#Fresh Faces RX
modernbeautyjournal · 3 months
What Are the Best Ways of Caring for Post-Laser Skin?
If you’re planning on having laser skin rejuvenation, whether with an intense ablative laser or something gentler like NeoSkin by Aerolase, Portland, OR’s Fresh Faces RX medical spa says that there are some important things to know about caring for your skin after in-office light-based treatments. The main concern is “protecting your investment.” In other words, you want to be sure that you are guarding against future damage so that your results can look as good as possible for as long as possible.
But first, why choose a laser treatment in the first place? Over time, your body begins producing less collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid—three of the essential components that help you maintain plump, youthful skin. Laser skin treatments help to address these changes and restore a clearer, more radiant, and more youthful look. Two of the main advantages of many of these treatments are that they are highly effective and they require little to no downtime. More intense lasers can require some time for healing after. Either way, after undergoing laser skin rejuvenation, there are some things you can do to maximize your results.
Remember that while most of the heavy lifting will be done by your skincare professional, the work isn’t done when you leave the office. While the healing process varies depending on the type of laser used and the intensity of the treatment—in the case of Aerolase NeoSkin, there is no downtime or pain involved—there are general guidelines to follow to promote healing and minimize potential side effects. Certain skincare must-haves and knowing the best protocol to follow after the procedure can help you to achieve optimal results for any type of laser skin rejuvenation treatment. 
Follow Your Provider’s Guidelines
First and foremost, try to adhere closely to the post-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional. They will provide personalized guidance based on your skin type, the specific treatment performed, and any individual considerations.
Keep Your Skin Hydrated
Proper hydration is crucial for supporting the skin's healing process. Drink plenty of water and use gentle, hydrating skincare products recommended by a skincare professional to keep your skin moisturized. Avoid products containing harsh ingredients, fragrances, or alcohol, as these may irritate your skin. If your skin is feeling tight, apply moisturizer. 
Protect Your Skin from the Sun
Your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight after a laser treatment, so it's vital to shield it from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen and taking other measures. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, even if you're indoors. Be sure it guards against UVA (which causes aging), UVB (which causes burning), and infrared. Additionally, limit your sun exposure, wear protective clothing, and avoid outdoor activities during peak sun hours.
Avoid Irritants and Harsh Skincare Products
Take a “less is more” approach for skincare after lasers. You should be striving to soothe and restore your skin. An overly complicated skin routine could cause skin to be irritated or results to be compromised. In the days following your treatment, steer clear of abrasive exfoliants, retinoids, and other potentially irritating skincare products. Avoid fragrance in your skincare and take a break from exfoliators and toners. Stick to gentle cleansers and moisturizers recommended by your provider to prevent unnecessary irritation or complications. Fresh Faces Rx recommends medical-grade topicals that prevent melanin production with ascorbic acid, arbutin, and kojic acid.
Be Patient and Gentle with Your Skin
After more intense laser sessions, resist the urge to pick at scabs or peel any flaking skin prematurely. Let your skin heal naturally and avoid touching or rubbing the treated area excessively. Pat your skin dry after cleansing, and avoid hot showers or baths, as they can exacerbate inflammation.
Stay Hygienic to Prevent Infections
Maintain good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection. Keep the treated area clean and dry, and avoid applying makeup or other skincare products until your provider gives the green light. Don’t touch your face without washing your hands first, as this could increase the risk of bacterial infections. If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness or swelling, contact your provider immediately.
Ready to schedule a consultation to discuss laser treatments? Contact Fresh Faces RX Med Spa for more information. Call 503-880-5755 (Portland Pearl District) or 971-397-0319 (Lake Oswego) or book your consultation online if you would like to learn more about this laser skin rejuvenation treatment. 
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
What is next in your career?
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Group 1
Cards : The Universe, Lovers, Tower, 3 of pentacles, ace of cups, 10 of swords, Magician
Songs : Lying from you - Linkin Park, Under the skin - &TEAM
This spread gives me resentment energy but also acceptance that not everything can be controlled. Maybe some of you were unfairly treated in the past but you have now come to the conclusion that you could not change the perception of the people around you or the circumstances you were evolving in. There were bigger things that were at play and you did the best you could with what you had. I see you trying to get back on track, working your ass off to create a future that you can be proud of, because as much as you are faced with obstacles you can't help but to love what you're doing. The challenges won't stop you from wanting to reach that goal, to manifest what you envision and succeed. I get a feeling that in the past you were trying to fit other people's expectations or views of what you should and should not do. But you are tired of being someone that you're not. I see you chosing yourself and changing the perception of others by incarnating a version of you that feels closer to your truth. There's a rebellion brewing. Your inner beliefs are cleansed when it comes to your career. You are redefining your ambitions, the way you portray yourself, the way you approach your work and connections. I see that a romantic connection will be at the origin of such upheaval. You will transmute energies of anxiety, depression, overthinking to let in more joy and optimism. You are rising from the ashes and resuming the battle. A new breath is given to you. With the Universe card, there could be travels involved in the upcoming future. But also you will be getting inspiration and help from people all over the world. I feel like you will be rediscovering your purpose in life. So for some of you, this could mean getting a new job that is different from what you initially aimed for. For others, it could be a change of environment or a change of responsibilities. It could be as simple as having a different timetable. It doesn't have to be a gigantic reset of everything you know for it to feel like you are taking a new start. Regardless of what is changing in your career, there is still that sense of fresh air, of getting the tables turned and taking control over your course. If in the past, you went with the flow and let others leads you I feel like from now on you will take a more proactive approach and decide for yourself.
Group 2
Cards : King of cups, Queen of pentacles, 9 of cups rx, 7 of swords, knight of swords, knight of pentacles, Get curious
Songs : Psycho - Halestorm, Dumb & Dumber - iKON
I'm getting a lot of frustration and anger from this group but also a lot of sarcasm. This feels a bit similar to group 1 but here I feel like the changes in your life will be more drastic. I feel revenge energy, like wanting to prove people wrong and possibly get karma to bite their ass. For instance, I see people unexpectedly quitting their job at an inopportune time for their boss. People starting legal procedures to get reparation for the wrong that was caused to them. I see illusions being shattered. Masks falling off. You will see people for who they are but you will also show your true face. You will stop pretending to be happy about your work when you're not, to appreciate someone that you in truth can't stand just because they helped you once or they have an important position. You will stop confiding into people, keep a lot of information to yourself and only act when it is truly necessary. I feel like you will be in a more defensive mode from now on and act strategically. You're at war. A lot of you are invited to get curious and look out for other opportunities. I feel like you will potentially be entertaining other job offers. Like you will be doing other activities to get revenue that you won't speak of, as a security measure. If you intend to resign, you will keep that information hidden until the very last minute. I feel an energy of "if they're not going to help me, I won't be helping either ; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". There will be a period of transition where you are somehow stuck in an environment that you don't particularly appreciate before you can move on to something better. This reading is very short and to the point compared to the other groups. And I feel like it's because the energies will be a bit stagnant for a while.
Group 3
Cards : Ascension, knight of wands, 10 of cups, Empress, queen of cups, knight of pentacles, queen of wands
Songs : Headbanger - BABYMETAL, Ratatata - BABYMETAL ft Electric Callboy
I get a very positive energy from this group. You might have gotten a raise/promotion lately. If not, then this is on the way. You're in an energy of wanting to be better and impress people, finding a space and a team that matches your crazy and your ambition, feeling satisfied with where you're at but at the same time wanting for more. Group 3 you're in a rocket aiming for the stars and I see you climbing the ladder in an impressive short period of time. Not only will you feel at ease in your career, but you will also feel supported and taken seriously. I see you being in full control of your journey, very efficient and productive, grounded in your position whatever it may be. You could be attracting more partnerships that are going to help you progress in your career. Especially I see a very encouraging and positive team cheering you up and celebrating your successes, standing for you in times of trials and really valuating your input. In this setting, you are the Empress. People around you will make you feel really good about yourself because you are empowering others. It's like your efforts are finally being recognized and paying off because the energy you are emmitting is very enlightening and nurturing for others. Especially if you are working in healthcare, education or advertizing for equity and love. For instance, I'm picturing people spreading messages of body positivity and trying to change people's conceptions of fashion and health. These people who might have been criticized before will be now getting more support and audience reacting positively to their content. If you were advocating for ASD, neurodivergency, ADHD and so on, for example, I see people being more accepting of the idea that there are people who experience life differently and need to be taken into consideration.
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sykestarot · 11 months
what attracts people to you?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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I do not own any of these images
Hi guys I'm back for this weeks reading! Thanks so much for all the love on the other post it really means a lot! I hope these messages resonate as well. Thanks for stopping by yet again! :)
Pile 1
"Just wondering when you said I'm beautiful, was I being lied to?"
