoenheit Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 2
"More accurate than any scale"
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Kitchen]
Trey: Sorry to keep you waiting, Vil. Here's your herbal tea.
Vil: Thank you, Trey. …What a nice fragrance.
Trey: I also brought some cake, just in case. I just baked it today.
Vil: I can certainly see that it is something for you to be proud of. However, I'll refrain and simply have the herbal tea.
Vil: …Mm, it's delicious. Where did you get these tea leaves?
Trey: At the Mystery Shop. They seldomly get tea from this long-standing brand in stock, so.
Trey: If you like it, do you want to take some with you? I got a lot of it, and I feel like the flavor will fade before I can finish it all.
Vil: Then, I suppose I shall. Will you wrap it up for me later?
Trey: So… what were you saying earlier? What did Rook do?
Vil: It wasn't really anything. If I must tell you, I guess I'd just say that he just watches me too closely?
Vil: I guess it's more or less convenient that he can sense changes about me faster than I can.
Vil: But don't you think he's absolutely the worst to just ask me point blank if I've gained weight?
Vil: Honesty and lack of tact are two separate things. Perhaps he left his tact in the forest.
Trey: Ah… Yeah, he probably shouldn't have said it that way.
Trey: Rook's the type to say whatever's on his mind, for better or worse, so it's surprised me from time to time, too.
Vil: Hm. It should have been obvious, but I see he's like that during club, too.
Trey: Like, just the other day, he said that the experiment that our advisor set up for the club to do would be "boring as it is now"…
Trey: So, we ended up having to do a real complicated experiment. All the first years were pretty much unable to do anything at all.
Vil: I can definitely picture that happening.
Vil: And I'm sure you were there helping out those first years, weren't you?
Trey: I don't know how much help I was, but yeah, I guess.
Vil: So hard working, all the time…
Vil: Riddle is quite lucky that you're in Heartslabyul.
Trey: Eh?
Vil: It comes up during the Dorm Leader meetings from time to time, that you're an exceptional Vice Dorm Leader.
Trey: Oh, man… That's the first I'm hearing of it. Honestly, it's a little surprising.
Trey: I just don't want to lose my head, is all. I haven't done anything worth that much praise.
Vil: Don't be so modest. Accept the compliments when they're given to you.
Vil: Those who cannot see your true nature may be completely taken in by your humility.
Vil: Well, if that's the kind of impression you want to leave, that's fine, but… Generally, you'll come out worse for wear.
Trey: That's a bit harsh. But I'm sure you know what you're saying, especially since you're always in the public's judging eye.
Trey: I'll try to slightly change how I do things from now on.
Vil: Please do. That'll also make the one who complimented you feel better as well.
Vil: Besides, you won't pile on so much stress if you just let yourself be happy at least when you're receiving praise.
Vil: Especially since you're usually running around taking care of a spoiled little boy, after all.
Trey: Oh, it’s not like I'm stressing out over Riddle.
Vil: Well, okay. Whatever you say.
Trey: No, it's true. That's because I know the secret to not being stressed.
Vil: Oh, a secret? Now I'm curious.
Trey: Do you want to know?
Vil: Well, aren't you acting all high-and-mighty all of a sudden?
Trey: I'll only tell you once, so listen well.
Vil: Alright…
Trey: Don't skimp on the sweets, especially cake with a ton of fruit on it.
Vil: Ugh. You were putting on such airs, and I got so drawn in. …Heh.
Vil: Fine. I'll have one slice of your fruit cake.
Vil: I'll just have to increase how much I run tomorrow morning.
Trey: Maybe this isn't something I need to tell you, since you're a model, but…
Trey: I don't think a single cake slice will change your figure that much. You're already pretty thin, anyway.
Vil: I'd rather you say I'm "toned," not "thin."
Vil: However, Rook's sharp gaze is more accurate than any scale. And perhaps better than a mirror, as well.
Trey: Wow…
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Vil: Mm, it's delicious. Trey, did your skills increase yet again?
Vil: If you ever lose your head to Riddle, come see me. I'll make you my dormitory's exclusive pastry chef.
Trey: I'll do my best so that doesn't happen.
Trey: I bet it'll be a lot of calorie counting if I had to make pastries over in Pomefiore.
Vil: And that would also be a good way to improve as well, now, wouldn't it?
(Part 1) Part 2
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saintsr · 6 months
Deathduo/Death family x Resident Evil Village (adaptation of the story Village of Shadows) Part 1 English version
Once upon a time there were two children, the blonde boy with purple eyes along with a skull mask, the black-haired girl with light curls in her hair, together with her purple hat, both that combined with her blue eyes, they dressed for comfort since they were going to look for fruits to make cakes and fresh water, accompanying them was a man with a skull mask only revealing his amethyst eyes, just like the children, he dressed comfortably to pick fruits and from time to time flowers, the two children ran from one side to the other choosing the best since they wanted to surprise their other father when he returns from work. When they suddenly got too far away, their father shouted at them, almost tearing his throat, but even so the children did not listen to him, they were lost in the depths of the forest and he could not pass by a superior force.
The children were running when they turned around and realized that their father was no longer behind them, so holding hands they walked without direction. They noticed when the girl said “I’m thirsty, brother.” The boy didn’t know where to get water, so they walked until they found a structure that looked luxurious and there was a bunny with a suit and red tie he told them “poor children, you can see sediments, quench your thirst” giving them a large glass of water, they thanked them by drinking it then they left, they arrived at the abandoned wasteland the boy He said “I’m hungry” then they arrived at a bakery where a little white bear was serving with a smile, as they approached they saw another little white bear who looked at them saying “good morning” he brought them the tray with cookies in the shape of white bears, they doubted them. Suddenly, the bear told them “enjoy the forest” and without further ado he left.
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
The Chosen Knight (Dannymay Day 1: Fantasy AU)
Danny wanders into the Fae Realm on accident, and on a dare. He never intended to get lost, and he never intended to be chosen as the Realm’s physical representation.
