#Fran Byrne
thehumandevil666 · 9 months
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dgct2 · 1 year
Deadline can reveal that the letter has now been signed by over 1,000 actors, including stars such as Charlize Theron, Joaquin Phoenix, Jamie Lee Curtis, Cobie Smulders and Pedro Pascal, as well as, curiously SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher.
Other names recently added include Paul Giamatti, Bradley Whitford, Rose Byrne, Olivia Wilde, Ewan McGregor, Aubrey Plaza, Rooney Mara and Sarah Paulson.
The Letter
“Solidarity demands honesty, and we need to make clear our resolve. A strike brings incredible hardships to so many, and no one wants it. But we are prepared to strike if it comes to that. And we are concerned by the idea that SAG-AFTRA members may be ready to make sacrifices that leadership is not. We hope you’ve heard the message from us. This is an unprecedented inflection point in our industry, and what might be considered a good deal in any other years is simply not enough,” the letter noted.
“This is not a moment to meet in the middle, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that the eyes of history are on all of us. We ask that you push for all the change we need and protections we deserve and make history doing it. If you are not able to get all the way there, we ask that you use the power given to you by us, the membership, and join the WGA on the picket lines,”
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daimonclub · 9 months
Quotes and aphorisms on food
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Quotes on food Quotes and aphorisms on food by various and famous authors and writers, ideas and thoughts to a well balanced diet and food philosophy to eat and live better. I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead - not sick, not wounded - dead. Woody Allen We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police. Jeff Arder A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart, who looks at her watch. James Beard Unbought feasts.  (Lat., Dapes inemptae.) Latin Proverb An anonymous man from the 16th century always used to say: "There are many important things in life, the first is eating, I don't know the others." Carl William Brown Hunger is a good cook. Author Unknown Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good. Alice May Brock Eating is touch carried to the bitter end. Samuel Butler One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. Virginia Woolf I would like to find a stew that will give me heartburn immediately, instead of at three o clock in the morning. John Barrymore Only the pure in heart can make a good soup. Ludwig Van Beethoven
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Aphorisms on food Yogi ordered a pizza. The waitress asked How many pieces do you want your pie cut? Yogi responded, Four. I don't think I could eat eight. Yogi Berra Edible. Good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. Ambrose Bierce The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid, and my mother made me eat it. I am President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli. George H. Bush The healthy stomach is nothing if it is not conservative. Few radicals have good digestions. Samuel Butler I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. A. Whitney Brown What most moved him was a certain meal on beans. Robert Browning I just hate health food. Julia Child Life is too short to stuff a mushroom. Shirley Conran Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography. Robert Byrne A woman should never be seen eating or drinking, unless it be lobster salad and Champagne, the only true feminine and becoming viands. Lord Byron The right diet directs sexual energy into the parts that matter. Barbara Cartland
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Aphorisms and quotes on food It is a difficult matter to argue with the belly since it has no ears. Cato The Elder For its merit I will knight it, and then it will be Sir-Loin. Charles II Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat. Marcus T. Cicero Although there is a great deal of controversy among scientists about the effects of ingested food on the brain, no one denies that you can change your cognition and mood by what you eat. Arthur Winter Food = joy ... guilt ... anger ... pain ... nurturing ... friendship ... hatred ... the way you look and feel.... Food = everything you can imagine. Susan Powter Bread that must be sliced with an axe is bread that is too nourishing. Fran Lebowitz Food is an important part of a balanced diet. Fran Lebowitz Inhabitants of underdeveloped nations and victims of natural disasters are the only people who have ever been happy to see soy beans. Fran Lebowitz More die in the United States of too much food than of too little. John Kenneth Galbraith Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly. M.F.K. Fisher Food was always a conduit in our family for storytelling, and it was a way for us to keep in touch and remember things. We're people that use food to keep each other together and to always cheer us up and make all of our days better. Rachel ray My favorite food city is wherever I happen to be eating. You know what they say, love the one you’re with! Pamela Anderson A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. Aesop The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. William Collier The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life. Cyril Connolly
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Salami Italian typical food To eat is human, to digest divine. Charles T. Copeland Square meals often make round people. Joseph E. Cossman I found there was only one way to look thin: hang out with fat people. Rodney Dangerfield Let the stoics say what they please, we do not eat for the good of living, but because the meat is savory and the appetite is keen. Ralph Waldo Emerson When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor. Euripides Cheese is milk's leap toward immortality. Cliff Fadiman Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrees, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things a la though you know that Roast Beef, medium, is safe and sane, and sure. Edna Ferber I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks. Totie Fields Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly. M. F. K. Fisher Food has it over sex for variety. Hedonistically, gustatory possibilities are much broader than copulatory ones. Joseph Epstein I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food. Erma Bombeck Food ... is the topmost taper on the golden candelabrum of existence. Donald Barthelme He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. Bible, Psalms The food here is so tasteless you could eat a meal of it and belch and it wouldn't remind you of anything. Redd Foxx One should eat to live, not live to eat. Benjamin Franklin More die in the United States from too much food that from too little. John Kenneth Galbraith God comes to the hungry in the form of food. Mahatma Gandhi It isn't so much what's on the table that matters, as what's on the chairs. W. S. Gilbert Meat eaten without either mirth or music is ill of digestion. Sir Walter Scott Mellow nuts have the hardest rind. Sir Walter Scott