(2 of swords (rx); ace of cups; 5 of swords; 4 of swords (rx); queen of pentacles; 2 of cups (rx)) I’m feeling for you pile one that you don’t believe that you’re attractive at all, energetically or physically. Like people would always prefer someone else other than you. Quite literally how the song title is opposite, you believe people are only attracted to the types of people who are opposite of you. Which is so obviously not true because so many people are attracted to you. I don’t know if you think more people value stability over spontaneity. But your cards imply that you are a free spirit and people love that about you. Not only are you a free spirit but you also are hard working. You aren’t one of those people that says they're a free spirit as an excuse to do nothing. I’m feeling that you carry this abundant energy of like “I want it, I got it”. And people just want to stay in that energy. You also have a resilience that people see and it makes them admire you but also want to learn from you. Your energy is truly so beautiful. I see that you might have long hair with beautiful waves to it. Perhaps you’re tan or have a darker complexion. You’re the type of person who loves doing hikes and smelling the fresh air outside. I also see beaches and a boho style to you. Lots of whites and vibrant blues as well. Perhaps you’re Greek or some type of southern European. I see that you also have doe eyes and people find them to be mesmerizing. As well as your smile. I don't know why you don’t think you’re attractive because the vibes I'm getting are that you’re a stunner!! I hope one day you can learn to appreciate the qualities in yourself that others see!  Signs : Athens, Greece, kitties, pasta, the smell of pine orange and vanilla, woven hats, big sunglasses, kites, hang gliders?, laughs, melted ice cream, strawberry scents, lip gloss, glitter, flamingos, Sagittarius
Pile 2
"She's got a halo around her finger around you" (The world; 5 of swords (rx); the high priestess; knight of pentacles (rx); 9 of wands (rx); the hierophant) Pile two you are my pile that knows people are attracted to you and use it to your advantage. Which is so real of you but also so slay. And this is not to say that you use your beauty to gain things in a negative way. It’s more like you know the cards that you were dealt and you’d be damned if you didn't use them. I feel like this is my Scorpio pile. Something about you is mysterious and that entices people to want to get to know you better. I feel like you are like a real life siren. The way you speak or the tone of your voice ensares people and draws them right to you. You also have a fated energy or destiny really plays a role in your life. To the point where people want to be in your life because they think they might be able to get some of whatever you have. You might also be witchy and cast spells or work with guides to make things go your way in life. You co create with spirit for sure. I feel like you guys have a contrasting appearance, like pale skin dark hair, or darker skin and lighter hair. I feel like your eyes are piercing like they are hunting prey and people love feeling like they are hunted by you. I see you being very chiseled whether that’s in the body or the face. You have a striking appearance for sure. The kind that people do double takes on the street. You might get a lot of losers who want to talk to you because your energy and appearance are so intoxicating. I also feel like you’re overall just very bold. Perhaps Aries as well? I also feel like anything said in this reading you already know about yourself lol. Signs : Osprey; Seahawks (football); Megan Fox; vampires; red lisp; metal; silver; motorcycles; the twilight saga?; Jennifer’s Body; clubbing; latex; Washington State; black hair; blue eyes
Pile 3
"I know she's gonna break my heart"
(8 of cups; 7 of wands (rx); page of pentacles; the moon; the hanged man (rx); the lovers) You, my pile three, are the heartbreaker, soul stealer, sad girl pile. People are attracted to you because people want to fix you, not necessarily that you need to be fixed to be honest. It’s more in the sense that you don’t care about them more than you care about yourself. It’s like they want to teach how to love or be the one that changes you. Which to me is so funny because it’s not that you don’t know how to love it’s that you don’t love them lmfao. You don’t entertain many suitors or people in general and so when you do give people your energy it’s special. However with how selective you are it makes people want to know more about your inner world. But you come off so nonchalant that people want to get a reaction out of you. You have the potential to feed people’s hero/savior complex if you actually like them back. I also feel like your sense of style is alternative or goth and that’s also what brings people to you. I’m getting retired emo’s or lil peep/suicide boy fans. Perhaps your taste in music also attracts people. I feel like you’re social media and the way you present yourself really gets people wanting to know you more. You’re very mysterious but I'm getting in more of an Aquarius or Pisces way. I feel like you like having dramatic makeup on or you have a very out there style. I keep seeing, like cyber goth or emo. I’m not super well versed in those genres of style so I hope you get it lol. Maybe you have lip rings or eyebrow piercings. Anyways you’re very unique and that’s what attracts people to you. I also feel like you’re always doing cool and new stuff and people are attracted to you because you’re a trendsetter in a lot of ways. Maybe you have a following on a social media platform? Idk I feel like people watch you via the internet. Signs: anime; jjk; tik tok; silver metals; lip biting; rilakuma; pastel pinks; black; stripes; oversized sweaters; skirts and thigh highs; leg warmers; big chunky shoes; platform boots; johnny guilbert?; music holds importance here
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
Your Future spouse's First Impression of you
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Pick a pile <3
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1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun.
Check masterlist for more !
Pile 1
Wheel of fortune, 9 of cups, two of cups, king of wands, ace of swords, king of pentacles, the emperor, bottom of deck 3 of swords.
When this person sees you for the first time, they'll feel an instant connection with you.
This person sees you as their wish come true. They might feel that you are someone who's in a stable position in life. Your calm face and demeanour stands out the most to them.
You are a balanced person in their eyes. They might want to partner up with you.
I'm sensing masculine energy within you, regardless of gender. You seem confident and firm to them.
They see you have a lot of clarity in life. You are someone who has fresh ideas and perspectives about things in life.
They might also see you as someone financially independent, who stands on their own feet.
They can sense your dominating aura. They may also see you as a family oriented person. The provider in the family.
Regardless of what you show outside, you also have a side of you which dwells in pain and longs for understanding. They do notice that. And will be very understanding and patient with you.
Pile 2
10 of cups, 8 of wands, death, 10 of swords rx, two of swords, the hermit, 7 of swords, the lovers
They wanna start a family with you instantly the moment they see you because you provide them emotional fulfillment in some way.
They might be struggling with some betrayal or ex cheated on them or something painful like that. But they are moving on / have move on from that situation or thing in their life. They are recovering from their wounds.
They might be indecisive whether to move forward with your or not. They might second guess things with you due to their past heartbreaks.
They need some deep, introspective time for themselves to reflect within.
They are still hurt from what went wrong in their past so they have trust issues and might not even trust you in the beginning.
They will act strategically with you. They don't wanna hurt themselves again.
Don't worry the lovers came out right now as I clarified things. They would want a romantic relationship with you. They would like to offer you things. They do see you as a marriage material.
They are walking away from the things that don't serve them anymore.
Pile 3
Temperance, the magician, 9 of pentacles, king of pentacles, the hanged man, 10 of swords, 3 of swords, 2 of pentacles
They will think that you are so balanced. A perfect balance of everything. Like you can be the cutest and the sexiest both.
They would be tempted by you, of course, and they will surely start manifesting you after you meet.
The 9 and king of pentacles tells me that either they are very rich and abundant or they'll find you rich and abundant in your lives.
Maybe they noticed your branded purse or something.
They'd be stuck by your beauty like they won't be able to take their eyes off you. Whoever chose this pile is very gorgeous for sure!
They might be stuck at some past heartbreak or betrayal the time they meet you.
They might be in a painful situation that's getting on their nerves constantly. Maybe it's due to finances?
They would see you someone who manages a lot of things or has a lot of responsibilities at a time.
They notice you juggling between things but still not losing your balance.
Pile 4
They'd see you as a powerful combination of ambition and practicality. They'd think you are a successful yet peacful person. Quite occupied in your own business, not really involved in other's drama.
They would also see you someone who is very creative and spontaneous. Very passionate to create new things.
They themselves would feel inspired or intimidated by you and your bold and direct personality.
They'd think that you are someone who was wronged in the past which led to you being all broken and shattered. But you got yourself up on your feet and now you are reaping the benefits of your own hardwork and patience. You are a self made queen / king in their eyes.
They'd be shy or hesitant to approach you first but the divine will do justice to you both.
The divine timing and play is at action and you two will eventually get dating or in a relationship.
They see you as someone they can spend their whole life with.
Pile 5
You both are divinely connected to eachother, on a deeper soul level.
They'll notice your need of balance in life. It feels as if they can see right through you. They give me psychic vibes or you are one.
I can sense a feeling of being trapped and limiting thoughts and actions. Both of you were heartbroken in the past. There were some situations out of you both's hands.
