#Free verse poetry
Some People Dream in Abstract (Great Smoky Mountains National Park)
Some People Dream in Abstract (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Some People Dream in Abstract Thoughts Like an Expressionist's Painting While other are bizarre, almost seemingly surreal Mine have been both, and sometimes in red But right now, I only dream wonderment for what stands in front Another work of short poetry or prose to complement the image captured one afternoon in the Cades Cove area of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This was at a roadside pullout along the main park road with a view looking to the north-northwest to a group of black bears (momma bear and three cubs) who happened to be crossing this asphalt road. I captured quite a few images at this location, but this is one of the few that I really liked of the group because the momma bear happened to be looking in my general direction while her cub continued on.
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wenumsmol · 3 months
Arch your back, chest pressed in the sheets. Toot that ass upright and let Mahoraga beat it.
I know its big. I know its hefty. Cock veined, heavily hanging leftly.
It's too much but he assumes you'll adapt with his hand on your waist and your pussy in his lap.
#But I'm not a rapper.
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trans-writes · 4 months
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Transcript under the cut
Letter to my mother’s second son:
Dear freak, dear idiot, dear asshole,
Dear blood of my blood,
Dear baby brother,
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for the unwelcome, 
I’m sorry for the hostility,
I’m sorry for seeing your visits as invasions.
I’m sorry for the bitterness when your home became my prison,
I’m sorry for casting you, scrawny and skittish and scared, as my jailer.
I’m sorry for Our Father, who art in jail,
I’m sorry that he loved me, or at least,
I’m sorry that you thought he did.
I’m sorry for mom’s ex boyfriend and the hole in the wall and the cracks in the tile,
I’m sorry for the locked door and the empty stomach and the silence or the screaming,
I’m sorry for the little boy in the corner learning nuclear fusion, melting fear and hunger into 
anger, into energy,
I’m sorry no one came to save you.
I’m sorry for our grandfather, his apathy, his old-fashion, his misunderstanding,
I’m sorry you don’t know how to stand down in peacetime,
I’m sorry he’s always up in arms.
I’m sorry for your dead friend,
I’m sorry I don’t know what to say, 
I’m sorry no one else is saying anything but go do the dishes.
I’m sorry for this stupid fucking town and how everyone here has something rotting in the 
I’m sorry for your stupid fucking friends,
I’m sorry there’s little better to be found here.
I’m sorry for trauma, for tragedy, for being unable to hold it all,
I’m sorry the doctor won’t help you,
I’m sorry you’re stuck here.
I’m sorry,
I’m sorry,
I love you.
— r.a.b. // 05-19-2024
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3amfanfiction · 7 months
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
When someone is burning in front of you.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
When a mother takes what isn’t hers,
She can’t feed her children when she’s the only one.
When she asked you for help you told her, “get a job, go to school, don’t have kids”
As the food made its way into her bag when she knew her card was empty,
You pull guns not fire extinguishers.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
and then are surprised when no one will ask for help.
Surprised when people get nervous if they see you even looking at them.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
When you see a hijab.
Whenever prayer rugs are pulled out,
And thoughts turn inward,
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
Then you ask ‘why don’t they like me?’
‘Can’t they see I’m doing what’s right?’
‘Can’t they see the respect I deserve?’
Your fingers wouldn’t be able to find the pin, your hands don’t know how to work a nozzle you’ve never held.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
When a man cries for help.
His mind works a bit differently than yours, whether from birth or use.
When he asked you for help you told him, “figure it out, stop sleeping here, don’t bother the people walking by”
Then when he screams and disrupts and is in your way,
You pull guns not fire extinguishers.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
When a boy holds a phone,
An oak tree drops it’s acorn,
A man tries to breathe.
You pull guns not fire extinguishers
Because you’re not here to help.
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roberttaylorsleeps · 29 days
Why do I let others stab my chest, just to feel the pain I seek? Why do I climb walls that have no steps, just to fall back on my feet? Why do I continue to drive myself forward, until I'm collapsing on my knees. Why do I continue to push myself onward, to a goal I cannot achieve.