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Thoughts on the art of food Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast. Oscar Wilde We ought to know about our culinary past. Food and identity is terribly important ... I don't mean we should go out and eat historic dishes, but we should know what makes us different ... self-confident nations have that sense of where they come from. Tom Jaine What is food to one, is to others bitter poison. Lucretius Food is much better off the hand than the fork. Mario Batali You can't just eat good food. You've got to talk about it too. And you've got to talk about it to somebody who understands that kind of food. Kurt Vonnegut We need a quarter of the food we eat to live, the rest is used to fatten industrialists, advertisers, doctors and undertakers. (obviously for those dying of hunger the situation changes.) Carl William Brown Food - what is chosen from the possibilities available, how it is presented, how it is eaten, with whom and when, and how much time is allotted to cooking and eating it - is one of the means by which a society creates itself and acts out its aims and fantasies. Margaret Visser There is such a thing as food and such a thing as poison. But the damage done by those who pass off poison as food is far less than that done by those who generation after generation convince people that food is poison. Paul Goodman A gourmet is just a glutton with brains. Phillip H. Haberman Jr. As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it, or leave it. Buddy Hackett A store of grain, Oh king is the best of treasures. A gem put in your mouth will not support life. Hitopadesa First rule of Economics 101: our desires are insatiable. Second rule: we can stomach only three Big Macs at a time. Doug Horton Most of us are either too thin to enjoy eating, or too fat to enjoy walking. Edgar Watson Howe A lot of Thanksgiving days have been ruined by not carving the turkey in the kitchen. Kin Hubbard A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner. Samuel Johnson He who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else. Samuel Johnson He who cannot eat horsemeat need not do so. Let him eat pork. But he who cannot eat pork, let him eat horsemeat. It's simply a question of taste. Nikita S. Khrushchev Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet. Harry Kurnitz I judge a restaurant by the bread and by the coffee. Burt Lancaster The most dangerous food to eat is a wedding cake. Author Unknown
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Quotes on food and wine Food is our common ground, a universal experience. James Beard The fact is that this generation - yours, my generation ... we're the first generation that can look at poverty and disease, look across the ocean to Africa and say with a straight face, we can be the first to end this sort of stupid extreme poverty, where in the world of plenty, a child can die for lack of food in it's belly. Bono The act of putting into your mouth what the earth has grown is perhaps your most direct interaction with the earth. Frances Moore Lappe Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. Fran Lebowitz Food is an important part of a balanced diet. Fran Lebowitz If you're going to America, bring your own food. Fran Lebowitz Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat. Fran Lebowitz I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster. Joe E. Lewis If there were only turnips and potatoes in the world, someone would complain that plants grow the wrong way. Georg C. Lichtenberg Everything you see I owe to spaghetti. Sophia Loren Choose rather to punish your appetites than be punished by them. Tyrius Maximus It ain't what you eat, but the way how you chew it. Delbert McClinton You can travel fifty thousand miles in America without once tasting a piece of good bread. Henry Miller Never eat more than you can lift. Miss Piggy We are digging our graves with our teeth. Thomas Moffett Lunch kills half of Paris, supper the other half. Charles De Montesquieu No man is lonely while eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention. Christopher Morley You needn't tell me that a man who doesn't love oysters and asparagus and good wines has got a soul, or a stomach either. He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed. Hector Hugh Munro He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well. Hebrew Proverb There is only one thing harder than looking for a dewdrop in the dew, and that is fishing for a clam in the clam chowder. New England Proverb
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Vegetarian food pyramid Want to learn to eat a lot? Here it is: Eat a little. That way, you will be around long enough to eat a lot. Anthony Robbins We know that ever woman wants to be thin. Our images of womanhood are almost synonymous with thinness. Susie Orbach We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun. George Orwell Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody. Samuel Pepys Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you'll hardly have time to think about food. Peace Pilgrim He who eats alone chokes alone. Arabian Proverb It's better that it should make you sick than that you don't eat it at all. Catalan Proverb Don't dig your grave with your knife and fork. English Proverb A good meal ought to begin with hunger. French Proverb Appetite comes with eating; the more one has, the more one would have. French Proverb There is no such thing as a pretty good omelette. French Proverb Coffee should be black as Hell, strong as death, and sweet as love. Turkish Proverb When one has tasted it he knows what the angels eat. Mark Twain He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God. Saadi I have found it to be the most serious objection to coarse labors long continued, that they compelled me to eat and drink coarsely also. Henry David Thoreau There is nothing to which men, while they have food and drink, cannot reconcile themselves. George Santayana To eat is to appropriate by destruction. Jean-Paul Sartre Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale. Elsa Schiaparelli He jests at scars that never felt a wound. William Shakespeare There is no love sincerer than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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Ideas and quotes on food Seven's a banquet nine a brawl. Author Unknown Worthless people love only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live. Socrates For much of the female half of the world, food is the first signal of our inferiority. It lets us know that our own families may consider female bodies to be less deserving, less needy, less valuable. Gloria Steinem Lunch is for wimps. Oliver Stone Man shall not live by bread alone. The Holy Bible Put a knife to thy throat, if you're a man given to appetite. The Holy Bible Much meat, much disease. Author Unknown Fang drops so much food on his ties we keep them in the refrigerator. Phyllis Diller Do not arouse disdainful mind when you prepare a broth of wild grasses; do not arouse joyful mind when you prepare a fine cream soup. Dogen A good, honest, wholesome, hungry breakfast. Izaak Walton Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks. Lin Yutang Find out more visiting these links: Good food for your diet (With Videos) Vegetarian food diets (With Videos) Thoughts and reflections on food Aforismi e citazioni sul cibo International and Italian recipes Enogastronomia e turismo Italian recipes, fashion and travels https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/easy https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes http://allrecipes.com/recipes/1947/everyday-cooking/quick-and-easy/ http://www.sjana.com/blogs/lifestyle/food-for-the-soul Cooking traditions in Lombardy, Italy Read the full article
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thecomicsnexus · 9 months
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UNCANNY X-MEN #248-250
September/October 1989
By Chris Claremont, Jim Lee, Marc Silvestri, Dan Green, Steve Leialoha, Glynis Oliver, Tom Orzechowski, and Joe Rosen.
