#aha moment
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rwrbedits · 2 years ago
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You can’t tell me there’s not a little pink, purple, and blue lightbulb going off in Alex’s head here. One casual “sweetheart” and his brain short circuits.
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funtel · 11 months ago
As soon as you entered the Simulated Universe, you met Aha.
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Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
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ducking-chaos · 3 months ago
Me, realizing I’m not being forced to get a job or go to college and I literally could just live in a boho-style motorhome and travel the country making music and friends with my cat and my multitude of hobbies: ……..huh… cool
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another-goblin · 2 years ago
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Elation path is the epitome of "Someone Will Die. Of Fun." Thanks Aha
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clobertina · 9 months ago
Yoooo! It just dawned on me. My AU’s name is actually fitting. At least symbolically. So maybe naming my AU Talltale wasn’t a dumb move in the end after all LOL.
Basically what dawned on me is this; a Talltale means a fantastical story that’s hard to believe, one that may contain exaggerations of actual events. While everything in my AU 100% actually happens (because let’s be real, “it was all fake or for nothing” reveals is just terrible writing if poorly executed), every concept in this AU and such feels almost fantastical! With CC, Crimson, Hope, the evolved wildlife, vengeful spirits, the underground slowly falling apart, etc.
Not to mention, a main theme I’ve been doing with my AU in terms of concepting is twisting the Fandom’s exaggerated interpretations of Undertale and twisting them on its head. So surprisingly, I actually found a way to make my AU’s name fit now I guess lol. Just with its name “Talltale” having a more metaphorical or symbolic meaning to it.
If you want any context. I first created my AU all the way back in the beginning of 2020, I was a dumb edgy kid and I didn’t know what to call my UT AU. In the end I just went with the name “Talltale” because it has the word “tale” in it and because “Talltale” was an actual word LOLOL. One thing is for sure, it WASN’T named Talltale because of how big CC, Crimson, Hope, and some evolved wildlife were lol, believe it or not.
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shirophantomvox · 1 year ago
Is it me or does Hisoka remind you of Astarion? I just discovered the game Balder's Gate 3, and I heard his voice and thought "Who does he remind me of...?" and yes, it's Hisoka.
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Extremely fluid spirituality post in coming:
So I, a long time ago, accepted that I tend to have a very loose set of beliefs when it comes to spirituality. It boiled down to: every religion says the same thing basically (don’t be an ass and, don’t worry, there is something worth believing in out there) so just let people believe what they feel comfortable believing in and move on.
Except Q-Anon.
But Q-Anon is a very different thing and is allowed to be excused.
Anyway, I came to the realization today while listening to the audiobook of the Magician’s Nephew that Aslan, while clearly intended to be an allegory for the Christian God/Jesus, has gone deeper than that for me. Let me explain.
It all has to deal with this picture:
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I am an Omnist Pantheist. I believe every spirituality is real and I believe everything is connected by some higher power which has given all beings the ability to gain (or, with how some people act in this world, lose) a soul. I believe, quite seriously, that this higher power chooses to connect with people in whatever makes them most comfortable through Jungian Archetypes.
I am a soft polytheist.
And as I was trying and failing to find a good cover idea for the Chronicles of Narnia rebinding, the Magician’s Nephew narrated a scene in which gave me multiple pieces of insight.
The scene painted the creation of Narnia. Aslan sang, and brought the stars and the sun into the sky. His song changed, then grass grew and rivers flowed. His song changed again, and all manner of things came to life. He continued this bringing forth creation, giving animals the ability to speak, then, a chapter or two onward, named King and Queen of his new land.
It struck a chord with me—inspired me for what I wanted to put on the cover to represent the Magician’s Nephew as the The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe were represented by the runic script along the side quoting what was etched into the Stone Table.
But more than that, I found a version of a male god I truly felt comfortable believing in.
Again, I am a soft polytheist. My higher power is what I like to call the Universe (with a Capital U) and it uses archetypes to guide me and teach me. I treat the archetypes as individuals because we are all part of the Universe and I would rather not be treated as not myself even if I steam from the Universe, so I do the same. And as I listened to this creation scene I realized that Aslan (who I always imagined when someone said God) was a sunny, creatively minded, vivacious deity that represented the very wildness of life.
He was always my male god since I was a child and it’s okay to honor him just as I honor Hecate now…
Then Spotify said I spent all my audiobook hours up and I need to wait fifteen days for the reset. So yeah, go figure a big realization comes with the price of no longer being able to access the medium that brought the realization for the month.
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thiswildcuriosity · 2 years ago
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What is creativity? Why are we afraid of it? And why can AI never be creative? This week, I take a look at creativity and discover that it's about more than being good at art, it's about exploring and expressing new ideas.
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thats-mrfaggot-to-you · 2 months ago
i realized just now why Fight Little Wolf from Epic the Musical does things for me
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wisdomblissenlightenment · 2 months ago
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I believe there is a meaning behind everything in life. Sometimes we can recognize it immediately – other times it takes a long time.
When we have an “aha” moment, we realize something and learn something new. It’s similar to when we look at a picture. If we only focus on a specific, dark area in the picture, it can make us afraid. When we expand our image section and now capture more of the picture, not only does the centre of the picture shift, but we can now also discover a few other things. The dark area is still part of the picture, but it (normally) loses significance and no longer makes us afraid.
(Photo: alphaspirit, Fotolia)
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themandalalady · 4 months ago
24-318 Epiphany
, Epiphany “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you” Just before I randomly chose today’s value word, I happened to notice the text message I sent to my friend yesterday. It said: “well we are in crazy times”. An instant internal Q & A happened in that moment where I wondered “what can we do about living in…
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sheilamurrey · 5 months ago
October 27th - I am the bullet
It’s October 27th, 2024; We’ve got an explosive new original rock song for you today. Another synchronicity that this song was next on the list to write about, and my mind was to speak about X today! Beaird Music Group (of Nashville, TN), produced this bang up song, and we couldn’t be more pleased! Adam Cunningham sings this like nobody’s business. So much gusto and SOUL! The Beaird music studio…
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positivebeatdigest · 6 months ago
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procurement-insights · 9 months ago
What was your aha moment as a procurement professional?
What is the biggest aha moment in your career (so far)?
Now that we are finally seeing a break in the heat ave – yesterday it was 111F, today it dropped down to a cool 100F – yes, I can sometimes be the glass is half-full kinda guy 😉 So, have a look at the pic below and tell me what was your aha moment as a procurement professional? 30
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hydetheghost · 11 months ago
"Medusa." You know what really scares me? I think mom knows the truth? Or, she is about to know. I gotta do something. My dqrling is in danger. Shit, she maybe reall close to knowing the truth. I hate my mther, rlly much.
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phi4real · 1 year ago
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