But you need to face pain to undergo some realizations about yourself, your divine purpose and connection.
It feels as if they can sense your heartbreak. They feel as if you've gone through a big transformation in life.
They feel you know a lot about life, you've gone through a lot of things in life.
They see you as someone brave who's fought through life's circumstances and has become what you are now!
They see you as a wife/husband material but also someone they can start a business with.
You have that business and logical mind as well as your intuition with you.
They dont want to load you up with a lot of responsibility as you already have much though.
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aquaquadrant · 4 months
grbbrgrr. scurries toward you. I offer thee pathbubs fluff, fresh from my mind fortress.
Patho. falling asleep with dbubs’s clock to his ear.
gives you a cupcake skitters away
(offering received, considered, and accepted. however, i have substituted your fluff for angst. i hope this is satisfactory.)
"watch this!" dbubs shouts, before leaping off the cliff into the water below.
<player>dat -7063fdce-39ac-4a12-d836-a990c45b2bb0
patho leans back just enough to avoid being splashed. the water in this jungle lagoon is clear and blue, brighter than most bodies of water he comes across. tall, thick trees surround them on all sides, creating a natural barrier from the mobs of the jungle. it’s a beautiful place, and one of his favorites to visit when he’s here.
155 fps t: inf fancy-clouds b: 15x15 3 tx 3 rx c: 695/41672 (s) d: 16, pc: 000, pu: 00, ab: 42 e: 17/109, b: 0, sd: 9 p: 28 t: 109 error fc:0 xyz: -12,683.952 / 39.11563 / 253,589.263 block: -12,683 39 253,589 chunk: -791 15 7,849 facing: south (towards positive z)(1.5/5) client light: 6 (0 sky, 6 block) biome: error:crimson jungle local difficulty: 6.75//0.00 (day error404 not found) sounds: 16/247 + 0/8
dbubs surfaces with a gasp, his wet bangs plastered to his forehead. “did you see that?” he crows. “that was- i must’ve done a- a complete 360 spin about five- no, ten times! world record, first try!”
“oh, yeah,” patho agrees with a smile he doesn’t feel. “yeah, that was very impressive.”
they’re almost out of time.
patho has known this since he woke to find a little weeping vine attempting to burrow into his arm, right at the seam where flesh meets metal. this is an event that only happens when he’s overstayed his welcome, and the jungle can no longer tolerate his presence without trying to claim him. that vine was easily removed, putting off the inevitable for a few more days. but he can’t ignore the sudden restlessness that overtakes him now, a buzzing in his very core that fills his mind with static and his limbs- organic and mechanical alike- with the powerful urge to move.
it’s hard to explain, his need to wander. it’s like every moment he’s not traveling, he can almost feel the infinite borders of hels expanding, spreading into new horizons, and the thought of staying put is unbearable. it doesn’t matter if he actually goes beyond the loaded chunks or not- a feat that’d take years, to be sure. just getting on the move again is enough to quiet the itch.
(it didn’t use to be this way. it didn’t start until after he built his communicator into his new arm, fusing himself with it- but he’ll never admit this, never confront the possibility that it might’ve been a mistake. it’s easier just to leave.)
besides, he still enjoys the various business he gets up to with the other denizens of hels. his services as a redstoner and a data analyst are in high demand, and he has a reputation to uphold. he can’t throw all that away to stay here. that just wouldn’t make sense. it wouldn’t be logical.
patho reaches for the clock at his hip. it was the first gift dbubs gave him. early into patho’s first stay, dbubs decided he needed a clock of his own, so he’d always know when it was time for them to sleep. based on its position, nightfall is only a couple hours away.
“well, c’mon!” dbubs pesters him, his haughty voice echoing off the smooth walls of the cliffside. “what’re you- what, are ya scared of a lil water? huh? just- you just try and beat my record, you- i bet you can’t!”
“alright, alright,” patho chuckles, shrugging his jacket off. “you asked for it…”
won’t be long, now.
that night, patho leaves his eye on.
dbubs, curled beside him, notices this immediately, and deep down, he knows what it means. it took a while- how long, he isn’t sure- for patho to grow comfortable enough to turn his cybernetic eye off while they slept. but ever since then, he does it every night… up until the last night. every last night, like clockwork.
already, dbubs can feel the familiar weight of sleep trying to take him. caught in the jungle’s day-night cycle, he has little choice in the matter; he sleeps every night without fail. but he fights it anyway, biting back a yawn.
“tomorrow,” dbubs starts quietly, “uh, do you wanna- i- i had this idea for a new build, a perfect build, of course, and i’m gonna need a- a super smelter, for- uh, for all the terracotta-“
“dbubs.” that solitary red eye gazes out from the dark. “you know i’m not made for staying.”
dbubs shies away from the words like an insect from sudden light. “and- and so i was thinking,” he continues, as if patho hadn’t spoken, “we could do a uh, you know, maybe a bamboo farm? for the- for the fuel? i- my perfect redstone prowess could make this easy- easily, of course, but um… i uh- euugh, you- you know they always say, sure enough, that two brains- uh, two geniuses, genii, are better’n one.”
“yeah?” patho breathes a soft, empty laugh. “is that what they say?”
“and- well, yes! yes, of course!” darkness creeps in from the edges of dbubs’s vision; he clings tighter to patho. “and… and uh… n’you can learn all ‘bout my new… new dbubs redstone clock… pat- patented design, a‘course…”
“of course.” patho’s lips brush across his forehead. “better get some rest, then.”
dbubs struggles to keep his eyes open, but it’s as if his lashes are lined with iron. he presses his face in the crook of patho’s neck, breathing him in, that redstone-and-gunpowder scent; bitter and metallic.
“don’t,” he murmurs, consciousness escaping him quickly. “please…?”
“night, dbubs.”
the jungle sleeps.
far from the jungle, patho lays down in a shallow cave carved from netherrack.
168 fps t: inf fancy-clouds b: 15x15 3 tx 3 rx c: 695/41672 (s) d: 16, pc: 000, pu: 00, ab: 42 e: 15/109, b: 0, sd: 9 p: 27 t: 109 error fc:0 xyz: -11, 987.629 / 30.91778 / 252,896.204 block: -11,987 30 252,896 chunk: -780 15 7,835 facing: east (towards positive x)(1.5/5) client light: 2 (0 sky, 2 block) biome: error:nether waste local difficulty: 6.75//0.00 (day error404 not found) sounds: 5/247 + 0/8
he’s put enough distance between himself and the jungle that he’s confident he can sleep for a few hours before setting off again. the surrounding biome is one he’s well familiar with; barren and empty. with a wall put up to shelter him from mobs, he’s finally safe enough to turn his eye off.
that won’t be the case anymore, once he gets closer to the more populated chunks. the risk of being caught with one eye nonfunctional is too high. it’s just something he has to deal with.
(of course, he could’ve built a cybernetic replacement that simply functioned like the eye he lost, but he thought himself clever and built in a data processor to provide him with valuable information, giving him an advantage over anyone else in his field. so this is the price he pays for it.)
he reaches for his clock. there’s only a couple hours left before the sun will rise, unseen beyond the bedrock ceiling, and dbubs will wake to an empty bed.
but for now, patho tucks the clock to his ear and closes his eyes, letting the steadfast ticking finally lull him to sleep.
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icyg4l · 4 months
PAC: What Do You Need to Know Right Now?
Hello beautiful people. Happy Monday! Today is special because this will be my first fully intuitive PAC reading, meaning no cards just vibes lmao. This week Friday, I am having yet another Five Dollar Friday Sale so stay tuned in for that! Without further ado, please select the image that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to learn how to surrender to the Divine. I heard “the choice is yours”. Whatever major decision you’ve been contemplating on will ultimately be up for you to decide. You choose your own destiny but you don’t have to know all the steps/details of getting there. Have some confidence in your journey. Everything will be alright. This is for some of you, if you are a business owner or your love language is acts of service, you need to learn how to say no. Turning your services down to people who don’t deserve it is okay to do. All money isn’t good money. As you try to make a name for yourself, lean into your gut feelings. Don’t navigate through this world by being willfully naive. You know more than most. Some of you may have been encountering shady characters. I am channeling the energy of Douda from The Chi; very Devil-like, King of Cups (RX) type of energy. A lot of you have been dealing with two-faced men within the past two years but I am seeing a door shutting in someone’s face in my third eye. You are going to start walking away from people/places/things that no longer serve you. This newfound courage will result in long-term abundance and prosperity. Don’t be afraid to start over. Out with the old, in with the new, babe!
extras: jenifer lewis. “candace/candy”. florist. unable to wink. listening to whitney houston. weather forecast. “maurice/morris”. feeling underestimated. desperate housewives. fearful. cotton candy. yes indeed (2018). cold at night. arm wrestling champ. loose cannon.