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The X-Men keep losing members as they face the Nanny (not Fran Drescher) and Zaladane (Lorna's sister).
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OK, I really have to explain such a poor score.
First of all, this was (apparently) , Jim Lee's first issue of Uncanny X-Men. Now, I am not sure how #248 was planned, but I am going to assume that it was the marvel way (art first, words later). In that regard I feel like Lee didn't do a great job out of Claremont's idea.
But then the story continued with Marc Silvestri, and I found a similar problem (although, less confusing action-wise).
The problem I see is that there is no balance between amount of time spent on soliloquies, and the action of the week. The X-Men are pretty much bouncing back and forth from one adventure to the other with little time to understand what is going on. Since this way of making comics is a team effort (in the best cases), I have to blame all of them for how confusing the action is... but mostly I have to side with the fact that the idea was good enough for it to make sense, and then the pacing went off rails with the art.
The book is very unforgiving to new readers as well, characters are rarely introduced and I think that has to do with Silvestri and Lee being fans already, something that Byrne didn't take for granted in the "old days".
Sure, it's art by Jim Lee and Marc Silvestri and it looks stunning, but pin-ups are a different art form. Of course, these artists went on to make much better stories after this ones.
So I can see all the ingredients on the page, but I cannot find the synergy. Take Storm's "death" for example. Havok is going through a really bad time, but as readers don't really spend much time with those repercussions because we have to jump on the problem of the week on the other side of the world (a Chilean town where people seem to speak in Mexican slang).
I see Claremont's dialogues acknowledging all the trauma, but the art doesn't feel connected to it enough.
Or maybe it's just me.
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7clubs · 2 years
headcanon zone
anyway in general i am pretty sparse w/ found family headcanons so unless i say otherwise it's just safest to assume i see everyone as friends or co-workers and that's it. i'm often a boring stickler for canon/canon-compliance too.....
when it comes to seb the only family figure hcs i have for them are justine and john as mother/brother figures. see kay's entry too bc that relationship is pretty similar to how i see seb and justine.
[ yumimei / ] all edgeworth is to seb after aai2 is literally just a cool older co-worker and mentor and he only becomes like family After seb and fran are basically engaged lmao. and it is a source of torment for both of them like ahh. help. my funny protege/slightly intimidating mentor figure is going to become my in-law now. we're going to drive each other crazy <3
for fran and edgeworth: i have the third vk sibling + her daughter somewhere in there. she's 15 years older than fran but was around to help out miles a tiny bit in his teens. but after mvk was incarcerated she became completely estranged from the family. She did not ever have a good relationship with mvk but stayed for a while because her father was actually kind to his granddaughter/her daughter, something she never had for herself. franziska especially resents her for not being around when miles "chose death."
kay: she had relatives to take care of her after byrne died. her relationship with edgeworth is kind of awkward in that she admittedly does see some of byrne in him and edgeworth in turn has a protectiveness over kay that he doesn't realize are slightly dadly feelings as well. but kay is also almost an adult when they meet so she's never adopted or anything like that nor do they really go out and admit they see each other like this.
kay is roommates with seb but they're buddies and that's it lol
trucy: narumitsu real so yes trucy becomes edgeworth's daughter. love and light <3
maya and nick and my best friend luke triton: besties and sibling figures. i love them.
[plvspwaa spoilers]
rouge and barnham: actual biological siblings in my brain. they just weren't written as it so they don't remember at first <3
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courtrecord · 1 year
wip asks: ☔?
☔ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it?
ok. so. gregory edgeworth is not killed on december 28th, 2001, but there is still a target on his back. in time, his friend and colleague and the only prosecutor who isn’t evil in the goddamn la court system byrne faraday (who was on paternity leave during the whole mvk fiasco) asks if he’d like to be part of this new, very ambitious, probably dangerous project he and his partner have been cooking up.
it’ll make your position even more precarious, that’s true, but. someone needs to expose the truth about court corruption. and if they won’t give it to us… we’ll have to steal it.
featuring: lots of intrigue & layers of performance & spy-adjacent shit, gregory having to push miles away from the courts bc it’s too dangerous, miles & kay siblingisms, fran is probably there occasionally, also phoenix, damon gant definitely is a big antagonist, etc. i think it would be neat.
send me wip questions!