Read on AO3:
His first day in the Fae Realm, Danny survived on a combination of his parents teachings and dumb luck. It had simply been dumb, how he had ended up here. A dare from Sam and Tucker, to go take a picture of a faerie ring or anything else. It was teasing, joking, playing; none of them really believed in the fae, even if Danny’s parents were fanatic. But then Danny had walked into the forest, camera clutched in his hands, and the trees had grown around him and the forest started to whisper, and Danny hadn’t been able to find his way back.
It took him 13 hours before he couldn’t help but curl on the ground and try to sleep. His parents had told him that anyone who falls asleep in the fae realm will wake up as the roots of an ancient tree, and will find that hundreds of years had passed since they laid down to rest. But Danny could not keep walking, could not keep looking, so he laid in a patch of moonlight and moss, and tried to sleep. (It wasn’t until the branches moved and the stars shone brighter that he was able to fall into a restless, uneasy sleep.)
When Danny awoke, he was not one with the roots of an oak tree, nor had the surrounding area changed from what he remembered the night before. He took that as a good sign.
He stumbled across the lady a few hours after waking, still wandering lost and confused in the forest. “It’s time for lunch!” she called with a smile as soon as she saw him.
Her teeth were too sharp, and her eyes blinked sideways, and her fingers weren’t fingers at all, but different cooking and dining utensils. Danny wanted to run.
“You must not run,” a feminine voice whispered in his head. The words were clipped, and awkward, almost as if it was being spoken through clenched teeth. “But you must not eat. Accept her company, but not her food.”
The voice must be his mothers lessons. It was a better idea than sprinting into the dense trees and getting lost, so he sat on the blanket she had spread on the floor, and did just that. He politely declined the sandwiches, fruit, cookies, salad, soup, and cake that she offered, but listened as she talked.
She left without eating anything. The food left with her.
Danny ran out of water in his water bottle that day. It took him 4 hours before he found his head pounding and his mouth bone dry. But he couldn’t drink anything; his father had told him about how drinking anything from the fae realm replaces your blood with the drink, leaving you forever needing the liquid of the fae, or you’ll dry up into a shriveled, living corpse.
His foot led him without his mind guiding them, and he nearly fell face first into the stream. The water was cool and clear, and it made his throat ache even more. “You may drink, dearest knight. It will not tie you anymore than you already are.” It was the same voice as before. Definitely not just his mother’s echo in his mind. Even if it wasn’t too specific, neither of his parents would ever advise him to drink or eat in the Fae Realm. They had said many times that it was better to die than to end up stuck in the Fae Realm. But Danny didn’t want to die, so he bent at the stream and reached his hand into the stream, and brought the water to his lips. He wasn’t sure whether the water tasted better than water should, or if it was just his desperate thirst that made it so, but it was the most refreshing drink he ever had.
It was only a couple hours later that Danny succumbed to hunger. He wasn’t starving, not yet anyway, but he was hungry, and it was probably already too late for him. If he wasn’t already trapped here, he doubted that the berries he stumbled across would make a difference. Or, if they were poisonous and killed him, he would be listening to his parent’s advice after all. “They will not hurt you, dearest knight. I will keep you safe until you return the favor.”
Danny’s heart skipped a beat, his hand already holding a handful of berries, a deep purple color, not unlike blueberries but more vivid. “What…what do you mean?” His voice came out choked, both from emotion and from his only recently quenched dehydration.
“Eat, dearest knight. As I said before, it will not tie you anymore than you already are.” Danny swallowed once, trying to clear the lump in his throat. She was right though. He knew she was, whoever she may be and whatever she may want with him. Danny’s next swallow brought with it the berries he had held, their juices sweet and coating his tongue and throat.
He felt the voice purr contentedly in the back of his mind. He felt something else, something new, something that was him, purr back in response.
—- Danny wandered through the Fae Realm for…he didn’t know how long. He simply wandered, his feet bringing him in any and every direction. When he was hungry, they would bring him to berries or nuts. When he was thirsty he would find streams. When he was tired, the trees would part and let him see the stars and moon through their canopy, and for all of it She was with him.
She was the Fae realm itself, its spirit, its heart. She was what kept the world together, what kept the magic alive, what provided the forest and the earth and the sky. She was everything. And She needed Danny.
“Dearest knight,” She had explained early on in Danny’s wandering. Human language did not fit right in her mouth. It was beneath her. “Your world, the world of mortals and men, is pulling away from magic. You use technology that I do not understand, and if it continues without us, we may both end up in ruin. You are perfect. You will be my body, my hands, my eyes and ears. You are so very special.”
Danny had freaked out a significant amount at that announcement, but She had calmed him, letting the whole of the Fae Realm drape over his shoulders like a weighted blanket. It was as much of a comfort as it was a demonstration. This weight was Hers to carry alone; now, it was also his. He calmed, and he accepted his new place. It wasn’t like he had a choice.
During his wanderings, he met with some of the residents of this world. A hunter with a body of metal and stone, fascinated by his humanity. He had offered a spot in his house, a permanent place to stay. Notably, he never said anything about his stay having him live. A woman with fire for hair and a voice that warmed and enchanted. A creature that more resembled a pile of crates stacked on top of each other than a man, though he spoke like one. His interactions with all of them were guided, at first, by Her, but as the days started to blend together, and he began to meet the same faces (or the same people with new faces) he found himself learning how to handle them, and for some, to befriend them.
It was after that, when he had started to think of some of the denizens not as a nuisance or a roadblock but as companions, that She led him to his house.
He opened the door before Danny could knock. He wore a purple cloak with pieces that spun and clicked against each other, holding each piece together in an impossible mechanical contraption. “Hello, Daniel. You may call me Clockwork.”
Clockwork was the Timekeeper for the Fae Realm, though he did it more as a hobby than as a job. He did not control time itself; rather, he collected it, keeping stolen seconds in buckets and treasured moments in jars. She had tasked Clockwork with helping Danny learn about the Realm, and caring for him in ways She could not. She was not leaving, of course. They could not be a part, not in any way that matters.