Pile Two: I feel like you are going through some physical changes. You could be pregnant, soon-to-be moving, upgrading your furniture, painting your house, learning how to do makeup to be an MUA, etc. You could be doing multiple things at once right now. Your ability to shift from one gig to another is admirable. You’re very versatile. You’re an independent person but you should know that you don’t have to carry the work alone. You have people around you that are willing to help and nurture your talents and skills. The car you drive was created because of team effort. The food you eat is consumable because of a team! The books you read were not solely published because of the author, but because there was a team behind them! Nobody is truly by themselves, honey! Allow people to experience your energy. I feel like it took a long time for you to be this comfortable with yourself. But ultimately, you are human and you need people around you! You will know who your people are when you get around them.
extras: diana/deana. red flags. movie theatre. drug major. oomf. cheese lover. movement. smokey. black eyed peas. rice & peas. red nails. classic manicure. turning 30/milestone birthday.
Pile Three: I feel like you’re guarding your energy right now, Pile Three. You’ve been caved in with your lover, lol. I didn’t mean for this to turn into a love reading but heyyyy, I see you! :). Your union was not supposed to last as long as it has on the surface but it did. I am sensing that it was originally a one night stand or a summer fling. However, it was divinely orchestrated to be that way. I am seeing those Pinterest drawings of soulmates in my third eye. This person is someone you’re aligned with on a soul level; this is karmic. However, karmic ≠ codependent. Make sure that you have your own life outside of this person. This person does have all eyes on you and vice versa. I can tell that the passion is mutual. If you are planning to go on a vacation with this person soon, expect a promotion in your relationship to happen. This promotion could be an engagement/wedding, moving in together, meeting the family, etc. I see you two eating slices of fruit on the beach, feeding one another while smiling and giggling amongst each other. This is a lovely connection thus far. I also see you being spoiled with gifts of your choice. This person is a gift giver for sure, along with wanting to spend quality time with you! However, this is just the beginning. Ground yourself in the present moment. Savor and soak up every waking day with this person.
extras: montgomery, alabama. jason/justin. sam. cartier glasses. fake ID. retribution. academy. pork. glamorous. marjorie. fake gym rat. attracted to pheromones. high achiever. monie/monet. kansas.
Pile Four: This is for a few of you, but some of you could have known someone that was recently released from jail/mental health facility/nursing home. You could be their caregiver/keeper. Others of you have family members/a partner that are financially dependent on you. I know that you feel burdened by this. Both the financial burden and the mental burden can be frustrating. I do see your situation improving. Someone is lightening the load. I feel like you are going to receive extra support, specifically from another woman. She is going to offer help & it will no longer be a job carried by one person. Whoever this is, they have been in your position before so you don’t have to worry about being pitied or feeling lesser than her. Another thing is that you should definitely get started on your laundry. I feel like you are going through a bout of depression right now. Start off with the small tasks first then do the big things. You need to take your time & be patient with yourself.
extras: air jordan’s. new microwave. corn on the cob. jogging. morph. telling stories. future focused. gold rings. coffee. marlboro. notre dame. golden shepard.
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crystals-cave · 11 months
PAC: Your November 2023 Reading🔮
Hey Everyone, I’m back again 😊
Here’s your November 2023 reading✨
As a treat, there are 5 piles for today’s reading!
Pick a pile that sparks a memory in you - it could be a person/place/music/ object etc. If more than 1 pile sparks a memory in you, pick the pile that evokes the strongest emotions in you. However, if you feel strongly for both, you may go ahead and read more than 1 pile.
As this is a general reading, do take what resonates for you and take the rest with a pinch of salt.
Note: all pictures used in this reading are taken by me
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Pile 1 | Pile 2 | Pile 3
Pile 4 | Pile 5
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Pile 1
3 of Wands (rx)
The Sun (rx)
Queen of Cups
Knight of Pentacles
Hello Pile 1✨
First off, I see that whatever has been troubling you for some time will be coming to an end now. If you have been facing troubles or disappointments recently, it will all come to an end in November 2023. You will also start feeling happier now that said trouble is gone.
November will feel like a fresh start for you as well. You will see the ‘death’ of your troubles and the start of your happiness. You will also notice a transformation in yourself before and after this period and realize how much you have matured from it.
From here, I see you all in Pile 1 becoming happier, wiser and more responsible in November 2023. You will notice that it’s not just your emotions that have become stable, but you have also become a more patient and reliable person.
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Pile 2
2 of Wands (rx)
The World
Queen of Cups (rx)
6 of Swords
King of Wands
The Sun (rx)
Hi Pile 2 🪐
There is a surprise coming your way in November 2023. I see that you’ll likely be travelling this month as well. Most of you will be travelling by flight and the remaining by water. Most of you also will have doubts if it’s really true that you’re travelling and this reading is a confirmation for you - yes, you are.
I also see that in November, you will also have the chance to meet your benefactor. For those who have lost their passion, this person will help find back the spark that you have once lost. For those who have yet to find theirs, this person will guide you to it.
By the end of the month, I see you happy with the events that have found you in November.
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Pile 3
The Emperor
6 of Pentacles (rx)
5 of Cups
Knight of Pentacles (rx)
Hey Pile 3 🍂
For the start of November 2023, I see that things will be stable for you. You’ll feel powerful and protected, with a strong unbreakable foundation holding you together.
However for the second half of the month, you’ll be prone to jealousy. This feeling will shake even the firmest of foundations and you’ll feel like someone has pulled the rug from under you.
My advice for you is to monitor your mental state in November. Pay attention to when you start having unneeded comparison, or when you start projecting negative thoughts about others. Meditate and remind yourself daily that you have everything the people wish for - stability, power, and protection. Why cry over something you don’t have when all you ever wanted is already in your hands?
As the second half of the month may be a vulnerable time for you mentally, be careful of falling for scams/fraud. Check through all your facts even if you don’t feel like it because there is a high chance that you’ll be swindled due to your vulnerability/negligence.
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Pile 4
The Star (rx)
5 of Cups
7 of Cups
9 of Wands
Knight of Cups
Hello Pile 4 🌊
My, my. I won’t be sugarcoating my words but at the start of November, I see that most of you are too proud to the point of arrogance. Becareful Pile 4, your hubris will likely cause you grief.
It is only around mid-November that you start reflecting on yourself. It’s likely that your lesson this month will be humility. Even when everything is smooth sailing, we have to remain humble. You can still be proud of your achivements yet be humble to remember what has brought you this far.
Towards the end of the month, there will be some sort of of lingering paranoia from the grief you faced at the start of the month. Despite all that, good news is promised to come soon.
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Pile 5
The World
Page of Pentacmds
9 of Cups (rx)
6 of Wands
King of Wands
Hey Pile 5 🍵
Right away; I see that success, stability and financial abundance are coming your way at the start of November. Congrats Pile 5!
You have likely come a long way before success found its way to you. It was not a perfect and smooth sailing path but along the way you have gained a loyal group behind you.
You will feel proud and liberated of your success this month. You’ll finally feel the stress sliding off your shoulders.
Towards the end of the month, I see you looking forward to your next project with hope that it may be successful like what you had just achieved. You’ll also be filled with passion and anticipation for the next big thing coming your way.
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beloved-calypso · 2 years
‎♡‧₊˚✧ ૮ ˶ᵔ �� ᵔ˶ ა ✧˚₊‧♡ 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖉𝖔 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖊?・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜♡ ・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ゜
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♡𝒫𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒶 𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓁𝑒. 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈?♡
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All pictures and gifs are not mine.♡
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I. -> II. -> III.
2ɴᴅ ᴘᴀᴄ! ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴀ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ɢᴏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇʀꜱ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ. ɪꜰ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘɪᴄᴋ-ᴀ-ᴄᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴘᴜᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ! ᴀʟꜱᴏ, ɪ ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇ ɪꜰ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀ ᴏʀ ᴘᴜɴᴄᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ. ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ. ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜱᴜᴄᴋ ᴀᴛ ɪᴛ.
~ XOXO 💋🎀
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PILE 1 🌸
Pile 1, I think when you go out, you are usually with a group of people or are around friends. You're rarely alone and come off as busy and in your own world. People see you in social groups and admire how you stand out from the crowd. Your smile is bright and joyful, and you come off as confident and independent. People can tell you have a certain zest for life and are somewhat free spirited.
People may think that you smile because you are well-off and generally content with your life. They could see that you have a strong support system, whether that be friends and/or family, and that you don't need much else. Your smile is a very happy one, and I think you're at a time in your life where you're taking action in building the life you want and establishing your stability.