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solarsought · 2 years
muses i’ll be removing when i move blogs
- kai
- luma aah’valio
- luminara unduli
- commander wolffe
- jyn erso
- cassian andor
- bodhi rook
- raven “mystique” darkholme
- foggy nelson
- veronika pryde-rasputin
- fran murdock
- ingrid miranda
- henrik mikaelson
- ima tite
- lyla winston
- althea jerry
- naomi denvers
- gina martin
- jess black
- joey hudson
- gracie raleigh-rovia
- ygritte
- saoirse black
- keelin byrne
- ornaith murphy
- iain burnett
- mai finnigan
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mirandamckenni1 · 11 months
Can You Decode This Alien Message? The first 500 people to use my link will get access to one of Skillshare’s best offers: 30 days free AND 40% off your first year of Skillshare membership! https://ift.tt/1xBh4Fj Recommended course: The Science of Effective Learning by Santiago Acosta Hi! I'm Jade. If you'd like to consider supporting Up and Atom, head over to my Patreon page :) https://ift.tt/jgW9h40 Visit the Up and Atom store https://ift.tt/12xhJ7S Subscribe to Up and Atom for physics, math and computer science videos https://www.youtube.com/c/upandatom For a one time donation, head over to my PayPal :) https://ift.tt/mj647oU *A big thank you to my AMAZING PATRONS!* Jonathan Koppelman, Michael Seydel, Cy 'kkm' K'Nelson, Thorsten Auth, Chris Flynn, Tim Barnard, Izzy Ca, Tate Lyles, Richard O McEwen Jr, Scott Ready, John H. Austin, Jr., Brian Wilkins, Thomas V Lohmeier, David Johnston, Thomas Krause, Lynn Shackelford, Ave Eva Thornton, Andrew Pann, Anne Tan, Francisco, Marc-Antoine, Chris Davis, Thomas Urech, chuck zegar, David Tuman, Richard Rensman, Ben Mitchell, Steve Archer, Luna, Tyler Simms, Michael Geer, James Mahoney, Jim Felich, Fabio Manzini, Jeremy, Sam Richardson, Robin High, KiYun Roe, DONALD McLeod, Ron Hochsprung, Aria Bend, James Matheson, Kevin Anderson, Alexander230, Tim Ludwig, Alexander Del Toro Barba, Justin Smith, A. Duncan, Mark Littlehale, Tony T Flores, Dagmawi Elehu, Jeffrey Smith, Alex Hackman, bpatb, Joel Becane, Paul Barclay, 12tone, Sergey Ten, John Lakeman, Jana Christine Saout, Jeff Schwarz, Yana Chernobilsky, Louis Mashado, Michael Dean, Chris Amaris, Matt G, Dag-Erling Smørgrav, John Shioli, Todd Loreman, Susan Jones, Motty Porat, Michael Tardibuono, Yaw Mintah, Carlos Escolar, Vijay Prasad, Anthony Docimo, robert lalonde, Julian Nagel, Cassandra Durnord, Antony Birch, Paul Bunbury, David Shlapak, Kent Arimura, Phillip Rhodes, Michael Nugent, James N Smith, Roland Gibson, Joe McTee, Dean Fantastic, Oleg Dats, John Spalding, Simon J. Dodd, Tang Chun, Michelle, William Toffey, Michel Speiser, Rigid Designator, James Horsley, Brian Williams, Craig Tumblison, Cameron Tacklind, 之元 丁, Kevin Chi, Lance Ahmu, Tim Cheseborough, Markus Lindström, Steve Watson, Midnight Skeptic, Potch, Indrajeet Sagar, Markus Herrmann (trekkie22), Gil Chesterton, Alipasha Sadri, Pablo de Caffe, Taylor Hornby, Mark Fisher, Emily, Colin Byrne, Nick H, Jesper de Jong, Loren Hart, Sofia Fredriksson, Phat Hoang, Spuddy, Sascha Bohemia, tesseract, Stephen Britt, KG, Hansjuerg Widmer, John Sigwald, O C, Carlos Gonzalez, Thomas Kägi, James Palermo, Chris Teubert, Fran, Wolfgang Ripken, Jeremy Bowkett, Vincent Karpinski, Nicolas Frias, Louis M, kadhonn, Moose Thompson, Rick DeWitt, Pedro Paulo Vezza Campos, S, Garrett Chomka, Rebecca Lashua, Pat Gunn, George Fletcher, RobF, Vincent Seguin, Shawn, Israel Shirk, Jesse Clark, Steven Wheeler, Philip Freeman, Jareth Arnold, Simon Barker, Lou, amcnea and Simon Dargaville. Chapters 0:00 - 0:53 Receiving the alien message 0:53 - 3:15 Interpreting the radio signal 3:15 - 5:00 Mysterious white squares 5:00 - 5:43 Mysterious purple blob 5:43 - 7:27 Mysterious green clusters 7:27 - 7:36 Mysterious blue twirlies 7:36 - 8:05 Mysterious red figure 8:05 - 9:34 More mysterious white squares 9:34 - 10:28 Mysterious yellow dots 10:28 - 11:12 Mysterious purple thing 11:12 - 13:08 Even MORE mysterious white squares 13:08 - Fun fact about the Arecibo message 13:48 Thank you Skillshare! Creator - Jade Tan-Holmes Script - Joshua Daniel Editing - Christian Pearson and Jade Tan-Holmes Music - epidemicsound.com via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm1tBF4h8nQ
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ear-worthy · 1 year
On Air Fest Adds Headliners to LA Annex Podcast Festival
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Comic-Con began in 1970 when a small group of comics, movie, and science fiction fans from San Diego put on an event attended by just 300 people. In 2023, about 150,000 people attended the event. It’s a dopamine overload for those who attend as fans and a marketing bonanza for TV, film, comic book, and merchandise producers.
