#Fox lift
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mytoyotatruck · 1 year ago
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This is my 2010 Toyota Tacoma 4.0L V6 4wd. It has a 3 inch Fox lift with KMC Wheels and Falken Wildpeak AT3W LT265/70R17 tires.
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stevenrogered · 1 year ago
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Buck didn't even know who Eddie was talking to. It very likely could have been Marisol- his actual girlfriend. Yet he STILL reacted this way. And to try to get EDDIE'S attention.
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mxwhore · 1 year ago
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first impressions...
patreon • care for gaza • unrwa fund
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brainworms-all-night-long · 24 days ago
> Abnormality Dancin' Girl / Guchiry / English cover by Trickle
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I know, I know that I'm full of abnormality, so I'll go and sew a new identity Repeat, repeat as I'm double-checking every piece of me to see what needs to be changed Come look at my face Come and give me your praise Erase my old name and throw it all away
And this time with a speed paint to boot (flicker and flashing warning), now you may observe one of my (surprisingly) more organized drawing processes!! this took around 2+ hours of just clear drawing time
A couple breaks and then breakdowns trying to figure out blender not included lmao-
And ofc, the backround music used is the original instrumental to Abnormality dancin' girl by Gunchiry
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little2nerdy · 2 months ago
i feel like the foxes like to keep track of their stats in the weight room (it’s v common at least where i am)
i feel like andrew constantly tries to beat the bench record, it oscillates between him and matt for team record
andrew has also been close to beating the clean record before (goalie arms ftw 🙌)
neil holds the school record for the 40 yard dash (the track coach curses wymack’s name all the time, how dare the exy team have the fastest kid at the school)
allison once beat the women’s squat record by accident (that girl has legs for days)
kevin has never beat a record because he thinks that focusing on one exercise too much will affect his specific training plan and leave him out of balance
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astheforcewillsit · 6 months ago
I love Quinlan and Fox as a ship, but I hate reading Quinlan get the shit rocked out of him when he fights Palpatine. Like he is a Jedi Master who's had significant interaction with the Dark Side. He'd be considerably better at fighting Sidious and recognizing the dark side than others.
Like aside from Mace, Plo, and Yoda I do put Quinlan Vos in my top pick to get Palpatine.
Let him sweep the floor with Sidious so Fox can be rescued like princess please.
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rwrbedits · 2 years ago
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You can’t tell me there’s not a little pink, purple, and blue lightbulb going off in Alex’s head here. One casual “sweetheart” and his brain short circuits.
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
I am patiently waiting at AO3's door for all the fanfic writers to start tagging their work with
CANON Bisexual Evan "Buck" Buckley
What's taking y'all so long? Were we not prepared for this? It's only been seven seasons?!
Let's go!
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yukiicantdraw · 4 months ago
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buckley-diassz · 1 year ago
Y’know what I think we deserve?
Baby girl Eddie Diaz getting his jaw cupped by one Evan Buckley
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nifaumo · 12 days ago
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Stretching Lobsy
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maxmuscle313 · 1 year ago
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Tekken 8 - Bodybuilder Steve ending I gonna main Steve for real if he becomes like this :D, give him this skin! Ultra giga chad muscle god baki machio Steve
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scatter-the-stars · 2 years ago
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wingedqueenlynx · 3 months ago
Also! Plane Doodles! :Dc
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Even through a tough flight home, doodling RiddleFox always brings my comfort 💚🧡
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 3 months ago
my favorite mulder moments from s5
breaking into the labyrinth of the department of defense in episode 1 to find the cure for scully, finding only a vial of water, and the ensuing devastation that crosses his face
in the beginning of episode 2, scully is in the hospital, and he reveals that he faked his death to come visit her (“you move pretty good for a dead man”, skinner says, to which he replies “i’m only half dead”). he's going utterly ballistic, screaming “i’ll calm down when i have a reason to calm down!”, and then nearly collapses as he sees her sick in bed. only skinner's threat of arrest after they come to blows can make him see straight
he sees CSM in the hall of the hospital where scully is recovering, and spits at him “please tell me you’re here with severe chest pains” <-LMAOOOO
and when CSM tries to win him over to the dark side through scully’s cure and showing him his “sister”, he absolutely refuses, saying “you murdered my father. you killed scully’s sister, and if scully dies, i will kill you. i don’t care whose father you are, i will put you down” (LOUD CHEERING!!!!!!!)
