#Friendship commitment
wickedzeevyln · 11 months
You've Got a Friend
Recall a moment when a friend’s call or text made you smile unexpectedly. Think back on how you feel when you share laughter, secrets, and stories with those you cherish. Sometimes it’s the interactions we have that make coffee taste than it actually does. Or leisure walks we have in the park. Or the countless hours we spend on our phones while chatting with someone across the planet There is…
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FNAF game Vanessa is doing her best to play nice,,
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theraedar · 2 months
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joyride 🛵💨💙
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contact-guy · 4 months
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MORE...I said I didn't like this story but there are many charming bits, including new besties holding hands and Holmes backstory lore. Also I love how absolutely DONE Mary Morstan is when talking to Sholto...the thinnest veil of politeness drawn over exhausted bitchiness. Watson really vibes with a certain type.
This is part four for THE SIGN OF THE FOUR, (Part one), (part two), and (part three)
(This is part of the Watsons sketchbook series!)
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xiewho · 6 months
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no time to celebrate
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
purple hawke who, at malcolm's death, lost not only a father, a mentor, the single most stable and safe point in their world up until this moment. but also the only person in their life who would consistently, gleefully 'yes, and — ' them. the loss, in one fell swoop, of both a beloved parent and your sole willing — no, not only willing, enthusiastic — improv partner. truly, the most unkindest cut of all that the maker could have seen fit to deal. (there's always so much less laughter in the house, after malcolm's gone.)
and then after all the horrors of the blight and trying to make a new life in the shithole turned shithome of kirkwall....... they meet varric. and something that's been slumbering deep within their soul dries a tear of relief and joy and whispers 'oh we are so back'. and they are so right
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claraoswalds · 11 months
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warlenys · 1 year
house is this insanely intelligent universally respected doctor he’s also dark and miserable and mean he commits ungodly medical malpractice crimes and yet he has a Best Friend. that he regularly calls his Best Friend. my Best Friend wilson. imagine you’re dying in a hospital bed after this awful doctor has repeatedly fucked you over forced you into surgery given you drugs that have nearly killed you and then he goes hang on a second i can’t save your life right now my Best Friend is mad at me. i have to go make puppy dog eyes at him to get him back. that’s what’s really important here
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al-luviec · 2 months
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ninjago s11 redraw
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terymlxyrstdus · 11 months
James thinking him and Pandora will get along but the first time she sees him she very drasticly discrabes how exactly will she kill him if he ever hurts Regulus
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
nowen playing up the world's funniest bit post world tour (assuming the og cast stays on playa des losers whilst roti is being filmed) and just not telling anyone they're dating. abusing the "best friends" card to get away with increasingly more pda until someone cracks.
it starts off with owen carrying noah around on his shoulders like a neck pillow for a whole day. no one bats an eye; noah's lazy and owen's too altruistic for his own good, nothing strange about buddies carrying their friends.
and then the two of them just start randomly hugging whenever they want. people brush it off when owen's the one doing the hugging, until noah just walks up to his loving bf and clings to him like a koala unprompted. probably takes a nap like that too. but everyone politely refuses to address their mutual clinginess because it's whatever, right? nothing outlandish about friends hugging.
one day, during one of the casts' shared meals, someone notices that noah's missing and points it out. noah's head pops out from owen's shirt collar, revealing he's sat with (on) his chubby buddy underneath his shirt. eyebrows are raised, but it's overlooked.
later on, noah smacks his massive forehead on the corner of a door or something and owen rushes over to kiss it better, then peppers his whole face in kisses to "heal his boo-boos". people are starting to question how platonic their friendship is, but remember that owen's just kind of like that sometimes as a disaster bi and let it slide.
but after this incident the two of them get more comfortable playfully kissing each other in public and everyone is too awkward to outright ask if they're /srs or /j.
they start calling each other increasingly ridiculous pet names- escalating from things like "little buddy" and "big guy", to the classic "honey" "babe" and "dear", to outlandish stuff like "my little rotisserie chicken" and "my darling malewife whom i love dearly" and "panzerkampfwagen viii maus". no one knows what to make of this.
it isn't until heather gets fed up with everyone's hesitance to address the subject and corners the two for answers (she strikes me as the type of person to be super direct when asking for tea to be spilled) that the pair turn and nod sagely to each other. owen explains "we're married for tax benefits." noah laughs so hard he passes out.
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o-winterqueen-o · 3 months
fengming is such a fun ship because you have these two guys who are deeply and irrevocably traumatized by their closest relationships and how those relationships intersected with their own sense of duty, loyalty, and honor. and they both have such opposite responses to that trauma.
pei ming finds new friendships with ling wen and shi wudu but does his utmost to remain carefree and tries to leave the past in the past. to not think of everything he's lost everyone he loved who he cut down with his own hands tries to not let himself to get too attached to anyone else (he fails) and just live in the moment. even though his past still clearly haunts him,,, he can't commit himself to a weapon, he can't speak to yushi huang, he can't bring himself to have more than a fling with anyone.
meanwhile feng xin digs in with all his might and grasps at every straw he can to not let his connections fade even though they've twisted and gone sour because he refuses to move on and refuses to make new meaningful connections. he'll pick fights with mu qing and chase after xie lian and jian lan because even after all they've done to hurt him, he loves them and doesn't know how to stop,,,
but in the end they're both a couple of guys who never meant to ascend, who never sought to be more than what they were. pei ming was happy as a general. feng xin was happy as a bodyguard. and they've lost so much in a way that few people can understand but at least they can understand each other.
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maroonmused · 9 months
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i still can’t believe they used the instrumental to cigarette daydreams for this mission like that was honest to god attempted murder by insomniac. the song, the nostalgia for the kids they were before emily and ben died and harry got sick, the warm autumn colors, the reunion patching together a pivotal part of peter’s life at a time he literally needs it most after getting fired from brooklyn visions. and in the scene before this, peter’s remembering may’s lesson about maintaining balance in his life then boom the return of one of the people who keep him rooted in life outside the mask when it’s so easy to breeze by it. first act of sm2 i love you.
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
welcome to the fruity four apartment, where every day eddie puts this exact sign on the front door and nancy promptly replaces it with one that says “doorbell broken! please knock :)” they are informally at war because of this (don’t worry they are still besties)
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A true friendship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other...
~ northern-spark-of-creativity
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Image Source: Pinterest
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