Podcasting needs a Comic Con. The medium already has several terrific live events that draw podcasters and fans from around the world. Podcast Movement, PodFest Expo, and On Air Fest, to name just a few
I envision Pod Con as a four-day event, with fans cosplaying as Ira Glass, Kara Swisher, Audie Cornish, or Wendy Zukerman. Joe Rogan fans could scream at attendees about getting any vaccine, and then hand out pamphlets with a curated list of conspiracy theories.
Until that day, we have the On Air LA Annex that will bring together the vanguard of storytellers, audio creatives, and inspired listeners who are shaping the culture of sound. The event runs from November 1 through November 4.
As the annual West Coast edition of New York City’s influential On Air Fest, this year’s event will take place at multiple locations including KCRW’s Santa Monica studio and dublab in University Park, pushing podcasting further into the future and revealing new answers to the question of “what’s next?” (WIRED).
From live recordings and performances to exclusive premieres and innovative installations, the lineup will showcase both emerging and established voices across an eclectic schedule and an additional wave of headliners that are still to be announced. Find tickets here and more details below.
On Wednesday, November 1st at KCRW’s state-of-the-art Annenberg Performance Studio, the festival kicks off with the On Air Business Summit, a by-invitation gathering of industry leadership for urgent dialogues on the growth and evolution of podcasts. Then, the doors open to everyone for an evening that features:
KCRW’s Lost Notes: A sneak preview of the revelatory series’ highly-anticipated return, unspooling the real stories behind LA’s soul music scene with co-hosts Novena Carmel (Morning Becomes Eclectic) and Michael Barnes.
Let’s Make a Horror: Part improv comedy, part horror film, and all plot twist, this interactive rendition of the acclaimed show from CBC Podcasts and Kelly&Kelly will take the stage for a brand new, spooky story right on the heels of Halloween. Comedians Ryan Bell, Maddy Kelly, and Mark Chavez will be joined by a special guest to be announced.
On Thursday, November 2nd at KCRW, the second evening of On Air Fest will shock, entice, and enlighten attendees, with sessions from: Spooked: From the creators of Snap Judgment, presented by PRX and KQED, comes Spooked. Host and Snap Studios founder Glynn Washington opens the second night of On Air Fest LA Annex with a live performance. This installment of the popular paranormal podcast will reveal a true-life tale of the supernatural.
Spooked explores the Shadowlands — daring listeners to confront the unknown. Be afraid… Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso: The revered host returns to On Air Fest for a live taping of the intimate, in-depth interview podcast that has welcomed such greats as Carol Burnett, David Byrne, Fran Lebowitz, Lorde, Oscar Isaac, Padma Lakshi, Questlove, Quinta Brunson, Tom Hanks, and many others.
On Air LA Annex will reveal more details, headliners and exclusive first-listens throughout the coming weeks, as well as the full lineup for the On Air Open House on Saturday, November 4th. Hosted at dublab, the day-long event is free, open to the public and dedicated to celebrating the talents of LA’s creator community. In addition to live radio streams and performances, a happy hour presented by ESPN 30 for 30, DJ sets and more, it will include the debut of an unprecedented exhibition. Following the introduction of On Air Fest’s first-ever, multi-room installation at the beginning of 2023, this new collection of original listening experiences will see guests moving between different stations to interact with the inaugural collection of On Air Official Selects.
Launching as part of this year’s On Air LA Annex, On Air Official Selects is an open, global call for short-form audio stories. Between now and October 4th, any creative can submit an original piece under 10 minutes in length, with an emphasis on experimentation and boundary-pushing approaches. This feedback loop makes On Air Fest unique.
A panel of leaders, tastemakers and judges — including Alejandro Cohen (Executive Director, dublab), Gina Delvac (Head of Podcast Audience Lab, KCRW), Marshall Lewy (Chief Content Officer, Wondery), Ben Adair (Founder and Executive Producer, Western Sound), Christy Gressman (Vice President, Podcasts, Topic Studios) and more — will award 10 works with an honorarium, as well as the opportunity to showcase their piece for all the attendees of On Air Open House. Learn more about On Air Official Selects and apply here: https://www.onairfest.com/article/announcing-on-air-fest-official-selects-2023
Organized by work x work, — 2023’s LA Annex will continue to elevate the art form and reaffirm its place as “the Coachella of podcast festivals,” as Fast Company magazine described it.
EVENT DETAILS WHO: On Air Fest with KCRW & dublab WHEN: November 1–4, 2023
WHERE: KCRW (1660 Stewart Street, Santa Monica, California) dublab (1035 West 24th Street, Los Angeles, California)
WHY: A gathering place where audio makers, artists, storytellers, podcasters and listeners are inspired by the art of sound.
TICKETS: Free-$225. General Admission & VIP tickets available for single and multiple days.