PILE 2 🌸
Funny enough, I got all these piles cards face down and had to flip them over, so you either don't smile much or people think you are hiding something beneath your smile. I think you're stuck on something Pile 2, and you're reserving your energy. This situation could be where someone had power over you or took advantage of your kindness. Whatever the context to your situation, I think your ego or emotions were hurt, and you're keeping to yourself, and people can sense that you are going through a hard time.
For those who do see you smile, they perceive it as big, warm, and bright. I tried to pull an extra card and accidentally got 2 (don't tell the other piles), and you got the most positive card in the deck! So your emotions and spirit definitely radiate through your smile. Try to keep a positive mindset! You may have also been manifesting something big, and whatever it is, I think you'll have reason to celebrate soon!
PILE 3 🌸
There's a quiet power to you pile 3. With 2 major arcana cards, you leave quite the impression! People can tell that you are starting a fresh chapter in your life. It's like you're smiling at everyone because you've just gone through a huge milestone, or you're preparing to start a new one.
Your smile speaks of satisfaction and serenity. It comes across as gentle but has a hidden power to it. I think you have a very healing aura, and people feel calm around you, and I think it's because you've done some good, inner self work. You're trying to attract peace and positivity in your life and are clearing out any negativity or obstacles that may come your way.
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
What's next in K-pop?
Remember, tarot readings should be taken with a grain of salt. This tarot reading is also for entertainment purposes.
This reading was a requested tarot reading by an anon, but I didn't do it at the time. I was too tired to do it. Hence, this reading is a homage to the anon who asked me. If they didn't ask, I wouldn't have done it.
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Card(s): the chariot, 10oS, 4oW rx, ace of pentacles rx, and queen of pentacles rx
This is a general reading. However...Based on these cards alone, I'm not sure if the next thing happening in K-pop is a good thing...
It's both good and bad.
While doing the tarot reading, I kept staring at my cards. I was confused, excited, and concerned. I don't know how to feel about the next thing in K-pop
So, even though things might get tough, the K-Pop industry isn't giving up. We could see new groups and solo artists rising to the top, keeping the energy fresh and exciting.
On the flip side, some groups will be wrapping up their time together. Some of them might break up, or there could be major changes that leave fans feeling like they're losing something or being let down. (I'm not exactly sure which group, but I have a feeling that some members will be leaving or the group will disband.)
Uh...honestly, this was kinda uncomfortable for me to read. The energy is a lot to take in. I also feel this very noisy energy, like in a talkative way. I hear people talking, the phone ringing, and it feels very fast. I see camera lights flashing too. The energy is overall too much for me to take it. I'm not sure...why
There could be arguments or even members leaving some groups, making things feel unstable for both the fans and the industry itself.
Some companies, especially the newer ones, might face financial challenges or projects that don't quite work out.
There are a lot of evil people in the K-pop industry, especially businessmen and executives (higher-ups). I picture executives doing meetings and discussing things.
In the K-pop industry, with the Queen of Pentacles reversed, this could indicate issues with management, such as poor handling of artists' careers or neglecting the well-being of idols.
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Since the reading above is general. I decided to look into K-pop a year from now. I specifically focused on the scandalous aspect of K-pop.
Card(s): the empress, 10oC, queen of wands rx, the star, 3oC, the devil rx, ace of swords, 10oP rx, the moon rx, 4oW rx, 6oP, page of pentacles, and the chariot
Looking at these cards alone, I feel bad for the female idols.
Just like the general reading above, there is a good side and a bad side to K-pop.
The good side to K-pop is that we will get fresh talents, creative ideas, new concepts, and new projects. Expect lots of joy and success for the industry as a whole. So, to answer the anonymous question. Yes, we will continue to get new groups. Adding to that, there will be some awesome group comebacks and heart-warming interactions between idols and fans.
Fans and idols will stick by each other, building a stronger sense of community that can weather any storm. Some fans will protect their idols tightly even during their scandal.
Hold on, there's more…
There might be some internal conflicts and power struggles, especially involving female idols or industry bosses. This could lead to some juicy (but not so fun) scandals.
Secrets will be revealed! Some scandals might involve exposing unhealthy practices within the industry. But hey, at least the truth will come out, right? This could also lead to better rules and a healthier environment for everyone working in the industry.
Financial issues might pop up, like disagreements about money or bad management. This could affect both idols and companies.
Even with scandals, there will be a focus on moving forward positively. Fans and idols will find ways to heal and rebuild. The industry might use these scandals as a wake-up call to break free from anything negative that's been holding it back.
The industry will learn from its mistakes and use them to create better practices and opportunities for everyone.
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What changes will happen in K-pop?
Cards: ace of pentacles, page of cups, wheel of fortune rx, justice rx, 4oS rx, and queen of swords
I think the industry will still continue and ironically will still do well or thrive.
Get ready for a wave of new artists and groups! The industry is buzzing with new ideas, and there might even be some cool, innovative projects on the way. This could mean big things for everyone involved.
Artists are going to be pouring their hearts and souls into their work, exploring new sounds and styles. Plus, expect lots of heartwarming moments as artists connect with fans on a deeper level. Maybe even some exciting collaborations are brewing between artists/idols.
But, it's not going to be sunshine and rainbows for K-pop. Things might get a little unbalanced for a while. There might be issues related to legal matters, unfair treatment of artists, or disputes within the industry. Concerns about contracts, rights, and the well-being of idols could come to the forefront.
The industry may struggle with burnout, overwork, and the pressure to constantly produce content. There could be a push for better working conditions and mental health support for artists.
In the future, we can expect people in charge of businesses and artists to make clearer and more thoughtful decisions. They will likely plan things carefully and think about the future success of their work in a logical way.
Channelled song:
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bingusmode · 8 months
Smoke and the Stars
Spy x Reader
AN: In this story, your class name is Vet, short for Veterinarian.
Being elbow deep in Demomans organs was a bi-monthly activity Vet had to endure.
Not that she was complaining, once she got her first paycheck, she would do this every week if The Administrator asked. Her free hand reached up to swat the bottle of bourbon Demo was trying to pick up
“Stop that, At least wait until I get the new liver in”
“Aw, you’re no fun lassie,”
“You know what’s not fun? Liver failure”
Demo huffed and rolled his eyes as Vet slid the freshly sourced liver into place. Grabbing the Medigun above to seal the wound. Vet removed her blood stained gloves and handed Demo his well earned bottle.
“It would really help if you waited a few hours before drinking-“
“See you at dinner lass!”
He was already out the door. Vet sighed and cracked the bones in her sore back.
While she had gotten her degree in Veterinary Medicine, Miss Pauline assured her these men were close enough to animals. So far, she was right, Vet was sure that animals would leave less of a mess than her team did.
One of Medics spare doves cooed around her, hopping on her tool tray for attention. Vet smiled and rubbed the birds head with her finger
“Oh I know, I wish I could treat you instead.”
The dove cooed again before flying off to one of the many treat trays she had set around the operating room.
Vet opened the double doors out to the waiting room, going over her checklist.
“Alright boys, who’s next-“
Scout shoved himself infront of her before she could finish, trying to look sauve as possible with missing teeth.
Vet side stepped him and went about with her business. With Medic handling Heavy after an ubercharge gone wrong, she was left especially busy.
The Texan shook his head and leaned back in his chair
“Just came here for painkillers, arms been acting up”
Vet hummed and gave him a small RX bottle, moving down her list.
Spy was something to say the least, she had never met someone so elegant and standoffish in her life, not to the mention his nasty habit of chain smoking.
Spy pulled away from his cigarette, letting the smoke spill from his lips.
“Trouble breathing,”
Vet did a double take
“You didn’t say that earlier?”
“I had an appointment with my tailor,”
Vet groaned, and motioned for him to follow her back into the operating room.
As she got set up again, she warily eyed the cigarette he held.
“Please put that out while you’re in here, trying to keep it clean”
“I know what Medic has in his fridge, and it’s not clean at all”
“I’m not Medic,”
Spy put out the cigarette anyway, standoffish? Yes, but a gentleman first.
With the Medigun positioned, and his suit unbuttoned, Vet got to work.
“You wouldn’t have trouble breathing if you didn’t smoke”
“Do you harass all your patients like this?”
“Only the fun ones,”
She smiled warily at him, Spy could see the exhaustion etched permanently on her face. He knew this was adding onto her pile of never ending work, but addiction is hard to break.
“It’s my escape, how else do you expect me to put up with Scouts insufferable antics?”