(Once, after he had been at Clockwork’s for a while, Clockwork showed him a jar of sand and stardust. It showed him entering the forest, however long ago that was. Danny had watched his friends stand there, staring into the forest, waiting for him to return. Danny knew that they would wait there forever, or until they left. He spent that night fighting down tears. Were his friends still alive? Did they remember him? A part of him desperately hoped they would remember him. He pushed that part far, far down.)
Danny was not a human anymore. He hadn’t thought of himself as one in years, even if at a glance he would pass as one. In fact, at a glance he would pass as the boy who had wandered into the forest so long ago, not having aged a day. But the more you’d look, the more you’d notice how his knees and elbows bent at weird places on the limbs, so that when he ran four legs would be just as natural as two. You’d notice how his teeth were too sharp and too crowded and too many. You’d notice how his eyes were too big, his pupils too black, and the flecks of white just a tad too orderly. (If you liked the stars, you would recognize the patterns.) It wouldn’t take near as much studying to notice how his hair was pitch black during the day, seeming to suck all the light in, and yet at night would practically shine white, releasing the light it had absorbed.
Danny was not a human, and so when She told him that he was to return to the human world, his heart did not skip a beat. His hopes, long since dashed to bits, did not begin to piece themselves together. His mind did not flash to people whose faces he could just barely recall. He was not a human. (Besides, he doubted he would know anyone, anymore. He hoped no one would know him.)
He did not expect to emerge to the forest to see two faces, once so familiar, waiting anxiously at the edge of the forest. He did not expect them to give him relieved smiles, and rush forward to throw their arms around him.
“You were gone for like three hours man! We were super worried out here, you almost gave me a heart attack,” Tucker said, grabbing at his chest dramatically.
Something long repressed and deeply human began to wake inside of Danny.
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2023 Christmas & 2024 (Jan-April) Twitter
22 Dec Reita: "It's Christmas, so maybe I should throw something from the stage." "A kiss, perhaps?"
Aoi QT: "I had this weird feeling of heartburn, then I checked Twitter and it was you. Mori."
(TN "森" (Mori) seems to be an inside joke rather than its usual meaning of "forest.")
Reita QT: 😘
Ruki QT: "Since it's the day before, I tried to write something enthusiastic, but then I saw this, and now I'm 'Mori' too."
Reita QT: "My dream is to make the whole world green 🌳."
23 Dec Ruki: "Hey, when did you all stop believing in Santa? I honestly thought he would come with reindeer until I was about 7."
Ruki: "I was so excited, half-opening my eyes to watch, and there was my dad stomping in, bringing the present. I had asked Santa for a figurine of my favorite character, but for some reason, my dad got the weakest enemy character instead, and I cried my heart out, lol."
24 Dec Uruha: "It's finally tomorrow 🎄 It's been just over five months since we announced it in July, and time flew by so fast. The cold adds to the atmosphere, but be careful not to get sick 🙆."
24 Dec Ruki: "I'll probably say it again tomorrow, but for now, Merry Christmas to everyone 🙏🎄 Have a great night 🕯️🌙."
24 Dec Reita: "Tomorrow, I'll paint you all red. Enjoy yourselves while you still can today."
25 Dec Ruki: "Thanks to everyone who asked if my leg is okay. You noticed, huh? Mori🌳 No worries, I'm fine 🙆‍♂️ Are your necks doing okay?"
25 Dec Reita: "Good job, everyone! Thanks to all of you, it turned out to be a wonderful night. Thank you for spending it with me 😊 Let’s meet again."
25 Dec Uruha: "Merry Christmas 🎄 Thank you for today ✨ I successfully blew my mind on this holy night. I’m overwhelmed with emotion 🙏"
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25 Dec Ruki: "Thank you, 2023 🔥🔥🔥"
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25 Dec Kai: "Great job at the Christmas live! Amid a pleasant sense of tension, it became such a fun show that was perfect to close out the year! Thank you. Next year, we might make you wait a little, but we’ll definitely be back! Please look forward to it! I promise 🤝 Great job, everyone 👍"
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25 Dec Ruki: "Also, I apologize again for the delay in starting the show due to some trouble. Thanks to everyone who waited, we were able to put on the best live performance under that completed stained glass and lighting. I’m grateful to everyone who created that Christmas space and lived in the same moment with us 🙏."
25 Dec Aoi: "I wonder what this feeling is… This sense of emptiness after getting home, it almost makes me feel like the live concert was just a dream… Today's live was so much fun."
25 Dec Reita: "I'm drinking the alcohol Aoi treated me to 🍹."
25 Dec Reita: "For some reason, I feel like I purely enjoyed today’s live. With tour finals, I always feel a bit more pressure."
26 Dec Kai: "Good morning. Yeah. I really feel like we had a live show. Today, even if I have to crawl, I’m going to the chiropractor 🙋‍♂️.
Kai: "I'm back! 😤 Alright, shall I make a cake?"
27 Dec Aoi: "Hey, what's up? Today I'm going to have my last guitar lesson of the year. I'm good at love, but I still need to practice playing the guitar. :) See you <3"
31 Dec Aoi: "Thank you all for your continued support this year. It has been a very fruitful year, and I’m incredibly happy to have been cherished by everyone. In the coming year, I want to keep improving and repay all of you even more, while always keeping in mind the spirit of self-discipline and perseverance. As we approach the end of the year, please take care to avoid accidents or falling ill, and have a wonderful New Year. — Aoi"
Ruki: "Happy New Year 🐉🔥 I’m going all out again this year. Thank you for your continued support 🙏🔥."
Jan 1 Uruha: "Happy New Year, everyone 🐲 Thank you for your continued support this year as well. Please enjoy a wonderful New Year’s holiday 🎍."
Jan 3 Aoi: "Since the new year started, all I’ve been doing is playing guitar. My fingers are stiff as a rock."
Aoi: "Even though Japan has been going through tough times since New Year's, some might think, 'Must be nice to just sit around playing guitar.' Personally, I believe that instead of tweeting about my worries here, it's better to participate in donations and trust the organizations to help those affected. I won’t tweet about this kind of thing in the future either, nor will I say 'I donated!'"