enduring bill scully's horrible attacks on his character, trying to sympathize with his pain despite how awful he is being because he knows what it feels like to lose loved ones for the Truth. he tells this man that is being so awful to him that he lost his father and sister in his quest for answers, so he can relate to the pain he feels- only to be met with more scorn
he comes into scully’s hospital room again later on, where she is sound asleep, and he lays his head next to her and sobs
defending scully in her absence at his big important hearing; explaining how she was sent to spy on him, but “that agent scully did not follow these orders is a testament to her integrity as an investigator, a scientist, and a human being” <3
and then he SOMEHOW guesses correctly that the mole is section chief blevins, who had been on the payroll of the biotech company for years... i want to unpack if he figured it out subconsciously or was just equal parts lucky and confident, but i feel that we will never truly know
he tells skinner that scully’s cancer is in remission, saying it is the best news he has ever heard, then cries in the hallway of the hospital, holding the bloody photo of him and samantha as kids
he meets frohike for the very first time in 1989 in episode 3 and declines his offer of bootleg cable by saying “no thanks, handsome”, which prompts frohike to call him "a man of taste". thus began his long tradition of flirting with the boys
he was RACING back to the motel room at the end of episode 4, banging on the door, telling scully to get in the car NOW, and narrowly saving her from the florida mothman who was hiding under the bed!!!! i <3 protective mulder!!!
in episode 7, he flies down as soon as he can to vouch for scully's capability to adopt emily. scully introduces him to her as “a friend”, and he starts making funny faces to get her to laugh right away. he points out that the girl’s adoptive parents were both murdered, and when scully says that she can protect her, he asks “yeah, but who’s gonna protect you?”; he testifies on her behalf, even though he says he shouldn’t, because he knows it’ll put her in danger
later, he confronts the doctor who refuses to transfer over emily’s medical files. he pulls out his gun, points it at the doctor’s head, and asks “why don’t you tell me whose life is worth saving, yours or hers?” - he's so quick to adjust to scully's news of having a child and so quick to draw blood on her behalf
they’re bickering about the case in episode 8, so mulder, in a rare moment of clarity, steps back to ask what they both agree on and says they can work from there. i was shocked! in a good way! after 5 years, he finally learned to manage their opposing viewpoints in a way that can get things done! (i am sure this will never happen again)
his tree climbing detour in episode 9, plus the legendary line “hey scully, is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all?” (and then bonus points for his sad descent as he is needed back on the ground right after he got up there)
his complete inability to function without scully while she is on vacation in episode 10- he actually TWIRLS the phone line while calling her!!!
and when he calls her for the 800th time, he greets her saying “morning, sunshine!” while loudly thumping his basketball up and down until she has to ask him wtf that noise is... so he lies, saying there is construction outside his window, and yells, telling the nonexistent construction worker to quiet down <- LMAOOO it killed me!!! (his basketball thumping has always been used to indicate his inability to relax... truly there is no peace for him without the bestie in town)
he’s SOOOO jealous when scully thinks the cowboy sheriff in episode 12 is cute (he recalls him having a thick southern drawl with huge teeth, so when they have to fly back down, she points out that they are totally normal-sized, and he still disputes this fact until the very end of the episode)
in episode 14, he sprints to find scully after she was present for the mass burning; he runs his fingers through her hair when she is in the hospital for vasogenic shock
post-krycek breaking into his house and beating him up, warning him that the end of the world is coming, scully finds him in his apartment sitting in the dark. “what are you doing sitting here in the dark?”, she asks. “thinking” “about what?” “oh, the usual- destiny, fate, how to throw a curveball… the inextricable relationships in our lives that are neither accidental nor somehow entirely in our control, either”
calling scully back from a payphone in the pouring rain in episode 17 to help get her some information on her personal case <3
(he also really nerds out in that episode about eye imagery in the bible, apocrypha, and references jesus christ superstar... a man of culture)
((and he was SO protective of scully- he stepped in when the priest was being all shady, tried to advise her not to let him get into her head, and we got to see some incredibly rare emotional communication when he said “i’ve never seen you more vulnerable or susceptible or more easily manipulated, and it scares me because i don’t know why”. he was grabbing her shoulders and pulling her in close, telling her she should step away when she mentions the visions of emily… god. he was SO worried!!))
when he’s being tortured in episode 18, he tells the man hurting him over and over again that he will kill him, which i thought was really fascinating
being willing to risk all of the x files in episode 20 because he fully believes that scully is correct about gibson being the key to explaining them, even though skinner warns against it... that is complete trust <3
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katiehoughton · 1 month ago
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You finish each other's sentences? They're getting married.
↳ for @forevervamps
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