“Ignoring him like I do”
“You have more patience than me,”
Vet carefully removed one half of a blackened lung, quickly going to search the fridge for a fresh lung
“Thats the first ever complement you’ve given me, I’m honored Spy”
“It was an observation, not a complement”
“Keep telling yourself that”
The conversation slipped into comfortable silence. Spy closed his eyes and relaxed while she worked, he would never admit it. But he preferred her work over Medics, maybe it was her gentle touch rather than Medics harsh treatment. Or the rare moments of quiet she offered compared to the rest of the base.
It was almost like he could let his guard down, almost.
Vet closed him up and repeated her cleaning process, Spy’s fingers immediately found a cigarette and lighter.
“Absolutely not,”
Vet snatched the lighter
“No smoking in here, anywhere else sure, but I told you not in here,”
Spy admired her tenacity and unwillingness to back down, it made for interesting conversation. Another rare find throughout the base.
But still, he rolled his eyes and made his way to the exit. Vet right behind him to bring in her new patient.
“You’re work is always appreciated Doctor, but I’m afraid your insight will be ignored”
“Nicotine patches are a thing-“
“Nicotine patches don’t have elegance,”
He held out his hand for his lighter snd Vet reluctantly dropped it in.
“Being healthy is elegant. I just want the best for you boys”
Spy came to the conclusion Vet was a wonderful Doctor, but would make a terrible Spy. Always so open and honest, her emotions worn on her sleeve and ready to help at a moments notice.
Spy nodded at her before making his exit, momentarily considering her words.
But the lighter still flicked on and smoke once more filled his lungs.
Vet watched, a disapproving look on her face.
Scout tried to approach again but was shoved out of the way by a frantic Pyro. Holding up a stuffed animal with a tear in it. She knew she still had a long day ahead of her.
Weeks later, Spy found himself on the rooftop of TwoFort. Taking a drag of his comfort while looking up at the night sky. Vet was right, this was a nasty habit, but damn if it wasn’t warning him from the inside. It seemed like she was on his mind more and more nowadays.
Spy hated it, he hated feeling distracted, he hated how he wanted to talk to her and be in her presence.
He chalked it up to finally having worthy conversation partner, nothing more, nothing less.
“Mind if I join you?”
Speak of the devil and she shall appear
Vet closed the roof door behind her, dressed in more casual clothes that Spy hadn’t seen before.
Giving her a once over, he decided that it was a good look for her. Something that she would wear more often in her down time.
“Please, by all means,”
To his surprise, she took a seat right next to him, not complaining about the smoke
“No condescending comments today about how cigarettes are ruining my lungs?”
“I can’t make you stop, and this isn’t the operating room. I don’t like it, but you can do what you like,”
He considered for a moment putting it out but quickly disregarded the thought.
“What beings you up here in the night? Not pulling an all night are you?”
Vet chuckled and shook her head, opting to lean on the railing.
“No, just couldn’t sleep, how about you?”
“Wondering why I ever took this job”
“I thought it was the pay”
“No amount of money could pay me to deal with some of our colleagues”
Vet nodded and looked up at the sky
“I can relate, but if you left. Who would entertain me?”
Spy barked out a laugh and rolled his eyes
“Surely I am not your first choice of company”
Vet shrugged, lazily looking over at him
“You’re quiet, I like quiet. Let’s me clear my head and just exist for a moment”
Spy’s fingers twitched, something foreign rising in his chest before shoving it back down again
“Then you are most certainly foolish,”
“I don’t think I am, I think you’re just used to being alone,”
How could she say that so causally? This would be a borderline declaration of love where he was from. But this was just how Vet was, always upfront and truthful.
“I prefer solitude,”
“Then why are you still talking to me?”
“…you are an exception,”
Spy refused to make eye contact with her, looking out into the desert. But Vet didn’t mind, she didn’t need to see his eyes to know his sincerity.
She didn’t press him about hie comment, something he was grateful for. Instead they spent the hours in the rare quiet, basking in each others company and the stars.
Smoke was everywhere, Vet couldn’t see anything but smoke. Wheezing, she stayed close to the ground, trying to find her way out of the burning inferno.
She could hear the screams of Sniper and Scout burning. The hot cement burned her skin, embers eating away at her slowly. Vet knew the opposite Pyro was coming for her next, but she couldn’t leave fast enough. The smoke entering her lungs and weighing her down. She was so tired, she just wanted to sleep.
Vet closed her eyes and rested her head on the floor, ignoring the pain going up her cheek.
She assumed the footsteps behind her was the Pyro coming to finish her off. A hand grabbed at her, pulling her up with little hesitation.
Fingers snapped in front of her face, trying to get her to focus.
“Vet? Vet! Answer me!” that lovely French accent flooded her thoughts. But she could only moan in pain.
Spy swore and swiftly supported her weight, trying to get her out of the smoke filled barn. He had never seen her like this, so hurt and so vulnerable. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t panicking.
Spy couldn’t ignore the tightness in his stomach and the growing dread in his heart, not this time. He was able to ignore every iota of emotion towards Vet up until now, now she was badly hurt. This wasn’t how he imagined his first time holding her, but he couldn’t think on that now.
“Come on Mon Coeur, just a few steps forward”
“I can’t-“
“You can, don’t say such a thing”
He picked up his space, offering her rare words of encouragement while he navigated their escape. Heavy was able to hunt down the Pyro while Medic treated Vet. Spy watched on, making sure the wounds healed.
Whether she knew it or not, Spy dedicated himself to her safety from then on. Of course, she could still Respawn, but he would rather see her unharmed rather than see her suffer from the hands of combat. This was how he showed his dedication and loyalty, and Vet knew it. It was something understood between the both of them.
“Out late again?”
Spy heard the door of the roof shut, a sound that brought him comfort now.
“The stars require my company Mon Coeur,”
“The stars aren’t the only ones”
Vet took her usual spot next to him, just a few inches of space between the two.
Spy put out the cigarette he had lit just moments before, waving the smoke away quickly before it could reach Vet.
Vet didn’t say anything about it, she just smiled.
“Are you ever gonna teach me French?”
“There is no such time to learn the complexities of my language with our occupation”
Vet hummed snd looked up at the sky, moving a little closer to him.
“That’s a shame, you speak it so beautifully,”
Spy had long given up at the suppressing the warmth in his chest that she brought him, it was his new addiction.
“Another day Mon Coeur, I promise you”
Vet nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder, the both of them looking up the stars.
The two fell into their familiar silence, they could have spoken more but they didn’t need to. Spy already knew how he felt, and Vet knew it too. She always had.
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Eclipse, Equinox, and SO. MANY. SHIFTS.
     Strap yourself in, this week brings a slew of shifts, breakthroughs, and accelerated transformations. That’s because Eclipse season is here, and it’s not playing around. Yep, this week’s lineup is packed with the Pisces eclipse, the Autumn Equinox, and a Venus shift. In between all of that, you can expect your mindset to sober up—which, incidentally, preps you for an “unexpected” download, a dash of dreamy chaos, a temporary bout of squirrel-brain curiosity, and maybe some tension around creativity, money, and relating. 
ICYMI: 🚀 My debut novel, Jupiter Returns, is now available for pre-order! When you pre-order before Sept. 30, you’ll also be entered into an exclusive giveaway for some stellar prizes, including a 60-minute Chart Reading AND a year’s subscription to The Cosmic Almanac. Pre-order YOUR copy to enter the giveaway today!!
     Fresh starts? Check. Dramatic shifts? Double check. You’re stepping into a wild, anything-can-happen atmosphere where fresh starts are inevitable and dramatic shifts are, well, guaranteed. Feeling overwhelmed? It’s cool—everyone is. (I’m especially overwhelmed!) The trick to surviving the chaos is knowing your limits. Can you indulge your daydreams and tackle your to-do list? Could your daily grind benefit from a little sprinkle of magic? (Um, yes.) Anyway, that’s the gist of this week. Here’s the actual Astrology:
September 17th: The lunar eclipse in 25° Pisces
September 18th: Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces, 15°
September 19th: The Sun in Virgo trines Uranus Rx, 27°
September 20th: The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, 28°
September 21st: Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini, 20°
September 21st: The Sun in Virgo trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn, 29°
September 22nd: The Sun enters Libra 
September 22nd: Venus in Libra squares Pluto Rx in Capricorn, 29°
September 22nd: Venus enters Scorpio 
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🌒 September 17th: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces @ 7:34 pm PT
     Kicking off the week with some big Pisces energy, the lunar eclipse signals the start of a fresh, dream-chasing chapter. Think of it like cosmic permission to quit your job and start a Tarot-reading business on Etsy—kidding! (Maybe.) The eclipse asks: What dream have you been avoiding because it seems too unrealistic? In the words of Marty McFly, “That’s heavy, Doc.” Indeed it is heavy, but we’d expect no less from a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, would we? 