Ruki QT: "Similarly, I've decided that in 2024, I'll do everything I can to the best of my ability. I want to make sure that whatever effort I put in, even if it's just 1mm, will physically help those affected by disasters or my dear fans who send me DMs and messages. That includes donations. During the pandemic, I realized that words can sometimes be powerless, so instead of saying more, I’ll focus on doing what I can 👍."
Aoi: "But I sincerely hope that the days when everyone can smile will return soon. The sentence got cut off due to the character limit, so please forgive me."
Ruki QT: "And in the future, after the recovery, I want to be ready with the music and places that only we can create. So that when people need music, they’ll remember us first. This is something I learned in 2019 when the future was uncertain. I won’t do things I can’t continue. I’ll hold onto my core. I truly hope for a quick recovery."
Ruki: "So, in 2024, it’s unusual, but I haven’t gone anywhere yet. Instead, I’ve been watching a lot of things I didn’t get to see at all last year while at home. After watching all kinds of genres, I randomly came across a visual kei interview on YouTube, and it was edgy and really interesting."
Ruki: "I think people who are edgy or stick to their convictions are great, regardless of their age. It’s not about comparing yourself to others, but as long as you cherish your own core, that edgy part of you will probably never fade away. Visual kei is really fascinating."
Ruki: "The ones who are anxious are the people on the ground, so I’m going to refrain from shouting 'I’m worried' from a safe place and instead focus on doing what I can. I didn’t feel like being on social media at the start of the year, but from now on, I’ll be posting more. I’ll write again soon 🙏."
Jan 9 Aoi: "No, remember when we were at Budokan? I got "The Apothecary Diaries" manga and read it. It was so interesting that I ended up watching the entire anime adaptation too. 😁"
Jan 14 Kai: "Hearing the news day after day since the New Year, I couldn’t find the right words when I thought about the people affected. For now, I want to focus all my energy on the actions I can take and the things I need to do right in front of me. I hope that normal life returns as soon as possible."
Jan 20 Aoi: "HBD to ME 🍰"
Jan 20 Kai: "Happy Birthday, Aoi 🎂🎉 I'm going to try and get Aoi-kun in the Memo Collection lottery 🫡"
Jan 20 Ruki: "Aoi Birthday"
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Jan 20 Reita: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Aoi 🍰 I’m going for a highball today! 🥃"
Jan 20 Uruha: "Happy birthday, Aoi 🎂 Cheers with wine today 🍷"
Feb 1 Aoi: "HBD RUKI 🎂"
Feb 1 Reita: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUKI 🎙️ Shall we go for an oolong highball today?!! Cheers 🍻"
Feb 1 Uruha: "Happy birthday, Ruki-kun 🎂 I hope you have a wonderful day 🙏✨"
Feb 2 Reita: "Pick playing is definitely the coolest."
Feb 7 Aoi: "The weather is nice ☀︎."
Feb 8 Kai: "Hello. The cold days continue. It seems like a lot is going around, so everyone, take care of yourselves 🤝. Lately, I’ve been rearranging my room and working in complete darkness—it’s become my new thing. Atmosphere is important, after all 🕯️. I can’t wait to see everyone again."
Feb 22 Ruki (about MASS final DVD): "Due to an unexpected issue arising in the final stage of production, the band has decided that we cannot release something that isn’t perfect as a work, so the release date will be postponed. As soon as the new release date is confirmed, we will let you know right away, so please wait a little longer 🙏."
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Ruki: "And everyone, it’s been about two weeks? How are you doing? I’ve been getting beat down by the air pressure 🤜."
Ruki: "The whole 'air pressure is crazy' thing feels like something you can’t control, right? Is there anything you’re doing to cope with it? 🤦‍♂️."
Ruki: "Everyone’s replies are so warm. Looks like a lot of people are struggling with the same thing. There’s a lot of useful info, so if you’re having trouble, check out the replies 🤝☕️."
Ruki: "Here’s one useful tip from me 🤲. Goreisan (a herbal remedy) is apparently also effective for throat swelling. I was prescribed it and now I can’t go without it, so I recommend it."
Ruki: "It’s very unfortunate that my first tweet in a while is starting to look like a herbal medicine introduction account."
Mar 1 Ruki: "Thank you all for waiting. Finally, the release date has been set. I believe it’s a work that reflects the current state of the GazettE and will give you something new to look forward to this year, so I hope for your support 🙏🔥."
Mar 10 Ruki: "For our 22nd anniversary, each member has created five unique commemorative T-shirts and bears 🙏. I collaborated with illustrator Kojiman, who creates modern ukiyo-e, to have this design drawn 🔥. I've always thought his work was amazing, so I'm glad we could work together 🙏🔥. It’s really cool, so check it out 🇯🇵👘🕺.
Mar 10 Reita: "Thanks to all of you, we’ve reached our 22nd anniversary. Has it really been that long…? Thank you always! And please continue to support us!"
Mar 10 Kai: "Happy Birthday the GazettE 🎂🎉 ✨22nd Anniversary✨ Each member's unique style really shines through, and we’ve got a fantastic lineup 😌. Don’t miss it 🤝✨. By the way, the sticks my bear is holding are actually repurposed from my used drumsticks 🥁😏."
Mar 10 Uruha: "The GazettE has successfully reached its 22nd anniversary 👏🏻. Although we can’t share this moment with you in person right now, I promise we’ll take all the energy we’ve built up and deliver it to you through new music on stage soon 👊🔥. I’m grateful we could reach this day, and I look forward to the day we can meet again at a live show‼︎🙏."
Mar 10 Kai: "Since today is March 10th, I watched a few of our past live performances, and as expected, the most recent Budokan live was the absolute best! The latest and the greatest, it's that kind of work! Please look forward to it 🤝✨."
Mar 13 Reita: "Until the 18th. Go outside wearing the T-shirt and hugging the bear 🐻"
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Mar 18 Reita: "Today’s the last day, so please don’t forget about our other selves 🫡."