MORE INFO & TICKETS: HERE at the On Air LA Annex landing page and onairfest.com Presenting Sponsors & Program Partners: Audible, ESPN, Dolby, Simplecast, Adswizz, Subtext, KCRW, LAist, CBC, Pushkin Industries and dublab.
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thefrogholler · 4 years
Musical Birthday Notes - March 17th
Musical Birthday Notes – March 17th
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European Couples Alignment Chart Part 3 (Part 1 // Part 2)
Woso Pride Month 2020 [Day 24/30]
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Just some random pseudo-norse syllables
Perhaps just take two random syllables to create a nordic/scandinavian inspired name. Serndul, Binfern, Varslyn...
bal bam ban bar barl barm barn barr bars bart bas bel bem ben ber berl berm bern berr bers bert bes bil bim bin bir birl birm birn birr birs birt bis bjal bjam bjan bjar bjas bjel bjem bjen bjer bjes bjil bjim bjin bjir bjis bjol bjom bjon bjor bjos bjul bjum bjun bjur bjus bol bom bon bor borl borm born borr bors bort bos bral bram bran brar bras brel brem bren brer bres bril brim brin brir bris brol brom bron bror bros brul brum brun brur brus bryl brym bryn bryr brys bul bum bun bur burl burm burn burr burs burt bus byl bym byn byr byrl byrm byrn byrr byrs byrt bys dal dam dan dar darl darm darn darr dars dart das del dem den der derl derm dern derr ders dert des dil dim din dir dirl dirm dirn dirr dirs dirt dis dol dom don dor dorl dorm dorn dorr dors dort dos dul dum dun dur durl durm durn durr durs durt dus dyl dym dyn dyr dyrl dyrm dyrn dyrr dyrs dyrt dys fal fam fan far farl farm farn farr fars fart fas fel fem fen fer ferl ferm fern ferr fers fert fes fil fim fin fir firl firm firn firr firs firt fis fjal fjam fjan fjar fjas fjel fjem fjen fjer fjes fjil fjim fjin fjir fjis fjol fjom fjon fjor fjos fjul fjum fjun fjur fjus fol fom fon for forl form forn forr fors fort fos fral fram fran frar fras frel frem fren frer fres fril frim frin frir fris frol from fron fror fros frul frum frun frur frus fryl frym fryn fryr frys ful fum fun fur furl furm furn furr furs furt fus fyl fym fyn fyr fyrl fyrm fyrn fyrr fyrs fyrt fys gal gam gan gar garl garm garn garr gars gart gas gel gem gen ger gerl germ gern gerr gers gert ges gil gim gin gir girl girm girn girr girs girt gis gol gom gon gor gorl gorm gorn gorr gors gort gos gul gum gun gur gurl gurm gurn gurr gurs gurt gus gyl gym gyn gyr gyrl gyrm gyrn gyrr gyrs gyrt gys hal ham han har harl harm harn harr hars hart has hel hem hen her herl herm hern herr hers hert hes hil him hin hir hirl hirm hirn hirr hirs hirt his hjal hjam hjan hjar hjas hjel hjem hjen hjer hjes hjil hjim hjin hjir hjis hjol hjom hjon hjor hjos hjul hjum hjun hjur hjus hol hom hon hor horl horm horn horr hors hort hos hral hram hran hrar hras hrel hrem hren hrer hres hril hrim hrin hrir hris hrol hrom hron hror hros hrul hrum hrun hrur hrus hryl hrym hryn hryr hrys hul hum hun hur hurl hurm hurn hurr hurs hurt hus hyl hym hyn hyr hyrl hyrm hyrn hyrr hyrs hyrt hys kal kam kan kar karl karm karn karr kars kart kas kel kem ken ker kerl kerm kern kerr kers kert kes kil kim kin kir kirl kirm kirn kirr kirs kirt kis kjal kjam kjan kjar kjas kjel kjem kjen kjer kjes kjil kjim kjin kjir kjis kjol kjom kjon kjor kjos kjul kjum kjun kjur kjus kol kom kon kor korl korm korn korr kors kort kos kral kram kran krar kras krel krem kren krer kres kril krim krin krir kris krol krom kron kror kros krul krum krun krur krus kryl krym kryn kryr krys kul kum kun kur kurl kurm kurn kurr kurs kurt kus kyl kym kyn kyr kyrl kyrm kyrn kyrr kyrs kyrt kys lal lam lan lar larl larm larn larr lars lart las lel lem len ler lerl lerm lern lerr lers lert les lil lim lin lir lirl lirm lirn lirr lirs lirt lis lol lom lon lor lorl lorm lorn lorr lors lort los lul lum lun lur lurl lurm lurn lurr lurs lurt lus lyl lym lyn lyr lyrl lyrm lyrn lyrr lyrs lyrt lys mal mam man mar marl marm marn marr mars mart mas mel mem men mer merl merm mern merr mers mert mes mil mim min mir mirl mirm mirn mirr mirs mirt mis mol mom mon mor morl morm morn morr mors mort mos mul mum mun mur murl murm murn murr murs murt mus myl mym myn myr myrl myrm myrn myrr myrs myrt mys