     Neptune Rx merges with this lunar eclipse, which could cause some confusion, but also some serious inspiration, healing, and compassion. Uranus Retrograde brings support—you know, as much support as the rabble rouser planet of balking the system and disrupting anything that stagnates, can give (which is to say: not that supportive). Pluto Rx in Capricorn brings catharsis, as you hopefully finagle with letting go of your feelings about a certain person, project, or passion. (Though, not in a bad way!) Jupiter in Gemini also squares this full moon lunar eclipse, which will most likely just exaggerate any feelings you have.
     Before you go sprinting toward that new chapter, check in with your system—are you running on fumes or fuel? (I’m running on both!)
📣 Sept. 18 – Mercury Opposes Saturn Rx 
     Mercury (your inner chatterbox) faces off against Saturn (the cosmic drill sergeant), and suddenly, your brain is flooded with thoughts like: “Am I doing enough?” or “Why do I suck at everything?” Don’t buy into the drama. Self-criticism is especially loud today, but you can shut it down. Make a list of five things you’ve accomplished this year, to remind your inner critic why it isn’t always right all the time. Saturn is trying to teach you a lesson in patience and resilience, so don’t be too hard on yourself—growth takes time…
👾 Sept. 19 – Sun Trines Uranus Rx 
     Here comes the cosmic weirdo! When the Sun forms a harmonious trine to Uranus, the planet of rebellion, it’s a signal to let your freak flag fly. You’ve got some truly offbeat, brilliant ideas bubbling up, so don’t hold back. Innovation is the name of the game today, and the world needs your weirdness. Seriously, don’t try to be “normal” (whatever that even means). Uranus is all about shaking things up, and this is your chance to surprise yourself—and everyone else—with your quirky genius…
Read the FULL forecast for this week's astrology (for FREE) on The Cosmic Almanac:
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kakiastro · 5 months
Mercury Retrogrades: Let’s Discuss
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I feel like there’s so much misconception with Mercury Rx. I need y’all to calm down and stop letting these transits freak y’all out!
Transits are felt as a collective but it impacts all of us individually differently! It’s like riding a bus. We’re all riding a bus we’re getting off on different locations. That’s how you treat any transit. Everyone has their own unique path, lessons and blessings in this lifetime.
What is a retrograde? Let’s start there…
Retrogrades is like re-looking at a contract or rewinding a scene from the movie to make sure you read and seen it clearly. It’s going back to the drawing board and making sure you’re not missing something. You may actually get a better idea or completely start fresh and it’s okay!!! Retrogrades shine light on what is and isn’t working anymore, so why are you all acting scared or worried? Listen, retrogrades can be a blessing if you know how to work with the energy not against it. Does this mean that things can’t be annoying or complicated? No, that’s life. But, I promise you’ll learn something from this. That’s how these transits work.
Mercury is the planet of planning and organization. It’s rules over our thought process and how we communicate these things. Mercury is our Health, mental and physical.
What if past people come back?
- If past people come back then this means that you have unfinished business or karma you need to clear out. Sometimes they come back because it could be a chance to start over and re-look at the situation and communicate. Another reason, it could be to see if you’re officially over and have learned that lesson associated with that person. It’s up to YOU if you want them back in your life. I’m going to be real, you may take back certain people in your life because you still have something left to learn.
Can I sign contracts or make big decisions?
Here’s the thing, if it’s not meant for you to do it then the Universe will block it one way or another! you have to start paying attention to the signs and listen to your intuition. If there’s doubt and you have been overthinking something, that’s a sign that you should probably leave something alone until you have clarity. You want to buy a car but nothing is going right, thats a sign love. Mercury Rx is asking you “Are you sure you want that car? Have you done a thorough research on it and see if its beneficial too you?” You want to try a new business endeavor but can’t find any resources, that’s a sign. You’re being asked to ”have you thought this endeavor out fully? Do you have a long term plan for it?” Now if you have full clarity on a situation and everything going smooth then that means you can go through with it because it was already planned out accordingly subconsciously or consciously.
Example: I bought my current cell phone during a Mercury Rx. I had been wanting a new phone for months but the timing wasn’t right but I knew I needed one. When Mercury Rx hit, my phone carrier told me that I qualified for the newest phone for no down payment. I took the opportunity and I’ve had this phone for 3 years and with only 1 issue(apple problem, not my phone) in this span.
Why is my life falling apart then?
-your life was probably already falling apart but you were too distracted by external things such as work, family or relationship(s) to noticed. Now it’s like someone has poured ice cold water in your face and you’re starting to see the dog shit in the corner, you’ve been smelling couldn’t spot it, SURPRISE! I’m tell you this, your life is falling apart or going through something so you can rebuild something builder. Is it fair? No, life isn’t always fair, earth isnt easy but just like the great Maya Angelou once said “you do the best you can. when you know better, you do better.”
Now this leads with this Mercury Rx being in Aries, we are looking at ourselves and reevaluating who we are. With the NN being here, we’re being pushed too. We have to if we want to grow. If you’re not reevaluating yourself then people closest to you are reflecting on what you need to heal. Libra which rules other people and Aries sister sign is also in effect. This eclipse was in a libra degree. Chiron is currently in Aries to remember? So take accountability for you past action, grieve and cry it out if you have too. But, also forgive yourself and others for your own mental (Mercury) peace. Some people will forgive you , others won’t, but the greatest thing we can all do is grow to be better for our future selves and the people we still have yet to meet! First we need too take accountability and heal.
See guys, life isn’t black and white, it’s very grey and it’s filled with nuance. These transits help us better ourselves and others in live timing.
I hope I didn’t come off preachy but I felt called to talk about this today because I wanted to you all to understand these transits in a newer more nuanced way. Can’t you all tell that this Rx is happening in my 10h😅
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Hello! Could you please do a reading on KOZ entertainment next girl group? Concept,level of success and anything u want basically 🥹
KOZ Entertainment Girl Group Mini Reading
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Concept : 9oP, The Lovers rx, The Moon rx, The tower rx
I don’t know how to explain this concept but I’ll try… I think this concept would be about happiness? The MV could be really pretty… most probably somewhere around nature too? The concept could also be about relationship issues as well…
Publics thoughts on group : 2oW, 5oC rx, AoW rx
People could think about stanning this new gg. They think the group brought something brand new and fresh but the other half of people would think the group lacks creativity and could see the group could probably have a stagnant career.
Groups dynamics : 6oW, 2oC, The Chariot rx
They are all very different people and they appreciate that. They possibly All hype each other up, and they will surely work together to make it to the industry. He members view each other as equals and there will be deep friendships established. There could be a few members who don’t get along or the group could face many obstacles but they will work really hard to achieve.
General Publics thoughts of debut song : Hanged man, QoP, 5oP rx
People could possibly think the song is successful. The public could possibly really love the groups vocals, they definitely thinking of stanning. They will be definitely stan, and will support the girls.
Possible Genre : 3oW (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius)
Hip/Hop + Pop
Will have foreigners? :(PoS & QoP, KNoC rx)
Yes and Maybe
Where would they come from? : (AoS) & (3oC)
UK, Ireland, Scotland OR South East Asia.
(redid cards for confirmation 3oC popped out again meaning it’s possible the foreigner come from either of these countries : UK, Ireland or Scotland.)
Physical appearance of member: (3oC & 4oW)
Blonde/brunette , Blue eyes, Pale/Olive skin, medium height.
Amount of members? : 7oW & The Hierophant
While trying to figure out members, 2oS kept popping out, so 2 members could leave the group… leading them to have 5 members.
Popular members big 3/astrology placements : (4oP, 8oP, 3oP and 7oC)
Could have earth placements in big 3 with a water sign
Member could be a water sign sun (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) rising fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius)
i tried my best lol! we’ll see what will happen once the gg debuts. 😅
Thank you for reading 📦
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seleniangnosis · 2 years
Conversation with Mars ☄
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
The focus of this pac will be put on how you can be more assertive, passionate in what you do , and how you can invite more strength and passion into your life / the choices that you make ♥
This a collective reading so take what resonates and/or applies to a specific situation you're dealing with and/or recognise as taking place in your life. Tarot does not replace professional help and advice so make sure your using pac readings in a responsible way ❣
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Pile 1
Card representing your energy: The Emperor
Additional cards: King of wands, tower + 2 of swords rx , three of pentacles + The chariot
Hello pile one and welcome to your reading☄
It's seems like you're already ( and positively) connected to the energy of Mars (you might be an Aries or a fire sign/ have prominent fire placements as well). You have to continue what you're doing. Do not give up or give into negative emotions or thoughts if something comes your way ,or it is more challenging to solve. You know what the right path is and you're not afraid of taking risks in terms of pursuing your goals.