Mar 19 Reita: "People I meet often ask me, 'Are you a hairstylist?' and I always answer, 'I’m a concept.'"
Mar 27 Uruha: "Every year around this time, my hay fever symptoms were terrible, but thanks to some recently prescribed medicine, my symptoms have almost completely disappeared. I wish I could tell my past self, who was suffering during live shows, and I’m so grateful to be free from that hell going forward 🥹🙏."
Mar 27 Kai: "Good morning, March is already almost over. Time flies, but it’s limited, isn’t it? Even if you’re going back and forth and not making progress, I believe that the time spent worrying and trying is never wasted. I really want to see you all soon 🤝."
Apr 4 Uruha: "The YAMAHA headphones I impulsively bought are amazing. The headphone cables always got in the way and killed my performance during recording, so this is the perfect solution for me. Once you dive into the world of wireless with no latency, there’s no going back."
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Apr 10 Aoi: "Speaking of which, the new fan club newsletter should be arriving soon. We put a lot of effort into updating the content, so I hope everyone enjoys it. Each of the features and comments is carefully crafted, so please take your time and enjoy it. (There are still lots of different projects coming up, so look forward to them.)"
Apr 13 Aoi: "\\\ Saturday the 13th ////"
Apr 14 Reita: "The delayed DVD will be released in just a few days. Please make sure to watch it 🫡."
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localcryptidsteg · 10 months
Dropping an entire fic chapter by chapter on tumblr because I dont have an ao3 account? Dont mind if I do!
Chapter 1- Flower Fruit Mountain
The little fishing boat rocked gently in the waters as it approached the island. Mk gazed warily over the side. The ocean had gone from the expected sea green to a sickly magenta the closer they got. There seemed to be an abundance of plantlife growing on the surface the closer they got to shore, but... it all looked sick. Wrong. Looking closer the spirit guide realized it wasn't growing at all; it was dead matter that had floated to the surface, and something else entirely was feeding off it.
“Hey, uh, Mei? You're sure this is waterproof, right?” He questioned his companion nervously. The woman steering the ship turned to acknowledge him, grinning fondly.
“Relax, Mk! The boat's fine! Just... maybe don't lean too far over the side.” She turned her gaze back to the island. She could see what appeared to be a dilapidated dock jutting out into the water from the shore. Carefully she turned the rudder to bring them in closer.
It wasn't much longer until they arrived. After anchoring the boat and tying it to the sturdiest thing she could find, Mei dusted her hands and set them on her hips. Mk was busy poking around the dock.
Old as the dock seemed, everything lay exactly as it had been the last time it was used. A snapshot in time, rotting away. Right down to the hull of a ship poking out of the water, faded blue paint still visible.
“This is... eerie.” The boy frowned, clutching his staff a bit closer, protectively. “Isn't this place supposed to be super haunted? I thought for sure we'd run into something as soon as we reached shore.”
Mei shrugged. “Guess they don't have a dedicated welcome committee? Come on, Mk! Stop worrying. The sooner we find the source of the rot and lay it to rest, the sooner we can get out of here! Piece of cake!” She wouldn't admit it, but the dragon girl was a bit unnerved by how quiet it was, herself.
Before them, across the yawning stretch of beach, sprawled a dense jungle. Beyond that, in the center of the Island, a mountain loomed far over the treetops. Flower Fruit Mountain, except there didn't seem to be and flowers or fruit left alive.
Mk took a deep breath and drew himself taller, psyching himself up. “Ok. Yeah! We can do this! Easy! Stop the rot, get back home!”
As the two reached the groundcover, it seemed as if the jungle stretched and opened a way for them. Almost welcoming. Almost, if it weren't for the pulsing rot that seemed to cling to near any surface it could. The whole island was a deadzone. And the surrounding islands would be too, soon, if it wasn't addressed. That was why they had come, after all.
The further in the little team hiked, the worse it got. But after an hour of walking, doing what they could to avoid poisoned ground, the silent forest erupted in the sounds of a fight. Mk looked over at Mei, who nodded knowingly. This could be what they were hunting for, or at least part of it.
They picked up the pace, trying to catch up to whatever it was before the scuffle ended.
Entering a clearing of broken trees, they came upon two figures locked in battle - one a deep, sunset purple hue, and the other gold as the sun. Both wore masks, and both seemed to have the same build, though it was difficult to tell with the speed they were moving. Deep gouges scored the earth and rocks around them, some as old as the docks themselves, some much, much newer.
Mk moved to intervene, but Mei swiftly moved an arm across his chest. “Wait. Just watch for now, we can't do anything for them yet. The boy sighed and nodded.
And so they observed the fight. The combatants seemed evenly matched at first, but it soon became apparent the sunset figure had the upper hand. They flung the other around like a ragdoll with brutal ease, and it seemed all the gold figure's energy was focused on just keeping them at bay. Or at least, that's what Mei thought at first but... the gold one really wasn't fighting back at all, were they?
Eventually, the sunny figure paused to catch their breath. “Time out! Time out!” He called, dodging out of the way again. Sunset hit a treetrunk behind him, toppling it and hissing in pain. Mk yelped as it landed just shy of he and Mei's hiding spot.
Both fighters startled, turning to look at the spirit guides. Mk waved sheepishly, chuckling. “Heeeeyy... hi.”
The two spirits seemed to share a look. Now that they were standing still, it was easier to tell what they were. Two monkey demons, or at least the shades of them, blinked owlishly out of their mirrored masks at the human and the dragon girl.
The first was dark, with long fur that seemed to have a life of its own, and dressed in long, elegant robes that seemed ill-fit for combat despite the earlier prowess he'd shown. One of his arms was all but consumed by corruption, though it didn't particularly seem to bother him. That was often the case with corrupted spirits.
The second, a golden-orange hue, seemed far less put together. His fur was wild and his tattered, dust-covered clothes were more suited to traveling than what his counterpart wore. He seemed largely unaffected by corruption, oddly enough. Then again, some spirits were just resistant to it. It was likely he was tethered here by something other than regret and rage, then.