nal nam nan nar narl narm narn narr nars nart nas nel nem nen ner nerl nerm nern nerr ners nert nes nil nim nin nir nirl nirm nirn nirr nirs nirt nis nol nom non nor norl norm norn norr nors nort nos nul num nun nur nurl nurm nurn nurr nurs nurt nus nyl nym nyn nyr nyrl nyrm nyrn nyrr nyrs nyrt nys pal pam pan par parl parm parn parr pars part pas pel pem pen per perl perm pern perr pers pert pes pil pim pin pir pirl pirm pirn pirr pirs pirt pis pol pom pon por porl porm porn porr pors port pos pul pum pun pur purl purm purn purr purs purt pus pyl pym pyn pyr pyrl pyrm pyrn pyrr pyrs pyrt pys ral ram ran rar rarl rarm rarn rarr rars rart ras rel rem ren rer rerl rerm rern rerr rers rert res ril rim rin rir rirl rirm rirn rirr rirs rirt ris rjal rjam rjan rjar rjas rjel rjem rjen rjer rjes rjil rjim rjin rjir rjis rjol rjom rjon rjor rjos rjul rjum rjun rjur rjus rol rom ron ror rorl rorm rorn rorr rors rort ros rral rram rran rrar rras rrel rrem rren rrer rres rril rrim rrin rrir rris rrol rrom rron rror rros rrul rrum rrun rrur rrus rryl rrym rryn rryr rrys rul rum run rur rurl rurm rurn rurr rurs rurt rus ryl rym ryn ryr ryrl ryrm ryrn ryrr ryrs ryrt rys sal sam san sar sarl sarm sarn sarr sars sart sas sel sem sen ser serl serm sern serr sers sert ses sil sim sin sir sirl sirm sirn sirr sirs sirt sis sjal sjam sjan sjar sjas sjel sjem sjen sjer sjes sjil sjim sjin sjir sjis sjol sjom sjon sjor sjos sjul sjum sjun sjur sjus sol som son sor sorl sorm sorn sorr sors sort sos sral sram sran srar sras srel srem sren srer sres sril srim srin srir sris srol srom sron sror sros srul srum srun srur srus sryl srym sryn sryr srys sul sum sun sur surl surm surn surr surs surt sus syl sym syn syr syrl syrm syrn syrr syrs syrt sys tal tam tan tar tarl tarm tarn tarr tars tart tas tel tem ten ter terl term tern terr ters tert tes til tim tin tir tirl tirm tirn tirr tirs tirt tis tol tom ton tor torl torm torn torr tors tort tos tul tum tun tur turl turm turn turr turs turt tus tyl tym tyn tyr tyrl tyrm tyrn tyrr tyrs tyrt tys val vam van var varl varm varn varr vars vart vas vel vem ven ver verl verm vern verr vers vert ves vil vim vin vir virl virm virn virr virs virt vis vol vom von vor vorl vorm vorn vorr vors vort vos vul vum vun vur vurl vurm vurn vurr vurs vurt vus vyl vym vyn vyr vyrl vyrm vyrn vyrr vyrs vyrt vys wal wam wan war warl warm warn warr wars wart was wel wem wen wer werl werm wern werr wers wert wes wil wim win wir wirl wirm wirn wirr wirs wirt wis wol wom won wor worl worm worn worr wors wort wos wul wum wun wur wurl wurm wurn wurr wurs wurt wus wyl wym wyn wyr wyrl wyrm wyrn wyrr wyrs wyrt wys zal zam zan zar zarl zarm zarn zarr zars zart zas zel zem zen zer zerl zerm zern zerr zers zert zes zil zim zin zir zirl zirm zirn zirr zirs zirt zis zol zom zon zor zorl zorm zorn zorr zors zort zos zul zum zun zur zurl zurm zurn zurr zurs zurt zus zyl zym zyn zyr zyrl zyrm zyrn zyrr zyrs zyrt zys
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
fav gifs/photos - other actresses and ships
Zelda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, 2018-2020)
serving cheetah print - S04xE01
Norma Bates (Bates Motel, 2013-2017)
Olive Byrne and Elizabeth Hollaway Marston (Professor Marston and The Wonder Women, 2017)
“i see you in everything you do”
calling in sick
Anne Lister and Ann walker (Gentleman Jack, 2019-)
anne being hot pt.2
morning after
variety of intimate moments pt.2
angsty ann
eyef*cking each other
Misty Day and Marie Laveau (AHS, 2018)
Eve Polastri and Villanelle (Killing Eve, 2018-2022)
the kiss pt.2 pt.3
Eve Fletcher (Mrs.Fletcher, 2019)
Agatha Harkness (WandaVision, 2021-)
witchy pt.2
Gia Carangi and Linda (Gia, 1998)
dreamy lesbian sigh
Bette Porter and Tina Kennard (The L Word, 2004-2009)
hot damn
slow dance
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Julia Hoffman, Victoria Winters, and Angelique Bouchard (Dark Shadows, 2012)
Marla Grayson and Fran (I Care A Lot, 2020)
they’re so cute i can’t
“you’re a lotta woman”
Petra Solano and J.R./Jane Romos (Jane the Virgin, 2014-2019)
smooch pt.2
Greta Gill and Carson Shaw (A League of Their Own, 2022)
smexy time
smooch pt.2
booty tap
hot so very hot hot hot pt.2
villa in switzerland
pretty babyyyy
Elizabeth von Bernburg (Mädchen in Uniform, 1958)
just kiss already
gay panic
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angel-of-reckoning · 2 years
Chapter 32 teaser
“Would I Lie To You?”