In times of great conflict and confusion, you might be facing a stubbornness towards letting things go and move on with a fresh attitude. It is possible that you are trapping yourself in these unpleasant situations for the worse, by not having a flexible mindset. Know that you are the one in charge of your life and your path, unfavourable circumstances are just setbacks, or are there to provide you with a change in plans for the better. You'll feel more confident if you take charge of your mind and thoughts during times where everything and everyone seems to be against you. Don't let outside circumstances and people rule you and your life!
To bring about a more positive attitude towards creativity and assertiveness, it can be practical to pay more attention to how you are doing things before getting into a new direction. You have the fire in you, but at times this , without proper planning, can be too much and create small issues. Be more prepared and channel your passion into a viable vision , rather than letting it fly all around you and be nothing more than an impulse without a plan.
Pile 2
Card representing your energy: 2 of cups
Additional cards: Page of cups, tower rx + 7 of swords and eight of wands
Hello pile two and welcome to your reading☄
I know that the 2 of cups does not really represent a tendency towards being a people pleaser, but I am getting this energy from some of you. You might find it difficult to say no to others, and presenting a " new face " to the different people you meet, because you're afraid of being judged (If this isn't resonating, then you're someone open who likes to be around others and form friendships and connections) Pile 1 had the tower rx too, but for you this seems like it's more related to keeping yourself back from achieving your goals because of what others think or say about you.
The ways you can gain more courage and confidence in your life is trough a more passive attitude. You might feel burdened by everything that you cannot express or you're afraid to express ( thoughts, feelings, emotions.) Emotions that should bring you joy and safety, have petrified inside your heart and you are carrying them as a burden instead... in case you've made wrong turns, you've created some hurt to others and/or yourself,( or others have hurt you) you're encouraged to find a way to release the guilt and forgive yourself. Instead of asking yourself why me, when I'll be free of this, why it's always happening to me, turn to your heart and intuition and let them lead the way. Find time and a way to release and enter a period of regeneration of your emotional self. You might be a highly sensitive person, and continuing down this path isn't going to help you.
Know that situations in your life aren't unfixable, but you need to take charge and put things into move. You might also be afraid to face your " dark side" , your pain and resentful feelings. Find yourself a better way of mental support ( in case you have a lot of fake people around you), or a better way to deal with troublesome events that led you here.
You need to take action, and take the matter I your own hands instead of remaining passive. You're actually the biggest obstacle that's keeping you away from the accomplishing what you need and deserve. Open your up to new possibilities and experiences. You'll feel more freedom and joy! Additionally, spend some time with yourself and find what makes you feel happy, who you are deep inside ❤
Pile 3
Card representing your energy: 2 of swords rx
Additional cards: knight of swords, seven of pentacles rx, The sun , 4 of swords rx
Hello pile three and welcome to your reading☄
Pile three you may be a person who is either good at problem solving and analysis, or someone who finds it hard to make up their minds and require a lot of time before they make the final decision. You need to be more sure of yourself and your final decision, instead of going back and forth with making the final cut( which most of the times, is the wrong cut). It is possible that some of you make decisions in a rushed manner, without considering a more balanced option, or listening to another's advice. Some of you might be too assertive, to the point where others might see you as reckless too.
Take more time and different approaches when it comes about decision making and taking action in your life , or specific life areas. You might be self sabotaging your own accomplishments by trying to prove to others that you are always right and you are actually making the right choices, but underneath you might be bit insecure of you decision making skills. Try to be more confident , optimistic and don't allow others to put you down. You might also benefit from advice or from slowing down your thought process and analyse the whole situation before getting into action.
Restore your energy and balance if needed, but don't go into thinking that you need long periods of contemplation or isolation in order to make the best out of your life. A healthy amount of care in regards to your mindset can help. If you're struggling with an unhealthy mindset , looking into ways on how to better deal with endings, decision making and creating good plans for your actions might help. The help of someone you trust and get along wit can benefit too!
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eggman91 · 9 months
voodoo lover (Serafine version)
“I’m telling you freckle crazy voodoo”I sat eat my sandwich as rocky ramble about these savoys it only been a week since I started working at this place apparently they was in a partnership with a other speakeasy “they have these animals in there room and this snake really like me I called him banana and “I listened as Ivy appeared out of the back smiling “ hey rocky” hey smile got bit bigger “freckle what you two talking about “
“why the savoys miss pepper” “ oh your voodoo lover ” she winks I spite out my sandwich “ what!?” They both look at me like it was obvious ivy spoke “yeah he seeing this Serafine leader of their cult “ rocky spoke as he sip his tea “hey it not a cult it a congregation and the only fun one I been to “ I look at rocky and finally spoke “ rocky your…seeing a…pagan?” I shouldn’t judge I mean im…a.murder but it was. A shock “ yeah so what she fun like my music and jokes and she like me “ he pull on his shirt showing his chest carve initials of RxS it look fresh…” Ivy spoke up “ rocky that not healthy “
Suddenly there was a knock we all look there a white cat In a black a and smoking a cigarette holding a tie rocky tie “ cher you left dis” rocky got and rush out to her outside “oh I was wondering where that was thanks miss s “ I couldn’t hear there conversation but she hand rocky his tie and gave him whisper into his ear as rocky turn to walk back in she saw us looking and look back her face a strange smile her eyes like a predator I quickly look back at my sandwich
“man what a kind women coming all the way our here just to bring me my tie “ he was blushing me and Ivy look at him “ what?” He said I just went back to eating my sandwich as Ivy spoke “ rocky your lady friend is scary” but I see rocky was happy I spoke up “ I’m..happy for you rocky”
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tuliptic · 3 months
Hi! I'd love to join your game. Hehe. Here are my answers to the following specifications:
a. One small memory of mine that reminds me of warmth is when I read a book. Just recently, I started reading a new book and it's a Filipino book. Haven't read one in my native language for quite some time. The book is composed of short stories by common people inspired with real life happenings. I see lots of social issues discussed and other stuff that are prominent in my country's culture and practice. The warmth in this memory reminds me of appreciating the small things I have in life, the luxuries that have become a commonality to me that I don't as often realize how lucky I am to have these privileges. I'm not really sure if it classifies as warmth but it strengthened the ideology I already have of these things.
b. My favorite colors are pink and white. I've always liked white since it seems so clean and fresh to me. Also, when wearing outfits, white fits with everything. As for the color pink, this is something I grew to love on as I became more in touch with my femininity and it's a really pretty color tbh. Haha.
c. I think the emoji I would assign to you is this: 🌙. I chose the moon because you seem peaceful and at the same time you hold a level of depth that makes people drawn to you.
As for my chosen question, I had a hard time choosing one. They were all good questions...but in the end, I choose the third question which is what blessings are coming my way.
If it helps, my initials are IEKA. Thank you in advance <33
Henlo! Thanks for joining in the game OvO
Ahhh short stories... Sometimes, you'll realise that short paragraphs can hit you more than long stories do. I think it's because of how short and simple those sentences are, which brings out the severity and resonance within us. Pink and white!! I used to like pink as a kid, and then grew up being that edgy teenager, putting pink aside. Now I'm slowly growing to like it back and to get used to it lolol. Thank you for the moon. I appreciate the thought and am slightly surprised to see you all think about me as such.
Onto your reading: What blessings are coming your way.
Your cards: The Chariot rx, Nine of Wands rx, The Tower rx; The Tower rx, Ten of Swords, Ace of Wands, The Hanged Man rx
These cards... Are difficult to interpret in terms of blessings. To me, it felt more like lessons that you have to go through. And these lessons are what you need to learn so that you can fight for peace.
There's a lot of... Rage, I'd say, that you're going through. Or you'll go through that period in your life. There's anger that can be misdirected because of you not knowing where to direct it to, or that you can't direct it anywhere or it'll hurt the people around you. So you chose to hurt yourself with that anger. You want to be resilient, to be strong in the face of adversities, but ultimately you couldn't do anything because whatever that's happening around you rn is not of your action, but of others, and you are unable to control it.
You may be battered at the moment, but know that things will be better, a new beginning will come. You will need to learn how to rest, and then spring up to action when the time comes. Rest, my child, prepare yourself for the finale, where you'll see you're supported by many, and you'll be able to welcome a new wave of light and energy. Justice will be served.
I hope this reading gives you the insights you need, and that things will turn out better for you.
Thanks and rest well~!
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