Seeing that they weren't moving to attack, Mk straightened up and continued with a bit more confidence. “Hello, spirits! I'm Mk, and this is my partner, Mei! We were sent here because the corruption from this island is uh... spreading! Very fast!” He coughed, pausing. “We're here to help!”
The purple monkey immediately grew guarded, though he stepped forward, and the gold one kicked awkwardly at the ground allowing him to speak for them both. “Mk, you said? Full offense, kid, but better than you have tried and failed. Just leave now. This doesn't concern you.” his tail flicked in irritation behind him, long, dark fur sweeping away leaves and debris without seeming to pick any up. And just as soon as he'd spoken his piece, he vanished, making it more than apparent he was done talking.
The gold spirit made a noise of derision. “As much as I hate to agree with anything he says... it's not safe here for the living. He's right. Turn back while you can. Leave the dead to the dead, bud.” Unlike the other, he lingered.
“I can lead you two back out of the jungle. But please, don't return. There are other ways to get rid of the corruption.”
Mei sighed in frustration, stepping in front of a crestfallen Mk. “Yeah, that's not how this is gonna work.” She smirked, crossing her arms. “You're stuck with us. We came here to do a job, and we aren't leaving until it's done!”
The remaining monkey demon grumbled under his breath. “Fine! Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you! Let the record show when you die out here, I tried to tell you and you're not allowed to haunt me!” he threw his hands in the air, exasperated, and turned to walk away. He reached the edge of the clearing and paused expectantly, turning to check behind them.
“Well? Are you coming or not? You cant just stay here.”
Mei looked quizzically at Mk. He shrugged back.
“HURRY UP!” the monkey barked, barely concealed grin in his voice. It had been forever since there was company on the island. If they were going to stay, he may as well help give them a fighting chance. And so the human and the dragon followed the spirit through the jungle, moving ever closer to the mountainous heart of the island.
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siren-tale · 2 months
oc sbs
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so, i thought a fun way to share some info about my one piece ocs would be to use some of the questions asked about the straw hats in the one piece sbs'! i feel like it gives a good mix of silly, fun trivia about them, while also giving genuine insight into their personalities :D
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Age: 19
Height: 163cm (5’3.4’’)
Birthday: June 8th
Animal Resemblance: Dolphin
Favourite Island Type/Season: Summer on a Spring Island
Specific Colours: Pink
Specific Smells: Smells like the Ocean
Favourite Foods: Baked goods, finger foods
Least Favourite Foods: Any kind of seafood (It just feels wrong!)
Straw Hats As A Family: Second Daughter
Real-World Country: Denmark
Straw Hats’ Inner Thoughts: Crew Luffy Family Safe Love
Flower Resemblance: Lavender Rose
Blood Types: F
Law’s Nicknames For Straw Hats: Mer-Ya
Sleeping Schedules: 10 pm - 5 am (Likes to watch the sunrise every morning, or have an early morning swim in the sea)
Real-World Profession: Performer
Cooking Specialities: Not great in the kitchen, but has an eye for decorating! Cakes, cookies, you name it ^_^
Potential Devil Fruit: Chiyu-Chiyu no Mi (Heal-Heal Fruit)
Sea of Origin: Grand Line
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MORANA... *ೃ༄
Age: 46
Height: 185cm (6’0.6’’)
Birthday: May 26th
Animal Resemblance: Vampire Bat
Favourite Island Type/Season: Winter on a Winter Island
Specific Colours: Dark Red
Specific Smells: Smells like Expensive Perfume
Favourite Foods: Wine, steak, animal blood-
Least Favourite Foods: Anything bland or dry (There’s no blood! She needs that to survive!)
Real-World Country: Romania
Inner Thoughts: Work Blood Work Work Blood
Flower Resemblance: Adonis’ Flower
Blood Types: Um… Well it used to be X
Sleeping Schedules: 3 am - 5am (Doesn’t have to sleep, but can if she wants to)
Real-World Profession: Businesswoman
Cooking Specialities: Pies- sweet or savoury
Sea Of Origin: West Blue
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Age: 26
Height: 178cm (5’8.3’’)
Birthday: March 14th
Animal Resemblance: Otter
Favourite Island Type/Season: Autumn on an Autumn Island
Specific Colours: Butter Yellow
Specific Smells: Smells like Steel and Flowers
Favourite Foods: Sandwiches, noodles
Least Favourite Foods: Sushi (Got food poisoning once, and it put her off forever)
Real-World Country: Spain
Inner Thoughts: Law Crew Corazon Weapons Freedom
Flower Resemblance: Primrose
Blood Types: S
Sleeping Schedules: 1 am - 6 am (Refuses to sleep before Law, to try and convince him to go to bed- never works, and she always passes out before him)
Real-World Profession: Author
Cooking Specialities: Pasta and bolognese sauce
Potential Devil Fruit: Nagi-Nagi no Mi (Calm-Calm Fruit)
Sea Of Origin: Grand Line
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KIT... *ೃ༄
Age: 22
Height: 155cm (5’0.8’’)
Birthday: October 1st
Animal Resemblance: Raccoon
Favourite Island Type/Season: Summer on an Autumn Island
Specific Colours: Silver
Specific Smells: Smells like Ink and Paper
Favourite Foods: Anything really, she’s not picky
Least Favourite Foods: Nothing! (The only thing she won’t eat is rotten food…)
Real-World Country: Canada
Inner Thoughts: Bepo Bepo Music Bepo Music
Flower Resemblance: Lily of the Valley
Blood Types: X
Sleeping Schedules: 4 am - 7 am + Naps (Raccoons are nocturnal- but she is often urged into sleeping with Bepo cuddles <3)
Real-World Profession: Music Teacher
Cooking Specialities: Do not let her into the kitchen.