Bunny, Rowena, Sheena and others continue on their respective paths, all leading to a future none of them can imagine.
Character list:
Bunny Spruce
Sheena Carnet
Renzo Milos
Gabriella Bouchard/Finansielle
Rowena Byrne
Polaris members
Aether Foundation scientists
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angomay · 2 years
may as my beloved kay mutual what do YOU think she does after the events of aai2 (-tybalt @transryunosuke)
under the cut for length, slight AAI2 spoilers, niche headcanons, etc.
Okay, so: a huge part of my vision for post-AAI2 Kay comes from this conversation at the end of The Grand Turnabout:
How should I put it...? Until now, I've always been chasing after my father... ...so that I could become a Great Thief, just like him!
(Like the previous Yatagarasu, I suppose...)
But... watching you, Mr. Edgeworth, made me think. Maybe, instead of chasing after my father, I should find my own path. ...I mean, you didn't become a defense attorney either.
(Chasing after a parent's shadow isn't the only path in life for a child, after all...)
I'm going to aim to be a hero in my own way!
...That sounds good.
But of course, that doesn't mean I'm gonna throw away the name of the Great Thief Yatagarasu!
We see that she’s ready to let go of her ‘Great Thief’ persona (though not by getting rid of The Yatagarasu! We’ll get to that later). Or, I suppose a better way of saying it would be that we see them letting go of chasing after that part of her father. We also see her express a desire to help people in their OWN way, one that isn’t influenced by Byrne. She directly compares their own situation to Edgeworth’s, saying she doesn’t need to be a thief (or a prosecutor, for that matter!) to save people, as Edgeworth didn’t need to become a defense attorney, like his own father.
So with all of that in mind - I personally head canon that after AAI2, Kay becomes a defense attorney. It might seem a little out of left field, but this was honestly something that grew on me the more I thought about it. Being a defense attorney would allow them to help people while still walking their own path, not influenced by her father’s title as prosecutor OR the Yatagarasu. It would also keep her connected to Lang, Fran, etc. and let them continue to work as the Yatagarasu on the side.
I also like to think to think that Kay mentors under Ray and works as a DA in the Edgeworth law offices. This (a) gives the office another employee, because honestly the thought of Ray working alone makes me really sad, (b) lets Ray and Kay get up to all of the hijinks in the world (because they are, in fact, a disaster duo and love making Edgeworth miserable), (c) gives Kay a job that allows her to do what they want to do (saving people), fits her unique experiences and strengths (since she was only Edgeworth’s assistant during his pseudo-defense attorney phase, and we see her leap to defend people multiple times throughout the duology), and (d) would just be really funny. Could you imagine having a thief defend you for murder? Or hell, even burglary?
But of course, that’s not all! There’s also the issue of the Yatagarasu - something that’s also extremely important to Kay. This is, of course, in part because of their father; but I’m sure it’s also because she recognizes the need for it. And if she really WERE to become an attorney, the need would become even more obvious. We all know the trio is made of up a defense attorney, a prosecutor, and a detective. So not only am I propositioning DA! Kay, I’m also putting forth the new Yatagarasu as such: Kay as the defense attorney, Sebastian as the prosecutor and Ema as the detective.
A big reason for this being that, honestly - it’s an absolute crime that these three didn’t get to interact more. But I really do think it would work. They’re all similar ages and already canonically know each other, plus they each fit a designated role.
Even without the context of the Yatagarasu they’d be so funny together. Like, seriously, can you imagine it? Kay and Seb as (friendly) rivals? Ema and Seb and detective and prosecutor? They would be SO funny. Not to mention Kay and Ema on (technically) opposing sides as attorney and detective despite being canonical friends. They’d sort of give me Gina and ‘Oddo vibes. Different dynamic, especially if you romantically ship them, but still. Similar vibes.
Anyway, to make a long story short:
Pros of Kay becoming a Defense Attorney:
• Lets them, “be a hero in [their] own way,” as she wants.
• Different enough to be her own path and not be in her father’s shadow, but similar enough to let her feel connected to him.
• Ray and Kay on crime scenes. Ray and Kay in court. Could you IMAGINE.
• Plently opportunity for her to see to see Lang, Fran, Ema, Seb, etc. again (I’m a sucker for found family. What can I say).
• Edgeworth and Co. gets a new employee! Ray is no longer talk to a dead man all day. Mental health win, I guess?
• Kay and Sebastian as rivals. Funniest match-up to ever exist.
• Lets her work as, and WITH the Yatagarasu, in a way that it’s not the focus of her life or the primary way she helps people. I personally feel that’s how she wanted it.
• Ace Attorney: Kay Faraday will never be a real game and everyday I am burdened with that knowledge. It hurts.
But yeah, sorry if this doesn’t make sense. I’m really not the best at getting my thoughts across. Semi-related, but I also drew my own time skip design a while ago. It’s old, but I still kind of fuck with it. The design(s), at least.
ANYWAY Capcom please let Kay out of the basement. This way would work best with canon I think. You don’t even have to think about how to fit her back in. You can use it without credit, Capcom, please. I just need to see her again everyday that goes by she isn’t in a new game is absolutely torture. Please Capcom ple
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