Driving myself....insane through this endless repeating task. Seeding petty doubts in my brain, an audience that repeatedly asks "Why do I chose to do the things I do?" "Why do I chose to do the things I do?" To chase the carrot on a stick, to chase the clouds in the sky. Dreams that will never leave the confines of my empty and rotting brain.
And as the audience repeats the same phrase again, and again, I ask myself, why? Why. Why do I push forward? Why I do jump in? When I know the ship is sinking. When I know the door is locked. There are no stairs to get up the wall! So why do I climb up knowing I will end up on my knees.
-Robert Taylor (RobertTaylorSleeps)
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namelesspoett · 1 year
I write.
I write, blood
To stitch my old scars
I write, ink
To hydrate my
Deserted heart
I write,
To sing what
My mind silently
I write,
So I can breath
Words of a poet
I write,
For my thunderstorms
Can bloom gardens
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midileduwang · 7 months
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Fakeman is a robot in thigamajig skin.
You're all living a lie.
Illusions within delusions
Drugged by cultists for a fight the death
Love camouflaging under strife.
indeed they were all in disguises
concocted by black rainbows.
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thepathetickind · 1 year
forever from a distance  always too far to reach one another  in this void that is our infinity  I see my whole world when I look at you
by laurenmaerie, ‘like sun and moon’ 
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coffeexxcigarettes · 3 months
I am made of last calls and lost wishes;
Dreams casted to the sky with hope,
Forgotten in time.
Eagerly consumed at the dinner table,
Only for those with full bellies
To stumble out dazed and confused,
Wondering why they hungered for me
In the first damned place-
Held down and told to be grateful I'm desired,
In fleeting moments
Of fire.
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I have my mother’s rage and my father’s grief
Therefore, try as I might,
I cannot yell and I cannot cry.
Had I my father’s rage, I would scream.
Had I my mother’s grief, I would weep.
Alas, I cannot,
so I do nothing but burn in silence
and rot in my cage.
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artisticmenace · 4 months
another poem, this one is mostly about how terrible it is for me as a romantic asexual 😃
Ace of Hearts
Its me again god,
asking again
hey, is anyone more than a friend?
someone to have
someone to hold
someone to go along
and be gray and old
but not that bold
for im an ace of hearts you see
people are hot but never sexy
which means im not gay enough
and im not straight
im no ones person
no ones date
theyre looking for something more
than an ace of hearts can give
and i weep at the thought
of the sort of life ill never live
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beaujuniperbooks · 3 months
I am a soul of many colors
A nonbinary Christian in the church
A mosaic of faith and identity
Navigating the tension with grace
I am the whisper in the pews
The silent prayers of the marginalized
Caught between tradition and truth
Seeking a place at the table
I am the contradiction in scripture
The verses that speak to my heart
Holding onto the love of Christ
While wrestling with exclusion
I am the voice of change within the walls
Pushing for inclusion and understanding
Breaking down the barriers of gender
Embracing all as beloved children
I am the embodiment of faith and queerness
A living testament to love's vastness
Walking the path of acceptance and grace
As a nonbinary Christian in the church.
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wormsdirt · 7 months
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sweet-fox-mari · 2 years
My light in the dark
So bright it's almost blinding
But at the same time illuminating
These feelings I'm not minding
Walk with me through the night
I sense you need one too
Baby I can be your light
Inch by inch let's watch each other grow
I honestly cannot wait
To see how beautifully you glow
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roberttaylorsleeps · 3 months
Take me to the field
If you approached me and said, "I can take you anywhere on Earth, where would you like to go?" I'd ask to go to a baron field. One without a name. One far away from everyone else.
Once I was in the middle of it, I would scream. Scream until I physically couldn't anymore. Scream until I was left gasping for breath, lying on the grass facing the sky. I would stay there. I would stay there and fall apart, hoping that once I was done the grass would piece me back together.
-Robert Taylor (RobertTaylorSleeps)
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namelesspoett · 1 year
My eyes.
I look at the cracks of
your laughs
And write the lyrics
Your smile,
My eyes drink
Till drunk.
Yearning for one more
My eyes,
Roam your garden
Blooming my soul
With petals
Of your love
My eyes,
Have ventured
Picked glistening stars.
Yet, were dimmed
When I laid upon
Your universe
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