Potential Devil Fruit: Oto-Oto no Mi (Tone-Tone Fruit)
Sea Of Origin: Grand Line
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Age: 41
Height: 181cm (5’9.3’’)
Birthday: April 22nd
Animal Resemblance: Deer
Favourite Island Type/Season: Spring on a Spring Island
Specific Colours: Forest Green
Specific Smells: Smells like Baked Goods
Favourite Foods: Chicken Caesar salad, floral teas
Least Favourite Foods: Alcohol, super spicy foods (She’s very sensitive to certain tastes)
Real-World Country: Hungary
Inner Thoughts: Rosinante Protect Care Law Love
Flower Resemblance: Pink Carnation
Blood Types: XF
Sleeping Schedules: 11 pm - 5 am (She’s so normal. She only wakes up so early to help prepare breakfast for the crew)
Real-World Profession: Elementary School Teacher
Cooking Specialities: The most genuine, heart-warming, home-made meal you’ve ever had
Sea Of Origin: Grand Line
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amorest-viesse · 2 years
[Fluttering Locks of Milk Tea] - Rustica SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Mithra and Akira
Thank you @/optimismisgone on Twitter for the raws!
The Mandrotus’ Wish - Chapter 1*
[Doctor Dolce’s Forest]
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Chocolates to my right. Chiffon cakes piled to my left. The smell of fresh fruits wafting down from above—.
No matter where I turned, there was something delicious to greet me within Doctor Dolce’s forest.
As its bewitching sweetness hounded my senses, I was suddenly struck with the soothing scent of black tea.
Rustica: My apologies, Master Sage. I do hope you weren’t waiting for too long. I just wanted to let you know that the tea is ready. I believe you’ll find it quite apt for our surroundings.
Akira: Thank you so much, Rustica. Wow… It smells incredible.
Earlier, Rustica had set up a tea party for us. Lifting my freshly brewed cup of tea, I took a sip.
Akira: …It tastes delicious. There’s just something about it that really calms your nerves.
Rustica: I’m glad you like it.
Rustica: I chose this blend because I thought it’d pair well with the tantalizing sweetness of this forest.
Akira: Ooh, I see now. I feel like it makes a great palate cleanser for all this sugar.
Rustica: Oh? It seems we’ll need another teacup.
Rustica smiled at someone behind me. Curious, I turned around to see Mithra standing before me.
Mithra: Are the two of you having a snack as well?
Akira: Whoa…!
With a loud thud, Mithra haphazardly dumped everything in his arms upon the table.
Rustica: That’s quite a bounty you’ve collected. Are these some kind of fruit?
Akira: D- Don’t they look more like candy…?
Mithra: Don’t ask me. I found them growing around the area, so I picked a few… Munch.
Akira: S- Should you really be eating that without knowing what it is?
Akira: They seem kind of dangerous and the color looks off…
Mithra: Well, I suppose my throat is a bit itchy and there’s been a voice wailing in my stomach for some time now, but other than that, I’m perfectly fine.
Akira: That’s what you call “fine”!?
Rustica: I think it’s wonderful that you can cherish all sorts of foods. Cheers to your strong digestive system.
Rustica: I wonder if that voice in your stomach will sing for us.
Mithra: Maybe. In any case, it’s rather irritating, so please do something about it for me.
Rustica and I brought our ears close to Mithra’s stomach and listened.
Akira: Huh… It does sound like something is crying in there…
Mithra: Crying? If anything, it’s laughing at me.
Rustica: Hmm, I hear it as sobbing as well. However, I believe the voice is coming from someplace outside of Mithra’s stomach.
Mithra & Akira: Where…?
The Mandrotus’ Wish - Chapter 2
Candy Fruit: Wahhh… Wahhhhh… I’m gonna rot right off this braaaaanch….
Akira: (I—Is that fruit… crying?)
Walking towards the sound of the voice, I found myself in front of a quivering piece of fruit dangling from the branch of a tree.
Unlike the other firm, pink fruits around it, this one had turned a rusty brown, its soft, mushy skin collapsing in on itself.
Rustica: I take it you’re the source of the crying.
Candy Fruit: And you are…
Mithra: Oh wait, isn’t this a mandrotus fruit?
Akira: Are you familiar with them?
Rustica: I hear they’re a rather intriguing fruit that’ll call out to unassuming travelers, inviting them to take a bite.
Rustica: However, this is the first time I’ve seen one in such low spirits.
Akira: Even comparing it to the other fruits here, it’s the only one that’s like that.
Rustica: Pray tell—why do you cry so?
Candy Fruit: Waaaah… I’ve become too ripe and now no one wants to eat meeeeee.
Candy Fruit: I keep begging and begging, but no one will stop…
Candy Fruit: All I ever wanted was to be eaten, but at this rate, all I’m good for is rotting and splatting into a pile of mush on the forest flooooor…. Waaaaaah…
The fruit’s desperate cries were full of devastation; it yearned to fulfill its life’s purpose, no matter how short and fleeting.
Akira: You’ll be happy if someone eats you, right? In that case, I can…
Mithra: Do you wish to die?
Akira: Huh?
Rustica: I admire your kindness, Master Sage, but as one of your wizards, I must stop you here.
Akira: Why…?
Rustica: They say a single taste will grant you beautiful hallucinations beyond your wildest dreams…
Rustica: However, in exchange, you’ll grow progressively weaker until you become nothing but the shell of a person.
Akira: N- No way…
Akira: (All I wanted was to grant its wish…)
Rustica: It’s truly a pity that such an earnest wish leads to nothing but great tragedy.
Rustica placed his hand on his chest and mournfully sighed.
Candy Fruit: Waaaaah, this really is the end for me…!
Mithra: What a nuisance.
Mithra: Why don’t I eat you now and shut you up for good? I’ve always wanted to see the effects of a mandrotus fruit in any case.
Candy Fruit: Y- you will!?
Mithra: If I find it displeasing, I’ll simply vomit you back out.
Akira: H- Hold on, Mithra! As much as I want to fulfill its wish…
Akira: (It’s still dangerous even if this is nothing out of the ordinary for him.)
Involuntarily, I look towards Rustica for help. Meeting my eyes, he graces me with a soft and gentle smile.
Rustica: I’ll be the one to eat it.
The Mandrotus’ Wish - Chapter 3
Mithra: You know what’ll happen if your magic is too weak, don’t you?
Akira: Can’t we think of another solution!?
Rustica: I humbly ask that the two of you trust me.
Rustica: As for you, I believe there are no objections?
Candy Fruit: …
Rustica gently reached for the mandrotus fruit as it nodded happily, entrusting itself to his tender care.
Rustica: Unfortunately, you’ll lose consciousness after I eat you. However, there is no need to worry.
Rustica: You will live on as a part of me.
Rustica: From now on, we’ll be able to dance and sing as one… That’s the kind of splendid life you’ll lead.
Candy Fruit: I see… Thank you.
The mandrotus fruit gave us one last smile before silently vanishing into Rustica’s mouth.
Rustica: …
Looking up at the empty sky, Rustica’s face suddenly relaxed.
Akira: Rustica… are you alright?
Rustica: …Very much so. It tasted absolutely divine.
Akira: I- I’m glad…
Mithra: Huh. I suppose it wasn’t a particularly strong poison if it had no effect on you.
Rustica: Well, I’ve felt as if I’ve been wandering in a beautiful dream for some time now. Don’t you think the scenery before us is lovely? Oh how I wish we could stay here even longer.
Akira: But what about the effects of the fruit?
Rustica: Ah, I suppose there is a difference between hallucinating a forest and being in one. 
Mithra: *sigh* If it isn’t poisonous, then there’s nothing left for me to do here.
Mithra: I could be spending time looking for more potent sweets to use in a spell.
*footsteps leaving*
Akira: I’m glad nothing happened to you, Rustica, but, why didn’t anything happen?
Rustica: I owe it all to the tea we had earlier.
Akira: Our tea?
Rustica: Yes, it has the ability to neutralize poisons.
Akira: What!? It can do that…?
Rustica: Yes.
Rustica: I did say you would find it quite apt for our surroundings, did I not? There are all sorts of peculiar sweets here, so I wanted you to stay safe, Master Sage.
Akira: Thank you for helping both me and that fruit, Rustica. I didn’t even realize it, but you were watching out for us all along.
Rustica: Why, think nothing of it. After all, I was able to encounter a mandrotus fruit and have a lovely tea party with you.
Rustica: As such, I've had a wonderful time thus far. I can practically feel the mandrotus’ agreement within me as well.
Listening to Rustica’s words, I recalled the mandrotus’ parting smile, the happiness on its face.
Rustica wasn’t the type of person to discriminate between people and sweets. His warmth and kindness brought joy to all.
Akira: (Still, I wonder what Rustica would’ve done had he not had any tea earlier…)
Rustica: Now then, Master Sage, shall we resume our tea party?
Rustica: There’s still a pile of tasty treats waiting for us after all.
A Delicious Reason - Card Episode
Akira: I’m sure you’ve tried all kinds of sweets before…
Akira: But what did you think of the ones we had in Doctor Dolce’s forest?
Rustica: Everything I tried was absolutely delightful though I must say, my favorite would have to be the cookies.
Rustica: Every bite released a burst of flavorful fruit syrup or chocolate sauce…
Rustica: It felt like opening a treasure chest each time, not knowing what type of filling I would get. As a result, I simply couldn’t stop eating them.
Akira: I totally get you! I loved those cookies too.
Akira: It was super exciting to see what flavor you’ll find next.
Rustica: Exactly, not to mention their warm taste reminded me of happy memories from long ago.
Akira: Yeah… Now, I want to try them again.
Rustica: I feel the same way. However, what truly made those cookies special…
Rustica: Was getting to see you smile with every bite.
Akira: M- me!? Now I feel self-conscious…
Rustica: Ahaha, if it pleases you, would you like to have some tea with me once again?
Akira: Oh, yes! I would love to.
Home Screen Voice Line
“Do you mind staying up late tonight? I’d like to give you a gift—but at a time when I can have you all to myself. It’s quite fun to stay up into the wee hours with good company by your side, and of course, to sleep in as well.”
Translation Note
The original name of the fruit was マンドカレ (romanji: mandokare), but I could not figure out what that meant. As a result, I took inspiration from two different plants—the mandrake, a root said to kill people with its scream, and the lotus, a narcotic referenced in The Odyssey said to make one forget everything but bliss—to create the "mandrotus" fruit.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Cafe event-Twisted wonderland edition Part 2 (Closed)
Start: 10 may 2023 End: 15 may 2023
A/N: I did this for my 3K milestone and really enjoyed it. This one will be open for a week and has some new prompts
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(Click to zoom in.If you’re having difficulty reading anything you can find them in text format under the cut)
Strawberry-Riddle rosehearts
Green Apple-Malleus Draconia
Kiwi-Lilia Vanrouge
vanilla-Azul Ashengrotto
brown sugar-Jade Leech
Passion Fruit-Floyd Leech
Orange-Leona Kingscholar
Coconut-Jack howl
Lavender-Vil Schoenheit
Forest berries-Rook hunt
blueberry-Idia Shroud
Lychee-Divus Crewel
1 Croissants- “You look really good in my clothes”
2 Pie- library
3 Macarons-secret notes
4 Éclair-“You’re the most beautiful being on the earth”
5 Cannoli-Sleepover
6 Tart-“I missed you”
7 Cheesecake-au (Of your choice)
8 cupcake-Jealousy
9 Sponge cake-“You’re the only person I want to spend my life with”
10 Brownie-Kiss 
11 cake pop-Sick 
12 S’mores-Birthday
13 Strawberry Shortcake-Unrequited love
14 Gingerbread-Yandere Reader
15 Honey Bun-”This isn’t how I wanted you to find out”
16 Churro-Prince/princess Reader
17 Cinnamon Twist-Praise 
18 Cookie Dough-Fixing them up (Tie,hair,clothes etc)
19 Cotton Candy-Merfolk
20 Caramel Apple-Yandere x Yandere
21 Caramel Popcorn-”Names,now!”
22 Carrot Cake-Fake dating
23 Cookie Sandwich-”You weren’t supposed to see me like this”
24 Waffle-“Can I have this dance?”
25 Crepe-“I’ve never kissed someone before”
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